CLASS XI Lateral Entry Admission Notification
CLASS XI Lateral Entry Admission Notification
~: 040-23438411-15 Website: E-mail: ~-040-27895567 ~ f4E11t'111 ~ ~~~Iiql~~ An Autonomous Organization under Ministry of HRD (Dept. of School Education & Literacy. Govt. of India) 1-1-10/3, S.P. Road, SECUNDERABAD +{Rq mmR~~CIiT~~~ ~ ~ v;ct ~ ~. 1-1-10/3, l1:B.l:ft". ~, m 500003 NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA SAMITI (HYDERABAD REGION) 'Iffin ~ ) Pin- 500 003 (Telengana) iflCfi"G{lcql~ (<"I(>jJIIOII) F.No.8-23/2016/NVS-HR(Trg.)/ Date: 25.5.2016 To The Principal, All Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas under Hyderabad Region, Sub:- Filling up the vacancies during the academic in Class XI in JNVs through lateral Entry session 2016- 17 - reg Ref:- NVS, Hqrs, Noida letter No. 1-2/2015-NVS(Exam.) 431 dated 15.05.2015 Madam/Sir, Please find enclosed herewith the notification and Prospectus-cumApplication Form for Lateral Entry Admission of students to class XI in JNVs during the current session 2016-17. Principals of JNVs are adherence. requested to note the following for strict 1. All the students who have appeared for class X examination (session 2015-16) are to be informed to report to Vidyalaya to submit the application for admission in class XI during the session 2016-17. 2. To scrutinize all the applications properly and the eligible students as per the admission criteria are to be accommodated in the Vidyalaya, if the stream as per the choice of the parent is available, within 5 days from the date of publication of result by CBSE. 3. For Science/Commerce/Vocational streams, If the accommodation is not available for the eligible students in the particular stream or requested stream is not available , arrangements are to be made to send the students on mini-migration to other JNVs with prior intimation to the Principal of the JNV concerned to which the students are being sent on mini-migration. 4. To complete the entire excise on or before 10th June, 2016. 5. Regarding relaxation of marks for admission to Science/Commerce/vocational Streams in Class XI- Weightage will be given to the eligible Sports/NCC/Scout/Guide students for admission to various streams in Class XI in accordance with the criteria decided by the Samiti. Hence the details may be collected while receiving applications from the candidate. 6. Exact vacancy position in the proforma given below is to be forwarded to the state coordinating JNV and to the training section of NVS, RO, Hyderbad (through online) latest by 15th June, 2016. stream ......................................... Details for 40 students(A} Details of students already admitted from Own JNV (B) Details of students already admitted on Mini-Migration© Total Number of students admitted(B+C} Details of Vacancies to be filled throgh Lateral Entryfor the session 2015-16{A-(B+C)} Urban 10 Rural 30 Boy 27 Girl 13 Gen/ SC ST OBC 6 31 3 7. L'ISt 0 f Staet C oor dime fIng JNV's ISgiven b eow: I SLNo. Name of State Coordinating JNVsattached JNV JNV, Medak All JNVsof Telonoono (09) 1 All JNVsof AP (15) & UTYanam(Ol} JNV, EastGodavari-I 2 JNV, Haveri All JNVsof Karnataka (28) 3 JNV,ldukki All JNVsof Kerala (14)& UTMahe(Ol) 4 JNV, Puducherry JNV, Puducherry & Karaikkal(02} 5 JNV, Minicoy(Ol) JNV, Minicoy 6 JNV, N & Middle Andaman JNV, N & Middle Andaman(Ol} 7 8. Notification for Lateral Entry admission in class XI in respect of AP, Karnataka and Kerala will be issued in the following News Papers by this office: Andhra Pradesh & Vanam - Saakshi Daily News Paper, Karnataka - Prajavani Daily News Paper, Kerala - Mathru Bhoomi Daily News Paper. Puducherry & Karaikkal - Principal, JNV, Puducherry is requested to notify regarding Lateral Entry (Class XI) in any of the leading News Papers with circulation in Karaikkal and Puducherry as per DAVP rates. Minicoy & North & Middle Andaman - JNV, Minicoy and JNV N&Middle Andaman will make own arrangements for publicity ... Publicity may also be made locally through Print & Electronic mass media. Co-operation of the District Administration in this regard may also be sought. 9. Last date to receive applications for Lateral Entry Admission by JNVs is 20th June, 2016 and the data is to be compiled in the enclosed annexure -8 and soft copy in excel format is to be forwarded to the State Coordinator and also to this office by 21 st June, 2016 11.00 a.m .. 10. Principals of State Coordinating JNVs are requested to submit the following to Regional Office for approval latest by 21sl June, 2016. 