2015 Spring Newsletter - Brookfield


2015 Spring Newsletter - Brookfield
Brookfield-Immanuel Charge
Sandy Cross, Editor
Brookfield Worship Service - 8:30 a.m.
Immanuel Worship Service - 11 a.m.
Immanuel Sunday School - 9:30 a.m.
Anyone needing transportation,
please contact Joyce Sweeney at
Once again it is time to decorate the altars for Easter. If you would like to place a plant
in honor of or in memory of a loved one, please fill out this form below and give it to:
Joyce Sweeney for Brookfield Church
(Make check payable to Brookfield UM Church)
Be sure to note whether the plant is "in memory" or "in honor" of your loved one(s).
Please place your order as soon as possible.
 Brookfield flowers $$: contact Joyce Sweeney
In Honor of: (Please print name/s)
In Memory of: (Please print name/s)
Immanuel’s Flower Program this year.
Ordering Flowers to be delivered to the church has become
Too expensive from the Florist to do this year.
We would like to ask YOU to purchase YOUR flowers for the altar.
Bring them on Easter Sunday morning and place them around
The altar area. You may remove them following service.
If you call Donna Roberts at 240-776-4133 or
Pat Thomas at 301-782-7726
They will be glad to include your memorial/in honor in the
Church bulletin.
Special thanks from Chuck and Edith Peale for all the help they have
Been given during Edith’s recent hospitalization, especially to
Gary and Cherry Lynn Tarbox.
Prayer Concerns:
Beth Adkins
Doug Compton
John MIlls
Dot Underwood
Mary Allen
Daniel DeVillier
Edith Peale & Chuck
Debbie Walker
Tom Brown
Ashlea Hedlund
Jean Richards
Bishop Marcus Matthews, Dist. Superintendent, Rev. Rebecca Ianicelli, Baden School
Children, Staff & Community. Phillips House, Rev Galina Kolesnikova & Revival UMC in
Latnaya, Russia, those with Ebola Virus, measles & mumps, Caprice Brown & Rebecca
Wessinger, candidates for ordained ministry, people of France
Sympathy to the families of
Robert Easly Jr
Shirley Jean Wynn
Helen Pinkney
Lauretta Young
Hank Pinkney
Continuing Concerns
Rev. William & Barbara Bice
Danny Buckmaster
Ellen & Dan Camargo
Joe Carbonaro
Mary Cooksey
Kathy DeMarco
Don Ellis
David Herbert
Frank Jones
William Long
Emma Moreno
John Pirner
Paul Richards
Bobbie Rogers
Pete Schaecher
Iris Sparks
Charlie Tighe
George & Eleanor Tucker
Sharon White
Baker & Jane Young
Allen, Bua & Irine
Keith Buckmeister
Lance Canter
Charlene Cardwell
Charles Daugherty, Jr
Jean Douglas
Ruby & Doyle Funkhouser
Sharon Hunter
Jerry Larror
Yates Mursman
Benson Poole
William P Richards II
Doris Sanders
Bernice & Bobby Seger
Betty Sparks
Leisha Thomas
Karl Voehl
Johnny Williams
Jane Baldwin
Lois Burris
Nadine Carapetian
Valerie Clark
Rich Decker
Bernard Duvall
Charles & Iris Hampton
Doris Lam
Abba Marie Long
Aggie McLean
Greg Peyton
Thurston Randall
Anne Willett Robey
Lee Sasscer
Mary Lee Smith
Pete Todd
Becky Tice
Mitch Wade
Belinda Windsor
All Those Serving in the Military Especially Those Deployed
Ben Blanton, Jacob Borras, Travis Brickman, Nathanial Cook, Brian Decker, Colton Dillard, Jacob Friedman, Ryan
Gass, Alyssa Glampie, Patrick Jenkins, Ramsey Myers, Richard Myers, Shawn Murphy, Justin Oliver, Carl Overby, Liam
Overby, Jay L. Parsons, IV, Charles Robertson, Garrett Rogers, Derek & Erin Root, Reuben Sweeney, Trent Watson,
Jason Webb, Charles Young Jr
Nursing Home/Rehabilitation/Homebound
Edith & Richard Baden, Rev. William Bice, Harue Boswell, Joy Consolvo, Walt Grimes,
Viola Hanson, Marie Hutton, Orlena Kendrick, Eugene Seger, Elsie Sweeney, Loine Wilkinson
Special thanks from Wanda and Bo to the friends at Brookfield who cared for and cleaned up their
home when pipes burst while they were in Florida.
