Holy Spirit Catholic Church September 18, 2016 From The Pastor`s
Holy Spirit Catholic Church September 18, 2016 From The Pastor`s
Holy Spirit Catholic Church From The Pastor’s Desk Great people always have a way of seeing things that most others, at first, cannot see in the same way. People like Gandhi or Martin Luther King or St. Mother Teresa saw things that others did not, at first, see. Only gradually were their followers able to adopt the same vision as these great people. When they did, it made a tremendous difference in the lives of thousands of people. There has not been a greater person than Jesus Christ himself. He saw so many things that others were unable to see. As his followers, we are asked to share his vision of life. Today’s Gospel gives us an important piece of Jesus’ vision. In the Parable of Unjust Steward, which we have for this Sunday’s Gospel, the main message is the wise use of possessions. Biblical scholars are still putting forth conflicting ideas concerning the steward and his behavior. It seems that the man is commended for his worldly-wisdom, and his clever and perhaps underhanded, scheme to provide himself with security. The main point, however, is to affirm that, as the steward used possessions to secure a place for himself, so should the disciples. It is definitely not the steward’s method which is praised but, rather, his prudence in taking stock of his situation, using his business cleverness, and acting decisively. The disciples are urged to pay attention to this lesson. Jesus wants them to grasp the seriousness of the need to respond to his call, and to deliberately set out to inherit the Kingdom. Jesus strongly presses his point: “What I say to you is this: Make friends for yourselves through your use of this world’s goods, so that when they fail you, a lasting reception will be yours”. To dispose of worldly wealth in the proper way is to gain the friendship of God. We should not underestimate what is being asked of us through this Gospel today. Jesus is clearly telling us that we need to have new eyes when it comes to looking at our possessions. In some ways he is telling us that we should no longer use the word “my” when it is used about things we own: my house, my car, my sofa, my money, and so on. When we use the word, “my” the implication is, that somehow, that particular thing belongs to me and is mine alone. And so I’m free to do with it whatever I want. Jesus says that this attitude of possessiveness is only an illusion. In reality, we don’t own anything. Everything we have is only a gift and as such, should be used in our service and in the service of others. The trick here is to convert our attitude towards possessions. We have to learn how to convert this attitude from a selfish attitude to an unselfish attitude. When I always and only, use everything I have only for my benefit, then I am using things in a selfish way. On the other hand, when I use what I have to help other in some way, then I am using my possessions as a way of reaching out to others in love. The man or woman, who uses their car to drive cancer patients to medical appointment or to deliver meals to those who can’t prepare their own meal, is clearly using that particular possession in a beautiful and unselfish way. In this case, their possession has become a way for them to show their love for others. May God grant us such a beautiful and freeing attitude to all that we possess. September 18, 2016 Weekly Readings & Activities Sunday, Sept. 18 Monday, Sept. 19 Tuesday, Sept. 20 Wednesday, Sept. 21 Thursday, Sept. 22 Friday, Sept. 23 Saturday, Sept. 24 Sunday, Sept. 25 Sunday, Sept. 18 8:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:15/11:15 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:15 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:45 p.m. Am 8:4-7; 1 Tm 2: 1-8; Lk 16:1-13 Prv 3:27-34; Lk 8:16-18 Prv 21:1-6, 10-13; Lk 8:19-21 Eph 4:1-7,11-13; Mt 9:9-13 Eccl 1:2-11; Lk 9:7-9 Eccl 3:1-11; Lk 9:18-22 Eccl 11:9-12:8; Lk 9:43b-45 Am 6:1a, 4-7; 1 