ftTilffiffiX`, Y ri7 - PPSK Website
ftTilffiffiX`, Y ri7 - PPSK Website
n Perubatan Nuklear, & Onkologi Of Nuclear Medicine, aphy & Oncology [ftTilffiffiX', t Pengajian Sains Perubatan USM/PPSP/ Rujukan kami \\ Tarikh Januari 2016 Kesihatan Universiti Sains Malaysia 1 61 50 Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, Malaysia. Tel :609 767 6684 Fax: 609 765 3370,609 764 4416 E-mail: nuklear@kb.usm.my Dekan Pusat Pengajian Sains Kesihatan Universiti Sains MalaYsia Kampus Kesihatan 16150 Kubang kerian www.medic.usm.my Kelantan lQmpus Kesih.trr tlriveBili Salls [defri. f6f$Kn nCf\sbtl(!h-r Oenfan segala hormatnya, perkara di atas adalah dirujuk' 2. PPSP Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa Jabatan Perubatan Nuklear, Radioterapi dan Onkologi, Updates 2016" USM, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan akan mengadakan Seminar "East Coast Oncology yang disasarkan kepada semua pakar, pegawai perubatan dan paramedik yang terlibat secara adalah irngrrng atau tidak langsung dalam pengurusan atau penjagaan pesakit kanser. Perinciannya sepertiberikut: Tarikh Tempat Yuran : 30'31 : Auditorium Blok Pentadbiran, HospitalUniversiti Sains Malaysia Mac 2016 : RM 150.00 (Pakar/PegawaiPerubatan) RM 125.00 (ahliMMA) RM 100.00 (Paramedik) 3. klinikal yang Seminar ini bertujuan memberikan pendedahan terkini dalam bidang onkologi menambahkan sentiasa berubah dari segi pendekatan dan perawatan. Secara tidak langsung ia akan pesakit kanser, sekaligus lagi kefahaman dan keperihatinan staf di bawah pusat pengajian ini terhadap pusat pengajian mampu memberi manfaat dalam penyelarasan pengurusan pesakit kanser di antara ini kita. lni membolehkan rawatan yang lebih menyeluruh mampu diberikan kepada pesakit. Seminar juga mampu mengeratkan hubungan dua hala antara pusat pengajian, 4. Sehubungan dengan itu, pihak kami ingin memohon kerjasama dan sokongan pihak Y.Bhg. prof. untuk menghantar beberapa orang pensyarah dan pengajar bagi menjayakan seminar ini' penyertaan mereka adalah sangat penting bagi menjamin kelestarian program serta dalam mempertingkatkan kualiti perkhidmatan dan penjagaan pesakit kanser di pantai timur amnya. @* .#-.' [6;] EP M] CEMFEDrcNOWru G€=ft)A Y ri7 A@ Ar€trst K.hvildr Mihvrtd fitrfi66-trcdffi6 Y'-" ' 5. Justeru itu, bersama-sama ini dilampirkan poster dan brosur program sebagai rujukan dan untuk tujuan hebahan pihak Y,Bhg. Prof. Sekiranya terdapat sebarang pertanyaan atau permasalahan, sila hubungi pihak kamiditalian 09-7673801 (Pn. Han Siew Lim) atau 09.7676684 (Pn. Noza Nawi) atau faks ke 09-7651724. Kerjasama pihak Y, Bhg. Prof, amatlah dihargai. Sekian, Terima Kasih. "BERKHIDMAT UNTUK NEGARA' l-tar[ 6sok' \ (DR. YUSOFF) East Coast Oncology Updates 2016 ay'I -l i2016 3ol03l2oL6 08.00 - 08.30 AM Reglsiration 08.30 - 09.15 AM Plenary Session I Epidemiology of Cancer - Malaysia Perspeciive TBA 09.15 - 10.00 AM Plenary Session ll Molecular Genetics and Cancer Present Scenario - Prof. Ravi Ankathil 1C.00 - 10.20 AM Welcome Speech by Organizing Secretary lnauguration of Seminar by Chief Guest Speech by the Chief Guest 10.20 - 10.45 AM Group Photo & Tea Break 10.45 - 11.15 AM Developmenis in Radiation Oncology IMRT, IGRT, Cyber Knife, Tomotherepy - Mr. Mohcl Lutfi Yusoff 11.15 - 11 .45 11.45 - 't2.15 12.15 AM Noon -'12.45PM Deveiopment in Brachytherapy - Prof . Biswa Mohan Biswal Newer Chemotherapy Drugs & New Stralegies in the Management of Cancer - Dr Azlan Husin Molecular Targeted Therapy - Dr. Ravi Sedt-,ar Patnaik 12.45 - 02,30 PM 02.30 ' 03"00 PM Advances in Surgical Management - Or. Zaidi Zakaria 03.00 - 03.30 PM Advances in Palliative Carc - Dr. Wan NazriWan Zainan 03.3S - 04.00 PM Lunch Recent Developments in Biochemistry investigation - AP Dr. M, Swamy 04.00 - 04.30 PM r Epidemiology of Cancer - Malaysian Prospeciive . Advances in Pathological diagnosis of cancer . Biochemical advances diagnostic rnarkers . Advances in radiation oncology . r IMRT, IGRT, IORT, Tomotherapy r Radiotherapy Planning and Cyber Knife Advances in Chemotherapy r Newer Chemotherapeutic Drugs r Monoclonal Antibodies and Small Molecules t Advances in imaging . Role of Nuclear Medicine in Oncology t Advances in the Palliative Care of Cancer Patienis 'r Psycho-oncology . Role of Nursing in Cancer Management . Counseling and counselor's role in cancer care r lntroduction To Departrnent of Nuclear Medicine, t Radiotherapy and Oncology, HUSM Pathology advances in ihe diagnosis of Malignancy AP Dr. Salzlhan Md. Saileh - 04.30 - 05.00 PM 5.00 PM Day 2 Present Statu$ of Clinicel Research in Oncology Malaysia - Or. Akhmal Yusof rn Evening Tea - 31/o3l2oti 08.30 - 09.00 AM Role of Nuclear Medicine in Oncology Management - DL Aizaq Adham Ahmad Alwi 09.00 - 09.30 AM Updates in Thyroid Cancer - Dr. Syed Ejaz Shamim 09.30 - 10,00 10.00 - AM 10.15AM Role sf PET-CT Scan in Cancer Management - Dr. Norazlina Mat NaWi Tea Break {0.15 - 10.45 AM Role af lntervention Radiology - 10.45 - 1{.'15 AM Advances in imaging CT / MRI / Plain X+ay - Dr. Chandran Nadaraian 11.15 - {1,45 AM 11.45 - 12.'15 Noon 12.15 - 12.45 ?M F frr. Shafie Abdutlah Email : ecou2O15@gmail.com Website : mrw.ecou20l 5.corn Limb Sparing Surgery MSK Cancer - AP Dr Faisham Nu'man Wan fsmail Organized By : Advances in HNC - AP Dr. lrfan Mohamed Role of Counseiors in Oncology Management Mrs. Hasmat Zakaria 12.45 PM A FURTHER I}{FORMATION : The Secretariat, East Coast Oncology Updates 2015 Department of Nuclear Medicine, Radiotherapy and Oncology, Health Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia (l-rSM). Jalan Raja Perempuan Zainab2, 16150 Kubang Kerian. Kelanlan. Contact Person : Mrs Ham Siew Ling : Mrs Ncza Bt. Nawi Tel : 097676684 / 097673801 Fax : 097651 72d;, Cfosing Remark - Chairperson Departrn*nt of NUCLEAR MEDICINE RADIOTHERAPY & ONCOTOGY tfi,Ttl l.]ilvlfistTl sAtr'l$ MAtAYStt The Secretariat, East Coast Oncology Updates 2016 Nearest Hotel Accomodations Available In Kota Bharu Department of Nuclear Medicine, Radiotherapy & Oncology, Health Carnpus, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Jalan Raja Perempuan Zainab 2, Rumah Tetamu USM Tel No :09-767 3A0A Avee Budget Inn, Hotel & Apartment Tel No :09-7649797 I