Hear Her Roar FALL 2010
Hear Her Roar FALL 2010
A L P H A D E L T A P I Hear Her Roar Gamma Phi Chapter Newsletter Hear Her Roar is a publication of the Gamma Phi Chapter of Alpha Delta Pi Sorority. Its purpose is to inform Alpha Delta Pi alumnae, parents, and the ETSU Community of the important developments and accomplishments of active and alumnae members of the chapter. Crowns See who wears the crown in Alpha Delta Pi - representing Miss Tennessee Teen USA & ETSU Homecoming Queen 2010. Page 1 & 2 Issue No 3 - Fall 2010 Wish I May, Wish I Might... Read about our Formal Recruitment and Bid Day. Hard work pays off! Page 2 Who’s Who Meet the newest members of Alpha Delta Pi - Introducing Alpha Class of 2010. Page 4 Scholarship See who’s making the grade. Page 5 Individual Honors Living and Learning Our new arrangement in Lucille Clement has set Alpha Delta Pi up for a wonderful living/learning environment. All of the members who live on the hall have greatly enjoyed getting to know each other as hallmates as well as sisters. We love having study buddies and meal partners right next door! Not only have we grown in our ADPi relationships, we've enjoyed getting to know our Panhellenic sisters as well. Be sure to come visit us in Lucy! In the Fall of 2009, Alpha Delta Pi, along with Alpha Xi Delta, Kappa Delta, and Sigma Kappa, moved onto the fifth floor of the Lucille Clement residence hall. Each sorority committed to fill an equal number of rooms, and we split the entire floor into four sections. Each chapter occupies a lounge that we designed and decorated on our own. Sorority Lounge Hear Her Roar, Spring 2010 Hear Her Roar We are proud of this recent graduate and her accomplishments! Page 7 Our members were recognized with top honors at Alpha Delta Pi’s summer Leadership Seminar. Page 6 Our Home Away From Home The ETSU Housing office set aside two dorm rooms for each sorority to plan a chapter lounge. We were very excited to get new walls, window treatments, and shelving as a base; then to add all new furniture and a fabulous flat screen Loyalty Alumnae members show us what it’s all about! Page 7 The 5th floor of Lucille Clement Hall is now home to ETSU’s Sororities. television. We use our lounge to hang out together, watch movies and eat snacks, and hold committee and team meetings. Alpha Delta Pi is very proud to welcome Kristen Rose, Miss Tennessee Teen 2010, into our membership! Kristen is a freshman at ETSU and graduated from Tennessee High School in Bristol, Tennessee. 1 A Homecoming Queen Rachel Collins was named ETSU's Homecoming Queen on Saturday November 20, 2010. The Homecoming Queen is chosen both for her outstanding campus and community involvement and by popular vote on campus. Rachel is a junior Nursing major at ETSU, and she is Gamma Phi's 2010 Recruitment Vice President. She was crowned by 2009 Homecoming Queen, Ashley Hood, also from Alpha Delta Pi. Boasting highest GPA among Sororities & Fraternities at ETSU Once again, Alpha Delta Pi has earned the highest GPA of all Panhellenic sororities! With a semester average of 3.29, Gamma Phi gained top honors amongst the other sororities and fraternities for Spring 2010. Gamma Phi consistently recruits women with superior academic histories and encourages its membership with a stellar scholarship program. Be sure to check out Page 5 for a complete list of women with perfect 4.0 GPAs! ADPi Supports ETSU Athletics - Go Bucs! The members of Alpha Delta Pi enjoy supporting ETSU's athletic programs! Each fall, the chapter orders a new "ETSU t-shirt" that showcases our school spirit along with our letters. Each Alpha receives the shirt as a gift, and we wear them anytime we want to represent. Gamma Phi is proud to boast four ETSU cheerleaders amongst our membership—the only sorority with members on the squad Representing ADPi on the squad are: Jessica Glasscock, Chelsea Gondek, Jessica Jones and Shelly Negrotto. The chapter also has representation on the ETSU Dance Team in Emilie Hughes. 