UA Alumni Newsletter Summer 2008.pmd


UA Alumni Newsletter Summer 2008.pmd
Volume I, Number 2
Summer 2008
A publication of the Ursuline Academy Foundation
for Alumni and Friends of Ursuline Academy in Springfield, Illinois
“My last word to you... is that you live in harmony, united together, all of one heart and will. Be bound to one
another by the bond of charity, esteeming each other, helping each other, bearing with each other in Jesus Christ.”
~St. Angela Merici
Welcome New Alums!
The 151st and final graduating class of Ursuline Academy
Virginia Boehl
Emily Page
Dale Davis
Anthony Pier
Jessica Drendel
Carmela Ribaudo
Ariana Farlese
Kori Stewart
Parker Freiburg
Shane Sullivan
Abigail Mandeville
Emily Thoele
Jacob Maynerich
Hannah Young
Lauren Oldfield
Congratulations Graduates!
The Tradition Continues...
Who would have thought?
When the Academy was closed last year, many
lamented that they had just taken part in their final
chicken dinner. With no school, there would be no way to
feasibly carry on the tradition.
Enter the Knights of Columbus Council 4175, located in
the Devereaux Heights neighborhood.
In mid-winter, the Ursuline Academy Foundation
received word that the men of the Knights of Columbus
wanted to partner together and carry on the Chicken
Dinner tradition. Part of the proceeds from the event
would be used by the Council for their own efforts on
behalf of Catholic education and part of the proceeds
would be donated to the Ursuline Academy Foundation
Scholarship Fund. In short, a perfect marriage.
The end result? On May 4th, volunteers from the
Knights of Columbus Council, Ursuline Academy alumni,
former faculty, students, and parents came together to
serve nearly 3,000 meals and raise $5,000 for the Ursuline
Academy Foundation Scholarship Fund.
Planning is already underway for the 36th Annual
Chicken Dinner. Stay tuned to future newsletters and the
UA Foundation website for more details!
Summer 2008
35th Annual Chicken Dinner
Ann (Power) Rosetto (‘80) and Tina (Brock) Gladden (‘82)
filling carry-out orders during the 35th Annual Chicken
Dinner sponsored by the Knights of Columbus 4175 and the
Ursuline Academy Foundation.
Check out more pictures from this year’s dinner on page 4!
From the Desk Of...
The Ursuline Academy Foundation has
been established as a not for profit
foundation with a mission to preserve the
heritage of Ursuline Academy and to
perpetuate Catholic education consistent
with the values of Roman Catholicism
and the ideals of the Ursuline Sisters.
Ursuline Academy Foundation
Board of Directors
Rev. Msgr. John R. Ossola
Carolyn Oxtoby
Vice President for Historic Preservation
Barb Burris (‘72)
Vice President for Alumni Affairs
Derrick Jones (‘96)
Vice President for Public Relations
Susan (Jones) Gallagher (‘75)
Beth (Marx) Mayfield (‘82)
Sr. Madonna O’Hara OSU (‘55)
Sr. Elisa Ryan OSU
Ursuline Academy Alumni
Association Officers
Lynda (Bucci) Snodsmith (‘68)
Lisa Sabo (‘82)
Angie Meneghetti (‘82)
Beth (Marx) Mayfield (‘82)
Ursuline Academy
Alumni Newsletter
Derrick Jones (‘96)
Beth (Marx) Mayfield (‘82)
The Ursuline Academy Alumni Newsletter
is published by the Ursuline Academy
Foundation for alumni and friends of
Ursuline Academy, Springfield, Illinois.
Ursuline Academy Foundation
PO Box 8748
Springfield, Illinois 62791
Page 2
Rev. Msgr. John R. Ossola
President, Ursuline Academy Foundation
As I write this, commencement ceremonies for the
151st graduating class of Ursuline Academy have
ended. These graduates were the 15 students who
elected to take advantage of the “Senior Experience”
offered by SCI-Benedictine after the closure of
Ursuline Academy.
