catalog - Prime Time Agri Marketing
catalog - Prime Time Agri Marketing
Saturday, December 29 at 1 p.m. Along I-70 & US 40 near New Paris, Ohio It’s like having a partner in the field. Farming today is a year-round job that requires precision, good judgment and the latest technology. We know how hard you work to ensure healthy and abundant crops come harvest. That’s why Trupointe works hard to make a wide range of quality agronomy solutions available to you. Trupointe is there with trusted products, service and advice – like having a partner in the field. Trupointe Agronomy | Osgood, OH | 419.582.3502 | 866.528.2667 tf | Jo i n U s i n T h e W i n n e rs ’ C i rc l e ! Lot 1 1 Kallie 400Y 37.50% Maine Anjou Female 425942 3.45% Chianina Female P360390 HEAT WAVE HOLLYWOOD MISS HOLLY EBB STRICTLY BUSINESS PRYOR DONOR 400P Calved: May 2, 2011 Bred to calve 1/16 to SBR Tundra (Jake’s Proud Jazz x SBR Rider) Selling one-half interest with the option to double hammer price to acquire full interest Straight from The Winners’ Circle and ready for so much more, here is your new-generation donor prospect to help you create your next generation of winning stock. She is the Grand Champion MaineTainer Female of the 2012 Keystone International and the Reserve Grand Champion MaineTainer Female of the 2012 North American International and she is bound to create plenty of banners now that she is ready for heavy-duty work. Her dam is the prolific 400 cow at Pryor Show Cattle, IA, that is now in transplant for Tice & Schaeffer, so her quality is no accident. This combination of giant body blended with the slimmest front end and the easiest movement is so valuable in production; join us as we explore her power. After all, this is how the sale got it’s name! SCHAEFFER SHOW CATTLE W i n n i n g St o c k f ro m W i n n i n g Prog ra m s! 3 T H E WINNERS’CIRCLE at Green Oak Farms Saturday, December 29 – 1 pm EST At Green Oak Farms near New Paris, Ohio Located along I-70 just east of the Indiana line D riv i n g D i re ct i o n s: Join Us for a Great BBQ Lunch from Baumbach’s of New Paris, Ohio before the auction! From Dayton, OH take I-70 West to Exit 10 (the last exit in Ohio). Take 127 North to US 40 West. Follow 40 West to Orangeburg Road. Watch for signs along US 40 and I-70! From Richmond, IN take the US 40 Exit (the last exit in Indiana). Follow 40 East to Orangeburg Road and watch for signs along US 40 & I-70! Physical Address: 5495 Orangeburg Road – New Paris, Ohio 45347 Goettemoeller Gale Long, Owner 5945 Orangeburg Rd. New Paris, OH Dillon Durham, Herdsman: 765/546-0395 M.A.C. CATTLE Mac & Connie Smith - Austin Lizer Horse Cave, KY 270/528-3633 Mac’s Cell: 859/707-7150 SHOW CATTLE Brian, Dru, & Spencer Goettemoeller Winchester, IN 937/459-0209 CRYSTAL CREEK FARM Dr. & Mrs. Chris Gilbert Jenna, Jordan, Janel Greenville, OH 937/547-1950 Jordan: 937/459-9515 Lunch sponsored by Pioneer Hybrids International HALDERMAN SHOW CATTLE Alan & Thelma Halderman New Paris, OH 937/533-0489 or 937/437-0564 Andy Armstrong, 937/533-0771 SCHAEFFER Show Cattle Tim, Emily, & Braylen Schaeffer Paul and Tracy Schaeffer Hagerstown, IN 765/541-0738 Pre-Sa le I n s pe ct i o n o f t h e Of fe ri n g: The sale cattle are available anytime at their respective farms – all close to New Paris, Ohio – and will be in place at the sale site after Wednesday, December 26. Stop by anytime! 4 T h e Q u a lit y Y o u N e e d… Lot 2 2 Playmate 188S “Cory” 50% Simmental Female 2347486 Calved: April 16, 2006 MCF MR DEBS GIRL PAYOFF CMAC HARD CORE CMAC DANDYS SAMANTHA MEYER RANCH 734 PLAYMATE 1M MISS DUNK J965 Bred to calve 2/28 to Walks Alone or Believe In Me – No Exposure Retaining the right to one flush or not less than 8 embryos at our expense The opportunities abound in our 2012 edition and perhaps none may be bigger than this opportunity to own “Cory”, the famous baldy Hard Core that has been doing everything right at Goettemoeller Show Cattle. She was one of the most dominant show heifers in the last decade with wins such as Grand Champion of the Scarlet & Gray Midwest Showdown, Purdue AGR, Kentucky Beef Expo, and many others for the Chamberlin Family – and she has been exceptional in production as well. She is the dam of the $20,000 black-baldy Walks Alone steer that sold to Dan Young, TX, in the spring of 2012 as well as an $8,000 son by Heat Wave that was a many-time winner for the Potter Heat Wave x Lot 2 family, OH, including a selection as the Champion Maine-Anjou of the 2011 Ohio Beef Expo. Cory also produced another leader by Heat Wave that sold to Goddard Cattle, IA, for $9,500 and her embryos brought in excess of $1,700 each in the Frozen Gold Sale in their only appearance. This is a gorgeous, young creature that creates winners like she was herself. She has earned her reputation for producing high-premium, popular stock that create success and enjoyment. You owe it to yourself to own a cow like this. It’s been a good year. Own Cory 188S and see how much better next year can be. GOETTEMOELLER SHOW CATTLE Lot is also registered as a 50% Maine-Anjou 5 T H E WINNERS’CIRCLE at Green Oak Farms Saturday, December 29 – 1 pm EST At Green Oak Farms near New Paris, Ohio Located along I-70 just east of the Indiana line 61 Bred Cows and Heifers, 8 Open Heifers, 6 Bulls, and Unique Genetic Specials A u ct i o n St af f: Sale Office Phone: 419.350.9159 Sale Manager P.O. Box 85 Elmore, Ohio 43416 419/862-0117 — office phone 419/350-9159 — sale days Abs e nt e e Bi ddi n g: For interested buyers unable to attend we invite you to inspect the offering prior to the auction and then use our free buying service. Please contact any of the owners or auction staff as far ahead of the auction as possible to learn more about the offering and to arrange for this service. We will bid in your absence and arrange to have your purchases delivered to you. Live phone bidding is available but not guaranteed. Auctioneer… ...............................................................Ron Kreis, 740/683-3235 Marketing Agent ..................................................Jason Reynolds, 513/260-7155 Ringman.....................................................................................Dale Vonderhaar PrimeTIME, Inc. .........................................................Greg Meyer, 513/256-8575 PrimeTIME, Inc.........................................................John Meents, 419/306-7480 PrimeTIME, Inc........................................................Mark Murphy, 937/459-2530 PrimeTIME, Inc..............................................................Chad Day, 260/388-2876 PrimeTIME, Inc. ..............................................Richard Carmichael, 615/584-0997 American Chi. Assoc., Stan Comer, Tyler Humphrey.........................419/230-3450 I nt e rn et Biddi n g Proced u re s: Live internet bidding is available at You may watch the auction and bid on your favorite items in real-time. Bidders must register prior to the sale. Internet Bidding Questions May Be Directed to 937/515-1194 Internet bidders are responsible for all published updates/corrections and/or announcements made from the auction stand prior to and during the auction. It is highly recommended that all bidders consult the sale update sheet and sale order and/or contact the owner(s) or sale manager prior to bidding. The sale management and auction staff bear no responsibility for the function of the internet broadcast. The sale management reserves the right to refuse bidding privileges at anytime. We L oo k Fo rwa rd t o Ho sti n g Y ou i n ou r H e at ed, All-Weat h e r Sa le Fa cilit y! C o m e Ea rly a n d St a y L at e! A re a L od g i n g: Quality Inn, Richmond, Indiana ................................765/966-7511 Hampton Inn, Richmond, Indiana ............................765/939-9500 Richmond, Indiana is 15 minutes west of Green Oak Farms. 