Article Featuring Pamela Nine


Article Featuring Pamela Nine
feel good
live simply
laugh more
Special Issue:
n Why
Humor Is Healthy
n 7 Tools for
Lighthearted Living
n Yoga Laughter Exercises
n Canine Humor
n Foods That
Make You Smile
| Knoxville |
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Intro. to Law of Attraction & Love Languages: Tues. Feb. 2 at 7:30 pm.
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next to the Fresh Market of Farragut
Teresa Lamb
Certified Clinical
16 6 newsbriefs
16 healthbriefs
18 greenpages
24 classified
24 inspiration
25 greenliving
27 naturalpet
30 fitbody
33 calendar
36 resourceguide
Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more
balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge
information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal
growth, green living, creative expression and the products
and services that support a healthy lifestyle.
by Angela Howard
by Nancy C. Canestaro, DArch
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Why Feeling Tickled is Good For Us by Enda Junkins
by Jenny Mason
calendar submissions
Email Calendar Events to: or fax to
423-886-1153. Calendar deadline: the 10th of the month
prior to publication.
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Comfort, Play, Teach
by Jacqui DeBique
Foods That Make Us Smile
by Judith Fertig
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welcome your ideas, articles and feedback.
s we write this, the television
news is showing Haiti in ruins, its
people still desperately awaiting
the help that the rest of the world is desperate to provide. Even now, it’s obvious
that the ravaged country will continue to
need assistance long after the dead are
buried and the injured nursed back to
health. If you are still looking for a way
to help, consider making a donation to
the Red Cross or to one of the charitable
organizations in our “Love Letter to Haiti,” page 6.
Our televisions and newspapers remind us daily that the world can be a grim
place. It’s no wonder, then, that people don’t smile as often as they should. We
were talking just the other day about why people don’t tend to smile when they
are by themselves. Is it because they feel silly? Or because they feel they have
nothing to smile about? Here’s a reason everyone should take the time to smile: It
makes you feel good. The act of smiling or, better yet, laughing, can be therapeutic, giving us the energy to make the best of your own life and be strong for others.
So go on, try it. (You’re probably smiling right now aren’t you?)
This month in Natural Awakenings, our theme is to laugh more. There are
many things to laugh about, even if you’re feeling down. As a matter of fact, that’s
the best time to laugh. So look up some jokes online, or call a friend and ask him
to tell you a joke. Whether you laugh out loud or just crack a smile, your mood
will change—and who knows? You may feel better for the rest of the day.
Our feature article this month, “Laugh More” (page 20) explains that we aren’t
born serious—but that we tend to become that way as we take on more responsibilities and the serious business of living. This article helps us find more space for
laughter in our lives, workplaces and relationships—which, in turn, can make us
more productive. Our Inspiration article, page 24, gives us seven life tools to stay lighthearted
in challenging times—a great message in light of seemingly endless tragedies in
the world, and difficulties on our own home front. It’s not easy to stay cool, calm
and collected when you don’t know what to expect tomorrow. If you feel overwhelmed, take a few quiet moments and read this article—and use these seven
tips daily to help you feel better.
And here’s another tip—something different to put a smile on your face: Eat
dessert first. (What have you got to lose?) Then read our Conscious Eating article
on page 28, which is all about foods that make us smile. Not only is it a fun read,
it includes several good-sounding recipes we can’t wait to try.
It sure has been fun putting this issue together—and just writing this letter has
brought smiles to our faces. We hope reading this magazine does the same for
you—and that we continue to deliver good cheer on a monthly basis. If you have
a funny story to share, feel free to e-mail or call us. We may just publish it in the
next issue!
Happy Valentine’s Day
Bob & Melinda
Natural Awakenings
is printed on recycled
newsprint with soybased ink.
February 2010
Love Letter to Haiti
o our beloved sisters and brothers of Haiti, Our hearts are
aching for you.
To you who are suffering, without food, water, medical
care, a place to sleep, or a friend to hold your hand, we pray
you will be saved soon.
To you who are trapped inside the rubble with no one there
to lift you out or are searching for your family and friends, to
you who are sitting on the side of the street with the body of a
dead relative close by, we pray you will be saved soon.
We want you to know that we care, that we wish we had
the wherewithal to help you. We wish that we were closer and
could rub your head or lift the concrete off your loved ones.
We wish that we could wind back time and give you back life
as you knew it before the devastating earthquake.
We have no doubt that you will gather together and find
the strength and the courage to heal and rebuild your future
but until that time, we want you to know that we are holding
you and that although we have never met and can’t really feel
your pain or share your heartache, we are praying for you day
and night, asking that our blessings become your blessings.
We wish you the faith and strength to hold on one more
day. Help is coming and we are all here loving you, standing
in awe of your courage.
Courtesy of Debbie Ford
If you are interested in contributing:
Full Day of Full Moon Activities
here will be a full moon February 28, and Migun TN is
making a night (and day) of it, from an aura workshop in
the afternoon to an evening of spiritual visioning.
From 1 to 5 p.m., renowned astrologer and radio personality
Frankie Z. Avery will lead a “Learn about Auras Workshop,” in
which participants will celebrate the full moon and learn about
auras: how to see them, work with them, heal with them, and
strengthen them. A channel, psychic, author and hypnotherapist, Avery offers classes in subjects including psychic development, personal empowerment and healing, and understanding
reincarnation. The workshop cost is $35/person.
Then from 6 to 9 p.m., Migun TN will host “Vision Quest
and Journey Work” using drumming and the I Ching, the Chinese Book of Changes. “Imagine you have entered the sacred
circle and are surrounded by tribal elders as your vision quest
begins,” says workshop facilitator Teresa Lamb. “Spiritual drumming echoes into the depths of your soul as your energy merges
with all that is. ‘U-Tao-Chi’ is a unique integration of sacred
Native American drumming combined with newly translated
rhythmic healing patterns from the ancient Chinese I Ching
hexagrams. This powerful fusion will restore your energetic balance and enhance your well-being.” Participants should bring a
pillow, blanket, journal and drum, if possible. Extra drums will
be available. The workshop costs $35/person, or $25/person by
February 20.
Migun TN is located next to the Fresh Market of Farragut.
For information about these events, call 865-755-0778 or e-mail See ad pages 2 and 3.
Eckankar Center Presents
Free Monthly Workshop
he second Sunday of each month, the Knoxville Eckankar
Center in West Knoxville hosts a free “Meet the Master
Workshop,” featuring an excerpt from and discussion of a videotaped talk by Harold Klemp, the current leader of Eckankar,
“the Religion of the Light and Sound of God.”
According to the Center, “Each of us has access to an Inner
Guide, one who has mastered the journey home to God and is
ready to help us on our own journey home through the study
of dreams and past lives, and through the art of Soul Travel.
Why not meet this Master and begin life’s greatest adventure?”
Eckankar is the study and experience of “the ECK force, which
has been described in many ways and called by many names,
including the Holy Spirit, the Tao, Prana, The Life Force, and
the Word of God.”
The monthly workshop runs from 11
a.m. to noon. Visitors are invited to view a
brief presentation by Klemp, followed by
a spiritual exercise, discussion and light
refreshments. A free event is also held at
the ECK Center every Sunday at 11 a.m.,
including an ECK Worship Service every
first Sunday, a book discussion every
third Sunday, a HU song on the fourth
Sunday, and a workshop on such topics
as past lives, dreams, and soul travel on
fifth Sundays.
For more information, visit Eck-Tenn.
org or call the Knoxville Eckankar Center,
located at 301 S.Gallaher View Rd., or call
the Knoxville Eckankar Center at 865-6227685.
Raindrop Technique
Course for CEUs
n February 20, Kate Petree will teach
a day-long Raindrop Technique
Certification Course at Migun TN, next
to the Fresh Market of Farragut. Petree is
one of six instructors in the United States
qualified to teach this course as continuing education units (CEUs) for nurses and
massage therapists.
The Raindrop Technique blends
nine essential oils into the massage session. According to Petree, the essential
oils are highly therapeutic, with antiviral,
antibacterial and antispasmodic properties. Each oil is dropped and layered in a
raindrop fashion up the spine, then lightly
massaged in. “These restorative oils are
absorbed by the body and are within the
bloodstream within 20 minutes,” Petree
says. “The oils stay in the body from five
to seven days and are discharged like
other nutrients. Many people report increased energy, alleviation of back pain,
and a general sense of clarity after a
treatment.” Raindrop Therapy also helps
boost the immune system, she says. The
workshop is from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., with
registration at 8:30 a.m. The $245 cost
includes the Raindrop Oil Kit.
Other upcoming classes by Kate
Petree are “The Raindrop Technique: An
Introduction & Overview,” February 11
from 3 to 4 p.m.; “Learn About Essential
Oils for Emotional Health: Depression,”
February 16 from noon to 1 p.m.; “Laugh-
ter Yoga,” February 16 from 2 to 3:30
p.m.; and “Learn about Essential Oils for
Ash Wednesday,” February 17 from 2 to
3 p.m.
See Natural Awakenings’ calendar for
other “Learn about Essential Oils” classes
with instructors Margaret Leslie, Linda
Sharp, and Teresa Lamb. These classes are
open to the public at no charge at Migun
TN. See ad pages 2 and 3
Laugh More Events
at Migun TN
f laughter is the best medicine, then
Migun TN and eWomen Network have
the prescription for great health in February: an evening at Sidesplitters Comedy
Club. Then Migun TN continues the lighthearted focus with a special class in
“Laughter Yoga.”
The laughter begins February 11,
when North Carolina comedian Julie
Scoggins headlines at Sidesplitters, 9246
Park West Boulevard, Knoxville. There
will be complimentary appetizers from
6 to 7:45 p.m. before Scoggins takes the
stage at 8 p.m. Tickets are $10/person
with a two-item/person minimum in
food or drinks. There will be a drawing
for door prizes at the end of the show.
Migun TN will take another trip to Sidesplitters March 11 to see comedian Mark
Sweeney. For tickets, call Sidesplitters at
865-934-5233; visit Migun TN to register
for a drawing to win free tickets for the
On February 16 from 2 to 3:30 p.m.,
Margaret Leslie and Kate Petree will
teach “Laughter Yoga,” a simple exercise
routine designed as a complete wellbeing workout. Laughter Yoga combines
the positive effects of laughter and yogic
breathing. “Anyone can laugh for no
reason, without relying on humor, jokes
or comedy,” according to LaughterYoga.
org. “Laughter is simulated as a body
exercise in a group; with eye contact and
childlike playfulness, it soon turns into
real and contagious laughter. The concept
of Laughter Yoga is based on a scientific
fact that the body cannot differentiate
between fake and real laughter. One gets
the same physiological and psychological
For event information, call 865-7550778 or e-mail
See ad pages 2 and 3
Serene Yoga Offers
Meditation Series
erene Yoga and Healing will offer a
three-part class, “Learn to Meditate,”
beginning February 17. The popular series
is offered only three to four times a year,
says instructor Serene White.
“Everyone knows the benefits of an
ongoing meditation practice, yet very
few people actually succeed in making
meditation an integral part of their life,”
she says. “The ‘Learn to Meditate’ series is
designed to empower individuals toward
a daily meditation practice. This series
makes meditation easy and accessible to
all.” Participants practice three different
meditation techniques and learn how to
set up a daily meditation practice, exploring the benefits of meditation and its true
goal and purpose. “This course is geared
toward beginning meditators or those
who are looking to be re-inspired toward
a daily meditation practice,” White says.
“Participants will walk away from this
class with the tools necessary to start
meditating regularly.”
The class will be held from 6:30 to
8:30 p.m. February 17, March 3 and
March 10. Serene White, a certified
Svaroopa Yoga instructor and longtime
meditator, has studied yoga, yoga philosophy and meditation extensively with
master teacher and founder of Svaroopa
Yoga, Swami Nirmalananda Saraswati.
“Participants will find my teaching to be
compassionate, playful and supportive,”
White says. “I enjoy integrating my reallife experiences as a meditation practitioner into my instruction for a realistic,
down-to-earth exploration of meditation
and all that it has to offer.”
Pre-registration required; call 865789-9731 or e-mail Serene108@comcast.
net. Series fee of $115 materials. Register
by February 7 to receive 10 percent off.
See ad page 10.