Tm 6:11-16; Lk 16:19-31 Holy Mass—Joan Allen Catechist Appreciation Brunch Children’s Faith Formation Adult Clusters : 1 “The Mass” / 2 “The Prophets” Holy Mass—Frank Salarza Sr. AFM Commission Meeting Adult Cluster 3 “Estudio Biblico” Holy Mass—John & Elizabeth Eans Confirmation Parent Session Holy Mass—Intentions of Belinda Puente Youth Ministry Safe Environment Orientation Monday, Sept. 19 St. Januarius 8:30 a.m. Holy Mass—Jim Fabish 9:15 a.m. Monday Morning Scripture Study 7:00 p.m. Monday Evening Scripture Study 7:00 p.m. New Day Grief Group 7:00 p.m. Young Adults Tuesday, Sept. 20 St. Andrew Kim Tae-gŏn and Paul Chŏng Ha-sang & Champions 8:30 a.m. Holy Mass—Cornelio Mancenido Sr, 6:30 p.m. Auction Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m. “Divine Mercy” Class 7:30 p.m. K of C Officer’s Meeting Wednesday, Sept. 21 St. Matthew 8:30 a.m. Holy Mass—Palmira Murphy Delgado 9:30 a.m. Legion of Mary 6:00 p.m. Confessions 6:00 p.m. Family Prayer Group 7:00 p.m. Community Life Commission Meeting RCIA Catechetical Session Wednesday Evening Scripture Study / “Hearts Afire” Class Thursday, Sept. 22 8:30 a.m. Holy Mass—Polina Lee 7:30 p.m. Choir Practice Friday, Sept. 23 8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. St. Pius of Pietrelcina Holy Mass—Loraine Getlinger Holy Hour Fall Festival Kick-off Choir Concert Saturday, Sept. 24 7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 3:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Fall Festival (until 9:30 p.m.) Holy Mass—Loraine Getlinger Confessions Holy Mass—Intentions of Ramuis Eugenio Sunday, Sept. 25 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Fall Festival (until 5:00 p.m.) Holy Mass—Paulina Lee Holy Mass—Intentions of Sandra Guilen Holy Mass—Rudy Jasinski Holy Mass—Intentions of Russell & Therese Le Roy Holy Spirit Catholic Church September 18, 2016 Youth Ministry Sacramental Preparation Thank you to all of our Catechists and volunteers! We are so blessed to have you helping our teens Our first PARENT ONLY meeting for the Sacrament of Confirmation takes place this Sunday, Sept. 18, 1:303:45 p.m. in the Dining Room. Youth are not required to be in attendance, just parents. If you missed last weekend’s sacramental preparation deadline, please contact Devyn Buschow x16. Join us TONIGHT for Youth Ministry! HSY will be picking their small groups and the JHY will be “Learning to be Basic!” There is NO Youth Ministry NEXT Sunday, Sept. 25 because of the Fall Festival! Enjoy the activities with your families. Don’t forget to sign up to volunteer! Parents, if you aren’t getting the weekly youth ministry emails contact DevynBuschow@holyspiritcc.org! 2016 FALL FESTIVAL UPDATE Fall Festival is NEXT WEEKEND, Sept. 24-25! A great line-up of fun, entertainment and food is happening at next weekend’s Fall Festival (see schedule in bulletin)! Bring your family and friends to spend time with your friends at Holy Spirit and support our wonderful church! NEW THIS YEAR: FAJITA DINNER! It will be next to the Beer and Wine Garden in the Courtyard! See today’s flyer for all the details! HIKE FOR LIFE 5K & 1 MILE FUN RUN: Register after all Masses in the Narthex or on the day of the event. The run takes place Saturday, Sept. 24, 7:00 a.m. You may also register online: LAST CALL FOR OPEN CALL FOR FESTIVAL ENTERTAINMENT/MUSICIANS! If you are an entertainer or in a band and would like to be included in our Fall Festival Entertainment Line-Up this year, please contact: Joe Languell, email: joelanguell@gmail.com or cell: (214) 415-8811. LAST CALL FOR RUMMAGE AND SILENT AUCTION ITEMS! All donations should be delivered by Monday, Sept. 19, 5:00 p.m. Thank you for donating! RAFFLE TICKETS WINNER: Congratulations to this week’s winner of the early drawing for turning in all 15 tickets: Karen Kraum. Raffle tickets may be purchased up until 4:00 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 25! Information and paperwork regarding infant Baptism (ages 6 and under) may be directed to Lisa Estrada x12. Our next baptismal