Proceedings of the First RoboCare Workshop
Proceedings of the First RoboCare Workshop
Proceedings of the First RoboCare Workshop RC-Ws-1 Rome, Italy October 30th, 2003 Edited by Amedeo Cesta Proceedings of the First RoboCare Workshop RC-Ws-1 Auditorium Polo Biologico CNR Rome, Italy October 30th, 2003 Edited by Amedeo Cesta Proceedings of the First RoboCare Workshop RC-Ws-1 Editor: Amedeo Cesta National Research Council of Italy ISTC-CNR [PST] Viale Marx, 15 I-00137 Rome, Italy e-mail: “RoboCare: A Multi-Agent System with Intelligent Fixed and Mobile Robotic Components” is a project funded by the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR) under Law 449/97 (Funds 2000). © 2003 ISTC-CNR Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione Viale Marx, 15 - 00137 ROMA ISBN 88 - 85059 - 15 - 5 Preface This document collects several research results presented at the first RoboCare Workshop in October 2003 which were obtained during the first year of the RoboCare project. RoboCare is a short name for the project “A Multi-Agent System with Intelligent Fixed and Mobile Robotic Components” approved by the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR) under Law 449/97 (Funds 2000), and started in November 2002. The goal of the RoboCare project is to build a multi-agent system which generates user services for human assistance. The system is to be implemented on a distributed and heterogeneous platform, consisting of a hardware and software prototype. The use of autonomous robotics and distributed computing technologies constitutes the basis for the implementation of user services in a closed environment such as a healthcare institution or a domestic environment. The fact that robotic components, intelligent systems and human beings are to act in a cooperative setting is what makes the study of such a system challenging, for research and also from the point of view of technology integration. Given the challenging goal of realizing a complete service-generating system which incorporates cutting-edge domotic technology, robotic platforms and intelligent agency, these proceedings collect different contributions from a variety of different research areas, including robotics, intelligent planning systems, computer vision, automated reasoning, human-computer interaction and environmental psychology. As coordinator of the project I would like to thank MIUR for funding this project and for giving the Italian research community the opportunity to activate such a challenging line of research. Additionally, I would like to acknowledge the role of a group of people that helped me in several daily tasks involved in the coordination of the project. In particular I would like to thank G.Riccardo Leone, Albano Leoni, Angelo Oddi, Federico Pecora, and Riccardo Rasconi. Updated information on the RoboCare Project can be obtained from our site, at . Amedeo Cesta October 23rd, 2003 ISTC-CNR Rome, ITALY TABLE OF CONTENTS Effective Reasoning Techniques for Temporal Reasoning A. Armando, C. Castellini, E. Giunchiglia, M. Maratea ………………………………………………… 1 People and Robot Localization and Tracking through a Fixed Stereo Vision System S. Bahadori, L. Iocchi, L. Scozzafava …………………………………………………………………… 7 Developing a Robot able to Follow a Human Target in a Domestic Environment R. Bianco, M. Caretti, S. Nolfi ……………………………………..……………………………………… 11 Human-Robot Interaction A. Cappelli, E. Giovannetti …………………………………..………………………………………… 15 Toward a Mobile Manipulator Service Robot for Human Assistance S. Caselli, E. Fantini, F. Monica, P. Occhi, M. Reggiani ………………………………………………… 21 Knowledge Representation and Planning in an Artificial Ecosystem M. Castelnovi, F. Mastrogiovanni, A. Sgorbissa, R. Zaccaria ………………………………………………… 27 A Component-Based Framework for Loosely-Coupled Planning and Scheduling Integrations A. Cesta, F. Pecora, R. Rasconi …………………………………………..………………………………… 33 Path Planning in a Domestic Dynamic Environment A. Farinelli, L. Iocchi, D. Nardi ……………………………………………………..……………………… 39 Multi-scale Meshing in Real Time S. Ferrari, I. Frosio, V. Piuri, A. Borghese …………………………………………………………………… 45 Environmental Adaptation Strategies and Attitude towards New Technology in the Elderly M.V. Giuliani, F. Fornara, M. Scopelliti, E. Muffolini ………………………………………………… 49 Guests’ and Caregivers’ Expectancies towards New Assistive Technology in Nursing Homes M.V. Giuliani, E. Muffolini, G. Zanardi, M. Scopelliti, F. Fornara ……………………………………… 53 Human-Robot Interaction: How People View Domestic Robots M.V. Giuliani, M. Scopelliti, F. Fornara, E. Muffolini, A. Saggese 57 ………….…………………………… A Cognitive System for Human Interaction with a Robotic Hand I. Infantino, A. Chella, H. Dzindo, I. Macaluso ………………………………………………………… 63 Analyzing Features of Multi-Robot Systems. An Initial Step for the RoboCare Project L. Iocchi, D. Nardi, A. Cesta ………………………………………………………………….………… 70 Robotic Path Planning in Partially Unknown Environment A. Scalzo, G. Veruggio ……………………………………………………………………………………… 78 The Design of the Diagnostic Agent for the RoboCare Project P. Torasso, G. Torta, R. Micalizio, A. Bosio…………………………………………………………………… 83 Effective Reasoning Techniques for Temporal Reasoning Alessandro Armando and Claudio Castellini and Enrico Giunchiglia and Marco Maratea MRG-DIST, University of Genova viale Francesco Causa, 13 — 16145 Genova (Italy) armando,drwho,enrico,marco Abstract Temporal reasoning is an important topic in AI and Computer Science, comprising well-practiced problems such as planning and scheduling; more recently, also hardware verification problems have been cast in this framework. Efficient decision procedures for Temporal Reasoning are, therefore, strongly needed; at the same time, more and more expressivity is required. In this paper we present the temporal reasoning techniques built into TSAT++, an open reasoning platform able to decide the satisfiability of Boolean combinations of linear binary constraints and propositional variables. The experimental results show that TSAT++ outperforms its competitors both on randomly-generated problems and on real-world instances taken from the computer-aided verification literature. 1 Introduction Expressive and efficient decision procedures for temporal reasoning are capital for many reasoning tasks in Computer Science and AI, among which planning and scheduling. One of the best known and studied formalism is the so-called Simple Temporal Problem (Dechter, Meiri, & Pearl 1991), basically consisting of a conjunction of linear binary constraints of the form where and are variables ranging over a dense domain (typically the reals) and is a constant in the same domain. This problem is tractable, but its expressiveness is rather limited; therefore, recently, several extensions to it have been introduced, some of which allow disjunctions and negations of binary constraints, as well as propositionally-valued variables. More in detail, in the last five years, at least two approaches and six systems have been proposed that are able to deal with disjunctions and conjunctions of binary constraints and, possibly, propositional variables. Interestingly, four of these systems have been proposed in the AI literature (Stergiou & Koubarakis 2000; Armando, Castellini, & Giunchiglia 2000; Oddi & Cesta 2000; Tsamardinos & Pollack 2003) and two in the formal verification literature (Audemard et al. 2002b; Strichman, Seshia, & Bryant 2002), meaning that the topic is hot and interdisciplinary, bearing great significance both from a theoretical and practical point of view. Copyright c 2003, The ROBO C ARE Project — Funded by MIUR L. 449/97. All rights reserved. In this paper we present TSAT++, an open reasoning platform able to deal with arbitrary conjunctions, disjunctions and negations of binary constraints and propositional variables. The techniques enforced by TSAT++ mainly come from the literature on propositional satisfiability, especially (Moskewicz et al. 2001), and from the above cited systems for temporal reasoning, as well as from some novel ideas described in this paper. The result is a fine tunable system which is up to 1 order of magnitude faster than its fastest competitor on randomly generated problems, and up to 6 times faster than its fastest competitor on instances coming from real-world problems. This, notwithstanding the facts that it is not tuned nor customized on any particular class of problems. The paper is structured as follows: first, background information is provided; then the techniques and ideas enforced by TSAT++ are described, and some experimental results are presented. Lastly, future work are outlined, and some conclusions are drawn. 2 Temporal Reasoning Problems Let and be two nonempty, disjoint sets of symbols. A binary constraint is an expression of the form where and ; a propositional atom is an element of ; a literal is a binary constraint, a propositional atom or the negation of a binary constraint or of a propositional atom; lastly, a temporal reasoning problem (TRP) is a Boolean combination, via and/or, of literals. An assignment is a function mapping each symbol in to a real number and each propositional atom to the truth values of propositional logic. An assignment is extended to map a TRP to by defining ! " $#%&'( )+*, if and only if $#-.)/$#%0)12 ; " $#435)6* 7%3 , if and only if $#835)9* ; and " $#;:5)'*< (with : being a TRP) according to the truth tables of propositional logic. : $#=:.)>*? Consider a TRP . We say that an assignment satisfies if and only if , and that is satisfiable if and only if there exists an assignment which satisfies it. A finite set of literals is satisfiable if and only if their conjunction, as a TRP, is. We deal here with the problem of determining whether a TRP is satisfiable or not. It is clear that the : : 1 problem is NP-complete. Note that TRPs are as expressive as Separation Logic (Strichman, Seshia, & Bryant 2002) and strictly more expressive than the Disjunctive Temporal Problem (Armando, Castellini, & Giunchiglia 2000). In the following, and without loss of generality, we restrict our attention to TRPs in Conjunctive Normal Form; de facto, any TRP can be efficiently reduced to such a form using well-known techniques of structure preserving clause form transformation (Plaisted & Greenbaum 1986). With this assumption, we represent a TRP as a set of clauses, each clause being a set of literals. 3 TSAT++ : Consider a TRP . TSAT++, like all its predecessors, works of literals such that, for by searching a satisfiable set each clause in , at least one literal in also belongs to . (It is easy to show that the assignment satisfying also satisfies .) In previous approaches, this has been done either as search in a meta-CSP associated with the TRP (Stergiou & Koubarakis 1998; 2000; Oddi & Cesta 2000; Tsamardinos & Pollack 2003) or à la SAT (Armando, Castellini, & Giunchiglia 2000; Audemard et al. 2002a; Strichman, Seshia, & Bryant 2002). The two approaches bear more than a casual resemblance to each other; also, the ideas and optimisation techniques developed in both settings are similar. In their basic versions, and starting from (Armando, Castellini, & Giunchiglia 2000), all the above systems (1) branch on a literal, (2) assign to true the literals in the unit clauses, and, (3) upon failure of the subsequent search, add the negation of the literal to the current state and continue the search, till either a satisfying assignment is found, or backtrack has to occur.1 Assuming all the systems pick the same literal for branching, all the above systems explore isomorphic search trees, e.g., with an equal number of branching nodes. A reasonable way ahead is then that of gathering together this common corpus of ideas and techniques and try to take the best of each single one. We shall now briefly describe the techniques TSAT++ enforces, particularly focussing on (1) the computation done before the search starts (pre-processing), (2) the way the search space is pruned (look-ahead), (3) the way recovery from failures happens (look-back), (4) the procedure used for picking the literal on which to branch (branching rule), and (5) the procedure used for checking the consistency of a set of literals (consistency checking). @ A @ 3.1 : : @ A Pre-processing In the CSP literature it is well-known that statically adding redundant constraints to a problem generally helps guiding the solver and can sometimes dramatically speed up the search; in fact, in (Armando, Castellini, & Giunchiglia 2000) it was shown that such a technique therein called actually made the solver faster by up to one order of magnitude. We have implemented pre-processing B @C#-D) B @C#=EF) 1 In (Oddi & Cesta 2000; Tsamardinos & Pollack 2003), the fact that unit clauses are assigned after a branch is hidden in the heuristics. 2 as described in the aforementioned paper, whose cost is just quadratic in the number of distinct binary constraints in the , problem. We have also implemented a variant of , which, given two binary constraints and called full , checks all four pairs of literals deriving from them. B C@ #;EG) IH B @C#=EF) KJ 3.2 Look-ahead Look-ahead techniques aim at pruning the search space, i.e., cutting away useless search branches, by looking at the current search node. In the following, let be a TRP, be the set of all distinct binary constraints in , and the set of binary constraints picked up as candidate solution at search depth along the current branch. Basically all previous solvers enforce what is generally called early-pruning. The intuition is that, if during the search becomes inconsistent, then it is useless to go on searching along that branch, since cannot become consistent as more constraints are added; so in this case backtracking is forced. Early-pruning works by performing a consistency check on each time a new literal is added, i.e., each time is incremented. Early-pruning can help the solver avoid useless branches, therefore effectively reducing the search space; but, on average, it will also cause a large number of useless consistency checks to be performed: each time is checked and found consistent, the search goes on and no advantage is obtained. Especially when facing underconstrained problems, earlypruning is likely to waste a lot of time. In order to mitigate this drawback, we have introduced periodic early-pruning: is now checked according to some periodic policy, for instance only when , or every time , for some . For appropriate values of and , periodic early-pruning indeed reduces the number of consistent sets checked, at the same time retaining most of the advantage of early-pruning. Another well-known look-ahead technique is forwardchecking. Let ; then it is generally useful to check for consistency, for some , and if this set is found inconsistent, to add to . The idea is that of checking whether logically implies , and if so, to forbid its further addition to . Of course, much of the effectiveness of forward-checking depends on the policy with which is chosen. It can be the “best” choice according to some heuristics, usually Minimum Remaining Value (Stergiou & Koubarakis 2000), otherwise known as Unit Propagation in the SAT-based approach; or it can be all , hoping that many inconsistencies will be found, leading to strong search space pruning or to a failure. It is clear that this technique subsumes early-pruning and is by far heavier — the risk of getting consistent checks becomes much bigger. In our case, forward-checking also benefits from a periodic activation policy. Another efficient look-ahead technique is unit propagation based on two literal watching. Introduced in (Moskewicz et al. 2001), it consists of “marking” two literals in each clause, and then updating the marks accordingly : S MN S : L MONQPRL MN MN MN Z \_^ k[D] l S!m^n<opq` L+` MN S/TVUXWYD* ` M.ab`c* ` MdN!`egf hij f D o MN < * Lnr>M N t MdN.s ut tv OM N MN MN vt MN & MN to the literals assigned during the search. The big advantage of this technique is that undoing an assignment due to backtracking / backjumping is done in constant time. For more details refer to the aforementioned paper. 3.3 Branching rule It is well-known that the order in which literals are chosen during the search is capital. TSAT++ employs what is called VSIDS (Variable State-Independent Decaying Sum) from (Moskewicz et al. 2001): its strength is that, periodically, the scoring of the literals is updated, but not entirely substituted, according to the occurrences in latest learned clauses. Intuitively, this technique directs the search thanks to the information obtained by failures. 3.5 4.1 Test set and experimental setting For comparing TSAT++ against the other solvers, we have considered a wide selection of publicly available benchmarks. In particular, we have considered the Disjunctive Temporal Problem, introduced in (Stergiou & Koubarakis 1998) and since then used also in (Armando, Castellini, & Giunchiglia 2000; Stergiou & Koubarakis 2000; Oddi & Cesta 2000; Audemard et al. 2002a; Tsamardinos & Pollack 2003). These problems are randomly generated following the Fixed Clause Length () method from the SAT literature. the post-office problem introduced in (Audemard et al. 2002a), and the hardware verification problems from (Strichman, Seshia, & Bryant 2002). These are structured instances coming from formal verification problems. These last problems, though not directly related to the Planning and Scheduling literature, are interesting to us because it is well known that solvers performances can greatly vary when going from randomly generated to structured problems and/or viceversa. In summary, we have considered all the publicly available instances with the exception of the Fisher protocol problems from (Audemard et al. 2002a) and the diamond problems from (Strichman, Seshia, & Bryant 2002). The Fisher protocol problems have been excluded because they can be solved by pure propositional reasoning: thus, they are as good as a SAT instance. The diamond problems are hand-made instances which do not correspond to any real-world problem. Still, they are interesting because their difficulty can be varied according to 2 input parameters, and we plan to include these problems in the future. As for the solvers, we have initially considered all the 6 systems mentioned in the introduction, namely TSAT++, Epilitis, MathSAT, CSPi, SEP and Tsat. After a first run, we have discarded SK (Stergiou & Koubarakis 2000), because clearly not competitive with respect to the others. Each solver has been run on all the benchmarks it can deal with, not only on the benchmarks the solver was analyzed on by the authors. The only exception to the above is SEP, that on the DTP problems, is clearly not competitive. Each solver has been run using the configuration suggested by the authors for the specific problem instances. 2 When not publicly available, we asked such “best” solver configuration to the authors. Given the wide variety of possibilities offered by TSAT++, we have selected and experimentally evaluated the subset that, to us, promised to be the best for each specific problem. Then, for each problem domain, we selected the best among the experimented settings. All the experiments were run on four identical Pentium IV 2.4GHz processors with 1GB of RAM. CPU time is reported in seconds. In the analysis, TIME will mean that the process was stopped after 1000 seconds and ‘ ‘ that the solver has run in segmentation fault on the related instance. " Look-back TSAT++ enforces two look-back techniques, both wellknown in the SAT and CSP literature: Backjumping and Learning. With backjumping, upon failure, the solver identifies a subset of the currently assigned literals which is responsible for it (reason); then it keeps on backtracking until one of the literals in the reason is un-assigned. This helps avoiding search branches which indeed will not lead to a satisfying assignment. With learning, the system keeps track of the reasons found by the backjumping machinery and uses them also outside the search branch in which they were detected. The learning mechanism we use is called 1-UIP (Unique Implication Point) learning (inspired, again, by (Moskewicz et al. 2001)), which identifies conflicts in the implication graph associated with the search. 3.4 4 Experimental Analysis Consistency checking It is evident that an effective method for checking the consistency of is needed in order to reduce the time spent by , early-pruning and forward-checking. Also, it is essential to be able to evaluate a reason out of an inconsistent , which can then be used as a further guidance for the solver. We have devised an implementation of the Bellman-Ford algorithm (Cormen et al. 2001), known to run in cubic time with respect to the number of real-valued variables appearing in the constraints in . As far as reasons are concerned, we have slightly modified the algorithm in order to show, upon detecting an inconsistency, a subset of all reasons in . TSAT++ currently can pick one of them (1) nondeterministically, or (2) choosing the smallest one under cardinality, or (3) choosing the one which make the solver backjump as much as possible. A further improvement to the consistency checking mechanism consists of refining into without affecting the soundness of the system. TSAT++ currently enforces two refining strategies, namely: (1) triggering ((Audemard et al. 2002a)); and (2) evaluation of prime implicants. (2) corresponds to a minimal assignment which satisfies the formula. B @C#=EF) dM N MdN w N PM N MN MxN MN MdyN PzMdN " 2 Each solver presented hear has many possible configurations. In addiction, MathSAT has different binary files for each problem domains. 3 30 variables 3 10 TSAT++ epilitis MathSAT cspi Tsat 2 3 10 TSAT++ epilitis MathSAT cspi Tsat 2 10 TSAT++ on hard DTP 35 variables 3 10 TSAT++ TSAT++ TSAT++ TSAT++ 10 on on on on 35 40 45 50 vars vars vars vars 2 10 1 1 cpu time 10 cpu time 10 0 0 10 10 1 −1 10 10 −2 10 cpu time 10 −1 0 10 −2 4 2 6 8 ratio 12 10 14 10 2 10 8 ratio 6 4 12 14 −1 10 Figure 1: Evaluation of the DTP on 30 variables (left) and 35 variables(right). −2 10 4.2 {2o|[D$[}~ l " " " " o " D " ~~$ N N N N N N 4~~$ } " o " ~ ^ID } D D = 100 100 instances for each points. As they are constructed, DTP problems do not include negation of difference constraints: nevertheless, negations can appear when implementing preprocessing and learning. In this domain TSAT++ has been run with the following techniques enabled: " " " " 4 6 8 ratio 10 12 14 Comparative evaluation on DTPs DTPs are randomly generated in terms of the tuple of parameters where: k is the number of disjuncts per clause, n is the number of arithmetic variables, m is the number of clauses, and L is a positive integer number such that all the constant are taken from the interval A DTP is produced by randomly generating clauses of length . Each disjunct in a clause is generated by choosing and with probability out of variables and taking to be a randomly selected integer in the interval . Pairs of identical variables in a disjunct, and clauses with identical disjuncts are discharged. We generated DTP problems with: , ranging from 20 to 35 variables step 5. ratio between and ranging from 2 to 14 step 1. =2 " 2 IS(2) preprocessing periodic early pruning (periodicity 1) triggering smallest reason In Figure 1 there is the analysis on DTP benchmarks with 30 (left) and 35 variables (right). On the x-axis there is the ratio, and on the y-axis the median CPU time. It is clear that TSAT++ is the system that performs better here. The only solver that is barely competitive with TSAT++ in this domain is Epilitis; Nevertheless TSAT++ gains up to a factor five on 30 variables (left) and up to one order of magnitude on 35 variables (right). All the other systems are at least 2 orders of magnitude slower than TSAT++ in the hardest region. 4 Figure 2: TSAT++ on 35, 40, 45 and 50 variables. We can notice how most of the solvers perform better than TSAT++ for low ratios: this is probably due to the preprocessing step enabled in TSAT++. Moreover, in order to evaluate the scalability of our system, we generated harder DTP problems. In Figure 2, we evaluate TSAT++ also on 40, 45, and 50 variables. We can see that TSAT++ seems not to be very sensitive to the increment of variables. Its behavior seems to be linear: it pays around a factor 4 on the hardest point when adding five variables. This is not an obvious features: for examples, from the SAT literature, on randomly generated instances, SAT solvers degrade exponentially their performances with the number of variables. Finally, one consideration about the time spent inside the modules implemented in TSAT++Ȯn harder instances, the time spent in the SAT solver is sometimes “order-of-magnitude” greater than the time spent in the Consistency Checker. This can suggest that future investigations should focus on improving the “quality” of the informations that the Consistency Checker gives back to the SAT solver, even spending more time to compute them. 4.3 Comparative evaluation on real-life domains Bounded Model Checking of Timed Automata This benchmarks are about the notion of bounded model checking applied to timed systems. The problem is about a post office with N desks, each desk serving a customer every T seconds. Every new customer try to choose the desk with shorter queue. We want to prove that, although the customers are bright, some annoying situation in which a customer must wait will appear. The benchmarks are publicly available at. 3 They have a number of desks varying form 2 to 5. We show here only the instances in which at least one solver took more than 1 second, but for each number of desk we show at least two instances (the last unsatisfiable and the satisfiable). In this domain TSAT++ has been run with the following techniques enabled: " " IS(2) full preprocessing prime implicants 3˜rseba/Mathsat.html " Instance 2ba abz5-900 cache.1step cache.2step LD-ST.1step LD-ST.2step LD-ST.3step OOO.2steps OOO.3steps RailRoad1-2 RailRoad1-3 RailRoad1-4 RailRoad-0 RailRoad-2 ring2-10 ring2-100 smallest reason In table 1 the results about the post-office problem. Instance P02-7-P02 P02-8-P02 P03-5-P03 P03-6-P03 P03-7-P03 P03-8-P03 P03-9-P03 P03-10-P03 P04-4-P04 P04-5-P04 P04-6-P04 P04-7-P04 P04-8-P04 P04-9-P04 P04-10-P04 P04-11-P04 P04-12-P04 P05-4-P05 P05-5-P05 P05-6-P05 P05-7-P05 P05-8-P05 P05-9-P05 P05-10-P05 P05-11-P05 P05-12-P05 P05-13-P05 P05-14-P05 TSAT++ 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.13 0.1 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.11 0.18 0.31 0.51 1.01 0.58 0.08 0.13 0.21 0.36 0.69 1.35 2.41 3.44 4.79 8.88 2.99 MathSAT 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.09 0.11 0.14 0.1 0.2 0.26 0.36 0.36 0.48 0.69 1.06 2.13 0.91 1.15 1.48 1.89 2.27 2.75 3.59 5.32 9.23 22.06 54.17 11.36 SEP 0.85 2.05 2.54 46.94 197.79 TIME TIME TIME 3.69 2.25 16.02 134.21 TIME TIME TIME TIME TIME SAT? NO YES NO NO NO NO NO YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES Table 1: Analysis on Bounded Model Checking of Timed Automata. The data presented in the table are: the name of the instance, the CPU time for TSAT++, MathSAT and SEP respectively, and if the instance is satisfiable or not. We can see that SEP is not competitive on this domain: it run in segmentation fault on 11 out of 13 instances with 5 desks, and on the other hardest instances it is outperformed by different orders of magnitude by TSAT++ and MathSAT. Both TSAT++ and MathSAT are able to solve all the instances within the timeout; TSAT++ can outperform MathSAT up to a factor 6 on hardest problems. It is interesting to note that on this domain we have used a customized version of MathSAT as explained in (Audemard et al. 2002a). In this problems, by construction, when there is a literal like ( ), it can ignored because in the instance there is another literal as ( ). We know that literal like ( ) are “expensive” to process: nevertheless TSAT++, that does not use this optimization, is faster than MathSAT. Hardware verification In this subsection, we experiment with formulas that are generated using the UCLID verification tool (Lahiri, Seshia, & Bryant 2002) and publicly avail- v 5 N*RGN v 5Nx*GN N l N TSAT++ 0.28 1.9 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 2.07 SEP 0.04 TIME 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.05 0.35 0.04 0.18 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.01 MathSAT 0.14 0.82 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.11 9.2 0.00 3.6 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0 1.07 0.01 SAT? YES YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Table 2: Analysis on hardware verification benchmarks. able at. 4 These benchmarks are composed by: " 2 cache coherence protocol problems (cache*) " " 3 load-store unit from an industrial microprocessor (LDST*) 2 out-of-order execution problems (OOO*) " " 5 problems representing symbolic simulation of the wellknown timed-automaton example of a railroad crossing (RailRoad*) " 3 problems resulting from an analysis of a timed-automata (ring* and 2ba) 1 scheduling problem (abz5-900) In this domain TSAT++ has been run with the following techniques enabled: " " periodic early pruning (periodicity 1) smallest reason In table 2 the results about the benchmarks. The data presented are: the name of the istance, the CPU time for TSAT++, SEP, and MathSAT, and if the instance is satisfiable or not. All the experiments but four are simple for the solvers proposed, and are solved in less than one second. On the ring2-100, TSAT++ takes around 2 seconds to solve it, while SEP and MathSAT solve this benchmark instantaneously. Here the point is that the instance is satisfiable and it is easy to check it is, but TSAT++ has to do many (around 1000) consistency checks before find the solution. On the other hand, on LD-ST.3step and OOO.3step MathSAT takes some seconds (up to 10) in order to solve them, while TSAT++ and SEP are instantaneously. Finally, on the only scheduling problem we proposed, SEP is outperformed by different order of magnitude by TSAT++ and MathSAT. 4 ofers/smtlib-local/benchmarks.html 5 If we would compute the cumulative sum of the CPU time the solver spent to solve all the benchmarks suite, it would be clear that TSAT++ is the solver that performs better on this domain. 5 Conclusions and future work In this paper we have shown how the effective and modular combination of old and new techniques for temporal reasoning can improve the state-of-the-art both on randomly generated problems, and on real-world instances coming from the computer-aided verification community. TSAT++, the system we have sketched, is clearly faster than its fastest competitors both on the Disjunctive Temporal Problem and on a test-suite including scheduling, hardware verification and bounded model-checking problems. TSAT++ is going to be at the reasoning core of the RoboCare project. Among the lines of future work, we plan to (1) improve the reason detecting mechanism from failures of the consistency checker; (2) add the possibility of having constraints taken from different theories, e.g., full linear arithmetic, uninterpreted functions, arrays, lists; (3) apply TSAT++ to practical problems which can be recast as DTPs. Acknowledgments This research is partially supported by MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research) under project RoboCare (A Multi-Agent System with Intelligent Fixed and Mobile Robotic Components). References Armando, A.; Castellini, C.; and Giunchiglia, E. 2000. SAT-based procedures for temporal reasoning. In Biundo, S., and Fox, M., eds., Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Planning (Durham, UK), volume 1809 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 97–108. Springer. Audemard, G.; Bertoli, P.; Cimatti, A.; Kornilowicz, A.; and Sebastiani, R. 2002a. 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In Proceedings of the 38th Design Automation Conference (DAC’01). 6 Oddi, A., and Cesta, A. 2000. Incremental forward checking for the disjunctive temporal problem. In Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-2000), 108–112. Plaisted, D., and Greenbaum, S. 1986. A Structurepreserving Clause Form Translation. Journal of Symbolic Computation 2:293–304. Stergiou, K., and Koubarakis, M. 1998. Backtracking algorithms for disjunctions of temporal constraints. In Proc. AAAI. Stergiou, K., and Koubarakis, M. 2000. Backtracking algorithms for disjunctions of temporal constraints. Artificial Intelligence 120(1):81–117. Strichman, O.; Seshia, S. A.; and Bryant, R. E. 2002. Deciding separation formulas with SAT. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2404:209–?? Tsamardinos, I., and Pollack, M. 2003. Efficient solution techniques for disjunctive temporal reasoning problems. Artificial Intelligence. To appear. People and Robot Localization and Tracking through a Fixed Stereo Vision System Shahram Bahadori, Luca Iocchi, Luigi Scozzafava Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica Università di Roma “La Sapienza” E-mail: <bahadori,iocchi,scozzafava> Abstract The task of localizing and tracking people and robots in a dynamic environment in which persons and robots interact each other is important for many different reasons: for global monitoring the status of the system, for supervision purposes, for the analysis of the behaviors of the agents, etc. In this paper we describe the setting and the use of a stereo vision system placed in a fixed position in the RoboCare domestic environment, that implements the functionality of computing the position and the trajectories of persons and robots moving in the environment. 1 Introduction Applications of multi-robot systems interacting with persons in a real dynamic environment are very promising and many experiments have been performed in this area. In this context the ability of monitoring the status of the system, specifically the position and the trajectories of moving agents (both persons and robots) in the environment is a fundamental requirement in order to analyze the system and for human and/or machine supervision. The general form of this problem presents many difficulties: first of all, object tracking results difficult when many similar objects move in the same space; second, object recognition is generally difficult when the environment and the agents cannot be adequately structured; third, when moving observers are used for monitoring large environments the problem is even harder since it is necessary to take into account also the noise introduced by the motion of the observer. With respect to the above difficulties in this paper we present a solution that makes the following choices: i) we limit the number of moving objects in the space to be at most two or three persons plus any number of robots, but in such a way to have not a very crowded environment; ii) persons are not marked in any way, while robots can be visually recognized by placing on top of them special markers; iii) we make use of a fixed stereo vision system that is able to monitor only a portion of the area in the domestic environment. c 2003, The RoboCare Project — Funded by Copyright ° MIUR L. 449/97. All rights reserved. The goal of the present work is thus to elaborate the information computed by a stereo vision system placed in a fixed position in the environment, in order to determine the position and the trajectories of moving objects. Since the stereo camera is fixed in the environment, we exploit the knowledge of the background in order to identify other moving objects (persons and robots). Persons are recognized by a model matching between the extracted information and some predefined values (e.g. eccentricity, height, etc.), while robots are recognized through special markers put on top of them. In the literature there are several works on people localization and tracking through a vision system, aiming at realizing systems for different applications. These systems are typically based on the use of a single camera (Wren et al. 1997), stereo vision (Darrell et al. 1998; Beymer & Konolige 1999) or multiple cameras (Yang, Gonzalez-Banos, & Guibas 2003). While the systems based on a single camera are used for modelling and reconstructing a 2D representation of human beings (e.g. heads and hands) and mainly used for virtual reality and gesture recognition applications, in the RoboCare project we are interested in determining the 3D position of a person in the environment and to track his/her trajectory while he/she moves. To this end stereo vision or multiple cameras can be effectively used in order to compute the 3D position of objects in the scenes. In this way the system is more efficient in object recognition and tracking and also provides the coordinates of such objects in the environment. The present work follows the general ideas of the previous works in people tracking through a stereo vision system. For example, the stereo vision system described in (Beymer & Konolige 1999) focuses on the development of a real-time system for person detection and tracking by using a model matching technique. Also the work in (Darrell et al. 1998) uses information about stereo vision for identifying and tracking persons in an environment; person recognition is here implemented by using a set of patterns to be matched. The prototipe implementation of our system that is described in this paper has the objective of providing for real-time processing of stereo images and for identifying people and robot trajectories in the environment. 