February 2010
Mystical Numerology Workshop
at Center for Peace A
new system of mystical numerology will be the topic of
a workshop offered by the Center
for Peace—a holistic, non-denominational spiritual center located in
Seymour, Tennessee—February 20
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
“Participants will learn the mystical qualities of numbers, find their
purpose and path numbers, learn to
track their daily numbers, and learn
a new 13-month calendar that helps
stabilize their lives,” explains workshop leader John Pehrson.
Pehrson has spent more than 15 years developing this new
numerology system, designed to aid people in delving deeply
into their own life patterns to reveal their highest purpose, life
path and direction, using the numbers in their birth dates and
those corresponding to the letters in their names.
In addition to drawing on extensive experience with
traditional Western numerology and tarot, Pehrson has also
integrated concepts from the Kiche Mayan system of Day Lords
and drawn inspiration from the Hebrew Kabbalah. He also
builds on the work of Ute and Pueblo Native American elder
and visionary Joseph Rael (Beautiful Painted Arrow) in looking
at the mystical qualities of the consonants and numbers, how
they relate to the vowel sounds, and their place on the medicine
The requested donation for the workshop is $75 (less for
couples and students). The Center is located at 880 GravesDelozier Rd., about 45 minutes from downtown Knoxville. For
more information, contact John Pehrson at
or the Center for Peace at 865-428-3070—or visit See ad, page 12.
Individual, Group Counseling
with Pamela Nine
amela Nine, PhD, has been in the
wellness profession for more than
20 years and is known internationally
as a “Messenger of Spirit” and professional spiritual intuitive, psychic,
medium, counselor and teacher. Now
owner of the Nine Wellness Center in
Knoxville, she specializes in holistic
healthcare through intuitive, grief
and spiritual counseling, Reiki, and
educational programs.
Nine offers counseling for individuals, couples, adolescents and teens. She also provides discrete
intuitive counseling to businesses, high-profile professionals,
athletes and celebrities. Appointments are available in person,
by telephone and in groups. Education is available through
her Personal Spiritual Apprenticeship program, certified Reiki
classes, workshops and online courses.
Nine is also a licensed, board-certified dermapigmentologist, certified Reiki Master, and ordained minister with a doctorate in religion. She has appeared on “Live at Five” and Style
Television; done numerous radio interviews including Horne
Radio Network, Think Again Radio and BlogTalk Radio; and
has been featured in stories by the Associated Press and publications like the Knoxville News Sentinel, Oak Ridger, Farragut
Press, Metro Pulse, CityView and Bountiful Health. In 2002, she
received the “Extraordinary Woman” award from the Knoxville
News Sentinel and was featured in the December issue of the
national magazine Elle. In 2008, the Intuitive Showcase and
Holistic Health Expo in Knoxville publicized Pamela Nine as
“One of the most gifted psychics and mediums in America.”
For additional information or an appointment, contact Pamela Nine, PhD at 865-531-9086 or,
or visit her website, See ad page 26.
Knoxville-Area CHEO Chapters
Announce Meetings
ames Lawler, PhD, head of the Department of Psychology at
the University of Tennessee, will discuss “The Science and Experience of Meditation for Stress Management” at the February
meeting of the Knoxville chapter of CHEO, the Complementary
Health Education Association. The meeting is scheduled for 7
p.m. February 1 in the Park West Hospital classrooms, 9352
Parkwest Boulevard, Knoxville.
A professor of neuroscience,
Lawler is also a certified teacher of
the American Meditation Society.
He frequently teaches mantrabased meditation techniques in
small group classes. “Research
reveals wonderful results for stress
management,” says CHEO spokesman Charles West. “You will have
an opportunity to experience the
techniques Dr. Lawler uses as he leads us through a brief meditation procedure, which will teach us how to let go of thoughts
in our everyday lives to find peace—even in the midst of the
hectic pace we all maintain.”
The Loudon/Monroe Counties CHEO meeting will feature
Debbie Ashton’s presentation on “Ageless Agility: Based on the
Feldenkrais Method.” A certified Feldenkrais practitioner for 21
years, Ashton will explain how the method can be used to manage pain or improve sports performance through more efficient
movement. The meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. February 24
at the Rarity Bay Community Center, 150 Rarity Bay Parkway,
Vonore, Tennessee.
Meetings are open to the public and free for first-time visitors and members, with a $5 suggested donation for returning
guests. CHEO is a nonprofit educational organization bridging
the gap between traditional and alternative medicine. More
meeting information online at or Alternative. See community resource listing page 36.
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February 2010
Valentine’s Day Workshops
All about Relationships
Ayurveda Center Sponsors
Vedic Astrology Weekend
alentine’s Day is all about
relationships, and Migun TN
is hosting two special events on
Valentine’s Day weekend designed
to help participants make the most
of their relationships—with family,
friends and coworkers, as well as
romantic partners.
On February 13 from 7 to 9
p.m., Marcia Walker of Step By Step
Coaching presents “Love Languages 101,” a workshop to help
couples sweeten their relationship by learning one another’s
“love language” and using that knowledge in practical ways.
“Each of us has a preferred ‘language’ to express and receive
messages of love,” Walker says. “Getting the message in the love
language we prefer fills our longing to be loved like nothing
else can.” The $50/couple fee includes workshop, a choice of
desserts, and coffee or tea. Space is limited. Register by February 11 by contacting Walker at 865-521-7759 or Marcia@
On February 14 from 1 to 5 p.m., Betty Jones, a certified
Law of Attraction (LOA) facilitator, will explain how the LOA
can be used to manifest quality relationships, including those
with family, friends and coworkers. Jones was trained and certified by Michael Losier, author of Law of Attraction and host of
“The Law of Attraction Radio Show,” which airs seven times a
week on Oprah and Friends, XM 156. For more information on
his work, visit
Betty Jones and Marcia Walker will present an introduction
and overview to “LOA” and “Love Languages” at 7:30 p.m. February 7 at Migun TN, next to the Fresh Market of Farragut. That
event is open to the public at no charge. For more information
call 865-755-0778 or See ad pages 2
and 3.
yan Kurczak of Asheville Vedic Astrology will return to the
Ayurveda Center February 26-27 to teach a free introductory class and a one-day workshop on Vedic astrology, the
5,000-year-old “science of yoga” intended to provide insight
and guidance toward the fulfillment of the soul’s destiny.
Kurczak will teach the free class February 26 from 6 to 8
p.m. Then he will lead a Level I Vedic Astrology workshop on
February 27 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Among the subjects covered
in the workshop will be astrology as a spiritual practice; the
planets, signs and houses; planetary
aspects; and the role of the ascendant. (Registration forms and more
information are available online at
He also will be available those days to
conduct approximately 10 hour-long
private consultations; participants may
choose a session on their natal chart,
progressions, or compatibility (two
sessions). “Ryan is gifted in helping
people understand the beneficial and
difficult influences that may be coming up in relationship to
the challenges in their lives, so that they better understand and
navigate their own karmic issues,” says Mary Roberson, founder
of the Ayurveda Center. Kurczak studied with David Frawley, director of the American Institute of Vedic Studies, and Richard Fish, founder of
Center for Vedic Astrological Studies. He was ordained by a
direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda. For more information, visit his website,
The Ayurveda Center for Natural Healthcare is located at
665 Emory Valley Rd., Ste. A, Oak Ridge, TN. For more information, call 865-482-0981, e-mail AyurvedaCenterTN@bellsouth.
net, or visit See ad page 14.
Theresa Richardson
Reiki Master Teacher
865-705-2525 •
120 Administration Road, Oak Ridge (Entrance in rear) • 865-789-9731
Specializing in Svaroopa® Yoga Classes, Yoga Therapy,
Meditation Classes, and Massage Therapy
Understanding People and Their Behavior Cornerstone Workshop Explains Ancient Theory of Personality Types
ave you ever noticed that some people just don’t act
right? They don’t do what we want them to, and they
don’t act like we expect them to, and it can be quite
annoying! There is an ancient theory of personality types—
the Enneagram—that explains why people act the way they
do. The Enneagram describes nine different ways of seeing
the world, each perception having different motivations,
fears, characteristics and needs.
Each of us has some characteristics of all nine types, but
there is one main way that each of us views the world, which
leads us to develop specific coping strategies and behavior patterns. People of the same type will still be unique,
usually very
8. Eights, the
Healthy Choices
for Pain Management
bosses, love to
and Well-Being
argue and have
a need to be
self-reliant and
strong. They
are straightforward and honest, always telling it like it is.
9. Nines, the peacemakers, avoid conflict and can see all
sides of an argument. They are nonjudgmental and accepting.
There is one main way that each
On February 25, Annie Wills, EdD, a retired psychologist and life coach with Full Circle Coaching, will provide
an introduction to the Enneagram material. Participants will
have the opportunity to determine their type and learn more
ways to use the information provided by the Enneagram.
The Enneagram workshop will be held from 6 to 8 p.m.
at Cornerstone Integrative Health Associates (CIHA), 369
Fountain View Circle, Alcoa, TN. The fee is $35. To register,
call Annie Wills at 865-256-9388 or CIHA at 865-983-7800.
See ad page 40.
of us views the world, which leads
us to develop specific coping
strategies and behavior patterns.
because of their inherent traits, birth order, cultural values,
parents’ types, and general level of emotional and physical
healthiness. But those people will tend to share the same
basic motivations and views of the world.
Studying the Enneagram allows us to understand ourselves better and experiment with different behaviors and
ways of responding to people and situations. It also helps us
to be tolerant of people who see the world very differently
from the way we do.
Different authors have different labels for the nine types,
but they always use the same numbers for each type:
1. Ones, called the perfectionists, are motivated by the
need to be right, improve themselves and avoid anger.
They have high expectations of themselves and others. 2. Twos, or the helpers, need to be loved, appreciated and
invaluable to others. They are sensitive to criticism.
3. Threes, the achievers, strive for achievement, success,
and recognition for their deeds. They are consistent and
4. Fours, also called the romantics, feel things very deeply,
and they need to believe they are special. They are often
creative and artistic.
5. Fives, the observers, need to know everything and be
self-sufficient. They usually have a lot of information,
stored in very organized files.
6. Sixes, the questioners, are prone to worry, and they want
approval from others. They are committed and faithful
7. Sevens, known as the adventurers, need to stay happy
and be on the go all the time. They are enthusiastic and
February 2010
Intimacy Begins at Home
Build Your Own Foundation for a Great Relationship
By Angela Howard
hat is intimacy? From my experience, it is
full openness between two people, a willingness to be vulnerable and honest with
each other at all times.
Intimacy, sensuality and spirituality are interwoven. They form the foundation of relationship. This foundation must be established close to
home—with your own mind, spirit and body—before it can be possible with another. Being intimate
and vulnerable with yourself prepares you for a
healthy relationship with your partner.
How do you experience intimacy with yourself? Tell yourself everything, hiding nothing, and,
with each truth, accept yourself as you are. Whatever you consider your “dark side,” look at it closely
and accept it. There’s an old saying, “If you can’t
love yourself, then you can’t love another.” Accept
this love from yourself—then bask in it.
One powerful way to experience sensuality
and intimacy with yourself is to stay connected to
your body, your communication system. Don’t be
distracted by external stimuli. Your connection to
your body and its constant messages can keep you
in touch with your spirit and help you live more
Take time each day to be still and connect to
your spirit, as you would take time out each day to
touch base with your partner. Listen intently and
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February Activities:
Sweat Lodges:
Thursday, February 18, 6:30 pm Saturday, February 13, 10:00 am
Fire Ceremony: Sunday, February 7, 6:45 pm
Drumming Circles: every Friday, 7:00 pm
“Messiah Training”: every Tuesday, 7:00 pm
Mystical Numerology Workshop, February 20, 9 am – 5 pm
Community Building Workshop: (865) 428-3070
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Take time each day to be still and connect
to your spirit, as you would take time out
each day to touch base with your partner.
Create a more sensual lifestyle by feeding your body’s
senses with healthy pleasures of sight, sound, smell, taste and
feel. Take a walk and truly feel the sensations…the sight of a
glistening sun, the sound of a rushing river, the smell of rich,
wet earth, the taste of a freshly peeled orange, the feel of the
breeze against your skin. Lose your head and enjoy.
Through movement, experience things as a child does,
transferring thought into pure physical expression. It is affirming to acknowledge a need or feeling, and then to let the
body express it. Sensations are heightened, leaving a grateful body, mind and spirit. If you tend to live inside your own
head, then moving freely, without judgment or shame, can
enhance your body/spirit connection, building energy and
creating individual, expressive dance. You can let go and
experience ecstasy with your whole self.
