Hastings Community (Fall 1993)
Hastings Community (Fall 1993)
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Commencement ;9~ , HASTINGS CAMPUS NEWS FACULTY NEWS AND NOTES ALUMNI NEWS 1 The Classes of '93 & '96 8 Faculty Scholarship Alumni Welcome New Class Co mmence ment saw 393 members of the C lass of 1993 rece ive the ir Juri s Doctor degrees. while membe rs of the C lass of 1996 took their pl ace as First-Year students, co mplete w ith a birthday party mark ing the Co ll ege's 11 5 th anni versary. Fac ulty Scholarshi p at Has tin gs ex presses itse lf in a re markabl e body o f books, arti cles, and presentati ons by Hastings professo rs. Featu red in thi s iss ue is a li stin g of some o f the work produced durin g the 1992-93 academi c year. Whil e the San Franc isco Chapter we lco med the First-Year c lass wi th a bi rthday party markin g it s entry as the II 5th c lass, alu mni chapters around Ca liforn ia spo nsored recepti ons and barbec ue;, over the summer to we lco me new Hastin gs student s. 6 Class of '93 Notes 7 Moot Cou rt Champs Karen Kimmey and Dav id Rapall o, who will graduate th is year. ca pped the ir Seco nd- Year careers in the spri ng by maki ng Hastings th e law schoo l whi ch has wo n the Roger J. T rayno r Moot Co urt Co mpeti ti o n mo re ti mes th an any other. 4 21 New Associate Academic Dean Professor Leo P. Martinez (' 78) is the ne w Assoc iate Academi c Dean, succeeding Professor H.G. Prince . He bri ngs specia l ex perience to hi s new d uties-a varied profess ional backgro un d, teaching and research as a faculty member, and ac ti ve alumni work as a member of the A lumni Assoc iati on' s Board of Go vernors. T he Co ll ege's newest alumn i group- the Cl ass of I 993-has a spec ial listin g in thi s iss ue of Class Notes, reportin g where some members of the cl ass are workin g. 10 Honor Roll of Gifts 20 New Board Leaders For the fo urth year in a row, overall givin g to Hastings has exceeded the $ 1 milli on mark . Gifts to the College's Annual Fund were up nea rly 11.5 percent this past year. The number of the Co ll ege's donors was up nearl y 3 percent this past year. Charl ene Padovani Mitche ll ('77) has been elected Chair of Hastings ' Board of Directors -the fi rst wo man elected to the post. Jo ining her as Vi ce-chair is fo rmer Ca lifo rni a Assembl yman Jo hn T . Kn ox (' 52). Three other directo rs ended the ir terms . 21 Ralph Abascal ('68) Honored 20 Journal Articles by Fax Hastin gs' Scho larl y Pub licati ons Offi ce is laun ching a ne w service-co pi es of j o urnal arti cles by telephone and fax . The serv ice is ava il abl e fo r the Hastings Law Journal, International alld Comparative La w Review, Constitutional La w Quarterly, Communication and Enterta inment Law Journal (COMMIENT). and Women 's La w Journal. On the Cove r: S an Franc"co Cn IC Center" a, the "te of jO) a\ 1993 graduate, and their tamIlle, poured out of Commence- Illent ... c\ cmlthou..,amJ ... trong. ho\\ n here j'-. Kenneth R. \ an \' Iec~ (·93l. \\ ho ha, JOined the firm of Caqleman & H,,,~ell In Ha~ \\ ,\rd. ('aIIl,'rmd. \\Ith hI, proud father. H~ Kell~ \ an \ ' k\~ HASTINGS COLLEGE OF THE LAW UN IVERSITY OF CALIFORNlA Ralph Sa nti ago Abasca l (, 68), Ge neral Coun se l of Ca lifo rni a Rural Lega l Ass istance, was awarded the 1993 Kutak-Dodds Pri ze fo r hi s comm itment and work as an advocate fo r the poor and di sadvantaged. Abascal recently retired fro m Hastings ' Board of Direc tors upon co mpl eti on of a 12-year term . HASTI NGS Class of '93 Joins Ranks of Alumni; S.F. Chapter Welcomes 115th Class T he II Sth a nni versa ry ce lebra tio n o f Has tin gs' fo und ing in 1878 - o b se r va nce o f w hi c h bega n w ith Fo und e r's Day in Ma rc h ca m e to a n e nd w ith a birthd ay p a rt y th row n by th e A lumni Assoc ia ti o n 's Sa n Fra nc isco C ha pte r fo r the I I Sth e nte ri ng c lass thi s fa ll. The pa rt y fo ll owed May's g radu a tio n o f the C lass of 1993, tha t o the r m aj o r a nn u a l tr a n s it io n w it h in t h e Has tin gs fa mil y . T h e 393 m e mb e r s of th e C lass o f 1993 rece i ve d th e i r Ju ri s D oc t o r d eg rees a t Sa n Fr a n c isco's C i v ic A u d it o riu m . C o mm e n ce m e n t speake r Re p. Max ine W ate rs of Los A nge les ca ll ed upo n g rad ua tes to " re m e m b e r we ll t h e w is d o m o f Willi a m J e n n in gs Br ya n w h o ad vi ed , ' Destin y is no t a matte r of c h a n c e. D es t i n y is a m a t t e r of c ho ice.' Rep. Maxine Waters, center, delivered the 1993 Commencement Address. She is shown on stage with Assembly Speaker Willie L. Brown, Jr. ('58), left, who introduced her, and Tom Read, who presided over his last Commencement as Dean. Blowing out candles on a birthday cake marking entry of Hastings ' 115th class were, from left, Academic Dean Mary Kay Kane, Dean Tom Read, Board of Directors Chair Charlene Padovani Mitchell (77), San Franicsco Superior Court Judge Douglas C Munson (,66), Alumni Association President William C Carr ('62), Randall H. Stoner ('92), Mildred W. Levin ('34), and Associated Students of Hastings President June Morse ('94) . Among 1993's graduates w ere the son and two daughters of current California legislative leaders shown here, from left: State Senator Quentin Kopp of San Francisco and his son, Shepard S. Kopp; Christine P. Pelosi and her mother, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco; and Lisa L. Lockyer and her father, State Senator Bill Lockyer of Hayward. " I h o p e yo ur d es t i n y," s h e a d de d , " in c lu des co mmitm e nt to pu b lic se rv ice - to de fe ndin g a nd ad va nc ing th e inte res ts of the less powe rf u l in o ur soc ie ty a nd to a co ncepti o n of ju stice bo und no t s imp ly to lega l definiti o ns, but direc ted towa rd he lping each a nd every indi vidu al pursue he r o r hi s God-g iven po te nti a l. " Th e s p ec ia l p a rt y fo r t h e e nt e rin g II Sth c lass in Septe mbe r in clud ed a birth day ca ke co mp lete w ith th e Co ll ege's sea l a nd I j S cand les. A mo ng those o n ha nd to b low th e m o ut we re Dea n T o m Rea d , Acade m ic Dea n M a ry Kay Ka ne, Board C hair C harle ne Padova ni Mitc he ll (,77) , A lu mn i Assoc iatio n Pres ide nt Wi ll iam C. Ca rr (' 62), a nd Assoc ia ted Stude nt s of Has ti ngs Pres ide nt J une M o rse ('94). Ph o to essays o n th e f o ll o w ing pages ce le br a te Co mm e nce m e nt a nd a lum ni events we lco mi ng ne w stude nts thro ug h the summ e r. HASTINGS The Joy of Graduation Day Valedictorian Bret C. Birdsong. Rep. Maxine Waters (left) and Regina Evans. HASTINGS Class Speak er Richard Dines. Twin sisters Karen (left) and Karla Stewart. Professor Eileen Scallen delivers Farewell Remarks. 3 HASTINGS Alumni Around California Welcome the 115th Class W hil e th e S a n Fr a n c i sco C h ap te r t hi s yea r we lco med th e First-Yea r c lass w ith a birthd ay p a rt y marki ng it s e ntry as the II 5th c lass, cha pt e r ~ a ro un d Ca lifo rni a spo nso red rece pt io n ~ a nd ba rbec ue ove r th e summ e r to we lco m e new Has tin gs s tud e nt s fr o m th ir reg io ns. Thi s year' s e nte rin g c lass of 41 9 was draw n fro m a n app l icant poo l o f 5.4 23 - th e seco nd hi g hes t in hi sto ry, a nd m o re a ppli ca nts th a n a t a ny ot he r U ni vers ity of Ca li fo rni a law sc hoo l. The ir ave rage age is 26 . Th ey co me fro m 25 s ta tes . Th ey re prese nt m o re th a n t wo doze n races a nd c ultures. Whil e e nte ring s tud e nt s re prese nt 1 12 diffe re nt und e rg radu ate uni veL iti es, the largest numbe rs ca me fro m U.c. Be rke ley a nd UCLA . Cellillg lIcqllail1fed at Ih e San Fra ncisco reception lind 11 51h birlhdo\' part" lI·ere. frolll lefl. ASH Presidelll Jlllle Morse. Board of Director" Chair Chor/elle Padol'{lIIi Milchell ('77), olld First·Year slUdellls Briall S. Pfeifl alld Robert E. CyelllQllt. AI1/o"~ alul11l1i 011 hand III Sail Frlll1ciH'O \t'{'re. from left. Sail Frallc;,co SlIperio r CalirI Jlldge DOllg/lI' MIl IlIOII ('66). hi~ wife. Baerbe/. alld Chapler Presidenl SllIlIrt A. Broil 11<'111 (18). LlII AII~e/e\ COIIIllY SlIperior COllrt JI/{I~l' Edllard Y. Kakiw ( '65) h(J.lled 1I recepllOlI 1I11d barbecue ill hn home 111 UI em/at/a. He'~ \i10HI1 Hllh Finr· t'ear \lUllelll ,\,Jollico E. Fat 4 HASTINGS Third- Yea r stude,,' Alldreu' D, Garelick, leJr, joilled alllllln; af th e Sa il Diego illcomill g studellls recep tion to help welcome First- Year stlldelll Naida Barba/'{/II ([lid her hllsballd, Eric. I" Fresno, Municipal Courl Judge AI/neUe LaRue opelled her home for a new sluden ts receptioll. She i,l shOlvn talking with Christopher L. Wallger ( '92), /. ThOll/as N. Fat ('65), 11'/10 hosted th e Sail Diego new sludents receptioll at his Fat City restaurant, chats ",ith Carrie L. Gleeson ('89), Co-Presidellt oJ th e San Diego Chapter oj the A/lIll1ni Association . AII/ong those welcomed in Fresno were Erin E. Giacoppo, left, who will en ter as a First- Yea r student next Jail, and current First- Year student Alyson A, Ca rr, 5 HASTINGS Special Class Notes-Class of 1993 T hiS i ~ a ~pecia l li sting of Class Notes for th e Class of 1993. reponing where ~ome members of the class are working. As the years go by. class members are invited to send news about themselves and their professional Ii \ eS for the regular C1as ~ otes section that appears at the back of eac h i~sue of your Hastings CommliniTY a lu mni magaz ine. e nd information to: Editor. Hostings Coml11l1nitY, College Relat ions. 200 McA lli ster St.. San Francisco. CA 94 102. George E. Ak \\ o i, a Dep ut ) C it ) ttorne) \\ ith th e C it y of San Franci,co. J effrey G. Angej a ha, jo in ed the firm o f Han ,o n. Bridge tt. Marc u.,. Vl a ho, . Rud ) in San Franci,co. Jud y R. Koon g Baeth has joined the Pal o Alto. California firm of Th o i!> , Lo\, . Hen, hbe rger & McC lean . E ri c I. Bram i, a n m"oc iate w ith the firm of Su g hru e. Mion. Zinno Mac Peak & eas in Washin gton . D.e. I\ leg Bushm a n i, a leg i, lati \'e co nsul tall! fo r th e Hon. Willie L. Brown. Jr. (·S8). Speal..er of the Ca lifo rni a A"embly. G .·ego r y B. Ca li ga .-i has j o ined th e an Fran ci,co firm o f M o rri ,o n & Foer>ter. E m ely n J ewett Ca.-o th er s ha , joined the firm o f Fi e ld. Baker & Ri c hard ,on in Walnut Creek. California. K a thl ee n Ca tt a ni is w ith the San Di ego. Ca li fornia. law firm of Gray. Cat"). Ame, & Frye. Tod A. Coc hra n i, an a,,,ociate a t a th an. R o,s. L eona rd . Carder. Zucl..erman. C hin & Re m a r in a n Francisco. Kirsten J. Day i, a n a"ociate a t th e firm of Za nl..l e & Ic Gran e in S a n Franci,co. L~ nn ;\1. Diringer h a, joined th e Oal..land. California la\\ firm of Lar,on & Burnham. T heod ore Fra nklin i, an a"ocia te a t the San Franci,co lirm of Van Bourg. \\ einberg. Roger, & Ro,enfeld . Kelly C. (Park) Fra nks i, an a,soc ia te a t th e firm of Rop e r,. M ajes ki. Ko hn . Be ntl ey. W ag ne r & Ka ne in Red\\ood C ity. Ca lifo rni a. Dana W. Hayte r ha, j o ined th e firm of Skjcf'\cn. M o rrill. M ac Ph e r,o n . Fr a nklin & Friel in San J o,e. Ca lifo rni a. A lan S. Hod es i, an a"oc iat e a t Limba c h a nd Limb ac h in San Franci,co. Warren D . K e ll y is w ith th e Lo , Angcle, firm o f Lo rd . Bi "e ll and Brook. Jo s hu a M. Kin g i, in an 1a teo. California a, an a"ociate \\ ith the firm o f Pond. Shjelfo & Wohl. Rac h e l K oo k i, a t th e Sacramento. California firm of Wilke. Fl e ur y. Hoffe lt. Gou ld & Birney. C hristoph e r R. Moore i, an associate at Pa ndell . ov ic h & Bo r, uk in San Fran ci,co. Lizanne Reynolds has joined the San Francis co firm of He ll e r. Ehrman, Whit e & McA uliffe. l oo n a Na ndi ha , j o in ed th e San Franci,co firm of Han,on, Brid ge tt. Marcu;,. Vlaho, & Rud y. Ca ri ssa M. S mith is an a,wcia te at McCutche n, Doyl e, Brown & Ener,on in San Franc isco. S usa n Levin P a in e i, in Palo Alto. Ca lifornia. a, an a"oc iate at W il;,o n, Son,ini. Goodr ic h & Ro,a ti . Boris G. Tankhilevich i, an a"oc iatc at Majesti c, Par,on s, S iebe rt & H, ue in San Franci ,co. E mil y Pl a tt is a n a,soc iate a t Furth , Fahrn er & Mason in Sa n Franci sco. Ke nne th R. Van Vleck has joined the firm o f Cast le m a n & Haske ll in Haywa rd . Ca lifornia. Kimb e rl y A. Kru ege r ha, joined the Chicago. Illinois. lirm of Kec k. Mahin & Cate. A lliso n L. Pa tton i, co-owner of Cafe Latte in Me nlo Park . California. James G. Lasher i, a n as,oc iate with The Martin Group in San Fra ncisco. Kelvin P. Qu a n is at the San Mateo , Ca lifor ni a. firm of McGuire & Wi e land . E li se K. Y. L ee is in Ho no lulu. H awa ii. as an assoc ia te a t Char. Sakamoto. I, hii & Lum . Tim R eaga n i, wo rkin g as a n ind epe nde nt consultant in San Franci,co. Ka r en I. Rain es is a law c le rk at the firm o f Rui L & S c h ap ir o in S a n Fra nc i,co. Da vid P. Lentini has joined th e firm of T o\\ n,end a nd Tow nse nd Kho uri e and Crew in Pal o Alto. California. J a ha n P. Raiss i is a n atto rn ey w ith th e U.S. Securitie, and Exchange Commi"ion in Washin gton , D.e. I\ li c hele A. Logan i, a n a,>,>ocia te a t O· 1e h e ny & Myer, in San Francisco. William L. Lowery is at Steefel. Le\ itt & Weiss in San Franci,>co. A nth ony D. Ratne r is a n assoc iate at Sonnenschein. Nath & Ro;,e nthal in San Francisco. \Iaxwell D. I\ l ar k e r ha, joined the San Franci,co firm of Ro,enblum. Pari,h & ).,aac, P. e. William S. Reimus, Jr. i, in Newport Beach. Cal ifornia. as an a"oc ia te at Knobbe . Marten,. O,",on & Bear. 6 Robe rt R. Venchiarutti is an as,ocia te at Farell a. Bra un & Martel in San Fran cisco. John V. W a d s worth has joined Brobec k, Phlege r & Harri wn in Palo Alto, Ca li fo rni a. Mary A. Wagner i, an assoc iate at Strad lin g. Yocca , Ca rbo n & Rau th in ewport Beach. California. J e nnifer E. White-Sperling ha s joined Rutan & Tucker in Costa Me,a. Ca lifo rni a, a, an a,socia te. P e t e r Won g is an associate at Howard, Ri ce. emerovski, Cannady. Robertson & Fa lk in San Franci,co. HASTtNGS Hastings' Judicial Clerks The following members of Hastings' Classes of 1993 and 1994 have reported that they are either are serving as fed eral clerks at present or will be during 1994 and 1995. G ideo n G .-unfeld ('93) J ohn Howa rd Q uinn ('93) The Hon. Gary L. T ay lor U.S. Di stri ct Court Central Di stri ct of Ca liforn ia T he Hon. Spencer M . Willi ams Seni or Judge U.S . D i, tri ct Court North ern Diwict o f aliforni a ( 1993- 1994) ( 1993- 1995) .J oa nne Marie Spa ld ing ('93) The Han. M el vin 1'. Brunetti U.S. Cou rt of A ppeals N inth Circuit Reno, Nevada ( 1993- 1994) Amy L. Landers ('93) Douglas Axel (,94) The Hon. Dav id V . Kenyo n U.S . Di strict Court Central Di stri ct of California ( 1994- 1995) Bret C. Bi rdso ng ('93) The Hon. Robert Patterson, Jr. U.S. Di stri ct Court Southern Di stri ct of New York ( 1993- 1994) Kevin A. Daley ('93) The Hon. Edward C. Reed, Jr. Chief Judge U.S. Di stri ct Court Di stri ct of Nevada The Hon. Oli ve r W . Wanger U.S. Di strict Court Eastern Di stri ct of Ca liforni a ( 1993- 1995) Susa nn e Ly nne Meline ('93) The Hon. Arthur M. Greenwa ld U.S. Bankruptcy Court Centra l Di str ict of Cali fornia ( 1993- 1994) The Hon . Dickran Tevri zian, Jr. U.S. Di stri ct Court Central Di stri ct of California Ca th erin e A. Rogers ('94) Ma r k A. Sponseller ('93) Th e Han. M el vin T . Brunctti U.S. ourt of A ppeals N inth Circuit Reno, Nevada The Hon. Th omas E. Carlson Chief Judge U.S. Bankruptcy Court orth ern Di stri ct of Cali forni a ( 1994- 1995) ( 1993- 1995) Pa ul B. Salvaty ('93) Pau l D. Warenski ('93) The Hon. D ickran Tevrizian, Jr. U.S. Di stri ct Court Central Di strict of Ca liforni a Los A ngeles, Californi a Th e Hon. J. Th omas Greene U.S. Di stri ct Court Di stri ct of Utah Ma r k Wo rthin gton ('93) ( 1994- 1995) The Hon. Frank John M agill U. S. Court of Appeals Eighth Circuit The Han. Ri chard C. Voorhees Chief Judge U.S. Di stri ct Court Wes tern Di stri ct of North Carolina (1994- 1995 ) ( 1993- 1994) Dann ette L. Smith ('94) Julia Pugliese ('94) ( 1993-94) T he Hon. Wi ll iam D. Keller U.S. D istri ct Court Central Di strict of Californi a Aron M. Friedm a n ('94) ( 1994- 1995) The Hon. Samuel Conti U.S. Di strict Court Northern Di stri ct of Ca li forn ia ( 1994- 1995) ( 1993-94) ( 1993-94) Ba rba ra R. Smith ('93) J ohn A. Zecca ('93) The Honorable A lan C. K ay U.S . Di stri ct Court Di stri ct of Hawa ii The Hon. John H. Prall U.S. Di stri ct Court Di stri ct of Columbia ( 1993- 1994) ( 1993- 1994) Traynor Moot Court Champions T hird-year students Karen Kimmey and David RapalJo capped their second-year careers in the spring by making Hastings the law school that has won the Roger J. Traynor Moot Court Competition more times than any other school. They brought home the silver trophy for the fourth time in 25 years by edging out a UCLA team in the contest's final round, arguing a lawyer advertising case involving free speech rights. Kimmey and RapalJo also picked up t hird place for their trial briefs, and Kimmey won best advocate honors for being the top speaker in the final round. Marine World Trip for Tenderloin Kids T he Hastings Surf Club - 50 members strong - continued its tradition of commmunity service this spring by taking 45 underprivileged youngsters from the Tenderloin neighborhood to Marine World Africa USA for a day. Students raised money through bake sales and sale of t-shirts to pay for the outing. They coordinated the trip through another student group - the Association of Students for Kids - and San Francisco's Central YMCA, which provided the bus. Shown with two of the happy youngsters is Geoff Moore ('94). FACULTY NEWS Scholarship at Hastings-Work of the Faculty O n the foll owin g pages is a summary of th e boo ks, arti cles, and prese ntati ons made b Has tin gs Co ll ege o f th e Law professo rs durin g the 1992-93 academi c yea r. MARY CROSSLEY WILLIAM T. HUnON A rti c le. "O f Di ag n oses a nd Di sc rimin a ti o n: D isc rimin aLO ry No n-trea tme nt of In fa nt s w ith HIV Infec tio n." Collllll bia L. Re i'. (Nove mbe r. 1993). A rti c le. " Introdu c ti o n To The Pro blem ., o f Acq ui ring Pr o pc rti es Fr o m P a rtn c r s hip s . " Bad FOr/I (Nove mbe r/ Dece mbe r. I 992). RICHARD CUNNINGHAM GEORGE BISHARAT Contrib uting author. ABA Crill/ilia I Jllslice Seclioll Elhics Mallllal fo r Pu blic Defender.1 ( 1993). Book . T he Califo mi a S iale CO ll slillllioll: A Reference Gil ide (G ree nwood Press. 