While the crowd was much smaller that we have
been used to in past years, there was still the
excitement and anticipation of the graduates as they
put their High School years behind them and look
forward to their college years.
Graduates, friends and family heard from Dale
Davis, class president, and former Ursuline teacher Sheila Walk. Diplomas were
awarded by SCI Dean Rick Rosetto. As has been the custom, the Alumni
Association had the candle-lighting ceremony to remind the graduates they are
to carry the light of the spirit of UA into the future. Beth Mayfield spoke on behalf
of the UA Foundation and assured us that the Foundation would continue to
work to keep the spirit and heritage of UA alive and to promote the motto
Also, we honored two of our own: Tony DelGiorno, class of 1996, was awarded
Alumnus of the Year and former principal John Stimler, a graduate of St. Teresa’s
in Decatur, was presented with an “honorary” alumnus award.
There was obviously an aura of sadness during the whole event and many
Ursuline memories of years past were shared by all. As we move forward to
preserve the heritage of Ursuline, we ask that all in our Ursuline family pray for
the continued success and health of the UA Foundation. Thank you for all your
spiritual and financial support of our efforts.
Lynda (Bucci) Snodsmith (‘68)
President, Ursuline Academy Alumni Association
What a successful year it has been already! And there are still months to go!
I’m thrilled to report, as you will read, that the Chicken Dinner (brought back to
life through the gracious partnership of the Knights of Columbus #4175) raised
$5,000 for our Ursuline Academy Foundation Scholarship Fund. Also noted in
this issue of the Alumni Newsletter, the Alumni Association honored two
extraordinary members of our Ursuline family during commencement exercises
in May. Tony DelGiorno, class of 1996, was presented with our Alumnus of the
Year award in recognition of his work in the days and weeks following
Ursuline’s closure and his continued work with the Ursuline Academy
Foundation. The Alumni Association wanted to also recognize the work of John
Stimler, former UA principal. John was a rock for all of us in the Ursuline
community -- most importantly current students -- when the closure was
announced. Though not an alumnus of Ursuline Academy, John is a graduate of
St. Teresa’s in Decatur, a sister academy founded by the Ursulines.
Thank you to all of you for your efforts to keep the Ursuline spirit of Serviam
alive in our community. Together, we can continue to make a positive difference
in our society as we live out the values of Saints Angela and Ursula.
Thank you!
Special thanks go to Paula Staab Polk (‘73) of Staab Polk Memorial
Home in Chatham, Illinois for making a generous donation to help
off-set the cost of publishing this issue of the Alumni Newsletter.
If you are interested in underwriting the Alumni Newsletter, email us at
Summer 2008
Alumnus of the Year:
Anthony J. DelGiorno, Class of 1996
“Do something…Get moving…Be
confident…Risk new things…Stick with
It seems wholly appropriate to look
to the words of St. Angela Merici when
trying to choose an alum to honor with
the Alumni of the Year award. That
person should be someone who
embodies the Ursuline tradition of
service; someone who continues the
tradition of action of Mother Mary
Joseph Woulfe and the Ursuline Sisters
who came to Springfield one-hundred
fifty-one years ago and within the span
of sixteen days founded Ursuline
By that criteria, I can think of no
better person to receive this year’s
Alumni of the Year honor than Shirley
and Joseph’s son and my friend and
fellow classmate of 1996, Tony
Within hours of the
announcement last year that our
Ursuline would close its doors,
dumbfounded and heartbroken
emails between my office in
Washington, DC, and Tony’s office
in Springfield were flying back and
forth. The world seemed to stop. We
knew, as the entire alumni
community knew, something needed
to be done. Luckily for our Ursuline
family, Tony was in the right place
at the right time.
Pushing his legal training to its
limits (who knew lawyers could
be so useful?), Tony was
instrumental in the quick
formation and incorporation of
the Ursuline Academy
Foundation which would
become the vehicle to try and
save the school. There were
many late night, hours-long phone calls strategizing and
brainstorming (which were a far cry from the late night,
hours-long phone calls of our days at Ursuline strategizing
the best layouts for the yearbook).
