without prejudice - Copyright


without prejudice - Copyright
An Authors' Trust Initiative.
PO Box 105, Coonawarra, SA, Australia 5277
Tel +(61)438 005 051
Tel: + (61) 8737 3680
Fax: +(61) 8125 6766
Email: slim@copyright-archive.com
Feb 20, 2014
Legal Department
Suite 336, Port City Complex
Dewenhat, Chittagong
Md Aktur Uddin
Dear Sirs,
We represent the owner of copyright in WWW.EXA.COM.AU (the Work),
Exa Pty Ltd. It has come to our attention that you are using copyrighted
material from www.exa.com.au on
softwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com without a valid license.
The copyright owner has a number of exclusive rights under international
copyright law in the U.S. and all countries that have ratified the Berne
Convention. These exclusive rights include the right to reproduce the
Works, and to publish and communicate the Works to the public
(including by way of sale, broadcast or putting the Works online). It is an
infringement of copyright to do any of the acts comprised in the copyright
in relation to the whole or a substantial part of the Works, or to authorise
such an act, without the permission or licence of the copyright owner.
We have attached evidence of infinging copyright material found on your
web page. You have fourteen (14) days to respond in one of the following
1) Cease and desist using this material and pay the demand amount in
full and final settlement of the matter;
2) Ignore this demand, in which case we will a) Have your site removed from your web host;
b) Have links to your domain removed from the indexes of Google,
Bing and Yahoo and
c) Sue you for copyright infringement under United States law.
We expect to incur significant new legal costs while enforcing our client's
rights under the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (17 U.S.C. ss 512(c)(3)
and 512(d)(3) (D.M.C.A.)) if this matter is not settled quickly. You can
expect the settlement amount to double or triple in that case.
More information about this process, your rights and the underlying law
is available at http://www.copyright-archive.com/page_22.html.
You are now on notice as to copyright in respect of the Work. If we do not
receive an adequate response by Mar 6, 2014, we will immediately and
without further warning take such action as necessary in order to protect
our client's rights including, without limitation, legal action for injunctive
relief or to recover damages and legal costs without further notice to you.
"Pull down" notices under the D.M.C.A. will be sent to Google, your web
host, Microsoft and Yahoo on this day (copies of these are available, along
with the full brief of evidence against you, at
http://copyright-archive.com/briefs/. We reserve all of the owner's other
The evidence of your infringement from Google.com and the Wayback
Machine (Archive.org) has been recorded on our files and attempting to
remove or otherwise destroy evidence to avoid prosecution will provide
further evidence against you.
The Authors' Trust is committed to investigating copyright infringement
to protect the interests of the author's we represent. If you join, we may
be able to identify instances where your site has also been copied by
others, and we could recover damages for you to offset or exceed what
you owe. See the postscript below for more information on joining the
The Author's Trust.
I am happy to discuss this matter but be aware of any time zone
differences (I am located in the UTC+09:30 time zone). It would be
appreciated if you were able to send an email to make an appointment for
a voice call, quoting your reference: www.exa.com.au_ -vsoftwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com_Case 39.
S. L. Moignard BA LLB(Hons) Grad Dip (Inf Tech) Grad Dip (Legal
Practice and Ethics)
as trustee for The Authors' Trust
PS: I am happy to discuss repayment through programming or
design time if you have the relevant skills. You also may be able to
pay this settlement by signing up with the The Author's Trust. Call
me or email me to discuss on +61 438 005 051 (slim@copyrightarchive.com).
© Copyright 1996-2013 The Authors' Trust. All Rights Reserved.
Settlement Demand - Remittance Details
An Authors' Trust Initiative.
PO Box 105, Coonawarra, SA, Australia 5277
Tel +(61)438 005 051
Tel: + (61) 8737 3680
Fax: +(61) 8125 6766
Email: slim@copyright-archive.com
Reference: www.exa.com.au_ -v- softwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com_
Case Number: 39
Settlement Demand Date: Feb 20, 2014
Penalty Amount: $2,950 USD
Fee Amount: $589 USD
Total Amount: $3,539 USD
Payment Terms
The Authors' Trust is the authorised collection and copyright agent for Exa Pty Ltd and
you must pay the full amount to us to effect settlement.
Payment Options
a) 57
of $100
b) 22
of $200
c) 8
of $500
d) 1
(8% payment
p/a) of
The payment of an instalment converts the settlement offer to a debt due with the interest
shown. Failure to pay any instalment will automatically incur additional interest.
Payment Methods
1) Bank Transfer:
The Authors' Trust
Name of Bank: BankSA BSB: 105070 Account: 25386940
Swift Code: SGBLAU2S
Reference No: www.exa.com.au_ -vsoftwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com_Case 39
2) Send cheques made out to:
The Authors' Trust
PO Box 105
Coonawarra SA 5263 AUSTRALIA
3) Credit Card
Name on card:___________________________________________________________ Expiry:_______/_______
Card Number:
CVV:_________________ Signature:_____________________________________________________________
Please advise proof of payment by email to accounts@copyright-archive.com
Brief of Evidence
Full copy available at
http://www.copyright-archive.com/briefs/www.exa.com.au_ -vsoftwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com_Case 39.pdf
Copyright-Archive Report
Completed comparing:
on Dec 20, 2013 using "experienced web designers, web developers and SEO experts will help your
business" as a seed Statistically Impropable Phrase (SIP) initially and then comparing the entire text
on both URL's.
1) Levenshtein fuzzy match at 100.00% similarity for
2) We found a match on the wayback machine at the first or second attempt for
dated Jul 15, 2013
3) http://softwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com/: While we have evidence of publication of
http://softwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com/ from both Google and the Wayback Machine, the
evidence from Google is irrefutable and puts the works priority date at Jul 14, 2013
4) http://www.exa.com.au/ has an earlier Priority Date: Nov 11, 2009 than
http://softwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com/ : Jul 14, 2013. It will be necessary for the
owner of http://softwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com/ to prove they created and published the
text in question from http://www.exa.com.au/ earlier than Nov 11, 2009, and this will be hard to
do without 3rd party witnesses as to the precise content being available earlier as well as an
independently certified contemporaneous web server access log showing unbroken crawler rejection
of Google and Wayback between Nov 11, 2009 and Jul 14, 2013 (1341 days) via a robots.txt file
prohibiting crawling,residing on http://softwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com/ Otherwise,
this infringement has been ongoing for 158 days so far and as at Dec 19, 2013.
5) The level of character similarity between these text snippets is 483. This means out of 923
characters, 483 where the same, giving a percentage of 52.33%.
6) The level of character similarity between these two pages is 12%. This means out of 22764
characters on the smallest page, 2760 were the same, giving a percentage of 12.12%, bearing in
mind that the largest page (http://softwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com/) contained
84707 more characters than ours, and generated a percentage of 2.57% in that context.
7) The frequency of identical words occuring between the two snippets is 84%. This means out of
109 words in the smallest snippet, 92 where the same, giving a percentage of 84.40%, bearing in
mind that http://www.exa.com.au/ contained 28 more words.
8) The frequency of identical words occuring between the two pages is 378. In relation to
http://www.exa.com.au/'s 'unique word count' of 1299, this is 29.10%. In relation to
http://softwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com/'s 'unique word count' of 2748, this is
13.76%. http://www.exa.com.au/ contains 1449 less words. Using http://www.exa.com.au/ with
1299 unique words, the actual identical word frequency is 378 and the identical word frequency
ratio is 29.10%.
9) The frequency of different words occuring between the two pages is 921. In relation to
http://www.exa.com.au/'s 'unique word count' of 1299, this is 70.90%. In relation to
http://softwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com/'s 'unique word count' of 2748, this is
33.52%. http://www.exa.com.au/ contains 1449 less words. Using
http://softwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com/ with 2748 unique words, the actual identical
word frequency is 378 and the different word frequency ratio is 33.52%.
10) The frequency of identical sentences (SLIPs - statistical less improbable phrases - 4
words) occuring between the two pages is 4. In relation to http://www.exa.com.au/'s 'short
sentence count' of 9612, this is 4%. In relation to
http://softwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com/'s 'short sentence count' of 1098, this is 34%.
http://softwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com/ contains 8514 less sentences. Using
http://softwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com/ with 1098 non-unique short sentences
(NOSLIPs - Non_Unique Statistically Less Improbable Phrases), the actual identical sentence
frequency is 4 and the identical sentence frequency ratio is 34%
11) The actual frequency of materially similar (if not identical) [Levenshtein < 30 characters]
sentences occuring between the two pages is 78 (comparing http://www.exa.com.au/ with
http://softwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com/), and 56 (comparing
http://softwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com/ with http://www.exa.com.au/).
12) In relation to http://www.exa.com.au/'s NOSLIPs of 9612, 78 amounts to 0.81%.
13) In relation to http://softwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com/'s NOSLIPs of 1098, 56
amounts to 5.10%.
14) http://softwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com/ contains 8514 less sentences than
http://www.exa.com.au/. Using http://softwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com/ with 1098
NOSLIPs, the actual materially similar sentence frequency ratio is 78 and the identical sentence
frequency ratio is 7.10%. When the order of the pages is reversed, using http://www.exa.com.au/
with 9612 NOSLIPs, the actual materially similar sentence frequency ratio is 56 and the identical
sentence frequency ratio is 0.58%.