7 Preliminary experiments on the system show the effectiveness of the approach, a sufficient accuracy for many tasks, and a good computational performance. However, a more extensive experimentation and several improvements to the system are still under development. 2 3D Reconstruction through Stereo Vision Stereoscopic vision is a technique for inferring the 3D position of objects from two or more simultaneous views of the scene. This technique has received increasing attention in the last years thanks to the improvements in the algorithms that allows for real-time implementation of stereo vision systems (Kanade et al. 1996; Konolige 1997). Other advantages of using a stereo vision system are that: 1) it is a cheap solution for 3D reconstruction of an environment; 2) it is a passive sensor and thus it does not introduce interferences with other sensor devices (when multiple sensors are present in the environment); 3) it can be easily integrated with other vision routines, such as object recognition and tracking. Reconstruction of the world seen through a stereo camera can be divided in two steps: 1. Correspondence problem: for every point in one image find out the correspondent point on the other image and compute the disparity (distance in pixels) of these points. 2. Triangulation: given the disparity map, the focal distance of the two cameras and the geometry of the stereo setting (relative position and orientation of the cameras) compute the (X, Y, Z) coordinates of all the points in the images. Both the above tasks are easier to realize when cameras are in a standard setting, that is with parallel optical axes and coplanar image planes. In this setting epipolar lines correspond to rows in the frame buffer and point correspondences are searched over these rows. Obviously the standard setting cannot be obtained with real cameras, and thus a calibration procedure is needed in order to compute the parameters that relate the ideal model of the cameras to the real devices. This is required because of two factors: (i) both the correspondence problem and triangulation make the assumption of an ideal model of the camera (pinhole model ), that can be very different from actual imaging devices; (ii) the relative position and orientation of the two cameras must be known in order to determine range information. Stereo head calibration is thus the task of relating the ideal pinhole model of the camera with an actual imaging device (internal calibration) and of determining the relative position and orientation of the cameras (external calibration). This is a fundamental step for 3D reconstruction and in particular for stereoscopic vision analysis. It allows not only for determining the geometry of the stereo setting (needed for triangulation), but also for removing radial distortions provided by common lenses. 8 When acquiring two images at the same time from two different cameras, the stereo algorithm is in charge of finding correspondences of points from one image to the other and to compute their disparities. There exist different kinds of stereo algorithms, some of them are based on area correlation, some others on feature detection, etc. The system we are using (Small Vision System) (Konolige 1997) implements an area correlation function that computes the most likely position in the right image for every point in the left one. This correlation-based method allows for dense disparities and it is more adequate for 3D reconstruction. Moreover, by exploiting some geometric constraints of stereo vision systems and by an optimization in the implementation, the system allows for real-time processing also for high-resolution images. 2.1 Stereo setting and calibration Hardware Settings The hardware setting of our system is constituted by a couple of cheap Firewire webcams (Table 1) placed in a parallel setting with 18 cm of distance between them. This stereo system is installed at 220 cm of altitude from the ground and it points down with an angle of 20◦ with respect to the horizon line. With this configuration, considering the 62◦ field of view for each camera, the system is able to cover an area of dimensions 2.2 × 1.8 meters. Calibration For good stereo processing, the two images must be aligned correctly with respect to each other, since actual stereo camera setups differ from the standard setup in which the cameras are perfect pinhole cameras and they are aligned precisely in a parallel setting. Obviously the displacement from the ideal model causes erros and noises in the quality of stereo match since epipolar lines are not horizontal. In addition, if the camera calibration is unknown, one does not know how to interpret the stereo disparities in terms of range to an object. Camera calibration addresses these issues by creating a mathematical model of the camera. This is performed by fitting a model of a known calibration object to a number of images taken by the cameras about this calibration object. The calibration object presents a known pattern that can be recognized and measured by an automated calibration procedure, that computes the parameters needed for image rectification and stereo computation. The calibration procedure we have used in our setting is the standard one that is implemented within Small Vision System (Konolige 1997). 3 System architecture and implementation The implementation of the tracking system is based on the following components: • foregroung/backgroung segmentation, that is able to distinguish pixels in the image that are coming from Table 1: FireWire Webcam features Feature Specifics Bandwidth 200Mb/s Data Trasmission Non.Compressed full-motion digital video Frame Rate 30 fps Resolution 640 × 480 Sensor 1/4 Color CCD Image Sensor Field of view 62◦ angle of view representing the background and the current image. In order to deal with the fact that the background can change over time (for example pieces of furniture or objects on a table can be moved), a special routine is able to detect these changes after the processing of a number of frames and to upgrade the background model dynamically. Stereo computation. The stereo vision system we are using (Small Vision System (Konolige 1997)) provides a real-time implementation of a correlation-based stereo algorithm. The snapshots in Figure 1 show some situations of a person in the environment and the corresponding disparity images. These disparity images represent points that are closer to the cameras with brighter pixels; from these disparity values a geometric triangulation is used to retrieve the 3D coordinates of every point in the space. The stereo vision system thus returns a set of 3D points representing the 3D coordinates of all the pixels matched in the two images; this set of points is the 3D model of the scene seen through the cameras. Figure 1: Stereo vision processing the background from the ones that represent the foreground (i.e. persons or robots moving in the environment); • stereo vision computation, that evaluates disparities only for the foreground in the two images and compute the 3D position of a set of points; • 3D segmentation, that processes the 3D points computed by the stereo algorithm and cluster them in continuous regions; • object association, that associates each 3D cluster of points to a specific robot (when its special marker is recognized) or to a generic person (if it is compatible with some predefined values). • position filtering, that makes use of a Kalman Filter to reliably track the position of objects in the space. Foregroung/backgroung segmentation. Foreground/background segmentation is obtained by computing the image difference between a stored image 3D segmentation. The segmentation algorithm that follows stereo computation is in charge of clustering the set of 3D points in clusters, such that each cluster represents a single object in the environment. Object association. Each cluster of 3D points is associated to the representation of a moving object in the environment (either a person or a robot) that is tracked by the system. This step takes into account a simple model of a person (eccentricity, height, width, etc.) and the recognition of special markers applied on the robots. Those clusters that do not match any of the specifications are simply discarded. Position filtering. In order to keep track in a consistent and robust way the position of an object a Kalman Filter has been used. This allows for dealing with temporary errors that may occur when an object is completely occluded by another or when the stereo system is not able to distinguish two objects that are close each other. Although there are some situations in which the above method return erroneous results, specially whene 9 Marker M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 Table 2: Accuracy results Distance Angle Err.medium 3.00 m 00◦ 7.3cm 2.70 m 00◦ 7.1cm 2.40 m 00◦ 6.8cm 3.00 m 32◦ 9.8cm 2.70 m 35◦ 9.6cm 2.40 m 37◦ 8.8cm 3.00 m -32◦ 9.2cm 2.70 m -35◦ 9.6cm 2.40 m -37◦ 8.8cm Err.Variance 6-8.2 cm 6-7.7 cm 5.8-6.7cm 7.8-10.7cm 7.8-9.7cm 7.8-9.7cm 7.8-10.5cm 7.8-9.7cm 7.8-9.7cm several objects are in the environment, a preliminary set of experimental results that are described in the next section shows the feasibility of the method and several improvements can be adopted to increase its robustness. 4 Experimental evaluation Considering our hardware settings and also software algorithms we did some experiments from the point of view of accuracy and computational efficiancy that the results are as follow: 4.1 Accuracy of the system For masuring the accuracy of the system we used 9 markers with diffeante ditances and angles in scenario to masure the accurancy of the system in defferant distances the result after 40 experiments are as follow This experiments have done with the standard external calibration system. 4.2 Computational efficiency The Performance of computational afficiancy without the grabbing using a 700 MGhz processor with the presance of one object to tracking is about 130 ms, by running the grabbing and filtring procedures the calculation time incearse to 400ms with one object, 500 ms with two, and 650 ms for three moving objects in the scenario. The major part of the calculation time is dadicated to gaussian filtring and noise detection of the background. 5 Conclusions In this paper we have described an ongoing project that has the objective of realizing a system for localizing and tracking persons and robots in a real domestic environment. The system has been implemented only in a prototype version, but some preliminary experiments we have performed show its effectiveness, a sufficient accuracy and good computational properties. However, we are actively working on the development of several improvements. In particular, we are investigating efficient algorithms for segmentation and for object recognition when the number of objects in the 10 scene is more than a few units. We are generally developing several improvements for the realization of the entire system. 6 Acknowledgments This research is partially supported by MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research) under project RoboCare (A Multi-Agent System with Intelligent Fixed and Mobile Robotic Components). References Beymer, D., and Konolige, K. 1999. Real-time tracking of multiple people using stereo. In Proc. of IEEE Frame Rate Workshop. Darrell, T.; Gordon, G.; Harville, M.; and Woodfill, J. 1998. Integrated person tracking using stereo, color, and pattern detection. In IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Kanade, T.; Yoshida, A.; Oda, K.; Kano, H.; and Tanaka, M. 1996. A stereo machine for video-rate dense depth mapping and its new applications. In Proc. of CVPR’96. Konolige, K. 1997. Small vision systems: Hardware and implementation. In Proc. of 8th International Symposium on Robotics Research. Wren, C. R.; Azarbayejani, A.; Darrell, T.; and Pentland, A. 1997. Pfinder: Real-time tracking of the human body. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 19(7):780–785. Yang, D.; Gonzalez-Banos, H.; and Guibas, L. 2003. Counting people in crowds with a real-time network of image sensors. In Proc. of ICCV. Developing a Robot able to Follow a Human Target in a Domestic Environment Raffaele Bianco, Massimiliano Caretti, Stefano Nolfi Laboratory of Artificial Life and Robotics, Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, CNR Viale Marx, 15, 00137 Roma, Italy,, Abstract In this article we describe the preliminary work conducted to develop a mobile robot able to find, follow, and monitor an human target moving in a domestic environment. More specifically we describe: (1) the characteristics of the transmitter-receiver devices that we are developing and, (2) the results of a set of evolutionary experiments conducted in simulation in which we evolved the neural controller of the robot. The obtained results indicate that robots provided with a device that detects the current direction of the moving target can solve the problem with rather simple behavioral strategies even if the device does not produce accurate directional information. (1) Koala, a commercially available robot developed by KTeam (, see Figure 1), and (2) one s-bot, a mobile robot currently under development by us and other partners (University Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium; Ecole Politechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland; Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Switzerland) within the European Project SWARM-BOTS (, Figure 2). 1 Introduction In this article we describe the preliminary work conducted in order to develop a mobile robot able to find, follow, and monitor an human target moving in a domestic environment. In section 2 we describe the robotic platforms that we plan to use and the sensor-emitter systems that we are developing, in section 3 we describe the preliminary experiments performed in simulation. Finally, in section 4, we describe what we plan to do in the future. Figure 1. The Koala robot provided with 2 pan-tilt cameras. 2 The robots and the transmitter-receiver device To achieve the goal described in the introduction we plan to use two robotic platforms that we have at our disposal: Copyright © 2003, The ROBOCARE Project Funded by MIUR L. 449/97. All rights reserved. Figure 2.The first prototype of an s-bot. 11 The Koala robot (Figure 1) has three soft rubber wheels on each side. The robot moves by means of the two middle wheels that are connected to two corresponding motors and are slightly lower, while the other four wheels only provide physical support. Moreover, the robot has 16 infrared sensors distributed around the body that can detect obstacles up to a distance of about 20 cm. The s-bot (Figure 2) has a cylindrical body with a diameter of 116 mm and consists of a mobile base provided with two differential drive mechanisms controlling tracks and wheels, and a main body provided with two grippers that allow an s-bot to assemble with other s-bots or to grasp objects. The first gripper is supported by a mobile structure that can rotate around an horizontal axis and the second gripper is supported by a motorized arm that allows large movements through the vertical and horizontal axis. The main body rotates with respect to the base supporting the tracks. From the sensory point of view, each s-bot is provided with proximity sensors, light sensors, accelerometers, humidity sensors, sound sensors, an omni-directional color camera, light barrier sensors (on the grippers), force sensors etc. To allow the robot to easily identify the relative direction of the target person we are developing a transmitterreceiver system consisting of a transmitter carried by the target person and a receiver installed on the robot that should provide the angle (and possibly the distance) of the transmitter located on the target person. In particular we are currently developing and testing two systems based on radio and sound emitter-receivers devices. The former system consists of a transmitter producing a continuous signal of 433 MHz (Figure 3, left), a receiver (Figure 3, top-right), and a directional antenna (Figure 3, bottom-right). To provide information about the current direction of the transmitter the antenna should be mounted on a motorized support (still to be developed) that allow the rotation of the antenna and the detection of its current orientation with respect to the frontal direction of the robot. Preliminary tests of this system indicate that it provide reliable information about direction but not about the distance of the target. The latter system, consists of a transmitter producing very short sound tones separated in time and a receiver provided with two omni-directional microphones that detect the arrival of the first waves and then stop listening until echoes have disappeared. The receiver device detect the time difference between the signals detected by the two microphones that provides information about both directionality and distance. 3 The controller Figure 3.The radio transmitter-receiver device. Left: The transmitter. Top-right: The receiver. Bottom-right: The antenna. 12 To develop the control system of the robots described in section 2, we run a set of evolutionary experiments in simulation. These experiments had different goals, namely: (1) verify the feasibility of the use of the evolutionary method (Nolfi and Floreano, 2002) for the problem described above, (2) identify the minimal requirements that the transmitter-receiver device should have to assure reliable and effective performance, (3) identify the simplest neural architecture that can solve the problem. In a first set of experiments we evolved the control system of a robot provided with 8 infrared sensors and the specially designed directional sensor providing the relative angle of the target person. The control system of the robot consists of a simple neural controller provided with 9 sensory neurons (encoding the infrared sensors and the directional sensor) directly connected to two motor neurons encoding the current speed of the two motors controlling the two motorized wheels. The genotype of evolving individuals encodes the connection weights and the biases of the neural controller. Each parameter is encoded with 8 bits. Weights and biases are normalized between –10.0 and 10.0. Population size is 100. The evolutionary process is continued for 200 generations. The 20 best individuals of each generation were allowed to reproduce by generating 5 copies of their genotype which were mutated by replacing 2% of randomly selected bits with a new randomly chosen value. Each experiment was replicated 10 times. Each individual of the population was tested for 10 trials, with each trial consisting of 1000 steps (each step lasts 100 ms of real time). At the beginning of each trial the robot and the target person are placed in a randomly selected position and orientation (see Figure 4). During each time step the position of the robot and of the moving target are updated. More precisely, in the case of the robot, each time step: (1) the state of the sensory neurons is updated, (2) the activation state of internal (if present) and motor neurons is determined, (3) the desired speed of the motors controlling the two wheels is set according to the state of the motor neurons, and (4) the position of robot and of the target person is updated on the basis of the desired speed of the two motors and, eventually, of intervening collisions. The moving target, instead, moves by producing random actions. More specifically each time step it has a probability of 95% and 5% of moving with a randomly selected speed and orientation or of staying still, respectively. To identify the minimal requirements that the transmitter-receiver device should have, different replications of the experiments were performed by varying the amount of noise added to the directional sensor. To take into account the fact that the main source of noise is the reflection of the radio or sound waves we simulated a form of conservative noise (Miglino, Lund & Nolfi, 1995), i.e. we perturbed the perceived direction of the target by adding to it the value of a variable allowed to vary within a given range. The value of this variable is initially assigned randomly in the given range and then modified each time step by adding to it a value randomly selected within the interval [-0.02, 0.02]. Obtained results indicate that reasonably good performance can be obtained when the range of the noise is allowed to vary up to 20%. The moving target The robot Figure 4. A screenshot of the simulator in the first experiment. The environment consists of an arena surrounded by walls. The robot has to follow and remain close to the moving target without colliding against it. In a second experiment we placed the robot and the moving target in an environment in which different regions are separated by walls (see Figure 5). Moreover we provided the robot with a directional sensor that can only detect the target up to a limited distance. The moving target The robot Walls Figure 5. A screenshot of the simulator in the second experiment. To reach and follow the moving target the robot should be able to overcome inside obstacles consisting of walls that separate different regions of the arena. 13 of experiments by using sensors simulated according to the data obtained by recording the response of the devices in the real environment; (4) test the evolved neural controller on the real robot. Acknowledgments This research has been partially supported by MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research) under project RoboCare (A Multi-Agent System with Intelligent Fixed and Mobile Robotic Components). The robot's trajectory Figure 6. The behavior on an robot evolved in the environment shown in Figure 5. The lines indicate the trajectory of the robot and of the moving target during a trial. As shown in Figure 6, that displays the behavior of a typical evolved individual, robots are able to overcome obstacles by integrating a simple wall following behavior with a target approaching behavior. Moreover, when individuals are too far from the target and do not have directional information, they explore the environment (by using a simple strategy that allows them to avoid obstacles and to not fall into behavioral limit cycles) until they start to have enough directional information to reach the target with the strategy described above. 4 Discussion and Future Work In this article we described the work done in the attempt to build a robot able to find, follow, and monitor an human target moving in a domestic environment. More specifically we described the transmitter-receiver devices that we are building and that will provide directional information on the relative position of the moving target and a set of preliminary experiments in which we evolved the control system of simulated robots. Preliminary results indicate that, robots provided with a device that detects the current direction of the moving target can solve the problem with rather simple behavioral strategies even if the device does not produce accurate directional information In future work we plan to: (1) terminate the development and the optimization of the transmitterreceiver devices; (2) analyze the performance of the devices in varying environmental conditions by sampling the response of the devices for targets with different angles and distances and for different environmental conditions (e.g. presence of intervening obstacles); (3) run a new set 14 References Miglino O., Lund H.H., Nolfi S. (1995). Evolving mobile robots in simulated and real environments. Artificial Life, (2) 4: 417-434 Nolfi, S., and Floreano, D. (2000). Evolutionary Robotics: The Biology, Intelligence, and Technology of SelfOrganizing Machines. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press/Bradford Books Human-Robot Interaction Amedeo Cappelli, Emiliano Giovannetti KDD Laboratory Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell’Informazione “A. Faedo”, CNR, Pisa Abstract Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) is a constantly growing multidisciplinary area rich of cues for advanced researches and technology transfers. It plays a fundamental role in the development of robots that operate in an open environment and cooperate with humans. This task requires the development of techniques that allow inexpert users to use their robots in an efficient and safe way, using an intuitive and natural interface. In this work, after an introduction to the fundamental issues concerning HRI, we will present the different possible interaction modalities between robot and man followed by a series of advanced interface applications for autonomous mobile robots. 1 Introduction The use of robots on a large industrial scale has brought a substantial improvement in productivity and a reduction of production costs. In parallel with the progresses of the technology it has been possible to make robots more independent from human operators and capable of moving inside the work environment with greater autonomy. In order to operate effectively in a complex and dynamic environment, a robot must be equipped of external perception systems to “see” what is around and to react adequately and autonomously to different, possibly unpredictable, situations. Using a robot in a natural and dynamic environment inhabited by humans involves precise requirements about sensorial perception, mobility and dexterity as well as capacity of task planning, decision and reasoning. However, modern technology, at the state of art, is not yet capable of satisfying all these requirements. A limit to the development of this kind of “social” robots comes from the lack of appropriate interfaces that allow a natural, intuitive and versatile (i.e., human-friendly) interaction and communication with the robot. Interfaces of this kind are considered essential to efficiently program and instruct the robot. Copyright © 2003, The ROBOCARE Project Funded by MIUR L. 449/97. All rights reserved. A natural code of communication is fundamental for the interaction with a service robot: as an example, the use of a keyboard or a mouse to communicate with a mobile house-cleaning robot is not reasonable, since, functionally, a domestic robot would [Khan, 1998]: • • • • • • • • fetch and carry; meal preparation; clean house; monitor vital signs; assist ambulation; manage the environment; communicate by voice; take emergency action (fire, intrusion, etc.) This work is part of a survey which is proposed to give an overview on the issues and applications concerning Human-Robot Interaction and to provide a starting point of reference for the study of the interfaces capabilities of the mobile robots developed within the “RoboCare” project [Cesta et al., 2003], coordinated by the Institute for Cognitive Science and Technology of CNR of Rome. The project aims to the development of distributed systems in which software and robotic agents collaborate to provide services in environments in which humans may need assistance and guidance, such as health care facilities. The study and achievement of complex systems cabable of carrying out tasks of these kind requires the synergy of a number of disciplines, that the RoboCare project effectively includes, such as communication, knowledge representation, human-machine interaction, learning, collective and individual symbolic reasoning. 2 Human-Robot Interaction Human interface and interaction issues have long been a part of robotics research. People are typically involved in supervision and/or teleoperation of robots: the first studies aimed to the improvement of interfaces were motivated to facilitate this kind of interaction. Anyway, until a few years ago, the focus of the robotics community was mainly “robot-centric” with an emphasis 15 on the technical challenges of achieving intelligent control and mobility. It is only recently that predictions such as the following can be made: "within a decade, robots that answer phones, open mail, deliver documents to different departments, make coffee, tidy up and run the vacuum could occupy every office.” [Lorek, 2001]. Due to the nature of the intelligence needed for robots to perform such tasks, there is a tendency to think that robots ought to become more "human" and that they need to interact with humans (and with each other) the way humans do. This approach to robotics, sometimes termed "human-centered”, emphasizes the study of humans as models for the robots. As the physical capabilities of robots improve, the reality of using them in everyday locations such as offices, factories, homes and hospitals, as well as in more technical environments such as space stations, planets, mines and ocean floors is quickly becoming more feasible. However, before intelligent robots are fully developed and integrated into our society, we need to investigate more carefully the nature of human-robot relationships, and the impact these relationships may have on the future of human society. One way to do this is to consider the work that has been done in the community of human-computer interaction (HCI), where the directions of technology development and its impact on humans have been studied. 2.1 Interaction modalities Communication between a human being and a robot must be “human-friendly” and involve all human senses and communication channels, like speech, vision, gestures and mime understanding and the sensitivity of forces through touch. In general, we can distinguish five main categories of interaction modalities: • • • • • speech; gestures; facial expressions; gaze; proxemic and kinesic signals. From the results of a survey [Khan, 1998], it turned out that the majority of people, when asked about their opinions in human-robot interaction, clearly prefer the use of speech in combination with other interaction modalities. For this reason, usability research into HumanRobot Interaction will therefore need to investigate whether user expectations can be fulfilled when applying the technologies available today and whether methodologies developed for Natural Language Interfaces (NLI), Multi-modality or Agent technology are sufficient to cover interaction with robots. To evaluate the communicative characteristics of the next generation of robots, it is useful, especially from a “human-centric” point of view, to analyse the communicative experiences of humans and use this 16 knowledge as a point of reference for the development of human-robot interfaces. The range of communication and interaction systems that users are experienced with and use skilfully, include face-to-face, mediated human-to-human and man-machine communication and interfaces. In face-to-face communication people use (spoken) language, gestures, and gazes to convey an exchange of meaning, attitudes and opinions. As typical properties, human communication is rich in phenomena like ellipses, indirect speech acts, and situated object or action references [Donellan, 1966; Milde et al., 1997]. Another implicit characteristic of human-to-human communication, ambiguity, is considered one of the greatest challenges for Natural Language Processing. The ambiguities incorporated in a human-to-human conversation needs to be carefully thought through and designed for in HumanRobot Interaction (see e.g., Grice, 1975). For this reason an extensive knowledge of the problem is needed for the development of human-robot interfaces. Various researches have been made concerning NLI [Ogden et al, 1997] and a number of telephony systems based on NLI have been developed [Bernsen et al., 1997] through which a man and a machine can communicate: however, the physical embodiment of a robot might require new dialog strategies both different from telephony based or workstation based NLI systems. To comprehend the difficulties concerning human-robot communication let us consider the following situation: a mobile robot and a user are physically in the same room and the robot is told to "go left". The correct execution might mean two different directions depending upon the location of the robot with respect to the user. In other words, the robot must detect the ambiguity of the term “left” whose meaning is pragmatically influenced by the relative position of the two interlocutors. This can be solved autonomously or by instantiating an appropriate dialogue with the user, even through a “multi-modal interface” which, in such a type of situations, can substantially help in accomplishing the task. Multi-modal interfaces are supposed to be beneficial due to their potentially high redundancy, higher perceptibility, increased accuracy, and possible synergy effects of the different individual communication modes. For the prominent interaction mode of systems of today, to overcome this kind of problems, the physical act is restricted to the direct manipulation of the input devices, for example dials, knobs and buttons. The graphical act is often dependent and bounded by looking at a display, which resides on the system and is an integral part of it for interaction and visual feedback. What is desired is to move the location of interaction from the screen’s surface to the real space of a room [Bolt, 1980] that a user and a robot share. The challenges, that researchers are facing for the development of human-robot interfaces which adequately combine different interaction and communication modalities, are multiple. The first step to take is to determine some “guiding principles” for the design of interactive systems to avoid or minimise the complexity of input devices (data-gloves, head-mounted microphones, eye-tracking systems, etc.), which have been used in multi-modal interaction research so far. Analogously, guiding lines concerning safety, command authority and sub-ordinance are necessary: “The Three Laws of Robotics” by Isaac Asimov [Asimov, 1995] could be the starting ground. 2.2 Speech The capacity of interacting with a robot using the voice is considered primary: giving instructions or receiving answers through speech is one of the fundamental objectives for the development of human-robot interfaces. Speech based interfaces, until a few years ago, have remained confined among the walls of research laboratories. As soon as robots have made the first steps in the real world, speech based interfaces have become more and more desirable. As robots get more complex and capable of dealing with more difficult problems, natural language seems to be a very attractive alternative to the selection of a command through a keyboard or to the visualization of a menu on a screen. However, speech is not considered the ideal mean of communication for every situation: in many cases “oldstyle” interaction devices are preferable, as in teleoperation (using joysticks) or when it is necessary to indicate a location on a map (clicking with a mouse on a screen) and in all those situations where common devices are involved, like lown-mowers, vacuum-cleaners, etc., for which, at least until today, the use of buttons and small screens are preferred. We can distinguish two categories of typical situations, not necessarily disjoint, in which a speech interface can be successfully used: • • The user’s hands or eyes are occupied; The use of standard input devices is not recommended or undesirable. Situations involving the interaction with mobile service robots, especially in domestic environments, fall in the second category: the robot is free to move around, a situation in which it is not suitable to give commands and feedbacks through standard devices. When the robot is used as a support for persons with particular needs we have situations of the first category. 