preparation class for parents and godparents is Saturday, Nov. 5, 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. All completed paperwork should be completed and on file two weeks prior to the class date. Safe Environment Orientation for NEW volunteers will be held TODAY Sunday, Sept. 18, 6:45 p.m. in the Community Center Conference Room. To reserve a spot or for questions, please contact Sharon Bush, x19 or by email sharonbush@holyspiritcc.org. The Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth in Grand Prairie will be hosting a Discernment Weekend NEXT Friday, Sept. 23-Sunday, Sept. 25 for women 18+ and a “Come & See Day” for young women ages 14-18 NEXT Saturday, Sept. 24. For more information or to register: nazarethretreats.org/vocation-events or (682) 203-9675. BRING YOUR FAMILY & FRIENDS AND JOIN US FOR FALL FESTIVAL NEXT WEEKEND! FRIDAY, Sept 23 7:00—9:00 p.m. SATURDAY, Sept. 7:00 a.m.—9:30 p.m. SUNDAY, Sept. 9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Finances Sept. 3/4 Contributions $19,494.90 Average Weekly Expenses ($24,785.00) Deficit ($ 588.52) Sept 10/11 Contributions $23,373.10 Average Weekly Expenses ($24,785.00) Deficit ($ 1,411.90) Altar Flowers are given in memory of Palmira Delgado Murphy requested by Doreen Delgado. The Sanctuary Lamp will burn in memory of Palmira Delgado Murphy requested by Doreen Delgado. Balance in the Future Fund: $35,286.00 Thank you for your continued generous support of the parish, our diocese and the global Catholic Church. May God bless you! Holy Spirit Catholic Church PRAYER: THE FAITH PRAYED” This Sunday, Sept. 18, the Church will celebrate National Catechetical Sunday and will focus on the theme "Prayer: The Faith Prayed." On this day, the many men and women who serve in the Church’s catechetical ministries are recognized and affirmed for sharing their gift of faith with others. Catechetical Sunday is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role that each person plays, by virtue of Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. Catechetical Sunday is an opportunity for all to rededicate themselves to this mission as a community of faith. So take a moment on the 18th to say “THANK YOU” to your child’s catechist for taking on such a commitment. Catechists, Youth Mentors & RCIA Team members, you and your immediate family are cordially invited to an Appreciation Brunch, in your honor, 8:30-11:15 a.m. in the Dining Room prepared by our own Knights of Columbus. Today, Sunday, Sept. 18, is our last day for Faith Formation registrations for the 2016-2017 year! After Sunday, Faith Formation registration will be officially closed except for PK3, PK4, Kindergarten and children who are already sacramented (pending class availability; many classes are now at capacity and FULL). Paperwork may be obtained Sunday morning during normal Faith Formation hours (8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.) at the Community Center FRONT DESK. Also, registration for the 20162017 sacramental preparation year is officially closed. If you missed the this year’s deadline, please contact Lisa Estrada, x12, for First Communion or Devyn Buschow, x16 for Confirmation. September 18, 2016 There will be NO Children’s Faith Formation classes NEXT Sunday, Sept. 25, as we celebrate our annual Parish Fall Festival! Come and enjoy all the fun, food, fellowship and festivities. Don’t forget to donate your baked goods for the Bake Sale. The grade level donating the most baked goods will receive a special treat upon our return to Faith Formation classes on Sunday, Oct. 2! Flyers go out this Sunday with your child but just in case, extra pink slips will be available at the front desk. Also, make sure your baked goods are on/in disposal, non-returnable plates/platters. Mornings with Mom & Dad begin on Sunday, Oct. 2 with the 6th Grade. Mom & Dad, plan on joining your child for some one-on-one time and experience what they are learning in their Faith Formation class. To ensure minimal disruption, our nursery is