Once you have connected with yourself, you can truly
connect with your partner. You have created your own emotions, so you are responsible for them; don’t project them
onto your partner. This creates an atmosphere of safety,
where truths can be openly revealed and fears can be seen
with compassion. You and your partner can experience acceptance, forgiveness and love for yourselves and each other.
I encourage you to move freely and dance intimately
and sensually with yourself. Experience ecstasy and then,
when it feels right to you, share yourself with another. Happy
Valentine’s Day!
Angela Howard is a certified coach
practitioner and a registered somatic
movement therapist. She offers group and
individual somatic movement classes—a
fun way to achieve fitness and physical
awareness. Visit for more
information or to join the mailing list.
Contact Angela Howard at 865-951-5454.
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February 2010
Happy Chinese New Year!
By Nancy C. Canestaro, DArch
ebruary 14, 2010 is the official New
Year in China. It’s interesting how
differently the East and the West
celebrate the New Year. In the West, we
typically use the transition from one year
to the next to implement changes in our
lives—resolving to go on a diet or exercise more, for example. These resolutions
typically fail because we can’t dedicate
enough time, energy or resources to the
�The Chinese look for ways for the
family to prosper in the coming year,
rather than focusing mainly on selfimprovement. In the West we are encouraged to work on the physical aspects of
our lives, whereas in the East they consider the broader, metaphysical context.
For the Chinese, spring begins on the
Solar New Year, February 5—the exact
midpoint between the winter solstice and
the vernal equinox. Their “spring cleaning” is to literally and figuratively sweep
out any bad luck that may be lingering
from the previous year. This cleaning is
more spiritual and emotional than physical. They are forgiving others’ transgressions and their own missteps while also
physically cleaning their house.
In 2010, the very best energy regarding health and prosperity, represented by
2010 Aspects for the Year and Month
(February 4 through March 5)
(2010 Energy) -7
Clashing Metal
(Month) +1 Water
Add water/blue or
black to reduce or
metal for travel.
(2010 Energy) 3
Neutral Wood
(Month) 6 Neutral
Metal Add water/
blue or black to
(2010 Energy) -5
Negative Earth
(Month) ++ 8 Earth
Add metal to reduce
negative Earth. Rock
salt tank enhances
(2010 Energy) 6
Neutral Metal
(Month) 9 Fire
Add earth/yellow,
brown to balance.
(2010 Energy) ++8
Most positive Earth
(Month) -2 Negative
Metal reduces, or rock
salt tank adds to +.
(2010 Energy) +1
Positive Water
(Month) -4 Negative
Add metal to balance
or water to enhance
(2010 Energy) -2
Negative Earth
(Month) --5 Earth
Use lots of metal to
reduce very negative
(2010 Energy) -4
Negative Wood
(Month) -7 Negative
Use water or blue to
(2010 Energy) +9
Fire enhances what
it’s with. (Month) 3
Neutral Wood Add
fire/red or wood,
green with care.
The Chinese look for ways to prosper in the coming year,
rather than focusing mainly on self-improvement.
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wisdom, and compassionate care.
the number 8, moves into the center sector of every building.
This sets the tone for the year. It’s time to focus on this anticipated prosperity and leave behind the last few years of trials
and tribulations. For most people, 2010 offers much better energies than
2009. In general, the Earth energy, 8, of fame, fortune and
the acquisition of property, moves in to replace the extremes
of Fire energy, 9, of fire, job loss, miscarriage and mental instability. The only downside for 2010 could be limb injuries,
when the positive 8 is combined with a Wood energy.
Please anticipate great things for 2010. They are waiting
in the wings.
Energy Map for 2010: To find the feng shui energies
inside your home, divide a floor plan sketch into nine equal
segments indicating the orientations out from each sector:
N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SW, SE and Center. Use the following
information in the general map to determine where energies
are located, and what remedies or enhancements to use for
each area.
Weddings, Ceremonies, Healings
Karl Hess
Ordained Minster
Universal Life Church
Certified Reiki Healing Practitioner
(865) 673-4694
Knoxville, TN.
Meaning of the Energies (from the nine-square map):
1. Water is mostly positive…wealth, fame and fortune;
2. Earth is detrimental…illness, especially in the mid region
of the body. Not a good area for a bedroom;
3. Wood is neutral…slight tendencies for lawsuits and arguing. It is beneficial/prosperous when paired with beneficial energies;
4. Wood is mostly detrimental…affairs, inappropriate
romances, but also could bring artistic achievement,
writing, knowledge, creativity;
5. Earth is the most detrimental energy…serious illness and
6. Metal is neutral…tendencies for loneliness, authority,
7. Metal is more and more detrimental…fierce competition, bleeding, robbery;
8. Earth is the most positive energy…fame, wealth, acquisition of property, spirituality;
9. Fire enhances what it is with, good for making changes,
spiritual advancement, success, fire potential, job loss,
Try to sleep and work in the areas with more positive energy
combinations (East, West, SE) and avoid or remedy negative
areas (NE in particular). Many blessings to
you in 2010!
Dr. Nancy Canestaro is a feng shui and
interior design consultant in Knoxville. She
can be reached at 865-789-5856, or by e-mail
at See ad
page 29.
February 2010
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February is American Heart Month.
Laughter Yoga Benefits Belly Muscles
n experiment to assess the effect of laughter of yoga on
back pain by sports science student Ulrich Rehm
of Münster University, in Germany, turned up an
encouraging conclusion. In conducting research
for his Ph.D. thesis, he hooked up two healthy
young men to an electromyograph (EMG),
which measures strength, endurance and
increases in muscle activity. Rehm monitored
some of the abdominal and back muscles
that are addressed by conventional strengthening exercises or even in sports physiotherapy.
First, his fellow students performed a
series of conventional physiotherapy exercises on
a mat for 30 minutes. Next, they performed another
30 minutes of laughter yoga exercises. The working
conclusion was that, “Simulated laughter exercises engage as many abdominal
muscles as conventional physiotherapy exercises, sometimes even more.” Initial
findings are backed by overseeing professor Dr. Heiko Wagner, who teaches kinesiology at the university.
Children Playing Outside
Laugh More
hild of Our Time, a televised research
project co-produced by the BBC and
The Open University in the UK, is halfway
through its ambitious 20-year mission of
tracking the development of 25 children
since birth. One of Executive Producer Tessa Livingstone’s studies has found that
the more children played, the more they laughed, especially when outside. In fact,
children who played the most laughed up to 20 times more than others.
As a child psychologist, Livingstone maintains that it is important to get the
balance right between unstructured play and the high level of structured activity,
such as music, drama and language classes, which take up so much of the modern
child’s time. Children who are allowed to play and explore outside are likely to
be more adventurous, self-motivated and better able to understand risk when they
grow up, according to Livingstone.
Her research team found the amount of time children are allowed to roam out
of their parents’ sight has dropped by 90 percent over the past 20 years. “This is an
extraordinary change and it says a lot about our fear of modern life, pedophilia,
etc. Children learn two things from this: Strangers are fearsome and dangerous,
and it’s dangerous to go outside,” she explains. She also notes other research indicating that children are probably safer from stranger danger when playing outside
with other children than when playing online alone.
Why a Smile is More than a Smile
omantics everywhere may be happy to hear why the
adage, “Smile and the world smiles with you,” holds
true—at least according to a psychological study which
proved just seeing a smile activates the muscles in our
face that make that expression, even if we’re unaware of
it. The psychologists further discovered that positive emotion words, such as “laugh” or “funny,” also influence
our facial muscle activity, as well as our judgement.
In the experiment, volunteers were subliminally
shown emotion verbs and adjectives while watching
cartoons. Half of the participants held a pen to their lips to prevent them from smiling, while the remaining group did not have their facial muscles blocked. The results
revealed that volunteers found cartoons to be funnier when they were preceded by
smiling-related verbs rather than frowning-related verbs. More, those who had been
free to smile while watching the cartoons judged them more positively.
Coming in March
Source: Association for Psychological Science, 2009
A Crush on Garlic
hen it comes to protecting heart health, freshly
crushed garlic works better than garlic supplements
or dried garlic. New research published by the American
Chemical Society explains that the heart-healthy effects of raw, crushed garlic result
from hydrogen sulfide, a chemical that forms when fresh garlic is cut or smashed;
when eaten, the hydrogen sulfide relaxes blood vessels, allowing for better flowing
of blood to the heart.
New Clue to Love at First Sight
eave it to genetics (and pairs of fruit flies) to
answer a question that has perplexed humanity since the dawn of science. An American and
Australian research team has found that, before
mating, female fruit flies experience a biochemical state that amounts to “genetic priming,” making them more likely to mate with certain males
over others—research that sheds a bit more light
on the complexities of mating and reproduction. Source: Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 2009
Learn how sacred activists are creating
new hope in
their communities
in the March issue of
Natural Awakenings.
You can do it too –
Local heroes wanted!
Chocolate Calms Emotions
Chocolate can indeed assuage emotional stress, according to a new clinical trial. Researchers reporting to the
American Chemical Society found that “highly stressed”
volunteers, eating about an ounce-and-a-half (about 40
grams) of dark chocolate a day for two weeks, experienced reduced levels of stress hormones. The chocolate
even partially corrected other stress-related biochemical imbalances by modifying metabolism.
For more information about advertising and how
you can participate, call
February 2010
Erin’s Meadow
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Digital Storytelling
Every Community Has a Memory of Itself
A community is a collective identity woven of a thousand individual stories,
a living history of value to its inhabitants. The Center for Digital Storytelling
helps local people meet local needs and respond to local issues by teaching
individuals how to digitally capture the essence of their own stories in words
and images in a PowerPoint presentation, three-minute video or another
digital format.
“Like it or not, screen language is what is being spoken today,” says Daniel Weinshenker,
a regional director of the center, who
encourages us all to, “Tell the story that only you
can tell.” He always asks how a place,
time or situation changed
us as a person. “Without
change,” he observes, “you
don’t have a story.”
To date, the approach has helped
groups in 45 states, five Canadian
provinces and 33 countries. It has, among other
signs of progress, increased dialog between foster
children and social workers, shared empowering
stories about coping with disability and difference, and built the ability for grassroots activists
to use technology in their work.
Source: Tap into more results at
Family Solidarity
America Sees Decline in Divorce Rate
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product or service here
and be a part of this
exclusive directory.
For more information, contact
Bob Varboncoeur at 423-517-0128
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“Many couples may be rediscovering the longstanding sociological truth that marriage is one
of society’s best social insurance plans,” says W.
Bradford Wilcox, a sociology professor and director of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia. According to U.S. Census Bureau
data, the number of divorces among women,
which had risen to 17.5 per 1,000 in 2007, fell 4
percent in 2008.
Some couples may be staying together only
temporarily, due to tightened resources and the support provided by a spouse
and extended family members; but others may be appreciating anew why they
got married in the first place. The recession reminds them that marriage can be
more than an emotional relationship, notes the report. It is also an economic
partnership and social safety net.
Source: The Christian Science Monitor
Thrill Ride
Virtual Theme Park Draws upon Schoolroom Skills
Disney World’s “Sum of all Thrills”
personalizes the Epcot experience by
allowing kids to dream up their own
theme park attraction. The do-it-yourself, interactive approach hands users a
touch-screen computer tablet and gives
them free reign to sketch a bobsled
track, roller coaster ride or airplane
journey, and then take a virtual spin on
their creation. It’s the latest example
of a next-generation trend in amusement park, zoo and museum attractions
geared to youngsters adept at video
If a kid tries to build something
physically impossible, they’re asked to
retool their ideas. “Our aim is to show
kids how math and engineering make
the things they care about really come to life and happen,” explains Kristin Hilf,
a spokesperson for Raytheon, the ride’s corporate sponsor.
Long Weekends
Four-Day Work Week Produces Multiple Bonuses
Utah’s public sector is leading a change
to a four-day work week, watched
closely by other states interested in realizing comparable savings in energy costs
for employers and gasoline costs for
commuters. The first year’s 13 percent
savings in government building energy
use and associated 12,000-metric-ton
reduction in greenhouse-gas emissions
will help the state reach its goal of a 20
percent drop in energy usage by 2015.
But that’s only half the story.
Managers report rises in productivity among Utah’s 18,000 state workers
as a result of their new four, 10-hour
days, to the tune of 9 percent less time
off, according to Mike Hansen, strategic
planning manager in the Governor’s Office of Planning & Budget. The extended
days generally make it easier for customers to access services in the evenings. At
the Department of Motorized Vehicles, lines have disappeared, although they’ve
determined that it’s best for the department to also keep Friday hours.