2.2.1 Natural Language Processing. The first step to take in the design of a speech interface concerns Natural Language Processing. To establish a bidirectional communication, it is necessary to use Natural Language Understanding and Generation techniques. Subsequently, the system must be supplied with the capacity of understanding speech commands through Speech Recognition techniques to translate the utterances in the relative internal textual representations. Analogously, Speech Generation techniques are needed to translate the sentences the robot must address the user through speech. Finally, once the robotic system is able to understand and generate natural language, other important issues must be dealt with. Apart from all the difficulties tied to the development of a natural language understanding component, the real challenge, for many researchers, is the ability to keep trace of the current context in which the robot is used. In particular, a dialogue between a human and a robot can go on for a long time, requiring the system to have a precise knowledge of time and space to behave in the correct way. Besides, we require a service robot to be able to interact using a speech interface with multiple users (especially if it is used in a public environment), each of which possibly using a different communication modality. Another important issue, which can influence the design of a speech interface, concerns the feedback expected from the robot. Normally, a service robot is equipped with a small display or does not even have one (for reasons tied to cost and battery reduction): it is necessary to overcome this lack by using “conversational feedbacks” with no need for particular physical actions by the robot. KANTRA is a speech interface, developed by the University of Karlsruhe and the University of Saarland, which is applied to a mobile robot called KAMRO [Leangle et al., 1995]. The chosen approach is dialogue based and deals with the matter of HRI presenting four main situations: • • • • task specification; execution monitoring; explanation of error recovering; updating and describing the representation. environment In the University of Edinburgh, the mobile robot Godot [Theobalt et al., 2002] has been used as a testbed for an interface between a sophisticated low-level robot navigation and a symbolic high-level spoken dialogue system. In the “Instruction Based Learning” project of the Robotic Intelligence Laboratory at the University of Plymouth, a mobile robot is designed to receive spoken instructions on how to travel from one place to another in a miniature town [Bugmann, 2003]. The system Kairai is the result of a joint research project between the New York University and the Tokyo Institute of Technology. The system incorporates many 3D software robots with which it is possible to talk. It accepts spoken commands, interprets them, and executes the relative task in a virtual space [Tanaka et al., 2002]. 17 2.3 Gestures 2.5 Gaze The recognition of human gestures is a growing area of research, especially in the field of Human-Robot Interaction and Human-Computer Interaction obtained with multi-modal interfaces. Several studies have been addressed to the role of gestures in HumanRobot Interaction [Breazeal, 2001; Kanda et al., 2002]. Many researchers are interested in the collaborative aspect and in the dialogue between a human and a robot [Fong et al., 2001] Figure 1: Penguin robot at and some experiments have MERL that recognizes been carried out by using and produces gestures. gestures bidimensional agents capable of reproducing during a conversation [Cassell et al., 2000; Johnson et al., 2000] but not incorporating a phase of recognition in the system. On the other hand, at MERL (Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories) (Figure 1), principles of humanrobot interaction are investigated in order to create a system in which production and recognition of gestures are integrated in the phase of conversation and collaboration [Sidner et al., 2003]. Gaze direction plays an important role in the identification of the “focus” of attention of a person: this information can be exploited as a useful communicative cue in the design of a human-robot interface. By detecting the gaze direction, i.e. the focus of attention of a person, a robotic system will be able to understand if the person is addressing to it or to another human. To identify the gaze direction of a person it is necessary to determine the orientation of the head and the orientation of the eyes. While the orientation of the head shows the approximate direction of the gaze, through the orientation of the eyes it is possible to precisely determine the direction a person is looking at. Many of the used tracking methods are based on intrusive techniques, such as directing a beam of light into the eye and then measuring the light being reflected [Haro et al., 2000; Morimoto et al., 2000], or measuring the electric potential of the skin around the eye (electroculography) [Lusted et al., 1996] or by applying special type of contact lenses that facilitate eye tracking. More recently, non-intrusive tracking techniques have been developed, which are capable of detecting and tracking the direction of the user’s eye in real-time as soon as the face appears in the field of view of the camera, with no need for additional lighting or particular marks on the user’s face [Stiefelhagen, 2001]. 2.4 2.6 Facial Expressions A human face can be considered a sort of “window” looking onto the mechanisms that rule emotions and social life [Gutta et al., 1996]. It is not difficult for a human to recognize a face, even in presence of considerable changes due to different visibility conditions, expressions, age, hairstyle, etc. A machine capable of recognizing a face can be used for many applications, as criminal identification, finding of lost children, credit card validation, videodocuments retrieval, etc. The recognition and production of facial expressions permit a robot to widen its communicative capacities. Among the experiments done in this field, K-Bot, developed by the University of Texas (Figure 2), can reproduce 28 facial expressions, such as joy, anger or scorn, in answer to the attitude shown by the face of the human interlocutor that the robot can see with its “eyes” (two tiny cameras) and interpret. In front of a joyful and satisfied face, for example, K-Bot’s Figure 2: K-Bot face will illuminate with a smile of happiness: the visual information taken by the cameras will be transformed in commands for the 24 mechanical muscles, responsible for the control of the eyes, the inclination of the head and the movement of the covering artificial skin. Proxemic and Kinesic Signals More sophisticated communication modalities (usually classified as “nonverbal”) come from “proxemics” and “kinesics”. The proxemics concerns the distance between interlocutors, the variation of which can provide an important cue about the availability or reticence to speak. Experiments of proxemics have been carried on at MIT with the Kismet robot [Breazeal et al., 2000] (Figure 3). Kinesics, on the other hand, concerns the Figure 3: Kismet gestures, more or less unconscious, that is produced during a conversation and which can be an additional source of information: folding the arms, bowing, nodding, moving the weight of the body from one leg to another, etc. [Ogden et al., 2000]. 3 Applications of HRI In this chapter a brief description is given of projects of “social” autonomous mobile robots in which the interface plays a fundamental role. Figure Pearl 18 4: some In the context of the multi-disciplinary project “NurseBot”, founded in 1998 by a team of researchers from three universities of the United States, the robot Pearl has been realized (Figure 4) [Pollack et al., 2002]. The system, designed as a mobile robotic assistant for elderly people, has two primary functions: reminding people about routine activities (such as eating, drinking, taking medicine, and using bathroom) and guiding them through their environment. A prototype version of Pearl has been built and tested at the Longwood Retirement Community in Oakmont, Pennsylvania. The so called “human-oriented mobile robots” (HOMR) constitute an advanced class of robots capable of adapting, learning and working in symbiosis with humans. An example of HOMR has been developed in the context of the RobChair project: a motorized wheelchair equipped with a multi-modal interface (joystick + speech commands), several sensors and a cognitive component capable of path and task planning [Nunes et al., 2000]. At the Carnegie Mellon University research is mainly directed at three aspects of service robots in society: the design of robots, human-robot interaction and how service robots function as members of a work team. The initial domain for this work is elder communities and hospitals, where service robots can do useful but taxing tasks. The research aims at the design of appropriate appearance Figure 5. (especially of the head, as shown in Figure 5) and interactions of service robots in these contexts. Researchers of the Stanford University, at the “Center for Work Technology and Organization” (WTO), are conducting some studies with an autonomous mobile robot, called HELPMATE, in hospital environments [Helpmate]. Designed by Pyxis Corporation, HELPMATE is a battery operated robotic courier that responds to programmed requests by transporting materials between different employees and location in a hospital. The nature of this field study is etnographic: researchers are collecting qualitative data by observing the interactions among employees and between employees and the robot, and by interviewing employees about their experiences. The first study is focused on changes in routines and work practices before and after the introduction of the robotic assistant. At the “Interaction and Presentation Laboratory” (IPLab) in Stockholm, a project called CERO is in progress [Hüttenrauch et al., 2002; Severinson-Eklundh et al., 2003]. The researchers are interested in how people can use a robot in the everyday life. The mobile service robot realized within the project (Figure 6) is mainly designed to assist physically impaired users by carrying small objects. 4 Conclusions We might wonder, at this point, whether a “best” humanrobot interface exists and what kind of characteristics it should have, but we think that every situation requires specific features and different strategies of interaction. Among the different interactions modalities we have introduced, proxemics and kinesics are at an initial stage and require deeper investigations. In any case, speech seems to be the most adequate interaction modality in the majority of situations: besides, the development of NLI can benefit from a long tradition of research in the context of HCI, NLP and Speech Technologies, and some robust commercial products are already available. Moreover, the combination of speech with other modalities, such as gestures and gaze, seems to be crucial for the development of social robots capable of extablishing a dialogue and, for this reason, multi-modal interfaces deserve more interest. References [Asimov, 1995] I. Asimov. The Complete robot - The Definitive Collection of Robot Stories. London: Harper Collins, 1995. [Bernsen et al, 1997] N. O. Bernsen, H. Dybkjær and L. Dybkjær. What Should Your Speech System Say, IEEE Computer, 30 (12), (1997). [Bolt, 1980] R. A. 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Various requirements characterizing service robots are discussed, including mechanical configuration, safety, cost, user interface, suitability for integration in household environments and interaction with other devices. Next, design decisions related to a prototype under development are illustrated and a new control architecture is discussed. Results related to the control architecture for the mobile base are reported and compared with those of the original architecture supplied with the robot. 1 Introduction The development of service robots for health care and assistance to elderly, disabled, or impaired people is an active area of research and development. Several projects have been undertaken (Morpha ; Hermes ; Nursebot ; Harashima 2002; Zenn Bien et al. 2002; Petersson, Egerstedt, & Christensen 1999) and are leading to credible prototypes and implementations as well as to commercial products (Hans, Graf, & Schraft 2002; Exact Dynamics ; J. Hegarty 1991; Guido ). In spite of the projects underway and their achievements, many issues remain to be addressed. The very concept of a service robot for health care and assistance largely depends upon the functional limitations of the anticipated users, ranging from severe disabilities and handicaps, to partial disability (e.g., limited to lower limbs), to lack of strength and fatigue, to limited, temporary, or no disability. Rehabilitation robotic devices, such as vocational workstations (Mahoney 1997) or the Manus arm (Kwee H. et al. 1989), address the needs of severely impaired persons, whereas, in general, novel service robot designs could target users anywhere in the spectrum, including aging people or users with limited disability. In this paper, we outline a project undertaken at the Robotics and Intelligent Machines Laboratory of the University of Parma as part of the RoboCare program c 2003, The RoboCare Project — Funded by Copyright MIUR L. 449/97. All rights reserved. aiming at the development of a manipulator-equipped service robot for assistance tasks. For example, the service robot might be required to identify, pick up, and return to the user an object located in a high shelf or laying on the floor around a corner not accessible to navigation. These two tasks have been rated as highly desirable by potential users in rehabilitation robotics surveys (Stanger et al. 1994). They require both adequate sensorimotor capabilities and acquisition and fusion of a variety of exteroceptive information. Range or vision sensors are required for autonomous and safe navigation of the mobile base toward target areas. Proximity sensors (e.g., infrared or tactile) mounted on the tip of the manipulator could enable these tasks, as long as the sparse information they generate is conveyed to the user in a suitable representation (Aleotti, Caselli, & Reggiani 2003). The remaining of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 outlines the service robot concept shaping the project and the issues involved. Section 3 describes mechanical and hardware features of the prototype robot under design. It also illustrates a 3D simulation of the mobile manipulator which has been developed to explore various design tradeoffs. Section 4 describes the software control architecture and reports some preliminary experimental results. Finally, section 5 briefly summarizes the paper. 2 Service robot concept The project underway at RIMLab pursues the development of a prototype of a mobile manipulator for assistance and caring tasks. Potential users targeted by the project are people with various degrees of motor impairment, especially at the lower limbs, connected to age or health, from minimal to serious. These motor disabilities could also be permanent or temporary, although we target users with full cognitive and perceptual skills. A mobile base equipped with a manipulator has the potential of fulfilling a large number of useful tasks, as it can relocate itself and perform missions both nearby and far from the assisted person. Examples of tasks useful to bedridden persons, as well as persons impaired in the lower limbs, are searching and fetching objects of interest, disposing items in the kitchen or the trash 21 can after a meal, inserting a DVD in a player. Rehabilitation robotics user surveys (Stanger et al. 1994; Mahoney 1997) emphasize that any function that can be performed by an assistant device has the primary benefit of reducing the need for a human attendant, thereby increasing the sense for autonomy of the impaired person. In recent years, a number of research and development projects has targeted similar needs, albeit with variable success. Examples of successful prototypes and experiments involving mobile robots as user assistant or extension similar to our approach are described in (Fiorini, Ali, & Seraji 1997; Mahoney 1997; Huttenrauch & Eklund 2002). Architectural and control issues arising in mobile manipulator design are discussed in (Petersson, Egerstedt, & Christensen 1999). Selected requirements pertinent to our project are listed in the following. Mechanical configuration. We target service robots consisting of a mobile base equipped with a manipulator with adequate payload and dexterity characteristics. For example, the mobile base should be able to transit doors and navigate human-sized environments. The end tip of the manipulator should reach a reasonable fraction of the workspace reachable by a standing person and possibly be able to pick up objects from the floor. Safety. Safety is a major concern in a service robot, with implications at several levels. The mobile base should be able to navigate reliably according to understandable trajectories and to stop immediately as needed. Ensuring safety in manipulator operations is difficult, since manipulator and human being will share a common workspace in a number of situations. The on-board manipulator, hence, should be a safe, low-impedance equipment. The development of lowimpedance devices is essential for service robotics and an active area of research. Ongoing investigations have the potential of overcoming the safety limitations of current manipulators, e.g., (Zinn et al. 2002). During the design phase, safety concerns reflect also into the study of mechanical configurations less susceptible to unwanted interference with humans. At the control level, safety calls for reliable real-time operation of the underlying control system. Cost. Users of rehabilitation robotic systems are reluctant to pay the high costs of specialized devices (Stanger et al. 1994). A component-based economy is required to lower costs, reduce development times and build up the market. Even though the required components are not yet available, service robot development should leverage as much as possible on existing technological standards and open systems, in order to be ready to incorporate useful components and interoperate with other subsystems. 22 Integration. Several accepted service and rehabilitation robotics systems take advantage from some special arrangement of the environment (Stanger et al. 1994; Mahoney 1997; Zenn Bien et al. 2002). The increasing trend toward technology-enabled buildings and smart appliances will simplify the integration of service robots in human-inhabited environments. This is shown by the widespread wireless ethernet standard (IEEE 802.11b/g) enabling the user to monitor the service task while in progress, even if the robot is not in sight. Monitoring the robot, in turn, will enable interaction during task execution, thereby leading to more complex and accomplishing tasks. Shared control. For the class of tasks envisioned, a service robot should have both the ability to perform requested routinary tasks autonomously, and the ability to interact with the user by means of an advanced user interface during task execution, possibly prompting requests for suggestion in ambiguous states or enabling teleoperation modes. User interface. Users are becoming, on the average, more acquainted with technology, and many of them will be at ease with computer, cell phone, or PDAbased interaction. In such a scenario, the user interface has been identified as a central issue for service robots devoted to human assistance (Stanger et al. 1994; Huttenrauch & Eklund 2002). Several aspects (visual, gesture-based, and voice interaction) can be integrated in a multimodal user interface. Figure 1: A sample task for the service robot. 3 Service robot platform The service robot prototype under development at the University of Parma is inspired by the requirements listed in the previous section, even though present technological and resource limitations motivate tradeoffs and departures from the proposed design principles. Figure 1 shows a sample task for the service robot: retrieving items from a shelf and returning them to the user, either with autonomous execution or under user supervision. For tasks in this class, the robot should be able to reach and grasp objects otherwise difficult to access for the user, possess autonomous navigation and manipulation capabilities, operate with high reliability and safety, and act as part of a multiagent architecture. With an 80 cm height and a 50 cm diameter, the Nomad 200 can accept a payload of about 20 kg, which allows mounting a manipulator on top of it. The main drawbacks of the mobile robot are related to its seasoned design. Hence, in the context of this project, we have replaced processor, memory, storage, camera, framegrabber, and radio-LAN access with current technology, as shown in Figure 4. The new motherboard (Soyo SY-7VEM) fits the size of the turret and provides an ISA slot to connect hard-to-replace legacy equipment, namely the Galil DMC-360 motor board and the Intellisys 100 sensor board. A CANbus board provides the hardware interface to the manipulator. Field sensing for the mobile base is provided by a Videre Design Megapixel stereo head with FireWire interface. Finally, speech synthesis is now directly performed by the main processor exploiting the integrated audio codec and the Festival Speech Synthesis System developed by the University of Edimburgh. 3.2 Figure 2: The Nomad 200 mobile robot. Figure 3: The Manus arm. The service robot platform consists of two main parts: the mobile base and the onboard manipulator. As a mobile base, we have chosen to develop the prototype using a Nomad 200 robot (by Nomadics, Inc.) which was already available to our laboratory. The Nomad is shown in Figure 2. The manipulator to be mounted on the mobile base is a Manus arm (by ExactDynamics, BV) shown in Figure 3. 3.1 Mobile base The Nomad 200 is a robust, three-wheel synchronous drive, non-holonomic base. The three wheels are controlled by two motors, one driving their rotation (yielding translation of the robot) and the other controlling their steering. A third motor controls the rotation of the turret on top of the base housing sensors and onboard computers. Twenty tactile sensors are arranged in two offset rings around the base. Around the turret, two rings of sonar and active infrared sensors (16 sensors each) provide distance and proximity information. Manipulator The Manus arm is a lighweight 6 d.o.f. manipulator (about 15 kg, with all the motors located in the base link) designed to be mounted as a wheelchair add-on for disabled persons. The maximum payload is 2 kg. The standard user interface provided with the arm is a keypad or a joystick, but an optional CANbus interface is available for external control. Due to its target usage, the Manus arm features low weight and power consumption (2A/24V) and good reach (80 cm horizontal reach in extended position). Positional accuracy is limited, since the manipulator is designed to be servoed by the user in task space. Maximum speed of the gripper is 0.5 m/s. The Manus arm has been designed to operate in human environments and with disabled persons. Therefore it incorporates several important safety features. The maximum motor power, speed of arm motion, and gripping force are all limited to prevent serious damage. Moreover, each joint incorporates an additional safety slipring in its construction which allows users to manually move the joint. (This features also protects the arm itself in case of crashes against obstacles.) Another important safety feature is the very compact folded position of the arm, which minimizes the chances of unwanted collisions while the wheelchair or the mobile base is moving. Finally, at power up, no motion is enabled until an explicit command is given to the robot. Pro’s of the Manus arm for a service robot platform are its low power consumption, available external control interface, high payload to weight ratio, and safety features. On the other hand, once taken into account the arm support unit, the dedicated computer, and the arm payload, the overall Manus weight almost saturates the Nomad 200 payload. Moreover, due to the Nomad 200 height and need to ensure balance to the whole platform, it is unlikely to find an arm mount that enables reaching the floor with the arm tip. 23 Sonar Compass Intellisys 100 Motherboard Bumper ISA Bus Pentium III − 1Ghz 256 MB RAM PCI Bus Infrared Vision 40 GB HD Motors TTS Speaker Megapixel Stereo Head Videre Design Festival Speech Synthesis 802.11b Network Conn. USB Wireless Adapter DMC−630 Encoder CANbus Adapter Manipulator Manus ARM Figure 4: Nomad 200 modified hardware configuration. 3.3 Mobile base – arm integration We have implemented kinematically and geometrically correct models of the arm and the base exploiting a Java3D modeling and visualization tool developed in our laboratory. Using this tool, existing model can be also combined in recursive structures. We have then investigated several combinations of the Nomad 200 and Manus models to assess the resulting workspace and reachability characteristics. Some of these combinations are discussed next. Figure 1 and 5 show the reachable workspace with a central vertical mount of the Manus on top of the Nomad. This configuration maintains the arm in the most protected position during base motions, and hence is the best for safety. It also satisfies the payload requirements of the Nomad. Unfortunately, reaching the floor with the tip of the arm is not possible in this configuration. Figure 6 shows a lateral mount which would allow raching the floor with the tip of the arm. Unfortunately, this configuration is not acceptable due to static and dynamic balance requirements. Alternative configurations, including horizontal mounts of the arm, have been investigated in the simulation environment, but none of them has been found acceptable. Due to the above considerations, the vertical mount has been adopted. 4 Robot control architecture The effective control of the service robot platform is largely dependent on the software architecture, combining reactive and deliberative behaviors, to autonomously deal with a dynamic environment while communicating with other entities (robots, sensors, ...) operating in the robot’s workspace. Several hybrid architectures, such as SmartSoft (Schlegel & Wörz 1999), BERRA (Mattias, Orebäck, & Christensen 2000), ETHNOS (Piaggio, Sgorbissa, & Tricerri 1999), CLARAty (Volpe et al. 2001), have been recently proposed by the literature. They all pursue a set of properties required in a software architecture for robot control: availability of high-level 24 Figure 5: Mobile base-arm integration and reachable workspace with a vertical mount of the arm on top of the base. APIs to support communications among components, use of advanced real-time schedulers (such as RMA) for task management, Object Oriented approach to ensure reuse and support evolution of the architecture components. Despite the advantages provided by these architectures, none of them seems to fully achieve the stated objectives, thus motivating the development of a new architecture. The principal objective of the architecture is to simplify the development of elementary modules and their composition, required to exhibit complex behaviors. The concrete implementation of the architecture takes advantage of a framework, providing a set of tools for creation and scheduling of the elementary modules and their local and remote communication (Figure 7). In the following, the main functionalities of the framework are described in detail. Modules. The framework is composed of modules, i.e. active and autonomous components that cooperate change among activities both in local and remote environments. The implementation of the Communication Patterns (Schlegel 2002), included in the framework, realizes three types of communication: Figure 6: Mobile base-arm integration and reachable workspace with a lateral mount of the arm to the base. Module Module Module Module Module Module Deliberative Layer Module Module Middle Layer Module Reactive Layer (Concrete) Architecture Communications Scheduling Framework Figure 7: Framework. exchanging information and commands. Each module provides a set of activities that either implement a behavior or allow interaction with robot sensors and motors. A symbolic name associated with each module (i.e., Sonar Ring, Motors, WallFollowing, Collision Avoidance,...) allows higher level modules of the architecture to turn on/off activities while running the application. Scheduling. The framework exploits a real-time scheduler, currently implementing an Earliest Deadline First algorithm, for the execution of the application activities. Each activity can be defined as either aperiodic or periodic, and properties related to activity period and deadline can also be specified. The use of an advanced dynamic scheduler within the framework decreases the complexity related to the assignment of task priorities. Communications. The framework provides a set of high-level primitives fully supporting information ex- • Information implements a one-to-many communication. Modules requiring the data produced by a sender module register themselves as receiver modules. Each time a new data is available the framework takes care of distributing it to all receivers. • Command implements a many-to-one communication for the distribution of commands between requester and performer modules. An arbitration mechanism is also included in the framework to solve conflicts when multiple commands are received by the same performer. • Query implements a communication mechanism similar to a Remote Procedural Call. An asker module requests a replier module, executing an aperiodic activity, to produce the reply. The query can be specified to be either a blocking or a nonblocking call. 4.1 Early experimental evaluation Some experiments were designed to validate the proposed framework. The first application tested the reactivity of the architecture compared to the original robotd architecture provided by Nomadics. Two version of a Collision Avoidance behavior were implemented based on the two architectures (both on the new hardware described in Section 3). The return value for the sonar front sensor was continuously monitored and the robot’s motors were turned off as soon as the behavior became aware that an obstacle was closer than 35 cm. The distances between the robot and the obstacle were measured in a set of ten experiments with the robot moving at a speed of 25cm/s towards a wall. Table 1 shows average and standard deviation from the mean for the two Collision Avoidance implementations. The new framework, reducing the latency between the sensor data evaluation and its actual reading, increases the reactivity to the environment, resulting in an increase in the halt distance between the robot and the wall. robotd [cm] η = 19, 92 σ = 5, 89 framework [cm] η = 27, 17 σ = 4, 26 Table 1: Average and standard deviation from the mean for a set of ten experiments of the reactivity test. A second application investigated the benefits achieved with a more precise evaluation of robot position during sensor readings, as available in the proposed framework compared to the robotd architecture. Figure 8 represents the wall profile reconstructed from the lateral sensor readings during a linear navigation at a speed of 50cm/s. While both the lines are jagged due to sensor noise, the reconstruction obtained with the 25 application based on the proposed framework is somehow closer to the wall shape. 1m 1m framework robotd Figure 8: Test. 5 Summary We have described the goals and current state of development of a mobile manipulator service robot. The prototype robot under development provides a tool to explore many of the issues involved in service robotics. References [Aleotti, Caselli, & Reggiani 2003] Aleotti, J.; Caselli, S.; and Reggiani, M. 2003. Development of a sensory data user interface for a service robot. In Intl. Workshop on Advances in Service Robotics (ASER03). [Exact Dynamics ] Exact Dynamics. Home Page. [Fiorini, Ali, & Seraji 1997] Fiorini, P.; Ali, K.; and Seraji, H. 1997. Health care robotics: a progress report. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. [Guido ] Guido. Project Home Page. [Hans, Graf, & Schraft 2002] Hans, M.; Graf, B.; and Schraft, R. 2002. 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Knowledge Representation and Planning in an Artificial Ecosystem Mattia Castelnovi, Fulvio Mastrogiovanni, Antonio Sgorbissa, Renato Zaccaria DIST – University of Genova, Via Opera Pia 13, Tel +39 010 3532801,,, Abstract Within the framework of mobile robotics for human assistance1, we propose a multiagent, distributed and hybrid approach which aims at integrating reactive capabilities with deliberative reasoning about actions and plans: robots are thought of as mobile units within an intelligent house where they coexist and co-operate with intelligent devices, located onboard and throughout the environment, that are assigned different sensing/acting roles, such as helping the robot to localize itself, controlling automated doors and elevators, detecting emergency situations etc. Moreover, robots are provided with a symbolic component which enables them to execute complex planning activities by hierarchically decomposing a given task, thus showing an efficient and adaptive behaviour even in presence of an unknown, dynamical environment. 1 Introduction In the last years, many approaches were proposed in order to implement fully autonomous mobile robots. While in most cases these attempts focused on the trade-off between reactive and deliberative activities to govern the robot’s actions [1, 2], very few existing systems prove to be effective, if the robots are asked to autonomously solve complex navigation problems (i.e., planning and executing complex activities, such as “use an elevator to move to another floor”, etc.) rather than just simple ones (e.g. “move to the goal” and “avoid obstacles”). This becomes even more critical when the system has to consider selfmaintenance (e.g. battery recharging) and multiple tasks scheduling, thus requiring complex reasoning capabilities. In our view, this is mainly due to the fact that almost all the existing systems share a philosophical choice which leads to a centralized design. The autarchic robot design, as we define it, can be summarized as follows: • robots must be fully autonomous: i.e., they are often asked to co-operate with humans or other robots but they mainly relies on their own sensors, actuators, and decision processes in order to carry out their tasks. • robots must be able to operate in non structured environments (i.e., which have not been purposely modified to help robots to perform their tasks). Up to now, no robot (or team of robots) has proven yet to be really “autonomous” in a generic, “non structured” 1 Copyright © 2003, The ROBOCARE Project Funded by MIUR L. 449/97. All rights reserved. environment, while the few examples of robots which are closer to be considered autonomous (in the sense depicted) were designed to work in a specific - even if unstructured environment: see for example the museum tour-guide robot Rhino and Minerva [3], which relied on the building’s ceiling lights to periodically correct their position. In line with these considerations, our robots are thought of as mobile physical agents within an intelligent environment (an “Artificial Ecosystem - AE”) where they coexist and cooperate with fixed physical agents, i.e. intelligent sensing/actuating devices that are assigned different roles: devices which provide the robots with clues about their position in the environment, that control automated doors and elevators, that detect emergency situations, etc. Both robots and intelligent devices are handled by software agents, which can communicate through a distributed message board and are given a high level of autonomy. According to this definition, autonomy (and intelligence) is not just a characteristic attribute to robots, but it is distributed throughout the building (Fig. 1 on the left); notice that the AE paradigm is particularly suited to model robots for personal human in a house environment (one of the main objectives of the RoboCare1 project), where it is very easy to plug devices and to integrate them in a standard network for home automation. On Board PC: On Board PC: On Board PC: Build Map Generate a Plan a path trajectory Intelligent Device: Beacon for Localization Control of TV camera Intelligent Device: Beacon for Localization Intelligent Device: Beacon for Localization Control of Elevator Global Message Board to/from Intelligent Devices in the building Intelligent Device: USSensors Local Message Board Intelligent Device: Bumpers Intelligent Device: Motors Fig. 1: Left: agents in the building. Right: agents on the robot. Next, the concept of intelligent devices is extended to the sensors and actuators on board the robot, thus performing intelligent control on the robot at two different levels (Fig. 1 on the right): on the lower level a higher reactivity is reached through simple reactive agents which control sensors and actuators; on a higher level, sensorial inputs are collected by agents running on the onboard computer in order to perform more sophisticate computations before issuing control to actuators. Finally, complex planning activities are obtained by integrating in the architecture deliberative agents which manage problems provided by the user, and cooperate with the low level counterpart. 