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Quebec City, QC....................................... 355 miles
Halifax, NS. .................................................. 386 miles
Being the largest county east of the Mississippi, there is a lot of ground to cover
while you’re here. To help facilitate your travels, the events and listings found in
this publication are color coded according to location: forest green for northern
Aroostook, moss green for central Aroostook, and blue for southern Aroostook.
When making your travel plans, keep in mind it generally takes two hours to
travel from the southern part of the county to the northern region.
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Greater Van Buren Cham
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This publication produced by Aroostook County Tourism (888-216-2463) and Northern Maine Development Commission (800-427-8736).
For more information on Aroostook County visit these websites:
Treasure our landscapes
Celebrate our communities
Aroostook County is a place like no other. Filled with vast stretches
of wilderness, thousands of lakes and rivers, and wildlife too plentiful
to count, it is a unique tourism destination. With less than 75,000
residents on more than 6,600 square miles of natural beauty, the
largest county east of the Mississippi is brimming with uncrowded
recreational opportunities.
The great forest area of western Aroostook, called the North Maine Woods,
Across the county, visitors can fish for brook trout in pristine rivers and
comprises two thirds of the county and is mostly owned by companies in the
streams or search for landlocked salmon in the renowned Fish River
lumber and paper industry. This group of landowners employs a non-profit
Lakes. Some anglers may even find a muskie in the St. John River or
management organization to ensure that residents and visitors alike continue
reel in a fiesty smallmouth bass on East Grand Lake. Avid hunters can
to enjoy the area’s natural resources. Like the camping, canoeing, fishing and
still track down massive moose, ten-point bucks and mighty black
hunting that are popular spring, summer and fall activities. Or the ice fishing,
bears. Ruffed grouse and waterfowl are plentiful for bird hunters. And
snowshoeing and snowmobiling that take over the winter months.
with all that space, hunters and fishermen peacefully coexist with
like paddling, wildlife watching, biking and hiking. Aroostook has de-
broccoli, peas and other crops. The business of farming still contributes signifi-
veloped many recreational trails for snowmobiles, ATVs, bicyclists, hik-
cantly to northern Maine’s economy and many local schools grant a harvest
ers, cross country skiers and horseback riders taking advantage of the
break in October so teenagers can work in the fields.
breathtaking scenery, plentiful wildlife and tranquil surroundings.
tradition. Our long history of lumbering has produced
grounds. Aroostook County has two Native American tribes: the
Patten’s Pioneer Days festival, which features a woodsmen
Micmacs (Mik’maqs) and the Maliseets, while French-Acadians were
competition, and a Lumberjack Roundup at the Northern
among the first Europeans to settle in the area. In the mid-1800s, a
Maine Fairgrounds in August. Houlton’s Potato Feast Days
group of Swedish families immigrated to America and founded the
honors the coming harvest of our largest agricultural crop,
current day villages of New Sweden and Stockholm.
as does Fort Fairfield’s weeklong Potato Blossom Festival.
The many festivals, fairs and other annual events that make visiting
Nearly every town, big or small, has its own version of a
Aroostook County a unique experience are derived from this rich
weekend festival, celebrating life in northern Maine with
cultural heritage. The Acadian Festival in Madawaska celebrates the
parades, homecooked food and old-fashioned competi-
Acadian roots of the St. John Valley, while the Midsommar Celebra-
tions. For a complete and up-to-date listing of these op-
tion follows in the footsteps of the traditional Swedish recognition of
portunities, see the event listings on pages 36 and 37 or
the summer solstice. Other festivals celebrate Aroostook’s agricultural
check out
Throughout this guide, you will see a few
tidbits of text called “Local 411.” In an ef-
fort to give you an honest look at our
unique and beautiful area, we collected
information from local experts on a variety
of topics. Advice about wildlife watching,
bike rides, lesser-known kayaking destinations and
outdoor enthusiasts who come to enjoy Aroostook’s other offerings,
Eastern Aroostook is covered with rolling farmland that produces potatoes,
Northern Maine is also home to people of diverse cultural back-
maybe even “secret” fishing hotspots, is provided by
those who know. Those who have chosen to make
their home in this place with breathtaking landscapes
and welcoming communities.Take it from them. There
is no other place like Aroostook.
Tall Tales Waiting
Aroostook County is home to hundreds of lakes and ponds as well as over 7,000
miles of streams and rivers, which provide some of the best freshwater fishing in the
United States. The County is considered to be the last stronghold of Maine’s traditional coldwater species, which include native brook trout and landlocked salmon. It
is not uncommon to catch 4+ pound landlocked salmon from some of the area lakes,
and the world record landlocked salmon, a monster tipping the scales at almost
13 pounds, was caught on Long Lake in northern Aroostook. Native brook trout inhabit the vast majority of the county’s lakes, ponds, rivers and streams. While smaller
streams likely will yield 6-10 inch brookies, some ponds and lakes hold much larger
squaretails, including some in the 3+ pound range.
There are also several areas where smallmouth bass are plentiful. These feisty fish
can be found in some waters in southern Aroostook including Nickerson Lake in
New Limerick and Spaulding Lake in Oakfield as well as in the St. John River in the
northern part of the county.
Another unique fish, the muskellunge or “muskie”, can be found in the St. John
River and some of its larger tributaries. This hard hitting game fish is not a native
to the area, so the state currently has no bag or length limits. Brown trout are available in the southern reaches of the county in the Meduxnekeag River watershed in
the Greater Houlton area as well as some hatchery-reared browns in Drew’s Lake.
Aroostook County is also home to several unique fishing opportunities for children.
These state-listed “Kids Waters”, where youngsters have special regulations or access to the waters, include portions of the Aroostook River (Caribou) and Pierce
Brook (Houlton), Logan Lake (Houlton), Mantle Lake (Presque Isle), Tote Road Pond
(Moro Plantation) and Rock Crusher Pond (Island Falls).
Whether it’s smallmouths in Houlton, brookies in the North Maine Woods or
muskies in Fort Kent, there is sure to be a great fishing memory waiting to be
made in Aroostook.
Up Close and Personal
The rugged beauty of Aroostook is the perfect backdrop to get an up
great blue herons and more than 65 varieties of song birds, woodpeckers, hawks
close and personal look at the area’s majestic wildlife. From the pristine
and waterfowl.
evergreen forests to the sparkling rivers and lakes, Maine’s largest county
is overflowing with an enormous variety of species, some found nowhere
else on the East coast. Visitors come from around the world to see our
massive moose, hear the melancholy cry of the loons, watch the flight of
the regal bald eagles and perhaps even get a glimpse of the black bear
and whitetail deer.
While some wildlife can easily be seen by simply driving on secondary and unpaved roads, many of the viewing opportunities are better accessed with local
guidance. Maine’s Registered Guide program provides a network of professionals whose outdoor experience and hospitality will help ensure a satisfactory
expedition. For your convenience, a comprehensive list of Professional Maine
Guides located in northern Maine is included in this publication on pages 8 and
Northern Maine forms a southern boundary of the northern evergreen
9. Aroostook is also home to the A.E. Howell Conservation Center in Amity and the
boreal forest which, combined with the many changes in the area’s el-
Aroostook National Wildlife Refuge in Limestone, which both provide a protected
evation, create an ideal habitat for a diverse assortment of wildlife. In
habitat for wildlife and education programs for visitors. Whether you’re looking
addition to the large game, visitors can see beavers, fox, coyote, osprey,
for unique song birds or our world-famous moose, you’ll find them in Aroostook.
“Unspoiled by sprawl, undamaged by development, and unexpectedly improved
by forestry, the North Maine Woods is a birding experience unlike anywhere else.”
Bob Duchesne, Founder of the Maine Birding Trail
The State of Maine website offers these tips to wildlife watchers:
Keep in mind that Maine’s animals are wild and should not be approached, fed or startled
Wildlife are more active in early morning and evening
Carry adequate water, particularly in summer, and dress appropriately, keeping in mind the cool temperatures
that can occur in the evening and when exploring on and around the water
Sunscreen and insect repellant are necessary during warmer seasons
Several specialized items, like binoculars and field guides, can enhance your wildlife viewing
A camera will help you bring your Maine wildlife adventure home with you; a telephoto lens will help get a
close look without actually being too close to the wildlife
In Maine, 95 percent of the land is privately owned. Please respect landowners’ wishes and obey posted signs
Creatures Great and Small
There is a rich history of sustainable hunting in the state’s most
moose in the United States. The fringe between forest and agricultural land often
hunted in both the deep woods and on the border between forest
for in size. Aroostook County routinely has some of the state’s largest deer, with more than a
northerly county. Many of the families in the area have been har-
holds many species as well. Ruffed grouse inhabit the entire region, as do coyotes,
and farm. Hunters have had a success rate of over 90% and need to
few 10-pointers that dress out in excess of 225 pounds. These trophy deer are what hunters
vesting game species for generations and generations. There are
snowshoe hare, bobcats and many species of waterfowl.
come prepared to handle these very large animals.
come to the northern part of the state to find and most communities stand ready to help make
Wild turkeys have been making a comeback in Maine and the 2006 spring turkey
Aroostook County plays host to many black bear hunters every fall.
hunt included a small area from Houlton to Patten. While turkeys are not found in the
A male black bear weighs between 250 and 600 pounds, while
Canada geese flock to Aroostook County to enjoy its moderate climate and plentiful habitat.
Aroostook County consists of hundreds of thousands of acres of ag-
rest of Aroostook County yet, they have been making their way steadily northward
females will tip the scales at anywhere from 100 to 400 pounds.
The vast stretches of farmland provide a bountiful harvest for geese, who like to eat cultivated
ricultural land and millions of acres of heavily forested land which
over the past several years.
Many bear hunters employ Maine guides and hunt over bait or with
grains, and the many lakes and ponds offer safety from predators. Sporting enthusiasts who
enjoy the challenge of calling in this waterfowl won’t be disappointed.
available on a permit lottery basis and are drawn in the spring of the year. Moose,
Whitetail deer in Aroostook have a lower population density than
With its wide open spaces and hunting heritage, Aroostook County provides excellent oppor-
which can weigh upwards of 1,000 pounds, often have racks exceeding 60” and are
what exists in other areas, but what we lack in volume we make up
tunities to adventure seeking hunters.
a variety of sporting opportunities, from hunting trophy whitetail
bucks to trying your hand at calling Canada geese.
make the area unique in its ability to nourish wildlife. The North
Maine Woods, a more than 3.5 million acre tract of commercial forest land, is generally open to hunting. The vast forest lands are home
to big whitetail deer, massive black bear and some of the largest
Moose are hunted in northern Maine every fall in a split season hunt. Licenses are
your hunt successful.
North Maine Woods
our greatest natural resource
In the northwestern part of Aroostook County there lays a vast secluded forest known as the North Maine Woods. The nearly 4 million
acre multiple use area is owned and managed by private landowners and state governmental agencies. This group oversees the North
Maine Woods organization to ensure that resident and nonresident
visitors alike continue to enjoy recreational activities such as fishing,
hunting, camping, canoeing or sightseeing.
The North Maine Woods is a region. The top quality commercial forest land includes within its boundaries two of the most famous wild
rivers of the Northeast - the St. John and the Allagash. North Maine
Woods completely surrounds the Allagash Wilderness Waterway and
the only way to access this nationally protected river is through one
of the several gates manned by North Maine Woods employees.
It is an organization. Landowners, big and small, corporations, individuals and families have joined with Maine’s natural resource
agencies in a partnership to solve today’s problems and plan for
the future.
And it is a spirit. Past and present; people and nature meet here.
Men and women who make their living from the woods and those
who relax here love this area. And through North Maine Woods,
they work together to see that while they take forest products, fish,
wildlife and pleasure from this great region, they take nothing that
will make it any less in the future than it is today. For more information on North Maine Woods, visit
Thomas Aasbo
Presque Isle ... 207-834-6324
Marci Argraves
Jim Libby
Castle Hill ... 207-764-7040
Ken Arndt
Visitors to Aroostook County can discover some of the best hunting, fishing and outdoor recreation opportunities
in the world. But some may need a little help finding their way. Professional Maine Guides are men and women
who are skilled and experienced in outdoor sportsmanship and have passed muster with the Maine Department of
Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to become registered.
