district brochure 2016 - Howard Lake • Waverly • Winsted Public
district brochure 2016 - Howard Lake • Waverly • Winsted Public
ISD #2687 320-543-3900 • www.hlww.k12.mn.us “Excellence Through Education” 2016-2017 MISSION STATEMENT Provide a positive learning environment that recognizes diversity, instills life-long learning skills, and nurtures each individual’s unique potential, talents, and selfworth through academics, fine arts, and athletics. VALUES Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted School District will: • Ensure a safe and respectful learning environment • Empower all members of our school community • Demand high quality instruction in every classroom • Provide high quality programs at all levels • Hold high expectations for all stakeholders • Build positive relationships • Foster creativity • Promote critical thinking and problem solving skills • Respect all individuals • Utilize resources efficiently and effectively VISION STATEMENTS Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted School District will: • Appropriately and effectively use data to meet the needs of all students • Increase the integration of current and future technologies • Provide ongoing, research-based professional development that addresses students’ current and future educational needs • Build and maintain facilities to meet the growing needs of our students and communities MOTTO “Excellence Through Education” WELCOME TO HLWW The Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted Independent School District 2687, serving the communities of Winsted, Waverly, and Howard Lake, is dedicated to providing the best education for its youth. With that commitment, we strive for quality in every offering and activity in our schools. Our District has financial strength to further improve the learning environment. In the fall of 2009 the local levy was renewed for a period of 10 years. Through passage of bond levies, new and remodeled facilities greeted families beginning in the spring of 2008 with a new 9-12 high school and remodeled elementary schools, and then again in 2015 with a new middle school. Besides having outstanding facilities, HLWW has much to be proud of in regards to academic achievement. Both Humphrey Elementary (2012) and Winsted Elementary (2013) received the National Blue Ribbon Award for academic progress and achievement. Both schools offer solid academics, small class sizes, and an environment that fosters good teacher-student relationships and allows for individualized attention to students. Our elementary schools are the best around. BRAD SELLNER, SUPERINTENDENT bsellner@hlww.k12.mn.us HLWW Middle School, grades 5-8, provides a supportive, transitional environment in which students can achieve their full potential through a variety of exploratory opportunities. An enriching advisory program is also offered to meet students’ needs. A computer lab media center, mobile computer labs (both laptops and Chromebooks), and interactive white-board technology are used in all classrooms. Our Middle School facility offers an environment for education that is safe, comfortable, and inviting. At HLWW High School, we offer a solid foundation of courses in math, science, social studies, language arts, physical education, technology, and healthy living, complemented by a wide array of electives such as EMT-first responder, CSI: classroom (forensic science), animal science, floriculture; desktop publishing; pottery; Spanish, music-choir and band, and many more. Advanced Placement (AP) courses and College In the School courses are available, as well as technical college-credit courses, which are available through our partnership with Wright Technical Center in Buffalo. The High School offers a nationally recognized FFA program that includes consistent state and national award winners. HLWW FFA was named the premier chapter of Minnesota in 2007. An Alternative Learning Program (ALP) is located in Howard Lake, for students in grades 9-12 to help them reach graduation standards and achieve credits using an online curriculum. We have boys’ and girls’ sports teams that encourage participation and achieve success. Our middle school sports focus on fundamentals and skill building. The high school athletic offerings include baseball, basketball, wrestling, golf, track and field, volleyball, gymnastics, football, cross country, fall cheerleading, and softball. There is an opportunity for ALL students to participate. High school extracurricular activities that meet a wide range of interests, include knowledge bowl, student council, National Honor Society, drama, yearbook, speech, clay target/trapshooting, and broadcasting club (KLKR). We are proud of our outstanding drama department, which includes an annual fall musical