2 L P H A D E L T A P I Chapter Brings National Speaker to Campus Formal Recruitment September 2010 On March 3, 2010 Alpha Delta Pi brought Steve Kardian from Campuspeak to ETSU to present a program called Reducing the Odds on Spring Break. It was a very timely and informative program on campus right before students left for spring break, like the speaker said, “Smart choices shouldn’t take a vacation too.” National media safety expert Steve Kardian has a passion for keeping young people safe. His program empowers college students with great tips on how to stay safe while letting loose on Spring Break. This year's formal recruitment was extremely successful. September 9 started recruitment, and bid day was on September 12. We altered our skit this year, and these changes produced positive feedback from the girls going through formal recruitment. We met quota which was 29; we were also able to keep two junior/ seniors, and we had two quota additions for a total of 33 new alphas in Alpha Class 10! The bid day theme was "Wish I May, Wish I Might, I Got the Dream I Wished Last Night!" The girls enjoyed this day of games and sweets very much. This year we revealed the big and little sister pairs on bid day, which made all the girls excited to see who would be their big sisters. The recruitment team worked extremely hard over the summer and up until the time of recruitment; their work along with the work of the chapter resulted in getting amazing new members of Alpha Delta Pi. ETSU Orientation Rachel Collins, Recruitment Vice President This summer the ETSU campus had multiple orientations. They organized the Greek life sessions into two-day sessions. The first day of the orientation was a meet-and-greet. All panhellenic sororities attended, and food was provided. This gave the new students a chance to ask questions they may have surrounding becoming involved during their college experience. The participation at these meet and greets increased this summer in comparison to last summer. The increase in interest is exciting because the panhellenic community at ETSU would love to expand. The second day of orientations, all panhellenic sororities were allowed to set up a booth displaying their organization. We were also allowed to have baked goods; we made sugar cookies and decorated them as violets! The cookies were a major hit at all the orientations. During this time, girls could choose which booths to visit and ask particular questions about our particular organization and Greek life in general. These were very informative sessions and a good time to meet potential new members. Because of these summer orientations, the new students at ETSU were familiar with Alpha Delta Pi and helped make our formal recruitment a big success. Rachel Collins, Recruitment Vice President Social Just because Alpha Delta Pi excels in scholarship and service doesn’t mean that we don’t know how to have some fun. Alpha Delta Pi strongly encourages a healthy social life in order to balance out the everyday stresses of college life. Our chapter hosts several mixers, date parties, and sisterhood events along with an informal and formal event each year. Alpha Delta Pi Circus, “Be the FIRST, to see the FINEST in the show, a memory that will last FOREVER...” was the theme for this year’s formal, and the chapter hosted a Mallard Ball themed informal. We Play... Intramurals! Alpha Delta Pi participates in many of ETSU’s intramural sports. This year the chapter has had teams for football, basketball, volleyball and softball. Hear Her Roar, Fall 2010 A L P H A D E L T A Eighth Annual Benefit for local Ronald McDonald House A Great Success! sororities. Recently the chapter participated in ETSU’s Relay for Life with Kappa Delta, presented a Study Skills Workshop for Panhellenic and we especially enjoyed the Panhellenic Pep Rally! We have enjoyed getting to know our Panhellenic sisters at these events. Over $15,000 went to the Southern Appalachian Ronald McDonald House in Johnson City after Alpha Delta Pi’s 8th Annual Benefit & Auction! Special Thanks to the sponsors CopyNet, Holiday Inn and KnoxVegas DJs. Thanks to all the attendees, alumnae and local businesses that made this event a success! For more information about ETSU's sororities: Alpha Delta Pi - www.alphadeltapietsu.org Plan to attend next year’s event on February 26, 2011 at the Carnegie Hotel in Johnson City. If you are interested in purchasing a ticket ($30 each) for the benefit or have new