Presque Isle ... 207-764-8677
Jason Bouchard
Ashland ... 207-794-8684
Jim Carter
Back in 1897, an outdoors woman named Fly Rod
Crosby became the first Registered Maine Guide and
started a long tradition of sportsmen and women
who devote their lives to helping others enjoy Maine’s
reknowned natural resources. One hundred years
Tenley Bennett
Eagle Lake ... 207-444-5207
New Sweden ... 207-896-3140
David Devoe
L. Dean Paisley
Eagle Lake ... 207-444-5589
Roger Greene
Fort Kent ... 207-834-3144
Joel Guimond
ago, it was simply up to the local game warden to
Wallagrass ... 207-834-3612
decide if someone was fit to be licensed, but starting
Allagash ... 207-398-3330
in 1975, guides had to pass rigorous verbal and written exams to be registered.
Michael Hubbard
Sean Lizotte
Allagash ... 207-398-3418
Edgar Lugdon
The men and women listed here are Professional
Maine Guides, all registered and making the extra effort to enhance the standards of the guiding industry.
They are dedicated to promoting a quality, ethical and
legal outdoor experience for all. For more information
on this unique program, visit
Jerry McLaughlin
Eagle Lake ... 207-444-4557
John Martin
Eagle Lake ... 207-444-5556
Fort Kent ... 207-834-2805
John Pelletier
St. John Plantation ... 207-834-5259
George Pooler
Wallagrass ... 207-834-3270
Ronald Ricciardi
Eagle Lake ... 207-444-6108
Jean LeBlanc
Oxbow ... 207-435-6140
Washburn ... 207-455-8411
Dick Cullins
Masardis ... 207-435-2031
John DaRosa
Oxbow ... 207-435-6357
David DeMerchant
Presque Isle ... 207-764-0597
Jim Dumond
Portage ... 207-435-6378
Woodland ... 207-493-4613
Matt Libby
Ashland ... 207-435-8274
Matthew J Libby
Ashland ... 207-435-8274
Pat Long
Ashland ... 207-435-6852
Lou Lorenzo
Caribou ... 207-492-0077
Westfield ... 207-429-9479
Gloria Nelson
John Graves
Ivan Porter
Dave Hentosh
Kevin Quist
Ashland ... 207-435-6977
Bridgewater ... 207-429-0910
Caribou ... 207-551-2393
Peter Hilton
Presque Isle ... 207-764-3933
Perham ... 207-493-0989
Steven Hopkins
John Robertson
Portage Lake ... 207-435-8232
Bill Johnson
Oxbow ... 207-435-6215
Reinie LaBelle
Sheridan ... 207-435-8044
Weston ... 207-448-2743
Paul Dorward
Houlton ... 207-532-0980
Donald Dudley
Patten ... 207-446-6170
Carroll Gerow
Smyrna Mills ... 207-528-2124
Bert Goodman
Dale Goodman
Nathan Theriault
Fort Kent ... 207-834-6098
David Conley
Delbert McCrum Jr.
Portage Lake ... 207-942-0139
James Thibodeau
Patten ... 207-446-4635
Patten ... 207-528-2320
Stockholm ... 207-896-7975
Presque Isle ... 207-762-9251
Joseph Christianson
Masardis ... 207-435-6145
Jim Fahey
Eagle Lake ... 207-444-7529
Sherman ... 207-365-4548
Sheldon Lyons
Oxbow ... 207-435-6357
Gary Sweeney
Lee Bertsch
Russell Reed
Portage Lake ... 207-435-6211
Mike Umphrey
Washburn ... 207-455-4836
Dean Wiggins
Presque Isle ... 207-768-8631
Patten ... 207-528-2320
Hank Goodman
Patten ... 207-528-2320
Michael Hogan
Monticello ... 207-538-0934
Dwain Lord
Patten ... 207-528-2742
Michael Martin
Patten ... 207-528-2948
Carroll Miller Jr.
Patten ... 207-528-2958
Frank Ramelli
Patten ... 207-528-2485
John Schmidt
Island Falls ... 207-463-2662
Hollis Seamans
Houlton ... 207-532-3509
Gerald Thomas
Smyrna Mills ... 207-928-2851
Deer River Lodge
Ashland ... 207-435-8274
Libby Sporting Camps
Ashland ... 207-435-8274
Aroostook’s rich history of outdoor sportsmanship has resulted in a myriad of cabins and sporting camps tucked away in the
quiet wilderness or nestled on the shores of our lakes and rivers. While many camps still host hunters and fishermen, most
also cater to the vacationers who want to enjoy other outdoor activities or just relax in the peace and quiet.
Allagash Guide Service
Fish River Lodge
Auntie’s Cabin
Allagash ... 207-398-3418
Eagle Lake ... 207-444-5207
New Sweden ... 207-896-7805
Allagash Sporting Camps
Lakeside Cottage Campground
Cozy Log Cabin Rentals
Allagash ... 207-398-3388
Eagle Lake ... 207-444-5098
Allagash Wildife Sporting Camps
Lakeview Camps and Campground
Black River Lodging
Old Mill Marina
Allagash ... 207-398-4251
Eagle Lake ... 207-444-4581
Allagash ... 207-398-4103
Eagle Lake ... 207-444-7529
Buck Stop Camps
Eagle Lake ... 207-444-6356
Allagash ... 207-398-3330
Gardner’s Sporting Camps
Allagash ... 207-398-3168
Hafford’s Sporting Camps
Picture Perfect Cottages
Winterview Lakeview Camps
Eagle Lake ... 207-444-4502
Camel Brook Camps
Allagash ... 207-398-3439
Fort Kent ... 888-242-2694
Tylor Kelly’s Camps
Allagash ... 207-398-3393
Willard Jalbert Camps
Allagash ... 718-858-4496
Austin Cabins
Cross Lake ... 207-543-7517
Buckeye Bliss
Cross Lake ... 910-278-6021
Killarney’s Kottages
Cross Lake ... 207-834-5814
Moose Lodge
Cross Lake ... 814-367-5158
Birch Haven Camping Area
Eagle Lake ... 207-444-5102
Bouchard Family Farm Cottage
Eagle Lake ... 207-834-3237
Clover Hill Camping Area
Eagle Lake ... 207-444-5179
Eagle Lake Sporting Camps
Fort Kent ... 207-834-6329
Chub-n-Cub Guide Service
Fort Kent ... 207-834-6324
Fish River Junction
Fort Kent ... 207-834-4597
Fort Kent Block House
and Campground
Fort Kent ... 207-834-3866
Fort Kent RV Park
Fort Kent ... 207-834-3090
Sportsman’s Pride Four
Seasons Lodging
Fort Kent ... 800-889-6974
Village Inn Vacation Home Rental
Fort Kent ... 207-834-6934
Fieldstone Cabins and
Rainbow Cove RV Park
Madawaska Lake ... 800-451-5281
St. Agatha ... 207-543-6439
Lakeview Campground Resort
St. Agatha ... 207-543-6331
Linda’s Lakeside Cottages
St. Agatha ... 207-728-4740
Blaine ... 207-429-8017
Caribou Cabins
Caribou ... 207-498-2800
Trafton Lake Recreational
Limestone ... 207-325-3439
High Meadow Outfitters and Cabin Rentals
Mars Hill ... 207-425-6410
Johnson’s Allagash Lodge
Mars Hill ... 207-764-5875
Homestead Lodge
Oxbow ... 207-435-6140
Umcolcus Sporting Camps
Oxbow ... 207-435-8227
Arndt’s Aroostook River Lodge
and Campground
Presque Isle ... 207-764-8677
Aroostook State Park
Presque Isle ... 207-768-7751
Barking Barn Farm
Presque Isle ... 207-764-1620
Neil Michaud Campground
Presque Isle ... 207-769-1951
Campers Paradise
Oxbow ... 207-435-6357
Westfield ... 207-429-8178
St. Francis ... 207-398-3191
Birchwood Cottages
Secret Pond Camps
Northern Horizons Guide Services
Cowger’s Lakefront Cottages
Cross Rock Inn
St. Francis ... 207-398-3292
Pelletier’s Campground
St. Francis ... 207-398-3187
St. Froid Lake Camps
and Campground
St. Froid ... 207-444-4581
Friendly Valley Lodging
Danforth ... 207-448-2276
Danforth ... 207-448-2455
Greenland Cove Campground
Danforth ... 800-448-7739
Mountainview Campground
Danforth ... 207-448-2980
Rideout’s Lodge and Cottages
Sinclair ... 207-543-6938
Danforth ... 207-448-2440
Lakeside Lodge
Village Camps
Sinclair ... 207-543-7517
Long Lake Camping Area
Sinclair ... 207-543-7563
Water’s Edge RV Resort
Sinclair ... 207-543-5189
Robertson Cottage
Stockholm ... 207-896-3041
Track Down Kennels
Lodge and Cabin
Wallagrass ... 207-834-3612
Danforth ... 207-448-7726
Wilderness Escape Outfitters
Danforth ... 207-448-7700
Poor Shots Sportsman’s Lodge
Hodgdon ... 207-532-7634
My Brother’s Place
Houlton ... 207-532-6739
Birch Point Lodge and Campground
Island Falls ... 207-463-2515
Bear Mountain Lodge
Moro Plantation ... 207-528-2124
Eagle Lake ... 207-752-0556
Blaine Country Cabins
Oxbow Lodge
Moro Plantation ... 207-528-2026
High Acres Sporting Camps
Oakfield ... 207-757-8717
Chiputneticook Sporting Lodge
Orient ... 207-448-2929
Bowlin Camps
Patten ... 207-528-2022
Mt. Chase Lodge and Country Inn
Bradford Camps
Patten ... 207-528-2183
Camp Wapiti
Patten ... 207-528-2320
Patten ... 207-746-7777
Patten ... 207-528-2485
Conklin’s Lodge
Patten ... 207-528-2901
Dri-Ki Lodge
Patten ... 207-528-2040
North Country Lodge
Scotty’s Flying Service
Shin Pond ... 207-528-2626
Shin Pond Village Camping
and Cottages
Shin Pond ... 207-528-2900
Finley Clarke
Barnette’s Cabin
Katahdin Lodge
Winsome Camps and Eatery
Patten ... 207-528-2131
Sherman ... 207-365-4147
Patten ... 207-528-7731
Smyrna Mills ... 207-249-1288
Matagamon Wilderness
Campground and Camps
Weston ... 207-448-2078
Paradise Cabins
Patten ... 207-528-2448
Take a Drive
Combine rolling farmland and lush spruce forests with fresh, clean lakes
and streams and lightly traveled roads and you get the perfect environment for a leisurely scenic drive. Throw in a few quaint communities along the way that offer fuel for the car and the passengers and
you’ve got the blue ribbon recipe at the county fair. Take a cruise around
Aroostook and you may see inches of new fallen snow sparkling on the
branches of the bountiful evergreens in December; breathtaking red,
orange and yellow foliage in September; or field after field of purple,
pink and white potato blossoms in July.
Just about any route you choose will reward you with incredible scen-
ery and welcoming communities, but the state’s Department of Transportation has a couple of suggestions you may want to try.
The Route 1 Scenic Byway, or “Million Dollar View,” lies in the southeastern
most section of Aroostook County and northern Washington County near the
Canadian province of New Brunswick. This eight-mile Scenic Byway has some
of the most beautiful viewsheds in eastern Maine. The corridor passes near
the summit of Peekaboo Mountain which provides an overlook of Grand Lake
into the spectacular western mountainous region of New Brunswick, Canada.
This is a significant wildlife viewing area for this region of the state and is the
principal connecting corridor for Aroostook County and Downeast Maine.
Arrive in northern Maine
without your bicycle?
Check out page 39 for
local rental facilities.
Route 11 Scenic Byway lies in the Fish River valley of Aroostook County in the north
central area of the State of Maine. It is on a principal corridor connecting Maine
with the Canadian province of New Brunswick. The land is unique to the northeastern region of the country, as it is sparsely vegetated with deciduous and coniferous
trees, leaving the area’s rolling topography covered in grassland and wildflower
meadows. The viewsheds on Route 11 are particularly outstanding, with the inclusion of the Fish River and numerous lakes that are visible from the byway.