15) It is more accurate to refer to the higher percentage as otherwise legitimate copies are ignored.
Therefore, the materially similar sentences ratio is 7.10%.
16) SUBSTANTIALITY: As merely indicative, we have added a small weighting of 0.025 per percent
for scores of over 30% for snippet similarity. While the snippet is a subset of the whole page score, a
high score here signifies the degree of copying intensity at one point in the document, making it
easier to demonstrate an infringement. Greater than 52% of the characters in the snippet are
identical and therefore the cost is 1.31 , making the total substantiality weighting 1.31.
17) SUBSTANTIALITY: We have added a moderate weighting of 0.05 per percent for scores over
25.00% for identical words in the snippet. Even though the snippet is a subset of the whole page
score, a high score here means that there is more intence of copying in one location of
http://softwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com/. As greater than 84.40% of the words in the
snippet are identical the weighting is 4.22 and the total weighting is 5.53.
18) SUBSTANTIALITY: It is highly improbable that a page with more than 10% of identical words
does not contain copying. Therefore, this factor carries 1.1 of a percent weighting. We are confident
this page contains a substantial degree of copying because greater than 1.1% of the words on
http://softwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com/ are identical with http://www.exa.com.au/ in fact 29.10% match. The additional weighting is 32.01 and the total substantiality weighting so far
is 37.54.
19) SUBSTANTIALITY: It is highly improbable that a page with more than 50 identical words does
not contain copying. Therefore, this factor carries 0.02 of a percent weighting. We are confident this
page contains a substantial degree of copying because 378 words on
http://softwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com/ are identical with http://www.exa.com.au/.
The additional weighting is 7.56 and the total substantiality weighting so far is 45.1.
20) SUBSTANTIALITY: It is unlikely that a page with more than 5% identical sentences does not
contain copying - in fact, that is the definition of copying. Therefore, this factor carries a 6 percent
weighting. We are confident this page contains a substantial degree of copying because 34%
sentences on http://softwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com/ are identical with
http://www.exa.com.au/. The additional weighting is 204.00 and the total substantiality weighting
so far is 249.1.
21) SUBSTANTIALITY: We are confident that this page contains a substantial degree of copying
because more than 4 phrases on the page are materially similar if not identical to those on yours. In
fact, there are 78 materially similar sentences on http://www.exa.com.au/ matching
http://softwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com/. This factor carries a 6 percent weighting.
The additional weighting is therefore 468.00 and the total substantiality weighting so far is 717.1.
22) FINAL SUBSTANTIALITY: For these reasons, the total extent of copying from
http://www.exa.com.au/ by http://softwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com/ has been
assessed at 717.1, where 100 amounts to an infringement that is legally actionable in terms of
whether there is a sufficient degree of copying (whether the copying is substantial).
Historical 3rd Party Evidence
Screenshot recorded as of Nov 11, 2009
Work priority date Nov 11, 2009
Screenshot recorded as of Jul 15, 2013
Work priority date Jul 14, 2013
Historical Snippets (text surrounding matched sentences as of priority
Context on their site as at Jul 14, 2013:
...cialise in every aspect of the customer experience with an
emphasis on utilising contemporary design and technology to create
highly effective and cost effective communication to the market
out performing its competitors in Bangladesh. Our highly qualified
staff, including experienced web designers, web developers and
SEO experts will help your business increase its industry
positioning, credibility, demand and profitability. Trust Chittagong IT
Solutions, the industry expert in web solutions..
http://www.xtremebd.com/Security.aspx. EMAIL MARKETING
COMPANY CHITTAGONG. Our skilled software programmer
provides the ultimate custom software development solution that
copes with your business dynamics and costs quality statement using
its best practic...
Context on your site as at Nov 11, 2009:
...o give your business the edge it needs. to
succeed.. Proven Technology and
Experienced Team. In today’s complex
business environment, achieving a
competitive edge and securing your position
as your industry’s leader, requires a
professional and credible web partner. We
incorporate the best Web Design, Web
Development and SEO techniques on offer.
With around 200 staff, including highly
experienced Web Designers, Web
Developers and SEO experts,we can help
take your business to the next level via a
powerful Online Marketing campaign.. For
more information on our company, visit the
About Us section of this website.. Project
Design: Analysis, Planning and Strategy. In
determining your Customised Web Solution
we consider all factors that influence the
success of your Online Marketing These
include your industry, business type, product
type, target market, custome...
Contemporary Screen Layout Comparison
Recorded on Dec 20, 2013
Recorded on Dec 20, 2013
Contemporary Snippets (text surrounding matched sentence)
Context on their site as at Dec 20, 2013:
...cialise in every aspect of the customer experience with an
emphasis on utilising contemporary design and technology to create
highly effective and cost effective communication to the market
out performing its competitors in Bangladesh. Our highly qualified
staff, including experienced web designers, web developers and
SEO experts will help your business increase its industry
positioning, credibility, demand and profitability. Trust Chittagong IT
Solutions, the industry expert in web solutions..
http://www.xtremebd.com/Security.aspx. EMAIL MARKETING
COMPANY CHITTAGONG. Our skilled software programmer
provides the ultimate custom software development solution that
copes with your business dynamics and costs quality statement using
its best practic...
Context on your site as at Dec 20, 2013:
...le media solutions, integrated mobile
marketing campaigns, mobile-site design and
development, mobile database optimisation,
mms marketing and brand communications,
and smart phone applications ...Industry
Leader Exa is at the forefront for web
design, web development, online marketing
and SEO; . consistently out performing its
competitors in Google. Our highly qualified
staff, including . experienced web
designers, web developers and SEO
experts will help your business . increase
its industry positioning, credibility, demand
and profitability. Trust Exa, the industry
expert in web solutions .Contact Us today to
schedule a no obligation, free consultation
with an Exa e-Business expert . Online
Marketing...Exa recognises the importance
of proper analysis and planning in online
marketing .Read More >> Web Design...Exa
is recognised for its skill in designing...
Full text from both sites
Full text from their site:
Web Developer , Internet Marketing , Web Designer , Search Engine Optimisation Web Developer, Internet Marketing, Web Designer, Search Engine Optimisation LET US KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE
IN MIND If you would like a proposal or a consultation, please take a moment to complete this form * Name : *Postcode: *¦Organisation: *Number of Staff : Condition- Must have a minimum of 10 staff *
Email : * Phone : Your website : Related website/s you like: *Please enter the text you see in the image: Digital Strategy Web Design Mobile Site or Application Search Ranking e Commerce Micro Sites
What Clients Are Saying Testimonial TV Ad Smarten Up Your BusinessDigital marketing is the heart of the modern day marketing plan , an integral part of a successful marketing campaign or strategy
Online marketing provides measurable, tangible results and is designed to meet the needs of today\\\'s consumer Exa is the leader in digital marketing, providing a customised web solution designed
around your business and market objectives Our customised web solutions promise to deliver value ; allowing businesses to gain a competitive advantage , greater market share , increased revenue ,
brand equity and reduced advertising spend Exa understands that in today\\\'s complex environment , businesses need to secure their position as industry leader through their most effective tool, their
website Exa utilises the latest techniques and technologies to design and deliver professional web solutions, tailored to your needs As the industry leader, Exa aims to fulfil your marketing objectives
of attracting genuine customers and generating quality leads and sales for your organisation Exa recognises that every business has unique requirements , and we harness these to give your business
the competitive edge required to succeed now and into the future Online MarketingExa recognises the importance of proper analysis and planning in online marketing, implementing strategies that
help take businesses to the next level Our online marketing strategy will facilitate customer engagement and promote your products and services via techniques such as search engine optimisation(
SEO ), eCommerce , email marketing, and web 2 0 With an extensive customer portfolio , state -of-the-art technology and around 200 online marketing experts , Exa has the credibility , experience
and marketing knowledge to ensure your business maximises its web potential Our six step online marketing strategy includes research & scoping, analysis, project planning, innovation, design and
implementation to ensure the best solution is offered to your business Web DesignWeb design is a highly respected technique for engaging online audiences and Exa is recognised for its skill in
designing user- friendly effective websites The Exa team work closely with each client, from consultation to implementation and our web designers ensure specific needs are met by delivering tailored
solutions Exa\\\'s web design will emphasise site functionality and aesthetic value, and incorporate an entertaining, informative and attractive interface that encourages user interest and conversions
Our web design process consists of seven steps: consultation, research and analysis, planning, innovation, architecture , implementation and monitoring Web Development Exa is aware that online
marketing success comes from a quality web development process that implements advanced web techniques Our web development experts create and manage domains , content development, site
architecture and structure, programming , security and coding to ensure your website satisfies consumer needs Our web development solutions are tailored to your business needs and provide an end
to end solution Our web development process, which focuses on analysis, strategy, architecture, creation, implementation, positioning and monitoring, ensures your business gains maximum exposure
to your target market Choose from a variety of products and add-ons that can be integrated seamlessly with existing software , and transform your website from an online brochure into a scalable
marketing resource Search Engine Optimisation¦Worldwide, millions of consumers will search the internet daily for product information before purchase ; more than 80 percent of them execute
searches through Google Search engine marketing is the most successful form of marketing, Exa\\\'s search engine optimisation technology helping websites gain top ranking positions in Google Exa
is Australia \\\'s largest SEO service provider in Australia- applying patented SEO technology to clients\\\' websites and achieving impressive results Our WebMagnet SEO system is one of a kind and
will ensure your business ranks at the top of Google searches, driving targeted traffic to your site to result in quality search queries and increased profitability from leads With Exa\\\'s WebMagnet
solution you will rank at the top of Google for keywords relevant to your product, company or industry, attract quality visitors and gain business credibility by positioning yourself as the industry leader
e-CommerceThis method of commodity exchange has become prominent in today\\\'s business sector An e-Commerce solution is vital for modern business success as the internet is now the preferred
resource for consumer browsing and comparison, and a growing medium for product purchase Exa\\\'s e-Commerce solution complements sales processes and systems , providing a reliable , safe and
simple web environment for online sales Exa Store is Exa\\\'s customised e-Commerce system that offers customers a technologically advanced, yet convenient purchasing system that simplifies the
