51817M1B_Cvr 10/28/02 8:01 AM Page 2 51817M2A_text 10/18/02 3:53 PM Page 1 TABLE of C ONT EN T S Domestic Radiators Import Radiators Euro & Exotic Moto Sports 1 1 - 8 0 0 - F L U I DY N E ( C A ) Fords, Chevys, Dodge… pg. 3-4 Hondas, Mitsubishis, Nissans… pg. 5-6 B M W, G o l f , V i p e r s , C o r v e t t e s … D i r t B i k e s , 4 W h e e l e r s , V- Tw i n … pg. 7 pg. 8 51817M2A_text THIS 10/21/02 1:31 PM Page 2 IS OUR “mission statement” A T FLUIDYNE High Performance Racing Radiators Asphalt, Dirt, Drag… pg. 9-10 (Chub Frank) Cooling Accessories Heat Exchangers Oil Coolers Fans, Radiator Caps… pg. 11 Wa t e r- To - O i l , H x … pg. 12 E n g i n e , Tr a n s , R e a r E n d … pg. 13-17 2 w w w . F L U I DY N E . c o m 51817M2A_text 10/21/02 1:34 PM Page 3 COOL WITH CONFIDENCE… choose FLUIDYNE High Performance “The Cooler-Coolers!” MUSTANG Mustang 1964-66 FHP30-64MU FHP30A-64MU FHP30-64MU5.0 64-66 Ford Mustang 3-Row Radiator 64-66 Ford Mustang 3-Row Radiator AT 64-66 Ford Mustang 5.0 Conversion 3-Row Radiator Mustang 1979-93 FHP20-93MU FHP20A-93MU 79-93 Ford Mustang 2-Row Radiator 79-93 Ford Mustang 2-Row Radiator AT Mustang 1994-95 FHP20-95MU FHP20A-95MU 94-95 Ford Mustang 2-Row Radiator 94-95 Ford Mustang 2-Row Radiator AT Mustang 1996-2000 FHP20-96MU FHP20A-96MU FHP20-97MU FHP20A-97MU 96 Ford Mustang 2-Row Radiator 96 Ford Mustang 2-Row Radiator AT 97-00 Ford Mustang 2-Row Radiator 97-00 Ford Mustang 2-Row Radiator AT FOCUS Ford Focus 2000-2002 FHP11-00FOC* 00-02 Ford Focus Performance Radiator 1 0 0 % Braze d Alu m inu m Core (No Ep oxy Join ts) Hig h Ef f icien cy Air Fin s Po lis he d A lum inu m Tan ks 3 Bra cke t s , H oses an d Fittin gs All Meet OE Fit- U p 1 - 8 8 8 - F L U I DY N E ( N C ) 51817M2B_text 10/25/02 1:48 PM Page 4 “ Direct-Fit” “ race-bred technology” Bolt-On f o r y o u r d a i l y d r i v e r. CAMARO / FIREBIRD Camaro 1967-69 Firebird 1967-69 FHP30-67CAM* 67-69 Chevy Camaro 3-Row Radiator Camaro 1993-97 Firebird 1993-97 FHP11-93CAM* 93-97 Chevy Camaro Performance Radiator CHEVROLET TRUCK C h e v y ‘C ’ & ‘K ’ S e r i e s Tr u c k 1 9 6 7 - 7 2 FHP30-67CTRK* 67-72 Chevy ‘C’ & ‘K’ Series Truck Radiator Chevy 1955-57 FHP30-55CHV6* FHP30-55CHV8* 55-57 Chevy Passenger Car 3-Row Radiator (Mounts in front of core support) 55-57 Chevy for V8 (Mounts behind core support) Coming In 2003 DODGE Dodge Neon 1995-99 FHP11-95NEO* 95-99 Dodge Neon Performance Radiator * Not equipped for auto trans vehicles. If trans cooler is needed, order Multiflow Cooler #FHP10026. 