Riverside County SELPA - Banning Unified School District


Riverside County SELPA - Banning Unified School District
Riverside County SELPA
Winter Newsletter ~ 2010
Description of CAC
Message from the President
The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) is
a team of parents of children enrolled in special
education and individuals with a personal or
professional interest in securing appropriate
services for students with disabilities. The CAC
membership represents each of the 22 Riverside
County Special Education Local Plan Areas
(SELPA) member local education agencies, including the Riverside County Office of Education. The CAC works collaboratively with the
SELPA and districts in the review and development of the Local Plan. CAC members support
parents’ efforts to meet the special needs of each
and every child. We encourage you to ask
questions and seek the information you need to
make wise decisions about your child’s education and future life successes.
Before we begin our Winter break, I want to bring to your attention
a couple of upcoming events that will be held after the holidays.
Goal and Vision
The broad goal of the CAC is to involve interested parents, students, teachers, and education
specialists in advising the County and District
Boards of Education and their administrative
and professional staff of the unique requirements of individual students with exceptional
needs, and to assist the SELPA administration
in furthering and improving the functioning of
the Riverside County SELPA. Our vision is to
encourage parents to actively participate and
become knowledgeable, empowered, and effective partners in the development and implementation of learning experiences for students with
Our CAC business meeting will be on Tuesday, January 11, 2011.
We will begin with the presentation on Positive Behavior at 6 pm.
The Business meeting will follow from 7 to 8:30 pm.
The Conference on Autism is set for Saturday, February 5, 2011
from 9 am. to 4 pm. at Anna Hause Elementary in Beaumont. Dr.
Dalusong, Ph.D. will present an overview of the “24 Evidence-Based
Practices for Autism Spectrum Disorders” that have been identified
by the National Professional Development Center (NPDC) on ASD.
In addition, Kelly Londenburg will share a personal story of success.
Kelly is an awesome young lady with high functioning autism and
works as a para-educator for the Riverside County Office of Ed. A
time is also set aside for questions and answers. Participants will
learn which strategies are most effective for specific challenges such
as behavior, communication and a host of others. This conference is
open to parents and caregivers, practitioners such as teachers, paraeducators, psychologists, etc. Please look for the flyer that includes
all the specifics of this conference. It is posted on our website and
should also be posted at your school. Please share with others who
are interested in attending. We will also have vendors, and lunch
will be served. Registering prior to the conference is required. To
register, please contact the SELPA office at (951) 490-0375.
With the Holidays upon us, I hope you will have the opportunity to
take a break from your routine and relax, as well as embrace this
time and enjoy your loved ones and treasure the time you spend together. Many wishes for a Blessed Season filled with good memories, hope and celebration. Have a happy, healthy and a prosperous
New Year!
I look forward to seeing you at the CAC meeting on
January 11, 2011 and at the Autism Conference on February 5, 2011.
Sincerely, Marie Smith ~CAC President
The CAC members are appointed by their respective local school district’s Board of Education pursuant to California Education Codes 56191-56193.
If you are interested in attending a CAC meeting and/or would like more information about the Riverside County SELPA CAC, please contact: Marie
Smith-CAC President (951) 245-9961 or (951) 491-3592 e-mail: leas_mom@hotmail.com ~ Sue Balt-Riverside County SELPA CAC Liaison (951)
490-0375 or e-mail: sue@rcselpa.org or Delores Hartin - SELPA Secretary (951) 490-0375 or e-mail: delores@rcselpa.org ~ Para español comuníquese con Maribel Caparas al (951) 490-0375 o por correo electrónico: maribel@rcselpa.org
A Parent Publication of the Community Advisory Committee
Deborah Hill-Romero-CAC Public Information Officer
What is a SELPA?
In 1977, all school districts and county school
offices were mandated to form consortiums in
geographical regions of sufficient size and scope
to provide for all special education service needs
of children residing within the boundaries.
These regions became known as a SELPA (Special
Education Local Plan Area) as it developed a local
plan describing how it would provide special education services across and within its local education agency members. There are 118 SELPAs
in California. While the most common SELPA
size is 5,000 special education students, the
Riverside County SELPA is the largest multidistrict SELPA in the state, with about 27,500
students. Twenty school districts, the Riverside
County Office of Education, and River Springs
Charter School are members of the Riverside
County SELPA. Moreno Valley USD, Riverside
USD, and Corona-Norco USD are individual
SELPAs and are not part of Riverside County
SELPA Responsibilities
The SELPA is responsible for assuring that:
All individuals with disabilities receive a free
appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment.
