LifeLight SoarS ahead
LifeLight SoarS ahead
The Y-Factor THIS ISSUE intriguing, adventurous, captivating Novel p. 4 AEA Ryann Watters and the King's sword Biblically-based fantasy tale for kids! P. 5 Supernatural Health into his presence for healing p. 6 Spotlight Ministry WINTER 2008 AEA on the web: Reaching One Million For Jesus, Lifelight Soars Ahead LifeLight Concert brings music and the Gospel to over 50,000 Many times God gives us a vision or a calling and may not reveal the entire plan or how it will unfold. He just wants us to be obedient. If we will take the first step He is faithful. Alan and Vicki Greene, Lifelight co-founders, have always had a love for music and in fact in the 80’s God used music to bring them into a right relationship with Him. LifeLight is a story of a faith walk on a continual basis, but God has always been faithful and as Eph.3:20 says “He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or imagine.” Alan and Vicki's vision and their call from the Lord for LifeLight is “Taking the Church outside the walls with the life changing message of Jesus Christ” to reach the community and beyond; and to bring the body of Christ together across denominational, generational, and cultural Cont. on page 2 Reaching One Million For Jesus, Lifelight Soars Ahead Cont. barriers to reach out with that life changing message of how we can know God in a real and personal way. AEA's Pastor Alan & Vicki Greene Lifelight Co-Founders The ministry exists as an extension of the Church and as a way to fulfill Acts 1:8: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth”. The whole ministry of LifeLight started because of a burden for the 70+ percent of people who are not attending church in the United States. HISTORY Alan and Vicki Greene are the founders of LifeLight Communications. They have a diverse background of both ministry and business experience. In 2001, God made it clear that pursuing full time ministry was the call upon their hearts. The ministry includes festivals, concerts and tours, missions, student ministry and a radio broadcast. In addition to a team of people who are called to the ministry, a huge group of volunteers serve in the ministry. LifeLight’s home base is in Sioux Falls, S.D. In John 8:12, Jesus said ”I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but have the Light of Life.” From this verse the LifeLight ministry was born. MINISTRY AREAS Sioux Falls Festival: The Sioux Falls Festival has become the largest free Christian music festival in the nation. It is an incredible story of how God has guided and provided. One unique aspect of the festival is that it is offered for FREE so that all may come and hear the gospel message. Lifelight exist to bring the church together, centered on God’s word to reach outside the walls and follow the mission’s call of Acts 1:8 and the Great Commission. The call of our Lord is to go and we seek to involve the local church. Another miraculous aspect of the festival is the Sunday morning worship in which over 40 churches relocate their services to the festival and cancel their Sunday AM service. With over 50,000 people gathering, many lives are reached through this service. Thousands are reached for Christ and for us it’s much more than music; it’s the music, the message, and changed lives. Lifelight celebrated their 10th anniversary this year and reached an accumulative total of 320,000 people over three days. As this ministry has grown, it has become clear that God is allowing Lifelight the privilege of using the festival as 2 a platform to impact lives, for many to come to Christ and for many to be called into further service to the Lord. Festivals: Past speakers at the Sioux Falls event have included Luis Palau, Dr. James Dobson, KP Yohannan, Ray Comfort, Rick Warren, Ron Luce, Joe White, Mike Macintosch, and many others. In addition, a festival includes the biggest names in Christian music. We strive to facilitate concerts that glorify God and communicate the message of Jesus Christ in a culturally relevant way. LifeLight Radio: Lifelight’s newest area of ministry is a half hour show on secular talk radio. You may also listen online at Concerts & Tours: Lifelight’s call has been to carry the gospel into smaller communities, making sure these communities can also hear the message of Christ in a relevant way, a way that is typically not available to these communities. As a result, during this past year our tours reached 22 cities. Over 11,000 people were ministered to, hundreds made a commitment to Christ and 150 children were sponsored. In addition, through our concert partnership the gospel was proclaimed in 23 other cities. Student Ministry: Twenty-five public middle and high school