4 w w w . F L U I DY N E . c o m 51817M2A_text 10/21/02 1:45 PM Page 5 S WA P P E D, J U I C E D, T U R B O ’D … whatever! FLU IDYNE Ra d ia to r s A re …in Appearance , Performance , Quality & # “Direct-Fit” Import Radiators ACURA Acura Integra 1990-00 FHP11-90INT*† FHP11-94INT*† 90-93 Acura Integra Performance Radiator 94-00 Acura Integra Performance Radiator † For air-conditioning, order #FHP34109 fan with MTG kit. HONDA Honda Accord 1994-97 FHP11-94ACC* 94-97 Honda Accord Performance Radiator Includes 11" Fan Honda Civic 1988-00 Honda Del Sol 1993-97 FHP11-88CRX* FHP11-92CIV* FHP11-92CIV* 88-91 Honda CIV/CRX Performance Radiator 92-00 Honda Civic Performance Radiator 93-97 Honda Del Sol Performance Radiator Honda Prelude 1997-99 FHP11-94ACC* 97-99 Honda Prelude Performance Radiator Includes 11" Fan MAZDA Mazda RX7 1986-95 FHP11-86RX7* FHP11-93RX7* 86-92 Mazda RX7 Performance Radiator 93-95 Mazda RX7 Performance Radiator * All imports not equipped for auto trans vehicles. If trans cooler is needed, order Multiflow Cooler #FHP10026. 5 1 - 8 0 0 - F L U I DY N E ( C A ) … 51817M2A_text 10/21/02 2:40 PM Page 6 A t F L U I DY N E H i g h P e r f o r m a n c e … “ Direct-Fit” Is OUR BENCHMARK Not Just a Slogan! MITSUBISHI Mitsubishi Eclipse 1990-99 FHP11-90MIT* FHP11-95MIT* 90-94 Mitsubishi Eclipse Performance Radiator 95-99 Mitsubishi Eclipse Performance Radiator with OEM Turbo 95-99 Mitsubishi Eclipse Performance Radiator OEM Non-Turbo FHP11-95MIT-NT* NISSAN Nissan 240SX & Skyline 1995-98 FHP11-95SX-KA24* FHP11-95SX-SR20* FHP11-95SKY* 95-98 Nissan 240SX-KA24 Performance Radiator 95-98 Nissan 240SX-SR20 Performance Radiator 95-98 Skyline GTR-R33 Performance Radiator SUBARU Subaru WRX 2002 FHP11-02WRX* 02 Subaru WRX Performance Radiator TOYOTA To y o t a S u p r a 1 9 8 6 - 9 8 FHP11-86SUP* FHP11-93SUP* 86-92 Toyota Supra Performance Radiator 93-98 Toyota Supra Performance Radiator Fits Turbo & Non-Turbo Models FOCUS Ford Focus 2000-02 FHP11-00FOC* 00-02 Ford Focus Performance Radiator UNIVERSAL IMPORT DRAG Scirocco Style FHP11-DRAG FHP11-PRO DRAG† Scirocco Style Drag Performance Radiator Pro-Drag Performance Radiator with Internal Electric Water Pump † Stewart Components/EMP * All imports not equipped for auto trans vehicles. If trans cooler is needed, order Multiflow Cooler #FHP10026. 6 w w w . F L U I DY N E . c o m 51817M2B_text 10/22/02 2:51 PM Page 7 F L U I DY N E P R O V I D E S A L L T H E cooling you’ll need for your HIGH-OUTPUT Euro & Exotic Monster m o t o r . BMW BMW E36 1992-99 FHP11-92E36* 92-99 BMW E36 6 Cyl. Performance Radiator Coming In 2003 VOLKSWAGEN Vo l k s w a g e n G o l f M K 4 2 0 0 1 - 0 2 FHP11-01MK4* 01-02 Volkswagen Golf MK4 Performance Radiator CORVETTE Corvette 1990-96 FHP11-96COR FHP11A-96COR 90-96 Chevy Corvette Performance Radiator 90-96 Chevy Corvette Performance Radiator AT PANTERA Pantera — FHP30-PAN A l l Ye a r s Pantera 3-Row Radiator SHELBY COBRA Shelby Cobra Original FHP30-SHELBY Shelby Cobra 3-Row Radiator VIPER Dodge Viper 1997-98 FHP30-98VI 7 97-98 Dodge Viper Coupe 3-Row Radiator * Not equipped for auto trans vehicles. If trans cooler is needed, order Multiflow Cooler #FHP10026. 