6 Lot 3 3 SUL Hanna Montana 4T Reg. 16.16% Chianina Female 328973 Calved: April 28, 2007 WHO MADE WHO 411F ALL ABOUT WHO FL WHO MADE WHO X AN 99 ALL ABOUT YOU SUL 534 HONDA FULL FLUSH Bred to calve 1/20 to GOET I-80 – No Exposure Retaining the right to one flush or not less than 8 embryos at our expense A fabulous freak from the deep and winning arsenal at Goettemoeller Show Cattle, Hanna Montana 4T has got to be one of the most proven young cows you will find anywhere! She was a big winner in the Chamberlin show string as a calf but she is way better in production with calf sales up to $23,500 so far. Her calves include a $12,500 daughter by Wisdom that sold in the 2010 NAILE Maine-Anjou Sale to Nowatzke and Moore, a $6,000 bull by Ali that works for Goff Farms, IN, a $7,500 daughter by I-80 that sold in the 2012 GSC Pasture Sale, plus the $23,500 son by Heat Wave that sold in the 2011 GSC Pasture Sale and later resold to Bonham Show Cattle, OK. All this and consider that she has only been flushed twice producing an average 10 embryos and that she will only turn six this spring. This cow is crazy hairy and gorgeous with great mobility. If you want to push your production and profit to the next level – or maybe the next two levels – then this is your gal. Brian and Dru can’t keep them all, so take advantage! GOETTEMOELLER SHOW CATTLE 7 I-80 x Lot 3 8 Pro ve n Prod u c e rs f ro m T h e W i n n e rs C i rc l e ! 4 S/T Hot Stuff Female Calved: March 2004 SIRE: HEAT SEEKER DAM: MEYER 734 X AN Tested THF AI 5/19 to Monopoly – PE to S/T Cruiser 7/04-8/20 – Safe AI – Due 2/26 Hot Stuff is hot property! This proven Schaeffer donor is a fantastic producer and, with her great width, big middle, and softer leg, she is unlike most Heat Seeker daughters you will find. This THF leader is the dam of a $9,000 bull by Dubais, a $6,000 daughter by Sunseeker, and a $4,500 average on her last four calves sold. She has been flushed one time for 14 good ones and she is bred up for something very cool this spring. Hot Stuff has done everything that has been asked of her on a high level and there will be much more. Call us when she calves. Lot 4 SCHAEFFER SHOW CATTLE 5 S&S Premier Edition P25 PB Simmental Female 2238830 Calved: March 4, 2004 MR BLACK GX 6W MEYER RANCH 734 MISS GX 728R STF RED SEIGE STF CELINE 161H RUSS MACK 161C PE to S/T Cruiser 6/20-8/20 – Safe-in-calf From the core of the top Simmental herd at Schaeffer Show Cattle, here is a superproductive, blaze-faced, purebred 734 daughter that has given a lot and has plenty left in the tank. She is the dam of a $5,000 bull by Headliner, his $4,000 sister by Boardwalk, and three young females in production now. This cow has great feet and structure that compliment her big backed, strong boned design that works. Due with a half-blood MaineTainer by S/T Cruiser, the Sooner x Whiskey blend. Lot 5 SCHAEFFER SHOW CATTLE 6 M.A.C. Dixie Erica 825U Reg. 50% Simmental Female 2467940 Calved: March 5, 2008 DJ ELISHA E503 DJ SALUTE G509 MISS JONG 273 O C C ANCHOR 771A O C C BLACKBIRD 727K O C C BLACKBIRD 817F Bred to calve 3/12 to Monopoly – No Exposure What a gorgeous Salute half-blood! Grab on to these rare genetics and put her to work in your program. She is great haired and ideally sized to go anyway you want with a powerful hip and top plus leading udder quality and milk production. You don’t find them like this very often and she is bred for something great this time! Lot 6 GREEN OAK FARMS 9 Pro ve n W i n n e rs Fo r Y o u To Ta k e H o m e ! 7 JBT Miss Pearl 494 50% Simmental Female 2497763 CNS DREAM ON L186 SVF STAR POWER S802 SVF SHEZA STAR N902 JGCC BLACK PEARL JBT MISS PEARL 464S JBT ANGUS 464 Bred to calve 2/19 to Monopoly Lot7 Calved: March 15, 2009 A former Ohio’s BEST and Ohio State Fair Grand Champion SimAngus Female among other titles, Miss Pearl 494 is a young feature from the cream of the Green Oak herd. She was a big winner for Megan Hunt and it won’t be long before she fulfills her destiny in production. Her dam is the Lot 1 feature of the Holiday Classic and her maternal brother was a Tennessee State Fair Champion Steer plus two full sisters have been premium stock as well. This cow is the picture of versatility with her one-half Simmental and 6.25% Chi blood plus the winning style we love. Happy New Year! GREEN OAK FARMS JBT Miss Pearl 464S 8 M.A.C. Ellie 036X 50% Charolais Female RF705101 Calved: April 27, 2010 OCC LEGEND BC LOOKOUT 7024 GIBBET HILL MIGNONNE E37 KEYS PEUGEOT 72N OCR MISS PEUGEOT R04 OCR MISS PERFORMER N60 Sells open with a TWCC Trendsetter T71 heifer born 9/23 – MAC Ellie’s Girl 272Z – ASA 50% #2660450 Lot 8 A gorgeous smoky pair backed by the Frozen Gold feature and multiple-champion, OCR Miss Peugeot R04, this is a great opportunity to access winning genetics in high style. This cow is super attractive and every bit the perfect first-calver with her ideal structure, elegant lines, and a beautiful udder. Her first heifer calf has the same great style with excellent hair and she arrived with a 68 pound birth weight. You can accomplish a lot when you start with a pair like this! M.A.C. CATTLE and JENKINS FAMILY OCR Miss Peugeot R04 10 9 10 Westward Sky 308 804 Angus Cow 16218754 Calved: March 1, 2008 SITZ TRAVELER 8180 S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 BOYD FOREVER LADY 8003 R R FERDINAND 758D WESTWARD SKY 801 NORTH OAK OLIVIA 609 Bred to calve 2/07 to Smilin’ Bob – No Exposure Westward Sky 315W Angus Female 14637336 Calved: December 7, 2003 G A R PRECISION 1680 C A FUTURE DIRECTION 5321 C A MISS POWER FIX 308 N BAR EMULATION EXT NORTH OAK OLIVIA 609 T R A OLIVIA 403 Tested AMC Bred to calve 2/12 to Trading Favors – No Exposure This impressive and productive purebred Angus cow has an outstanding calf every year, no matter what she’s bred to. Check the bull and bred heifer that sell here as Lots 17 and 46 for proof, this cow really does the job. Her calves arrive with light birth weights yet always show the most growth at weaning time and they are always among our best in total quality. Her maternal sisters have sold into 5 states including a $10,000 entry in the 2001 National Western Angus Sale. You will not be disappointed in any way with this proven leader! This proven donor is hard to turn loose because she has always excelled. She has an extensive amount of eggs on ice so we are offering her as a special highlight that we know will create considerable success. She may be the most consistent cow at Halderman Farms as year after year she produces a highly marketable calf. An excellent daughter by Bojo sells as Lot 33. HALDERMAN FARMS & WESTWARD ANGUS HALDERMAN FARMS & WESTWARD ANGUS 11 12 HF Perfect 82P AHF Queenie 07 PB Shorthorn Female 4086672 Calved: February 14, 2004 WF DILLON ET SCC ESKIMO JOE G50 SCC ROAN PLUS E64 SBR 20/20 VISION HF MORANDA 82 HF JOY Implanted 6/08 with SVF Star Power x Champion Hill Blacklass embryo PE to HF Red Bull 6/11-7/16 – Safe-in-calf PB Shorthorn Female 4166178 AHL DOUBLE STUFF 306 4D DOUBLE VISION MISS CODY 3X DUNBEACON VENTURE HF QUEENIE SULL QUEENIE 507 ET Tested THF Bred to calve 3/05 to Eskimo Joe Here is a really stout, purebred Shorthorn cow that works well. She is big legged and great fronted with the long haired, square look you need to make winning stock. She milks well and has been predictably fertile. AHF Queenie is a young, choked-necked female from the works of some of the Shorthorn breed’s best. Her first calf was a beautiful blue roan by Grizzly that sold in the 2nd annual Preble County Cattleman’s Club Calf Sale sired by Grizzly. Her second dam was a $10,000 donor investment from Sullivan Farms, IA. HALDERMAN FARMS & 4D FARMS Calved: February 17, 2010 HALDERMAN