Report 15.4 Expenditure of Council Priority Fund
Report 15.4 Expenditure of Council Priority Fund
Council Meeting Date: January 25, 2011 Agenda Item #: 15.4 EXPENDITURE OF COUNCIL PRIORITY FUND Recommendation: THAT Council authorize a total expenditure of $12,000.00 with $5,000 from Mayor Osinchuk, $2,000 from Councillor Delainey, and $1,000.00 each from Councillors Bidzinski, Botterill, Gariepy, Riddell and Wlodarczak’s Priority Funds to provide funding to the World’s Longest Hockey Game 2011 in support of a new Linear Accelerator for radiation treatment at the Cross Cancer Institute. Enclosure I Request/application for funds (Office of the Mayor.31523) Councillor’s Name: Office of the Mayor.31532 Mayor Linda Osinchuk Date: January 25, 2011 CHEQUE PAYABLE TO: World’s Longest Hockey Game 2011 c/o Alberta Cancer Foundation 710-10123-99 St NW Edmonton AB T5J 3H1 T:1(866) 412-4222; P:(780) 643-4400 Office of the Mayor.31532 I Linda Osinchuk - RE : Alberta Cancer Foundation - World's Longest Hockey Game 2011 From: To: Date: Subject: Porayko, Jackie (Linda OSinchuk) Saik, Brent 1/20/2011 5:34 PM RE: Alberta Cancer Foundation - World's Longest Hockey Game 2011 Brent: Thanks for your help. You will be hearing from Council soon . Jackie EA to the MAYOR Mayor Linda Osinchuk Strathcona County 2001 Sherwood Drive Sherwood Park, AB T8A 3W7 Phone: (780) 464-8000 (office) Phone: (780) 893-6282 (cell) Fax: (780) 464-8051 >>> "Brent Saik" <> 1/20/2011 2:49 :12 PM »> We have around 10,000 spectators over the 10 days. To date it is one fo the largest media events in Canada. Ive been told that there will be around 300 hours of tape during the event that will be aired. For sponsorship we are doing rink boards at 2500 each . I would LOVE it of the council members could come out and help volunteer! Maybe you can let the sp news know when that is possible and keep me posted so I can be sure to not be sleeping on a break. Thanks again! Let me know if you need anything brent -----Original Message---- From: Linda Osinchuk [mailto:Osinchuk@strathcona] Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2011 8:49 AM To : Brent Saik Subject: Re: Alberta Cancer Foundation - World's Longest Hockey Game 2011 Dr. Saik: Mayor Osinchuk has asked her fellow Council members for their consideration of a priority fund donation to the World's Longest Hockey Game . Councillor's have asked a few questions and I was hoping I could impose upon you for some clarification . 1. Your estimate of the number of spectators who stop by throughout the event. 2. Will you need logos or business cards for promotional materials from Council? I believe you and the Mayor have also discussed a potential time when Council may come out to assist with serving hot chocolate or something similar. The Mayor was thinking that a Saturday might be best as Council's schedule is quite heavy at this time of year. What are your thoughts on what would work best for your event? Office of the Mayor.31523 Page 1 I 1 Linda Osinchuk - RE: Alberta Cancer Foundation - World'~ Longest f:'iockey Game 2011 Thanks for your input. Jackie »> "Brent Saik" <> 1/7/2011 3:26:12 PM >>> Honorable Linda Osinchuk, Thanks for expressing interest in getting involved in the game this year!! The county has always been very helpful in letting me place this event at my home. In the past we have never really marketed the county and I think as this event has grown to exponential proportions it would be amazing to get strathcona involved! I left a link telling our story. For this game we are trying to raise 1 million dollars . There are lots of sponsor opportunities that might fit or if need be we can invent a new package for you. Please don't hesitate to call me of you have any questions. 4173003 Thanks again for considering this!!!! This community has already been more than gracious in helping me out. No better place to live and have this type of fund raiser! Brent Saik Mayor Linda Osinchuk Strathcona County 2001 Sherwood Drive Sherwood Park , AB T8A 3W7 Phone: (780) 464-8000 (office) Phone: (780) 893-6282 (cell) Fax: (780) 464-8051 osinchuk@strathcona This communication is intended for the recipient to whom it is addressed, and may contain confidential, personal, and or privileged information. Please contact the sender immediately if you are not the intended recipient of this communication, and do not copy, distribute, or take action relying on it. Any communication received in error, or subsequent reply, should be deleted or destroyed . Office of the Mayor.31523 Page 2 1