A9-7649000 16150 Kubang I(erian Kelantan Contact Person Mrs Ham Siew Ling Mrs Noza Bt Nawi Tel 09-767 3801 09-767 6684 Fax 09-765 1724 Email : ecou2O I 5@gmail.com D&D Budget Inn Tel No :09-7657973 ZuZu lnn Tel No : 09-764 9889 Hotel Celam Emas Tel No : 09 - 764 92?0 Renaissance Hotel Kota Bharu Tel No : 09-746 2233 r Website : www.ecou2015.com All payment on Cheque/Bank Transfer Hotel Ferdana Kota Bharu Tel No : 09-7458888 r Epidemiology of Canory - Malaysian Prospective Advanceg in p6l6glsgiqal:(iagnQsis of caneer . r Advaha,gs ln can be made to: CIMB USAINS Tech Services Sdn.Bhd. Acc No : 0305 001 I l5 l -05-2 radiatlon'oncology Flanning' I , ,: : IIMBT; IGRT, |ORL Tornotherapt rind:Cyber Knife :., , ' r rRadiotherapy , Impiana Motel Tel No : 09 - 765 1961 rNewer0henrotherapeulicDru$s.,i,, :' : r :Monoclsnal AntibodiEs and Small Mderubs lnra$ing Impiana Motel 2 Tel No : 09 - 764 0032 I Advances in r Advances ln the Palliative Oare,of Gancer Sutera Inn Prima Hotel Tel No : 09-744 1000 a Role of Nursing in Cancer Management r Counseling and counselor's role in cancer car€ . 'i Patlerits Introduotion lo Deparfinent of Nuclear Medicine, Radiotherapy and Oncology, HUSM ' - 30tost201e Assalamualalkum w.b.t., Bismillahirrahmannirrahim... CenoEr is ono ofthe leading causes ofdeath worldwide. Untill reoently praotice of oncology has focused on intervening to slow down or reverse the progression of ooncer. With the developments in the molecular biologyand populationepidemiology the pathways of oaroinogenesisare muoh bottor understood. With this, the concepi of "Canoer is prevontable if the risk faotors ere avoided"is gaining momentum. In tho prooess ofmanaging oancer patients, not only the onoologists but also tho primary physicians play a major role. The primar y physioians play an involuabie role in deteoting and performing pationts follow up a$er the onoology mana.gement. Tho family physioian plays an irnportant role by identiffing tre individuals with high risk ofcanoer, either through environmentalor hereditary oharooters or both, The primary physioians can only do their part in the canoer manegemont if they keep their knowledge of onoology up to date and get themselves integrated into the oncology menagement system. With the updated knowlodgo in tho oancer managomont, tho primory physicians ere to identify and monitor the carcer pafients. Dr. G Rubin of UI( says primary physicians needs to beoome the comerstone in prrvention, early deteotion" survivorship and palliative care ofcancer patients. To improvo ttre integration between the primary and secondary oaro of wt planned the one rnd halfday seminar for tho Esst Coast regional primary health oare providers to upgrade their knowledge in cano€r n0{rnagemont, This inoludes updates on oncology surgery, radiotherapy *s well as newer pharmacoutical management including chemoflrerapy, biological or torgeted thorapy, immunoflrerapy and hormonal therapy. oancer The new holistic approach concept in cancer managqnent h&s integrated health promotions, cancer surveillanoe and detection programs, and palliative oare into