FARMS & 4D FARMS I m po rt a nt Sa le I nfo r m atio n: Terms: Terms of sale are cash or good check made payable immediately after the sale and before any cattle are loaded. Invoiced (absentee) accounts are payable in full within 10 days of the sale or are subject to a 2% finance charge on the tenth day. A fee of $50 will be assessed to all returned checks. Liability: All animals and merchandise will be at the buyer’s risk as soon as bid off but will be cared for by the seller(s) for a reasonable amount of time during and immediately following the sale. Neither the owners, auctioneers, sale manager or other affiliated personnel may be held responsible for any accidents that may occur. PrimeTIME AgriMarketing NETWORK, Inc. acts only as an agent between buyer and seller and may not be held responsible for any livestock or merchandise. It is to be clearly understood that PrimeTIME AgriMarketing NETWORK, Inc. and its representatives act only as a medium between buyer and seller, and may not be held liable, financially or otherwise, for any failure on the part of the same to fulfill any obligations set forth in this sale or for the truth of any warranties expressed or implied. Neither does PrimeTIME AgriMarketing NETWORK, Inc. assume any financial obligations to collect or enforce the collection of monies between buyer and seller. This catalog has been prepared by the sale manager from information provided by the seller(s) and is assumed accurate as presented to us. However, PrimeTIME AgriMarketing NETWORK, Inc. will in no way guarantee age, pedigree, or reproductive status of the animals selling. All exceptions taken and adjustments made are between buyer and seller. Breeding Information: Please see the footnotes regarding breeding information for each lot. All bred females will be examined for pregnancy by a qualified DVM prior to the sale and any changes to their breeding status will be made available sale day. Conception dates listed in this booklet are based on the results of said pregnancy examination and/or known breeding dates, and are intended as estimates of calving date only. Health: All animals will be accompanied by a health paper valid for interstate shipment. Buyers should make themselves aware of their respective state’s health requirements prior to the sale. Insurance: Livestock insurance will be available at the clerk’s desk through Great American Insurance. Announcements: Any announcements made from the sale block by the owners, auctioneer, or sale manager take precedence over any printed materials. Sale Booklet Prepared by: Craig M. Reiter, Sale Manager. 11 Vita Ferm ® More than just a mineral. Birth to market. Find out how. how. Contact Don Cooper: 317-431-8741, dcooper@biozymeinc .com KALMBACH FEEDS, INC. 1-888-771-1250 14 GOET 035 Female Calved: March 2010 SIRE: RAINMAKER (MANCHILD) DAM: BELLAR MA X AN Bred to calve 3/12 to GOET I-80 – No Exposure Another very young and high potential female that is bred right for quick success, here is a very massive and mobile Rainmaker daughter. This young cow is extra stout and mobile with tremendous width and muscle. GOETTEMOELLER SHOW CATTLE Lot 14 15 GOET 06 Female Calved: April 2010 SIRE: SMOOTH SAILING DAM: SM X AN Bred to calve 2/01 to GOET I-80 – No Exposure Lot 15 A very cool baldy with some extreme shag and an exciting design, this extremely young cow produced a $2,000 steer calf by I-80 that sold to the Badskey family, IN. She is bred for a repeat of that success and there isn’t much that won’t work with this fancy youngster. Check the ear and leg hair here and tell us she won’t do it! GOETTEMOELLER SHOW CATTLE Bulk & Bag Fertilizer Custom Blending Delivery Available Custom Application Over 50 Years HOURS: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. H e rd Si re Op t i o n s f ro m T h e W i n n e rs ’ C i rc l e ! 16 HF Calypso 634Z Reg. 37.50% Maine-Anjou Bull pending Calved: January 18, 2012 SIRE: CHOPPER (STEEL FORCE S701 X MS MEYER 3151) DAM: HF CURRLY (DR WHO X HF MOLLY) BW: 82 A soft made, super powerful, sound bull with a pedigree to back it up! HF Calypso 634Z ombines some of the best bloodlines from the Simmental, club calf, and Maine worlds. His granddam is a full sister to HF Hot Diva, the dam of the AI sire, Get It Done. A bull like this can sure take the stress out of worrying about whether your cows are AI’d or not. Semen test passed at 10 months and ready to work! Lot 16 17 HALDERMAN FARMS 18 Hanzel 4Z HF Gulliver 887Z Bull Calved: January 11, 2012 SIRE: HIGHLINER (HEADLINER X KADABRA) DAM: WESTWARD SKY 308 804 (SAV 8180 TRAVELER 004 X WESTWARD SKY 801) BW: 60 Reg. PB Maine-Anjou Bull pending Calved: January 18, 2012 SIRE: GOET I-80 (ALI X DCC HARD DRIVE) DAM: HF FOXY LADY U (BLACK IMPACT X MISS FOXY LADY) BW: 80 This impressive bull will sell himself when you see him. He arrived with a low 60 pound birth weight and he has done nothing but add valuable power and mass to a very fault-free form. He is super thick yet balanced and correct with a great, chunky look. His dam sells as Lot 9 and a maternal sister is Lot 46 from this very productive, quality line. Hanzel 4Z passed his BSE at 10 months of age. A purebred Maine Anjou by the hottest bull in the business, this I-80 son is a maternal brother to Lot 34. He passed his BSE at 10 months of age and he offers exceptional bone, hair, and style. HALDERMAN FARMS HALDERMAN FARMS & WESTWARD ANGUS 19 HF Sherlock 875Z Reg. 75% Maine-Anjou Bull pending SIRE: GOET I-80 (ALI X DCC HARD DRIVE) DAM: HF HAITE U (PLAINVIEW LUTTON X HABANERO) BW: 85 Calved: January 20, 2012 Another excellent high-percentage Maine-Anjou by I-80, this bull should calve easily and is backed by some stout cow genetics. He is extra big boned and attractive with great hair and he moves especially well. He passed his BSE at 10 months of age and his dam has been excellent since birth. HALDERMAN FARMS Lot 19 20 21 GOF 926Z Reg. 50% Maine-Anjou Bull pending SIRE: GOET I-80 DAM: 3C MACHO X ANGUS BW: 87 Polled Calved: February 20, 2012 GOF 1825Z Reg. 50% Maine-Anjou Bull pending SIRE: GOET I-80 DAM: DJ SALUTE X ANGUS BW: 83 Polled GREEN OAK FARMS GREEN OAK FARMS 14 Calved: February 15, 2012 M a k e Y o u r N e w Y e a r H a p p i e r H e re ! Share Our Bumper Embryo Crop With Us! 2008 NAILE Supreme Champion Junior Female 22 2008 American Royal Supreme Champion Junior Female Pregnancies of GCC/UC Donor 2-521 DONOR SIRE: GCC ANGUS DONOR DAM: GCC ANGUS Lot 22 – Three unsexed pregnancies by Irish Whiskey due 01/15 and 03/14 Selling one-half interest in all three pregnancies A huge opportunity from Green Oak Farm! We are digging deep into our most exciting options to bring you to New Paris and this is a big chance for you to own what are sure to be some of the best calves we’ve produced yet. The embryo gods were kind to us this spring as we stuck 100% of the embryos we purchased on this very exclusive mating so we’ve decided to produce this first-of-its-kind feature for you. The three pregnancies described here will produce full siblings to one of the most dominant show heifers in recent history, GCC Alright Already, the Sullivan family’s dominant winner from the 2007-08 season that culminated her incredible career with selections as the Supreme Champion Junior Female of the American Royal, the Aksarben, AND the North American International. To date, she is the only female to accomplish this powerful triple dip and she has become an excellent producer as well with a first calf that sold for $7,000. The donor here is deceased so there will be no more of these embryos that produced one of the best heifers at Nowatzke Cattle, IN, this fall. All together, this is one great advancement opportunity with three powerful shots of Whiskey! GREEN OAK FARMS 23 Embryos of AA Deanna 382 Reg. Hereford