1993) (wi th J . G rodin a nd C. Massey). Prese nt a ti o n. " Rece nt Deve lo pm e nt s in Co rpora te T axa tio n: ' Hea rt -o f-A mc ri ca T ax In s titute . Ka ll\a, Ci ty. Mi sso uri . Spea ker. UC LA/CE B Esta te Pl a nnin g In s titute. Lo .. A nge lcs . Spea!..cr. co nse rva ti o n wo rks ho ps a t va ri o us .. it e .. around the country. KATE BLOCH DAVID L. FAIGMAN A rt ic le. " P o li ce O ffi ce r !> Acc u se d o f C rim c: Prosec uLOria l a nd Fifth Ame nd me lll Ri sk, Posed by Po l icc-e li c it ed 'Use Immuni zed ' Sta te me nts:' Ull il'. III. L. ReI'. {1992}. Arti c le, " M a di so n ia n Ba la nc in g: A Th eo r y o f Co ns tituti o na l A dju d ica tio n." Nil'. Ulli l'. L. Re\'. ( 1993) . Pa nc li sl. "The Ha nd Th a t Wi e lds thc Gavc l," Third Confe re nce o n Compute rs, Freedom. and Pril acy. A rt ic le, "Co ns tituti o na l Adve ntures in Wo nd e rl a nd : Ex pl orin g the De bate Be twee n Rules a nd Sta nd ards Th ro u g h th e L oo kin g Gl ass o f th c Fir s t Am e ndme nl. " Haslillgs UII\' JOllrnal ( 1993). RICHARD BOSWELL Pr ese nt a ti o n . "C lini ca l T eac hin g M c th o d s in Immi g rati o n La w," Sec tion o n Immi g ra ti o n La w. A nnu a l Mee tin g, A ssoc ia ti o n o f A m e ri ca n Law Sc hoo ls, San Fra nc isco. Pa pe r, " Exc lu sio n, Pa ro le a nd the Fl e uti Doctrin e: ' M ee tin g. Am e ri ca n Immi g r a ti o n L awye r s Assoc iati on. To ro nLO. Ca nada. RAY FORRESTER Essay. "The Fo ur Am e ri ca n Co ns tituti o ns: A New Pe rspcc ti ve," Haslillgs LOll' Journa l ( 1993). JOSEPH GRODIN Boo k , Th e Ca lifo mi a S i a le Co n s l il ul io n : A Ref erell ce Guide (Green wood Press, 1993) (w ith R. C unnin gha m a nd C. Massey). Presentati o n, " Ethi cs, Immi gra ti o n La w and Practi ce in th e 2 1 s t Ce ntur y," S a n J ose C h a pt e r o f th e Ame ri can Immi g ra tion Lawye rs Assoc ia ti o n, San Jose, Ca lifo rni a. C asebook, Public Seclor Law, with D. Wo lle tt and J. We isbe rger (Wes t Publ. Co., 1993). Pr ese nt a ti o n, "Di s cr e ti o n a r y Re li e f fr o m D e p o rt a ti o n ." L awye r s Co mmitt ee o f th e S a n Franc isco Bay Area. C h a ir , P a ne l Di sc uss io n , Ca lifo rni a Lab o r a nd Empl oy m e nt L aw S cc ti o n Co nfe re nce, San Fran c isco. JO CARRILLO C ha ir . P a ne l Di sc u ss io n , S a n Fr a n c isco Ba r Assoc ia ti o n La bo r a nd Empl oyme nt Law Sec ti o n Co nfe re nce. Yose mite ati o nal Park . Rcv iew Essay. "I s Thi s th e W ork o f It ?:' N. Y. U. ReI'. L. & Soc. Chall ge ( 1993). ReI iew Es,ay. " Liv ing S to ries: The Use o f arra ti ve b) ative American Litigant!>:' in AII/ericall ' lldiall IVan of Kllowillg {S haron Ne lson- Barbe r. Edito r}. Lecture. "Prol ing a til'e Amer ica n Age ncy: Th e Prob lem of M e t hod in a ti le Ame ri can Lega l H isLOI"):' ni\er,>it) of San Diego School of Lav.. Speaker/Paneli,>l. "Nation, v. ithin a ation: at ive American H i,tor, and L egal System,." SouthwesternlSout hea.,tern People of Color Lega l Scholar.,hip Conference. Paneli .. l. "Cu'>LOmar) Lav.. Dome,tic Conflicl. and oeial Change." Stanford- CLA H umanities & cience'> S)mpo .. ium on La\l. Colonia li'>m. and Control 01 er Bodie .. in Africa. MARY KAY KANE Boo k. Horn book on Cil'il Procedllre (Wcs t Pub. Co" 2d ed .. 1993) (with J . Fri ede nth a l a nd A. Mill c r). Boo k . 19 92 S uppl c m e nt s, Fed e ral Praclice all d Procedure, Vo ls. 6-7C a nd IO- IOA . Boo k. Complex LiliRalioll Proj ecI: Proposed Filial D rafl (A m e ri ca n Law Im, titut c, 1993) (w ith A. Mill e r). Key no te Address, " Mass To rt s: Tod ay's Ch a ll e nge T o Our S ys te m o f Ju s ti ce", Sta ni sla us Co unt y Bar Assoc iati o n Law Day Ce le bration , (April 1993). FACULTY NEWS DANIEL J. LATHROPE Book Introd ucti on, A Disquisition 0 1/ GOI'e rllln el/t by John C. Ca lhoun (Lega l Cl m" ic, Library, 1993). Book . 1993 Supp l em ent , FUI/dolll e l/wis oj Partl/ ership Taxatiol/ (Fo und ati on Pre ss, 3d ed., 1993) (with and S. Lind and S. Sc hwa rL). A rti cle, ''The Faith Healers." ( 1992). Book, 1993 Suppl ement. FUI/dalll el/tais oj Corporate Taxa tiol/ ( Foundati on Press, 3d ed .. 1993) (with S. Lind and S. Schwarz). Artic le, "The United tates Corpora te A ltern ati ve Minimum Tax," FOI/airair ( 1992). DAVID I. LEVINE Commen tary, " Rufo v. Inmates of Suffolk Jail." BrooklYI/ La\\' Rel'iell' ( 1993). ount y UIIV & Social Inqlliry A rti cle. " Introducti on: Th e Duty of Keepin g Politi ca l Powc r Se parated," Hastings Co n stitlltio nal Law Qllarterly ( 1992). A rti c l c, "T he C hi cago Schoo l o f A nal ys i s in America n A ntitrust L aw : A Hi stori ca l Perspec ti ve and Rev i ew of Deve l opm ent s Durin g th e Bu sh Adminis trati on," Nihon UI/i l'ersity COlllparative La\\' Quarterly ( 1992). Pan el C hair. " M edi ati on and A lterna ti ve Di sput e Reso luti on: Rece nt Resea rc h ," Speech Com muni ca ti on Assoc i ati on Conve nti on. C hi cago. Illinois, November, 1992. B oo k , 1993 Suppl ement , Fundam e nt a ls oj Pa rtn ersh ip Ta xat ion ( Fo und ati on Press . 3d ed .. 1993) (w ith and D. Lathrop and S. Schwarz). Book, 1993 Suppl ement. Fllndalllelllois of Corporate Taxation (Foundation Press, 3d ed., 1993) (with D . Lathrop and S. Schwarz). STEPHEN SCHWARZ B ook, 1993 Suppl em ent , FUlldam e l1tal s oj Partl1ership Taxa tioll (Fo und ati o n Press. 3d ed. , 1993) (with and D. L ath rop and S. Lind ). PETER K. MAIER Book. 1993 Supplement. Flllldamen/{{Is oj Corpo rate Taxatiol1 ( Foundation Press, 3d ed. , 1993) (w ith D. Lathrop and S. Lind ). Paper , " The Function of th e A cco unt ant and T ax Attorn ey in C li ent s' Financial , T ax and Estat e Planning," San Franci sco T ax Club. 1993. Article , " Important Deve lopm ent s in Ta x-Exe mpt Organi zati ons, " 46 T ax L awyer ( 1993). Speaker. " Recent Developments in Estale Pl an ning," San Franc i sco Profess i onal Subcommittee o f the Jew ish Co mmunit y Endow menl Fund (Dece mber, 1992) RICHARD MARCUS Book. COlllplex Litigation : Cases and Mat erials on Advanced Civil Procedllre, (W est Publ. Co., 2d ed., 1993). H. G. PRINCE Speaker. 1993 AALS Conference Mini-Workshop on T eaching the First Generati on of Global Lawyers. Speaker. ABA program for Ass istant and A ssociate Deans in I ndi anapol is. " Issues Related to Students wi th Di sabilities". LEO P. MARTINEZ CALVIN MASSEY Book , Th e Califo rnia S tate Constitu ti o n : A ReJerence Guide (Greenwood Press, 1993) (with J. Grodin and R. Cunningham). B oo k Rev i ew. "Eva lu atin g M etaph o r in L ega l Di sco urse," Constitutional COll1mentary (S ummer 1993). Paneli st. " Re,earch in Co mmuni ca ti on and L aw: Th eo reti ca l Advances ," Speec h Communication Assoc i ati o n Co n ve nti o n , C hi cago, Illin o i s, November, 1992. STEPHEN LIND Book, Ca sebook on Insuran ce WIl' (with J. Whelan and K. York ) (Wes t Pub . Co., 199 3). Arti c le, " Promi ses Broken vs. Promi .,es Betrayed : M eta·ph o r . A nal ogy and th e New Fidu c i ar y Principle," U I/!. L. Rev. ( 1993). Paper, " Ev idence and Prac ti ca l Rea,o n," Criminal L aw Reform Co n fe r ence. Vancouver. Briti , h Columbia. Augu st 1992. Book Rev iew. "Hilary's Trial: The Eli za beth Morgan Story" by Jonath an Grover. Jll dicature, December 1992/January 1993. Speech, " Ethical Con sideration s in Protecti ve Order Prac ti ce ," T o rt and I nsuran ce Prac ti ce Sec ti o n. American Bar Assoc iation. San Franci sco. Paper, " Trad e and Environm ent ," Publi c Interes t La w o nfere nce, U ni ve rsit y o f Oregon , M arch, 1993 . EILEEN SCALLEN JAMES R. MCCALL Art ic l e, " Th e L att er St ages of Enfo rce m ent of Equitab l e Dec rees : The Co ursc of In stituti ona l Reform Cases after Dowe ll , Rufo, and Freeman," Hastings COl/ stitutiol/al LaH' Quarterly ( 1993). Bo ok, 1992 Supp l ement to Vo l um e 8, Fed era l Pract ice and Procedure. L ec tur e, " Th e Emergence o f New Ac t o r s," Conference entitled " The L egal Regime of th e New World Order: Beyond th e Nation-S tate," Berkeley, Californi a, February, 1993 . NAOMI ROHT-ARRIAZA Article, " Precaution, Parti cipation and the 'Greening' of Internati onal Trade Law," 1. En vironmel7lal L. & Litigation ( 1993 ). Article, Critique of stud y tying increased economic g ro w th to dec reased environmen tal degrada ti o n, reprinted in New Solutions: A Qlla rterly Jou mal oj Occllpatiol/s & En vironmental Health Policy ( 1993). Article, " The atural Law Component of the N inth Amendment," U Cin . L. Rev. ( 1992). 9 WILLIAM K.S. WANG Arti cle, "A Qualitati ve Th eory of th e Dead Hand," Illdial/a L.J. ( 1992), with A . Hirsch. KELLY WEISBERG Book, Feminist Legal Th eo ry: FoundatiOIl S (Templ e Un iversity Press. 1993). WAYNE S. WOODY Artic l e. " Wro ngful De ath C l aims o f M aritim e W orkers," Americall J o ul'llal oj Trial Advocacy ( 1993) . ANNUAL REPORT OF GIFTS Annual Fund Gifts, Donors Both Up in 1992-93 F or the fourth year in a row, overall giving to Hastings has exceeded the $1 million mark. In recently announcing the annual gift figures, Dean Frank T. Read saluted the leadership efforts of the National Cha ir of the 1992-93 Annual Campaign, Peter W . Davis (,69), and the respective class agents, amo ng others, for keeping Hastings' fundraising program "o n the ascendancy, especially during a period of continuing decline in the overall economy. "Despite the fact that the general economic climate recently has not been particularly conducive to charitable giving, g ifts to the College's Annual Fund were up nearly 11 .5 percent this past year, increasing from the $146,988 of such gifts received in 1991-92 to $163,752 of Annual Fund gifts reported in 1992-93," said Dean Read . "Moreover, the number of the College's donors was up nearly 3 percent this past year, increasing from the 1,630 donors reported in 1991 -92 to 1,676 donors in 1992-93. I simply cannot overemphasize the significant roles that were played in the success of this past year's campaign by Mr. Davis, by our very energetic and dedicated class agents, and by our very effective and loyal members of the 1066 Foundation's Board of Trustees . Their combined efforts truly have maintained the College's development program on an upward path, notwithstanding the many adverse effects of the ongoing recession . I cannot thank them enough for all they do for the College." Dean Read also noted that Hastings alumni once again played a vital role in the success of the Annual Fund Campaign , with nearly 90 percent of the donors to this past year's campaign coming from the ranks of the College's graduates. As Read indicated : "Our alumni continue to remain loyal to their alma mater, providing much needed private support during a period when the State's d irect appropriation to the College has been reduced quite dramatically . Indeed, the reduction in State assistance to the College over the past three years has totaled nearly $2 .5 million. The commitment of both time and financial resources to the College by our alumni during these particularly lean economic times could not be more appreciated - or more beneficial, for that matter!" The overall results in the competition among classes for the highest participation rate in the Annual Fund Campaign were, once again impressive . For the first time, two classes shared the spotl ight in terms of the highest rate of participation, with both the Class of 1938 and Class of 1944 having the participation of 50 percent of their class members in the 1992-93 cam paign . For the second year in a row, the Class of 1974 provided the greatest number of donors to the campaign, and the members of the Class of 1966 contributed, in the aggregate, the largest overall gift total. "All in all," according to Dean Read, "the members of the various classes responded most impressively to the appeals of their respective class agents. Moreover, several of the classes are either now consider ing, if not currently undertaking, major class gift projects to benefit the College, usually in conjunction with their 25th or 30th anniversary of graduation from Hastings . The success of these projects will considerably enhance private support for the College in the future." Dean Read also commended the efforts this past year of Student Phonathon Chair Aisha Tinker ('94) and her colleagues in the 1992 -93 phonathon campaign, who once again conducted a very successful student-run phonathon . Read noted that he had received compliments from several alumni concerning "both the enthusiasm and courtesy that were demonstrated by the student callers during the course of the campaign. These students genuinely served as goodwill ambassadors for the College, and they provided a refreshing perspective for alumni to hear with respect to what's happening at Hastings. Hastings students not only are first rate academical ly, but they are a delight to meet and talk with on a personal basis, as well." Dean Read concluded his report on this past year's giving results by noting that the late Professor Jerome Hall, who served as a Sixty -Five Club member from 1970 until his retirement in 1989, made a most generous bequest to the College of more than $250,000. Dean Read indicated that Professor Hall had already left a legacy of tremendous scholarship and several generations of lawyers who revere him as a great teacher. "Hall's legacy," Read said, "will continue to benefit students at Hastings for generations to come because his most generous bequest was designated, in part, to establish a lectureship to bring distinguished lecturers to the campus . Professor Hall's lifelong commitment to scholarship and its transmission to students could not have been more appropri ately demonstrated, perhaps, than through the endowment of this lecture ship." 10 Peter W. Davis (,69), a partner in the Oakland law firm of Crosby, Heafey, Roach & May, spearheaded Hastings' successful 1992-93 Annual Fund Campaign. ANNUAL REPORT OF GIFTS Alfred M. K. Wong To Chair '93-'94 Campaign A Summa ry of Gifts to Hastings- 1992-93 Contributions Came from the Following Sources: $ 421,716 40.7% Friends 337,391 32.6% Alumni 236,633 22 .9% Businesses 23,559 2.3% Law Firms 15,959 1.5% $1,035,258 100.0% Foundations & Trusts Total Contributions Gift Funds Were Contributed for the Following Purposes: Unrestricted $ 471,452 45.5% Financial Aid 431,620 41.7% Special Programs 81,240 7.9% l.Qstructional SUP20rt Student Organizations 22,856 2.2% 14,622 1.4% 7,977 0.8% Library L ' I :er (on.dbu';on, 5,491 0.5% $1,035,258 100.0% Hastings Development Results 1984-1993 Year Ending June 30 $1,400,000 $1.250.000 110.. $1 ,200,000 $1.092.000 110.. $1.005.000 ... $1.035.000 110.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $1,000,000 $800,000 $716.000 "'" $600,000 $429.000 ,.... $400,000 $264.000 $200,000 _"",000 ....