items that you would be willing to donate for the auction, contact Tabitha Bentley at 423-202-8782 or ztdb24@gmail.com. Congratulations College of Pharmacy Congratulations to Ryan Pritchard, who was accepted into ETSU’s College of Pharmacy program this past fall. Building Panhellenic Relationships Alpha Delta Pi considers Panhellenic relationships to be extremely important to our collegiate experience. Gamma Phi has been recognized by ETSU and by the International Organization for our Excellence in Panhellenic Relations. Our chapter consistently provides members to serve in high Panhellenic offices and as recruitment counselors. Gamma Phi hosts workshops with other sororities as well as mixers with other Hear Her Roar, Fall 2010 Alpha Xi Delta - www.etsu.alphaxidelta.org Kappa Delta - www.kd-gammadelta.com Sigma Kappa - www.etsusigmakappa.com Trunk or Treat Sarah Watlington, Philanthropy Chair Every year, the Gamma Phi chapter of Alpha Delta Pi hosts a Trunk or Treat on East Tennessee State University's campus. This year, the event was held on Friday, October 29. The goal of the event is to reach out to children with special needs, giving them an opportunity to have Halloween fun without having to walk around the community. Flyers were passed among all Washington County elementary schools. The children Trick or Treat from car to car playing games along the way. Each car has an individual theme and the Alpha Delta Pi ladies are dressed up to match their theme. As in the years past, this year's event was a major success. We coordinate with the Walnut Street business Trick or Treat day to give children another opportunity to have fun and leave with plenty of candy. We had cars with themes such as princess, cowgirls, 1980's, space, and animals. We had children coming by from the time we began until the event ended. Not only do the children of the community enjoy this event, but it is fun for everyone who attends. Personally, this is one of my favorite philanthropic events that we hold. Every child that comes through always has a smile on their face and it grateful for the event that we hold. It was tons of fun and exciting to see all of the creative costumes! Ironman, cats, Wizard of Oz, and even the Mad Hatter stopped by for candy. Trunk or Treat was a P I great way to give back to the community and having tons of fun along the way! Officers Receive Training at District Leadership Conference Chapter officers and alumnae advisors traveled to Knoxville for the 2010 District Leadership Conference February 12th-14th. ADPi... On the Right Track was the theme for the weekend that included officer specific training with chapter, province and district level advisors as well as general sessions on team building, hazing, sorority history, and alumnae participation. Chapters from Tennessee, Kentucky, North Carolina and South Carolina were in attendance. Congratulations College of Nursing Congratulations to Rachel Collins, Kayla Kelley and Ashley Moore all of whom were recently accepted into ETSU’s College of Nursing program. Other members currently pursuing degrees in the college are Ashley Eaton, Ashley Hood, Elise Jones, Lindsey Linerode, Beth Maloney, Ashley Thayer and Jessica White. Gamma Phi consistently represents itself well in the Student Nursing Association. Ashley Moore is currently serving as President and Kayla Kelley serves as Vice President. 3 A L P H A D E L T A P I Who’s Who in ADPi The principles of scholarship, leadership, sisterhood, and service guide over Alpha Delta Pi members. Who’s Who in ADPi will spotlight members who have demonstrate excellence in these areas. Take this opportunity to learn more about members of Alpha Delta Pi - Meet the Alpha Class of 2010. Andrea Allison Kate Edwards Emilie Hughes Kristen Rose Andrea is a freshman from Bristol, VA. She attended Virginia High School where she participated in swim team, track & field, cheerleading, student council and choir. Kate is a freshman from Boone, NC. She attended Watauga High School where she was cheerleading captain. Emilie is a sophomore from Maryville, TN. She attended Maryville High School where she was Dance Team Captain and participated with Maryville Singers, Drama, Swimming and Diving Team. Emilie