buying and selling process ExaStore ensures customers want to return , the user friendly online store with its well designed network infrastructure allows items to be quickly uploaded and displayed
on the screen Exa will customise an e-Commerce solution that is reliable, user-friendly , functional, and easily adaptable, converting your website into a profitable business asset Email MarketingAs
the ultimate web marketing experts, Exa has designed an email marketing system that is tailored to your business needs It is estimated that around half of internet users will check their email
accounts daily, maximising the potential for mass communication As email usage has increased, Exa understands the importance of a reliable email marketing system to reach the largest
demographic possible Exa\\\'s email marketing solution is designed to help businesses enhance customer relationships ExaMail encourages loyalty, which results in repeat purchases, and establishes
online consumption habits Incorporating ExaMail into your customised solution will ensure your marketing campaigns are successful first time Internet SecurityExa can implement an internet
security solution that will ensure your company information is protected 24x7x365 Internet security is mandatory for businesses in today\\\'s society, vital to protect all aspects of a company\\\'s website,
network, email and confidential information Exa\\\'s internet security is reliable and affordable ; designed to protect your business at all times Our highly advanced security technology and email and
web hosting environment is constantly monitored to report any problems instantly Exa can implement internet security programs such as WebGuard, MailGuard, SafeGuard, ImageGuard, Managed
Mail, and MailGuard Live to ensure your business network is protected from intrusions, your IP is protected, giving company\\\'s control over incoming and outgoing communications and ensuring
maximum up time Mobile MarketingThe mobile phone is fast becoming a popular marketing tool for the 21st century, available to both marketers and advertisers to readily deliver their marketing
message Mobile marketing provides a cost effective alternative to traditional marketing, and can reach the masses at the click of a button As the leader for digital marketing, Exa understands the
power mobile marketing holds and it\\\'s ability to guarantee that communications are seen and heard by target audiences Exa can create a mobile marketing solution that, like the web, is designed for
maximum attention and conversion Our customised mobile marketing techniques include mobile media solutions, integrated mobile marketing campaigns, mobile-site design and development, mobile
database optimisation, mms marketing and brand communications, and smart phone applications Industry Leader Exa is at the forefront for web design, web development, online marketing and SEO;
consistently out performing its competitors in Google Our highly qualified staff, includingexperienced web designers, web developers experts will help your businessincrease positioning, credibility,
demand and profitability Trust Exa, expert in web solutions Contact Us today to schedule a no obligation, free consultation with an Exa e-Business expert Online Marketing Exa recognises the
importance of proper analysis and planning in online marketing Read More Web Design Exa is recognised for its skill in designing user-friendly effective websites Read More Development Our web
development solutions are tailored to your business needs and provide an end to end solution Read More Search Engine Optimisation Search engine marketing is the most successful form of marketing
Read More e-Commerce This method of commodity exchange has become prominent in today\\\'s business sector Read More Email Marketing Exa has designed an email marketing system that is
tailored to your business needs Read More Internet Security Exa can implement an internet security solution that will ensure your company information is protected 24x7x365 Read More Mobile
Marketing Mobile marketing provides a cost effective alternative to traditional marketing Read More Website Revamps Help capture the attention of your audience with a fresh, up-to-date website Read
More Contact Us Discuss your requirements with an expert consultant , obligation free call us on: 1800 09 69 69 overseas +61 3 9889 6888 SEO ResultsExa\\\'s WebMagnet delivers outstanding SEO
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you with Location Based Marketing? To PPC or Not to PPC? Case Study: Website helps to better connect communities December 2010 Plan to avoid the biggest mistake for 2011 NOW! Five reasons
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Helps Raise Money for Brain Fitness October 2010 iPhone vs Android Top 10 reasons you should NOT use an AD AGENCY for Web Google Instant, what it means for SEO Why SEO isn\\\'t enugh? Why
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designed to protect your business at all times Our highly advanced security technology and
email and web hosting environment is constantly monitored to report any problems instantly
Exa can implement internet security programs such as WebGuard, MailGuard, SafeGuard,
ImageGuard, Managed Mail, and MailGuard Live to ensure your business network is protected
from intrusions, your IP is protected, giving company\\\'s control over incoming and outgoing
communications and ensuring maximum up time Mobile MarketingThe mobile phone is fast
becoming a popular marketing tool for the 21st century, available to both marketers and
advertisers to readily deliver their marketing message Mobile marketing provides a cost
effective alternative to traditional marketing, and can reach the masses at the click of a button
As the leader for digital marketing, Exa understands the power mobile marketing holds and
it\\\'s ability to guarantee that communications are seen and heard by target audiences Exa
can create a mobile marketing solution that, like the web, is designed for maximum attention
and conversion Our customised mobile marketing techniques include mobile media solutions,
integrated mobile marketing campaigns, mobile-site design and development, mobile database
optimisation, mms marketing and brand communications, and smart phone applications
Industry Leader Exa is at the forefront for web design, web development, online marketing and
SEO; consistently out performing its competitors in Google Our highly qualified staff,
includingexperienced web designers, web developers experts will help your businessincrease
positioning, credibility, demand and profitability Trust Exa, expert in web solutions Contact Us
today to schedule a no obligation, free consultation with an Exa e-Business expert Online
Marketing Exa recognises the importance of proper analysis and planning in online marketing
Read More Web Design Exa is recognised for its skill in designing user-friendly effective
websites Read More Development Our web development solutions are tailored to your business
needs and provide an end to end solution Read More Search Engine Optimisation Search engine
marketing is the most successful form of marketing Read More e-Commerce This method of
commodity exchange has become prominent in today\\\'s business sector Read More Email
Marketing Exa has designed an email marketing system that is tailored to your business needs
Read More Internet Security Exa can implement an internet security solution that will ensure
your company information is protected 24x7x365 Read More Mobile Marketing Mobile
marketing provides a cost effective alternative to traditional marketing Read More Website
Revamps Help capture the attention of your audience with a fresh, up-to-date website Read
More Contact Us Discuss your requirements with an expert consultant , obligation free call us
on: 1800 09 69 69 overseas +61 3 9889 6888 SEO ResultsExa\\\'s WebMagnet delivers
outstanding SEO Results See samples of the results our clients get from WebMagnet View SEO
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Google+ Branded Business Pages: Why you should sign-up 41 crucial questions to ask when
choosing a web developer Freshen up for Google CASE STUDY: Bringing the best deal online
to customers October 2011 The Mobile Revolution Are you part of the Revolution? LinkedIn: 6
Tips for Lead Generation The National Broadband Network Web 3 0 Are you ready for the next
generation internet? Case Study: Reaching a Mobile Market August 2011 Facebook for
Business: Tips for social success iPHONE5: The Rumour Mill Google Plus: Is it the new
Facebook? Google Panda: New Algorithm New Rules Rider Levett Bucknall: A WORLD-FIRST
SMARTPHONE APP June 2011 How to Treat Your Website for Tax Purposes Social Media:
What it means for your business Find your place in google Top 10 Hidden Costs of Web
Development Case Study: Winning with Online Presence April 2011 Is Yellow Pages Shrinking
your Business? What a Cracker of an App! Yo! What\\\'s SMO? 7 Reasons to buy iPad 2 What you
should know about E-Commerce security February 2011 How out and dominate your market in
2011! Online Trends for 2011 Where are you with Location Based Marketing? To PPC or Not
to PPC? Case Study: Website helps to better connect communities December 2010 Plan to
avoid the biggest mistake for 2011 NOW! Five reasons why B2B can benefit from Search
Engine Ranking Facebook\\\'s new messaging system will it be worth the Hype? Print Media
Decline; Why Papers Need to Adapt to The Internet Challenging Website Helps Raise Money for
Brain Fitness October 2010 iPhone vs Android Top 10 reasons you should NOT use an AD
AGENCY for Web Google Instant, what it means for SEO Why SEO isn\\\'t enugh? Why your
website must not be run by your IT department 5 reasons to test your site in all major web
browsers ? August 2010 Five Lessons Learnt from Online Marketing History June 2010 What
makes a good Mobile Site? Top 10 reasons why online video works Have you got your Google
Goggles on? iPhone 4:the Next Generation Unveiled Little guys getting squeezed The shift in
online marketing spend Winter 2009 The Apple of Your Phone Refining the Unrefined: Video
Integration Online Case Study: UNU TK I Autumn 2009 Online Video Steps Up In 2009 Email
Marketing Stamped For Success Google Maps Search Marketings Might & Muscle Google
Analytics Services 1 Services 2 Services 3 Local Services Sitemap Links Links 2 Links 3 Web
Design Melbourne Products Online Marketing Customised Solutions eCommerce Email
Marketing SEO Web Design Web Development Website Packages We
Our Page as and when scanned by Google
...If you would like a proposal or a consultation please take a moment to
...Digital marketing is the heart of the modern day marketing plan an integral part ...in digital
marketing, providing a customised web solution designed around your business ...Our
customised web solutions promise to deliver value; allowing businesses to gain
a ...competitive advantage, greater market share, increased revenue, brand equity
and ...businesses need to secure their position as industry leader through their most
...* utilises the latest techniques and technologies to design and deliver professional web
...As the industry leader, * aims to fulfil your ...* recognises the importance of proper analysis
and planning in online marketing implementing strategies ...Our online marketing strategy
will facilitate customer engagement and promote your products and services
...state-of-te-art technology and around online marketing experts * has the credibility experience and
...knowledge to ensure your business maximises its web potential
...design and
implementation to ensure the best solution is offered to your business
...Web design is a
highly respected technique for engaging online audiences and * is
...recognised for its skill in
designing user-friendly effective websites
...The * team work closely with each client from
consultation to implementation and our
...web designers ensure specific needs are met by delivering tailored solutions
...attractive interface that encourages user interest and conversions
...Our web design
process consists of seven steps
...* is aware that online marketing success comes from a
quality web development process
...Our web development experts create and manage
domains content development site architecture and structure
...programming security and
coding to ensure your website satisfies consumer needs
...Our web development solutions
are tailored to your business needs and provide an end
...Our web development process
which focuses on analysis strategy architecture creation implementation positioning
...monitoring ensures your business gains maximum exposure to your target market
...Choose from a variety of products and add-ons that can be integrated seamlessly
...existing software and transform your website from an online brochure into a scalable
...Worldwide millions of consumers will search the internet daily for product