27 In the following Sections, we will show in details the overall architecture of the system. 2 Agent Architecture Three different types of software agents are devised in our architecture (according to Russel&Norvig’s definition [4]): • type 1: simple reflex agents, i.e. agents with no internal state governed by condition-action rules. These agents are used for purely reactive behaviours, e.g. stopping the motors to avoid a collision (a task for mobile robots) or opening an automated door upon request (a task for fixed devices). • type 2: agents that keep track of the world, i.e. agents which maintain an internal state and/or representation in order to choose which action to perform. These agents are used for more complex tasks, e.g. avoiding obstacles on the basis of a continuously updated local map of the environment (a task for mobile robots) or controlling an elevator dealing with multiple requests (a task for fixed devices). • type 3: goal-based agents, i.e. agents which handle goals and find action sequences to achieve their goals. These agents are used for high-level planning tasks, e.g. finding a sequence of STRIPS-like rules to reach a target location (a task for mobile robots). We refer to agents running on intelligent devices as ID agents and to agents performing sub-symbolic/symbolic activities related to action/path planning etc. as PC agents, for they are executed on a personal computer running LinuxOS. In spite of differences in their internal model and implementation, ID and PC agents have some common requirements in terms of Communication and Scheduling. Communication: agents are not omniscient: at any given time, they have only partial knowledge of the state of the world and the system. To share information, all agents can communicate on the basis of a two levels publish/subscribe protocol (Fig.1). The first level is intended for global communication between all the ID and PC agents, while the second one is local, thus allowing to share information which is useful only for some agents. This allows to dynamically add/remove agents in the system without other agents being aware of that, thus increasing the versatility and reconfigurability of the system. Scheduling: agents have different requirements in terms of computational resource and timing constraints. Since we want the system to operate in the real world and to deal with an uncertain and dynamic environment, the system architecture must have Real-Time characteristics in order to guarantee a predictable and safe behavior of the system when computational resources are limited. 2.1 Agents running on intelligent devices In order to build intelligent devices (sensors/actuators both in the building and on board the robot) and implement ID agents, we refer to fieldbus technology for distributed control (in particular Echelon LonWorks, a standard for 28 building automation). Communication and scheduling are thus handled as follows: Communication: the message board and the publish/subscribe communication protocol are implemented by connecting all the control nodes on a common communication bus. ID agents are thus allowed to exchange information by sharing “network variables”, i.e. strongly typified data which are propagated on the bus and delivered to all agents in the system which have subscribed to that kind of information. Notice that all the control nodes in the system (i.e. sensors/actuators both on board the robot and distributed in the building) are connected to the same bus (we adopt an infrared channel for the communication between robot’s devices and the building network). Scheduling: Echelon’s microprocessors allow fast response to inputs and fast communication between network’s nodes, but they do not allow to explicitly set hard Real-Time constraints. Thus, ID agents computational load must always be lower than the computational resources available on the intelligent device microprocessor, if we want to guarantee a response in RealTime. However, ID agents can be easily programmed by means of an event-based programming language: “when” clauses allow to produce a behaviour either periodically or as a consequence of a particular event. ID agent: R ight M otor ID agent: Left M otor A4 fro m P C a gen ts ID agent: F ront M otor A5 Speed, Jog to P C a ge nts A6 M essage B oard P roxim ity D ata A1 ID agent: B um per A 2,3 ID agent: U S Sensors A 10 ID agent: M otion R eflexes, Joystick Fig. 2: Emergency behavior. 2.2 Agents running on the on-board PC To implement PC agents, we refer to ETHNOS (Expert Tribe in a Hybrid Network Operating System), an operating system and programming environment for distributed robotics application which has been described in details in [5]. Communication and scheduling requirements are handled as follows: Communication: ETHNOS allows PC agents to post/read messages from the global/local message board to which all agents can publish/subscribe. In particular, agents must specify - when publishing a message - if they want to post it to the global message board or the local one; they can make the decision in run-time, by calling the appropriate communication primitive. Finally, some PC agents work as a bridge between the fieldbus (which connects ID agents) and the standard TCP/IP network (which connects PC agents in ETHNOS). Scheduling: ETHNOS can schedule three different kind of agents: 1) periodic agents, i.e. executing at a fixed rate (mostly dealing with type 1 and 2 activities, such as piloting actuators, reading sensors, etc.), 2) sporadic agents, i.e. executing in subordination to specific conditions (mostly type 1 and 2 activities, such as purely reactive behaviors, emergency recovery procedures, etc.), 3) background agents, i.e. non Real-Time agents which execute when the scheduler has no pending requests coming from periodic and sporadic agents to satisfy (mostly type 3 deliberative activities, whose computational time and frequency cannot be predicted or upper bounded and whose execution is not critical for the system). ETHNOS scheduling policy is described in details in [5]. able to generate simple motion reflexes in order to avoid an imminent collision and post the necessary data to the message board. Finally A4, A5, and A6, read this data on the message board and consequently stop the motors before waiting for a command from PC agents. PC agent: Build APF PC agent: Build Map Bitmap A 17 APF A 18 A 19 Proximity Data from ID agents Landmark Position Speed, Jog PC agent: Set Temporary Target to Avoid Obstacles to ID agents 3 The Artificial Ecosystem The AE approach has been tested at the Gaslini Hospital of Genova: the experimental set-up is composed of the mobile robot Staffetta2 and a set of intelligent devices distributed in the building, with the primary purpose of controlling active beacons for localization and elevators. Staffetta is requested to carry out navigation/transportation tasks, thus requiring to localize itself, to plan paths to the target, to generate smooth trajectories and finally to follow it while avoiding unpredicted obstacles in the environment. Staffetta is not able to load/unload items, thus requiring human intervention for this task. 3.1 ID agents All ID agents are type 1 and 2 agents, i.e., simple reflex agents and agents with internal state. ID agents on board the robot: A1 controls a bumper able to detect collisions on different areas of the robot chassis; A2 and A3 control two sonar acquisition boards; A4, A5, and A6 control the two rear motors and the front steering wheel; A7 controls the DLPS (the onboard rotating laser and the infrared communication device); A8 monitors the batteries’ state; A9 is directly connected to the motors and works as a watchdog; A10 generates motion reflexes to avoid collisions with unpredicted obstacles and allows controlling the robot through a joystick interface for manual displacement; finally, A11 handles the communication between the ID and the PC agents. ID agents in the building: a varying number of agents A12i, each controlling a beacon i for localization, two agents A13 which control the elevator. Fig. 2 shows how interacting ID agents can increase the reactivity of the system to obstacles which suddenly appear in the environment by means of the ultrasonic sensors or the bumper: the sensorial data collected by A1 (bumper) and A2,3 (US sensors) are posted to the local message board thus being available to PC agents for planning, map building, trajectory generation, localization, etc. However, these data are also available to the ID agent A10, which is 2 Staffetta is commercialized by the spin-off company Genova Robot ( A 14,15 PC agent: Plan a Path, Set Target Location A 16 PC agent: Generate Trajectory to Landmark Position Fig. 3: Navigation architecture. 3.2 PC agents PC agents can be agents of type 1, 2, and 3 (see Fig. 2 and 3). Agent A14 and A15 are type 3 goal-based agents responsible of plan selection and adaptation, allowing the robot to execute high-level plans (including navigation tasks such as “go into office A”). These tasks, depending on the current robot context, may be decomposed into many, possibly concurrent, sub-tasks such as “localise, go to the door, open door, etc...” and eventually into primitive actions such as “go to position (x,y, )” (see Section 4). In Fig. 3, A14 and A15 plan a path to a target as a sequence of landmarks positions, and posts to the message board the location of the next landmark to be visited. Agent A16 is a type 1 agent which is capable to execute smooth trajectories from the robot current position to the landmark specified, relying on a non linear law of motion. It produces speed and jog values which are made available to ID agents A4, A5, and A6 to control motors (the details of Staffetta’s navigation system is beyond the scope of this paper but can be found in [6]). 4 Knowledge Representation and Planning In order to achieve complex task planning and execution, the system must be able to represent a significant part of the world in which it operates. Building a complete and consistent model of the environment requires a way to keep track of the objects useful for future interaction, of their status, of the actions performable and of all the relevant consequences that those actions generates. NeoClassic [7] is a system for knowledge representation (based on Description Logics) capable to deal with one or more KB, storing objects like concepts, individuals (i.e. concept instances), descriptions of concepts and individuals, roles (i.e. relations between objects of the KB) and rules which hold in the domain, deriving consequences from the stored knowledge and adding/removing information in run-time. Particularly interesting are the so-called hook functions: 29 procedural, non symbolic user-defined functions activated asynchronously as a consequence of a particular state within the KB. In our case, they allow to insert NeoClassic functionalities into the ETHNOS multiagent architecture, thus allowing interoperability between symbolic and reactive agents. 4.1 The Symbolic Agents The symbolic component of ETHNOS is handled by two different agents, A14 and A15: • A14 handles the NeoClassic KB: it adds and removes concepts, individuals, descriptions, etc. Moreover, when a new problem is given, A14 publishes a message containing a description of the domain together with the initial and goal state required by A15. • A15 implements a STRIPS-like planner: after reading a message published by A14, it searches for a plan to solve the particular problem given. Finally, the results of this search are published to A14 which will use this information to update the KB. predicates which will be passed to the planner to describe the state of the system and the precondition, add, and delete list of each operator. Again, through the intermediate base concept BW-PLAN-PRED, we consider specific predicates for the each domain, such as ON, HOLDING, ON-TABLE, etc. for the BW-DOMAIN. The predicate arguments are modelled through the concept’s roles, i.e. grounding an argument is equivalent to fill a role with an individual. NAV DO M A IN DOM AIN BW D OM A IN NAV O PERATO R op bwop O PERATOR pp B WO PERATO R bwpp ob bwob N AV OB JECT OB JECT 4.2 The Knowledge Base The Knowledge Base can be ideally divided into separate areas representing three kinds of concepts: objects, operators and plan predicates, problems and plans. Objects: all the objects in the KB are subsumed by the concept OBJECT. In a scenario of an Autonomous Mobile Robot carrying out navigation tasks within a civilian building, we would consider concepts like PLACE, FLOOR, DOOR, ELEVATOR, OBSTACLE, etc. If the robot is equipped with a manipulator to grasp and move blocks in a so called “blocks-world”, we must consider objects such as BLOCK, TABLE, HAND, etc: the resulting KB is composed of both navigation and blocks-world objects, thus increasing the search space and making planning more and more complicate. Introducing intermediate base concepts (e.g. BW-OBJECT, NAVOBJECT, etc.), used to represent objects relative to a specific domain, all the objects in a given domain are subsumed by the corresponding base concept, thus inheriting its characteristics and adding new ones. A particular concept, DOMAIN, provides information about the objects which must be considered in a particular domain, the actions that can be eventually performed in that domain. DOMAIN subsumes more specific domains, such as BW-DOMAIN and NAV-DOMAIN (Fig. 4). Operators and Plan Predicates: actions are represented within the KB in a way that is very similar to the traditional STRIPS schemas. An OPERATOR is a concept which is defined through the roles pl (precondition list), dl (delete list), and al (add-list), together with accessory roles. The prototype for the generic concept OPERATOR is shown in Fig. 5: notice that specific operators (STACK in the figure) are subsumed by OPERATOR through an intermediate concept (BW-OPERATOR) which restrict the set of the actions that can be performed in the BW-DOMAIN. The concept PLAN-PREDICATE is introduced to model 30 B WOB JEC T ON BW PLANPRED PLANPR ED ICATE C LEAR NAV PLANPRED Fig. 4: Relations between OBJECTs. pl OPERATOR PLANPREDICATE dl al NAV OPERATOR NAV PLANPRED pl dl BWOPERATOR pl STAC K BWPLANPRED al holding dl clear al hand empty Y X BLOCK on Fig. 5: OPERATORSs and PLAN-PREDICATEss. Problems and Plans: in order to formalize a particular problem, the system uses the PROBLEM concept, defined by an initial and a goal state, described as a conjunction of predicates: this is done through the roles is (initial-state) and gs (goal-state), thus relating the concept PROBLEM with the concept PLAN-PREDICATE (Fig. 6). Finally, the role d (domain) relates a problem with a corresponding domain, thus allowing to consider problems meaningful only in a specific domain. Once a solution (or no solution) has been found, a new PLAN individual is stored in the KB, defined through the initial and goal state of the corresponding PROBLEM and the OPERATORs which solve it (or an empty list if it cannot be solved): this avoiding re-planning if the execution of the same plan should be necessary in future. is PROBLEM PLANPRED ICATE gs DOM AIN d NAVPROBLEM BWPLANPRED is BWDOM AIN gs BW PROBLEM following high-level OPERATORs are available for planning: NAVIGATE, LOAD, UNLOAD, ARRANGE BLOCKS (see Fig. 7). In particular, LOAD and UNLOAD are responsible for deleting and adding IS-IN predicates in order to reflect variations in the state of the involved BWOBJECT. The automatic generation of the domainindependent problem is shown in Fig. 8: domainindependent PLAN-PREDICATEs (bold font) are left unaltered, while domain-dependent ones are combined into a new domain-independent PLAN-PREDICATE individual. Finally notice that these considerations still hold when new DOMAINs, OBJECTs, OPERATORs, and PLAN-PREDICATEs, etc. are added to the KB. d Fig. 6: PROBLEMs and PLANs. 4.3 Plan Generation Dividing the KB into different domains obviously helps to reduce the time required to solve a given problem, although it is not always a trivial task for A14 to automatically generate a high-level, domain-independent problem from the original one: i.e., the BW-DOMAIN and the NAVDOMAIN are not really disjointed, in the sense that a BWPROBLEM often requires BW-OBJECTs to be moved to one place to another thus requiring to automatically instantiate and solve a NAV-PROBLEM. We need a domain-independent PROBLEM to be instantiated and a domain-independent PLAN to be found which contains only the right sequence of high level, domain-independent OPERATORs, postponing domain-dependent planning to a subsequent phase. (:action navigate :parameters (?r - MOBILE-ROBOT ?p1 - PLACE ?p2 - PLACE) :precondition (and (is-in ?r ?p1)) :effect (and (not (is-in ?r ?p1)) (is-in ?r ?p2))) (:action load :parameters (?r - MOBILE-ROBOT ?b - BLOCK ?p - PLACE) :precondition (and (is-in ?r ?p) (is-in ?b ?p) (gripper-free ?r)) :effect (and (not (gripper-free ?r)) (gripper-holding ?r ?b) (not (is-in ?b ?p)))) (:action arrange-blocks-0 :parameters (?r - MOBILE-ROBOT ?p - PLACE) :precondition (and (gripper-free ?r) (is-in ?r ?p) (is-in block-a ?p) (is-in block-b ?p) (not (problem-solved ?p block-conf-h-tv-hall))) :effect (problem-solved ?p block-conf-h-tv-hall))) (:action unload :parameters (?r - MOBILE-ROBOT ?b - BLOCK ?p - PLACE) :precondition (and (is-in ?r ?p) (gripper-holding ?r ?b)) :effect (and (not (gripper-holding ?r ?b)) (is-in ?b ?p) (gripper-free ?r))) Fig. 7: High level OPERATORs in the PDDL formalism. To achieve this, the domain-independent PLANPREDICATE IS-IN is introduced, with the purpose of creating a link between the BW and the NAV-DOMAIN, for the two arguments of IS-IN belong to different DOMAINs, and allow to specify the NAV-PLACE in which each BW-BLOCK is located. Moreover, the Start State (given problem) is-in staffetta entrance gripper-free staffetta is-in block-a carpet-room is-in block-b tv-hall on-table block-a on-table block-b clear block-a clear block-b Start State (domain independent problem) is-in staffetta entrance gripper-free staffetta is-in block-a carpet-room is-in block-b tv-hall Goal State (given Problem) is-in staffetta tv-hall gripper-free staffetta is-in block-a tv-hall is-in block-b tv-hall on-table block-a on block-a block-b clear block-b Goal State (domain independent problem) is-in staffetta tv-hall gripper-free staffetta is-in block-a tv-hall is-in block-b tv-hall not problem-solved tv-hall block-conf-tv-hall problem-solved tv-hall block-conf-tv-hall Fig. 8: Generation of a domain-independent PROBLEM. b) a) d) c) put down box D e) pickup box D f) g) h) Fig. 9: Top: a public exhibitions. Bottom: a toy-world scenario. 5 Experimental Results In the following, we will describe some of the successful experiments that have been carried out at Gaslini Hospital of Genova (Fig. 9c and d), in our Lab at DIST – University of Genova and during many public exhibitions. During the experiments, almost all the PC and ID agents described in the previous Sections are running: thus, the robot performs concurrently planning, goal-oriented navigation, map making, smooth trajectory generation, obstacle avoidance, localization, etc. Finally, the environment is intrinsically dynamic because of the presence of people. However, the system keeps working with no performance degradation: during the Tmed exposition (Magazzini Del Cotone, Porto Antico di Genova, October 2001 – Figs. 9a and b), the system was running from opening to closing hours and interacting with visitors. We were sometimes forced to stop the robot for battery recharge, but never because the robot got lost in the environment, thanks to the intelligent devices (beacons) distributed in the building. 31 virtually (i.e., it asks for human intervention). However, plan generation and execution, even if in a toy world, allow to evaluate the behavior of the ETHNOS multiagent system when agents A14 and A15 are integrated in the navigation architecture. A more realistic implementation on-board of our mobile robot Staffetta [8] is currently work-in-progress. Conclusions Fig. 10: Avoiding an obstacle at 200mm/sec constant speed. In Fig. 10, Staffetta’s obstacle avoidance behavior is shown: the robot trajectory is smooth because of the particular navigation strategy implemented, described in [6]. As regards the interaction between the symbolic components and the reactive ones, we performed many experiments in simulation, supposing that the robot is equipped with a gripping-hand. Staffetta is asked to carry out various compound navigation/manipulation tasks within our Department building, composed of three floors g) connected by an elevator. For example: a) Move from the little room to Prof. Zaccaria Office AND b) Change the arrangement of the boxes from their initial configuration to the final one. The boxes are distributed at the beginning in different areas of the building, thus forcing the robot to alternate navigation and manipulation activities in order to solve the joint problem given. It is first solved in the general DOMAIN, thus producing high-level, domainindependent OPERATORs that will originate sub-problems to be solved within their specific domains. In this particular case, our simulator returns the high-level PLAN shown in Fig. 11 at the top; next, sub-problems are solved in their corresponding domains as shown in Fig. 11 at the bottom. Fig. 11: Screenshot from the simulator window. Top: a high level plan; Bottom: low level plan for high level action #3. Experiments with a real robot within a simplified scenario have been carried out as well. Fig. 9e–h at the bottom shows the maze in which the robot operates: boxes marked with A, B, C, D are manipulated by the robot only 32 We describe the “Artificial Ecosystem”, a novel multiagent approach to intelligent robotics (particularly suited for human assistance in a home environment) which integrates symbolic and sub-symbolic activities in a distributed paradigm. We claim that, given the current technological state in sensors and actuators, mobile robots will have a lot of difficulties in substituting humans in a generic, human inhabited environments, even for the simplest navigation task. Thus, on one side, we continue pursuing the final target of a fully autonomous artificial being which can adapt to “live” in the same environment where biological being live; on the other side, we think that modifying the environment to fit the robot’s requirements can be a temporary solution to obtain significant results given the current technological state. References [1] R.C. Arkin, Motor Schema-Based Mobile Robot Navigation, International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol. 8, No. 4, 1989, pp. 92-112. [2] Gat, E. Integrating planning and reacting in a heterogeneous asynchronous architecture for controlling real-world mobile robots, in AAAI-92, San Jose, CA, 1992, pages 809-815. [3] Thrun, S., Beetz, M., Bennewitz, M., Burgard, W., Cremers, A. B., Dellaert, F., Fox, D., Hähnel, D., Rosenberg, C., Roy, N., Schulte, J., and Schulz. D., (2000). Probabilistic Algorithms and the Interactive Museum Tour-Guide Robot Minerva. International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol. 19, Number 11. [4] Russell, S. and Norvig, P. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1995. [5] Piaggio, M., Sgorbissa, A., Zaccaria, R. (2000). Pre-emptive Versus Non Pre-emptive Real Time Scheduling in Intelligent Mobile Robotics. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, (12)2. [6] Sgorbissa A., Zaccaria R., Roaming Stripes: smooth reactive navigation in a partially known environment, to be published in RoMan 03, 12th IEEE Workshop Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Westin San Francisco Airport Hotel, Millbrae, California USA. [7] Alex Borgida, R.J. Branchman, D. L. McGuinness and L. A. Resnick. CLASSIC: a structural data model for objects. Proceedings of the 1989 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data: 59 -- 67, June 1989. [8] Miozzo, M., Scalzo, A., Sgorbissa, A., Zaccaria, R. Autonomous Robots and Intelligent Devices as an Ecosystem, International Symposium on Robotics and Automation, September 2002, Toluca, Mexico. A Component-Based Framework for Loosely-Coupled Planning and Scheduling Integrations Amedeo Cesta, Federico Pecora, Riccardo Rasconi {cesta, pecora, rasconi} Institute for Cognitive Science and Technology Italian National Research Council Viale Marx 15, I-00137 Rome, Italy Abstract This paper attempts to characterize the issue of planning and scheduling integration in terms of the frequency at which information sharing occurs among the two basic solving cores. In this context, we focus on one end of the spectrum, namely, loosely-coupled planner-scheduler integrations. We show how the elementary building blocks of this type of integration are the planner, the scheduler and a plan adaptation procedure which accommodates time and resource constraints and computes a minimal-constrained deordering of the plan produced by the planner. Our investigation on the theoretical properties of the loosely-coupled approach exposes the advantage of propagating sets of partial plans rather than reasoning on sequential state space representations. In particular, we show how optimal planning graph based planners tend to maximize the critical path through the causal network which is reasoned upon by the scheduler. with the introduction of special data structures capable of modeling time and/or resources, while a distinct approach is to implement the planning and the scheduling paradigms separately, thus allowing them to independently solve the two problem instances they are best suited for, and to link the planning and the scheduling engines afterwards. This second approach raises the important issue of defining effective forms of information sharing between the two subsystems. The research presented herein is focused on the second approach to address the matter of Planning and Scheduling integration. Our studies have lead to a theoretical characterization of loosely-coupled integrated solvers. In this paper we will describe the algorithmic properties of such integrations by means of a framework in which an explicit distinction between the two aspects of the problem presented above is maintained. 2 1 Introduction Integration of Planning and Scheduling techniques has become an increasingly hot topic for the AI community in the last years. Though the techniques exploited to solve the Planning problem and the Scheduling problem are fundamentally different, both issues are in fact addressed as search problems and as such, are solved using search algorithms. These algorithms, given the different nature of the two problems, involve different data structures to represent the problem instances and different techniques to generate and explore these data structures. Much attention is recently being paid to the possibility of mutually exchanging the information yielded during the planning and the scheduling search procedures, in order to use the shared information to better guide both searches, thus gaining a mutual benefit for the sake of the ultimate common goal of finding a reliable and efficient solution. Many approaches to planning and scheduling integration have been proposed. Some deal with enhancing the ordinary causal solving techniques of a planner c 2003, The RoboCare Project — Funded by Copyright ° MIUR L. 449/97. All rights reserved. Integrating Planning and Scheduling Planning and Scheduling (P&S) address complementary aspects of Problem solving: broadly speaking, the former addresses the problem of defining the tasks which, if executed, achieve a predefined goal, while the latter addresses the problem of assigning time and resources to those tasks. As a consequence, the solving techniques employed to tackle these problems are different: on one hand, a planner reasons in terms of causal dependencies by performing logical deduction in a predefined logic theory, deriving the set of actions which achieve the goal; on the other hand, a typical CSP 1 scheduler works by propagating a set of constraints, which in turn determines the domains in which every variable of the problem can be legally assigned a value. One first question which arises while analyzing the issue of P&S integration is which problems need an integrated solver. A second question we may ask is which P&S technology is best suited for the integration. Finally, we may wonder how to effectively integrate the selected solving cores. In the following Sections we will try to answer these three questions by presenting the 1 Constraint Satisfaction Problem solving tools represent the dominating technology in state-of-the-art scheduling architectures. 33 theoretical properties and an implementation of a serialized approach to P&S integration. As a starting point, we can imagine a general integrated P&S architecture as being composed by two main interconnected blocks: the Planning Engine and the Scheduling Engine, as shown in Figure 1. Planning Engine Scheduling Engine Figure 1: The general model of Planning and Scheduling Integration. While the two subsystems reason upon the two complementary aspects of a particular problem, they share information which enriches the heuristics used in the respective search procedures. One key point here is how often data are actually passed between the two subsystems: in fact, toggling the frequency of information sharing leads to two radically different behaviors of the global system (see Figure 2). Planning Engine Scheduling Engine scheduling phase to produce the final solution. We refer to this approach as serial causal and time/resource reasoning. We also refer to this type of integration as Naı̈ve Component-Based Approach (N-CBA), this name deriving from the serial nature of the integration (hence, Naı̈ve) and from the fact that it employs off-the-shelf components as the two reasoning cores. 3 The Naive Component-Based Approach As depicted in Figure 3, the general schema of the NCBA is rather straightforward: A planner is given a problem specification along with a domain description which is purified with respect to time and resource related constraints. These constraints are accommodated after the planning procedure has taken place, i.e. has produced a Partial-Order Plan (POP). The plan adaptation procedure is responsible for inserting this additional information. A scheduler is then employed in order to obtain a completely instantiated solution of the initial planning problem. Planning Engine POP AdaptPlan Procedure completePOP contextual Scheduling Engine frequency of information sharing Planning Engine Scheduling Engine serial Figure 2: Contextual vs. Serial Planning and Scheduling Integration approaches. On one end of the spectrum we have the case in which data exchange is performed at every decision point: we refer to this approach as contextual causal and time/resource reasoning. Clearly, this type of integration represents the optimal strategy, since it crossvalidates causal and time/resource-related aspects of the problem at every decision point. Examples of this approach are reported in (Currie & Tate 1991; Ghallab & Laruelle 1994; Jonsson et al. 2000; Muscettola et al. 1992). On the opposite end we have the case in which the planning and scheduling phases are simply serialized, meaning that the exchange of information takes place only once. Basically, the output of the planning procedure is directly forwarded as input of the subsequent 34 Causal Model Time & Resource Constraints schedule Figure 3: The NCBA general architecture. This approach is strongly intuitive, but we believe it is instrumental for the comprehension of the phenomena underlying the integration of the two processes. In fact, the choice of components for the serialized planning and scheduling system exposes very clearly the relative fitness of particular planning and scheduling solving strategies. In other words, studying both processes in a separate way has the effect of improving both their performance in the serialized setting and the performance of a “truly” integrated system (in which planning and scheduling are more tightly interwoven) which makes use of these solving algorithms. It should be clear that the N-CBA is certainly not the best way to build an integrated reasoner, since its efficiency relies very strongly on how separable the two aspects of the problem are. This requirement is often not realistic, since the degree of inter-dependency between causal and time/resource-related constraints in the problem are much higher. Nonetheless, the N-CBA has the nice property of delivering a very clear picture of what is going on during problem resolution. 3.1 Planning and Scheduling subsystems Let us first focus our attention on the planning phase. Typically, a causal model of the environment is given as input to the planner, i.e. the domain representation and the problem definition, both expressed in STRIPSlike formalism. Whatever the planner, the output of the planning phase will be a sequence of actions which, without loss of generality, can be considered to be a Partial-Order Plan (POP) 2 . The goal of our system is to deliver a solution in which both causal dependencies as well as time and/or resource constraints are taken into account. In an integrated P&S context, time and resource constraints as well as causal dependencies are contemplated in the initial problem definition. In fact, every action: • is inherently associated to a time duration; • requires one or more resource instances that ensure its executability. Given a POP produced by the planning phase, these time and resource constraints must be accommodated into a new problem specification for the scheduling phase, yielding a complete representation of the problem instance which can be reasoned upon by the scheduler. As we will see, the theoretical backbone of the N-CBA lies in the procedure which is employed to integrate such information. 