While you’re taking in the views, don’t forget to stop along the way to enjoy our
culture and heritage. Many of the small communities have museums featuring historical items from the area’s agricultural and forestry past, and northern Aroostook
has several museums and monuments celebrating the French-Acadian
culture of the St. John Valley. You may see small antique shops specializing
in furniture and equipment from local farming households and you’re sure
to find a roadside diner serving the very best in downhome, Aroostook
There is a small Amish community in the Oakfield area where you can
glimpse their unique way of life, as well as stop into one of the community’s shops to browse the healthy, organic food or the hand-made
furniture and buildings for sale. No matter where you choose to explore by
automobile, our landscapes and communities will certainly exceed your
Two-Wheel Touring
Aroostook County’s extremely low traffic volume, well-main-
the fields and farms that form nature’s patchwork quilt in central and southern
tained road system and rolling terrain with wide open vistas make
Aroostook, bicyclists discover a breathtaking view at every turn. The world’s only
it a treasure trove of bicycle tourism options. Bicyclists who value
large scale model of the solar system, located along Route 1 from Presque Isle to
the unfettered ability to get where they are going on two wheels
Houlton, is another great excuse to tour Aroostook by bike (www.umpi.maine.
almost unanimously agree on the benefits of northern Maine.
edu/info/nmms/solar/index.htm). For more information on organized bike tours
From the boreal forests and rocky lakes of the St. John Valley to
of northern Maine, contact the Bicycle Coalition of Maine at 207-623-4511.
“In the shadow of Maine’s highest peak, Mt. Katahdin, the bike ride up Route 2 and down
Route 11 in southern Aroostook is breathtaking. The rolling hills provide challenging terrain on this
60-mile loop, but also many peaks where riders can stop and enjoy the spectacular landscape.
For a look at the local heritage, be sure to visit the Lumbermen’s Museum in Patten.”
Joe Ewings, Littleton
A cozy bed in a comfortable room, welcoming staff, great food and a spectacular view. Sound too good to be true?
These amenities and more can be found at the hotels, motels, inns and bed and breakfasts around Aroostook. Check
out our websites, give us a call, you won’t be disappointed.
Eagle Lake Inn
Eagle Lake ... 207-444-5130
Eagle’s View Bed & Breakfast
Eagle Lake ... 207-444-2808
Lakeside Lodge
Eagle Lake ... 207-444-4833
Overlook Motel
Eagle Lake ... 207-444-4535
Daigle’s Bed & Breakfast
Fort Kent ... 207-834-5803
Northern Door Inn
Fort Kent ... 207-834-3133
Gateway Motel
Madawaska ... 207-728-3318
Martin’s Motel
Madawaska ... 207-728-3395
Long Lake Motor Inn
St. Agatha ... 207-543-5006
Kit’s Motel
Heritage Trail Resort
St. John Plantation ... 207-834-6452
Lakeside Lodge
Sinclair ... 207-543-7517
Brookside Manor Hotel
Ashland ... 207-435-6697
Four Seasons Inn
Ashland ... 207-435-8255
Caribou Inn & Convention Center
Caribou ... 800-235-0466
Crown Park Inn
Van Buren ... 207-868-5158
Caribou ... 888-493-3311
New Colonial Motor Inn
Linda’s Down Home Country Inn
Van Buren ... 207-868-3939
Van Buren Hotel
Van Buren ... 207-868-7780
St. Francis ... 207-398-4274
Aroostook County has long been famous for its greatest resource - its people. Known
Caribou ... 207-498-6071
Caribou ... 207-498-2567
Rum Rapids Inn Bed & Breakfast
Limestone ... 207-328-7277
Ivey’s Motor Lodge
Most visitors leave with plans already underway for a return visit, and it’s easy to see
Houlton ... 800-244-4206
why when stories such as this one come to light:
Scottish Inn
Houlton ... 207-532-2236
taking some photos and offered to take a photo of the two of us together.
She told us much about the history and culture of the area and then took
us on a tour of the Biathlon Training Center in Fort Kent. She was kind
and warm and we were happy to make her acquaintance.”
-- Dianne from Lansdale, PA
Mars Hill ... 207-429-8206
Mid-Town Motel
Mars Hill ... 207-425-6241
Budget Traveler Motor Lodge
Presque Isle ... 207-769-0111
Northeastland Hotel
Russell’s Motel
and visitors alike with a warmth that is not easily found elsewhere. They are proud of
way to make us feel welcome. She stopped her vehicle when she saw us
Graham House Bed & Breakfast
Presque Isle ... 207-764-4441
Limestone Country Club Townhouses
travels around the county. We met a woman there who went out of her
Limestone ... 207-328-4280
Old Iron Inn Bed & Breakfast
Caribou ... 207-492-4766
Crouseville ... 207-455-8096
“We stayed in a motel in Fort Kent, using that as the home base for our
The Loring Inn
Presque Isle ... 207-768-5321
for their generous spirit and down home hospitality, county residents welcome friends
their rural heritage and are eager to share their knowledge of and love for the area .
Dalton Inn Bed & Breakfast
Shiretown Motor Inn
Houlton ... 800-441-9421
Star Dust Motel
Houlton ... 800-437-8406
Sweet Sue’s Bed & Breakfast
and Farmers Market
Houlton ... 207-532-6089
Sweetwater Inn
Houlton ... 207-532-6840
Sewall House
Island Falls ... 207-463-3428
Northern Lights Motel
Presque Isle Inn & Convention Center
Presque Isle ... 800-533-3971
Aroostook Hospitality Inn
Washburn ... 207-455-8567
Vacationland Estates Resort
Island Falls ... 207-463-2884
The Yellow House Bed & Breakfast
Oakfield ... 207-757-8797
Bartlette’s Lodge
Patten ... 207-528-2070
Katahdin Valley Motel
Sherman Mills ... 207-365-4554
Brookside Inn
Smyrna ... 207-757-8456
First Settler’s Lodge
Weston ... 207-448-3000
Try this great recipe from one of
Aroostook’s unique inns, Rum Rapids...
Pistachio-Crusted Pork
with Plum Sauce
1/2 cup chicken stock or canned low-salt
chicken broth
1/3 cup oyster sauce
1/3 cup plum sauce or jam
1/4 cup sherry or sweet Saki
1/4 cup orange juice
2 tablespoons chili-garlic sauce
2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
1 teaspoon lime peel
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon sesame oil
1 1/2 pound pork tenderloin cut into 12 rounds,
each about 1 1/2 inches thick
1/2 cup (about 4 ounces) roasted, natural
pistachios, finely chopped
2 tablespoons (1/4 stick) chilled unsalted butter,
cut into 4 pieces
Crispy fried leeks
Combine chicken stock, oyster sauce, plum sauce,
sherry, orange juice, chili-garlic sauce and lime
juice/peel in heavy small saucepan over medium
high heat. Simmer until sauce is reduced to 1 cup,
whisking occasionally, about 35 minutes. Whisk in
apple cider and sugar. Remove from heat.
Preheat oven to 350°F. Heat sesame oil in large
skillet over high heat. Sprinkle pork with salt and
pepper. Saute pork until golden brown, about 1
minute per side.
Transfer pork to work surface, brush each piece
with sauce and dip into pistachios, turning to coat.
Transfer pork to rimmed baking sheet. Bake until
thermometer inserted into center registers 150° F,
about 10 minutes.
Bring sauce to boil. Add butter one piece at a
time, whisking just until melted before adding
next piece. Transfer 2 pork medallions to each of
6 plates. Drizzle sauce around pork. Top with fried
leeks, if desired. Makes 6 servings.
The Loring Inn
at the Loring Commerce Centre
Accommodating familes, business travelers and long term guests
Located in the heart of the Aroostook National Wildlife Refuge, we offer:
Direct access to snowmobile, ATV and hiking trails
Nearby golf courses
17 Virginia Place, Limetone, ME 04750
For reservations and information:
Hit the Trails
2300 miles of woodsy twisters, lake crossings, high bridges and
silky smooth rail-trail ripping. That’s what makes Aroostook County’s snowmobile trails unique. When you combine the wide open,
two lane field crossings with the “way out there” big woods loop
west of Allagash and add a healthy dose of the best snow in the
eastern United States, you have the perfect recipe for a lifetime of
snowmobiling memories.
condition longer. This means you can ride further with less fatigue. That’s a winning
scenic rides, whether it be a long loop ride, a short picturesque jaunt
From scenic vistas to snowmobile centered events, The County has it all. There are many snow-
or a trip through the entire county. Club members spend countless
mobiling events throughout the region during the winter months. In the north, there’s the
hours maintaining the trails system in the summer and fall months,
International Snowmobiler’s Festival in Madawaska. Caribou holds its annual Winter Carnival
from building bridges to cutting brush and updating signage. In the
and Snowmobile Fest in central Aroostook. Down south, there is the Island Falls Winterfest
winter months, committed volunteers use the best available groom-
and Log Drivers Cookout in February. Along with these three, there are numerous other events,
ing technology to mold the snow into the best trails around.
regular club ride-ins and cookouts. Check the listings in this publication on pages 36-37 or
Aroostook County averages over 115 inches of the fluffy white stuff each year. Starting sometime in December, precipitation in northern Maine turns into sparkling
crystals of snow that call to winter enthusiasts from around the world. From tiny,
frozen flurries to huge wet flakes to weekend-long storms that bury the landscape
check for dates and times of other events in all of the area towns.
under a heavy, white blanket, the snow in Aroostook keeps coming for five long
Variety is the spice of life and Aroostook County offers the spiciest
One factor to consider when trying to decide on a snowmobil-
months, ensuring great trail riding well into March and sometimes even April.
trail system anywhere in the eastern United States. You will find con-
Aroostook has phenomenal accessibility via snowmobile to gas, food, lodging, service and
ing destination is density. Areas that have a limited trail system
More than 40 well-organized and dedicated snowmobile clubs are firmly estab-
verted railroad beds, wide open field and lake crossings, powerlines,
parts. Whether you are looking for candlelight dining, old fashioned home cooking or a night
and high user numbers tend to have traffic related issues. Trails in
lished in most communities across the region and an extensive network of trails
hills and woods trails all packed into the county. Combine this with
of music and dancing, area businesses offer a variety of entertainment options and most have
those areas get beaten up, dirty and full of washboards. Aroostook
has emerged thanks to the cooperation of hundreds of generous landowners. The
access to additional Maine trails to the south and west as well as
direct trail access. There are also several businesses which provide snowmobile rentals and
County has an incredibly diverse and extensive system coupled
Northeast Snowmobile Trail (NEST), the international Interconnecting Trail System
Canadian trails in New Brunswick and Quebec and you have the
clothing, as well as experienced guides and completely outfitted tours. Our people take great
with comparatively low usage allowing the trails to stay in better
(ITS) and a multitude of local club trails provide snowmobilers with a variety of
premier snowmobiling vacation destination.
pride in the snowmobiling infrastructure. Come give it a try.
Arrive in northern Maine
without your sled? Check
out page 39 for local
rental facilities.
“Northern Aroostook boasts some of the county’s most
beautiful winter landscape and there is no better way to
see it than by snowmobile. The Power Line Trail that loops around the town of Madawaska provides spectacular views of the St. John River Valley. Starting at the Madawaska
Snowmobile Clubhouse, riders can follow the trail as it winds its way around town and up
and down the valley, and take a break at the top of the ridge to take in the magnificent
views of the St. John River. And the icing on the cake is the brand new 2007 Tucker
2000 Sno-Cat the Madawaska Snowmobile Club will be grooming the trails with this
year. It’s perfect for keeping the trails in tip-top condition.”
Mike Guerrette, Madawaska Snowmobile Club President
and 25-year snowmobiling veteran
A Bite to Eat
Pizza House
Big Cheese Pizza
Al’s Diner
Burger Boy
Casa de Nagla
Caribou ... 207-493-7858
Caribou ... 207-493-3030
Caribou ... 207-498-2329
Aroostook County offers some of the best down home cooking this side of the Mississippi. Local restaurants take full
advantage of home grown produce and spare no expense when shopping for the best ingredients. Combine that
with our traditional cuisine and one-of-a-kind customer service and you’ve got a recipe for wholesome goodness.