Female P42421917 JSF 37 271 DEVO 23C AA DEANO 134 AA MS KEYNOTE 716 AA AIRWAVE 8180 AA MS AIRWAVE 9184 AA DELORES 8148 Lot 23A – Three embryos by Cyrus Lot 23B – Three embryos by Excel Lot 23C – Three embryos by Two Tone At least one 90-day confirmed pregnancy per package is guaranteed when terms are followed AA Deanna 382 Hereford business is burning bright and this cow will surely help you capture some extra value. She was a high-selling selection of our 2011 Winners’ Circle after producing the great daughter that Becca Chamberlin showed to so many championships and other top sellers along the way. She is especially sound and stout-made with unique hair and extra mass. Select from two purebred options or one by Rodgers Cattle’s new Two Tone! REYNOLDS SHOW CATTLE 15 24 Embryos of JSUL Spook 7198 DONOR SIRE: HEAT WAVE DONOR DAM: JSUL 140 (STRICTLY BUSINESS X TOTAL PLAY) Lot 24 – Three embryos by Yellow Jacket At least one 90-day confirmed pregnancy per package is guaranteed when terms are followed Red hot genetics from The Winners’ Circle, these frozen gems will produce full siblings to calves that sold for $8,000, $6,500, $4,000, and $3,000 in the 2012 Schaeffer & Tice Pasture Sale plus past maternal siblings have averaged over $5,000 the last two years including the $10,000 Point Taken steer shown here. The donor here is a maternal sister to King of the Mountain at Lautner Farms, IA, as well as Luke Elder’s 2008 Iowa State Fair Reserve Supreme Champion Female. Spook 7198 SCHAEFFER SHOW CATTLE King of the Mountain Point Taken x 7198 25 Embryos of JPAL Jazee 1T DONOR SIRE: BLSC PALE FACE 424L DONOR DAM: COLLINS MK 4075P Lot 25 – Three embryos by Monopoly At least one 90-day pregnancy is guaranteed when terms are followed Frozen premiums from the coolest, stoutest Pale Face daughter on earth! This is the best combination yet from Jazee 1T, the Frozen Gold donor that was a winning show heifer for the Grimes family and has proven herself in early production with features like the Driver daughter shown here. If you have seen this cow, you know you need these embryos! azee MAC CATTLE Driver x Jazee 1T 26 Embryos of S&S Beyonce W95 DONOR SIRE: HOT ROD DONOR DAM: S&S PENNIES FROM HEAVEN (G&L AVALANCHE X WAR O’FANCY PANTS) Lot 26 – Three embryos by Steel Force At least one 90-day confirmed pregnancy per package is guaranteed when terms are followed This is how you make some fancy Simmental stock! These three-quarter Simmental embryos are some of the first from S&S Beyonce W95, the $24,000 Supreme Champion of the 2009 Hoosier Congress and the Reserve Grand Champion SimSolution Female of the North American International. She is a maternal sister to the dam of the Lot 29 heifer and another outstanding daughter of the $300,000-producing S&S Pennies From Heaven P29 who was featured in our 2011 Winners’ Circle and sold one-half interest for $40,000 after the auction to Garwood Cattle, OH. The first calf from Beyonce W95 was a son by CNS Dream On that sold for $5,000. S&S Beyonce W95 SCHAEFFER SHOW CATTLE 16 T h e W i n n e rs ’ C i rc l e St a rt s H e re ! MA Bandy Maid 873 Lot 27A 27a M.A.C. Bandy Maid 042X Reg. 50% Simmental Female CNS DREAM ON L186 WAGR DREAM CATCHER 03R 3C MELODY M668 BZ H S A F BANDO 1961 MA BANDY MAID 873 BALA BELL 577 T M Calved: September 2, 2010 Bred to calve 1/25 to GOET I-80 – No Exposure Selling one-half interest with negotiable possession The best SimAngus product of one of the best cows ever to work at MAC Cattle, this Driver daughter is something very special! Travel far and wide - you will learn that her combination of structure, balance, power, hair quality, and total quality are exceptionally hard to find. Her dam has quickly exceeded the $100,000 mark in production thanks to her consistent production of top-end, winning stock in both Angus and Simmental rings and she is one of the most impressive donors you will find. She gave it all to this daughter that is ready to take her family, and your program, to The Winners’ Circle! M.A.C. CATTLE 27b M.A.C. Bandy Maid 052 Angus Female +17363184 Calved: September 5, 2010 S A V 004 PREDOMINANT 4438 S A V PROVIDENCE 6922 S A V MAY 7238 H S A F BANDO 1961 MA BANDY MAID 873 BALA BELL 577 T M Bred to calve 3/07 to GOET I-80 – No Exposure Lot 27B 27c M.A.C. Bandy Maid 127 Proven Angus quality and reliability, be sure to load this embryo daughter of the foundation Bandy Maid 873 that is now co-owned with Circle M Farm, TX. The full sister to this full-bodied, long-necked leader was selected as the Reserve Grand Champion Female of the State Fair of Texas and another full sister brought $15,000 in the pick of the flush from 873 plus her maternal sister is the exciting Lot 27A. You never go wrong with this kind! M.A.C. CATTLE Angus Female 17364526 Calved: February 7, 2011 TC STOCKMAN 365 NORTHERN IMPROVEMENT 4480 GF Foundation Angus genetics from the great MA Bandy Maid 873 that always BLACKCAP OF R R 5367 creates quality, here is a sweet purebred Angus bred heifer that is one to CONNEALY REFLECTION rely on for big production and quality. She is another high-style Northern M A C BANDY MAID 923 Improvement daughter only with more depth and shape. MA BANDY MAID 873 M.A.C. CATTLE Bred to calve 3/07 to GOET I-80 – No Exposure 17 Lot 27C Ou r B e st B re d H e if e rs…B re d t o W i n! Registered Maine-Anjou & MaineTainer Bred Heifers 28 M.A.C. Irish Spendor 040X 37.50% Maine Anjou Female 430421 Calved: September 2, 2010 BK ICE PICK 472J IRISH WHISKEY NTC 615 EVER READY MEYER RANCH 734 CRCC DIXIE ERICA 5458R O C C DIXIE ERICA 929F Bred to calve 1/27 to GOET I-80 – No Exposure Lot 28 Stacked with predictable cow power and great potential from the core of the MAC program, here is a beautiful blend of Irish Whiskey and Meyer 734 that you cannot ignore. This heifer offers an optimal blend of feminine power with the cool, chiseled look of quality from the super-productive Dixie Erica 5458R donor that also produced an $18,000 bred heifer by GVC Suh in the 2012 Jones’ High Standards Sale plus the two high-selling MaineTainer bulls in the 2012 OMAA Sale. Big league cow genetics for big boy production! Daughter of the great Meyer daughter, 5458R (photo). Maternal sister to the Lot 38, GVC Suh bred heifer in the 2012 Jones Show Cattle Sale that sold for $18,000 (photo) M.A.C. CATTLE CRCC Dixie Erica 5458R GVC Suh x 5458R 29 TSSC Heavenly 133Y Reg. 62.50% Maine Anjou Female pending Calved: March 15, 2011 NBH POLLED ENERGIZER ALI FJH COUNTESS DR WHO TSSC 915 S&S PENNIES FROM HEAVEN P29 Tested THF AI 4/17 to Jesse James – PE to Northern Improvement son 5/01-8/01 – Safe AI – Due 1/25 Retaining the right to collect not less than 8 embryos at the buyer’s convenience Lot 29 Strength from the foundation, this is the right kind to build with! This gorgeous MaineTainer female is the next big thing from the S&S Pennies From Heaven P29 line. Her second dam is a Frozen Gold donor with more than $300,000 in progeny sales and her full sister recently produced a $27,000 heifer by Monopoly. This striking heifer got the best of the gene pool with her incredible front end, sweet balance, and great blend of quality. Power in the blood and on the hoof! SCHAEFFER SHOW CATTLE 18 30 TSSC Sooner 144Y Reg. 75% Maine Anjou Female pending Calved: May 20, 2011 DMCC LIMITED EDITION SLC SOONER PANNELL MISS 015 CHILL FACTOR MIM MISS 602 CHILL 648N ANGUS 602 AI 4/13 to GOET I-80 – PE to Northern Improvement son 5/01-8/01 – Safe AI – Due 1/20 A very young, high-Maine bred heifer that is filled with some of the best blood in the game! Here is an embryo daughter of Martin Livestock’s very productive full sister to the $1.5 millionproducing Ms Chill 602G, the anchor at Sullivan Ranch and the dam of the 2012 National Western Stock Show Grand Champion Steer. This is a