Tsubaki Ditch Witch Catalogue
Tsubaki Ditch Witch Catalogue
Tr e n c h e r P a r t s DitchWitch ® Chains Cutting Teeth Sprockets Bearings Carbide Teeth Anoka, Minnesota Atlanta, Georgia Santa Fe Springs, California Centralized Customer Service: 800/328-2424 w w w . b a l l a n t i n e i n c . c o m Faster Service Better Quality Lower Prices Replacement Parts for ® DitchWitch Effective 9/13 Replacement Parts for Ditch Witch® Trenchers Ditch Witch® is a registered trademark of The Charles Machine Works, Perry, OK. Ordering Instructions All credit accounts must be approved by our Anoka, Minnesota office. Please order by part number and give the make and model of your machine. The enclosed parts and price list supersedes all others. (Prices are subject to change without notice.) You may order from the office which is most convenient for you. Main Office 840 McKinley Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 Branch Office 675 Wesleyan Drive Southwest Atlanta, Georgia 30336 Toll Free Customer Service Toll Free 800-328-2424 FAX 763-427-2277 Branch Office 9647 Santa Fe Springs Rd Santa Fe Springs, California 90670 Trencher Chain, Base Plates and Cutters for the Ditch Witch HT220 Track Machine Are Also Available From Ballantine, Inc. ® Ballantine Provides Digging Systems Designed for Large Track Trenchers in All Ground Conditions Throughout the World. Take Advantage of Ballantine’s Superior Quality Products and Our 50 Years of Expertise in the Trenching Industry. Index Index Page 1 Trencher Chain Identification Sheet Page 2 Chain Assembly Guide Page 3 Chain Assembly Configurations Page 4 Smart Part Numbering System Page 5 Chains for Walk Along Models Page 6 Model(s): M, M422 Series. Drive Parts Page 7 Model(s): M Series, 1410, 1420, 1500, 1810, 1620, 350SX, 400SX, 2020. Boom, Auger & Drive Parts Page 8-9 Model(s): C-7, C-9, C77, C99, 350SX. Boom & Drive Parts Page 10 Model(s): M Series, C Series, J-20, 1410, 1420, 1500, 1810. Teeth & Accessories Page 11-12 Model(s): M Series, C Series, 350SX, 400SX, 1010, 1020, 1030, 1210, 1220, 1230, 1330, 1410, 1420, 1620, 1810, 1820, 2020, 2200. Chain, Teeth & Accessories Page 13 Model(s): 1010, 1020, 1030, 1210, 1220, 1230, 1330, 1410, 1420, 1610, 1620, 1810, 1820, 2020. Roller Booms, Sprockets, Rollers & Bearings Page 14 Model(s): 1030, 1210, 1220, 1230, 1330, 1410, 1420, 1610, 1620, 1810, 1820, 2020. Roller Booms, Sprockets & Roller Page 15 Model(s): J20, 2200, 2300, 2310, 3610, RT36 & Attachments H311, H312. Boom Parts Page 16-17 Model(s): 2200, RT36. Boom, Sprockets, Bearings & Belts Page 18 Chains for Mid-Size Riding Trenchers Page 19 Model(s): 2200, 2300, 2310, 3610, RT36 & Attachments H311, H312. Sprocket Style Booms, Sprockets & Bearings Page 20 Model(s): 2300, 2310, 3500, 3610, 3700, 4500 & Attachments H300 Series, H313 & H314. Roller Booms, Sprockets & Roller Page 21 Model(s): 2300, 2310, 3500, 3610, 3700, 4500 & Attachments H300 Series, H314, H514, H515, H552. Roller Booms, Sprockets & Roller Page 22 Model(s): J20, 2200, 2300, 2310, 3500, 3610, 3700, RT36 & Attachments H300 Series, H500 Series. Teeth & Accessories Page 23-24 Model(s): V30, R30, 3210. Booms, Sprockets, Bearings & Belts Page 25-26 Model(s): V30, R30, 3210, 3500, 3610, 3700, 4500. Chain, Teeth & Accessories Page 27-29 Model(s): 3610, RT36, R40, 4010 & Attachments H300 Series, H500 Series, A/H 400, A/H 500 using 2" Pitch Chain. Boom Sprockets, Bearings, Auger Shafts & Accessories Page 30-31 Model(s): R40, 3210, 3500, 3700, 4010, 4500, RT36, RT40. Teeth & Accessories Page 32-33 Model(s): J20, 2200, 2300, 2310, 3500, 3700, V30, R30, R40, 3210, 3610, 4010, 4500. Chain & Accessories Continued on Page ii… Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page i Index Page 34 Chains for Large Riding Trenchers Page 35-36 Model(s): R30, R40, 3210, 4010 & Attachments H300, A/H400, A/H500. Boom Sprockets, Bearings, Augers & Accessories Page 37 Model(s): A/H500, A615, 510A. Sprockets, Rollers, Bearings, Augers & Accessories for Alligator Boom Page 38-39 Model(s): R40, 4010, R60, R65, 5010, RT55, 5110, 6510, 7510, RT75, 7610, 8020, RT95, RT115, & Attachments A/H400, A/H500, H700. Chain, Teeth & Accessories Page 40 Model(s): R60, R65, 5010, 5110, RT55, 6510, 7510, RT75, 7610, 8020, RT95, RT115, A/H400, A/H500, H700. Anti-Back Flex Chain Page 41 Model(s): R40, R60, R65, 4010, 5010, 6510, 7510, 7610, 8020, & Attachments A/H400, A/H500, H700. Boom Parts, Sprockets, Bearings & Accessories Page 42 Model(s): R40, R60, R65, 4010, 5010, 6510, 7510, 8020, & Attachments A/H400, A/H500, H700. Auger Parts & Accessories Page 43-44 Model(s): R40, R60, R65, 4010, 5010, 6510, 7510, 7610, 8020 & Attachments A/H400, A/H500, H700. Drive Sprocket Head Shaft & Components Page 45-46 Chain & Accessories for Ultra Heavy-Duty Trench-ALL® 3110 Page 47 Model(s): R100 & AR12, RT115. Chain Page 48 Model(s): R100, AR12. Chain, Teeth & Adapters Page 49 Model(s): R100, AR12. Boom Sprocket, Auger Sprockets, Drive Sprockets & Accessories Page 50-52 Chain & Accessories for Ultra Heavy-Duty Trench-ALL® 4086 Page 53 Rock & Frost Section Page 54 Chain, Teeth & Adapters for Terminator®, Alligator, Rock & Frost Walk Along Trenchers Page 55-56 Model(s): V30, R30, 2300, 2200, 2310, R40, J20, 3500, 3610, 3700, R40, 4500, 4010. Terminator®, Alligator, and Rock & Frost Chain, Teeth & Adapters Page 57-58 Model(s): V30, R30, 2300, 2310, R40, 4010, 5010, 3500, 2200, 3610, 3700, 4500. Terminator®, Alligator and Rock & Frost Anti-Back Flex Chain, Teeth & Adapters Page 59-60 Model(s): R60, R65, R6510, R40, 4010, 5010, 7510, 7610, 8020. Terminator®, Alligator and Rock & Frost Chain, Teeth & Adapters Page 61 Model(s): R60, R65, R6510, R40, 4010, 5010, 7510, 7610, 8020 & Attachments A/H500, A/H700. Terminator®, Alligator and Rock & Frost Anti-Back Flex Chain, Teeth & Adapters Page 62-63 Rock & Frost Chain, Teeth and Adapters for TA3110 Ultra Heavy-Duty Chain Page 64 Rock & Frost Chain, Teeth and Adapters for R100, AR12, R150 Page 65-67 Rock & Frost TA4086 Chain, Teeth and Adapters for R100, AR12, R150 Page 68 Roller Chain Section B a l l a n t i n e , I n c . • D i t c h W i t c h ® R e p l a c e m e n t P a r t s • P a g e ii Trencher Chain Identification Sheet Make of Machine: _____________________________________ Model:_______________________ Measure Pitch Size (Center of Pin to Center of Next Pin) 1.654" 2.000" 2.043" 2.609" 2.648" 3.067" 3.075" 3.110" 3.125" 3.250" 4.000" 4.500" ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Every 4th Pitch Anti-Backflex Chain Every 2nd Pitch K-Style Chain To determine the amount of pitches in a chain, count how many pins it has. The example below has 20 pins, meaning it is 20 pitches long. Left-hand cutter Right-hand Cutter * Auburn Cutters are the Opposite Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 1 Chain Assembly Guide GROUND CONDITIONS/APPLICATION CHAIN ASSEMBLY OPTIONS Heavy/Wet Sandy Loose Dirt Medium Hard Rocky Cup Assembly/4 pitch Cup Assembly/2 pitch Combo/Terminator-Cup Combo/Rock & Frost-Cup Full Terminator (bolt-on) Full Rock & Frost (bolt-on) LP Welded Terminator LP Welded Alligator LP Welded H-Plate Anti Back–Flex Chains Recommended as an upgrade to any of the chain assemblies listed. ABF Chains are designed for more severe ground conditions. This chart shows the most popular styles of chain assemblies and recommended guidelines as to their usage. Only basic catagories of ground conditions are shown. These are recommendations only. Please consult a Ballantine representative when matching chain assemblies with specific ground conditions or any special application requirements. Key: Not Recommended Recommended Best Parts for earlier models, not listed in this catalog are also available. Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 2 Chain Assembly Configurations Cup Assembly – 4 Pitch Cup Assembly – 2 Pitch Combo/Terminator – Cup Combo/Rock & Frost Cup Full Terminator Full Rock & Frost LP Welded Alligator LP Welded H-Plate LP Welded Terminator Anti Back-Flex Chains Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 3 Ballantine, Inc. Smart Part Numbering System for Chain Assemblies Ballantine's smart part numbering system has been developed to allow people to easily identify the various chain assemblies that are available and what suits specific applications. The diagram below explains what each section of the part number means. B 20002 00 B 25 Number of Stations (Tooth attaching points) Chain Size (see chart below) Digging Width in inches B = Ballantine TA = Trench All® AL = Alligator SH = Terminator® Welded D = Ditch Witch® teeth (1.654" only) C = Case teeth® (1.654" only) M = Melroe®/Bobcat®/Burkeen® teeth (1.654" only) V = Vermeer® teeth (1.654" only) T = Terminator® Bolt on the side Assembly Configuration B = Bare Chain C = Cup Assembly R = Rock & Frost M = Mixed (Rock & Frost and Cup Teeth) H = H-Plate V = Alligator (.735) D = Alligator (.765) G = Ground breaker mixed chain Ditch Witch® Chain Size Chart TA1654-4 1.654" Pitch every 4th chain (34,000 lb. T.S.) TA1654-2 1.654" Pitch ABF chain (34,000 lb. T.S.) TA1654HD-2 1.654" Pitch Heavy Duty ABF chain (38,000 lb. T.S.) 2-4 2.00" Pitch every 4th chain (50,000 lb. T.S.) 2ABF-2 2.00" Pitch ABF chain (50,000 lb. T.S.) 3067HD-2 3.067" Pitch Heavy Duty chain (110,000 lb. T.S.) 3067LD-2 3.067" Pitch Light Duty chain (70,000 lb. T.S.) 3067ABF-2 3.067" Pitch ABF chain (110,000 lb. T.S.) 3067-4 3.067" Pitch every 4th chain (110,000 lb. T.S.) TA3110-2 3.110" Pitch Trench All chain (165,000 lb. T.S.) TA4086-2 4.086" Pitch Trench All chain (225,000 lb. T.S.) 450-2 4.500" Pitch R100 style chain (150,000 lb. T.S.) Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 4 Chains for Ditch Witch® Walk Along Models 1 2 3 Ref No. Part No. 1 2 3 Note: TA1654-4 TA1654-2 TA1654HD-2 Description 1.654" Pitch Chain every 4th 1.654" Pitch Chain ABF 1.654" Pitch Chain Heavy Duty ABF Weight (lbs) 34,000 T.S. 34,000 T.S. 38,000 T.S. The Trench-All® Chain lines are specifically engineered for today’s higher horsepower trenchers and their roller style booms. All Trench-All® Chains are ultra heavy duty anti back-flex chains with raised rivet design. Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 5 Drive Parts for Models M & M422 Series Trenchers 1 19 2 5 3 6 9 14 10 15 11 16 18 4 7 21 8 Ref No. Part No. 1 N/S 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 N/S 14 N/S 15 16 17 N/S 18 19 20 21 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 165-415 165-416 165-944 105-067 105-065 180-031 180-037 155-802 110-003 125-204 125-203 125-205 115-454 180-035 180-036 180-032 105-461 105-331 105-330 115-465 105-704 140-702 145-047 105-352 140-038 12 20 13 17 Description Weight (lbs) Head Shaft, 8" Pivot - 31" Long Head Shaft, 12" Pivot - 341⁄2" Long Key (1⁄4" x 13⁄4") Bolt (1⁄2" N.C. x 23⁄4") Nut Lock 1⁄2" N.C. Dirt Shield Spacer Seal Seal Bearing Shield Cone Bearing Cone Bearing W/ Seal Bearing Cup Retaining Ring 8" Pivot Spacer 12" Pivot Spacer Spacer Tang Washer Lock Washer Adjusting Nut. Retaining Ring 5⁄16" Set Screws Drive Sprocket, 13⁄8" Bore Auger Adjusting Screw Adjusting Block 13 15 .10 .06 .06 .1 .2 .0 .06 .19 .44 .19 .06 1.5 3.5 .1 .06 .06 .2 .06 .06 4 25 .63 1.5 Adjusting Miscellaneous Parts (not shown) for Model M Part No. B B B B B B B B B 140-718* 140-720* 125-010 155-814 155-815 165-320 165-321 170-002 170-005 Description Weight (lbs) 11⁄8” Sprocket Head Shaft Bore (M3 - M389) Sprocket Head Shaft 11⁄4” Bore (M3 - 22 or M329) Drive Shaft Bearing (M2, M3) Head Shaft Seal (M3, M389) Dust & Dirt Seal (M3 - M389) Head Shaft Drive - 8” Pivot (M3 or M389) Head Shaft Drive - 12” Pivot (M3 or M329) V Belt Set (3) (Model M3) V Belt Set (3) (Model M) 4.5 2.5 .7 .05 .1 8.65 12 2.2 3 * Measure bore size. Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 6 Boom, Auger and Drive Parts for Ditch Witch® Models M Series, 1410, 1420, 1500, 1810, 1620, 350SX, 400SX & Model 2020 using Sprocket Boom 4 2 1 7 5 8 6 10 11 9 13 12 14 17 16 Ref No. Part No. 1 2 3 4 N/S 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 N/S 12 13 14 N/S 15 16 N/S 17 N/S 18 N/S 18 15 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 105-352 140-038 105-515 140-551 140-552 180-445 140-775 140-759 115-464 115-554 140-028 140-712 140-653 105-379 125-009 140-051 140-060 142-006 181-361 184-017 145-204 145-183 140-703 130-124 Description Square Head Set Screw Boom Adj. Block Cotter Pin (3⁄16" x 3") Boom Extension, 1' Boom Extension, 2' Sq. Idler Shaft Dirt Shield (2 Required) Boom End Slide & Stop, Less Sprocket Retaining Ring Boom Spring Sleeve, Boom Idler, Sprocket Sprocket Assembly (includes ref. #’s 11, 8, 14, 6) Bolt (3⁄4" NC x 11⁄4") Idler Sprocket, Bearing Boom without Sprocket Assembly Boom Complete with Slide & Stop, 2 Sprockets Split Sprocket (142-039) Hub for 1410/1420 Hub for 1620 Auger – 1410 & 1420 Only Auger – 1810 Only Drive Sprocket (1410, 1420, 1810 & 1500) Drive Chain 1420 #50-92p (not shown) Weight (lbs) .63 1.5 .06 11 16 .2 .25 11.07 .06 1.15 .39 6.5 7.85 .9 1.5 21.53 54 6.18 5 5 27.90 4.2 3.36 Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 7 Boom and Drive Parts for Ditch Witch® Models C-7, C-9, C77, C99 & 350SX 1 14 2 4 3 5 6 11 Ref No. Part No. 1 N/S 2 N/S 3 N/S 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 140-088 140-090 140-499 140-498 140-712 140-653 140-770 115-553 115-001 140-775 125-009 115-464 180-445 105-379 105-372 140-794 105-352 10 12 7 8 9 13 Description Boom Assembly (Less Sprocket) Boom Assembly (With Sprocket) Boom Only Boom Assembly Sprocket Sprocket Assembly (includes ref. #’s 2, 6, 7, 8) Slide & Stop Boom End Spring Zerk Fitting (1⁄8" NPT Str) Washer, Shield Bearing, Idler Sprocket Snap Ring, Idler Sprocket Idler Shaft Bolt (3⁄4" x 11⁄4") Lock Nut (3⁄4") Boom End Square Head Set Screw Weight (lbs) 17 26 6.5 7.5 6.5 .63 .06 .25 1.5 .06 1 .19 .10 7.6 .63 Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 8 Boom and Drive Parts for Ditch Witch® Models C-7, C-9, C77, C99 & 350SX, continued 17 15 16 21 31 18 22 19 23 26 25 20 24 32 27 29 28 30 Ref No. Part No. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 NS NS NS B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 145-099 115-465 140-703 110-003 155-802 125-204 125-203 125-205 180-037 180-031 115-657 170-033 130-006 130-008 130-001 130-002 140-028 105-047 170-006 170-001 105-146 Description Auger Snap Ring Drive Sprocket 13⁄8" Bore Machinery Bushing Seal Bearing Bearing Race Seal Cover Dirt Shield Urethane Washer Belt Set (3 Belts) Drive Chain (101 P) #40RC Drive Chain (103 P) #40 RC Connector Link Offset Link Boom Sleeve Locknut (3⁄8") Belt Set, C49 - Steel Cable (2) Belt Set, (2) Models (C2, C3, C4, C49) Bolt (3⁄8" NC x 21⁄4") Weight (lbs) 15 .06 4.2 .10 .10 .19 .44 .19 .2 .1 .06 2.75 1.75 2 .09 .02 .5 .06 1.5 1 .06 Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 9 Teeth and Accessories for Ditch Witch® Trencher Models M Series, C Series, J-20, 1410, 1420, 1500, & 1810 using 1" Hole Spacing on side bars for cutters 23 20 21 24 22 Replacement Drive Shaft for Ditch Witch® Models C7, C9, C77 & C99 Ref No. Part No. 22 23 24 N/S B B B B 165-443 105-330 105-331 105-461 Description Head Shaft (Replaces # B 165-382) Nut (1-3/8" NF) (Replaces # B 105-380) Lockwasher (1-3/8" NF) (Replaces # B 105-381) Tang Washer - Not Shown Weight (lbs) 11 .25 .06 .06 Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 10 Chain, Teeth and Accessories for Ditch Witch® Models M Series, C Series, 350SX, 400SX, 1010, 1020, 1030, 1210, 1220, 1230, 1330, 1410, 1420, 1620, 1810, 1820, 2020 & 2200 (1.654" Pitch Chain with 13⁄4" Side Bar Hole Spacing) 1 19 9 10 12 7 6 16 20 18 13 14 24 11 26 29 17 15 21 8 Ref No. Part No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 TA1654-4 B 136-024 B 136-025 B 1010CCL B 1010CCR B 105-047 38LW B 105-099 B 136-028 B 135-320 B 105-098 6576368 B 105-162 B 105-183 B 105-052 B 136-027 B 136-029 B 105-075 B 137-001 B 137-007 B 137-003 Description 1.654" Pitch every 4th Tooth RH Tooth LH Tooth LH (MTO Only) Tooth RH (MTO Only) Locknut (3⁄8") Lockwasher (3⁄8") Bolt (3⁄8" x 7⁄8") Tooth Spacer (3⁄8" x 1") Tubular Spacer (outside) (181-650) Bolt (3⁄8" x 3") Tubular Spacer (cup-cutter, inside) (181-651) Bolt (3⁄8" x 21⁄4") Bolt (3⁄8" x 21⁄2") (709-915) Bolt (3⁄8" x 11⁄4") 5" Flat Spacer Tooth Spacer (1" sq) Bolt (3⁄8" x 2") Conn Pin Key Roller Link Weight (lbs) 34K T.S. .55 .55 .55 .55 .02 .05 .06 .25 .1 .06 .06 .06 .06 .06 .75 .06 .10 .01 .24 continued on next page Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 11 Chain, Teeth and Accessories for Ditch Witch® Models M Series, C Series, 350SX, 400SX, 1010, 1020, 1030, 1210, 1220, 1230, 1330, 1410, 1420, 1620, 1810, 1820, 2020 & 2200, continued (1.654" Pitch Chain with 13⁄4" Side Bar Hole Spacing) 22 32 30 31 25 23 5 2 3 28 Ref No. Part No. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 B 137-015 B 137-014 B 136-047 B 500-003 B 136-048 B 105-258 1010GBL 1010GBR B 105-022 B 137-002H TA1654-4CL B 136-049 4 Smart Pt. No. Description B1370200B26 B1370200B08 Chain (7' 2") 2 pitch spacing Chain (2' 2") 2 pitch spacing Adapter for 8" cut Bolt (3⁄8" x 23⁄4") (for 8" adapter) Adapter 10" cut Bolt (3⁄8" x 33⁄4") (for 10" adapter) Ground Breaker L.H. Ground Breaker R.H. Bolt (3⁄8" x 4") Conn Link Double Standard Conn Link Single Standard Adapter 12" cut 27 Weight (lbs) 11.52 35.30 2.35 .06 3.05 .06 .75 .75 .07 1.4 1.1 4.25 Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 12 Roller Booms, Sprockets, Rollers, and Bearings for Ditch Witch® Models 1010, 1020, 1030, 1210, 1220, 1230, 1330, 1410, 1420, 1610, 1620, 1810, 1820 & 2020 1 5 4 10 9 2 15 6 12 11 8 3 17 13 16 7 14 20 19 18 21 Ref No. Part No. 1 N/S 2 N/S 3 N/S 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 N/S 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 140-488 140-487 140-534 140-533 143-096 143-093 105-300 105-310 106-033 105-352 106-034 110-054 184-037 115-464 125-009 142-755 142-754 183-469 105-379 165-985 165-923 145-265 145-271 145-309 140-703 Description 24" Roller Boom Only (U-Bracket) 24" Boom Assembly with Roller (U-Bracket) 24" Roller Boom Only (Flat Back) (140-550) 24" Boom Assembly with roller (Flat Back) 