production, one-act competition, and spring play. Items offered through Community Education include activities, education, recreation, and special events for birth-5, youth k-12, and adults. Preschool for 3 to 5-year-olds, located at Humphrey Elementary in Waverly and at Winsted Elementary, is educational, nurturing, and fun. The curriculum has a focused approach on learning, and a strong emphasis on literacy skills. School Age Care (SAC) is available for students grades K-6 before and after school and on non-school days, located at the Middle School and sponsored by Community Ed, providing homework assistance, fun activities, and convenience for busy families. HLWW Public School District has the programs, staff, and opportunities that children need for education, development, and growth. With nearly 50% of our licensed staff achieving Master’s degrees or higher, the wisdom and enthusiasm of our staff creates a learning environment for student success. We are proud of our school district and how we make the grade for the families of these communities every day. Please contact us at (320) 543-3900 with any questions; or for more information, check out our website at www.hlww.k12.mn.us. Go Lakers! WHERE TO FIND US FACTS ABOUT THE DISTRICT Testing • Test results rank HLWW Public Schools #8 in reading, #8 in math, #7 in science when compared to 20 area schools in a five county area (2014) • MCA assessments results are consistently above state average in all areas • ACT scores are consistently above the state average in all areas • AP scores in 2016 where 78% of students taking an AP exam passed, earning college credit Enrollment • Enrollment growth of 125+ students in last 10 years • Open-enrollment OUT of HLWW decreased by 85+ students in last 10 years • Open-enrollment IN to HLWW increased by 55+ students in last 10 years Parent Satisfaction Survey (2014) Of the 300 responses received on our parent satisfaction survey, we received an average to excellent rating for the following: • Safety – 94% • Academics - 92% • Special Education Services – 91% • Teaching/Instructional Support 91% • Health Services – 91% • Athletics – 90% • Technology – 88% Financial Status The financial status of HLWW Public Schools is strong. Despite ever-shrinking contributions from the State of Minnesota that do not even keep up with inflation, our district has done some very positive things to stay financially responsible. Some important keys to our financial status are: • District received the Minnesota Department of Education 2014 School Finance Award, which recognizes schools for meeting statutory deadlines for submission of audited fiscal financial data and reporting criteria. • Passed elections to build a new High School in 2008 and a new Middle School in 2015 • Have a solid operating levy in place until 2019 • Have had an annual fund balance average of nearly $1,000,000 over the past 9 years 8700 Co Rd 6 SW, PO Box 708, Howard Lake, MN 55349 320-543-4646 320-543-4630 fax BOARD OF EDUCATION JAMIE WIECH - Chair 612-598-5755 147 Dutch Lk Trail Howard Lake, MN 55349 jwiech@hlww.k12.mn.us PAUL BRAVINDER - Vice-Chair 320-286-6665 723 Keats Ave. SW Howard Lake, MN 55349 pbravinder@hlww.k12.mn.us JOANIE KOCHER - Treasurer 612-501-9325 6147 20th St. SW Waverly, MN 55390 jkocher@hlww.k12.mn.us MICHELLE HEUER - Clerk 763-390-6951 108 Maple Ave. Waverly, MN 55390 mheuer@hlww.k12.mn.us DWAYNE DIERS - Director 320-543-2993 1188 Maple St. Howard Lake, MN 55349 ddiers@hlww.k12.mn.us CHARLES BUSH - Director 763-658-4101 5525 Co Rd 8 SW Waverly, MN 55390 LACY DETLEFSEN - Director 612-237-1841 3010 Cedar Blvd. Howard Lake, MN 55349 ldetlefsen@hlww.k12.mn.us Memebers of: WHERE TO FIND US 8700 Co Rd 6 SW, PO Box 708, Howard Lake, MN 55349 320-543-4600 320-543-4601 fax GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Language Arts Social Studies Science Mathematics Phys Education Art Health Total Required Total Elective TOTAL 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 16.50 7.50 24.00 HLWW HIGH SCHOOL Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted High School is the only high school in District #2687. As a growing comprehensive high school with approximately 300+ students, HLWWHS has a small family-like feel that is striving to create mentor-like relationships with all students. We believe that our size is beneficial to our students as they have opportunities to gain skills and experiences not available to them in larger schools. We are always looking for ways to become better so that we can prepare our students to be successful in their world after they leave HLWWHS. We look forward to partnering with you during this exciting time in your student’s life. Curriculum HLWWHS has a comprehensive academic curriculum consisting of over 