Cindy’s Sub Shop
Allagash ... 207-398-3277
Two Rivers Lunch
Allagash ... 207-398-3393
Dionne’s Family Restaurant
Cross Lake ... 207-834-4416
Lakeside Lodge & Restaurant
Eagle Lake ... 207-444-4030
Fiddle Heads
Eagle Lake ... 207-444-4826
Al’s Tastee Freeze
Fort Kent ... 207-834-5324
American Dream Resort
Fort Kent ... 207-834-6452
Bee Jays Tavern
Fort Kent ... 207-834-3826
China Garden
Fort Kent ... 207-834-2045
Doris’ Café
Fort Kent Mills ... 207-834-6262
Rock’s Family Diner
Fort Kent ... 207-834-2888
The River House Restaurant
Fort Kent ... 207-834-5266
Swamp Buck Restaurant
Fort Kent ... 207-834-3055
Dolly’s Restaurant
Frenchville ... 207-728-7050
Rosette’s Restaurant
Tastee Freeze
Madawaska ... 207-728-4245
Lakeview Restaurant
Frederick’s South Side
Bonanza Family Restaurant
Jade Palace Restaurant & Lounge
Caribou ... 207-498-3648
Presque Isle ... 207-764-6633
Governor’s Restaurant & Bakery
Presque Isle ... 207-769-2274
Pizza To Go
Reno’s Family Restaurant
Gram Russo’s
Long Lake Sporting Club
Crystal Lynn’s
Madawaska ... 207-728-3397
Erik’s Lakeside Grill
Madawaska ... 207-895-3566
Gateway Motel & Restaurant
Sport’s Inn
Heidi’s Tea Shop
Presque Isle ... 207-768-7900
Eureka Hall Restaurant
The Par & Grill
Irish Setter Pub
Caribou ... 207-492-0988
Presque Isle ... 207-764-5400
Picnic Basket Café
Mai Tai Restaurant & Lounge
Easton ... 207-488-0926
Presque Isle ... 207-764-4426
Aroostook Valley Country Clubhouse
Northeastland Hotel Coffee Shop
Fort Fairfield ... 207-472-4910
Presque Isle ... 207-768-5321
Stockholm ... 207-896-3196
John’s Restaurant
Van Buren ... 207-868-5129
Josie’s Diner
Van Buren ... 207-868-5400
Robin’s Restaurant
Jeff’s Pizza & Subs
Phil’s Pizza
Madawaska ... 207-728-4800
Tang’s Palace Restaurant
Madawaska ... 207-728-4181
Madawaska House of Pizza
Madawaska ... 207-728-4443
Presque Isle ... 207-764-3321
Caribou ... 207-498-3396
Van Buren ... 207-868-3044
Rumours Pub & Grill
Caribou ... 207-496-5331
Sinclair ... 207-543-7584
Madawaska ... 207-728-3318
Madawaska ... 207-728-6283
Presque Isle ... 207-764-3601
Bert’s Lunch Stand
Madawaska ... 207-728-0944
Big Cheese Pizza
Presque Isle ... 207-764-5500
Caribou ... 207-492-1102
St. Agatha ... 207-543-6901
Café de la Place
Mars Hill ... 207-425-2500
St. Agatha ... 207-543-6331
Frenchville ... 207-543-7559
Madawaska ... 207-728-3100
Mars Hill ... 207-429-8186
Caribou ... 207-498-6021
Caribou ... 207-498-3464
Allagash Outfitters
Mapleton ... 207-764-3600
Canterbury Royale
Pat’s Pizza
Fort Fairfield ... 207-472-4910
Presque Isle ... 207-764-0367
Van Buren ... 207-868-2736
Mike and Maude’s Village Restaurant
Presque Isle Country Club
Fort Fairfield ... 207-472-1300
Presque Isle ... 207-764-0430
Tasty Food
Kelley’s Restaurant
Riverside Inn
Limestone ... 207-325-4731
Presque Isle ... 207-764-1447
Rendezvous Restaurant
Rosella’s Pizzeria
Limestone ... 207-328-7211
Presque Isle ... 207-764-6644
2 chicken bouillon cubes
Mapleton Lunch
Ruby Tuesday
1/2 medium onion, minced
Van Buren ... 207-868-3011
Four Seasons
Ashland ... 207-435-8255
Freem’s Bar & Grill
Ashland ... 207-435-7113
Mapleton ... 207-764-0056
Presque Isle ... 207-764-2874
Shirley and Harold’s
Presque Isle ... 207-764-5174
Slopes Northern Maine
Restaurant & Brewing Co.
Presque Isle ... 207-769-2739
Tang’s Courtyard
Presque Isle ... 207-762-3268
The Sandwich Shop
Presque Isle ... 207-764-3797
Winnie’s Dairy Bar
Presque Isle ... 207-769-4971
Washburn Coffee Shop
Washburn ... 207-455-4062
A spring ritual for northern Maine residents is the picking of fiddleheads along
the many rivers in late May. Fiddleheads,
the very young, coiled leaves of the ostrich
fern, are a County delicacy. Many Aroostook fiddlehead aficionados simply boil
the cleaned fiddleheads, drain and season
with butter, salt, pepper and sometimes
vinegar. There are, however, some delicious local recipes that take advantage of
this fern’s delicate flavor.
Cream of Fiddlehead Soup
1-1/2 cups fiddleheads, finely chopped
2 tablespoons butter
3-1/2 cups whole milk
1/2 cup heavy cream
salt and pepper to taste
Melt butter and bouillon cubes in a sauce
pan and sauté onions and fiddleheads for
10 minutes. Add milk and heat thoroughly; stir in cream and season to taste. Serve
steaming hot. Makes 6 servings.
Recipe from Yankee’s
Country Fair Cookbook
Let’s face it. Some situations just call for quick, easy and kid-friendly.
Not to worry, Aroostook has plenty of those restaurants, too.
Johns Thriftway Sub Shop
Northern Maine Truck Stop
A Place to Eat
Fort Kent ... 207-834-6566
Crossroads Café
Fort Kent ... 207-834-7330
Houlton ... 207-532-9891
Oakfield ... 207-757-8866
Sadie’s Bakery
Craig’s Clam Shop
Fort Kent ... 207-834-4606
Houlton Farms Dairy
Blaine ... 207-425-7841
Houlton ... 207-532-2628
Cornerstone Inn & Restaurant
Danforth ... 207-448-2028
Hungry Bear Eatery
Danforth ... 207-448-7794
The Ice Cream Bar
Mill Pond Dairy Bar
Houlton ... 207-532-6650
Patten ... 207-528-2784
Tang’s Chinese Cuisine
Downtown Deli & Pizza
Danforth ... 207-448-2802
Houlton ... 207-532-4012
Patten ... 207-528-2012
Peggy’s Dairy Bar
Taste of China
Kristy’s Family Restaurant
Houlton ... 207-532-1281
Hodgdon ... 207-532-9891
The Vault
Blue Moose Restaurant
Houlton ... 207-532-2222
Houlton ... 207-538-0991
York’s Dairy Bar
Brookside Restaurant
Houlton ... 207-532-6079
Houlton ... 207-757-8456
Horn of Plenty Restaurant
Courtyard Café
Island Falls ... 207-463-2861
Houlton ... 207-532-0787
Porter’s Restaurant
Elm Tree Diner
Houlton ... 207-532-3181
Island Falls ... 207-463-2215
Governor’s Restaurant & Bakery
Tiffany’s Bar & Grill
Island Falls ... 207-463-2525
Grammies Country Inn
Houlton ... 207-532-7808
Trails End Restaurant
at Birch Point
Houlton Big Stop Restaurant
Blue Moose Lodge
Houlton ... 207-521-0035
Houlton ... 207-521-0290
Island Falls ... 207-532-1281
Oakfield ... 207-757-7474
Pierrette’s Kitchen
Sherman Mills ... 207-365-4856
Tap’s Pizza & Subs
Weston ... 207-448-3000
The Million Dollar View Restaurant
Mapleton ... 207-764-8547
Presque Isle ... 207-762-8651
Pizza Hut
Rob’s Pit Stop
Mix in to the dry mixture:
1 tsp vanilla, 1 egg, 1/2 cup shortening
and 3/4 cup buttermilk
Let cool 2-3 minutes and then add 1/2 cup
shortening. Beat until thoroughly mixed.
Then add dash of salt, 1/2 cup sugar and
1/2 tsp vanilla. Beat again until smooth.
Drop by tablespoons onto greased cookie
sheet. Bake at 350°F for 10-12 minutes.
When whoopie pies are cooked and cooled,
spread filling between halves and enjoy!
Presque Isle ... 207-764-6130
Arby’s Restaurant
Presque Isle ... 207-764-7225
Tim Horton’s
Presque Isle ... 207-760-9158
County Junction Market & Bakery
Dow’s Market
Tim Horton’s
Food Trend
Pizza Hut
Big Stop Irving Store
Burger King
Houlton ... 207-532-0977
Houlton ... 207-532-9234
Graham’s Quick Mart
Houlton ... 207-532-6948
I-95 Food Trend
Houlton ... 207-532-0785
Houlton ... 207-532-9500
Houlton ... 207-532-9002
Houlton ... 207-532-6233
T&S Market
Houlton ... 207-532-6672
Bishop’s Market
Houlton ... 207-532-9468
Houlton ... 207-532-6600
Island Falls ... 207-463-2301
Cameron’s Market
Ken’s Store
Lane Station Stop
Houlton ... 207-532-2872
Bradley’s Deli
Presque Isle ... 207-764-5447
Presque Isle ... 207-764-5172
Houlton ... 207-532-2948
Mix together in pan on stove over low heat
until paste forms, stirring constantly:
1/2 cup whole milk and 2 1/2 tbls flour
Mars Hill ... 207-425-7199
Caribou ... 207-492-0363
Andy’s IGA
Almost every visitor to Aroostook notices at least two things they’ve never seen before:
red hot dogs and whoopie pies (not necessarily served together!) While some just
never acquire a taste for our red-skinned barbecue meat, most can’t resist the rich and
delicious whoopie pie dessert. This version courtesy of Linda Hubbard.
Sift together:
2 cups flour, 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp cream of
tartar, 1/2 tsp baking soda, 1/2 cup cocoa
and 1 1/2 cups sugar
Pizza Hut
Houlton ... 207-532-3305
Whoopie Pies
Houlton ... 207-521-0100
Monticello ... 207-538-0991
KFC/Taco Bell
Presque Isle ... 207-764-0734
Ouellette’s Variety & Alice’s Bakery
Houlton ... 207-532-2218
Weston ... 207-448-7013
Presque Isle ... 207-769-8231
Caribou ... 207-496-0402
Tim Horton’s
First Settler’s Lodge
M&K Variety Pizza & Subs
Burger King
Presque Isle ... 207-764-1383
Caribou ... 207-493-4520
Smyrna ... 207-757-8456
Bridgeside Variety
Fort Fairfield ... 207-472-3120
St. Francis ... 207-398-3119
Limestone ... 207-325-4332
Brookside Inn & Restaurant
Easton ... 207-488-2800
Sue’s Market & Sub Shop
Caribou ... 207-498-3181
Caribou ... 207-498-8523
Sherman Mills ... 207-365-7450
Uptown Variety Kitchen
Ferris One Stop
Sherman Mobile & Restaurant
Madawaska ... 207-728-7199
Burger King
Caribou ... 207-492-9041
Sherman Mills ... 207-365-4867
Madawaska ... 207-728-6330
Fort Kent ... 207-834-6888
Dead River Food Trend
Sherman Mills Irving
Big Stop Restaurant
Madawaska ... 207-728-7857
St. Agatha ... 207-543-5104
Caribou ... 207-498-3500
Patten ... 207-528-2070
Dollar Deals & More
Houlton ... 207-532-7201
Sherman Station ... 207-365-7333
What Kind Of Car Do You Need Today?™
581 Main Street • Presque Isle, ME 04769
ph: 207-764-5615 | fx: 207-764-5626 | after hours: 207-764-5826
3-Day Festival held the 1st Weekend in February
in Madawaska, Maine and Edmunston, New Brunswick
Join hundreds of Canadians and American
snowmobilers and enjoy our breathtaking trails
for just $30 during this unforgettable weekend!
Your Maine Cash Access
connection in
Aroostook County.
Member FDIC
Play famouse golf courses...
without leaving home!
With our indoor golf simulator, you can play on all the
famous courses with your own clubs.
It’a great cold and rainy weather activity.
We also offer a full service bar and a
restaurant with a full menu.
118 Bennett Drive
Caribou, ME 04736
Nordic Traditions
Maine has a rich history of skiing dating back to 1870, when 21 fami-
carnivals began to develop with sprinting races, jumping competitions and eventually,
and the nordic skiing experience and to make skiing at small, community
whether it’s your first time on skis or you’ve been skiing forever. With new lifts, snowmaking
lies were recruited from Stockholm, Sweden to help settle northern
marathon races that covered 180 miles in four days. These were truly hearty people who
areas as accessible to families as possible. That means low ticket prices, low
and lighting, Big Rock is the best value in skiing in the East. You’ll also find learning to ski is
Maine. The climate and topography were very similar and Governor
loved the winter.
rental costs and programs that reach out to children and schools.
fast and fun for the whole family at the Quoggy Jo ski hill in Presque Isle where a new T-bar
Joshua Chamberlain thought the hard working Swedish tempera-
Since 1999 the Maine Winter Sports Center staff and volunteers have worked around the
ment was just what was called for to settle the vast virgin forests of
Residents and visitors enjoy recreational skiing at the 10th Mountain Center
state to re-establish skiing as a lifestyle in Maine and develop a foundation for a quality of
Aroostook County.
in Fort Kent, the Nordic Heritage Center in Presque Isle, and on community
Non-skiers also find themselves involved. Over 700 volunteers helped host the 2004 Biathlon
life that will inspire people to build their futures in skiing communities. At the heart of this
trails located throughout Aroostook. All community trails are free of charge
World Cup, the 2006 Biathlon Junior World Championships, and are looking forward to the
They cut roads, built villages and made new lives for themselves. They
effort is the goal of creating a new economic and cultural model for Maine’s rural communi-
and open year round for non-motorized use.