- '" $262 000 "roo .:. - - o 1983/84 1984/85 1985/86 1986/87 1987/88 1988/89 1989/90 1990/91 11 1991/92 1992/93 lfred M. K. Wong ('64) is serving as National Chair of Hastings' Annual Fund Campaign for 1993-94 . He is Managing Partner of Takushi, Funaki, Wong & Stone in Honolulu . He is active in many legal and community organizations, and as a Governor of Hastings' Alumn i Association . The National Chair works closely with the Hasting s 1066 Foundation and class agents in financial partnership with the College. Dean Frank T. Read, in announcing the appointment, noted that Wong "contin ues the tradit ion of prominent and distin guished alumn i serving as National Chairs." He also noted that many alumni will find it more advantageous to make Annual Fund donations this year than last in light of Congress' recently enacted taxrate increases that are retroactive to January 1, 1993. Gifts of non-cash property may be particularly attractive, primarily because Congress restored full deductibility for gifts of appreciated securities and other qualified property. Wong believes that with cut backs caused by one of the worst recessions in California his tory, it is more important than ever for alumni and friends of Hastings to join in the private-public partnership that is the growing financial base of the College. "During the two past years," Wong notes, "Hastings hosted two successful U.S. Attorneys General Forums . We set this precedent because of Hastings' prestige among law schools nationally. This is because of our academic excellence, top faculty, high admissions standards, and successful graduates. "Funding sources that enable us to achieve these standards," he adds, "are grants, fees and tuition, State funding, and private contributions . Sadly, State funding is being cut for the third year in a row . What are our options? We are raising funds from the private sector and cutting our budget. Both roads must be travelled conscientiously . And we ask alumni and friends to ma ke the extra effort to contribute more this year to maintain the fine reputation of Hastings." ANNUAL REPORT OF GIFTS Honor Roll of Donors Jllly I, 1992 - JUli e 3D, 1993 T he following pages recog ni ze the man y genero us donor to th e Co ll ege, includ in g th e members of the donor c lub s of Ha ting Co llege of the Law, for the fisca l year Jul y 1, 1992, to June 30, 1993, Gifts made after June 30, 1993 , w ill be recognized in nex t year ' s annua l report. If yo u find any e rro rs or om i s io ns, plea e co ntact th e Office of College Re lati ons at 200 McAllister Street, San Francisco, CA 94 102, Th e Co ll ege hono rs th ese alumni and friends w hose g ifts add imm eas urab ly to th e qu a lity of lega l educatio n a t Hastings, Thank you for your support. FOUNDERS (Individual Gifts Totaling) 5200,000 or more 1066 CLUB 51,066 - 52.499 Je rome Hall Estate Ray J. & Ruth L. O ' Brie n E,tate BENEFACTORS 510,000 OR MORE Matthew Levita n '76 Harry & Lill ian Ha\ ting' Esta te Melani e S toff Maier '8 1 Pro f. Pe te r K. Mai e r THE CLUB LEVELS SECOND CENTURY CLUB 55,000 - 59,999 Prof. Wa rre n L. S h a ttu c ~ TOWER CLUB 52,500 - 54,999 Prof. Howard 1'.1 . Do\\ n\ I\ lada l) n Hoberg AcademiC Dea n 1ar) Ka) Kane John T . Kno\ '5~ Mch 111 Laub '6-1 Jerome I\l ar~ \ '6-1 Prof. Ra>mo nd L. Su ll i"l11 1\ Ian 111 Su"man ' 50 Ro\"bellc R. Tobriner ~ l lchaei Tra) nor Jo hn A "Jac~ " \\'hlte '-I~ Philip Adams '38 Jo,eph J. Ba bic h ' 80 Jamc. A. Bac h '79 Jame, R. Bancroft ' -19 Mrs . George O. Balm Elaine R. Bay u, '77 Paul Bc nne tt '74 Stephe n D. Borne, '7 1 W . Scott Bowe"oc k '66 Eli za be th Fra nco Bradley ' 77 A . Frank Bra) J r. Ra be n J. Bru s\ ' 67 T e rre nce A. Ca ll an '6-1 Willia m C. Carr '62 Me rle C. Cha mbe" '77 Ha n. Will iam R. Cha nne ll '-19 Susa nnah J. Convery '60 Pe te r W . Da\ i, '69 Edwa rd M. Digardi ' -1 7 John Franci\ Digardi '~ Hara ld S. Dobb, '-I ~ Roge r Art uro Dreye r 'SO Fri tL L. Duda '6-1 Belt> M. Fa l~ '-16 Ro be rt C. Fi eld' 60 Gregor) E. Fi \c hbach '66 L. Ri chard Fische r '70 C. Ra ndolph Fi , hburn '81 M. Wain \\ ri ght Fi\ hburn Jr. '8 1 Kenneth J. Florence ' 7-1 Valerie A nne Fontaine '79 Keith S. Fra\er '61 Eugene L. Freeland' 51 Robert E. Freita\ '77 \\'allace S. Fuji) ama Hon . Bruce R. Gecrn aert . 53 James 5, Bubar '78 Da\1d B. Gold' 5 1 Abra ha m Go tt fried' 30 Ric hard G rand Rut h Churc h Gupta'-I8 Ja me\ C. Hagedo rn ' 63 Madalyn Ho berg Robe rt L. Hob,on . 64 Ri chard W . Ho rto n '50 Ke nneth W. Ho\ermale, Jr. '77 Prof. Willi a m T . Hutto n S usan Kao ru I, hii '88 Ha n. Edwa rd Y. Kakita '65 Acade mic Dean 1ary Kay Kane Willia m F. Ke nney '60 George Kin g '58 W . Alexa nder Kl ikoff '77 John T. Knox' 52 Philip M . Kn ox. Jr. '49 Be rt T. Kobayas hi Jr. '65 John A. Koeppel ' 76 G uy O. Kornblum ' 66 Elli ot M. Kroll '77 Ha n. A nne tte La Rue' 52 Me lvin Laub '64 Carl A. Leonard '68 Ha n. Robe rt M. Le tteau '67 Matthew Lev ita n '76 Stua rt F. Li chterma n '66 Prof. S te phe n A. Lind Knee la nd H. Lobne r ' -1-1 Tho mas J. Mac Bride, Jr. '75 Ja me, E. Mahoney '66 Me la nie Sto ff Maie r '8 1 Pro f. Pe ter K. Maie r Charl otte Mako l'" '87 Jeffrey T. Ma ko ff '85 Jerome ,lark, '64 Charle, J. MaLu" k) '69 Dougla, C, McCl ure' 69 Ha n. Pa tti Jo Mc Kay '74 Thoma, E. Mill c r '73 Fra n ~ lin K. Mu kai '70 Be rnard W . Ne be nLa hl '66 Stephe n E. Ne" ton '67 Pe te r P.J . 'g '64 Jo hn E. ordin 11 '69 Jo nat han Nova~ '79 Ro na ld W. Novo tn) '8 1 Jo hn F. O' Hara ' 46 We nde ll K. Pang '70 Han . Bl aine E. Pettitt ' 'II Ralph M. Pray III '67 Alctha R. Ragan Robert Ram,e), Jr. '73 Dea n Fran k T. Rcad Eli/ abet h B. Ri c hard, . 57 Harold H. Robin,on 111 '65 Jame, R. Ro n '55 GU) Ro un \", ille, J r. '68 Jane A. Rummel Robert Sa~ai ' 7-1 Fra nc" O. Scarpu ll a' (, 7 A nd rc\\ R. Schott k) , Jr. '52 Terrence A. Callan '64 BaIT) A. Schulma n '64 Pro f. Lo ui , B. Sc hwart L Cy nth ta KeC\\ III Smllh '83 Jane Pc teC\on mllh '75 Jo hn K. "J ac ~ " Smith '54 Mi chae l T. Solo mo n '73 Jo hn A. Sproul Ma rvin Sus, man '50 Steven M. T a kei '8 1 Ric ha rd J. Tha lhe ime r '7-1 Bri a n David Thi essen ' 67 Robe rt T ourte lot '64 Thoma, Va n Voorh i, . 59 W ay ne Veatc h. Sr. ' 35 Al a n J. Vagi '66 Jac k We rchic k ' -19 David Westo n '77 John A. "Jac k" White ' 4 2 Kri stia n D. Whitte n '73 Ha n. Philip C. Wilkin' '39 Alfred M. K. Wo ng '6-1 Ja mes B. Yo ung '69 Martin 1. Za nke l '74 THE HASTINGS ROUNDTABLES HASTINGS PARTNERS $500 - 51,065 Ha n. Nat A. Ag liano (Re t. ) ' 59 Jame, Mic hae l All c n ' 7 1 Ja net AmbroLck ' 77 Sta nl ey L. Ba ue r ' 5 1 Ha n. Ma n in R. Bax te r '66 Do nald B. Belkin '66 Hill Bl ac ke tt 111 '77 Pro f. Ri c hard Bo,well Ro be rt H. Bun lcl '8 1 Dav id W . Cling ma n '75 Alfrcd V. Cont arino '64 Roger 1-1 . Cow ling ' 68 Ro land C. Da\ i, Jo,cph A. De Girola mo Tho ma, Do byn, . 72 Richard Edgar Dodge '66 Pro f. Howard M. Down, Kc nne th B. Dra, t '78 Willi a m De Shay Eng li ' h '5 1 G ail A. Flc,he r ' 88 Jo hn Cha rl es Ga rrett '66 Ke n Harimo to '67 Prof. Ray D. He n, on Ha n. Erne" M. Hi ro' hi gc '70 Robert L. Hughe, . 57 Rebecca A . Hu ll '8 1 Ha n. C. Robert Ja me'on '66 G uy S. Jo hn ,on Rex Tho ma, Kearney , J r.' 66 Samuel J. Merce r. Jr. '36 Han . Robert W . Me rrill '5~ J. Robert Me\ene '-1 1 Nan M , Castle '83 12 Robert M. Davis '37 T e re nce J. 11\ '66 li o n. Do ug l"\ C. ~ l uI"'l11 '66 Prof. George R. Nod '66 G ar) L. O lllll pta '66 Ba, il N. Pl a, tira\ '75 Pro f. Tho ma, H. Roth" cll '5 1 Dwight M. Ru, h '53 Pe te r L. Sa nfo rd '66 Philip M. Sm agc 111 '67 Pro f. Stephe n Sc hwal7 Joe l A . haw n ' 66 Harold ile n '57 Dav id V. Stil e, '76 Charl e, . St a rke '70 Prof. Joscph Sweeney Rosabe ll e R. T obriner Mi chae l D. T om '75 Prof. Laure nce H. Tribe M ark L. Vorsatz ' 79 Eugene J. Wait , Jr. ' 54 Ste phe n Walte r Neil W . Wilcy ' 80 HASTINGS ASSOCIATES 5250 - 5499 Ke ndra Ga le Ande rson ' 73 Robe rt L. Baco n ' 5 1 Gary A. Bag uc . 80 Ruth C. Barrow Steve n Alan Beiloc k ' 68 Ric ha rd George Bell '72 or,e . Blaa ard ' 62 Prof. Pa tric ia C. Bradford '8 1 A ntho ny R. Brookma n ' 53 Hon. Dav id W. alfce ' 49 Willi am O. all away, Jr. '6 1 Paul Ca me ra ' 60 a ral J. Carrie r '73 Joan L. Ca"n"ln '77 Ha rry W . R. Cha mberlain 11 'SO A nne C hang '9 1 Ha n. Ric ha rd F. Cha rva t '63 S teven K.S. C hun g ' 76 Peter W . Cl app ' 82 C. Don C lay ' 8 1 Li "l Coughlin Cl ay '8 1 Elle n O . Coll ins '77 Mark Scot! Co llin ' ' 74 Eli/abe th A. Coy nc '74 Doug la' G . Cro,by '69 Paul H. Cyril '62 Kev in DOlllec u, '79 Stcven Drapk in Caro l Wi cc kow,ki Dreye r '79 S teven J. Eli e '87 Robe rt A. EII ,worth '62 Doug la, A. E m e ri c ~ '86 Myron E. Elle nne, Jr. '52 Be rna rd J. Fi \c hbac h '70 Mi c hae l J. Fi, h '80 Cha rk, M . Flo re n '74 Hon. Do nald R. Fran,on '5 1 Harold 5, Dobbs '42 A NNUAL REP O RT O F GIFTS CLASS AGENTS Valerie A Fontaine 79 Sleven J. Gee '88 Ri chard P. Gro,s Hon. Ina Levi n Gyeman l '68 Kalhlecn M. Halli ssy '75 R. J. Heher '78 Candace J. Hei, ler '72 Hon. John L. Hennin g ' 64 James Edgar Hervey ' 50 Cheryl K. Helheringlon '79 J. George Hetheri nglOn '78 Thomas L. Hin kle ' 7 1 Randolph L. Howard ' 74 Roy and Joanne Ikeda '74 James H. Iri,h '8 1 Cy nlhi a Wac hler Iser ' 8 1 Lawrence Ise r . 80 Hon. Thomas M. Jenk.i ns '49 John Kak inu ki '84 Mi chae l Kershaw '5 I Ca mpbell Kill efer '77 Sleven Koc h '84 Ri chard L. Landes '68 John S. c. Lim '82 George M. Lindahl ' 74 Hon. Charles A. Loring '38 Lawrence John Ludgus '69 Joseph D. Magri ' 77 Kennelh M. Malovos ' 69 George R. McClenahan ' 50 Slephen Allen McFeely '72 Peler Z. Mi chael '67 Ronald Allison Mill er '73 Russe ll H. Miller ' 83 Jamoa A. Moberly '76 Hon. Willi am D. Mudd '69 Bruce H. Munro '66 Hon. Roben A. Neher ' 60 Hon. Lesli e C. Nichols ' 66 Mi chael F. O 'Co nnor '7 I Melvill e Owen '56 Alben F. Pagni '64 Mary J. Parri sh Mary Noc l Pe py, '78 William J. Raggio '5 I Jamel- F. Roge" ' 57 Mark H. Rosc nlhal '74 1arc L. Sa llus '79 Paul J. Sa" '68 harloll e M. Sa "on ' 82 Jerrold C. Schaefer '66 C. Gregory Sc hull / '88 Ri chard L. Seabo ll '75 Brad Sc iigman '78 Theodore F. Shiell , '83 Carrie A. Simon '82 Bernard P. Simons '67 Mark J. Smilh '78 Ri chard L. Sorem '68 Gregory W, Slepani cich '77 Sharon J.A. Sireicher '7 I Gerald W. SWlsman '39 Harry D. Sunderland '6 I Willi am R. Sweeney '52 John W. Sweilzer S. Dav id Takaku wa '78 Willi am Lew Tan '74 Hon. Benjamin M. Tashiro '32 Theresa S. Tay lor '88 Lawrence Alan Towers '8 I Richard J. Tuckerman '6 1 Michael A. Vacchio '83 Ronald K. Van Wert '68 William C. Vencill '75 harles F. Vulliet ' 7 I Thomas A. Vy,e '62 Bruce D. Wagner ' 55 James E. Wallace, Jr. '69 Lawrence E. Wayle '6 I Willi am J. A. Weir ' 68 Jeffrey C. Wilk '74 Jeffrcy R. Willi ams '78 Slephen K. Yamada '7 I Richard W. You ng ' 74 Loui se M. Zeilzew '87 Gary Alan ZierOlh ' 78 HASTINGS COUNSELORS $100 - $249 Ralph Salliiago Abasca l '68 Freda Emily Abboll '7 I Phi lip Adams '38 Sleven S. Agosta ' 67 Lorraine Hiroko Akiba '8 I Jack C. Alhadeff '64 Na ncy L. Al varez '83 Gerald L. Anchor '67 Roben M. Anderson '77 Eugen C. Andres '68 Joseph Andrews '78 Simon D. Ani xter Robert F. An se lmo '87 Lawrence John Appel '69 Robert O. Appl eton, Jr. '70 Romolo L. Ari ani '37 Mun'ay M. Aron '74 Norman R. Ascherman Thomas Yuin Au '75 Alan B. Axelrod ' 6 I D. Michael Bailey ' 8 1 Daniel W, Baker ' 49 Daniel C. Balough '78 Hon. Robert K. Barber '48 H. E. "Bert" Barker, Jr. '63 Hon. John W. Barrell '49 Prof. Margreth Barrell Brian Barsolli '78 Robert W. Bartl ell II '66 Am y Pi erl-on Bates '82 Frank W. Ballaile '90 Mi chae l John Bayard '79 JlllTIel- M. Baynes '74 Thoma' Lane Bec kel '76 Lyman D. Bcdrord '67 Jerome M. Behren, '74 Bruce W. Belding '63 Jaynell e K. Bell '9 I R. Lancc Bell-ome '85 Hon. Ri chard A. Bennell '73 Dan Michae l Berkov it7 '82 Irving S. Benram '70 Prof. George Bi sharat Robcrt 13 ishop ' 63 Watson B. Bl air '82 Willi am J. Blair '7 6 Kenneth W. Bond '72 Terrence J. Bonham '63 Donna M. Boostrom '82 John C, Bost '73 Han. Robe rt L. Bo" ick '49 Jeffrey Bradpiece '59 Bri an S, Braff '69 Kevi n H. Brogan '79 Kennelh H. Brown '8 I James S. Bubar '78 James K. Bul lock '40 Frederick H. Bysshe, Jr. '62 George L. Cadwa lader ' 48 Helen M. Cake '72 Mark Alan Cameron '8 I John L. Cammack '73 Anthony A. CardoLo, Jr. ' 61 Robert E. Carl son '58 Thomas H. Carmody ' 7 I Di ane Wenhen Carter '76 Donald R. Cary '78 Andrea Win zer Cass idy '84 Nan I. Castle' 83 Patri cia Too le Castle '87 Lauren Watson Cesare '83 Peler S. Chalfanl '76 RUlh C. Chance Chri slina Yu-Ch ing Chen ' 78 Oren T. ChikamolO '73 Eddie Y. Chin '74 Hon. Frank Cliff '52 Willi am K. Coblelllz Prof. Marsha N. Cohen John C. Coleman Norman Co liver Harold R. Collins, Jr. ' 64 A. Byrne Conley, Jr. ' 83 John R. Connell y, Jr. '8 I Hon. J. Hilary Cook '5 8 M. Stephen Coontz ' 70 Steven M. Cooper '89 Conrad M. Corbell '8 I Laurence P. Corbell John M. Coudures, Jr. '38 Paul . Crane Anthony B. Craven ' 64 Richard K. Critchlow '65 Prof. Mary Crossley Laurence E. Crouch '89 Dean W. Crowell '74 Thomas R. Curry '70 James R. Cutrighl ' 63 Robert L. Danaher ' 8 I Mark W. Dani s '89 Robert H. Darrow '53 Ri chard Davidoff '78 Susan K. Davidoff '79 13 Douglas 13 . Dav idson '73 Paul L. Dav ies III Hon. Euge ne Lew is Dav i!> '66 John J, Dav is, Jr. '75 Jonathan J. Davis '74 Mallhew D. Davis '89 Robert M. Dav is '37 Lau ra J. Dawson '92 James 13 . De Goli a '76 SeOll P. De Vri es '79 Lorene DeBose '75 Hon. John W. DeG root '74 John D. Deacon, Jr. '77 Tom Debl ey Nora J. Deg nan George Hall ell Denton' 84 Ri chard A. Derevan '74 Edward Dermoll '54 Warren C. DeulSch '62 Marcell o M. Di Mauro '73 Howard G. Di cken,on '50 orbert J. Dick man '73 Hon. LeonarcJ Dieden '40 Virgi ni a .H. Dodge '82 Ri chard Domhoil '76 Herbert Donaldson Denni s P. Dorm an '7 I Wi lli am C. Dresser '82 Fletcher E. Duke '74 Ri chard Arthur Dumke '66 Mary Theresa Dumont ' 85 Stanley L. Dunn ' 5 I Dane Jerome Du rham ' 75 Dorsey K. Dwelle '40 Stephen K. Easton '70 Peter L. Edberg '70 Hon. Loui s L. Edmunds, Jr. ' 52 Eliza be th K. Edwards Manfredi '78 Mi chael R. Egger '9 I Bruce R, Elli se n '82 Geoffrey J. Eng '75 Peler J. Engs trom '85 William J. Ewing' 5 I Kathleen M. Ey re '83 Dani el G. Farthing '7 I Ali son Smith Fay '8 1 Steven H. Felderstein '73 Jesse Feldma n Dakin Nev ill e Ferri s '88 Thomas R. Fi er ' 77 Gennaro August Filice III '74 Joseph A. Filippelli '56 Robert Jerome Filippi '69 Li sa Finkelstein '77 Laurie L. Fisher '80 Robert O. Fl ec kner '54 Ferdinand T. Fl etcher '35 Robert L. Fletcher, Jr. '69 Hon. Richard T. Ford '58 Hon. Ed ward Forstenzer '7 I James E. Fox '79 Donald R. Fran!>on, Jr. '78 Willi am E. Freedm an '53 Willi am R. Fri edrich '68 Prof. Ya,uo Fu kuda Stephen K. Gardner '75 Marc D. Garfinkl e ' 78 James H. Garrell ' 77 Denni s W. Ghan '77 Will ia m D. Gibbs '63 Joseph Gingerich '6 I Gerry R. Gi nsberg '69 Barry I. Goldman '64 Willi am A. Gould . Jr. '63 Franklin O. Grady '56 Karen L. Graf '77 Hon. Frank A. Grande '65 Art hur W. Gray, Jr. ' 52 Douglas I. Gray '76 Marcia L. Green '79 Thomas M. Griffin '6 I Barry R. Gross '66 Joseph Albert Gross '82 Rey nold J. Gualco ' 48 Steve n H. Gurnee '7 5 Thomas A. I-1aeuser '73 Patri ck J. Haga n '75 Violet N. Handelman ' 8 I Theodore M. Hankin '77 James F. Hann ' 77 J. Terence Hanna '80 Mona Z, Hanna ' 87 Ian Hardcastle' 89 Susan Harriman '83 Neil A. HalTi s ' 86 Charl es Ri chard Hart, Jr. ' 64 George K. Hanw ick ' 40 Robert T. Haslam ' 76 James M. Hassan ' 73 Hon. Pri sc ill a H. Haynes '5 I Ed ward J. Hegart y '63 q A NN UAL REPORT OF GIFTS Glenda L. He"cnl1an '90 '1 Il'ho l,,, Heldt '7 R I~hard A , Hclm '70 \itchael J. HcndcNlIl 'SO Ph) III , Frcnca Hende r,on 'SO ~I af) \nn a Hcnle) '71 Willi am Kent Hcnley '69 La\\ renee Hcrben '75 lame, Cm IIlgton He,tcr '70 Anhur E, Hcw itt ' 38 lI an T. Hlkoyeda '70 Hel1l,) Hill '65 Lloyd Hinkc lman '56 Hon. Ed\\ ard A. Hin£. Jr. '6 1 Da\ Id P. Hodge, '77 Hon. Pau l I. Hogan '60 Charlc, R. Hoge ' 53 Carol V. Holland '87 Walt on D.Y. Hong '69 John Michael Kell y '65 Parker . Kennedy '73 Kathlee n Kerr' 81 John Da\ id Ke"lcr '76 John C. Kinney '49 Hon. Richard \\' . Kirby (ReL) '64 Michael C. Ki rk Eugene R. Kirk pat ric k '52 l ark Alexander Kl ein '7 1 Karla J. Kn ieps ' 8 1 Paul L, Kn ight '75 Roy Jerome Koegen '74 Eleanor M. Kraft Roben Kra;,e '76 George M. Kraw David H. Kremer '78 Manin H. Kre"e '70 Henry C. Kri \etsky '60 Gil be n N. Kruger '66 Don A. Lynn '73 Ce itne Mac Donald-Z\\ ang '84 John 1ac Kerron III '84 Willi am R. Mac key '59 Iheanac ho Nga Madu '74 Ll be n) Magari an '83 Donald 1, Malone '63 Prof. John S, Malone Michael G, Malone '74 Jon S. Mabnee '72 Eleanor M, Manuel Gerald D. Marcus Prof. Ephraim Margolin John Royal Martineau '69 Jo\eph P. Ma,co\ ich 'SO Thoma;, B. Ma,on '76 Edward Mastrangelo' 78 Mi chae l C. Mattice '76 Hon. Francis W. Mayer '4 1 Henry Schuyler Hom III '66 Steve n H. Hough ' 64 Carl Howard '49 andra V. Hu ghe, '79 Douglas D. Hughmani ck ' 74 Da vid M, Humi , ton '79 Marc ean Hurd '87 Di mitri Kiril lIyin '59 Den ni , A. Ing '67 Lawrcnce . C. Ing ' 66 W. Ronald Ingram '62 Le,ter J. Ishado . 