Year ended 2010 - City of Frostproof
Year ended 2010 - City of Frostproof
CITY OF FROSTPROOF FLORIDA ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT For the Year Ended September 30 2010 City of Frostproof Florida ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT For the Year Ended September 30 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No INTRODUCTORY SECTION A1 List of Principal Officials FINANCIAL SECTION Independent Auditors Report B1 Management Discussion and Analysis Required s Supplementary Information C1 Basic Financial Statements Governmentwide Financial Statements Statement of Net Assets D1 Statement of Activities D2 Fund Financial Statements Balance Sheet D3 Governmental Funds Reconciliation of the Governmental Funds Balance Sheet to the Statement D4 of Net Assets Statement of Revenues Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances D5 Governmental Funds Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances of the Governmental Funds to the Statement of Activities Statement of Net Assets D6 D7 Proprietary Funds Statement of Revenues Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Assets Proprietary Funds D8 Statement of Cash Flows D9 Proprietary Funds Statement of Fiduciary Net Assets Fiduciary Funds Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Assets Fiduciary Funds D 11 D 12 E1 Notes to Financial Statements Required Supplementary Information Budgetary Comparison Schedule General Fund F1 Pension Trust Funds Schedule of Funding Progress and Schedule of Contributions from Employers and Other Contributing Entities Other Postemployment Benefits Schedule of Funding Progress and Schedule of Contributions from Employers Notes to Required Supplementary Infonnation F2 F3 F4 City of Frostproof Florida ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT For the Year Ended September 30 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS Cont d FINANCIAL SECTION Cont d fie No Other Supplementary Information Combining Statements NonMajor Governmental Funds Combining Balance Sheet Combining Statement of Revenues Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Combining Statements Fiduciary Funds Combining Statement of Fiduciary Net Assets Combining Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Assets G1 G2 G3 G4 COMPLIANCE SECTION Compliance Information Independent Auditors Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other Matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards H1 Independent Auditors Report on Compliance with Requirements That Could Have a Direct and Material Effect on Each Major Federal Program and State Project and on Internal Control Over Compliance in Accordance with OMB Circular A133 and Chapter 10 550 Rules of the Auditor General H3 Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards and State Financial Assistance Projects H5 Notes to Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards and State Financial H6 Assistance Projects Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs Projects Federal Awards and State H7 Independent Auditors Management Letter H8 City of Frostproof s Explanation to Auditors Management Letter H12 INTRODUCTORY SECTION City of Frostproof Florida LIST OF PRINCIPAL OFFICIALS September 30 2010 Name Title Maw City Council Kay S Hutzehnan Council Members Anne W Dickinson Diana Webster Biehl Ralph C Waters J Wesley Wise City Manager Tenny R Croley City Attorney Brian W Haas City Engineer Steven A Dutch Jennifer Codo Salisbury City Planner Melody S Walsh Finance Manager City Clerk Sarah J Adelt Fire Chief William W Lord Building Official Clifton Smith Library Director Melissa D Hadden James R Keene Public Works Director Sharon A Bass Utility Manager A1 FINANCIAL SECTION Turner A Wiggins C A P Donald J Smit C A P Pamela M Burby C A P John S Reineke C A P INDEPENDENT AUDITORS REPORT Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Frostproof Florida We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the governmental activities the businesstype activities each major fund and the aggregate remaining fund information of the City of Frostproof Florida s basic the City as of and for the year ended September 30 2010 which collectively comprise the City financial statements as listed in the table of contents These financial statements are the responsibility of the City s management Our responsibility is to express opinions on these financial statements based on our audit We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement An audit includes examining on a test basis evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and the significant estimates made by management as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinions In our opinion the financial statements referred to above present fairly in all material respects the respective financial position of the governmental activities the businesstype activities each major fund and the aggregate remaining fund information of the City as of September 30 2010 and the respective changes in financial position and cash flows where applicable thereof for the year then ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America In accordance with Government Auditing Standards we have also issued our report dated March 1 2011 on our consideration of the City s internal control over financial reporting and on our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws regulations contracts and grant agreements and other matters The purpose of that report is to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over financial reporting and compliance and the results of that testing and not to provide an opinion on the internal control over financial reporting or on compliance That report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards and should be considered in assessing the results of our audit Accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America require that the management s discussion and analysis and the required supplementary information as listed in the table of contents be presented to supplement the basic financial statements Such information although not a part of the basic financial statements is required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board who considers it to be an essential part of financial reporting for placing the basic financial statements in an appropriate operational economic or historical context We have applied certain limited procedures to the required supplementary information in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America which consisted of inquiries of management about the methods of preparing the information and comparing the information for consistency with management s responses to our inquiries the basic financial statements and other knowledge we obtained during our audit of the basic financial statements We do not express an opinion or provide any assurance on the information because the limited procedures do not provide us with sufficient evidence to express an opinion or provide any assurance B 30 Fourth Street S W Winter Haven Florida 33880 863 2998084 1 42729 U S Highway 27 Davenport Florida 33837 cpa winterhaven www com 863 353 0001 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Frostproof Page Two Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming opinions on the financial statements that collectively comprise the City s financial statements as a whole The introductory and the other supplementary information sections are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the fmancial statements The accompanying schedule of expenditures of federal awards and state financial assistance projects is presented for purposes of additional analysis as required by U S Office of Management and Budget Circular A133 Audits of States Local Governments and Non Profit Organizations and Chapter 10 550 Rules of the Auditor General and is also not a required part of the financial statements The other supplementary information section and the Schedules of Expenditures of Federal Awards and State Financial Assistance are the responsibilty of management and were derived from and relate directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the financial statements The information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the financial statements and certain additional procedures including comparing and reconciling such information directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the financial statements or to the financial statements themselves and other additional procedures in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America In our opinion the information is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the financial statements as a whole kr4y O I uRPn m ek sn ee npa n 1 March 1 2011 Winter Haven Florida 7 S DISCUSSION MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS City of Frostproof Florida S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT September 30 2010 The Management s Discussion and Analysis section provides an overview of the City of Frostproof s s financial performance for the fiscal year ended September 30 2010 Please consider this City information presented here in conjunction with the City s financial statements which follow this section FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS The assets of the City exceeded its liabilities at September 30 2010 by 17 400 net assets 723 Of this amount 084 697 unrestricted net assets may be used to meet the City 3 s ongoing obligations to citizens and creditors The City s total net assets increased this year by 692 843 or 11 1 61 percent The City s governmental activities reported ending net assets of 515 107 an increase of 9 053 for the year 107 The City s business type activities reported ending net assets of 885 615 an increase of 8 736 This increase is largely due a capital grant received this year 1 639 The City s total debt at the end of the year showed a net increase of 733 837 This increase is attributable to loan proceeds used in the construction of the wastewater Phase II and IIIa projects OVERVIEW OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS This discussion and analysis serves as an introduction to the City of Frostproof s basic financial statements which are comprised of three components 1 government wide financial statements 2 fund financial statements and 3 notes to the financial statements This report also contains other supplementary information in addition to the basic financial statements The nature of the three components of the basic financial statements is described as follows Reporting the City as a Whole Governmentwide Financial Statements The governmentwide financial statements consist of two financial statements that address the financial position and results of operations of the City taken as a whole These two financial statements are the Statement of Net Assets and the Statement of Activities These statements include all assets and liabilities using the full accrual basis of accounting which is similar to the accounting used by most private sector companies All of the current year s revenues and expenses are recorded regardless of when cash is received or paid The Statement of Net Assets presents information on all of the City s assets and liabilities with the difference between the two reported as net assets Over time increases or decreases in net assets may serve as a useful indicator of whether the financial position of the City is improving or deteriorating The Statement of Activities presents total revenues and total expenses of the City with the difference between the two equaling the increase or decrease in net assets during the year C 1 City of Frostproof Florida S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT September 30 2010 Governmentwide Financial Statements Cont d The information in each of these two statements presents the activity of the City as governmental activities or business type activities Governmental activities This category of the government wide financial statements represents those activities provided by the City not financed by the imposition of a user fee assessed directly and exclusively against the users of those activities These activities of the City include general government public safety transportation streets culture library City Hall auditorium etc and community affairs recreations and parks Property taxes franchise and utility taxes and intergovernmental revenues finance most of these activities Businesstype activities This category of the governmentwide financial statements includes those activities which the City charges a fee to customers to cover all or most of the cost of the services the City provides These business type activities consist of water wastewater treatment sanitation and storm water services The government wide financial statements include only the City of Frostproof There are no component units Reporting the City s Most Significant Funds Fund Financial Statements This is the second section of the basic financial statements These statements present information that centers on individual funds A fund is a grouping of related accounts that provides control over the resources that are segregated for specific activities or objectives The City also uses fund accounting to ensure and demonstrate compliance with financerelated legal requirements All the funds of the City are divided into three categories governmental proprietary and fiduciary Governmental funds account for essentially the same functions reported as governmental activities in the government wide financial statements However unlike the government wide financial statements governmental fund financial statements focus on nearterm inflows and outflows of spendable resources Governmental funds The reason for this different accounting approach is that the activities in these funds are not financed from a direct user fee As a result there is no emphasis placed on measuring annual net profit or loss resulting from those operations Instead the accounting for these funds focuses on whether there will be enough cash flow available in a given year to finance the costs of providing services The emphasis is more focused on activities occurring within a one year budget period rather than the longterm Reconciliation schedules within these fund financial statements provide the differences between the modified accrual basis of accounting used in these governmental fund financial statements and the full accrual basis of accounting used in the governmentwide financial statements C 2 City of Frostproof Florida S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT September 30 2010 Fund Financial Statements Governmental funds Cont d The City has one major governmental fund referred to as the General Fund The General Fund accounts for the activities of a variety of different programs that are not financed from direct user charges As a major fund the General Fund is accounted for in a separate column on the governmental fund financial statements All of the other governmental funds of the City are reported collectively as nonmajor funds This column and consolidate into a single column of information titled other governmental funds represents the activity of the City s special revenue funds which are segregated from the General Fund due to legal requirements regulatory provisions or administrative action The City adopts an annual appropriated budget for its General Fund A budgetary comparison schedule is provided to demonstrate compliance with the budget The governmental fund financial statements are immediately following the governmentwide financial statements The budgetary comparison schedule for the General Fund is outside of the basic financial statements in a section of this report titled required supplementary information Proprietary funds are those funds classified as businesstype activities in the Proprietary funds governmentwide financial statements The basis of accounting used within these statements is the same full accrual method used in the private sector where the intent is that the costs of providing goods and services are financed primarily through user charges There is no difference between the basis of accounting used in the governmentwide statements and the proprietary fund financial statements The City has only one proprietary fund the Enterprise Fund This fund appears in the only column in the proprietary funds financial statements Fiduciary funds Fiduciary funds account for the activities of the City s pension trust funds These activities benefit parties outside the City such as retired City employees Fiduciary funds are not reflected in the governmentwide financial statements because the resources of these funds are not available to support the City s own programs The accounting basis used for fiduciary funds is similar to that used for proprietary fiends Notes to the Financial Statements The notes to the financial statements comprise the third section of the basic financial statements The notes provide additional information that is essential to a full understanding of the data provided in the government wide and fund financial statements Other Information In addition to the three components included in the basic financial statements this annual financial report also includes