Southern Hemisphere Circulation and Relations with Sea Ice and
Southern Hemisphere Circulation and Relations with Sea Ice and
3058 JOURNAL OF CLIMATE VOLUME 15 Southern Hemisphere Circulation and Relations with Sea Ice and Sea Surface Temperature JAMES A. RENWICK National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Wellington, New Zealand (Manuscript received 31 May 2001, in final form 30 November 2001) ABSTRACT Relationships on the seasonal timescale between Southern Hemisphere 500-hPa height, sea surface temperature, and Antarctic sea ice variability have been investigated using NCEP–NCAR reanalyses, NCEP sea surface temperatures, and Met Office sea surface temperature and sea ice data. The dominant region of interannual variability in the Southern Hemisphere circulation, over the southeast Pacific Ocean, is found to be related to ENSO variability in tropical Pacific sea temperatures, as shown in a number of earlier papers. It is also related to Antarctic sea ice variability, where an out-of-phase relationship is found between sea ice extent in the central Pacific and in the southwest Atlantic Ocean. Sea ice extent is enhanced in one region when the atmospheric flow anomaly is equatorward, presumably through a combination of anomalous heat flux and direct advection. At the same time, the atmospheric flow anomaly in the other region tends to be poleward, resulting in a poleward retreat in the sea ice edge. Such an interaction accounted for 63% of the total squared covariance between hemispheric 500-hPa height and sea ice edge anomalies. Averaged over the full data series used, no strong lag relationships were found, suggesting that circulation, sea ice, and sea surface temperatures respond to one another on intraseasonal timescales. However, a composite analysis with respect to the times of maxima or minima in Pacific sea ice extent did show apparently nonlinear lag behavior. The negative height anomalies over the southeast Pacific associated with maxima in Pacific sea ice tend to precede the ice maximum, or at least show no tendency to persist after the time of the ice maximum. However, positive height anomalies over the southeast Pacific associated with minima in Pacific sea ice tend to persist for some months after the ice minimum. The latter effect may be related to anomalous surface heat fluxes associated with the upstream reduction in sea ice. 1. Introduction In many respects, the mean large-scale circulation of the Southern Hemisphere (SH) extratropics is strongly zonally symmetric, brought about by the location and shape of the Antarctic continent and associated sea ice margins, and by the lack of significant other landmasses south of 408S. On intraseasonal timescales, even the distribution of variability of the circulation is relatively zonal (Hurrell et al. 1998), exhibiting a maximum in variance between 508 and 608S at most longitudes (e.g., Renwick 1998). A major component of seasonal to interannual variability in the SH is the high-latitude mode (HLM; Kidson and Watterson 1999) also commonly known as the Antarctic Oscillation (AAO; Thompson and Wallace 2000), representing a zonally symmetric exchange of mass between mid- and high southern latitudes. On monthly and longer timescales, the variability of the hemispheric circulation does, however, exhibit Corresponding author address: James A. Renwick, NIWA, P.O. Box 14901, Wellington, New Zealand. E-mail: q 2002 American Meteorological Society asymmetry with a prominent center of low-frequency variance over the southern Pacific. Across the Indian and Atlantic Ocean sectors, variability on the synoptic scale (10 days or less) is dominant (Renwick 1998). The main reason for a concentration of low-frequency variability over the Pacific sector appears to be the influence of teleconnections associated with the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO; Kiladis and Mo 1998; Kidson 1999). Beyond atmospheric teleconnections, ENSO modulates sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in midlatitudes and is known to influence Antarctic sea ice extent in many places (Carleton 1989; Simmonds and Jacka 1995; Yuan and Martinson 2000), presumably as a result of local atmospheric forcing. Sea ice variability plays an important role in modulating regional heat budgets (Stammerjohn and Smith 1997), implying that feedback processes between sea ice and the atmospheric circulation may act to enhance low-frequency variability in some high-latitude regions. The purpose of this study is to investigate the leading modes of seasonal variability in the SH extratropical circulation and their relationship with Antarctic sea ice and with SH sea surface temperatures. We seek to identify lead–lag relationships and to infer possible extra- 1 NOVEMBER 2002 RENWICK tropical forcings on the SH tropospheric circulation. Further, we also aim to identify possible mechanisms for some observed relationships between ENSO and Antarctic sea ice variability. Finally, we consider whether the localization of low-frequency circulation variance over the southeast Pacific is partly associated with feedback processes between sea ice and the tropospheric circulation. Datasets and the statistical methods used in this study are described in the following section. Results are presented in section 3, followed by a summary and conclusions in sections 4 and 5, respectively. 