75 cy mour hrae l '72 Jame, F. 1\\ a, ko '70 Ronni Jack! '7 1 V. Jamc;, Jack! '68 Peter ~ l c K ib l e Jacobs '69 Will iam J. Jame;, '74 Hm\ard A. Jans,en '69 Gregory Walter Jarrett '80 Loui,a M. Ja, kul ,ki '75 Juan ~1. Jayo '76 Hon. Will iam E. Je nsen' 51 Ed\\ard Je\\ '73 Kenneth F. Johnson '69 Ru"e ll L. John,on '72 Steger P. Johnson '78 Da\ Id Anhur Jone" Jr. '85 Matthe\\ A. Jo,eph '79 Phil ippa Ly n Jube ll rer' 3 Philip L. Jud,on '69 William K. Y, Jung '74 Jack I. Kaiser '72 Stanley T. Kane take '6 Hon. Roben F. Kaster '67 Jennifer L. Keller '7 Douglas A. Kuber ' 87 Jack S. Kusaba ' 54 Ruth Ann Kwan '8 1 Edward Vail Lane, Jr. '65 Edward F. Lani gar '72 Diane Wcar Larrabee '80 Matthew Larrabee' 80 Mark A. La"e n '73 Prof. Daniel J. and Be\erl y Lat hro pe Christopher L. Lau '76 Jeffrey Dani el Lau ' 77 Larry R. La\oie '77 Hon. Leland J. LaLaru , Caro l Mon Lee '74 Prof. Evan Lee Su,an Duncan Lee' 89 Randall S. Leff'77 Bruce Legerne, ' 70 Kelly Ro,so Leight '84 John H. Lej ni eks '73 Mild red W. Le\ in '34 Prof. Dav id Le\ ine Han ey E. Le\ ine . 74 Man in K . Le\\ i, '69 Loi, R. Lim bach '82 Rebecca Litte neker '83 Prof. Will iam B. Lockhan Jeffrey M. Loeb '8 1 Ri chard Gri ffi th Logan, Jr. '79 Jon A. Longerbone '79 C. Denni , Loomis '78 ~lt chael A. Lotman '73 Ste\ en Flint Lowe '7 1 ichola; L. Lucich, Jr. '76 C. Keith Lyde ' ~9 Sal ly Jean McCabe '79 Hon. Francis L. McCany , 33 Roben McCaskill Gordon E, McClintock ' 67 Douglas Ross McCorquodale '72 Jack B. McCowan, Jr. '74 Bru ce B. McCrea ' 73 Donald Jame, McCubbi n' 69 Ray E. McDe, itt John P. McGl ynn '66 Hon. Roben G. McGrath '68 John J. McGregor '7 1 Thoma, B. McG uire '56 Thoma, J. Mcintosh '66 Roben J. McKee '33 Hon. Will iam A. McKin\lry '68 Dorsey H. McLaughlin, Jr. '83 Denni s E. McLean '80 Mi chael P. Mc amara '82 Ah in D. Mc ei l ' 49 Howard R. Melamed '67 Hon. Rod ney S. Mel,i lle '68 Lee Mermelstein '67 Roben G. Merritt '9 1 Hon. Will is Me, is '49 Hon. Leonard I. Meyers ' 41 Donald F. Mil e, '74 Will iam C. Miller '55 Wil fred M. Mita '71 Ru ssell I. Mi yahira '85 Jame, W, Moore '82 Ne il Jerome Moran ' 0 Barbara J. Morgen '78 Stan ley M. Morishige '77 Michael W. Morri son '76 Will iam R. Mor,e '50 Ri chard Mo,k Su,a n Hine, Mos k '90 Prof. Beatrice A. Moulton F. T . Mucgenburg, Jr. '64 Robert A. Muh lbach '76 Robert H. Mull en '38 Mi chae l A. Mul lery 'SO Tery I S. Murabaya,hi '90 Arnold B. Mycr' '69 J. Roger M yer, ' 69 Laura An n Mye rs '77 Richard L. Myers '70 Jeffrey I. adrich '75 Stephen D. Natcher '65 Peter A. Nathan ' 66 Eli zabeth D. elson Peter Martin elson '79 Deborah . Ne\ il le' 8 John H. cwman '77 Prof. Nell Jes;,up cwton '76 Pau l McEwing icho" '82 Sandi Lynn Nichols '8 1 Robcrt E. Nisbet '48 Thomas J. Nolan Frank J. No ll '73 Herhert D. No\\lin '72 Roge r T. uttall '68 John R. O' Brien '68 Jenn ifer Lea O'Co nnor ' 84 John Michael O' Connor '72 J. Manin Obten '66 Bryan C. Ogden '68 Lon K. Ok ada '78 Kenj i Okani shi Kenneth E. Oli vier '77 Mark F. Omeli a, '74 James E. Orr, Jr. '67 Betty J. On'el l ' 86 Earl D. Osborn '7 5 Hon. Walter Osborn , Jr. ' 43 Gary An7e l Owen '69 Art hur B. Page '78 Erne,t A. Pa nizzon ' 60 Timothy G. Patterson '8 1 S. Kendall Patt on ' 80 Hon. John K. Pea rson '73 Mrs. Robert F. Peckham Hon. Charle, S. Perry '40 Karl R. Pctrey '76 Bern ard Petri e Bruce R. Pfa ff '79 Alan M. Phillip, '72 Robert Joseph Pi a' 84 Thomas A. Pi >tone '77 Gary B. Po lgar '73 Gary A. Polinsky '65 Drew E. Pomera nce' 8 1 Robert J. Popelka '48 Su,a n M. Popik '75 Warren Thoma, Pratt '80 James A. Prietto '86 Archer F. Pugh ' 62 Kun H. Pyle '65 Willi am A. Quinby '67 Hon. John T. Racanell i '52 Hon. A. Matthew Raggio '51 Marcy Raib back '78 Richard C. Rai nes '74 Terrence D. Ranahan '73 Michael B. Read '73 ancy Ann Regan ' 75 Hon. Norman S. Reid '57 Gerald A. Rein '68 Hon. Bernard E. Revak '64 Will iam M. Ric hardson '78 Prol . tcfan Rl e,e nfc ld Rin!!" .. It, Jr '5X Chall e, Catha lne Illy RI\ 1111 'X4 li on. W. Bl air Rl\on ' .1S Bruce D. Rogie '72 D J\ Id Ro n c ~ Robert A . Rose' 52 Stephen N. Rose n '70 Kenne th W. Ro,c nthal ' Sg Richard L. Rosett '67 Jeffrey Bryan Ros ichan ' 88 Ant onio Ro~.., m a nn Gary B. Rot hbart '7 1 Frederick E. Roy ce III '77 Larry . Ru " '78 Wil liam R. Ru " ell '73 W. Lance Ru " um '66 Howard A . Saga ... er '76 Eliz" beth SU /a nne Sah eson '78 R. Eli Samora '78 Jerome Sapiro ' 39 Patrice Ca rmel Scatena' 88 Prof. Rudolf B. Schle, inger Michael W. Schloe" mann, Jr. '90 Jean L. Schmidt '76 Judith A. Schneider '79 Al an W. Schulki n ' SO Bruce W. Schwab '63 Andrew P. Sclar ' 83 Di nah A. Seiver Gerald T. Sekimura '80 Elia lbeth Pagel Screbral"k y '84 Larry D. Shamp ' 67 James E. Shekoya n '65 Paul M. Shimoff '72 Yee, Horn Sh uai ' 81 Cath y Mendel, on Siegel '76 Hon. Shari K. Si lver '74 Hon. Li ll ian K. Sing '75 Sall y A. Sk lar '79 Keith 5, Fraser '61 Gary Goldberg '91 Ruth C. Gupta '48 14 ANNUAL REPORT OF GIFTS Kenneth E. Skou,en ' 55 Peter D. Siaughtcr '74 Bo)d . Sleeth '82 Harold S. Small '70 Ke nnard R. Smart, Jr. '70 John L. B. Smith '75 Ha n. Lothrop E. Smith' 38 Michael P. Smith '7 1 Chari e, D. Sooy '32 Ha n. Gcorge A. Spadaro '73 Carl B. Spacth Janice L. Spcro", '86 John H. Stephen, '78 Han . William H. Stephe n, '67 C laude M . Stern '80 Randall K. Stcverw n '78 Barbara Cohen Stikkcr '82 Thoma, J. Stikkcr '82 Ha n. Thoma, W . Stoever '60 Han. Charle, V. SlOne' 57 Pete r T . Stone '80 Lane R. Stuart '63 a ney M. Swart Stewart R. Suchman '69 William 1. Sulli va n '24 Harry B. Swan,on '53 Han . Philip K. Sweigen '6 1 Pete r Nash Swi,he r '73 Therese Wynne Tamaro ' 76 Ralph W. Tarr '76 Je ffrey M. Tay lor '74 John Landau Tay lor '66 Han . James F. Thaxter ' 59 Ja mes B. Thompson '52 Rebecca Anne Thompson '83 Lawrence W . Thorpe '66 Albert Joseph Tumpson '77 Je rrrey Allan Turkell '85 William Be nne ll Turne r Thomas Loui s Uniack ' 64 Catherine M. Van Aken '76 Paul Vapnek Bremon N. Ver Ploeg '73 Yori Wada Richard W. Walden ' 55 James L. Walke r IV '76 He rbe n K. Wa lton, Jr. '5 1 Prof. Willia m K.S. W ang Ha n. Reg in a ld M . Wall '39 Jame, R. Webb '77 Ronald H. Wecht '75 Tim B. Wedl a ke '92 Prof. Joanna Wei nbe rg Edward A. We ine r '65 Gerald Gaml ie l We isbac h '78 Theodore S. We nt wo rth '62 Pame la T. Westfa ll '87 De nni s F. Will son '76 Be njamin R. Winslow '72 Be rn ard E. Wit kin Alvin R. Wa hl '64 W . Bruce Wo ld '7 1 Elaine H. Wo lff- Bubar '79 Ke nne th K.P. Wong '78 SULanne Mulke rn WO Lniak '90 Robert C. Wri ght '71 Ra nda ll W. Wulff '74 Robert A. Wy ler, Jr. '68 Randall Y. YamamolO '82 Da nie l S. York' 87 Mic hae l H. Yo un g '68 Ha n. Stanley C. Young, Jr. (Re I.) ' 52 David Robert Zaro ' 86 Thomas D. Zeff '76 Glenn Zwang '83 HASTINGS ADVOCATES $1 - $99 Pro f. M a r~ N. Aaron,on Ha n. Ri c hard . W . Abbe '53 Mark B. A be lw n '76 Mi c hae l A. Abraham '87 Tracy Sk idmore Ac horn 'H9 William.l. Adam, '55 Cc,a r V. A legria . Jr. '89 Sa rira M. A lcxandcr A. C li fford A lle n, Jr. '8 ~ Karc n Tictjc n A ll en '88 Marj o ri c France, A ll c n '88 Jo n S. A llin '9 1 Dea n An tho ny A lpcr '8~ Stcwart C. A hemu, '80 Lcopo ldo Aivelllo", '84 Jean Amabi le '83 Ri c ha rd B. Ama nde, '53 Cl ifford R. Andcrwn II I '78 Kathryn R. A nder,o n '74 Han. Lunel l C. An def>on '75 John R. A ndrada '76 Ha n. Ke nneth A nd reen ( Re I. ) '5 1 Victoria Elilabeth Arm'tro ng '75 Ha n. Willi a m M . Au, len '52 Ri c hard J . Ayoob '78 Dani e l Joseph Bailey III '88 Han . Robert A. Bainbridge '49 S tevcn W . Bake r '74 Ro na ld E. Ba ldw in '84 Deborah S. Ballati '75 Ja mcs P. Barber' 73 De bra L. Ba rbi n '9 1 David Bargman '78 e,lOr Barre ra' 84 Z innia Coronc l Barre ra '85 Jo hn P. Barrie '72 Joseph Will ia m Be ll '84 Michael Be nder Judith A. Be ndor '80 Cary and Ho ll y Ben ne ll Ha n. Ga il Brewste r Be reola ' 79 Kathryn Gu ill o u Be rgenho hl '83 Ellen R. Berk '84 Edward Ri c hard Be rma n '82 Luci us P. Be rna rd '67 Ma rk Be rnste in '68 Bobby Lee Bi e ri g '79 Robert A. Bi o rn ' 68 C hery l K. Bl ac k '80 Je rome A. Bl aha '7 1 Lynne Blai r '83 Ri cha rd Gu y Bla ir '75 Je ffrey Sk lar Bl a nck '84 Ha n. Cole man A. Bl ease Pro f. Kate Bloch Ri c ha rd B. Bios . 62 Robert Lowell Bo nd '69 Ma ri a Lui sa Ba nda nna '88 e il Boorstyn Jo hn D. Bo ri e '5 1 Ha n. Doug las C. Boyack '75 Willi a m E. Boyd '74 Ha n. Mi c hae l D. Bradbury '67 Ha n. Stephe n D. Bradbury '76 Tho mas A. Brady '67 Mark Bra nde nburg '79 C ha rles T. Brandt '64 Mary Lynn Bre nnan '8 1 Laura A. Bre nne r '91 Arthur R, Bridgeman ' 49 Susan S. Briggs ' 67 G . Dav id Brinto n '85 Stu art A. Bron ste in '78 David Adam Brow n '80 M . Kin g, ley Brow n '76 William Rei d Brown '87 Za ne A. Brown , Jr. '9 1 Hon . Me lvi n Brunelli '64 Ca thryn Bryck '82 H. W . Budge, Jr. 'SO Bctt y C. Bu llock '79 Da vid M. Bu n ncci" iani '7 1 Linda 1. Burn"ein 'S8 Re becca L. Bunon '92 William M. Bu , h ' 66 Rob in Love Bu xto n '83 C la ri, R. Byam '72 Ha n. Willi a m E. Byrne '57 William Caie ll i '62 El i/abe th M . Ca\c iano '92 Ka thl ee n A. Ca ll agha n '77 Marc K. Ca ll a ha n '9 1 Jed Z. Ca lle n '76 Jo hn Card o na Ca lma '84 Patri c ~ George Ca nno n ' 89 C hri"opher M . Carlell i 'SO Ma ri e Lo ui ;e Caro '83 Ki era n Kilcull e n Ca n er '79 Mi chae l W . Ca,e '7 1 Edward G. C ha ndler Howard T. C ha ng ' 68 Li ;a Kl ei ne r Chanorr '85 Robert N. C hargi n '53 Martha M. C ha,e '76 Alexande r James C he n '81 Lee A. C hilco te, Jr. '72 Nanc y Georgiou C hilim ido, '87 Gard C hi ~ hol m '33 Co lin W. C hiu '69 Ca ro l J. C hri ,ten,en '9 1 John C hu '82 Grant Y. C hun '86 Ma ri a nne C hurney '87 Ri chard T . C la mpill '8 1 Willi am S. C lark '63 Di ane D. C lar ke '78 Ke nneth C. Cochrane '72 Jonathan Dav id Cohe n '85 The lma Su>a n Cohe n '75 Ha n. Mi chael C. Cohn ' 7 1 R. Jo;eph Co lle t '76 Lo ui . G . Con la n '29 Mi chael T . Conne ll '73 Mi chael . Con ne ran '88 Andrew . Contopoulo ~ . 88 Ja me; M . Conway '9 1 Ed wa rd M . Cook III '65 Ra lph J . Cook '73 Ha n. Patrick B. Coony '72 Wil liam C. Cooper '73 C hri stina G. CordOla '89 Mark Steven Corne lius '84 Lucia A. Corra l Angelo J. Costan," '73 Dav id Justin Cowan ' 88 Ray N. Cox '7 1 Came ron D. Coy '86 A lexander Joseph C ra ig III '80 Stephen J. C rane '72 Ri c hard E. Crow II '76 Prof. Ri c hard C unningham Steven Burch Daggell '65 Joanna Dailey '76 Ca ndace C. Dave npon '75 John W. Dav is Kathleen K. De Sami s '83 Judith A. De Fra nco '89 Harold E. DeGraw '68 Li sa Ann De l Pe ro '76 15 Do nna Mari e De ll '85 Ha n. T c re nce M . De mp,ey '62 Ste phe n P. Dena '86 Mo ll ie J . De nt '77 Ma rc J . De rewel!~y '87 Mi c hac l G. De,ma ra i, '13 Mi c hae l Da vid Dcvin '82 Prof. Jo hn L. Diamond Luc ia Di a mond ' 82 Fred C. Dodge' 38 Mimi Eli /abe th Duheny '85 Mary A. Do nova n '76 Ha rry M . Dorfma n '8~ Paul A la n Dorri, 'H9 Je ffrey II. Do ty '87 Michael R. Dougherty '74 Mic hae l L. Doug la, '74 Pri ,c ill a H. Doug la, '84 Da vid R. Dowell '72 Pe ter C harl e; Dow le r ' 69 A nn Mc Farland Draper '75 I-Ion. Samuel Dre i/e n '37 John Drury' 85 Monyec n C. Drury '9 1 JoA nne L. Dunce '9 Mary Dunlap John F. Dunn '92 Ha n. Jo hn J . Dunn '52 Ja me, Ri c hard Dunworth ' 73 D. Greg Durbi n '78 Jeanne Winslow Durbin '78 Den ni , P. Eckhart ' 76 Judith L. Ed,on '72 John Ellinger Jay-A llen Ei,en '68 Wayne Ei,en ha rt '74 Kale Elkin '86 Eli La be th A. Eng land '78 Eugene Ep,tein '60 Eugene R. Erb, toe;,er '74 A nn Be hney Erickson '89 T eri S hugart Eri c k,on '84 Ri c hard A. Erwood '73 Paul E,cobosa '75 A. Be n Ewell. Jr. '66 Alan B. Exelrod Than"" C. Fa ll ga lle r '73 S ha nno n F. Fa ll o n '90 Jose ph E. Fanucci '79 Prof. Seymour Farber G. Neil Fa rr ' 60 Patrick Key Fa ulkne r '76 Lori B. Fe ldman '8 1 Eve Marie Felilli '89 Samue l Ke nneth Feng . 86 Ha n. Mar vin E. Fe rg uson '52 Rosemari e Fernandez' 78 R. Bru cc Finch '77 Kev in W. Finck '80 Hugh D. Finl ey '74 Ra nda ll S. FireslOne '78 Ba rbara A nn Fi ske' 87 Diann a E. Fle ming '74 Pame la Fletche r '78 Prof. Ra be n Fl etc her S uzanne Ryder Fogan y '9 1 Al a n W . Ford '5 1 S tewart H. Foreman '74 Ja mes Hopkins Fox '82 Mic hae l Willia m Fox '84 Ke lly Allen Fra ncisco '78 Ha n. e ls B. Fransen '52 Ha n. Ri c hard O. Frazee '66 Bradl ee Ra lph Fruer '88 Edwi n A. Frediani '41 Mic hael L. Freed '74 CLASS AGENTS Jam es C. Hag edon '63 Charles R, Hoge '53 Kneeland H. Lobner '44 Bruce M . Lubarsky '62 Robe rt L. Freeman '78 Alan J . Friedman ' 87 Bruce M . Friedma n '77 Nathan Jay Fri edman Do na ld A . Friend '77 Pete r F. Frost' 83 ANNUAL REPORT OF GIFTS Kim Maro is 76 Arthur S t ~\ ~ n Frulll~1I1 'H-I Dc" Id T FUJI~a\\ a '7~ Stuan ,FuJlo~a '86 Roger Furman '8 1 k,,,e C. Furn~" '83 Je"e Galnc, '76 Damel F. Galler) '56 Carl ) n F. Ga lway '52 Amhon) F, Gantner '75 Roben J, Garon '85 C hri ,t inc G'''parm ich '86 o rma n J , Gallen ' 68 ~Ii c h acl H, Gay '7-1 Paulinc W , Gee '77 Gary Nichol\ Gershon '73 Rohen B, Gex IV '71 Mallhe\\ J , Ge) er '85 Charles 1. Gibb, '7 1 Ja mc, Bur~ e Gi ldea '75 I e\\e ll S, Gingrich Charles M , Giovanelli '50 John J , Giovannone '75 Paul Glenchur '83 Ruth V, Glic~ '9 1 Hon , Be rn ard Glic~rcld '-I I Mi ye A, Goi'hi Adalee Goldberg '80 Roben Gon/ale, '70 Idilio A, Gon/ale7 '9 1 Miri a m Piw ol Goodma n '8 1 Je nni fe r Francc, Gordon' 85 La nce B, Gordon' 80 Caryn B, Gonl ie b Jeffrey M , Graeber ' 78 Ja me; Shinn Graham '73 John A, Granger '76 Tim oth y A, Gra\in '84 Stc\en Joe l Gra) '82 Patric ia Stern Green '76 Bruce R, Greene '67 ~Ii chae l L. Greene '87 Bion ~1. Gregor) '68 Prof, Ja) E, Grenig '71 Dan C. Gnmmer '73 Ha n, Ed\\ard R, Grogan '50 Richard K, Gro,boll Gail Re nee Gudder '88 Da\ id Edmund Gunn '76 Jame, W il ham Guthrie '70 Peter ~1. G\\o,dof '63 Verna Alane Hal" '83 Benjamin Hagan, Jr, '65 Al len A, Halm '65 D\\lght S, Haldan' 76 France' LOUl'e Hancod '5 1 Thoma, R, Hanford II '6-1 r-Ille, J , Han,en '30 Paul T, Han,on '71 Kinton P Harper' 3 TeIT) D, Harper '70 Charle' L. HamnglOn '63 Le,ic) B, Harm' 6 I Raben Ham, J, Robert Meserve '4 1 John H, Newmah 77 Randal G. Harri, '78 Han, \\'illmm J, Harr", Jr. '51 Dm Id Bruce Harmon '69 Philip W . Harr) '6-1 Han. Man in G, Haun '58 Jame, A. Ha\ er~amp '81 Lew" N. Ha" ~in ' '37 Richard Michael Ha" ~in' '7-1 Phili p J'heph Haye, '87 Han. TimOlhy J. Hea,let '69 S tephe n O. Hed'tro m '74 Karl E. Heimbuc h '8~ Han cy E. Hender,on Jr. '68 Ru"c ll B. Hen r) (Re!. ) '-1-1 Ri c hard W . He n,on '68 Ha n. John F. He rlih ) '7-1 Gerald He rman,en '70 Barbara Ann Hi c ~m a n '8-1 Ha n. Ri c ha rd A, Hi ckman '52 Ric hard Hicks '78 Christopher Alan Hilen '89 BaiTY E. Hinkl e '76 Georgc Hin o ~i '57 M ark Hiraba)a,hi '8 1 Ri c hard E, Hitc hcock '5 1 Raben W . Hodge, 'SO Terr) G. Hogue' 72 Willi am R. Holcomb '50 Chri,tophcr T. Ho lland '9~ Can e r p, Ha ll ) '77 Sharon K, Hom '83 W , Swan Home II '65 Arnold K. Honda ' 8 1 Jo hn Wo lph H op ~in s '60 Fredric Roy Horo\\l t7 ' 75 M. Broo k, Houghto n '67 Gregg B. Hmey '83 M. Le,lie Ho\e) '86 Bcrnard G, Howe ll '72 Jo hn J , Hu ber '84 Wadc Hu fford '80 Ha n, Dm id E. Hunter' 67 Kim 1\ lichele Hu nter '85 Walle r . Hunte r' 38 Jon !Vlasa bhiba,hl '8-1 J. Eric I s ~ en ' 77 Ro nald W , Ito '86 Ah in P. Jackso n '33 Celia M. J ac~,on '86 Audre) Sulli\an Jacob '86 Robc n G, Jacob, ' -10 Sharon Ellen Jaffe '84 Han. S te\'cn E, Jahr '7-1 Thoma, H, Jamiso n '75 Bruce J. Janigia n ' 75 Han, John D, Jelletic h '52 1\lichael Hen!) Je;.ter '76 Barry A. Johnson '71 Bonnie L. Johnson '78 Jeff Ed\\ ard Johnson' 83 Mi chael Kenneth Johnson '87 Richard L. John ,on '60 Glen R. Jones, Jr, '72 Michael O'Connor 71 Jame;. V, Jones '67 La\\ rence Jane, '58 Robena L. Jonc, '89 Hon, Talmadge R, Jonc, '67 Jame, J , Jordan '89 Richard H. Jordan '7-1 Jeffre) Mi chael Judd '88 D,,, id B, Jud,on '69 !VIa) Lou ie Jung '83 Dale W, Junt a '6-1 Hon, Stephcn J. Kane '76 Roben J , Ka neda '82 Barr) L. Kane l '77 Frcderic~ J. Kaplan '77 Ric ha rd K. Karren '52 Gary Katl C)n thi a Yo~o Ka\\achi '82 Dennis Keele) '62 J, C. Kee,ling, Jr. '36 Edward C. Keller' 56 Kathl ee n Kc ll ) '8-1 Mauree n A. Kc ll y '92 Su,a n J, Kerr '7-1 Ga ry A, Ke"ler '86 He rbe n R. Kc" le r '55 Bruce D. Ke tron '70 Ri chard K. Kc)c, '76 Doug las p, Ki ght '8 1 Sa ra h J. Killgorc '60 Kay Thora King, le) '8 1 Mi chael J. Kin~ e l aar '82 Mi chael E. Klin g le r '73 Dm id . Knudson '8 1 Ro nald L, Ko no"e '7 1 Robcn Jame;. Koont L '76 George Kornic\·;. ky '78 Ma nhew R. Kret7e r '91 Ma nhew Ha)e, Krimme r '88 oe ll K. KubOla '77 Donald S, Kuhn '72 Han. Rabe n K. Kurtl '73 Jame;. M, K) Ie III ' 62 Maurice M. La Placa, Jr. '70 Ha n, Edward M. Lacy, Jr. '67 Jo hn R. Lacy '73 Philip B, Laird , Jr. '73 Robc n W, Lambe n '75 Karc n Pa ne r,on Land '79 Ra )nlOnd L, Lapointe, Jr. '80 Ri c hard A, Lapping '82 John Andrew La rimorc '76 Lcnore La,h ley '8 1 Gu,Ia\O En ri q ue La\a)e n '8-1 Benjamin B. La\\ '38 Alexander Lconard Law re nce '75 Will iam R. La\HenCe '53 D\\ ight Jame;. Leatham '69 Mauhe", T. Lebenbau m Allen B,P, Lec '68 Douglas T. y , Lee' 60 Jeannene D, Lejardi '8 1 Michelle E, Lentzner '91 W , Raben Le;.h '76 16 Mark F, Ornellas 74 Jul ia A, Le\ in '91 Edward Lc\ ine Ha n. Wilham F. Lc\ "" '-19 J, T. Le\ in '83 Thoma, C harle, Lc\ in '79 Mar~ P. Lc\) '80 No rman Le\\ '62 Clae'l I-I a\ tin g.., Lcwen haupt '89 I-Io n. John R, Le\\ is '66 Michael & Manjan Le\\ i, '79 Carl Lippe nbc rgcr '75 Ge nc Lo llin '65 Han, Jmep h R, Longacre' 5 I Brucc !VI. Lorman '78 Jamc ... P. Loughran '50 Jud) Lou ie '82 i\'larlln Lo\ ingcr '79 Moni ca E. Luko,c h c ~ '87 Cora K. Lum '75 Sharon Thomp;.on Lun a '82 Hancy J. Lung '8 1 Normand V, Lu" ie r '72 John p, Lync h '68 Raymo nd M. Lync h '80 Clyde L. MacGowa n, Jr. ' 63 Michael Ross Mac Phail '88 Jame, B. Mag uire III '68 Co lli ;. P. Maha n '44 William Gary Maimone '76 Jonatha n E, Maire '6-1 Thoma, Edward Malley, Jr. '69 Mi c hael F. Malloy '74 Warre n W . Mangels '49 E, Ge ra rd Man ni o n '77 John B, Marc ha nt '55 Millon H, Mares '67 Heidi Skuba Marctl ' 89 Pe ter Bcl ou;. MarCil '89 William C. Marklcy III ' 74 Joe l Evan Marsh '75 Fra nk C. Mar;.hall Jr. ' 72 Karin T. Ma nin '68 SCali A. Manin ' 73 Susanne M. Manine!