Approval ratings for the four-day work week are high, at 82 percent among
state employees and 60 percent among the general public. El Paso, Texas, and
Melbourne Beach, Florida, have already made the switch, as well. Permanent
three-day weekends may not be far behind.
Starlight Traveler
Dreams of Sailing Through Space
The National Aeronautics and Space
Administration has announced that
the Planetary Society, founded by
scientist and author Carl Sagan, is
set to build and fly a series of solarsail spacecraft, dubbed LightSails,
first in orbit around Earth and then
into deeper space, in the next three
years. The beauty of LightSails is
that they are powered by sunshine,
which carries both energy and
momentum; unlike rocket fuel, this
gentle force fires continuously.
Over time, a big enough sail,
perhaps a mile on each side, could
reach speeds of hundreds of thousands of miles an hour, fast enough
to traverse the solar system in five
years. Riding the beam from a powerful laser, a sail could even make
the journey to another star system in
100 years, a human lifespan.
Dr. Louis Friedman, director of
the Planetary Society, a worldwide
organization of space enthusiasts,
says eventual passengers will likely
be robots or human genomes encoded on a chip, due to the need
to keep the craft light, like a giant
cosmic kite. In principle, it could
tack like a sailboat. Japan is already
testing solar sails deployed from
satellites or rockets, although none
are traveling anywhere yet.
These are visions for the long
haul, advises Freeman Dyson of
the Institute for Advanced Study in
Princeton, New Jersey. He remarks:
“Think centuries or millennia, not
by Enda Junkins
Laugh More
Be aware. When the corners of our mouth turn up
involuntarily and we must swallow unsolicited giggles,
we may be giving way to laughter addiction.
he high that we gain when we
laugh until we hold our sides, roll
about on the floor and feel the
tears streaming down our cheeks is addicting. So, what protects us from such
loosey-goosey, nonsensical fun? Only
our own serious, controlled approach
to life, from sex to the family vacation.
Human beings are not born serious. We begin life fully equipped with
an innate playfulness and the ability to
laugh freely. Sadly, most of us curb our
playfulness and laughter as a sacrifice
to the serious business of adulthood. In
order to keep laughing, we need to be
in a partial state of playfulness, either
consciously or unconsciously. Laughter
therapy is one way to help us ease our
adult seriousness and retrieve that lost
sensation of play.
Laughter is not only fun; it is also
good for us. At last, something good
for us that is also enjoyable. There is no
need for yucky-tasting diet concoctions,
profuse sweating in concentrated exercise or tough changes for this particular
pursuit of health. All that’s required
is pure, unrestrained, old-fashioned
Laughter heals the body and eases
painful emotions like anger and fear
(see this month’s Healing Ways de-
partment). It helps us cope with daily
survival in a pleasant and effective way.
Contrary to common perceptions, in my
20 years as a laughter therapist I have
found that laughter is born of tension,
stress and pain, so most people need
not worry about being able to laugh.
Stress has been called the number one
health problem today; we’ve all got it.
Laughter therapy is about learning
to laugh freely again at the many things
we deal with that aren’t otherwise funny. Children will play with almost anything except direct pain. Adults were
intended to do the same. When we can
play with our pain, we laugh. When
we laugh, we shift our perspective and
problems shrink to a manageable size.
We don’t diminish their importance,
Relieve stress
Resolve conflict
Enhance communications
Enrich relationships
Have fun
but we feel less overwhelmed.
Laughter is warm, bonding and
contagious. It connects with those we
love and with our fellow human beings.
We need to feel good. We need to feel
connected. We need to feel safe. We
need to laugh more.
Anyone can join the laughter
movement. All it takes is a willingness
to risk some loss of control. The timid
may start with a few shy giggles. The
courageous may jump in with deep
belly laughs. A sense of humor is not
required. There’s more than enough
stress to go around, and absurdity
abounds in our daily lives. All we have
to do is believe, let go and clap our
hands, and laughter will live again.
So will we. When we laugh, we feel
deeply, which allows us to live fully.
We can encourage everyday laughter at home by being playful with our
families. Wear a clown nose when putting children to bed. Break up chores by
indulging in a pillow fight. Ease conflict
by saying something light and unexpected. Let hand puppets help with family
communication or say it with a humorous hat. Life at home doesn’t have to be
serious; it’s far too important for that.
We can slip laughter into the workplace with a few lighthearted windup
toys. Play with frustrations by writing
them on shoe soles and walking on
them. Wear a temporary tattoo that
expresses our mood for the day. No
Laughter is the human gift for
coping and for survival; ringing, pealing, roaring, bubbling
laughter. Chuckling. Giggling.
Snickering. Snorting. These
are the sounds of soul-saving
laughter that springs from our
emotional core and helps us
feel better, see things more
clearly and creatively weigh
and use our options. Laughter
helps us roll with the punches
that inevitably come our way.
We unleash the power of
laughter every time we laugh.
Tips for More Laughter in Life
Practice laughing five minutes a day; fake it ‘til you make it.
Look for humor around you—on signs, in people’s behavior, on TV, in
newspapers, things others say and the crazy things that happen to you. Keep a journal.
Share your embarrassing moments with others.
Learn to play with things that are serious, like work, social issues and money. You might use word play, silly songs or develop a comical view of the issue to help you cope.
Laugh with others when they laugh.
Wear a smile; it puts you closer to laughing.
Seek out entertainment that makes you laugh.
Amuse yourself with your own sense of humor.
Buy and listen daily to a tape of laughter, a laugh box or a laughing toy.
Play around with games and mindless toys that make you laugh.
Wear hats that make you laugh.
Cultivate your innate playfulness.
Be creative with fun.
Do at least one silly, nonconforming thing each day.
Give yourself permission to laugh at anything you need to.
Make sure you have fun.
Source: Enda Junkins
one need see it. Find ways to celebrate
stress; we might as well enjoy it. We
can practice laughing, so that we can
laugh when we need it most.
Mother Nature laughs. She created people playful and funny. She also
created laughter. Why, in pursuit of
serious things, have we short-circuited
both our play and our laughter? In our
frenzy to succeed and to have it all, we
have shortened everything. We have
fast food, fast banking, fast fun, fast
shopping, even fast sex. Today, life is a
longer process on a shorter schedule,
and for that, we need lots of laughter.
Our natural laughter is neither fastpaced nor high-tech. It’s not expensive
and it can’t be bought. Others can’t do
it for us. All of us can do it ourselves,
however, because we’re born with it,
and it’s our right to reap all its benefits.
On the off chance that we occasionally
find ourselves headed off to “smell the
roses” from a drive-in window, at least
we can laugh at our own folly.
Enda Junkins, known as “The Laughing
Psychotherapist,” is a Licensed Clinical
Social Worker and a Licensed Marriage
and Family Therapist. For information
on her keynote talks, seminars and
workshops, visit
Laughter in the Workplace
Look for the funny things that always exist, like typos, the funny actions of coworkers and your own funny behavior.
Give projects comical names, like Quasimodo or Thumper.
Keep mindless toys on your desk and take short breaks to play with them.
Wear a creative hat to express or change your attitude.
Use cartoons to help with communication.
Play with the idea of stress and learn to celebrate it.
Laugh with coworkers for a few minutes for no real reason at all.
Under your clothes, wear a T-shirt with a saying that lightens you up.
Find playful ways to ease conflict with coworkers. For example: Employ
toys that diffuse conflict; develop lightly humorous things to think or say; or use comical visualizations that help you keep perspective.
Exaggerate and play with the issues that annoy you most.
Incorporate elements of a game into your work. For example: Give your-
self a prize for completing a project; divide the project into a football field and see each stage of completion as a first down; give yourself a cheer; or develop a ritualized, playful way of turning on your computer.
Laugh for five minutes on the way to work.
Wear lighthearted, temporary tattoos that serve as handy reminders.
Wear a fun tie, scarf or other piece of clothing that makes you feel good and playful. If it is a serious day or a big meeting and outer attire must match accordingly, wear fun underwear.
Source: Enda Junkins
February 2010
Ways to Fun-up
Helping the
community to live
a more natural,
healthy and happy life.
Smile at each other when you first wake up.
Exaggerate your affection for each other. Make everything bigger than it is and add a dash of silli-
ness. For example: Holler “I love you;” speak of your undying love in terms the universe; or romanti-
cally describe each other’s eyes with over-the-top comparisons, such as blue as the deep blue sea, green as a rajah’s emeralds.
Laugh together at the funny things seen and experi-
enced on a daily basis.
Go on a spur-of-the-moment picnic.
Dance together in the living room, in the parking
lot, on the street or in the mall.
Read to each other before you go to sleep at night.
Cuddle up together on the couch when you watch TV.
Find some time during the day to enjoy a long passionate, romantic kiss.
Walk together holding hands, and swing those hands.
Share at least one bit of humor each day.
Tell each other the good things about one another.
Make a special time each day to laugh and talk for just the two of you.
Practice hanging out together over a cup of coffee or glass of wine.
Develop lots of different, playful ways to say, “I love
you.” You might, for instance, use different accents or languages; make a banner for the living room; create a card; or write it on the mirror in lipstick.
Use your imagination to develop playful greetings for each other, like a dramatic hug, enthusiastic joy at seeing each other and overdone messages about missing each other.
Source: Enda Junkins
Natural Awakenings
magazine is
distributed FREE
throughout the
and Knoxville area.
423-517-0128 •
“Social psychology research shows that
children laugh, on average, 150 times a
day; adults, only six times a day. During an
average day, a child will smile 400 times;
an adult no more than 15 times.”
~ Robert Holden, Ph.D., founder of The Happiness
Project, in Living Wonderfully
Lose Weight, Ounce by Ounce
By Jenny Mason, ND
f part of your new year’s resolution is to lose weight or to be healthier, the first
place to start is with water.
Water is necessary to almost every function of the body, including digestion,
absorption and excretion. It’s critical to replace the amount of water you lose daily
through sweating and elimination. As you age, your sense of thirst lessens, so you
should drink water even if you don’t feel thirsty.
Proper hydration is thought to ease a number of physical symptoms, including
headaches, bowel and bladder problems, heartburn, muscle pains, colitis pain and
hot flashes. It also can improve many chronic conditions, such as arthritis, kidney
stones, constipation, arteriosclerosis, obesity, glaucoma, cataracts and hypoglycemia. Without enough water, metabolic waste isn’t properly eliminated, putting
more stress on the kidneys. Water not only helps the body detox, but it carries
nutrients through the blood.
The bottom line: Water plays a crucial role in health and weight loss. Consider these facts:
Water helps your metabolism function better. Water drives all the chemical reactions that are needed to burn calories, both at rest and during exercise.
Water improves your digestion. When you are dehydrated, there is not enough
water for the stomach to mix with other digestive elements to break down your
food, so nutrients can be absorbed.
Water fills you up. By drinking enough water, you can curb your appetite.
When you’re dehydrated, you eat more. Feel hungry? This very well may be your
body’s cry for water and nutrients. When you have a craving, first drink a big glass
of water and wait 15 minutes. This allows time for the water to hydrate your body;
it also gives you “wait time” to get your mind off that high-calorie snack.
Exercise is more effective if you’re hydrated. Exercising increases the metabolic
demands on the body, and water is necessary to this process (as with the cooling
process of sweating). Research indicates that if you aren’t fully hydrated before
you start exercising, you’ll burn fewer calories and your metabolism will be less
Water gives you more energy. Because the body functions better when hydrated,
getting the water you need can help the body produce more energy.
How much water do you need? Experts say you should drink half your weight
in ounces daily. In other words, if you weigh 150 pounds, that would be 75
ounces of water daily! This sounds like a lot, but 75 ounces is actually a little over
nine 8-ounce glasses of water. If you haven’t been drinking the amount you need,
start out gradually by adding 8 ounces of water for a few days, and then increasing
every few days with another 8 ounces until you have reached the desired amount.
Make it part of your lifestyle to drink enough water on a daily basis. Try it, and
experience the difference in your health. See ad page ?
Jenny Mason is a naturopathic doctor and master herbalist in
Knoxville. She can be reached at 865-405-8861 or Jenny.Mason@ Read more at her website, See ad page
Experts say you should drink half
your weight in ounces daily.