supplementary information described as follows Required supplementary information This section of the report includes the following additional information 1 schedules that compare the annual operating budgets adopted by the City for the major governmental funds to the actual revenues and expenditures reported for the year and 2 trend information regarding the performance of the City s pensions trust funds and the City s obligation for other postemployment benefits C 3 City of Frostproof Florida S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT September 30 2010 Other Information Cont d Combining statements This section of the report includes detailed financial information for each of the various funds of the City that were aggregated into consolidated columns within the fund financial statements GOVERNMENT WIDE FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Statement of Net Assets Net assets may serve as a useful indicator over time of a government s financial position In the current year the City s combined net assets as of September 30 2010 were 400 The City 723 17 s combined revenues including contributions grants taxes and charges for services were 414 327 Total expenses citywide were 722 6 483 The increase to citywide net 4 assets was 692 843 The following schedule is the condensed Statement of Net Assets for the current 1 and the prior years For more detailed information see the Statement of Net Assets on page D1 Statement of Net Assets Summary Governmental Activities 2010 2009 Total Business tvne Activities 2010 2009 2010 2009 570 5 956 Current and other assets 934 3 063 138 4 737 753 1 958 432 1 219 688 5 021 Capital assets 068 2 5 77 211 9 131 315 9 4 90 129 9 052 12 131 746 089 500 14 10 438 785 657 217 12 199 023 18 753 775 15 220 711 23 709 346 21 Current liabilities 156 74 152 101 136 466 180 654 292 540 332 755 Non current liabilities 460 29 438 27 418 5 068 684 4 231 616 103 590 128 884 5 204 338 5 411 528 4 5 47 987 5 820 669 7 4 11 467 5 001 068 2 5 77 200 745 315 9 4 90 096 1 105 547 4 7 65 501 538 299 2 6 78 673 512 12 615 742 283 1 701 614 268 11 Restricted Unrestricted 085 3 247 914 2 042 837 611 274 88 697 3 084 002 3 316 9 9 000 462 615 8 885 6 879 246 400 723 17 708 879 15 Total assets Total liabilities Net Assets Invested in capital assets net of related debt Total net assets 608 1 778 reflects its Net Assets Invested in Capital Assets The largest portion of the City s net assets 71 9 investments in capital assets e g land buildings equipment and infrastructure less any debt used to acquire those assets that is still outstanding The City uses these capital assets to provide services to citizens consequently these assets are not available for future spending Although the City s investment in its capital assets is reported net of related debt it should be noted that the resources needed to repay this debt must be provided from other sources since the capital assets themselves cannot be used to liquidate these liabilities Net Assets Restricted Restricted net assets representing 7 2 of total net assets are subject to external restrictions on how they may be used Net Assets Unrestricted Unrestricted net assets comprise 20 9 of total net assets and may be used to meet the City s ongoing obligations to citizens and creditors As of September 30 2010 the City is able to report positive balances in all three categories of net assets for the City as a whole C 4 City of Frostproof Florida S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT September 30 2010 Statement of Activities Revenues and expenses are presented in the following table which reflects the condensed Statement of Activities for the current and the prior years For more detailed information see the Statement of Activities on page D2 Statement of Activities Summary Governmental Activities 2010 Revenues Program revenues Charges for services Operating grantscontrib Capital grantscontrib 2009 051 367 239 893 375 189 506 349 244 321 258 165 374 0 1 64 372 694 976 742 479 617 122 230 237 635 550 7 Total Businesstype Activities 2010 2009 2010 2009 601 1 003 535 1 794 968 1 054 894 1 981 2 1 44 338 2 557 239 893 084 2 356 300 8 1 85 465 246 503 2 815 374 0 1 64 372 694 976 742 479 617 122 230 237 635 807 24 598 42 863 60 General revenues Property taxes Franchise and utility taxes Intergovernmental revenues unrestricted Impact fees Investment earnings unrestricted Other revenues Total revenues Expenses General government Public safety Transportation Culture Community affairs 629 40 294 52 257 17 969 1 569 8 645 3 645 3 829 2 461 650 2 785 991 553 039 0 1 38 639 425 757 254 102 108 562 380 103 811 403 464 803 216 081 100 497 3 953 902 3 321 327 6 414 553 6 106 991 553 039 0 1 38 639 425 757 254 102 108 562 380 103 811 403 464 803 216 081 100 581 6 1 89 635 363 059 1 1 01 474 386 Water and 581 6 1 89 635 363 wastewater treatment Sanitation 978 49 603 49 978 49 603 49 380 2 528 154 2 770 103 2 194 537 1 136 483 4 722 691 3 906 933 448 015 496 394 1 759 365 2 185 843 1 692 861 2 200 843 1 692 861 2 200 508 018 13 15 8 708 Stormwater Total expenses 059 1 1 01 474 386 Change in Net Assets Before Transfers Change in Net Assets Net assets Net assets 880 341 880 341 Transfers Beginning Ending 053 107 015 496 736 1 639 365 2 185 000 9 462 504 8 447 879 6 246 514 4 061 708 879 15 9 9 000 462 615 8 885 879 6 246 400 723 17 This decrease is largely due to Revenues The City s total revenues decreased by 225 692 or 3 44 decreases in operating and capital grants which will vary from year to year depending on City projects Sewer line hookups to residents Expenses The City s total expenses increased by 791 816 or 21 4 homes septic tank abandonments and grant expenses account for 535 960 of this increase Also the s contract to the Polk County Sheriff City s Office increased 161 572 this year C 5 City of Frostproof Florida S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT September 30 2010 The following pie chart illustrates revenues of governmental revenues by source for the year ended September 30 2010 Taxes which include property franchise and utility taxes comprise 63 of the s governmental revenues and increased 164 City 525 over the prior year Governmental Revenues by Source Taxes 63 Intergovernmental 8 Investment yams ac other income Charges for services Contributions 13 15 The following pie chart illustrates governmental expenses for the year ended September 30 2010 Public safety is the largest activity and comprises 43 of the City s governmental expenses This department increased by 226 936 from the prior year Governmental Expenses General government 23 Community affair 5 Culture Public safety 11 43 Transportation 18 C 6 City of Frostproof Florida S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT September 30 2010 The following pie chart illustrates businesstype revenues by source for the year ended September 30 2010 Grants and contributions comprise 54 of the City s business type revenues The City received 894 from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection Agency this year for construction 1 981 of Phase II of the wastewater system BusinessType Revenues by Source Charges for services 46 Capital grants contribution 54 The following pie chart illustrates business type expenses for the year ended September 30 2010 The water and wastewater system accounts for 81 of the City s business type expenses BusinessType Expenses Sanitatior 17 Water Stormwater wastewater 81 2 C 7 City of Frostproof Florida S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT September 30 2010 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF THE CITY S FUNDS As noted earlier the City of Frostproof uses fund accounting to segregate the transactions of the City into specific types of operations Governmental Funds The fund financial statements for the governmental funds are provided on pages D 3 to D6 of this report The focus of the City s governmental funds is to provide information on near term inflows outflows and balances of spendable resources Such information is useful in assessing the s financing requirements In particular unreserved fund balances may serve as a useful measure of a City s net resources available for spending at the end of the fiscal year government The City maintains one separate governmental fund classified as a major fundthe General Fund Three other funds are reported collectively as nonmajor funds The General Fund is the chief operating fund of the City It is used to account for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund At the end of the year the unreserved fund balance of the General Fund increased by 728 138 to 814 while total fund balance decreased by 208 2 745 064 to 318 695 Both of these changes are 3 largely attributable to the elimination of the General Fund s advance to the Enterprise Fund by repayment by the Enterprise Fund and an operating transfer by the General Fund to the Enterprise Fund Proprietary Funds The City s proprietary fund the Enterprise Fund provides the same type of information found in the governmentwide financial statements but in more detail The fund financial statements for the proprietary fund are provided on pages D7 to D10 of this report Fiduciary Funds The City uses fiduciary funds to report assets held in a trustee or agency capacity that are therefore not available to support City programs General and Police Pension Trust Funds are presented in the fiduciary fund financial statements on pages D11 to D12 of this report BUDGETARY HIGHLIGHTS The General Fund s budgetary comparison schedule is presented in this report on page F 1 The City revised its original budget on November 15 2010 to reflect additional revenues and changes in expenditures due primarily to salary allocations of some employees and a reduction in expected transportation and capital outlay expenditures The General Fund slightly exceeded its budget appropriations in the public safety department but total expenditures were less than the total amount budgeted C 8 City of Frostproof Florida S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT September 30 2010 CAPITAL ASSETS AND DEBT ADMINISTRATION Capital Assets The City s investment in capital assets for its governmental and business type activities as of September 30 2010 amounts to 18 199 net of accumulated depreciation This investment in capital assets 023 includes land buildings improvements vehicles equipment furnishings water and wastewater treatment system and stormwater system This amount represents a net increase of 446 247 or 14 2 2 over last year The following table provides a comparative summary of net capital assets by category for both governmental and businesstype activities Capital Assets Net of Depreciation Governmental Businesstype Activities 2010 Land 167 836 962 2 956 Buildings Intangible assets Activities 2009 2010 167 836 061 3 653 371 69 371 69 300 105 216 937 300 105 216 937 843 262 635 278 725 451 11 563 6 6 16 914 537 Idle assets Improvements other than buildings Machinery and equipment Infrastructure 943 181 341 764 754 438 990 083 210 733 533 37 Water and sewer system Stormwater system Construction in progress Total net assets 957 534 5 277 068 Total 2009 4 990 315 2010 2009 237 207 962 2 956 300 105 937 216 207 237 653 0 3 61 300 105 937 216 181 943 184 0 1 27 754 438 725 451 11 957 534 083 990 845 0 1 11 533 37 616 6 563 914 537 960 2 718 15 753 775 998 104 960 2 718 998 104 131 746 12 10 785 438 S 18 021199 With the implementation of GASB Statement No 34 the City began capitalizing infrastructure assets prospectively and elected not to retroactively capitalize these assets Major capital asset events during the current fiscal year included the following Construction of sewer lines and sewer laterals Citywide paving project Chlorine analyzer auto dialer at wells 1 and 5 sodium hypochlorite system at north and south water plants Automated license plate reader Two 2010 Ford trucks Dash mounted mobile radios The City has entered into a commitment for engineering services related to Phase IIlb the expansion of the wastewater treatment facility These engineering fees amount to 200 000 in total with 104 998 expended in the current year and 95 002 to be expended next year Additional information on the City s capital assets can be found in Note 3 B on pages E13 to E14 of this report C 9 City of Frostproof Florida S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT September 30 2010 Debt Administration At the end of the current fiscal year the City had total debt outstanding in the amount of 068 418 in 5 bonds and loans payable outstanding debt The table below provides a comparative summary of the City s Outstanding Debt Governmental Business type Activities 2010 Activities 2009 2010 Revenue bonds payable net Loans payable Total debt S I Total 2009 2010 2009 755 1 599 799 1 074 755 1 599 799 1 074 662 3 469 885 2 157 662 3 469 885 2 157 684 4 231 5 684 4 231 418 k1 Loan proceeds totaled 958 962 and debt retired in the current year totaled 225 125 Additional information on the City s debt can be found in Notes 3 E and 3 F on pages E16 to E18 of this report ECONOMIC FACTORS AND NEXT YEAR S BUDGETS AND RATES The City Council passed Resolution 2008 30 Review and Adjustment of Water Rates which establishes that water service rates shall be reviewed annually and adjusted in accordance with the Consumer Price Index CPI as necessary to maintain compliance with state and federal regulatory requirements The water and wastewater rate increase for 2010 2011 will be 0 56 according to the Consumer Price Index The City is in the fourth year of a five year contract with the Polk County Sheriff s Office to provide law enforcement services which has resulted in a reduction in expenses This contract is saving the City over 5M during the five year contract 1 Construction for Phase II and Phase IIIa wastewater project began in March 2009 and is now complete creating a revenue base for an additional 295 customers Community Budget Issue Request CBIR and State Revolving Funds SRF funds were used for this project The City is currently beginning Phase IIIb expansion of the wastewater treatment plant using additional CBIR funds The City s elected officials approved the budget for fiscal year 10 11 on September 27 2010 CONTACTING THE CITY S FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT This financial report is designed to provide our citizens taxpayers customers investors and creditors with a general overview of the City s finances and to demonstrate the City s accountability for the money it receives If you have any questions about this report or need additional financial information please contact the City s Finance Manager at the Frostproof City Hall 111 West First Street Frostproof Florida C 10 BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS City of Frostproof Florida STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS September 30 2010 Governmental Business type Activities Activities Total ASSETS 159 275 655 7 2 92 536 369 352 135 860 168 601 431 485 137 137 19 135 352 023 60 110 652 230 6 346 1 633 485 137 997 187 836 167 232 1 5 09 606 496 12 525 249 442 664 17 757 358 211 9 131 089 500 14 220 711 23 30 347 993 17 386 033 172 17 416 380 165 35 44 496 435 18 44 496 435 18 816 25 496 5 2 17 536 369 Cash and cash equivalents Investments Receivables current Customer accounts net 60 023 716 66 230 6 202 745 Franchise and utility service taxes Intergovernmental Notes receivable Restricted cash and cash equivalents Deferred debt expense net Net pension asset advance contributions Capital assets Nondepreciable Depreciable net Total assets 394 585 LIABILITIES Accounts payable Accrued wages and vacation Liabilities payable from restricted assets Customer deposits Interest payable 816 25 Deferred revenue Noncurrent liabilities Total liabilities 436 231 976 201 092 2 5 16 216 5 092 616 103 884 5 204 987 5 820 277 5 068 465 7 547 615 742 12 134 255 255 134 791 6 641 469 940 96 085 3 247 367 283 836 924 837 611 940 96 084 6 3 97 107 9 515 615 8 885 400 723 17 460 29 Due within one year Due in more than one year NET ASSETS Invested in capital assets net of related debt Restricted for Debt service 791 6 Public safety Capital improvements Other purposes Unrestricted Total net assets The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement D 1 D1 0o r p M r N C O In O N O M d O 00 V1 ti 01 O kn 00 n M O a m In It rO O 01 N C n N a1 00 M d W v y E 01 M t r N o0 kn N a1 d N M O d N C 01 M v d d O O a 10 M N O v1 M U M M O d o0 r 00 N r d 01 Q1 M l0 d 0V0 H9 d Q d xz y i T a m l O dt 01 kn c 01 O 01 O a N N l l rn a 5 d 01 t 00 O 0 01 00 01 00 10 N r m a M oc O O 0 M N N C l y h Cl 00 O of h vi 5 M L o o i N O d d N N N N Q Q Ln O N m N n N M lD N O ll lr d 0 a00 00 It o C 00 Ln kn M M N O o0 d M d 01 O o o O o r M o O 69 6g O Cd mo w cd i Ow 0 O 0 G Cl W to 0 N O cd cd U OV o 0 O N rfl 69 b m o rn 0 p lr O O N n rn o 00 00 M M A H w W E O W W In 4 w d M N U O V v M N q SO T 01 00 q bn y W Q1 r U 00 69 69 z 00 00 a n N 00 C m N O d N O o0 O v o O 10 O O v O 00 0 z W iz y 01 y M Wn 00 M N Vl Y to 00 O O m Ln M M kO O N O o0 kn N M 0 1 l a1 01 00 1 01 1M0 01 It O M 00 Cl N dt M M N w s n V Y U y N y N N Y Cd U P v N Ly Cd Fti P H U U I FT b0A d C 7r b0 p N 0 C C d cu N U N 69 bQ y bA Fo pO N bD y cd P W Y 9 W U y E A E vi vi N N ca w z z City of