- '70 Prof. Ca lvin R. Ma;.;.ey La ura Ma"ey ' 79 Corali e Chun Matayos hi '8 1 Rodney T, Mathews, Jr. '83 Edith R. Mallhai '75 Philip R. Ma uhew, '77 Ja ne t Evelyn Mallic k '85 Patrick S. Mallimo re '83 Rabe n H. Maaera '52 Bri a n B. McA lli ster Ei leen T he rese McA ndrew '85 John 1. Mc Beth '78 Ric ha rd G, McB urnie '74 Charles J , McCl ai n, Jr. '74 Janet McCormi ck Riley '83 Gary Evan McCurdy '72 Tho ma, E. Mc De rmoll '76 Willard W . McEwe n, Jr. '60 Mi chae l Forbes McGrew '7 1 Walter Osborn, Jr, '43 Da\ Id G, Mc lnnc, '-19 George Alexander ~IcKra) ~ ladc hnc G. Mc La ughlin '71 Peggy M t:l'v1 ahon .82 Timoth) Ma"c) McMa hon '75 Wilh am ~,1. M c~ lill an '66 S tcphen Mc a ma ra ' 86 Va le ri c L. McNa mara '86 Arnold W, 1 cd ni c ~ '79 Muml) M, M ee~cr '72 Ed wa rd A, Me lia III '68 Pau le nc Janian MeI~ o nian '7 1 Ra ) mundo G, S, 1e ndo/a '86 Lo uis J , Mc nen de/, Jr. '7-1 Robcn Jo hn Me nifee '69 Mary C. Me rl '88 Jo hn M. Mcyer '7 1 Rabe n D. Meye r;. '72 Shako T a nida Mic hae l '88 Lilli a n a nd Arno ld Mic hae l, I-Io n. Rudolf H. Michae l, ' 48 A lexandcr J. Mi c ha la k 'SO Timo th y Gram Middleton '69 Gary R, Mitc hcll '6-1 Harvey D, Minlcr ' 68 Gcra ld F. Mohun , J r, '83 Rick Montfon , Jr. '92 Ha n. Thoma, M, Mo mgomcry'48 Jo A nn Montoya '87 Mi c hae l D. Montoya '87 Andrew R. Moore '88 C. Phillip Moore '74 Gcncv icvc M , Moo re '89 John W , Moore '50 Nicho las G , Moore '67 Su lly W , Moore '90 Wal ter T. Moore '92 Ada Moralcs Christophe r F, Mo ral es Timoth y M , Mora n ' 93 Elino re C. (Charle;) Mo rga n '57 Jac kson E, Mo rri w n '73 Amhony M , Muir '73 Linda M , Murph y ' 90 William E, Mu ss man III '76 Pe te r SCali Mye rs ' 84 Danie l L. Na;h '83 Caro line Friede r Nathan s '86 T a nya M. eiman' 74 Pro f. Me li ,sa e lken Duane L. e lson '67 Jeffrey C. e l;.on '74 Catherine N, Niarchos '86 Gretchen Nichol;on '77 Robcn Ling Su ng Nip '68 Mi Yo ung Noh '9 1 Sheila C. a lan '77 William Wade Nolan '76 B, Mark Nordman ' 82 Mic hael V, Nudelman '74 Ha n, L. C. Nunley '63 Berna rd E. 0 ' onnor, Jr. '65 Eileen A. 0 ' o nno r '89 ANNUAL REPORT OF GIFTS Vincent O ' Gara ' 74 William Mic hael O ' Ma ra ' 67 Ho n. Law re nce J. 0 ' e ill '79 Lew;' C . O ' Ro urke '7 5 James. P. O'Sulli va n ' 83 Vic tor Pete r Obnin sky ' 69 John S. Oda ' 63 Ke nne th Sco tt Ogde n '7 1 Patri cia Tomi Ohara ' 80 Ronald o bo ru Oh ata '78 Patricia Ma rie Ol come nd y , 85 Douglas W. Oldri eld ' 8 1 Eli La beth A. Ufke,-Oli ve ra '85 Rodney C. O",en '73 Gary A. Orto n ' 68 James J. Oste rtag , 9 I Darryl D. Ott ' 67 Joseph C. Owe ns' 84 B. Mitc hell Palme r '35 Warre n . Palmer '3 5 Jayso n C. Pang' 86 Grant B. Pankhurst '77 Di ane Dami s Papan '88 Gregory C. Paraskou '7 1 Douglas S. Pari s ' 73 Dvo ra Parker' 8 1 Sarah Foxma n Patti son '82 J. Virginia Stevens Peiser ' 75 Victor M. Perez '82 Daniel W, Peters '8 1 Tucker WiUia rn Pete rson '72 Susan F. Pet rovic h '75 Lou Ann Phe lps '80 Prof. 1-1 . G . Prince Timo th y P. Prince ' 90 Pe te r J. Pull e n '83 I-Io n. Roland e lson Purne ll ' 63 Edgar W. Pye I-I on. Ro nald Eva ns Quidac ha y Wall ace G . Quinli sk '49 Dav id S. Rage nt '77 hri sto phe r Paul Ra nl),ey '77 Law re nce Robert Ra msey '79 Craig Z. Ra ndall ' 5 1 Roger Todd Rankin '87 Lan y G uy Ras kin '84 Ho n. Nancy L. Ras mussen '76 S te phe n Ray Rasmussen '84 Tina L. Ras now '83 G ary R. Ray '88 Ho n. Timothy A. Reardo n ' 66 Robe rt P. Redding ius ' 50 Susa nne K. Reed '8 1 Dav id E. Reese' 87 BaITY Re hfeld ' 66 Daniel A. Reicke r '7 1 James S. Reinhardsen '79 Frances P. Rice '77 Truitt A. Ri chey, Jr. ' 53 C. H. Rich lin '78 Pau l Jeffrey Ri ehle '84 Benjamin R. Riley Kenne th N. Ri ve ra ' 62 Geoffrey La urence Robinson ' 83 Pe te r R. Robinson ' 80 Prof. Naomi Roht-Arriaza Roger Pi e rre Sa ns ' 4 3 Mari a R. "Chayo" Sa ma na Judith De bra Sa ppe r '84 Kare n A. Sa rrail '79 Floyd Eri c Sa unde n, '79 Joseph Pretl ow Sa vage '87 Ha n. J . . Sawa A. C urti s Sa wyc r, Jr. '8 1 Vi c to ria J. Sa xo n '82 Pro f. Ei leen A. Sca li e n Prof. Go rdo n D. Schabe r ' 52 G ary Underwood Scha rff '88 Ke nne th C. Sc he idi g ' 69 C hristi a n F. Sc he rer '90 Joseph H. c hi efTe r '76 Joseph M. Schillin g '83 Phillip Schl osbe rg '70 M ino r J. Schmid '5 1 Kaki Sc hmidt ' 9 1 Eri c S. Schmi er '74 Ke nne th J. Schmi e r '74 Bernadette M. Schne ide r '88 Loui s F. Schofield, Jr. '70 Robert J. Schum '48 Pe ter Schwarz '62 Robert J. Sciaroni ' 75 C. Curtis Scott ' 83 Dav id D. Scott ' 79 Elaine M. Seid '76 V. Blair Shahbazian '86 Gary D. Shapiro ' 8 1 Philip M. Shaw, Jr. ' 68 Pete r W. Sheats ' 76 Rik N. Siro '82 Kathleen A . S kinne r '75 Jo hn M. S mith III '79 Lee E. Solomon ' 52 Tami S. So ndeI' '69 Mike Soumbe ni oti , ' 72 James Joseph Sowers '88 Do nald L. S pa ffo rd , Jr. '80 Mark S. Spa ngle r '73 Ele na V. Speed '90 Hon. Lela nd H. Spe ncer '66 Hon . R.C. Slaat" Jr. ( Re!. ) '38 Ll oyd V. Sta mp '52 I-Io n. Jo hn M . Sta nto n '59 ha rl e, P. S ta rkey '75 Ja mes S teine r, Jr. '86 Jeanne tte Ste ph an ' 83 J. C h ri ~ toph e r S tevens ' 89 Timoth y L. S tewart '80 All a n Steyer Ra ndall H. Stone r ' 92 Ho n. Chri s Stromsness ' 67 C la re nce A. Stromsness '48 Tho mas Patric k Su lli van '8 1 Pa ul D. S upnik '7 1 Larry Sussman' 83 Da vid J. Suttora ' 74 Ke ith Ki yos hi Suzuka '84 John T. Swa n '74 Robert M. Sweel ' 58 Ho n. T a ke tsug u T a kei ' 6 1 Grace Fo ngme i Tam '82 Ho n. Julie M. Ta ng '82 John F. T a nni an '87 George G. T ay lo r ' 46 Paule tte J. T ay lor ' 73 David G . Te ~ e ll '86 Hele na M. Telte li '87 G eorge Preston Tho ma" Jr. '73 S u,a n Tho ma, '77 James Aubrey Thompson '70 Willi a m J.M . Tho mpson '64 Ba rry F. Thornto n '79 T a nya Re ne Tice '89 Kay E. Tindel '8 1 Ha n. Dani e l J. To bi a, '68 Brcc k C. To,te' in '88 C laudia S. To ussain t '9 1 Peler L. Trask ' 77 Be n I. Tre"er '92 Adri an Trimini o Fra nk Trinkl E. Dale Trowcr '73 M a r~ Loga n Tuft '68 Haro ld Hc nry Turne r ' 5 1 C la ri ce Ma ri e Turney '74 Tho ma, J. Tu,an '72 G le nn H. Ue, ugi '88 Pro f. Fra nc i, R. Wa l, h Jo hn S. Wa rnl o f '72 Willi a m W. Was ha ue r '75 Howard K. Wa tkin , '72 La uri c L. Watkins '9 1 Fra nklin T. Wa t,on '89 Kelly Ferrcll Watson ' 90 Me redith Jo nes Wa tt, '77 William Way '89 J. Vi ctor Waye '82 Ka re n H. We tmo re '85 Dav id E. Wheele r '78 Pro f. John W . Whela n Mic hael E. White '8 1 Ri c hard O. White '42 Willi a m F. White '34 Jaso n M . Whiting '92 Bri a n C. Whitte n '92 Jack D. Wic kware '53 Dav id Lee Wi ggin s ' 84 Ha nna Ruth Wilber '33 Paul S. Wilcox ' 75 Herma n Wildma n Rho nda Wilkinson Dav id E. Will e tt ' 58 Gero ld Gordo n Willi a ms ' 65 Vic tor K. Willi a ms ' 90 David J. Willi a mson '74 CLASS AGENTS Anne Unver/agt '72 Gordon C. Phillips '57 Michael R. Pinate lli , Jr. ' 74 J. Dominique Pinkney ' 85 A ~cani o A. Piomclli Douglas Lawrence Pitc hford '75 Paul A. Pod rid ' 76 Robert L. Pollak ' 78 Ho n. Milo Popovich ' 37 Kathleen Poner-Jonie '85 Ina Ly nn Potter ' 88 Joan Graham Poul os '62 Robe rt P. Praetze l ' 53 Ja mes B. Presto n '72 Morgan Prickett '80 Han . Hugh Rose m ' 63 Kenne th W . Rosenberg ' 86 Saul N. Ross '41 Oli ver E. ROSlain '51 Cy nthia Rowland ' 88 Joseph D. Rubin '90 William L. Run yon '72 Beve rl y J. Ru ssell ' 89 Robi n Ru sse ll '78 Arth ur W. Ruthenbeck '68 Donald S. Rutherford '64 Paul M. Saito '9 1 Kyle T. Sakumoto '83 Gary D. Samson' 73 Lesli e J. She rman '84 Rona ld Lyle Shing le r ' 70 Prof. Ela ine W . Shoben '74 Mark Sh usted ' 83 Pete r E. Sib ley ' 70 Melvin Siegel David Antho ny Sil va '90 Eli zabeth Hassa rd Sil ve r ' 74 Franklin S. Si lve r '74 Ruth Sil ver Robe rt N. Sil ve rma n ' 66 Michae l R. Simmond s ' 80 Ra nclall Ge ne Sim pson '73 Alexande r H. Sing leton ' 65 17 Will iam L. Urban '73 Sand y Uribe Prof. Go rdon Va n Ke"e l Ho n. Bruce Va n Voorhi , '74 Han. John F. Van de Poe!. Sr. '59 A nn M. Venema n '76 Pe te r L. VC \lal '9 1 Rodo lfo Vic toria '5:2 Stephen P. Vi ll a no ' 86 Teri Ly nn Vollnog le '85 Doug las A. Voo r,anger '74 A rth ur C. Wa hl berg '38 Jeffre) G. Wa l ~er '80 Walte r H. W a l~er III '74 Ha n. Arthu r E. Wall ace '63 G le nn P. Wallin g '79 Howard H, Ruben '82 Harold Silen '57 ANNUAL REPORT OF GIFTS CLASS AGENTS John F. Staley 72 Paul H ung Yong' 8 E llen r-.I. York '75 Hon Jane York' 76 A nl Olllelic M . Young '76 fo, larla C. Zamora '76 Vicki BlcJberg Zat kin ' 78 fo,li chae1 Anlhony Zatopa '78 Joseph T . Zichic hi . 68 Slc\en Zimmer '73 Edwi n J. Zi nman '72 Leslie Kwa" Zu,ka '7-1 Paul S. Zwerdlin g '90 INSTITUTIONAL DONORS Rege nl s o r Ihe Uni ve rsil Y of California CORPORATE!FIRM! FOUNDATION GIFTS Ameri can Immi grati on Lawyers Brian D. Thiessen '67 App le Com pUler Baker & Mc Ke n7ie Blum Fo undati o n C he\ ro n U.S.A .. Inc, Sadie Meyer & Lo ui s Conn Tru , 1 Dinke lsp ie!. Dono,an & Reder Fallon, Bi xby & C he ng Franklin Cole Foundalion Grue ne ic h, Elli so n & Schne ider Ha\li ngs Alumni Wayne Veatch, Sr. '35 Jewi..,h Daniel S. York '87 Daphne Dunn W ibon '78 Prof. C. Kei lh Wingale Ellen Winograd '83 Richard Hu ngerro rd Wi ,e '66 Randa ll R. Willman '78 Dalll on Sunmun W o ng '82 e llie Lan Wong' -1 Do nna M ay L. Woo '74 Timothy Da\ id W oo. Jr. '7 1 Anila L. W ood '85 Barry C. Wood '67 De nni s John Wood ruff '72 Hon . Roben E. " oodward ' -1 I T eresa A. W oody '85 Prof. \\'ay ne S. Woody Sidney Wonhen '87 Da\ Id SCOII Wonhmglon '76 James W . Wri ghl ' 75 Hon. W ayne W ylie '52 Gordon Y. YamamolO '7-1 Li-Ann Yamshiro' 7 Ri chard A. Yanagl '85 GM) T. Yancey '68 fo, " chael H. Yancey '79 Franklin H. Yap' 2 Hon. Beldon J. Yee Helen W ong Yee' 5 A~~ocia (i o n Ha"i ng' Volu nleer A,;ociali o n Hew le ll-Packard lIlie l Fo undali on ommunit) Endow me nl Fund Jewis h Communil Y Foundalion M. Jay Krame r Fou ndalio n Meye rs, a,e. Ribac k & Siher Morrison & Foe rsle r Fo undatio n J alional L,j\\ ye rs Gui ld O'Mcl ve ny & Mye rs Queen's Bench Sa n Fra nc isco Fo undatio n Sa n Fra nc isco L3\\ ye rs' Com millee Fo r Urban Arfairs an Francisco Legal Auxiliary Saperstei n, Mayeda. Larkin & Go ld,tein Steefe!. Lc\ lit & We"s Tony Pat ino Me mori a l Trusl o f Has lings ollege of the La\\ Waile, Jacobs & AI,i nson Wilhe lm . Thompson. Wen lholt & Gibbs Zankel Fund MATCHING GIFTS An hur A ndersen & Co. Fo undati on BankAme rica Foundalion Boei ng Compa ny C ITGO Petroleum Corporation C harles Schwab Cha,e Ma nhallan Corp. C hevron U.S.A .. Inc. Cigna Foundalion omsat Corporation Con nie Lee Co nli nen tal lnsu ra nce Corp. Founda tio n GT E Fou nda lio n Gibson. Dunn & Crutcher Ha rtfo rd " "urance Group Hughes, Thors ne". Gant?, Powe ll & Brundin IBM Malchi ng G rallls Program Keck. Mahin & Cate KPM G Peat Maf\\ ick Fo undati on Loeb & Loeb Foundalion Merck Company Fo undation Morrison & Foer,ter Foundation Mu sic k, Pee le r & Garrell at ionsban k Matching G ift;, Occ ide nlal Pe lro le um Foundation Pac ific En terpri ses Safeco I nsurance Corporation Salomon Brothe rs Shell Oi l Company Fo undal io n Skadden, Arp>, S late, Meaghe r & Flo m Times Mirror Unocal Fou ndat io n Wa lkins-Johnson Willi a m Pe nn Founda li o n Gift Purposes T he above d o no rs made th e ir ge nero us gi fts to the 1066 Fo und ati on and Coll ege for both unrestri cted and restri cted purposes. Restricted g ifts thi s past year were des ig nated fo r the fund s and purposes li sted be low, ACADEMIC! ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT FUND Mo rri son & Foer.ler Foundation Sape rstei n, Mayeda. Larkin & Goldstein ACADEMIC DEAN' S DISCRETIONARY FUND Prof. Stephen A. Lind JANDERSON LECTURESHIP 1066 FOUNDATION ATTORNEYS GENERAL FORUM FUND COMMIENT SYMPOSIUM FUND Mark W . Dani s '89 Eugene L. Freela nd ' 5 I nn T . MacLeod 'S3 Pro f. Pe ler K. Maier Me lani c Siorr Maier Rac he l la rkun '81 adie Meyer & Lo ui , Cohn Tru,1 Janice L. Spero\\ '86 Ma rvin Sw>,man '50 I nl!!l FOllmJalloll BAKER & MCKENZIE STUDENT ASSISTANCE GRANT Gibson, Dunn & rutcher Patri ce Carmel Scatena 'R8 STEPHEN E, CONE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Ce line Mac Dona ld -Zwa ng 'S4 DEAN ' S DISCRETIONARY FUND BLUM FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP Richard Grand Ke nj i Oka ni , hi Prof. Joseph S"ee ney Blum Foundat io n CIVIL JUSTICE CLINIC FUND Dinke lspi e!. Do no va n & Reder A la n J . Vog i '66 CLASS OF 1966 25TH ANNIVERSARY FUND Ro be rt W . Ba nJcIl II '66 Ho n. Marv in R. Baxle r '66 Donald B. Be lkin '66 W . SCOII Bowersoc k ' 66 Ho n. Eugene Lewi;, Da\ i, '66 Ri c ha rd Edgar Dodge '66 Ri c hard Arthur Dumke '66 Geo rge E. Fi;,chbac h '66 Ho n. Ri c ha rd O . Fra/ee '66 Jo hn C ha rl es Garrelt '66 Hon. C. Ro be rt Jameso n '66 Rex Tho ma;, Kearney, J r. ' 66 G ilbe rt N. Kru ger '66 St uart F. Li chle rman '66 John P. McG lyn n '66 Thoma;, J . MellllO,h '66 Te re nce J . Mi x '66 Bruce H. Munro '66 Hon. Doug las C. Munson '66 Bernard W. Nebenza hl '66 Ho n. Le.lie C. ic ho ls '66 Prof. George R. Nock '66 Gary L. Olimpi a '66 Ho n. TimOlhy A. Reard on '66 W. Lance Ru ssum '66 Pete r L. Sanford '66 Joel A. Shaw n '66 A lan J . Vog i '66 CLASS OF 1964 30TH ANNIVERSARY FUND ARTHUR ANDERSON PRIZE IN TAXATION Robe n L. Hob o n '64 Melvi n La ub '64 Je rome M arks '64 18 CON LA W QUARTERL Y FUND Baker & Mc Ke n/i e 1066 Foundation Members Anhur Andersen & Co. Fo undati o n Joseph A. De Girolamo Gu y S. Jo hnson Roben McCaski ll Joh n W . Swei tzer M ark L. Vorsatz '79 He\\ kit-Packard COMMIENT JOURNAL FUND Ruth C. Ba rrow Christopher A lan Hilen '89 FACULTY DEVELOPMENT FUND 1066 Foundmion Me mbers Academ ic Dea n Mary Kay Kane FIRST-YEAR SCHOLARSHIP FUND Cary and Ho ll y Be nnelt Prof. 1argre th Ba rrelt Prof. Mar, ha N. Cohe n Pro f. Ra y D. He nson Acade mi c Dean Mary Kay Kane Prof. Juli an H. Lev i Pro f. Da vid Levi ne Prof. Ste phe n A. Lind Prof. W ill iam B. Loc kha rt Pro f. Pe te r K. Mai er Prof. Jo hn S. Ma lo ne Dean Frank T. Read Prof. S ie fan Ri esenfe ld Prof. Ei leen A. Sca lle n Pro f. Rudolf B. Sch le;,inger Pro f. Stephe n Sc hwarL Pro f. Warre n L. Sha ltuc k Prof. Raymond L. Su lli va n Pro f. Wi ll iam K.S. Wang Prof. Way ne S. Woody GIFTS-IN-KIND Apple Computer Pro f. Pe te r K. Ma ie r Prof. W a rre n L. S haltuc k Prof. Ray mo nd L. ulli va n Mi c hael Tray nor GRUENEICH , ELLISON & SCHNEIDER ENVIRONMENTAL LAW SCHOLARSHIP Gruene ich, Ellison & Sc hneider HAITIAN ASYLUM PROJECT Prof. M ark N. Aaronson Sarira M . A lexande r '93 American Immigratio n Lawye rs ANNUAL REPORT OF GIFTS 1ichael Bender '93 Prof. Kate Bloch Prof. Ri chard Bo,,,,e ll Prof. Mar, ha N. o hen Luc ia A. Corra l '93 Prof. Mary Cro"ley Tom Deblcy Herber! Do na ldson Mary Dunlap John Effinger Prof. Robert Fletcher liye . Goi shi Caryn B. Gottlieb Karen L. Graf '77 Mary Jane Holme, Prof. Evan Lee Prof. David Le \ ine Prof. Stephen A. Lind Prof. John S. Ma lone Brian B. McAlli , tcr Ada Morales Chri,wpher F. Morale, Timothy M. Mora n '93 Mi chael A. Mulle ry '80 Na ti ona l Lawyers Guild Prof. Meli ,sa Nelken Mary J. Pan'i,h Ascanio A. Piome lli Prof. Prof. H. G . Prince Hon. Ronald Evans Quidachay Prof. aomi Roht-Arriaza David Rorick San Franci sco Lawye rs ' Committee For Urba n Affairs Maria R. "Chayo" Santana Han. J .c. Sawa Ho n. Lillian K. Sing '75 ancy M. Stuart Adrian Triminio Sandy Uribe Rhod a W il ki nson Prof. C. Keith Wingate Hon. Beldon J . Yee JEROME HALL LECTURESHIP Je rome Ha ll Estate HASTINGS LAW JOURNAL FUND Gibson. Dunn & Crutcher Patrice Carmel Scatena '88 HASTINGS VOLUNTEER ASSOCIATION ARCHIVIST FUND Hast ings Volunteer Association HASTINGS VOLUNTEER ASSOCIATION SUPPORT Prof. Ri c hard Boswell Academic Dean Mary Kay Ka ne Prof. Ju lian H. Levi Edward Levine Dean Frank T . Read Frank Trinkl Prof. Francis R. Wa lsh Prof. William K.S. Wa ng Antoinette M . Young '76 HEARST SCHOLARSHIP FUND 1066 FOUNDATION STAFF RECOGNITION FUND Mrs. Jo hn E. No rdin II ' 69 eorge O . Bahrs Ha' ting' Alumni A"oc ia