Peggy D. Merritt
Board Certified
Holistic Health Practitioner
Master Herbalist
Clinical Hypnotist
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Seven Life Tools
How to Stay Lighthearted in Challenging Times
by Kari Joys
n today’s tough economic times,
many people are facing very
difficult life situations. Mounting
uncertainties seem to permeate the
atmosphere of thought because so
many have already lost their
jobs and their homes. It’s not
easy to stay cool, calm and
collected when you don’t know
what to expect tomorrow.
You may feel that staying
lighthearted is impossible in today’s
world. But in working as a psychotherapist for 30 years, I have found
that, again and again, employing these
seven simple tools enables individuals
to come through the darkness to a more
lighthearted way of living.
Cry the tears that need to be
cried—tears clean the windows
of your soul. If there’s no one to
talk to, write your feelings in a journal
until your body relaxes and you feel a
sense of relief.
See every challenge as an opportunity to grow. Ask for divine
help to face challenges in the best
way possible and to find a positive solution that feels good to you.
Choose a new reality. Affirm to
yourself “I’m choosing a new reality.” Then change your negative
thoughts and beliefs about your challenges to positive thoughts and beliefs.
Imagine in living color what it
would be like if a total miracle
happened in your life. What you
would see, hear, feel, smell and taste
if, by some miracle, your life took a
definite turn for the better?
Brainstorm possible solutions
until you find one that feels good
to you. Take some positive action
today towards changing your life for the
Practice showing love to every
person you come in contact with.
Remember that when you give
love, love also comes back to you.
Look at the funny side of life and
find things to laugh about. Share
your sense of humor with everyone around you, so that they can laugh
and have fun, too.
Repeat this process every day until
things get better. Once you get started,
you may want to continue doing it for
the rest of your life. Spokane psychotherapist Kari Joys
is director of the Center for Creative
Change and the author of Choosing Light-Heartedness. A lighthearted
seminar leader, she is a member of the
American Counseling Association and
a certified Yuen Wellness practitioner.
Learn more at
biggest obstacle to any healthy ecosystem is an unhealthy ego-system.
That requires switching our individual
and collective focus from getting ahead
to getting a heart. Instead of pursuing
happiness, we need happier pursuits.
The economic growth of the future is
growing more happiness, by depending on fewer goods and creating more
Wry Meditations on Going Green
by Swami Beyondananda
veryone is talking about “going
green” as a way to save precious
resources, not to mention creating
a healthier environment and healthier
economy. However, we all know that
making lifestyle changes can be challenging, even when we have the best
intentions. In seeking advice on this key
issue, Natural Awakenings went seeking for a spiritual being whose mind is
deeper than Deepak’s and whose heart
is roomier than Rumi’s, a true avatar for
our age.
Those are tough shoes to fill…
Fortunately, we came up with an
alternative in Swami Beyondananda, the
cosmic comic. In honor of the magazine’s first-ever Laugh More issue, the
good Swami heartily agreed to comment
on the trials and tribulations of living an
increasingly greener life, so that we may
all help create a greener planet.
Okay, Swami. Let’s get personal. What
are you, as a cosmic role model, doing
to shrink your footprint?
Well, first of all I am doing the
most obvious thing. I am wearing
smaller shoes. I’m also converting my
magic carpet to run on natural gas. I
think switching to a vegan diet will help
with that.
Well then, that brings up another issue,
of global warming. Apparently, the kind
of natural gas you’re talking about...
coming from cattle, primarily... actually has an impact on global climate
change. So Swami, is there anything
we can do to counterbalance global
You know, nature is amazing in
how She provides just the right natural
balance to any situation, and global
warming is no exception. True, for the
past few generations the planet has
become warmer. On the other hand,
every generation is cooler than their
parents. But even cool people can overheat
a planet if there are too many of us. Yet,
once again, I see a simple solution—
multiple personalities. I just read about
a guy who has 10 personalities, and I
said to myself, “Now, that’s efficiency!
Ten personalities, all inside one body.
Why, if we had more people like that,
we’d need fewer people.
How about the rest of us, who are limited to just one personality per person?
The best way to combat global
warming is through global heartwarming. Here’s why: Look at how much
of our precious resources we spend
fighting one another, all because of the
mistaken belief in “survival of the fittest.” Modern science now tells us that
the true law of nature is “thrival of the
fittingest.” So, the most economically
and ecologically efficient thing is to
form “co-operations” that will make us
all interdependently wealthy.
That sounds good, but how do
we change from competition to
First, we must recognize that the
What’s the best route to take with
energy policy?
This is an area where we need to
declare a state of emerge ‘n see. We
need to emerge from being a bunch of
fossilized fools fueled by fossil fuels,
and see that we have a virtually infinite
source of power, just as surely as the
sun comes up in the morning.
During World War II, the United
States mobilized the Manhattan Project to build the first weapons of mass
destruction, nuclear power. Today, we
need a Man-Helpin’ Project to mobilize
our forces to weave a web of mass-construction of new-clear power—clean,
renewable energy so abundant that we
don’t need armies to defend it. Now, I know what you’re thinking, that I am
proposing a sane world… I must be
But listen. Maybe it’s time we went
sane and built our own sane asylum.
With soul power and solar power, we
pretty much have what we need.
Finally, Swami, what do you suggest for
improving the overall economy?
That’s simple: overalls. The more
people who are wearing overalls, the
healthier our overall economy.
That’s because our most renewable
abundant resource comes out of the
ground every season. Hey, those pesticide-free plants are rooting for us to
achieve “humanifest destiny”—where
we accept and fulfill our mission to regrow the garden from the grassroots up
and have a heaven of a time doing it.
Swami Beyondananda is the alter ego
of writer and humorist Steve Bhaerman.
Find him online at WakeUpLaughing.
com, including the latest on his Swami
Goes Green campaign.
February 2010
by Jacqui DeBique
prove their parenting skills, traditional classics sung routinely
with our kids can have tremendous benefits. Invest in Kids’
thorough, research-based approach to parenting specifically aims to transform everyday parent-child routines and
activities like singing favorite songs into teachable moments
that actively support a child’s healthy social, emotional and
intellectual development. Its positive approach to “opening a world of possibilities” is called Comfort, Play & Teach.
Here’s how, illustrated via Old MacDonald’s Farm:
inging to children
helps promote
their development, so go ahead and give a
“moo moo” here and a “moo
moo” there; do the hokey
pokey and turn yourself
around. When it comes to
children’s songs, it turns
out that this really is
what it’s all about—
simple, silly lyrics that
are fun to sing over and
over again, with little more to
them than that.
Parents and kids love singing songs like Old MacDonald’s
Farm and acting out The Hokey
Pokey together. Making music
and movement a regular part of
our children’s lives supports their growth in
joyful ways and brings beauty into their days.
According to the parenting and child development experts at Invest in Kids, Canada (InvestInKids.
ca), a national charity aimed at helping parents im-
If you do this: Repeat the song several times, each time
encouraging the child to say the name of a farm animal that
she knows and make each animal’s unique sound (e.g., baa,
cluck, oink, quack, woof-woof or gobble).
Your child will: Feel increasingly confident as you pay special attention to her when singing this familiar song. Older
babies, who are now using 10 to 20 words, will proudly
demonstrate what they know about animals and the sounds
they make.
If you do this: Suggest different farm animals that the child
may be less familiar with. If he doesn’t know the animal’s
sound, demonstrate the sound for him, or he can invent one.
Your child will: Build his imaginative skills as he tries to
make these new sounds and pretends to be various farm
animals. Toddlers are especially eager to try new things and
love to pretend.
If you do this: Use a picture book about farm animals or
puppets to make an activity visual and tactile. This supports a
child with little prior experience with farm animals.
Your child will: Expand her vocabulary and build understanding of how farm animals differ from pets or jungle animals. Once a preschooler is speaking in complete sentences,
she is likely to adore stories and will sit for longer periods as
you read to her.
Songs like this one also can be used to build social skills.
For instance, a group of young participants can take turns in
activities and discussions. As they begin to experiment with
sounds, words, word patterns, rhymes and rhythms, they also
build speaking, listening and reading skills. Coming to identify familiar sounds in the environment encourages development of thinking and problem-solving skills, as well.
So, before you fade, deciding one more chorus of a
favorite tune is one too many, remember, there’s more to the
exercise than meets the E-I-E-I-O.
by Stanley Coren
niversally known and appreciated for their playful, uninhibited nature, dogs’ penchant for
play generally reflects these creatures’
more or less juvenile minds; they have
been bred to remain much like their
wolf puppy forebears for all of their
lives. It’s part of what makes them
unconditionally loving companions
that like to frolic and do silly things that
make us laugh. Humans tend to equate
such play with a sense of humor.
Charles Darwin may have been
the first scientist to suggest that dogs
have a sense of humor. As part of his
renowned evolutionary studies, Darwin
considered the emotions of animals and
humans, looking for parallels and similarities. It appeared to him that dogs do
have a sense of humor, which appears
best when they are playing a sort of
emotional add-on to their games. In the
1872 edition of The Descent of Man,
Darwin writes:
“Dogs show what may be fairly
called a sense of humor, as distinct
from mere play; if a bit of stick or other
such object be thrown to one, he will
often carry it away for a short distance;
and then squatting down with it on the
ground close before him, will wait until
his master comes quite close to take
it away. The dog will then seize it and
rush away in triumph, repeating the
same maneuver, and evidently enjoying
the practical joke.”
The Nobel Prize-winning ethnologist, Konrad Lorenz, says that it is
during play that dogs actually appear
to laugh. In his book, Man Meets Dog,
Lorenz describes it this way:
“… an invitation to play always
follows; here the slightly opened jaws
which reveal the tongue, and the tilted
angle of the mouth which stretches almost from ear to ear give a still stronger
impression of laughing. This ‘laughing’
is most often seen in dogs playing with
an adored master and which become so
excited that they soon start panting.”
While we cannot enter the mind
of a dog to examine the mischievous
machinations of its mental state, it is
possible to determine how playful a
dog is comparatively speaking. Not all
breeds are created equally; some are
definitively more playful than others.
Some seem to have a sense of play
that they cannot suppress, while others
seem to shun play.
Two animal behaviorists from
the University of California-Davis, Dr.
Benjamin Hart, a veterinarian, and Lynnette Hart, a zoologist, had a group of
experts rank 56 different breeds of dogs
in terms of playfulness. By playfulness,
they mean things like a willingness to
chase balls or Frisbees and to engage
in games like hide-and-seek. Those
that ranked highest included the Irish
setter, English springer spaniel, Airedale, golden retriever and poodle. The
bloodhound, bulldog and basset hound
ranked low. Following are the results of
the Harts’ research.
The most playful breeds: Irish setter, English springer spaniel, miniature
schnauzer, cairn terrier, Airedale terrier,
standard poodle, Shetland sheepdog,
golden retriever, Australian shepherd,
miniature poodle and German shorthaired pointer.
Above average playfulness: Vizsla,
fox terrier, Labrador retriever, Boston
terrier, Yorkshire terrier, West Highland white terrier, toy poodle, German
shepherd, silky terrier, Welsh corgi and
Average playfulness: dachshund,
Weimaraner, bichon frise, cocker spaniel, Scottish terrier, Dalmatian, boxer,
pug, Maltese, beagle, collie and Brittany spaniel.
Below average playfulness: Norwegian elkhound, Doberman pinscher,
Chesapeake Bay retriever, Siberian
husky, keeshond, Afghan hound, Pomeranian, Lhasa Apso, Newfoundland,
English sheepdog and great Dane.
Least playful breeds: Samoyed,
Chihuahua, Rottweiler, Pekingese,
akita, Alaskan Malamute, Saint Bernard,
basset hound, chow chow, bulldog and
As many human companions may
attest, playful dogs are sometimes a
mixed blessing. While they are a joy to
people who can handle the occasional
bout of chaos, they may exasperate
those who cannot. For a person who
values peace and quiet, a Pekingese
that is happy to snuggle up, but shuns
play, may suit better than an Irish setter
that will try everything to get his human up and responding to his overwhelming need to play and exercise his
sense of fun.
Stanley Coren, Ph.D., is a professor of
psychology at the University of British
Columbia and author of several books
on dogs, including The Intelligence of
Dogs, How Dogs Think and The Modern
Dog. His website is
February 2010
Good Humor
Foods That Make Us Smile
As the late humorist Erma
ife is uncertain.
by Judith Fertig
Bombeck reminds us,
Eat dessert
“Seize the moment.
first,” counRemember all those
seled writer Ernestine
women on the Titanic
Ulmer in her now
who waved off the
famous bon mot.
dessert cart.”
