VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN AGENDA VILLAGE BOARD MEETING NO. 3049 March 25, 2013 – 7:00 P.M. Fire Headquarters, 1000 N. Midlothian Road, Mundelein, IL I. II. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Village Board Meeting – February 25, 2013 (Exhibit 1) B. Village Board Meeting – March 11, 2013 (Exhibit 2) V. VI. PUBLIC COMMENTARY PRESENTATIONS/AWARDS A. Outstanding Citizen Award /Proclamation – John Lynn (Exhibit 3) B. 98th General Assembly/Representative Sente – Acknowledgment of Chief Guenther (Exhibit 4) C. Human Relations Commission Annual Report (Exhibit 5) VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS VIII. MAYOR’S REPORT A. Proclamation – Code Enforcement Officer Appreciation Month – April 2013 (Exhibit 6) B. Proclamation – National Safe Digging Month – April 2013 (Exhibit 7) C. Exchange Club of LMV Sign Request (Exhibit 8) 1. Motion to authorize the Exchange Club of LMV to display four signs at the proposed intersections within the Village of Mundelein April 20, 2013 through May 5, 2013. D. Motion to move the start time of the regularly scheduled Village Board Meeting on April 8, 2013 from 7:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. 1 E. IX. Other Reports TRUSTEE REPORTS A. Public Works Committee (Meier) 1. Motion to approve the minutes of the February 25, 2013 Public Works Committee Meeting. (Exhibit PW-1). 2. Emerald Ash Borer Management Plan (Exhibit PW-2) a. Motion to adopt A Resolution Regarding the Emerald Ash Borer Management Plan. B. Finance Committee (Sullivan) 1. Motion to approve the payment of bills, as indicated on Disbursement Pending Report dated 03/25/13 for AT&T invoices totaling $5,063.12 (Exhibit FIN-1). C. Public Safety Committee (Semple) D. Community Development Committee (Voss) 1. Approval of Text Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance (Exhibit CD-1) a. Motion to pass an Ordinance Amending Certain Sections to Chapters 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17 and 18 of the Zoning Ordinance, Title 20 of the Municipal Code of Mundelein, Correcting Grammar, Spelling and CrossReferences; and Regarding Motor Vehicle Aftermarket Enhancements; Light Pole Heights, Commercial Vehicles; Parking Stall Dimensions; Driveways; and Definitions. E. Permits Committee (Nutschnig) 1. Motion to approve the minutes of the March 11, 2013 Permits Committee Meeting. (Exhibit PMT-1). F. Transportation & Infrastructure Committee (Lentz) G. Other Reports X. SCHEDULED BUSINESS Omnibus Vote Items Exhibit A Motion to approve bad debts write-off in the amount of $11,244.17. 2 B Motion to adopt a Resolution Canceling the Village Board Meeting of May 27, 2013 and Authorizing the Village Administrator to Approve Payment of Bills Between the Period of May 27, 2013 and June 10, 2013. C Motion to approve a Department Purchase Order & Payment in the amount of $11,877.05 to Clark Baird Smith, LLP for legal services. D Motion to authorize the Village Administrator to sign the GAN (Grant Adjustment Notice) from the Illinois Emergency Management Agenda for the period of January 1, 2012 – December 31, 2012 providing $2,883.33 to the Village of Mundelein for the grant period. E Garden Fresh Market, 400 Townline Road Sign Variations 1) Motion to pass an Ordinance Repealing Ordinance No. 06-11-93, An Ordinance Granting Sign Variations to Garden Fresh Market Relating to the Property at 400 Townline Road, Mundelein, Illinois. 2) Motion to pass an Ordinance Granting Variations to Garden Fresh Market, LLC, d/b/a, Garden Fresh Market, Relating to the Property Located at 400 Townline Road, Mundelein, Illinois. XI. F Motion to authorize the Mayor to sign on behalf of the Mundelein ETSB the Memorandum of Understanding Regarding CAD Interoperability. G Motion to approve the payment of bills, as indicated in the Governing Body Report for the period between 3/12/13 through 3/25/13 in the amount of $ 1,383,810.40. VILLAGE STAFF REPORTS A. Village Administrator 1. Ordinance Codification Purchase Order (Exhibit STF-1) a. Motion to approve the Purchase Order to Municipal Code Corporation for ordinance codification services in the amount of $7,688. B. Village Attorney C. Village Clerk XII. EXECUTIVE SESSION A. Motion to recess into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation pursuant to 5 ILCS 120, Section 2(c)(11), land acquisition pursuant to 5 ILCS 120, Section 2(C)(5), personnel pursuant to 5 ILCS 120, Section 2(C)(1), and minutes pursuant to 5 ILCS 120, Section 2 (c)(21). B. Motion to reconvene Village Board Meeting 3 C. Attendance D. Action from Executive Session 1. Motion to pass An Ordinance Adopting the FYE 2014 Employee Reference Manual for the Village of Mundelein. XIII. OTHER BUSINESS XIV. ADJOURNMENT 4 03/25/13 VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN UPCOMING MEETING SCHEDULE* March 25, 2013 7:00 p.m. Regular Village Board Meeting April 8, 2013 6:00 p.m. Finance Committee Meeting Re: FYE 2014 Budget April 8, 2013 7:30 p.m. Regular Village Board Meeting ( Note: time change) April 15, 2013 6:00 p.m. Finance Committee Meeting Re: FYE 2014 Budget April 22, 2013 6:00 p.m. Finance Committee Meeting Re: FYE 2014 Budget April 22, 2013 7:00 p.m. Regular Village Board Meeting * All meetings will be held at Village of Mundelein Fire Headquarters, 1000 N. Midlothian Road, Mundelein, Illinois, unless otherwise stated. EXHIBIT 1 The 3047th Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mundelein was held Monday, February 25, 2013 at 1000 North Midlothian Road, Mundelein. Mayor Pro Tempore Nutschnig called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. 3047th Regular meeting Clerk Dahlstrom took the roll. It indicated these members present: Trustees, Lentz, Meier, Nutschnig, Semple, and Sullivan; absent: Mayor Kessler and Trustee Voss. Village attendance: Village Administrator Lobaito, Assistant Village Administrator Flynn, Chief Guenther, MPD; Chief Sashko, MFD; Director of Finance Haywood, Director of Public Works & Engineering Boeche, Director of Building Schubkegel, Sr., Director of Planning Barrera, and Attorney Marino. Attendance Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Pro Tempore Nutschnig led the pledge of allegiance. Motion by Semple, seconded by Sullivan to approve the minutes of February 11, 2013. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Semple, Sullivan, Lentz, Meier, and Nutschnig; nays: none; absent and not voting: Voss. Motion carried. Motion to Approve Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of 02.11.13 Mayor Kessler opened the floor for public commentary. Floor Opened to Public Mr. Paul Papineau, 446 Killarney Pass Circle, congratulated the Village for the efficient job regarding the snow removal during Street Scenes and the recent snow storm as well. Snow Removal Mr. Carl Hanson, 571 Banbury Road, agreed with Mr. Papineau and added in the five years he has lived in the Village, the Street Department has done an excellent job. Snow Removal Mr. Jerry Haley, 550 Deepwoods Drive, stated he was owner and Building Manager of the Woodlands Apartments. Mr. Haley stated there had been much said on all sides regarding the recycling ordinance, and stated all believe recycling is important. Mr. Haley stated there were three parts of the ordinance; mandating commercial and multi-family housing businesses to implement the recycling program; mandating the exclusive franchise use of one specific waste hauler; and negotiates and dictates the removal cost of waste and recycle materials by multi-family commercial businesses. Mr. Haley added the vote should be based on the following: whether it is a good ordinance for the Village; would the ordinance meet the objective of achieving 60% or more recycling by 2020; and how does mandating a specific waste hauler at a fixed price help or increase the success of the recycling goals. Mr. Haley stated he felt it was discrimination against all multi-family businesses because it excludes all other commercial businesses that should also be mandated to assist in the recycling program. Mr. Haley stated mandating a government negotiated rate will not increase or improve the success of a recycling program. Mr. Haley added his contract would increase Recycling Ordinance 24 Floor Opened to Public (Continued) Recycling Ordinance (Continued) by more than $1,000 and added he would provide his current contract. Mr. Haley stated it would eliminate the competition and the ability to negotiate the ability to bid for the service. Mr. Haley stated there was no reason for the Village to add this to the ordinance. Mr. Haley stated the Board would be voting on a $1M decision based on two weak excuses for the options the multi-family businesses would end up paying. Mr. Haley stated he attended a SWALCO meeting where Director Willis stated the proceeds would be split between SWALCO, the Village, and the business owners but was still open for discussion as to where the monies would go. Director Willis stated at a Grayslake meeting, SWALCO does not receive any proceeds from the proposed recycling ordinances; someone is confused or not telling the truth. Mr. Haley stated the ordinance would save some a limited amount of some multi-family businesses however it will be due to the lack of good financial management practices; however they do not need the Village for this savings. The Village is creating a monopoly and will the Village pay the fees incurred for canceling each contract. Mr. Haley asked if the Village wanted to alienate business partners or would the Village pass an ordinance mandating recycling, let multi-family business owners educate their tenants, and choose the best possible waste hauler for each individual needs, one that can be terminated if good service is not provided. Recycling Ordinance Mr. Mel Withrow, 600 McKinley Avenue, stated he lives and votes in the Village. Mr. Withrow stated recycling is okay with multi-family business owners however mandating who to use without competitive bidding is not okay. Mr. Withrow stated waste haulers generally have the same type of contract and noted if a contract requires a six-month cancellation notice, fees would be incurred and asked Assistant Administrator Flynn for a ruling regarding the cancellation fees. Assistant Administrator Flynn stated every year, business licenses are renewed within the Village. Groot would be the only scavenger that would be issued a business license and therefore cancellation fees would not be incurred. Mr. Withrow disagreed with Assistant Administrator Flynn’s explanation and asked Administrator Lobaito’s opinion. Administrator Lobaito agreed with Assistant Administrator Flynn’s explanation. Mr. Withrow stated his cancellation fees would be $4,000 and asked if the Village would be willing to side with the multi-family business owners against the existing scavenger services. Mr. Withrow also represented Park Butterfield Apartments. Park Butterfield Apartments would be $22,000 with an additional $12,500 per year. Recycling Ordinance Mr. Charles Thompson, 155 South Chicago Avenue, asked if any trustee believe it is a good, a right, and a just thing for government to strip the personal rights and freedoms of its citizens whom they allege to serve in order to achieve its own goals and objectives. Mr. Thompson reminded the Board what was stated by Thomas Jefferson “the price of freedom is eternal vigilance”. Mr. Thompson stated the ordinance was nothing more than further control over private property by the incremental erosion of personal rights and freedoms. Mr. Thompson stated UN Agenda 21 is poised and 25 ready to be placed firmly in the throat of every business and property owner in the Village. Mr. Thompson reminded the Board, their first obligation is to protect the rights of the constituents and further challenged the Board to make a motion to once and for all end the debate on the issue and never bring it up again. Floor Opened to Public (Continued) Recycling Ordinance (Continued) There was no other public commentary. The floor was closed for public Floor Closed to Public commentary. Mayor Pro Tempore Nutschnig proclaimed the Good Neighbor Award to Mayor’s Report Ms. Hazel D. Walker for an incident in which Ms. Walker aided a person in distress. Ms. Walker’s action and care of the individual contributed to the Good Neighbor Award – Ms. person’s survival. The individual was in cardiac arrest and hypothermic. Hazel Walker Dr. Pearlman, Attending Physician Advocate Condell Emergency Department wrote a letter to the Village recommending recognition. In addition to the proclamation, Ms. Hazel’s name will be inscribed on the Good Neighbor Award plaque displayed at Village Hall. Mayor Pro Tempore Nutschnig introduced Chief Sashko to present Ms. Walker with a framed letter written by Dr. Pearlman. Chief Sashko added the letter was important and added Dr. Pearlman worked on the individual for over seven hours. Chief Sashko thanked Ms. Walker for her actions. Mayor Kessler arrived Mayor Kessler arrived at 7:35 p. m. National Severe Weather Mayor Kessler proclaimed March 3, 2013 through March 9, 2013 as Preparedness Week – 03.03.13 – 03.09.13 National Severe Weather Preparedness Week. Motion by Semple, seconded by Meier to accept the Plan Commission Ruprecht Company, 1301 Minutes and Findings of Fact as stated in the Staff Report dated February Allanson Road 25, 2013. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Semple, Meier, Lentz, Nutschnig, and Sullivan; nays: none; absent and not voting: Voss. Motion carried. Motion by Semple, seconded by Nutschnig to accept the Plan Commission’s Recommendation as stated in the Staff Report dated February 25, 2013. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Semple, Nutschnig, Lentz, Meier, and Sullivan; nays: none; absent and not voting: Voss. Motion carried. Motion by Semple, seconded by Meier to authorize staff to draft an ordinance granting a variation to Section 20.10.3 to allow a maximum building height of fifty feet for Ruprecht Company, 1301 Allanson Road. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Semple, Meier, Lentz, Nutschnig, and Sullivan; nays: none; absent and not voting: Voss. Motion carried. Motion by Meier, seconded by Semple to authorize staff to draft an 26 Mayor’s Report (Continued) Ruprecht Company, 1301 Allanson Road (Continued) Appointment of Trustees to Branding Selection Committee Public Works Committee Interior Painting – Water Distribution Facilities ordinance granting a variation to Section 20.10.04(d)(1)(f) to allow metal panels as the primary material for proposed building addition for Ruprecht Company, 1301 Allanson Road. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Meier, Semple, Lentz, Nutschnig, and Sullivan; nays: none; absent and not voting: Voss. Motion carried. Mayor Kessler asked for two trustees to volunteer for the Branding Selection Committee. Trustees Meier and Lentz volunteered. Trustee Meier reported the Public Works Committee meeting held earlier recommending the Emerald Ash Borer Management Plan be presented to the Board. Motion by Meier, seconded by Semple to accept all bids. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Meier, Semple, Lentz, Nutschnig, and Sullivan; nays: none; absent and not voting: Voss. Motion carried. Motion by Meier, seconded by Semple to issue a notice of award accepting the proposal from Sparkle Paint and Construction Co. subject to the approval and execution of a satisfactory contract and receipt of required bonding and insurance. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Meier, Semple, Lentz, Nutschnig, and Sullivan; nays: none; absent and not voting: Voss. Motion carried. Motion by Meier, seconded by Semple to authorize the Director of Public Works and Engineering to negotiate a reduction in project scope and corresponding contract value. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Meier, Semple, Lentz, Nutschnig, and Sullivan; nays: none; absent and not voting: Voss. Motion carried. Motion by Sullivan, seconded by Nutschnig to approve the payment of bills, as indicated on Disbursement Pending Report dated 02.22.13 for AT&T Motion to Approve Payment invoices totaling $1,908.59. of Bills Dated 02.22.13 for Trustee Meier stated due to a conflict of interest, she would abstain from AT&T Invoices Totaling voting on the motion. $1,908.59 Finance Committee Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Sullivan, Nutschnig, Lentz, and Semple; abstain: Meier; nays: none; absent or not voting: Voss. Motion carried. Financial Highlights Trustee Sullivan reported financial highlights. JAWA Update Mayor Kessler reported the JAWA fees discussed at the previous meeting was a per person fee in addition to all of the old and new infrastructure fees. Public Safety Committee Trustee Semple introduced Chief Guenther to present the Police report. 27 Chief Guenther announced the annual Liquor License Meeting scheduled March 7, 2013 for all license holders. Public Safety Committee (Continued) Chief Guenther reported the Polar Plunge was held Sunday February 24, 2013 and approximately $3,000 was raised for the Special Olympics. Polar Plunge Held Trustee Semple introduced Chief Sashko to present the Fire report. Chief Sashko reported he, Chief Guenther, Deputy Chief Monahan, and Director Boeche, attended a new program launched by Lake County Emergency Management Agency evaluating basic readiness, and resource management in case of a catastrophic event. Lake County Emergence Management Agency Chief Sashko reported a Blood Drive was held and 81 units were donated. Blood Drive Held Chief Sashko reported North Shore Gas donated 40 carbon monoxide detectors for families that do not have detectors in their homes. Carbon Monoxide Detectors Donated by North Shore Gas Chief Sashko reported the Weston Solutions HAZMAT Training began and would continue March 11, 2013 for their National Response Team members. Chief Sashko invited the Board to attend the training as they are able. Weston Solutions Training Trustee Lentz reported Loch Lomond Phase I meeting was held Thursday February 21, 2013 with 110 attendees. Trustee Lentz thanked Administrator Lobaito, Director Boeche, and Engineer Emmerich for their presentations. Administrator Lobaito stated a report would be distributed to the Board. T & I Committee Motion by Lentz, seconded by Sullivan to pass an Ordinance Amending Ordinance 09-03-17, An Ordinance Adopting the Village of Mundelein Municipal Solid Waste Code. Expansion of Residential Solid Waste Agreement with Groot Industries, Incorporated Trustee Meier stated while she supports recycling, she would not support the motion due to the residential rates not being negotiated while being extended with the adoption of this ordinance. Trustee Semple asked Trustee Meier if they, as the negotiating team did a thorough job negotiating a residential rate and the task of multi-family was not to renegotiate the residential rates. Trustee Meier stated one of the options was to wait and renegotiate the 2014 contract and send it out for bids. Trustee Sullivan addressed the concerns expressed during the public commentary and stated all concerns have been considered and the main purpose of the ordinance was to increase the amount of recycled materials and felt it would be effective. Trustee Sullivan added the objection of the termination fees are not a liability because the Village would not issue a 28 Loch Lomond Phase I Meeting Held Expansion of Residential Solid Waste Agreement with Groot Industries, Incorporated (Continued) business license to any other waste hauler with a competitive price to all. Discussions continued regarding the residential rates and the direction of the Board regarding the negotiations. Mayor Kessler added a benefit for the residents is to switch to a larger recycle bin and a smaller refuse bin. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Lentz, Sullivan, Nutschnig, and Semple; nays: Meier; absent and not voting: Voss. Motion carried. (Ordinance No. 13-02-06) Motion by Lentz, seconded by Sullivan to pass An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 09-03-18, an Ordinance Designating Groot Industries, Incorporated as the Exclusive Residential Solid Waste Collection Contract Within the Village of Mundelein, and Authorizing the Execution of An Exclusive Residential Services Collection Agreement with Groot Industries, Incorporated, as amended. Assistant Administrator Flynn corrected Exhibit A, page 10 (f)(1), line 4, to add … (May 1, 2013 to May 1, 2014), subject to a rate increase May 1, 2014. Also, Section 2, line 4, …CONTRACTOR copy of its January 2013 garbage bill with such third party hauler, certified in writing by such owner or management stating that it is a true, correct and complete copy of said bill. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Lentz, Sullivan, Nutschnig, and Semple; nays: Meier; absent and not voting: Voss. Motion carried. (Ordinance No. 13-02-07) Omnibus Agenda Mayor Kessler presented the Omnibus Vote Agenda asking for any additions, deletions or corrections. Items Removed Trustee Sullivan removed Item A. Motion to Approve Omnibus Vote Agenda There were no other additions, deletions or corrections. Motion by Lentz, seconded by Sullivan to approve the following Omnibus Vote Agenda, excluding Item A: A B REMOVED Motion to pass an Ordinance Amending Ordinance 12-12-60 to Correct a Typographical Error. (Omnibus Vote) (Ordinance No. 13-02-08) 29 C Motion to approve a Departmental Purchase Order in the amount of $18,307.61 to CDWG for Annual Microsoft EA Agreement Licenses. (Omnibus Vote) D Motion to Approve Omnibus Vote Agenda (Continued) Motion to approve the payment of bills, as indicated in the Governing Body Report for the period between 2/12/13 through 2/25/13 in the amount of $602,712.13. (Omnibus Vote) Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Lentz, Sullivan, Meier, Nutschnig, and Semple; nays: none; absent or not voting: Voss. Motion carried. Motion by Sullivan, seconded by Semple to authorize the Mayor to execute the Parking Lot Lease between the Village of Mundelein and Pat and Nita McGrath for premises at the southwest corner of Park Avenue and Seymour Avenue, Mundelein, Illinois. Trustee Sullivan stated the monthly rent was none and asked if that was correct. Administrator Lobaito stated for the use of their lot, the Village agrees to snow removal and the McGrath’s have agreed to minor repairs to the surface and added there was another lease with Mundelein Community Connection. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Sullivan, Semple, Lentz, Meier, and Nutschnig; nays: none; absent or not voting: Voss. Motion carried. Motion to Authorize Mayor to Execute Parking Lot Lease between VOM & Pat & Nita McGrath for Premises at Southwest Corner of Park Avenue & Seymour Avenue Administrator’s Report Administrator Lobaito called a Staff Meeting for Tuesday February 26, 2013. Staff Meeting 02.26.13 Administrator Lobaito reported the budget documents would be distributed early March 2013. Preliminary Budget Documents Trustee Sullivan addressed Mr. Haley’s comments regarding his benefiting from the waste hauler contract and added it would greatly reduce his costs and does not influence his vote. Mayor Kessler added the Electric Aggregation benefited every resident including the Board. Waste Hauler Comment Motion by Meier, seconded by Semple to adjourn the 3047th Regular meeting. Upon unanimous voice vote, the meeting was adjourned at 8:19 p.m. Motion carried. Motion to Adjourn The 3047th Regular meeting was adjourned at 8:19 p.m. Adjournment _________________________ Village Clerk 30 EXHIBIT 2 The 3048th Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mundelein was held Monday, March 11, 2013 at 1000 North Midlothian Road, Mundelein. Mayor Pro Tempore Nutschnig called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. 3048th Regular meeting Clerk Dahlstrom took the roll. It indicated these members present: Trustees, Lentz, Meier, Semple, Sullivan, and Voss; absent: Mayor Kessler. Village attendance: Village Administrator Lobaito, Assistant Village Administrator Flynn, Chief Guenther, MPD; Chief Sashko, MFD; Director of Finance Haywood, Deputy Director of Public Works DeVito, Director of Building Schubkegel, Sr., Director of Planning Barrera, and Attorney Marino. Attendance Mayor Pro Tempore Nutschnig led the pledge of allegiance. Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Pro Tempore Nutschnig stated not everyone received the minutes of February 25, 2013 therefore they would be removed and presented at the next Regular meeting. The motion was removed. Minutes Removed Mayor Pro Tempore Nutschnig opened the floor for public commentary. Floor Opened to Public Mr. Paul Papineau, 446 Killarney Pass Circle, stated February 21, 2013 the Village held a very informative Loch Lomond meeting and since, a Report written by the Village has been distributed. Mr. Papineau stated while he hasn’t seen the report, he has learned the report states there were 60 attendees and most residents were in favor of curbs and gutters. Mr. Papineau stated the report is wrong, there were 135 attendees and most were not in favor of curbs and gutters. Mr. Papineau stated he had several concerns; curbs and gutters would add pollution to the Lake Lomond; curbs and gutters would increase the risk of accidents to the children and other pedestrians; curbs and gutters would increase the amount of traffic throughout the neighborhood; and curbs and gutters would decrease the amount of parking available to residents. Mr. Papineau stated the Village proposed curbs and gutters would make maintenance and repairs easier but disagreed because repairs to the streets go so long between repairs and cited Prairie as an example. Mr. Papineau stated the Village was concerned curbs and gutters were more robust than ribbon streets however he was confident the Village engineers could design a concrete ribbon every bit as robust and anchored and secured as a curb. Mr. Papineau stated residents who walk and jog were concerned that people parking on the three inch mountable curbs would make the streets too narrow and unsafe; children would have to walk on the street instead of the shoulder. Mr. Papineau stated the Village replied stating the mountable curbs would not have an effect because people would park on the grass however Mr. Jim Nelson, who lives on Braemar stated he has never, ever seen anyone park on the grass and added there was an ordinance prohibiting parking over a curb, Section 10.32.080 Parking Motor Vehicles on Private Property. Mr. Papineau stated Administrator Lobaito stated additional pollution added to the lake would be minimal and cited a Loch Lomond Street Improvement 31 Floor Opened to Public (Continued) Loch Lomond Street Improvement (Continued) Loch Lomond Street Improvement 11 Loch Lomond Street Improvement 2005 Lake Management Report. Mr. Papineau stated he was very familiar with the 2005 Lake Management Report and added many steps had been taken and the Village should not counter those steps by adding any pollution however minimal. Mr. Papineau distributed several handouts including PostConstruction Stormwater Management Permit information and handouts from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Eliminating Curbs and Gutters; Grassed Swales; and Narrower Residential Streets. Mr. Papineau recommended 24 foot road widths for heavily traveled streets; 21 foot road widths for remaining streets, replace the existing gravel shoulders with mountable curbs only where needed; ribbon curbs for the remainder of the neighborhood; and finally a mechanism for Loch Lomond residents to view and comment on every phase and prior to any final decisions made for Loch Lomond. Mr. Fritz Chesek, 277 Banbury Road, stated he and his wife chose Loch Lomond because of the unique qualities of the neighborhood however there are challenges and problems. Mr. Chesek expressed concerns regarding the health of the lake; algae blooms, increased sedimentations, phosphorous floating, and increased in fluorides. Mr. Chesek stated like-mind residents began to self-educate to leave the lake in a healthier state and he was asked to attend the Bull Creek Watershed Council meetings. Over the next several years, the Watershed Council began a Watershed Plan which determined best practice efforts which they have implemented on Lake Lomond and have been recognized by the Village. Mr. Chesek stated when street run-off is directly connected to curb and gutters storrmwater systems, there are concentrated pollutants are flushed and transported directly to the lake without any benefit of filtration or volume reduction. Mr. Chesek stated a good street design addresses these impacts by utilizing narrower street widths without curbs and gutters. Mr. Chesek stated increasing street widths, adding curbs and gutters, and sidewalks increase stormwater volume that would damage the lake even more. Mr. Chesek stated adding sidewalks would permanently damage and potentially kill mature trees and the values to their homes would never be recovered. Mr. Chesek stated residents were excited for the road improvements however concerns have been expressed. Mr. Chesek thanked the Village Board for the continued dialogue. Mr. Chesek stated widening the streets, adding curbs and gutters, adding a sidewalk around the lake are bad for the lake and bad for the community. Mr. Jim Cupec, 458 Killarney Pass Circle, stated he attended the informational meeting and was disturbed to hear from other residents who had never heard of the survey, and were not aware of what was going on. Mr. Cupec stated he and other residents created their own survey discussing Phase I and approximately 68% were against increased curb and gutters; 24% were undecided and needed additional information; 6% were in support of 1 ½ curbs and gutters. Trustee Voss asked for a copy of the survey questions as well as the results and thanked Mr. Cupec and residents for taking the time 32 to conduct their own survey. Floor Opened to Public (Continued) Mr. Harold Hanson, 571 Banbury Road, stated he and his wife moved to Lake Lomond for all of the reasons stated earlier and added he was in support of the previous comments made by Mr. Papineau, Mr. Chesek, and Mr. Cupec. Loch Lomond Street Improvement (Continued) Ms. Diana O’Kelly, Lake County Representative, stated a Community Forum is scheduled for Wednesday March 13, 2013 at the Lake County Museum. An Open House would be held from 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. and the meeting would begin at 7 p.m. Ms. O’Kelly added the funding for the Hawley Street Improvement is available whenever the Village submits their request. Lake County Community Forum 03.13.13 – 6 PM There was no other public commentary. The floor was closed for public commentary. Floor Closed to Public Mayor Pro Tempore Nutschnig introduced Chief Guenther. Chief Guenther introduced the new Police Sergeant, Sergeant Dempsey. Chief Guenther stated Sergeant Dempsey was hired by the Mundelein Police Department in 1996 and worked the Patrol Division until 2002. He was then promoted to the specialty position of Investigator and added to the Major Crimes Investigations Team which includes Homicide and Arson Investigations, Embezzlement Investigations, as well as the Lake County Major Crime Task Force. Sergeant Dempsey introduced his wife Erin, his children; Alec and Kiley, his mother, aunts and uncles, his Godparents, and his second-shift patrol staff. Sergeant Dempsey thanked the Board and Village for the opportunity. Introduction of Police Sergeant Paul Dempsey Mayor Pro Tempore Nutschnig asked for two trustees to volunteer for the Hickory Woods Negotiating Team. Trustees Voss and Sullivan volunteered. Appointment of Trustees to Hickory Woods Negotiating Team Motion by Sullivan, seconded by Voss to adopt a Resolution providing for the Second Amendment to the Village Hall Design-Build Contract By and Between the Village of Mundelein and Weston Solutions, Incorporated, former Sigma Site. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Sullivan, Voss, Lentz, Meier, Nutschnig, and Semple; nays: none; absent and not voting: none. Motion carried. (Resolution No. 13-03-18) Village Hall Design-Build Contract Amendment Motion by Meier, seconded by Semple to adopt a Resolution Authorizing the Sale of Surplus Village Equipment. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Meier, Semple, Lentz, Nutschnig, Sullivan, and Voss; nays: none; absent and not voting: none. Motion carried. (Resolution No. 13-03-19) Public Works Committee 33 Mayor’s Report Sale of Surplus Property Finance Committee Finance Committee Meeting Called – 04.08.13, 6 PM Trustee Sullivan called a Finance Committee Meeting for Monday April 8, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. regarding the Fiscal Year End (FYE) 2014 Budget. Trustee Sullivan asked the other trustees if there were any conflicts. Trustee Voss asked how many Budget meetings would be scheduled. Trustee Sullivan stated there were three meetings scheduled but additional meetings would be added if necessary. Trustee Meier stated she would be unavailable April 22, 2013. Motion to Approve Payment Motion by Sullivan, seconded by Semple to approve the payment of bills, as of Bills Dated 03.11.13 for indicated on Disbursement Pending Report dated 3.11.13 for AT&T invoices AT&T Invoices Totaling totaling $14,336.89. $14,336.89 Trustee Meier stated due to a conflict of interest, she would abstain from voting on the motion. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Sullivan, Semple, Lentz, Nutschnig, and Voss; abstain: Meier; nays: none; absent or not voting: none. Motion carried. Financial Highlights Motion to Recess into LCC 3048th Regular Meeting Recessed Motion to Reconvene Regular Meeting 3048th Regular Meeting Reconvened Trustee Sullivan reported financial highlights. Motion by Voss, seconded by Meier to recess the 3048th Regular meeting into a Liquor Control Commission meeting. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Voss, Meier, Lentz, Nutschnig, Semple, and Sullivan; nays: none; absent and not voting: none. Motion carried. The 3048th Regular meeting was recessed at 7:36 p.m. Motion by Voss, seconded by Sullivan to reconvene the 3048th Regular meeting. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Voss, Sullivan, Lentz, Meier, Nutschnig, and Semple; nays: none; absent and not voting: none. Motion carried. The 3048th Regular meeting was reconvened at 7:51 p.m. Attendance Clerk Dahlstrom took the roll. It indicated these members present: Trustees, Lentz, Meier, Semple, Sullivan, and Voss; absent: Mayor Kessler. Village attendance: Village Administrator Lobaito, Assistant Village Administrator Flynn, Chief Guenther, MPD; Chief Sashko, MFD; Director of Finance Haywood, Deputy Director of Public Works DeVito, Director of Building Schubkegel, Sr., Director of Planning Barrera, and Attorney Marino. Presentations & Awards Mayor Pro Tempore Nutschnig recognized Swimming Athlete Connor Black for his accomplishments at the state championships winning the 50-meter freestyle event setting an Illinois record of 19.8 seconds, and winning the 100-meter butterfly event setting a National High School record of 46.71 seconds. Mayor Pro Tempore Nutschnig added Mr. Black was selected to Swimming Athlete Connor Black 34 the USA National Junior Swimming Team in September 2012 and qualified for the 2012 Olympics trials in Omaha, Nebraska. Mayor Pro Tempore Nutschnig presented Mr. Black with a proclamation. Mr. Black stated he was honored to receive the award he looked forward to representing the Village of Mundelein. Trustee Semple introduced Chief Guenther. Chief Guenther reported March 18, 2013 a free BASSET Class would be held for Liquor License holders and there were 35 license holders registered for the class. Presentations & Awards (Continued) Public Safety Committee BASSET Class – 03.18.13 Trustee Semple reported an article regarding Fire Departments and what neighboring Fire Departments were doing regarding staffing and mutual aid. Trustee Semple asked Chief Sashko to prepare a report comparing what the Village was doing. Trustee Semple introduced Chief Sashko to update the Board. Chief Sashko updated the Board noting his report distributed earlier. Fire Department Staffing & Mutual Aid Article Chief Sashko reminded the public to change batteries in concurrence with the time change. Change Batteries on All Detectors Chief Sashko reminded the public there were carbon monoxide detectors donated by North Shore Gas available and stated residents should call the Fire Department, 847.949.3260. Carbon Monoxide Detectors Available Trustee Voss announced three new businesses: Community Development Committee Dynarev Auto Repair, 1272 Townline Road ProCell LLC, 75 East Division Street Creative Solutions, 1051 East High Street Three New Businesses Motion by Voss, seconded by Meier to approve a Professional Service Agreement Regarding a New Sign Ordinance with Camiros, Ltd. in an amount not to exceed $28,335.00, and authorize the Village Administrator’s signature on the Agreement. Trustee Lentz asked why it would cost $28,335 to write an ordinance. Trustee Voss stated it would be a comprehensive ordinance and the RFQ determined Camiros, Ltd., the same organization who wrote the Village’s Zoning Ordinance. Director Barrera added the last time the Sign Ordinance was revised was 1970’s and it would be a complete rewrite. Trustee Lentz asked how many pages the ordinance would be. Director Barrera stated approximately 40 pages. Trustee Lentz asked how long the process would take. Director Barrera stated approximately 12 months. Trustee Sullivan asked if the new ordinance would decrease the number of variances. Director Barrera stated the intent would to decrease the number of variances as well. Discussions continued regarding the types 35 Sign Ordinance Community Development Committee (Continued) of variances, the problems encountered with signs, and comments from existing business owners. Sign Ordinance (Continued) Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Voss, Meier, Lentz, Nutschnig, Semple, and Sullivan; nays: none; absent and not voting: none. Motion carried. Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments Motion by Voss, seconded by Semple to accept the Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes and Findings of Fact as stated in the Staff Report dated March 11, 2013. Trustee Meier stated due to a conflict of interest, she would abstain from voting on the motion. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Voss, Semple, Lentz, Nutschnig, and Sullivan; abstain: Meier; nays: none; absent or not voting: none. Motion carried. Motion by Voss, seconded by Sullivan to accept the Planning & Zoning Commission’s Recommendations as stated in the Staff Report dated March 11, 2013. Trustee Meier stated due to a conflict of interest, she would abstain from voting on the motion. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Voss, Sullivan, Lentz, Nutschnig, and Semple; abstain: Meier; nays: none; absent or not voting: none. Motion carried. Motion by Voss, seconded by Sullivan to authorize staff to draft an ordinance granting text amendments to the Zoning Ordinance regarding: 1. Chapter 4, 5, 8, 13 and 14 relating to grammar, spelling and cross-reference errors; 2. Chapter 8, 10, 12, 14 and 17 relating to motor vehicle aftermarket enhancements; 3. Chapter 13 relating to light pole heights; 4. Chapter 14 relating to commercial vehicles; 5. Chapter 14 relating to parking stall dimensions; 6. Chapter 14 relating to driveways; and 7. Chapter 18 relating to definition of a building line and build-to-lines. Trustee Meier stated she would not support the motion since this includes driveway restrictions she does not agree with. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Voss, Sullivan, Lentz, 36 Nutschnig, and Semple; nays: Meier; absent and not voting: none. Motion carried. Community Development Committee (Continued) Trustee Nutschnig reported on the Permits Committee meeting held prior to the Regular meeting regarding Garden Fresh Market, 400 Townline Road. Permits Committee Motion by Nutschnig, seconded by Voss to authorize staff to prepare an ordinance approving the variation to Section 21.17.040(1)(A) to allow an increase in combined sign area from 100 square feet to 492 square feet for Garden Fresh Market, 400 Townline Road. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Nutschnig, Voss, Lentz, Meier, Semple, and Sullivan; nays: none; absent and not voting: none. Motion carried. Garden Fresh Market, 400 Townline Road Motion by Nutschnig, seconded by Voss to authorize staff to prepare an ordinance approving the variation to Section 21.17.040(2)(A) to allow an increase in the maximum number of permanent signs from 2 to 5 for Garden Fresh Market, 400 Townline Road. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Nutschnig, Voss, Lentz, Meier, Semple, and Sullivan; nays: none; absent and not voting: none. Motion carried. Motion by Nutschnig, seconded by Voss to authorize staff to prepare an ordinance approving the variation to Section 21.17.040(2)(C) to allow an increase in the maximum number of wall signs per wall from 1 to 2 on the south (front) side of the building for Garden Fresh Market, 400 Townline Road. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Nutschnig, Voss, Lentz, Meier, Semple, and Sullivan; nays: none; absent and not voting: none. Motion carried. Trustee Lentz stated the comments expressed during the public commentary was appreciated. Trustee Lentz stated he spent much time over the weekend walking through the Loch Lomond neighborhood and found residents glad the Village is addressing the street issues. Trustee Lentz added the residents would like to see the best value for the money spent. Trustee Lentz stated the majority of the residents he spoke with are in favor of a modern look, the curb and gutter look. The modern look would appeal to new buyers which would increase the value of the homes. The very next issue is the issue of pollution which has been addressed. Trustee Lentz stated with curb and gutters, run-off does eventually end up in the lake and what the quality of the run-off would be is not known. Trustee Lentz stated a stormceptor was agreed to be installed to maintain the quality of the water into the lake. Trustee Lentz stated has additional information detailing the process. Trustee Lentz added the installation of the stormceptor was included in the budget for the project. Discussion continued regarding the look of the stormceptors, the placement of the stormceptors, size of the stormceptors, and the disruption to the ground. Administrator Lobaito 37 T & I Committee Loch Lomond Comments Addresses T & I Committee (Continued) stated additional information would be provided to the Board regarding stormceptors. Omnibus Agenda Mayor Pro Tempore Nutschnig presented the Omnibus Vote Agenda asking for any additions, deletions or corrections. Items Removed Trustee Meier removed Items D and E. Trustee Sullivan removed Item B. There were no other additions, deletions or corrections. Motion to Approve Omnibus Vote Agenda Motion by Voss, seconded by Sullivan to approve the following Omnibus Vote Agenda, excluding Items B, D, and E: A Motion to pass an Ordinance Granting Certain Variations for Ruprecht Company to Sections 20.10.3 and 20.10.4 (d)(1)(f) of Mundelein Municipal Code with Respect to the Property at 1301 Allanson Road, Mundelein, IL. (Omnibus Vote) (Ordinance No. 13-02-09) B REMOVED C Motion to approve a Departmental Purchase Order in the amount of $14,738.30 to Clark Baird Smith LLP for legal services. (Omnibus Vote) D REMOVED E REMOVED F Motion to approve the payment of bills, as indicated in the Governing Body Report for the period between 2/26/13 through 3/11/13 in the amount of $988,494.90. (Omnibus Vote) Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Voss, Sullivan, Lentz, Meier, Nutschnig, and Semple; nays: none; absent or not voting: none. Motion carried. Motion to Approve an Encumbrance P.O. in Amount of $311,705.59 to SB Mundelein LLC for Payment of Principal & Interest on Mundelein Crossing Economic Incentive Agreement Motion by Sullivan, seconded by Voss to approve an Encumbrance Purchase Order in the amount of $311,705.59 to SB Mundelein LLC for payment of Principal and Interest on Mundelein Crossing Economic Incentive Agreement. Trustee Sullivan stated in regard to the statement, an amount was deleted by the Department of Revenue and the Village asked the Department of Revenue to detail the dollar amounts of sales tax for Mundelein Crossing. 38 Trustee Sullivan stated one business was not in the Village. Trustee Sullivan asked if this was the first time this business was listed. Director Haywood stated this business had been on the list for over a year. Trustee Sullivan asked if the amounts were correct. Director Haywood stated the amounts were correct. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Sullivan, Voss, Lentz, Meier, Nutschnig, and Semple; nays: none; absent or not voting: none. Motion carried. Motion by Meier, seconded by Lentz to pass an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 93-5-14 relating to Solicitor, Peddler, and Canvasser Registration. Trustee Meier asked if canvassing included political activities. Administrator Lobaito stated Attorney LaLuzerne wrote the ordinance and would be asked to clarify political activities. Motion to Approve an Encumbrance P.O. in Amount of $311,705.59 to SB Mundelein LLC for Payment of Principal & Interest on Mundelein Crossing Economic Incentive Agreement (Continued) Motion to Pass an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 93-5-14 Relating to Solicitor, Peddler, & Canvasser Registration Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Meier, Lentz, Nutschnig, Semple, Sullivan, and Voss; nays: none; absent or not voting: none. Motion carried. (Ordinance No. 13-02-10) Motion by Lentz, seconded by Semple to pass an Ordinance Amending Ordinance 79-04-14, As Amended by Ordinance No. 07-02-05, An Ordinance Providing for the Licensing of Certain Businesses and Establishing the Fees Therefore. Trustee Meier stated she would not support the motion based on her previous objections. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Lentz, Semple, Nutschnig, Sullivan, and Voss; nays: Meier; absent or not voting: none. Motion carried. (Ordinance No. 13-02-11) Motion to Pass an Ordinance Amending Ordinance 79-04-14, as Amended by Ordinance No. 07-02-05, an Ordinance Providing for Licensing of Certain Businesses & Establishing the Fees Therefore Motion by Lentz, seconded by Semple to adjourn the 3048th Regular meeting. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Lentz, Semple, Meier, Nutschnig, Sullivan, and Voss; nays: none; absent or not voting: none. Motion carried. Motion to Adjourn The 3048th Regular meeting was adjourned at 8:37 p.m. Adjournment _________________________ Village Clerk 39 Exhibit 3 MAYORAL PROCLAMATION PRESENTING JOHN LYNN WITH THE VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN OUTSTANDING CITIZEN AWARD WHEREAS, John Lynn formed the Kirk Players Community Theater in 1966, as an all-volunteer theatrical troupe dedicated to enriching the cultural climate of our area, and committed to providing educational, technical, and financial assistance to community service organizations; and WHEREAS, John served as Director of the Kirk Players for 35 years, and continues to serve as a Board member emeritus; and WHEREAS, for 47 years, John’s vision has guided the Kirk Players toward excellence in community service as well as theatrical performance, including: Producing 166 main stage plays that have been attended by over 100,000 patrons; Presenting free Summer theater workshops since 1967 that have educated over 3,600 children, and 1,100 adults in the performing arts; Instituting the John W. Lynn Performing Arts Scholarship program in 1999 that has provided over $13,000 in college grants to High School Seniors; Providing additional grant support to the Mundelein High School and Carmel High School theater departments, and the three Mundelein area elementary schools; Participating in community events such as the Mundelein Centennial, Mundelein Beauty Pageants, the County Fair, Santa’s Cottage, Relay-for-Life, the Fine Arts Festival and Farmers’ Market; and WHEREAS, in recognition of his lifetime of service to Community Theatre, the American Association of Community Theatres (AACT) will present John Lynn with the Robert E. Gard Superior Volunteer Award at its National Festival in June 2013; and WHEREAS, for 47 years John Lynn has been the inspiration and creative force behind the Kirk Players, a community theater that truly embodies Community and Service. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mundelein, Illinois, that records of the Village be inscribed with this Proclamation as a permanent tribute to: JOHN LYNN OUTSTANDING CITIZEN OF THE VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN. AND BE IT FURTHER PROCLAIMED that an original copy of this Proclamation be signed by the Mayor of the Village of Mundelein, be attested to by the Village Clerk with the Village Seal affixed thereto, and presented to John Lynn as a token of the Village Board’s esteem, and in commendation of all he has done for the Village of Mundelein. PROCLAIMED, signed and sealed this 25th day of March, 2013, in the Village of Mundelein, Lake County, Illinois. ______________________________ Mayor Attest: ____________________________ Village Clerk Exhibit 4 Exhibit 5 VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Kenneth H. Kessler Board of Trustees From: Chairman Gaylene Henry, Human Relations Commission Human Relations Commissioners cc: John Lobaito, Administrator Mike Flynn, Assistant Administrator Victor Barrera, Director of Planning & Development Amanda Orenchuk, Planner Date: March 25, 2013 Re: Annual Update Attachment: 1. Proposed Budget & Programming Please accept this memorandum as the annual report from the Human Relations Commission (HRC) to the Village Board. The activities of the Commission are provided below for your review. Attached is a budget worksheet that coincides with the past activities and future programming needs. 1. Diversity Award 2013 The Human Relations Commission launched the annual Diversity Awards in 2011 with the support of the Village Board. The program celebrates the actions of individuals and organizations for efforts in recognizing and embracing diversity. Annually, the Commission accepts nominations and selects recipients of a Diversity Award. It is impressive to see the work that is being done in the community that encompasses acceptance and outreach to our community’s diverse population. This year, the Commission recognized one organization and one individual with a Diversity Award. The Community Category, Individual recipient was Valerie Walker, Mundelein AYSO Board Member. The Community Category, Organization recipient was the Lake County Center for Independent Living (LCCIL), an organization dedicated to empowering people with disabilities to lead self-directed lives as valued members of the community. A small reception followed the Award Ceremony to celebrate the award recipients. 2. Health & Wellness Expo During Mundelein Days of 2012, the HRC ran the second Health & Wellness Expo from the gazebo and tennis courts on Sunday morning. Although the event was held during a particularly warm day, attendance was pretty good. Twelve different types of offerings were provided including chair massages and physical activity sessions such as Zumba and yoga were provided. The HRC received Village Board Update March 25, 2013 Page 2 of 3 numerous inquiries regarding future programs and expects the Health & Wellness Expo to continue to be successful. Local businesses valued their exposure and involvement in the program. A few of these vendors included Lake County Health, Pain, and Rehabilitation; Total Body Yoga; Walgreen’s; Corner Health Food Store; Center for Wellness; Mundelein Park & Recreation District; and Weight Watchers. 3. Summer Concert The HRC budgeted money to sponsor a band that is compatible with the Commission’s goals and objectives. Bandoleros played at Kracklauer Park on Sunday, July 29, 2012. Approximately 100 people were in attendance. Commissioners and staff were in attendance. The band played an international blend of music that included influences Latin, African and Caribbean countries. 4. Multicultural Book Club The Human Relations Commission this year started a book club. The book club meets on the 2nd Tuesday of select months (January, February, March, April, May, September, October, and November). Book club meetings take place at the Fremont Library in one of the study rooms. The time is from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Books are available at the service desk at the library for check out for anyone with a valid library card. The book club is designed as a leisure activity that allows for discussion of themes on diversity and multicultural issues. 5. Webpage Development Village IT staff created a basic webpage to share information on the Human Relations Commission. The page can be found under Boards & Commission, Human Relations Commission on the Village website. Further development of this site is anticipated. 6. Multicultural Festival Last year, future programming goals included development of cultural programming for culinary events, dance groups, musicians, art installations, etc. The HRC is exploring the possibility of hosting a celebration of cultures in the next calendar year, which will be modeled after Skokie’s Festival of Cultures. Founded in 1991, Skokie’s annual Festival is free to the public and consists of two days of ethnic folk music and dance, food, arts and crafts, international children’s games, beer tasting, a merchandise bazaar, and dozens of cultural booths and displays. The festival was started by the Skokie Human Relations Commission, Skokie Park District, Rotary Club of Skokie, Village of Skokie, and the Skokie Public Library with a mission to promote a better understanding among the residents of different ethnic, cultural, and religious backgrounds. Similarly, the HRC, with the support of the Village of Mundelein, wishes to partner with Mundelein Park & Recreation District, Mundelein Community Connection, Mundelein After School Coalition, Fremont Public Library, and any other interested organizations to develop a multicultural festival. In the past, the Mayor and Village Board have encouraged the HRC to explore this type of community event. In the Ordinance creating the HRC, the Commission is tasked with pursuing communitywide programs of education to encourage understanding between and among residents, businesses, community groups, and organizations. Additionally, the HRC has the function to host, as needed, community-wide celebrations of diversity and understanding within the Village. The HRC is tasked with consulting and cooperating with other public and not-for-profit agencies to further the purpose Village Board Update March 25, 2013 Page 3 of 3 of the Commission. Therefor, a multicultural festival, following the Skokie model, will address three of the six functions assigned to the Commission. 7. Future Programming Activities under discussion for future programming include: a. b. c. Seeking speakers that can provide insight on human relations issues; Increasing the Human Relations Commission’s presence in the community; and Continuing to recognize individuals for actions that contribute to furthering diverse relationships and meaningful human interactions. Any guidance the Village Board may have as to what types of projects the HRC should focus on would be welcome. With the support of the Board we hope to continue working on programs and events that bring the community together and assure all residents are afforded the opportunity for mutual respect, cooperation and understanding. GH/HRC/amo/jg Exhibit 6 MAYORAL PROCLAMATION Code Enforcement Officer Appreciation Month April 2013 WHEREAS, Code Enforcement Officers provide for safety, health and welfare of the citizens in the communities throughout the State of Illinois through the enforcement of local codes or ordinances dealing with various issues of building, zoning, housing, animal control, environmental, health and life safety; and WHEREAS, Code Enforcement Officers often have a challenging and demanding role and often do not receive recognition for the job that they do in improving living and working conditions for residents and businesses of local communities; and WHEREAS, the role of many Code Enforcement Officers has expanded in recent years with the increased number of foreclosed and abandoned homes in communities impacted economically; and WHEREAS, Code Enforcement Officers are dedicated, highly-qualified professionals who share the goals of preventing neighborhood deterioration, enhancing and ensuring safety, and preserving property values through knowledge and application of housing, zoning, and nuisance codes and ordinances; and WHEREAS, Code Enforcement Officers often have a highly-visible role in the communities they serve and regularly interact with a variety of state, county, first responder, and legislative boards, commissions, agencies, and bodies within the capacity of their role in the community; and WHEREAS, Code Enforcement Officers are called upon to provide quality customer service and excellence to the residents and businesses of the communities in which they serve; and WHEREAS, the Illinois Association of Code Enforcement wants to recognize and honor Code Enforcement Officers and Professionals all across the State of Illinois and bring awareness to the Importance of Code Enforcement to the communities of the State of Illinois; and WHEREAS, the Illinois Association of Code Enforcement was established in 1993 for the purpose of providing ongoing training and support for Code Enforcement professionals working in the State of Illinois; and WHEREAS, Pat Quinn, Governor of the State of Illinois has signed a proclamation recognizing the month of April 2013 as NATIONAL CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER MONTH in the State of Illinois; and Exhibit 6 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN, ILLINOIS the month of April 2013 as Code Enforcement Officer Appreciation Month in the Village of Mundelein and call upon residents of Mundelein to join in recognizing and expressing their appreciation for the dedication and service by the individuals who serve as our Code Enforcement Officers, and PROCLAIMED, signed and sealed this 25th day of March, 2013 in the Village of Mundelein, Lake County Illinois. __________________________ Mayor Attest: _______________________ Village Clerk Exhibit 7 MUNDELEIN FIRE DEPARTMENT Timothy E. Sashko, Fire Chief 1000 N Midlothian Rd Mundelein, IL 60060 Kenneth H. Kessler, Mayor Telephone: Fax: (847) 949-3260 (847) 949-0410 TES1429 TO: MAYOR KEN KESSLER FROM: Chief T.E. Sashko DATE: March 20, 2013 SUBJECT: NATIONAL SAFE DIGGING MONTH – APRIL 2013 Attached is a proclamation declaring April 2013 as National Safe Digging Month in the Village of Mundelein that I’m requesting you to add to the March 25, 2013 Village Board Meeting Agenda. Every 8-minutes according to the Common Ground Alliance (CGA) an underground utility line is damaged because someone decided to dig without first calling 8-1-1. The J.U.L.I.E. (Joint Utility Location Information for Excavators) Illinois One-Call System promotes the use of 8-1-1 as the nationally recognized contact point to have JULIE locates done for projects including those around the home where digging occurs. J.U.L.I.E. is a notfor-profit corporation providing homeowners and contractors with a single source location to call for utility location evaluations and their call center is staffed 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. As Mundelein’s Emergency Management Coordinator as well as Fire Chief I encourage us to support and promote this national campaign and encourage all residents and contractors to adhere to the J.U.L.I.E. standards and guidelines. cc: Trustee Ray Semple, Public Safety Committee Chair John Lobaito, Village Administrator 1 TES1418 – B – National Severe Weather Preparedness Week MAYORAL PROCLAMATION National Safe Digging Month April 2013 WHEREAS, each year, the nation’s underground utility infrastructure is jeopardized by unintentional damage almost every 8-minutes by those who fail to call 81-1 to have underground facilities located prior to digging, resulting in possible service interruptions, damage to the environment, personal injury and even death; and WHEREAS, in an effort to reduce these damages, the State of Illinois JULIE Illinois One-Call System, promote the national Call-Before-You-Dig number, 8-1-1, as well as the use of safe digging practices; and WHEREAS, designated by the Federal Communications Commission in 2005, 8-1-1 provides potential excavators and homeowners with a simple number to reach their local One Call Center to request utility locations at the intended dig site; and WHEREAS, Illinois law requires that anyone planning excavation or demolition must notify Illinois One-Call 8-1-1, and if a facility must be located, personnel will be sent to mark the location of underground facilities at no cost to the requesting party; and WHEREAS, by following safe digging practices, excavators and homeowners can save time and money by making a simple call to 8-1-1 in advance of any digging project, waiting the required amount of time for the utility to be located, respecting the location marks by maintaining visual definition throughout the excavation, and digging with care around the marks; and WHEREAS, Mundelein excavators and homeowners are encouraged to know what is below, and to call 8-1-1 before digging to ensure the safety and connectivity of our community; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN, ILLINOIS the month of April 2013 as National Safe Digging Month in the Village of Mundelein and encourage all residents to adhere to the theme “Call J.U.L.I.E. Before You Dig, 8-1-1” so that all of our residents and contractors operate in a safe and efficient manner throughout our community, and PROCLAIMED, signed and sealed this 25th day of March, 2013 in the Village of Mundelein, Lake County Illinois. __________________________ Mayor Attest: _______________________ Village Clerk Exhibit 8 Exhibit PW-1 Public Works Committee Meeting Emerald Borer Ash Management Plan February 25, 2013 The Public Works Committee of the Village of Mundelein held a meeting Monday, February 25, 2013 at 1000 North Midlothian Road, Mundelein. Chairman Meier called a Public Works Committee meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Meeting Called to Order Clerk Dahlstrom took the roll. It indicated these members present: Trustees, Nutschnig and Semple; absent: none; Village attendance: Trustee Lentz, Trustee Sullivan, Director of Finance Haywood, and Director of Public Works & Engineering Boeche. Attendance Chairman Meier stated the purpose of the meeting was to review the Emerald Ash Borer Management Plan. Chairman Meier introduced Director of Public Works & Engineering Boeche to discuss the Management Plan. Director Boeche stated December 2011 the Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDA) confirmed the presence of the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) within the Village. This invasive insect is highly destructive, specifically to ash trees. Based on the tree inventory, prepared by the Engineering Department, the Village maintains 1,936 ash trees within the parkways. This accounts for approximately one-third of the entire urban canopy within the Village. In order to protect and improve the Village’s urban forest, a management plan must be established. By implementing the plan, the Village would attempt to minimize the economic impact that EAB presents. Attempting to address the entire inventory of ash trees at one time is not economically viable for