2009 Biathlon World Cup being held in Fort Kent. Over 60 volunteers have earned their “Basic
also brought skiing with them to their new home as an inseparable
ties, where community-run non-profit ski areas provide an epicenter for programs for all
part of their lifestyle. During the winter they skied for transportation
ages and serve as economic engines for these communities.
and hunting, and also for recreation. Soon after their arrival, winter
The Maine Winter Sports Center provides funds to improve the quality of both the alpine
Alpine skiers enjoy affordable, family-oriented skiing the way it used to be.
Big Rock Ski Area in Mars Hill is big mountain skiing at little mountain prices
Arrive in northern Maine
without your ski equipment?
Check out page 39 for local
rental facilities.
with a special emphasis on making sure that you have a great experience
and new rental equipment have improved the ski experience.
Officials” level 1 certificate from the United States Biathlon Association and six local volunteers
served at the Olympics in Salt Lake City. For more information on alpine and nordic skiing in
Aroostook, please visit and click on “Aroostook County.”
Alpine Areas
Lonesome Pine Trails ... Fort Kent ... 207-834-3251 ...
Big Rock ... Mars Hill ... 207-425-6711 ...
Quoggy Jo ... Presque Isle ... 207-764-3248 ...
Nordic Trails
Cross Country Ski Trails ... Frenchville ... 16km
10th Mountain Division ... Fort Kent ... 35km
Madawaska High School ... Madawaska ... 8km
New Sweden Community Ski Trails ... New Sweden ... 3.6km
Nordic Lakers Cross Country Club ... St. Agatha ... 7km
Snowy Mountain Trails ... Stockholm ... 5km
Split Cedar Ski Trails ... Van Buren ... 18km
Aroostook State Park ... Presque Isle ... 22km
Aroostook Ski Touring Center ... Ashland ... 15km
Big Rock Cross Country ... Mars Hill ... 5km
Caribou High School ... Caribou ... 7.5km
Caribou Country Club Ski Trails ... Caribou ... 17km
Caribou Teague Park ... Caribou ... 2km
Easton Ski Trails ... Easton ... 10km
Fort Fairfield Ski Trails ... Fort Fairfield ... 3km
Limestone Ski Trails at Trafton Lake ... Limestone ... 22km
Little Rock Ski Trail ... Mars Hill ... 6.6km
Aroostook Wildlife Refuge ... Limestone ... 1.7km
Nordic Heritage Center ... Presque Isle ... 30km
Washburn Ski Trails ... Washburn ... 6km
Westmanland Ski Trails ... Westmanland ... 36km
Woodland Community Ski Trail ... Woodland ... 3.5km
Benedicta Ski Trail ... Benedicta ... 3.7km
Shin Pond Ski Trails ... Shin Pond ... 18km
For more detailed information on Aroostook’s nordic trails, visit
In spite of its rural nature, Aroostook is filled with unique art and cultural experiences. On these pages, find museums featuring
the traditions that thrived centuries ago, as well as galleries and displays exhibiting the artistic expressions of today’s residents.
There are also some unique places to view original artwork, thanks to Maine’s Percent for Art, which provides funds for public art.
Since the law was enacted in 1979, there have been several projects commissioned for public buildings in Aroostook, including
the Presque Isle court house, Northern Maine Community College, Universities in Presque Isle and Fort Kent, and elementary
schools in Fort Fairfield, Mars Hill and Washburn. For more information on each project, visit
Galleries and More
Caribou Performing Arts Center
Caribou ... 207-493-4278
With a seating capacity of 826, performances are held throughout the year
featuring local as well as nationally acclaimed performers.
Lister Art Gallery
Caribou ... 207-498-3544
The gallery includes the works of Wayne G. Lister, a wildlife artist who paints
landscapes, florals and wildlife in oils and acrylics.
Windy Hill Wood Art Studio
Easton ... 207-488-5201
Wood-burned original designs of wildlife. New England scenes on hardwood and some softwood.
Fort Fairfield Community Bandstand
Fort Fairfield ... 207-472-3802
An amazingly beautiful gazebo style bandstand. This 40-foot diameter
structure was constructed and paid for by the citizens of Fort Fairfield. Many
different community events take place in this unique structure.
Woods Edge Gallery
Perham ... 207-455-8359
Exhibitions of paintings and photographs of Aroostook County with an
emphasis on forests. Open for tours by appointment and regularly Tuesday
through Saturday, 1pm to 5pm.
Wintergreen Arts Center
Presque Isle ... 207-551-0936
Located in the Aroostook Centre Mall, the center provides local artists the
opportunity to teach drawing, painting and sculpture, and encourages education in theater, photography, film, digital arts, fiber arts and writing. Open
Studio Days feature drop-in classes on Saturdays.
Boy with the Leaky Boot
Houlton ... 207-532-4216
This statue in Pierce Park is one of 27 in the world, and “the only one that
provides water for both man and beast.”
Monument Park
Houlton ... 207-532-4216
Amphitheater, Civil War monument, Cary Library, summer concerts. Site of
yearly Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day ceremonies, summer craft fairs and
regular Thursday evening concerts by McGill’s Community Band.
Association Culturelle et Historique du Mont-Carmel
Lille ... 207-895-3339
Located US Route 1, this museum and cultural center was built as a Catholic
Church in 1909 and contains church artifacts and sculptures by Louis Joban.
Open 12noon to 4pm, Sunday through Friday.
Le Club Francais (The French Club)
Madawaska ... 207-728-4649
All French plus Mikesell collection about French colonization in all of North
Acadian Archives
Fort Kent ... 207-834-7535
Tante Blanche Acadian Museum
Regional history and cultural archives operated by the University of Maine at Fort Kent.
Collection contains manuscript and audio/visual materials relevant to the history, culture,
and folklife of the Saint John Valley; census records; and genealogical repertoires.
Photos and artifacts relating to history. Learn about the Acadian pioneer woman known as “Tante Blanche.” Open during the summer from 12noon to 3pm.
Madawaska ... 207-728-4272
The Acadian Cross
Fort Kent Blockhouse Museum
Madawaska ... 207-728-4272
Fort Kent ... 800-SEE-FKME
Fourteen foot white mable cross marks the place where the first Acadian settlers set foot in the valley after canoeing up the St. John River. National Register
of Historic Places.
Museum is the only existing fortification relating to the “Bloodless” Aroostook War of
1838. It remains a good example of early-19th-century military architecture.
Acadian Village
Frenchville Historical Society Museum
Van Buren ... 207-728-4272
Frenchville ... 207-543-7309
Caboose on Main Street (US Route 1) built in 1910 by the Bangor and Aroostook to hold
50,000 gallons of water to service steam locomotives. Open during the summer from
12noon to 4pm, Friday through Monday or by appointment.
Seventeen original and replica buildings completely furnished with period
furniture and artifacts arranged in a traditional Acadian pattern. Displays of
artifacts common to Acadians of the St. John Valley in the mid 18th century.
National Register of Historic Places. Open 12noon to 5pm during the summer.
Other days and times by appointment.
Local Libraries
Fort Kent Public Library
Madawaska Public Library
Fort Fairfield Public Library
Robert Frost Memorial Library
Madawaska ... 207-728-3606
Abel J. Morneault
Memorial Library
Mars Hill ... 207-429-9625
Fort Kent ... 207-868-5076
Ashland Community Library and
William Dalton Historical Society
The Covenant Church
The church was originally known as the Free Mission Covenant Church and
was constructed in 1891. Tours by appointment. Contact 207-896-5202.
Gustaf Adoph Lutheran Church
This vintage 1880s church is currently being considered for inclusion on the
National Register of Historic Places. It features stained glass windows and is
open to the public by appointment. Contact 207-896-3437.
Maine’s Swedish Colony
Larsson-Ostlund House
The only known two-story log house in Maine. It is open for tours on
weekends and by appointment. Contact 207-896-3461.
Larsson-Noak Historic District
This historic district is listed on the National Register of Historic Places
(#89000847). The Lars Noak Blacksmith Shop has been resotred and is
open on weekends until Midsummer and then Tuesday through Sunday
until Fall. The Capitol School was originally a one-room school and is
now used as a gift shop. Contact 207-896-3199.
Anders and Johanna Olsson Farm
The house and barn are among the earliest built in Stockholm (1871) and
both are listed on the National Register of Historic Places (#96000245).
The barn is constructed of 40-foot hand-hewn logs. Tours by appointment.
Contact 207-896-3052.
WTA Hansen Memorial Library
Turner Memorial Library
Presque Isle ... 207-764-2571
Stockholm Historical Society
Tri-Cultural Museum
Washburn Memorial Library
The museum building, which was the first store and post office in Stockholm, contains pictures, a kitchen and library, a new veterans room and
barn with farm machinery. Open Wednesday through Sunday afternoons
from June to September. Tours by appointment. Contact 207-896-5759.
Ashland ... 207-435-6532
Washburn ... 207-455-4814
Caribou Public Library
Cary Library
Caribou ... 207-493-4214
The museum contains 19th century furnishings, artifacts, pictures, and
farming and lumbering equipment. Lindsten-Stuga, a shingle-covered log
house containing household items is located behind the museum as well
as a monument listing the original Swedish colonists. The museum and log
house are open Memorial Day to Labor Day, Monday through Friday from
12noon to 4pm and Saturday and Sunday from 1pm to 4pm. Other times
and dates by appointment through Columbus Day.
Fort Fairfield ... 207-472-3880
Limestone ... 207-325-4706
For more information, visit
New Sweden Historical Society
New Sweden Museum in the Kapitoleum
All of Aroostook’s community libraries provide extensive collections that
include old newspapers, magazines, maps and atlases, photographs,
yearbooks, town reports, oral histories and genealogies. The libraries in
Caribou and Houlton are also National Historic Buildings.
Fort Kent ... 207-834-3048
In around 1869, Maine’s state immigration commissioner traveled to Sweden and recruited 51 adventurous immigrants. He
brought them back across the ocean and introduced them to a
small area of virgin forest in northern Maine that soon became
known as New Sweden. Thanks to the perseverance, ingenuity
and strength of these early settlers, the colony prospered and
grew into the neighboring townships of Westmanland, Stockholm and Woodland. The swedish heritage continues to be
strong in this unique area of Aroostook and many remnants of
this early colony still stand today.
Houlton ... 207-532-1302
Aroostook Historical and Art Museum
Houlton ... 207-532-2519
Aroostook pioneer implements, artifacts and documents; Indian and Aroostook War artifacts; natural history collection. Open from Memorial Day to
Labor Day.
First Church of Houlton - Unitarian
Ashland Logging Museum
Thomas Heritage House
Limestone-Caswell Historical Society Museum
The museum building contains local artifacts and includes a blacksmith’s shop. There are
also two machine sheds with artifacts and exhibits. The museum is open from Memorial
Day to Labor Day.
This home has been restored with furnishings dated back to the 1880’s.
This well preserved monument is only shown by appointment
Exhibits and artifacts featuring the potato industry. First air harvester on display. Open Sundays 1pm to 3pm during summer. Other days and times by appointment.
Caribou Historical Center and Museum
Caribou ... 207-496-5683
Ashland ... 207-435-6679
Caribou ... 207-498-2556
Three miles south of downtown Caribou on US Route 1. Exhibits and artifacts relating to the
Caribou region including farm implements, furniture, and large wheel bike. Open during the
summer from 11am to 5pm, Wednesday through Saturday.
Caribou Historical Society Whittier Memorial
Caribou ... 207-498-6551
The memorial is open in the summer from Tuesday through Saturday. It contains antiques
and artifacts from early Caribou homes, historical papers, photo albums, post cards, newspapers, Civil and Spanish War memorabilia, home furnishings dating to the late 1800s, home
and farm tools, and new and out-of-print books.