ti o n STUDENT SERVICES FUND HOBERG SCHOLARSHIP FUND Madalyn Hoberg KRAMER SCHOLARSHIP FUND M . Jay Kra mer Foundation MILDRED LEVIN SCHOLARSHIP Queen ', Bench DEBORAH J. LONG MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Jesse Gaines '76 Ms. Alice L. Ryan Stee fel. Levitt & Wei " JAMES M . MACINNIS SCHOLARSHIP Stephen Walter MELISSA E.E. MAXWELL MEMORIAL FUND Kim Michele Hunte r '85 Andrew P. Sclar '83 MOOT COURT 1066 Foundation Members John K. "Jack" Smith '54 Prof. Ri c hard unningha m Prof. Howa rd M . Dow n, Prof. S te phe n Sc hwa r/ Kri\lian D. Whitten MATHEW O . TOBRINER MEMORIAL FUND Simon D. Anix ter Norman R. Asc herm an Edward Ri chard Be rman '82 Ruth C. Cha nce William K. Cob lenll Prof. Man, ha N. Cohe n Norman Co li ver Laure nce P. Corbe tt Paul rane Ri c ha rd K. Critc hl ow '65 Jo hn W . Davis Ro land C. Davis Steve n Drapkin Alan B. Exelrod ' Prof. Seymour Farber Jesse Feldman Na th an Jay Friedman Do na ld A. Friend '77 Gary Nichol s Gersho n ' 73 Ri c hard K. Grosboll Richa rd P. Gross M . Robert Harri , Gary Kat z Mic hael C. Kirk Eleanor M . Kraft George M . Kraw Hon. Le land J . Lataru , Matthew T . Le be nbaum Ge rald D. Marc u,> Prof. Ephraim Margo lin Ray E. Mc Dev itt George A lexander Mc Kray Lillian and Arnold Mi c hae l, Richard Mo,k Tho ma '> J . Nolan Mr'>. Ro be rt F. Peck ham Robert L. Pollak '78 Edgar W. Pye A nto nio Ro">mann Pro f. Stephen Schwar~ Brad Se li gman '78 Me lvin Siegel Carl B. Spaeth Allan S teyer Prof. Ray mond L. Sullivan Ro,abe lle R. T o briner Prof. Laure nce H. Tribe William Be nne tt Turne r Pa ul Vap nc k Yori Wad a He rman Wildman Bernard E. Witkin Fiscal Operations D urin g t h e f isca l year 1992-93, th e Co ll ege suffered a loss of $950,000 in S ta te a nd fee/ tui tio n fun di ng. T hro ug h so un d f isca l ma n age m e n t, a rese r ve fro m prio r years, a nd a th oro ug h sc rutin y of a ll Co ll ege ex pe nd it ures, t he Co ll ege was a bl e to a bso rb the f un d in g loss w ith o ut a ny no ti cea bl e red ucti o n in serv ice. In add itio n, d ue to an early re tiremen t prog ram offe red by the Uni vers ity of Ca li fo rni a, the Co llege has been abl e to dow nsize its o rga ni zati o n th ro ugh attri tion. T he sa lary savings rea li zed thro ugh thi s dow ns izing have ass isted the Co ll ege in meetin g the reductio n in fun d ing. RAY & RUTH O'BRIEN FUND Ray J . & Ruth L. O'Brien Estate TONY PATINO FELLOWSHIPS Tony Patino Me moria l Trust of Hastings College of the Law Summary of State Funded Operations 1992-93 Revenu e General Funds Lottery Funds PROF. WILLIAM J. RIEGGER SCHOLARSHIP Prof. Yasuo Fukuda Jane Pe terson Smith '7 5 Reimbursements : In State Fees Out-of-State Tuition & Fee s_____ Other SAN FRANCISCO LEGAL AUXILIARY SCHOLARSHIP San Francisco Legal Auxi li ary SCHOLARLY PUBLICATIONS 1066 Foundation Members TJ . SCOTTO MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Marc L. Sallus '79 $12,038,000 112,864 ------ Total State Revenues 3,695, 186 1,072,121 998,493 17,916,664 Expense Academic Prog=Lr.::a~m~_ __ Library Administration Facil ities Operations & Maintenance Student Services Financial Aid College Relations Total Expense from State Funds 19 8,625,644 2,047,094 2,775,293 1,571,862 1,110,654 1,321,030 465,087 17,916,664 COLLEGE NEWS Board Elects New Leaders; Three Directors End Terms C harlene Padovani Mitche ll ('77) has been elected Chair of the Hastings Co llege of the Law Board of Directors - the first woman elected to the post. Joining her as Vice -c hair is former California Assemblyman John T. Knox ('52). Their selection as leaders of the Board coincides with severa l other transitions . Retiring from the board after 12 -y ear terms are Ralph S. Abascal ('68) and Joseph W . Cotchett ('64). Meanwhile, Lois Haight Herrington ('65) resigned follow ing her appointment as a Contra Costa County Superior Court Judge earlier this year. Gov. Pete Wilson had not appointed successors as of mid-November. Mitchell, a member of Hastings ' Class of 1977, was appointed to the Board in 1986 by Gov . George Deukmejian. She holds the distinction of being the first woman ever ap pointed to the Board . She is spe Lois Ha ight Herrillgtoll (' 65) cia I co u nsel at the f irm of Payne, Tho mpso n, W alke r & Taaff e in Sa n Franc i sco. Her h usband is Sa n Director Joseph 11'. Cotch ell ("6.1). cellter. reeei ..es a plaqlle oj appreciatio ll at h is last Board meetillg from ' he li eU' Chair. Charlell e Padol'OlI i Alitchell (77), alld lI elV Vice-chair. Johll T. Kllox ('52). Fra ncisco Su perior Cou rt Judge Dona I d Mitche ll. Mitchell had been serving as Vice Chair of the Board and has also served as Chair of its Fin a nce Committee . Sh e has he ld many offices with Queens Benc h in San Franc isco, inclu di ng its presidency in 1986. Knox was ap poin t ed to th e Board i n 1981 by f ormer Gov. Jerry Brown and was reappoin t ed t o a seco nd 12-year term ea rlier thi s year by Gov . Wil so n. Kn ox is a part ner in the San Fra ncisco law fir m of Director Reaches New Heights B efore anyone on the Hastings Board of Directors jumps to a conclusion in the future, he or she may want to con sult fellow Director Jan Lewenhaupt, the great-grandson of College founder and first Chief Justice of California Serranus Clinton Hastings. Shown here at Squaw Valley, Lewen-haupt boldly leaps from the platform of the highest altitude bungee jumping tower in the world. Lewenhaupt, who is in his mid-70s, recently quipped that he has a quarter of a century in which to pract ice if he decides to break the record as the oldest bungee jumper set by a 100-year-old in San Diego this fall. 20 Nossaman, Guth ner, Knox & Elliott. He is a resident of Richmond . M itchell succeeds John A . Sprou l, a re t ired execut i ve v ice presiden t of Paci fi c Gas a nd El ectr ic Co . in Sa n Fra ncisco. J ohll A. Sprolll Journal Articles Are Now Available By Phone and Fax Hastings Scho larl y Pub li cati o ns offi ce i launching a new service --copies of journ al art ic les by tele pho ne and fax. The service is avail able fo r articl es appea ri ng in the Hastings La l\" Jo umal, Illte m a tiollal and COlllparative La w Review, Co nstilLltiona l Law Qua rte rly, COllllllllnication and Ente rtainlllen t La\\' Jo urnal (COMMI EN T) . and WOlllen 's La w JOllm al. Once registered, an ind ividual will receive the tab le of co ntents with a bstracts and an order fo rm , upo n publi catio n of each iss ue. Reg istrati on is free. A rtic les can be o rdered by telepho ne and fax, with a no rma l turn aro und of 24 hou rs. Arti cles are ,ent fo r a copying charge o f $ 10 per art icle, includ ing deli very by Pri ority U.S . Mail. For addi tio na l charges, faster deli very is avail able via ex press mail or fax . Rush orders, with a 50cent per page , urcharge, can be transmitted by fax with in three ho urs. For more info rmati on or to reg i, ter fo r the new ,ervice, telepho ne A lbert Ka ba in the Scholarl y Publi catio ns offi ce at (4 15) 565-4738, or se nd a fax to (4 15) 565-48 14 . COLLEGE NEWS Ralph Abascal Awarded 1993 Kutak-Dodds Prize R a lph Sa nt iago A b asca l ('68), Ge ne ra l Co u nse l o f Ca l i fo rn ia Rura l Lega l Ass is ta nce s in ce 1975, was awa rded th e 1993 Kut ak-Dodds Pri ze fo r h is com mitm e nt and work as an advocate for the poor a nd d isadvan taged. Abasca l rece ntl y retired from Has tin gs ' Board of Direc to rs upo n comple ti o n of a 12-year te rm . T he Ku tak-Dodds P ri ze is awarded a nnu all y in me mory of the la te Robe rt 1. Kutak a nd th e la te Ke nn e th K. Dodd s, fo rm e r part ners in the Oma ha office of Ku tak, Rock & Ca m pbe ll . Kutak ded ica ted hi s ca reer to publi c serv ice a nd lega l ed ucation, a nd Dodds was we ll k now n for hi s life long interest in prov iding lega l services to the di sad va ntaged . T he $ 10,000 awa rd , s po nso red by th e R obe rt J. Kut a k Fo und a ti o n a nd th e N a ti o n a l L ega l A id a nd D e fe nd e r Assoc iati o n, recogni zes contributi o ns " to the e nhanceme nt of the human di gni ty and qu ality of li fe of th ose pe rsons un able to afford lega l re prese ntatio n." Abascal' s ca reer has in c luded persona l in vo lve me n t in a wid e ra nge o f iss ues Ralph S. Abascal ('68), left, wilh Professor Richard A. Boswell affectin g the poo r, incl ud ing abuses in the we lfa re syste m , the ri ghts of wo rkers es pec ia ll y fa rm wo rke rs, th e imp ac t of e nviro nme ntal leg islati on on the poor, and th e imp ac t of sc ie nti f ic resea rc h o n e mp loy me nt opportuni ties. "Few persons have fought as hard or as s uccessfull y o n be ha lf of the poor," sa id C lin to n L yo ns, NL A D A's exec uti ve director. A basca l is a past winn er of the State Bar of Ca l ifo rni a's Lo ren M ill er Lega l Services Award fo r o utstand ing leadershi p in ex te ndi ng lega l services to the poor of Cali fo rni a. New Associate Academic Dean P rofessor Leo P. Martinez ('78), at right, has been appointed Associate Academic Dean, succeeding Professor H. G. Prince. Martinez brings a special background to his new duties-a varied professional background, his teaching and research experience as a faculty member, and active alumni work as a member of the Alumni Association's Board of Governors. He is seen here at a reception during a meeting of the Association 's governors in Honolulu earli er this year w ith Randall K. Steverson ('78), left, and the Hon. M ichael A. Town ('68). 21 CLASS NOTES ThIS Fall 1993 listing of Class Notes IS based on Items received before September 15. 1993 Items received after that date Will appear In the Spring 1994 Issue of your Hastings Community. If you have news for Class Notes, send It along In the envelope found In the center of thiS Issue . Class Notes 19305 19605 1934 1960 l ildred W. Levin, a so lo practiti o ne r in a n Fra nc isco. remains ac ti ve in Sa n Fra nc isco com munit y affa irs. devo tin g tim e to he lpin g rape vic tims as we ll as wo rking w ith the c ivic comm ittee th a t is s u ppo rtin g co nstru c ti o n in th e Civ ic Ce nter of a new M ai n Li bra ry fo r San Fra ncisco . H o n. R a ym o nd J . Arata, Jr. , has been e lec ted Pres idin g Ju dge of Sa n F ra nc isco S up e ri o r Co urt . H e is a 20-yea r vetera n o f th e Sa n F ra n c isco b e n c h . h av in g se r ve d o n th e Muni c ip a l Co urt pri o r to e leva ti o n to th e S upe ri o r Co urt by fo rm e r Gov. Edmund G. Brow n, Jr. 19405 1940 R obert G. Jacobs, w ho li ves in S a n M a teo, Ca li fo rni a, is re tired fro m th e Es ta te & G ift T ax Di vis io n of the Inte rn a l Revenu e Se rvice. 1949 W il b u r F. L ittlefi e ld has re tired afte r 17 yea rs as Los A ngeles Co unty Publi c De fe nd e r. 19505 1952 Gor d o n D . Sc h abe r , a S ac ram e nt o C it y Co ll ege a lumnu s, was ho no red in ove m be r by th e Co mmunit y Co ll ege Leag u e of Ca li fo rni a w ith it s Di s tin g ui s he d A lumni Awa rd . Scha be r g radu ated w ith g reat dis tin cti o n in th e C lass of 1947 fr o m S ac ra me nt o Juni or Co ll ege ( n ow Sac r a m e nt o C it y Co ll ege). He is a pro fesso r of law at McGeorge Sc hoo l o f Law in Sacra me nto. 1963 J a m es C . H age d o rn was a pp o inte d by th e Sta te Ba r o f Ca lifo rni a as o ne o f th e lawye r m e mb e r s of th e Co mmitt ee o n Minimum Co ntinuin g Lega l Educati o n. He is a lso se rving as an ad viso r to the exec uti ve co mmittee of the Liti gati o n Secti o n of the Sta te Bar. He co ntinues to prac ti ce pla inti ffs ' pe rso na l inj ur y in Sacrame nto, Ca liFo rni a. T h o m as G. H e ndri c k s h as b ee n n a m e d County Co un se l in M arin Co unty, Ca lifo rni a. He is a 28-year vete ra n of the o ffice he is now head ing. David W . McM urtry is a princ ipa l in th e La w Offices o f de la Ve rg ne, Mc Murtry. Aro no witz & B o rd e lo n in Sac r a m e nt o a nd A uburn , Ca lifo rni a. Th e new firm was c reate d by th e m e rge r of D e la Ve r g n e & M cM urtr y In Sac ra m e nt o a nd Aro nowi tz & B o rde lo n In A uburn . 1965 Bru ce N. C t"aw fo rd has jo in e d w ith three o th e r a tt o rn eys to fo rm th e new firm o f Huffm a n. Use m. Saboe & rawfo rd. P. .. in Minnea po li s, Minnesota. He prac ti ces prim arily in the area of taxati o n. J o hn C. T ill , w ho moved int o th e rea l es ta te fi e ld in Pac ifi ca, Ca li fo rni a. afte r 20 yea rs o f law prac ti ce, is Pres ide nt o f the Pac ifi ca- Ha lf M oo n Bay Assoc ia ti o n o f Rea lt o rs a nd is a S ta te Direc to r of th e Ca lifo rni a Assoc iati o n o f Rea lto rs. 1966 H o n. Ma r vin R. Bax te t", Assoc iate Ju sti ce o f th e S upre me Co urt of Ca lifo rni a, rece ived a n H o n o ra r y D oc tor o f L aws Deg ree fr o m South wes te rn U ni vers ity Sc hoo l o f Law in Los A ngeles, fo r " providing a mode l o f leade rs hip, integ rit y, a nd co mm o n sense Fo r future ge ne rati o ns o f lega l pro fess io na ls." It was awa rd ed w he n Ju sti ce Bax te r de li vered the Comme nceme nt address to So uth wes te rn 's Cl ass o f 1993. 1956 Herbert G. Hawkins, a so lo prac titio ner in Sa n Rafae l. Cal ifo rni a. has been appo inted as a pa rt -ti me traffic reFeree For th e Ma rin Co unt y Municipal Cou rt . He is a pas t pres ide nt of the Mari n County Bar As ociati on. 1957 H o n. Ea rl B. G illi a m , the first AfricanAmerican to serve a~ a judge in San Diego County and the lone black on the San Diego federal bench. has s h ifted to senior sta t u~. \I hich i~ allowing him to reduce his workload. H \\ as appointed to the Municipal Court b nch b) GO\'. Edmund G. (Pat) Brown in 1963. and elevated to the Superior Court bench in 1975 b) Gm'. Edmund G. (Jerry) Bro\o\on. J r. President Jimmy Carter appo inted him to the federal bench. San Diego's AFrican-American Bar Association is named in his honor. Foundation Supports Academic Programs J ohn K. "Jack " Smith (" 54), second from righ t, was on hand as a Past President of the Hastings 1066 Foundation to present checks for three of the Foundation 'S annual grants to academic programs 510,000 to the academic dean for faculty support, 510,000 for the Moot Court program, and 5 12,500 for support of scholarly journals. Visiting with him during the 1993 Scholarship Tea at which the aw ards were made are, from left, Antoinette Young (" 76), director of Moot Court; Albert Kaba, coordinator of Scholarly Publications; and Academic Dean Mary Kay Kane. 22 CLASS NOTES Robert L. Hou s e, a pa rtn e r in L avo ra to. Ho use & G ra nbc rg in Sa linas, Ca lifo rni a, has received th e C hi e f Jus ti ce G ibso n Awa rd , th e hi g hes t ho no r of th e M o nt c rcy Co unt y Bar ssoc iati o n. The awa rd is na med fo r the late Ca lifo rni a C hi e f Ju s ti ce, Phil S . G ibso n. It is g ive n to th e lawye r who " b c~ t exe mplifies th e unsclfi s h communit y spirit and hi g h Icga l a nd e thi ca l sta nd a rd s of Phil G ibso n." Douglas M. Moore, Jr., pa rtn e r a t Scdgw ic k, De te rt . Mora n & A rn o ld in Sa n Fra nc isco, has bee n pro mo ted to two-sta r Rca r Ad mira l in th e United States Nava l Rcserve. He is o nc o f o nl y 16 me ri cans w ho ho ld that ra nk , th c hi ghest level to w hi c h a Nav a l Rese rvist ca n ri sc. A ava l Reserve o fficer s ince 1963. Moo re was pro mo ted to Rea r Admira l in 1989. Joel A. Shawn, w ho is in prac ti ce w ith hi s w ife. M . Dee Sa mu e ls. in th e Sa n Fra nc isco firm of Sa mu e ls & S haw n. has bee n e lec te d V ice Pres ide nt o f th e Assoc ia ti o n o f Fa mil y and Co nc ili ati o n Co urt s, a n inte rn ati o na l assoc iati o n o f judges. lawye rs, a nd me nt a l hea lth pro fess iona ls co ncern ed with c hildre n' s iss ues of di vo rce. He is a certifi ed fa mil y law spec ialist. 