information before purchase
...optimisation technology helping websites gain top ranking
positions in Google
...to clients ' websites and achieving impressive results
...Our * SEO system is one of a kind
and will ensure your business
...ranks at the top of Google searches driving targeted traffic to your site to
...result in
quality search queries and increased profitability from leads
...rank at the top of Google for
keywords relevant to your product company or
...industry attract quality visitors and gain
business credibility by positioning yourself as the industry
...An e-Commerce solution is vital
for modern business success as the internet is now
...the preferred resource for consumer
browsing and comparison and a growing medium for product
...convenient purchasing
system that simplifies the buying and selling process
...* ensures customers want to return
the user friendly online store with its well
...designed network infrastructure allows items to
be quickly uploaded and displayed on the screen
...* will customise an e-Commerce solution that is reliable user-friendly functional and easily
...As the ultimate web marketing experts * has designed an email marketing
system that
...It is estimated that around half of internet users will check their email
...As email usage has increased * understands the importance of a reliable email
...* encourages loyalty, which results in repeat purchases, and establishes online
consumption habits
...Incorporating * into your customised solution will ensure your
marketing campaigns are successful first
...* can implement an internet security solution that will ensure your company information
...security technology and email and web hosting environment is constantly
...* can
implement internet security programs such as * * SafeGuard * Managed Mail
...and * Live to ensure your business network is protected from intrusions your IP
to both marketers and advertisers to readily deliver their marketing message
...Mobile marketing provides a cost effective alternative to traditional marketing and can reach
...As the leader for digital marketing * understands the power mobile marketing holds
...* can create a mobile marketing solution that like the web is designed for
customised mobile marketing techniques include mobile media solutions integrated mobile
marketing campaigns mobile-site
...design and development mobile database optimisation
mms marketing and brand communications and smart phone
...Industry Leader * is at the
forefront for web design web development online marketing
...experienced web designers, web developers and SEO experts will help your
...increase its industry positioning, credibility, demand and profitability
*, the industry expert in web solutions
...Contact Us today to schedule a no obligation free
consultation with an * e-Business
...* recognises the importance of proper analysis and
planning in online marketing
...* is recognised for its skill in designing user-friendly effective
...Search engine marketing is the most successful form of marketing
...* has
designed an email marketing system that is tailored to your business needs
marketing provides a cost effective alternative to traditional marketing
...See samples of the
results our clients get from *
...Browse through our range of web designs throughout many
industries highlighting our online marketing
...41 crucial questions to ask when choosing a
web developer
...Are you ready for the next generation internet
...Five reasons why B2B
can benefit from Search Engine Ranking
...Print Media Decline; Why Papers Need to Adapt to The Internet
...Challenging Website
Helps Raise Money for Brain Fitness
...Top 10 reasons you should NOT use an AD AGENCY for Web
...Why your website must not
be run by your IT department
...5 reasons to test your site in all major web
...How to stand out and dominate your market in 2011
...Plan to avoid the
biggest mistake for 2011 NOW
Footnotes - details of Google scans of our page
Footnote/Sentence no.1 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "If you would like a proposal or a
consultation please take a moment to" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had
been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of
the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
safe=off Google Snippet: Tell Us More. LET US KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE IN MIND... If you
would like a proposal or a consultation, please take a moment to complete this form... Personal.
Footnote/Sentence no.2 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "Digital marketing is the heart of the
modern day marketing plan an integral part" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it
had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the
bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: Smarten Up Your Business. Digital marketing is the heart
of the modern day marketing plan, an integral part of a successful marketing campaign or
Footnote/Sentence no.3 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "in digital marketing, providing a
customised web solution designed around your business" was crawled by Google on Dec 1,
2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this
link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: Exa is the leader in digital marketing, providing a
customised web solution designed around your business and market objectives. Our customised
web solutions ...
Footnote/Sentence no.4 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "Our customised web solutions promise to
deliver value; allowing businesses to gain a" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it
had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the
bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: Our customised web solutions promise to deliver value;
allowing businesses to gain a competitive advantage, greater market share, increased revenue,
brand ...
Footnote/Sentence no.5 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "competitive advantage, greater market
share, increased revenue, brand equity and" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it
had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the
bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
fe=off Google Snippet: competitive advantage, greater market share, increased revenue, brand
equity and reduced advertising spend. Exa understands that in today's complex ...
Footnote/Sentence no.6 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "businesses need to secure their position as
industry leader through their most effective" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it
had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the
bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: businesses need to secure their position as industry
leader through their most effective tool, their website. Exa utilises the latest techniques and
technologies to ...
Footnote/Sentence no.7 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "[Proprietary or misspelled word] utilises
the latest techniques and technologies to design and deliver professional web" was crawled by
Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for
yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated
1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: Exa utilises the latest techniques and technologies to
design and deliver professional web solutions, tailored to your needs. As the industry leader,
Exa aims to ...
Footnote/Sentence no.8 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "As the industry leader, [Proprietary or
misspelled word] aims to fulfil your" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been
published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the
last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
0fulfil%20your%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: As the industry
leader, Exa aims to fulfil your marketing objectives of attracting genuine customers and
generating quality leads and sales for your organisation.
Footnote/Sentence no.9 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "[Proprietary or misspelled word]
recognises the importance of proper analysis and planning in online marketing implementing
strategies" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world
by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find
the earliest dated record):
s%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: Exa recognises the importance of
proper analysis and planning in online marketing, implementing strategies that help take
businesses to the next level.
Footnote/Sentence no.10 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "Our online marketing strategy will
facilitate customer engagement and promote your products and services" was crawled by
Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for
yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated
es%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: Our online marketing strategy
will facilitate customer engagement and promote your products and services via techniques
such as search engine ...
Footnote/Sentence no.11 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "state-of-the-art technology and around
online marketing experts [Proprietary or misspelled word] has the credibility experience and
marketing" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world
by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find
the earliest dated record):
keting%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: state-of-the-art technology
and around 200 online marketing experts, Exa has the credibility, experience and marketing
knowledge to ensure your business ...
Footnote/Sentence no.12 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "knowledge to ensure your business
maximises its web potential" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been
published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the
last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
ximises%20its%20web%20potential%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet:
... and around 200 online marketing experts, Exa has the credibility, experience and marketing
knowledge to ensure your business maximises its web potential.
Footnote/Sentence no.13 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "design and implementation to ensure the
best solution is offered to your business" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had
been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of
the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
art=0&safe=off Google Snippet: ... strategy includes research & scoping, analysis, project
planning, innovation, design and implementation to ensure the best solution is offered to your
Footnote/Sentence no.14 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "Web design is a highly respected
technique for engaging online audiences and [Proprietary or misspelled word] is" was crawled
by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for
yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated
&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: Web design is a highly respected technique for engaging
online audiences and Exa is recognised for its skill in designing user-friendly effective websites.
Footnote/Sentence no.15 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "recognised for its skill in designing userfriendly effective websites" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been
published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the
last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
0user-friendly%20effective%20websites%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google
Snippet: Web design is a highly respected technique for engaging online audiences and Exa is
recognised for its skill in designing user-friendly effective websites.
Footnote/Sentence no.16 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "The [Proprietary or misspelled word]
team work closely with each client from consultation to implementation and our" was crawled
by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for
yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated
bd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: The Exa team work closely with each client, from
consultation to implementation and our web designers ensure specific needs are met by
delivering tailored ...
Footnote/Sentence no.17 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "web designers ensure specific needs are
met by delivering tailored solutions" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been
published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the
last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
off Google Snippet: ... team work closely with each client, from consultation to implementation
and our web designers ensure specific needs are met by delivering tailored solutions.