2. Data and methods The tropospheric circulation in the SH extratropics is analyzed in terms of a 42-yr time series (1958–99) of monthly mean 500-hPa geopotential heights (H500) from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction–National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP–NCAR) reanalysis project (Kalnay et al. 1996). Fields were projected from their original 2.58 latitude– longitude resolution onto a 31-point by 31-point Southern Hemisphere polar stereographic grid covering all latitudes south of 208S. The average grid spacing is around 48 of latitude. A number of authors have discussed the nature of trends and possible discontinuities in the NCEP–NCAR reanalyses (e.g., Kidson 1999; Hines et al. 2000). Before any further analysis, a linear temporal trend was removed from the H500 fields at each grid point. The approach and result is as discussed in Renwick and Revell (1999). After removal of the trend, a monthly mean climatology was also removed, leaving the detrended, deseasonalized anomalies. Questions may still remain about the veracity of the H500 data at high southern latitudes, especially over the sparsely observed southern oceans. Despite this, the reanalyses represent our best estimate of the atmospheric circulation in data-sparse regions, being a dynamically consistent synthesis of available global observations. Monthly mean SST data were obtained from two sources. Most use was made of NCEP optimally interpolated analyses generated from surface observations and satellite estimates as described by Reynolds and Smith (1994). The ‘‘Reynolds’’ data are defined on a 18 3 18 global latitude–longitude grid, from November 1981. Fields were subsampled onto a 28 3 28 grid covering latitudes 658S–608N, in the period November 1981–December 1999. Anomalies were calculated as differences from the overall mean for each month. A second set of SST data was obtained from the Met Office (UKMO) Hadley Centre Sea Ice and SST dataset version 1.1 (HadISST1.0; Rayner et al. 1999). HadISST1.1 is the latest in the series of datasets formerly known as the Global Sea Ice and SST dataset (GISST; Rayner et al. 1996). Fields were extracted for the period 1958– 98, on the same grid as used for the Reynolds data, and 3059 anomalies were calculated in the same way. The purpose of using HadISST was to investigate decadal variability in SST patterns of interest. However, as will be discussed later, before the advent of comprehensive satellite information in the early 1980s the HadISST data appear to be of lower quality in some of the main extratropical regions of interest (especially across the Pacific south of ;408S). This makes such multidecadal investigations of questionable value over the southern oceans. Sea ice information was also taken from the HadISST dataset, only for the period from 1978 when passive microwave information became available. Prior to 1978, there is a strong reliance on climatological information, making the sea ice data of little use for variability studies (Rayner et al. 1999; N. Rayner 2001, personal communication). In HadISST, sea ice fields are defined as fractional coverage in each 18 3 18 latitude–longitude square. From this, a sea ice edge latitude was defined at each longitude, by locating the maximum latitude at which the sea ice concentration was at least 0.15. Where no such value could be found, the sea ice edge was set to the continental boundary. The procedure is analogous to that used by Yuan and Martinson (2000). The sea ice edge (SIE) latitude dataset was used in all subsequent processing. As for SST, a monthly climatology was defined as the average over the full period of data, and anomalies taken as the residuals from the climatology. Although decadal-scale trends are known to exist in Antarctic SIE (and in SST), no linear trend was removed (see Yuan and Martinson 2000 for discussion of SIE trends). Much of the analysis was carried out using 3-month (seasonal) means of each of the data series. Since the SIE and main SST datasets cover only two decades, all seasons of the year were used together, to maximize the length of the time series and the statistical significance of results. Such an approach is