3.2 The AdaptPlan procedure In order to produce a problem specification which can be reasoned upon by the scheduling phase, we have developed the AdaptPlan procedure (see Alg. 1), which is responsible deriving a causal network of activities for the scheduling phase based upon the POP obtained from the planner and the additional time and resource constraints. The object produced by the AdaptPlan procedure is called a completePOP, and it can be defined as a POP augmented with the time and/or resource information associated to the problem at hand. The algorithm is basically composed of two parts: in the first one, every activity belonging to the initial POP is integrated with information regarding its duration as well as the type and number of the resource instances which are necessary for its execution 3 . Thus, the first phase of the AdaptPlan procedure yields a set of activities, each of which represents one action in the POP and is characterized by duration and resource usage parameters. The second phase of the algorithm produces the causal links among the activities, which are deduced exclusively from the causal model of the problem and 2 A Total-Order Plan is obviously a particular case of POP. 3 In a hypothetical implementation of the N-CBA, it is reasonable to assume that this information is properly hidden in the ordinary PDDL causal model description, so as to be invisible to the planner but not to the AdaptPlan procedure. the POP produced by the planner. In other words, each node in the complete causal graph represents an activity of the plan and each edge connecting two nodes represents a causal constraint between the linked activities. Algorithm 1 completePOP: AdaptPlan(POP) Tasks T Links L {Step 1: accommodate time/resource constraints} for i = 1 to n do T ← ai T ← Dur(ai ) T ← Res(ai ) end for {Step 2: calculate causal links} for i = 1 to n do for j = i to n do if ∃p ∈ Pre(aj ) ∧ p ∈ Eff(ai ) then L ← (ai , aj ) end if if ∃p ∈ Eff(aj ) ∧ ¬p ∈ Pre(ai ) then L ← (ai , aj ) end if end for end for Given the POP which is produced by the planner, the causal links among its activities are computed by AdaptPlan by adding a link between every pair (ai , aj ) of activities if and only if Pre(aj ) ⊆ Eff(ai ) or the link resolves a threat. It is easy to see that this constructive link-generating procedure is equivalent to the opposite approach, better known as deordering, in which a totalorder plan is progressively “stripped” of its precedence constraints so long as the plan is still valid. This form of deordering is known as minimal-constrained deordering, and is extensively described in (Bäckström 1998). Such deordering has been proved to be achievable in polynomial time by means of a simple algorithm (MlCD) if it is possible to decide in polynomial time whether removing a precedence constraint from a plan causes it to be invalid. Incidentally, it is interesting to notice that the AdaptPlan algorithm achieves a minimalconstrained deordering of the input plan, and that the operation of checking whether a precedence constraint can be removed in the original MlCD procedure described in (Bäckström 1998) corresponds to the (polynomial) opeartion of checking whether a link should be added (step 2). What has to be stressed at this point is the fact that the topology of the causal graph depends, as shown in the description of the algorithm, exclusively on the causal model of the problem instance (domain, initial conditions and POP). By observing the causal graph produced by the AdaptPlan procedure, one extremely important characteristic for our purposes can be recognized as the degree of concurrency (or parallelism). 35 Depending on many factors, such as the planner used and/or the global properties of the causal problem instance, the produced graph will exhibit a different extent of concurrency of the activities. In a hypothetical implementation of this framework, it is reasonable to believe that given two plans which show different degrees of concurrency and which solve the same problem, the higher the degree of parallelism of the input plan, the higher the quality of the solution found by the scheduler. In particular, the makespan of the schedule is related to the critical path through the causal network of activities, where by critical path we intend the sequence of activities which determines the shortest makespan of the schedule, i.e. the path that runs from the source to the sink node such that if any activity on the path is delayed by an amount t, then the makespan of the entire schedule increases by t. POP 1. — Planner 1 2. — completePOP 3. . — . . POP 1. — Planner 2 2. — completePOP .3. — . . Figure 4: Different planners lead to completePOPs with different critical paths (which is strongly related to the makespan). In the example, Palnner 1 produces a completePOP with a shorter critical path than Planner 2. Notice that if the durations of the actions were all the same, then the critical path would coincide with the longest path through the graph. This is in general not true since the path which determines the makespan of the entire schedule may be shorter than the longest path through the graph. Nevertheless, it is safe to say that, on average, the critical path is usually one of the longest paths through the graph. As a consequence, usually the relative quality of a completePOP with respect to the makespan of the final schedule which is deduced from it can be measured by its longest path. Given our main goal, which is that of obtaining an efficient schedule to submit to execution, the previous considerations naturally lead us to prefer, among the existing planners, those which are more likely to pro- 36 duce plans which yield the shortest possible critical path, or, at least in first approximation, which minimize the longest path through the graph, a characteristic which would maximize the performance of any optimizing scheduler employed in the integration. 3.3 Planning Strategies In order to understand which types of planners are best suited for the N-CBA, let us compare the two most common planning paradigms, namely Heuristic Search (HS) planning and Planning Graph (PG) based planning 4 . PG-based planners work by alternating one step of graph expansion to a search on the planning graph 5 for a valid plan, the search occurring at every level of expansion (starting when the goals appear non-mutex for the first time). This, together with the disjunctive nature of the search space (Kambhampati, Parker, & Lambrecht 1997), makes PG-based planner optimal with respect to the number of execution steps. This guarantees that these planners find the shortest plan among those in which independent actions may take place at the same logical step (Blum & Furst 1997). The optimality of PG-based planners is precisely what makes them best suited with respect to the criteria described above for loosely-coupled P&S integrations. In fact, the following result relates the length of the a POP in terms of parallel steps with the critical path of the corresponding completePOP: Theorem 1. The number of parallel steps of a plan produced by a PG-based planner coincides with the length of the longest path through the relative completePOP. Proof. The proof of this theorem equates to proving that if the number of steps in the POP is s, then (1) the length of the longest path is at least s, and (2) the length of the longest path is at most s. To prove that the length l of the longest path cannot be greater than s, let us proceed by contradiction. If l > s, then we would have that there is at least one sequence of s + m actions in the plan which belong to different logical steps, which in turn would mean that no valid plan of length s exists. This contrasts with the validity of the POP generated by the planner, since the shortest possible solution would be longer than s. The fact that the longest path cannot be shorter that the length of the POP can be deduced by observing that if indeed l < s, then it would be possible to eliminate at least one extra precedence constraint in the 4 This category includes all those planners which maintain a planning graph representation of the search space (i.e. they search in the space of plans), without referring to the particular solution extraction algorithm they employ (exploring the planning graph, casting it as a SAT problem and so on). 5 Planners such as BlackBox cast the planning graph to be searched as another problem, such as a SAT formula or a CSP, but this distinction does not affect the generality of the observations we make here. completePOP, which contrasts with the fact that the completePOP is a minimal-constrained deordering of the POP. • it is a general purpose tool, thanks to the PDDL planner input, and to the high expressivity of the scheduling problem specification (Brucker et al. 1998; Bartusch, Mohring, & Radermacher 1988); In one statement, this proves that PG-based planners, by minimizing the critical path, in fact maximize the concurrency with respect to the causal model of the problem. It is interesting to notice how the AdaptPlan procedure we have shown earlier ignores the partial ordering information of the initial solution produced by the planner. Rather, it “relies” on the fact that the plan is optimal with respect to the number of parallel steps. In other words, whereas any type of planner may be used to produce the initial POP, the quality of the final solution is negatively affected by the non-optimality (with respect to the number of parallel steps) of the generic planner. While the performance details of this implementation of the N-CBA are outside the scope of this paper, some preliminary experiments show that completePOPs produced from PG-derived plans invariably exhibit a characteristic of high concurrency (i.e. a shorter critical path), while the ones produced from HS derived plans tend to be highly sequential. Clearly, a more tightly integrated system is often necessary, especially because causal and time/resourcerelated aspects of the domain are often strongly dependent. Nonetheless, it is interesting to notice how the basic properties of solving ideas and their relative adherence to the philosophy of integration are somehow independent from when the information sharing occurs (at partial plan level, at every decision point and so on), rather they depend on which information is shared between the two solving engines. It is clear already in the N-CBA that the most effective solution seems to be that of adopting strategies which are capable of propagating plans rather than states, in order to ensure fast reactivity when it comes to taking decisions. In the previous sections we have motivated the use of a PG-based planner in conjunction with a CSP scheduling tool. The most primitive approach to planning and scheduling integration is clearly the N-CBA, an approach in which information sharing occurs only once during the solving process. Given the coarseness of this integrated solving strategy, our opinion is that more sophisticated implementations of integrated solvers should be compared to the N-CBA 6 . In fact, the overall performance of an integrated architecture can only get better with higher occurrences of information sharing events between the two solvers. 4 The N-CBA as a Lower Bound In this section we give a brief overview of an implementation of of the N-CBA which makes use of established off-the-shelf components for the planning and scheduling modules. The choice of these components (or better, of the planning system) is strongly grounded on the previous considerations. Our aim is to assert a basic loosely-coupled system according to the N-CBA, which can be to some extent taken as the “best we can do” within the scope of loosely-coupled integrated reasoning. The planning system which has been used is BlackBox (Kautz & Selman 1999), a PG-based planner which combines the efficiency of planning graphs with the power of SAT solution extraction algorithms (McAllester, Selman, & Kautz 1997; Moskewicz et al. 2001). This planner has done very well in recent planning competitions, and in the category of those planning paradigms which seem fit for planning and scheduling integration, it can certainly be considered to be one of the best choices. The scheduler which has been selected for use in this implementation of the N-CBA is O-Oscar (Cesta, Oddi, & Susi 1999), a versatile, general purpose CSP solver which implements the ISES algorithm (Cesta, Oddi, & Smith 2002). The result is an architecture which is effectively capable of solving quite a number of problems, and which has been extensively used in the study of multi-agent P&S in the context of the RoboCare project. It is not trivial to notice that even this primitive form of integration has some important advantages: • the only necessary additional development is the AdaptPlan procedure, in other words, the information sharing mechanism; • assuming the separability of causal and time/resource-related problem specifications, the system performs quite well, especially with respect to plan quality; 5 Conclusions In this paper we have presented an analysis of the issues involved in planning and scheduling integration. Many approaches to this problem have been developed, yet some fundamental aspects still remain to be explored fully. The work we have presented is motivated by the fact that while the independent research in planning and scheduling has evolved very rapidly, the study of the combined approach is still trying to deal with some basic issues. Integrated architectures in general can be distinguished by the frequency at which information sharing occurs. While various degrees of integration are obtainable by “toggling” the frequency parameter, we have shown some fundamental properties of one end of the spectrum, namely loosely-coupled systems in which the output of the planning phase is fed into the the scheduling subsystem, an approach we have qualified ad Naı̈ve 6 Assuming the two aspects of the problem are distinguishable in the benchmark domains. 37 and Component-Based. In this context, we have seen that the theoretical backbone of this form of integration lies in the accommodation of time and resource constraints and deordering of the causal plan. After defining the basic mechanisms of the N-CBA, we have focused on which solving strategies are more applicable in the integrated solver. In this context, we have found that a desired property of the solvers is to minimize the critical path thruogh the causal network of activities (completePOP) which is reasoned upon by the scheduler. Some theoretical considerations have lead us to the conclusion that PG-based planners yield better quality schedules in the loosely-coupled approach. This is due to the fact that their optimality with respect to number of parallel steps corresponds to a strong optimization with respect to the critical path in the completePOP. The analysis of the N-CBA has shown how a variety of useful indications can be drawn with respect to the general issue of planning and scheduling integration: thanks to these considerations, we are aiming at furthering the study in this direction, looking in particular at CSP approaches to planning. Acknowledgments This research is partially supported by MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research) under project RoboCare (A Multi-Agent System with Intelligent Fixed and Mobile Robotic Components). The Authors are part of the Planning and Scheduling Team [PST] at ISTC-CNR and would like to thank the other members of the team for their continuous support. References Bäckström, C. 1998. Computational Aspects of Reordering Plans. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 9:99–137. Bartusch, M.; Mohring, R. H.; and Radermacher, F. J. 1988. Scheduling Project Networks with Resource Constraints and Time Windows. Annals of Operations Research 16:201–240. Blum, A., and Furst, M. 1997. Fast Planning Through Planning Graph Analysis. Artificial Intelligence 281– 300. Brucker, P.; Drexl, A.; Mohring, R.; Neumann, K.; and Pesch, E. 1998. Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling: Notation, Classification, Models, and Methods. European Journal of Operations Research. 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Path Planning in a domestic dynamic environment Alessandro Farinelli, Luca Iocchi and Daniele Nardi Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica Università di Roma “La Sapienza” Via Salaria 113, 00198, Roma, Italy {farinelli,iocchi,nardi} Abstract In this article we describe a Path Planning method for dynamic environments (LPN-DE) and its application in the RoboCare scenario. A description of the LPN-DE method already implemented in the RoboCup environment is given, and experiments both in the RoboCup and in RoboCare environments are presented. 1 Introduction Path planning is a fundamental task for autonomous mobile robots. Every application that involves the use of an autonomous mobile robot has to deal with path planning and obstacle avoidance. Examples of such applications are: air or navy traffic control, exploration and work in hostile environment (such as subsea or space), people rescue during disaster or dangerous situation, office work, service robots, robotic soccer, etc. Path planning is a critical task for the success of those applications and many different approaches can be found in literature to tackle the problem (Latombe 1991). Well known techniques based on road-map construction, cell decomposition, or artificial potential fields, are widely used. In many applications the robots have to cope with a dynamic environment, in which the problem of path planning and obstacle avoidance becomes much harder, because the robots have to take into account that configuration of the work space changes as time flows. Different solutions for path planning in dynamic environments have been proposed in literature. A first group of methods do not take into account any explicit representation of time and are mostly focused on extending or adapting a standard path planning method proposed for static environments. The goal is to have a very fast algorithm to plan trajectories in a static obstacle configuration and re plan the trajectories at a fixed time interval to take into account environmental changes (Konolige 2000; Oriolo, Ulivi, & Vendittelli 1996; Borenstein 1991; Kreczmer 1999; Fujimori, Nikiforuk, & Gupta 1997). Another group of works is c 2003, The RoboCare Project — Funded by Copyright ° MIUR L. 449/97. All rights reserved. based on explicitly considering the time dimension during the path planning process. Some of those works rely on the assumption of knowing in advance the dynamic evolution of the environment (Fiorini & Shiller 1993; Kindel et al. 2000). As the complete knowledge of the dynamics of the environment is not available in most cases, other authors have studied the possibility of predicting the future evolution of the environment to plan the trajectories (Yamamoto, Shimada, & Mohri 2001; Miura & Shirai 2000; Huiming & Tong 2001; Yung & Ye Oct 1998). In this paper an approach to the problem of path planning in dynamic environments is described. The general idea of the method is to integrate the obstacle’s dynamics characteristic into the planning method, by changing their representation in the robot’s configuration space. This is a general approach already used in literature, (Fiorini & Shiller 1993; Yamamoto, Shimada, & Mohri 2001), and can be used with different trajectory planning methods. The effectiveness of the approach depends on the specific planning method, and relies on how the information about the obstacles dynamics are taken into account. The method we present has been developed and experimented in the RoboCup environment (Farinelli & Iocchi 2003), and finally adapted and tested in the RoboCare domain1 . The basic approach, from which the present work has started, is described in (Konolige 2000) and will be referred in this paper as LPN. The LPN method has very good performance for a robot with few degrees of freedom and is able to compute safe and effective paths in cluttered environment. However by not considering the dynamics of the obstacles often the method results in undesired behavior of the robot when facing moving obstacles. The LPN method for Dynamic Environment, or LPN-DE, tested in the RoboCup scenario gave very good results in a very dynamic environment and its application in the RoboCare domain seems to be very promising. The LPN-DE method is presented in Section 2. In Section 3 the method evaluation, experimental results 1 The RoboCare project home page 39 is in the RoboCup and in the RoboCare environment are presented. Finally, conclusions are drawn in the last section. 2 LPN-DE Gradient Method The LPN-DE method is based on LPN, presented in (Konolige 2000) (Linear Programming Navigation gradient method or LPN), The LPN gradient method is based on a numerical artificial potential field approach. The method samples the configuration space and assigns a value to every sampling point using a linear programming algorithm. The values for the sampling points are the sampled values of a navigation function; this means that the robot can find an optimal path, just following the descendant gradient of the navigation function to reach the goal. The method can take as input a set of goal points, the final point of the computed path will be the best one with respect to the cost function discussed below. In order to build the navigation function a path cost must be defined. A path is defined as an ordered set of sampling points Pn = {pn , pn−1 , ..., p0 } (1) such that: • pi ∈ R2 • ∀ i = n, ..., 1 pi must be adjacent to pi−1 or along the axis of the work space or in diagonal • ∀ i, j if i 6= j then pi 6= pj • p0 must be in the set of the final configurations • ∀ i = n, ..., 1 pi must not be in the set of the final configurations Given a point pk , a path that starts from pk and reaches one of the final configurations p0 will be represented as Pk = {pk , ..., p0 }. A cost function for a path P is an arbitrary function F : P 7→ R, where P is the set of paths. This function can be divided into the sum of an intrinsic cost due to the fact that the robot is in a certain configuration, and an adjacency cost due to the cost of moving from one point to the next one: F (Pk ) = i=k X I(pi ) + i=0 i=k−1 X A(pi , pi+1 ) (2) i=0 where A and I can be arbitrary functions. Normally, I depends on how close the robot is to obstacles or to “dangerous” regions, while A is proportional to the Euclidean distance between two points. The value of the navigation function Nk , in a point pk , is the cost of the minimum cost path that starts from that point: Nk = min F (Pkj ) j=1,...,m (3) where Pkj is the j-th path starting from point pk and reaching one of the final destinations and m is the number of such paths. 40 Calculating the navigation function Nk for every point in the configuration space directly, would require a very high computational time, even for a small configuration space. The LPN algorithm (Konolige 2000) is used to efficiently compute the navigation function. It is a generalization of the wavefront algorithm (Thrun et al. 1998; Arkin 1990) that is based into three main steps: • assign value 0 to every point in the final configuration and an infinite value to every other point; • put the goal set points in an active list; • at each iteration of the algorithm, operate on each point of the active list, removing it from the list and updating its 8-neighbors (Expansion phase). The expansion phase is repeated until the active list is not empty. To update a point p we operate as follow: • for every point q in the 8-neighbors of p compute its value, adding to the value of p the moving cost from p to q and the intrinsic cost of q. • if the new value for q is less than the previous one, update the value for q and put it into the active list. The navigation function is computed according to the intrinsic cost of the sampling points in the configuration space. Suppose the obstacles in the workspace are given by a set of obstacle sampling points. Let Q(·) be a generic function and d(p) the Euclidean distance for the sampling point p from the closest sample point representing an obstacle, then I(p) = Q(d(p)). In order to compute d(p) for every sampling point we may apply the LPN algorithm giving the obstacle sampling points as the final configuration set, and assigning in the initialization phase a value 0 to the intrinsic cost for all the sampling points. Once d(p) (and then I(p)) is computed for every sampling point p, we can execute again the LPN algorithm to compute the navigation function. The extension to the LPN method for application in Dynamic Environments (LPN-DE) is based on additional information about moving obstacles, which are represented by a velocity vector. Observe that we do not require to have complete knowledge of the dynamics of the environment in advance (that would not be possible in many cases), but only assume to know an estimation of velocity vectors for the obstacles. Notice also that this requirement can be obtained by an analysis of sensor data, and its precision is not critical for the method, that is robust with respect to errors in evaluating such velocity vectors. Moreover, the proposed extension does not depend on the technique used to compute the velocity vectors for the obstacles. How those information are obtained, mainly depends on specific sensors of the robot or on external system and our particular implementation in the RoboCare environment will be described later. By suitably taking into consideration the information about the velocity vectors in the planning method we show that our extension gives better result than the basic LPN algorithm. Goal Obstacle Influence region Robot with moving obstacles is minimum. In fact, the function I(p) in LPN-DE modifies the shape of the influence region according to the information about the obstacle dynamics, as shown in Figure 2. Consequently the behavior of the robot is more adequate to the situation, since the chosen path will be the one passing behind the moving obstacle (either another robot or a person), which is shorter an safer. If a given point p belongs to the influence region of an obstacle Oi the intrinsic cost function for p will depend not only on the distance from Oi , but also on the position of p with respect to the velocity vector of Oi . Therefore the function I(p) will depend on • the distance d(p) of the point p with respect to Oi Figure 1: Simple influence region (LPN) • the angle α(p) between the velocity vector and the line reaching the center of Oi , • the velocity’s module k v k of Oi Goal So I(p) in LPN-DE is given by a function Q(d(p), α(p), k v k). For a more detailed description of the calculation peformed in the LPN-DE method see (Farinelli & Iocchi 2003). 3 Obstacle Influence region Robot Experiments and Method Evaluation In this section we present experiments made with our Path Planning method both in the RoboCup and in the RoboCare environment. For the RoboCup environment we show only the most interesting results achieved (see (Farinelli & Iocchi 2003) for a more detailed description of the experiments), for the RoboCare scenario we discuss the implementation of the method and the results achieved. Figure 2: Extended influence region (LPN-DE) 3.1 In order to clarify how the LPN-DE integrate the obstacle dynamics information into the planning process, we introduce the concept of influence region of an obstacle. This definition is based on the fact that the intrinsic cost I(p) is generally limited, i.e. it is 0 for points p such that d(p) > δ, for a given threshold δ. Definition 1 The influence region for an obstacle Oi is the set of sample points p whose intrinsic cost I(p) is modified by the obstacle Oi . Basically the influence region of an obstacle Oi is the area surrounding the obstacle that we want to avoid, i.e. the set of point around Oi for which I(p) > 0. Considering the obstacle pointwise, an intrinsic cost function depending only on the distance d(p), will result in circular influence regions, as it can be seen in Figure 1. The LPN-DE method described here defines a function I(p) resulting in influence regions as shown in Figure 2. As intuitively shown in Figures 1 and 2, LPN-DE is designed in such a way to prefer trajectories for which the probability of collisions (or trajectory intersections) Performance Evaluation The LPN-DE method has many advantages. First of all, the method finds optimal paths with respect to the cost function used. The known information about the environment (such as field shape and position of fixed obstacles) can be effectively taken into account, and easily integrated with information coming in real time from the sensor reading. Moreover, the intrinsic cost function can be tailored in a very direct and simple manner, to obtain different trajectories, and so different behaviors of the robot. Finally, thanks to the low computational requirement the sampling of the configuration space can be exploited in order to reach a given precision (10 cm in RoboCup and 6 cm in RoboCare) while maintaining the path computation under real-time constraints. In particular in the RoboCup environment the method is able to run in a cycle of 100 ms (including all the processing time required by other modules developed for the soccer application), on an AMD K6 350 MHz, with a sampling space of 100 × 60 cells. In RoboCare we tested the method on a P4 2 GHz, with a sampling grid of 133 × 83 cells, keeping the computation time below 100ms. 41 3.2 Experiments in RoboCup In the RoboCup environment the experimental setting is composed of unicycle-like robots equipped with a color camera. The robots are supposed to be localized (i.e. they know their global position inside the field of play), and the information about obstacles are extracted using the particular color setting of the environment (obstacles are black, while the field background is green). In figures 3 and 4 we report a typical situation arising in our experimental setting. The figures represent the actual trajectories followed by the two robots, whose initial positions S1 and S2 are shown in the left side of the figures and the target points G1 and G2 are in the right side. In the first case both the robots use the LPN method, and their behavior is not optimal since one robot (robot 1) always tries to pass in front of the other one. The second case, in which both the robots use the LPNDE method, shows instead that the additional information about the obstacle dynamics has been properly exploited in the LPN-DE method for planning a better trajectory in presence of moving obstacles. Notice also that in any case the trajectories in Figure 4 are not optimal, as they would be if any robot would know in advance the trajectory planned by the other. Thus the robots execute a small portion of their path in parallel as in the previous case. However, in this case, at a certain point one of the robots (specifically robot 1) is able to detect such situation and decides to pass behind the other robot, resulting in a more effective path. 3.3 Experiments in RoboCare In the RoboCare environment the current experimental setting is composed by a unicycle like Pioneer 3 robot, equipped with a ring of eight sonar, positioned in the front of the robot. The main differences with respect to the RoboCup environment are: i) unstructured environment, ii) obstacles with complex geometry, iii) more unreliable sensors. The fact that the environment, which is an indoor domestic-like scenario, is not structured, and the obstacles can present complex geometry (i.e. desks, chairs, etc ) entails that the input given to the Path Planning method can not be high level features, such as in the RoboCup environment. Moreover, while the map of the environment is known in advance, unpredictable moving obstacles, such as persons moving in the environment, have to be taken into account. We decided to represent the known obstacles in the environment, as sampling points that approximate the real objects, while in order to keep into account moving and unpredicted obstacles, we integrated the known obstacle representation with the sonar readings. Having both those information allow us to compute effective paths leveraging the knowledge of the map, as well as to avoid unexpected obstacles due to moving persons or to possible localization errors, caused by the low robustness of the sonar readings. The results have been very 42 Figure 3: LPN method Figure 4: LPN-DE method promising, the robot is able to safely move in the environments, avoiding moving person, entering even very narrow passages and finding effective path in complex obstacles configurations. Figures 5 and 6 show two examples of the experiments performed. The lines represent the known obstacles, while the black dots near the lines represent the sonar readings. It is possible to see that the computed path (represented by the dots starting from the current robot position) reaches the desired position avoiding both the known obstacles and the sonar readings. In particular Figure 5 shows that the robot is able to find effective paths with complex obstacles configurations. while figure 6 shows that our path planning method is suitable for navigation in narrow passages. As for moving objects (specially persons), the LPNDE policy can result in paths that are safer from the perspective of interaction with human beings. By integrating the obstacles dynamic into the path planning process as previously described, we are able to take into consideration the current obstacle motion direction and when possible the robot computes paths that pass on the back of the moving person, yielding the way to human beings, producing a more gentle integration of movements between the robot and the persons. This is an important feature of the implemented system, since this project is specifically oriented to assist elderly or disable person which can have problem in movements. While in the RoboCup environment the information on Figure 5: Navigation with complex obstacles performed better than LPN, when facing fast moving obstacles, keeping the same computational requirement. The LPN method and the extension have been implemented and tested on robotic platforms. The reported experiments show that better results can be obtained by integrating into the path planning method the information on the obstacles dynamics, and that the proposed extension in highly dynamic environments turned out to be effective and it has actually improved the performance of the robotic platform. Moreover, the implementation of the LPN method in the RoboCare environment, gave very promising results and the implementation of the extension seems to be very interesting, in order to obtain path which are safer from the human being perspective. In the near future, the robot will be equipped with a laser range finder; this will result in more accurate obstacle detection and more robust localization capabilities, improving the robustness of the overall navigation. 5 Acknowledgments This research is partially supported by MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research) under project RoboCare (A Multi-Agent System with Intelligent Fixed and Mobile Robotic Components). References Figure 6: Navigation in narrow passages the obstacles dynamics are extracted using the on board camera of the robot, in the RoboCare project we can use a fixed stereo vision system (Bahadori, Iocchi, & Scozzafava 2003) present in the environment, to obtain a high level feature-based representation of the moving obstacles, and their dynamics characteristics (mainly the velocity vector). The fixed stereo vision system is able to reconstruct a top view of the environment and therefore can be effectively used to extract reliable information about the obstacles dynamics that are considered in the LPN-DE method, improving the effectiveness of the computed paths. 4 Conclusions In this article we have presented an approach to cope with dynamic environments extending a very efficient method for path planning presented in (Konolige 2000). This method has been chosen because it is appropriated for our testing environments (RoboCup and RoboCare). The basic idea of LPN-DE relies on the integration of the information about the velocity of moving obstacles into the path planning algorithm. In particular, in the present implementation, the dynamics of the obstacles have been integrated in the LPN method, modifying the cost function used for computing the global navigation function. 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Conference on, volume Volume: 4, 3424 –3429. 