Footnote/Sentence no.18 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "attractive interface that encourages user
interest and conversions" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published
to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page
of links to find the earliest dated record):
20interest%20and%20conversions%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet:
attractive interface that encourages user interest and conversions. Our web design process
consists of seven steps: consultation, research and analysis, ...
Footnote/Sentence no.19 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "Our web design process consists of seven
steps" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world by
that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find
the earliest dated record):
0seven%20steps%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: Our web design
process consists of seven steps: consultation, research and analysis, planning, innovation,
architecture, implementation and monitoring.
Footnote/Sentence no.20 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "[Proprietary or misspelled word] is aware
that online marketing success comes from a quality web development process" was crawled by
Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for
yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated
9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: Exa is aware that online marketing success comes
from a quality web development process that implements advanced web techniques. Our web
development ...
Footnote/Sentence no.21 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "Our web development experts create and
manage domains content development site architecture and structure" was crawled by Google
on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself
with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
ucture%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: Our web development
experts create and manage domains, content development, site architecture and structure,
programming, security and coding to ensure ...
Footnote/Sentence no.22 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "programming security and coding to
ensure your website satisfies consumer needs" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving
it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the
bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
&safe=off Google Snippet: ... manage domains, content development, site architecture and
structure, programming, security and coding to ensure your website satisfies consumer needs.
Footnote/Sentence no.23 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "Our web development solutions are
tailored to your business needs and provide an end" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009,
proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go
to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: Our web development solutions are tailored to your
business needs and provide an end to end solution. Our web development process, which
focuses on ...
Footnote/Sentence no.24 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "Our web development process which
focuses on analysis strategy architecture creation implementation positioning and" was crawled
by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for
yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated
tioning%20and%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: Our web
development process, which focuses on analysis, strategy, architecture, creation,
implementation, positioning and monitoring, ensures your business ...
Footnote/Sentence no.25 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "monitoring ensures your business gains
maximum exposure to your target market" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it
had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the
bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
safe=off Google Snippet: ... analysis, strategy, architecture, creation, implementation,
positioning and monitoring, ensures your business gains maximum exposure to your target
Footnote/Sentence no.26 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "Choose from a variety of products and
add-ons that can be integrated seamlessly with" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving
it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the
bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
0&safe=off Google Snippet: Choose from a variety of products and add-ons that can be
integrated seamlessly with existing software, and transform your website from an online
brochure into ...
Footnote/Sentence no.27 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "existing software and transform your
website from an online brochure into a scalable marketing" was crawled by Google on Dec 1,
2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this
link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
s=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: ... and add-ons that can be integrated
seamlessly with existing software, and transform your website from an online brochure into a
scalable marketing resource.
Footnote/Sentence no.28 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "Worldwide millions of consumers will
search the internet daily for product information before purchase" was crawled by Google on
Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with
this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: Worldwide, millions of consumers
will search the internet daily for product information before purchase; more than 80 percent of
them execute searches through ...
Footnote/Sentence no.29 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "optimisation technology helping websites
gain top ranking positions in Google" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had
been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of
the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
ff Google Snippet: ... engine marketing is the most successful form of marketing, Exa's search
engine optimisation technology helping websites gain top ranking positions in Google ...
Footnote/Sentence no.30 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "to clients ' websites and achieving
impressive results" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the
world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links
to find the earliest dated record):
mpressive%20results%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: Exa is
Australia's largest SEO service provider in Australia- applying patented SEO technology to
clients' websites and achieving impressive results.
Footnote/Sentence no.31 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "Our [Proprietary or misspelled word]
SEO system is one of a kind and will ensure your business" was crawled by Google on Dec 1,
2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this
link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
off Google Snippet: Our WebMagnet SEO system is one of a kind and will ensure your business
ranks at the top of Google searches, driving targeted traffic to your site to result in ...
Footnote/Sentence no.32 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "ranks at the top of Google searches
driving targeted traffic to your site to" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had
been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of
the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
0&safe=off Google Snippet: Our WebMagnet SEO system is one of a kind and will ensure your
business ranks at the top of Google searches, driving targeted traffic to your site to result in ...
Footnote/Sentence no.33 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "result in quality search queries and
increased profitability from leads" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been
published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the
last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
Google Snippet: ... your business ranks at the top of Google searches, driving targeted traffic
to your site to result in quality search queries and increased profitability from leads.
Footnote/Sentence no.34 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "rank at the top of Google for keywords
relevant to your product company or" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had
been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of
the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
=0&safe=off Google Snippet: With Exa's WebMagnet solution you will rank at the top of
Google for keywords relevant to your product, company or industry, attract quality visitors and
gain ...
Footnote/Sentence no.35 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "industry attract quality visitors and gain
business credibility by positioning yourself as the industry" was crawled by Google on Dec 1,
2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this
link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: ... for keywords relevant to your product,
company or industry, attract quality visitors and gain business credibility by positioning yourself
as the industry leader.
Footnote/Sentence no.36 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "An e-Commerce solution is vital for
modern business success as the internet is now" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving
it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the
bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: An e-Commerce solution is vital for modern business
success as the internet is now the preferred resource for consumer browsing and comparison,
and a ...
Footnote/Sentence no.37 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "the preferred resource for consumer
browsing and comparison and a growing medium for product" was crawled by Google on Dec 1,
2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this
link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: ... modern business success as the
internet is now the preferred resource for consumer browsing and comparison, and a growing
medium for product purchase.
Footnote/Sentence no.38 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "convenient purchasing system that
simplifies the buying and selling process" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had
been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of
the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
Google Snippet: ... e-Commerce system that offers customers a technologically advanced, yet
convenient purchasing system that simplifies the buying and selling process.
Footnote/Sentence no.39 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "[Proprietary or misspelled word] ensures
customers want to return the user friendly online store with its well" was crawled by Google on
Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with
this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
art=0&safe=off Google Snippet: ExaStore ensures customers want to return, the user friendly
online store with its well designed network infrastructure allows items to be quickly uploaded
and ...
Footnote/Sentence no.40 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "designed network infrastructure allows
items to be quickly uploaded and displayed on the screen" was crawled by Google on Dec 1,
2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this
link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
s=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: ... the user friendly online store with its
well designed network infrastructure allows items to be quickly uploaded and displayed on the
screen. Exa will customise ...
Footnote/Sentence no.41 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "[Proprietary or misspelled word] will
customise an e-Commerce solution that is reliable user-friendly functional and easily adaptable"
was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date.
Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest
dated record):
f Google Snippet: ... be quickly uploaded and displayed on the screen. Exa will customise an eCommerce solution that is reliable, user-friendly, functional, and easily adaptable, ...
Footnote/Sentence no.42 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "As the ultimate web marketing experts
[Proprietary or misspelled word] has designed an email marketing system that" was crawled by
Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for
yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated
bd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: As the ultimate web marketing experts, Exa has
designed an email marketing system that is tailored to your business needs. It is estimated that
around half of ...
Footnote/Sentence no.43 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "It is estimated that around half of
internet users will check their email accounts" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it
had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the
bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
tart=0&safe=off Google Snippet: It is estimated that around half of internet users will check
their email accounts daily, maximising the potential for mass communication. As email usage
has ...
Footnote/Sentence no.44 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "As email usage has increased
[Proprietary or misspelled word] understands the importance of a reliable email marketing" was
crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test
this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated
9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: As email usage has increased, Exa understands the
importance of a reliable email marketing system to reach the largest demographic possible.
Exa's email ...
Footnote/Sentence no.45 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "[Proprietary or misspelled word]
encourages loyalty, which results in repeat purchases, and establishes online consumption
habits" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world by
that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find
the earliest dated record):
s=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: ... help businesses enhance customer
relationships. ExaMail encourages loyalty, which results in repeat purchases, and establishes
online consumption habits.
Footnote/Sentence no.46 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "Incorporating [Proprietary or misspelled
word] into your customised solution will ensure your marketing campaigns are successful first"
was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date.
Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest
dated record):
%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: ... and establishes online
consumption habits. Incorporating ExaMail into your customised solution will ensure your
marketing campaigns are successful first time ...
Footnote/Sentence no.47 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "[Proprietary or misspelled word] can
implement an internet security solution that will ensure your company information is" was
crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test
this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated
:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: Exa can implement an internet security solution
that will ensure your company information is protected 24x7x365. Internet security is
mandatory for businesses in ...
Footnote/Sentence no.48 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "security technology and email and web
hosting environment is constantly" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been
published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the
last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
Google Snippet: Our highly advanced security technology and email and web hosting
environment is constantly monitored to report any problems instantly. Exa can implement ...
Footnote/Sentence no.49 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "[Proprietary or misspelled word] can
implement internet security programs such as [Proprietary or misspelled word] [Proprietary or
misspelled word] SafeGuard [Proprietary or misspelled word] Managed Mail" was crawled by
Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for
yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated
1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: Exa can implement internet security programs such as
WebGuard, MailGuard, SafeGuard, ImageGuard, Managed Mail, and MailGuard Live to ensure
your ...
Footnote/Sentence no.50 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "and [Proprietary or misspelled word] Live
to ensure your business network is protected from intrusions your IP" was crawled by Google on
Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with
this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: ... MailGuard, SafeGuard, ImageGuard, Managed Mail, and
MailGuard Live to ensure your business network is protected from intrusions, your IP is
protected, ...