1 - 8 8 8 - F L U I DY N E ( N C ) 51817M2C_text 10/25/02 1:53 PM Page 8 We w a n t [ you ] to “Experience the FLUIDYNE Advantage” Moto Sports Radiators & Oil Coolers HONDA Honda CRF450 4-Stroke 2002-03 Honda XR650 4-Stroke 2000-03 FHP11-CRF450 FHP11-XR650 02-03 Honda CRF450 Performance Radiator Set (Pictured) 00-03 Honda XR650 Performance Radiator Set YAMAHA Ya m a h a B a n s h e e A T V FHP11-BANPRO Banshee ATV Performance Radiator Ya m a h a R a p t o r A T V 2 0 0 1 - 0 2 FHP11-01RAP 01-02 Yamaha Raptor Performance Radiator Coming In 2003 V-TWIN V - Tw i n E n g i n e O i l C o o l e r FHP-VTWIN V-Twin Engine Oil Cooler 8 w w w . F L U I DY N E . c o m 51817M2C_text 10/25/02 1:55 PM We’re at o ur Page 9 best w h e n t h e H E A T i s o n ! Racing Radiators Open Wheel Radiators Part No. Sprint Cars 20" x 22" 3-Row With Stainless Steel Heat Exchanger CTS 28"/30"(max) x 21" FRR34310 FRR34310-SPRINT FRR34311-SPRINT FRR34311-MS FRR34311-OH FRR34311-SHKART FRR34330-NF FRR34330-NR FRR34330-SKR Description 1-Row IMCA Style (Alcohol) 1-Row Radiator Sprint Style (Alcohol) 38mm Sprint Style (Gas) 38mm Micro Sprint (Nose Cone) 38mm Micro Sprint (Overhead) 38mm 125/250cc Kart 3-Row Modified Front Mount 3-Row Modified Rear Mount 3-Row Modified Rear Mount Size (inches) 27 x 19 x 1.5 20 x 22 x 1.5 20 x 22 x 2 16 x 10 x 2 16 x 12 x 2 7x12x2 29.5 x 13.5 x 3.5 24.5 x 16 x 3.5 22 x 16 x 3.5 Late Model Stock Part No. FRR34320-DRT FRR34320-LMS-16 Description Size (inches) 2-Row Dirt Late Model Single Pass (Chevy/Ford) 28 x 18 x 2.5 2-Row Late Model Stock 2-Pass 28 x 19 x 2.5 31 x 19 x 2.5 N OT E : Lat e m o de l st o c k radia to r s a v a ila b le with 1 - 1 /2 " sl i p o n, A N - 1 6 and A N - 2 0 i n let, with o r with o u t filler n ec k. FRR34320-LMS-HX 2-Row Late Model Stock 2-Pass w/Hx 31 x 19 x 2.5 N OT E : Lat e m o de l st o c k and to u r in g s er ies w/H x a v a ila b le w i t h A N - 1 6 o r A N - 2 0 i nl e t , w ith o r with o u t filler n ec k. Dwarf Car Radiator 13" x 17.25" Micro Sprint 38mm Overhead 16" x 12" 3-Row With Stack EOC BGN, ProCup, LMS 28" x 19" FRR34330-LM-EOC 3-Row Late Model Stock w/DB-30816 Stackable Oil Cooler FRR34330-LMS 3-Row Late Model Stock Radiator Only DB-30816-LMS Air to Oil Engine Cooler (EOC) Only 32 x 19 x 3.5 32 x 15.5 x 3.5 32 x 3.5 x 3.5 Double 38mm With Stack EOC WC, BGN, CTS, ARCA 28" x 19" 2-Row With Stainless Steel Heat Exchanger Late Model & Tour 31" x 19" 3-Row Modifieds (FRR34330-SKR Shown) 22" x 16" 9 1 - 8 0 0 - F L U I DY N E ( C A ) 4-Row With Stainless Steel Heat Exchanger WC, BGN, CTS, ARCA 28"/30"(max) x 19" 51817M2C_text 10/25/02 1:59 PM Page 10 FL UI DYN E helps Te a m B u l l i s h R a c i n g make Import Drag Race History with the first Official 6 second E.T.’s i n Englishtown, NJ, Octo ber 5, 2002. Triple 38mm Super Speedway Radiator 28"/32"(max) x 19" Fans and Mounting Brackets Optional On All Radiator Packages 38mm 125cc Kart 