If he got 12 hours of sleep that first week, I’d be surprised.
This is not to say that he alone is responsible for the
establishment of the Foundation. Indeed, there were many
Summer 2008
alumni, faculty, family and students
gathered together exploring every
conceivable angle for keeping the
Academy open. From his post, however,
Tony served as both cheerleader and
pro-bono legal counsel, which aided and
advanced the efforts of the gathered
With sadness, we know the end result
of those early efforts. But from those late
spring days has risen something greater.
The Foundation had, as its original
mission: to preserve the heritage of Ursuline
Academy and to perpetuate Catholic
education consistent with the values of
Roman Catholicism and the ideals of the
Ursuline Sisters.
Leave it to a lawyer to include a
flowery clause in the mission statement
leaving the door open for other
Tony’s foresight in structuring
the Foundation has made it
possible for us to continue to
advance our Ursuline tradition
and value of service in the absence
of an educational institution. He
has helped lay the groundwork to
preserve and promote something
that is greater than all of us:
compassionate service to the world
around us.
If that doesn’t scream “Serviam,”
I don’t know what does.
And, like any Ursuline grad, his
service didn’t stop at the water’s
edge. Tony continues on as
general counsel for the Ursuline
Academy Foundation making
sure that ever “I” is dotted and
every “T” is crossed. All of it
without anything in return
but the satisfaction of
knowing that his
contributions will bear fruit in future generations that
embrace the Ursuline value of service to others.
That, and the satisfaction of knowing he left a photo to
posterity in our senior yearbook of me, surrounded by
classmates, sleeping in Mrs. Oulvey’s 8th period English lit
-Derrick Jones, Class of 1996
UAF Vice President for Public Relations
Page 3
Scenes from the
35th Annual Chicken Dinner
Anthony Kohlrus and Shane
Sullivan marking bags for carry-out.
Elizabeth and Katie Lewis in the
dining room.
Jim Sandhaas mans the
chicken fryer.
Kevin Danner and Dan Rachford taking a short break
from their kitchen duties.
ABC News Channel 20’s Laura Lindvig interviews Dale
Davis. Channel 20 did a live report during the 6pm news.
Mandy Gleason and Greg
Trello out in the drive-thru.
Lori Kohlrus filling carry-out
Ray Trello and Mike Moffett breading chicken out in
the “fry shack.”
John Stimler, Andy Jones and Sarah Peters take a
moment to pose for the camera.
Becky Meyer working hard in the “fry
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
A special thank you to the Knights of Columbus
#4175 and all of the volunteers who helped make this
year’s Chicken Dinner a success!!
More pictures are posted at
Page 4
Chris Reynolds, Kayleigh Mayfield and Jessica
Summer 2008
Operation Makeover:
New UA Foundation
Website Up & Running
The UA Foundation website: an online
forum for alumni and friends!
Honorary Alumnus of
the Year:
If you haven’t visited the UA Foundation website
( lately, you don’t know what you’re
missing! In late April, the website received a complete
makeover allowing us to share more information with
alumni and friends. The new site features an Alumni Center
which contains digital copies of the Alumni Newsletter, as
well as Reunion Updates and listings. In addition, monthly
e-mail newsletters are going out providing the latest
information. If you’re not on the e-mail list, just send an email
to Be sure to include your name
(and maiden name) and year of graduation. Our thanks go
out to Chris Ratcliffe, husband of Sara (Stremsterfer) Ratcliffe
(‘88) for his efforts in quickly setting our original webpage last
Survey for new high school finds
strong but limited support
As we went to press with the Alumni Newsletter last fall,
the UA Foundation sponsored a survey among the
Springfield Catholic grade school parents to determine
what level of support existed, if any, to form a new Catholic
During May’s Commencement
high school. The survey was open for three weeks and
ceremonies, the Alumni Association
required the voluntary participation of parents. Responses
awarded a second, honorary Alumnus
were submitted on-line or by hand.