Frostproof Florida BALANCESHEET GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS September 30 2010 General Fund Other Total Governmental Governmental Funds Funds ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Investments 249 4 2 82 536 369 Receivables current Franchise and utility service taxes Intergovernmental 247 35 66 716 230 6 313 43 60 023 716 66 230 6 313 43 202 745 202 745 023 60 Notes receivable Advances to other funds 496 5 2 17 536 369 Restricted assets Cash and cash equivalents Total assets 773 3 269 247 35 808 3 516 30 202 993 17 145 347 30 313 43 993 17 43 313 756 29 458 43 409 121 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES Liabilities Accounts payable Accrued wages Advances from other funds Deferred revenue 756 29 Total liabilities 951 77 Fund Balances Reserved For Cultural activities Advances to other funds Public safety Hurricane damages Capital improvements Transportation improvements 941 96 43 313 791 6 603 58 001 83 865 499 941 96 43 313 791 6 603 58 001 83 865 499 10 295 764 81 10 295 764 81 Unreserved Designated Public safety Capital improvements Undesignated General Fund 814 2 745 814 2 745 211 8 Special Revenue Funds Total fund balances deficit 695 3 318 211 8 Total liabilities and fund balances 773 3 269 247 35 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement D 3 211 8 687 3 107 808 3 516 City of Frostproof Florida RECONCILIATION OF THE GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS BALANCE SHEET TO THE STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS September 30 2010 Fund Balances 687 3 107 Total Governmental Funds Amounts reported for governmental activities in the Statement of Net Assets are different because Capital assets used in governmental activities are not current financial resources and therefore are not reported in the governmental funds balance sheet 277 5 068 Other longterm assets are not available to pay for current period expenditures and therefore are deferred in the funds Revenues collected more than 30 days from year end Net pension obligation overfunded and advance contributions 940 3 168 860 Certain longterm liabilities including leases payable are not due and payable in the current period and therefore are not reported as liabilities in the governmental funds Longterm liabilities at yearend consist of 460 29 Accrued compensated absences 107 9 515 Net assets of governmental activities The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement D 4 City of Frostproof Florida STATEMENT OF REVENUES EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS For the Year Ended September 30 2010 General Fund Other Total Governmental Governmental Funds Funds REVENUES Taxes 374 0 1 64 372 694 Property Franchise and utility taxes 179 46 582 135 419 290 331 3 544 40 237 15 Licenses and permits Intergovernmental Charges for services Fines and forfeitures Investment income Other Total revenues 736 2 591 704 21 374 0 1 64 372 694 179 46 135 582 123 312 255 76 331 3 40 629 492 91 044 98 834 2 635 85 EXPENDITURES Current 575 16 487 657 499 942 343 384 071 185 398 52 020 603 602 2 775 213 52 654 2 988 816 133 831 45 647 179 Community affairs Capital outlay 487 657 682 937 343 384 250 154 398 52 445 586 Total expenditures General government Public safety Transportation Culture 817 4 821 30 Excess Deficiency of Revenues Over Under Expenditures OTHER FINANCING SOURCES USES Operating transfers out 880 341 880 341 Total other financing sources uses 880 341 880 341 Net change in fund balances 064 208 831 45 233 162 Fund Balances Deficit Beginning of Year 903 3 382 042 54 849 3 340 Fund Balances Deficit End of Year 695 3 318 211 8 687 3 107 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement D 5 City of Frostproof Florida RECONCILIATION OF THE STATEMENT OF REVENUES EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES OF THE GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS TO THE STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES For the Year Ended September 30 2010 Net Change in Fund Balances Total Governmental Funds 233 162 Amounts reported for governmental activities in the Statement of Activities are different because Governmental funds report capital outlays as expenditures However in the governmentwide statement of activities the cost of those assets is allocated over their estimated usefal lives as depreciation expense The amount of capital assets recorded in the current period The depreciation expense for the current period Revenues previously included in the governmentwide statement of activities reported in the current year as revenues in the statement of revenues expenses and changes in fund balance governmental funds 020 603 267 316 186 5 Pension contributions were less than the annual pension cost and therefore decreased the net pension asset advance contributions 259 10 in the Statement of Activities Some expenses reported in the Statement of Activities do not require the use of current financial resources and therefore are not reported as expenditures in governmental funds Change in accrued compensated absences Change in net assets of governmental activities The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement D 6 022 2 053 107 City of Frostproof Florida STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS PROPRIETARY FUNDS September 30 2010 Enterprise Flinn ASSETS Current assets 159 275 Cash and cash equivalents Receivables 352 135 585 394 924 108 Customers net Intergovernmental Restricted cash and cash equivalents 104 1 829 Total current assets Noncurrent assets 507 492 12 131 746 485 137 137 19 Restricted cash and cash equivalents Capital assets net of accumulated depreciation Deferred debt expenses net Net pension asset advance contributions Total noncurrent assets 260 395 13 Total assets 089 500 14 LIABILITIES Current liabilities 386 033 172 17 Accounts payable Accrued wages and vacation Liabilities payable from restricted assets Customer deposits Interest payable Bonds and notes payable Current portion 44 496 435 18 976 201 112 668 Total current liabilities Noncurrent liabilities 705 1 600 492 5 3 10 Revenue bonds Notes payable Total noncurrent liabilities 216 5 092 Total liabilities 884 5 204 NET ASSETS 465 7 547 Invested in capital assets net of related debt Restricted Debt service 255 134 367 283 837 611 Capital improvements Unrestricted 615 8 885 Total net assets The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement D 7 City of Frostproof Florida STATEMENT OF REVENUES EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN FUND NET ASSETS PROPRIETARY FUNDS For the Year Ended September 30 2010 Enterprise Fund Operating Revenues Charges for services Water and wastewater Pledged as security for revenue bonds Stormwater Assessment and franchise fees Sanitation Total operating revenues 169 1 1 43 954 50 880 406 601 1 003 Operating Expenses Personal services Contract services Depreciation and amortization Insurance Materials and supplies Repairs and maintenance Sanitation fees Utilities Miscellaneous Total operating expenses Operating Income Loss 236 857 608 644 163 430 691 38 810 58 824 41 148 329 086 105 502 16 901 1 689 686 300 Non Operating Revenues Expenses Investment revenue Interest expense Total non operating revenues expenses Income loss before contributions and transfers Capital Grants Transfers from other funds Change in net assets 969 1 201 505 536 199 222 500 894 1 981 880 341 736 1 639 Net Assets Beginning of Year 879 6 246 Net Assets End of Year 615 8 885 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement City of Frostproof Florida STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS PROPRIETARY FUNDS For the Year Ended September 30 2010 Enterprise Fund Cash Flows From Operating Activities 580 1 978 Cash received from customers Cash payments to suppliers for goods and services Cash payments to employees for services Net cash provided used by operating activities 735 2 1 23 946 237 297 119 Cash Flows From NonCapital Financing Activities 045 541 Repayment of interfund liability 880 341 Proceeds from advances from other funds Net cash provided used by noncapital financing activities Cash Flows From Capital and Related Financing Activities Proceeds from capital grants Proceeds from longterm debt 165 199 234 2 232 962 958 226 650 875 201 570 2 932 Principal payments on longterm debt Interest paid on capital debt Acquisition and construction of capital assets Net cash provided used by capital and 737 193 related financing activities Cash Flows From Investing Activities Increase in certificate of deposit 474 969 1 Investment revenue Net cash provided used by investing activities 495 1 Net increase decrease in cash and cash equivalents 364 115 Cash and cash equivalents Beginning of Year 001 737 Cash and cash equivalents End of Year 365 852 Reconciliation of cash and cash equivalents Current Assets 275 159 924 108 Cash Restricted cash including time deposits Noncurrent Assets 507 492 Restricted cash Less certificate of deposit with maturity greater than three months 225 24 365 852 Total cash and cash equivalents at year end The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement P City of Frostproof Florida STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS Cont d PROPRIETARY FUNDS For the Year Ended September 30 2010 Enterprise Fund Reconciliation of Operating Income to Net Cash Provided By Operating Activities Operating income 686 300 Adjustments to reconcile operating income to net cash provided by operating activities 419 297 866 10 451 2 Depreciation Amortization Bad debts net of recoveries Change in assets and liabilities Increase Decrease in accounts receivable Increase Decrease in accounts payable Increase Decrease in compensated absences payable Increase Decrease in customer deposits 997 10 032 6 1 0 89 577 6 297 119 Net cash provided by operating activities The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement D 10 City of Frostproof Florida STATEMENT OF FIDUCIARY NET ASSETS FIDUCIARY FUNDS September 30 2010 Pension Trust Funds ASSETS 678 7 3 74 961 10 Investments Accrued interest and dividends 785 3 639 Total assets LIABILITIES Accounts payable Total liabilities NET ASSETS 785 3 639 Held in trust for pension benefits The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement D 11 City of Frostproof Florida STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FIDUCIARY NET ASSETS FIDUCIARY FUNDS For the Year Ended September 30 2010 Pension Trust Funds ADDITIONS Contributions Employer City Employee 635 31 147 7 24 605 State 387 63 Total contributions Investment income loss 149 292 Investment income Less investment advisor fee 292 149 231 25 Net investment income loss 918 266 Total investment income Total additions 305 330 DEDUCTIONS 666 132 Benefits paid Refunds former plan members Administrative expense 786 015 19 Total deductions 467 152 838 177 Change in net assets Net Assets Beginning of Year 607 3 801 Net Assets End of Year 785 3 639 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement D 12 City of Frostproof Florida NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30 2010 NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES A General Statement is a political subdivision of the State of Florida created by Home Rule Charter adopted by Ordinance 342 on May 9 1977 and approved by referendum on May 17 1977 under the municipal home rule powers act Florida Statutes Chapter 166 The City of Frostproof Florida the City The City operates under a CouncilManager form of govermnent and provides general municipal services to the citizens of the City of Frostproof These services include police and fire protection parks and recreation library transportation and general administrative services Police protection is currently subcontracted out to the Polk County Sheriffs Office The City also operates water wastewater treatment sanitation and stormwater utility systems Currently a board of five elected Council members governs the City The financial statements of the City are prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles GAAP as applied to government units The Governmental Accounting Standards Board GASB is the accepted standard setting body for establishing governmental accounting and financial reporting principles The City has elected not to apply the Financial Accounting Standards Board FASB pronouncements issued after November 30 1989 as permitted by GASB Statement No 20 to its businesstype activities and enterprise funds The more significant of the City s accounting policies are described below B ReDortin2 Enti The City s basic financial statements include the accounts of all City operations and any legally separate entities component units required by generally accepted accounting principles GAAP to be included in the reporting entity Under Statement No 14 of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board the financial statements of the primary government are required to include those legally separate entities referred to as component units which meet the criteria for inclusion in the reporting entity by virtue of the significance of their operational or financial relationships with the City In applying these criteria management has determined that there are no component units to be included within the City s reporting entity C Measurement Focus Basis of Accounting and Financial Statement Presentation The City s basic financial statements consist of both governmentwide statements reporting the City as a whole and fund financial statements reporting the City s major funds The governmentwide statements report information on all the activities of the City with the exception of fiduciary employee pension trust activities which are excluded because their resources are not available to support the City s programs Both the governmentwide and fund financial statements categorize primary activities as either governmental or businesstype E 1 City of Frostproof Florida NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30 2010 NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Cont d C Measurement Focus Basis of Accounting and Financial Statement Presentation Cont d The City s police and fire protection transportation library community affairs recreation and parks s water and general administrative services are classified as governmental activities The City wastewater treatment sanitation and stormwater services are classified as businesstype activities GovernmentWide Financial Statements The governmentwide financial statements are reported using the economic resources measurement focus and the accrual basis of accounting Revenues are recorded when earned and expenses are recorded at the time liabilities are incurred The government wide Statement of Net Assets presents both the governmental and business type activities in separate consolidated columns This statement recognizes all longterm assets capital assets and receivables as well as longterm debt and obligations of the City The City s net assets are reported in three parts 1 invested in capital assets net of related debt 2 restricted net assets and 3 unrestricted net assets The governmentwide Statement of Activities presents the gross and net cost of each of the City s primary activities Gross expenses which include depreciation are expenses clearly identifiable with each specific activity Program revenues are those revenues directly derived from each activity such as charges to customers who directly benefit from services provided by the activity or grants and contributions restricted for use by a specific activity Taxes and other revenue items not properly included as program revenues are reported as general revenues Fund Financial Statements These financial statements are organized into funds each of which is considered to be a separate accounting entity with a self balancing set of accounts Separate statements are presented for governmental and proprietary activities Each major fund is presented in a separate column and all nonmajor funds are aggregated and presented in a single column GASB No 34 defines criteria for the determination of a major fund This criteria is based on each fund s assets liabilities revenues and expendituresexpenses in relationship to all the funds of the City The City s major funds are the General Fund and the Enterprise Fund Governmental fund financial statements are presented using the current financial resources measurement focus and the modified accrual basis of accounting Revenues are recognized when susceptible to accrual when they become both measurable and available Measurable means the amount of the transaction can be deterinined and available means collectible within the current period or within 30 days after year end Grant revenues are considered earned and are accrued simultaneously with the grant expenditure Expenditures are recorded when the related fund liability is incurred The accrual basis of accounting is utilized by all proprietary and fiduciary funds Funds are classified into three categories governmental proprietary and fiduciary The funds used by the City are as follows E 2 City of Frostproof Florida NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30 2010 NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Cont d C Measurement Focus Basis of Accounting and Financial Statement Presentation Cont d