What is it about
desserts that can bring a
smile to even the grumpiChocolate Crostini
est adult? Woody Allen has
So simple, yet so good. The
even compared comedy to
final sprinkle of salt makes
dessert, commenting that it
all the difference.
is “a bit like meringue.”
Desserts are meant to
Makes 16 crostini.
be lighthearted. The very
One 10-inch baguette
word, after all, is the exact
6 to 8 ounces good-qualireverse of stressed.
ty dark chocolate, in bar
More than any
or block form, cut into
other part of the meal, a
16 pieces
favorite dessert instantly
Extra-virgin olive oil for brushing
takes us back to trea“Research tells us Coarse kosher or sea salt for sprinkling
sured moments in our
that 14 out of any childhood—to a more
1. Preheat the oven to 375° F.
10 individuals uncomplicated time
2. Slice off the ends of the bread and then slice the bread on
in our lives—if only
like chocolate.”
the diagonal, ½-inch thick, to get 16 slices. Arrange the
momentarily. “Oreo
bread on a baking sheet and brush with olive oil. Bake for
cookies make me very
15 minutes or until golden.
~ Sandra Boynton, author of
happy,” confesses col3.
the baking sheet from the oven and carefully
Chocolate: The Consuming Passion
umnist Craig Wilson of
place a piece of chocolate on each slice of bread. Return
USA Today. “I can eat
to the oven and warm for two minutes or until the chocoa sleeve of them so quickly it even embarrasses me. Add a
late begins to melt. Sprinkle with a tiny bit of salt and
glass of milk, and I’m giddy.”
devour while warm.
Dessert encourages us to engage our playful side, especially true if we are indulging in a familiar confection with a
Cookie Brittle
new twist: a carrot cake cupcake; miniature ice cream sodas;
Like a chocolate chip cookie, but without any leavening,
a flight of tiny snow cones, each drizzled with homemade
this dough, mixed with desired flavorings, just presses into
syrup; or a chocolate chip cookie you break apart like peanut
the pan. After it bakes, break off the pieces. A shorter baking
brittle. (See accompanying recipes.)
time produces a chewier cookie; a longer baking time deliv
Maybe what brings out our inner smile is the story assoers a crisper cookie.
ciated with a treat. Perhaps it’s a baked apple Grandma used
to make when you and your cousins visited her and managed
Makes about 3 dozen pieces.
to get into all kinds of scrapes. Most of us admit to having a
1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted organic butter, softened
sweet tooth; chocolate is such a universal craving that it’s a
1 cup natural or turbinado sugar
laughable legend.
1 tsp salt
1½ tsp vanilla extract
2 cups organic white whole wheat flour
1 cup flaked almonds, dried cherries,
snipped dried apricots or desiccated
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
1.Preheat the oven to 350° F. Combine
butter, sugar, salt and vanilla, beat
until creamy. Stir in flour gradually,
beating until blended. Fold in the
almonds and chocolate chips, then
press the dough into a large jelly roll
pan. Bake 20 to 25 minutes.
2. Remove the pan from the oven and
let cool. Break the baked cookie
apart like peanut brittle.
3. Store in an airtight container.
Baked Lemon Spice Pears
The house will fill with the aromas of
pear, vanilla and lemon with this dish
in the oven. Serve with a favorite spice
Makes 4 servings.
4 firm pears, peeled, cored and cut in
half lengthwise
¼ cup natural or turbinado sugar
1 vanilla bean
One 2- to 3-inch curling strip of fresh
lemon peel
¼-inch-long cinnamon stick
1 cup water
1. Preheat the oven to 325° F. Oil the
inside of a 9-inch square baking pan
and set aside.
2. Place the pears cut-side down in
the baking dish. Sprinkle with the
sugar. Place the vanilla bean, lemon
peel and cinnamon stick around the
pears. Pour the water over all. Cover
the pan tightly with aluminum foil.
3. Bake for 1½ hours, or until the
pears are soft and fragrant. Serve
garnished with the curling strip of
lemon peel from the baking dish.
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The person
who knows
how to laugh
at himself
will never cease
to be amused.
~ Shirley MacLaine
February 2010
Catalyst for Laughing Alone
by Dr. Madan Kataria
ture of laughter that continually changhe slogan of all laughter clubs
es, according to our state of our mind
is, “Fake it ‘til you make it.” This
and personality type. Given the natural
is based on a scientific fact that
feedback between body and mind, by
even if you are faking it, the body
opening up your voice to the sounds of
cannot differentiate between real and
make-believe emotions. This is how
laughter exercises convert artificial
laughter into bouts of real laughter. It
hinges on coming to genuinely laugh at
hearing the absurd, silly sounds of your
own voice.
The fun starts with
Fake it ‘til you
ha-ha-ha, he-he-he,
make it.
ho-ho-ho, as you play
with laughter exercises to discover what
amuses you. Initially, faking laughter
may seem awkward, but with practice,
your body will become conditioned,
and the moment you start faking, it will
quickly turn into the real thing.
Laughter yoga employs a voice
reinforcement technique based on the
natural sounds of laughter. As children, we shout and scream to express
ourselves fully, but as adults we have
been conditioned to control the pitch
and tone of our voice to the point
where we are unable to express our
feelings to the fullest. The freedom
and expression of the voice affects
the freedom of emotions in the
mind, and vice versa.
Everyone has a distinct signa-
laughter, you can bring about a change
in your overall emotional expression.
It helps to keep the following
points in mind while doing laughter
yoga exercises:
• The purpose is to prolong the exhalation, in order to empty the lungs
completely. This will help you to
inhale deeply and get more oxygen
flowing into the body. While doing laughter exercises, try to keep
laughing until you run out of breath,
removing residual air from the lungs.
• Keep your chin up; it becomes much
easier to laugh if you are looking
upwards. It also makes the respiratory tract straight and facilitates the
flow of air.
• Spreading your arms out and looking
up creates happy body language.
Because of the body-mind link, a
happy posture facilitates the release
of happy chemicals in the brain.
Voice Reinforcement
Voice reinforcement techniques help
to bring laughter more easily. Start by
taking a long breath and start saying
five to seven times. Then, try to laugh
and keep laughing until you completely run out of breath. Another
approach is to use the vowel sound
Aeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, and prolong
it while raising your arms over your
head. With your chin up, laugh ha-haha-ha. Repeat the technique, using
Aaaaaaaaa and Oooooooo. Do each
five to six times and take a few deep
breaths in-between.
Voice reinforcement techniques
are best performed while standing,
but you can also do them while lying
down. Some people find that bringing
their knees towards their chest helps to
expel the residual air more easily.
Breath Holding Technique
The way to employ the breathholding technique is to take a long
breath, raise your arms over your head
and hold your breath, while stretching
the spine backwards. As you try to continue to hold the breath a little longer,
you will burst out laughing. The position builds up pressure inside the lungs
and facilitates laughter; gradually, the
brain develops a new connection between breathing, stretching and holding
the breath and laughter, and it becomes
a conditioned reflex.
Another variation is to keep your
eyes closed and take a long breath.
Hold it as long as possible, avoiding
the urge to laugh. The anticipation of
laughter is what prompts real outbursts
of laughing. In the beginning, do it
deliberately or pretend to laugh; soon,
you will experience the real feelings
and laughter will be spontaneous.
One Meter Laughter
Stand or sit to perform one meter
laughter. If standing, place your feet
a little apart and position both your
hands to the far left. Then, slide one
arm over the other and stretch it to the
opposite shoulder, as if measuring a
one-meter piece of fabric. Note these
three stages: first, touch the elbow
while sliding; second, reach the opposite shoulder; finally, stretch out both
arms to either side, push your chin
up, open your mouth a bit wider and
laugh heartily.
This technique, which opens the
diaphragm, allows laughter to flow
easily straight from the belly. It has a
cathartic effect as you release pent-up
emotions and experience a sense of
joy and freedom.
Aloooha Laughter
Derived from the traditional Hawaiian
greeting, Aloooha laughter stimulates
brain and body as it facilitates circulation and blood supply. It is ideally
performed in the morning in bed, upon
Sit up on your knees and place
some cushions in front of you. Raise
your arms, push up your chin and start
saying a prolonged Aloooooo in a
crescendo. End it by saying a loud haaa
and laugh heartily. Bend down as you
do this to dig your head into the cushions; carry on and don’t stop if you’re
enjoying it.
As you dig into the cushions, you
can also cover your head with your
arms as you continue to laugh. This
encourages the flow of air and can feel
stimulating. Many people even move
towards longer, hysterical laughing to
experience a total feeling of release and
Holding Your Knees
This last exercise helps facilitate the
upward movement of the diaphragm by
pressing in on the abdominal muscles.
It, too, helps improve circulation and
stimulates blood flow to the brain. It
involves simple steps of pulling in the
knees and releasing them as you exhale
and inhale.
• Lie on your back, hold your knees
together with both your hands and
slowly bring them closer to your
• While doing this, push your chin
upwards and keep your mouth a little
open and exhale. This straightens the
respiratory tract and allows a freer
flow of air.
• Now, release your knees and inhale
while taking in deep breaths.
As you bring your knees closer and
push your chin upwards, use the sound
reinforcement techniques of laughter.
Say a prolonged haaaaaaa in a crescendo and then start laughing. Take a
few deep breaths in-between spells of
laughter. While laughing, you can open
or close your eyes, depending on what
makes you comfortable and helps keep
you laughing.
Childlike giggling is another great
way of breaking into truly tickled
Dr. Madan Kataria is the founder of
Laughter Yoga Clubs; connect at
move better
feel better
live better
bodywork for balance since 1994
(865) 694-3144
& Scheduling at
Charles West, LMT matter the weather
kinesiology, acupressure, structural alignment
Touch for Health® & K-Power® Instructor/Practitioner
private & group classes
Office in West Knoxville
February 2010
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The Science and Experience of Meditation for Stress Management – 7pm.
With Dr. James Lawler, PhD. Free for first time visitors. $5 suggested donation
for returning guests. CHEO. Parkwest Medical Center Classrooms, 9352
Parkwest Blvd, Knoxville. 423-884-6031.
Essential Oils for Pain Reduction – 12-1pm. No Charge. Migun TN, Farragut.
Law of Attraction and Love Languages – 7:30-9pm. Presented by Betty Jones
and Marcia Walker. Open to the public. No Charge. Migun TN, Farragut. 865755-0778.
OMA Gathering – 7-9pm. OMA is a collective universal energy. Taught by
OMA and Channeled Frank Z Avery. $20 suggested donation. Barter, Tradebank,
and ITEX accepted. Migun TN, Farragut. 865-755-0778.
Essential Oils for Joy – 12-1pm. No charge. Migun TN, Farragut. 865-7550778.
Yoga for Health and Self Care – 9:30-11am. Instructor: Teresa Lamb/Surya
Ma Lamb with In Synergy Yoga. $15/class. Migun TN, Farragut. 865-755-0778.
Shitake Mushroom Log Workshop – 12-1pm. Hands-on workshop on
making mushroom logs. Includes care and maintenance. Make your own
shitake log to take home. $20 includes all materials. Reservations required.
Everything Mushrooms, 1004 Sevier Ave, Knoxville. 865-329-7566.
Tai Chi for Health and Arthritis –12:30-1:30pm. Bill and Linda Picket,
instructors. Open to the public. No charge. Migun TN, Farragut. 865-755-0778.
Transformational Breathing – 2-4pm. With Chriss Lackey. Provides greater
wellness, clarity and balance in the body, mind, and spirit. $25/class. Individual
sessions available. Migun TN, Farragut. 865-755-0778. Teresa@MigunTN.
Frankie Z Avery Platform Readings: Relationships – 7pm. Ask Frankie
two written questions about relationships. $20 suggested donation. Barter,
Tradebank, and ITEX accepted. Migun TN, Farragut. 865-755-0778. Teresa@
Fire Ceremony – 6:45pm. Focused meditation on a ceremonial fire. No charge.
Center for Peace, Seymour. 865-428-3070. Katy Koontz: 865-693-9845.
Shitake Mushroom Log Workshop – 6-7pm. Hands-on workshop on making
mushroom logs. Includes care and maintenance. Make your own shitake log
to take home. $20 includes all materials. Reservations required. Everything
Mushrooms, 1004 Sevier Ave, Knoxville. 865-329-7566. EverythingMushrooms.