Footnote/Sentence no.51 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "available to both marketers and
advertisers to readily deliver their marketing message" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009,
proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go
to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
tart=0&safe=off Google Snippet: ... phone is fast becoming a popular marketing tool for the
21st century, available to both marketers and advertisers to readily deliver their marketing
Footnote/Sentence no.52 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "Mobile marketing provides a cost
effective alternative to traditional marketing and can reach the" was crawled by Google on Dec
1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this
link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
s=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: Mobile marketing provides a cost effective
alternative to traditional marketing, and can reach the masses at the click of a button. As the
leader for digital ...
Footnote/Sentence no.53 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "As the leader for digital marketing
[Proprietary or misspelled word] understands the power mobile marketing holds and" was
crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test
this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated
,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: As the leader for digital marketing, Exa understands
the power mobile marketing holds and it's ability to guarantee that communications are seen
and heard by ...
Footnote/Sentence no.54 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "[Proprietary or misspelled word] can
create a mobile marketing solution that like the web is designed for" was crawled by Google on
Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with
this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
0&safe=off Google Snippet: ... are seen and heard by target audiences. Exa can create a
mobile marketing solution that, like the web, is designed for maximum attention and conversion.
Footnote/Sentence no.55 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "Our customised mobile marketing
techniques include mobile media solutions integrated mobile marketing campaigns mobile-site"
was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date.
Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest
dated record):
ampaigns%20mobile-site%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: Our
customised mobile marketing techniques include mobile media solutions, integrated mobile
marketing campaigns, mobile-site design and development, ...
Footnote/Sentence no.56 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "design and development mobile database
optimisation mms marketing and brand communications and smart phone" was crawled by
Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for
yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated
rt%20phone%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: ... mobile-site design
and development, mobile database optimisation, mms marketing and brand communications,
and smart phone applications. Previous Next ...
Footnote/Sentence no.57 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "Industry Leader [Proprietary or
misspelled word] is at the forefront for web design web development online marketing" was
crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test
this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated
sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: Industry Leader. Exa is at the forefront for web
design, web development, online marketing and SEO; consistently out performing its
competitors in Google.
Footnote/Sentence no.58 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "experienced web designers, web
developers and SEO experts will help your business" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009,
proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go
to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
art=0&safe=off Google Snippet: experienced web designers, web developers and SEO experts
will help your business increase its industry positioning, credibility, demand and profitability.
Footnote/Sentence no.59 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "increase its industry positioning,
credibility, demand and profitability" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had
been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of
the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
y,%20demand%20and%20profitability%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google
Snippet: experienced web designers, web developers and SEO experts will help your business
increase its industry positioning, credibility, demand and profitability.
Footnote/Sentence no.60 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "Trust [Proprietary or misspelled word],
the industry expert in web solutions" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had
been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of
the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
%20solutions%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: ... and SEO experts
will help your business increase its industry positioning, credibility, demand and profitability.
Trust Exa, the industry expert in web solutions.
Footnote/Sentence no.61 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "Contact Us today to schedule a no
obligation free consultation with an [Proprietary or misspelled word] e-Business" was crawled
by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for
yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated
%20obligation%20free%20consultation%20with%20an%20*%20eBusiness%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: ... and profitability. Trust
Exa, the industry expert in web solutions. Contact Us today to schedule a no obligation, free
consultation with an Exa e-Business expert.
Footnote/Sentence no.62 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "[Proprietary or misspelled word]
recognises the importance of proper analysis and planning in online marketing" was crawled by
Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for
yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated
0&safe=off Google Snippet: Exa recognises the importance of proper analysis and planning in
online marketing, implementing strategies that help take businesses to the next level.
Footnote/Sentence no.63 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "[Proprietary or misspelled word] is
recognised for its skill in designing user-friendly effective websites" was crawled by Google on
Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with
this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
Google Snippet: Web design is a highly respected technique for engaging online audiences
and Exa is recognised for its skill in designing user-friendly effective websites.
Footnote/Sentence no.64 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "Search engine marketing is the most
successful form of marketing" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been
published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the
last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
20successful%20form%20of%20marketing%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google
Snippet: Search engine marketing is the most successful form of marketing, Exa's search engine
optimisation technology helping websites gain top ranking positions in ...
Footnote/Sentence no.65 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "[Proprietary or misspelled word] has
designed an email marketing system that is tailored to your business needs" was crawled by
Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for
yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated
&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: As the ultimate web marketing experts, Exa has designed
an email marketing system that is tailored to your business needs. It is estimated that around
half of ...
Footnote/Sentence no.66 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "Mobile marketing provides a cost
effective alternative to traditional marketing" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it
had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the
bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
f Google Snippet: Mobile marketing provides a cost effective alternative to traditional
marketing, and can reach the masses at the click of a button. As the leader for digital ...
Footnote/Sentence no.67 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "See samples of the results our clients get
from [Proprietary or misspelled word]" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had
been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of
the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
nts%20get%20from%20*%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: SEO
Results SEO Results Exa's WebMagnet delivers outstanding SEO Results. See samples of the
results our clients get from WebMagnet. View SEO Results > ...
Footnote/Sentence no.68 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "Browse through our range of web designs
throughout many industries highlighting our online marketing" was crawled by Google on Dec
1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this
link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: Folio Links · Visit Exa Folio Browse
through our range of web designs, throughout many industries, highlighting our online
marketing successes. View our folio > ...
Footnote/Sentence no.69 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "41 crucial questions to ask when
choosing a web developer" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been
published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the
last page of links to find the earliest dated record):
hoosing%20a%20web%20developer%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet:
41 crucial questions to ask when choosing a web developer · » Freshen up for Google · » CASE
STUDY: Bringing the best deal online to customers ...
Footnote/Sentence no.70 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "Are you ready for the next generation
internet" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world by
that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find
the earliest dated record):
on%20internet%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: LinkedIn: 6 Tips for
Lead Generation · » The National Broadband Network · » Web 3.0. Are you ready for the next
generation internet? » Case Study: Reaching a ...
Footnote/Sentence no.71 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "Five reasons why B2B can benefit from
Search Engine Ranking" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published
to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page
of links to find the earliest dated record):
rom%20Search%20Engine%20Ranking%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google
Snippet: Five reasons why B2B can benefit from Search Engine Ranking · » Facebook's new
messaging system will it be worth the Hype? » Print Media Decline; Why ...
Footnote/Sentence no.72 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "Print Media Decline; Why Papers Need to
Adapt to The Internet" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to
the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of
links to find the earliest dated record):
%20to%20Adapt%20to%20The%20Internet%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google
Snippet: Facebook's new messaging system will it be worth the Hype? » Print Media Decline;
Why Papers Need to Adapt to The Internet · » Challenging Website Helps ...
Footnote/Sentence no.73 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "Challenging Website Helps Raise Money
for Brain Fitness" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the
world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links
to find the earliest dated record):
20for%20Brain%20Fitness%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: ... will it
be worth the Hype? » Print Media Decline; Why Papers Need to Adapt to The Internet · »
Challenging Website Helps Raise Money for Brain Fitness ...
Footnote/Sentence no.74 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "Top 10 reasons you should NOT use an
AD AGENCY for Web" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to
the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of
links to find the earliest dated record):
e%20an%20AD%20AGENCY%20for%20Web%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google
Snippet: Top 10 reasons you should NOT use an AD AGENCY for Web · » Google Instant, what it
means for SEO · » Why SEO isn't enugh? » Why your website must not ...
Footnote/Sentence no.75 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "Why your website must not be run by
your IT department" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to
the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of
links to find the earliest dated record):
%20by%20your%20IT%20department%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google
Snippet: Google Instant, what it means for SEO · » Why SEO isn't enugh? » Why your website
must not be run by your IT department · » 5 reasons to test your site in all ...
Footnote/Sentence no.76 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "5 reasons to test your site in all major
web browsers" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the
world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links
to find the earliest dated record):
%20major%20web%20browsers%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: ...
it means for SEO · » Why SEO isn't enugh? » Why your website must not be run by your IT
department · » 5 reasons to test your site in all major web browsers?
Footnote/Sentence no.77 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "How to stand out and dominate your
market in 2011" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the
world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links
to find the earliest dated record):
ur%20market%20in%202011%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: How
to stand out and dominate your market in 2011! » Online Trends for 2011 · » Where are you
with Location Based Marketing? » To PPC or Not to PPC?
Footnote/Sentence no.78 on http://www.exa.com.au/: "Plan to avoid the biggest mistake for
2011 NOW" was crawled by Google on Dec 1, 2009, proving it had been published to the world
by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find
the earliest dated record):
or%202011%20NOW%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: Plan to avoid
the biggest mistake for 2011 NOW! » Five reasons why B2B can benefit from Search Engine
Ranking · » Facebook's new messaging system will it ...
PO Box 105, Coonawarra, SA, Australia 5277
Tel +(61)438 005 051
Official Affidavit
1. I am the Chief Developer at the Copyright-Archive, located in Coonawarra, South Australia. I
make this declaration of my own personal knowledge.
2. The Copyright-Archive is a web application that searches for and locates copyrighted material
on the internet that has been re-used without permission or citation. It uses search engines to
find copies and the Internet Archive to date them and establish chronological priority.