is a current member of the ETSU Dance Team. Kristen is a freshman from Bristol, TN. She attended Tennessee High School where was involved in soccer, basketball, Anchor Club, FCA, Vikings Writer Guild and voted Homecoming Queen. Kristen is the 2010 Miss Tennessee Teen USA. Hayley King Rachel Saunders Hayley is a freshman from Sevierville, TN. She attended Farragut High School where she where she was involved in cheerleading, 4-H and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Rachel is a sophomore from Knoxville, TN. She attended Farragut High School where she was active in Pep Club, SADD, the Diamond Club and placed top 20 in the nation for DECA. Rachel was voted Best Dressed by her classmates. Jordan Beard Jordan is a sophomore from Cleveland, TN. She attended Cleveland High School where she was volleyball captain, track & field captain, member of the softball and cheerleading teams and Yearbook Editor. Emily Benfield Emily is a junior from Newland, NC. She attended Avery High School where she was involved in Habitat for Humanity, Interact Club, DECA, National Honor Society and was named a North Carolina Scholar. Jordan Britton Jordan is a freshman from Bluefield, VA. She attended Graham High School where she was the varsity cheerleading captain, tennis team captain, marching band section leader, and student council representative. Kara Brockwell Kara is a freshman from Kingsport, TN. She attended Dobyns-Bennett High School where she was the soccer team captain and involved in the Beta Club and German Club. Emma Brooks Emma is a freshman from Erwin, TN. She attended Unicoi County High School where she cheered, played tennis and was a member of HOSA, FCA and Yearbook staff. Sarah Brown Sarah is a sophomore from Gray, TN. She attended Daniel Boone High School where she ran cross country, played basketball and baseball, and was a member of the Ecology Club and French Club. Chelsey Carter Chelsey is a freshman from Greeneville, TN. She attended West Greene High School where she was involved with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Mara Coakley Mara is a sophomore from Newport, TN. She attended Cocke County High School where she was involved in cheerleading, swim team, Adventure Club and was the 2009 Prom Queen. Morgan Farris Morgan is a freshman from Kingsport, TN. She attended Sullivan South High School where she was Senior Class VP, crowned Junior Princess and voted Miss Sullivan South. Shelby Frye Shelby is a sophomore from Knoxville, TN. She attended Farragut High School where she was involved in Admiral Performance Company, YOKE Youth Ministries and Girls on the Run. Chelsea Gondek Chelsea is a freshman from Cleveland, TN. She attended Walker Valley High School where she was involved in numerous activities including varsity cheerleading, united dance team and Anchor Club. Chelsea is a current ETSU Cheerleader. Chelsea Gregg Chelsea is a freshman from Cleveland, TN. She attended Bradley Central High School where she was involved in varsity cheerleading, student council and the yearbook staff. Alice Gregory Alice is a freshman from Stuart, VA. She attended Patrick County High School where she was captain of the track team, member of the swim team, cheerleader and President of the Girl Scouts. Jenny Hammond Jenny is a freshman from Knoxville, TN. She attended Bearden High School where she was actively involved with Young Life. Logan Herrick Logan is a freshman from Hixson, TN. She attended Notre Dame High School where she was very involved Dance Team Captain, STARS, and Yearbook. Logan graduated with a 4.0 GPA. Caroline G. Martin Caroline is a freshman from Knoxville, TN. She attended Sullivan Central High School where she was involved in Student Government, French Club and Environmental Club. Caroline J. Martin Caroline is a junior from Kingsport, TN. She attended Sullivan South High School where she was a varisty cheerleader and recognized for Who’s Who Among American High School Students and Character Counts Youth Award. Alexa Sexton Alexa is a freshman from Church Hill, TN. She attended Volunteer High School where she was involved in Varsity cheerleading, track, math club, FCA and SHOUT Leadership Program. Dolly Shedden Dolly is a freshman from