of the Year award to former Ursuline
At the request of Fr. Ossola, Robert Poorman, Ed.D.,
principal John Stimler in recognition of his efforts on
president emeritus of Lincoln Land Community College and
behalf of the Academy and students following the
a supporter of Catholic education in Springfield, reviewed
closure announcement last year. John is a graduate of St.
and analyzed the survey results, which on their face
Teresa’s (also founded by the Ursulines) in Decatur.
appeared promising as the survey yielded that nearly 72%
Congratulations and thank you for everything, John!
of parents were supportive of the idea of a second Catholic
high school. While this appeared to be overwhelming
support, the basis of the support is limited.
According to the Diocesan Office for Catechesis (formerly
the Office for Education), there are 1,632 parental units in
the eight Springfield Catholic grade schools. Only 219
parents participated in the Foundation’s survey. Of this
figure, 129 or 58.9% of the responses came from three grade
Part of our mission as a Foundation and Alumni
schools. In the overall parent population, these three
Community is to continue to promote Catholic education in
schools constitute 27.3% of all parents in the city. This
Springfield and the surrounding area. To that end, the
disproportionate response, in effect, skews the positive
Foundation established a scholarship fund to help area
students receive a quality Catholic education. Recipients
After carefully reviewing the data and the overwhelming
must demonstrate financial need and dedication to the ideals
support from a few, it became clear that a new high school
of Serviam.
could not be sustained. Not only was this attitudinal
This year’s first scholarships were awarded to five
obstacle confronted, but few could agree to making a freedisplaced Academy students and students from five of the
will offering or paying tuition at levels that would make a
area’s Catholic grade schools:
new high school sustainable, let alone its creation
Laura Mayfield
Amanda Gottrich (Cathedral)
Caitlin Reynolds Makinzie Yoho (St. Agnes)
The UAF has tabled further exploration of a new high
Lauren Acton
Kara Perez (St. Aloyisius)
school and will concentrate on its missions of Serviam,
Jeffrey Dokey
Sierra Sweeney (St. Joseph’s)
Stephanie Guinan Cody Rutherford (Blessed Sacrament) scholarships, alumni fellowship, and support of all of our
city’s Catholic grade schools.
Congratulations Students!
John Stimler
UA Foundation Scholarships
First Scholarships
Awarded to Area Students
Summer 2008
Page 5
Kairos Retreat provides
students time to reflect
The Ursuline Academy Foundation continued the Ursuline
Kairos tradition in the Spring by sponsoring the 20th
Kairos reatreat. Kairos, Greek for “God’s Time,” was
first brought to Ursuline in 1996 and provided
upperclassmen time to assess their spiritual direction as
they prepared to graduate. Special thanks to former UA
Campus Minister Maria Kerwin, John Stimler, Sheila
Walk, and Fr. Ossola for providing the direction for KXX.
On the road again...
The retreatants and student and adult leaders of
KAIROS XX at the Villa Maria Retreat Center in Springfield.
Election News:
New members join UA Foundation Board
of Directors; Alumni Association elects
In May, the Ursuline Academy Foundation board held
elections for expired terms. Barb Burris (‘72) and Beth
(Marx) Mayfield (‘82) were re-elected to two-year terms.
Ursuline parent Wayne Brown retired from the board.
Former Ursuline principal Sr. Elisa Ryan, OSU, was elected
to fill the two-year term seat. Additionally, the board
appointed Derrick Jones (‘96) to the position of Vice
President for Public Relations.
Members of the board of directors give freely of their time
to serve the Ursuline Academy Foundation and our entire
Ursuline community. Our thanks go out to Wayne Brown,
father of Morgan Brown (‘08), for his service.
Additionally, the Ursuline Academy Alumni
Association elected officers to serve for the next year:
Lynda (Bucci) Snodsmith (‘68) will continue to serve as
president; Lisa Sabo (‘82) will serve as vice-president and
Angie Meneghetti (‘82) will return to her post as
secretary. As treasurer of the Foundation, Beth (Marx)
Mayfield also serves as treasurer for the Alumni
Thank you to all for your service to our UA family!