30" Roller Boom Only 30" Boom Assembly with Roller Bolt (1⁄2" X 31⁄4") 3⁄4" Jam Nut 1" Jam Nut Set Screw (3⁄4" X 5") Screw Set (1" x 6") Machinery Bushing Machinery Bushing (1⁄8" thick) Snap Ring Bearing Roller Only Roller Assembly with Bearing Idler Shaft Bolt (3⁄4" X 11⁄4") Key (1⁄4" sq x 21⁄4" long) Key (1⁄4" sq x 2" long) Auger Auger (Long–41⁄2" Collar) Outboard Bearing Auger (Not for model 1820) Drive Sprocket Weight (lbs) 35 42.1 30 42 .21 .06 .07 .10 .2 .06 .1 .06 1.50 7.8 12.65 .9 .9 .03 .03 13.55 4.2 Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 13 Roller Booms, Sprockets, and Roller for Ditch Witch® Models 1030, 1210, 1220, 1230, 1330, 1410, 1420, 1610, 1620, 1810, 1820, & 2020 1 3 5 4 6 2 7 8 10 15 12 13 9 11 14 Ref No. Part No. Description Pg.14 N/S 1 N/S N/S N/S 2 N/S 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 N/S 12 13 14 15 N/S Roller Boom, 30" (Boom Only) Roller Boom Assembly , 30" Roller Boom 36" (Boom Only) Roller Boom Assembly 36" Roller Boom 48" (Boom Only) Roller Boom Assy 48" Roller Only Roller Assembly (brg. Snap Ring, Washer) Machinery Bushing Machinery Bushing (1⁄8" thick) Bearing Snap Ring Sq. Idler Shaft Bolt Adjusting Screw (1" X 6" n.c) Nut (1" n.c.) Sprocket, Split (Not for model 1820) Sprocket, Split Hub Sprocket Hub (184-205) (1620) Drive Sprocket Key Hex Drive Sprocket (2020) B 143-096 B 143-093 B 140-519 B 140-518 B 140-527 B 140-531 B 142-755 B 142-754 B 110-054 B 184-037 B 125-009 B 115-464 B 180-445 B 105-379 B 106-034 B 106-033 B 142-006 B 142-039 B181-361 B 184-017 B 140-703 B 165-923 B 142-023 Weight (lbs) 47 60.50 80 7.8 12.65 .06 .1 1.5 .06 .75 .19 1.3 .15 6.18 6.25 4.2 .03 Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 14 Boom Parts for Ditch Witch® Models J20, 2200, 2300, 2310, 3610, RT36 & Attachments H311, H312 1 3 2 8 12 5 4 6 10 7 15 11 16 14 9 17 13 Ref No. Part No. 1 2 3 4 N/S 5 N/S 6 7 8 9 N/S N/S 10 11 12 13 N/S 14 15 16 N/S N/S 17 N/S B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 140-759 105-379 180-445 140-712 140-653 140-711 140-652 125-009 140-775 115-464 140-062 140-061 140-057 115-001 140-028 115-554 140-551 140-552 140-038 105-352 140-701 140-721 170-020 170-061 140-007 Description Boom End Slide & Stop, Less Sprocket Bolt (3⁄4" x 11⁄4") Sq. Idler Shaft Idler Sprocket, 12 Tooth - 1.654" Std. Chain Std. Sprocket Assembly, 12 Tooth - 1.654" Std. Chain Idler Sprocket, 9 Tooth - 2" H.D. Chain H.D. Sprocket Assembly, 9 Tooth -2" H.D. Chain Square Hole Bearing Dirt Shield Retaining Ring Digging Boom, Without Sprockets Digging Boom Assy. with 3 Sprockets - Std. 1.654" Digging Boom Assy. with 3 Sprockets - 2" H.D. Straight Zerk 1⁄8" NPT Urethane Boom Sleeve Digging Boom Spring 1' Digging Boom Extension 2' Digging Boom Extension Boom Adjusting Block Set Screws Boom Adjustment Head Shaft Drive Sprocket - 1.654" Std. Head Shaft Drive Sprocket - 2" H.D. Chain V Belt Set V Belt Set Boom Gussets Weight (lbs) 12 .3 1 6.5 8 7 9 1.5 1 .06 34 74 71 .01 .4 1.2 11 16 1 .63 5 5.5 2 2 7 Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 15 Boom, Sprockets, Bearings and Belts for Ditch Witch® Model 2200, RT36 1 2 6 3 7 5 4 9 8 10 12 11 Ref No. Part No. 1 N/S N/S 2 3 4 N/S 5 N/S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 N/S B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 140-242 140-240 140-241 140-013 115-557 140-712 140-653 140-711 140-652 115-464 140-775 125-009 180-445 105-379 140-763 140-583 140-588 140-585 13 Description Boom, Less Sprockets Boom Assy. (1.654" Pitch Small Sprockets) Boom Assembly (2" Pitch Large Sprockets) Boom Sleeve Boom Spring Sprocket (1.654" Pitch) Sprocket Assembly (1.654" Pitch) Sprocket (2" Pitch) Sprocket Assembly (2" Pitch) Snap Ring Dirt Shield Sq. Hole Bearing Sq. Shaft Bolts (3⁄4" X 11⁄4") Boom End Boom Ext. (1') With 1.654" Sprockets Boom Ext. (1') With 2" Sprocket Boom Ext. (2') Use With Both Sprockets Weight (lbs) 44 81 86 .5 2.26 6.5 7.8 7 7.5 .06 .25 1.5 1 .19 16 24 23 34 continued on next page Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 16 Boom, Sprockets, Bearings and Belts for Ditch Witch® Model 2200 & RT36, continued 16 15 23 17 18 20 19 14 26 21 24 22 25 Ref No. Part No. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 B B B B B B B B B B B B B 105-265 142-005 140-701 181-267 180-028 155-704 180-026 155-801 170-028 145-173 170-061 167-003 165-901 Description Bolt (for Split Sprocket) Head Shaft Sprocket (Split 2" Pitch) Head Shaft Sprocket (1.654" Pitch) Hub For Split Sprocket Seal Spacer O Ring Fiber Spacer Seal Belt Set Auger Belt Set (3) Headshaft With Races & Sleeves Key Weight (lbs) .13 4.5) 7.65 3 1.45 .01 .01 .2 1.10 23.5 1.78 24.9 .03 Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 17 Chains for Ditch Witch® Mid-Size Riding Trenchers 1 2 Ref No. Part No. 1 1 2 2 B B B B 135-214 135-212 137-215 137-216 Smart Pt. No. Description B2000400B18 B2000400B06 B2ABF00B36 B2ABF00B12 Chain, 72P, 4 Chain, 24P, 4 Chain, 72P, 2 Chain, 24P, 2 pitch pitch pitch pitch Weight (lbs) spacing (bare) spacing (bare) spacing, anti back flex, (bare) spacing, anti back flex, (bare) 90 30 108 38 Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 18 Sprocket Style Booms, Sprockets and Bearings for Ditch Witch® Models 2200, 2300, 2310, 3610, RT36 & Attachments H311, H312 1 2 5 3 ) ( 7 4 16 10 8 9 11 15 14 12 6 13 18 17 Ref No. Part No. 1 N/S 2 3 4 5 6 N/S 7 8 9 10 11 N/S 12 13 14 N/S N/S N/S 15 16 17 18 N/S B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 140-248 140-241 115-009 125-209 115-557 140-013 140-707 140-654 140-765 180-062 180-448 105-313 140-588 140-585 142-005 181-267 105-265 125-002 125-247 125-246 180-534 145-173 167-003 165-901 170-063 Description Boom, Less Sprocket Boom Assembly Zerk Bearing Assembly Boom Spring Boom Sleeve Sprocket, Idler (Less Bearings) Sprocket Assembly (includes Ref. #’s 6, 3, 8) Slide & Stop Dirt Shield Idler Bolt for Boom End Idler Nut 1' Boom Extension 2' Boom Extension Headshaft Sprocket (Split) Hub For Split Sprocket (13⁄4" Bore; 1⁄2"DBL Keyways) Special Bolt (For Split Sprocket) Bearing (Not Shown) Bearing (Not Shown) Bearing (Not Shown) Idler Bolt, Long Auger Headshaft With Races & Sleeve Key Belt Set (set of 4) (not shown) Weight (lbs) 43.7 80.3 .06 1.5 2.26 .55 5.7 6.6 18.1 .19 1.13 .19 20.4 29.05 5.7 3 .13 2 .88 1 1.55 25.3 24.95 .10 2.49 Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 19 Roller Booms, Sprockets and Roller for Ditch Witch® Models 2300, 2310, 3500, 3610, 3700, 4500 & Attachments H300, H313, H314 continued 1 2 3 8 7 ( 6 ) Ref No. Part No. 1 N/S N/S N/S 2 N/S 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N/S B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 140-503 140-502 140-509 140-515 142-752 142-751 180-448 105-313 180-062 125-209 106-034 106-033 142-025 142-127 N/S 10 N/S B 142-029 B 142-026 B 142-030 4 5 10 9 Description Weight (lbs) Roller Boom Only (47.95") (3’ Dig Depth (36T) Roller Boom Assy (47.95") Roller Boom Only (59.2") (4’ Dig Depth (42T) Roller Boom Assembly (59.2") Roller Only Roller Assembly Idler Shaft Nut. Shield Bearing Assembly (2) Adjustment Screw 1 x 6" Nut (1" NC) Drive Sprocket (12 Tooth) with 5⁄8" holes Drive Sprocket (12 Tooth) Split for 2” pitch – Metric (12 tooth option for H313, H314) Drive Sprocket (12 Tooth) with 1⁄2" holes Dr.ive Sprocket (14 Tooth) with 5⁄8" holes Drive Sprocket (14 Tooth) with 1⁄2" holes 110 170 115 164 26.41 27 1.13 .19 .12 1 1.3 .06 9 9 9 13.8 13.8 continued on next page Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 20 Roller Booms, Sprockets and Roller for Ditch Witch® Models 2300, 2310, 3500, 3610, 3700, 4500 & Attachments H300 Series, H314, H514, H515, H552 continued 11 12 15 13 16 14 17 Note: H300 & H500 series can also use 3.067” Pitch Chain Ref No. Part No. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 B B B B B B B B 142-021 142-020 142-031 181-267 105-265 142-005 105-472 105-833 Description Boom End Sprocket Boom End Sprocket Assembly with Bearings Hex Bore Auger Sprocket (H300 series) Sprocket Hub Bolt for Split Sprocket Drive Sprocket (2300, 2310, 3610) Bolt (1⁄2" NC x 5") Flange Locknut (1⁄2" NC) Weight (lbs) 3 .13 5.7 .02 Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 21 2" Pitch Chain, Teeth & Accessories for Ditch Witch® Models J20, 2200, 2300, 2310, 3500, 3610 & 3700, RT36 & Attachments H300 Series, H500 Series 11 1 18 2 5 4 12 16 6 3 8 7 10 9 19 20 17 13 14 15 21 Ref No. Part No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N/S N/S 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 B 135-924 B 135-925 B 105-043 B 105-111 B 105-067 B 105-082 B 135-912 B 135-950 B 135-913 B 135-914 B 135-915 B 105-002 B 105-065 B 105-076 B 135-213 B 135-210 B 135-351 B 135-358 B 135-202 B 135-202H B 135-203 B 135-501 B 135-502 2ABF-2 Smart Pt. No. B2000400B17 B2000400B03 Description Cutter, R.H. Cutter, L.H. Bolt (1⁄2" x 1") Bolt (1⁄2" x 4") Bolt (1⁄2" x 23⁄4") Bolt (1⁄2" x 21⁄2") Adapter 8" Adapter 10" Adapter 12" Adapter 14" Adapter 16" Bolt (1⁄2" x 21⁄4") Nut (1⁄2") Bolt (1⁄2" x 3") Chain, Less Teeth 11'4" Chain, Less Teeth 2' Chain Pin Cotter Key Conn. Link Conn. Link ( 2 pitch spacing) Roller Link Ground Breaker, L.H. Ground Breaker, R.H. Chain, 2" Pitch ABF Weight (lbs) .9 .9 .06 2.88 3.44 4.40 .06 .06 .06 85 15 .2 .01 1 .4 1 1 1 Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 22 Booms, Sprockets, Bearings & Belts for Ditch Witch® Models V30, R30, & 3210 2 1 3 4 7 ( 11 8 5 ) 6 9 10 12 13 Ref No. Part No. 1 2 N/S 3 4 N/S 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 N/S N/S N/S 12 13 14 15 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 140-765 140-707 140-654 140-013 140-006 140-059 125-209 115-557 115-009 105-313 180-448 180-062 140-553 140-565 140-554 140-562 140-704 142-005 181-267 140-732 14 Description 15 Weight (lbs) Boom End 17.62 Idler Sprocket 6.50 Sprocket Assembly 7.54 Urethane Boom Sleeve .5 Boom Only 47.50 Boom Assembly With 3 Sprockets 100 Idler Bearing Assembly 1.5 Boom Spring 2.26 Zerk (1⁄4" Straight) .06 1 Jam Nut (1 ⁄4") .19 Idler Bolt. (Slide & Stop) 1.13 Dirt Shield .19 2' Boom Extension With Gussets 38 2' Boom Extension Assy (incl. ref. no.’s #2, 5, 7, 8, 9 & 10) 45 3' Boom Extension (same style as ref. #11) 50 3' Boom Extension Assy (incl. ref. no.’s #2, 5, 7, 8, 9 & 10) 60 Sprocket Drive (V30) 13⁄4" Bore; 9 Tooth, 1⁄2" DBL Keyways 7.44 Drive Sprocket, Split (V30) 6.75 Sprocket Hub (V30) 3 Drive Sprocket, Split (R30, R40 & 3210) 14 Tooth 13.75 continued on next page Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 23 Booms, Sprockets, Bearings & Belts for Ditch Witch® Models V30, R30, & 3210, continued 21 19 18 17 25 24 22 27 23 26 29 28 Ref No. Part No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 N/S 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 N/S B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 181-048 140-728 125-517 165-410 125-246 180-029 170-019 170-041 180-252 180-534 165-371 142-007 142-010 140-664 140-730 140-731A Description Sprocket Hub (R30 & R40) Auger Shaft & Sprocket (R30 & R40) Pillow Block Bearing Headshaft With Races & Sleeve 12" pivot Race, Headshaft Sleeve, Headshaft V Belts (4) V Belt Set (not shown) Spacer Idler Bolt, Long (for Boom Idler) Headshaft (Fits Low Digging Attachment) Auger Sprocket (2"P) Drive Sprocket (2"P, One Piece) Hex Auger Sprocket, 2" P Idler Sprocket (14 Tooth) Idler Sprocket Assembly (B 140-659) 30 Weight (lbs) 6.5 33 10.38 28 1 .25 22 1.75 .25 2.65 29 Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 24 2" Pitch Chain, Teeth and Accessories for Ditch Witch® Models V30, R30, 3210, 3500, 3610, 3700, 4500 1 15 16 2 11 4 3 10 9 6 8 5 Ref No. Part No. 1 1 1 2 3 N/S 4 N/S 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 N/S N/S B 135-214 B 135-212 B 135-210 2ABF-2 B 135-924 B135924516 B 135-925 B135925516 B 105-043 B 105-111 B 105-067 B 105-082 B 135-912 B 135-950 B 135-913 B 135-914 B 135-915 Smart Pt. No. Description B2000400B18 B2000400B06 B2000400B03 Chain, 12' (4 pitch spacing) Bare Chain, 4' Bare Chain, 2' Bare Chain, 2" Pitch ABF Cutter, R.H. Cutter, R.H. (HD 5⁄16" Thick) Cutter, L.H. Cutter, L.H. (HD 5⁄16" Thick) Bolts (1⁄2" x 1") Bolt (1⁄2" x 4") Bolt (1⁄2" x 23⁄4") Bolt (1⁄2" x 21⁄2") Adapter, 8" Adapter, 10" Adapter, 12" Adapter, 14" Adapter, 16" 7 Weight (lbs) 90 30 15 .9 1.0 .9 1.0 .06 2.88 3.44 4.44 continued on next page Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 25 2" Pitch Chain, Teeth and Accessories for Ditch Witch® Models V30, R30, 3210, 3500, 3610, 3700, 4500, continued 20 13 19 17 18 14 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 B 105-002 B 105-065 B 105-076 B 135-351 B 135-358 B 135-202 B 135-203 B 135-501 B 135-502 B 105-066 B 105-121 B 135-952 B 135-951 B 135-953 B 105-136 V30 23 26 21 12 Ref No. Part No. 24 25 27 22 Description (1⁄2" 21⁄4") Bolt x Nut (1⁄2" NC) Bolt (1⁄2" x 3") Chain Pin Cotter Key Conn. Link Roller Link Ground Breaker L.H. Ground Breaker R.H. Bolt (1⁄2" x 23⁄4") Bolt (1⁄2" x 2") Chain Spacer (Outside) (1.810” Long) Chain Spacer (Inside) (1.590” Long) Chain Spacer (2 Inside) (1.300” Long) Bolt (1⁄2" x 31⁄2") Flat Spacer Weight (lbs) .06 .06 .06 .2 .01 1 .1 1 1 .06 .06 .16 .12 .12 .06 Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 26 Boom Sprockets, Bearings, Auger Shafts, and Accessories for Ditch Witch® Models 3610, RT36, R40, 4010 & Attachments H300 Series, H500 Series, A/H 400, A/H 500 using 2" Pitch Chain 1 2 4 3 7 5 6 8 9 10 11 17 14 12 16 13 15 Ref No. Part No. 1 N/S 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 140-707 140-654 125-209 180-448 105-313 180-062 140-732 181-048 105-302 105-385 180-057 145-475 155-703 155-805 125-259 125-258 180-071 140-728 Description Weight (lbs) Idler Sprocket Idler Sprocket Assembly (Includes Ref. #’s: 1, 2, 5) Bearing Assembly Idler Shaft (slide and stop) Idler Nuts Idler Shields Drive Sprocket (Split) Sprocket Hub Bolts (5⁄8" x 2") Lock Washer (5⁄8") Seal Spacer Washer, Pivot Tube O-Ring Seal Bearing Race Backup Ring Auger Shaft & Sprocket 6.5 7.5 1 1.1 .19 19 14 3.5 .25 .06 2.1 .03 .10 .10 1.5 .10 .13 33 continued on next page Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 27 Boom Sprockets, Bearings, Auger Shafts, and Accessories for Ditch Witch® Models 3610, RT36, R40, 4010 & Attachments H300 Series, H500 Series, A/H 400, A/H 500 using 2" Pitch Chain, continued 24 20 18 19 23 22 21 25 30 29 28 26 27 32 31 Ref No. Part No. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 145-071 145-110 145-070 145-109 125-517 105-320 130-307 130-304 130-305 125-502 170-038 170-059 181-051 165-368 142-007 Description Auger, L.H. Auger, L.H. (Short) Auger, R.H. Auger, R.H. (Short) Pillow Block Bearings 13⁄4" I.D. Bolt (3⁄4" x 21⁄4" NC) Drive Chain (80-80P) Connector Link (#80) Offset Link (#80) 11⁄4" P.B. Bearing Power Band V Belts (2 Belts) – 4 grooves each Power Band V Belts (4 Belts) – 2 grooves each Shield (R40) Shaft Auger Sprocket Weight (lbs) 53 53 10.5 .25 11.5 .13 .17 7.0 2.0 2.0 .06 4.0 19 continued on next page Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 28 Boom Sprockets, Bearings, Auger Shafts, and Accessories for Ditch Witch® Models 3610, RT36, R40, 4010 & Attachments H300 Series, H500 Series, A/H 400, A/H 500 using 2" Pitch Chain, continued 33 34 35 37 36 39 38 42 43 44 40 41 Ref No. Part No. 33 34 35 36 N/S 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 B B B B B B B B B B B B B 180-534 165-371 142-010 140-730 140-731A 140-664 125-620 145-244 110-363 110-364 125-048 142-031 105-313 Description Idler Shaft, Long Headshaft (Fits Low Digging Attachments) One piece Drive Sprocket, 14T Idler Sprocket (14 Tooth) Idler Sprocket Assembly (B 140-659) Auger Sprocket, 2" P Hex Bearing Assembly Hex Auger Shaft Flange (LS) Flange (NLS) Hex Bearing Auger Sprocket (H312) Idler Nut Weight (lbs) 2.0 29 Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 29 2" Pitch Chain, Teeth & Accessories for Ditch Witch® Models R40, 3210, 3500, 3700, 4010, 4500, RT36, RT40 1 15 2 16 13 4 3 10 6 14 7 5 Ref No. Part No. 1 1 1 1 2 3 N/S 4 N/S 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 N/S N/S 12 13 14 15 16 B 135-214 B 135-212 B 135-211 B 135-210 2ABF-2 B 135-924 B135924516 B 135-925 B135925516 B 105-043 B 105-111 B 105-067 B 105-082 B 135-912 B 135-950 B 135-913 B 135-914 B 135-915 B 105-002 B 105-065 B 105-076 B 135-351 B 135-358 8 11 9 12 Smart Pt. No. Description B2000400B18 B2000400B06 B2000400B04 B2000400B03 Chain 12' Less Teeth (4 Pitch Spacing) Chain 4' Less Teeth Chain 2' 8" Less Teeth Chain 2' Less Teeth Chain 2" Pitch ABF Cutter, R.H. Cutter, R.H. (HD 5⁄16" Thick) Cutter, L.H. Cutter, L.H. (HD 5⁄16" Thick) Bolts (1⁄2" x 1") Bolt (1⁄2" x 4") Bolt (1⁄2" x 23⁄4") Bolt (1⁄2" x 21⁄2") Adapters, 8" Adapters, 10" Adapters, 12" Adapter, 14" Adapter, 16" Bolt (1⁄2" x 21⁄4") Nut (1⁄2" N.C) Bolt (1⁄2" x 3") Chain Pin Cotter Key Weight (lbs) 90 30 20 15 .9 1.0 .9 1.0 .06 2.88 3.44 4.44 .06 .06 .2 .2 .01 continued on next page Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 30 2" Pitch Chain, Teeth & Accessories for Ditch Witch® Models R40, 3210, 3500, 3700, 4010, 4500, RT36, RT40, continued 18 27 17 28 20 19 26 21 Ref No. Part No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 B 135-202 B 135-203 B 135-501 B 135-502 B 105-066 B 105-121 B 135-952 B 135-951 B 135-953 B 105-136 B135-202H V30 25 24 23 22 Description Conn. Link Roller Link Ground Breaker L.H Ground Breaker R.H. Bolt (1⁄2" x 13⁄4") Bolt (1⁄2" x 1") Chain Spacer (Outside) (1.810” Long) Chain Spacer (Inside) (1.590” Long) Chain Spacer (2 Inside) (1.300” Long) Bolt (1⁄2" x 31⁄2") Connecting Link (2 pitch chain) Flat Spacer Weight (lbs) 1 .117 1 1 .06 .06 .16 .16 .16 .06 1.75 Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 31 2" Pitch Anti-Back Flex Chain and Accessories for Ditch Witch® Models J20, 2200, 2300, 2310, 3500, 3700, V30, R30, R40, 3210, 3610, 4010, 4500 1 4 9 5 11 10 3 2 7 8 6 Ref No. Part No. 