clubs have been started to unite parents, students, the business community and the church. Missions: LifeLight missions continue to grow both in Mexico and around the world. Through the festival, concerts and tours, over 900 children have been sponsored in the village of Zeway, Ethiopia. Using the Jesus Film in the native language of Amharic, over 2,000 watched the movie and hundreds came to Christ in the small village region of Belo. Lifelight continues to go and take the gospel as God leads. REACH 1,000,000 PEOPLE WITH THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST God is using every area of ministry; festivals, concerts, tours, student ministry, missions, radio and other ministry partners to reach out to people and connect them with the body of Christ. Going forward in 2008, Lifelight's goal is to reach 1 million people with the gospel. In light of the current culture this is why we exist as a ministry. As an extension of the church to proclaim the gospel...”taking the church outside the walls”. Keith Greene said “This generation of Christians is responsible for this generation of souls on the earth!” The message of the gospel never changes and Lifelight continues to seek relevant ways to present it to this culture locally, regionally, nationally and beyond. Contact Lifelight Communications at REACHING a GENERATION RAISING a GENERATION President’s message REACHING this culture for Christ RAISING them into maturity SENDING them with resources to minister here and beyond TESTIMONIES “I can hardly wait until next year. I don’t know how you will make it better. Traffic control, parking at Roosevelt and busing people in, the weather, the lay out of the grounds, the volunteers and everyone who attended just made for an incredible weekend.” Roger, SD “I commit myself to God today as a Christian to live the Gospel and live the law and accept God’s saving grace”. Rich, IA “I know you try to reach out to people to save souls with your concert, but in my sons case you saved his soul and his life. My son said he was being chased by demons and led by angles to the city of Sioux Falls, SD, which was a safe city and then to your concert. The people of Sioux Falls and your concert saved his life. I know he caused a lot of problems during his time there but thanks to your staff who had my son Brian apprehended and sent to the hospital where he was in ICU for three days; my son is alive and back home in Niles, Michigan. He is doing better and in a hospital getting help. He found the Lord before he left home and the good Lord was with Brian and the hell he went through. Thank you to all of your staff, bands and speakers. You all saved my sons life!!!! P.S. I told Brian that next year we would come back and enjoy the concert as a family.” Jack, MI Books can be powerful weapons for the Kingdom. I was referred to a book that turned out to be a “page burner.” “The Y Factor”, which is reviewed in this issue of Spotlight is written by a man I call the Tom Clancy of Christian novels. If you love a story with intrigue and adventure it is a must read. The book is written to subtly present the simple Good News as well. The author, Liam Roberts, is an AEA member under his real name. Because of the nature of the covert tactics reveled in the book the author’s real identity is not revealed. Go to and see the excitement, get the book, start to read and hold on to your chair. If you E. John Reinhold know an unbeliever who likes captivating novels then “The Y-Factor,” should be your gift to them. A second book also reviewed in this issue is written by my eldest son, Eric. Kids from 6-12 will love this story of "Ryann Watters and the King’s Sword". Go to and order a copy for your youngsters or as a gift. Christian values permeate this fanciful adventure that starts with an Angelic appearance to young Ryann. I am very proud of Eric. He is a graduate of the United Sates Naval Academy, as is his brother, Commander Baron Reinhold, and leads a very successful company called Academy Wealth Management in Orlando, Florida. AEA is blessed with fine authors. John Patrick Holding’s books have been reviewed in back issues. Go to and see how this genius apologist answers the skeptics and also see the brilliant books he’s written. Sam Townsend’s Ministry, Be In Wholeness, has a text to teach Biblical healing called, “Supernatural Health.” It is a great work with insights that may well save your life. Write him at Dr. Judy Parker-Farmer, AEA Director, wrote a fine booklet entitled "End Time Visitations", that reveals her spiritual encounters. It is available by contacting the AEA office. Let’s support our great AEA authors. Read their works and give them, as caring gifts to those you care about. Greetings