105 courses. These courses prepare our students for a variety of post-secondary opportunities that will be available to them upon their JASON MIX, PRINCIPAL completion at HLWWHS. jmix@hlww.k12.mn.us HLWWHS has strong foundational courses in math, science, social studies, and language arts. All are complemented by a wide array of electives including Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), First Responder (students earn Minnesota State Certification), CSI in the Classroom (forensic science), Floriculture, Anatomy and Physiology, World War II, Spanish, Creative Writing, Digital Photography and Design, Web Design and many more. HLWWHS also provides multiple upper level and advanced courses. College in the Schools (CIS) is provided through the University of Minnesota (Agriculture and Math) as well as through Ridgewater College (Certified Nursing Assistant). Advanced Placement courses are offered in Biology, Calculus, English Composition, English Literature, and Psychology. AP is an open enrollment program available to all 11th and 12th grade students. Honors courses are offered in English as well. Finally, students can accelerate through the math academic program. Our partnership with the Wright Technical Center enables juniors and/or seniors to enroll in technical trades programs such as: Automotive Technology, Construction Trades, Cosmetology, Early Childhood and Elementary Careers, Graphic Arts, Health/Science Technology, Law Enforcement, Welding, and Project Lead the Way. Students participating in these programs have the opportunity to earn articulated credits through local colleges. Technology HLWWHS has fully implemented 1 to 1 technology through the use of Chromebooks. The program uses digital curriculum materials, student collaboration tools, and individualized instruction in all subject areas with the goal of enhancing student learning. Our high school is equipped with additional technology including SMART Boards and state of the art wireless Internet access. We continue to work to provide our students the skills they will need for their future. College and Career Readiness In collaboration with the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, HLWWHS has implemented the Ramp Up to Readiness TM advisory program. Ramp-Up to ReadinessTM is a school-wide advisory program that features an engaging and interactive series of activities designed to help all students graduate from high school ready for postsecondary and career success. A series of weekly advisory activities at each grade level are designed to engage students in interactive learning that not only provides them information about college and career readiness, but also challenges them to think about their own engagement and decision-making about their postsecondary and career plans. Through this program, we work to ensure that students are preparing for a life outside high school through the process of preparing a post-secondary plan which helps with course selection aligned to student goals and future plans. WHERE TO FIND US HLWW MIDDLE SCHOOL 8700 Co Rd 6 SW, PO Box 708, Howard Lake, MN 55349 320-543-4660 320-543-4632 fax Welcome to Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted Middle School. We are a school of just over 300 students in 5th through 8th grade. We are extremely proud and excited to be entering our 2nd year in our new building. The HLWW Middle School is located on the High School campus at 8700 County Road 6 SW between Howard Lake and Winsted. WE BELIEVE . . . HLWW Middle School has a staff of 23 teachers, 7 paraprofessionals and 8 educational support staff. This truly is a middle school staff that has the passion, energy and a strong belief in our schools mission and values. “HLWW Middle School will provide a supportive transitional environment in which students achieve their full potential through a variety of opportunities”. We are focused on your student’s learning. We utilize instructional strategies that are proven to be effective. Chromebook, Smartboard, Google and several other technologies are integrated into our curriculum to engage our students in 21st century learning and give them the needed skills to be successful in the unknown future of technology. JIM SCHIMELPFENIG, PRINCIPAL jschimelpfenig@hlww.k12.mn.us If you have any questions about HLWW Middle School or would like to arrange a tour, please feel free to contact Jim Schimelpfenig at jschimelpfenig@hlww.k12.mn.us or 320-543-3501. You are also welcome to simply stop by for a visit. 5th & 6th Grade Our 5th and 6th grade program is designed to transition students from the elementary to middle school. Each grade level is comprised of a three teacher team. Each student has an advisory teacher. Their advisory teacher also serves as their reading and language arts teacher. Students start each day with this 98 minute block. At the conclusion, students then rotate to math, science and social studies. In addition to the core subjects, 5th grade has computer keyboarding, music and physical education. 