250cc Shifter Kart 7" x 12" Dirt Late Model 28" x 18" Sportsman Radiator 28.5" x 18" USAR-ASA-CTS-Other Part No. Description FRR34330 3-Row Radiator w/AN-20 and 1-1/2" FNPT FRR34330-BGN-HX 3-Row Radiator w/Hx FRR34330-CTS-HX 3-Row Radiator w/Hx FRR34330-EOC FRR34330-ASA 3-Row Radiator w/DB-30816 EOC 3-Row Radiator Size (inches) 28 x 19 x 3.5 28 x 19 x 3.5 28 x 21 x 3.5 28 x 22.5 x 3.5 28 x 19 x 3.5 27x 16 x3.5 NOTE: Radi ato r s are avai l abl e with AN -20 o r t w o AN-12 i nl e ts , wi th o r witho ut fi l l e r ne c k . 3-Row With Stainless Steel Heat Exchanger WC, BGN, ProCup, ARCA 28"/30"(max) x 19" 4-Row With Stack EOC WC , BGN, CTS, ARCA 28" x 19" Drag Racing Part No. Description FHP11-PRO DRAG Pro-Drag w/Internal Electric Water Pump* FHP11-DRAG Scirocco Style Drag Performance Radiator Size (inches) 25.75 x 12.5 x 2 22 x 12.5 x 2 *Stewart Components/EMP Drag Scirocco Without Internal Pump 22" x 12.5" Pro-Drag With Internal Pump 25.75" x 12.5" 10 w w w . F L U I DY N E . c o m 51817M2C_text 10/25/02 2:03 PM Page 11 Champions experience the “ F L U IDY NE A d va n t age ” Cooling Accessories ELECTRIC FANS N OTE: El e ctr i c fan i nc l ude s mounti ng ki t Part No. Description Dia (inches) Height (inches) Air Flow Weight (CFM) (lbs) Current (Amps) FHP-34105 Mounting Kit for All Fans FHP-34107 Ultra Thin Line 12V Electric Fan 7 2.05 440 1.5 5.5 FHP-34109 Ultra Thin Line 12V Electric Fan 9 2.98 679 2 7.3 FHP-34111 Ultra Thin Line 12V Electric Fan (Puller) 11 2.98 1075 2 9.3 FHP-34211 Ultra Thin Line 12V Electric Fan (Pusher) 11 2.98 1075 2 9.3 FHP-34114 Ultra Thin Line 12V Electric Fan 14 3.18 1769 3 11.2 FHP-34116 Ultra Thin Line 12V Electric Fan (Puller) 16 3.82 2197 3 11.2 FHP-34216 Ultra Thin Line 12V Electric Fan (Pusher) 16 3.82 2197 3 11.2 FHP-35116 SPAL Ultra Thin Line 12V Electric Fan 16 3.39 2400 5.17 18 ACCESSORIES Part No. Description FHP-32000 24 lb Radiator Cap-Medium FHP-32002 16 lb Radiator Cap-Mini FHP-32003 19-21 lb Radiator Cap-Mini FC4 FLUIDYNE Die Cut Decals 4" (1 pr) FC6 FLUIDYNE Die Cut Decals 6" (1 pr) FC10 FLUIDYNE Die Cut Decals 10" (1 pr) FHP-34030 Die Cast Oil Filter Housing FHP-34031 Cast Filter Housing with Bypass FHP-34032 CNC Oil Filter Housing FHP-34034 Filter Element ELECTRIC WATER PUMPS – STEWART / EMP Part No. FHP-E558AR Description Electric Water Pump Red Anodized AN-20 Outlet FHP-E5506AN-16 Electric Water Pump Red Anodized AN-16 Outlet 11 1 - 8 8 8 - F L U I DY N E ( N C ) FHP-E558A-INT Electric Water Pump for the Integrated Radiator with AN-20 Outlet FHP-E558A-16 External Electric Water Pump with AN-16 Outlet/ AN-20 Inlet 51817M2C_text 10/25/02 2:05 PM Page 12 More power means more HEAT. cool it with FLUIDYNE… “ C o o l e r- C o o l e r s ” Heat Exchangers THERM-Hx™ Heat Exchangers Aluminum Parallel-Flow Part No. Description THERM-Hx™ Heat Exchanger DB-30500 Parallel Flow THERM-Hx™ Heat