As this latest issue of the Alumni Newsletter goes to bed,
Ursuline Academy Foundation president Msgr. John
Ossola is preparing to hit the road with Ursuline family
and friends for two trips this summer.
The first is a Foundation-sponsored ten-day trip to
London, Paris, and Rome.
On the second trip, Fr. Ossola will once again lead a
group from the Ursuline community on a week-long service
trip, currently planned for Mississippi. Last year, the
Ursuline delegation spent a week building houses in New
Orleans. Look for a recap in the next Alumni Newsletter!
Keeping in Touch
Did you know that the Ursulines of the Central Province
maintain regular newsletters? Laurels and News Notes are
sent to friends of the Ursuline Sisters and provides regular
updates on their activities. If you are not currently receiving
the newsletter, email Susan Whelan at The newsletters and the Sisters’
website ( are a great way to stay in
touch with those women who gave selflessly to provide the
education we received at Ursuline Academy.
Have you moved? Got married?
New baby? Let us know...stay in
touch using the form on page 8 or
Give the Gift of Ursuline...
As part of the makeover of the Ursuline Academy Foundation website, we have expanded to
offer Ursuline Academy gifts through a storefront at You can access the
store by clicking on “UAF Store” on the UA Foundation homepage. Check back often as we
continue to expand the gifts and items available. Net proceeds support the work of your
Ursuline Academy Foundation.
Page 6
Summer 2008
Scenes from the
151st Commencement of Ursuline Academy
to the Class of
Lynda (Bucci) Snodsmith (‘68) and
Ariana Farlese during the Alumni
Candlelighting ceremony.
Graduates Dale Davis, Hannah Young and Shane
Sullivan on the senior porch.
Dale Davis and Abbey Mandeville with former UA Spanish
Teacher Nelson Aguilar.
Carmela Ribaudo and Emily Page during the
Alumni Candlelighting Ceremony.
Graduates Lauren Oldfield, Abbey Mandeville, and Hannah Young
outside of the 5th Street Building after graduation.
Summer 2008
Fr. Ossola and Carmela Ribaudo after
the Commencement Ceremony.
Alumnus of the Year Tony DelGiorno with
commencement speaker and former UA English
teacher, Sheila Walk
Parker Freiburg enjoys the Senior
Page 7
Ursuline Academy Class Updates...
Kim (Sponsler) Van Pelt (‘95) and her husband John
welcomed their new baby, Alison Louise on January 1,
2008. As an added bonus, Alison was the first baby of the
New Year in Springfield!
Chris (Pullium) Ecklund (‘00) and her husband Andy
welcomed their son, Kiernan Oleg, in February of 2007. The
Ecklunds reside in McHenry, Illinois.
Kelly (Brown) Stotlar (‘00) and her husband Scott, gave birth
to their daughter, Kendall Marie, February 29, 2008. The
Stotlars reside in Springfield.
Courtney Kinsel (‘95) married Scott Norris (SHG Class of
‘95) October 6, 2007. Mr. and Mrs. Norris reside in
Bertha (Gietl) Bernard (‘37), passed away at age 88 on
December 25th, 2007. Her daughter, Nan Kamaloski wrote
that “she often spoke of her school, Ursuline Academy.”
Please keep Mrs. Bernard’s family in your prayers.
Teresa Mueller, salutatorian of the class of ‘85, died March
8, 2008. A memorial mass was held by her family in May
at St. Joseph’s in Springfield.
Help Us Keep in Touch!
Become a Class Agent!
The Alumni Association is looking for members of each
class to volunteer as class agents and co-agents to help us
maintain contact with alumni. Your assistance is
essential to helping us maintain a current database. If you
would like to volunteer, please complete the form to the
right or email us at
Please also keep in touch about births, weddings,
deaths, career changes, etc. If you choose, we will publish
those updates regularly in the Alumni
Newsletter. Use the form or email your updates to
Upcoming Class Reunion?