no-miss, Frozen Gold cow family, and this fancy heifer bred for her first purebred Maine well before her second birthday. MIM Miss 602 Chill 648N SCHAEFFER SHOW CATTLE 31 CPC Ring Lady 811X Reg. 25% Maine Anjou Female 416444 COWAN'S ALI 4M THE RINGER DBTH MS KADABRA 413 Calved: July 20, 2010 UNREGISTERED DAM AI 4/20 t o GOET I-80 – PE to Ali 2 5/01-7/10 – Safe-in-calf You’ll love this one! Check the great shoulder and neck design of this square, big legged, longhaired heifer that is a leader for total pizzazz in this set. She is THF/PHAF by pedigree and built to raise something special! Lot 31 GREEN OAK FARMS 32 GOF Destiny 30Y Reg. 50% Maine Anjou Female 426632 COWAN'S ALI 4M GOET I80 BPF MILEY 80T Calved: March 9, 2011 UNREGISTERED DAM AI 4/21 to Mercedes Benz – PE to Ali 2 5/01-7/10 – Safe-in-calf From the first crop by I-80, check the squeaky-clean design of this stylish leader. She is very expressive in her muscle with one of the best hair coats in the offering and an AI calf will produce a special, three-quarter Maine calf that will be linebred to the great 701P donor at Bushy Park Farm, SD. Lot 32 GREEN OAK FARMS 19 33 HF Skyy 103Y Reg. 25% Maine-Anjou Female pending Calved: March 27, 2011 SIRE: BOJO (ALI X ALIAS X HEAT SEEKER) DAM: WESTWARD SKY 315W (CA FUTURE DIRECTION 5321 X NORTH OAK OLIVIA 609) Bred to calve 3/17 to Total Solution This big-bellied favorite is sure to draw attention sale day! She is extra soggy and wide with excellent movement plus she is backed by the predictable donor that sells here as Lot 10. She offers hard-to-access genetics from Bojo and her first baby by Total Solution, and we’ll bet on her to make a top producer. Mark her with a star and take her home! Lot 33 34 HALDERMAN FARMS & WESTWARD ANGUS HF Nalie 887Y Reg. PB Maine-Anjou Female pending Calved: January 28, 2011 SIRE: TJSC HOT COMMODITY (HOTLINE X FSJC CAMPBELL LUCKY LADY) DAM: HF FOXY LADY U (BLACK IMPACT X WF MISS FOXY LADY) Bred to calve 2/07 to GOET I-80 – No Exposure A cool and predictable purebred Maine pedigree from the Halderman Foxy Lady foundation, this is a powerful female to use in so many ways. Her sire is the all-time high seller of the OMAA Sale and this heifer got the best of her family with her amazing front end, powerful thickness, and more moderate frame score. She’ll make a powerful cow at maturity and she’ll get off to a great start shortly after the sale. Enjoy the best of the crop! Lot 34 HALDERMAN FARMS 35 36 HF Storm 862Y HF Lucy 26Y Reg. 50% Maine-Anjou Female pending Calved: January 17, 2011 SIRE: MAVERICK (SOONER X GVC SAMANTHA 591R) DAM: HF 862 (ALIAS X HABANERO) AI 5/23 to Northern Improvement – PE to HF Solution 6/12-7/24 – Safe-in-calf Reg. 50% Maine-Anjou Female pending SIRE: HF UNIVERSE (COWAN’S ALI 4M X HF HAITE) DAM: MA PE to HF Solution 6/12-7/24 – Safe-in-calf A super-hairy smoke by the popular GVC Maverick, this half-blood Maine-Anjou heifer will help you create the color you need to sell calves quickly. She is safe to either Northern Improvement or HF Solution, a Who Made Who x Habanero blend with excellent style and calving ease. Another hairy smoke, this HF Universe daughter is stouter and wider with plenty of quality. Her color will help and she’ll get a shot of predictable style from HF Solution, our easy-calving bull that is bred much like Total Solution. HALDERMAN FARMS HALDERMAN FARMS 37 38 HF Barbie 88Y Calved: April 3, 2011 HF Jubilee 29Y Reg. 50% Maine-Anjou Female pending Calved: April 20, 2011 SIRE: BOJO (ALI X ALIAS X HEAT SEEKER) DAM: HF BARBIE 84R (HF MAGIC X ROWE MS BARBIE 84KGL) PE to HF Solution 6/12-7/24 – Safe-in-calf Reg. 50% Maine-Anjou Female pending Calved: April 2, 2011 SIRE: HF UNIVERSE (COWAN’S ALI 4M X HF HAITE) DAM: MA AI 5/19 to Northern Improvement – PE to HF Solution 6/12-7/24 – Safe-in-calf Steer-making power and plenty of it! This massive paint may have the widest hip and loin in the offering and she has the powerful depth and mass to match. She is just right for this combination with HF Solution, the easy calving Who Made Who x Habanero sire of style. This one is powerful! A fancy bred heifer by HF Universe, this long and level MaineTainer looks like she could win today. She is big boned and super attractive with enough size to work well. HALDERMAN FARMS HALDERMAN FARMS 20 M a k e 2013 Y o u r B e st Y e a r Y et! 39 GOET 111 Female Calved: March 2011 SIRE: NORTHERN IMPROVEMENT DAM: “RUBY” (MONOPOLY X DAYBREAK EXPRESS X DOUBLE STUFF) Bred to calve 2/12 to GOET I-80 – No Exposure Retaining the right to collect not less than 8 embryos at the buyer’s convenience Limitless potential from the very best of the youngest replacements at Goettemoeller’s, this Northern Improvement daughter is a maternal sister to a $26,000 steer by I-80 and a direct daughter of a many-time Champion Shorthorn+ Female. Her dam has been one of the best producers in the deep lineup at GSC and this is her best donor prospect yet. Check the sweet style and nomiss design of this favorite. Gather all of this kind you can! GOETTEMOELLER SHOW CATTLE Lot 39 40 TSSC 1-Blue Female Calved: March 10, 2011 SIRE: NORTHERN IMPROVEMENT DAM: S/T WONDER WOMAN (HEAT WAVE X RECC SNOW WHITE) Tested THF AI 6/09 to Hard Drive – PE to Northern Improvement son 5/01-8/01 – Safe AI – Due 3/19 Retaining the right to collect not less than 8 embryos at the buyer’s convenience Lot 40 We loaded this offering with our highest potential, young females and here is a real looker from the many-time champion S/T Wonder Woman. She is another in-demand Northern Improvement daughter that will get you thinking big things. This is a real beauty with ideal structure, fantastic THF hair, and a gorgeous blend of balance, muscle, and extension plus a valuable MaineTainer on the way. Her dam was a high-selling selection from the 2009 Schaeffer & Tice Pasture Sale and a many-time winner for Hunter Prescott and Bye-Well Shorthorns. SCHAEFFER SHOW CATTLE 21 41 TSSC Ms Monopoly 148 Female Calved: May 13, 2011 SIRE: MONOPOLY (HEAT WAVE X ANGUS) DAM: DSUL 179 (MEYER 734 X ANGUS) Tested THF AI 4/01 to Jesse James – PE to Northern Improvement son 5/01-8/01 – Safe AI – Due 1/07 A THF Monopoly daughter of a great cow, this is a modern prospect we all can use! This bred heifer is a stout, square, wide body with a cool neck plus great hair and bone. Her dam is a top producing donor for Sullivan Ranch, TX, and the dam of a many-time winner for James Sullivan, IA. SCHAEFFER SHOW CATTLE Lot 41 42 43 GOF Danica 775Y Reg. 37.5% Maine Anjou Female 426630 Calved: February 5, 2011 COWAN'S ALI 4M GEF DIRTY HARRY GEF NAUGHTY BUSINESS WHO MADE WHO 411F THMT 775T E BAR V QUEEN MOTHER 214 AI 4/20 to GOET I-80 – PE to Ali 2 5/01-7/10 – Safe-in-calf JCCF Miss Halley Beary 25% Maine Anjou Female 417175 BK LIFELINE 258J FL HAIRY BEAR (CLONE) Calved: February 21, 2011 MIMS DR HOOK JCCF HALLEY 55S MISS ADRENALINE Tested THC Bred to calve 1/18 to Northern Improvement – No Exposure A neat and sweet MaineTainer from our full sister to a former ACA National Champion Female and Frozen Gold high seller, this heifer is all style. She is THF/PHAF by pedigree and built with proven blood. A big-potential club calf cow with big time look and style! This registered Hairy Bear is super shaggy and big boned with the clean, powerful look she needs to work well. Her full sister sells with the open heifers as Lot ??. GREEN OAK FARMS CRYSTAL CREEK FARM 44 HF Haley 27Y Reg. 50% Maine-Anjou Female pending Calved: April 5, 2011 SIRE: HF UNIVERSE (COWAN’S ALI 4M X HF HAITE) DAM: MA AI 5/21 to Northern Improvement – PE to HF Solution 6/12-7/24 – Safe-in-calf Another complete and attractive HF Universe daughter with half-blood Maine versatility. She is the right size with excellent structure. HALDERMAN FARMS Lot 44 45 46 GOET 170 Mary Jane 4Y