44 Multi-scale Meshing in Real-time Stefano Ferrari1, Iuri Frosio2,3, Vincenzo Piuri1, and N. Alberto Borghese2 1 Department of Information Technologies, University of Milano, Italy.{ferrari, piuri} 2 Department of Computer Science, University of Milano, Italy. {frosio, borghese} 3 Department of Bioengineering, Politecnico of Milano Abstract A procedure for the construction of 3D surfaces from range data in real-time is here described. The process is based on a connectionist model, named Hierarchical Radial Basis Functions Network (HRBF), which has been proved effective in the reconstruction of smooth surfaces from sparse noisy points. The network goal is to achieve a uniform reconstruction error, equal to measurement error, by stacking non-complete grids of Gaussians at decreasing scales. A partitioning of the data in a voxel-like structure and the use of local operations produces a fast configuration algorithm, which allows reconstructing meshes from range data of 100k data points, in less than 1 s on Pentium III, 1 Ghz, 256 Mbyte machines. 1 Introduction 3D Models are becoming very common in a wide variety of applications. In particular, 3D models of Human faces have been recently introduced for robust person identification (D’Apuzzo, 2003). These 3D models are usually produced starting from a set of 3D data points measured automatically on the subject’s face. Although sampling can be indeed fast, the conversion of the points cloud into a 3D model requires a considerable amount of time, ranging from several minutes to hours for the most complex models. In fact, due to measurement error, the interpolation of the points (for instance through Delauney tessellation) would produce a wavy surface, useless for accurate measurements; and some sort of filtering is required. A possible solution (cf. Hoppe, 1992; Remondino, 2003) is based on fitting piecewise planar or polynomial patches locally to the range data set. More refined approaches are based on splines (Eck and Hoppe, 1996; Barhak and Fisher, 2001), where polynomial patches with a regular grid as a support are employed. These approaches have difficulties to cope with data sets, which have different point density in different regions of the input domain, and to reproduce different levels of detail in different regions. Morevoer, they are computationally intensive and not suitable to real-time operation. A different approach is presented here, where a parametric surface (linear combination of Gaussians) defined over a 2D grid is used to represent the surface. The parameters are computed through algebraic operations carried out locally on the data, making the configuration algorithm suitable to realtime implementation. Moreover, to add finer details of the face, which are often circumscribed in few regions: mouth, chin, eyes, nose, an adaptive scheme has been developed. This schema automatically identifies these regions in the manifold and inserts clusters of Gaussians at smaller scales there. The model has been termed Hierarchical Radial Basis Function Networks (HRBF, Borghese and Ferrari, 2000; Ferrari et al., 2003), and it is proposed here its extension suitable to strict real-time. By introducing the partitioning of the data points into a voxel structure, the multi-scale mesh construction time is fast enough to be suitable for quasi-realtime application. 2. The HRBF Model Let us suppose that the set of range data, which can be expressed as a 2½D data set, that is as a height field: {z = S(x,y)}. In this case, the surface will assume the explicit analytical shape: z = S(P). Copyright © 2003, The ROBOCARE Project. All rights reserved. This research is partially supported by MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research) under project RoboCare (A Multi-Agent System with Intelligent Fixed and Mobile Robotic Components)." 45 In the HRBF (Hierarchical Radial Basis Function Network) model, such a surface is obtained by adding the output of a set of hierarchical layers, al(P), at decreasing scale: M s(P) = ∑ a (P | σ ) l=0 l l (1) where σl determines the scale of the l-th layer, and σl > σl+1 holds. The layers {al(.)} can be regarded as a stack of grids. When the Gaussian, G(.), is taken as a base of the space of the surfaces, the output of each layer can be written as: N a l (P | σ l ) = ∑ w j,k G (P − Pj,k |σ l ) (2) decreases with the distance of Pm from Pj,k,. It should be remarked that there is no point in considering the data points far from Pj,k in the estimate. This can be circumscribed to those points, which lie in an appropriate neighborhood of Pj,k. This neighbourhood, called receptive field, A(Pj,k), is set, somehow arbitrary, as the square region centered in Pj,k, of side equal to ∆Pl. The estimate of is S(Pj,k) is therefore carried out locally in space (inside the receptive field) and will be the core of the fast version of the algorithm. A possible estimating function is reported in Eq. (3) where the Gaussian function is used to weights the measured range points, Pm: ∑( S() P P ∈A P ~ S(Pj,k ) = m j, k As can be seen from Eq. (2), the surface depends on a set of parameters: the number, N, the scale, σl, and the position, {Pj,k} of the Gaussians, also termed structural parameters, and the shape parameters: the weights {wj,k}. Each grid, l, realizes a low-pass filter, which is able to reconstruct the surface up to a certain scale, determined by σl. Given a certain scale, σl, the grid side, ∆Pl, and consequently N and the {Pj,k} can be derived by allowing a certain amount of overlap between adjacent Gaussian units. This is related to the relationship between grid side (sampling rate) and the maximum frequency content (level of detail) which can be reconstructed by the layer (Borghese and Ferrari, 2000). m − k =0 The G(.) are equally spaced on a 2D grid, which cover the input domain of the range data: that is the {Pj,k}s are positioned in the grid crossings. The side of the grid is a function of the scale of that layer: the smaller the scale, the shorter is the side length, the denser are the Gaussians and the finer are the details which can be reconstructed. It has been shown in (Ferrari et al, 2003) that, given σl small enough, Eq. (1) can approximate arbitrarily well, any continuous function with equi-limited derivatives, like most real surfaces are. − Pkl − Pr )e Pj , k − Pm ∑( e ) σl 2 2 2 (3) σl 2 Pr ∈A Pj , k If only one layer were adopted, a serious drawback would be introduced: if the scale is small enough to resolve the finest details, an unnecessary dense packing of units is produced in all those regions which feature a low scale. In these regions there might even be not enough points to get the estimate in Eq. (3). A similar problem can be found in (Hoppe and Eck, 1996) for instance. A better solution is to adaptively allocate the Gaussian units, with an adequate scale, and consequently, adequate receptive fields, in the different regions of the input data domain. To the scope, first a gross description of the surface is output by a first layer, featuring a large scale. The residual is then analyzed locally and non complete grids, with lower scales, are stacked over the first one until the residual goes uniformly under the measurement error, obtaining a sparse. More formally, the first grid outputs a rough estimate of the surface, a1(P) at a large scale as: N a l (P | σ l ) = ∑ w j,k G (P − Pj,k |σ l ) (4) k =0 With these considerations the structural parameters can be determined, and the weights {wj,k} are the only parameters left to be determined. According to digital filtering theory, these could be chosen equivalent to the surface height in the grid crossings: wj,k = S(Pj,k). However the sampled data points are usually not equally spaced, and the {S(Pj,k)} not available. To estimate them a weighted average of the measured data points, {Pm} is performed, where the weight 46 For each of the range data points, a residual is computed as the difference between the measured value of the surface and the reconstructed one: N r(Pm) = a1(Pm) - ∑w k , j= 0 j, k G (Pm − Pj,k |σ1 ) (5) This residual is constituted of measurement noise plus the details, which were not captured at the scale of that grid. The details will be added in the higher layers, captured by pools of Gaussians at smaller scales. These details are added as follows. A second grid, featuring a scale smaller than the first one is created. Somehow arbitrary we usually choose σl+1 = σ1/2, as usually chosen in Wavelet decomposition. This grid will not be full, but Gaussians are inserted only where a poor approximation is obtained. This is evaluated, for each Gaussian, Pj,k, through an integral measure of the residuals inside the receptive field of that Gaussian, A(Pj,k). This measure, which represents the local Residual Error, R(Pj,k), is computed as the L1 norm of the local residuals as: ∑ r (P R(Pj,k) = a1(Pj,k) - m∈RF ( Pk , j ) m M RF( Pk , j ) ) (6) When R(Pj,k) is over threshold (larger than the measured error), the Gaussian is inserted in the corresponding grid crossing of this second layer. Grids are created one after the other until the Residual Error goes under threshold over all the input domain. The threshold is usually defined as standard deviation of the measurement error. As a result, Gaussians at a smaller scale are inserted only in those regions where some details are still missing, resulting in a sparse approximation. Moreover, the number of layers is not given a-priori, but it is the result of the configuration procedure: the introduction of a new layer stops when the residual error is under threshold over the entire domain (uniform approximation). 3. Fast Configuration of HRBF Surfaces To obtain a fast processing scheme on a sequential machine locality has been fully exploited. The data are partitioned into voxels by a smart organization of their coordinates. Let us suppose that the range data points are stored into a onedimensional vecotor: they will be arranged such that their position in the array will reflect their position in space. In particular, points belonging to the same voxel will lie close inside the array. Each voxel, V, will be a structure, which contains the number of data points, which lie inside that voxel, Nv, and a pointer to the position in the array where the first point of that voxel is memorized, ptrv. The arrangement of the data guarantees that all the other data points which belong to that voxel lie in adjacent positions. All the points belonging to a voxel can be retrieved easily from Nv and ptrv. This subdivision scheme can be efficiently used to compute the parameters in Eq. (3) and Eq. (6). If we accept the voxel as an approximation of the receptive field, and we align the voxels with the grid mesh supports, the points which lie inside a voxel lie also inside the receptive field of a Gaussian. The same partitioning scheme can be iterated for the higher layers using some sort of quadtree subdivision: each voxel (father) is subdivided into four voxels (sons) of half size, and the points beloning to each of these four voxels can be obtained by sorting only the points contained in the father voxel. The rearrangement of the points is obtained by an inplace partial sorting algorithm, a variant of Quicksort, in which the pivot value is the mean value of the cell (Hoare, 1961). The partitioning schema is illustrated in Fig. 3. This pre-processing has allowed to obtain a processing time of 1.78 s averaged over 20 trials on a Pentium III 1 Ghz machine, for face models constituted of 10-30k polygons. The amount of overhead added by data partitioning was negligible, being the pre-processing time of one order of magnitude smaller than network configuration time. 4. From HRBF Surfaces to HRBF Meshes The output of the HRBF network is a multi-scale continuous surface. To be visualized by graphical hardware, this surface has to be digitized, that is converted into a multi-scale mesh. One possibility is to densely sample the surface and tessellate it. This would produce an un-necessary dense mesh. A better result is obtained by exploiting the differential properties of the HRBF surface, and to produce mesh, which is denser in those regions where geometry contains more details. We start by sampling the reconstructed surface in the grid crossings of the first grid. These points, {V1}, constitute a first ensemble of mesh vertexes. Notice that these points are obtained as sum of the outputs of all the four (and in general M) layers (Eq. (1)). The adequacy of the resulting mesh is evaluated by analyzing the approximation error: we will make the mesh denser (of vertexes), where the approximation error is higher. To the scope, the height of the reconstruct surface: is evaluated in the mid-points between two grid 47 crossings: zb=S(Pb), Pb=(Pj,k+Pj+1,k)/2. zb is than compared with the piece-wise approximation and the difference computed as: db = zb-(S(Pj,k)+S(Pj+1,k))/2. If this difference is over-threshold, the point (Pb, zb) is added as a vertex of the model. 5. Conclusion The HRBF model was derived in the artificial intelligence domain, where the problem of fitting a surface to range data is studied into the broad domain of multi-variate approximation (Girosi et al., 1995). Main characteristic of the model is the ability to reconstruct a 3D surface with no iteration on the data, therefore allowing fast computation of the configuration parameters. The closest approach to our is based on stacking grids of B-splines (Lee et al., 1997). The main difference is that, in the HRBF model, the grids in the superior layers are not complete, but Gaussian units are inserted in clusters where the residual is over threshold. This allows coping with range of different densities and different details content and to allocate units where these are mostly requested. Data pre-processing presented here, allows to place the data in the input array such that the points inside the receptive field of each Gaussian can be directly addressed without any sorting. This allows to efficiently implement computation locally on the data and achieve real-time meshing on sequential machines. The price to be paid is in terms of overhead of memory allocation and computing time. Memory overhead, scales with the number of voxels. As many points have to be used to produce a consistent estimate of the network parameters (Eq. 6), the memory overhead can be assumed to be less than one order of magnitude. Computing time overhead is negligible being experimentally measured of one order of magnitude smaller than configuration time. References D’Apuzzo N., Three-dimensional Human face feature extraction from multi-images, Proc. VIth Optical 3D Measurement Techniques Conference, Zurigo, 2003. Levoy M., Pulli K., Curless B., Rusinkiewicz S., Koller D., Pereira L., Ginzton M., Anderson S., Davis J., Ginsberg J., Shade J., and Fulk D., 2000: “The Digital Michelangelo Project: 3D Scanning of Large Statues,” Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 2000, pp. 3-12. 48 Rusinkiewicz S., Hall-Holt O., Levoy M., 2002: “3D realtime model acquisition,” Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 2002, pp. 438-446. Pfister H., Zwicker M., Van Baar J., and Gross M., 2000: Surfels: Surface Elements as Rendering Primitives, Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 2000, pp. 335-342. 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Ferrari S., Maggioni M., and Borghese N.A., 2003: MultiScale Approximation with Hierarchical Radial Basis Functions Networks, IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, in press. Borghese N.A., Ferrigno G., Baroni G., Savarè R., Ferrari S. and Pedotti A., 1998: Autoscan, a flexible and portable scanner of 3D surfaces. IEEE Computer Graph. Appl., vol. 18(3), pp. 2-5, May/June. Hoare C.A.R., 1961: Algorithms 64: Quicksort, Communications of the ACM, vol. 4(7), pp. 321. Lee S., Wolberg G., and Shin S.Y., 1997: Scattered data interpolation with multilevel B-splines, IEEE Trans. Visualiz. and Computer Graphics, vol. 33(3), pp. 228.244. Environmental adaptation strategies and attitudes toward new technologies in the elderly Maria Vittoria Giuliani, Ferdinando Fornara, Massimiliano Scopelliti, Edoardo Muffolini Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies 1 Viale Marx, 15, 00137 Rome, Italy, Abstract Decline of physical and cognitive functions in old age has shown different trends among individuals. Searching for predictors of a “successful ageing” has been the main goal of researchers in this field. Strategies of adaptation have been among the most studied psychological patterns mediating between environmental demands and individual's response. Brandtstadter and Renner (1990) distinguished two general coping strategies to maintain life satisfaction: assimilation, involving active modification of the environment in order to reach personal goals, and accommodation, involving a more passive acceptation of life circumstances and obstacles. Following this distinction, adaptive strategies can be put along a continuum from the most assimilative to the most accommodative. Referring to daily activities related to one’s home, Slangen-de Kort and collegues (1998) made a distinction between adaptation of: a) the physical environment (the most assimilative strategy), b) the social environment (divided into formal and informal help), and c) the person him- or herself (the most accomodative strategy). Following Slangen-de Kort et al. (1998) conceptual framework, the present study addresses a further sub-category, which is the use of technological aids as a specific assimilative strategy for adapting one's own physical environment. In order to verify which kind of factors are the best predictors of strategy choice, sense of competence, attitudes toward new technologies and home modifications, a questionnaire has been designed. It includes: a) a set of eight hypothetical scenarios, each of them describing an old person (a man in the male-version, a woman in the female-version) who finds difficulties in coping with a specific situation; b) a set of eight instrumental activities of daily living; for each, respondents are asked to indicate their degree of autonomy, their ease in performing it, and their satisfaction with the way in which it is performed; c) a set of scales and items on home safety and comfort, attitudes and behavioural intentions toward home and technological modifications, and attitudes toward new technologies; d) a set of items on home and personal indicators. Up to now, about half of the planned sample (about one hundred participants divided in two age groups: from 65 to 75 and over 75) has been interviewed. 1 Introduction This contribution summarises an on-going study on adaptation and coping strategies in later life, with particular reference to the potential usefulness of technological devices for older people. Research literature on problems related to ageing has stressed the general progressive decline of life functions, both physical (e.g., overall health, eyesight, hearing, motion, disposition to illness) and cognitive (e.g., memory, attention, problem-solving and learning abilities), as people get older. However, the decline process shows a different trend according to individual differences. Given that genetic differences alone are not able to explain why there is broad variety on a continuum from old people who obtain good performances in life functions and people who definitely do not, great attention has recently been put on psychological, personal, social and environmental moderators which can predict a “successful ageing” (Rowe and Kahn, 1987; Femia, Zarit, and Johansson, 1997). There is empirical evidence that older adults’ functional status is related both to their sense of psychological well-being and their physical well being. Self-efficacy (McAvay, Seeman, and Rodin, 1996), mastery and perceived control (Rodin, 1990), competence (Diehl, 1998), adaptation and problemsolving strategies (Slangen-de Kort., Midden, and van Wagenberg, 1998) are some of the main psychological patterns previously studied as predictors of elderly wellbeing. Self-efficacy is defined as an individual’s assessment of her or his ability to perform behaviours in specific situations (Bandura, 1977). Research literature has shown that stronger self-efficacy beliefs are related to Copyright © 2003, The R OBOCARE Project Funded by MIUR L. 449/97. All rights reserved. 49 maintenance of health promoting behaviours and more positive health outcomes (McAvay et al., 1996). The constructs of both mastery and perceived control over events imply that individuals who believe that they can cause the events to occur (by organizing the necessary resources or employing the appropriate behaviours) modify the subjective meaning of experience (Pearlin and Schooler, 1978). Mastery and perceived control seem to be associated with better functioning or improved outcomes in later life (Roberts, Dunkle, and Haug, 1994). “Everyday competence” (see Lawton, 1982; Willis, 1996) refers to one’s ability to perform a broad array of activities which are considered essential for independent living. In general, lower everyday competence is associated with both lower self-esteem and life satisfaction (Kuriansky, Gurland, Fleiss, and Cowan., 1976), with greater use of home health care services (Wolinsky, Coe, Miller, Prendergast, Creel, and Chavez, 1983), greater risk of hospitalization and institutionalization (Branch and Jetter, 1982) and higher mortality (Keller and Potter, 1994). Lawton (1982) suggested that higher competence is associated with greater independence from the behavioural effects of environmental press. This has been termed the “docility hypothesis”, inferring that the lower the individual's competence, the less the ability to adapt to environmental demands. The study of competence in elderly populations has often been related to the individual’s ability to perform activities of daily living (ADL; e.g. see Czaja, Weber, and Nair, 1993) such as dressing, moving, shopping, using the phone, managing money and so on. Adaptation may occur when environmental demands exceed the individual’s resources (Lazarus and Folkman, 1984), when there is a lack of congruence between the individual’s needs and life situation (Kahana, 1982), when there is stress between the perceived self and the perceived environment (Lawton and Nahemow, 1973). Lawton (1989) indicated two classes of strategies to eliminate perceived discrepancies between the actual and the desired course of development; the first implies environmental “proactivity”, i.e. the tendency to adjust life circumstances to personal preferences; conversely, the second refers to environmental “reactivity”, i.e. the tendency to adjust personal preferences to situational constraints. Brandtstadter and Renner (1990) distinguished two general coping strategies to maintain life satisfaction: assimilation, involving active modification of the environment in order to reach personal goals, and accommodation, involving a more passive acceptance of life circumstances and obstacles. Following this distinction, adaptive strategies can be put along a continuum from the most assimilative to the most accommodative ones. Some studies (Wister, 1989; Brandtstadter and Renner,1990) showed that old people 50 tend to shift from assimilative to accommodative strategies as age increases. Anyway, the use of both these strategies was positively related to life satisfaction. A more articulated picture, grounded on environmental psychology, was provided by Slangen-de Kort and collegues (1998), who focused on a categorization of the object or activity that is adapted. Referring to daily activities related to one’s own home, these authors made a distinction between adaptation of: a) the physical environment (i.e., modification of the home, use of assistive devices), b) the social environment (divided into formal help, e.g.. paid housekeeping, and informal help, e.g., help from friends), and c) the person him- or herself (e.g.., changes of behavior, “give-up” reaction). Strategies of adaptation of the physical environment are considered as the most assimilative and proactive, whereas strategies of personal adaptation (particularly the “give-up” reaction) are categorized as the most accommodative and reactive ones. Adaptations of the social environment can be seen as most accommodative, since they imply giving up a goal that is relevant to most people, that is independence or autonomy. Requiring formal help such as public, volunteer or paid assistance represents a more active and goal-directed behaviour aiming at modifying the situation, whereas relying on friends and relatives mirrors a more dependent and accommodative choice. Focusing on resources provided by the physical environment, some researches (Wister, 1989; Slangende Kort et al., 1998) investigated how the home environment can afford assimilative and proactive coping strategies in the elderly. Results showed that persons judging their home as more “adaptable” were more likely to choose an assimilative strategy than an accommodative strategy. 2 Aims Following Slangen-de Kort et al. (1998) conceptual framework, the present study addresses a further issue, which is related to new technologies. More specifically, the use of technological aid is added as a specific assimilative choice for adapting one's own physical environment. Furthermore, the investigation of attitudes and behavioural intention toward new technologies is one of the objectives of this study. In general, the present contribution focuses on a series of tools that are being used for an on-going research on adaptation strategies in the elderly. The main objectives of the research consist in finding responses to the following questions. Which personal (i.e., age, gender, education), psychological (i.e., perceived health, competence, openness to home changes), social (i.e., household), environmental (i.e., home safety and comfort) and situational (i.e., typology of problems) factors are more related to the choice of adaptation strategies in different situations? Adaptation strategies vary from purely accomodative to purely assimilative, by using personal, social, environmental and technological resources. Are a higher sense of independence and sense of competence related to higher satisfaction toward the outcomes in activities of daily living? Are there any differences in this between more cognitive and more body-motion activities? Which personal, psychological, social and environmental factors are associated with attitudes and behavioural intentions towards modifications of one's own home, both in general and in the technological sense? Which factors weigh most in predicting attitudes toward new technologies? 3 Tools Scales and items to measure each of the variables above were assembled into a paper-and-pencil questionnaire, which was prepared in two versions, according to gender. The questionnaire is made up as follows. a) The first section is comprised of a set of eight hypothetical scenarios, each of them describing an old person who finds difficulties in coping with a specific situation. The eight situations are the following: 1) feeling unsafe to go to a friend’s house to play cards; 2) having hearing difficulties in using the telephone; 3) forgetting when to take daily medicines; 4) eyesight difficulties in reading; 5) housekeeping; 6) getting in and out of the bathtub; 7) fear of ill-intentioned intruders getting into home; 8) feeling unsafe about house accidents. The respondents are asked to suggest to the scenario’s subject one among a few alternative solutions (five or six), which represent adaptation strategies pertaining to the following macro-categories (adapted from the taxonomy of Slangen-de Kort et al., 1998): 1) accommodation, i.e. give up behaviour; 2) use of social resources, searching for either 2a) formal help, i.e. from volunteers, health-care associations, paid assistant, etc., or 2b) informal help, i.e., relatives, friends, neighbours, etc.; 3) adaptation of the physical environment, either 3a) changing the spatio-physical setting, or 3b) using technological assistive devices. The alternative solutions vary on a continuum from purely accommodative to purely assimilative, but are presented in a random order in each scenario’s response set. b) The second section contains a set of eight instrumental activities of daily living. Only activities usually performed by both sexes among elderly people were selected. Four of these activities require a cognitive effort (reminding to take a medicine, reminding to switch off the gas, managing one’s own money, keeping oneself well-informed about what is happening in the world), the remaining four require an active effort (house keeping or home maintenance, cutting toe nails, climbing or descending the stairs, kneeling or bending). Then the eight activities cover different problem/ability types, such as mnemonic functioning, performing complex cognitive tasks, homecare, self care, flexibility of body motion. For each target activity respondents are asked to assess: 1) their degree of autonomy on a dichotomous response scale (by oneself/with help from others); 2) their ease in performing on a 5-point Likert-type response scale (from not at all to very much); 3) their satisfaction with the way in which the activity is performed on a 5-point Likert-type response scale (from “not at all” to “very much”). c) The third section focuses on home environment. It contains: 1) two short scales, measuring respectively perceived safeness and perceived comfort of home spaces (i.e., hall, kitchen, bathroom(s), bedroom(s), living room) in a 5-point Likert-type response scale, and one question about which room the respondent spends most time each day; 2) a series of items measuring both attitudes and intentions toward possible home changes and modifications (response scales are both dichotomous and Likert-type); 3) a scale measuring attitudes toward new technologies by means of a 5-point agree/disagree Likert-type response scale and finally some items about attitudes and intention toward home modifications in a technological sense. d) The fourth section includes questions about: 1) personal indicators such as socio-demographic factors (gender, age, education, socio-economic level, housemates, etc.), overall satisfaction toward health and satisfaction toward life functions (sight, hearing, memory, motion); 2) home indicators such as age and type of building, number of rooms, kind of technological appliances available. 4 Participants and procedure About one hundred respondents over 65 years old are foreseen in the research agenda. The sampling procedure aims to get quotas as balanced as possible for age (half sample aged between 65 and 75, the other half over 75 years), gender and education. Up to now, about half of the planned sample has been interviewed. Most participants have been contacted and interviewed in social centres for elderly, in urban parks and in their own house (after a pre-contact). In spite of the selfreport format of the questionnaires, most of them have been filled-in by the researchers, who interviewed the participants and signed their responses on the questionnaire. This strategy has been adopted because it was the one preferred by many participants (particularly the less educated ones). 5 Research agenda Data collection should be concluded in the first half of November 2003. Statistical elaboration will consist in quantitative analysis (multivariate analyses using the 51 SPSS software) and more qualitative procedures (correspondence analysis using the SPAD software). Hence, the main outcomes of the present research are expected before the end of 2003 . References Lawton, M. P. 1989. Environmental proactivity in older people. In V.L. Bengston and K.W. Schaie eds., The course of later life: Research and reflections. New York: Springer, pp. 15-23. Bandura, A. 1977. Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioural change. Psychological Review, 84, 191-215 . Lawton, M. P., and Nahemow, L. 1973. Ecology and the aging process. In C. Eisdorfer and M.P. Lawton eds., The psychology of adult development and aging. Washington: APA, pp. 619-674. Branch, L. C., and Jette, A. M. 1982. A prospective study of long-term care instituzionalization among the aged. American Journal of Public Health, 72, 13731379. Lazarus, R. S., and Folkman, S. 1984. Coping and adaptation. In W.D. Gentry ed., Handbook of Behavioral Medicine. New York: Guilford Press, pp. 282-325. Brandtstadter, J., and Renner, G. 1990. Tenacious goal pursuit and flexible goal adjustment: Explications and age-related analysis of assimilation and accommodation strategies of coping. Psychology and Aging, 5, 58-67. McAvay, G. J., Seeman, T. E., and Rodin, J. 1996. A longitudinal study of change in domain-specific selfefficacy among older adults. Journal of Gerontology, 51, 243-253. Czaja, S. J., Weber, R. A., and Nair, S. N., 1993. A Human Factors Analysis of ADL Activities: A Capability-Demand Approach. Journal of Gerontology, 48, 44-48. Pearlin, L. I., and Schooler, C. 1978. The structure of coping. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 19, 221. Diehl, M. 1998. Everyday competence in later life: Current status and future directions. The Gerontologist, 38, 422-433. Roberts, B. L., Dunkle, R., and Haug, M. 1994. Physical, psychological, and social resources as moderators of the relationship of stress to mental health of the very old. Journal of Gerontology, 49, 35-43. Femia, E. E., Zarit, S. H., and Johansson B. 1997. Predicting change in activities of daily living: A longitudinal study of the oldest old in Sweden. Journal of Gerontology, 52, 294-302. Kahana, E. 1982. A congruence model of personenvironment interaction. In M.P. Lawton, P.G. Windley, and T.O. Byerts eds., Gerontological Monograph No. 7 of the Gerontological Society. Aging and the Environment: Theoretical Approaches. New York: Springer, pp. 97-121. Keller, B. K., and Potter, J. F. 1994. Predictors of mortality in outpatient geriatric evaluation and management clinic patients. Journal of Gerontology, 49, 246-251. Kuriansky, J., Gurland, B., Fleiss, J. L., and Cowan., D. 1976. The assessment of self-care capacity in geriatric psychiatric patients by objective and subjective methods. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 32, 95-102. Lawton, M. P. 1982. Time budgets of older people: A window on four lifestyles. Journal of Gerontology, 37, 115-123. Lawton, M. P. 1985. The elderly in context: Perspectives from environmental psychology and gerontology. Environment and Behavior, 17, 501-519. 52 Rodin, J. 1990. Control by any other name: Definitions, concepts, and processes. In J. Rodin, C. Schooler, and K.W. Schaie eds., Selfdirectedness: Cause and effects throughout the life course. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, pp. 1-17. Rowe, J. W., and Kahn, R. L. 1987. Human aging: Usual and successful. Science, 237, 143-149. Slangen-de Kort, Y. A. W., Midden, C. J. H., and van Wagenberg, A. F. 1998. Predictors of the adaptive problem-solving pf older persons in their homes. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 18, 187-197. Willis, S. L. 1996. Everyday cognitive competence in elderly persons: Conceptual issues and empirical findings. The Gerontologist, 36, 595-601. Wister, A. V. 1989. Environmental adaptation by persons in their later life. Research on Aging, 11, 267291. Wolinsky, F. D., Coe, R. M., Miller, D. K., Prendergast, J. M., Creel, M. J., and Chavez, M. N. 1983. Health services utilization among the noninstituzionalized elderly. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 24, 325-337. Guests’ and caregivers’ expectancies towards new assistive technology in nursing homes M.V. Giuliani°, E. Muffolini°, G. Zanardi*, M. Scopelliti° & F. Fornara° ° Institute for Cognitive Science and Technology, CNR, Rome *Consulente Residenza Sanitaria Assistenziale “Nobile Baglioni” di Villa d’Almè (Bg),,, Abstract The research carried out investigated the GS, IC and EC’s perception of the importance of areas regarding care in an RSA and the contribution that could be given by applying NT. The data supplied shows the diverse representation between groups in the specific areas: the evaluation given by the GS underline how the main interest is the potential recovery of a good degree of autonomy through mobility whereas the care givers seem to regard aspects connected to the other three areas as of more consequence for a better quality of life for the guests. Subdividing the care givers according to their working functions in the service (IC vs. EC) one can understand how the EC have similar perceptions to the GS as regards the strictly health and physiological aspects. Furthermore, this tool underlines the different importance given by the two groups of carers to the social aspects, deemed more important to the guests’ lives by the EC compared to the IC. The difference of interpretation between IC and EC regarding the areas of research is specified by the result obtained in the evaluation of technological aid concerning the social aspect dimension where the two groups express an evaluation in line with their respective roles: the EC judge technological aid within the Social aspects area as more useful, that is to say where they are specifically involved. 1 Introduction The huge increase in population age is a widespread demographic tendency in industrialized countries. The result of the increase in life expectancy (Roush, 1996) is the rising number of older people as compared to adults and young people (Tuljapurkar, Li & Boe, 2000). As a consequence, the management of such a trend is becoming a key issue to point to. A large number of social problems arises in order to set up a systematic planning and arrangement of services and infrastructures to fulfill the needs of the elderly. The costs of elderly people care are unquestionably very expensive, not only from an economic point of view: the more people get older, the more they need specific health care services, such as nursing homes (RSA), hospitals, treatments and medicines for chronic illness and the like. Long term care has probably emerged as one of the most significant health and social policy issue, in that its influence on the welfare state system is remarkably high. The question of lowering the social welfare costs (Weingarten, et al., 2002) is undoubtedly a central concern in the policy of industrialized countries. To date, nursing homes are the main solution to the problem of elderly people who lost their autonomy. As a consequence, nursing homes represent the reference services for all potential innovations which can be applied to elderly people care (Trabucchi, Brizioli & Pesaresi, 2002). A new and promising direction to enhance assistance towards elderly people with cognitive or mobility impairments seems to be associated with the possibility of using the advances in assistive technology also in a domestic setting (Slangen-de Kort, Wagenberg & Midden, 1998). Up till now, the advances in technology made available a wide array of automatic devices, provided with mechanism of rising complexity, and arranged to perform different tasks. A great challenge would be to use these innovative devices to allow elderly people suffering from cognitive and/or mobility impairments to continue living in their homes as long as possible (Marini e Biocca, 2001). What is still needed to be understood is the potential impact of new technologies (NT) in a completely different context, that is nursing homes, in which the final users are not only the residents, but also caregivers staff. The aim is to investigate the most salient features of the health care service in nursing homes, with particular reference to the assessment of users’ needs and expectancies. Environmental psychology literature has particularly focused on the relationship among elderly people both in nursing homes (Schulz, 1976; Fontane, 1982; Küller, 1991) and in domestic settings (Christensen & Carp, 1987; Giuliani, 1991). On this point, recently some studies have addressed the impact of assistive technology in residential Copyright © 2003, The ROBOCARE Project Funded by MIUR L. 449/97. All rights reserved. 53 environments, paying particular attention to social (Duffy, 2003) and psychological (Giuliani et al., forthcoming) aspects. 2 Aims of the study The aim of this study is the evaluation within an RSA of possible areas for intervention using NT. Therefore, a central concern is to analyse possible differences in evaluation given by individuals taking part in the RSA system. Three different groups of so-called “actors” involved in the care service have been investigated: Internal Care Givers /Social Workers (IC); 1. External Care Givers /Volunteers,- Family members (EC); 2. Elderly guests (GS) So, two specific research questions have been singled out: a. b. What is the evaluation of NT by the elderly residents? Are there different opinions within the three groups regarding the application of NT in the care service? 3 Materials and Methods The study has been carried out in an RSA in a small town in Northern Italy (Bergamo hinterland). The RSA supplies, besides accommodation and health services (nursing, pharmaceutical and rehabilitation services), also social services (activities of entertainment and socialising). It accommodates 64 people with different levels of cognitive and physical impairments. The sample consisted of 40 guests (34 females, 6 males; average age: 82.3) with integral cognitive capacities (mmse ≥ 24), 40 care givers divided in two sub-groups of equal number: 20 internal care givers (18 females, 2 males; average age: 35.5) and 20 external care givers (16 females, 4 males; average age: 35.5). The two types of workers, although similar in their role of care givers, differ notably concerning the nature of their contribution in running the service. The internal care givers are paid by the structure and characterised by their sociomedical training, they are strictly organised according to professional status, working hours and tasks (doctors, nurses, rehabilitation experts, entertainers and sociowelfare auxiliaries). They provide all of the basic assistance, connected to legal obligations (health assistance, psychomotor rehabilitation, personal hygiene and cleanliness of the premises). They normally remain within the nursing home services for a long period of time. In our sample, the average period of service in elderly care was 10.71 years. The external care givers, on the contrary, provide voluntary services which therefore notably differ from subject to subject regarding working hours, skills, etc. Their 54 contribution is more concerned with interventions regarding more eminently personal/recreational aspects (keeping the guests company, organization of entertainment activities etc.). They can be members of Volunteer Associations or are connected to the structure through one or more family members resident in the nursing home (Relatives), and normally remain in the nursing home services for a shorter period of time. In our sample, the average period of service in elderly care was 4.93 years. We drew from literature and instruments in use to evaluate the level of autonomy (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living scale, IADL and the Activities Daily Living, ADL) and to focus on a series of “basic” activities belonging to 4 areas important for the guests’ quality of life (Autonomy of movement, Socialising, Personal hygiene, Physiological and health needs). A questionnaire was prepared with 20 items (5 items for each area), each indicating a daily activity. In the first section of the questionnaire both the GS and caregivers (IC and EC) were asked to indicate the importance for the guests of carrying out such activities independently on a 5-point Likert-type scale. In the second section they were asked to assess how much the guests’ quality of life would improve by being autonomous in such activities on a 5-point Likert-type scale. For care givers (both internal and external) a further section was added (again on a 5-point Likert-type scale) asking how much their “quality of caring” would improve for each activity if assisted in their work by a technological device. The four areas of activity included the following items: Autonomy of movement 1. Moving within own room 2. Moving between various rooms on the same floor 3. Going up and down the various floors in the building 4. Going to green spaces outside the building 5. Going around the village Socialising 1. Speaking to other guests when desired 2. Speaking to people from outside the structure when desired 3. Participating in internal ‘get-togethers’ 4. Access to moments of recreation 5. Knowing what is happening in the world Personal hygiene 1. Having a bath 2. Shaving/applying make-up 3. Going to the toilet 4. Dressing 5. Devoting oneself to interests Physiological and health needs 1. Taking medicine 2. Informing someone if not well gave a significantly higher evaluation than both the EC and GS. 3. Keeping fit 4. Eating and drinking 5. Controlling faeces and urine 4 Importance of mobility Importance of Social aspects Improving Quality of Life Social aspects Improving Quality of Life Personal hygiene Improving Quality of Life Physiological/health needs Statistical analyses Three analyses were performed on the data: 1. Comparison between GS and caregivers (IC+EC) applying a t-test for independent samples. Possible differences between people who receive and give care were investigated independently of qualification and/or service. 2. Comparison between GS, IC and EC: the group of caregivers was subdivided into 2 homogenous groups identifying working distinctions within the RSA. An analysis of variance (Anova) was applied to the groups with comparison for individual samples through a Post-Hoc test; 3. A third analysis considered only the two working groups IC vs. EC through a t-test for independent samples. Results Comparison GS vs. care givers: a significant differences was found as regards the following sub-categories: Importance of mobility; Improving Quality of Life: social aspects, personal hygiene, physiological and health aspects. The sub-category regarding the importance of mobility was given higher scores by the GS; in the three sub-categories regarding the improvement of quality of life, the highest score was given by the care givers. Importance of mobility Improving Quality of Life Social aspects Improving Quality of Life Personal hygiene Improving Quality of Life Physiological/health needs P=0.002 P=0.0001 P=0.0001 P=0.0001 GS > Care giver Care giver > GS Care giver > GS Care giver > GS Comparison between GS vs. IC vs. EC: the score given by GS to the Importance of mobility is significantly higher than that of the IC. IC and EC didn’t show a significant difference. As regards the social aspects, both EC and GS gave a higher score than IC. As regards Improving the Quality of Life, in the sub-categories “social aspects” and “personal hygiene” both the IC and EC differ from the GS; in the sub-category “health and physiological needs” the IC GS>IC=EC P=0.033 EC=GS>IC P=0.0001 IC=EC>GS P=0.001 IC=EC>GS P=0.0001 IC>EC=GS In the comparison between EC vs. IC the former gave a significantly higher evaluation (P=0.023) of the help provided by the NT in the social aspects of the “quality of caring”. 6 5 P= 0.009 Conclusion The results obtained show that the instrument we devised a) helps to pinpoint sensitive areas for possible interventions; b) discriminates differing levels of interest with respect to the roles of the actors in the nursing homes. The GS consider the items regarding activities in the mobility area as more relevant to their quality of life. This supplies important information to those who have to develop NT for homes for the elderly. They should help them primarily to carry out actions connected to autonomy of movement. In contrast, assistance devices having workers as a target should concentrate on the other three areas (Social aspects, Personal hygiene, and Health and physiological needs). Improvement of these aspects, according to the care givers, would have a more important impact on improving the quality of life. In an RSA structure, the NT application has to bear in mind the areas of intervention, and the specific objectives for different people. The results obtained from the analysis distinguishing IC from EC is of particular interest: the different role (IC, more closely connected to basic assistance and EC, oriented toward the relational/recreational) shows a different vision of the very essence of the support provided. EC find the social aspects which characterise their work in the service, as more important to improving the guests’ quality of life than the EC. 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Human-Robot Interaction: How People View Domestic Robots Maria Vittoria Giuliani, Massimiliano Scopelliti, Ferdinando Fornara, Edoardo Muffolini & Anna Saggese Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies Viale Marx, 15, 00137 Rome, Italy, Abstract This paper aims at identifying the main features of people’s representations of domestic robots and technology in general. Advances in technology and robotics are making more concrete the possibility of having domestic robots performing tasks inside one’s home. To date, a wide array of assistive robots is already available for treatment and rehabilitation of temporarily impaired people and for long term care of people suffering from chronic illness. A new challenge can be identified in the possibility of implementing robotic devices which can go beyond the sphere of mere health assistance and help people in everyday activities at home. Far from being a matter of functionality alone, the issue of acceptability depends on the psychological implications of human-robot interaction. The study explores attitudes, emotional response, ideas and preferences expressed by people towards technological devices and the idea of having a robot at home. Results show that, in general, the representation of domestic robot is not well-defined, probably because it can be hardly associated to any kind of real experience. People generally underestimate or overestimate the current possibility of performing some tasks. Anyway, some interesting age and gender differences in terms of attitude, emotional response and image of robots were found. Implications are discussed. 1 Introduc tion The decrease in childbirth and the great increase in life expectancy represent typical demographic trends in industrialized countries. These tendencies makes more concrete the issue regarding elderly people: the more they grow old, the more they are likely to need medical, social and personal care services. As a consequence, specific requirements in residential environment are needed in order to satisfy all the possible necessities of such a population. The management of long care services is undoubtedly a serious problem, because of their rising costs: nursing home care services are probably the most important example in terms of social costs, not only because they are extremely expensive from an economic point of view, but also because they determine a forced relocation of elderly people. To be compelled to live in a new place, completely depending on other people’s assistance, has unquestionably a deep psychological impact [Hormuth, 1990], probably more difficult to assess than the economic expenditures, but definitely not less significant. Recently, the possibility of retaining people needing long term care in their own homes has been debated. Elderly people undoubtedly prefer living independently in a familiar domestic and residential setting. Anyway, a new series of problems arises, due to the shortage of residential infrastructures and facilities and the lack of home service workers as compared to the large number of people who need some kind of assistance. As for domestic settings, in addition, the psychological impact of a long term home care assistance is still far from well understood: assistance provided by other people can generate a stronger negative influence upon final users, in that they may perceive a loss of control in their living space, a reduced autonomy; they look at home service caregivers as privacy intruders. This condition may represent a menace to self-esteem and to the integrity of personal identity. An alternative solution to human home care assistance may be represented by assistive technology. The advances in technology and robotics make assistive devices for domestic settings more and more available. Copyright © 2003, The R OBOC ARE Project Funded by MIUR L. 449/97. All rights reserved. 57 The term “assistive technology” refers to a broad array of different devices which can accomplish several tasks at home. First of all, they can be used in treatment and rehabilitation of debilitated people who suffer from accidents and disease which temporarily impair their normal functioning. Second, they can be used as assistive devices in long term care for people with chronic illness. This type of electronic devices gives the possibility of checking a variety of health conditions. There are monitoring machines capable of detecting common health indicators, ranging from blood pressure to temperature and weight, as well as more advanced technology which can recognize severe breathing or heart problems and prevent respiratory and cardiac arrest by immediately warning a caregiver [Stewart and Kaufman, 1993]; similarly, in the event of a fall, detectors that “sense acceleration, change of position and impact could automatically report to a caregiver” [ibid., p. 4]. Finally, they can be used to help ageing people with near-normal functioning level to manage everyday tasks at home. Smart sensors and intelligent units in telecare systems are non-intrusive devices which can help elderly people to maintain independence and promote perceived selfefficacy. The sensors can provide for a wide range of domestic warnings, preventing different risks such as overflowing in bathroom and kitchen, gas escape, extreme room temperature and the like [Doughty, 1999]. Despite advances in technology and robotics which make available innovative devices for elderly people care, the functional/practical advantage of their use (e. g. reducing economic costs) is far from being the only issue. Assistive technology often fail to be adopted or used because of inadequate training on how to use it; because all the potential benefits to people’s independence are not understood; because their design appear cumbersome [Elliot, 1991]. In addition, the psychological implications of having a human caregiver or, on the other hand, a technological device supporting one’s daily life and activities at home are undoubtedly completely different. Theoretical and empirical evidence is available to support this statement. Doughty [1999] argues that technological devices can provide continuous care, are objective in their analysis, and never get stressed or tired. They can foster elderly people’s independence and improve their quality of life. Nonetheless, they are not able to “substitute for the tender loving care that can be given thanklessly by dedicated individuals” [ibid., p. 7]. Stewart and Kaufman [1993] claim that such activities as eating and personal hygiene represent areas in which technological assistance is preferred to human aid, because perceived control over life is enhanced. Monk and Baxter [2002] underline that one of the advantages of the smart home can be the opportunity to socialize for people experiencing loneliness, through video conferencing facilities. Anyway, an important issue to be addressed has to do with improving people’s confidence in smart technology, since it often goes unused because older people feel stigmatised: technological devices 58 symbolize a change in competence associated with negative social judgement [Gitlin, 1995]. The care of elderly people is undoubtedly a complex experience in which social, emotional and environmental factors play a central role [Hirsch et al., 2000]. Beyond the impact of product design on usability (too small buttons, printed letters hard to read, etc.), an important task is to understand what are the real needs as expressed by final users. Ignoring this aspect would pose serious difficulties for the adoption of potentially useful devices. Gitlin [1995] tried to deepen the user’s perspective, shedding light on the reasons why elderly people may accept or reject the use of assistive technology. Depending on personal factors, helping devices may be viewed either as mechanism by which to regain independence or as threats to self-identity and social life, regardless of users’ age and gender. Independence, however, is not only a matter of personal ability, but must be considered as the result of person-environment fit [Steinfeld and Shea, 1993]. Houses are often full of physical barriers which can hinder autonomy, but these are frequently underestimated by elderly people. The authors underline the importance of home modification in order to improve people’s independence, but they also try to evaluate the problem from a cost-benefit perspective: elderly people often consider difficulties as conditions they have to live with, hardly seeing good reasons for a change at home. From a psychological point of view, continuity in place experience is a key factor in preserving personal identity [Breakwell, 1986]. Beyond technology related to domestic risk prevention and aimed at increasing home livability, a greater challenge consists in the implementation of a new generation of technological devices which can interact with people providing personal assistance in common everyday activities. On this point, Mahoney [1997] reviewed the market of rehabilitation robot products, paying particular attention to a device designed to help people to eat; Baltus et al. [2000] developed a project aimed at the implementation of a mobile robot which can accomplish different personal-aid tasks in many primary functions: it goes beyond health care (data collection, health indicators detection, tele-medicine, etc.) to safeguarding of the elderly person to monitoring of the environment and other people inside the home. It also is a useful device to remind health-related activities (e. g. to take a medicine) and, in general, things to do. Furthermore, it is able to interact with people, through a real-time speech interface consisting of a speech recognition and a speech synthesis system. Although its vocabulary is not very large, it can provide information related to different daily activities, such as the television program and the weather forecast. The possibility of using such a device is definitely a further step in evolution as compared to the technology which is commonly used in the smart home. However, it probably implies a different kind of psychological reaction in people, mainly because robots cannot be simply considered as assistive devices but also as entities to interact with in a more or less humanlike relationship. To date, socially interactive robots can engage in a variety of peer-to-peer relations, reacting to human behavior or actively encouraging social interaction [Fong and Nourbakhsh, 2003]. The interaction can also consist of a continuous human-robot dialogue, called “collaborative control” [Fong et al., 2003], through which the robot asks questions to the human being in order to get assistance and to solve problems. Regardless of what activities robots can actually perform, another important psychological question is how people would react to them. Nass and Moon [2000] demonstrate through a series of experimental studies that people may unconsciously attribute social rules and gender stereotypes to computers, and may engage in a humanlike interaction which implies politeness, reciprocity and selfdisclosure. Duffy [2003] argues that humans sometimes tend to anthropomorphize inanimate entities, by attributing cognitive or emotional states to them and by interpreting their behaviour as if it were governed by rational choices and consideration of their desires [Dennett, 1996]. The author concludes that robots can be more acceptable is they resemble human beings in some way. The idea of humanlike robots is constantly presented in science fiction (movies, books, etc.), which is probably a source of influence for people’s representation: it makes available a twofold image of robots as helping assistants or, on the other hand, as more frightening potential competitors – or, even worse, overwhelming entities! The idea of a domestic robot is probably much more difficult to describe, because it can hardly be associated to any kind of real experience. Nonetheless, the aim of exploring people’s ideas about such advanced devices would allow the designers to adjust its features to what people need and expect. Khan [1998] developed a questionnaire to assess people’s attitude towards getting help from a domestic robot in everyday life activities at home. Respondents showed to be rather positive towards having a robot performing domestic tasks. In addition, they felt safe about it and did not feel that it would intrude their privacy. However, they mostly liked having a robot performing programmed activities rather than a smart device which takes initiatives. Speech was found to be the preferred way of communicating, showing again the tendency to humanize the interaction with the robot. The results of the study can be a useful agenda for robots producers, who aim to fulfill the user’s needs and expectations in terms of design and functionality [Oestreicher et al., 1999]. Following this research line, we organized a two stage study in order to gain a better understanding of people’s representations of domestic robots. Focusing not only on assistive and health related tasks, but also on everyday activities at home, we interviewed people of different age groups, asking them questions partially extracted from Kahn’s tool [1998]. In the pilot study [Cesta et al., forthcoming], we found that elderly people generally care about an harmonious integration of robots in the sociophysical environment of the home, asking for requirements such as “the robot must behave in such a way as not to frighten the pets” or “it should not be a cumbersome obstacle”. The robot’s shape is described in a wide array of different ways, ranging from a minimum to a maximum degree of anthropomorphism (from “cylinder or parallelepiped, with no reference to human beings” to “it should be like a child, so that I will not see it as a stranger”). Nonetheless, respondents often imagine the eventual interaction with the robot by referring to social dynamics which are typical of human beings (“I would like it to mind its own business” or “I would speak to it as if it were a person, I would never give it an order like a dictator would”). These data were used to develop a questionnaire, in order to collect quantitative data and to compare the representations of people at different stages of the life span. 2 Method 2 .1 Obje ctiv e s The aim of this study was to shed light on the ideas people have about robots at home and the possibility of using them for everyday domestic activities. Particular attention is focused on age related, gender and educational level differences. 2 .2 Sa mple We contacted a sample of 90 subjects, balanced by gender and age group (18-25, 40-50, 65-75). People were all urban residents, living in different neighborhoods in Rome, and as heterogeneous as possible in respect of educational level and familiarity with technology. 2 .3 Too ls We developed a questionnaire centered on several topics which emerged as highly important in the first study [Cesta et al., forthcoming]. In addition to collecting socio-demographic data, the questionnaire addresses the following topics: • Section one - Attitudes towards technology. We proposed 13 5-point Likert-type items asking people to what extent they agreed/disagreed with sentences (from 0 = “I completely disagree” to 4 = “I completely agree”) regarding features, vantages and disadvantages of modern technology. • Section two - Image of robots. We proposed 9 categorical items focusing on people’s preferences and expectancies about robot’s shape, size, color, cover material, speed, etc. • Section three – Human-robot interaction. We proposed 15 categorical items focusing on people’s preferences and expectancies about robot’s 59 personification (given name, etc.) and modalities of human-robot communication and interaction. • Section four – Activities at home. We proposed different categorical items focusing on the perceived capability for a robot to perform 16 everyday activities at home. We asked people to check each activity as “impossible”, “probably in the future”, or “currently performed”. • Section five – Emotional response to robots. We proposed 16 5-point Likert-type items focusing on emotional response to domestic robots. People were asked to check each adjective from 0 = “not at all” to 4 = “very much”. 2 .4 Ana ly s es A Correspondence Analysis was carried out in order to evaluate the image of robots and human-robot interaction as described by different groups of respondents. We also compared laypeople’s and experts’ evaluations of the actual performability of different activities by robots. Two separate Factor Analyses were then performed in order to identify the dimensions underlying A) people’s attitudes towards technological devices and B) emotional response to domestic robots. The factors extracted were finally used as dependent variables in a one-way ANOVA, in order to assess differences accounted by socio-demographic variables. 3 Results The Correspondence Analysis showed very interesting results about people’s representation of domestic robots. Two main axes emerged as highly meaningful: the first dimension was labelled “expressed/not expressed preferences”; the second dimension was called “human/not human”. Five different representations of robots can be identified throughout the semantic space defined by the two axes. The first cluster is mainly characterized by indifference, as to both the robot’s shape and human-robot interaction. A second cluster can be identified in the semantic space close to the “non human” pole of the second axis: distinctive features of this representation were a “cold” image of robot and human-robot interaction (made of plastic, standard model, no given name, non vocal interaction). The third cluster describes a more lively representation of robots, with a more precise size (smaller than a human being), bright colors, a humanlike voice, and capable of understanding gestural communication. The fourth cluster emerges as strongly oriented in the humanlike direction: the robot is preferred as having a female name and young voice, its features can be personalized and human-robot interaction is based on language. To the edge of the semantic space, the fifth cluster of representations is even more characterized in terms of 60 anthropomorphism: robots are as big as humans, are covered by a skin-like material, are assigned a given name and have a male adult voice. Adults were strongly associated with the first cluster, elderly people with the third, young people with the fourth and, to a lesser extent, with the fifth. No gender or educational level differences were found. As to the comparison between respondents’ and experts’ evaluations of actual capabilities of robots, both at the moment and in the near future, we found that people’s representation of robots is somewhat unreal. On the one hand, activities that imply objects manipulation (such as dusting, cleaning windows, making beds, laying and clearing the table, using the washing-machine and finding objects) are perceived as much easier to implement by robotic technology than they are in fact. On the other hand, people moderately underestimate the actual implementation of such activities as entertainment and home safety control, which imply cognitive tasks and are indeed already available at the moment. Nonetheless, they accurately perceive the current availability of robotic devices that are able to remind of engagements and prompt things to do. They are also realistic about the difficulties of implementing robots that can help people to cook and to cut their nails. The first Factor Analysis showed that three different dimensions can well synthesize people's attitude towards technological devices. The first dimension refers to the advantages provided by technology: they help people not to get tired and not to waste time, they allow them to perform different tasks and to be independent of the others, etc. We labelled this factor “Benefits of Technology”. It explains 25.3% of total variance. The second dimension refers to perceived difficulties of use and mistrust: technology is not easy to use, instructions are hard to understand and people are not mentally stimulated by it and don’t trust in it. We labelled this factor “Difficult to Use/Mistrust”. It explains 14.4% of total variance. The third dimension refers to a general ambivalence towards technology, in that sophisticated electronic devices are expensive and break down too often, even though they allow people to do things by themselves. We labelled this factor “Ambivalence”. It explains 10.9% of total variance. In the second Factor Analysis we extracted two different dimensions which refer to emotional response to domestic robots. The first dimension refers to a negative reaction, in that robots are perceived as dangerous, scary, potentially out of control, cumbersome, etc. We labelled this factor “Negative Feeling”. It explains 42.4% of total variance. The second dimension refers to a positive reaction, which implies the representation of robots as lively, dynamic, interesting, stimulating, etc. entities. We labelled this factor “Positive Feelings”. It explains 17.9% of total variance. The ANOVA performed on attitude factors showed a significant effect of age group on the variable “Benefits of Technology” (F(2, 87) = 3.06, p<. 05) and “Difficult to Use/Mistrust” (F(2, 87) = 15.01, p<. 001). The Bonferroni test (p<.05) showed that older people recognize the benefits of technology significantly more than young people, but they also perceive difficulty of use and mistrust significantly more than adults and young people. Also the effect of gender was significant, both on the variable “Difficult to Use/Mistrust” (F (1, 88) = 12.49, p<. 01) and on the variable “Ambivalence” (F(1, 88) = 4.69, p<. 05): females revealed a stronger “Hardness/Mistrust” with technology and a lower “Ambivalence” than males. We carried out another ANOVA on emotional response factors. It was found a significant effect of age group on the variable “Positive Feelings” (F(2, 87) = 4.33, p<. 05). Post hoc analysis showed that young people express a more positive emotional response than older people (Bonferroni, p<.05). The effect of the educational level was significant on the variable “Negative Feelings” (F(2, 87) = 4.86, p<. 05): people with lower educational level expressed more negative feelings than people who attended high-school and people who took a degree (Bonferroni, p<.05). 4 Discussion The general representation of domestic robots which emerged from this study seems to be somewhat ambiguous. Results show that people have different coexisting and partially overlapping ideas. This is probably due to the lack of concrete experience with such machines and the strong influence of science fiction, which makes available a wide array of different exemplars. As a consequence, people sometimes underestimate or overestimate what activities robots can currently perform or are going to perform in the near future. The general idea on technology is rather positive. However, when speaking about a domestic robot, which is a more specific device, the analyses become more complex, and the global evaluation becomes much more multi-faceted. On the one hand, young people have a strong familiarity with technology and a friendly idea of robots. In their representation, domestic robots are not useful devices which can help people to do tasks at home, but humanlike entities to interact with in leisure situations: in fact, young people score lower on measures of “benefits of technology” and higher on “positive feelings” than elderly people. On the other hand, elderly people conceive robots as merely useful devices at home, which can help them not to waste time and not to get tired, as shown by the analysis of variance on the “benefit of technology” dimension. Although technology can be useful, older people show a slight mistrust towards machine which are likely to be hard to understand and unsafe to some extent. Adults seem to be by far the least polarized group in expressing ideas, preferences, attitudes and emotional responses to the possibility of having a robot at home. The general representation of robots is highly characterized in terms of “absence of preferences” as to its physical features and type of human-robot interaction. In addition, they often show mid-point scores on attitude and emotional dimensions extrapolated from Factor Analyses. It could depend on a weaker involvement with technology, in that adults probably undervalue both the stimulating/exciting (appreciated by young people) and the practical/functional side (appreciated by elderly people) of having such innovative devices at home: they have undoubtedly a reduced amount of spare time to spend on leisure and are also more likely to do things for themselves rather than relying on technology. Gender and educational level differences were shown to be far less important. 