3. The Internet Archive is a website that provides access to a digital library of Internet sites and
other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, it provides free access to
researchers, historians, scholars, and the general public. The Internet Archive has partnered
with and receives support from various well-known institutions and libraries, including the
Library of Congress.
4. The Internet Archive has created a service known as the Wayback Machine. The Wayback
Machine makes it possible to surf more than 240 billion pages stored in the Internet Archive's
web archive. Visitors to the Wayback Machine can search archives by URL (i.e., a website
address). If archived records for a URL are available, the visitor will be presented with a list of
available dates. The visitor may select one of those dates, and then begin surfing on an archived
version of the Web. The links on the archived files, when served by the Wayback Machine, point
to other archived files (whether HTML pages or images). If a visitor clicks on a link on an
archived page, the Wayback Machine will serve the archived file with the closest available date
to the page upon which the link appeared and was clicked.
5. The archived data made viewable and browseable by the Wayback Machine is compiled using
software programs known as crawlers that surf the Web and automatically store copies of
website files, preserving these files as they exist at the point of time of capture.
6. The Internet Archive assigns a URL on its site to the archived files in the format
http://web.archive.org/web/[Year in yyyy][Month in mm][Day in dd][Time code in
hh:mm:ss]/[Archived URL]. Thus, the Internet Archive URL
http://web.archive.org/web/19970126045828/http://www.archive.org/ would be the URL for the
record of the Internet Archive home page HTML file (http://www.archive.org/) archived on
January 26, 1997 at 4:58 a.m. and 28 seconds (1997/01/26 at 04:58:28). A web browser may be
set such that a printout from it will display the URL of a web page in the printout's footer. The
date assigned by the Internet Archive applies to the HTML file but not to image files linked
therein. Thus images that appear on the printed page may not have been archived on the same
date as the HTML file. Likewise, if a website is designed with "frames," the date assigned by the
Internet Archive applies to the frameset as a whole, and not the individual pages within each
7. Attached hereto as Exhibit A are true and accurate copies of printouts of the Internet
Archive's records of the HTML files for the URLs and the dates specified in the footer of the
8. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
DATE: Dec 20, 2013
S. L. Moignard BA LLB Grad Dip (Inf Tech)
WHOIS Emails Summary
Email addresses for their host:
WHOIS Contact Information
Their host:
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Pty Ltd [status] => ok [nserver] => Array ( [ns2.exadns.com] => [ns3.exadns.co.in] =>
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=> Peter Ball [email] => Visit whois.ausregistry.com.au for Web based WhoIs ) [tech] => Array ( [handle] => DIT-1568978 [name]
=> Peter Ball [email] => Visit whois.ausregistry.com.au for Web based WhoIs ) [registered] => yes ) [regyinfo] => Array (
[referrer] => http://www.aunic.net [registrar] => AU-NIC [servers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [server] => whois.audns.net.au
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Status: ok [5] => [6] => Registrant: Exasites Pty. Ltd. [7] => Registrant ID: OTHER 093498876 [8] => Eligibility Type: Other [9]
=> [10] => Registrant Contact ID: DIT-1568977 [11] => Registrant Contact Name: Peter Ball [12] => Registrant Contact Email:
Visit whois.ausregistry.com.au for Web based WhoIs [13] => [14] => Tech Contact ID: DIT-1568978 [15] => Tech Contact Name:
Peter Ball [16] => Tech Contact Email: Visit whois.ausregistry.com.au for Web based WhoIs [17] => [18] => Name Server:
ns2.exadns.com [19] => Name Server: ns3.exadns.co.in [20] => Name Server: ns1.exadns.com.au [21] => Name Server IP: ) ) - From % [whois.apnic.net]
% Whois data copyright terms http://www.apnic.net/db/dbcopyright.html
% Information related to ' -'
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remarks: hostmasters and include your organisation's account
remarks: name in the subject line.
remarks: -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-++-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
changed: hm-changed@apnic.net 20070329
changed: hm-changed@apnic.net 20131029
source: APNIC
address: L3 1 Alfred Circular Quay
address: Sydney NSW Australia
address: 2000
e-mail: abuse@iprimus.com.au
abuse-mailbox: abuse@iprimus.com.au
admin-c: JD29-AP
tech-c: JD29-AP
auth: # Filtered
changed: abuse@iprimus.com.au 20110421
changed: hm-changed@apnic.net 20131031
source: APNIC
role: M2 NOC
address: Level 2, 20 Bridge Street
address: Sydney NSW 2000
country: AU
phone: +612 9423 2449
e-mail: netops@iprimus.com.au
admin-c: JD29-AP
tech-c: JD29-AP
nic-hdl: MN153-AP
changed: routing@commander.com 20131028
source: APNIC
% This query was served by the APNIC Whois Service version 1.69.1-APNICv1r0 (WHOIS1)
Summary of Metadata for www.exa.com.au_ -vsoftwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com_Case 39.
Domain name ownership: Different ownership.
IP address allocation: Different host.
Citation, backlinks or author credit: None
Total same sentences: 4
Total similar sentences: 78
Overall_similarity: 49%
Alexa page rank: Not ranked
ISP/Host email addresses for DMCA pull-down notices: dmca@google.com;
Data reliability: Highest.
Call or email for any further technical information as to how this data was obtained, its
verifiability or any other related questions.
© Copyright 1996-2013 The Authors' Trust. All Rights Reserved.
An Authors' Trust Initiative.
PO Box 105, Coonawarra, SA, Australia 5277
Tel +(61)438 005 051
Tel: + (61) 8737 3680
Fax: +(61) 8125 6766
Email: slim@copyright-archive.com
Feb 20, 2014
Google, Inc.
Attn: Customer Support/Google Legal Support, DMCA Complaints
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
Phone: (650) 253 0000
Fax: (650) 618-2680, (650) 963-3255 or (650) 253 0001
Email: removals@google.com
Dear Sirs,
I act on behalf of Peter Ball, care of Exa Pty Ltd (the "Owner").
As required under Sections 512(c)(3) and 512(d)(3) of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act
(17 U.S.C. ss 512(c)(3) and 512(d)(3)), we are instructed to place you on notice that:
1. The Owner is the exclusive owner of the copyrights in the website located at
http://www.exa.com.au/ and the text, artwork, logos and photographs appearing therein (singly and
collectively, the "Owner Material") which I have determined to have a priority date of Nov 11, 2009
(using the historical data located at the Internet Archive - see attached affidavit); and
2. Utilizing the search query ""experienced web designers, web developers and SEO experts will
help your business"" at www.google.com the following search results (the "Infringing Material")
were returned which infringe the Owner Material and the exclusive rights of the Owner:
"experienced web designers, web developers and SEO experts will help your business"
Oct 22, 2013
Our highly qualified staff, including experienced web designers, web developers and SEO experts
will help your business increase its industry positioning, ...
on search results page: 1
recorded by me at: Sun Feb 16 2014 20:53:27 GMT+1030
3. Proof of the owner's priority is visible using the same query at www.google.com:
"experienced web designers, web developers and SEO experts will help your business"
Dec 1, 2009
experienced web designers, web developers and SEO experts will help your business increase its
industry positioning, credibility, demand and profitability.
on search results page: 1
recorded by me at: Sun Feb 16 2014 20:53:27 GMT+1030
Please immediately remove or disable all access to the Infringing Material.
I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted material described above is not authorized by
the Owner, its agent, or the law.
I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and that I am
the Owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the Owner.
We require contact details for this account holder be provided as required under the DMCA. Please
email this information to slim@copyright-archive.com.
A full copy of the brief of evidence against this account holder is located at
http://copyright-archive.com/briefs/www.exa.com.au_ -v- softwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com_
Case 39.pdf.
Should you require any further information regarding this matter, please contact me at the address
S. L. Moignard BA LLB(Hons) Grad Dip (Inf Tech) Grad Dip (Legal Practice and Ethics)
as trustee for The Authors' Trust
Attachments -
© Copyright 1996-2013 The Authors' Trust. All Rights Reserved.
© Copyright 1996-2013 The Authors' Trust. All Rights Reserved.
An Authors' Trust Initiative.
PO Box 105, Coonawarra, SA, Australia 5277
Tel +(61)438 005 051
Tel: + (61) 8737 3680
Fax: +(61) 8125 6766
Email: slim@copyright-archive.com
Feb 20, 2014
Unified Layer
Unified Layer
Utah 84606
United States
Dear Sirs,
I act on behalf of Peter Ball, care of Exa Pty Ltd (the "Owner").
As required under Sections 512(c)(3) and 512(d)(3) of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act
(17 U.S.C. ss 512(c)(3) and 512(d)(3)), we are instructed to place you on notice that:
1. The Owner is the exclusive owner of the copyrights in the website located at
http://www.exa.com.au/ and the text, artwork, logos and photographs appearing therein (singly and
collectively, the "Owner Material") which I have determined to have a priority date of Nov 11, 2009
(using the historical data located at the Internet Archive - see attached affidavit); and
2. Utilizing the search query ""experienced web designers, web developers and SEO experts will
help your business"" at www.google.com the following search results (the "Infringing Material")
were returned which infringe the Owner Material and the exclusive rights of the Owner:
"experienced web designers, web developers and SEO experts will help your business"
Oct 22, 2013
Our highly qualified staff, including experienced web designers, web developers and SEO experts
will help your business increase its industry positioning, ...
on search results page: 1
recorded by me at: Sun Feb 16 2014 20:53:27 GMT+1030
3. Proof of the owner's priority is visible using the same query at www.google.com:
"experienced web designers, web developers and SEO experts will help your business"
Dec 1, 2009
experienced web designers, web developers and SEO experts will help your business increase its
industry positioning, credibility, demand and profitability.
on search results page: 1
recorded by me at: Sun Feb 16 2014 20:53:27 GMT+1030
Please immediately remove or disable all access to the Infringing Material.