Exchanger DB-30501 Parallel Flow Size (inches) Dry Weight (lb) BTU Fittings Oil Capacity 14.75 x 6.25 x 4.5 9.5 80,000 1.0 qts 9 x 5.36 x 6.36 6.5 60,000 Oil: AN-12 Water: 3/4" FTP Oil: AN-12 Water: 3/4" FTP .8 qts THERM-Hx™ Heat Exchangers Aluminum Series-Flow Part No. Description Size (inches) DB-30503 THERM-Hx™ III Heat Exchanger 11.25 x 4.25 x 3.25 (Hot Water) DB-30504 THERM-Hx™ IV Heat Exchanger 11.5 x 4.25 x 3.25 (Cold Water) Dry Weight (lb) BTU 4.75 65,000 4.75 Fittings Oil: AN-12 Water: 11/2" hose 65,000 Oil: AN-12 Water: 13/4" hose Oil Capacity 1.0 qts 1.0 qts W H E T H E R YO U R PASSI ON I S “SE RI OU S PE RFOR MANCE” O R J U S T T H E “ N E E D FOR SPE E D ”… FLU I DY N E PROD UCTS A R E S TAT E - O F - T H E - ART I N FLU I D C OOLI N G T E CHNOLOG Y. 12 w w w . F L U I DY N E . c o m 51817M2C_text 10/25/02 2:07 PM Page 13 FLUIDYNE For t he finest in hig h p e r fo r m a n c e … i n s i s t o n Oil Coolers OIL COOLERS 50mm Plate-Fin Coolers Part No. Oil Dry Capacity Weight (quarts) (lbs) Fittings Size (inches) Description DB-30110 Plate-Fin Engine Oil Cooler Trans or Rear End DB-30115 Plate-Fin Engine Oil Cooler Trans or Rear End DB-30120 Plate-Fin Engine Oil Cooler Trans or Rear End DB-30125 Plate-Fin Engine Oil Cooler Trans or Rear End DB-30130 Plate-Fin Engine Oil Cooler Trans or Rear End 11x4x2 .25 2 AN-8 11x6x2 .38 3 AN-8 11x8x2 .51 4 11x10x2 .64 5 11x12x2 .77 6 AN-8, -10 AN-8 -10, -12 AN-10, -12 U l t r a l i t e Tu b e - F i n C o o l e r s Part No. -12 Oil Dry Capacity Weight (quarts) (lbs) Size (inches) Description DB-30322*† Oil Cooler for 22" Radiator 18x12.25x1 .65 DB-30326*† Oil Cooler for 26" Radiator 22x12.25x1 .71 4 DB-30328*† Oil Cooler for 28" Radiator 23x12.25x1 .75 4.5 DB-30331*† Oil Cooler for 31" Radiator 27x12.25x1 .83 4.75 3.5 *HD units available with two more tubes (3" higher) † (2)AN-12/(2)1/2" FNPT NOTE: Oil Cooler dimensions do not include 1.5" brackets. 20mm Multiflow Coolers Part No. Description FHP-10026 6-Pass Transmission Oil Cooler 9-Pass Transmission Oil Cooler FHP-10029 Size (inches) Oil Dry Capacity Weight (quarts) (lbs) 14x6.5x1 .25 3.3 18x8.75x1 .45 4.5 Fittings 11/32 Push On 11/32 Push On ZR-1 & Corvette Direct-Fit Oil Cooler Part No. Description FHP-ZR1EOC ZR-1 & Corvette Direct-Fit Oil Cooler 13 1 - 8 0 0 - F L U I DY N E ( C A ) Size (inches) Oil Capacity (quarts) Dry Weight (lbs) 18x12.25x1 .65 3.5 51817M2A_text 10/21/02 3:04 PM Page 14 on the Street or Strip… we’ll keep you COOL! OE Shelby Oil Cooler Part No. FHP-10324 FHP-20215 Description Oil Dry Capacity Weight (quarts) (lbs) Size (inches) Shelby Engine 23.5x7x1.5 Oil Cooler Shelby Transmission 15x4.5x3 Oil Cooler Fittings .45 4.75 AN-12 .25 3.3 1/2" FNPT Legends Oil Cooler Part No. DB-30316 Description Legends/Dwarf Engine Oil Cooler Oil Dry Capacity Weight (quarts) (lbs) Size (inches) 16x10.5x1 .4 Fittings 2.5 (4)1/2" FNPT NOTE: Oil Cooler dimensions do not include 1.5" brackets. SHROUDED OIL COOLERS Combo Rear End/ Tr a n s m i s s i o n C o o l e r Part No. Description Size (inches) DB-30900 Combo Rear End/Transmission 11x8x4 Oil Cooler 12V DC – 7" DB-30901 Rear End/Transmission 12x10x7 Oil Cooler 12V DC – 9" Oil Capacity (quarts) Dry Weight (lbs) Fittings .5 6.5 (4)AN-8 .51 7.5 (2)AN-8 Enduro All-Season Tr a n s m i s s i o n C o o l e r Part No. Description DB-30612 Enduro All-Seaon Transmission Cooler DB-30613 Enduro All-Seaon Oil Cooler – 2-Pass Size (inches) Oil Capacity (quarts) 15x15x9 2.01 15x15x9 2.01 Dry Weight (lbs) Fittings 17.5 1/2" FNPT 17.5 (2)3/4" FNPT & (1)1/2" FNPT 14 w w w . F L U I DY N E . c o m 51817M2C_text 10/25/02 2:10 PM Page 15 F RO M R AC E C I R C U I T S … … to street cruising, Oil Coolers (con’t.) THERM-Hx ™ OIL COOLERS THERM-Hx™ Part No. Description DB-30416 DB-30417 Late Model 400 Late Model 400 – 2-Pass Late Model 400 Series Size (inches) Description DB-30516 DB-30517 Sportsman 500 Sportsman 500 – 2-Pass DB-30616 DB-30617 Size (inches) 6.75 6.75 (2) AN-12 & (2) 1/2" FNPT (2) AN-12 & (1) 1/2" FNPT 1.15 1.15 Dry Weight (lb) Fittings Oil Capacity (qts) 6.5 6.5 (4) 1/2" FNPT (2) 1/2" FNPT 1.07 1.07 12.5 x 5.875 x 3.75 12.5 x 5.875 x 3.75 Description All Pro 600 Series Size (inches) All Pro 600 All Pro 600 – 2-Pass Oil Capacity (qts) Sportsman 500 Series THERM-Hx™ Part No. Fittings 14.75 x 6.25 x 2.75 14.75 x 6.25 x 2.75 THERM-Hx™ Part No. Dry Weight (lb) Dry Weight (lb) Fittings Oil Capacity (qts) 9.75 9.75 (2) AN-12 & (2) 1/2" FNPT (2) AN-12 & (1) 1/2" FNPT 1.60 1.60 14.75 x 9.25 x 3 14.75 x 9.25 x 3 Heat Duty (Btu/hr) At 14 gpm, Toil in = 225°F, Air Temp = 100°F 120,000 110,000 100,000 90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10 il = Dpo = Dpoil i DB-30716/816 1 ps 9 psi DB-30516/517 Dpoil si =2p i/9 psi D 20 30 Offered in both single-pass and two-pass circuitry. CAB-brazed construction (no epoxy). Includes extruded oval tubes and patented lanced offset oil flow turbulators to create the most efficient coolers “pound-for-pound” in the market today. 1 - 8 8 8 - F L U I DY N E ( N C ) DB-30416/417 3 ps poil = 40 50 Air Speed (mph) 15 DB-30616/617/618 3 psi/ 60 70 51817M2A_text 10/21/02 3:07 PM Page 16 FLUIDYNE sets the standard in Performance, Reliability & Durability YO U CA N R E LY ON FLU I DY N E , T H E FLU I D C OOLING T E CH N OLOGY LE ADE R, FOR T H E B E ST IN P E R F O R M AN C E , QUALI T Y AN D DU RAB I LITY. THERM-Hx™ Part No. DB-30716 Super Speedway 700 Series Size (inches) Dry Weight (lb) 11.25 x 11.25 x 3.75 12 Description Super Speedway 700 THERM-Hx™ Part No. DB-30618 Description Air Box 650 Description DB-30816-STD Standard Stack EOC DB-30816-UNV* Universal Stack EOC (4) 1/2" FNPT Oil Capacity (qts) 1.57 Airbox 650 Series Size (inches) Dry Weight (lb) 21 x 5.875 x 3 12 THERM-Hx™ Part No. Fittings Fittings (2) AN-12 & (1) AN-6 & (1) 3/8" FNPT Oil Capacity (qts) 1.21 Stack Series Size (inches) Dry Weight (lb) Fittings Oil Capacity (qts) 28 x 3.5 x 3.5 w/4.625 Chnl 28 x 3.5 x 3.5 w/4 Chnl 12 12 AN-12 AN-12 1.26 1.26 *Various fitting configurations available. 