Please let us know if your class is planning a reunion!
We would be happy to post reunion information on the
Foundation website and provide mailing address
information for you to reach your classmates.
After the reunion, send us a brief summary and pictures
for the Alumni Newsletter, along with any contact
information updates (emails are very helpful!) to or mail them to newsletter editor
Derrick Jones, 2112 New Hampshire Ave NW, #705,
Washington, DC, 20009.
Page 8
Reunions...’tis the season!
Class of 1978
The class of 1978 held their 30-year class reunion in late
June with the ‘78 classes of Sacred Heart Academy and
Griffin High School. If you missed the reunion, check out
the reunion website at
Class of 1988
Planning is currently underway for the class of 1988
20-year reunion, scheduled for October. Please check the
Alumni Center on the Ursuline Academy Foundation
website for details!
Class of 1998
As of press-time, the class of 1998 was preparing to hold
their 10-year reunion. If you’ve lost touch with the class of
‘98, email Susan Slingsby ( or
the UA Foundation (
Look for more information about reunions in the next
issue of the Alumni Newsletter! If your class is preparing
for your reunion, send us the details and we’ll post them
in the Alumni Center on the UAF website!
Alumni Information Update
Class________________ Maiden Name__________________
____ change of mailing address
____ change of email address
____ other update (wedding/birth/etc)
Please provide new information:
(For “Other” updates, may we publish in the
Alumni Newsletter? ____ Yes _____ No)
_____ I would like to become a class agent
(We will be in touch shortly to provide you with
details and information.)
Please complete form (please use additional paper if necessary) and
return to: Derrick Jones, 2112 New Hampshire Ave NW, #705,
Washington, DC 20009 or email
Summer 2008
To the 151st and final graduating class of Ursuline Academy
Following is the speech given by Beth (Marx) Mayfield, class of 1982 and treasurer of the Ursuline Academy Foundation, to
the graduating class of 2008 during commencement ceremonies.
The Foundation continues, one year later, to preserve the
of Mother Woulfe and the Ursuline Sisters and to
Graduating Class of 2008: You’ll hear many speeches
the shared tradition of service of Ursuline
this weekend. Words of advice from friends and loved
ones as you begin a new chapter in your lives.
The education you received as an Ursuline student has
Inspirational words of wisdom from those who have gone
certainly prepared you for an ever-challenging
before you. All of it will be meaningful and all of it is
The values you learned as an Ursuline student
meant as a guide as you graduate high school and prepare
you to face that world with compassion
to enter that ever-frightening “real world.”
For all of us gathered this weekend, this is a bittersweet
foundress of the Ursuline sisters,
celebration. You represent the last graduating class of
in harmony, united together, all of one
Ursuline Academy and the end of a 151-year legacy of
to one another by the bond of charity,
Catholic education started by Mother Mary Joseph Woulfe
each other, bearing with each other in
and a handful of brave, pioneering women in 1857.
While the educational legacy may be ending, the
Building on those words, the Ursuline Academy
Ursuline values and its traditions have not. This
unites us all as a faith community bound by
weekend, you join with generations of Ursuline Academy
service to the greater good. Working together
alumni who continue to live by Serviam motto. In our
we can not only preserve the spirit of
personal and professional lives, every member of our
we can continue to instill and promote
Ursuline family applies that tradition, that value of
within our alumni family, our
service to others and our community.
(yes, someday, believe it
When the sad news of Ursuline’s closure was
and grandparents).
announced one year ago, a Foundation was created with
help you in that
the initial hope of saving our Academy. Alumni, family,
friends and neighbors came together in that spirit of
The board of directors of the UA Foundation and the
Serviam to work with the community to preserve the
Ursuline alumni family congratulates you on your
Ursuline education tradition. While our efforts to
and stands with you this weekend, united
preserve the Academy as an institution were
our faith, united by the bonds of service,
unsuccessful, our efforts to preserve our shared traditions
bonds of our Academy.
were and are successful.