I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted material described above is not authorized by
the Owner, its agent, or the law.
I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and that I am
the Owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the Owner.
We require contact details for this account holder be provided as required under the DMCA. Please
email this information to slim@copyright-archive.com.
A full copy of the brief of evidence against this account holder is located at
http://copyright-archive.com/briefs/www.exa.com.au_ -v- softwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com_
Case 39.pdf.
Should you require any further information regarding this matter, please contact me at the address
S. L. Moignard BA LLB(Hons) Grad Dip (Inf Tech) Grad Dip (Legal Practice and Ethics)
as trustee for The Authors' Trust
Attachments -
© Copyright 1996-2013 The Authors' Trust. All Rights Reserved.
© Copyright 1996-2013 The Authors' Trust. All Rights Reserved.
An Authors' Trust Initiative.
PO Box 105, Coonawarra, SA, Australia 5277
Tel +(61)438 005 051
Tel: + (61) 8737 3680
Fax: +(61) 8125 6766
Email: slim@copyright-archive.com
Feb 20, 2014
Attn: Copyright Infringement Notification,
Microsoft Corporation; The Microsoft Network
One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052, United States.
Phone: (425) 703-5529
Fax: (425) 936-7329
Email: dmcaagnt@microsoft.com
Dear Sirs,
I act on behalf of Peter Ball, care of Exa Pty Ltd (the "Owner").
As required under Sections 512(c)(3) and 512(d)(3) of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act
(17 U.S.C. ss 512(c)(3) and 512(d)(3)), we are instructed to place you on notice that:
1. The Owner is the exclusive owner of the copyrights in the website located at
http://www.exa.com.au/ and the text, artwork, logos and photographs appearing therein (singly and
collectively, the "Owner Material") which I have determined to have a priority date of Nov 11, 2009
(using the historical data located at the Internet Archive - see attached affidavit); and
2. Utilizing the search query ""experienced web designers, web developers and SEO experts will
help your business"" at www.google.com the following search results (the "Infringing Material")
were returned which infringe the Owner Material and the exclusive rights of the Owner:
"experienced web designers, web developers and SEO experts will help your business"
Oct 22, 2013
Our highly qualified staff, including experienced web designers, web developers and SEO experts
will help your business increase its industry positioning, ...
on search results page: 1
recorded by me at: Sun Feb 16 2014 20:53:27 GMT+1030
3. Proof of the owner's priority is visible using the same query at www.google.com:
"experienced web designers, web developers and SEO experts will help your business"
Dec 1, 2009
experienced web designers, web developers and SEO experts will help your business increase its
industry positioning, credibility, demand and profitability.
on search results page: 1
recorded by me at: Sun Feb 16 2014 20:53:27 GMT+1030
Please immediately remove or disable all access to the Infringing Material.
I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted material described above is not authorized by
the Owner, its agent, or the law.
I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and that I am
the Owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the Owner.
We require contact details for this account holder be provided as required under the DMCA. Please
email this information to slim@copyright-archive.com.
A full copy of the brief of evidence against this account holder is located at
http://copyright-archive.com/briefs/www.exa.com.au_ -v- softwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com_
Case 39.pdf.
Should you require any further information regarding this matter, please contact me at the address
S. L. Moignard BA LLB(Hons) Grad Dip (Inf Tech) Grad Dip (Legal Practice and Ethics)
as trustee for The Authors' Trust
Attachments -
© Copyright 1996-2013 The Authors' Trust. All Rights Reserved.
© Copyright 1996-2013 The Authors' Trust. All Rights Reserved.
An Authors' Trust Initiative.
PO Box 105, Coonawarra, SA, Australia 5277
Tel +(61)438 005 051
Tel: + (61) 8737 3680
Fax: +(61) 8125 6766
Email: slim@copyright-archive.com
Feb 20, 2014
Copyright Agent
c/o Yahoo! Inc.
701 First Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94089, United States.
Phone: (408) 349-5080
Fax: (408) 349-7821
Email: copyright@yahoo-inc.com
Dear Sirs,
I act on behalf of Peter Ball, care of Exa Pty Ltd (the "Owner").
As required under Sections 512(c)(3) and 512(d)(3) of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act
(17 U.S.C. ss 512(c)(3) and 512(d)(3)), we are instructed to place you on notice that:
1. The Owner is the exclusive owner of the copyrights in the website located at
http://www.exa.com.au/ and the text, artwork, logos and photographs appearing therein (singly and
collectively, the "Owner Material") which I have determined to have a priority date of Nov 11, 2009
(using the historical data located at the Internet Archive - see attached affidavit); and
2. Utilizing the search query ""experienced web designers, web developers and SEO experts will
help your business"" at www.google.com the following search results (the "Infringing Material")
were returned which infringe the Owner Material and the exclusive rights of the Owner:
"experienced web designers, web developers and SEO experts will help your business"
Oct 22, 2013
Our highly qualified staff, including experienced web designers, web developers and SEO experts
will help your business increase its industry positioning, ...
on search results page: 1
recorded by me at: Sun Feb 16 2014 20:53:27 GMT+1030
3. Proof of the owner's priority is visible using the same query at www.google.com:
"experienced web designers, web developers and SEO experts will help your business"
Dec 1, 2009
experienced web designers, web developers and SEO experts will help your business increase its
industry positioning, credibility, demand and profitability.
on search results page: 1
recorded by me at: Sun Feb 16 2014 20:53:27 GMT+1030
Please immediately remove or disable all access to the Infringing Material.
I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted material described above is not authorized by
the Owner, its agent, or the law.
I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and that I am
the Owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the Owner.
We require contact details for this account holder be provided as required under the DMCA. Please
email this information to slim@copyright-archive.com.
A full copy of the brief of evidence against this account holder is located at
http://copyright-archive.com/briefs/www.exa.com.au_ -v- softwarecompanybangladesh.blogspot.com_
Case 39.pdf.
Should you require any further information regarding this matter, please contact me at the address
S. L. Moignard BA LLB(Hons) Grad Dip (Inf Tech) Grad Dip (Legal Practice and Ethics)
as trustee for The Authors' Trust
Attachments -
© Copyright 1996-2013 The Authors' Trust. All Rights Reserved.
PO Box 105, Coonawarra, SA, Australia 5277
Tel +(61)438 005 051
Official Affidavit
1. I am the Chief Developer at the Copyright-Archive, located in Coonawarra, South Australia. I
make this declaration of my own personal knowledge.
2. The Copyright-Archive is a web application that searches for and locates copyrighted material on
the internet that has been re-used without permission or citation. It uses search engines to find
copies and the Internet Archive to date them and establish chronological priority.
3. The Internet Archive is a website that provides access to a digital library of Internet sites and
other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, it provides free access to researchers,
historians, scholars, and the general public. The Internet Archive has partnered with and receives
support from various well-known institutions and libraries, including the Library of Congress.
4. The Internet Archive has created a service known as the Wayback Machine. The Wayback
Machine makes it possible to surf more than 240 billion pages stored in the Internet Archive's web
archive. Visitors to the Wayback Machine can search archives by URL (i.e., a website address). If
archived records for a URL are available, the visitor will be presented with a list of available dates.
The visitor may select one of those dates, and then begin surfing on an archived version of the Web.
The links on the archived files, when served by the Wayback Machine, point to other archived files
(whether HTML pages or images). If a visitor clicks on a link on an archived page, the Wayback
Machine will serve the archived file with the closest available date to the page upon which the link
appeared and was clicked.
5. The archived data made viewable and browseable by the Wayback Machine is compiled using
software programs known as crawlers that surf the Web and automatically store copies of website
files, preserving these files as they exist at the point of time of capture.
6. The Internet Archive assigns a URL on its site to the archived files in the format
http://web.archive.org/web/[Year in yyyy][Month in mm][Day in dd][Time code in
hh:mm:ss]/[Archived URL]. Thus, the Internet Archive URL
http://web.archive.org/web/19970126045828/http://www.archive.org/ would be the URL for the
record of the Internet Archive home page HTML file (http://www.archive.org/) archived on January
26, 1997 at 4:58 a.m. and 28 seconds (1997/01/26 at 04:58:28). A web browser may be set such that
a printout from it will display the URL of a web page in the printout's footer. The date assigned by
the Internet Archive applies to the HTML file but not to image files linked therein. Thus images that
appear on the printed page may not have been archived on the same date as the HTML file.
Likewise, if a website is designed with "frames," the date assigned by the Internet Archive applies to
the frameset as a whole, and not the individual pages within each frame.
7. Attached hereto as Exhibit A are true and accurate copies of printouts of the Internet Archive's
records of the HTML files for the URLs and the dates specified in the footer of the printout.
8. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
DATE: Feb 20, 2014
S. L. Moignard BA LLB Grad Dip (Inf Tech)
© Copyright 1996-2013 The Author's Trust. All Rights Reserved.