the existing system consisting ofthe primary cancer tre&tm€nts suoh as surgery, radiotherepy and ohomotherupy. This new approach has also oxpands its circle to include allied haalth professionals suoh as nurses, physiotherapist, nutritionist, counselor 06.00 .08.30 Registration 08,30 Plonary Session I Epidemiology of Canoer - Malaysia PorEp€otivc TBA Eqst Coasi Oncology Dr. Murali Bhavaraju Organizing Seuetary East Coast Oncology Updates 2016 Updates 2016 Dr. Ahmad Lutfl Yusoff Chairman TI1LE s 0r,15 - 10.00 AM Plenary Session ll Molecular Genetios and Cancer Present Soenario - Prol. Ravl Anhathil 10.00 - 10.20 AM Welcomo Speech by Organizing S€oretary lnauguration of Sominar by Campus Director/Dean Sp€eoh by th6 Campus Director/Doan 10.20 : 10;45 AM Group Photo & T€a Br6ak 10.45 .11,15 AM D€v€lopm€nts in Rediation Onoology IMRT, IGRT, Cyb6r Knife, Tomotherapy -Mr. Ahmad Lutfi Yusoff 1.t.15. t1.46AM Oev€lopment in Braohytherapy - Prof. Blswa Mohan Blswal flrrof, fl.tssoc. Prof. ADDRE$(WARD/HOIP) I or, [ur. f u : {1.46. 12.15 Noon N€w6r Ch6moth€repy Drugs & N6w Strat6gi6s in the Management of Cincet - Dr. Azlan Husln '12.15 - 12.45 PM PM Mol€cular Targeted Therapy, -TBA Lunoh 02.30 .03,00 PM Advanc€s in Surglcal Managem€nt - Dt. Zaldi 03-00 - 03.30 PM Advances in Palllative Cera - Dr. Wan Nazrl Wan Zelnan P*r R€c6nt Developmonts in Biooh€mistry inv$tlgation - AP Dr. M. Swamy 04.00 - 04.30 PM kkarla Pathology advanc€s in the diagnosis of Malignanoy - AP Or. Salzlhan Md. Sailah 04.30 - O5.OO PM Day Pres€nt Status of Cllnical Res€srch in Oncology in Malaysia - Dr, A(hmal Yusol Evenlng Tea E.OO PM and social workers. Thereforo, we organize this seminars on "East Coest Oncology Updates (ECOLD 20 16" to unwrap the aforementioned new information and knowledge to be shared with dootors, paramedios, students and personnel intorested or involved in cancer and its managements.We hope by the end of this sominar, the respective health providord will be abte to handle cancer patients with confident et all stages of the disease and work with oanoer patients more oomfortably, We also hope to create friendlier environment among health providers in the east oost region so that tho maneg€ment ofcanoer putiont in this rogion can be improved. AM - 09,15 AM : Conrultsnt J Doctor RMlSo I f,fUl Memberr f] Porolnedicr I ltudentr RMt2s RMtoo RMtoo 2- 8{/0312016 AM Role of Nucle€r Medicine ln Oncology Management . Dr. Alzaq Adham Ahnad Alwl 09.00 . 03.30 Updetes in Thyroid Canaer - D/: Syed Elaz Shamtm 09.30 AM - 10,00 AM Role of PET-CT Sc€n in Oanoer Management 10.00 ' 1O.1EAM T6a Break 10.15 - 10.45 Role of lntervention Radiology - AP Or. Shafio Abdultdh 10.45 AM - 11.15 AM Advances in lmaging CT i MRI / Plain X+ay - Dr. Chandran Nadaralan 08.30 - 09,00 11,15 . 11.45 AM -TBA Limb Spering Surgery MSK Ca naet - AP Dr. Falsham Nu'man Wan lsmall 11.46. 12.{5 Noon Advances in HNC - APDr. ldan Mohamed 12.'18 f] - 12,45 12.46PM PM Rol6 of Gouns€lors in Onoology M€nagement - Mrs. Haemat Zakaia Closing Remark - Chatrperson Icortr I f] Gorerment LO/PO fl f] tponrored Bnnl Trqnrfer cheqre