Gray Memorial United Methodist Church
Caribou ... 207-498-2103
The Methodist Church, which was constructed in 1913, is listed on the National Register of
Historic Places (#95000725). It contains an old pipe organ and stained glass windows and is
open for tours by contacting the church office.
Caribou ... 207-493-3188
Unitarian Universalist Church
Haystack Historical Society Schoolhouse Museum
Built in 1894, the church is the oldest church building in Caribou. It was
originally the Union Meeting House, and was used by the Baptists and
Methodists. Tours by appointment.
The museum and schoolhouse are open on Memorial Day, the last weekend in June and by
appointment. The museum contains old photos, grange tools, yearbooks, town reports, donated books, a spinning wheel, desks and blackboards. Open June 30 to September 1.
Easton Historical Society
Winslow Farm Vascular Land Plant Site
This historical society’s collection is housed at the town hall and contains
artifacts of local historical interest.
The site consists of Devonian-period fossils of the earliest land plants known to exist on earth.
The protected site can be accessed by arrangement with Dena Winslow. Research on the site
has been published by geologist Bill Forbes of Washburn.
Mapleton ... 207-764-4717
Mapleton ... 207-764-4264
Easton ... 207-488-6846
Blockhouse Museum
Double Eagle II Park
Fort Fairfield ... 207-476-5221
The museum is a 1976 replica of the original structure located on the
banks of the Aroostook River, which served to prevent the transport of
lumber into Canada during the “Bloodless Aroostook War” of 1839. The
blockhouse is filled with artifacts from early Fort Fairfield history including agricultural items, antiques, photographs, and documents.
McElwain House
Friends Church
The building is the original 1916 house of John McElwain, a wealthy potato farmer. The house
features leaded stained glass windows and tiffany glass in the dining room cabinets. The
building is on the National Register of Historic Places (#82000739). Tours by appointment.
It is the earliest church still standing in Fort Fairfield, built in 1860 by a
group of Quaker Friends. According to oral history, it was a part of the
Underground Railroad before and during the Civil War, and was later used
as a community church. It is being restored by the Frontier Heritage.
Caribou ... 207-498-8736
Nylander Museum
Caribou ... 207-493-4209
Geological collections, permanent collections of local butterflies and moths, mounted birds
and animals, early man artifacts, nature walks and a medicinal herb garden. Winter hours:
Mon, Tues and Thurs 3-7pm. Summer hours: Tues - Sat 12:30-4:30pm.
Rosie O’Grady Balloon of Peace Monument
Caribou ... 800-722-7648
Located in the field behind Keaton Locksmith on Route 164. This monument marks the
origination point for the first solo balloon flight across the Atlantic Ocean in 1984.
Limestone ... 207-325-4937
Fort Fairfield ... 207-476-8904
Philo H. Reed House
Fort Fairfield ... 207-472-2691
A 20-room Queen Anne mansion built by Aroostook entrepreneur Philo
H. Reed in 1907-1909 and designed by Coombs and Gibbs, a noted Maine
architectural firm of the period. Featured are stained glass windows, Italian tiles, exotic woodwork and antique furniture. Occasionally open by
appointment or invitation. The house is listed on the National Register of
Historic Places (#86000673).
Railroad Museum
Fort Fairfield ... 207-476-5093
Located at the old Bangor & Aroostook rail yard on Depot Street, the
museum is comprised of a display of locomotives and cars. It includes
a newly refurbished combination sleeping-dining car and presents the
history of the B&A and CP railroads. A public pancake breakfast is held
during the Maine Potato Blossom Festival.
Church of the Advent
Episcopal Diocese of Maine
Limestone ... 207-492-4211
Listed on the National Register of Historic Places (#91000767).
Presque Isle ... 207-764-6561
Located on the Spragueville Road, it ommemorates the first manned trans-Atlantic flight in
a helium balloon.
Northern Maine Museum of Science
Presque Isle ... 207-768-9482
Displays at the museum focus on science education with natural history materials, models
and interactive displays targeted to students in grades 3 through college. Hosts a large collection of donated and loaned science materials, including a scale model of the solar system and
a wide variety of fossils. Open to the public every day.
Vera T. Estey House
Presque Isle ... 207-762-1151 or 207-764-1403
The Estey House is open during the year by appointment. It contains all the late 19th/early
20th century belongings of Vera Estey. Vera Estey was a single, self-supporting woman and
prominent member of the Presque Isle community.
Knot II Bragg Farm
Wade ... 207-455-8386
Step back in time and observe old-time methods for making butter, maple syrup, apple sauce/
apple butter, and soap. View Native American artifacts and learn the special uses of native
medicinal herbs, many of which are grown, harvested, prepared, and sold at the farm. Open to
the public from June 1st until October 31st weather permitting.
Salmon Brook Historical Society
Benjamin C. Wilder 1852 Homestead and Agricultural Museum
Washburn ... 207-455-4339
The Homestead, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places (#87000946), includes mid to late 1800s furnishings, photos and household wares. The Agricultural Museum
inlcudes horse and tractor drawn implements, forestry implements, woodworking equipment,
metal and stoneware, and a blacksmith’s shop. The Homestead and Museum are open from
the 4th of July through Labor Day on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons and tours are given
by appointment.
Woodland Historical Society
Woodland ... 207-498-3081
Lagerstrom House Museum and Snowman Schoolhouse Museum open by appointment.
Houlton ... 207-532-9269
National Register of Historic Buildings.
Hancock Barracks
Houlton ... 207-532-4216
Federal Troops occupied this facility during the “Bloodless Aroostok War” in
the northeastern boundary controversy from 1828-1845.
Market Square Historic Business District
Houlton ... 207-532-4216
A collection of 35 commercial and mercantile buildings surrounding the historic market square. Twenty-eight architecturally significant structures dating from 1885 to 1910. National Historic Preservation Commission. Walking
tour maps available at Greater Houlton Chamber office.
Island Falls Historical Society Museum at the Old Jailhouse
Island Falls ... 207-463-2372
William Sewall House
Island Falls ... 207-463-3428
This former private residence, US Post Office, and Inn was built in 1875 and is
listed on the National Register of Historic Buildings. It is currently being run
as a bed and breakfast for yoga retreats.
Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum
Littleton ... 207-538-9300
Located eight miles north of Houlton on Route 1, this facility displays a
“Showcase of Aroostook County Farming Memorabilia.” Within this former
elementary school, volunteers have built a replica of a country home, a model
potato house and set up rooms for visitors to view woodworking tools, dairy
and farming items, photos, clothing and furnishings. Outside in the museum
yard there is an original one-room school house and a newly constructed
100x60’ barn filled with large farming machinery. Handicapped accessible.
Watson Settlement Bridge
Littleton ... 207-532-4216
Built in 1911, it is the youngest and the most northern covered bridge in the
state. National Historic Preservation Commission. The bridge is located on the
road to Woodstock from Littleton over Meduxnekeag Stream.
Oakfield Railroad Museum
Oakfield ... 207-757-8575
Dedicated to the early years of railroad transportation. Open Memorial Day
through Labor Day, 1pm to 4pm, Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. Special
appointments can be made for tour groups.
Patten Lumbermen’s Museum
Patten ... 207-528-2650
Established to document Maine Logging History by preserving the logging
heritage and accomplishments of early inhabitants of the state of Maine.
Exihibits at the museum include some of Maine’s most notable contributions
to the early mechanization of logging, including the Lombard Steam Hauler,
Lombard Gas Hauler, and the Peavey Cant Dog.
A.B. Leavitt House
Sherman Mills ... 207-463-2077
This single dwelling is on the National Regiser of Historic Buildings.
Aroostook County
Visitors often come to Aroostook County for two commodities that are becoming increasingly rare and valuable: natural, undeveloped space and a relaxed pace. In a world that often seems obsessed with pavement and multi-tasking, northern Maine stands
out as one of the last truly wild areas in the East. It is home to vast stretches of forest land, thousands of acres of working farms
and people that are genuinely interested in meeting others and making their visit to Aroostook a memorable one.
Madawaska Community Park
St. John Valley Trail
Countywide ... 207-287-4957
Madawaska ... 207-728-7000
The St. John Valley Trail takes riders 18 miles from Fort Kent
through St. John to St. Francis. Riders tour the countryside to
experience rolling hills, farmland and several miles along the
edge of the St. John River. While the trail is located near highways, users get a sense of remoteness. The trail is open year
round for multiple use.
Park with a beautiful Vietnam Memorial Monument.
New Sweden ... 207-896-5807
Eagle Lake Public Reserved Land
North Maine Woods ... 207-941-4014
Eagle Lake ... 207-435-7963
Eagle Lake is a 23,000-acre unit including most of Eagle Lake in
northern Maine. The unit abuts Square Lake to the east with a
thoroughfare connecting the two lakes. Aroostook County T16
R6 and T16 R 5 WELS Campsites are accessible only by boat.
Long Lake Birch Point Beach
Madawaska ... 207-728-3604
20 acre site has a picnic area, a sand volleyball court, tetherball and playground equipment. A bathhouse with restrooms is
open from sunrise to sunset May through September.
Round Pond Public Reserved Land
Thomas Park
Featuring a picturesque outdoor ampitheater and a maypole used during the annual New Sweden Midsommar Festival.
Allagash Wilderness Waterway
92 mile-long series of lakes, streams, ponds, and rivers winding through the heart
of the North Maine Woods. It provides many opportunities for fishing, camping,
and canoeing.
Debouille Public Reserved Land
Aroostook is fortunate to host part of the International Appalachian Trail, which connects the northern terminus of the Appalachian Trail at Mt. Katahdin in central Maine, with the Gaspé peninsula in Québec. For more information, contact Dick Anderson at
207-865-6233 or visit
Aroostook’s Golf Gems
Aroostook County offers golfers a unique opportunity to enjoy a variety of courses
that are challenging, fun and uncrowded. There are 18-hole championship courses
and 9-hole local gems scattered throughout the region. Many courses offer tournaments, leagues and women’s days.
Fort Kent Golf Course
Fort Kent ... 207-834-3149
Birch Point Golf Course
Round Pond takes its name from the pond, which is a wide section of the
Allagash River. Canoeists from the river enjoy the view of river and forest
from the observation tower on top of Round Pond Mt. This 20,000 acre unit
is a popular hunting area in the fall. Aroostook County T13 R12 WELS.
Located in Aroostook County between Presque Isle and Ashland, the 16,700-acre Squapan Management Unit contains some of the most rugged terrain in this part of the state. In addition to
1400-foot-high Squapan Mountain and 9.5 miles of shoreline on Squapan Lake, it also has low hills,
wetlands, brooks, and a small pond. Access is by gravel road off Route 163 west of Presque Isle.
Upper St. John River
North Maine Woods ... 207-435-6213
The longest free-flowing river remaining in the Northeastern U.S. Considered
a unique and irreplaceable natural area, and rich in history and culture.
“The courses in Aroostook County had interesting layouts
that used the hilly terrain to maximum effect, both for
challenge and views. The County should be on every
golfer’s list, great golf and great value.”
-- David Irons
New England Journal of Golf
Mars Hill Country Club
Mars Hill ... 207-425-4802
West Ridge Road Par 3 Golf Course
St. John Valley ... 207-435-3231
These nine major lakes interconnected by the Fish River have attracted
salmon and trout anglers for many years. Contains the most productive
landlocked salmon fishery in the world.
Aroostook Valley Trails
Countywide ... 888-216-2463
75 miles of developed trail through fragrant forests and along rivers. Trail
head facilities in Washburn, Caribou, and New Sweden. All recreational uses.
North Maine Woods
Collins Pond Park
Caribou ... 207-493-4239
This park has a play area, group and family picnic sites and a 1.23 mile walking path. On the south shore of Collins Pond (via Sincock Street) you’ll find
a lighted regulation-sized baseball field and a lighted soccer field, each of
which play host to popular youth programs in the summer and fall.
Teague Park
Portage Hills Country Club
Presque Isle Country Club
Within its five acres, you’ll find a lighted softball/baseball field, lighted tennis
courts, a creative playground, and the best picnic spot in town. In the colder
months, Teague Park hosts a skating rink and nordic ski trails with a heated
lodge for those really cold days.
Va-Jo-Wa Golf Course
Castle Hill ... 207-764-6561
Houlton Community Golf Course
Located in Aroostook County between Presque Isle and Ashland, this kidfriendly mountain is an easy hike for the family and provides a covered picnic
table to rest and have a snack.