16 w w w . F L U I DY N E . c o m 51817M2C_text 10/25/02 2:43 PM Page 17 We a r e c o m m i t t e d t o o ur race -bre d pro d u cts Oil Coolers (con’t.) SPECIALTY OIL COOLERS 14 Plate Side Duct Engine Oil Cooler Part No. DB-30114 Description 14 Plate Side Duct Cooler Size (inches) Dry Weight (lb) Fittings Oil Capacity (qts) 11 x 5.5 x 2 2.5 (2) AN-12 .34 Va l ve S p r i n g C o o l e r Part No. Description DB-30014* Valve Spring Cooler Size (inches) Dry Weight (lb) Fittings Oil Capacity (qts) 11.5 x 6 x .75 1 AN-6 .11 *Preferred choice of top engine builders. Power Steering Cooler Part No. Description Size (inches) Dry Weight (lb) Fittings Oil Capacity (qts) DB-30800 Power Steering Cooler 7.25 x 4 x 1.5 .75 3/8" Female .10 Tr a n s m i s s i o n O i l C o o l e r Part No. Description Size (inches) Dry Weight (lb) Fittings Oil Capacity (qts) DB-30216 Oval Tube Trans/Rear End Cooler Oval Tube Trans/Rear End Cooler 14.75 x 3 x 3 4 1/2" FNPT .53 14.75 x 3 x 3 4 AN-8 .53 DB-30217 17 1 - 8 0 0 - F L U I DY N E ( C A ) 51817M2C_text 10/25/02 2:14 PM Page 18 suppor ts the following… F L U I DY N E H ig h Pe rfo rma nce is proud t o be t he O ffic ial C ompet it ion Rad iat or of t h e I DR C a s we ll a s be i ng th e O fficial C ooling S y st em for t he Int ernat ion al Rac e o f C h ampio ns (IROC) since 1995. In addit ion, FHP is t he O fficially Lic en s ed O il C o o l er o f N A SC A R a nd a lso suppor t s S EMA, PWA, NDRA, C alifornia D r agway, NHRA, and the Kyle Petty Charity Ride . For donations to the Charity Ride , please go t o ww w. k yle pe ttycha ri ty ride .org. As we l l a s be ing a sso ci a te d wit h t hese organizat ions, FLU IDY NE is t otally c o m m itte d to provi ding yo u, t he cust omer, wit h t he most advanced kn owled ge in t h e c o o l ing pro ducts indust r y. FLU IDYNE is regist ered t o IS O - 9001 an d Q S - 9 0 0 0 I n t er n atio na l Sta nda rds fo r qualit y sy st ems and is dedic at ed t o cont inu ou s i m p rove me nt a nd custo me r sat isfac t ion. Th e t ota l visi o n o f the o rg anizat ion is ‘High Performanc e’, whet her it b e in N A S C A R ra ci ng , stre e t le g al racing, drag st rips, or mot orc y c les. FHP is growin g i n a l l t he se a re a s a nd o ffe rs a wide variet y of product selec t ion. FLU I DYN E de l i vers the hig he st qua li ty race- proven cooling product s in t he world an d t h ey i nv i t e a ll e nthusia sts to " Exp erience The FLUIDYNE Advantage" . 18 w w w . F L U I DY N E . c o m 51817M1B_Cvr 10/28/02 7:58 AM Page 1
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