justifiable over the SH on the basis that modes of atmospheric interannual variability in the SH show only small seasonal dependence (e.g., Kiladis and Mo 1998). Moreover, extratropical SH responses to tropical forcing show only weak seasonality (Trenberth and Caron 2000). However, the rather large seasonal changes in extent and variability of Antarctic sea ice (Bromwich and Parish 1998) and its response to remote forcing (Simmonds and Jacka 1995) may make such an approach inappropriate for SIE. This issue is investigated and discussed later where appropriate. Modes of variability within one field are identified using empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) and varimax rotation of EOFs (Wilks 1995). Modes of covariability between pairs of fields are identified using onepoint regression maps, compositing, and singular value decomposition analysis (SVDA; Bretherton et al. 1992; Renwick and Wallace 1996). 3060 JOURNAL OF CLIMATE VOLUME 15 3. Results a. Variance structures As a basis for much of the subsequent discussion, we begin with the leading EOF patterns of monthly/seasonal H500 variability. The three leading varimax rotated EOFs (REOFs) of monthly mean H500 anomalies are shown in Fig. 1. The rotation was based on the leading 12 EOFs, though the form of the three leading patterns is stable over a wide range of rotation dimensions (Renwick and Revell 1999). For seasonal (3 month) means, the three leading patterns are almost identical in form to those shown in Fig. 1. On the monthly timescale, the modes account for 16%, 14%, and 8% of the total height variance, respectively. For seasonal means, the fractions of seasonal variance are 17%, 18%, and 9%, respectively, the ordering of the leading two modes reversing between monthly and seasonal averaging (as the averaging period increases further, REOF2 becomes relatively more important). The REOFs shown in Fig. 1 appear to encapsulate much of the variability described in the unrotated seasonal-mean EOFs of Mo (2000), calculated from the same dataset. The first REOF pattern is the well-known HLM/AAO, related to zonally symmetric mass transfers between mid- and high latitudes (Kidson and Watterson 1999; Thompson and Wallace 2000). The second is concentrated over the southeast (SE) Pacific and has been associated with blocking occurrence in that region by Renwick (1998) and Renwick and Revell (1999). The third pattern has a similar spatial structure to the second, but with the main center of action over the southwest (SW) Pacific. The second and third patterns may be considered independently, or may both be seen as related to the South Pacific wave train (Kidson 1999) or Pacific–South American pattern (Mo 2000). As noted above, increased temporal smoothing enhances the H500 variability over the SE Pacific relative to other locations. Figure 2 shows the standard deviation field for 3-month mean and for 25-month mean H500 anomalies. Even on the seasonal timescale, the SE Pacific region stands out, and it dominates the interannual and longer timescale variance field. For example, the region of the South Pacific enclosed by the 20-m contour in Fig. 2 (bottom) contains approximately 5% of the grid points south of 208S, but it accounts for nearly 25% of the total interannual H500 variance. Seasonal mean standard deviations for Reynolds SST anomalies are illustrated in Fig. 3a. Standard deviations are around 0.68C throughout much of the midlatitude Pacific Ocean and decrease (and may become unreliable) toward the Antarctic coast. Over much of the global oceans, HadISST anomaly standard deviations were comparable to those in Fig. 3a (for the matching period), but were slightly lower than Reynolds values over the southern oceans south of 508S. Sea surface temperature information at high southern latitudes appears to be of lower quality prior to the satellite era. The ratio of FIG. 1. Covariance maps of (a)–(c) the leading three REOFs of monthly mean 500-hPa height anomalies. The contour interval is 10 m. Negative contours are dashed, the zero line has been omitted. 1 NOVEMBER 2002 RENWICK 3061 picture is similar for 2-yr (25-month) averages, with higher variance across the Western Hemisphere rather than the Eastern Hemisphere. In contrast to the H500 statistics, interannual SIE variance exhibits a peak in the South Atlantic as well as across the South Pacific. b. Coupled analysis FIG. 2. The std dev (m) of averaged 500-hPa height anomalies, for (top) 3-month averages and (bottom) 25-month averages. The contour interval is 5 m, beginning from the 10-m contour. HadISST standard deviations during the 30-yr presatellite period divided by those for the recent period is shown in Fig. 3b. Variability is comparable or somewhat higher in the early period over much of the globe, but over