Limestone Country Club
Limestone ... 207-328-7277
Presque Isle ... 207-764-0430
Haystack Mountain
Island Falls ... 207-463-2128
Houlton ... 207-532-2662
Limestone ... 207-328-4634
In 1998, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service received 4,700 acres of the former base to establish the
Aroostook National Wildlife Refuge. The refuge is a part of the National Wildlife Refuge System, a
network of lands set aside specifically for the protection of wildlife and its habitat. Wetland, grassland, and northern forest habitats for migratory birds and endangered species are protected on the
refuge. The interpretive center is open throughout the year.
Mars Hill Mountain
Mars Hill ... 207-492-1444
Presque Isle ... 207-768-8341
Caribou Country Club
Fort Fairfield ... 207-476-8083
Aroostook National Wildlife Refuge
The area provides numerous outdoor recreational opportunities for over
100,000 visitors each year while at the same time providing renewable forest resources which are a major part of Maine’s economy.
Caribou ... 207-493-4239
Aroostook Valley Country Club
Last community before crossing into New Brunswick, Canada. After leaving the border crossing here,
the trail continues north on the border for 1.9 miles where it intersects an abandoned railway bed.
At this point, hikers turn right and enter into the province of New Brunswick. The trail has huts built
along it for hikers to rest and relax.
The International Applachian Trail has been completed over Mars Hill Mountain and along the border
to Fort Fairfield. Use the ski trails to reach the top of Mars Hill Mountain (Elevation 533m).
Mars Hill ... 207-429-9368
Portage ... 207-435-8221
International Appalachian Trail
Fort Fairfield ... 207-472-3800
Ashland ... 207-435-6213
Madawaska ... 207-895-6957
Caribou ... 207-493-3933
Castle Hill ... 207-435-7963
Fish River Lakes
North Maine Woods ... 207-435-7963
Deboullie’s low rugged mountains and scenic remote trout ponds are all available
for visitors using the 22,000 acre unit’s hiking trails and campsites. Snowmobilers
frequently pass through the unit on their way from Eagle Lake to the Allagash.
Access is gained by private gravel roads leaving Route 161 in St. Francis, or off
Route 11 in Portage.
Squapan Public Reserved Land
North Maine Woods ... 207-435-7963
Aroostook State Park
Aroostook State Park bears the distinct honor of being Maine’s first state park. Hiking trails up Quoggy Jo Mountain, swimming (no life guard) in Echo Lake, 30 campsites with no hookups, hot showers,
flush toilets, kitchen shelter, picnic and playground facilities. Miles of traditional cross-country ski
trails in the winter.
Houlton-Phair Junction Trail
Countywide ... 207-287-4957
The Houlton to Phair Junction trail is 40 miles long and extends from Houlton through the towns
of Monticello, Bridgewater, Mars Hill, and loops through the southern edge of Presque Isle. Open
year-round for multiple use.
Arthur E. Howell Conservation Center and Spruce Acres Refuge
Amity ... 207-532-6880
Camping area for environmental groups. Bird and animal watching. Forest management lots and
wildlife planting areas. Picnic and recreation areas for children and adults. Guided tours by appointment. Stocked trout pond fishing for children under 12. Open May 15 through October 30,
10am to 4pm, Tuesday through Friday and 10am to 3pm on Saturday.
Community Park Fairgrounds
Houlton ... 207-532-1310
Picnic area, 3 tennis courts, 3 baseball fields, 1 softball field, 1 basketball court Just For Kids playground, log cabin building, and horseshoe pits.
Mapleton Daze
Last Weekend in June
Mapleton ... 207-764-3754
Mars Hill Winterfest
Second Weekend in March
It’s what makes our home, well, home. Spirited community festivals and fairs are the backbone of our unique traditional entertainment. From agricultural exhibitions and parades to arts and crafts fairs and Christmas tree lighting
ceremonies, Aroostook has a festival to suit everyone’s interests.
Can Am Sled Dog Race
First Weekend in March
Fort Kent ... 207-444-5439
Wesget Sipu Pow-Wow
First Weekend in July
Fort Kent ... 800-SEE-FKME
TD Banknorth Festival at Fort Kent
Second Weekend in March
Fort Kent ... 207-834-6202
Fort Kent ... 207-492-1444
Ploye Festival and Muskie Fishing Derby
Second Weekend in August
Week Leading Up to Mardi Gras
Fort Kent ... 800-SEE-FKME
Tour de la Vallee
Third Weekend in August
Fort Kent ... 207-834-3155
Scarecrow Festival
Second Weekend in October
Fort Kent ... 800-SEE-FKME
Dickens of a Christmas
Sunday before Thanksgiving
Fort Kent ... 800-SEE-FKME
Annual Arts and Crafts Fair
Weekend Following Thanksgiving
Fort Kent ... 800-SEE-FKME
Ashland Summerfest
Last Weekend in June
Ashland ... 207-435-2311
Blaine Craft Fair
First Weekend in November
Blaine ... 207-429-9892
City Wide Yard Sale
Third Weekend in May
Caribou ... 800-722-7648
CaribouFest and
Caribou Cares About Kids
Second Weekend in August
Caribou ... 800-722-7648
Fall Arts and Crafts Festival
Third Weekend in October
Caribou ... 800-722-7648
Santa Parade and Tree Lighting
Day After Thanksgiving
Caribou ... 800-722-7648
Caribou Winter Carnival
and Snowmobile Fest
Second Week in February
Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony
Weekend Following Thanksgiving
Caribou ... 800-722-7648
Fort Kent ... 800-SEE-FKME
Top of Maine Trade Show
Last Weekend in April
Madawaska ... 207-728-7000
Art Symposium
Last Weekend in June
Madawaska ... 207-728-4853
Classic Car Weekend
Last Weekend in June
Madawaska ... 207-728-6250
International Snowmobilers Festival
First Weekend in February
Madawaska ... 207-728-7000
Acadian Festival
Last Weekend in June
Madawaska ... 207-728-6250
Midsommar Celebration
Weekend Closest to June 21
New Sweden ... 207-728-7000
Fort Fairfield ... 207-472-3802
Annual Harvest Hoedown
First Weekend in October
Fort Fairfield ... 207-472-3802
Annual County Gospel Festival
Second Weekend in July
Fort Fairfield ... 207-472-3802
Christmas in the Village
Second Weekend in December
Fort Fairfield ... 207-472-3802
Northern Maine Fair and
Lumberjack Roundup
First Week in August
Presque Isle ... 207-764-1884
Northern Maine Agri-Business Trade Fair
Last Weekend in March
Nordic Heritage Center Spring Series
Last Weekend in March
Presque Isle ... 207-764-0491
City Wide Yard Sale
First Weekend in June
Presque Isle ... 207-764-6561
Crown of Maine Balloon Festival
Last Weekend in August
Presque Isle ... 207-764-6561
Long Lake Ice Fishing Derby
First Weekend in February
Presque Isle ... 207-764-396
Presque Isle ... 207-764-0491
Van Buren Yard Sale
Last Weekend in June
Danforth Summerfest
Third Week in July
Danforth ... 207-448-2321
County Open Golf Tournament
Second Weekend in August
New Sweden ... 207-728-7000
St. Agatha ... 207-534 -7305
Van Buren ... 207-868-5059
Summer Festival
Last Weekend in July
Van Buren ... 207-868-5059
St. Bruno Community Bazaar
Van Buren ... 207-868-5059
Easton Field Days
Second Weekend in July
Maine Potato Blossom Festival
Third Week in July
Presque Isle ... 207-764-0491
Spring Trash and Treasure Sale
Second Weekend in April
Presque Isle ... 207-764-0491
Presque Isle ... 207-472-3802
Christmas Light Parade
Easton ... 207-488-6915
Anah Temple Shrine Circus
First Weekend in May
Holiday Light Parade
First Saturday in December
Santa Lucia Day
December 13
Rock the Valley Festival
Second Weekend in July
Madawaska ... 207-728-7000
Mars Hill ... 207-429-9388
Spring Arts, Crafts and Antique Show
First Weekend in April
Caring County Craft Fair
Second Weekend in November
Home, Garden and Rec Show
First Weekend in April
Fall Crafts Fair
Second Weekend in October
Houlton ... 207-521-2503
Arts Around the Square
Houlton ... 207-532-4216
Houlton ... 207-532-4216
Meduxnekeag River Canoe Race
Third Weekend in April
Santa Claus Light Parade
Saturday after Thanksgiving
Houlton ... 207-532-4216
Soap Box Derby
Third Weekend in June
Houlton ... 207-532-4216
Maliseet Indian Recognition Day
Second Weekend in September
Houlton ... 207-532-4216
Houlton ... 207-532-4273
County Bluegrass Festival
Last Weekend in July
Midnight Madness
Last Weekend in June
Fort Fairfield ... 207-472-3802
Houlton ... 207-532-4216
Moose Stompers Weekend
First Weekend in February
Town Yard Sale
Last Weekend in May
Houlton Agricultural Fair
Fourth of July Weekend
Van Buren ... 207-868-5059
Fort Fairfield ... 207-472-3802
Children’s Fishing Derby
Third Weekend in May
Limestone ... 207-325-4025
City Wide Yard Sale
Last Weekend in June
Limestone ... 207-325-4025
4th of July Celebration
Weekend Closest to July 4
Limestone ... 207-325-4025
Oktober Fest
Last Weekend in October
Limestone ... 207-325-4025
Houlton ... 207-532-4216
Houlton Arts and Crafts Fair
First Weekend in July
Houlton ... 207-532-4216
Potato Feast Days
Third Weekend in August
Houlton ... 207-532-4216
Houlton Arts and Crafts
Third Weekend in August
Houlton ... 207-532-4216
Houlton ... 207-532-4216
Winter Arts and Crafts Fair
Last Weekend in November
Houlton ... 207-532-1310
Island Falls Summerfest
Last Weekend in July
Island Falls ... 207-532-4216
Christmas Craft Fair
First Weekend in November
Island Falls ... 207-532-4216
Island Falls Winterfest and
Log Drivers Cookout
Second Weekend in February
Island Falls ... 207-532-4216
Antique Car Show
Littleton ... 207-532-4216
Presque Isle ... 207-764-6561
Presque Isle ... 207-492-1444
Washburn August Festival
Third Weekend in August
Washburn ... 207-455-8485
Westfield Jubilee
Third Weekend in August
Westfield ... 207-429-8129
Patten Pioneer Days
Second Week in August
Patten ... 207-528-2902
Strawberry Festival
Second Weekend in July
Stacyville ... 207-463-2077
Olde Home Days
Labor Day Weekend
Sherman ... 207-463-2077
AE Howell Wildlife
Open House Day
First Saturday of August
Amity ... 207-532-6880
“If you’re searching for the perfect ATV trail rides, look no further. The
Mountain Loop Trail around Squa Pan Mountain in central Aroostook
is exciting and beautiful as you lumber up the steep mountainside and cruise back down
again. It is especially breathtaking in September, when the stands of hardwood trees turn
brilliant red, yellow and orange. A more relaxing ride can be found on the old railroad bed
from Presque Isle to Monticello, where you can be rewarded with a great meal from the Blue
Moose restaurant. The trail also includes an
Allagash Guide Service
[ canoes and kayaks ]
With its hundreds of miles of trails and thousands of lakes and rivers, you don’t want to miss the chance to play in
Allagash ... 207-398-3481
Aroostook, even if you didn’t bring your own equipment. There are several opportunities to rent new and up-to-date
Allagash Outfitters
[ canoes and kayaks ]
recreational equipment, whether you’re hankering for a long snowmobile ride, a quiet place to paddle, a gnarly
Allagash ... 207-398-3277
mountain bike trail or a fun-filled day on an ATV. Grab a trail map, plan your route and give one of these outfitters a
[ canoes and kayaks ]
Fort Kent ... 207-834-6329
call to set up your day of Aroostook adventure.