1967 Alexander Anolik, a trave l indu stry ad voc ate, a nd c rimin a l d e fe nse lawye r a th a n Co hn me rge d th e ir pra c ti ces to fo rm 10- lawye r A lex ande r An o lik a nd Assoc iates. A no lik previo us ly ra n hi s ow n nin e- lawye r prac ti ce, th e Law Offices o f A lexa nde r An o lik. Lyman (Ladd) Bedford m ove d to K e ck, Ma hin & Cate ' s Los An geles o ffi ce as co- partner-in -charge and head o f the o ffi ce's liti ga ti o n practi ce. He had bee n th e se ni o r litiga ti o n pa rt ner in the firm 's San Fra ncisco o ffi ce. o mmillce, a pos t he has he ld s in e 1985. He hcads Se ve rso n 's fo u r- Iaw yc r e n vi ro n mc nta I de pa rtm e nt , w hi c h ha ndl es liti ga ti o n, tra nsacti o na l a nd reg ul a to ry c o mpli a nc e m a tt e rs in vo lv in g , a m o ng o th e r thin g~ , haza rdo us was te and c lea nups. Wi ll iam D. Tay lor , a pa rtn e r a t H a nso n , Brid gc tt , M a rc u s, Vl a h o~ & Ru dy in Sa n Fra nc isco, h a~ bee n na mcd F ir ~ t V ice Preside nt o f th c Tra ns po rt a ti o n Lawye rs Assoc ia ti o n. Th e 65 0 - m e mb e r c du ca ti o na l a ss oc ia ti o n ad vises th e mo to r, av ia ti o n, ra il , a nd ma ritime indu s tri e s o n le ga l a nd reg ul a to ry devc lo p me nts. 1972 Lawrence A . Callaghan has s ig ned o n w ith 5 0 -a tt o rn ey Seve rso n & W e r s o n in Sa n Fra nc isco a s a pa rtn e r. C all ag ha n j o in s th e co mme rc ia l law firm aft e r mo re th a n fi ve yea rs as a pa rtn e r w ith Lo ng & Lev it. Ca ll ag ha n prac ti ces co mme rc ia l, fin a nc ia l, a nd bu s in ess liti ga ti o n , as we ll as w hit e co ll a r c rimin a l de fe nse. Lee A. Chilcote, a partn e r in Ha hn Loeser & Park s in C leveland , Ohi o, has bee n e lec ted to th e A me ri can Co llege of Rea l Estate Lawye rs. In additi o n to rea l estate law, he co ncentrates in th e a reas o f ba nkin g a nd e nviro nm e nt a l law . James .I. Tamu lski, fo rm e rl y a partn e r in San Fra nc isco ' s Gra ha m & Ja mes, is a new na me partn e r o f S a n Di ego- b ase d Kaye , R ose , T a mul s ki & M a ltz m a n. a ge ne ra l m a ritim e prac ti ce . He is headin g a new ly o pe ned Sa n Fra nc isco o ffi ce. Th e firm prev io us ly was Kaye, Rose & M a lt zma n. 1973 Sandra Bla ir , a certifi ed fa mil y law spec ia list in Sa n Fra nc isco , has ex pa nd ed he r liti ga ti o n prac ti ce to in c lude fa mil y law mediati o n. 1968 Hon. Ina Levin Gyemant o f th e Sa n Fra nc isco Supe ri o r Co urt has bee n e lec te d Vi ce-ch a ir o f th e C a lifo rnia Co mmi ss io n o n Judi c ia l Pe rfo rm a nce . 1969 David M. Van Atta has me rged hi s rea l es tate prac ti ce with th at o f Stanfo rd Law a lum Jo hn Ha nna to fo rm th e Pa lo A lto, Ca lifo rni a, firm o f Hann a & Van Atta. Van Alla recentl y e nd ed a s ix-yea r partn ership w ith Gra ha m & Ja mes. Robut L. CJ'owell has bee n e lec ted to a seco nd two-yea r te rm o n th e Boa rd o f G overn o rs o f th e State Bar o f Nevada. He is a partn e r in th e law firm of C rowe ll, Su s ic h. O we n & T ac kes in Carso n C it y, Nevada. 19705 Thomas E. Miller, a me mbe r o f th e Has tin gs 1066 Fo und a ti o n, has publi s hed hi s seco nd lega l tex tboo k. Ca lifo rnia Construction Defect Litiga tion: Commercial and Residential (Wiley & So n. 1993). He is th e se ni o r a nd fo undin g p a rtn e r o f th e Law Offi ces of Th o m as E . Mill e r, w ith o ff ices in S a n Di ego , Ora nge Co unty, Los An geles. a nd Pa lm Desert. James R. Arno ld, a pa rtn e r a t S eve rso n & W e rso n in S a n Fra nc isco , was rea ppo inte d Vi ce-c h a irm a n o f th e Am e ri ca n B a r Assoc ia ti o n' s So lid a nd H a za rd o us W as te A licia N. Noyo la has bee n pro m o ted to Vi ce Pres id e nt of C alpin e Co rp . in S a n J ose Ca li fo rni a. In he r new ro le. she is res po nsible fo r id e ntify in g. eva lu a tin g . a nd nego ti a tin g new powe r proj ec t s fo r Ca lpin e ' s proj ect 1971 I A lice Akawie 7 9 23 M arvin R. Baxter '66 Merle C. Chambers 7 7 develo pme nt g ro up. as we ll as fo r a ll lega l docum e nt ati o n assoc ia ted with new proj ec ts. 1974 Cecily A . Drucker, w ho had a two- lawye r firm with Boa lt Ha ll g radu a te Lo ui s We ll e r, is no w o f co un se l to th e Sa n Franc isco o ffi ce o f th e L os A nge les firm o f Mu s ic k, Pee le r & Ga rre tt. Sh e was a pa rtn e r w ith S kj e r ve n , Mo rrill , M ac Phe rso n, Fra nklin & Fri e l fo r fi ve yea rs be fo re me rg in g he r rea l es ta te tra nsacti o ns, bu s iness successio n a nd es tate pl a nnin g prac ti ce with W e lle r, w ho is a lso o f co un se l to Mu s ic k, Pee le r & Ga rretl. 1975 Daniel A. Mathews, fo rm e rl y a fin a nce pa rtne r a t G ra ha m & J a mes , has j o in e d Orri c k, He rrin gto n & Sutc liffe in its New Yo rk offi ce. He spec ia li zes in asse t-based co mme rc ia l and fin a nc ial tra nsacti o ns. Susan M. Popik a nd two fe ll ow pa rtn e rs a t Rogers, Jose ph . O ' Do nn e ll & Quinnhas in Sa n F ra nc isco have la un c he d th e ir ow n firm o f C ha pm an, Po pik & White . The three-att o rn ey firm foc uses o n c ivil tri a ls a nd a ppea ls, s pec ificall y bus iness to rts a nd co mme rc ia l co ntrac ts. in s ur a nce cove rage, e mp loy m e nt , a tt o rn ey ma lpracti ce. and produ c ts li a bilit y. He r fe ll ow pa rtn e rs, Willi a m C ha pm a n a nd M a rk White, are adjun ct professo rs at Has tin gs. both teaching ev ide nce a nd ad vocacy. CLASS NOTES President Clinton to be a membe r o f th e White Ho u se Co nfe re n ce's Sma ll Bu s in ess Com mi ss io n. The Commission is res po ns ibl e for developing recomme nda ti o ns fo r exec uti ve a nd leg is lati e action to e nc o urage th e econo mic viab ility of small bu siness and fo r conve nin g th e 1994 White Ho use Conference o n Small Bu siness. She also has bee n appoin ted to th e Nationa l Pe tro leum Cou nc il by Sec re tary o f E ne rgy Haze l R. O·Lea ry. Th e Co un c il advi ses th e Sec retary and is made up of exec uti ves fro m th e o il and gas industry. Thomas C. Geiser was appo inted Sen io r Vice Pres ide nt and Genera l Counse l o f We ll Po int Hea lth e two rk s. In c. in W ood la nd Hill s. California. He brings to We llPo int 15 yea rs of ex pe ri e nce in hea lth care law prac ti ce. He was mos t rece ntl y a partner w ith Bro bec k. Phlege r & Harrison in San Fra nc isco. Alumni Teach in College of Advocacy D eborah s. Ballati (75), left, and Edith R. Matthai (75), shown here in Hastings ' Moot Court, are among alumni w ho ha ve returned to campus as part of the Continuing Legal Educa tion program. Ballati and Mattha i w ere on hand for the 1993 College of Advocacy in June. Ballati chaired the Business Litiga t ion Institute and Matthai w as a faculty member in both the Business Litiga tion and Person al Injury Institutes. Richard L. Seabolt, a partner at Hancock. Ro the rt & Bunshoft in San Francisco. was lead defense co unse l in Aerojet v. Transport. a 10month jury tri a l reported by th e Na/jolla! Lall' JOl/rna! as th e larges t case in th e .S. tri ed to a defense verdict in 1992. The plaintiff c laimed in~urance coverage for co~ t s of c lea nin g up g ro undwater po lluti on a t its Sacramento rocket manufacturing faci lit y . Areojet's po lluti o n c lea nup costs by mid-1992 were approximate ly 75 million. 1976 Jackie Speier, a member of th e Ca lifo rni a State ssemb ly. has been honored by the San Mateo County . Californi a unit of the American Ca ncer Society for c h amp ioni ng wome n ' s hea lth issue in the Ca lifo rni a Legi s lature. Ja ime R . W il czynski ha s been promoted to Li e ut ena nt Colonel in th e U.S. Army Reserves a nd h as been appo int e d as th e Staff Ju dge dvocate for th e 9 1st Di vis io n (Exerci e) a t Fort Baker. Ca lifornia. 1977 ,Ierle C. Chamber, Presiden t a nd C hief Executive Officer of Ax em Re ources, Inc. a nd Chair of the Executive Committee of Clipper Exxpre in Chicago, was appo int ed by N ico le Goldberg is th e new Vi ce Pres id e nt and Genera l Counse l at Liposome Tec hn o logy. a pharmaceutica l ma nufac turer based in Me nl o Pa rk . Ca lifo rni a. She previous ly was a t Genentech. Inc. in South San Fra ncisco. wh re she had bee n a lega l co nsultant since 1992. Jill A. Hersh, a family tri a l a nd appe llat e lawyer. has become a na me partner at wha t is n ow Friedman , R oss & He r s h in San Francisco. Pri o r to Jul y. th e 20-year-o ld firm operated as Friedman. Ross & Dorskind. Jeffrey Kirchmann has e nte red so lo practi ce in San Rafae l, Ca lifo rni a. where he continues to prac ti ce rea l estate law wit h a n e mphasis o n rea l property leas in g. He had been a co ntrac t a tt o rn ey fo r a lm os t 10 yea r s w ith He ll e r , Ehrman. White & McA uliffe . Thomas M. Maddock has bee n a ppo inte d Chief Dep ut y Direc to r fo r th e Ca lifo rni a De pa rtm e nt o f Veterans Affa irs by Gov. Pe te Wil so n . He was a De put y Direc to r fo r th e De partme nt of Cons ume r Affai rs from 199 1 to 1993 and the pub li c ad viser fo r th e Ca lifo rni a Energy Co mmi ss io n fr o m 1988-9 1. From 1986-88 . he was De puty Chief of th e Burea u o f Auto mo ti ve Re pai r. De pa rtm e nt of Consumer Affairs . 1978 Betty L. Dawso n h as b ee n appointed Muni c ipal Court Comm iss io ne r in M e rced Co unty, Ca lifo rni a. She becomes on ly th e seco nd wo man to hold a judi c ial positi o n in th e hi story of Merced County. Ra nd o lf R ice, ma nag in g pa rtn e r o f Pill sbury , Madi son & Sutro ' s San Jose, Ca lifornia, o ffic e, has bee n appo inted to a new standin g committee of th e State Ba r of Californ ia o n sex ual o ri e nta ti o n di c rimin a ti o n. 24 Robert L. Pollak, a pa rtn e r at San Franci~co'" Gla ss be rg. Po ll ak & ue rba c h, has become o ne of 51 att o rn eys nati o nwide to be certified as a c re dit o r s' ri g ht s spec iali s t b y th e Commercia l Law Leag ue o f America. Po ll a " re prese nts credit o rs in co mmerc ial liti ga ti o n. R ober t E. S imm s has been e lec te d to th e Board o f Directo rs of th e Ha nna Boys Cente r in Sonoma. Ca lifo rn ia. He se rv es as a membe r o f th e Board ' s Lega l Comm ittee. He is C hi e f Exec uti ve Offi ce r and Gene ral Co un se l o f Tru x Airline Cargo S e r v ice in S o uth a n Francisco. 1979 Alice L. Akawie has starte I her ow n law firm. Mar s hall . Akawie & Le Pi e tr a in Oakland , Ca lifornia. She spec iali zes in rea l es tate tra nsac ti o ns, inc ludin g forec los ures and work-o uts. He r firm is a wome n-owned bu siness. o pe n to joint ventures with oth e r law firm s. Brett A . Borah , who is w ith th e firm of Sch e r & Bassett in Sunnyva le, Ca lifo rnia , has been appoi nted by the State Bar of Ca lifo rni a to th e Exec uti ve Commi tt ee of th e Workers ' Co mpe nsati o n Secti o n o f th e State Bar. Arth u r E. F is h er has moved to th e Oakland , Ca liforn ia firm of Kin g, Shapiro, Mittelman & Buchm an as a partne r. He prev io usly was w ith Bi shop, Barry , Howe, Haney & Ryde r in San Franc isco. He w ill co ntinu e to focu s o n business. e nvironme ntal , in s ura nce coverage, and o the r compl ex liti ga tion . Hon. Lawrence J. O'Nei ll has bee n e lected Pres idin g Jud ge o f th e Super ior Court in Fres no, Ca lifo rnia . Bruce Pfaff has hi s ow n plaintiffs' pe rso na l injur y practi ce, th e Law Offi ces o f Bru ce Robert Pfaff, in C hi cago, [llino is. Nancy L. Powers, a n es tate plan nin g a nd probate attorney, has e nd ed a fi ve-yea r partne rship with Lillick & Char les in San Fra nci sco to la un c h a so lo prac tice. Powers also c ha irs th e State B ar' s lottery law s ubcommittee and cochairs th e environme nta l law s ub committee, both of whic h are part of th e Bar ' s tru st a nd probate law section . 19805 1981 Ri ch a rd A. Egge rth has been named a pa rtn e r at the San Fra nci sco law firm of Kaufm an & Logan , where his practi ce focu ses o n e nviron mental insura nce coverage. Na n cy A. J a r vis, who practi ces wi th Farrand , Cooper & Bruiniers in San Franci sco, has been e lected President of th e Board of Tru stees o f Hastings Alumni: Study at Oxford, Summer '94 U o r th e first tilli e, Ha stin gs College (~fth e Law will combine academic resources Il'ith Unil'ersity College, one (~/th e oldest and most prestig ious colleges (~/ Oxf ord Unil'ersity, to present a week long prog ram of continuing legal edu cation in o.~fo rd, England, August 6-14, 1994. Th e program is dil 'ided into tll 'O topics of geneml interest - "Adl 'ising Clients Doing Busin ess in th e Ne ll ' Economic COlllmunity" alld " Litigating in London," Th e prog ram lI 'ill aIlOlI' /)articipants to CJllal(fyfo r 12 hours of M C LE credit (o ne yea r 's req uirem ent). TOPICS & INSTRUCTORS "Advising Clients Doing Business in the Ne w Ecollomic Community" will hi g hli ght gene ra l b usin ess, in te ll ectu a l pro pe rt y, e nviro nm e nta l a nd tax i, sue, of whi c h A me ri ca n lawyer, sho ul d be aware. " Litigatillg ill Lolldon " w ill prov ide a so lid bac kgro un d in the stru c ture o f th e Eng li sh lega l syste m. W e w ill ta lk w ith judges, so li c ito rs, and barri ste rs abo ut co mpara ti ve probl e ms in ad vocacy a nd e thi cs. A nothe r topi c, whi ch c rosses th e bo und ari es o f tra nsac ti o na l a nd liti gati o n prac ti ce and whi ch is a required MC L E topi c beg innin g in 1995, is ge nde r bias. We wi ll learn abo ut co mpa rati ve pro ble ms of wo me n in law. Th e in stru ctors w ill in c lu de di stin g ui shed lecture rs fro m Oxfo rd Uni vers ity, Hastin gs Co ll ege o f th e Law. as we ll as practi c in g judges , so li c ito rs and barri ste rs. A spec ia l certi fi ca te o f parti c ipati o n in th e O x fo rd/ Has tin gs In stitute w ill be awa rd ed to parti c ipa nt s. ACCOMMODATIONS & SOCIAL EVENTS P arti c ipants in the progra m have a cho ice o f acco mm odati o ns. They may choose to " li ve in co ll ege," ex pe ri e nc in g th e cozy c ha rm o f 17 th century rooms w ith bea med ce ilin gs. Uni ve rs it y Co ll ege ha been the ho me o f ma ny fa mo us po liti c ia ns a nd sc ho la rs, in c lu din g fo nne r Prime Mini sters C le me nt Attlee and J. Harold Wil so n, the poet Pe rcy Byss he She ll ey, the teac her and write r C. S . Lew is. a nd the as tro ph ys ic ist Ste ph en Haw king. And yes , Uni vers ity Co ll ege was where a yo un g Am eri can Rh odes Sc ho la r didn't inh ale. Yo u can also o pt fo r mo re mode rn acco mm odati o ns at the nea rby Eastgate Ho te l, a Fo rte He ritage ho te l, compl e te w ith bathroo ms e n suite. A ll parti c ipants w ill take so me o f the ir mea ls in th e ha nd so me dinin g ha ll o f Uni ve rsity Co ll ege, will ta ke th e ir lec tures in th e Co ll ege' s roo ms, and w ill have access to the love ly public gro und s of thi s hi stori c Co ll ege. You w ill be o ffe red the o ppo rtunity to ex plo re O xfo rd and its e nv iro ns. O x ford is within easy di stan ce to Stratfo rd Upo n A vo n, the ho me o f Willi am Shakes pea re and the Roya l Sha kes peare Co mpany. Other exc ursio ns may include the Co tswo lds, th e town of Bath , Sto ne he nge, and Ble nhe im Palace. Other soc ia l acti viti es. s uc h as go lf and te nni s, a lso w ill be ava ilable . COST T he Co ntinuin g Lega l Edu cati on (CL E) part o f th e prog ra m w ill cost $ 1,400. Acco mmodati o n a nd airfare packages are ava i lable at varying prices. Sig htsee in g excurs io ns a nd pac kages to Lo ndo n e ith er be fo re o r aft e r the prog ram w ill be ava il able fo r an additi o na l charge. Fo r more info rm ati o n and an a pp li cati o n. co ntac t: Hastings' Off ice of Co ntinu ing Legal Edu cation, 200 M cAll iste r Street, San Fran cisco, CA 94102, Tele ph o ne : (415) 565-4664. Appli cation and full pa yment due by February 18, 1994. MClE 1993 CLASS NOTE S Pe ter Nova has o pe ned a new la\\ o ffi cc in o no ma Va ll ey. Ca li fo rni a. w he rc hi , prac ti cc is in th e a rea o f c ivil liti ga ti o n w ith c mph a, i, o n co mm c rc ia l di s put e,> . pe rso na l injury. a nd produ c t li ab ilit y. He prev io us wa, in prac ti ce w ith Bro nso n. Bro nso n & Mc Kinn o n. Ma r k Ro m eo, a pa rtn e r at Li vin gs to n & We iss In a n Fra nc isco, is Pres id e nt o f th e o rth Beac h C hambe r o f Co mme rce. He has bee n o n th e C hambe r' s Boa rd o f Direc to rs fo r th e pas t two yea rs an I a lso prov ides its lega l co un se l. Mark W indha m is a de puty public de fe nd e r in Los An geles Count y . Hi s tria l wo rk, whi c h has rece ntl y inc luded two death penalty cases in w hi c h hi s c li e nt s' li ves we re s pa red. w as desc ribed ea rli e r thi s yea r in Tim e ma gaz in e, w hi c h no ted he "jugg les nin e cases on a ty pical day," 1984 Charles Mazursky ('69) Honored by L.A. Chapter L os Angeles t rial lawyer Charles J. M azursky ('69) was honored by t he Los Angeles Chapter of t he Hastings Alumni Association as t he Chapter's 1993 Alumnus of the Year at i ts annual dinner earlier t his year. Chapter President Valerie A. Fontain e ('79) is sho wn presen t ing him the Alumnus of the Year plaque. th e W o rld Affa ir s Co un c il o f No rth e rn Ca lifo rni a . She is th e first wo ma n to se rve as th e Co un c il 's p o li cy- m a kin g c hi e f . Th e IO ,OOO- me mb e r W o rld A ffai rs Co un c i I was la un c he d a ft e r W o rld W a r II to edu ca te th e publi c o n fo re ig n po li cy iss ues . M ich ae l P. McNama r a has fo und ed hi s o wn firm . Alldred ge & Mc Nam ara, w ith Ra lph C. A lldredge. They have o ffi ces in San Franc isco a nd Los An ge les. H e is m a nag ing th e L os An ge les offi ce. He prev ious ly was a pa rtn e r a t Gibso n, Dunn & C rutche r. Lawrence C. Levi ne, a n assoc iate professo r a t McGeorge Schoo l o f Law in Sac ra me nto. h a~ bee n appo inted to a new sta ndin g co mmittee of th e S tate Ba r of Ca lifo rni a o n sex ua l o ri nt ati o n disc rimin ati o n. Betty Hansen Richardson , a T o n y Pa tin o Fe llow w ho was rece ntl y e lec ted C hair o f the Ida ho Indu stri a l Co mmi ss io n. was no min ate d by Pres ide nt C linto n in Septe mb e r as nited States A tt o rn ey fo r th e Di stri ct of Ida ho. S he was s u bse qu e ntl y co nfirm e d b y th e U.S. Senate. S he ha se rved o n the Ida ho Industri a l Co mmi ss io n s ince 199 1. A. Curtis Sawyer has jo ined th e law firm of F ree m a n . Br ow n . H a rtm a nn & S pe rr y in S tockto n. Ca li fo rni a. He i prac ti c ing c ivil liti ga tio n. bus ine s to rts. a nd admira lt y law. 1982 Thomas J. Stikker, a n e tate p la nnin g , probate. a nd tru s t a tt o rn ey. has beco me a na me pa rtn e r in th e new law fi rm of Springs Ri vin Detw il e r Dudni c k & Sti kke r in San Franc isco. Thomas B. Brown , w ho wa~ ~s i s t a n t C ity A tt orney in B e rke ley. Ca Ii fo rn ia. h a~ bee n appointed C it y A tt orney in ta pa. Ca li fo rni a. 1983 Elizabeth Grossman, a crim ina l tri a l lawyer. and Boa l! Ha ll alum nus Lawre nce Gibbs have ope ned their own p rac ti ce of Gro~ s ma n & Gibb, in Berke le). Ca li forn ia. She had bee n a partner at Cooper. rguedas & Ca"man in Emery \ ille. California. He had practiced civ il and criminal appeab a'> a ~olo practi tione r. Rob e rt J. K a neda i, ~orking for the U.S. Department of State a, a political officer at the ' . . Embm,s) in T o"yo. "here he reports on and analyze Japan's foreign poliC) in Ea t sia. Donald E. Conant , co un se l a t FM C Co rp o ra ti o n in Sa nt a C la ra. Ca lifo rni a, s in ce 1989. is se r v in g as tr eas u re r of th e S a n Fra nc isco C hapte r of th e A me ri can Co rpo rate Cou n ~e l As~oc i a ti o n . Lisa A. Mondori has joi ned th e Sac ra me nto . Cal iforn ia, office of the law firm of Gra ha m & J ames . S h e h ad been in t he firm's San Franci~co office. A corporate partner. s he focuses on mergers and acquisitions and on strategic corporate partner'hips. She co-chairs the finn' s bioscience~ prac tice group and is a member of it~ Japan practice group. 