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 N/S N/S 9 10 N/S 11 N/S B 137-218 B 137-215 B 137-216 B 137-217 B 137-219 B 137-202 B 137-203 B 137-351 B 137-207 B 135-912 B 135-950 B 135-913 B 135-914 B 135-915 B 105-002 B 135-924 B135924516 B 135-925 B135925516 Smart Pt. No. Description B2ABF00B34 B2ABF00B36 B2ABF00B12 B2ABF00B06 B2ABF00B08 ABF Chain, 11' 4" Bare ABF Chain, 12' Bare ABF Chain, 4' Bare ABF Chain, 2' Bare ABF Chain, 2' 8" Bare Connecting Link Roller Link Pin & Cotter Lock Key Adapters, 8" Adapters, 10" Adapters, 12" Adapter, 14" Adapter, 16" Bolt (1⁄2" x 21⁄4") Cutter, R.H. Cutter, R.H. (HD 5⁄16" Thick) Cutter, L.H. Cutter, L.H. (HD 5⁄16" Thick) Weight (lbs) 100 108 36 18 24 1.75 1.2 .21 .01 2.88 3.44 4.44 .06 .9 1.0 .9 1.0 continued on next page Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 32 2" Pitch Anti-Back Flex Chain and Accessories for Ditch Witch® Models J20, 2200, 2300, 2310, 3500, 3700, V30, R30, R40, 3210, 3610, 4010, 4500, continued 20 16 12 14 19 21 22 15 18 17 23 13 25 24 26 Ref No. Part No. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 B 105-043 B 105-065 B 105-066 B 105-121 B 105-076 B 135-952 B 135-951 B 135-953 B 105-136 B 105-111 B 105-067 B 105-082 B 135-501 B 135-502 V30 Description Bolt (1⁄2" x 11⁄4") Locknut Bolt (1⁄2" x 13⁄4") Bolt (1⁄2" x 1") Bolt (1⁄2" x 3") Chain Spacer (Outside) (1.810” Long) Chain Spacer (Inside) (1.590” Long) Chain Spacer (2 Inside) (1.300” Long) Bolt (1⁄2" x 31⁄2") Bolt (1⁄2" x 4") Bolt (1⁄2" x 23⁄4") Bolt (1⁄2" x 21⁄2") Ground Breaker, L.H. Ground Breaker, R.H. Flat Spacer Weight (lbs) .06 .06 .06 .06 .16 .16 .16 .06 1 1 Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 33 Chains for Ditch Witch® Large Riding Trenchers 1 2 3 4 5 Ref No. Part No. 1 2 3 4 5 B 135-704 B 135-411 B 135-411-4 B 137-411 N/A Smart Pt. No. Description B3067LD00B32 B3067HD00B32 B30670400B16 B3067ABF00B32 TA311000B32 70,000 Lb. Chain, Bare, 64 pitches (2P) 110,000 Lb. Chain, Bare, 64 pitches (2P) 110,000 Lb. Chain, Bare, 64 pitches (4P) 110,000 Lb. Anti back-flex Chain, Bare, 64 pitches (2P) 165,000 Lb. Trench-All® Chain, Bare, 64 pitches (2P) Weight (lbs) 256 288 210 298 300 Note: The Trench-All® Chain lines are specifically engineered for today’s higher horsepower trenchers and their roller style booms. All Trench-All® Chains are extra heavy duty anti back-flex chains with raised rivet design. Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 34 Boom Sprockets, Bearings, Augers, and Accessories for Ditch Witch® Models R30, R40, 3210, 4010 & Attachments H300, A/H400, A/H500 using 3" Pitch Chain 2 1 7 5 9 8 6 10 4 3 11 13 15 14 12 16 17 18 19 22 21 23 Ref No. Part No. 1 N/S 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 20 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 140-723 140-656 125-263 180-026 155-843 180-243 115-470 180-244 180-440 180-441 105-377 140-717 181-048 105-302 105-385 180-057 145-475 155-703 155-805 125-259 125-258 180-071 145-071 145-070 Description Weight (lbs) Idler Sprocket Idler Sprocket Assembly Bearing, Idler Sprocket (Incl: Part #125-265 & 125-266) Spacer Seal Bearing Spacer Retaining Ring Spacer Idler Shaft (Slide & Stop) Idler Shaft (Boom) Idler Shaft Nut Headshaft Sprocket (Split) Sprocket Hub Bolt (5⁄8" x 2") 5⁄8" L.W. Seal Spacer Washer, Pivot Tube O-Ring Seal Bearing Race Backup Ring Auger, L.H. Auger, R.H. 26.5 25.0 1.5 .1 .06 .31 .01 .10 3 3.0 .5 15.0 7.0 .25 .06 2.1 .03 .1 .25 1.5 1 .13 53 53 continued on next page Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 35 Boom Sprockets, Bearings, Augers, and Accessories for Ditch Witch® Models R30, R40, 3210, 4010 & Attachments H300, A/H400, A/H500 using 3" Pitch Chain, continued 29 24 26 25 27 30 28 32 33 35 31 34 40 41 36 37 38 39 Ref No. Part No. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 145-109 145-110 125-517 105-320 140-725 130-307 130-304 135-305 125-502 170-038 142-009 140-665 142-008 125-048 125-620 145-244 110-363 110-364 Description Auger R.H., Short Auger L.H., Short Pillow Block Bearing Bolt (3⁄4" x 21⁄4") Auger Sprocket & Shaft Drive Chain (#80-80P) Connector Link (#80) Offset Link (#80) 11⁄4" Pillow Block Bearing Power Band V Belts Headshaft Sprocket (One piece) Hex Auger Sprocket Auger Sprocket Hex Bearing Hex Bearing Assembly Hex Auger Shaft Flange (LS) Flange (NLS) Weight (lbs) 10.5 .25 35.0 11.5 .13 .17 6.88 1.85 Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 36 Sprockets, Rollers & Bearings for Ditch Witch® Alligator Boom Using 3.067 Pitch Chain for A/H500, A615, 510A 13 Ref No. 14 / Part No. B140-661 Bearing Kit for Item #13, Roller (for individual breakdown of Bearing Kit Parts, see pg 41 Ref No.’s 7-13) 1 9 7 3 11 8 10 6 2 12 Ref No. Part No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 142-012 142-011 145-589 155-852 180-441 180-440 181-697 181-698 181-699 115-470 125-216 125-265 105-377 142-756 142-756A 140-661 4 Description Idler Sprocket, Less Bearings – 19 Tooth, 20" O.D. Idler Sprocket Assembly Plastic Washer External Seal (for ref. #1, Sprocket) Shaft (43⁄8" Long) Shaft (47⁄8" Long) Bearing Spacer (for ref. #1, Sprocket) Seal Spacer (for ref. #1, Sprocket) Seal Sleeve (for ref. #1, Sprocket) Snap Rings (for ref. #1, Sprocket) Bearing Race (for ref. #1, Sprocket) Bearing (for ref. #1, Sprocket) Nut Roller Only, 17" Roller Assembly, 17” Bearing Kit 5 Weight (lbs) 52 54 .08 .06 2.75 3 .05 .3 .3 .06 .63 1 .50 Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 37 Chain, Teeth & Accessories for Ditch Witch® Models R40, 4010, R60, R65, 5010, 5110, RT55, 6510, 7510, RT75, 7610, 8020, RT95, RT115 & Attachments A/H400, A/H500, H700 using 3" Pitch Chain 11 12 2 1 3 8 9 10 7 5 6 4 Ref No. Part No. 1 2 3 NS 4 5 6 N/S N/S N/S 7 8 9 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 135-911 135-910 135-921 135-960 135-901 135-902 135-903 135-904 135-905 135-906 105-319 105-320 105-326 105-327 135-704 135-702 135-701 135-411 135-410 135-412 Smart Pt. No. Description B3067LD00B32 B3067LD00B08 B3067LD00B04 B3067HD00B32 B3067HD00B08 B3067HD00B04 Cutter, L.H. Cutter, R.H. Spacer, Tooth 8" (3⁄8") Spacer, Tooth (1⁄8") (70,000#) Adapter 10" (136-071) Adapter 12" (136-120) Adapter 14" (136-088) Adapter 16" Adapter 18" (136-089) Adapter 20" Bolt (3⁄4" x 11⁄2") Bolt (3⁄4" x 21⁄4") Bolt (3⁄4" x 3") Bolt (3⁄4" x 4") Chain, 16' Less Teeth (70,000# Chain) Chain 4' Less Teeth (70,000# Chain) Chain 2' Less Teeth (70,000# Chain) Chain 16' Less Teeth (110,000# Chain) Chain 4' Less Teeth (110,000# Chain) Chain 2' Less Teeth (110,000# Chain) Weight (lbs) 2.25 2.25 .75 8.0 9.5 10.75 12 13.47 14.84 .25 .25 .25 .25 256 60 30 288 72 34 continued on next page Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 38 Chain, Teeth & Accessories for Ditch Witch® Models R40, 4010, R60, R65, 5010, 5110, RT55, 6510, 7510, RT75, 7610, 8020, RT95, RT115 & Attachments A/H400, A/H500, H700, continued 25 16 15 14 13 22 17 21 20 24 19 23 18 Ref No. Part No. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 B 135-503 B3067LDCL B 135-402 B 135-501 CP B 105-372 B 501 B 502 B 135-404 B 135-401 3067HDCL B 2109-911 B 2108-910 B 135-411-4 Smart Pt. No. Description B30670400B16 Roller Link (70,000#) Conn. Link (70,000#) Lock Key Chain Pin (70,000#) Lock Nut (3⁄4") Ground Breaker, L.H. Ground Breaker, R.H. Roller Link (110,000#) Chain Pin (110,000#) Conn. Link (110,000#) Super Tooth, L.H. Super Tooth, R.H. Chain 16' Every 4th Pitch (110,000# Chain) Weight (lbs) 2.85 .03 .4 .10 1.3 1.3 3.40 3.4 3.5 3.5 Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 39 3.067" Pitch Anti-Back Flex Chain for Ditch Witch® Models R60, R65, 5010, 5110, RT55, 6510, 7510, RT75, 7610, 8020, RT95, RT115, & Attachments A/H400, A/H500, H700 11 12 3 15 2 9 8 10 1 7 4 13 6 5 14 16 20 18 19 17 Ref No. Part No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 N/S N/S N/S 7 8 9 10 11 11 11 12 13 14 15 N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S 16 17 18 19 20 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 135-911 135-910 135-921 135-901 135-902 135-903 135-904 135-905 135-906 105-319 105-320 105-326 105-327 137-411 137-410 137-412 137-401 137-404 137-405 137-402 135-961 135-962 135-979 135-977 140-120 105-372 501 502 2109-911 2108-910 Smart Pt. No. B3067ABF00B32 B3067ABF00B08 B3067ABF00B04 Description Cutter, L.H. Cutter, R.H. Spacer, Tooth 8" (3⁄8") Adapter 10" (136-071) Adapter 12" (136-120) Adapter 14" (136-088) Adapter 16" Adapter 18" (136-089) Adapter 20" Bolt (3⁄4" x 11⁄2") Bolt (3⁄4" x 21⁄4") Bolt (3⁄4" x 3") Bolt (3⁄4" x 4") ABF Chain 16' Less Teeth ABF Chain 4' Less Teeth ABF Chain 2' Less Teeth Chain Pin Roller Link Connecting Link Key Chain Spacer – .8" Chain Spacer – 1.9" Chain Spacer – 2.16" Chain Spacer – 2.34" Boom Gussets Lock Nut (3⁄4") Ground Breaker, L.H. Ground Breaker, R.H. Super Tooth, L.H. Super Tooth, R.H. Weight (lbs) 2.14 2.14 .75 8 9.3 10.75 12 13.47 14.84 .25 .25 .45 .6 269 67.2 33.6 .5 4.25 51 .05 .10 1.3 1.3 3.5 3.5 Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 40 Boom Parts, Sprockets, Bearings, and Accessories for Ditch Witch® Models R40, R60, R65, 4010, 5010, 6510, 7510, 7610, 8020 & Attachments A/H400, A/H500, H700 3 1 2 4 7 9 6 8 19 13 10 12 14 18 17 5 11 20 22 21 24 23 16 15 Ref No. Part No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 * N/S B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 140-013 140-021 140-758 