All regular education resources are considered and, where appropriate, utilized on a
local or regional basis to meet the needs of
students with disabilities.
A system exists at the regional level for identification, assessment and placement of
students with disabilities.
A viable system for public education is
functioning in the community, with broad
participation and interaction involving
parents and other agencies serving children
and young adults.
An annual compliance monitoring system is
implemented and reviewed to assure identified non-compliant items are rectified.
Today, as never before, parents, students and
staff work together to make certain that the appropriate services are provided on an
individualized basis for every child with a disability. The Riverside County SELPA Local Plan,
developed and maintained by the members, is the
basis of these improvements and the foundation
of services. By working together we make a
difference in and for the lives of others!
Learn More to Help Their Students
“Interview by Debbie Zimmer, (SELPA CAC Executive
Board Member at Large/CAC Parent Representative for
Menifee Union School District) & Phil Stein (CAC Parent
Representative for Desert Sands Unified School District)”.
Debbie: “How has being a part of CAC been helpful
for you as a parent of your son, a student with special
Phil: “First of all, the workshops are really helpful to
us, especially having those guest speakers on Transitions. Also, the sessions on being an advocate for your
child really helped me figure out how to best represent
my son and his needs at school. Allen is our grandson
and we adopted him. The CAC has given us a broader
view of things that are available for him, like Conservatorship. I’d really like to encourage all you parents
out there to come and hear these programs.”
“Secondly, at the regular SELPA CAC business
meetings, the guest speakers are helpful for us as well.
These meetings appear to be for the people, parents
and professionals alike who want to be proactive and
learn more to help their students instead of just sitting
back and waiting for everybody else to help. I find the
CAC very crucial for our needs in trying to help Allen
live his life as my wife and I get older. Believe me; we
have really learned a lot!”
Debbie: “Thank you, Phil. We, at the CAC would like
to encourage all parents/professionals to come out
and attend the SELPA CAC meetings and free workshops. And if you like what you see contact your local
school district to see if you can become a CAC district
representative. Every child deserves a voice; together
we can!”
Rosa’s Law
A bill to change references in Federal law from mental
retardation to references to an intellectual disability,
and to change references to a mentally retarded individual to references to an individual with an intellectual disability was signed into law by President Barack
Obama on October 5, 2010. The states, SELPAs, and
local education agencies will be changing their forms
and procedures over the next few months to align
with these new terms.
Helpful Websites
Parent Resources
Coachella Valley ASA
Contact ASA Family Resource
Center at (760)772-1000
HEARTS - “Helping Everyone with
Autism Reach
Total Success” Contact: Dennis
Findly at (951) 217-0111 or heartsemail@yahoo.com
or Debbie Burnett at (951) 785-6778
Inland Empire Autism Society of America (ASA)
(951) 340-0894 or www.ieautism.org
Support groups:
Riverside: Karen Wilgus (951) 340-0894 or
Hemet: Kris Shaw (951) 652-8151
Doug & Catherine Snodgrass (951) 821-8224
Teen/Young Adult:
Kelly Londenberg (951) 678-8666
New Visions Children’s Services
40335 Winchester Road #E-522
Temecula, 92592 ~ (951)553-7676 or
Parents of Adults with Autism
Contact: Jacquelyn Speaker (909) 590-9668 or
TACA Inland Empire
(Talk About Curing Autism)
Contact by e-mail: TACinlandempire@aol.com
Down Syndrome Association of Hemet
Contact: Adele Cox (951) 852-1054
Down Syndrome Association Riverside County West
(951) 314-3937 or www.dsarcw.org
Blindness Support Services (BSS)
Contact (951) 341-9244
Fiesta Educativa, Inc.