the Village with an estimated cost of $1,400,000 (2013 dollars). Therefore a proactive, fiscally responsible approach is recommended. Purpose of Meeting Emerald Borer Ash Management Plan Chairman Meier asked when the plan would begin. Director Boeche stated the implementation would be in the spring. Director Boeche added grants have been applied for to replace the ash trees and the management plan should increase the odds for receiving the grant(s). Chairman Meier asked if hardwood trees would be considered as replacement trees. Director Boeche stated it would be determined by the type of trees available and added 2 – 3 inch trees would be used. Discussion Commissioner Semple stated last summer ash trees were already being removed and asked if residents should contact Public Works or if Public Works is going out and inspecting trees. Director Boeche stated yes to both questions and added the publicly owned ash trees are being inspected and welcomed residents contacting Public Works as well. Commissioner Semple asked if residents could get a better rate for the private owned trees. Director Boeche stated the contractor would determine that and stated he would look into that on behalf of the residents and would provide findings to the committee. Commissioner 1 Exhibit PW-1 Discussion (continued) Semple asked how the residents would be notified of a tree removal. Director Boeche stated they are working on a letter for the residents however the tree replacement might be in a different location. Chairman Meier asked if an inspection of privately owned trees would be recommended and included in the letter. Director Boeche stated it was not included at this time but the letter could be modified. Commissioner Nutschnig asked about the Tree Fund established years back. Director Boeche stated it has been depleted with the previous replacement trees. Commissioner Semple asked what should be budgeted to implement the management plan. Director Boeche stated there is currently $50,000 per year and depending on how quickly the infestation occurs would determine how much funding would be needed, but it would be between three and ten years. Commissioner Semple asked what happens to the affected trees to stop any additional infestation. Director Boeche stated the IDA is authorizing the utilization of chips. Commissioner Nutschnig asked what treatments are available for uninfected trees. Director Boeche stated there are treatments but there is no method for eradicating EAB. Trustee Lentz asked about Chestnut Borer or other borer infestations. Director Boeche stated he was not sure of Chestnut Borer but is staying informed of other possible infestations. Trustee Sullivan asked if the Village is working with someone who is recommending types of tree replacement. Director Boeche stated the Village is working with the current contractor, Sawvell Tree Service and added they are certified by the IDA to accept tree ash debris. Motion to Recommend Approval of Emerald Ash Borer Management Plan Motion by Meier, seconded by Semple to recommend approval of the Emerald Ash Borer Management Plan. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Meier, Semple, and Nutschnig; nays: none; absent and not voting: none. Motion carried. Action Items Director Boeche stated his action items were to investigate negotiating a price for replacement trees for residents and adding the private-owned tree inspection for the notification letter for residents. Motion to Adjourn Motion by Meier, seconded by Semple to adjourn the Public Works Committee meeting. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Meier, Semple, and Nutschnig; nays: none; absent and not voting: none. Motion carried. 2 Exhibit PW-1 The Public Works Committee meeting was adjourned at 6:52 p.m. _________________________ Village Clerk 3 Adjournment Exhibit PW-2 VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT To: Mayor Kessler and Board of Trustees From: Adanm M. Boeche, P.E., CFM, Director of Public Works and Engineering For: Village Board Meeting of Mar 25, 2013 Subject: Emerald Ash Borer Management Plan Summary: On February 25, 2013, the Public Works Committee recommended that the Board adopt the Emerald Ash Borer Management Plan. The plan provides a framework by which Public Works staff will address the EAB infestation in the Village. Utilizing the existing tree inventory, resident requests for service, and in-house inspections, Public Works staff will address the infestation by removing the trees in poorest condition first. The removal will include a 1:1 replacement ratio with an alternative species, providing a diverse urban forest. Recommendation: Motion to adopt a resolution regarding the Emerald Ash Borer Management Plan. Attachment(s): Resolution Signature Adam M. Boeche 2013.03.14 10:23:07 -05'00' Village Administrator Recommendation Approve the Motion Digitally signed by John Lobaito Date: 2013.03.21 11:24:32 -05'00' RESOLUTION NO. _________ RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE EMERALD ASH BORER MANAGEMENT PLAN WHEREAS, the Village of Mundelein is concerned by the threat caused by the insect commonly known as the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) to the Village’s ash population; and WHEREAS, an EAB infestation is both an environmental and economic threat to Mundelein; and WHEREAS, the Village’s parkways, landscapes, natural areas and right of ways, represent a valuable and precious asset, necessary to preserve; and WHEREAS, various Ash (Fraxinus) species and varieties comprise a significant component of the urban forest environment, and is one of the dominant tree species of said forest; and WHEREAS, the Village is being proactive in the mitigation of the potential disruption to its urban forest caused by the pending infestation of the (EAB); and WHEREAS, taking a proactive approach to this infestation will enable the Village to address the infestation in an efficient and effective manner; and WHEREAS, the Village will endeavor to distribute the costs associated with certain and massive tree death over a manageable time period, as well as lessen the economic impact that such an extensive loss will have on the quality of life in our community; and WHEREAS, the Mundelein Village Board has determined that it is in the best interests of the Village to adopt the Village of Mundelein Emerald Ash Borer Management Plan, attached hereto as Exhibit A. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN, COUNTY OF LAKE, STATE OF ILLINOIS, as follows: SECTION I. The Village will develop and adopt an Emerald Ash Borer Management Plan that provides the framework by which the infestation will be addressed; SECTION II. The Public Works and Engineering Department will be responsible for implementing this Plan and seeing that it provisions are carried out. SECTION III. The Plan will comply with all Illinois Department of Natural Resources and Illinois Department of Agriculture ash and wood related regulations for handling regulated materials. SECTION IV. As the annual budget permits, all removed public ash trees will be replaced with non-host species trees that will enhance the planting site, and add to the diversity and general health of the urban forest. SECTION V. If the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is detected, ash trees will be managed in accordance with the guidelines outlined in the Mundelein EAB Management Plan. PASSED this 25th day of March, 2013 by a roll call vote. AYES NAYS ABSENT AND/OR NOT VOTING ______________________________ President PASSED: ___________________________ APPROVED: ________________________ ATTEST:____________________________ Village Clerk EXHIBIT A VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN EMERALD ASH BORER MANAGEMENT PLAN Village of Mundelein—EAB Management Plan i Village of Mundelein—EAB Management Plan ii TableofContents INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE .................................................................................. 1 PLAN ADMINISTRATION ................................................................................................. 1 MANAGEMENT PLAN ........................................................................................................ 1 Training, Inspection, and Inventory Updates ................................................................... 1 Confirmation and Removal—Village Owned Trees ........................................................ 2 Confirmation and Removal—Privately Owned Trees ..................................................... 2 Reforestation .......................................................................................................................... 3 Wood Utilization .................................................................................................................... 3 REGULATORY COMPLIANCE......................................................................................... 3 MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATES .................................................................................. 4 APPENDIX A—IDA Confirmation Memo ........................................................................ 5 APPENDIX B—Contractor Certification ............................................................................ 6 APPENDIX C—IDA EAB Compliance Agreement ......................................................... 7 Village of Mundelein—EAB Management Plan iii VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN EMERALD ASH BORER MANAGEMENT PLAN INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE In December 2011, the Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDA) confirmed the presence of the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) within the Village of Mundelein (see Appendix A). This invasive insect is highly destructive, specifically to ash trees. The adult form is dark green metallic in color and measures about one-half inch in length. The adult beetles lay their eggs on the trunk and branches of the tree, where the eggs hatch and the larva bore into the tree. During this larval stage, the insect attacks the vascular system (cambium) of the tree, destroying the tree’s ability to transport water and nutrients. Ultimately, the infestation of an ash tree kills the tree, typically within 7-9 years of infestation. Based on the Tree Inventory prepared by the Engineering Division, the Village maintains 1,936 ash trees within the parkway. This accounts for approximately one-third of the entire urban canopy within the Village. In order to protect and improve the Village’s urban forest, a management plan must be established. By implementing this plan, the Village will take a approach and attempt to minimize the economic impact that EAB presents. Attempting to address the entire inventory of more than 1,900 ash trees at one time is not economically viable for the Village as the cost to complete such an endeavor is estimated to be $1,400,000 (2013 dollars). Therefore, a proactive, fiscally responsible approach to this problem will be implemented. This approach will reduce the associated liabilities and safety hazards that are presented to the community and the environment. PLAN ADMINISTRATION The Public Works and Engineering Department shall coordinate and oversee the management plan. The Director of Public Works and Engineering shall be responsible for executing each of the steps detailed in the plan by allocating resources toward its implementation. MANAGEMENT PLAN Training, Inspection, and Inventory Updates The first step in the process of establishing this plan is to educate those that will be involved in the implementation. Therefore, all Street, Engineering, and Administrative staff shall be trained on the identification of the signs that an ash tree is infested with EAB. Once properly trained, staff shall conduct inspections of trees as part of a proactive program as well as when contacted by the community. The Village shall be segregated into eight work zones. Each year, one zone shall be inspected for symptoms of EAB. If there is confirmation within the zone, staff will survey all ash trees within a one mile radius to determine the spread of the infestation. Staff will schedule the infested tree/trees for removal as resources allow. Upon completion of the annual zone inspections, employees shall be tasked with maintaining the current inventory of the urban forest by updating the Tree Inventory completed in 2006. This requires notification Village of Mundelein—EAB Management Plan 1 of the GIS staff to update maps to reflect the scheduled removal and the proposed replacement of the ash trees. Confirmation and Removal—Village Owned Trees As stated in the previous section, confirmation of EAB infestation will trigger a condition assessment of all ash trees within a one mile radius. While the likelihood that all ash trees are infested, only those trees that considered in poor or dead condition shall be scheduled for removal at this time. The assessment shall rate the condition of all ash trees in the radius, prioritizing the removal schedule. Tree removal will be prioritized based on potential hazard, with those in the poorest condition removed first. In addition to the zone removals, the Village shall remove hazardous ash trees on an as-needed basis. Staff shall perform inspections when contacted by other Departments or members of the community with a potential infestation. When an inspection confirms an infestation, the same procedure shall be followed as detailed in the zone inspection process. The flow chart below demonstrates the Village process. Replacement tree planted in parkway location. Zone inspection completed. Tree removal, stump grinding, and restoration complete. Ash tree confirmed with EAB; 1 mile radius inspected for assessment of all ash. Poor or dead ash identified for removal. EAB Removal/Reforestation Flow Chart The Village shall use a combination of in-house and contracted labor resources in the removal process. Trees larger than 20 inches in diameter or greater than 40 feet in height are typically removed through contracted resources, while all others are handled by Public Works and Engineering staff. The Village routinely enters into a three-year contract with a vendor for tree removal. The current contract expires in May 2015. Once removed, stump grinding and parkway restoration will be completed. The tree removal contract specifies that stump grinding and soil placement shall be complete within 30 days of removal. Upon the soil placement, Village staff will seed/blanket the restoration area. Affected residents are notified of the work through door hangers or letters and are asked to maintain the newly restored parkway area by watering until the grass is established. Confirmation and Removal—Privately Owned Trees The Village of Mundelein does not remove trees on private property. However, if a privately owned tree is determined to be a hazard or nuisance, the Village of Mundelein Building Department will be notified to take the steps necessary for corrective actions through Ordinance consideration. Village of Mundelein—EAB Management Plan 2 Reforestation The goal of this management plan is to replace all felled ash trees within 18 months. The previous year’s removals shall be reviewed and proper quantities, locations and species will be determined for replacement. Through the Village’s membership in the Suburban Tree Consortium, staff will procure the necessary amount of trees each budget year, including the delivery, planting, and mulching of the trees purchased. All trees purchased shall be planted either during the Spring or Fall season, as per species, and shall be no greater than 2.5 inches in diameter. Along with the goal of providing a 1:1 replacement ratio within 18 months, the Village also seeks to diversify its urban forest. Currently, one-third of the urban canopy is ash, as shown in the chart below. As h‐32.8% Ma pl e‐37.1% Locus t‐16.3% Linden‐9.0% El m‐2.0% Other‐2.8% Since 70% of the Village’s urban forest is