4.00 p.m. a. Consolidated list of candidates received from all JNVs in annexure-A. b. JNV wise list of candidates to be admitted in different streams as per the guidelines & admission criteria of NVS during the session 2016-17 on the basis of vacancies intimated by JNVs to Regional Office Hyderabad. Note: List of candidates, whose names are proposed for approval, should not be published by State Coordinating JNVs without the approval of Regional Office. 11. Effortswill be made by this office to release the list of students for admission through Lateral Entry(Class XI) after preparing State Panel latest by 25th June, 2016. 12. Intimation to selected students by concerned JNVs latest by 30th June, 2016 and the admissions may be completed on or before 1st July, 2016 (Friday). 13. Prospectus-cum-Application form for Lateral Entry Admission are to be multiplied at respective vidyalaya level on need basis for distribution to the interested candidates. It is to be ensured that copies of the Prospectus-cum-Application forms are provided to DEO/BEO/Other district functionaries. 14. For ready reference, time activity schedule is also enclosed with this letter. All the efforts are to be made to ensure that no vacancy during the session2016-17. exists in class XI Yours faithfully, I.GO~~~)W DEPUT COMMISSIONERi/c Copy to: 1. The Deputy Commissioner(Acad.), NVS,Hqrs, Noida - this refers to his letter No. 1-2/2016-NVS(Exam.)dated 24.5.2016 2. PA to DC, NVS, RO, Hyderabad n~~rf~w D TYCOMMISSIO~~Rl/c NAVODAYA PROSPECTUS-CUM-APPLICATION CLASS-XI 1.0 VIDY ALAYA SAMITI NOIDA FORM FOR ADMISSION AGAINST VACANT SEATS OF STUDENTS IN Notification Applications are invited from eligible students for admission to Class XI against the vacant seats likely to be available in JNVs during the academic year 2016-17. Admission will be made on the basis of performance. of students in Class X Board Examinations 2.0 certificate by CBSE / State Education Board. Objectives The main objectives ofNavodaya Vidyalaya Samiti as set forth in the Memorandum of Association are: 2.1 To provide good quality modem education including a strong component of culture, inculcation of values, awareness of the environment, adventure activities and physical education to the talented children predominantly from the rural areas, without regard to their family's socio-economic condition. 2.2 To ensure that all students of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti attain a reasonable competence in three languages as envisaged in Three Language Formula; and 2.3 To serve, in each district, as focal point for improvement in general, through sharing of experiences and facilities. 2.4 3.0 level of in the quality of school education . To promote national integration through migration of students from Hindi to nonspeaking State and vice-versa. Hindi Salient Features of Navodaya Scheme 3.1 Good quality modem education for talented children predominantly from rural areas; 3.2 Candidates - Rural, at least 75% Urban, utmost 25%. 3.3 Reservation of seats for students from SC/ST categories in proportion to their population in the district subject to the national minimum. 3.4 Reservation 3.5 Co-educational 3.6 Location - usually in rural areas. One the basis of offer of cost free land and rent free temporary buildings by StatelUT Governments. 3.7 Free education including boarding Books, and Stationery etc. 3.8 Affiliated to CBSE. 3.9 Admission is Class-VI only through objective type test designed and conducted by CBSE in the concerned district. of seats for girls - 33%. and fully residential, up to Class-XII. and .lodging as well as expenses on Uniforms, Text 4.0 5.0 3.10 Implementation of Three-Language Formula. 3.11 Regional languages as medium of instruction for first three years. afterwards. 3.12 30% of students in Class-IX from a Vidyalaya located in one linguistic area spend one academic year in a Vidyalaya in a different linguistic region to promote national integration through understanding of the diversity and plurality of country's cultures and people. HindilEnglish Criteria for Admission of Students to Class-XI against vacant seats 4.1 Admission of students will be made against available vacancies in Class-XI on the basis of marks secured by students in Class-X Board Exam during academic session 2016-17. 4.2 A common merit list will be prepared against all the existing vacancies at State level for admission to Class XI based on available vacancies from the district/nearby districts JNVs. Applicants must indicate hislher preference for admission in various JNVs in the State in which he/she is residing in hislher application form. Selected candidates from the District will be admitted in concerned JNV to the extent of available vacancies. For remaining candidates allocation of JNV will be made based on the list of available vacancies and preferences given by the candidates. 