Special thanks from Bernard and Thelma Jean Duvall for the help in splitting wood for them.
CALENDAR FOR 2015: as of March 1, 2015
ALL Evening Meetings Begin at 7 PM (unless otherwise noted)
Worship Services are noted in RED
Brookfield Schedules for the following:
Mondays - 1:00 P.M. - Naylor Needlers at Brookfield
Tuesdays - 7:30 P.M. - Bible Study at Brookfield
Monday-Wednesday-Friday Walking Group North Keys Park 8 am./Mall in Waldorf
Choir Wednesdays - 7:00 P.M. Brookfield and Immanuel Alternate (No choir June/July/August first 2
week of September and first 2 weeks of January )
March 1
March 6
March 9
March 16
March 17
March 19
March 21
March 23
March 26
March 29
Joint Worship 10am (Brookfield)
Baden Back Sacks 9:30am(Immanuel)
SPRC 7 pm (Immanuel)
Unity Ministries 7 pm
12:00 pm Lunch - ST. PATRICK'S DAY BINGO – 1pm
Immanuel Finance 7pm
Immanuel Cemetery Cleanup – 8 a.m.
CHARGE COUNCIL 7pm (Brookfield)
UMW Easter Baskets prepared (Immanuel)
Palm/Passion Sunday
April 1
April 2
April 4
April 5
April 5
April 5
April 14
April 16
April 20
April 23
Baden Back Sacks (Immanuel)
Charge Holy Thursday Tennebrae Service 7:30pm (Imm))
Easter Egg Hunt & Party (Immanuel) 2-4 p.m.
EASTER SUNRISE – Riverside at 6:30 a.m.
EASTER SUNDAY (No joint worship?)
Easter Egg Hunt (Brookfield) following worship
Membership at 9:30 a.m. (Immanuel)
Worship Committee 7:30 pm (Immanuel)
Unity Ministries 7 pm (Brookfield)
MW Meeting 9:30am (Immanuel)
May 1
May 2
May 3
May 9
May 11
May 16
May 16
May 18
May 24
May 27-30
May 31-June 7
Back Sacks (Immanuel) 9:30am
Unity Ministries Picnic
Worship 10am (Brookfield)
Mother/Daughter Banquet 5:30pm (Immanuel)
SPRC 7pm (Brookfield)
Annual Tea (Brookfield)
Pre-Conference Briefings Hyattsville UMC
Unity Ministries 7 pm (Brookfield)
Graduate Sunday
Baltimore Washington Annual Conference 2015
Pastor’s vacation
June 5
June 7
June 15
June 15
June 16
Baden Back Sacks (Immanuel) 9:30am
Joint Worship 10am RIVERSIDE (Immanuel)
Immanuel Annual Golf Tournament - Fundraiser
Unity Ministries 7pm (Brookfield)
Immanuel Finance 7pm
June 17
June 20
CHARGE COUNCIL (Immanuel) 7 pm
Father/Son Banquet 6pm (Immanuel)
July 5
July 13-17
July 20
July 20-26
July 29
Joint Worship – 10am RIVERSIDE (Brookfield)
Unity Ministries 7 pm (Brookfield)
Tentative: Pastor’s vacation
SPRC meeting 7pm (Brookfield)
August 2
August 12
August 17
August 20
August 23
August 25
Joint Worship 10am RIVERSIDE Picnic for church/VBS/SS
Unity Ministries 7pm (Brookfield)
Brookfield Finance/Council Meeting
Baden School Ministry Blessing + Teacher Dedication
First Day of School - PG County
September 4
September 6
September 9
September 17
September 21
September 28
Baden Back Sacks (Immanuel) 9:30 am
Joint Worship (Brookfield) Recognition of Volunteers?