Rogersville, TN. She attended Volunteer High School where she was very active - Girls State Delegate, Cheerleading Captain, Tennis, Concert Choir, Homecoming Princess and Prom Queen. Kayla Myers Kristen Stakemiller Kayla is a freshman from Knoxville, TN. She attended Grace Christian Academy where she was involved in varsity cheerleading and soccer. Kayla was voted most outgoing and friendliest by her class. Kristen is a junior from Bristol, TN. She attended Tennessee High School where was a cheerleader, ran track, and was involved with Anchor Club and Beta Club. Jessy Owens Rachel Thomas Jessy is a junior from Knoxville, TN. She was involved in high school as a part of the DECA Marketing Club, swim and dive team,Latin Club and FCA. Jessy is part of POLO, Preview and Orientation Leaders, at ETSU. Rachel is a freshman from Kingsport, TN. She attended Sullivan South High School where she was involved in Student Council, FCA, Anchor Club and was President of Cullinary Skills USA and Cheerleading Captain. Lauren Philpott Erika Wild Lauren is a freshman from Hixson, TN. She attended Notre Dame High School where she was dance team captain, baseball manager and participated in student council, young life and the environmental club. Erika is a freshman from Newport, TN. She attended Cocke County High School where she was very involved - Tennis team, Cheerleading, swim team, Beta Club, Vice President of Student Council, Senior Class President, Miss Cocke County, Homecoming Queen. Ericka is an ETSU Roan Scholar. Paige Reed Paige is a freshman from Clarksville, TN. She attended Montgomery Central High School where she was very involved - soccer captain, basketball captain, Student Government, FCA and was Student Athlete of the Year and Homecoming Queen. Sarah Willis Sarah is a freshman from Kingsport, TN. She attended Sullivan South High School where she was part of the volleyball team, dance team, and participated in the National Honor Society, Anchor Club, Key Club and Thespian Society. Sarah graduated with a 4.0 GPA. Alpha Delta Pi members are encouraged to become well-balanced women. Guided by the Creed of Alpha Delta Pi, the four points promote becoming well-balanced through strengthening their own character and personality, watching their attitudes toward others, recognizing the value of high educational standards and developing faith & loyalty. 4 Hear Her Roar, Fall 2010 A L P H A D E L T A P I Class Class is not just something we have, it’s something we go to! This semester we’re showcasing members that achieved a perfect 4.0 GPA for Fall semester 2009 or Spring semester 2010. Amanda Bellner Beth Ann Collins Emily Eisenhower Tiffany Herrick Sarah Himmelreich Ashley Hood Dental Hygiene Education Pre-Optometry Education Chemistry Nursing Jessica Johnson Kayla Kelley Lauren King Ashley Moore Chelsea Muhlhahn Amber Preston Education Nursing Education Nursing Psychology Nursing Ryan Pritchard Emily Roberts Sabrina Satterfield Kendra Sigler Megan Smith Pharmacy Major Education Exercise Science Psychology Hear Her Roar, Fall 2010 5 A FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear Parents, Alumnae, and Sisters, Hello! My name is Lauren King and I have been serving as the President of the Gamma Phi Chapter of Alpha Delta Pi for the last several months. It is truly a privilege to be leading such an amazing group of women into another year here at East Tennessee State University. I could not say enough about the potential and ambition that I see within each of our members every day. It has been a busy, but rewarding semester so far. We raised almost $17,000 at our 8th Annual Ronald McDonald House Benefit and Auction held on February 27th. It was a successful event and we had a great time getting to visit with our family, friends, and alumni. We also hosted a campus wide workshop, in which we brought in Steve Kardian from Campuspeak, Inc. to give a presentation titled “Reducing the Odds on Spring Break.” It was both an eye-opening and informative seminar. Whether it is recruitment practices, cooking for the Ronald McDonald House, or an intramural sports game, there is always something going on in Gamma Phi. We are excited to continue on in the tradition of being the First and Finest