Fund Financial Statements Cont d Governmental Funds Governmental funds are used to account for all or most of a government s general activities The s governmental funds are as follows City General Fund The General Fund is the general operating fluid of the City All financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund are accounted for in the General Fund Special Revenue Funds Special Revenue Funds are used to account for revenue sources that are usually restricted by law regulation or administrative action Proprietary Funds Proprietary funds are used to account for activities similar to those found in the private sector where the determination of net income is necessary or useful to sound financial administration The City s proprietary fund is as follows Enterprise Fund The Enterprise Fund is used to account for operations that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises where the costs expenses including depreciation of providing water wastewater treatment sanitation and stormwater services to the general public on a continuing basis are financed through user charges Fiduciary Funds Fiduciary funds are used to account for assets held by the City in a trustee capacity or as an agent for individuals private organizations other governments or on behalf of other funds within the government The City s fiduciary funds are as follows Pension Trust Funds Pension Trust Funds are used to account for the activities of the City s police and general employee retirement systems D Assets Liabilities and Net Assets or Equity 1 Cash Cash Equivalents and Investments The City s cash and cash equivalents include all cash on hand time and demand deposits For the purpose of the Statement of Cash Flows for the proprietary funds the City includes all cash on hand demand deposits and tune deposits with an original maturity of three months or less Investments including those of the pension trust funds are stated at fair value which is either a quoted market price or the best available estimate E 3 City of Frostproof Florida NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30 2010 NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Cont d D Assets Liabilities and Net Assets or Eauity Cont d 2 Receivables In the government wide financial statements receivables consist of all revenues earned at yearend and not yet received Major receivable balances for the governmental activities include grants and sales utility and franchise taxes Receivables for businesstype activities represent grants and unpaid bills for utility services Allowances for uncollectible accounts receivable are based upon historical trends Receivables are reported net of allowances for uncollectible accounts receivable where applicable At year end this allowance amounted to 4 190 in the businesstype activities Notes receivable represent amounts due on the purchase of cemetery lots 3 Due From Due To or Advances FromAdvances To Transactions between funds that result in amounts owed are referred to as either due from to other funds for current interfund loans or advances from to other funds for noncurrent interfund loans Amounts receivable from or payable to other funds are reflected in the accounts of the fund until liquidated Any remaining balances are reported in the government wide statements as internal balances 4 Inventories Prepaid Items and Other Assets Inventories of expendable supplies are recorded at yearend if material These inventories are reported at cost on a firstin firstout basis They are recorded as expenditures at the time individual inventory items are used Prepaid items are for payments made by the City in the current year to provide services occurring in the subsequent fiscal year The City has accumulated a surplus in its net pension obligations by funding more than the required retirement contributions in prior years This asset is recorded in the proprietary fluids and the government wide financial statements 5 Designated and Restricted Assets The City Council has designated certain monies to be accumulated over several years to finance the replacement and or improvement of capital assets Designated assets are presented only in the governmental funds financial statements and represent the City s intended use of such monies Restricted assets represent assets that are legally restricted to specific uses by law or contract These assets and if applicable the related liabilities are presented in the governmental and proprietary funds financial statements and the governmentwide financial statements In cases in which both unrestricted and restricted net assets are available to finance an expense or program the City s policy is to utilize restricted assets first whenever possible E 4 City of Frostproof Florida NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30 2010 NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Cont d D Assets Liabilities and Net Assets or Equity Cont d 6 Capital Assets Capital assets include property plant equipment and infrastructure assets The City defines capital assets as assets with an initial individual cost of more than 1 000 5 000 for infrastructure assets and an estimated useful life in excess of one year The costs of normal maintenance and repairs that do not add to the value of the asset or materially extend asset lives are not capitalized Improvements are capitalized and depreciated over the remaining useful lives of the related fixed assets as applicable In the governmentwide statements capital assets are valued at cost where historical records are available and at an estimated historical cost where no historical records exist Donated fixed assets are valued at their estimated fair market value on the date received With the implementation of GASB Statement No 34 the City began capitalizing infrastructure assets prospectively However at this time the City has elected not to retroactively capitalize infrastructure assets Depreciation is recorded as an expense of each applicable governmental function in the Statement of Activities with accumulated depreciation netted with capital assets in the Statement of Net Assets Depreciation is provided over the assets estimated useful lives using the straightline method of depreciation The range of estimated useful lives by type of assets is as follows Years Assets 25 15 Land improvements Buildings Utility system Machinery equipment and furniture 40 25 50 20 15 5 15 7 Vehicles 50 25 Infrastructure 7 Deferred Debt Expenses and Bond Discounts The City has bonds payable issued in the proprietary funds Bond discounts and issuance costs are deferred and amortized over the term of the bonds using the bonds outstanding method which approximates the effective interest method Bond discounts are presented as a reduction of the face amount of the revenue bonds payable The issuance costs are recorded as deferred debt expense 8 Deferred Revenue In the governmental funds certain unearned revenues are reported as deferred revenue Revenue cannot be recognized until it has been earned and it becomes available to finance expenditures of the current period In the proprietary fields and for the governmental activities in the governmentwide statements deferred revenue is reported for unearned revenue regardless of its availability E 5 City of Frostproof Florida NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30 2010 NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Cont d D Assets Liabilities and Net Assets or Equity Cont d 9 Compensated Absences The City allows employees to accumulate vacation time up to certain lirnits and to be compensated for this time upon termination of employment The liability for these compensated absences is recorded as longterm debt in the government wide statements In the fund financial statements governmental funds report only the compensated absence liability payable from expendable available financial resources while the proprietary funds report the liability as it is incurred 10 LongTerm Debt All longterm debt to be repaid from governmental and businesstype resources is recorded as a liability in the governmentwide statements Longterm debt for governmental funds is not reported as a liability in the fund financial statements The debt proceeds are reported as other financing sources and payment of principle and interest is reported as expenditures The accounting for proprietary fund debt is the same in the fund statements as it is in the governmentwide statements 11 Equity Classifications GovernmentWide Statements Equity is classified as net assets and displayed in three components Consists of capital assets including restricted capital assets net of accumulated depreciation and reduced by the outstanding balances of any Invested in Capital Assets Net of Related Debt debt that is attributable to these capital assets Restricted Net Assets Consists of net assets with constraints placed on the use either by external groups such as grantors or other govermnents or by law through constitutional provisions or enabling legislation In the Statement of Net Assets the City reports 291 279 of restricted net 1 assets of which 224 204 is restricted by enabling legislation Unrestricted Net Assets Consists of all other net assets that do not meet the definition of the other two classifications above Governmental fund equity is classified as fund balance Fund balance is further classified as reserved and unreserved Reserved balances represent those portions of fund equity not appropriable for expenditure or legally segregated for a specific future use Unreserved fund balance is further split between designated and undesignated Designated fund balances represent tentative Fund Statements plans for future use of financial resources Proprietary fund equity is classified the same as in the governmentwide statements 12 Use of Estimates The preparation of basic financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles as applicable to government entities requires management to make use of estimates that affect the reported amounts in the basic financial statements Actual results could differ from estimates E 6 City of Frostproof Florida NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30 2010 NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Cont d E Revenues Expenditures and Expenses 1 Revenues Property taxes franchise taxes licenses and interest associated with the current fiscal period are all susceptible to accrual Property taxes are levied annually based on the value of real property and tangible personal property as assessed on January 1 These taxes are payable from November until the following March and are recognized in the same fiscal period in which the taxes are due The key dates in the property tax cycle are as follows Due By Taxes are levied January 1 Beginning of fiscal year for which taxes have been levied October 1 November 1 Tax bills rendered Property taxes payable November 30 Maximum discount April 1 May 31 Delinquent Tax certificates sold 2 Operating Revenues and Expenses The City s proprietary funds distinguish between operating and nonoperating revenues and expenses Operating revenues and expenses are those that result from providing services and producing and delivering goods and or services including depreciation and excluding interest cost All other revenues and expenses are reported as nonoperating 3 Interfund Transactions Permanent reallocation of resources between the funds of the City is classified as interfund transfers Transfers between governmental or proprietary funds are netted as part of the reconciliation to the governmentwide financial statement presentation NOTE 2 A STEWARDSHIP COMPLIANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY Encumbrances Encumbrance accounting under which purchase orders contracts and other commitments for the expenditure of monies are recorded in order to reserve that portion of the applicable appropriation is employed as an extension of formal budgetary integration Encumbrances outstanding at year end are reported as reservations of fund balances in the governmental funds They do not constitute expenditures or liabilities because the commitments will be honored during the subsequent year Appropriations and encumbrances lapse at the end of each fiscal year E 7 City of Frostproof Florida NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30 2010 NOTE 2 B STEWARDSHIP COMPLIANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY Cont d Budgetary Policv The City charter establishes the fiscal year as the twelvemonth period beginning October 1 st The departments submit to the City Manager a budget of estimated expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year after which the City Manager subsequently submits a proposed budget of estimated expenditures and revenues to the City Council Upon receipt of the budget estimates the City Council holds public hearings on the proposed budget Information about the budget ordinance is then published in the official newspaper of the City On or before September 30 the budget is legally enacted for the General and Enterprise Funds through the passage of an ordinance The City Manager is authorized to transfer budgeted amounts between line items and departments however any revisions that alter the total expenditure of any fund must be approved by the City Council Expenditures for the General Fund may not exceed legal appropriations at the department level Budgeted amounts are as originally adopted and as amended by the City Council For the year ended September 30 2010 the City Council amended the original budget on November 15 2010 The budgetary Budgetary information is presented as Required Supplemental Information comparison schedule for the General Fund the only major governmental fund is presented on page F1 C Comuliance with Finance Related Legal and Contractual Provisions The City has complied with the provisions of the Series 2001A Series Revenue Bonds the United States Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Service RUS program and the State of Florida Revolving Loan covenants that require assets to be accumulated in a restricted account for the payment of future debt service The City has complied with the required payment of debt service principal and interest when due The City is required by the loan covenants of the revenue bonds and the U S Department of Agriculture loans to provide net water and wastewater revenues sufficient to pay 120 of the debt service coverage for these loans for the current year The loans from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection FDEP require net water and wastewater revenues sufficient to pay 115 of the debt service coverage on these loans for the year The City complied with these debt coverage percentages See the detailed calculation on page E18 D Deficit Fund Equity At the end of the year the City Hall Restoration Expendable Trust Fund had a deficit fund balance of 193 This deficit is expected be eliminated by contributions raised by charity events in the next 43 few years E 8 City of Frostproof Florida NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30 2010 NOTE 3 A DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS Cash and Investments Custodial credit riskDeposits Custodial credit risk for deposits is the risk that in the event of a bank failure the City s cash deposits may not be returned to the City At September 30 2010 the carrying amount of the City s cash deposits was 888 138 and the bank 4 balance was 848 104 A net difference of 34 4 040 between these two balances is created by timing differences on disbursements which have not yet cleared the bank at the end of the year In addition the City had 400 cash on hand at September 30 2010 All deposits cash and certificates of deposit are insured by coverage under the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC up to the amount of 250 000 at each bank All deposits are held in qualified public depositories These depositories participate in a shared risk collateral pool overseen by the State of Florida and established by Florida Statute The State of Florida collateral pool is a multiple financial institution pool which provides for additional amounts to be assessed to the members of the pool if the value of the pool s collateral is inadequate to cover a loss The amounts covered by the pool are considered insured for financial reporting disclosure requirements As a result of this arrangement management believes the City s deposits are not exposed to custodial credit risk Restricted cash Certain cash and cash equivalents are legally restricted in the Statement of Net Assets at September 30 2010 as follows Govenumental Business Type Activities Activities 865 499 Capital improvements Transportation Library Impact fees Building permits Hurricane damages Customer deposits 96 941 001 83 792 6 603 58 203 141 44 496 568 273 Debt service 164 142 Stormwater impact fees 202 745 Total restricted cash 431 601 Custodial credit riskInvestments Custodial credit risk for investments is the risk that in the event of a failure of the counterparty the City will not be able to recover the value of its investments or collateral securities that are in the possession of an outside party E 9 City of Frostproof Florida NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30 2010 NOTE 3 A DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS Cont d Cash and Investments Cont d Custodial credit riskInvestments cont d The City s investments are secured through a thirdparty custodial arrangement in the City s name except for the money market funds and the external investment pool in the Florida Municipal Pension Trust Fund FMPTF Investments As of September 30 2010 the City had the following investments at fair value Governmental Fiduciary Activities Funds Total Portfolio Investment Type Money market funds Certificates of deposit 18 546 990 350 S Treasuries U U Government agencies S FMPTF a Municipal bonds Corporate bonds Corporate stocks Total investments 369 536 412 176 70 4 605 130 206 403 178 1 546 329 43 147 436 194 958 990 350 605 130 403 206 178 1 546 329 43 147 436 603 1 236 603 1 236 69 38 774 3 678 144 4 214 00 100 47 8 15 3 98 4 44 28 05 1 52 10 a An external investment pool in which the City has a beneficial interest in the portfolio not in the individual securities held withiii each portfolio Separately issued financial statements may be obtained by contacting the Administrator for the Florida Municipal Pension Trust Fund 301 Bronough Street Suite 300 Tallahassee Florida 32301 Florida Statutes authorize investment of surplus funds in Securities and Exchange Commission registered money market funds with the highest credit quality rating from a nationally recognized rating agency in interestbearing time deposits or savings accounts in qualified public depositories a shared risk collateral pool overseen by the State of Florida in the Local Government Surplus Funds Trust Fund or any intergovernmental investment pool authorized pursuant to the Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act and in direct obligations of the U S Treasury The City s investments except those investments within the pension plan trust funds are invested solely in money market fluids and certificates of deposit The certificates of deposit are invested in either a qualified public depository or are covered by FDIC insurance The pension plan trust funds are allowed to invest in corporate or other bonds and in common stock with certain limitations The investments held by governmental activities serve as collateral for a loan from Citizens Bank Trust a liability in the businesstype activities The balance outstanding on this loan at the end of the year is 189 795 E 10 City of Frostproof Florida NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30 2010 NOTE 3 A DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS Cont d Cash and Investments Cont d Summary of Cash and Investments Reconciliation of cash and investments to amounts shown on the Statement of Net Assets and the Statement of Fiduciary Net Assets Statement of Net Assets Cash including time deposits Investments Restricted cash including time deposits 655 7 2 92 536 369 346 1 633 Statement of Fiduciary Net Assets 774 3 678 Investments 283 8 502 Total Total Reconciled Cash including time deposits 139 4 288 Investments 144 4 214 283 8 502 Total Interest Rate Risk Interest rate risk is the risk that changes in interest rates could adversely affect an investment s fair value The City does not have a formal investment policy that limits investment maturities as a means of managing its exposure to fair value losses arising from increasing interest rates As of September 30 2010 the City had the following investments with interest rate risk F Va Weighted Average Maturity years a Investment Type United States Treasuries Government Agencies Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Federal National Mortgage Association Government Mortgage Pools FHLMC mortgage pools FNMA mortgage pools Government National Mortgage Association mortgage pools Municipal bonds Corporate bonds FMPTF Corporate bond fund b Total investments with interest rate risk 605 130 52 1 10 781 727 25 01 66 352 296 66 249 37 329 43 147 436 78 1 22 1 68 10 72 1 955 441 32 1 258 1 441 39 8 a Weighted average years to maturity are used to estimate the interest rate risk b Portion of FMPTF external pool invested in bond fund E 11 04 City of Frostproof Florida NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30 2010 NOTE 3 A DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS Cont d Cash and Investments Cont d Credit Risk The following displays the credit quality ratings of the City s applicable investments Credit Ratings a Investment Type Money market funds Not rated AAA United States Treasuries United States Agencies Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Federal National Mortgage Association United States Agencies Mortgage Pools Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Federal National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Municipal bonds Corporate bonds FMPTF Broad Market High Quality Bond Portfolio AAA AAA Not rated Not rated Not rated AA to AAA AA to AAA V4 AA a The credit rating service listed above is Standard and Poor s except for the FMPTF broad market high quality bond portfolio which is rated by Fitch Credit risk is the risk that an issuer or other counterparty to an investment will not fulfill its obligations The credit ratings above are provided to indicate associated credit risk The investment policies of the pension trust funds have certain criteria regarding credit ratings allowed for their investments Concentration of credit risk Concentration of credit risk is when five percent or more of the total investments are invested with one issuer Investments issued or explicitly guaranteed by the United States government and investments in mutual funds or pools are excluded There were no concentrations to disclose for the year ended September 30 2010 E 12 City of Frostproof Florida NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30 2010 NOTE 3 DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS Cont d B Capital Assets 1 Capital Activity Capital asset activity for the year ended September 30 2010 was as follows Ending Beginning Governmental activities Balance Increases Decreases Balance Capital assets not being depreciated Land 836 167 836 167 Construction in progress Total capital assets not being depreciated 836 167 836 167 Capital assets being depreciated Buildings Capitalized building lease Improvements other than buildings Equipment Infrastructure Total capital assets being depreciated Less accumulated depreciation for Buildings Capitalized building lease Improvements other than buildings Equipment Infrastructure Total accumulated depreciation 588 77 947 2 4 89 154 97 613 1 521 523 2 274 588 77 982 8 294 409 2 4 78 154 97 613 1 521 424 2 368 538 11 494 176 410 43 988 414 456 8 862 020 603 765 3 1 01 145 12 438 623 691 1 158 877 5 634 3 383 107 806 429 2 902 46 363 145 767 13 267 316 822 4 479 753 286 109 5 232 990 4 315 286 753 277 5 068 398 458 588 77 588 77 571 4 1 09 574 14 340 670 758 1 933 644 19 873 3 062 Total capital assets being depreciated net Governmental activities capital assets net E 13 City of Frostproof Florida NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30 2010 NOTE 3 B DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS Cont d Capital Assets Cont d 1 Capital Activity Cont d Ending Beginning Businesstype activities Capital assets not being depreciated Land Construction in progress Intangible assets 371 69 718 9 2 60 300 105 298 2 443 154 5 163 937 216 937 216 Idle assets 371 69 104 998 300 105 Total capital assets not being depreciated Capital assets being depreciated Water and wastewater system Stormwater system Machinery and equipment Total capital assets being depreciated Less accumulated depreciation for Water and wastewater system Stormwater system Machinery and equipment Total accumulated depreciation Total capital assets being depreciated net Businesstype activities capital assets net 352 3 326 298 2 443 881 0 9 18 709 658 167 1 5 64 935 13 154 5 163 606 496 14 048 183 644 672 953 572 608 57 561 630 543 250 10 235 5 710 253 486 15 318 4 2 02 795 120 318 294 817 2 431 368 343 892 16 062 34 297 419 433 7 112 816 4 413 438 785 10 114 7 856 338 39 338 39 525 249 12 154 5 163 Depreciation expense including amortization of capital leases was charged to functions as follows Governmental activities 64 791 492 87 365 39 976 68 Culture 643 55 Community affairs Total depreciation expense 316 26 Businesstype activities Water and sewer system Stormwater system Total depreciation expense 405 402 892 16 419 297 E 14 718 367 236 3 728 2 Depreciation Expense General government Public safety Transportation 323 7 2 31 687 137 131 746 12 City of Frostproof Florida NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30 2010 NOTE 3 C DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS Cont d Interfund Receivables Payables and Transfers Individual interfund receivable and payable balances as of September 30 2010 are as follows Receivable Fund A mnrnnt Payable Fund General Fund 313 43 Nonmaj or Governmental Fund City Hall Restoration Purpose of Advances The advance listed above is to fniance the City Hall Restoration Expendable Trust Fund s necessary expenditures needed to complete a restoration project which were in excess of grant funds received This interfund balance is not expected to be repaid within the next year Individual interfund transfer balances as of September 30 2010 are as follows Receivable Fund Payable Fund Enterprise Fund General Fund Amount 880 341 Purpose of Transfers The transfer listed above was authorized by the City Council to rectify the Enterprise s Fund overdrawn balance in the pooled cash bank account D Leases Operating Leases In August 2009 a new lease for two copiers began with a teen of five years The following are the future minimum lease payments remaining for this lease A mnnnt Vanr Fnfl 2011 2013 407 1 1 4 07 407 1 2014 172 1 2012 Total Lease expense for the year totaled 1 407 E 15 5 393 City of Frostproof Florida NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30 2010 NOTE 3 E DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS Cont d LongTerm Liabilities 1 LongTerm Liability Activity Longterm liability activity for the year ended September 30 2010 is summarized as follows Amount Due Beginning Balance Additions Reductions Ending Within One Balance Year Governmental Activities Other liabilities 438 27 978 31 956 29 460 29 460 29 438 27 978 31 9561 29 29 460 460 29 820 1 000 000 45 775 1 000 000 50 926 20 525 1 401 19 493 1 Compensated absences Total Governmental Businesstype Activities Revenue bonds payable Unamortized discount on revenue bonds Loans payable 885 2 157 962 958 650 181 662 3 469 469 153 Total Business type 684 4 231 962 958 S 225 125 5 418 068 976 201 2 Revenue Bonds Revenue bonds payable are comprised of the following individual obligations Lender Interest Issue Ending Rate Amount Balance 10 to 3 Water and Sewer System Revenue Bonds 105 2 000 775 1 000 75 4 2001A Series Unamortized discount on 2001A Series Bonds 125 34 401 19 755 1 599 Total revenue bonds payable These bonds were issued as the first of a group of notes authorized to be issued to provide funds for the construction of the wastewater plant Phase I 2001A Series Revenue Bonds These bonds are secured by the net revenues of the water and wastewater systems and any legally available nonad valorem revenues of the City This bond issue requires that funds be deposited into a sinking fund monthly at amounts which will fully fund the next succeeding principal and interest payments when due The City is also required to maintain a reserve account at various specified amounts and to provide net water and wastewater revenues sufficient to maintain a minimum debt service coverage of 120 Payments are due in annual installments including principal and interest varying from 141 369 to the final payment amount of 142 088 due in September 2031 E 16 City of Frostproof Florida NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30 2010 NOTE 3 E DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS Cont d LongTerm Liabilities Cont d 3 Loans Payable Loans payable are comprised of the following individual obligations Lender Interest Issue Ending Rate Amount Balance 63 4 099 311 000 0 2 00 275 1 000 000 350 384 273 290 6 1 61 207 1 000 000 331 00 4 000 200 795 189 16 3 Florida Dept of Environmental Protection Florida Dept of Environmental Protection US Dept of Agriculture Rural Utilities Services 09 2 US Dept of Agriculture Rural Utilities Services Citizens Bank Trust 75 4 62 469 a k Total loans payable State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection Loans These loans provided funds for the collection transmission and treatment of the wastewater system in the northwest and southeast quadrants of the City and for the planning and design of new collector sewers In the current year the City received 958 962 in additional funds for the extension of wastewater lines to additional areas of the City Phases II and Ma Payments are due in semiannual installments includuig principal and interest The first loan above has installments varying of 10 455 with the last one due in June 2027 The second loan has installments of 66 360 with the last one due in December 2024 United States Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Service RUS Loans These two loans were the second in a group of loans authorized to provide funds for the construction of the wastewater plant Phase 1 Payments are due in annual installments including principal and interest The first loan above has installments varying from 73 333 to the final payment of 72 278 due in December 2043 The second loan has installments varying from 20 078 to the final payment of 19 879 due in December 2043 State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection and RUS Loans The net revenues of the water and wastewater system are also pledged for the repayment of the State of Florida and United States Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Service RUS loans These loans are subordinate to the 2001A Series Revenue Bonds These loans require maintaining sinking and reserve accounts as described under revenue bonds above The State of Florida loans also require a minimum debt service coverage of 115 of the City s net water and wastewater revenues Trust The City obtained this loan for the purpose of acquiring a well field for the future growth of the water utility system This loan is secured by investments held in the General Fund Payments are due in quarterly instalhnents varying from 861 in October 2009 to a balloon payment of 182 757 on April 1 2013 when the loan matures Citizens Bank E 17 City of Frostproof Florida NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30 2010 NOTE 3 E DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS Cont d LongTerm Liabilities Cont d 4 Summary of Debt Service Requirements to Maturity Annual debt service requirements of all longterm bonds and notes payable for business type activities as of September 30 2010 are as follows Year Ending Principal 976 201 194 196 315 382 486 195 505 181 109 1 339 256 1 947 644 824 662 400 000 339 September 30 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2020 2021 2025 2026 2030 2031 2035 2036 2040 210 532 209 200 982 190 465 188 970 181 357 798 259 590 014 372 305 184 518 111 Total 412 508 403 396 297 573 951 383 475 363 907 1 696 847 1 206 196 1 658 967 584 518 450 000 330 278 24 278 354 418 5 068 052 3 889 470 8 957 2041 2045 Total Interest Interest expense for the year totaled 201 505 all of which was expensed and is included as a direct function expense of water and wastewater treatment in the Statement of Activities F Pledged Revenues The City is required by the loan covenants of the water and wastewater revenue bonds to provide debt service coverage for bond payments of 120 for the year The Florida Department of Environmental Protection FDEP also requires coverage of 115 for its loan payments for the year The City is in compliance with these debt service coverages as follows Debt Service Coverage 145 1 138 Gross revenues a Less 549 711 164 9 Operating expenses b Annual bond reserve requirement Net available revenue Revenue bonds Debt service requirements Revenue bonds Coverage Revenue bonds Net available revenue Revenue bonds Required net revenues for revenue bonds 230 910 x 1 2 Net available revenue 263 586 910 230 253 263 586 092 277 309 171 FDEP 630 153 Debt service requirements FDEP Coverage Revenue bonds 201 a Includes operating revenues for water and wastewater treatment and investment revenue b Excludes sanitation expenses 363 635 stormwater expenses 49 978 depreciation for water and wastewater 402 405 and items expensed relating to construction of Phase II and IIIa of the wastewater system 535 960 E 18 City of Frostproof Florida NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30 2010 NOTE 3 F DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS Cont d Pledged Revenues Cont d Future Revenues The City has pledged future revenues net of certain operating expenses for payment of debt The following table provides a summary of the pledged revenues for the City s outstanding debt issues Additional information regarding the City s pledged revenue can be found in the preceding sections of this note Percentage of Net Revenues Total Pledged Revenue Water and wastewater Revenue Principal Current Year Current to Principal Pledged Through and Interest Principal and Year