180-440 105-377 140-723 140-656 180-244 180-243 180-026 155-843 125-265 125-266 115-470 180-441 150-191 150-340 150-058 155-711 155-712 115-001 105-367 105-419 140-730 140-731A 142-756 142-756A 140-661 140-120 Description Boom Sleeve Boom Spring Slide & Stop Idler Shaft (Slide & Stop) Nut Idler Sprocket (Bearing Kit for Idler Sprocket: see * below) Idler Sprocket Assy, (Includes Sprocket & #’s 7-13) Spacer Bearing Spacer Bearing Fiber Spacer Seal Bearing Race Retaining Ring Idler Shaft (Boom – Idler) Grease Cylinder Barrel Grease Cylinder Rod Grease Cylinder Assembly O Ring Back-up Ring Zerk (1⁄8") Lock Nut (1" NC) Bolt (1" NC X 4") Idler Sprocket (2" P) Idler Sprocket Assembly (14T) (140-659) 17" End Roller 17" End Roller Assembly Bearing Kit (includes Reference #’s 7-13) Boom Gussets Weight (lbs) .5 .80 25.60 3 .50 26.50 24.75 .10 .31 .10 .15 1 .6 .01 2.75 3.50 5.10 11 .03 .1 .06 .25 1.13 Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 41 Auger Parts & Accessories for Ditch Witch® Models R40, R60, R65, 4010, 5010, 6510, 7510, 8020 & Attachments A/H400, A/H500, H700 (3" P) 1 2 5 10 9 4 3 7 8 6 11 12 13 16 14 15 19 17 20 21 18 Ref No. Part No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 145-070 145-071 145-109 145-110 105-407 105-357 115-001 125-517 105-466 105-372 105-384 140-725 142-008 165-368 145-244 140-665 110-363 110-364 125-620 125-048 145-248 Description Auger, R.H. (24") Auger, L.H. (24") Auger, R.H. (12") Auger, L.H. (12") Bolt, (5⁄8" x 4") Lock Nut (5⁄8") Zerk Pillow Block Bearing, 13⁄4" I.D. Bolt (3⁄4" x 2 1/2") Lock Nut (3⁄4") Washer (3⁄4") Auger Sprocket & Shaft Auger Sprocket Auger Shaft Hex Auger Shaft Auger Sprocket, Hex Flange (LS) Flange (NLS) Hex Bearing Assembly Hex Bearing Hex Sprocket Hub Weight (lbs) 53 53 28 28 .50 .06 .06 10.5 .5 .06 .06 35.0 23.9 15 Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 42 Drive Sprocket Head Shaft, Components for Ditch Witch® Models R40, R60, R65, 4010, 5010, 6510, 7510, 7610, 8020 & Attachments A/H400, A/H500, H700 4 2 5 1 6 3 12 7 13 10 17 8 11 14 9 15 16 18 21 19 20 Ref No. Part No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 N/S 11 N/S N/S 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 180-055 140-717 105-302 180-057 155-703 145-475 155-805 125-259 125-258 180-071 145-476 105-384 105-364 180-064 165-329 165-903 165-904 165-905 165-907 175-604 115-003 105-313 180-062 141-589 Description Sprocket Hub Split Sprocket Bolt 5⁄8" x 2" Spacer Seal O Ring Washer Seal Bearings Race Backup Ring Washer 3⁄4" Washer Bolt 3⁄4" X 2" Washer 13⁄16" I.D. x 3" O.D. x 1⁄2" Drive Shaft Key (5⁄8" Sq. x 43⁄8" Lg.) Key (5⁄8" Sq. x 37⁄8" Lg.) Key (3⁄4" X 5⁄8" x 31⁄4") Key (5⁄8" R2 x 3⁄8") Sprocket (100 Q 32) Zerk (1⁄4 N.F. Str.) Nut Dirt Shield Sprocket Split Drive 11 Tooth Weight (lbs) 3.5 15 .25 2.0 .06 .03 .25 1.5 1 .13 .20 .06 .25 .62 38 .25 .25 .25 .10 26.5 .03 .19 .19 continued on next page Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 43 Drive Sprocket Head Shaft, Components for Ditch Witch® Models R40, R60, R65, 4010, 5010, 6510, 7510, 7610, 8020 & Attachments A/H400, A/H500, H700, continued 22 21 24 23 25 26 Ref No. Part No. 21 22 N/S N/S N/S N/S 23 24 N/S 25 N/S 26 B B B B B B B B B B B B 125-209 175-605 175-608 130-404 130-402 130-401 170-038 170-059 170-609 142-009 175-509 165-379 Description Bearing Assembly Sprocket (100-B14) Sprocket Assembly Chain (100-65 Pitches) Offset Link Connector Link Power Band V Belts — 2 Belts Power Band V Belts — 4 Belts Sprocket #100 Q 34 Sprocket (1 Piece) Idler Sprocket #80 – 16 Tooth Drive Shaft for offset machine Weight (lbs) 1 4.75 6 20 .35 .25 1.85 1.96 28 16 Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 44 Ultra Heavy-Duty Trench-ALL® 3110 Digging Chain & Accessories (165,000# Test Chain) Replaces 3.067" Pitch Chain 1 3 2 4 5 6 11 8 7 10 9 Ref No. Part No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 TA 3110 TA 3110 TA 3110 TA 3110 TA 3110 TA 3110 TA 4134 TA 4134 TA 4134 TA 4134 SP 200 PC CT RL RPL CL L R LPL LPR Smart Pt. No. Description TA311000B__ Bare Chain Chain Pin w/Cotter Cotter Only Roller Link Repair Link Conn. Link Cup Cutter, L.H. Cup Cutter, R.H. Cup Cutter L.H. (Low Profile) Cup Cutter R.H. (Low Profile) 2" Alloy Tube Spacer Weight (lbs) Note: No sprocket conversion required. continued on next page Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 45 Ultra Heavy-Duty Trench-ALL® 3110 Digging Chain & Accessories (165,000# Test Chain) Replaces 3.067" Pitch Chain, continued 14 12 20 19 13 15 18 17 16 22 23 24 21 Ref No. Part No. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 SP 238 SP 218 34 FW 34 LW 34 LN 34412-8 34500-8 34512-8 34600-8 PL 4134-12 PL 4134-14 PL 4134-16 BL 3110-10 Smart Pt. No. Description Weight (lbs) 23⁄8" Alloy Tube Spacer 21⁄8" Alloy Tube Spacer 3⁄4" Flat Washer 3⁄4" Lock Washer 3⁄4" Lock Nut 3⁄4" x 41⁄2" Gr. 8 Bolt 3⁄4" x 5" Gr. 8 Bolt 3⁄4" x 51⁄2" Gr. 8 Bolt 3⁄4" x 6" Gr. 8 Bolt 12" Cup Cutter Expander 14" Cup Cutter Expander 16" Cup Cutter Expander Block Spacer – Space for 2" Additional Cut Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 46 Chains for Ditch Witch® Models R100, AR12, RT115 (Largest Riding Trenchers) 1 2 Ref No. Part No. 1 1 2 2 B 135-812 B 135-808 N/A N/A Smart Pt. No. Description B450000B24 B450000B06 TA408600B26 TA408600B07 150,000 150,000 225,000 225,000 Lb. Chain, Bare, 18', 48 pitches, (2P) Lb. Chain, Bare, 4.5'’, 12 pitches, (2P) Lb. Chain, Bare, 18', 52 pitches, (2P) Lb. Chain, Bare, 4.5', 14 pitches, (2P) Weight (lbs) 360 90 Note: The Trench-All® Chain lines are specifically engineered for today’s higher horsepower trenchers and their roller style booms. All Trench-All® Chains are extra heavy duty anti back-flex chains with raised rivet design. Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 47 Chain, Teeth & Adapters (4.5" Pitch, 150,000# Test Chain) for Ditch Witch® Model R100, AR12 1 6 2 8 7 4 3 5 10 9 12 11 13 16 15 14 Ref No. Part No. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 B 135-812 B 135-808 B 105-372 B 105-383 B 105-464 B 105-473 B 135-801 B 135-802 B 135-805 R100CL B 136-009 B 136-045 B 136-046 B 136-064 B 136-010 B 136-012 B 136-014 Smart Pt. No. Description B450000B24 B450000B06 18' Chain, Bare 4' 6" Chain, Bare Locknut (3⁄4") Bolt (3⁄4" x 6") Bolt (3⁄4" x 7") Bolt (3⁄4" x 5") Chain Pin Lock Key Roller Link Conn. Link Tooth Spacer (2 pcs. = 10" Width • 4 pcs. - 12" Width) Cutter, L.H. Cutter, R.H. Chain Spacer 14" - 16" Adapter 18" - 20" Adapter 22" - 24" Adapter Weight (lbs) 360 90 .10 .81 1.00 .75 .6 .05 5.5 2.29 6.5 6.5 .3 Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 48 Boom Sprockets, Auger Sprockets, and Drive Sprockets and Accessories for Ditch Witch® Model R100, AR12 3 2 1 4 5 7 6 9 8 11 12 10 15 13 Ref No. 1 N/S 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 N/S 12 N/S 13 14 15 N/S N/S N/S 14 Part No. Description B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B Idler Sprocket Idler Sprocket Assembly Snap Ring Snap Ring Bearing Races Urethane Spacer Seals Seal Ring Idler Shaft Nut Split Drive Sprocket (4.5"P Chain) Split Drive Sprocket (3"P Chain) Auger Sprocket & Shaft (4.5"P Chain) Auger Sprocket & Shaft (3"P Chain) Pillow Block Bearing (21⁄4" I.D.) Bolt (5⁄8" X 3") Locknut (5⁄8") Chain #100-2 96P (used with Auger Setup) Chain #100-2 120P (used with Conveyor Setup) Belt Set of 4 142-001 140-658 115-498 115-492 125-287 125-288 145-475 155-870 180-165 183-064 105-377 140-739 140-747 140-742 140-749 125-514 105-376 105-357 130-412 130-413 170-052 Weight (lbs) 71.5 84 .05 .06 2.50 1.19 .03 .25 .5 4.50 .50 63 102 14.5 .25 .06 6 Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 49 Ultra Heavy-Duty Trench-ALL® 4086 Digging Chain & Accessories (225,000# Test Chain) Replaces 41⁄2" Pitch – 150,000# Test Chain 1 3 2 4 5 9 11 12 10 Ref No. Part No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 TA 4086 TA 4086 RL TA 4086 RPL TA 4086 PC TA 4134 L TA 4134 R B 136-045 B 136-046 SP 2116 SP 2716 SP 238 SP 11516 34 FW 8 7 6 Smart Pt. No. Description TA408600B_ _ Bare Chain Roller Link Repair Link Chain Pin with keeper Cutter L.H. Cutter R.H. Cutter, L.H. Cutter, R.H. 21⁄16” Alloy Tube Spacer 27⁄16” Alloy Tube Spacer 23/8” Alloy Tube Spacer 115⁄16” Alloy Tube Spacer 3⁄4” Flat Washer 13 Weight (lbs) continued on next page Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 50 Ultra Heavy-Duty Trench-ALL® 4086 Digging Chain & Accessories (225,000# Test Chain) Replaces 41⁄2" Pitch – 150,000# Test Chain, continued 18 19 14 16 17 15 20 21 22 Ref No. Part No. 14 15 16 17 18 19 N/S 20 21 22 23 N/S N/S N/S N/S 34 LW 34 LN 34412-8 34500-8 34512-8 34600-8 34 HCCBS H 180 L H 180 R H 290 L H 290 R H 345 L H 345 R H 400 L H 400 R 23 Description Weight (lbs) 3⁄4” Lock Washer 3⁄4” Lock Nut 3⁄4” x 4 1⁄2" Gr. 8 Bolt 3⁄4” x 5" Gr. 8 Bolt 3⁄4” x 51⁄2" Gr. 8 Bolt 3⁄4” x 6" Gr. 8 Bolt 3⁄4” Bolt Seat for 100MM Cup Cutter 10" Cutter, L.H. 10" Cutter, R.H. 12" Cutter, L.H. 12" Cutter, R.H. 14" Cutter, L.H. 14" Cutter, R.H. 16" Cutter, L.H. 16" Cutter, R.H. Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 51 Ultra Heavy-Duty Trench-ALL® 4086 Digging Chain & Accessories (225,000# Test Chain) Replaces 41⁄2" Pitch – 150,000# Test Chain, continued 25 24 27 28 30 29 Ref No. Part No. 24 25 26 N/S 27 28 N/S 29 30 26 PL 4115-12 PL 4115-14 PL 4115-16 PL 4115-18 TSDW 40161D TSDW 40162I TSDW 40162IA TSDW 40163A BL 4086-10 Description Weight (lbs) 12” Cup Cutter Expander Plate 14” Cup Cutter Expander Plate 16” Cup Cutter Expander Plate 18” Cup Cutter Expander Plate Drive Sprocket (Split) Idler Sprocket Idler Sprocket Assembly Auger Sprocket and Shaft Block Spacer - 2” Additional Cut Note: Sprocket conversion required Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 52 Rock & Frost Section 1 4 3 2 11 7 6 5 12 8 13 9 14 10 Ref No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N/S 10 N/S 11 12 13 N/S N/S N/S 14 Note: Part No. Description B56KRB B43KRB B56-B B43-B B56-C B43-C CB43-10 CB56-10 Puller Puller N/A N/A B43LH B43LRB B43LW C31HD C31 .990 CRF B 43 CW Carbide Tooth, Rockbuster (.765 HB) Carbide Tooth, Rockbuster (.735 HB) Carbide Tooth, Full Cap (.765 CB) Carbide Tooth, Full Cap (.735 CB) Carbide Tooth, Half Cap (.765 MB) Carbide Tooth, Half Cap (.735 MB) Tooth Pockets (.735 BLK) Tooth Pockets (.765 BLK) Tooth Puller (Standard) Tooth Puller (Large) Chain Installer, Small (1.654" through 2") Chain Installer, Large (3" through 4") Carbide Tooth 1/2 Cap w/clip (.735 MRW) Carbide Tooth Rockbuster w/Clip (.735 HR) Lock Washers (K 91) Carbide Tooth, Rockbuster (.990 HB) Carbide Tooth, Half Cap (.990 MB) Carbide Tooth, Full Cap with Flared Shoulder Clip Wrench Weight (lbs) We have all styles and sizes of Carbide Bits Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 53 Terminator®, Alligator and Bolt-on Rock & Frost Chain, Teeth & Adapters for Ditch Witch® Walk Along Models Using 1.654" Pitch Chain & Accessories 3 4 1 5 2 14 13 15 12 7 16 26 11 10 9 8 6 17 18 25 23 21 20 19 24 22 27 28 Ref No. Part No. Smart Pt. No. Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 N/A N/A B 135-316 B 135-317 B 135-318 B17 B17-D B17-10 T165404C T165404L T165404R TT1654 B 135-319 B 135-320 B 135-936 B 135-937 B 135-938 B 136-027 B 136-029 B 105-162 B 105-915 B 105-916 B 105-917 38LW B 105-047 B 105-101 B 059-360 B 135-001 SH16540426 AL16540426 1.654”P Welded Terminator Chain, 4” Cut, 26 Stations 1.654”P Welded Alligator Chain, 4” Cut, 26 Stations Bit Adapter Center Bit Adapter L.H. Bit Adapter R.H. Carbide Bit Lockwasher Tooth Holder Terminator Adapter, Center Terminator Adapter, L.H. Terminator Adapter, R.H. Terminator Tooth Only Tubular Spacer (Used with Bit Adapter on Inside) Tubular Spacer (Used with Bit Adapter on Outside) Flat Spacer (3⁄8") (28,000 Lb. - Chain Only) 5" Flat Spacer (28,000 Lb. Chain Only) 6" Flat Spacer (28,000 Lb. Chain Only) 5" Flat Spacer (34,000 & 38,000 Lb. Chain) 6" Flat Spacer (34,000 & 38,000 Lb. Chain) Bolt 3⁄8" x 21⁄4" Used with Bit Adapter on Inside Bolt 3⁄8" x 23⁄4" Used with Bit Adapter on Outside Bolt 3⁄8" x 41⁄2" Used with Spacer for 5" Cut Bolt 3⁄8" x 51⁄2" Used with Spacer for 6" Cut Lock Washer 3⁄8" Locknut 3⁄8" Flat Washer 3⁄8" Half Link with Connecting Pin (28,000 Lb. Chain Only) Connector Pin with Keeper (All Chains) Note: Weight (lbs) .5 .5 .5 .2 .02 .75 .75 .75 .3 For additional bare chain components, see walk-along section. Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 54 Terminator®, Alligator and Bolt-on Rock & Frost Chain, Teeth & Adapters (2" Pitch, 50,000 Lb. Test Chain) for Ditch Witch® Models V30, R30, 2300, 2200, 2310, R40, J20, 3500, 3610, 3700, R40, 4500, 4010 1 2 3 4 6 5 11 7 9 8 10 13 Ref No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 12 14 15 Part No. Smart Pt. No. Description N/A N/A T 20034 T 20078 765 BLK 765 HDBLK B 105-065 B 105-076 B 105-110 B 105-111 B 135-952 B 135-043 B 135-958 B 135-959 B 135-058 SH20000636 AL200006D36 2” P Welded Terminator Chain, 6” Cut, 36 Stations 2” P Welded Alligator Chain, 6” Cut, 36 Stations Terminator Tooth, 3⁄4” V-Carbide Terminator Tooth, 7/8” V-Carbide Tooth Holder Heavy-Duty Tooth Holder 1⁄2" Locknut (1⁄2" x 3") Bolt (1⁄2" x 41⁄2") Bolt (1⁄2" x 4") Bolt Chain Spacer (Used with Bit Adapter on Outside) Chain Spacer (Used with Bit Adapter on Inside) Carbide Bit Half Cap (B56-C) (765 MB) Carbide Bit Full Cap (B56-B) (765 CB) Carbide Rockbuster (CB56KRB) (765 HB) Weight (lbs) .8 .85 .8 1.0 .5 .5 .5 continued on next page Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 55 Terminator®, Alligator and Bolt-on Rock & Frost Chain, Teeth & Adapters (2" Pitch, 50,000 Lb. Test Chain) for Ditch Witch® Models V30, R30, 2300, 2200, 2310, R40, J20, 3500, 3610, 3700, R40, 4500, 4010, continued 17 18 19 16 20 21 24 23 22 25 26 27 Ref No. Part No. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 N/S N/S B 136-036 B 136-037 B 136-038 B 136-039 B 136-041 B 136-040 T 20004L T 20004R T 20005L T 20005R T 20006L T 20006R T 20008L T 20008R Note: Smart Pt. No. Description Bit Adapter (Less Bit) R.H. Center - Through 4" Bit Adapter (Less Bit) L.H. Center - Through 4" Bit Adapter (Less Bit) L.H. 5" Bit Adapter (Less Bit) R.H. 5" Bit Adapter (Less Bit) L.H. 6" Bit Adapter (Less Bit) R.H. 6" Terminator Adapter, L.H. C-4” Terminator Adapter, R.H. C-4” Terminator Adapter, L.H. 5” Terminator Adapter, R.H. 5” Terminator Adapter, L.H. 6” Terminator Adapter, R.H. 6” Terminator Adapter, L.H. 8” Terminator Adapter, R.H. 8” Weight (lbs) 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 For additional bare chain components, see 2” pitch chain section. Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 56 Terminator®, Alligator and Bolt-on Rock & Frost 2" Pitch Anti-Back Flex Chain, Teeth & Adapters for Ditch Witch® Models V30, R30, 2300, 2310, R40, 4010, 5010, 3500, 2200, 3610, 3700, 4500 1 2 4 3 13 14 15 6 5 11 Ref No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9 7 8 10 12 Part No. Smart Pt. No. Description N/A N/A T 20034 T 20078 765 BLK 765 HDBLK B 105-065 B 105-076 B 105-110 B 105-111 B 135-952 B 135-043 B 135-958 B 135-959 B 135-058 SH20000636 AL200006D36 2” P Welded Terminator Chain, 6” Cut, 36 Stations 2” P Welded Alligator Chain, 6” Cut, 36 Stations Terminator Tooth, 3⁄4” V-Carbide Terminator Tooth, 7/8” V-Carbide Tooth Holder Heavy-Duty Tooth Holder 1⁄2" Locknut (1⁄2" x 3") Bolt (1⁄2" x 41⁄2") Bolt (1⁄2" x 4") Bolt Chain Spacer (Used with Bit Adapter on Outside) Chain Spacer (Used with Bit Adapter on Inside) Carbide Bit Half Cap (B56-C) (765 MB) Carbide Bit Full Cap (B56-B) (765 CB) Carbide Rockbuster (CB56KRB) (765 HB) Weight (lbs) .8 .85 .8 1.0 .5 .5 .5 continued on next page Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 57 Terminator®, Alligator and Bolt-on Rock & Frost 2" Pitch Anti-Back Flex Chain, Teeth & Adapters for Ditch Witch® Models V30, R30, 2300, 2310, R40, 4010, 5010, 3500, 2200, 3610, 3700, 4500, continued 16 17 18 21 20 22 24 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 N/S N/S Note: B 136-036 B 136-037 B 136-038 B 136-039 B 136-040 B 136-041 T 20004L T 20004R T 20005L T 20005R T 20006L T 20006R T 20008L T 20008R 23 26 25 Ref No. Part No. 19 27 Description Weight (lbs) Bit Adapter (Less Bit) R.H. Center - Through 4" Bit Adapter (Less Bit) L.H. Center - Through 4" Bit Adapter (Less Bit) L.H. 5" Bit Adapter (Less Bit) R.H. 5" Bit Adapter (Less Bit) R.H. 6" Bit Adapter (Less Bit) L.H. 6" Terminator Adapter, L.H. C-4” Terminator Adapter, R.H. C-4” Terminator Adapter, L.H. 5” Terminator Adapter, R.H. 5” Terminator Adapter, L.H. 6” Terminator Adapter, R.H. 6” Terminator Adapter, L.H. 8” Terminator Adapter, R.H. 8” 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 For additional bare chain components, see 2” pitch ABF chain section. Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 58 Terminator®, Alligator and Bolt-on Rock & Frost Chain, Teeth & Adapters for Ditch Witch® Models R60, R65, R6510, R40, 4010, 5010, 7510, 7610, 8020 Using 3.067"P Chain 1 2 7 3 4 11 5 Ref No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 8 10 6 12 13 9 Part No. Smart Pt. No. Description N/A N/A T 20034 T 20078 765 BLK 765 HDBLK B 105-322 B 105-365 B 105-372 B 105-111 B 135-958 B 135-959 B 135-058 SH3067HD0632 AL30670632 3”P, 110,000 Lb. Welded Terminator Chain, 6” Cut, 32 Sta. 3”P, 110,000 Lb. Welded Alligator Chain, 6” Cut, 32 Sta. Terminator Tooth, 3⁄4" V-Carbide Terminator Tooth, 7⁄8" V-Carbide Tooth Holder Heavy Duty Tooth Holder Bolt (3⁄4" x 51⁄2") Bolt (3⁄4" x 4") Locknut (3⁄4") Bolt (3⁄4" x 41⁄2") Carbide Bit Half Cap (B56-C) (765 MB) Carbide Bit Full Cap (B56-B) (765 CB) Carbide Bit Rockbuster (CB56KRB) (765 HB) Weight (lbs) .8 .85 .8 1. continued on next page Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 59 Terminator®, Alligator and Bolt-on Rock & Frost Chain, Teeth & Adapters for Ditch Witch® Models R60, R65, R6510, R40, 4010, 5010, 7510, 7610, 8020 Using 3.067"P Chain, continued 15 14 16 17 20 18 21 19 22 Ref No. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 N/S N/S Note: 23 24 Part No. Description B 135-973 B 135-974 B 135-975 B 135-976 T 306706L T 306706R T 306708L T 306708R B 105-373 B 135-977 B 135-978 B 135-979 B 135-980 Bit Adapter (Less Teeth) L.H. 8" Cut Bit Adapter (Less Teeth) R.H. 8" Cut Bit Adapter (Less Teeth) R.H. cc - 6" Bit Adapter (Less Teeth) L.H. cc - 6" Terminator Adapter, L.H. 6” Terminator Adapter, R.H. 6” Terminator Adapter, L.H. 8” Terminator Adapter, R.H. 8” Bolt ( 3⁄4" x 5") Chain Spacer, Outside (110,000 Lb.) Chain Spacer, Inside (110,000 Lb.) Chain Spacer, Outside (70,000 Lb.) Chain Spacer, Inside (70,000 Lb.) Weight (lbs) For additional bare chain components, see pages 42 and 43. Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 60 Terminator®, Alligator and Bolt-on Rock & Frost 3.067" Pitch Anti-Back Flex Chain, Teeth & Adapters for Ditch Witch® Models R60, R65, R6510, R40, 4010, 5010, 7510, 7610, 8020 & Attachments A/H500, A/H700 8 7 10 1 9 3 2 11 6 13 12 18 5 4 19 15 14 23 20 22 16 Ref No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Note: 21 17 Part No. Smart Pt. No. N/A N/A T 20034 T 20078 765 BLK 765 HDBLK B 105-322 B 105-365 B 105-372 B 105-373 B 135-958 B 135-959 B 135-058 B 135-973 B 135-974 B 135-975 B 135-976 T 306706L T 306706R T 306708L T 306708R B 135-977 B 135-978 SH3067ABF06D32 ABF, 110,000# Welded Terminator, 6” Cut, 32 Stations AL3067ABF06D32 ABF, 110,000# Welded Alligator, 6” Cut, 32 Stations Terminator Tooth, 3⁄4" V-Carbide Terminator Tooth, 7⁄8" V-Carbide Tooth Holder Heavy Duty Tooth Holder Bolt (3⁄4" x 51⁄2") Used with Two Outside Bit Adapters Bolt (3⁄4" x 4") Used with Inside Bit Adapter Locknut (3⁄4") Bolt (3⁄4" x 5") Used with Outside Bit Adapter Carbide Bit Half Cap (B56-C) (765 MB) Carbide Bit Full Cap (B56-B) (765 CB) Carbide Rockbuster (CB56KRB) (765 HB) Bit Adapter L.H. 8" Bit Adapter R.H. 8" Bit Adapter R.H. Center through 6" Cut Bit Adapter L.H. Center through 6" Cut Terminator Adapter, L.H. 6” Terminator Adapter, R.H. 6” Terminator Adapter, L.H. 8” Terminator Adapter, R.H. 8” Chain Spacer (Used with Bit Adapter on Outside) Chain Spacer (Used with Bit Adapter on Inside) Description Weight (lbs) .8 .85 .8 1. For additional bare chain components, see page 44. Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 61 H-Plate, Terminator®, and Bolt-on Rock & Frost Chain, Teeth and Adapters for TA3110 Ultra Heavy-Duty Chain (165,000# Test Chain) Replaces all 3"P Chains 3 5 6 1 4 7 9 2 8 11 10 14 16 17 15 18 12 13 Ref No. Part No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 N/A N/A B 43 LH B 43 LC B 43 LRB 765 CRFN B 43 CW TA 4134 LPL TA 4134 LPR H 75-6L H 75-6R H 75-8L H 75-8R T 20034 T 20078 T 306706L T 306706R T 306708L T 306708R Note: Smart Pt. No. Description TA311006H32 SH31100632 Welded H-Plate Chain, 6” Cut, 32 Stations Welded Terminator Chain, 6” Cut, 32 Stations Carbide Tooth with clip (735MRW) Lock Clip Only (K91) Rockbuster Bit with clip Full Cap Carbide Bit with clip Clip Wrench Cutter, L.H., Low-profile Cutter, R.H., Low-profile Carbide Holder, L.H. 6” Carbide Holder, R.H. 6” Carbide Holder, L.H. 8” Carbide Holder, R.H. 8” Terminator Tooth, 3⁄4" V-Carbide Terminator Tooth, 7⁄8" V-Carbide Terminator Adapter, L.H. 6” Terminator Adapter, R.H. 6” Terminator Adapter, L.H. 8” Terminator Adapter, R.H. 8” 19 Weight (lbs) .8 .85 For additional bare chain components, see page 49. continued on next page Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 62 H-Plate, Terminator®, and Bolt-on Rock & Frost Chain, Teeth and Adapters for TA3110 Ultra Heavy-Duty Chain (165,000# Test Chain) Replaces all 3"P Chains, continued 21 20 32 22 31 30 29 24 23 25 27 26 33 35 34 Ref No. Part No. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 TP 17 SP 1916 SP 178 SP 200 SP 238 SP 218 34 FW 34 LW 34 LN 34412-8 34500-8 34512-8 34600-8 PL 75-10 PL 75-12 PL 75-14 PL 75-16 BL 3110-10 37 28 Description 36 Weight (lbs) Heat Treated Tooth Pocket 19⁄16" Alloy Tube Spacer 17⁄8" Alloy Tube Spacer 2” Alloy Tube Spacer 23⁄8" Alloy Tube Spacer 21⁄8" Alloy Tube Spacer 3⁄4" Flat Washer 3⁄4" Lock Washer 3⁄4" Lock Nut 3⁄4" x 41⁄2" Gr. 8 Bolt 3⁄4" x 5” Gr. 8 Bolt 3⁄4" x 51⁄2" Gr. 8 Bolt 3⁄4" x 6” Gr. 8 Bolt 10” Carbide Expander 12” Carbide Expander 14” Carbide Expander 16” Carbide Expander Block Spacer - Space for 2” Additional Cut Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 63 Alligator and Bolt-on Rock & Frost Chain, Teeth & Adapters (41⁄2" Pitch 150,000# Test Chain) for Ditch Witch® Models R100, AR12, R150 1 2 5 8 6 9 4 3 10 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 13 Ref No. 7 17 16 14 15 Part No. Smart Pt. No. Description N/A B 135-812 B 105-372 B 105-499 B 135-801 B 135-802 B 135-805 R 100CL B 136-100 B 136-101 B 136-102 B 136-060 B 136-061 B 136-062 B 136-063 765 BLK 765 HDBLK AL450008D24 B450000B24 Welded Alligator Chain, 8” Cut, 24 Stations 18'0" Chain, Bare Locknut (3⁄4" N.C.) Bolt (3⁄4" x 13⁄4") Chain Pin Key Roller Link Conn. Link Carbide Bit (Full Cap) (765 CB) Carbide Bit (Half Cap) (765 MB) Carbide Bit (Rock Buster) (765 HB) Bit Adapter (Position 1) Bit Adapter (Position 2) Bit Adapter (Position 3) Bit Adapter (Position 4) Tooth Holder Heavy Duty Tooth Holder Weight (lbs) 360 .8 1.0 Note: MTO adapters can be manufactured upon request. Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 64 H-Plate, Terminator® and Bolt-on Rock & Frost Chain, Teeth and Adapters for Ditch Witch® Models R100, AR12, R150 using TA4086 Chain (225,000# Test) replaces 4.5" 150,000 Chains 1 2 11 10 9 3 4 Ref No. Part No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S Note: N/A N/A B 43 LH B 43 LRB 765 CRFN B 43 LC B 43 CW TP 17 PL 75-12 PL 75-14 PL 75-16 PL 75-18 H 300-10L H 300-10R H 300-12L H 300-12R 5 6 8 7 Smart Pt. No. Description TA408608H26 TA408600B26 4.086”P Welded H-Plate Chain, 8” Cut, 26 Stations 4.086”P Chain, Bare, 26 Stations Carbide Tooth with clip (735 MRW) Carbide Tooth with clip (735 HR) Carbide Tooth with clip (Full Cap) Lock Clip Only (K91) Clip Wrench Heat Treated Tooth Pocket 12" Carbide Expander Plate 14" Carbide Expander Plate 16" Carbide Expander Plate 18” Carbide Expander Plate Carbide Holder 10" Cut, L.H. Carbide Holder 10" Cut, R.H. Carbide Holder 12" Cut, L.H. Carbide Holder 12" Cut, R.H. Weight (lbs) For additional bare chain components, see pages 54 & 55. continued on next page Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 65 H-Plate, Terminator® and Bolt-on Rock & Frost Chain, Teeth and Adapters for Ditch Witch® Models R100, AR12, R150 using TA4086 Chain (225,000# Test) replaces 4.5" 150,000 Chains, continued 13 15 14 12 17 16 21 19 18 23 22 25 Ref No. Part No. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 H 75-6L H 75-6R H 75-8L H 75-8R SP 2716 SP 238 SP 11516 SP 2116 BL 4086-10 T 306706L T 306706R T 306708L T 306708R T 20034 T 20078 20 24 26 Description Carbide Holder, L.H. 6” Carbide Holder, R.H. 6” Carbide Holder, L.H. 8” Carbide Holder, R.H. 8” 27⁄16” Alloy Tube Spacer 23⁄8” Alloy Tube Spacer 115⁄16” Alloy Tube Spacer 21⁄16” Alloy Tube Spacer Block Spacer – Spacer for 2" Additional Cut Terminator Adapter, L.H. 6” Terminator Adapter, R.H. 6” Terminator Adapter, L.H. 8” Terminator Adapter, R.H. 8” Terminator Tooth, 3⁄4" V-Carbide Terminator Tooth, 7⁄8" V-Carbide Weight (lbs) .8 .85 continued on next page Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 66 H-Plate, Terminator® and Bolt-on Rock & Frost Chain, Teeth and Adapters for Ditch Witch® Models R100, AR12, R150 using TA4086 Chain (225,000# Test) replaces 4.5" 150,000 Chains, continued 28 27 29 31 30 35 34 33 32 37 36 Ref No. Part No. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 N/S 36 37 38 N/S N/S B 83 LH B 83 LC 34 FW 34 LW 34 LN 34412-8 34500-8 34512-8 34600-8 34 TABS PL 300-16 PL 300-18 PL 300-20 PL 300-22 PL 300-24 Description 38 Weight (lbs) Carbide Tooth with clip Lock Clip 3⁄4” Flat Washer 3⁄4” Lock Washer 3⁄4” Lock Nut 3⁄4” x 41/2” Gr. 8 Bolt 3⁄4” x 5” Gr. 8 Bolt 3⁄4” x 51/2” Gr. 8 Bolt 3⁄4” x 6” Gr. 8 Bolt 3⁄4” Bolt Seat for TA300 Holder 16” Carbide Expander Plate 18” Carbide Expander Plate 20” Carbide Expander Plate 22” Carbide Expander Plate 24” Carbide Expander Plate Ballantine, Inc. • Ditch Witch® Replacement Par ts • Page 67 Warning ! ▲ Use Care To Prevent Injury Comply with the Following to Avoid Serious Personal Injury 1. Guards must be provided on all chain and sprocket installations in accordance with provisions of ANSI/ASME B15.1 - 1996 “Safety Standards for Mechanical Power Transmission Apparatus,” and ANSI/ASME B20.1 1996 “Safety Standards for Conveyors and Related Equipment,” or other applicable safety standards. When revisions of these standards are published, the updated edition shall apply. 2. Always lock out power switch before installing, removing, lubricating or servicing a chain system. 3. When connecting or disconnecting chain: a. Eye protection is required. Wear safety glasses, protective clothing, gloves, and safety shoes. b. Support the chain to prevent uncontrolled movement of chain and parts. c. Use of pressing equipment is recommended. Tools must be in good condition and properly used. d. Determine correct direction for pin/rivet removal or insertion. Part No. T01101 REV9/13 ©Ballantine, Inc. 2013 All Rights Reserved
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