Introduction to the Raindrop Technique – 3-4pm. Blends 9 therapeutic
essential oils into the massage session. Instructor: Kate Petree. No charge.
Migun TN, Farragut. 865-755-0778.
Sidesplitters Comedy Club – 8pm. Join Migun TN and eWomen Network
for a night of fun and laughter. Complimentary appetizers from 6-7:45. $10/
person and 2 item minimum/person in food or drinks. Sidesplitters Comedy
Club. 865-934-5233.
Essential Oils for Intimacy – 12-1pm. No charge. Migun TN, Farragut. 865755-0778.
Yoga for Health and Self Care – 9:30-11am. Instructor: Teresa Lamb/Surya
Ma Lamb with In Synergy Yoga. $15/class. Migun TN, Farragut. 865-755-0778.
Sweat Lodge – 10am. Ancient form of prayer and purification. Bring a towel,
change of clothes and food to share for the feast afterward. No charge but
donations accepted. Center for Peace, Seymour. 865-428-3070.
Experience Healing Touch for Yourself – 12-4pm. No experience necessary.
Drop-ins and new people welcome. Donations accepted for Healing Touch East
TN. Migun TN, Farragut. 865-755-0778. MigunTN.
FYI: What you need to know about Heart Health Medication – 1pm. Pat
Collins with MedAdvocate. Migun TN, Farragut. 865-755-0778. Teresa@
Sweeten Your Relationship with Love Languages 101 and Dessert – 7-9pm.
$50/couple includes Love Languages 101 workshop, dessert, and coffee or tea.
Invitation only event limited to 10 couples. Registration required by February
11. Marcia Walker. 865-521-7759. Migun
TN, Farragut. 865-755-0778.
Using the Law of Attraction to Manifest Quality Relationships – 1-5pm.
Instructor: Betty Jones, Certified Law of Attraction Facilitator. The science of
getting more of what you want and less of what you don’t. $40/person. Migun
TN, Farragut. 865-755-0778.
K-Power: Five Elements and Muscle Testing Basics – 9am-6pm. For Mind/
Body and Energy Therapists. Balance the meridians with this introduction to
muscle testing and the Chinese five elements. No license required. 15 hours.
$250 if registered and paid two weeks before workshop, $300 therearfter.
MassageWorks. Charles West, LMT. 865-694-3144.
Tai Chi for Health and Arthritis – 6-7:30pm. Bill and Linda Picket, instructors.
Open to the public. No charge. Migun TN, Farragut. 865-755-0778. Teresa@
Laughter Yoga – 2-3:30pm. With Margaret Leslie and Kate Petree. Laughter
is simulated as a body exercise in a group. No charge. Migun TN, Farragut.
Essential Oils for Heart Health – 12-1pm. No charge. Migun TN, Farragut.
Essential Oils for Emotional Health: Depression – 12-1pm. No charge.
Migun TN, Farragut. 865-755-0778.
February 2010
Essential Oils for Ash Wednesday – 2-3pm. With Kate Petree. No charge.
Migun TN, Farragut. 865-755-0778.
Migun TN supports Breast Cancer Awareness with Thermography
Screenings – by appointment. The ability to warn women up to 10 years before
any other procedure that a cancer may be forming. HAS and FSA approved.
$250, full body screening: $500. Migun TN, Farragut. 865-755-0778. Teresa@
Sweat Lodge – 6:30pm. Ancient form of prayer and purification. Bring a towel,
change of clothes and food to share for the feast afterward. No charge but
donations accepted. Center for Peace, Seymour. 865-428-3070.
Traditional Usui Reiki I & II – 11am-4pm, February 19-20. Results in
certification as Reiki I & II Practitioner. $350 includes lunch and Manuals.
Preregistration and $100 deposit required. Nine Wellness Center, 3113 Gose
Cove Lane, Knoxville. Pamela Nine, PhD, Reiki Master Teacher. 865-531-9086.
Essential Oils for Stress Reduction, Peace & Calming – 12-1pm. No charge.
Migun TN, Farragut. 865-755-0778.
Circle Dance Weekend – February 20-21. With Stefan and Bethan Freedman.
Traditional and new dances from a variety of cultures. All dances taught and no
partner or experience are necessary. $60-90. Broadway Academy of Performing
Arts. 710 N. Broadway, Knoxville. 865-694-3906.
Raindrop Technique Certification Course for CEU’s – 9am-6pm.
Registration: 8:30am. Powerful tool for assisting the body in both chronic and
acute inflammatory states. $245 includes Raindrop Oil Kit. Instructor: Kate
Petree LMT, Clinical Aromatherapist and Advanced Practitioner of Healing
Touch Spiritual Ministry. Margaret Leslie. 865-607-0173. Margaret_Leslie@ Migun TN, Farragut. 865-755-0778.
Ashton, MS. Open meeting CHEO. Free for first time visitors. $5 suggested
donation for returning guests. Rarity Bay Community Activity Center, 150
Rarity Bay Pkwy, Vonore. 423-884-6031.
Understanding People and Their Behaviors – 6-8pm. Dr. Annie Willis
provides an introduction to the Enneagram material, including the opportunity to
determine your type and more ways to use the information. $35. Preregistration
required. Cornerstone Integrative Health Associates, 369 Fountain View Circle,
Alcoa. 865-256-9388. 865-983-7800.
Healing Touch East TN Meeting – 6-8:30pm. Topic: Transformational
Breathing with Chriss Lackey. Facilitating the natural healing process for all
types of trauma. Open to the public. No charge. Church of the Good Samaritan,
Cedar Bluff Rd, Knoxville. 865-755-0778.
Community Building Workshop – February 26-28. New communication and
conflict resolution skills, deeper confidence, greater respect and compassion
for others. Donations appreciated. Center for Peace, Seymour. 865-428-3070.
Essential Oils for Acceptance, Hope and Gratitude – 12-1pm. No charge.
Migun TN, Farragut. 865-755-0778.
Introductory Lecture on Vedic Astrology – 6-8pm. With Ryan Kurczak. Free.
RSVP required. Ayurveda Center for Natural Healthcare. Oak Ridge. 865-4820981.
Level I Vedic Astrology Workshop – With Ryan Kurczak. Understand past
karma through analysis of planets, houses, aspects, ascendant and more. RSVP
required. Ayurveda Center for Natural Healthcare. Oak Ridge. 865-482-0981.
K-Power – 9am-6pm, February 27-28. Techniques for energy workers who are
not licensed to do massage. $250 if registered and paid 2 weeks in advance.
$300 thereafter. MassageWorks. Charles West, LMT.
Yoga for Health and Self Care – 9:30-11am. Instructor: Teresa Lamb/Surya
Ma Lamb with In Synergy Yoga. $15/class. Migun TN, Farragut. 865-755-0778.
Mystical Numerology Workshop – 9am-5pm. With John Pehrson. A new
system of numerology that draws from many traditions. $75 requested donation.
Center for Peace, Seymour. 865-428-3070.
Experience Healing Touch for Yourself – 12-4pm. No experience necessary.
Drop-ins and new people welcome. Donations accepted for Healing Touch East
TN. Migun TN, Farragut. 865-755-0778. MigunTN.
Touch for Health 1 – 9am-6pm, February 20-21. Open to anyone. 15 CE
hours for LMTs. $250 if registered and paid 2 weeks prior, $300 thereafter.
MassageWorks. Charles West, LMT. 865-694-3144.
FYI: What You Need to Know about Emotional Health Medication – 1pm.
Pat Collins with MedAdvocate. Migun TN, Farragut. 865-755-0778. Teresa@
Reiki Master Practitioner Class – 10am-4:30pm. Prerequisite: Reiki Level 2.
$125 includes certificate and ARTS manual. Preregistration required. Nature’s
Fountain, 106 Hotel Ave, Knoxville. Theresa Richardson. 865-705-2525.
Shitake Mushroom Log Workshop – 12-1pm. Hands-on workshop on
making mushroom logs. Includes care and maintenance. Make your own
shitake log to take home. $20 includes all materials. Reservations required.
Everything Mushrooms, 1004 Sevier Ave, Knoxville. 865-329-7566.
Essential Oils for Emotional Health: Anxiety – 12-1pm. No charge. Migun
TN, Farragut. 865-755-0778.
Ageless Agility Based on the Feldenkrais Method – 7pm. Presented by Debbie
Auras Workshop – 1-5pm. With Frankie Z Avery. Celebrate the full moon and
learn about the auras: how to see them, work with them, heal with them and
strengthen them. $35/person. Migun TN, Farragut. 865-755-0778. Teresa@
Full Moon Vision Quest – 6-9pm. Bring a pillow, blanket, journal, and drum
if you have one. Extra drums will be available. Facilitator is Teresa Lamb.
$35/person. $25/person if you register and prepay by February 20. Migun TN,
Farragut. 865-755-0778.
Me First: Placing Yourself Back on your Own Priority List – March 12-21.
Canadian Betty Healing is coach, speaker, and award winning author. Various
events included. Migun TN, Farragut. 865-755-0778.
Meditation and Metaphysics – 11am. Meditations begin at 11am followed by
a metaphysical interpretation of scripture.
Unity Transformation – 11am. With Lora Beth Gilbreath. Meditation and
metaphysics. Yoga Haven, 12 Forest Court, Knoxville.
Eckankar Center of Knoxville Sunday Events – 11am first Sunday of month:
worship service; Third Sunday of month: 11am. Book discussion on The Living
Word Book 2 by Harold Klemp; fourth Sunday: 11am. Meet the Master Classshort video of Sir Harold Klemp, refreshments after; Fifth Sunday of month:
11am: Free workshop: Past lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel. Eckankar Center
of Knoxville. 301 Gallaher View Rd., Ste. 226. or 865-622-7685
for directions and additional information.
Learn to Meditate – 5-6:30pm. With Dr. Bob Eklund. 8 week class starts
January 31. Reduce stress and understand yourself more fully. $50 and $5/
class. Preregistration required. Tibetan Buddhist Center, 5415 Kingston Pk,
Knoxville. 865-494-5308.
A Course in Miracles – 7pm. Weekly discussion on the Course in Miracles led
by Perry Robinson. Center for Peace in Seymour, TN. 865-428-3070.
Valentine’s Special – Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. $100/1
hour couples massage gift certificates. Nature’s Fountain. 865-247-6408.
De-Stress or Di-Stress – 5-6pm, February 2-23. Emotional Freedom Technique
(EFT), energy work, and breathwork. Instructor Teresa Lamb/Surya Ma Lamb
with In Synergy Yoga. $10/class or $30 for 4 week session. Migun TN, Farragut.
Svaroopa® Yoga Deeper -- 5:30-7:15pm. Serene White at Serene Yoga and
Healing. 120 Administration Rd. Oak Ridge. (865)789-9731.
Breathwork and Yoga for Health and Stress Reduction – 6-7:30pm, February
2-23. Instructor: Teresa Lamb/Surya Ma Lamb with In Synergy Yoga. $15/
class or $40/4 week session. Migun TN, Farragut. 865-755-0778. Teresa@
Messiah Training – 7pm. Series of weekly programs exploring how we can
allow the divine part of us to define our lives. Donations accepted. Center for
Peace in Seymour. Perry Robinson. 865-428-3070.
Yoga for Health and Self Care – 9:30-11am, February 3-24. Instructor Teresa
Lamb/Surya Ma Lamb with In Synergy Yoga. $15/class or $40 for 4 week
session. Migun TN, Farragut. 865-755-0778.
Lamb with In Synergy Yoga. Pellissippi State Technical Community College,
Hardin Valley. 865-539-7167.
Heart Meditation and Breathwork – 12-1pm, February 4-25 (no class
February 18). Instructor Teresa Lamb/Surya Ma Lamb with In Synergy Yoga.
$10/class or $30 for 4 week session. Migun TN, Farragut. 865-755-0778.
Spiritual Study Class: The Easy Way Discourses – 4th Thursday of each
month. Knoxville Eckankar Center.
De-Stress with Breathwork – 10-11am. February 5-26. Instructor Teresa Lamb/
Surya Ma Lamb with In Synergy Yoga. $10/class or $30/4 week session. Migun
TN, Farragut. 865-755-0778.
Readings and Reiki with Theresa – 10am-4pm, by appointment. Reiki special
introductory energy cleansing and balancing. $50 Psychic readings, Angel
Readings: ½ hour: $35 or 1 hour: $50. Reiki Master Teacher Theresa Richardson.