the southern oceans and the southeast Pacific, there appears to be a significant decrease in variance. The climatology of Antarctic SIE location is illustrated in Fig. 4. Average sea ice extent is a minimum in a broad region south of Australia, between ;908 and 1608E. There is another minimum through the Drake Passage, north of the Antarctic Peninsula. Maximum and minimum extent curves match well with those reported by Bromwich and Parish (1998) and others. The longitudinal distribution of SIE anomaly variance mirrors that of mean extent, with a minimum in seasonal variance south of Australia, a broad maximum across the Pacific and a narrower peak in the Atlantic. Standard deviation statistics are in broad agreement with the monthly figures of Simmonds and Jacka (1995). The A series of SST and SIE regression maps were calculated using the seasonal mean amplitude time series of the three H500 REOF patterns (Fig. 1) and seasonal mean Reynolds SST and HadISST SIE, at a range of time lags. The amplitude time series of REOF1 shows no significant linear relationship with either SST or SIE at any lag from 0 to 1 yr (not shown). The lack of a contemporary relationship with SST is in line with the findings of Kidson and Watterson (1999) and Limpasuvan and Hartmann (2000) who suggest that on the seasonal timescale, the high-latitude mode is internally generated. The lack of a relationship with SIE is also expected, since REOF1 represents almost solely a zonal wind variation and is not associated directly with significant meridional flow or heat transport. The nonlagged result for REOF2 (SE Pacific) is shown in Fig. 5. The variance associated with the SE Pacific REOF is clearly related to ENSO SST variability in the tropical Pacific, as discussed by Renwick and Revell (1999). There is also a more local SST signal northwest of the main center of REOF2. Negative SST anomalies centered near 508S, 1358W are associated with enhanced equatorward flow during the positive polarity of REOF2. There is also evidence of positive SST anomalies east of the main center of REOF2, around the southern tip of South America. Such a pattern of SST anomalies was also noted by Garreaud and Battisti (1999). In the extratropics, values are significant around New Zealand and near the center of the cool patch near 1358W (using the F test, 99% level, assuming one independent observation per year). SE Pacific circulation variability is also related to SIE across much of the Pacific and Atlantic, notably between ;1608 and 1208W, where the REOF2 amplitude accounts for around 25% of the variance in SIE. Regression coefficients are significant (F test, as above) in two regions; from 1608 to 1108W and 858 to 558W. The sense of the relationship is such that negative height anomalies centered near 1208W are associated with equatorward excursions of the sea ice edge to the west and poleward excursions to the east. The implied circulation anomaly has equatorward flow over the western and central South Pacific, associated on average with equatorward transport of cold air (Kidson and Renwick 2002), and equatorward advection of sea ice, in the region of enhanced SIE. Conversely, where the anomalous 500-hPa flow is poleward (poleward transport of warm air), SIE is reduced. Comparing individual seasons, the regression pattern shown in Fig. 5b remains essentially fixed throughout the year. However, there is considerable sea- 3062 JOURNAL OF CLIMATE VOLUME 15 FIG. 3. (a) The std dev (8C) of 3-month mean Reynolds SST anomalies, with 0.28C contour interval, and values less than 0.68C dashed; (b) ratio of the std dev of 3-month mean HadISST SST anomalies during 1950–80 divided by those during 1981–98, with 0.2 contour interval, and values less than 1 dashed. Values in (b) have been blanked out poleward of 608 lat. sonal variation in amplitude, being largest in the months of greatest sea ice extent (August–October) and least in February–April. The SW Pacific pattern (REOF3; Fig. 1c) exhibits a weaker signal in the SST field (Fig. 6), but shares some features with REOF2. There is a weak positive–negative dipole west and east of the main center of REOF2, suggestive of local atmospherically forced surface heat fluxes. There is also a weak indication of ENSO forcing, but in the opposite sense to that exhibited by REOF2, consistent with the findings of Renwick (1998). Regression coefficients appear significant only near the negative center south of New Zealand and near the positive center in the southeast Pacific (;608S, 1358W). The pattern in SIE associated with REOF3 shows three regions of influence. Regression coefficients are significant south of New Zealand (1408–1608E), across the SE Pacific (1308–908W), and in the South Atlantic (508– 358W). The amount of variance accounted for is