Contact: Alma Rodriguez (951) 567-4943
Team of Advocates for Special Kids (TASK)
Information & Resource Center
(714) 533-TASK (8275)
or (866) 828-8275 (CA only)
California Department of Education www.cde.ca.gov
Epilepsy Center Www.theepilepsycenter.org
Inland Regional Center Www.inlandrc.org
National Dissemination Center for Children with/
Disabilities (NICHCY) Www.ncld.org
Team of Advocates for Special Kids Www.taskca.org
U.S. Department of Mental Health Www.mentalhealth.org
Wrights Law-Self Advocacy Help Www.wrightslaw.com
International Dyselxia Association www.interdys.org/
United Cerebral Palsy www.ucpie@dc.rr.com
Every child with a disability between the ages of birth to 22 is entitled to a
Free, Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). Districts within the Riverside County SELPA offer programs for youth between the ages of birth and 22 years of age, who have:
Academic Disabilities
Emotional Disabilities
Mental Disabilities
Speech & Language Disabilities
Alvord USD
Jurupa USD
Perris Elementary. SD
Banning USD
Lake Elsinore USD
Perris Union High SD
951-943-6369 x”0”
Beaumont USD
Menifee Union SD
River Springs Charter
951-845-2681 x 2215
Coachella Valley USD
Murrieta Valley USD Romoland E. SD
760- 399-5137 x. 227
951-696-1600 x.1161
951-926-9244 x 239
Desert Center USD
Nuview El. SD
San Jacinto USD
951-929-7700 x 4249
Desert Sands USD
Palm Springs USD
Temecula Valley USD
Hemet USD
Palo Verde USD
Val Verde USD
951-765-5100 x 4001
760-922-4164 x 243
CAC Executive Board
Upcoming Events
2010 - 2011
Marie Smith
President ~ Lake Elsinore USD
(951) 491-3592
Corey Stacy
Vice President ~ San Jacinto
(951) 244-4550 or (951) 805-3745
Beverly Slawinski
Secretary ~ Nuview
(951) 928-1841
Deborah Hill-Romero
Public Information Officer ~ Temecula
(951) 599-4247
Debbie Zimmer
Member at Large ~ Menifee SD
(951) 672-3437
Jessie Mann
Member at Large ~ Jurupa
(951) 961-0032
Dr. Sue Balt
Executive Director, SELPA
(951) 490-0375
SELPA CAC Schedule
Meetings 2 Tuesday!! 6:00 P.M.—8:30 P.M.
The Parent Project
Presented by the City of Beaumont
January 12, 2011 – March 16. 2011
Class Details – 6:00 P.M. – 9:00 P.M. (10 Sessions)
Location: 550 E. 6th St., Beaumont, 92223
Phone: (951) 769-8500
Contact: Toshia Wells
E-mail: twells@beaumontpd.org
Festival of Human Abilities
Come Celebrate the creative spirit of people with disabilities ~
FREE ADMISION (if you are a student or adult with a disability
present coupon to receive FREE ADMISSION for you and one
attendant. Saturday & Sunday
January 29th – 30th, 2011
Festival Hours: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Advance tickets, call (562) 590-3100 or visit www.aquariumofpacific.org
Riverside County SELPA
CAC~ Parent Workshop
Overview of the 24 Evidence-based Practices
As identified by the National Professional Development Center
For Autism Spectrum Disorders
SATURDAY February 5, 2011
Featured Speakers: Awit Dalusong, Ph.D.,
& Kelly Londenberg, Adult Autism
8:30 A.M. (Registration) ~ 4:00 P.M.
(Lunch Provided)
Located at: Anna Hause Elementary
1015 Carnation Lane ~ Beaumont 92223
Happy New Year!!!
January 11, 2011—Business Meeting
TOPIC: Addressing Behavior Challenges & Parent Share/
March 8, 2011—Business Meeting
TOPIC: Parent to Parent Networking
May 10, 2011—Business Meeting
TOPIC: CAC Recognition Night
February 5, 2011—Parent Workshops
TOPIC: Autism—24 Evidence-Based Practices
April (TBD) 2011—Parent Workshops
TOPIC: Responding to School & Community Emergencies
10th Annual Autism Collaborative Forum - Sat. 4/2/11
Keynote Speaker: Jennifer McIlwee Myers, Autism presenter &
person with Asperger’s Syndrome
San Joaquin County Office of Education—Wentworth Ed. Ctr.
—2707 Transworld Dr. Stockton—(209) 468-4907
Video Modeling, Computer Aided Instruction, Naturalistic Interventions, Response Interruption & Redirection, Social Narratives, Visual Supports & Task Analysis
April 6, 2011 ~ 1:00-3: Aut00 P/M. ~ RCOE Conference Center 3958 12th Street, Riverside