Introducing Motor City Mission Corps


Introducing Motor City Mission Corps
Introducing the Motor City Mission Corps
Detroit is making a comeback.
And we want you to be a part of it.
The Motor City Mission Corps is a new ministry initiative of the Presbytery of Detroit, which invites young adults
(ages 19-30) to live in Detroit and serve a year in mission.
Through an intentional community model, young adult participants will live together, explore spiritual formation and
vocational discernment, and work alongside four excellent site placement partners which are reducing blight and
poverty in Detroit:
Cass Community Social Services
Motor City Blight Busters
Presbyterian Villages of Michigan
Westminster Presbyterian Church, Detroit
Motor City Mission Corps shares a similar vision and model with the Young Adult Volunteers of the Presbyterian
Mission Agency. We are grateful to have received their encouragement and friendship as we move forward.
We Want to Connect With You
You can help us launch this ministry.
We want to connect with individuals and congregations throughout the Presbytery of Detroit in order to share this
great vision and calling before us. As a part of that vision, we invite you to join us as a MCMC Mission Partner. Your
prayers and financial support will provide the vital foundation that will launch the Motor City Mission Corps forward
as we begin to recruit the first Young Adult Cohort this summer and fall. They will serve from September 2017August 2018.
How can you help?
 Invite us to share our vision with your Mission Committee and/or wider congregation.
 Visit our website at and ‘like’ the ‘Motor City Mission Corps’ Facebook
 Prayerfully discern supporting us financially through your congregation’s mission budget.
 Help us recruit young adult participants by sharing our vision and the application on our website.
 Contact the Rev. Kara Hildebrandt at for more information.
Mission Statement
Motor City Mission Corps engages young adults in transformative mission to inspire a lifetime of service.
To create opportunities for young adults to live and serve among the residents of Detroit and experience a
year in mission and service
To further the vision and purpose of site placement organizations in the reduction of poverty and blight in the
city of Detroit
To provide staff support for site placement partners and mentorship for young adults in the context of a local
non-profit organization
To develop an intentional Christian community where young adults live together, demonstrate mutual care
and friendship, and share a financial budget
To foster an environment where young adults engage intentional spiritual disciplines of simple living, prayer,
study, spiritual direction, and service
To design vocational discernment opportunities for young adults to explore their gifts and abilities and
discover their sense of calling
To promote social consciousness in a multicultural environment so as to educate young adults about
privilege, social location, and structural challenges
To encourage, broaden, and deepen local congregational involvement in community outreach and service
To strengthen relationships between young adults and local congregations in worship and friendship
Motor City Mission Corps
Are you Detroit Strong?
Detroit is making a comeback.
And we want you to be a part of it.
The Motor City Mission Corps invites young adults (ages 19-30) to apply for our
2017-2018 year of service.
Young Adult Participants. . .
. . . serve a year in mission from September to August
. . . build friendships as they live together in intentional community
. . . grow in faith and spiritual development
. . . work to reduce blight and poverty in Detroit alongside
Cass Community Social Services
Motor City Blight Busters
Presbyterian Villages of Michigan
Westminster Presbyterian Church, Detroit
Housing and a monthly stipend are provided;
some fundraising required.
Want to learn about our program? Want to request an application?
Please email
Motor City Mission Corps is a ministry of The Presbytery of Detroit.