on campus and we appreciate your support! If you have any questions or comments always feel free to contact me by email, kingy1689@yahoo.com, or phone (423) 943-9006. Loyally, Lauren King L P H A D E L T A Hood, Satterfield recognized as Dorothy Shaw Runner Ups The Dorothy Shaw Leadership Award is the highest honor given to a collegiate member of Alpha Delta Pi. The award is named for Dorothy Pierpont Shaw, Rho Chapter, Boston University. She served from 1920-1931 as Alumnae Secretary, Registrar, Historian, Province President, and Convention Manager. She also published the first national membership directory for Alpha Delta Pi. At the 2010 summer Leadership Seminar, Ashley Hood and Sabrina Satterfield were named as runner ups of the Dorothy Shaw Leadership Award. Ashley served as the chapters Formal Recruitment Chair and Panhellenic Vice President of Membership; Sabrina was the Recruitment Vice President and President. Muhlhahn recognized as Ruth Pretty Palmer Recipient The Ruth Pretty Palmer Panhellenic Award was established in 1996 to honor individual collegiate and alumnae members for leadership and exceptional service to College and Alumnae Panhellenics. This award is named in memory of Ruth Pretty Palmer, Sigma, who served on the Alpha Delta Pi NPC Delegation for sixteen years. At the 2010 summer Leadership Seminar, Chelsea Muhlhahn was named as a recipient of the Ruth Pretty Palmer Panhellenic Award. Chelsea serves as the chapters Finance Vice President as well as a member of the Panhellenic Exec Board in the role of Executive Vice President. She’s also scheduled to serve as a host at SEPC in the spring. Thanks Alumnae! Alumnae support Gamma Phi in numerous ways. Aside from the active alumnae advisors, the alumnae association co-hosts the annual Ronald McDonald House Benefit & Auction, hosts meals during formal recruitment, host a meal and present new members with gifts at initiation, host Pies with the Pi’s at Chapter Retreat, conduct Jewel Degree for graduating seniors, and so much more. Mother’s Club Parents are an essential part of what makes the Greek experience great and what better way to support your daughter than by joining a Parents’ Club for your daughter’s chapter. 6 P I The Gamma Phi Mother’s Club provides tangible and monetary support to the chapter. They have provided resources for Gamma Phi, which we would not have been able to provide for ourselves. This is also a great way to meet other parents of members and form wonderful friendships. Remember, you do not have to be an Alpha Delta Pi to be a member of the Parents’ Club. The Mother’s Club has helped the chapter with many activities in past couple years including: Summer House Party, Christmas Party, Senior Send Off, recruitment practices, Spring House Party, Spring Recruitment, Food for Finals. The chapter is very thankful for the continued parent participation. The Gamma Phi Mother's Club enjoyed celebrating Christmas with our girls at the King home in Johnson City before Christmas break. The girls had a fun scarf exchange, lots of food, a candle passing to celebrate the engagement of Courtney Baker, and Senior send-off for five graduating Seniors. What a busy and fun night! Thanks to all you moms for your donations of food, drinks, and money to make this special night possible! New copresidents were elected for the 2010-2011 year. They are: Rhonda Watlington, Lisa Rowland, and Michele King. It took three of us to fill Sandy Satterfield's lovely shoes! We miss you, Sandy! For finals week we served the girls delicious soups and desserts in their new suite, and gave them goodie bags to help with the study munchies! We had a delightful mother/daughter lunch at Amigos restaurant the day of the Ronald McDonald Benefit. Then we all enjoyed an evening of bidding, eating and dancing at the Holiday Inn as the girls did a great job on this year's benefit! Way to go girls! Our next event will be to supply lunch for the girls at Spring House party at the CPA on Saturday, March 27th. We plan to provide salads, drinks,and desserts. Any food and/or donations will be appreciated! Make checks to Gamma Phi Mother's Club and mail to Janie Childress at 1013 Nottingham Court, Kingsport, TN 37660. We are so proud of all