Female Calved: April 2011 SIRE: BOJO (ALI X HEAT SEEKER X ALIAS) DAM: CERVEZA (IRISH WHISKEY SON) Bred to calve 2/20 to GOET I-80 – No Exposure Female Calved: January 18, 2011 SIRE: ONE AND ONLY (HEAT WAVE X 109) DAM: WESTWARD SKY 308 804 (SAV 8180 TRAVELER 004 X WESTWARD SKY 801) Bred to calve 2/16 to GOET I-80 – No Exposure The youngest of the Goettemoeller replacements, check the pedigree of this big boned, jetnecked youngster. She has all the pieces to make something special. Backed by the proven strength of the Lot 9 cow, this sister to Lot 17 will make a wise choice from this offering. She is THF/PHAF by pedigree with great depth and a tempting profile. Like the rest of her family, she’ll make a consistent source of quality! GOETTEMOELLER SHOW CATTLE HALDERMAN FARMS & WESTWARD ANGUS 22 47 GOET 154 Female Calved: March 2011 SIRE: SMILIN’ BOB (HEAT WAVE) DAM: TIPPY (HANNIBAL X DOUBLE VISION X DOUBLE STUFF) Bred to calve 2/01 to GOET I-80 – No Exposure A cool Bob from one of the coolest cows on the planet, this painted bred heifer is backed by the popular champion and Frozen Gold donor, Tippy. Her dam was a big winner nearly every time she showed and this heifer has her striking good looks and total appeal plus a great disposition, and a hot calf on the way soon! GOETTEMOELLER SHOW CATTLE Lot 47 48 GOFG 25Y Reg. 2.97% Chianina Female 361736 Calved: February 10, 2011 SAV FINAL ANSWER 0035 SP THE ANSWER 813 SA ELINE DESIGN 648 HB SOMETHING DIFFERENT HB MISS 25W HB SARA 25R AI 4/21 to GOET I-80 – PE to Ali 2 5/01-7/10 – Safe-in-calf 49 Be sure to find this heifer on sale day. Her design is outstanding and it may not be what she has, but what she doesn’t. She is especially complete and problem free with great hair and style from a leading Horsley-bred dam by the National Champion, HB Something Different. Mate this kind to power and see what you get! Tippy GREEN OAK FARMS 50 GOFG 70Y GOFG 122 Reg. 1.22% Chianina Female 361737 Calved: February 10, 2011 SAV FINAL ANSWER 0035 SP THE ANSWER 813 SA ELINE DESIGN 648 DOCTOR WHO HB BLACKCAP LASS 70 HCA BLACKCAP LASS 707 AI 4/20 to GOET I-80 – PE to Ali 2 5/01-7/10 – Safe-in-calf Reg. 4.99% Chianina Female 361733 Calved: February 10, 2011 SAV FINAL ANSWER 0035 SP THE ANSWER 813 SA ELINE DESIGN 648 HRL SEQUIL HB MISS SEQUIL 22 HB RED LADY 22S AI 4/20 to GOET I-80 – PE to Ali 2 5/01-7/10 – Safe-in-calf The product of an impressive Horsley Brothers cow that always puts one in the sale, this cow is predictably feminine and great haired. Another fancy and versatile daughter of The Answer, this calving ease bred heifer has the looks and size to make your show cattle better. She is elegant on the move with excellent shape to her belly, and check the udder quality she shows. This will be a beautiful cow at maturity! GREEN OAK FARMS GREEN OAK FARMS 51 52 GOFG Tyra 21Y Reg. 3.45% Chianina Female 361735 WAVE ON WAVE SMILIN BOB GC FOXIE MOXIE Calved: March 15, 2011 GOFG 68Y Reg. 3.45% Chianina Female 361734 WAVE ON WAVE SMILIN BOB GC FOXIE MOXIE Calved: March 5, 2011 GOFG SM X AN 21 GOFG SM X AN 60F AI 4/20 to GOET I-80 – PE to Ali 2 5/01-7/10 – Safe-in-calf AI 4/20 to GOET I-80 – PE to Ali 2 5/01-7/10 – Safe-in-calf As stout as they come, check the massive feet and bone on this heifer that makes her way to the top in each sort. She has the look of a show heifer and plenty of muscle to get the job done right. We missed her on photo day so be sure to come early to look in every pen. It will be well worth your trip! These Smilin’ Bob daughters are stout! Here is another big legged, big footed one with excellent style. GREEN OAK FARMS GREEN OAK FARMS 23 53 FREE Cherry Bomb Female Calved: June 5, 2011 SIRE: LECTOR (HANNIBAL X DOUBLE VISION) DAM: FREE MS HEAT WAVE (HEAT WAVE X SPECIAL DESIGN) Bred to calve 4/27 to Doc Check the genes here and consider this redhead as your next big steer producer. She is filled with the good stuff like extra bone, hair, and hip plus she is due to calve to Wade Rodgers’ great Doc herd sire. SCHAEFFER SHOW CATTLE Lot 53 54 HF Nanny 85Y Reg. PB Shorthorn Female pending Calved: February 11, 2011 SIRE: SIN CITY (CF TRUMP X NPS MIRAGE 544) DAM: HF NANNY 63 (SONNY X AHL PW CARNATION 760) AI 5/15 to Trump Card – PE to HF Solution 6/12-7/24 – Safe-in-calf A massive, high-potential purebred Shorthorn from a leading cow family, this heifer will make a stout cow! She is easier fleshing and bigger bodied than nearly all of the purebred Shorthorns you will find plus she is very complete and great haired. We have her younger full sister or this one would not leave the farm. Load up on this kind! Lot 54 HALDERMAN FARMS 55 HF Baby 779Y Reg. PB Shorthorn Female pending Calved: February 19, 2011 SIRE: AVIATOR (WHR SONNY X NPS ROSES RIDER) DAM: HF PROMISE 779 (DOUBLE VISION X AHL WP PROMISE 779) AI 5/24 to Trump Card – PE to HF Solution 6/12-7/24 – Safe-in-calf Here is a fancy, sound purebred Shorthorn from a strong cow. Trump Card has worked great on this kind over the years. HALDERMAN FARMS Friends and cattlemen: Merry Christmas, Happy New Yea r, and welcome back to The Win ners’ Circle! We have got a real treat in store for cattle lovers eve rywhere this year and we surely hope you can attend. From firs last, you will find that our quality t to is substantially upgraded and rea dy for heavy-duty work in any outfit. The show cattle business is great fun when you’ve got the right stoc k. In fact, the rewards and fun has never been greater. Check recent sales across the country for proof if you need it. The Winner Circle team surely does their sha s’ re of winning at the toughest sho ws – they’ve got the right stock and the growth of this event is test ament to the work their cattle are doing in their new homes. Come to New Paris and I think you will agree that we have pushed the bar much higher; we will con tinue to do so as long as we’re in the business. Thank you to our event sponsors for their continued support and thank you to Gale Long and his staff at Green Oak Farm for onc e again hosting this event. We’ ve got a great cattle offering for you this year – you really need to see them – and I know you’ll enjoy yourself in the warm confines of the Green Oak Marketing Center. I hope to see you there. Join Us in The Winners’ Cir cle, Craig Reiter Auction Manager Join us for a pizza party on Friday evening and a great lunch on Saturd ay prior to the auction! 24 Ou r B e st B re d H e if e rs…B re d t o W i n! The Best SimAngus Bred Heifers of the Season! 56 GOF6 Dawn 806Y Reg. 25% Simmental Female 2632455 Calved: February 24, 2011 B&D 700M GRIZZLY 203/39P EXAR LUTTON 1831 SCR PRIM LASSIE 80626 SCR PRIM LASSIE 50574 AI 4/21 to GOET I-80 – PE to Ali 2 5/01-7/10 – Safe-in-calf A great blend of performance, beauty, and power, this quarter-blood Simmental heifer is on her way to making a fantastic cow. She is arguably the biggest bodied and highest capacity of this deep group of Green Oak breds, but she is also one of the best fronted. And her feminine shape is second to none. Load up on the good stuff at Green Oak this year! Lot 56 GREEN OAK FARMS 57 GOF 20Y Reg. 50% Simmental Female pending Calved: January 20, 2011 SIRE: GRIZZLY DAM: SIM X AN AI 4/20 to GOET I-80 – PE to Ali 2 5/01-7/10 – Safe-in-calf Built like a show heifer and off to the great start that any donor needs, here is a beautiful bred prospect to make your work easier. She is built right from the ground up with ideal feet, bone, and balance plus ample muscle and tremendous body shape. It’s hard to build them this smooth with this much power and defect-free quality. You’ve just got to have her! GREEN OAK FARMS 58 Lot 57 GOF6 Bailey 056Y Reg. 50% Simmental Female 2632456 Calved: February 11, 2011 DJ SALUTE G509 SANDEENS SOS K022 O C C JET STREAM 825J SANDEEN LADY 9056 CNS QUEEN ME