from the San Blas Islands, Panama Here’s a quick update. Please pray for Pastor Laonicio, wife Vanessa and his son Jonathan Allen. Laonicio started his first church at age 16 in a borrowed hut. Within a few months the congregation outgrew the building. He and his members went to the jungle, got the materials and built the church you see here in the picture. Pastor Laonicio’s personal house/hut seen here is now completed thanks to a special offering from AEA members, Abundant Rain Ministries and Pastors Ron and Terry Spradlin. Allen and Kathy Sappington, Missionaries Floating Bible Schools 3 the Y-Factor National Geographic’s Genographic Project is mapping hundreds of thousands of DNA samples to develop a comprehensive family tree of the human race. Eric Colburn, a budding computer scientist and geneticist Alonna McKinsey join the project upon their graduation from Georgia Tech. They continue their college romance but find the stress of workplace conflict and business travel push test the limits of their relationship. Eric stumbles on a plot by a brilliant Muslim scientist, Dr. Alomari, who has co-opted the Genographic project. Before Eric is able to produce the proof, he is targeted by al Qaeda assassins in a series of devastating attacks. A Mossad agent uncovers the explosive plot: Alomari plans to inflame the Muslim faithful with genetic proof that will vindicate Ishmael as the rightful heir of the Abrahamic covenant. Armed with this knowledge, Alomari hopes to unify the fractured Muslim kingdoms into a mighty Islamic empire that will drive the Jews into the sea. It’s a race against time as Alana becomes a target in an attempt to silence Eric. When she disappears in the slums of Karchi, Pakistan, Eric resolutely embraces the role of reluctant hero; he is determined to rescue the woman he loves. Alana endures humiliation and torture but maintains her faith in both her Savior as well as the one she loves. Alomari indulges in a moment of narcissism and reveals a darker objective to the helpless Alana. She is determined to escape to warn the world of the Muslim threat. Eric miraculously succeeds in finding Alana in the teeming city of 15 million. They desperately elude the relentless terrorists, but their options begin to diminish. Their hope of staying hidden begins to fade as Alana relays an urgent plea to her brother, an officer with the Navy SEALs. Will the SEALs risk a daring rescue from a Islamic nuclear power – a tenuous ally in the war on terror? Will Eric and Alana live to reveal the explosive truth? Will the perennial struggle between Abraham’s heirs escalate? The Y Factor will keep you engaged as these subplots come to a breathtaking climax. Out of the Silent Planet, Peralandra and That Hideous Strength were as captivating as any secular literature I read while in college. Frank Peretti opened a new era of Christian literature with his “Darkness” trilogy in the 1980s. Then twenty years later, the Left Behind series proved that Christian literature could appeal to the mainstream. Roberts believes that quality fiction that includes a straightforward Gospel message can be an unobtrusive, yet effective tool for evangelism. As a young believer I realized that novels are an effective way to reach many who would never darken a church door or consider walking an aisle. C.S. Lewis’ science fiction trilogy: 4 Visit his blog for information on Islam and other topics. With radical Islam emerging as the most significant threat to civilization, Roberts became convinced that believers need to be informed and energized to meet this global challenge. Unfortunately, the media, governments, and even religious leaders seemed intent on appeasement. The more ominous the threat grew, the more evident was the void of responsible dialog. He felt prompted to respond to it. A plot began to take shape and The Y Factor took on a life of its own. The author included a military response to Islam in The Y Factor for a number of reasons. The threat of Islam is so pervasive that it must be arrested on many fronts, including militarily. Roberts has a unique opportunity to present an authentic story, as his sons are in Naval special operations and aviation, respectively. Both are graduates of the U.S. Naval Academy and have been a source of inspiration in his portrayal of America's valiant men-in-arms. An archetype that appeals to today’s readers is that of the reluctant hero – one who sees himself illprepared for the challenges that confront him. Combining this concept with the spiritual awakening by a lukewarm believer may resonate with readers of The Y Factor. "My son said it best in a speech attended by the Secretary of the Navy and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He