our girls and the Moms Club is a great way to be involved! Upcoming: Senior Send off Summer House Party (dates, times, and location to be announced) Our next meeting is Tuesday, April 6th at 6:30pm at Bob Evan's Restaurant off the Boones' Creek exit in Johnson City. Hope to see you there! Hear Her Roar, Fall 2010 A L P H A D E L T A P I Total Membership Education - Special Thanks to Our Alumnae Gamma Phi conducted five workshops this fall including a “Loyalty Workshop- Ritual and Our Past: Celebrating Successful Sisters” where Gamma Phi’s very first president, Helen Howell Zeller, spoke to the chapter and shared how Alpha Delta Pi is still a part of her life. Bid Day and Diamond Sister Reveal were held at Alumna Ashley Grindstaff’s house in Johnson City, TN. Chapter retreat was moved indoors to the ADPi Hall in Lucielle Clement Dorm which couldn’t have been a bigger hit. Our workshops included: Stress Management- where members learned how to deal with stress and avoid it; Nutrition Workshop- members learned how to eat healthy on a college budget and lifestyle; Confessions of a Shopaholic- a budget management workshop where members learned cute and cheap Christmas gifts; Breast Cancer Awareness- this campus wide workshop was held in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, presented by Gamma Phi Alumna Dr. Marcia Sentell where attendees learned risk factors, early detection, and had the opportunity to win door prizes; and the Loyalty Workshop “Ritual and Our Past: Celebrating Successful Sisters”, where we learned about notable Gamma Phi sisters, went even more in depth about our rituals and traditions, and heard from Gamma Phi’s first president, Helen Howell Zeller from Alpha Class 1954. Hear Her Roar Executive Board We would like to recognize our 2009 President, Sabrina Satterfield Prosser for two reasons: First to congratulate her on the incredible accomplishment of maintaining a perfect 4.0 GPA throughout her undergraduate career. Sabrina received her bachelors degree from the College of Education in December 2009. In June 2010, Sabrina celebrated her wedding to Chad Prosser, a Citadel graduate and Lieutenant in the United States Army. We are proud of you Sabrina! Lauren King — President Brittany Watson — Executive VP Rachel Collins — Recruitment VP Molly Jones — Membership Education VP Chelsea Muhlhahn — Finance VP Alicia Henson — Panhellenic Delegate Jill Childress — Director of Social Enrichment Sadie Trammell —Director of Standards & Ethics Alumnae Membership on the Executive Board include: Susan McClellan - Chapter Advisor, Jenny Dyer - Recruitment Advisor, Asheigh Whitley - Total Membership Education Advisor, Amy Wooten - Finance Advisor, Janet Mitchell- Standards Advisor, Laura Cusick - Social Advisor, Lorelei Yowell - New Member, Ashley Grindstaff - Alumnae Relations, Bailey Garrett - Panhellenic, Brittany Reece - Philanthropy, Whitney Sangid - Ronald McDonald House Relations. Hear Her Roar, Fall 2010 7 A L P H A D E L T A P I - excerpt from The Creed of Alpha Delta Pi About Hear Her Roar About Alpha Delta Pi About Our Chapter Hear Her Roar is a civic publication of the Gamma Phi Chapter of Alpha Delta Pi Sorority. Its purpose is to inform Alpha Delta Pi alumnae, parents, and the ETSU Community of the important developments and accomplishments of active and alumnae members of the chapter. An online version can be found in the News & Events section on www.alphadeltapietsu.org. The story begins in 1851 at Wesleyan Female College in Macon, Georgia, where six incredible women changed the world. Led by Eugenia Tucker Fitzgerald, our founders formed The Adelphean Society for “the mental, moral, social, and domestic improvement of its members.” The Adelphean Society, later renamed Alpha Delta Pi, was the first secret society for college women. The Gamma Phi Chapter of Alpha Delta Pi Sorority was established at East Tennessee State University on November 13, 1954. As the first sorority at East Tennessee State, Alpha Delta Pi has enjoyed a reputation as one of the premier campus organizations for women for 55 years and currently boasts a membership of over 1100 sisters. Alpha Delta Pi Issue No 3 - Fall 2010
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