Watch your mailbox and email!
Alumni Directory in the works
In 2001, Ursuline Academy published an Alumni Directory through Harris Direct, a company
that specializes in alumni development and communication. The Ursuline Academy Foundation
has once again contracted with Harris to publish a new Directory. The company will soon be in
touch through email and “snail mail” to get updated information from alumni. These communications are legitimate and we ask that you respond so we have the most accurate information
possible! NOTE: The Foundation intends to include all alumni as well as those students who would
have been graduates in the classes of 2009 and 2010 (if they so desire).
Did You Remember Ursuline
Academy in Your Estate Planning?
Did you remember Ursuline Academy in your estate
plans (including wills and insurance policies)? If so, you
should be aware that with the closing of the Academy, the
beneficiary legally becomes Benedictine University/
Springfield College in Illinois.
Please consider naming the Ursuline Academy
Foundation as a beneficiary. Your generosity will help us
preserve the tradition and spirit of Ursuline Academy.
For more information, contact Tony DelGiorno at (217)
522-6000 or email
Summer 2008
Preserving Tradition...
Remember that as part of our continuing mission and
function, the UA Foundation plans to sponsor retreats,
service trips, and other regular activities for students
displaced by the closing. If you are interested in assisting
with these activities either by pledging time or money to
defray the costs, please email us at
Please help us as we continue to help our former students
live and preserve the tradition of service of Ursuline
Page 9
Annual Report 2007
Ursuline Academy Foundation
Fiscal Year 2007 (May 22, 2007-December 31, 2007)
as of December 31, 2007
Net Assets
Total Net Assets
(includes general operating fund and
scholarship fund)
Management and General
Fundraising Expense
$ 1,072.90
*Contributions reflect all income from the 150th All-School Reunion
**Management and General reflects various filing and bank fees. Fundraising
Expense reflects all costs associated with the 150th All-School Reunion.
The following people gave generously to the Serviam Society -- the Ursuline Academy Foundation’s designation for funds which support the
general efforts of the Ursuline Academy Foundation -- during the 2007 calendar year. We are forever indebted to your generosity.
Merici Circle - $1,000 and above
George and Lois Jirgal
Terri Maze
John and Darlene Moroney
St. Ursula Society - $500 - $999
John and Karol Jenner
Richard and Willa Senger
Mother Woulfe Circle - $100 - $499
Colette Albertson-Kauffman
Genevieve Anthony
Bruce and Michelle Beal
Greg and Connie Bourland
Barb Burris
Tom and Denise Craven
Patricia Dehave
Kathleen Donelan
Mary C. Elgin
Monica Esela
Mark and Dee Fulgenzi
Ray and Tina Gladden
Anthony and Tamara Graham
Deanna and Tom Greene
Lorraine Hamrick
Elizabeth Lewis
Dave and Patricia Menzel
Donna Myers
Kerry Noonan-Lewis
Erica Painter
Chris and Sara Ratcliffe
Greg and Jeannie Reynolds
James and Louise Reynolds
Gary and Kelly Shepherd
Tom and Mary Theilken
Sheila Walk
Page 10
Friend - $50 - $99
Tammy Albert
Julie Anderson
Krista Flesch
Alan and Sharon Fowler
Joe and Janice Franz
Jack and Sarah Hulsen
Patricia Hunt
Heather and David Koehn
Richard and Susan Bramlet Lavin
R. A. McFall and M.A. McFall
Helen Milito
Brian and Vickie Moseley
Suzy Rechner
John and Kim VanPelt
Christa and Nathan Zak
Contributor - up to $49
Peter and Susan Ansell
Bruce and Susan Bangert
Carol Bellm
Sarah Carr
Sr. Celeste Cour, OSU
Rita Cour Dineen
Sonja Corrigan
Lorraine Cusick
Jaqueline and Ronald Davis
Mary Rita Dineen
Michele Dodson
Donna Fulgenzi Putting
Viva Leas Golladay
Edward and Clare Hart
JoAnn Hefer
Diana Hetherington
Patricia Kmett
Helen Knoedler
Traci Luparell
Toni Marx
Sandy Pecori
Dolores Pellman
Robert and Pat Pierce
Kayla Shepherd
Wilma Staley
Robert and Cheryl Watts
Susy (Kauling) Woods
Summer 2008
Ursuline Academy Foundation....