R516 AI 4/21 to GOET I-80 – PE to Ali 2 5/01-7/10 – Safe-in-calf The best fronted SOS daughter you’ve seen in awhile, this registered half-blood is more than a pretty face. She is sharper hipped and way better haired with a great look and a versatile pedigree. She’ll be a favorite on sale day and she’ll only get better in time. These bred heifers will make us some very happy customers in time! Lot 58 GREEN OAK FARMS 25 A G re a t S e l e ct i o n o f 75% Si m m e nt a l Fe m a l e s! 59 GOF6 Molly 477Y Reg. 75% Simmental Female 2632445 Calved: March 20, 2011 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 MS NLC MOJO S6119 B MEYER RANCH 734 SANDEEN LADY 47U 411J AI 4/21 to GOET I-80 – PE to Ali 2 5/01-7/10 – Safe-in-calf Lot 59 Look at the body and great neck on this three-quarter! She is another gorgeous Simmental female with maximum versatility and quality, this is a great prospect to go Simmental or club calf with her eye-catching belly sweep, optimum muscle, and extra size. A three-quarter Simmental that is this full bodied and correct is so good to own! GREEN OAK FARMS 60 GOF6 Dana 22Y Reg. 75% Simmental Female 2632447 Calved: March 5, 2011 CNS DREAM ON L186 SVF STEEL FORCE S701 SVF SHEZA BEAUTY L901 DJ SALUTE G509 SANDEEN LADY 22U K022 AI 4/20 to GOET I-80 – PE to Ali 2 5/01-7/10 – Safe-in-calf This is a very different Simmental female! Check the surprising leg hair and great neck on this heifer by the dominant sire, SVF Steel Force. She is thicker and wider at the ground with a squarer build. All of the best Green Oak replacements sell here – none of the top end were retained! Lot 60 GREEN OAK FARMS 61 GOF6 Tony 1825Y Reg. 75% Simmental Female 2632450 Calved: February 15, 2011 CNS DREAM ON L186 SVF STEEL FORCE S701 SVF SHEZA BEAUTY L901 DJ SALUTE G509 SANDEEN LADY 825U 225 AI 4/20 to GOET I-80 – PE to Ali 2 5/01-7/10 – Safe-in-calf The stoutest redhead you’ve seen in awhile! Here is a very impressive Steel Force daughter from one of our favorite DJ Salute daughters and she has the look of a fantastic producer. She takes the prize for fleshing ability and total body mass in this set – and that’s saying something – and she loads all her mass and class on to a very functional and correct skeleton. What a cow she will be! Lot 61 GREEN OAK FARMS 26 62 GOF6 Dallas 46Y Reg. 75% Simmental Female 2632451 Calved: February 26, 2011 CNS DREAM ON L186 SVF STEEL FORCE S701 SVF SHEZA BEAUTY L901 DUFF NEW EDITION 6108 ESU46 ESR83 AI 4/21 to GOET I-80 – PE to Ali 2 5/01-7/10 – Safe-in-calf These Green Oak females are really good and there is a lot of quality to go around. This impressive three-quarter Simmental is another versatile, complete bred heifer that will work in so many ways. You can look far and wide but you will have a hard time finding a set of bred heifers that compare to these, especially this properly sized, smooth-moving powerhouse! Lot 62 GREEN OAK FARMS 63 GOF6 Ashley 119Y Reg. 75% Simmental Female 2632449 Calved: March 13, 2011 SVF STEEL FORCE S701 TJSC OPTIMUS PRIME 12W KS MISS SHES SO SWEET 9 3C MACHO M450 BZ MISS MACHO 119U 119P AI 4/21 to GOET I-80 – PE to Ali 2 5/01-7/10 – Safe-in-calf Loaded with cow power! Here is another valuable and hard-to-find three-quarter Simmental, this time by the $80,000-valued Optimus Prime. You get a lot of bred heifer when you load this one that leads the pack in terms of total mass, bone, and an ideal frame score. Due early and coming with a beautiful udder! Lot 63 64 GREEN OAK FARMS 65 M.A.C. Dixie Erica 126Y Crystal Creek Star 691Y Reg. 75% Simmental Female 2659882 Calved: February 5, 2011 CNS DREAM ON L186 WAGR DRIVER 706T 3C MELODY M668 BZ MEYERS CLIMAX 50R M.A.C. DIXIE ERICA 931W M.A.C. DIXIE ERICA 5426 Bred to calve 3/06 to GOET I-80 – No Exposure 62.5% Simmental Female 2602706 Calved: February 20, 2011 MEYER RANCH 734 MAXIMUS 391 G720 SVF STAR POWER S802 MISS STARSTRUCK LILY Bred to calve 3/15 to Upgrade with sexed female semen – No Exposure More proven quality from the deep lineup of Angus power at MAC Cattle, this three-quarter Simmental heifer stems from the time-tested OCC Dixie Erica 700F tribe. Her extra length of body and high style will serve you well and her added flexibility of pedigree makes her even easier to use. The Crystal Creek daughters of Maximus have gone on to be top females and here is a very classy, registered paint that will continue the tradition of quality. She is very full bodied and big boned with excellent hair. Due with a likely heifer calf by the dominant Simmental sire, Upgrade! M.A.C. CATTLE CRYSTAL CREEK FARM 66 GOF6 Dream 013Y Reg. 62.5% Simmental Female 2632453 Calved: February 22, 2011 DJ SALUTE G509 Another painted leader in this group, here is a SANDEENS SOS massive product of the winning Valentine family K022 at Rockin’ P Ranch, KY. Check the great feet SVF/NJC BUILT RIGHT N48 RP/MP MS VALENTINE 013U and enormous bone on this long, correct, highPCC QUEENS VALENTINE R9 capacity heifer whose udder quality is ideal. AI 4/21 to GOET I-80 – PE to Ali 2 5/01-7/10 – Safe-in-calf GREEN OAK FARMS 27 Lot 66 D o m i n a nt G e n et i cs f o r Y o u! 67a M.A.C. Sweetheart 060X Reg. 50% Simmental Female 2660441 Calved: October 3, 2010 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 MS NLC MOJO S6119 B R R 9440 SCOTCH CAP 1483 E&B LADY 1483 SCOTCHMAN 999 LADY STACKER 365 Bred to calve 2/17 to GOET I-80 – No Exposure The first of two amazing sisters from the dominant Simmental sire, Upgrade, and the wellproven Lady Scotchman 599 in the MAC lineup of powerful Angus matrons, this pair of sisters is exceptional. If you are in search of the right donor to add more power, body mass, and real beef cow quality, then you have come to the right spot. This beast is so right in so many ways and she does it all with new levels of mass and feminine power. Lot 67A M.A.C. CATTLE 67b M.A.C. Sweetheart 82X Reg. 50% Simmental Female 2660442 Calved: September 1, 2010 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 MS NLC MOJO S6119 B R R 9440 SCOTCH CAP 1483 E&B LADY 1483 SCOTCHMAN 999 LADY STACKER 365 Bred to calve 2/08 to GOET I-80 – No Exposure The full sister to Lot 67A, this is another powerhouse that you need on your team! Check the amazing mass and functional muscle on this wide body that offers an ideal frame score and the start of a perfect udder. Load them both and take it to the next level! E&B LADY 1483 SCOTCHMAN 999 M.A.C. CATTLE 68 GOF 412Y Reg. 50% Simmental Female pending Calved: March 6, 2011 SIRE: SANDEEN’S S.O.S. DAM: SM X AN AI 4/21 to GOET I-80 – PE to Ali 2 5/01-7/10 – Safe-in-calf There is plenty of quality to go around in this set of Green Oak breds and here is another you’ll have a hard time resisting. She is as pretty as any young Simmental can be with the sound, massive, high-potential look you need to take it up a notch. You can close your eyes and pick from this set and you’ll end up with something you like! Lot 68 GREEN OAK FARMS 28 69 GOF6 Debra 987Y Reg. 50% Simmental Female 2632446 Calved: February 13, 2011 CNS DREAM ON L186 SVF STEEL FORCE S701 SVF SHEZA BEAUTY L901 O C C HONESTY 962H FCC REVOLUTION ROSE 987N OCC REVOLUTION ROSE 919E AI 4/21 to GOET I-80 – PE to Ali 2 5/01-7/10 – Safe-in-calf A real powerhouse! This F-1 SimAngus is as stout as they come with maximum width at her base and along her top and hip. She might have the best blend of muscle and volume in the entire set yet she is still mobile and better haired than you might expect. This is a very deep set of Green Oak bred heifers and we’ll bet this is one of your favorites. Project her to maturity and see what you get here! Lot 69 GREEN OAK FARMS 70 71 GOF6 Emily 9103Y Reg. 25% Simmental Female 2637534 Calved: February 20, 2011 CONNEALY FRONT PAGE 0228 KESSLERS FRONTMAN R001 KESSLERS BELL 0024 SVF STAR POWER