Nature’s Fountain. 106 Hotel Ave. 865-705-2525 or
De-Stress or Di-Stress – 2-3pm and 5-6pm, February 5-26. Emotional Freedom
Technique (EFT), energy work, and breathwork. Instructor Teresa Lamb/Surya
Ma Lamb with In Synergy Yoga. $10/class or $30 for 4 week session. Migun
TN, Farragut. 865-755-0778.
De-Stress with Yoga – 6-7:30pm, February 5-26. Instructor Teresa Lamb/Surya
Ma Lamb with In Synergy Yoga. $15/class or $40 for 4 week session. Migun
TN, Farragut. 865-755-0778.
Drumming Circle – 7pm. For all who enjoy listening to the heartbeat of Mother
Earth and expressing it in a rhythmic way through the drum. Bring a drum or
rattle (if you have one) and an open heart. Donations accepted. Center for Peace
in Seymour. 865-428-3070.
Yoga for Health and Stress Relief – 9:30-11am, February 6-27 (no class on
the 20th). Instructor Teresa Lamb/Surya Ma Lamb with In Synergy Yoga. $15/
class or $40/4 week session. Migun TN, Farragut. 865-755-0778. Teresa@
Personal Spiritual Apprenticeship Program – Now enrolling. Further advance
and awaken the spiritual evolution process. Pamela Nine, PhD. Nine Wellness
Centre. 865-531-9086.
Prosperity Meditation and Breathwork – 12-1pm, February 3-24. Instructor
Teresa Lamb/Surya Ma Lamb with In Synergy Yoga. $10/class or $30 for 4
week session. Migun TN, Farragut. 865-755-0778.
Yoga for Health & Stress Relief – 6-7:45pm. All ages and levels. Simple
yoga exercises, stretching and breathing techniques. Wear loose, comfortable
clothing and bring a towel, mat or blanket. $55 for 6-week session. Jan. 13-Feb.
24 & March 3-31. Pre-registration required. Instructor: Teresa Lamb/Surya Ma
Lamb with In Synergy Yoga. Pellissippi State Technical Community College,
Hardin Valley. 865-539-7167.
Meditation to Manage Stress – 8-9pm. Use meditation for stress reduction
and greater clarity in everyday life. $55 for 6-week session, Jan. 13 – Feb. 24
& March 3-31. Pre-registration required. Instructor: Teresa Lamb/Surya Ma
NOTE: All Calendar events must be
received by February 10th (for the March
issue) and adhere to our guidelines.
Email for
guidelines and to submit entries.
February 2010
Teresa Lamb
11533 Kingston Pk.
865-671-0038 (store)
865-755-0778 (cell)
Certified clinical
aromatherapist, Raindrop and
VitaFlex Techniques. Young
Living Essential Oils and
products in stock, Essential Oil
Resource library available.
Healing Touch Spiritual
Ministry practitioner, Radiant
Heart Reiki, Sat Nam Rasayan.
Yoga instructor (Gentle Yoga,
Kali Natha Yoga and Kundalini Yoga). Meditation
and breathwork instructor. See ad page 2 and 3.
4481 Kingston Pk.
Knoxville, TN 37919
energizing gift
shop with focus
on harmony, selfdiscovery and
global consciousness. Green Earth Emporium offers
jewelry, clothing, candles, wind chimes, crystals,
minerals, incense and sage, natural personal care
and meaningful gifts. See ad page 8.
Marty Austin, MS, LMT, CST, NMT & CDP
218 South Peters Rd.
Knoxville, TN 37923
Marty Austin is certified in
craniosacral/somatoemotional release,
neuromuscular, lymphatic
drainage and Russian medical
massage. Her clients range
from newborns to seniors. See
ad page 6.
Kevin Meyer
Facilitating monthly
community dance gatherings
in Knoxville and Oak Ridge
to celebrate the seasons, the
Earth, and all her inhabitants.
All dances are taught, and no
partner or experience is
necessary. See website for details.
4009 Keith St. Ste. 207
Cleveland, TN 37312
Learn to be a massage
therapist in 28 weeks at
East Tennessee’s oldest
continuously operating
massage school. Tuition,
including books, is
$3,600. No-interest
payment plans. Small day or night classes. Massage
clinic open to public.
Knoxville, TN 37928
The area’s largest event
focused on health, fitness,
nutrition and “living
green” returns to the
Knoxville Convention
Center annually in late
January. The Expo offers
fun, interactive and educational exhibits, product
demonstrations and presentations. See ad page 39.
11533 Kingston Pk.
865-755-0778 (cell)
865-671-0038 (store)
Coordinates speakers,
workshops and retreats
to promote health and
wellness outreach and
education for
community and civic
groups, businesses,
schools and churches.
Health fairs, expos and trade shows. Topics include
stress management, yoga, energy healing, more.
Follow us on Twitter @MigunTN. See ad pages 2
and 3.
FENG SHUI DESIGN Nancy C. Canestaro, DArch
Invite more positive energy into
your life with a feng shui
consultation in your home or
office. Use the comprehensive
report provided to guide
upcoming design decisions,
renovations or major moves.
See ad page 29.
865-607-0173 HTET is an organization of
l o c a l H e a l i n g To u c h
practitioners interested in
promoting healing through
energy work. HTET provides
education and support, and
is a networking system and
resource center for HT
practitioners in East Tennessee.
Renew & Reconnect
Natural Awakenings brings you the resources that make it easy.
119 Central Ave.
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Massage and yoga
available. Our fourtreatment rooms,
movement studio and
reception area create
comfort and peace. Online scheduling. Practitioners and clients invited to
visit! See ad page 11.
Teresa Lamb
11533 Kingston Pk.
865-671-0038 (store)
865-755-0778 (cell)
A collection of
practitioners, products
and people, including
Migun TN, a
therapeutic Far
Infrared Thermal
Acupressure Massage
Bed free demonstration
center. Center also offers energy therapies,
aromatherapy, coaching, and classes in yoga,
meditation, breathwork, stress management, sound
therapy, more. Follow us on Twitter @MigunTN.
See ad pages 2 and 3
Caroline Munday, EEMP, RMT, CQTP
6712 Kingston Pk.
Knoxville, TN 37919
Cross-trained in a broad
spectrum of energy-healing
modalities, Caroline offers 15
years of skilled, caring,
intuitive experience.
Specializing in Eden Energy
Medicine (the oldest, most
organic, safest and most
accessible) to bring flow,
balance and renewal to the
body’s vital energies.
Gina M. Baker, LMT
6712 Kingston Pk.
Knoxville, TN 37919
Unleashing your unlimited
healing potential through
craniosacral and somatoemotional release, which allow
the body to heal into a new
structural alignment. Six
sessions to progression allow
freedom from pain in every
aspect of your life.
Rev. Michael Lott, ATP
6712 Kingston Pk.
Knoxville, TN 37919
Michael is a gifted intuitive
counselor and energy healer,
certified in various holistic
modalities, including
Reconnective Therapy, Reiki
and advanced training with
Doreen Virtue as an Angel
Therapy Practitioner promoting
physical/emotional healing,
joy, insight, peace, abundance.
Knoxville, TN 37920
Complete mushroom
supply, gifts, and
resource center.
Gourmet mushroom
foods, mushroom
logs, books and much more. For workshops, check
our website or call for current schedule. See ad page
Complementary Health Education Org.
PO Box 22511
Knoxville, TN 37933
865-458-1076 or 423-884-6031
Bridging the gap between
traditional and alternative
medicine. Open monthly
meetings/programs promoting
complementary, integrative
and holistic health: 7 p.m. first
Mondays at Parkwest Medical
Center classrooms and fourth
Mondays at Rarity Bay
Community Center, Vonore.
Peggy D. Merritt
Ebenezer near Northshore Drive
Knoxville, TN 37922
Board-certified practitioner and
master herbalist empowers
clients to make good health
choices. Holistic health care
based on investigative medical
research, scientific validity,
spiritual growth and traditional
Cherokee use of herbs and
foods. See ad page 23.
MIGUN TN Teresa Lamb 11533 Kingston Pk.
865-671-0038 (store)
865-755-0778 (cell)
Migun means “beautiful
health.” Free demonstration
center in Farragut features
Tennessee’s first therapeutic
Far Infrared Thermal
Acupressure Massage Bed,
FDA-approved as a 510K
Class II medical device.
Improves circulation, metabolism, detoxification,
muscular pain and relaxation. Healthy Mats & other
Far Infrared products available. Follow us on Twitter
@MigunTN. See ad pages 2 and 3.
February 2010
Will Foster, LAc
301 Gallaher View Rd. Ste.105
Knoxville, TN 37919
URBHANA Offering full-service health care for all health
concerns using an integration of acupuncture,
acupressure, Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, herbs,
nutritional guidance and supplements according to
individual need. See ad page 14.
Angela Howard, RSMT, MBA
115 Gay St.
Knoxville TN 37920
Coaching successful, motivated
individuals to do, be and have
what they desire. I move at
your pace, using a step-by-step
process that produces results.
You set the goals; I’m there for
accountability, motivation and
perspective. See ad page 23.
HEALTH ASSOCIATES 369 Fountain View Circle
Alcoa, TN 37701
Non-narcotic pain
management and
wellbeing center
providing medical
s u p p l e m e n t
counseling, self-development and stress-reduction
coaching, Rubenfeld Synergy® and therapeutic
massage. Practitioners: Diana Sarkar, MD, DABMA,
Carolyn Weisenberger, BS, LPN, ADS, Reiki II,
Susan Maxwell, BA, CRS, ADS, and Christy
Fletcher, LMT, RCR. See ad page 40.
Wears Valley, TN
several for a group retreat.
Four luxury cabins with
breathtaking mountain
view s ov er Wear s
Valley. Experience
these views at least
once! Rent one or
880 Graves-Delozier Rd.
Seymour, TN 37865
A holistic spiritual center applying ancient
wisdom traditions such as ceremony, dance, shamanic practice, sweat lodges,
meditation, chanting and prayer in the modern
world. See ad page 12.
11533 Kingston Pk.
865-755-0778 (cell)
865-671-0038 (store)
“Surya Ma” teaches
“Yoga for Health &
Stress Relief,”
“Meditation to Manage
Stress,” “Breath &
Intuition” classes. Also
Gentle Yoga, Kali Natha
and Kundalini Yoga.
Adjunct instructor at Pellissippi Community
College. Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry
practitioner, certified clinical aromatherapist,
Radiant Heart Reiki, sound therapy, Sat Nam
Rasayan and EFT. See ad pages 2 and 3.
8 Shooters................................................................................................... 15
Health Shoppe........................................................................................... 29
A Plus Embroidery..................................................................................... 16
Healthy Living Expo................................................................................. 39
Aspen Health and Healing Center........................................................... 11
Hess/Karl..................................................................................................... 15
Ayurveda Center For Natural Health..................................................... 14
Homeopathy For Wholeness................................................................... 15
Benefit Your Life.......................................................................... 18 and 22
Knoxville Reflexology................................................................................ 13
Center for Peace/The............................................................................... 12
Mason/Jenny.............................................................................................. 13
Cornerstone Integrative Health Associates........................................40
Massage Works........................................................................................... 31
Course To Eden.......................................................................................... 23
Migun TN Integrative Synergy...................................................... 2 and 3
Erin’s Meadow Herb Farm........................................................................ 18
Natures Fountain........................................................................................ 12
Everything Mushrooms............................................................................ 16
Nine Wellness............................................................................................. 26
Feng Shui Design....................................................................................... 29
Richardson/Theresa.................................................................................. 10
Fresh Pharmacy...........................................................................................9
Serene Yoga and Healing......................................................................... 10
Garden Walk Inn......................................................................................... 31
Traditional Health Clinic........................................................................... 14
Gentle Touch Theraputic............................................................................6
URBhana..................................................................................................... 23
Gluten-Free Goodies.................................................................................. 15
Write Place/The......................................................................................... 29
Green Earth Emporium.............................................................................. 8
January 29 and 30
Knoxville Convention Center
Friday, January 29, 9am-3pm
Saturday, January 30, 9am-5pm
$6 Admission
presented by
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Increase Mobility
Improve Function
Reduce & Relieve Pain
Balance Life & Work
Reduce Stress
Together, working with you and your doctor, we can plan for your on-going wellness
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Healthy Choices
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Call for more information
Medical Acupuncture
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y bac
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It has
m ab nd enjoy l
my lif y children
with m t pain.
The a redible!
was in
- E.A.
369 Fountain View Circle, Alcoa, TN 37701
Fax > 865-983-7801