6th grade has art, physical education and the elective of band or choir. 7th & 8th Grade Our 7th and 8th grade program is designed to prepare students for success in high school. Like 5th and 6th grade each student has and advisor, but moves through seven 49 minute periods throughout the day. Core subjects are: language arts, math, science, social studies and physical education/health. Students also receive a trimester of art, computers and industrial technology. Band and choir are offered as electives. Gifted & Talented We also offer gifted and talented programs in math and reading in addition to accelerated math classes. Students in need of reading remediation benefit from the interventions provided by our reading specialist. To meet the unique social and emotional needs of our students we have a full time social worker and a comprehensive advisory curriculum that focuses on character education, bullying prevention and school values. • Educators who value working with this age group and are prepared to do so • Courageous, collaborative leadership • A shared vision that guides decisions • An inviting, supportive, and safe environment • High expectations for every member of the learning community • Students and teachers engaged in active learning • An adult advocate for every student • School-integrated family and community partnerships • Curriculum that is relevant, challenging, integrated, and exploratory • Multiple learning and teaching approaches that respond to student diversity • Assessment and evaluation programs that promote quality learning • Organizational structures that support meaningful relationships and learning • School-wide efforts and policies that foster health, wellness, and safety • Multifaceted guidance and support services WHERE TO FIND US 803 Elm Avenue, PO Box 248 Waverly, MN 55390 320-543-4680 763-658-4497 fax HUMPHREY ELEMENTARY Humphrey Elementary is one of two elementary schools in the Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted School District. Our student enrollment hovers around 250, grades K-4, and is the home for several classes of preschool. What’s great about Humphrey Elementary? We have a terrific community of learners, a great staff, and we strive to meet our learners at their level to offer both challenge and success. Humphrey proudly is a 2012 National Blue Ribbon Schools Award honoree based on students’ consistent high achievement. Our goal(s) for both elementary schools target literacy, improving student proficiency and increasing student growth as measured both by the MN Comprehensive Assessments (MCAs) and STAR tests. Emphasis for the 2016-17 school year include vocabulary acquisition, fluency and comprehension. Humphrey Highlights JENNIFER OLSON, PRINCIPAL FOR BOTH ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS jolson@hlww.k12.mn.us • Small class sizes • Student learning opportunities in literacy, math, social studies, science, physical education, music, art, social & character education. • Support and extension instruction in reading and math offered daily to meet the learning needs of all students. • Multi-grade experiences, building a stronger school & student community. • Monthly and quarterly student recognitions specific to citizenship skills and academic goals. • Active volunteers and community outreach involvement. • Technology-supported classrooms (via SMART Board in classrooms, tablets, and a technology lab available for regularly scheduled and impromptu usage.) WHERE TO FIND US WINSTED ELEMENTARY 431 4th Street North PO Box 160 Winsted, MN 55395 320-543-4690 320-485-4183 fax Winsted Elementary is one of two elementary schools in the Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted School District. Our student enrollment hovers around 230, grades K-4, and is the home for several classes of preschool. Whats great about Winsted Elementary? Winsted proudly is a 2013 US Blue Ribbon Schools Award honoree, a 2013-14 MN School of Excellence recipient, and three time Reward School as recognized by the MN Department of Education. We have a terrific community of learners, a great staff, and we strive to meet our learners at their level to offer both challenge and success. Our goal(s) for both elementary schools target literacy, improving student proficiency and increasing student growth as measured both by the MN Comprehensive Assessments (MCAs) and STAR tests. Emphasis for the 2016-17 school year include vocabulary acquisition, fluency and comprehension. Winsted Highlights • Small class