Net and Interest Outstanding Interest Paid Revenue Paid 2043 11 12 281 8 680 541 384 427 595 84 154 G Fund Equity In the governmental fluid financial statements reserves and designations separate portions of fund balances Reserves represent legal restrictions placed on assets which are not subject to modification by the City Designations are by actions of the City Council and can be increased reduced or eliminated by similar actions Reserved Fund Balances Reserved fund balances as of September 30 2010 are described as follows Reserved for Cultural Activities Represents unexpended funds from the Polk County library cooperative under the State Aid to Libraries Program monies are restricted to library use Reserved for Advances to Other Funds Represents a portion of the fluid balance that does not constitute an available spendable resource because the advances are noncurrent Reserved for Public Safety Represents unexpended funds received from building permits which are restricted to building department expenses Reserved for Hurricane Damages Represents unexpended monies received from FEMA to be spent on certain replacements resulting from damages from the hurricanes in 2004 Represents unexpended proceeds received from Reserved for Capital Improvements impact fees which are restricted to capital facility projects Represents unspent gas tax monies restricted by the state for transportation capital improvements Reserved for Transportation Improvements Designated Fund Balances Designated fund balances as of September 30 2010 are described as follows Designated for Public Safety Represents funds transferred from the Police Officers Association Trust Fund to the General Fund when the City closed down its police department Funds are to be used by the Fire Department Designated for Capital Improvements Represents fluids set aside to finance capital improvements in the fire and transportation departments by the City Council E 19 City of Frostproof Florida NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30 2010 NOTE 3 G DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS Cont d Fund Equity Cont d In the proprietary fund financial statements restricted net assets represent restrictions imposed by parties outside the City Restricted Net Assets Restricted net assets as of September 30 2010 are described as follows Restricted for Debt Service Represents amounts set aside according to revenue bonds and loan debt covenants to pay unmatured principal and interest Represents unspent impact fees and stormwater Restricted for Capital Improvement revenue to be used for improvements to capital facility projects and the stormwater system respectively H Pension Plans The City maintains two separate singleemployer defined benefit pension plans for its employees Each plan provides retirement disability and death benefits to plan members and beneficiaries Both plans were adopted by City ordinance and are governed by separate boards of trustees These pension plans do not issue standalone financial reports These plans are subject to review by independent actuaries in order to determine annual required contributions The City contributes to the General Employees Pension Trust Fund The Police Officers Pension Trust Fund receives proceeds from an excise tax on property insurance premiums to fund its annual required contribution While the City no longer has its own police department many of the City police officers who transferred to the Polk County Sheriff s Office elected to remain with the City retirement plan If the excise tax proceeds on property insurance premiums are not adequate to maintain the actuarial soundness of the City plan the Polk County s Office will contribute to the plan but is not required to contribute more than the Florida Sheriff retirement system percentage The City will contribute any remaining shortfall 1 Plan Descriptions A General Employees Pension Trust Fund All employees working at least 20 hours each week excluding police officers are required to participate in the City s general employees pension plan after one year of service Upon retirement employees are entitled to a benefit of 1 5 of their average monthly compensation as defined in the plan for each year of credited service Normal retirement age is 65 with at least 10 years of vested service Early retirement age is 55 with at least 10 years of vested service The plan also provides disability benefits for participants who are disabled on a continuous and permanent basis E 20 City of Frostproof Florida NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30 2010 NOTE 3 DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS Cont d H Pension Plans Cont d 1 Plan Descriptions Cont d B Police Officers Pension Trust Fund Currently members of the plan are the police officers who elected to remain with the plan when they transferred to the Polk County Sheriff s Office Upon retirement members are entitled to a benefit at 3 55 of their average final compensation as defined in the plan for each year of credited service Normal retirement age is 55 with the completion of 10 years of credited service or age 52 with the completion of 25 years of credited service Early retirement age is 45 with at least 10 years of credited service The plan also provides disability benefits for members who become totally and permanently disabled 2 Summary of Actuarial Methods Assumptions and Related Information for Each Plan General Employees Police Officers Pension Trust Pension Trust Latest date 101 10 10 1 10 Frequency Every other year Annual Aggregate Entry age normal Actuarial Valuation Cost method Accounting Policies Basis of accounting Accrual Accrual Assets valuation Reporting Market value 4 year smooth market Membership Active Retiree 19 4 5 4 10 5 beneficiaries Terminated vested By and on Behalf of City Contribution Rates City Required 13 6 Contributed 00 6 As needed 1 Plan members 1 32 554 241 24 31 081 081 31 Annual pension cost Actual contributions made City contribution made from the Funding Standard Account Amortization Remaining period Method 30 years Level dollar open Actuarial assumptions Investment rate of return net of investment related expenses Projected salary increases Includes inflation at Costofliving adjustments E 21 Level 27 years of pay closed 25 7 8 5 5 6 25 3 0 3 None 0 3 City of Frostproof Florida NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30 2010 NOTE 3 H 3 DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS Cont d Pension Plans Cont d Threeyear Trend Information Actuarially Net Pension Year Determined Percentage Ended Contribution Contributed Obligation Asset General Employees 30 9 10 30 9 09 30 9 08 081 31 29 721 699 21 00 100 00 100 00 100 Police Officers 30 9 10 30 9 09 24 241 022 3 00 100 30 9 08 4 00 100 00 942 54 183 496 62 052 42 Development of Net Pension Asset NPA General Police Employees Officers Pension Trust Pension Trust 101 10 101 10 Actuarially Detennined Contribution A 081 31 241 24 000 5 Interest on NPA 313 13 Adjustment to A Annual Pension Cost 081 31 554 32 Contributions Made 081 31 241 24 313 8 Increase Decrease in NPO NPO Begimiing of Year NPO Ending of Year 496 X62 183 54 Contribution made from the Funduig Standard Account As of September 30 2010 the General Employees Pension Trust has no calculated Net Pension Asset however the City has made advance contributions in the amount of 133 814 for that plan 5 Method Changes The Police Officers Pension Trust Plan changed the assumption for mortality from the 1983 Group Annuity Mortality Table to the RP 2000 Combined Healthy Table The General Employees Pension Trust Plan changed the administrative expense assumption from a flat 000 per year to a 4 5 5 loading of the total projected benefit liability 6 Other Information The General Employees Pension Trust Plan uses the aggregate actuarial cost method to calculate the ARC The aggregate actuarial cost method does not identify or separately amortize unfunded actuarial accrued liabilities The Schedule of Funding Progress is presented in the Required Supplementary Infonnation section using the entry age normal cost method in order to provide information that serves as a surrogate for the funded status and funding progress of the plan E 22 City of Frostproof Florida NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30 2010 NOTE 3 H 6 DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS Cont d Pension Plans Cont d Other Information Cont d The Schedule of Funding Progress presented as Required Supplementary Information following the Notes to the Financial Statements presents multiyear trend information about whether the actuarial value of plan assets is increasing or decreasing over time relative to the accrued liability for benefits The projection of benefits for financial statement reporting purposes does not explicitly incorporate the potential effects of legal or contractual funding limitations There are no stand alone financial reports issued for the pension trust funds I Other Employee Benefits Plans The City contributes 6 of the City Manager s salary to a deferred compensation plan established for the benefit of the City Manager The City Manager is required to contribute a minimum 1 of her salary All contributions are 100 vested The City s contributions to this plan for the year ended September 30 2010 was 4 542 The City also offers its employees who have completed one year of continuous service an optional non contributory deferred compensation plan created pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Section 457 Both plans are administered by thirdparty custodians and the plans assets are not considered part of the reporting entity and are not included in these financial statements J Other Post Employment Benefits OPEB The City provides retiring employees the option to continue participating in the s health dental and vision insurance benefits and group term life insurance benefits at the same City rate as active employees The contribution requirements of the City and plan members are established and can be amended by the City Council These contributions are neither guaranteed nor Plan Description mandatory Retirees who do not choose within thirty days after termination of employment to participate lose eligibility to participate in the future Participating retirees must pay 100 of the costs of any insurance they elect to continue The plan does not issue a publicly available financial report In order to comply with the requirements of The Governmental Accounting Standards Board GASB No 45 Accounting and Financial Reporting by Employers for Postemployment Benefits Other Than Pensions the City had an actuarial valuation of postemployment benefits performed Since the City is required to comingle retirees and active employees in determining the health plan cost there exists an implicit subsidy to retirees that creates an OPEB liability on the part of the City This pronouncement is being implemented prospectively and the City does not intend to fund this actuarial accrued liability and will pay any current costs on a pay as you go basis Funding Policy Participants The City has 17 active employees Of these 3 are fully eligible for benefits and 14 are not yet fully eligible There are no retired participants E 23 City of Frostproof Florida NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30 2010 NOTE 3 J DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS Cont d Other Post Employment Benefits OPEB Cont d Annual OPEB Cost and Net OPEB Obligation The following shows the components of the s annual OPEB cost for the year the amount actually contributed to plan which is zero since the City plan is not being funded and the changes in the City s net OPEB obligation to the plan Annual Required Contribution ARC Adjustment to ARC 000 2 Annual OPEB Cost 000 2 Contributions Made 000 2 Increase in Net OPEB Obligation Net OPEB Obligation Beginning of Year Net OPEB Ending of Year 2 000 The City s annual OPEB cost the percentage of annual OPEB cost contributed to the plan and the net OPEB obligation for the year are as follows of Annual Year Annual OPEB OPEB Cost Net OPEB Ended Cost Contributed Obligation 30 9 10 000 2 00 0 000 2 Actuarial Methods and Assumptions Actuarial valuations are based on numerous assumptions concerning the cost of benefits to be provided in the future the contributions expected to be made by retirees in the future the incidence and level of benefit coverage in the future and the future demographic experience of the current active employees of the City and current retirees and their covered dependents The following were used in the current year evaluation Valuation date 10 1 8 Actuarial cost method Projected unit credit Amortization method 15year open period level dollar payment 00 per annum 4 includes inflation at 2 75 per annum Investment return Healthcare cost trend rate s Insurance Premiums 00 for 201011 graded 10 Select rates to 6 00 for 2018 19 Ultimate rates 00 per annum 5 E 24 City of Frostproof Florida NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30 2010 NOTE 3 J DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS Cont d Other Post Employment Benefits OPEB Cont d Calculations of benefits for financial reporting purposes are based on the plan as understood by the City and the plan members and include the types of benefits provided at the time of each valuation and the historical pattern of sharing of benefit costs Actuarial Methods and Assumptions Cont d between the City and plan members to that point The actuarial methods and assumptions used are designed to reduce short term volatility in actuarial accrued liabilities and the actuarial value of assets consistent with the longterm perspective of the calculations Actuarial valuations for an ongoing plan involve estimates of the value of reported amounts and assumptions about the probability of occurrence of events far into the future Actuarially determined amounts are subject to continuous revisions as actual results are compared to past expectations and new estimates about the future are formulated Although the valuation results are based on values which the City s actuarial consultant believes are reasonable assumptions the valuation results reflect a longterm perspective and as such are merely an estimate of what future costs may actually be Other Information The Schedule of Funding Process following the notes presents multiyear trend information about whether the actuarial value of the plan assets is increasing or decreasing over time relative to the actual accrued liability for benefits Since this is the first year of implementation and the City is iunplementing prospectively only the current year is presented in this year s report K Risk Management The City is exposed to various risks of loss related to torts theft of damage to and destruction of assets errors and omissions injuries to employees employee health claims and natural disasters for which the City carries commercial insurance All coverage remains constant from the prior year L Commitments and Contingencies 1 Construction Commitments The City routinely enters into various construction commitments At September 30 2010 the most significant commitments follow Commitment Total Project ect Phase IIIbWastewater system Engineering fees 000 200 Expended 998 104 Outstanding 002 95 The City received a grant through the Florida Department of Enviromnental Protection Agency to pay for Phase IIlb of the wastewater system 2 Contract with Polk County Sheriffs Office Effective January 1 2007 the City contracted with the Polk County Sheriff s Office to provide police services within the City This contract is for the period from January 1 2007 to September 30 2011 The following are the annual amounts which are paid in quarterly installments due on this contract Amount Year End 2011 082 732 Expense for the year totaled 659 109 on this contract for police services E 25 REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION City of Frostproof Florida BUDGETARY COMPARISON SCHEDULE GENERAL FUND For the Year Ended September 30 2010 Variance with Final Budget Budgeted Amounts Final Original Positive Actual Negative REVENUES Taxes Franchise and utility taxes Licenses and permits Intergovernmental Charges for services 15 000 450 11 38 000 350 23 347 2 040 701 2 430 736 2 591 423 490 950 938 830 453 320 147 650 78 460 722 516 290 990 932 930 397 320 160 250 80 480 638 487 657 682 937 633 28 343 384 154 250 398 52 445 586 13 587 070 6 852 27 035 52 764 2 700 726 2 260 602 2 775 485 123 370 0 1 64 280 684 100 46 370 554 960 290 Fines and forfeitures Investment income Other Total revenues 4 374 0 1 64 372 694 179 46 135 582 419 290 331 3 544 40 237 15 840 0 1 16 000 471 000 17 380 542 370 273 Property 092 10 79 765 27 541 331 3 544 2 8 1 13 161 35 EXPENDITURES General govermnent Public safety Transportation Culture Community affairs Capital outlay Total expenditures Excess Deficiency of Revenues Over Under Expenditures 692 4 660 417 830 24 816 133 646 158 000 350 000 500 880 341 120 158 660 767 830 524 064 208 766 316 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES USES Operating transfers out NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES See accompanying notes to other required supplementary information F 1 City of Frostproof Florida REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION PENSION TRUST FUNDS For the Year Ended September 30 2010 SCHEDULE OF FUNDING PROGRESS Actuarial UAAL as a Accrued Actuarial Actuarial Valuation Value of Assets Date a Liability AAL b Unfunded AAL UAAL Funded Ratio ba b a Covered of Covered Payroll c Payroll b ac General Employees Pension Trust 101 10 09 1 10 08 1 10 07 1 10 06 1 10 05 1 10 27 114 236 914 732 0 1 44 934 951 550 975 157 1 976 034 1 232 184 1 271 A N A N A N 68 106 494 914 774 447 A N 115 353 A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A N 184 1 271 00 0 A N 00 0 A N A N 00 100 643 551 00 0 33 87 183 755 253 186 232 176 549 167 389 285 060 335 22 230 Police Officers Pension Trust 10 1 10 09 1 10 08 1 10 967 2 364 07 1 10 167 8 2 34 610 2 123 476 2 475 101 06 1011105 193 3 3 39 299 3 136 000 3 000 726 2 894 693 2 581 686 2 195 147 9 2 16 978 2 399 423 046 737 320 636 32 28 90 273 107 93 103 458 83 209 720 91 98 90 96 19 92 21 172 52 18 02 64 24 29 59 62 Actuarial accrued liability is calculated using the entry age normal cost method after 2006 as required by GASB Statement No 50 No actuarial valuations were performed for 2009 2007 or 2006 UAAL not less than zero SCHEDULE OF CONTRIBUTIONS FROM EMPLOYERS AND OTHER CONTRIBUTING ENTITIES Annual Year Ended Required Polk City County Sheriff State Percentage September 30 Contribution Contribution Contribution Contributed General Employees Pension Trust 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 31 081 721 29 699 21 847 20 041 20 260 45 081 31 00 100 29 721 699 21 847 20 041 20 260 45 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 100 Police Officers Pension Trust 2010 846 48 2009 901 28 2008 32 814 460 82 2007 24 241 458 28 052 42 859 55 24 605 879 25 203 53 601 26 00 100 01 188 29 290 00 100 00 100 2006 2005 601 26 The 2010 City contribution of 24 241 was paid from the Funding Standard Account See accompanying notes to other required supplementary information F 2 00 100 City of Frostproof Florida REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION OTHER POSTEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS For the Year Ended September 30 2010 SCHEDULE OF FUNDING PROGRESS Actuarial UAAL as a Accrued Actuarial Actuarial Valuation Value of Assets Date a 10 1 8 Liability AAL b Unfunded AAL UAAL ba 000 6 000 6 Funded Ratio ab 00 0 Covered of Covered Payroll c Payroll b ac 000 474 August 1 2010 is the first fiscal year that an actuarial valuation was performed on the City s Other Postemployment Benefits Plan SCHEDULE OF CONTRIBUTIONS FROM EMPLOYERS Annual Year Ended Required City Percentage September 30 Contribution Contribution Contributed 2010 00 0 000 2 See accompanying notes to other required supplementary information F3 27 1 City of Frostproof Florida NOTES TO REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION September 30 2010 BUDGETARY COMPARISON SCHEDULE The Budgetary Comparison Schedule in the accompanying Required Supplemental Information section presents a comparison of the legally adopted budget as amended with the actual results in the General Fund The originally adopted budget is presented for purposes of comparison to the final amended budget Governmental fund budgets are prepared this year using the modified accrual basis of accounting which is the same basis of accounting used by the General Fund for financial statement reporting In the past the City prepared its budget on a basis which had some differences from generally accepted acounting principles However over the years these differences have diminished and a comparison on the same basis as the financial statements is now considered more appropriate REOUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION 1 PENSION TRUST FUNDS Schedule of Funding Progress In the past the schedule of funding progress was not required to be presented when pension plans used the aggregate actuarial cost method because this method does not identify or separately amortize unfunded actuarial accrued liabilities Now GASB Statement No 50 requires that such plans present this funding information using the entry age actuarial cost method Therefore the General Employees Pension Trust Fund now presents this funding schedule as required in order to provide information that serves as a surrogate for the funded status and funding progress of the plan 2 City Contributions The annual required contribution for the Police Officers Pension Trust Fund is generally contributed by the Polk County Sheriff s Office limited to the Florida retirement system percentage The City contributes if there is any remaining shortfall This plan receives contributions from a one percent excise tax imposed by the City on casualty insurance proceeds from an excise tax on fie insurance which is collected by the State of Florida and remitted to this plan For additional information regarding the pension trust funds refer to Note 3 H on pages E20 to E23 in the notes to the financial statements REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION 1 OPEB Schedule of Funding Progress New this year is the application of GASB No 45 which requires the calculation of a possible future City obligation for an implicit subsidy by providing retirees with the option to continue participating in the City s health dental vision and group term life insurance benefits The calculation of this liability is 6 000 2 City Contributions The City is not funding this liability and will pay any costs on a pay as you go basis Currently there are no retirees participating in this benefit For additional information regarding OPEB refer to Note 34 on pages E23 to E25 in the notes to the financial statements F 4 OTHER SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION COMBINING STATEMENTS NONMAJOR FUNDS OTHER GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Special revenue funds account for proceeds from certain specific revenue sources These funds are recorded separately as directed by legal requirements regulatory provisions or administrative action As with the General Fund the prirnary accounting focus is on the sources and uses of available funds and the financial activity is reported using the modified accrual basis of accounting City Hall Restoration Expendable Trust Fund This fund was created originally to account for contributions received to be used for the restoration of City Hall formerly the old Frostproof High School The City is also receiving grant funds from the State of Florida Department of State Division of Historical Resources to be used for this purpose Latt Maxcy Memorial Library Expendable Trust Fund This fund was created for use by the library Financing is provided by donations from the public and is used for expenditures not normally covered in the City budget process Fire Department Trust Fund This fund was created for use by the volunteer firemen The City remits checks to this fund which are used to pay the volunteer firemen for fire calls and meetings Excess money is used for expenditures not normally covered in the City budget process City of Frostproof Florida COMBINING BALANCE SHEET NONMAJOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS September 30 2010 Latt Maxey Memorial Fire Restoration Library Departmen Expendable Expendable t Trust City Hall Fund Total ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Total assets 265 878 8 104 26 247 35 265 878 8 104 26 247 35 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES Liabilities Accounts payable Advance from other funds Total liabilities 145 145 313 43 313 43 458 43 458 43 Fund Balances Unreserved 193 43 878 8 104 26 211 8 Total fund balances deficit 193 43 878 8 104 26 211 8 878 8 104 26 247 35 Total liabilities and fund balances 265 G 1 City of Frostproof Florida COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES NONMAJOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS For the Year Ended September 30 2010 Latt Maxey City Hall Memorial Restoration Expendable Library Expendable Department Trust Fund Trust Fund Trust Fund Fire Total REVENUES Charges for services 704 21 704 21 85 85 534 67 721 8 255 76 238 89 806 8 044 98 817 4 4 8 17 821 30 575 16 Investment income Other Total revenues EXPENDITURES Current Public safety Culture 556 28 Capital outlay 575 16 265 2 Total expenditures 131 45 265 2 817 4 213 52 Excess Deficiency of Revenues Over Under Expenditures 107 44 265 2 989 3 831 45 107 44 265 2 989 3 831 45 Fund Balances Deficit Beginning of year 300 87 143 11 115 22 042 54 Fund Balances Deficit End of year 193 43 878 8 104 26 Net change in fund balances G 2 211 8 FIDUCIARY FUNDS PENSION TRUST FUNDS General Employees Pension Trust Fund This plan was created October 1 1985 to provide retirement benefits for City employees with more than one year of service Police Officers Pension Trust Fund This fund was created May 28 1985 to provide a retirement fund for police officers The plan currently covers the police officers who elected to remain with the plan when they transferred to the Polk County s Office in January 2008 Sheriff City of Frostproof Florida COMBINING STATEMENT OF FIDUCIARY NET ASSETS FIDUCIARY FUNDS September 30 2010 General Police Employees Officers Pension Trust Pension Trust Fund Fund Totals 178 1 546 132 5 2 96 961 10 678 7 3 74 961 10 178 1 546 607 2 093 785 3 639 178 1 546 607 2 093 785 3 639 ASSETS Investments Accrued interest and dividends Total assets LIABILITIES Accounts payable Total liabilities NET ASSETS Held in trust for pension benefits G 3 City of Frostproof Florida COMBINING STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FIDUCIARY NET ASSETS FIDUCIARY FUNDS For the Year Ended September 30 2010 General Police Employees Officers Pension Trust Pension Trust Fund Fund ADDITIONS Contributions Employer City 635 31 635 31 Other 605 24 147 7 24 605 908 36 479 26 387 63 326 98 823 193 149 292 326 98 193 823 231 25 292 149 231 25 326 98 592 168 918 266 234 135 071 195 305 330 499 37 167 95 666 132 597 3 418 15 015 19 882 41 585 110 467 152 352 93 486 84 838 177 Net assets Beginning of year 085 1 194 522 2 607 607 3 801 Net assets End of year 178 1 546 607 2 093 785 3 639 273 5 Employee State Total contributions 874 1 Investment income loss Investment income Total investment income Less investment advisor fee Net investment income loss Total additions DEDUCTIONS Benefits paid Refunds former plan members 786 Administrative expense Total deductions Change in net assets G 4 786 COMPLIANCE SECTION Turner A Wiggins C A P Donald J Smit C A P Pamela M Burby C A P John S Reineke C A P INDEPENDENT AUDITORS REPORT ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING AND ON COMPLIANCE AND OTHER MATTERS BASED ON AN AUDIT OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNMENT AUDITING STANDARDS Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Frostproof Florida We have audited the financial statements of the governmental activities the businesstype activities each major fund and the aggregate remaining fund information of the City of Frostproof Florida the City as of and for the year ended September 30 2010 which collectively comprise the City s basic financial statements and have issued our report thereon dated March 1 2011 We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States Internal Control Over Financial Reporting In planning and performing our audit we considered the City s internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinions on the financial statements but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the City s internal control over financial reporting Accordingly we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the s internal control over financial reporting City A deficiency in internal control exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow management or employees in the norinal course of performing their assigned functions to prevent or detect and correct misstatements on a timely basis A material weakness is a deficiency or combination of deficiencies in internal control such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the City s financial statements will not be prevented or detected and corrected on a timely basis Our consideration of internal control over financial reporting was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph of this section and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in the internal control over financial reporting that might be deficiencies significant deficiencies or material weaknesses We did not identify any deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting that we consider to be material weaknesses as defined above Compliance and Other Matters As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the City s financial statements are free of material misstatement we performed tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws regulations contracts and grant agreements noncompliance with which could have a direct and material effect on the detennination of financial statement amounts However providing an opinion on compliance with those provisions was not an objective of our audit and accordingly we do not express such an opinion The results of our tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance or other matters that are required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards H 30 Fourth Street S W Winter Haven Florida 33880 1 863 2998084 42729 U S Highway 27 Davenport Florida 33837 www com epawinterhaven 863 3530001 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Frostproof Florida Page Two We noted certain matters that we reported to the management of the City in the accompanying management letter dated March 1 2011 This report is intended solely for the information and use of management City Council others within the entity and federal and state awarding agencies and pass through entities and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties M44 coo 14 SAit Rei J OUPE j fwmpa ekeSt March 1 2011 Winter Haven Florida H 2 Turner A Wiggins Donald J Smit Pamela M Burby John S Reineke G i ompany P A Certified Public Accountants INDEPENDENT AUDITORS REPORT ON COMPLIANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS THAT COULD HAVE A DIRECT AND MATERIAL EFFECT ON EACH MAJOR FEDERAL PROGRAM AND STATE PROJECT AND ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER COMPLIANCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH OMB CIRCULAR A133 AND CHAPTER 10 550 RULES OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Frostproof Florida Compliance We have audited the compliance of the City of Frostproof Florida the City with the types of compliance requirements described in the U S Office of Management and Budget OMB Circular A133 Compliance Supplement and the requirements described in the State of Florida Department of Financial Services State Projects Compliance Supplement that could have a direct and material effect on each of its major federal programs and state projects for the year ended September 30 2010 The City s major federal programs and state projects are identified in the summary of auditors results section of the accompanying Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs Compliance with the requirements of laws regulations contracts and grants applicable to each of its major federal programs and state projects is the responsibility of the City s management Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the City s compliance based on our audit We conducted our audit of compliance in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States OMB Circular A133 Audits ofStates Local Governments and Non Profit Organizations and Chapter 10 550 Rules of the Auditor General Those standards OMB Circular A133 and Chapter 10 550 Rules of the Auditor General require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether noncompliance with the types of compliance requirements referred to above that could have a direct and material effect on a major federal program or state project occurred An audit includes examining on a test basis evidence about the City s compliance with those requirements and performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion Our audit does not provide a legal determination of the City s compliance with those requirements In our opinion the City complied in all material respects with the compliance requirements referred to above that could have a direct and material effect on each of its major federal programs and state projects for the year ended September 30 2010 Internal Control Over Compliance The management of the City is responsible for establishing and maintaining effective internal control over compliance with the requirements of laws regulations contracts and grants applicable to federal programs and state projects In planning and performing our audit we considered the City s internal control over compliance with the requirements that could have a direct and material effect on a major federal program or state project in order to determine our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on compliance and to test and report on internal control over compliance in accordance with OMB Circular A 133 and Chapter 10 550 Rules of the Auditor General but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of internal control over compliance Accordingly we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the