UMW @ 1:30pm Imm (discussion re: Dinners-to-go for Oct)
Immanuel Finance 7pm
Unity Ministries 7pm (Brookfield)
SPRC 7pm (Immanuel)
October 2
October 4
October 5
October 7-21
October 18 or 25
October 19
October 28
Baden Back Sacks (Immanuel) 9:30am
Joint Worship (Immanuel) LAITY SUNDAY
CHARGE COUNCIL 7pm (Brookfield)
Tentative: Pastor’s Vacation
Harvest Party & Hayride (Brookfield)
Unity Ministries 7pm (Brookfield)
At 12 Noon Lunch followed by 1pm HALLOWEEN BINGO!
November 1
November 2
November 6
November 9
November 10
November 16
November 25
November 29
Joint Worship 10am (Brookfield)
SPRC 7pm (Brookfield)
Baden Back Sacks (Immanuel) 9:30am
CHARGE COUNCIL 7pm (Immanuel)
UMW meeting 9:30am (Immanuel)
Unity Ministries 7pm (Brookfield)
Thanksgiving Eve Service 7:30pm (location?)
First Sunday of Advent
December 4
December 5
December 6
December 13 or 20
December 17
December 24
December 25
December 27
Special Baden Back Sacks for Holiday (Immanuel) 9:30am
Charge Dinner Theatre Outing
No Joint Worship - Potluck Christmas Party 5:30pm (Imm)
Cantata 10:30am followed by Luncheon and Desert Auction
UMW prepares Christmas Baskets 9:30am
6:30 pm Immanuel - ??? Brookfield - Christmas Eve **
Service of Carols and Bells
"Words are like toothpaste, you can NOT push 'em back in."
!!! Help Christmas in April of Prince George’s
Put It On Your Calendar:
Next Christmas in April Day is April 25, 2015
Please contact Eldon Baldwin, Wanda Wade or Vic Grabis if you are
able to work on the Ministries Team - We have been assigned 5 houses.
Spring is here and the cemetery will have it’s annual cleanup on
March 21st at 8 a.m. All help is greatly appreciated. If you have
any decorations on your graves you want to keep, please have
them removed before the 20th of March. We are in the process of
raking, filling, fertilizing and seeding needed areas to get ready for
cutting the grass.
Reminder to make your donation toward the upkeep of the
cemetery by making your check out to Immanuel Cemetery Fund,
and send to Phyllis Decker, Cemetery Co-Chairperson, 16307
Ashbox Road, Brandywine, MD. 20613
A special thanks to Co-Chairman, Joe Richards and those that have helped with the cleanup
and maintenance of the cemetery throughout the year. Thanks to Wayne Cross for bush
hogging the new cemetery throughout the year.
We seem to be missing the awning,
screws, brackets & light bulb from
over the Sunday School door.
Anyone seen it?
Brookfield and Immanuel each received a certificate from the
Baltimore Annual Conference recognizing them for paying 100% of their
Apportionments to the Conference for the year 2014.
2014 Christmas Cantata
Brookfield Fundraiser – St. Patrick’s Day Ladies Bingo
Donations given by the ladies raises money for S.O.M.E
So Others Might Eat is a group in Anacostia that feed the hungry
Every Second Sunday of the month, Brookfield makes 350 PB&J sandwiches after church
that are taken to this mission for distribution to the homeless/hungry.
…Pat Thomas and Donna Roberts (and helper elves) and
Joyce Sweeney (and helper elves) For the beautiful Advent and
Christmas (and year round) Decorations in the churches.
…Marilyn Myers for signage news at Brookfield
Congratulations to Professor Barbara Sanders on her retirement from
Prince George’s Community College.
Congratulations to Judie Gibson on her retirement as an elementary school teacher.
…to Cathy Cross for the attendance count each week.
62nd Annual
Saturday, May 9th
5:30 p.m.