Valley Rentals
[ snowmobiles ]
Fort Kent ... 207-834-6310
Checkpoint Auto
[ snowmobiles ]
Ashland ... 207-435-3400
Red’s Recreational Rentals and Service
[ canoes, kayaks, snowmobiles ]
Uptown Variety
[ snowmobiles, ATVs, watercrafts, jetskis ]
Meduxnekeag Stream. ”
Linda Hubbard, Mapleton
St. Agatha ... 207-543-5104
Maine Canoe Adventures
[ canoes and kayaks ]
St. Francis ... 207-398-3191
Water’s Edge RV Resort
[ canoes and kayaks ]
Sinclair ... 207-543-5189
Arndt’s Aroostook River Lodge
and Campground
[ canoes and kayaks ]
Ouellette’s Trading Post
[ canoes ]
Van Buren ... 207-868-2727
The Ski Shop
[ canoes and kayaks ]
Van Buren ... 207-868-2737
The Sled Shop
[ snowmobiles and ATVs ]
Presque Isle ... 207-764-8677
Presque Isle ... 207-764-2900
Washburn ... 207-455-4700
Nordic Heritage Sport Center
[ nordic ski equipment and snowshoes ]
Jordan Snowmobile Rentals
[ snowmobiles ]
Presque Isle ... 207-760-9500
Washburn ... 207-455-4410
Big Rock Ski Area
[ skis and snowboards ]
Perception of Aroostook
[ kayaks ]
UFF DA Rentals
[ snowmobiles ]
[ canoes, kayaks, skis, bikes ]
Presque Isle ... 207-760-9500
Fort Kent ... 207-834-6310
exhilirating trip across a bridge
some 60 feet above the
Caribou ... 207-492-5281
Mars Hill ... 866-529-2695
10th Mountain Ski Center
[ nordic ski equipment and snowshoes ]
Presque Isle ... 207-764-5506
Quoggy Jo Community Alpine Area
[ skis and snowboards ]
Shin Pond ... 207-528-2452
Presque Isle ... 207-492-1444
Enjoy the Beauty...
Enjoy the Challenge
• 18 Scenic Golf Holes
• Par 72 - Rating 68.7 - Slope 125
• Driving Range and Practice Green
• Cart and Club Rental
• Full Pro Shop and Snack Bar
75 Country Club Road • Mars Hill, ME 04758 • (207) 425-4802
3232 Aroostook Road
PO Box 347
Eagle Lake, ME 04739
phone: 207-444-4535
fax: 207-444-6133
Air Conditioning
Cable TV
Private Decks
Hot Tub Suites
2 and 3 BR Apartments
In-Room Coffee Makers
Continental Breakfast
Boat Rentals
Tanning Bed
Private Beach
Coin-Op Laundry
Sales and Service of
Fire Extinguishers
Hood Suppression
The B’s
244 Bangor Road
PO Box 1362
Houlton, ME 04730
Phone: 207-532-6700
Cell: 207-551-4161
Fax: 207-532-6700
• 4 Bedroom, 1.5 Bath
• Fully furnished home
• 12 Guest capacity
• Direct access to ITS trails
• Conveniently located to local amenities
• 2 Car garage
• Satellite TV/VCR, stereo, piano
• Washer/dryer
• Huge enclosed porch
• Gas grill
Eagle Lake
• Phone
A Paddler’s Paradise
Whether your craft of choice is a canoe, kayak, or flat-bottom fishing
River. This river starts in the great north woods and winds its way east, then turns south,
boat, there are boundless opportunities to get on the water in Aroos-
forming the border between Maine and New Brunswick between the towns of Allagash
took. Paddlers of all abilities will find the perfect meandering river,
and Van Buren. This river is home to the Furbish Lousewort, a flowering plant that exists
quiet lake or quick-flowing stream on which to spend some time. In the
only in the St. John River Valley and has not been found anywhere else on earth. There are
west is the Allagash Wilderness Waterway, a 90+ mile series of lakes
also the Fish River Lakes, a chain of lakes connected by thoroughfares and the Fish River
and river. This wilderness river has it all... the class III Chase Rapids,
that stretches from west of Portage to Fort Kent. Paddlers can try out each lake individually
the vast expanse of Chamberlain Lake, fabulous campsites on Round
or connect them in a series to provide multi-day tripping options. In central Aroostook is
Pond and the unforgettable Allagash Falls. In the south there is East
the beautiful Aroostook River. The river is formed at the confluence of the Munsungan and
Grand Lake. This natural wonder borders Maine and New Brunswick
Millinocket streams and flows through majestic forests and picturesque farmlands to the
and has miles and miles of undeveloped shoreline to explore. There
US/Canada border just east of Fort Fairfield. And there are hundreds, if not thousands, of
are many fishing options in this body of water and the best access to
additional options for paddling in Aroostook. Whether you are a seasoned canoe camper
“the big ones” can be found from your boat. Up north is the St. John
or a day trip kayaker, you are sure to find what you want in Aroostook County.
Daily & weekly rates available
“The Prestile Stream in
Robinson is a must-see,
For more information on Aroostook County
contact the friendly professionals at
easy-going paddle for kayakers who also enjoy bird
watching. Once you put-in
at the dam, you can paddle
upstream to see fantastic
rock formations, great blue
herons, white cranes, belted
blue king fishers, spotted
sandpipers and, if you’re
lucky, an eagle or two.”
Aroostook County Tourism
Dawn McPherson, Presque Isle
Arrive in northern Maine without your boat? Check out page 39
for local rental facilities.
Loring has
an available
inventory of existing
buildings, featuring turnkey
commercial manufacturing
and office space and
prime developable
land for sale or lease.
Call us for your business
location or
startup needs!
Maine’s Premier Business
Development Park
Limestone, Maine
Ph: 207-328-7005
For more details visit
6 Washburn
6 Washburn
Ashland*............... 435-6461
17 Main Street
Caribou*................ 498-4200
105 Bennett Drive
Eagle Lake ........... 444-5543
3440 Aroostook Road
Easton.................... 488-6642
82 Center Road
Fort Fairfield*..... 472-3161
290 Main Street
Houlton*................ 532-4277
65 North Street
Island Falls*......... 463-2228
1007 Crystal Road
Big City CareXJUISmall
Town Compassion
Limestone*.......... 325-4711
35 Main Street
Mars Hill*............. 429-8400
28 Main Street
Oakfield ................. 757-8288
200 Oakfield Smyrna Road
Patten*.................. 528-2211
11 Main Street
Presque Isle*...... 764-8000
6 North Street
Van Buren*.......... 868-2728
29 Main Street
Washburn............. 455-8141
1282 Main Street
*24 Hour ATM
Don’t Forget the Kids!
What’s it like in Aroostook?
Early European settlers came to Aroostook to take advantage of its vast forest and fertile farmland. The county is
larger than the states of Connecticut and Rhode Island combined and 89% of that land is still covered by forest.
Growing potatoes and lumbering are still important jobs in the area, so it is common to see potato fields,
tractors and harvesters, as well as tractor trailer trucks laden with logs cut from the forest. Many families are
supported by jobs such as lumberman, sawmill foreman, potato broker and farmer.
When you visit Aroostook, you will also see a lot of water. Although it’s many miles from the ocean, the area is filled with thousands
of lakes, streams, rivers and ponds. If you add them all together, Aroostook’s bodies of water cover over 80,000 acres of land. And if you
connected all the streams and rivers, you could kayak from Presque Isle to Los Angeles, California and back again!
The earliest settlers in Aroostook were Native Americans and today, the Micmac and Maliseet Indian tribes are still an integral part of the
area’s heritage. Many of the town, lake and river names are rooted in these native languages. In fact, the word “Aroostook” comes from
the Micmac word meaning “beautiful river” and is also the name of the major river running through the central part of the county.
The summers are sizzlin’
Aroostook has long been famous for its natural beauty and
taking a hike with the family is a great way to take it all in.
There are two wildlife conservation centers where short hikes are sure to
be rewarded with animal sightings. And there are an abundance of trails
throughout the area that offer everything from mountaintop vistas to chilly
stream crossings to breathtaking waterfalls. A great place to start exploring
is the North Maine Woods.
catchin’ the big one
Whether it’s a trout, a salmon or a
smallmouth bass, Aroostook is the place
to toss your line. With more than 2000
lakes, streams, rivers and ponds to choose
from, you’re sure to find a great spot to hone
your fishing skills. Many communities also hold
fishing derbies each year.
mountain biking
Aroostook’s terrain and trail systems aren’t only for hikers. There are
a growing number of communities that have some great trails for
mountain biking. The Nordic Heritage Center in Presque Isle and the
10th Mountain Lodge in Fort Kent have an extensive system of mountain bike trails, as well as a killer terrain park. Mantle Lake Park in Presque Isle has a fun network of trails that includes some challenging
apparatus like teeter totters and elevated bridges.
fun festivals
Nearly every community in Aroostook has its very own festival or fair
and most of them are geared toward kids. There are parades, petting
zoos, amusement rides, fireworks, games and competitions, local music and food that is typically reserved until after all your vegetables
are eaten. You and your family can help decorate the maypole at the
Midsommar Festival in New Sweden, go on a hayride at the Caribou
Cares About Kids celebration in Caribou, or compete in the human
curling event at the Moosestompers festival in Houlton. Whenever
you find yourself in northern Maine, check out the calendar of events
and don’t miss out on the hometown fun!
The winters are wicked
winter carnivals
The festival fun doesn’t stop when the snow flies in Aroostook. With nearly
10 feet of annual snowfall, the fun really starts to heat up when winter arrives.The Can-Am Dog Sled race in Fort Kent attracts spectators from around
the county and many communities hold annual light parades that bring out
countless good-natured businesses and their shining floats. Aroostook is
also quickly becoming a hot spot for world-class biathlon
and nordic ski events that are great fun to watch. Winter
carnivals are filled with games on snow and ice, like
sledding, sleigh rides and ice skating, and just-for-fun
competitions like human curling and tug-of-wars.
lace up the skates
And what would winter be without ice skating? There
are several outdoor areas at local community parks or
on town ponds and lakes. Both Presque Isle and Fort Kent also have indoor
arenas and busy hockey and figure skating programs.
For detailed information on specific events or resources, see pages 34-37.
terrain parks and more
Both downhill skiers and snowboarders can find fun at several terrain parks across the county. Big Rock in Mars Hill boasts a great
new park with its own chair lift, and kids at the smaller alpine hills
get started by building their own terrain. And cross-country skiers
won’t be left out. The Nordic Heritage Center in Presque Isle and the
10th Mountain Lodge in Fort Kent offer bumps, jumps and obstacles
for kids who enjoy the challenge of skiing up the hill as well as
There is no place like Aroostook for snowmobiling. There are over
2300 miles of expertly groomed trail across the region. That’s like
snowmobiling from Boston, MA all the way to El Paso, TX (if there
were snow in Texas, of course!) And many local
snowmobile clubs hold weekend poker runs and
host hearty suppers at the clubhouse. And don’t
forget the International Snowmobilers Festival in
Madawska, where you can explore the Canadian side of the border!
For detailed information on specific events or resources, see pages 34-37.
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You can get there
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Call 1-800-371-6240
Contributing Photographers
The mission of Aroostook
County Tourism is to
develop and promote
compelling, diverse
Ray Burby
Dawn McPherson
Bob Duchesne
Tom Bushey
North Maine Woods
Dave Spooner
Cary is an equal opportunity provider
Chris Jackson, LATC
Need a Physician?
Cover Photos by Joel Johndro, Michele Stapleton, Tom Bushey and John Farra
Joel Johndro
Michele Stapleton
Martin Brown
Mike McNally
Mike Langley
Leslie Thompson
John Farra
The Star Herald
Renee Armstrong
Amanda Smith
Melissa Arndt
Celebrating 25 Years of Service
Illustrations by Cortney Rector
tourism opportunities in
Graphic Design, Copywriting and Production by Slingshot Multimedia and Sacher Design
northern Maine.
Aroostook County Tourism Board of Directors
Fritz Appleby
Aroostook State Park
Rita Cannan
Can-Am Sled Dog Race Association
Mary Ellen Chasse
Maine Snowmobile Association
Regional Director
Gloria Caron
North Maine Woods
Don Cyr
Maine Acadian Heritage Council
Walt Elish
Aroostook Partners for Progress
Charles P. Harris
Northern Maine Development Commission
Barry McCrum
Mars Hill Mountain Association
Lisa Miles
Citadel Communications
Marcia Pond-Anderson
Patten Lumberman’s Museum
Andy Shepard
Maine Winter Sports Center
Kevin Simmons
Caribou and Presque Isle Inn
& Convention Centers
Milton Smith
KFC/Taco Bell
Governor’s Tourism Commission
Kirk Tibbetts
Association of Aroostook
Chambers of Commerce
Jim Kaiser
Presque Isle Forum
Kathleen A. Mazzuchelli
Caribou Recreation Department
Gina Iacoponi Clark
Two Nation Guides and
Receptive Tour Services
Pines Health Center: Caribou
Loring Health Center: Limestone
Family Health Center: Presque Isle
Center for Women’s & Children’s Health: Caribou
Pediatrics 492-3451
OB/GYN 498-6921
St. John Valley Health Center: Van Buren 868-2796
Paid for in part by a grant from the
Maine Office of Tourism.
For additional information on Maine, call
1-888-Maine45 or visit