sizes • Student learning opportunities in literacy, math, social studies, science, physical education, music, art, social & character education. • Support and extension instruction in reading and math offered daily to meet the learning needs of all students. • Multi-grade experiences, building a stronger school & student community. • Student council comprised of fourth grade student leaders and teacher advisors. • Active volunteers and community outreach involvement. • Monthly and quarterly student recognitions specific to citizenship skills and academic goals. • Technology-supported classrooms (via SMART Board in classrooms, tablets, and a technology lab available for regular and impromptu usage.) KELLI WESTLING, DEAN OF STUDENTS FOR BOTH ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS kwestling@hlww.k12.mn.us WHERE TO FIND US 8700 Co Rd 6 SW, PO Box 708, Howard Lake, MN 55349 320-543-4670 320-543-4631 fax COMMUNITY EDUCATION Welcome to Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted District 2687 Community Education. The Community Education office is located on the lower level of the Middle School with easy access from the east parking lot. Helen Lester the Early Childhood coordinator and Stacy Horsch the Community Education secretary are available in the same location. The School Age Care and Early Childhood classrooms are next to the office and will be used for day and evening activities. Community Education is based on the idea that schools belong to everyone and should serve all people through lifelong learning opportunities. The goal is to match needs with available resources for both individual and community improvement. We offer education, recreation, activities and special events for birth-age 5, youth K-12 and adults. Our District 2687 Preschool program has again been awarded the highest rating of 4 stars. This rating recognizes programs which are excelling in the use of best practices in preparing kids for kindergarten and allows for Pathway II funds to be used for tuition scholarships to the preschool. We look forward to meeting our program participants and serving our communities. MARGARET MARKETON, COMMUNITY EDUCATION DIRECTOR mmarketon@hlww.k12.mn.us Education, Recreation, Activities and Special Events for Birth-Age 5, Youth (K-12) and Adults • General interest classes and enrichment activities for adults • Youth enrichment • Communities Connecting Collaborative programs for youth • Driver education for youth • Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted District 2687 Preschool, a 4 Star preschool • Opening Doors Community Education classes, services and opportunities for adults with disabilities. • School Readiness ages 3-5 • Adult Basic Education, GED and ESL classes • Fitness Center and Walking Track Memberships • Adult volunteer program • School Age Care (SAC) for students grades K-6 • Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) School Age Care (SAC) for students grades K-6 A before school program for the 2016-17 school year will be available 6-8 am Monday-Friday and after school care from 3-6 pm at the HLWW Middle School. Transportation is available between SAC and schools in our district. Come join the fun! We provide an enriching environment with a focus on having fun. You may begin attending SAC at any time. Children must be pre-registered by contacting Community Education at 320-543-4670. Students enjoy free play, games, crafts, gym, computer time, themes and special activity days, outdoor play, science and art activities. The program is open on school days, scheduled late starts, scheduled early releases and offered on non-school days, excluding holidays. A summer program is offered June-August 6 am-6 pm. Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted District 2687 Preschool - A 4 Star Rated Preschool Program Classes begin the week of September 12. Preschool offers fun and educational hands on learning activities for children ages 3, 4 and 5. Preschool classes are held at Waverly and Winsted sites. Scholarship and transportation information is available. Students who attend have the opportunity to grow emotionally, physically, academically and socially. All classes use Creative Curriculum, the GOLD Assessment System, OWL and Everyday Math curriculums to achieve positive outcomes for children as they attend preschool. Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) ECFE is a place where families with young children come together to have fun while learning and is available to all Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted families with children between the ages of birth to kindergarten entrance. Classes and activities are staffed by licensed teachers and no family is turned away for inability to pay. ECFE offers school-year and summer activities that are fun and educational, and services, such as early childhood screening, parent and child activities, parenting information and new baby welcome packets. Census Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted District 2687 Independent School District 2687 maintains a census to better serve the residents of our communities. In our continuous effort to update our files, we ask that you contact the school if you are new to the community or when you have changes to your household information. WHERE TO FIND US ATHLETICS/ACTIVITIES 8700 Co Rd 6 SW, PO Box 708, Howard Lake, MN 55349 320-543-4600 320-543-4601 fax Philosophy The HLWW High School Activity Program shall provide a variety of experiences to aid in the development of favorable habits and attitudes in students that will prepare them for adult life in a democratic society. The interscholastic activity program shall be conducted in accordance with existing Board of Education policies, rules and regulations. While the Board of Education takes great pride in winning, it does not condone winning at all costs. COACHES/ADVISORS Event Prices Adult Ticket Price – $6 Student Ticket Price – $4 There will be admission charged for C-squad games played in the activity center. Activity Passes SCOTT BERNING, ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR sberning@hlww.k12.mn.us Student (K-12) - $50 Adult – $70 Family – $200 Senior (Residents 60+) - Free *Activity passes are good for admission to all home HLWW activities (excluding tournaments and MSHSL playoffs). *All passes are non-transferable and non-refundable. *Passes are available in the activity office. Activity Fees FALL, WINTER AND SPRING Grade 9-12 – $75 per activity ($200 max) Grade 7-8 – $65 per activity ($170 max) *JH Speech – $35 *Clay Target – $150 (doesn’t apply to max) *KLKR – $25 per season Family Yearly Maximum – $500 Activity Registration To register for an activity, students must complete the HLWW and MSHSL forms once per school year. These forms can be completed online. From the district website (www.hlww.k12.mn.us) go to the “Activities” drop-down menu and select “Registration”. Then you can choose to either complete the paperwork and pay by credit card or complete the paperwork and pay by check or cash in the activities office. Students in a sport must also have a current sports physical on file in the activities office. All fees and paperwork must be complete before a student is allowed to participate in a practice or contest! Schedules To view the 2016-2017 activities schedules, go to the district website: www.hlww.k12.mn.us, then go to the “Activities” drop-down menu and select “Schedules”. To view the schedule for a specific activity, go to the “View Schedules” box on the right-hand side, check the activity and click “View”. If you would like to be notified via email or text message as soon as any changes/updates are made, sign up with the “Notify Me” icon at the top of the page. Activity Line To hear a recording of the HLWW daily activities, call the daily activity line at 320-543-3900 ext 7. This will be updated as soon as any cancellations or postponements are made due to weather. FALL ACTIVITIES Cross Country – Wade Moravec Volleyball – Brooke Decker Football – Ben Anderson Clay Target – Gary Schmidt Cheerleading – Kayti Heber Fall Musical – Belinda Larson WINTER ACTIVITIES Gymnastics – Kevin Scott Wrestling – Joe Puncochar Girls Basketball – Ed Kutz Boys Basketball – James Carr Speech – Amanda Byrne Knowledge Bowl – Dan Athman One Act Play – Belinda Larson SPRING ACTIVITIES Girls Golf – Bernie Lueck Boys Golf – Jeff Goudy Softball – Chris Johnson Baseball – Cullen Schultz Track & Field – Andy Hertwig Clay Target – Gary Schmidt Spring Play – Belinda Larson YEARLY ACTIVITIES Art Club – Kristi Main Band – Stephanie Dailey Choir – Alexandra Thrasher KLKR Broadcasting – Rick Smith National Honor Society – Darrell Smith Student Council – Seena Glessing & Stephanie Dailey Visual Arts – Kristi Main Yearbook – Darrell Smith WHERE TO FIND US 8700 Co Rd 6 SW, PO Box 708, Howard Lake, MN 55349 320-543-4615 HLWW FOOD SERVICE HLWW will continue to offer a reimbursable breakfast program for grades K-12 this year. This means that any student that qualifies for free OR reduced priced meals will qualify for a FREE breakfast. For students that pay full price the meal cost for breakfast this year will be $1.30. (Breakfast will be free for all Kindergarteners again this year.) Breakfast will be available before school daily unless there is a late start. Breakfast menus will be printed on the back of the lunch menu each month- these are the items that student’s can choose for a reimbursable breakfast. At the Middle School/High School site an a la carte program will continue