com- parable in all three regions, around 12% south of New Zealand and in the SE Pacific, and around 10% in the Atlantic. In all three locations, the sense of the relationship is consistent with the implied anomalous circulation, as found for REOF2. As for REOF2, there is seasonal variation in the amplitude of the SIE regression pattern, but little change in form. The Pacific–Atlantic SIE dipole response to REOF3 is similar to the reverse of the REOF2 response (Fig. 5). Both REOF patterns are associated with anomalous meridional flow in the southeast Pacific–Atlantic sectors. To explore which H500 patterns are most closely related to Pacific and Atlantic SIE variability, ice edge anomalies were averaged over the sectors 1708–1308W (Pacific) and 608–108W (Atlantic), the regions of largest SIE response in Figs. 5b and 6b. The averaged SIE time series were regressed upon H500 anomalies at each grid point, as shown in Fig. 7. The resulting H500 patterns are negatively correlated in space (20.51) and both are 1 NOVEMBER 2002 RENWICK FIG. 4. Climatological SIE statistics. (top) The mean SIE location in Feb (minimum, inner line) and Sep (maximum, outer line). SIE std dev (degrees of lat) for (middle) 3-month averages and (bottom) 25-month averages. spatially correlated with REOF2 (10.83 and 20.43, respectively). Both Atlantic and mid-Pacific SIE show the strongest linear response to circulation variability over the eastern South Pacific, near the Bellingshausen Sea. Given the opposing polarities of the two regression patterns in Fig. 7, Pacific SIE tends to advance when Atlantic SIE recedes, and vice versa, as suggested in Figs. 5 and 6. Such behavior shows up clearly in an EOF analysis of 3-month mean SIE anomalies. The leading mode (not shown) accounts for 22% of the seasonal variance and represents an out-of-phase oscillation between the mid-Pacific and the mid-Atlantic, with very little amplitude elsewhere. Comparing the Pacific and Atlantic SIE time series directly, the largest correlations occur over the cool months (April–October) with Pacific SIE leading Atlantic SIE by two months. Such a result would be consistent with slow eastward propagation of the H500 circulation feature, analogous to that found by Kidson and Renwick (2002) for a matching feature at 1000 hPa. 3063 The leading mode of an SVDA between seasonal mean H500 and SST is shown in Fig. 8. It confirms the result seen in Fig. 5, with a strong ENSO-like SST pattern [correlation between the SST time series and seasonally averaged Southern Oscillation index (SOI) is 0.83]. The associated circulation pattern is similar to the extratropical part of the ‘‘ENSO mode’’ described by Kidson (1999) and is close to the form of H500 REOF2 (spatial correlation 0.75). In the SST field, the negative anomaly in the southeast Pacific is again apparent, somewhat more prominent than in Fig. 5. An SVDA between seasonal-mean H500 and SIE (Fig. 9) also shows a leading H500 mode similar to REOF2 (spatial correlation 0.83) and an associated SIE pattern similar to the regression map of Fig. 5. In both cases, the leading SVDA mode dominates the covariance between H500 and SST/SIE, the squared covariance fractions (SCF) being 59% and 63%, respectively (H500 and SST/SIE pattern amplitude time series were correlated at 0.78 and 0.68, respectively). The main center of action of the H500 pattern in Fig. 9 is somewhat southeast of the main center of H500 REOF2, and appears to be a compromise between the location of the centers shown in Figs. 7a and 7b. The relationship illustrated in Fig. 9 is strongest in the cool months (for June–November, pattern amplitude time series correlation 0.82, SCF 63%) and weakest in the warm months (for December–May, time series correlation 0.62, SCF 50%), but the form of the response changes only slightly with season in concert with changing total sea ice extent. A set of SVD analyses as described above were carried out at a series of time lags, from SST/SIE leading H500 by two seasons (6 months) to H500 leading SST/ SIE by two seasons. For H500 and SST, it is well known that ENSO SST anomalies force a wavelike response in the extratropical circulation across the South (and North) Pacific (Horel and Wallace 1981; Kidson 1999). One might expect an SVDA with SST leading H500 to exhibit the strongest coupling (in terms of SCF and related statistics). However, there is no real indication of lead–lag relationships between SST and H500, at least on the monthly–seasonal timescale. Using lagged SVDA, the SCF showed a minor (insignificant) peak for SST leading by two months (62% versus 59% at zero lag). The time series correlation for the leading mode pair was close to constant across a range of lags around zero. The leading spatial patterns were very similar to those shown in Fig. 