Keeping the Ursuline
Academy Tradition Alive
The Ursuline Academy Foundation was started originally to assist with raising money to keep
Ursuline Academy open. Given the short time frame that was allotted to recruit enough students
and raise substantial revenue, our efforts to keep UA open were not successful. However, due to
the tremendous support by the Ursuline Academy family and the Springfield community, the
Ursuline Academy Foundation Board received its mandate to continue. We invite you to join our
Some of the UA Foundation’s Activities
~ scholarship fund for continuing Catholic education
~ alumni relations and fellowship
~ service trips and other service opportunities to the community
~ preservation of the Ursuline Academy educational tradition
Please consider a donation to keep the UA tradition alive!
Simply complete the form below or visit to make a secure online contribution.
I want to support the Ursuline Academy Foundation at the following level:
Contributor - $25
St. Ursula Society - $500
Friend - $50
Mother Woulfe Circle - $100
Merici Circle - $1,000
Other - $____________
Name________________________________________ Phone___________________________________
Maiden Name_________________________________ Class of___________________________________
City___________________________________ State__________ Zip______________________________
Please return this form, along with your check payable to Ursuline Academy Foundation to:
Ursuline Academy Foundation
P.O. Box 8748
Springfield, Illinois 62791
Donations to the Ursuline Academy Foundation, a 501(c)3 charitable organization, are fully tax-deductible
and will be published in the Foundation’s annual report.
Summer 2008
Page 11
Ursuline Academy Foundation
P.O. Box 8748
Springfield, Illinois 62791
Address Correction Requested
Welcome to your Alumni Newsletter!
A look back in time...
The 1951 Student Council with Sr. Florence.
Do you have photos from your days at Ursuline? Please
share them with us! Email
A note from the editors...
First, we would like to thank
Sally Wojcicki and Jeannie
Mitchell (‘74) of SalJean for
sharing their stock of historic
Ursuline photos that they
scanned for the 150th AllSchool Reunion. Thanks also
to Andrea Lyon of Washington, DC, for volunteering her
time to proof this issue of the Alumni Newsletter for typos,
grammatical stumbles and misplaced commas.
Second, thank you to all who responded to our first issue
of the Alumni Newsletter last fall. As you know, it was the
first communication with alumni in a long time and we were
very proud of our efforts to get back in touch with our
Ursuline family. Your feedback is important to us and we
encourage you to let us know what we can do to make the
Alumni Newsletter better.
Lastly, please accept our apologies. This issue of the
Alumni Newsletter was slated for production in late Spring.
As you know, the UA Foundation Board of Directors is an
all-volunteer endeavour, meaning family, work, and life in
general can sometimes get in the way. That said, we hope
this issue of the Alumni Newsletter was worth the wait!
Let us hear from you!
-Beth (Marx) Mayfield (‘82) and Derrick Jones (‘96)
Alumni Newsletter Editors
Renewed Life:
Ursuline Chapel Hosts Young AdultMass
The Springfield area
Young Adult Mass (held
Sundays at 8pm) is part of
a Diocesan effort to engage
the young Catholics in the
greater Springfield area.
The first Young Adult
Mass was held in the
Dawson Hall Chapel at
SCI in February 2008.
More than 70 young
Catholics gathered for the
inaugural Mass. Within a
few weeks, the Young
Adult Mass was moved
into the Ursuline Chapel to
Photo: SalJean (
accommodate the
consistently large number
of attendees, bringing the Chapel, where all Ursuline
alumni spent so much time, back to life.
Among those on the Young Adult Mass leadership team
is Sara Wojcicki, UA class of 1998. For more information
about the Young Adult Mass, visit their website at
Summer 2008