to be offered for breakfast in addition to the reimbursable breakfast option. Several new menu items have been added to the menus this year. Middle School students will be offered the same lunch (with a few exceptions as grade level guidelines need to be followed) as our high school students this year including two or three entrée choices daily, and the “veggie bar”/“fruit bar” daily. Elementary students will be offered a salad option twice a week and a sandwich option twice a week as an alternate to the main entrée. MICHELLE JOHNSON, FOOD SERVICE DIRECTOR foodservice@hlww.k12.mn.us Lunch prices for the 2016-2017 school year will be as follows: Breakfast: $1.30 (free to Kindergarteners) Grades K-4: $2.05 Grades 5-12: $2.30 Additional milk $0.40 (all grades) Additional entrée $1.50 (available to grades 5-12 only) Those that qualify for Free OR Reduced: No charge Meal payments can be made online via the Food Service section on the District web site at no charge, (Please call Mary Nelson if you need assistance with your user id or password) or a check/cash can be issued to ISD #2687-Food Service, and sent with your student to be given to the Food Service Department or mailed to ISD #2687-Food Service, PO Box 708, Howard Lake, MN 55349. We hope you all have a wonderful 2016-2017 school year. If you have any questions or concerns please call: Michelle Johnson- Food Service Director 320-543-4615 foodservice@hlww.k12.mn.us Mary Nelson- Food Service Cashier 320-543-3900 x4245 cashier2687@hlww.k12.mn.us Visit www.hlww.k12.mn.us (click on food service link) The students in our Ag Department have been working hard this summer managing and harvesting our on-site 1+ acre school garden! They have been sending out weekly baskets of vegetables to community members that purchased Community Supported Agriculture Contracts (CSA’s). When school starts the food service department will utilize vegetables as well. These items vary depending on when the vegetables are ready to be harvested. WHERE TO FIND US TRANSPORTATION The HLWW School District comprises an area of about 115 square miles, primarily in Wright County, with a portion located in McLeod County, and a small portion in Carver County. District 2687’s high school for grades 9-12 and middle school for grades 5-8, are located between Howard Lake and Winsted on Wright County Road 6, The K-4 elementary and preschool facilities are located in Waverly and Winsted. BUS GARAGE 8700 County Road 6 SW, Howard Lake, MN 55349 320-543-4650 320-543-4651 Fax Message from 4.0 School Services 4.0 School Services is excited for the opportunity to team again with the HLWW School District for the 2016-17 school year. We consider every opportunity a potential partnership; a chance to service the needs of the schools, as well as the communities at large. We see ourselves as an integral part of every community with whom we form a relationship, supplying a variety of critical services that allow administrators to focus on the education of their students. We are here to support and enhance HLWW Public Schools and to provide our specialized skills in the transportation area. Please visit our website, www.fourpointo.com, for information about 4.0 School Services; and feel free to contact the transportation office with any other questions. Public School District Attendance Areas and Educational Facility Locations for HLWW High School & Middle School Humphrey Elementary Winsted Elementary HLWW School District #2687 PO Box 708 Howard Lake, MN 55349 Local Postal Customer Non-profit Org. Us Postage PAID Winsted, Mn Permit #30 Ecrwss STAFF LIST DISTRICT OFFICE Brad Sellner, Superintendent Amy Carlson, HR/Payroll Marilyn Greeley, Secretary Darek Szczepanik, Police Liaison Officer Linda Wharram, SPED Coordinator Donna Wilson, Business Manager COMMUNITY ED Margaret Marketon, Director Geraldine Dressel, SAC Supervisor Pam Henry-Neaton, Preschool teacher Stacy Horsch, CE Secretary Helen Lester, ECFE Coord/Teacher Robin Meredith, SAC Supervisor Felicity Ostvig, Preschool teacher (Youth Service/Volunteer Coordinator) SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS Jamie Wiech, Chair Paul Bravinder, Vice-Chair Michelle Heuer, Clerk Joanie Kocher, Treasurer Dwayne Diers, Director Charles Bush, Director Lacy Detlefson, Director TRANSPORTATION Bob Bayerl, Bus Driver Jami W. Berg, Bus Driver Kari Berg, Bus Driver Jeanne Boeson, Van Driver Stephanie Brown, Van Driver Dale Burau, Bus Driver Loren Butterfass, Bus Driver Mary Edmonson, Van Driver Tim Edmonson, Bus Driver Steve Gagnon, Bus Driver Char Hillmyer, Bus Driver Joseph Kadlec, Van Driver David Kelly, Van Driver Jackie Kitts, Van Driver Marlin Kottke, Bus Driver Marson Kottke, Bus Driver Greg Lammers, Bus Driver Rochelle Mackedanz, Van Driver Al Montgomery, Bus