currently comprised of only two different genus, it is imperative that reforestation include a diverse selection of trees. The Village will follow the present industry standard of selection. The “30-20-10 Rule” recommends that trees be planted in a variety that allows for less than 30% from any family, 20% from a genus, and 10% from any species. This standard shall diversify the urban canopy, reducing the potential impact related to disease or infestation. It will also provide enhanced ecological benefits by introducing diversification of the insects, birds, and small animals into the ecosystem. While trees will be replaced at a 1:1 ratio, the location of the parkway removal may not be the same as the replacement location. There are many factors that contribute to the determination of location such as proximity to existing trees and utilities and residual root networks. The Village shall be responsible for selecting the proper location and species of all replacement trees. An inventory database within the Village GIS shall be maintained and updated as tree replacement occurs. Wood Utilization The Village is committed to complying with all IDA requirements regarding the removal of debris related to EAB and the quarantine zones associated with such relocation of tree debris. The Village’s current contractor, Sawvell Tree Service, Inc., is certified by the IDA to accept ash tree debris (see Appendix B). To that end, the Village has partnered with them whereby Sawvell will accept the ash debris and grind it for commercial mulch use. REGULATORY COMPLIANCE The Village has an Emerald Ash Borer Compliance Agreement on file with the IDA as attached as Appendix C. Since the Village falls within a designated quarantine zone, all work conducted related to EAB is in compliance with the agreement. Therefore, staff ensures the following: Village of Mundelein—EAB Management Plan 3 Regulated articles shall not be moved out of established quarantine zone(s) at any time unless: a) the regulated articles have been chipped/processed to a size measuring less than 1.0 inch in two dimensions; b) the bark and outer ½ inch of sapwood of regulated articles has been completely removed; or c) the regulated articles, including firewood, have been treated to meet USDA-APHIS-PPQ standards for Kiln Sterilization (T404-b4), Heat Treatment (T314-a), or Fumigation Treatment (T404-b-1-1); From May 1 to September 1, all regulated articles originating from within the EAB quarantine zone and leaving the Village shall only be transported within the EAB quarantine zone in an enclosed vehicle or a vehicle completely enclosed by a covering, such as canvas, plastic or tightly woven cloth, adequate to prevent the passage of the Emerald Ash Borer to the environment; Any and all persons or entities transferring possession of regulated articles within the EAB quarantine zone to another person or entity shall inform the person or entity taking possession of the regulated article, either verbally or in writing, that the said regulated articles are subject to State and Federal quarantine regulations; Employees are informed about the EAB quarantine regulations, including EAB quarantine zone boundaries, how to identify the EAB and its signs, and require a copy of this compliance agreement to be carried by employees working in the State of Illinois; The Illinois Department of Agriculture shall be informed of any suspected EAB infestation(s). MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATES The Village of Mundelein Emerald Ash Borer Management Plan shall be reviewed internally by the Public Works and Engineering Department on an annual basis. Recommended modifications to the plan will be brought before the Public Works Committee for a recommendation to the Village Board. Village of Mundelein—EAB Management Plan 4 APPENDIX A—IDA Confirmation Memo •Pat Quinn, Governor •James Larkin, Director Bureau of Environmental Programs – Dekalb Field Office 2280 Bethany Rd., DeKalb, IL 60115 815/787-5476 (Voice/TDD) Fax: 815/787-5488 Pesticide Misuse Hotline: 800/641-3934 (Voice/TDD) MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Joseph V. DeVito, Deputy Director, Village of Mundelein Dragan Markovic, Illinois Department of Agriculture December 13, 2011 Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Confirmed in Your Community This memo serves as official notice that on December 13, 2011 the presence of EAB was confirmed by the Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDA) and documented within your community. Emerald Ash Borer was verified during our statewide EAB trap survey or through outreach activities performed by IDA EAB staff. We will soon list your community by name on our list of confirmed communities. The IDA will also recognize your community with one red star on our statewide EAB map using the location coordinates and the date of the field confirmation. We can work with you to help explain and outreach this news to staff or citizens. The extent and the severity of any EAB infestation are very difficult to quantify. A confirmed presence of EAB anywhere in town indicates a larger, more widespread EAB population is likely nearby. Due to our experience of observed patterns of local and regional spread, and the biology of this insect, the entire ash population within your community is at risk or is likely already infested with EAB. Newly affected trees may show few, if any symptoms and may appear healthy and green for up to a few years. Officials and residents should plan accordingly by assuming their ash trees are now infested. All or parts of 23 northeast Illinois counties are quarantined by the Illinois Department of Agriculture at this time. Please go to the following link to find the most recent amended IDA EAB Quarantine: The Illinois EAB program is counting on municipal compliance of all regulations within the Illinois EAB Quarantine and the prudent management or destruction of EAB infested ash wood. Please become familiar with the quarantine map and the Illinois EAB Compliance Agreement which lists existing rules and regulations concerning ash and the EAB in Illinois. That agreement was revised with new regulations effective November 23, 2009. The compliance agreement lists the enforceable EAB rules of the state and our department regardless of the signing an EAB Compliance Agreement and can be found on our website at Aggressively destroying declining ash trees, or in some cases aggressive insecticidal treatments, may slow the rate of tree mortality locally and remains the best practice. Treatment with systemic insecticides on individual trees which are not yet severely infested is an option for individual landowners and village managers to consider on a tree-by-tree basis to try to protect a single tree. Such treatment has a risk of failure if trees are already infested and is not guaranteed to be ultimately successful on any specific tree. Educating residents to the fact that this pest is confirmed in your area, that all ash trees are at risk and will become infested, and that quarantine rules exist is all very important. For general EAB questions please call the IDA DeKalb office at 815-787-5476. For community outreach, educational help, and informational packets please contact: IDA EAB Outreach and Education Coordinator Juliann Heminghous at 217- 785 -5575 or Village of Mundelein—EAB Management Plan 5 APPENDIX B—Contractor Certification Village of Mundelein—EAB Management Plan 6 APPENDIX C—IDA EAB Compliance Agreement Village of Mundelein—EAB Management Plan 7 Exhibit FIN-1 VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT To: Mayor Kessler and Board of Trustees From: For: Subject: Doug Haywood, Finance Director Village Board Meeting of March 25, 2013 Separated Bills for Approval Summary: The Village's Bill Approval policy requires bill approval at each board meeting. Board approval is respectfully requested. The attached was pulled from the Governing Body Report, so the item or items could be voted upon separately. Recommendation: Motion to approve the payment of bills, as indicated on Disbursement Pending Report for: Dated Vendor Name Invoices Totaling 03/25/13 AT&T $2,540.42 03/25/13 AT&T MOBILITY $2,522.70 Signature Doug Haywood Digitally signed by Doug Haywood DN: cn=Doug Haywood, o, ou=Finance,, c=US Date: 2013.03.20 13:04:23 -05'00' Village Administrator Recommendation Approve the Motion Digitally signed by John Lobaito Date: 2013.03.20 16:24:42 -05'00' Exhibit CD-1 Exhibit PMT-1 Permits Committee Meeting Garden Fresh Market, 400 Townline Road March 11, 2013 The Permits Committee of the Village of Mundelein held a meeting Monday, March 11, 2013 at 1000 North Midlothian Road, Mundelein. Chairman Nutschnig called a Permits Committee meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. Meeting Called to Order Deputy Clerk Flynn took the roll. It indicated these members present: Trustees Sullivan and Voss; Village attendance: Trustee Lentz, Trustee Meier, Trustee Semple, and Planner Orenchuk. Attendance Chairman Nutschnig stated the purpose of the meeting was to consider a proposal submitted by Central Realty Corporate, DBA; Garden Fresh Market, 400 Townline Road. Chairman Nutschnig stated in 2006, the Village Board passed Ordinance 06-11-93, an ordinance granting certain sign variations. The existing sign program consists of four signs equaling 440 square feet, which are internally illuminated with red, white, and green colors. The proposed sign is 52 square feet, front lit, channel letter sign in the design of an apple. The sign is proposed to be located above the west entrance of the building. The variations of the Sign Code requested are as follows: Purpose of Meeting – Garden Fresh Market, 400 Townline Road 1. Section 21.17.040(1)(A) to increase the maximum combined sign area from 100 square feet to 492 square feet; 2. Section 21.17.040(2)(A) to increase the maximum number of permanent signs from 2 to 5; and 3. Section 21.17.040(2)(C) to increase the maximum number of wall signs per wall from 1 to 2. Chairmnan Nutschnig asked if a representative for Gardne Fresh Market was present. Mr. Golan Mor, Manager stated he was. Chairmnan Nutschnig asked if Mr. Mor had anything to add. Mr. Mor stated he did not. Chairman Nutschnig asked the committee if anyone had any questions or comments. There were no questions or comments from the committee. Motion by Voss, seconded by Sullivan to recommend approval of a variation to Section 21.17.040(1)(A) to allow an increase in combined sign area from 100 square feet to 492 square feet; approval of a variation to Section 21.17.040(2)(A) to allow an increase in the maximum number of permanent signs from 2 to 5; and approval of a variation to Section 21.17.040(2)(C) to allow an increase in the maximum number of wall signs per wall from 1 to 2 on the south (front) side of the building for Garden Fresh Market, 400 Townline Road. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Voss, Sullivan, and Nutschnig; nays: none; absent and not 1 Discussion Exhibit PMT-1 Discussion (continued) voting: none. Motion carried. Chairman Nutschnig adjourned the Permits Committee at 6:50 p.m. Adjournment The Permits Committee meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m. _________________________ Deputy Clerk 2 Exhibit A OMNIBUS VOTE AGENDA ITEM For Board Meeting of: March 25, 2013 TO: Mayor Kessler and Board of Trustees FROM: Doug Haywood, Finance Director DATE: RE: March 20, 2013 FY13 Bad Debt Write-Off EXPLANATION: To maintain the confidence of the public, it is important for the Village's receivable balance to reflect amounts deemed collectible. In light of this, the attached documents report amounts requested to be written-off as bad debts as they have been determined to be uncollectible. These accounts will be forwarded to the State as part of the Local Debt Recovery Program to collect these debts. Amounts included in FY2013 Write-Off: Village Misc. AR Invoices Final Water/Sewer Bills Total $ 1,557.86 $ 9,686.31 $ 11,244.17 MOTION REQUESTED: Motion to approve bad debts write-off in the amount of $ 11,244.17 as listed on the attached reports. BUDGETED ITEM: YES NO ATTACHMENTS: YES NO Signature Doug Haywood Digitally signed by Doug Haywood DN: cn=Doug Haywood, o, ou=Finance,, c=US Date: 2013.03.20 13:03:42 -05'00' N/A Village Administrator Recommendation Approve the Motion Digitally signed by John Lobaito Date: 2013.03.20 16:20:02 -05'00' ACCT 185 DOUBTFUL ACCOUNTS FY11 Misc AR Outstanding Scheduled for Write-off @ FY13 Customer ID Customer Name Description Invoice# Invoice Date Write-Off AMOUNT 90000-01984 False Alarm Fees NEON MOON 265883 12/15/10 200.00 90000-01984 False Alarm Fees NEON MOON 266291 01/15/11 400.00 90000-02030 Other Reimbursement Cost NANCY JACKSON 265515 10/22/10 72.54 T1011006 Hearing Officer Fines CHRISTY CHELLMAN 265999 12/15/10 750.00 90000-01958 Water & Materials Services MARIA REYNOSO 264006 05/28/10 30.00 90000-01968 Water & Materials Services ALEJANDRO CASTILLO 264229 06/17/10 30.00 90000-02036 Water & Materials Services SYSTEMS PIPING 265644 11/09/10 45.32 90000-02087 Water & Materials Services KURT KIM 267040 04/05/11 30.00 Total Bad Debt Write-Off @ FYE13 1,557.86 100000-185 T:\Excel\AR\BadDebtWriteoffs\13MiscARWriteOff.xlsx FinalWO@FY13 1,422.54 500000-185 135.32 TOTAL 185 1,557.86 03/20/2013 FY13 Water Accounts Bad Debt Write-off List Account # 40024702 02122203 03031002 04569304 01142501 03062703 18010702 02126403 10273501 02050507 15002102 07026002 02105702 03088601 08031101 24005501 05028503 03016303 03028911 10267804 04458900 03026205 22011003 03047800 18006402 04566201 02105701 31031102 01063604 27016312 05063802 27015606 04002401 26001704 18000902 16050100 04508212 02102303 22013002 04505701 04540607 02052901 11378400 23030913 04538804 11268602 40022102 23026103 13015912 04508211 02053103 23031608 18012103 04557502 17000403 01051002 02097103 23034808 01118800 07017804 23026402 04507709 21015304 24003704 18012204 41011001 02000405 02025207 08041800 06060206 13039601 20004810 41005703 Name JOHN VOGEL JAX REALTORS SALVADOR MORALES GROCERY STORE ROBERTO GONZALEZ GRACIELA BAUTISTA MARGARITA MURILLO DEMITRY POLTKIN JEFFREY JENKINS SRIKANYH BEDATHUR KARLA URIOSTEGUI DIMITAR GEORGIEV GLORIA VARGAS ABEL PEREZ HOT WHEELS ROLLER RINK DAISY FLORES WILLIAM VASTIS GAIL CRENSHAW ESPERANZA SAMANIEGO KENNETH PIPER HEATHER LASKOV JUNG SHIN BEAUTY & GIFT EDUARDO LIMA MUNDELEIN FOOD GROUP AL HITZKE PAUL CUTT MARIA HERRERA MANUEL GARCIA CHUCK POLONSKY STEVE STORY SAJJAD MANSOOR WALTER REY BYOUNG PARK MAREARIPO HERNANDEZ STEPHANIE SCHIESSER JOSE VALDES TALL GRASS RIDGE LLC STEVEN BROWN JAMES SPRINGER TAYLOR STREET PIZZA JACK JOHNSON WES WILLNEY MARIA PACHECO CULVER'S CHRISTIAN CASTRO JESUS PALACIOS SEEKS INC D/B/A MERLIN MUFFLER SAM KIM ALEXANDER BABUSHKIN BRIAN HAIGHT DAVID SUEME ESTYVN RAMIREZ LANA BASOV PETE TADDEI VICTOR TISCARENO SURABI KUNJ SCOTT GOLDUFKSY SCOTT EDSON JUAN GALINDO NELS SEELYE JOHN JURISCH KIM GERSHON AMERICAN NATIONAL REALTY ALLA KAN GLORIA STEFFAN SCOTT/KASI MORRISON RAKESH SAGGAR JOHN COASH DAMARIS ROSARIO RODNEY DANCEL REBECA LODOR ELISA GREENBURG AVEL DIRZO PATTY FURMAN COLDWELL BANKER T:\Excel\AR\Bad Debt Write-offs\13 OS Final Wtr Accts.xlsx Service Address 1011 KASTING LN 302 S LAKE ST 332 N LAKESHORE DR 700 DIAMOND LAKE RD 50 GIFFORD CT 409 E COURTLAND ST 813 CASTLETON CT 114 W HAWTHORNE BL 1404 WESLEY CT 164 N IDLEWILD AV 1112 BURNHAM CT 946 N IDLEWILD AV 316 S PRAIRIE AV 139 N SEYMOUR AV FS 500 W HAWTHORNE BL 225 PINEHURST DR 1353 BANBURY RD 409 S LAKE ST 313 N LAKESHORE DR 590 JENNIFER CR 660 S LAKE ST 438 MIDWAY DR 820 N ROUTE 83 645 E HIGH ST 1985 BARNHILL DR 1200 DIAMOND LAKE RD 316 S PRAIRIE AV 3162 RAVINIA CR 869 NE HOLCOMB DR 1305 KENSINGTON DR 1095 N MIDLOTHIAN RD 1312 KENSINGTON DRIVE 514 ALLANSON RD 216 DUNTON CT 1668 TEMPLETON CT 923 W COURTLAND ST 934 RIDGE AV 128 S LAKE ST 860 N ROUTE 83 332 OAKDALE AV 305 PLEASURE DR 9 N RIDGEMOOR AV 220 OAK CREEK PZ 1257 ORLEANS DR 641 PLEASURE DR 1464 S BUTTERFIELD RD 1180 KASTING LN 1153 ORLEANS DR 22 SANDHURST RD 934 RIDGE