S802 PRTY PCC 9103W MOON 790 AI 4/20 to GOET I-80 – PE to Ali 2 5/01-7/10 – Safe-in-calf Reg. 25% Simmental Female 2632452 Calved: March 11, 2011 CONNEALY FRONT PAGE 0228 KESSLERS FRONTMAN R001 KESSLERS BELL 0024 3C MACHO M450 BZ PRTY PCC 975W MOON 164 AI 4/20 to GOET I-80 – PE to Ali 2 5/01-7/10 – Safe-in-calf If you like your replacements to have huge bodies and excellent versatility, this favorite is the one for you! She is another favorite in the set due to her ideal size, maximum capacity, and easy-doing, useful look. Another fancy, quarter-blood by the popular and easy-calving Kessler’s Frontman, this heifer is a bit younger but every bit the well-made cow. The udder quality and depth of these heifers is second to none! GREEN OAK FARMS GREEN OAK FARMS 72 GOF6 Danielle 1975Y 73 GOF 180Y GOF 968Y Reg. 50% Simmental Female pending Calved: March 2, 2011 SIRE: DREAM CATCHER (PB SIMMENTAL BY DREAM ON) DAM: OCC LEGEND X SM X AN AI 4/20 to GOET I-80 – PE to Ali 2 5/01-7/10 – Safe-in-calf Reg. 50% Simmental Female pending Calved: April 1, 2011 SIRE: SANDEEN’S S.O.S. DAM: DJ SALUTE X ANGUS AI 4/20 to GOET I-80 – PE to Ali 2 5/01-7/10 – Safe-in-calf Another sweet Sim x Angus blend, this Dream Catcher daughter has the total package of balance, structure, and body capacity. This is the kind that makes a profit and gets more valuable as they mature. Plus, they bring you back for more! A load of these impressive bred heifers will really jumpstart or advance any program, and here is another we all can use more like. She is super thick and stout on a more efficient frame score with all of the feminine qualities of her mates. GREEN OAK FARMS GREEN OAK FARMS 74 75 GOF 375Y HF Rogue 981Y Reg. 50% Simmental Female pending Calved: March 2, 2011 SIRE: DREAM CATCHER (PB SIMMENTAL BY DREAM ON) DAM: DIRTY HAIRY X SM X AN AI 4/21 to GOET I-80 – PE to Ali 2 5/01-7/10 – Safe-in-calf Female Calved: April 16, 2011 SIRE: HF JUNEAU (JUNEAU X HF HOT DIVA) DAM: HF 981 (STAR POWER X CHAMPION HILL BLACKLASS) PE to HF Solution 6/12-7/24 – Safe-in-calf Extra size and extra power will make this heifer work well. She has the clean, powerful design you need and she is defect-free and showing her own guarantee to I-80! A fancy blaze that is filled with high maternal, winning genetics on the top and bottom of her pedigree, this heifer is a leader in the group for style and feminine appeal. GREEN OAK FARMS HALDERMAN FARMS 29 S h o w H e if e r Pro s p e ct s…Ou r S p e ci a lt y Lot 76 76 GOET Bobby Christina 20Z Reg. Chi Female pending Calved: March 28, 2012 SIRE: SMILIN BOB (HEAT WAVE SON) DAM: WHO MADE WHO X HEAT SEEKER Sells open No explanation required. Ring in the New Year with Bobby Christina 20Z by your side. It paid to wait for this one. GOETTEMOELLER SHOW CATTLE 77 JCCF Miss Ellie 56Z 25% Maine Anjou Female 426784 BK LIFELINE 258J FL HAIRY BEAR (CLONE) Calved: February 8, 2012 MIMS DR HOOK JCCF HALLEY 55S MISS ADRENALINE Sells open Fantastic hair, length, and style! Her full sister looks the same way and sells as Lot 43. CRYSTAL CREEK FARM 30 78 PDM Zada 16Z Reg. 25% Maine-Anjou Female pending SIRE: BOJO (ALI X HEAT SEEKER X ALIAS) DAM: ANGUS Sells open Calved: March 27, 2012 Whether it’s late for Christmas or early for New Year’s, you need this present under your tree. This late find is super correct and complete with great hair and a totally feminine and maternal look. SCHAEFFER SHOW CATTLE Lot 78 79 JSUL Erica 224Z Reg. PB Maine-Anjou Female pending Calved: February 24, 2012 SIRE: SLC SOONER DAM: KS ERICA 36T (SLC SOONER X FJH MASTERPIECE) Sells open A big legged, sound-moving purebred Maine-Anjou from KS Erica 36T, the KanSas City, Louisville, and Denver Grand Champion Female. Half sisters to this heifer have been high sellers already this season and this is the biggest ribbed of the lot! SCHAEFFER SHOW CATTLE Lot 79 80 TSSC T734 Female Calved: April 12, 2012 SIRE: CURTAIN CALL (HEAT WAVE SON) DAM: PDM T734 (DSUL CUNIA 602 X MAINE BREAK) Sells open A big bodied, big haired, freaky necked, crossbred heifer with a perfect body shape. Look for this one to be headed to The Winners’ Circle soon! SCHAEFFER SHOW CATTLE Lot 80 81 JSUL Barbie Female Calved: May 2, 2012 SIRE: MONOPOLY (HEAT WAVE X ANGUS) DAM: GCC JSUL 6539 (MEYER 734 X DRAFT PICK) Sells open A great baby donor from a former high seller of Guyer’s Chosen Few, this heifer is sharp featured, sound, and very cool designed. Lot 81 SCHAEFFER SHOW CATTLE 31 82 GOF Aristocrat 2Z Reg. 50% Maine-Anjou Female pending Calved: April 27, 2012 SIRE: GOET I-80 DAM: HXC ARISTOCRAT 931P (BANDO 1024 X EAGLE SCOUT) Sells open Lot 82 Big potential from one of the most proven donors at Green Oak! This embryo heifer from the famed Aristocrat line is as cool as they come and you know what she will do in time. Her dam was a high-selling feature of our 2010 sale to the Schneider family, IN, as this family has produced more ACA Champions than nearly any other. A maternal sister to this heifer was Abby Collins’ 2010 NAILE Grand Champion Junior Chiangus Heifer and this line also produced Cardinal Cattle’s ACA National Champion Chiangus Heifer that same year. There is much to be accomplished with this incredibly-hairy, coon-footed showpiece! GREEN OAK FARMS A n o t h e r G re a t A ri st o c ra t! S h o w S u p p ly & Ca t t l e Eq u i p m e nt A u ct i o n Stick around after the cattle auction for this annual event that is always filled with great finds! Some early items that will sell include the 6-wheeler shown here, a semen tank and contents, plastic fence posts and T-post, buckets of insulators, ear tags, feed pans, automatic waterers, and more. 32 Supporting Ohio agriculture for thirty years. IONS ATIO CAT CA LOC ALL OHIO LO RA 8 CENTR London London 1660 US 42 NE (614) 879-6620 Easton East on Westerville 4085 W esterville Rd (614) 475-0707 Hilliard H illiard Drr 4079 Lyman Lyman D (614) 527-8800 LLancaster ancaster Delmontt Rd 1200 Delmon (740) 653-6951 Marion Marion 219 CCols-Sandusky ols-Sandusk anduskyy Rd (740) 389-5458 W ashington CH Washington 1662 US RT 62 (740) 335-2071 Wilmington W ilmington 7550 US 68N (937) 486-5211 Zanesville Z anesville Northpointe Drr 4394 N orthpointe D (740) 450-7446 fac 33 W i n n e rs ’ C i rc l e R e f e re n c e Si re s The $52,000 top seller of our 2009 sale to Lautner Farms, IA, and Top Sires, IL The most dominant calving-ease Maine sire in the game today! GOET I-80 Purebred Maine-Anjou Ali x Hard Drive x Dr. Who Monopoly Smilin’ Bob Heat Wave x Hazel (Angus by Touchstone) Dominant club calf sire Heat Wave x Foxie Moxie (3-D x Angus) His daughters and service sell Walks Alone Grizzly 50% Simmental by Grizzly Bear $85,000 calving ease & maternal specialist Heat Wave x Full Flush x Draft Pick Dominant club calf sire Ali 2 (clone) Northern Improvement Purebred Maine-Anjou by Ali Natural service sire to several bred heifers Purebred Angus by TC Stockman His daughters and service sell 34 3rd Overall Steer OH State Fair - Egbert Family Grand Champion Heifer OH State Fair - Spohn Family 4th Overall Steer OH State Fair - Klehm Family | To locate a Hubbard Feeds/ShowRite feed dealer or ask about our EASY MONEY tag reimbursement program for 4-H or FFA Chapters, call Rita at 1-800-837-8222. Chad Day 260-388-2876 | Dennis Wilber 209-482-6858 Dave Guyer 812-243-1676 | Jeremy Baldwin 765-730-5459 Todd Kennedy 405-550-6769 | Ryan Sites 580-695-0429 Josh Dildine 214-882-1640 | Kevin Mock 512-787-2948 Ty Olson 217-248-2767 Res. Grand Champion Jr. Chi Heifer 3rd Overall Heifer IN State Fair Chamberlin Family P.O. Box 85 Elmore, Ohio U.S.A. 43416 T H E First Class Mail — Do Not Delay First Class Mail U.S. Postage PAID Permit #1 Minster, OH 45865 WINNERS’CIRCLE at Green Oak Farms Saturday,December 29 at 1 p.m. Along I-70 & US 40 near New Paris, Ohio