was speaking of his fallen comrade, his best friend and a Navy SEAL, who was killed in Afghanistan: Heroes are not people who possess supernatural strength and abilities. Heroes are normal people who make extraordinary decisions every day of their lives.” "I am currently working on an intriguing sequel to The Y Factor, which will be released in 2008. Two additional sequels are in the formative stage. My blog contains over twenty articles related to science, evangelism and Islamic terrorism. A few of the entries are being expanded into magazine submissions. FINALLY, A BIBLICALLY-BASED FANTASY TALE FOR KIDS! “Ryann Watters and the King’s Sword” has loads of suspense with great moral teachings. A non-stop page turner for kids and worry-free content for mom and dad! Amidst Harry Potter finding his end in the “deadly hallows” and “The Golden Compass” anti-god message trying to reach kids in the theatre - there is the expectation of the second C.S. Lewis Chronicles of Narnia movie, “Prince Caspian,” coming to theatres in May. For those that have read the Narnia series to your kids or grandkids, you know the old English is a little cumbersome, so most youth will probably only know the series via Hollywood. Instead of Potter’s witches and wizards, author Eric Reinhold, weaves a principled tale of real kids drawn into conflict between good and dark angels. Ryann Watters is awoken in the middle of the night by Gabriel and tasked with finding the king’s sword (based on Ephesians 6 armor of God). Across town, the same evening, Drake Dunfellow wakes to a “dark” angel enlisting his services to “stop the one who seeks to bind me.” Both boys are given powerful gifts from the angels to pursue their goals. Ryann and his two close friends, Liddy and Terell make their way into the heavenly Aeliana and with the support of animals and mythological creatures seek out the sword. Set in the “real” quaint town of Mount Dora, FL, Eric deftly blends biblical principles into a storyline containing temptation, betrayal and conflict; with solutions promoting a closer relationship with God and family. Some of the early buzz going around: “What a privilege to offer my endorsement of Eric Reinhold’s book, ‘Ryann Watters and the King’s Sword’. As a father who has raised five children and now have 11 grandchildren, I realize the importance of quality faith-based literature. Eric has done a remarkable job of putting this story together in an interesting and compelling way. I wholeheartedly and enthusiastically recommend this book.” Ron Blue President, Kingdom Advisors “‘Ryann Watters and the King’s Sword’ mixes the perfect blend of fantasy and the spiritual world. Suspense and intrigue will keep kids up well past their bedtime while parents and grandparents will appreciate the strong moral character and values woven into the storyline.” Simon T. Bailey, Author. Release Your Brilliance Perhaps the best endorsement was a 13 year old Christian boy who loves to read: “I liked the use of scripture but the book was not preachy. I read it in one day and look forward to the next one!” The first in the Annals of Aeliana trilogy, published by Creation House and available in stores in May 2008, is currently available in pre-release at and book signings – 240 pgs, Hardcover. 5 “Ministering in a Biblical, Holistic, Healing Way; Equipping Christ’s Ministers” By Sam Townsend For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11 ESV Why are some sick...and others not...even when exposed to similar genetics, toxins, viruses, and pathogens? Why are some healed...and others not...even if they prayed in faith for healing? Is it possible that illness results ultimately from conflict and separation of relationships? “The Whole Gospel for the Whole World”– AEA’s mission slogan takes on richer meaning and an other-worldly dimension as Christ’s ministers embrace the reality that the Good News of Christ and the Kingdom can bring healing and wholeness to all who earnestly seek restoration in mind, body and spirit. Healing ministry helped multiply Disciples of Christ in New Testament times, remains the Christian’s mandate today, and will be integral to proclaiming the Gospel and living an abundant life in Christ until He brings down the final curtain on the drama of human history. As His priests and ministers, we facilitate God’s healing power manifesting on earth as it is in Heaven. Then as now, God healed despite a worldly society that resisted God With Us and fervent disciples who took Christ’s Good News of redemptive life in Him to the known world, bringing freedom from bondage to sin, disease, and disorder. Our commission is to go and do likewise. Jesus said, “Anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father (John 14:12 NIV). Gospel ministers discern root causes of distress and illness and mediate grace to the afflicted and oppressed. They facilitate the Spirit of the Living God restoring life abundant and whole. People from all walks of life and burdened by all sorts of affliction receive healing in mind, body and spirit. Connections between sin and disease are well established biblically, historically, and in ministry experience. Fear, anxiety, and stress compromise the body’s ability to heal itself, and our thoughts – whether cognitive or subconscious – are associated with chemical and electrical reactions and corresponding physical consequences. Toxic emotions, beliefs and behaviors like fear, bitterness, unjust accusation, and unforgiveness produce further anxiety and stress. These “toxic emotions” are based upon lies and deceptions which can, in turn, produce diseases and disorders, including depression and addictions. Wholeness comes from restoring healthy relationships with God, with others, and within a person’s own being. Gospel healing ministry can restore peace and wholeness where there was fear, pain, and hopelessness. It restores 6 confused and damaged identities where beloved children God created have developed ungodly personalities through abuse by an unrighteous world, by their own sinful desires, and by demonic forces that deceive, torment, and destroy. We are all engaged in a cosmic battle between truth and lies. Victory in warfare with the forces of evil and ignorance comes from submitting to God as we rest in Him, taking all thoughts captive, replacing lies with truth, standing firm and walking in the light of that truth, and ordering demons to leave under Jesus’ authority. Enjoying communion with Christ in fellowship with therapeutic community of brother and sister saints brings wholeness and preserves vibrant health. To be healthy and whole we must first learn and then live the truth about: • God’s loving, redemptive nature, healing ways, empowering presence, and His desire and provisions to restore the afflicted. • Our true nature and function – We are created as spirit beings in wondrously constructed bodies – centerpieces of creation that also provides the means for sustaining life abundant. Gaining the mind of Christ permits therapeutic fellowship in joyful communion with our Creator and with one another. • Disobedience and idolatry in its many forms bring disease and death. In sin and ignorance we displace truth with lies and serve idols of our own fabrication in vain attempts to counterfeit joy and wholeness. We re-engineer and abuse God’s creation to our spiritual, emotional, and physical detriment. Man’s idols include science, medicine, and performance-based religion – none of which heal. Treating symptoms, at best, may bring cures – but not healing. • Looking for health in the wrong places – Science rationalizes how and why natural substances and processes work therapeutically and insists that they must be scientifically proven. Of course, science doesn’t hold itself to the same standard – much less to our Creator’s standards. True healing is through God’s creative design and His re-creative miracles. Our Lord specializes in restoring broken relationships, broken hearts, and broken bodies. The Great Physician is ready, willing, and able to employ Cont. on page 7 A FRIEND LOVES AT ALL TIMES Kathy Bornath, Founder of Birthmothers Ministries An AEA Affiliated Outreach in Northern Virginia How "Birthmother Ministries" provides one-on-one support to women in need Every day, 8,458 women in the United States discover they are pregnant although they did not plan to be. An overwhelming number of those women are alone, abandoned and without hope. Women like Anna. When the 23-year-old told her boyfriend about her pregnancy, he immediately made an appointment for her at an abortion clinic. Anna was scared and confused. But with no family nearby and few close friends, she didn’t know where to turn for help. Fortunately, Anna called Birthmother Ministries’ helpline (1-877-77 BIRTH) and was matched right away with Jill, a trained, compassionate Birthmothers Friend. Jill came alongside Anna during the months that followed to listen, give information, provide practical help and show unconditional acceptance. “I don’t know what I would have done without Jill,” said Anna. “She loved me. She listened and stuck with me.” Anna’s beautiful baby boy is now ten months old. She and Jill remain steadfast friends. Birthmothers, headquartered in Falls Church, VA, is a faith-based nonprofit organization founded by northern Virginia real estate broker and developer Jim Wright. He and his wife vicariously experienced a birth mom’s battle with isolation and opposition