AV 21 N RIDGEMOOR AV 1271 ORLEANS DR 833 HANDLEY CT 1144 LAWRENCE DR 1730 AMBRIA CT 317 CHARLOTTE PL 145 S LINCOLN AV 1331 ORLEANS DR 312 JAMES AV 639 N MIDLOTHIAN RD 1157 ORLEANS DR 937 RIDGE AV 56 WILTON LN 127 PINEHURST DR 829 HANDLEY CT 1783 SOMERSET LN 328 N PRAIRIE AV 210 W COURTLAND ST 500 HILLSIDE DR 643 N GREENVIEW AV 12 HAMPTON CT 1616 WOODCREST CR 1110 FRANKLIN ST Write-off FY13 Final Bill Date 03/13/12 11/11/11 04/12/11 05/04/11 09/07/11 07/05/11 02/02/12 05/04/11 01/05/12 08/05/11 02/02/12 08/05/11 10/05/11 03/13/12 05/10/11 08/11/11 03/13/12 08/11/11 03/07/12 06/22/11 06/08/11 05/10/11 11/11/11 10/19/11 06/03/11 09/07/11 05/19/11 11/11/11 12/12/11 12/05/11 03/13/12 04/12/11 02/02/12 03/07/12 08/23/11 04/12/11 03/13/12 11/11/11 10/19/11 03/13/12 05/04/11 10/05/11 02/02/12 02/02/12 07/05/11 02/02/12 08/23/11 01/05/12 01/05/12 05/10/11 10/05/11 10/19/11 08/05/11 05/04/11 05/10/11 04/12/11 01/05/12 08/11/11 05/10/11 03/07/12 05/04/11 11/07/11 07/05/11 10/05/11 10/19/11 06/08/11 11/07/11 12/12/11 03/07/12 06/22/11 03/07/12 09/07/11 10/19/11 Balance Reminder Collections 528.86 370.15 348.80 336.21 281.39 278.34 259.52 233.04 232.36 230.01 225.06 198.76 196.62 193.68 193.11 176.59 171.00 162.49 159.25 154.29 152.31 151.21 150.07 148.37 147.86 147.42 144.02 135.92 135.25 135.13 128.63 124.67 120.16 117.75 115.91 106.64 106.58 106.22 102.98 102.58 96.24 90.15 89.05 86.22 85.22 84.05 83.71 79.67 76.71 76.23 64.39 62.52 59.93 58.91 58.91 54.74 54.65 54.32 54.30 53.11 52.37 51.47 50.07 49.95 46.59 46.47 46.47 44.28 39.83 36.31 33.19 32.42 30.33 04/26/12 02/08/12 05/23/11 06/17/11 10/14/11 09/08/11 03/08/12 06/17/11 02/08/12 09/08/11 03/08/12 09/08/11 11/08/11 04/26/12 06/17/11 09/19/11 04/26/12 09/19/11 04/26/12 07/26/11 07/26/11 06/17/11 02/08/12 12/12/11 07/26/11 10/14/11 06/28/11 02/08/12 02/08/12 02/08/12 04/26/12 05/23/11 03/08/12 04/26/12 10/05/11 05/23/11 04/26/12 02/08/12 12/12/11 04/26/12 06/17/11 11/08/11 03/08/12 03/08/12 09/08/11 03/08/12 10/05/11 02/08/12 02/08/12 06/17/11 11/08/11 12/12/11 09/08/11 06/17/11 06/17/11 05/23/11 02/08/12 09/19/11 06/17/11 04/26/12 06/17/11 12/12/11 09/08/11 11/08/11 12/12/11 07/26/11 12/12/11 02/08/12 04/26/12 07/26/11 04/26/12 10/14/11 12/12/11 05/29/12 03/09/12 07/26/11 07/26/11 12/09/11 10/14/11 04/12/12 07/26/11 03/09/12 10/14/11 04/12/12 10/14/11 12/09/11 05/29/12 07/26/11 10/30/11 05/29/12 10/30/11 05/29/12 09/02/11 09/02/11 07/26/11 03/09/12 01/16/12 09/02/11 12/09/11 07/26/11 03/09/12 03/09/12 03/09/12 05/29/12 07/26/11 04/12/12 05/29/12 12/09/11 07/26/11 05/29/12 03/09/12 01/16/12 05/29/12 07/26/11 12/09/11 04/12/12 04/12/12 10/14/11 04/12/12 12/09/11 03/09/12 03/09/12 07/26/11 12/09/11 01/16/12 10/14/11 07/26/11 07/26/11 07/26/11 03/09/12 10/30/11 07/26/11 05/29/12 07/26/11 01/16/12 10/14/11 12/09/11 01/16/12 09/02/11 01/16/12 03/09/12 05/29/12 09/02/11 05/29/12 12/09/11 01/16/12 Lien Filed Tenant Bankrupt X X T X T X T X T X T X T X T X T X T T T T T Page 1 of 2 Account # 01142404 04544409 01129413 04537902 02115103 01116603 15004103 04494502 23023806 06084001 28008702 03011602 23030404 40008004 Name MATTHEW BILLOCK ALEX RODRIGUEZ BRIAN WOLF ERASTO DIAZ BRIAN KRISTOFFERSEN DAN LINDSEY MARVIN STEVENS BROOK BIKO IRODA SALOMOVA THOMAS DOYLE MARTIN FELDMAN PETER SUTOR RYAN KOLAK YUFANG SUNA Service Address 46 GIFFORD CT 608 SHADY LN 172 N SHADDLE AV 608 PLEASURE DR 421 SW GARFIELD AV 303 BRICE AV 1128 ASHBROOK DR 664 E FOUNTAINVIEW DR 1113 ORLEANS DR 220 W HAWLEY ST 904 CONCORD CR 15 S LAKE ST 1249 ORLEANS DR 2120 SOMERSET LN Total Water Accounts for Write-off in FY 2013 T:\Excel\AR\Bad Debt Write-offs\13 OS Final Wtr Accts.xlsx Write-off FY13 Final Bill Date 02/02/12 10/05/11 01/11/12 08/11/11 03/13/12 05/19/11 05/04/11 07/05/11 07/08/11 12/12/11 04/12/11 08/05/11 09/07/11 08/09/11 Balance Reminder Collections 26.56 25.33 23.03 19.32 18.28 15.07 13.09 12.88 9.47 6.64 6.55 6.51 6.44 5.15 03/08/12 11/08/11 03/08/12 09/19/11 04/26/12 06/28/11 06/17/11 09/08/11 09/08/11 02/08/12 05/23/11 09/08/11 10/14/11 09/08/11 04/12/12 12/09/11 04/12/12 10/30/11 05/29/12 07/26/11 07/26/11 10/14/11 10/14/11 03/09/12 07/26/11 10/14/11 12/09/11 10/14/11 Lien Filed Tenant Bankrupt T T T 9,686.31 Page 2 of 2 Exhibit B OMNIBUS VOTE AGENDA ITEM For Board Meeting of: March 25, 2013 To: Mayor Kessler and Board of Trustees From: John A. Lobaito, Village Administrator Date: Mar 20, 2013 Subject: Resolution Canceling the Village Board Meeting of May 27, 2013 and Authorizing Bill Payment Authority EXPLANATION: Memorial Day - Monday, May 27, 2013 is a designated holiday for all Village employees. The attached Resolution cancels the Board Meeting of May 27, 2013 and gives authority to the Village Administrator to issue checks on a caseby-case basis between the period of May 27, 2013 and June 10, 2013. Any authorized payment made during that period would be placed on the bill pay list for the Village Board Meeting on June 10, 2013. MOTION REQUESTED: Motion to adopt A Resolution Canceling the Village Board Meeting of May 27, 2013 and Authorizing the Village Administrator to Approve Payment of Bills Between the Period of May 27, 2013 and June 10, 2013. BUDGETED ITEM: YES ATTACHMENTS: YES Signature NO N/A NO Village Administrator Recommendation Approve the Motion Digitally signed by John Lobaito Date: 2013.03.21 12:10:30 -05'00' RESOLUTION NO. __________ RESOLUTION CANCELING THE VILLAGE BOARD MEETING OF MAY 27, 2013 AND AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE ADMINISTRATOR TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS BETWEEN THE PERIOD OF MAY 27, 2013 AND JUNE 10, 2013 WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Mundelein have been determined that it would be appropriate to cancel the regular Board Meeting scheduled for Monday, May 27, 2013. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mundelein, Lake County, Illinois, that the regularly scheduled for May 27, 2013 is hereby canceled and that any business that must be conducted shall be carried forward to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Mundelein Village Board. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Village Administrator is authorized to issue checks on a case-by-case basis between the period of May 27, 2013 and June 10, 2013. Any authorized payment made during that period will be placed on the bill pay list for the next regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, June 10, 2013. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall be posted in the Village Hall consistent with Ordinance 73-12-30. PASSED by roll call vote this 25th day of March, 2013. AYES NAYS ABSENT AND/OR NOT VOTING ______________________________ President PASSED: ___________________________ APPROVED: ________________________ ATTEST:____________________________ Village Clerk 1 Exhibit C OMNIBUS VOTE AGENDA ITEM For Board Meeting of: March 25, 2013 TO: Mayor Kessler and Board of Trustees FROM: Doug Haywood, Finance Director on behalf of Administration DATE: RE: March 20, 2013 Purchase Order Approval EXPLANATION: The Village's purchase order policy requires the Village Board's approval prior to issuing a purchase order or acquiring products or services over $10,000. Attached is a Departmental Purchase Request exceeding the $10,000 limitation. Board approval is respectfully requested. MOTION REQUESTED: Motion to approve Department Purchase Order & Payment in the Amount of 11,877.05 $ FROM: Clark Baird Smith LLP FOR: Legal Services for the month of February 2013 BUDGETED ITEM: YES NO ATTACHMENTS: YES NO Signature Doug Haywood Digitally signed by Doug Haywood DN: cn=Doug Haywood, o, ou=Finance,, c=US Date: 2013.03.20 11:29:14 -05'00' N/A Village Administrator Recommendation Approve the Motion Digitally signed by John Lobaito Date: 2013.03.20 12:00:14 -05'00' Exhibit D OMNIBUS VOTE AGENDA ITEM For Board Meeting of: March 25, 2013 To: Mayor Kessler and Board of Trustees From: Chief T. E. Sashko Date: Mar 20, 2013 Subject: Citizens Corps Grant Closeout - Calendar Year 2012 EXPLANATION: Each year the Village applies for a Citizens Corps Grant through IEMA, which primarily funds our CERT program. We were issued a grant for the period of January 1, 2012 - December 31, 2012 in the amount of $2,885.33. The form attached closes this grant. It should be noted that 2012 was the last year for the grants from IEMA due to federal Department of Homeland Security funding cuts. MOTION REQUESTED: Authorization for the Village Administrator to sign the GAN (Grant Adjustment Notice) from the Illinois Emergency Management Agency for the period of January 1, 2012 - December 31, 2012 providing $2,883.33 to the Village of Mundelein for the grant period. BUDGETED ITEM: YES ATTACHMENTS: YES Signature NO N/A NO Village Administrator Recommendation Approve the Motion Digitally signed by John Lobaito Date: 2013.03.20 16:18:48 -05'00' Exhibit E OMNIBUS VOTE AGENDA ITEM For Board Meeting of: March 25, 2013 TO: Mayor Kessler and Board of Trustees FROM: Victor M. Barrera, Director of Planning & Development DATE: RE: March 14, 2013 Garden Fresh Market, 400 Townline Road Sign Variations EXPLANATION: At the last Board Meeting, staff was authorized to draft an ordinance granting an additional sign variation for one additional 52 square-foot sign above the western entrance of the building located at 400 Townline Road, Garden Fresh Market. Staff recommends repealing Ordinance 06-11-93 and incorporating all variations granted to Garden Fresh Market into one ordinance. MOTION REQUESTED: 1. Motion to pass an Ordinance Repealing Ordinance No. 06-11-93, An Ordinance Granting Sign Variations to Garden Fresh Market Relating to the Property at 400 Townline Road, Mundelein, Illinois. 2. Motion to pass an Ordinance Granting Variations to Garden Fresh Mundelein, LLC, d/b/a, Garden Fresh Market, Relating to the Property Located at 400 Townline Road, Mundelein, Illinois. BUDGETED ITEM: YES NO ATTACHMENTS: YES NO Signature Digitally signed by Victor Barrera Date: 2013.03.18 16:52:07 -05'00' N/A Village Administrator Recommendation Approve the Motion Digitally signed by John Lobaito Date: 2013.03.21 12:32:54 -05'00' ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 06-11-93, AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SIGN VARIATION TO GARDEN FRESH MARKET RELATING TO THE PROPERTY AT 400 TOWNLINE ROAD, MUNDELEIN, ILLINOIS WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 06-11-93 granted sign variations for Garden Fresh Market on the properties located at 400 Townline Road, legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto; and WHEREAS, the Village Board of Trustees has determined that Ordinance No. 06-11-93 should be repealed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN, COUNTY OF LAKE, STATE OF ILLINOIS as follows: SECTION I. Ordinance No. 06-11-93, granting sign variations for Garden Fresh Market authorizing an increase in the maximum combined sign area from 100 square feet to 440 square feet and an increase in the maximum number of permanent signs from 2 to 4 relating to the property at 400 Townline Road, is hereby repealed. SECTION II. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, filing and publication in pamphlet form as by law provided. 1 The foregoing ordinance was passed on March 25, 2013 by a roll call vote as follows: AYES NAYS ABSENT AND/OR NOT VOTING ______________________________ President PASSED: APPROVED: PUBLISHED in pamphlet form: ATTEST: Village Clerk 2 EXHIBIT A COMMON ADDRESS: 400 TOWNLINE ROAD PINS: 11-31-318-009; 15-06-107-023; 15-06-107-025; 15-06-107-022; 11-31-318-011; and 1131-318-010. PARCEL 1: LOTS 1 AND 5 IN SUPERVALU SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH, RANGE 11 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, AND PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 44 NORTH, RANGE 11 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED JUNE 25, 2000 AS DOCUMENT NO. 4557728, IN LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PARCEL 2: EASEMENT FOR THE BENEFIT OF PARCEL 1 AS CONTAINED IN RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED MARCH 14, 2001 AS DOCUMENT 4657707 MADE BY SUPERVALU HOLDINGS INC. AND SYSTEM CAPITAL REAL PROPERTY CORPORATION FOR PASSAGE AND PARKING OF VEHICLES, PASSAGE OF PEDESTRIANS, AND INSTALLATION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF LINES OR SYSTEMS FOR UTILITIES OVER DRIVEWAYS, SIDEWALKS AND COMMON AREAS AS DESCRIBED HEREIN. 3 ORDINANCE NO. ________ AN ORDINANCE GRANTING SIGN VARIATIONS TO GARDEN FRESH MUNDELEIN, LLC, d/b/a GARDEN FRESH MARKET, RELATING TO THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 400 TOWNLINE ROAD, MUNDELEIN, ILLINOIS WHEREAS, a request was filed with the Village of Mundelein by Garden Fresh Mundelein, LLC, doing business as Garden Fresh Market, requesting sign variations for the property located at 400 Townline Road, legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto; and WHEREAS, the request by Garden Fresh Mundelein, LLC is for the following variations: 1) A variation from Section 21.17.040(1)(A) to increase the maximum combined sign area from 100 square feet to 492 square feet; 2) A variation from Section 21.17.040(2)(A) to increase the maximum number of permanent signs from 2 to 5; and 3) A variation from Section 21.17.040(2)(C) to increase the maximum number of wall signs per wall from 1 to 2, and in accordance with the plans attached hereto as Exhibit B; and WHEREAS, on March 11, 2013, the Permits Committee considered said petition for variations and determined that the signs variations were in character with the building and the surrounding properties and forwarded a recommendation to approve the sign variations to the Village Board by a vote of 3-0; and WHEREAS, at its regular meeting on March 11, 2013, the Village Board considered said request for sign variations and authorized the preparation of an ordinance granting said variations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN, COUNTY OF LAKE, STATE OF ILLINOIS as follows: SECTION I. A variation from Section 21.17.040(1)(A) to increase the maximum combined sign area from 100 square feet to 492 square feet is hereby granted. SECTION II. A variation from Section 21.17.040(2)(A) to increase the maximum number of permanent signs from 2 to 5 is hereby granted. SECTION III. A variation from Section 21.17.040(2)(C) to increase the maximum number of wall signs per wall from 1 to 2 is hereby granted for the south wall of the building. SECTION IV. The approval of said variances applies only to the signs depicted and attached hereto as Exhibit B for Garden Fresh Mundelein, LLC. SECTION V. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, filing and publication in pamphlet form as by law provided. The foregoing Ordinance was passed by a roll call vote as follows: AYES NAYS ABSENT AND/OR NOT VOTING ______________________________ President PASSED: ___________________________ APPROVED: ________________________ PUBLISHED in pamphlet form: __________ ATTEST:____________________________ Village Clerk 2 EXHIBIT A COMMON ADDRESS: 400 TOWNLINE ROAD PINS: 11-31-318-009; 15-06-107-023; 15-06-107-025; 15-06-107-022; 11-31-318-011; and 1131-318-010. PARCEL 1: LOTS 1 AND 5 IN SUPERVALU SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH, RANGE 11 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, AND PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 44 NORTH, RANGE 11 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED JUNE 25, 2000 AS DOCUMENT NO. 4557728, IN LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PARCEL 2: EASEMENT FOR THE BENEFIT OF PARCEL 1 AS CONTAINED IN RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED MARCH 14, 2001 AS DOCUMENT 4657707 MADE BY SUPERVALU HOLDINGS INC. AND SYSTEM CAPITAL REAL PROPERTY CORPORATION FOR PASSAGE AND PARKING OF VEHICLES, PASSAGE OF PEDESTRIANS, AND INSTALLATION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF LINES OR SYSTEMS FOR UTILITIES OVER DRIVEWAYS, SIDEWALKS AND COMMON AREAS AS DESCRIBED HEREIN. 