Driver Dulce Palomares, Bus Driver Ado Poel, Bus Driver Kristin Sanderson, Bus Driver Gail Uecker, Van Driver Valerie Watts, Van Driver GraceMary Westling, Van Driver HIGH SCHOOL Jason Mix, Principal Breanne Adickes, Social Worker Erica Arvidson, Food Service Daniel Athman, Teacher Brian Barth, Teacher Britta Barth, Teacher Charlene Baumann, Food Service Scott Berning, Activities Director Nathan Brusky, Teacher Amanda Byrne, Teacher James Carr, Teacher Rita Clark, Paraprofessional Terri Collins, HS Counselor Stephanie Dailey, Teacher Denny Decker, Custodian Geraldine Dressell, Paraprofessional Jody Duske, Paraprofessional Seena Glessing, Teacher Judy Goepfert, Food Service Jeff Granrud, Teacher Pam Hand, Teacher Kayti Heber, Secretary Lucas Hegland, Teacher Julie Hemmesch, Custodian Dan Herda, Paraprofessional Kelsi Hogg, Teacher Jolie Holland, Nurse Annette Hystad, Teacher Marcia Johnson, Food Service Michelle Johnson, Food Service Penny Kruger, Food Service Richard Lee, Custodian Duane Lichy, Teacher Kristi Main, Teacher Eldora Miller, Paraprofessional George Montgomery, Teacher Wade Moravec, Teacher Carl Nelson, Custodian Mary Nelson, Food Service Diane Odenbrett, Food Service Gary Schmidt, Teacher Cullen Schultz, Teacher Nicole Schultz, Paraprofessional Darrell Smith, Teacher Michelle Sperle-Berg, Teacher Sandy Stallmo, Secretary Elayne Teorey, Teacher Amy Thompson, Counselor Secretary Alexandra (Zan) Thrasher, Teacher Ryan Tri, Teacher Sara Varner, Teacher Sara Warren, Teacher James Weninger, Teacher MIDDLE SCHOOL Jim Schimelpfenig, Principal Alissa Amland, Paraprofessional Ben Anderson, Teacher Garrick Anderson, Custodian Britta Barth, Teacher Rick Baumann, Teacher JoAnn Bundrock, Paraprofessional Kristy Cardinal, Teacher ISD #2687 James Carr, Teacher Stephanie Dailey, Teacher Brooke Decker, Teacher Leisha Diers, Teacher Travis Eldred, Teacher Diana Gabrelcik, Paraprofessional Bryan Harju, Custodian Andy Hertwig, Teacher Jamie Ibis, Teacher Adam Koeppe, Paraprofessional Emily Konerza, Teacher Melanie Lawrence, Teacher Regina Magedanz, Teacher Kristi Main, Teacher Colleen Marketon, Paraprofessional Carol Meyerson, Teacher Kyle Meyerson, Paraprofessional Laurie Nelson, Secretary Dulce Palomares, Paraprofessional June Pawelk, Custodian Craig Probst, Custodian Joe Puncochar, Teacher Jesse Robertson, Teacher Ashley Roemer, Teacher Andrew Rosevold, Teacher Kevin Scott, Teacher Heidi Smith, Social Worker Heather Vreeland, Teacher Patricia Weseloh, Teacher Sandy Williams, Paraprofessional HUMPHREY ELEMENTARY Jennifer Olson, Principal Breanne Adickes, Social Worker Nicole Anderson, Paraprofessional Sheri Arneson, Food Service Emma Arvidson, Paraprofessional Kristine Bakeberg, Paraprofessional Rod Bell, Custodian Laura Bishop, Teacher Stephen Boger, Teacher Brandi Bresnahan, Teacher Amanda Busse, Paraprofessional Robin Day, Teacher Rachel Erger, Teacher Pam Halverson, Teacher Alycia Hausladen, Paraprofessional Rhonda Houston, Teacher Jessica Ingram, Teacher Lisa Jennissen, Teacher Heidi Joy Bursch, Teacher Dawn Kalvig, Teacher Gretchen Karg, Teacher Christina Kittock, Paraprofessional Josh Klenken, Teacher Tony Kley, Teacher Terry Knuth, Secretary Mary Kritzeck, Paraprofessional Tina Krumweide, Paraprofessional Mindy Loge, Paraprofessional Darla Mackedanz, Teacher Kayla Maher, Teacher Lori Murphy, Food Service Laurie Olson, Paraprofessional Amy Parks, Food Service Karen Ready, Teacher Glen Ross, Custodian Sarah Schanus, Teacher Mary Kay Stanek, Paraprofessional Carolyn Stoll, Paraprofessional Darlene Stoll, Paraprofessional Stefanie Thorsen, Teacher Andrea Travis, Teacher Josh Westling, Teacher Kelli Westling, Dean of Students WINSTED ELEMENTARY Jennifer Olson, Principal Breanne Adickes, Social Worker Britta Barth, Teacher Janice Comstock, Paraprofessional Cindy Decker, Paraprofessional Kelly Frank, Paraprofessional Leann Gallagher, Teacher Jeff Goudy, Teacher Angie Granrud, Teacher Stephanie Heaver, Paraprofessional Laura Heuer, Teacher Rhonda Houston, Teacher Cindi Koopmeiners, Teacher Tanner Krutzig, Teacher Jay Krzmarzick, Teacher Vawn Krzmarzick, Teacher Christin LaMott, Teacher Jana LeClaire, Teacher Deb McAlpine, Food Service Danielle Miller, Teacher Mark Nelson, Custodian Sue Neumann, Teacher Amy Ohlemacher-Lonetti, Teacher Michelle Olson, Teacher Bernice Pehl, Teacher Pam Petersen, Custodian Tanya Remer, Teacher Kelly Sale, Paraprofessional Jodi Sanken, Teacher Tricia Stender, Paraprofessional Jessica Stifter, Teacher Julie Stifter, MARSS Coord/Secretary Heather Struthers, Teacher Linda Tassinari, Paraprofessional Tammi Thiemann, Paraprofessional Jodi Utne, Paraprofessional Kristin Vogelpohl, Paraprofessional Kathy Welman, Paraprofessional Kelli Westling, Dean of Students 320-543-3900 • www.hlww.k12.mn.us