City s internal control over compliance H 3 30 Fourth Street S W Winter Haven Florida 33880 863 299 8084 42729 U S Highway 27 Davenport Florida 33837 epawinterhaven www com 863 353 0001 C A P A P C A P C A P C Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Frostproof Florida Page Two A deficiency in internal control over compliance exists when the design or operation of a control over compliance does not allow management or employees in the normal course of performing their assigned functions to prevent or detect and correct noncompliance with a type of compliance requirement of a federal program or state project on a timely basis A material weakness in internal control over compliance is a deficiency or combination of deficiencies in internal control over compliance such that there is a reasonable possibility that material noncompliance with a type of compliance requirement of a federal program or state project will not be prevented or detected and corrected on a timely basis Our consideration of internal control over compliance was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph of this section and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in internal control over compliance that might be deficiencies significant deficiencies or material weaknesses We did not identify any deficiencies in internal control over compliance that we consider to be material weaknesses as defined above This report is intended solely for the information and use of management City Council others within the City federal and state awarding agencies and pass through entities and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties lf1n Snvu nekeC o ei rnPana 1 t 3tcRPr March 1 2011 Winter Haven Florida H 4 City of Frostproof Florida SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS AND STATE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROJECTS For the Year Ended September 30 2010 Federal CFDA Grant or Program Title State CSFA ContractGrant Number Expenditures FEDERAL FINANCIAL AWARDS U Department of Environmental Protection S Indirect Program Passed through the Florida Department of Environmental Protection Capitalization GrantsState Revolving Fund 458 66 CS120001 050 738 16 2010 JAGC Polk8 4X 121 803 16 2010 ARRCPolk2 W7 032 301 937 S Department of Justice U Bureau of Justice Assistance Indirect Programs Passed through the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Edward Byrne Memorial JAG Program Edward Byrne Memorial JAG Program 6 1 19 000 15 119 21 Total U S Department of Justice Total Federal Financial Awards 420 958 STATE FINANCIAL AWARDS Florida Department of Environmental Protection Agency Passed through Ecosystem Management and Restoration TF Statewide Surface Water Restoration and Wastewater Projects 039 37 LP 6824 860 1 419 860 1 419 Total State Financial Awards H 5 City of Frostproof Florida NOTES TO SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS AND STATE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROJECTS September 30 2010 NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES A General Statement The accompanying Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards and State Financial Assistance Projects includes the federal and state grant activity of the City of Frostproof Florida The information in this schedule is presented in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America as applicable to governmental units and the requirements of the Office of Management and Budget OMB Circular A133 Audits of States Local Governments and Non Profit Organizations and Chapter 10 550 Rules of the Auditor General Therefore some amounts presented in this schedule may differ from amounts presented in or used in the preparation of the basic financial statements B Basis of Accounting The basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures are recognized in the accounts and reported in the basic financial statements Grant related expenditures for the governmental fund types are presented using the modified accrual basis of accounting Grant related expenditures for the proprietary fiend types are presented using the accrual basis of accounting Generally monies must be expended on the specific purpose or project before any amounts will be paid to the City therefore revenues are recognized based upon expenditures recorded LOANSPAYABLE NOTE2 The City has entered into agreements with the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection under a federal program whereby the State provides low interest loans to the City to finance the cost of specified capital improvements to the City s wastewater system The details of these loans are described in Note 3 of the financial statements The proceeds from these loans are disbursed to the City on a reimbursement basis as eligible construction expenditures are incurred NOTE 3 RECONCILIATION OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES The City has received reimbursements in the current year for prior year expenditures as follows Federal Awards CFDA 66 458 Current year expenditures Prior year expenditures Total accrued reimbursement 301 937 661 21 962 958 Federal Awards CFDA 97 036 Prior year expenditures Total accrued reimbursement 031 5 5 State Awards CSFA 37 039 Current year expenditures Prior year expenditures Total accrued reimbursement NOTE 4 860 1 419 562 34 894 1 981 CONTINGENCIES Grant monies received and disbursed by the City are for specific purposes and are subject to review by the grantor agencies Such reviews may result in requests for reimbursement due to disallowed expenditures Based upon prior experience the City does not believe that such disallowances if any would have a material effect on the financial position of the City H 6 City of Frostproof Florida SCHEDULE OF FINDINGS AND QUESTIONED COSTS FEDERAL AWARDS AND STATE PROJECTS For the Year Ended September 30 2010 A SUMMARY OF AUDITORS RESULTS Financial Statements Section 1 The type of auditors report issued on the financial statements 2 Internal control over financial reporting 3 Unqualified Material weaknesses identified No Significant deficiencies not considered to be material weaknesses No Noncompliance material to the financial statements 6 1 Federal Awards and State Projects Section 4 5 6 Internal control over a major federal program or state project Material weaknesses identified No Significant deficiencies not considered to be material weaknesses No The type of auditors report issued on compliance with requirements applicable to the major federal programs and state projects Audit findings that are required to be reported in accordance with section 510 a of OMB Circular A133 or Chapter 10 557 Rules of No the Auditor General 7 Unqualified Programs tested as major programs Federal CFDA 66 458 Capitalization GrantsState Revolving Funds Passed through the Florida Department of Environmental Protection State CSFA 37 039 Statewide Surface Water Restoration and Wastewater Projects Passed through Ecosystem Management and Restoration TF Department of Environmental Protection Agency D 8 The threshold used for distinguishing between Type A and B programs 9 Auditee qualified as lowrisk pursuant to OMB Circular A133 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FINDINGS No findings reported C FINDINGS AND QUESTIONED COSTSMAJOR FEDERAL PROGRAMS OR MAJOR STATE PROJECTS No findings reported D OTHER ISSUES 10 No Summary Schedule of Prior Audit Findings is required because there were no prior audit findings related to state projects and a federal single audit was not required in the prior year 11 No Corrective Action Plan is required because there were no findings required to be reported under the Federal or Florida Single Audit Acts H 7 000 300 No Turner A Wiggins C A P Donald J Smit C A P Pamela M Burby C A P John S Reineke C A P Company P A Certified Public Accountants INDEPENDENT AUDITORS MANAGEMENT LETTER Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Frostproof Florida We have audited the financial statements of the City of Frostproof Florida the City as of and for the fiscal year ended September 30 2010 and have issued our report thereon dated March 1 2011 We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States and OMB Circular A133 Audits of States Local Governments and Non Profit Organizations We have issued our Independent Auditors Report on Compliance and Internal Control over Financial Reporting and Compliance and Other Matters Independent Auditors Report on Compliance with Requirements Applicable to each Major Federal Program and State Project and on Internal Control over Compliance and Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs Disclosures in those reports and schedule which are dated March 1 2011 should be considered in conjunction with this management letter Additionally our audit was conducted in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 10 550 Rules of the Auditor General which governs the conduct of local governmental entity audits performed in the State of Florida This letter includes the following information which is not included in the aforementioned s reports or schedule auditor Section 10 l Rules of the Auditor General requires that we determine whether or not i 1 554 corrective actions have been taken to address findings and recommendations made in the preceding annual financial audit report Corrective actions have been taken to address findings and recommendations made in the preceding annual financial audit report except as noted below under the heading Prior Year Findings and Recommendations Section 10 2 Rules of the Auditor General requires our audit to include a review of the i 1 554 provisions of Section 218 415 Florida Statutes regarding the investment of public funds In connection with our audit we determined that the City of Frostproof complied with Section 415 Florida Statutes 218 Section 10 3 Rules of the Auditor General requires that we address in the management i 1 554 letter any recommendations to improve financial management In connection with our audit we have the following finding and recommendation Finding 1001 Retainage for completed work on the City s wastewater construction project was not recorded into the City s transactions Criteria Accounts payable for proprietary funds should include all liabilities of that fund u x 30 Fourth Street S W Winter Haven Florida 33880 863 2998084 42729 U S Highway 27 Davenport Florida 33837 epawinterhaven www com 863 3530001 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Frostproof Florida Page 2 Context Payables related to the construction project were recorded as pay requests were approved Since retainage was deducted from the amount currently due the contractor it was not included in the recorded payables Effect Since this is related to a construction project for which the City is receiving grant revenue the omission of retainage payable also impacted grant revenue and receivable as expenses are accrued Cause It appears the cause of this omission was human error Recommendation Capturing nonroutine liabilities requires attentiveness and thought Every effort should be made to consider what significant transaction might not have been captured in the s general ledger City Section 10 4 Rules of the Auditor General requires that we address violations of i 1 554 provisions of contracts or grant agreements or abuse that have occurred or are likely to have occurred that have an effect on the financial statements that is less than material but more than inconsequential In connection with our audit we did not have any such findings Section 10 5 Rules of the Auditor General provides that the auditor may based on i 1 554 professional judgment report the following matters that have an inconsequential effect on financial statements considering both quantitative and qualitative factors 1 violations of provisions of contracts or grant agreements fraud illegal acts or abuse and 2 deficiencies in internal control that are not significant deficiencies In connection with our audit we did not have any such findings Section 10 6 Rules of the Auditor General requires that the name or official title and i 1 554 legal authority for the primary government and each component unit of the reporting entity be disclosed in this management letter unless disclosed in the notes to the financial statements For the legal authority of the City of Frostproof Florida see Footnote A of the Summary of Significant Accounting Policies in the Notes to Financial Statements of the basic financial statements The City does not have any component units included in its reporting entity Section 10 a Rules of the Auditor General requires a statement be included as to 7 i 1 554 whether or not the local governmental entity has met one or more of the conditions described in Section 218 1 Florida Statutes and identification of the specific condition 503 s met In connection with our audit we determined that the City of Frostproof Florida did not meet any of the conditions described in Section 218 1 Florida Statutes Although the City Hall 503 Restoration Expendable Trust Fund has a deficit in unrestricted fund balance the General Fund has a sufficient unreserved fund balance to cover this deficit H 9 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Frostproof Florida Page 3 Section 10 b Rules of the Auditor General requires that we determine whether the 7 i 1 554 annual financial report for the City of Frostproof Florida for the fiscal year ended September 30 2010 filed with the Florida Department of Financial Services pursuant to Section 218 a 1 32 Florida Statutes is in agreement with the annual financial audit report for the fiscal year ended September 30 2010 In connection with our audit we determined that these two reports were in agreement Sections 10 c and 10 7 i 1 554 7 Rules of the Auditor General we applied financial 556 condition assessment procedures It is management s responsibility to monitor the City s financial condition and our financial condition assessment was based in part on representations made by management and the review of financial information provided by same The results of our financial condition assessment procedures indicated that the City s overall financial condition was not deteriorating as of September 30 2010 PRIOR YEAR FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Finding 1002 Internal controls over capital assets inventory continue to be a problem this year Criteria The City should have inventory records by department heads which reconcile to the s historic capital asset records City Context This was a finding in prior years The City has previously been working on this problem but employees have lacked the time to complete the inventory records Effect The City has not adequately safeguarded capital assets and inventory items from loss or misappropriation Cause The capital asset reconciliation process is not finished due to the amount of time needed to complete this project The personnel involved have to work on this project in addition to their normal daily duties Recommendation The City should complete this project and thereafter these records should be kept current and updated for proper disposals and additions The City s response to the findings identified in our management letter is described in the accompanying explanation to the auditors management letter We did not audit the City s response and accordingly we express no opinion on it H 10 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Frostproof Florida Page 4 Pursuant to Chapter 119 Florida Statutes this management letter is a public record and its distribution is not limited Auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America require us to indicate that this letter is intended solely for the information and use of management and the Florida Auditor General and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties oe M44Ln nekee6YrnPoiw 1 March 1 2011 Winter Haven Florida 11 H 1 gfie 1711iznclltt 611t y CITY OF FROSTPROOF S FXPLA ATION TO MANAGEMENT LETTER Auditor General s Office Claude Popper Building Room 401 111 West Madison Street Tallahassee Florida 32399 1450 In response to the findings and recommendations in the Management Letter issued ire accordance with the rules of the Auditor General State of Florida by our auditars Wiggins Smit Burly Roineke P Certified Public Accountants we submit the following A Co CURRE YEAR FINDINGS AND RFCONMENDATIONS Finding 10 01 Retainage for completed work on the City s wastewater construction project was not recorded into the City s transactions Comments on Findings The City agrees n or P lanned The my i6alii6s the Iiiixtarice d fakiiij4 tzoiia steps when involved in larger projects and will make a conscientious effort to be mindful of unusual transactions Finding 1042 Internal controls over capital assets inventory continue to be a problem this year Comments on Findings The City agrees Actions Taken or Planned The inventory has been compiled but not reconciled with the capital assets record The City has purchased fixed asset software and will continue working on this project until complete Sincerely Melod Finance Manager Wa March 3 2011 H 12 Frostproof Florida Equal Opportunity Employer 111 WEST FIRST STREET 2ND FLOOR FROSTPROOF FLORIDA 33843 0308 O BOX 308 P 863 635 7855 FAX 863 635 7856 SUNCOM 515 2366