during pregnancy when they adopted the 14-year-old high school freshman’s baby. That’s how Wright identified the overwhelming need for personal, loving support for birth moms, and launched the ministry. It’s the personal, one-on-one Friend relationship that makes Birthmothers’ ministry to women so distinctive. Volunteers are screened and carefully trained to walk with a birth mom throughout pregnancy, delivery and afterwards – or for as long as the woman chooses – providing confidential support regardless of the decision the birth mom makes. Acceptance and staying power are two central tenets adopted by every Birthmothers Friend and underscored by the ministry’s motto, “A Friend loves at all times” (Proverbs 17:17). Those associated with Birthmothers have discovered that Ministering in a Biblical, Holistic, Healing Way; Equipping Christ’s Ministers Cont. all the forces of Heaven, and all of nature to provide the wholeness that He designed us to enjoy in Creation – even to miraculously restoring what mankind has damaged. He invites us to bring any condition of suffering or disorder into His presence for healing. "I look forward to fellowship and to discussing Ministering Gospel Healing Today with pastors, teachers, and other ministers and fellow members at the American Evangelistic Association’s Regional Conference April 26-28 in Washington, DC." women are hungry for that kind of grace . . . and God’s people are eager for the strategy to serve it up. More than 100 Birthmothers Friends ministered to women and families in the mid-Atlantic region during 2007. Birthmothers equips area congregations to put God’s love into action through Church Teams to serve pregnant women with meals, rides to medical appointments, places to stay, gift baskets, invitations to worship, prayer support, and more. “This is what God’s church is supposed to be – a loving place for people who hurt and need real, honest support,” says one Church Team member. “I’m thrilled to be a part of our Birthmothers Church Team.” The facts underscore the overwhelming relational needs birth moms face: 83% of women who struggle after an abortion say they would have changed their decision if they had had support from a partner, family member or special person during pregnancy, according to The Elliot Institute. “If we are to encourage women not to have an abortion,” says Ruth B. Graham, daughter of evangelist Billy Graham and Birthmothers Advisory Board member, “then we need to be there for them.” “Birthmothers exists to provide that missing link,” says Kathy Bornarth, Birthmothers Washington Area Director, who leads ministry staff in mobilizing churches and Friends to serve birth moms and families who face the challenges of an unplanned pregnancy, decisions about parenting and developing an adoption plan. “We equip God’s people to be Jesus’ hands and feet to women in need … to be the kind of Friend Jesus is.” A Friend who loves at all times. Birthmother Ministries, Inc. (Birthmothers) an AEA Affiliate, is a faith-based, nonprofit organization dedicated to providing nonjudgmental assistance to any woman facing an unplanned pregnancy. Learn more by logging onto www.birthmotherministries. org or calling (703) 241-4515. If you know someone who is pregnant, encourage her to call our toll-free helpline (1-877-77-BIRTH) or log onto We’ll be a Friend. A Friend loves at all times.™ Samuel W. Townsend, Jr. MBA, business and financial executive, consultant, and author, has served as a consultant to Christian ministries, including those ministering healing and deliverance. Formerly a director of AEA, Sam is co-founder and President of Be In Wholeness, Inc., a 501(c)(3) ministry committed to empowering and equipping disciples of Christ as ministers of biblical wholeness. Be In Wholeness publishes Supernatural Health, a research and teaching text, and other aids for health counselors, ministers of healing in church and parachurch ministry. This comprehensive 180,000 word text can also serve as a valuable complement to conventional and alternative health care practitioners who seek holistic healing for themselves and for their patients and clients., 2519 Riverview Drive, Melbourne, FL 32901, phone (321) 953-2846 7 The whole gospel Mark your calendars... AEA Regional leadership conference Washington, DC April 25 - April 27, 2007 Speakers: Chip Watkins, PA - 501(c)3 Law Sam Townsend - Ministering Gospel Healing Today For reservations & information call: Cyndi 1.888.526.3751 AEA Ministry Spotlight is a publication of The American Evangelistic Association ©2004 A publication of The American Evangelistic Association PO Box 121000 West Melbourne, FL 32912-9913 Phone: 888•526•3751 Web: AEA Ministry Spotlight to the whole world