available for younger siblings. Please Note: Mornings with Mom & Dad ARE NOT associated with our sacramental preparation program. A huge thank you to all the men and women who volunteered to serve in our Children’s Ministry, these past couple of weeks, especially as Hall Monitors or as Parking Lot attendants! With so much going on at our parish, this was a safety necessity. We are, however, in need of a couple of older TEENS (9th Grade or up) to serve as Teen Aides at the 11:15 a.m. session. Contact Deborah for more information! Holy Spirit Catholic Church Adult & Family Ministry For information about any of our Adult & Family Ministry programs, please Email: Richard Johnson: richardjohnson@holyspiritcc.org Veronica Houston: veronicahouston@holyspiritcc.org Holy Spirit Catholic Church Women’s ACTS Retreat Oct. 20-23 The purpose of an ACTS weekend is to develop a deeper relationship with the Lord and fellow parishioners. Participants experience God’s love and joy throughout the weekend and return with a deeper love for each other and a desire to share that love in their parish. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Elsa Yzaguirre (214) 718-6102 Mary Lindsey (972) 824-3677 Jennifer Garza (214) 668-9570 Estudio Bíblico: Evangelio según San Marcos Estudiaremos el Evangelio de San Lucas cada domingo a las 11:15 de la mañana. Todos son bienvenidos! Facilitadores: Hector Peña y Rolando Sobalvarro. Por favor contacte a Mary Gruhlke en la oficina para más información: (972) 298-4971. September 18, 2016 Community Life Ministry Sunday Morning Food and Fellowship Today: Catechist Appreciation Brunch We will be having a special brunch to show our thanks to all our Catechist and their families for volunteering to teach this year. Remember to thank you children’s teachers and aides! Next Sunday, Sept. 25: Fall Festival Come and enjoy all the Food & Fun! Autumn Family Social (formerly...a Welcome Dinner) Mark your calendars for Saturday, Oct. 15 and plan to join us as we welcome our new parishioners. A Chili Dinner, Kids Fun Zone & Ministry Fair. More info to come next week! Outreach Ministry ESL Class Registration: We still have room for a few more students. If you would like to learn English or have already taken our ESL class and want to learn more and practice please call or come by the office to sign up. 40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life effort that consists of 40 consecutive days of prayer and fasting, peaceful vigil, and community outreach. Each day people will pray 6:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. outside of the Planned Parenthood abortion facility (7989 West Virginia Dr., Dallas). Holy Spirit has adopted Sunday, Oct. 23 as our day to cover this facility in prayer. If you would like to be a part of this day of peaceful and prayerful witness please sign up in the Narthex after masses this weekend. For questions contact: Mike Moloughney (214) 717-1480. Is your family or someone you know possibly in need of help from “St. Nick’s helpers?” Please submit names by Sunday, Oct. 16 to Donna Greenlee x20 to see if you qualify. “Help me, O Lord, that my eyes may be merciful, so that I may never suspect or judge from appearances, but look for what is beautiful in my neighbors’ souls and come to their rescue.” - St. Faustina (Diary 163) Live Theatrical Drama Coming to Holy Spirit! Monday, Oct. 24 – 7:00 p.m. Holy Spirit Catholic Church – Duncanville, TX More info: (972) 298-4971 or DivineMercyDrama.com Rachel’s Corner: “It is our part to seek, His to grant what we ask; ours to make a beginning, His to bring it to completion; ours to offer what we can, His to finish what we cannot.” (St. Jerome, Feast Day: Sept. 30). Do you seek His healing mercy after having had an abortion? Make your beginning step a Rachel’s Vineyard™ Retreat and allow Him to bring your healing to completion. Please contact Abortion AfterCareHealing /The Rachel Ministries at heaing@racheldallas.org or call 214.544.CARE (2273). All inquiries are kept strictly confidential.