4.3 Candidates are required to submit their applications in the prescribed proforma alongwith photocopies (duly attested by the Head of the Institution last attended) in support of their qualification, caste etc. The Principal of the concerned JNV will verify this information furnished by the candidates from original certificates at the time of admission. 4.4 The selected students will be informed by the Principal of the concerned .JNV by registered post. 4.5 Newly admitted students have to undergo medical checkup by the Vidyalaya Doctor. Students suffering from infectious disease/serious ailments shall not be admitted. 4.6 Ten days orientation programme will be arranged for newly admitted students to bridge the learning gaps and to adapt them for new environment. Scheme of Studies Streams available in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas will be allotted to students as per the criteria decided by the Samiti for allocation of streams to existing students joining Class-XI: 6.0 Relaxation of marks for admission It may be ensured that weightage to Science/Commerce Streams in Class-XI is given to the eligible SportslNCC/ScoutJGuide students for admission to various streams in Class-XI in accordance with the criteria decided by the Samiti. 7.0 Reservation 7.l Reservation of total seats in Class-XI for various categories following criteria: 15% SC ST Girl Child 7.2 8.0 7Y2% Urban candidate Rural candidate 25% 75% 33% - - 3% seats will be kept reserved for physically handicapped How to apply for admission will be stipulated as per the in Class-XI in· Jawahar Navodaya students. Vidyalaya 8.1 The Principal of the concerned JNV shall work out vacancies in various streams of Class-XI immediately on receipt of CBSE result in respect of this Vidyalaya. 8.2 The vacant seats available in each JNV will be notified in local newspaper by the concerned JNV. 8.3 The Prospectus-cum-Application form containing detailed instructions can be obtained free of cost from the office of Principal, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya and office of District and Block Education Officers of the District. Application forms can also be downloaded from our office website Neatly typed and Xeroxed copy of the application can also be used for applying. 8.4 Application forms filled in all respect are to be submitted to the office of Principal, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya of the concerned District either through Registered latest by 20th June 2016. ***** post or in person JAWAHARNAVODAYA DISTRICT REGISTRATION/APPLICATION VIDYALAYA _ FORM FOR ADMISSION TO CLASS - XI Affix passport size Name of the Candidate ------------------------------(in block letters) 2. Mother's name (in block letters) 3. Father's Name (in block letters) photograph _ attested by head of the school _ where candidate is studying in Class X Name of the Guardian -----------------------------(in case Father/Mother is not guardian) 5. Relationship with Guardian 6. Nationality of the Candidate 7. Present Postal Address: _ --:-- Mobile No. STD Code E-mail: 8. Category I General I TG -------------- b) Area SC d) Disabled: e) _ --------------- Tick {-Y} the appropnate Box: Girl Boys a) Sex c) I Hearing Impaired Visually Impaired I Unmarried I Married Marital Status (To be marked only if disabled) 9. (a) Date of Birth (in figures) Date ofthe candidate duly IT] (b) Date of Birth (in words) (c) Identification Mark: Month IT] Year [rIT] . . 10. 11. Annual Income of Parents: (a) Name of the school where candidate was studying in class X during 2015-2016 : (b) Whether recognized (Tick {--i} appropriate): 12. Yes (a) Whether school is located in RurallUrban Area . (b) Board of Affiliation . 13. Medium through which candidate has studied in Class X: 14. Academic Qualification: Examination High School (Class X) Subject Maximum Marks Marks Obtained . % age of Marks Hindi English Regional Language Maths Science Social Studies (Copy of the mark list may be attached) 15. 1 1 No D Stream to be offered: (Tick {vi} the appropriate box) i) Science with Maths ii) Science without Maths iii) Humanities iv) Commerce v) Vocational Remarks 16. Preference for admission in JNVs in the State in which the applicant is residing 01 02 03 04 17. JNV, JNV, JNV, JNV, 05 JNV, District 06 . JNV, District District District District District 07 08 JNV, District JNV, District CERTIFICATE BY CANDIDATE/GUARDIAN Certified that the information given above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. In case any of the information given above is found incorrect, I will abide by the decision of the Samiti. Signature of Candidate (With date) Signature of Father/Guardian (With date) 18.' Certified by the Head of the School where candidate has studied in Class-X during 2015-16 : This is