3 Exhibit F OMNIBUS VOTE AGENDA ITEM For Board Meeting of: March 25, 2013 To: Mayor Kessler and Board of Trustees From: Chief Eric Guenther Date: March 7, 2013 Subject: FATPOT Integration Mundelein EXPLANATION: FATPOT is a free software product developed to link non-similar CAD systems. This product will allow all users to see what is occurring in jurisdictions that border Mundelein in real time. Dispatchers can see call type, offender and vehicle information etc. as it is occurring. It also has a mapping feature that will pinpoint calls for service on the map. We can scale the product to just jurisdictions that border Mundelein or we can view the entire county. This is an excellent example of interoperability and the sharing of critical information as it becomes available. MOTION REQUESTED: Authorize the Mayor on behalf of Mundelein ETSB to sign the memorandum of understanding. BUDGETED ITEM: YES ATTACHMENTS: YES NO NO Signature SIGNATURE: Eric Guenther 2012.11.20 14:55:14 -06'00' N/A Eric Guenther cn=Eric Guenther, o=Village of Mundelein, ou=Police Dept.,, c=US 2013.03.14 13:37:33 -05'00' Village Administrator Recommendation Approve the Motion Digitally signed by John Lobaito Date: 2013.03.21 13:44:13 -05'00' MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING REGARDING CAD INTEROPERABILITY This memorandum of understanding is between the Lake County Emergency Telephone System Board (“Lake County ETSB”), an agency of the County of Lake, and the Mundelein Emergency Telephone System Board (“Mundelein ETSB”) (together, the “parties”), and relates to the interoperability of the two ETSBs’ computer-aideddispatch systems. The memorandum will become effective when all the parties have signed it, and the date this memorandum is signed by the last party to sign it (as indicated by the date associated with that party’s signature) will be deemed the date of this memorandum. This memorandum memorializes the procedures under which the Parties intend to cooperate to foster the interoperability of their respective CAD systems. Recitals WHEREAS: The parties each operate Emergency Telephone System Boards under the authority granted in the Emergency Telephone System Act, 50 ILCS 750/1 et seq. One of the purposes of the Act is to “encourage units of local government and combinations of such units to develop and improve emergency communication procedures and facilities in such a manner as to be able to quickly respond to any person calling the telephone number ‘9-1-1’ seeking police, fire, medical, rescue, and other emergency services.” 50 ILCS 750/1. One power the Act grants to ETSBs is the “Coordinating and supervising the implementation, upgrading, or maintenance of the [9-1-1] system, including the establishment of equipment specifications and coding systems.” 50 ILCS 750/15.4. As part of its 9-1-1 system, Lake County owns, and the Lake County ETSB operates, a Computer Aided Dispatch System (CAD). Similarly, Mundelein Public Safety and the Mundelein ETSB operate their own CAD system. Each party’s CAD system is an automated police and fire call dispatch system utilizing computer access to share information. The Lake County ETSB has contracted with FATPOT Technologies, LLC, which is a company that provides software that enables proprietary CAD systems provided by different software companies, such as those used by these -1- parties, to communicate with one another. The Lake County ETSB’s contract with FATPOT foresees a two-phase implementation, with Phase 1 enabling disparate CAD systems read-only access to each other’s data, and Phase 2 enabling CAD systems both read-and-write access. The Lake County ETSB has not yet contracted for Phase 2 implementation, and this MOU relates only to Phase 1 capabilities. NOW, THEREFORE, THE LAKE COUNTY ETSB AND THE MUNDELEIN ETSB ESTABLISH THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURES: 1. The Lake County ETSB, under its contract with FATPOT, will supply software to the Mundelein ETSB and will install and maintain the software so as to facilitate the read-only interoperability of the parties’ CAD systems. Lake County ETSB will provide two PortalOne licenses at no cost to Mundelein ETSB 2. The Mundelein ETSB will allow network access to FATPOT so that FATPOT can install the necessary software on Mundelein’s system. 3. The Mundelein ETSB will designate an information technology specialist or appropriate CAD administrator to work with FATPOT in coordinating the software implementation. 4. The parties shall each bear their own costs for the purchase, implementation and maintenance of a data connection capable of transporting data to the FATPOT server and for additional PortalOne licenses, and shall not seek reimbursement from the other for expenses that may be required. 5. The parties agree to abide by the rules provided in the document Sharing, Use, and Release of CAD and RMS Info by Outside Agencies, which is attached to this MOU as Exhibit 1. 6. The parties agree to operate under the procedures set forth in this MOU for the duration of the Lake County ETSB’s contract with FATPOT. The current duration of the contract is two years, with anticipated annual maintenance, software and support renewals. The Lake County ETSB will provide notice if the contract is not renewed or is otherwise terminated. 7. The parties acknowledge that Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests must be responded to by the agency that created the data sought in the FOIA request, because the FATPOT system does not retain data and, therefore, cannot be used to retrieve data. 8. The Parties acknowledge that this memorandum of understanding memorializes the procedures under which the Parties intend to operate, but that they do not intend it to be interpreted as a contract enforceable in a court of law. -2- MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING REGARDING CAD INTEROPERABILITY Signed: LAKE COUNTY ETSB MUNDELEIN ETSB By:________________________________ By________________________________ Title: Chairman Title: Date:______________________________ Date:______________________________ -3- —Exhibit 1— Sharing, Use and Release of CAD and RMS Information by Outside Agencies I. POLICY It is the policy of the Lake County ETSB to comply with all rules and regulations established by Federal, State, and local authorities regarding the access, use, storage, and release of confidential information obtained through various electronic means. Additionally, the ETSB supports the interoperability of the various data communications and information management systems employed by public safety agencies in and around Lake County for the purposes of providing a more efficient response to public safety hazards and to better protect the lives and property of the citizens of Lake County and its surrounding areas. II. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to set forth guidelines for the sharing of public safety related information between authorized agencies in and around the Lake County area and to provide for the protection of sensitive and protected information from access by unauthorized parties. III. DEFINITIONS A. CAD Fusion Product A system of providing the ability to share information regarding active calls for service between CAD systems through the use of a specially designed integration system and various data communications methods. B. INFORMER A web-based information reporting system operated by the Lake County ETSB to provide information on CAD system activity through user-defined report formats. C. ISTATUS A web-based system monitor that provides information on current and historical CAD system activity. D. Lake County CAD System The Computer Aided Dispatch System funded by the Lake County Emergency Telephone Services Board which maintains information on police and fire incidents handled by member agencies. E. LEADS The Law Enforcement Agency Data System operated by the Illinois State Police which provides interagency communications both locally and through the nationwide NLETS system, as well as access to various law enforcement 1 information, Criminal History Information, Illinois Hot Files, Secretary of State registration and licensing information, and NCIC records through the use of land based terminals located at police agencies throughout the State. F. Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) A written agreement, executed between the ETSB and one or more public safety entities to provide for the sharing of data between CAD and/or RMS systems. G. Mobile Data Systems Wireless data systems that provide connectivity and information support between dispatch centers and the various emergency and non-emergency vehicles operated by public safety agencies. H. Outside CAD Systems Computer Aided Dispatch Systems funded by other public safety entities which maintains information on police and fire incidents handled by those agencies. I. NCIC The National Crime Information Center which is a clearinghouse of law enforcement related information including wanted and stolen files, hot files, and criminal history information. The NCIC is administered by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. J. NLETS The National Law Enforcement Teletype System which provides for interagency communications throughout the United States using land based terminals located at law enforcement agencies throughout the country. IV. Data Sharing A. Subject Matter Pursuant to the requirements and restrictions outlined in this Policy, the Lake County ETSB and outside agencies will provide shared access to current and historical information regarding unit activity, CAD incidents, Geo-spatial and address-specific locations managed through their respective Computer Aided Dispatch Systems and/or interfaces. This includes, but is not limited to the following: CAD interoperability using one or more CAD Fusion Products Mobile data messaging and access Current CAD incident status and detail information Historical CAD incident detail information Real-time map-based or tabular CAD incident and unit activity 2 Ad-Hoc reporting of CAD/RMS information Any and all information shared between one or more entities shall be solely for the use of that entity as necessary for the performance of that entities’’ official public safety duties. B. Requirements Prior to the implementation of any information sharing system between the Lake County ETSB and any public safety entity that is not a member or client agency of the Lake County ETSB as identified in this Policy, the following procedures must be completed: C. Execution of a Memorandum of Agreement between the Lake County ETSB and the public safety entity. Establishment of an information security and dissemination policy by the public safety entity that has been reviewed and approved by the Lake County ETSB Policy Committee. Conflict Resolution and Termination In the event of a conflict of policy between the Lake County ETSB and the public safety entity, a review committee consisting of representatives of the ETSB and one or more other public safety entities that have executed similar agreements shall be empanelled to mediate the issue to a successful conclusion. In the event of a verifiable, serious breach of information security, either party may elect to withdraw permission to access their data systems until an acceptable problem resolution is achieved. V. Restrictions on Access A. Unauthorized Use The Lake County ETSB and other Public Safety entities and their employees, agents and assigns are specifically prohibited from accessing any shared information provided under this Policy for any purposes other than as required during the performance of that entities’’ official public safety duties or for the purposes of administration, management or system maintenance. B. Release of Information Public Safety entities are specifically prohibited from releasing any shared information provided under this Policy to any person, individual or organization except for the following: Release to other personnel of that public safety entity as required during the course of that person’s official duties; or 3 C. Release to representatives of other public safety entities as required during the course of that person’s official duties; or Release to prosecutorial or judicial officials as required during the course of the investigation, prosecution or other adjudication of an individual or offense; or As required by judicial order or subpoena. Protection of LEADS Data The Personnel Security Requirement for a LEADS agency requires conformance with 20 Illinois Administrative Code 1240.50. Generally, no person may provide maintenance or technical services at or near LEADS equipment unless they are of good character and have not been convicted of a felony or a crime involving moral turpitude under the laws of this or any other jurisdiction. Any persons may have their authority to provide maintenance or technical services at or near LEADS equipment denied if charged with a felony or a crime involving moral turpitude under the laws of this or any other jurisdiction (20 Illinois Administrative Code 1240.50(b)(3). 1. AUTHORIZED LEADS RECIPIENTS Access to LEADS requires qualification under the criteria set forth in 20 Illinois Administrative Code 1240.30. LEADS operators shall use the terminal only for those purposes for which they are authorized. The individual receiving a request for criminal justice information must ensure the person requesting the information is authorized to receive the data (20 Illinois Administrative Code 1240.50). 2. BACKGROUND AND TRAINING PROGRAM All personnel authorized to process or release LEADS data shall be required to complete a background and training program prescribed by the Records Supervisor. The Training Bureau shall coordinate the course to provide training in the proper use, control, and dissemination of LEADS data (20 Illinois Administrative Code 1240.50). 3. RELEASE OF LEADS DATA o The LEADS network and LEADS data shall not be used for personal purposes. o Personal or unofficial messages shall not be transmitted. o LEADS data shall not be sold. o LEADS data shall not be disseminated to any individual or organization that is not legally authorized to have access to the information (20 Illinois Administrative Code 1240.80). 4 D. Computer Terminal Security Each Public Safety entity agency must ensure that all computer devices having LEADS access are placed in a location under the direct control and supervision of authorized criminal justice personnel and are inaccessible to the public or persons not qualified to either operate, view, or possess LEADS and/or NCIC transmitted or received data. The computer site and/or terminal area must have adequate physical security to protect against any unauthorized personnel gaining access to the computer equipment or to any of the stored data (20 Illinois Administrative Code 1240.50). E. Juvenile Records Nothing in this procedure is intended to alter existing statutes, case law, or the policies and orders of the Juvenile Court regarding the release of juvenile offender records. 5 Exhibit G OMNIBUS VOTE AGENDA ITEM For Board Meeting of: March 25, 2013 TO: Mayor Kessler and Board of Trustees FROM: Doug Haywood, Finance Director DATE: RE: March 20, 2013 Bills for Approval EXPLANATION: The Village's Bill Approval Policy requires bill approval at each board meeting. Board approval is respectfully requested. The full Governing Body report has been posted on the Village's internet site. This is net of any invoices Trustees have requested be pulled for separate vote. MOTION REQUESTED: Motion to approve the payment of bills, as indicated in the Governing Body Report for the period between: BEGINNING DATE: March 12, 2013 ENDING DATE: March 25, 2013 IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,383,810.40 BUDGETED ITEM: YES NO ATTACHMENTS: YES NO Signature Doug Haywood Digitally signed by Doug Haywood DN: cn=Doug Haywood, o, ou=Finance,, c=US Date: 2013.03.20 13:04:03 -05'00' N/A Village Administrator Recommendation Approve the Motion Digitally signed by John Lobaito Date: 2013.03.20 16:22:34 -05'00'