Call Phyllis Decker for
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MEN OF
If you are interested in being a part of a re-organized
United Methodist Men (missions, fellowship and
fishing) please contact Vic Grabis
Text or call 240-299-5673 or email at vpgrabis@att.net.
Saturday, April4th
At 2:00 P.M.
Rain or Shine
Meet at the church hall
Bring Your Own Basket!
All ages welcome!
Join us for fun in the park!
Crafts & refreshments provided
For more information, e-mail lcgrabis@att.net
Call at 240-299-8552
Immanuel United
Methodist Church
Golf Tournament
Brookfield UM Church
Annual Spring Tea
The Preakness!
Monday-June 15, 2015
SATURDAY, MAY 18, 2013 -1:00 P.M. Tickets will be
available soon.
Price: $40.00 per person.
Limited seats.
Make your reservations NOW!
Wicomico Shores Golf Course
Co-Chaired by:
Sharon Roberts
David Cross
Please call:
Joyce Sweeney: 301-579-2474 or
Shirley Burnett: 301-579-6265.
Congratulations to
Brian & Erin (Werner) Douglas on the birth of their first child/son, Colton
Douglas, weighing 9 lbs 1 oz. Beaming grandparents are Sharon & Ed
Werner, joined with proud great grandparents, Shirley and David Joy.
Souper Bowl offering from Brookfield and Immanuel this
year to Community Support Systems was $881.25. God is
GOOD. Thank you…
Mason John Dudley was baptized at
Immanuel Church on Sunday,
December 21, 2014. Mason is the
son of Justin & Laura Dudley –
sponsors were Kim Winterwerp &
John Dudley; grandparents: Allen
Winterwerp & Carol Poole, John & Sherry
Dudley, Dawn Dudley.and Aunt Ashley
Winterwerp. Also present were Great Pop,
Carl Winterwerp and great Uncle Brian of
FL, Francis and Eva Winterwerp of N. C. and many other Dudley and
Winterwerp family members and friends.
A more recent photo that the editor
couldn’t resist sharing with you is
Mason with his Great Pop in Florida
last week. There seems to be a
wonderful happiness twinkle in both
their eyes. God is always good.
Model T flower truck donated to Piquette!
1920 Model T Hercules flower truck arrives!
We are thrilled to announce the arrival of a 1920 Model T Hercules Flower Truck! The truck was donated to
the Piquette Museum by Cliff and Sue Jenkins of Brandywine, Maryland. We are honored that the Jenkins
wanted to donate their beautiful Model T to our museum.
News from Soil Conservation District by Steve Darcey
Woodborough Farm, owned by Phil and Linda Hutton, is located in the heart of Aquasco,
Maryland. Mr. O.D. Hutton, Phil’s grandfather, purchased the
farm in 1966. Like most farms in Southern Maryland, cropland
was devoted to tobacco production. In 1980 Phil and Linda
moved to the farm and started the transition from tobacco to
horses. They began working with the Soil Conservation District
to address existing erosion issues. After 15 years of
specialized equine breeding of Quarter horses and
Standardbreds, they began breeding and raising Black Angus
beef. Today Phil and Linda are on the cutting edge of the
breeding industry. They are specifically breeding cows that
have genetic traits for marbling and tenderness. They direct
market their quality beef from Woodborough Farm.
The farm is mostly in pasture and hay with a few acres devoted to grain production. Most of the
soils are classified as highly erodible and require a high level of conservation to maintain
productivity. Best management practices (BMP) installed on the farm have improved water quality
through reduced soil erosion and made the operation more efficient. Pastures are rotationally
grazed with strategically located automatic watering facilities that service multiple pastures. Interior
fencing is used to break up the pastures and facilitate a rotational grazing system. Rotating the
cows through these smaller pastures stimulates vigorous grass growth and extends the grazing
period well into the early winter months. Rotational grazing forces livestock to more thoroughly
consume forage in the field including tender weeds and less desirable grasses that would normally
be passed over in a non-rotational grazing scenario. The system also encourages a more uniform
distribution of manure throughout the field. The entire system works efficiently and reduces
expenses associated with commercial fertilizer and chemicals.