certified that Master/Ms . S/o, D/o Shri . was studying in the School since , which is located in notified (Rural/Urban) area. and' he/she has passed /appeared for his/her Class X examination from this school. As per school record his/her date of birth is (in figures) ..................................................................................... He/She belongs to SC/ST/Other category, (Enclose Caste Certificate in case of SC/ST) (in words) and his/her caste is : , . This is also certified that entries made by the applicant in the application form are correct as per school record. Date : . Signature of the Head of School (with official stamp) (Notification) NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA SAMITI MINISTRY OF HRD, GOVT.OF INDIA REGION ~--------- ADMISSION OF STUDENTS TO CLASS-XI AGAINST VACANT SEATS DURING • THE SESSION 2016-17 As envisaged in National Policy of Education (NEP), 1986, Govt. of India has set up co-educational, fully residential institutions named Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas in 35 States / UTs excluding Tamil Nadu. At present 598 such Vidyalayas have been sanctioned, one in each district. The main objective of these Vidyalayas is to provide good quality modern education including a strong component of culture, inculcation of moral values, awareness of the environment, adventure activities and physical education to the talented children predominantly from the rural areas, irrespective to their family's socio-economic condition. It is proposed to fill up vacant seats available in Class-X! in __ ---.:JNVs. Applications are accordingly invited from eligible students for admission to Class X! against the vacant seats likely to be available in JNVs during the academic year 2016-17. Admission will be made on the basis of performance of students in Class X Board Examinations conducted by CBSE / State Education Board. . . Eligibility ~ Students seeking admission to Class X! shall be within the age limit up to 14-18 years as on 1st July 2016 ~ The candidate must have passed Class X from a recognized school (affiliated to CBSE or any other State Education Board) of the district where the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya is located during the academic session 2015-16. ~ The merit list will be prepared as per marks obtained by the applicant in Class X Board Exam and the admission will be given as per eligibility of candidate and the seats available in the JNVs concerned. ~ A common merit list will be prepared against all the existing vacancies at State level for admission to Class X! based on available vacancies from the district/nearby districts JNVs. Applicants must indicate his/her preference for admission in various JNVs in the State in which he/she is residing in his/her application form. Selected candidates from the District will be admitted in concerned JNV to the extent of available vacancies; For remaining candidates allocation of JNV will be made based on the list of available vacancies and preferences given by the candidates. );f The candidates must have reasonable competency in English and Hindi. How to Apply The Prospectus-cum-Application form containing detailed instructions can be obtained free of cost from the office of Principal, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya and office of District and Block Education Officers of the District. Application forms can also be downloaded from NVS website Neatly typed and Xeroxed copy of the application can also be used for applying. Application forms complete in all respect should be submitted to the office of Principal, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya of the concerned District either through Registered Post or in person by 20th June 2016. ***** • Time Activity Schedule for Lateral Entry Admission 2016 to Class XI during the Academic Year 2016-17 51 01 Activity Notification in Newspapers 02 NVS Hqrs./ Regional Officel JNV Admission of own students to JNV Class XI Finalization of Mini Migration JNV/RegionalOffice Website 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 . Agency Involved Regional Office . Intimation of Vacancies to Regional Office Last date of submission of Application Form at JNV JNV to submit details to Regional Office Regional Office to finalize select list & communicate to JNV Completion of admission JNV/RegionalOffice JNV Principal Principal! JNV Regional Office Regional Office/JNV JNV Principal Time Target 25tn May 2016 (Wednesday) 24m May 2016 (Tuesday) th 6 June 2016 (Monday) th 10 June 2016 (Thursday) 15th June 2016 (Wednesday) zo" June 2016 (Monday) st 21 June 2016 (Tuesday) m 25 June 2016 (Saturday) 1St July 2016 (Friday)
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