8 for a wide range of lags. While it is clear in physical terms that the extratropical circulation pattern is a response to forcing by anomalous tropical heating, the atmosphere responds quickly enough that monthly or seasonal comparisons appear to show no real lag (e.g., Renwick and Revell 1999). Lagged SVDA between H500 and SIE also showed relatively low sensitivity to time lag. As with SST, SCF peaked insignificantly with SIE leading by one month (64% versus 63% for no lag) and time series correlation 3064 JOURNAL OF CLIMATE VOLUME 15 FIG. 5. Regression maps based on seasonal (3 month) means of the SE Pacific time series (REOF 2 amplitude), with (a) Reynolds SST anomalies (contour interval 0.18C, negative contours dashed, zero contour omitted) and (b) SIE. In (b), the regression coefficients (units are degrees of lat) have been multiplied by 10 for clarity. Dark shading indicates positive values (ice increase) and light shading indicates negative values (ice decrease). The increase/decrease has been plotted relative to the annual average climatological SIE location. The 408, 508, 608, and 708S lat circles are shown in the background. peaked slightly with H500 leading by one month (0.70 versus 0.69). This again suggests that on average one field responds to the other on timescales shorter than those considered here. A composite analysis does however suggest an asymmetry in the H500–SIE relationship. Minima and maxima in Pacific SIE were identified as cases in the lowest and highest quintiles (20 percentiles) of the mean SIE distribution between 1708 and 1308W, the region used for calculation of the regression map in Fig. 7a. Averaged H500 fields were calculated at a number of lags relative to the SIE quintile dates (3-month periods). The H500 averages for both SIE quintiles are shown in Fig. 10, for one season prior to the SIE extremes (top row), at the time of the SIE extremes (middle row) and one season after the SIE extremes (bottom row). When the Pacific SIE anomaly is a maximum (farthest equatorward), the H500 anomaly tends to be relatively weak and shows a tendency to lead the SIE anomaly. When SIE is a minimum (farthest poleward), the H500 anomaly is relatively strong and tends to linger, with a positive H500 anomaly evident for some months after the time of the SIE minimum. For the Atlantic (not shown), SIE anomaly maxima are associated with persistent positive 1 NOVEMBER 2002 RENWICK 3065 FIG. 6. As in Fig. 5, but for the SW Pacific time series (REOF 3 amplitude). H500 anomalies over the SE Pacific, while SIE minima are on average associated with very weak H500 anomalies. The magnitude of the H500 composite anomalies is largest in the winter months, but the lag after the SIE minimum is strongest over the summer months, when the H500 anomaly has maximum amplitude one season after the SIE minimum (not shown). The extremes in SIE anomalies themselves are distributed through all months of the year, but both minima and maxima tend to occur more frequently in the summer months. The difference in composite results may be related to differences in surface heat fluxes brought about by presence/absence of sea ice and an associated nonlinear effect on the local circulation. Monthly mean surface heat and radiation fluxes from the NCEP–NCAR reanalyses were composited in the same way as the H500 fields, but no coherent differences were seen across the far South Pacific. However, in the reanalyses, elements of the surface energy balance may not be depicted as reliably as are the large-scale wind and temperature fields, especially in the data-sparse regions discussed here, since they are dependent at least on model parameterizations of cloud effects and surface processes. 4. Discussion A series of analyses have been carried out to relate seasonal mean SH circulation to SST and Antarctic sea ice edge variability. There is clear evidence for an ENSO influence on sea ice across the Pacific and into the South Atlantic, as found by Simmonds and Jacka (1995), Yuan 3066 JOURNAL OF CLIMATE VOLUME 15 FIG. 8. The leading mode of an SVDA between (top) 3-month mean 500-hPa height anomalies and (middle) 3-month mean SST anomalies, with no lag. Both contour plots are covariance maps based on the leading SST time series. The contour interval is 5 m in (top) and 0.18C in (middle). Negative contours are dashed and zero contours have been omitted. (bottom) The amplitude time series for the 500-hPa pattern (solid) and the SST pattern (dashed). FIG. 7. Regression map between 3-month mean H500 anomalies and (a) Pacific SIE anomalies averaged between 1708 and 1308W, and (b) Atlantic SIE anomalies averaged between 608 and 108W. The contour interval is 5 m, negative contours are dashed, and the zero contour has been omitted. and Martinson (2000), and others. It