26 Do m e ni c C. Drago, a partn e r with Sheppa rd , Mullin , Ri c ht e r & Hampto n, has bee n appointe d S ec re tar y o f th e San Di eg o , Californi a . c hapt e r o f th e A ssoc ia tion fo r C o rporat e Grow th fo r 1993-94 . Mary L. G ill es pi e, a n attorney wi th the San Fran c isco Di s tri c t o f th e Corp s of Arm y Eng inee rs, has bee n award ed the Department o f th e Arm y Ac hi eveme nt Meda l for Ci vilia n Se rvice, and a o ne-year e nvironmenta l law fe llows hip at George Washin g ton Unive rs ity . She was ho no re d becau se o f o uts tandin g pe rfor mance whil e ass istin g th e Co rps' Jac kso nvill e, Fl orid a, Di stri ct durin g th e Hurri cane Andrew recovery e ffo rt in 199 2. Ann Girard is serving as Vi ce Pres ide nt o f th e S a n Fr a nc isco c h a pt e r o f th e Am e ri ca n Co rp o r a te Co un se l Assoc ia ti o n . S h e h as wo rked fo r th e Bri sba ne o ffi ce o f New Yo rk' s Hitac hi A me ri ca, Ltd .. ~ in ce 1989 . Girard a lso has prac ti ced as a comme rc ial liti gati o n assoc iate with Bro bec k, Phlege r & Harri so n. Mary Catherine Malin has bee n ap po inte d De put y U .S. Age nt to th e Ira n-U. S . Cl a im s Tribun a l in The Hag ue , th e Ne th e rl a nd ~. S he a lso ~e r ves as th e e mbassy's lega l a tt ac he . S he a nd he r hu sba nd , Leo na rd M ayo r, a re th e pare nt s of a so n. B o M a lin - M ayo r , b o rn Nove mber 24. 1992. Kimberly Marteau , fo rm e rl y Vi ce Pres ide nt o f Savoy Pi c tures in Los A nge les, has bee n a ppo int ed Direc to r o f th e Offi ce o f Publi c Li a iso n a t th e U nit ed S ta tes Info rm a ti o n Age ncy. She d irec ts th e age ncy's publi c li a iso n a nd med ia re lati o ns e ffo rts a nd serves as se ni o r adv isor to US IA Direc to r J ose ph Du ffey for pub li c affairs. From the Student Store For the Hastings Alumni Now-quick delivery (within two weeks) on available items. Order from the Hastings Bookstore 1-800-925-1679 10 a. m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Friday Mail Orders May be Made to: H"\ti ng> Co ll ege of the Lnw Book\ tore/MaiIOrdcr> 2DD McA lliqer St. San Franc i,co. CA 9-1 I 02 {Add 11.5'7< sales /(IX. ColiJomio oll ly. Elle/me check, II /olleyorder, or IVla\lerCard or Visol1l1miJer H'itll expiratioll date Gild dartil11e phone.) Postage & Handling: Up to $20.00- $4.00 $20.0 I to $75.00-$5.00 $75.0 1 and up- 6.00 O ut, idc Contincntal U.S. add $5.00 , hippin g/hand ling Please allow 10-14 days for delivery. PICTURED : a. HEAVY DUTY NY LO N GYM BAG , U.c. I-lasting, colon,. pl astic lini ng. 20" lo ng. $28.95 . (nOl pictured : HEA VY DUTY NY LO SHOPPING BAG . sa me co lors. desig n 20"x 14" with zipper to p. plasti c lining, $ 18.95) b. HASTINGS "OL D E GLiSH'" SWEATSHIRT from JANS PORT. 97'1< Calla n. gra y with burg und y lellering o r navy blue with gold lellering . $38.95 XXL, $39.95 . c. HASTI NGS HATS. now avai lab le: blue wool. gray woo l bi ll (or reverse), lellering in blue and go ld-gree n and blue plaid with gray suede bi ll. iellering in gray and g reen: white o r blue calla n wi th blue and gold lellering in script. Woo l hats. $ 16.95. call an hats, $ 13.95. d. COFFEE MUG , ENGRA VED, white HAST INGS sca l on blue mug. Al so very popul ar. translucelll blue mug with eng ra ved seal. Other colo rs: g reen or almond with white seal. All $8.95 e. BOOKS , the bookstore will bc offering an increas ing number of law and law- re latcd boo ks to ou r alumni . EW YEAR SPEC IA L-whil e thcy last. hardcover copies of SCOll Turow's, PLEAD ING GU ILTY. reg. $24.00. now at spec ial price o f $ 18.00. John Gri sham's THE C LI ENT, reg. $23. 50 now at spec ial pri ce. $ 17.95. Annc Faga n Ginger' s CA ROL WE ISS KI NG. HUMA N RIGHTS LAWYER. $27.95. Al so. the murder mys tery set at Has tings, Lia Matera's WH ERE LAWYERS FEAR TO TREAD. $4 .95 . SPEC IAL SHIPPI G RATE ON BOOKS OF $ 1.50 ITEMS NOT PICTURED : g. NEW- Car window decal. wi th HASTI NGS seal. in blue and gold . HASTINGS LA W A LUMNI. UN IVERS ITY OF CA LIFOR NIA OR HASTI GS LAW , NIV ERSITY OF CA LI FORN IA. $3.95 ea. or 2 for $7.00. FREE S HIPPI NG 0 DECALS . h. NEW- HAST INGS ALUMN I T -S HIRT, 100% cotLOn. feat uri ng large HASTI NGS Seal, na vy blue with go ld lellering or gray with navy lettering. M.L. XL.XXL. $ 14 .95 r. T HE HAST I GS BLOC K STYLE. 80% Calla n. M,L.XL $36.95 XXL $38.95 M ichael Levy ('94) COFFEE MUGS . printed dcsig n. 80Z .. HA STINGS imprinted on blue mug. $6.50 ca. j. LI CENSE PLATE FRAMES. blue. gold rai sed lellers. chro me, $9.95 ea. k. HASTINGS BA NER , navy blue fe ll. go ld lellering. $5.00 ea. 1. BOOK BAG/ BAC KPAC K. from JANSPORT. blue o r bl ac k canva, with brown suede botlom . Exce llent quality. HASTINGS STITC HED IMPRI NT. $46 .95 PLEASE CA LL OUR WO NUMBE R FOR INFO RMAT ION ON A WIDE RANGE OF DES IGNS AND STYLES OF SWEA TSH I RTS AND T -S H IRTS AND C HI LDRENS' WEA R. PLEASE SHIP TO: MAIL ORDER (use letter to indi cate choice) name quality item color (t-shirt) size address c ity PLEASE C HA RGE TO MCIYISA pho ne number state zip Exp. CLASS NOTES 1985 cute~ Theodore Town end H e rhold ha~ joined TO\\ n~end and To\\ n ~cnd Khouri e and Crew in Palo Ito, California, a, a commercial litigator. He \\ a, pre\ iousl) an a~,ociate with ASllfo rd & Wriston in Ho nolulu . Leanne Wilhardt Coghlin has joined Circ le K orp ., a na ti ona l co nve ni e nce sto re c ha in . as ~si~ t a nt General Co un se l ha ndlin g securiti es matters in th e compa ny's Phoeni x headq ua rters. She had been a bu s ine ss a nd sec uriti es associa te w ith Berg . Zieg le r, A nd erso n & Pa rke r in San Francisco for e ight years . Teresa A, Woody has been na med a pa rtn e r at th e Ka nsas C ity, Mi sso uri , law firm of Spence Fane Britt & Brow ne . S h e is a liti ga ti o n lawye r. gove rnment fra ud offenses . w hi c h inc lude we lfare, medicaid, and tax fraud . Maria Teresa Solomon, a spec ia li st in inte rnati o na l trade la w who he lped draft the o rth Ame ri ca n Free Trade Agreemen t w hil e s he was a n a tt o rn ey in th e office of th e Chief Co un se l for Int e rn a ti o na l Com merce a t th e U.S. De partme nt of Commerce, has jo ined th e law firm of Hin c hy, Witte , Wood, Ande r o n & Hodges in San Diego. R oc h e ll e ason, a former a,~()c iate at M o rri so n & Foers te r in an Franci,co. h a~ bee n na mcd Exec utive Directo r o f th e Lea" ue to ave Lake Tahoe. She h a~ se rved as a ~~IfT a tt o rn ey w ith th e South Lake Tahoe-ba, ed no nprofit o rga ni za ti o n for the past year. Donald L Williamson has ea rn ed hi s li ce nse to practi ce as a certifi ed pub li c accou nt ant. He ssoc iat es in w ith th e f irm of P oa i & Petalu ma, Ca li fo rnia . 1987 1988 Patricia E. A n g lin h as joined th e s taff o f Congress ' Jo int Committee o n T axati o n. She is a d v is in g th e H o u s e Wa ys a nd M ea n s Comm ittee a nd the Senate Finance Com mittee on e mp loyee be ne fits tax iss ues. She had prev io usly bee n a n assoc iate at Pill sb ury Madi so n & Su tro in San Fra nc isco. Karen Tietjen Allen has o pe ned he r ow n firm in Pal o A lto, Ca lifo rnia . S he is s pec ia li Ling in immi g rati o n and nationalit y law, w ith a foc us on bu siness immi grati o n iss ues. S he has been e lec ted C h a ir of th e Santa C lar a Vall ey C hapte r of th e A meri can Immi gra ti o n Lawye rs Assoc iati on. Deirdre E. C r a ig ha s ass um ed th e pos t of A lumni a nd Deve lo pment Direc to r of Santa Clara Uni vers ity Sc hoo l o f Law. She w ill manage the sc hool's fundraising effo rt s a nd ex te rn a l re la ti o n s. S h e ha d bee n wi th th e Bar Associatio n o f San Fra nc isco, w he re she was assis tant director for continuing lega l edu cati o n a nd staff coordin ato r fo r committees o n equ ali ty. John D. Fiero has joined th e firm o f La nde ls, Ripl ey & Di a mo nd in Sa n Fra nc isco as a n assoc iate. He had been w ith th e San Franc isco firm of S teefe l, Lev itt & Weiss since g rad uati o n . He is a bu s in ess liti ga tor w ho ha ndl es bankruptcy and othe r c redito rs ' ri g hts di sputes. 1986 Heidi K. Hugo has bee n e lected a partner at Br o n so n, Bro n so n & M c Kinn o n in Sa n Francisco . He r practi ce focu ses o n co nstru ction defec ts and in sura nce coverage. Jana M, Kurka, fo rm e rl y a n assoc ia te w ith Ke ll y , He rlih y & Ban e , is s pending a yea r co unse ling the Czec h Re public as it un dertakes lega l refo rm s . Sh e w ill trave l to th e former Czec hos lovak ia as a re prese nt a ti ve of th e A merica n Bar Assoc iati o n' s Central a nd Eas t Europea n Law Initi a ti ve. Howard L. Pearlman has bee n e leva ted to princ ipal at the Sa n Fra ncisco firm of Bartko, T a rra nt & Mill e r. He has bee n a n e nviro nme ntal liti ga tor a t th e fi rm since 1988 . Be fo re th at he se rved as a jud ic ia l ex te rn to Ca lifo rni a S upre me Co urt C hi e f Ju sti ce M a lco m Lucas and wo rk ed as a co rpo rate assoc iate at He lle r, Ehrma n, White & McA uliffe. Rob ert R, Ri gsby i. th e dep uty in c harge of th e C rimin a l Di v is io n of th e Office of Corpo r a ti o n Co un se l of th e Di s tri c t of Co lumbi a. T he Di v is io n is res po ns ibl e fo r prosec uti o n of a ll c rimin a l law vio la ti o ns by j uveni les as we ll as certai n mi sde mea no rs a nd intra-fami ly offe nses by ad ults. l t a lso prose Elizabeth A. Franklin h as j o in e d Ca rr , McCl e ll a n , Inge rso ll , Thompso n & Ho rn in Burlinga me, Ca li forn ia, as a seni o r assoc iate. She is practicing w ith th e labor and e mp loyme nt law gro up. Pamel a T. Ireland (nee W es tfa ll ) has bee n pro m o te d to Directo r of Lega l Se rv ices at U nit e d D is till e rs No rth A m e ri ca, In c ., in Connecti c ut , whi c h oversees a ll o pe rations in th e U.S . a nd Canada . She prev io usly was co un sel to the compa ny from 1990-93 and a n associate at Bay, Be rry & Howard in Connecti c ut. She was marri ed in September. C harlotte N. Makoff was a pp o inted Vicec hair of the Marin Cou nty Adv iso ry Board o n A lcohol and Othe r Drug Pro ble ms. She is a litiga ti o n part ne r in th e Tiburo n. Californ ia, office of Cohe n, e lso n & Makoff. He r practi ce e mphasizes federal and sta te securiti es a nd fiduciary liti ga ti o n. S unn y A. M. Koshy is wi th th e U.S. A rm y Jud ge Advoca te G e n e ral 's Corps a t Fo rt Cam pbe ll , Ke ntu cky. He is serving as Spec ial Ass is ta nt U .S. A tt o rn ey a nd C hi e f of th e C rimin a l Liti ga ti o n Bra nc h. He writes th a t he is re novatin g a I 20-year-o ld ho use . Andres O . Rico has join ed th e Sac ram e nt o, Ca l iforni a, f irm of Cespede s, a mb a & Nakagawa. A s th e firm ' s so le assoc iate , he prac ti ces commercia l, e mpl oy me nt, a nd produc ts li ab ilit y liti ga ti o n . Ri co a lso has bee n n a m e d G e n e r a l Cou n se l t o th e Me x ica n Consul a te of Sacra me nto. Ca rol J . Urz i was e lec te d treas ur e r of th e Barri ste rs C lu b of Sa n Fra nc isco. She is a fo rmer liti ga ti on assoc ia te a t Pill sbury Madi so n & Sutro. -~ ... . ........ " ) J • .. ~ Cecily A. Drucker '74 Thomas E. Miller '73 Richard L. Seabolt '75 Rochelle Nason '87 28 Jackie Speier '76 • Thomas J. Stikker '82 19905 1989 C h ris t o ph er J . P a l e rm o h as joined th e Boston-based inte llectu al property firm o f Fish & Ri cha rdso n as a liti ga ti o n assoc iate in th e firm 's new Silicon Va ll ey office in Ca lifo rni a. He handl es co mpute r softwa re and liti ga ti o n and some trademark work. 1990 Pa ul A. P eter s has joined th e San Francisco firm of Kaufman & Logan as an associa te. 1991 George A. McN itt has opened a so lo practice office in Oakland , Ca lifornia, focusing o n estate planning and probate mailers. F r ancisco G. To r res has joined th e eig ht lawyer Lilienthal & Fowler firm in San Francisco, where he focuses o n entertainment, real estate, and civi l litigat ion. He wo rked as a deputy district attorn ey in Kern County before joining Lilie nth al. 1992 Ka r en C. Ca r re r a and Ba rri e L. Becker have formed their own firm of CalTera & Bec ker in San Francisco, ded icated to prov idin g affordab le lega l servi ces to low- and midd le- inco me women and fam ili es . J ennifer E . Niles and Ra nda ll H. S ton er have formed their own firm of Ni les & Stoner in San Francisco. 1993 Notes for the Class of 1993 are incorporated as a part of the commencement coverage of the class. See page 6. In Memoriam J ohn A. BrelTeilh (' 72) C. Rick Cha mberlin ('72) Ri cha rd M. Gorm an (' 49) Hon. William G. Kinder ('60) Charles A. Loring ('38) T imothy V. McFa rl and ('66) Ha rvey C. Miller (' 29) Han. A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr. author of In the Matter of Color: Race and the American Legal Process Upcoming Campus Events for Alumni w ill deliver the 11th annual Mathew O. Tobriner Lecture on the topic "A Retrospect on Justice Clarence Thomas" 4 p.m .. Wednesday, January 12 William H. Webster Former Director of the FBI & CIA, who oversaw the inquiry into the police response to the civil disorders after the 1992 state trial in the Rodney King case, will deliver the luncheon ad dress at Founder's Day Friday, March 4 Celebrating the 116th Anniversary of the Founding of Hastings College of the Law For information on these events, phone the College Relations Office at (415) 565-4615 HASTINGS Director of College Relatiol/.\ Ti m Lemon Hastings Coll ege of th e Law Board of Directors Director oj Alum1li Relations JlId) Lane Choir Charl ene Padova ni Milchell. '77 Director of Hastings 1066 FOlllldatiol/ Slllanne I eedles Vice Choir Joh n T. Knox. '52 Director of Pllhlic Affairs/ Editor. Hlistings COlllmunity Tom DcbJe) Hon. Wil li am R. Channell. '49 Jan Lewc nhaupl Kneeland H. Lobner, ' 44 J ame, E. Mahoney .. 66 Hon. Bl aine E. Pell ill. ' 41 John A. Sprou l De'iigll rcher De,ign Photograph, Tom DebJe) COLIn la,l D irectors Em eriti Pril1llllg Americnn Lithographer .... Inc. Ha)" ard. Ca lif. Ralph S. Aba,cal '68 Jo,eph W. COlchell '64 Harold S. Dobb,. '42 Hon. I\l an in R. Baxler. '66 M) ro n E. Elien ne. Jr.. '5:2 Raymond L. Han,on. '36 Loi, Haigh l Herringwn '65 I\ lax K. Jami,on. '45 The HlIlIlIIg\ COI/II/IIIl/1I1 " pllbli,hed Ihree lime' a lear for alumni and fnend, of Ihe College. :-'Ialenal for publication and corre'pondence i, al"3)' "eJcomcd and ,hould be addrc"cd 10 Ihe Edilor al ~()() ,\ leAlli,ler Slree!. San Franrr,Cl>. C -\ 941 ()~. PnnLcd on Rec~cJed Paper 0 Hastings College of the Law U ni versity of Ca li fornia Co llege Re lati ons 200 McAlli ster S treet San Franci sco, CA 94 102 ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage PA lO Permit No. 13797 San Francisco, CA