Parts of the farm have been retired from crop and livestock production and planted to riparian forest
buffers through the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program. Approximately eight (8) acres of
highly erodible cropland were planted to trees and grasses to enhance wildlife habitat and filter
runoff. A grassed waterway was constructed in a severely eroded drainage way and now conveys
storm water runoff to a safe outlet with no erosion.
The Hutton’s are a great example of conservation farmers. They have adapted to a changing farm
economy and are succeeding with a farm that not only invested in conservation but is practical and
productive. This is why Woodborough Farm has been named 2013 Cooperator of the year .
------------------------------------------------------------------Phil Hutton was appointed by the Prince George’s Soil Conservation District
Board of Supervisors on August 4, 2014, as an Associate Supervisor. Mr.
Hutton is a lifelong Prince George’s County resident. He and his wife Linda
own and operate Woodborough Farms in Aquasco, MD. Phil is retired from
EPA where he worked as a scientist in pesticides and water quality for 32
years. He is a member of numerous farm organizations including the local
Farm Bureau, National Cattleman’s Association, American Angus Association
and Maryland Cattleman’s Association. Mr. Hutton’s passion for production
agriculture coupled with soil and water quality concerns and his many years of experience in federal
policy will be a tremendous asset to the District.
Spring 2015
Dear Family and Friends in Christ,
In our Lenten season of worship we have been listening to the stories of Jesus as he
remains focused on his mission and the vision he received from God. As the faithful Son of
God, Jesus turns to face the ultimate test of his mission—the road to Jerusalem and the
The scriptures tell us that Jesus is fully aware of the humiliating and painful death that
is awaiting him, yet he goes to Jerusalem anyway. He could run from the challenge; he could
hide. He could have said, “No,” to God's call. It had to be tempting. Think about that. Jesus
could have said “No” and avoided all the pain! He could have avoided Jerusalem, being
arrested. He could have avoided being tortured and stripped of all human dignity, then sent to
die an excruciating death on a Roman cross.
If he had said “No,” we would not even know it, and we would all, still be waiting and
hoping for a Messiah. Jesus could have abandoned God’s mission, but he didn’t. Because to do
so meant that he would deny all people God’s gift of salvation and he loved the people of the
world too much to abandon us all. Praise be to God! Jesus said “Yes!”
What an incredible gift we have received—an amazing gift. Through the cross, Jesus
took on our mistakes, our guilt, our sin. Jesus did it all so that we might enjoy eternal life with
our Creator God. What an incredible gift—what amazing love! It’s grace—all grace—freely
given, freely ours to accept.
That gift of salvation is this—we know that we are sinners and totally undeserving of
God’s love, yet God loves us anyway. Amazing! While we are still in sin, God offers forgiveness
for our sin through the sacrificial work of Jesus on the cross. All we have to do is say, “Yes!”
to God and we receive grace—unearned unmerited grace given by God, through the work of
Jesus Christ. Grace!
It is indeed wonderful! But it is not just for us—we are meant to share this gift. When
we accept God’s grace for ourselves, our grateful response is share that gift through joyful
service. We thank God; we serve God—as we serve our neighbor.
As we continue to journey through Lent, as we approach the season of the cross and the
resurrection of Easter, I pray that you will experience anew the “Yes!” of Jesus—the wonder
and amazement of this gift—this grace—. I pray that you will choose to serve in Jesus name,
that all the world may know the wonderful incredible and amazing gift given by a wonderful
incredible and amazing God!
PBJ, (peace, blessings, and joy)
Brookfield-Immanuel Charge
c/o 13801 Martin Road
Brandywine MD 20613
March 29 - Palm Sunday at each church
April 2, Holy Thursday Service @ Immanuel 7:30 pm
April 4 - Easter Egg Hunt @ Immanuel 2-4 pm
Sunrise – 6:30 am at Lee Pavilion, Riverside;
Brookfield – 8:30 am, followed by Easter Egg Hunt
Immanuel – 11 am