is apparently brought about by ENSO-related wave propagation from the subtropics resulting in anomalous high-latitude circulations centered over the southeast Pacific that are associated with anomalous meridional heat fluxes and with direct advection of the ice field. Observed trends in SIE as reported by Stammerjohn and Smith (1997) and Yuan and Martinson (2000) are consistent with an increased frequency of positive H500 anomalies over the SE Pacific and an increased prevalence of blocking occurrence in that region over the past 20 years (Renwick 1998; Renwick and Revell 1999). Recent trends in blocking occurrence are at least partly related to the prevalence of El Niño events during the 1980s and 1990s. Over the last 40 years, however, there appears to have been little systematic trend in SE Pacific blocking frequency (Renwick and Revell 1999), implying that the opposing SIE trends over the east Pacific and Atlantic sectors may not extend back through the 1960s and 1970s. Interdecadal changes in the frequency and character of ENSO events, brought about by changes in the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (Mantua et al. 1997; Power et al. 1999), will further modulate SIE trends, through their effects on the atmospheric circulation across the South Pacific. On the timescales considered here, there is only a weak indication that sea ice variability plays a role in enhancing low-frequency circulation variability over the 1 NOVEMBER 2002 RENWICK FIG. 9. (top) The leading mode of an SVDA between 3-month mean 500-hPa height anomalies (contours) and 3-month mean SIE anomalies (shading), with no lag. Both covariance maps are based on the leading 500-hPa height time series. The contour interval is 5 m for 500-hPa height. Negative contours are dashed and the zero contour has been omitted. The ice edge map has been multiplied by 10 for clarity and is plotted with respect to the annual mean climatological ice edge location. (bottom) The amplitude time series for both fields, where 500-hPa height is solid, and ice edge is dashed. South Pacific. A lack of sea ice across the western and central South Pacific, partly related to anomalous poleward flow in the overlying atmosphere, appears to help maintain the anomalous flow and associated positive height anomalies over the region of largest low-frequency height variance. In the reverse situation, when sea ice extent is enhanced across much of the South Pacific, equatorward atmospheric flow anomalies may precede the SIE anomalies, but the increase in sea ice extent does not appear to help maintain the atmospheric flow anomalies. There is little evidence here of forcing of the atmospheric circulation by extratropical SST anomalies. The leading SST–circulation coupled modes are strongly ENSO related, related largely to remote forcing. To try to isolate localized SST–circulation relationships, SVD analyses were repeated after removal of a linear ENSO signal (by regression against the SOI at each grid point, at lags up to three seasons), and by using SST data restricted to latitudes south of 358S. Removal of the linear ENSO signal did help highlight local-scale relationships, resulting in a more prominent zonal wave- 3067 FIG. 10. Composites of seasonal (3 month) mean 500-hPa height anomalies based on time of (left) maximum or (right) minimum average ice extent between 1708 and 1308W (as used in Fig. 6). (top) Mean anomaly fields one season prior to the ice extremes, (middle) mean anomaly fields for the same season the ice extremes, and (bottom) one season after the ice extremes. The contour interval is 10 m, negative contours are dashed, and the zero contour has been omitted. number-3 pattern in H500 (not shown) and matching same-sign SST anomalies. No preferred lag was evident after removal of the ENSO signal, with the H500/SST mode time series correlation highest near zero lag. If anything, such a result is indicative of forcing of SST anomalies by the atmospheric circulation, as found by many authors (e.g., Basher and Thompson 1995). Acknowledgments. The author would like to thank Dr. John Kidson for helpful discussions on the Southern Hemisphere circulation, and for reviewing an earlier version of the manuscript. The Reynolds SST and the reanalysis data were made available through the NCAR Data Services Section. Many thanks to Dr. Nick Rayner of the Met Office, Hadley Centre for provision of and assistance with HadISST data. The review comments of Dr. Nick Rayner and Dr. Ian Simmonds were very help- 3068 JOURNAL OF CLIMATE ful in improving the completeness and presentation of results. This research was funded by the New Zealand Foundation for Research, Science and Technology under Contract C01X0030. REFERENCES Basher, R. 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