5 Conclusions This study represents an attempt to understand the potential impact of the introduction of domestic robots in people’s everyday life. The analysis of the general attitudes towards technology and the specific representations of such futuristic devices seemed to be a good starting point to identify some basic acceptability requirements which would provide robot designers and producers with useful guidelines for further innovations. Despite the huge advances in technology and robotics, the psychological implications of human-robot interactions still remain a scarcely explored field. An inquiry into people’s representations of domestic robots appears to be a suitable way for bridging the gap between the implementation possibilities granted by new technologies and the needs of final users. 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[Hormuth, 1990] Stefan E. Hormuth. The ecology of self: Relocation and self-concept change. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1990. [Khan 1998] Zayera Khan. Attitude towards intelligent service robots. IpLab, Nada, Royal Institute of Technology, 1998. [Mahoney 1997] Richard M. Mahoney. Robotic products for rehabilitation: Status and strategy. Proceedings of ICORR ’97 - International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, 12-22, Bath, UK, 1997. [Monk and Baxter 2002] Andrew F. Monk and Gordon Baxter. Would you trust a computer to run your home? Dependability issues in smart homes for older adults. Proceedings of the 16 th British HCI Conference, London, British HCI Group, Sept. 2002. [Nass and Moon 2000] Clifford Nass and Youngme Moon. Machines and mindlessness: Social response to computers. Journal of Social Issues, 56(1): 81-103, 2000. [Oestreicher et al., 1999] Lars Oestreicher, Helge Hüttenrauch and Kerstin Severinsson-Eklund. Where are you going little robot? – Prospects on human-robot interaction. Position paper for the CHI 99 Basic Research Symposium, IpLab, Nada, Royal Institute of Technology, 1999. 62 [Steinfeld and Shea, 1993] Edward Steinfeld and Scott Shea. Enabling home environment: Identifying barriers to independence. Technology and Disability, 2(4): 69-79, 1993. [Stewart and Kaufman, 1993] Leigh M. Stewart and Stephen B. Kaufman. High-Tech home care: Electronic devices with implications for the design of living environments. In American Association of Retired Persons and Stein Gerontechnological Institute (eds.), Life-span Design of Residential Environments for an Ageing Populations, 57-66, Washington DC, 1993. A Cognitive System for Human Interaction with a Robotic Hand I. Infantino1, A. Chella1,2, H. Džindo1, I. Macaluso1 1 ICAR-CNR sez. di PalermoViale delle Scienze, edif. 11,90128, Palermo, Italy (infantino, dzindo, macaluso) 2 DINFO Università di PalermoViale delle Scienze, 90128, Palermo, Italy Abstract The paper deals with a cognitive architecture for posture learning of an anthropomorphic robotic hand. Our approach is aimed to allow the robotic system to perform complex perceptual operations, to interact with an human user and to integrate the perceptions by a cognitive representation of the scene and the observed actions. The anthropomorphic robotic hand imitates the gestures acquired by the vision system in order to learn meaningful movements, to build its knowledge by different conceptual spaces and to perform complex interaction with the human operator. 1 Introduction1 The control of robotic systems has reached a high level of precision and accuracy, but often the high complexity and task specificity are limiting factors for large scale uses. Today, robots are requested to be both “intelligent” and “easy to use”, allowing a natural and useful interaction with human operators and users. A promising approach towards simple robot programming is the “learning by imitation” paradigm. Many working systems have been proposed in the literature [2], [9], [11], [12], [16]. However, these systems, although effective, are generally based on movements recordings obtained by gloves, by particular equipments or by simplified vision; moreover, the imitation capabilities are sometimes limited to simple mimicking of the teacher movements. We claim that, in order to have a system able to learn by imitation, the system itself may have the capabilities of deeply understand the perceived actions to be imitated. Therefore, the system may be able to build an inner conceptual representation of the learned actions. In this paper, we present an architecture based on learning by imitation that performs visual interaction between an human user showing his moving hand and an anthropomorphic robotic hand (a DIST-Hand built by GraalTech, Genova, Italy). The core of the architecture is a rich inner conceptual level [7] where the representation of perceptual data takes place starting from a real time unconstrained vision system [3], [4], [5], [10]. Our long term project goal is to build a system that may help and collaborate with elderly and impaired persons in everyday life (e.g. a system that helps to pick up an object or to perform some movements). The current system is equipped with a stereo video camera that acquires the movements of the hand of the user, in order to perform a direct visual control of the robot (by movements imitation) or to interact using a given sign formalism. The system takes as input a sequence of images corresponding to subsequent phases of the evolution of the scene (the movements of the human hand and their effects on the whole scene), and it generates an output as a suitable action performed by robotic hand, along with the description of the scene. Such a symbolic description may be employed to perform high-level inferences, e.g. those needed to generate complex long-range plans of interaction, or to perform reasoning about the user operations. In order to test our system and to have quantitative data on human system interaction, we consider a measurable experimental setup in which the user plays Rock-Paper-Scissors game. The system task in this setup is to understand the strategy of the human player. 2 System architecture The implemented architecture is organized in three computational areas. Fig. 1 schematically shows the relations among them. The subconceptual area is concerned with the low-level processing of perceptual data coming from the sensors. We call it subconceptual because here information is not yet organized in terms of conceptual structures and categories. The subconceptual area includes a 3D model of the perceived scenes. Even if such a kind of representation cannot be considered “lowlevel” from the point of view of artificial vision, it still remains below the level of conceptual categorization. In the linguistic area, representation and processing are based on the formalism of probabilistic reasoning based on Bayesian networks [13]. In the conceptual area, the data coming from the subconceptual area are organized in conceptual categories, which are still independent from any linguistic characterization. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 3 provides a detailed description of the subconceptual area. Section 4 summarizes the notion of conceptual space. Section 5 presents the linguistic area of the architecture. Section 6 describes a simple application that involves conceptual space representation and reasoning: human user plays rock, paper, scissors game against the system. 1 Copyright © 2003, The ROBOCARE Project Funded by MIUR L. 449/97. All rights reserved. 63 conceptual area. The system (see Fig 2) is composed by some common modules that work in parallel on the two flows of images sourcing from the stereo rig: 1) image pre-processing operation (noise filtering, tresholding, edge detecting); 2) the fingertip tracking following the first estimation; 3) fingertip localization on image based on previous position. The coordinates of the fingertips are the input of the other software modules responsible of: 1) 3D coordinate computation; 2) inverse kinematics. Conceptual area Action Space Linguistic area (Bayesian k) Situation Space Perceptual Space Sensory Data Sub- Left Image Right Image Image Preprocessing Module I* xpred Fingertip Extraction Module xreal 3D Coordinate Computation Module (a) X Kalman Filter Module Inverse Kinematics Module Initial estimates (b) Fig. 1. (a) The three areas of the conceptual representation and the relations among them. (b) The posture reconstruction system and the robotic hand. 3 The subconceptual area As previously stated, the task of the implemented architecture is to deeply understand the postures and movements of the human hand. To this aim, we need the exact 3D reconstruction of the hand to individuate the orientation and reciprocal position with other body parts. Different methods have been proposed to capture human hand motion. Rehg and Kanade [14] introduced the use of a highly articulated 3D hand model for the tracking of a human hand. Heap and Hogg [8] used a deformable 3D hand shape model. The hand is modeled as a surface mesh which is constructed via PCA from training examples. In [6], Cipolla and Mendoca presented a stereo hand tracking system using a 2D model deformable by affine transformations. Our method uses fingertips as features, considering each finger except the thumb as planar manipulator, and starting from this hypothesis we compute inverse kinematics to control the robotic hand. The human hand is placed in front of the stereo couple. A black panel is used as background and illumination is controlled. Fingertips and wrist are extracted at each frame and their 3D coordinates are computed by a standard triangulation algorithm. Given a hand model, inverse kinematics is used to compute the joint angles which provide the inputs to the 64 Fig.2 The system architecture: two parallel set of procedures perform separately the estimation of the fingertips on right and left images. 3.1 Fingertip localization and tracking This section deals with the localization of the fingertips in long image sequences. In order to achieve real-time performances state-space estimation techniques are used to reduce the search space from the full camera view to a smaller search window centered on the prediction of the future position of the fingertips. In the following, a novel algorithm is proposed to detect the fingertip position inside the search window. Fingertip Tracking. In this section we are involved with prediction of feature points in long image sequences. If the motion of the observed scene is continuous, as it is, we should be able to make predictions on the motion of the image points, at any time, on the basis on their previous trajectories. Kalman filter [18] is the ideal tool in such tracking problems. The motion of a fingertip at each time instance (frame) can be characterized by its position and velocity. For a feature point, define the state vector at time tk as x(k)= [ r(k) c(k) vr(k) vc(k)]T where (r(k), c(k)) represent the fingertip pixel position at kth frame, and (vr(k) , vc(k)) be its velocity in r and c directions. Under the assumption that a fingertip moves with constant translation over the long sequence and a sufficiently small sampling interval (T), the plant equation for the recursive tracking algorithm can be written as X(k+1)=Ax(k)+w(k) Where A = 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 T 0 1 0 0 T 0 1 and the plant noise w(k) is assumed to be zero mean with covariance matrix Q(k). For each fingertip, the measurement used for the corresponding recursive tracking filter at time tk is the image plane coordinates of the corresponding point in the kth image. Thus the measurement is related to the state vector as: Z(k) = Hx(k) + v(k) where H 0 1 0 0 = 0 0 1 0 and the measurement noise v(k) is assumed to be zero mean with covariance matrix R(k). After the plant and measurement equations have been formulated, the Kalman filter can be applied to recursively estimate the motion between two consecutive frames and track the feature point. Assuming that the trajectory of a feature point has been established up to the kth frame of a sequence, we describe procedures for estimating the in-frame motion between the kth and (k+1)th frames. First, for a fingertip, the predicted location of its corresponding point z(k+1|k) is computed by the KF. Subsequently, a window centering at z(k+1|k) is extracted from the (k+1)th image and the fingertip extraction algorithm is applied to the window to identify salient feature points as described in the next section. The same process is repeated for each fingertip. The initial fingertips and wrist coordinates are computed by assuming the hand is placed as in Fig 3.a. Under such hypothesis it is straightforward to compute the fingertip coordinates. Fingertip Extraction. This subsection describes a novelty algorithm to perform robust and fast localization of the fingertips. Once a search window is determined for each fingertip, the feature point is searched for within that window. The overall shape of a human fingertip can be approximated by a semicircle. Based on this observation, fingertips are searched for by template matching with a set of circular templates as shown in Fig 3.c. Ideally, the size of the templates should differ for different fingers and different users. However, our experiments showed that fixed window size works well for various users. We choose a square of 20x20 pixels with a circle whose radius is 10 pixels as a template for normalized correlation in our implementation. In order to find meaningful data we first perform an adaptive threshold on the response images to obtain distinct regions. For each correlation we select the points with the highest matching scores (usually 2-3) which lies in unconnected regions of the thresholded image. (b) (a) (c) Fig.3 (a) Initial hand configuration used to calculate the first estimation of the fingertip positions; (b) three points (yellow squares) with high correlation response individuate a group and provide a fingertip candidate computed as centroid of such a group (red arrow); (c) circular templates used to search fingertips. Subsequently, near responses of different correlations are grouped. We select the groups characterized by the highest number of points associated and the centroid of such groups are used to compute the fingertip candidates. In order to calculate those candidates, we must combine the information provided by each point in the group. However, only the points corresponding to semi-circle correlation responses are used in this stage. Each point is associated with a vector whose direction depends on the orientation of the corresponding semicircle (i.e. right - 0°, up - 90°, and so on). Its module is given by the correlation matching score. The direction in which the fingertip candidate should be searched is computed as the angle formed by the vector sum of such vectors (see Fig 3.b). Therefore, the fingertip candidate coordinate for each group lies on the line through the previously computed centroid and whose direction is given by the above procedure. We use techniques of data association based on the previous measurements and predicted state to choose the correct fingertip among the selected candidates. Three-dimensional coordinate computation. Given the camera matrices it is possible to compute the fundamental (or essential) matrix of the stereo rig [19]. Epipolar geometry is used to find correspondences between two views. In order to reduce computational efforts, matching features are searched on the epipolar line in the search window of the second image provided by KF by means of normalized correlation. 3D fingertip coordinates are computed by a standard triangulation algorithm. 3.2 Inverse Kinematics The coordinates of the fingertips and the wrist are used to solve the inverse kinematics problem for joint angles, provided a kinematics model of a human hand. The model adopted [11] is designed to remain simple enough for 65 inverse kinematics to be done in real-time, while still respecting human hand capabilities. The whole hand is modeled by a 27 dof skeleton whose location is given by the wrist’s middle point and whose orientation is that of the palm. The fingers (II-V) have 4 dof, namely one in abduction/adduction and three in flexion/extension represented as state vector [q1, q2, q3, q4]T; the thumb (I) has 5 dof. We take into account static and dynamic hand constraints [17] which allow us to obtain meaningful configurations and reduce the number of DOF of the model to 15. In order to solve the inverse kinematics problem, calibration of the human hand has to be performed to adapt to various users. This process is must be done off-line using an interactive procedure. We use 6 frames to represent finger kinematics: Oc (the camera frame), Oh (the hand frame whose origin is the wrist’s middle point and whose axes are defined by the palm orientation with z axes perpendicular to the palm plane) and Ofr(I-V) (the finger-root frame whose origin is at first flexion/extension joint). Under the assumption that the hand orientation doesn’t evolve in time, we can compute the fixed transformation matrixes Thfr(I-V) during the initialization phase. In such a way, it is possible to express the coordinates of each fingertip in the finger-root frame and solve for the joint state vector. For each finger except for the thumb we compute the joint variable q1(IIV) as the angle between the projection of the fingertip on the palm plane and the x axes. By rotating the finger-root frame around z axis by angle q1(II-V), each finger (II-V) can be represented as a 3-link planar manipulator. The joint angles q2, q3 and q4 are then found by solving the inverse kinematics problem for such a manipulator. The thumb joint angles are found directly by solving the inverse kinematics problem. Under the assumption of high frame-rate we can state that the joint angles vary little from time k-1 to time k. Therefore, given the fingertip coordinates xi(k), i=I...V, each state vector qi(k) may be computed by minimizing the distance between the joint state vector at time k-1 with the desiderated one, subject to the forward kinematics equation xi(k)=k[qi(k)] and hand constraints, namely: Minimize ||qi(k) – qi(k-1)|| subject to: 1. xi(k)=k[qi(k)]; 2.static and dynamic finger constraints. The robustness of this algorithm has been tested using various fingers configuration: also in the more complicated case of two very close fingers on the background palm the system follow the correct feature. The addition of artificial noise or the use of a lower image scale does not degrade the performance of the algorithm. 4 The conceptual area The aim of the architecture is to integrate visual perception with knowledge representation, with particular emphasis on man–machine interaction. Our proposal is based on the hypothesis that a principled integration of the approaches 66 of artificial vision and of symbolic knowledge requires the introduction of an intermediate representation between these two levels [3]. Such a role is played by a conceptual space, according to the approach proposed by Gärdenfors [7]. 4.1 Perceptual space (PS) The perceptual space PS is part of the conceptual area of the architecture and it is a conceptual space in the sense of Gärdenfors [7], in particular it is a metric space whose dimensions are strictly related with the quantities processed in the subconceptual area. By analogy with the term pixel, we call knoxel a point in a PS. A knoxel is an epistemologically primitive element at the considered level of analysis. The basic blocks of our representations in PS are geometric primitives (the joint angle values, or superquadric parameters) describing the acquired scene. In order to account for the dynamic aspects of actions, we adopt a perceptual space PS in which each point represents a whole simple motion. In this sense, the space is intrinsically dynamic since the generic motion of an object is represented in its wholeness, rather than as a sequence of single, static frames. The decision of which kind of motion can be considered simple is not straightforward, and it is strictly related to the problem of motion segmentation. In the line of the approach described in [5], we consider a simple motion as a motion interval between two subsequent generic discontinuities in the motion parameters. In the static PS mentioned above, a moving component had to be represented as a set of points corresponding to subsequent instants of time. This solution does not capture the motion in its wholeness. The implemented alternative has been previously investigated in [5]. We adopt as the conceptual space for the representation of dynamic scenes a dynamic space which can be seen as an “explosion” of the static space. In this space, each axis is split in a number of new axes, each one corresponding to a harmonic component. Fig. 4 is an evocative, pictorial description of this approach. In the leftmost part of the figure, representing the static PS, each axis corresponds to a 3D geometric parameter; in the rightmost part of the figure, representing the dynamic PS, each group of axes corresponds to the harmonics of the corresponding geometric parameter. Also in this case, a knoxel is a point in the conceptual space, and it corresponds to the simple motion of a geometric component. 4.2 Situation Space (SS) A simple motion of a component corresponds to a knoxel in PS. Objects may be approximated by one or more geometric primitives. Let us now consider a scene made up by the human hand. Consider the index opening, as in Fig. 5. We call Situation this kind of scene. It may be represented in PS by the set of the knoxels corresponding to the simple motions of its components, as in Fig. 5, where each knoxel corresponds to a phalanx. In this case, each knoxel corresponds to a moving phalanx of the index and its harmonic components are not zero, while the other knoxels correspond to the phalanxes of quiet fingers (the figure depicts only some of them). Each point in the Situation Space (SS) is a collection of points in PS. SS is a pictorial representation of the global perceived situation. Fig. 6. A1 is the collection of the points in SS describing the hand action. Fig.4 Each point of the PS represents a whole simple motion. Fig. 5. S1 is the collection of the points in PS describing the finger movement. 4.3 5 Linguistic area Long term declarative knowledge is stored at the linguistic area. The more “abstract” forms of reasoning, that are less perceptually constrained, are likely to be performed mainly within this area. The elements of the linguistic area are terms that have the role of summarizing the situations and actions represented in the conceptual spaces previously described, i.e., linguistic terms are anchored to the structures in the conceptual spaces [4]. The symbolic inferences in the linguistic area aimed to plan and decision making, are performed by suitable Bayesian networks. At a given instant, the chosen decision depends from past events and actions executed with a given probability. The interactions between human user and robotic system, initially random, are used to update the tables of probability of the network in order to learn suitable strategies [13]. Action Space (AS) In a Situation, the motions of all of the components in the scene occur simultaneously, i.e. they correspond to a single configuration of knoxels in the conceptual space. To consider a composition of several motions arranged according to a temporal sequence, we introduce the notion of Action in the sense of Allen [1]. An Action corresponds to a “scattering” from one Situation to another Situation of knoxels in the conceptual space. We assume that the situations within an action are separated by instantaneous events. In the transition between two subsequent configurations, a “scattering” of at least one knoxel occurs. This corresponds to a discontinuity in time that is associated to an instantaneous event. Fig. 6 shows a simple Action performed by the human hand. The figure shows a human hand while opening. This Action may be represented in CS (Fig. 6) as a double scattering of the knoxels representing the phalanxes (the figure depicts only one of them). The knoxel representing the palm remains unchanged. Each point in the Action Space (AS) is a collection of situations, i .e., of points in SS and it represents a hand action. AS is a pictorial representation of the action performed by human hand. 5.1 Learning in the architecture The structures of the conceptual spaces allows to manage the learning of the link between perception and action at different level of representation. In the Perceptual Space, we need to recognize and classify the motions of single phalanxes (e.g., UpPhalanx1): it is an easy task and the system uses a classifier based on a perceptron neural network. In the Situation Space, we need to classify and recognize complex dynamic postures: the system uses a recurrent neural network able to learns the different hand configurations. Let us consider a set of knoxels s= {pk1, pk2, …, pkm} corresponding to an instance of a Situation concept C, e.g., Hand Opening. When a knoxel of s, say pk1, has been individuated by the subconceptual area and it is presented as input to the recurrent network associated to C, the network generates as output another knoxel of s, say pk2. In this way, the network predicts the presence of pk2 in SS. The expectation is considered confirmed when the subconceptual area individuates a knoxel pk* so that pk2~pk* . If the expectation is confirmed, then the network receives as input pk2 and generates a new expected knoxel pk3,and so on. The network therefore 67 recognizes the configuration of knoxels of the associated concept according to a recognition and expectation loop. In the Action Space, we performs a similar mechanism to classify complex actions: when C is an Action, the previously described sequences now refer to a succession of different SS configurations. It should be noted that the SS case is an example of synchronic attention, while the AS case is an example of diachronic attention. Recurrent neural networks make it possible to avoid an exhaustive linguistic description of conceptual categories: in some sense, prototype Situations and Actions arises from the activity of the neural networks by means of a training phase based on examples. In addition, the measure of similarity between a prototype and a given Situation or Action is implicit in the behavior of the network and is determined by learning. As stated before, in the linguistic area, where long term memory is the instrument to plan and to decide strategies, we use suitable Bayesian networks. The history that determines the behavior of the system is a group of sequential action: the current decision is dependent from past events and actions executed, with a given probability. The interactions between human user and robotic system, initially random, are used to update the tables of probability of the network in order to learn strategies of behaviors according to the Bayesian learning algorithms [13]. 6 Rock Posture Paper Posture Scissors Posture Experiments: the case of rock, paper, scissors game We adopted an experimental setup that allowed us to measure the degree of learning of the system during human-robot interactions. In this setup, human user plays the Rock, Paper, Scissors game against the robotic hand (see Fig. 7). We have chosen the RPS (Rock, Paper, Scissors) game because it is simple, fast, involving hand dexterity and strategy between two players. Moreover, RPS game is based on standard hand signs. Also the rules are simple and well-known. Players may use any combination of these throws at any time throughout the match. Any throws that are not conforming to the standard hand positions and thus deemed to be a rock, paper, or scissors is considered to be an illegal throw and it is thus forbidden. 6.1 expectations can prefigure the situation resulting as the outcome of an action. This implements a predictive behavior of the robotic hand, and it represents the ability of a player to predict the opponent action before its completion and using only sensorial input. For example, when the robot recognizes a starting instance of the Paper path situation, it immediately performs the Scissors action. We take into account two main sources of expectations. On the one side, expectations could be generated on the basis of the structural information learned in the Bayesian network. As soon as a Situation is recognized and the situation is the precondition of an Action, the symbolic description elicit the expectation of the effect situation. Fig. 8 shows an example of the Bayesian network that computes the most probable sign after two throws using a strategy based on the repetition of successful moves. On the other side, expectations could also be generated by purely associative mechanism between situations by means of the previously described neural networks. Learning game behavior The robotic system, in order to choose one of the three game signs, uses a suitable sequential mechanism of expectations. The recognition of a certain component of a Situation (a knoxel in PS) will elicit the expectation of other components of the same Situation in the scene. In this case, the mechanism seeks for the corresponding knoxels in the current PS configuration. The recognition of a certain situation in PS could also elicit the expectation of a scattering in the arrangement of the knoxels in the scene; i.e., the mechanism generates the expectations for another Situation in a subsequent PS configuration. In this way 68 Fig. 7. Elementary postures of the RPS game executed by human user, robotic hand and simulator. 6.2 Playing a game The system has played 500 matches against human user which uses a defined complex strategy based on “gambit” composition. A gambit is a series of three throws used with strategic intent. “Strategic intent” in this case, means that the three throws are selected beforehand as part of a planned sequence. There are only twenty-seven possible gambits, but they can also be combined to form longer, complex combination moves. The strategy followed by human player related to the Fig. 9 is represented by the union of the gambit (PSR) and (RPR), with the random choose to repeat the same sign or change gambit after a stalemate or the conclusion of a set. A single game uses the best of three of three format (max 3 sets, ended when a player wins 2 throws). In the first phase of the challenge (match #1-#50), the system plays at random, obtained a success rate near to 33% (stalemate is counted as fail). The continuous updating of the tables of the Bayesian network introduces the knowledge of opponent’s strategy. After approximately 250 matches the system has completely learned the inner behavior of the human player and has obtained a success rate near to 61,2%. The various experiments done have highlighted a profile of learning process characterized by a random initial phase that lasts 50~75 matches depending from player strategy, a second phase with constant converging learning rate, and a final phase in which the system does not improve its skill. Fig. 8. An example of the Bayesian network that computes the most probable sign after two throws using a strategy based on the repetition of successful moves. Match #001 Human Set 1 P R* S R* Set 2 P R R P* R Robot P S R* S S* R R R P* R R S R* P S* S R* Result: Human wins Robot %tw: 30,77% Match #201 Human Robot Set 1 P* R S R* S R* Set 2 R R P* P* Set 3 R R P* S R P* R R* Set 3 Robot wins 55,56% Fig. 9. The results of 2 matches (#1 and #355 of 500) are reported. The graph reports the percentage of throws won by robotic system in a single match. After 250 matches the system has reconstructed the behavior of the human player and has obtained a success rate near to 61,2%. References [2] C. G. Atkeson, S. Schaal, “Learning Tasks From A Single Demonstration“, in proc. of IEEE-ICRA 1997, pp. 1706-1712, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1997. [3] A. Chella, M. Frixione, S. Gaglio, “A Cognitive Architecture for Artificial Vision”, Artificial Intelligence 89, no. 1-2, pp. 73-111, 1997. [4] A. Chella, M. 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unknown environment involves some interesting related topics, such as sensing, safe and reliable trajectory generation, localization. Many solutions have been proposed in literature, each of them working fine in some situations and presenting some unavoidable drawbacks in others. For this reason, a robust and reliable solution to the general problem should be a hybrid approach, consisting in the fusion of different robotic methodologies. In this paper we will discuss our solutions to the different sub-problems involved by the task of navigating in unknown environments for a mobile robot equipped with a set of different sensors, as ultrasonic range finders and colour camera. In particular, we will see an application of probabilistic maps to the problem of obstacle mapping, an application of the Global Navigation Function algorithm to the problem of path planning, and a Kalman Filter solution applied to a problem of vision-based self localization, each one integrated in a low-level and mid-level robot system, implemented on our ATRV Jr mobile base Tango. 1 Obstacles sonar mapping Our robot Tango (employed by the Robotlab unit in the project Robocare) is equipped with a sonar belt, consisting of 17 units surrounding the vehicle, polled at the rate of 5 Hz. Our approach to the problem of processing the sonar readings is to use them to build probabilistic occupancy maps [6][7][4][13][12][5] instead of using the raw data in a reactive obstacle avoidance navigation algorithm, for a valid number of reasons that will be better explained in the following sections. The first reason is the possibility of using probabilistic maps to fuse sensor data acquired from different origins, such as sonar range measures and, for instance, information about obstacles and free space acquired by an artificial vision system, resulting in an homogenous data representation. The occupancy map obtained can then be used to generate free space paths by a global path planning algorithm, and/or self localize the robot in the environment using matching techniques with a priori known environmental landmarks and features, or Copyright © 2003, The ROBOCARE Project Funded by MIUR L. 449/97. All rights reserved. Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) [4][2][3] algorithms. The occupancy map will be therefore represented by a discrete grid of N × M real values 0 ≤ m(x, y ) ≤ 1 whose values are the occupancy fuzzy values of the related cells. This map is therefore a discrete quantization of the work space of the robot, where each square cell has a fixed side dimension (usually 10 cm). 1.1 Ultrasonic data filtering The data acquired by ultrasonic sensors are obviously affected by measure errors (lying in the range of 3 cm), but a greater problem is that of false positive and false negative sample data. False positive samples may be caused by spurious echoes, whilst false negative ones may result from specular reflections on smooth and polished surfaces like glass, when the incident angle exceeds a limit value (usually 10 degrees on very smooth surfaces). Thus, the range data acquired from ultrasonic sensor need to be filtered to limit the effects of this kind of errors. A possible filtering technique is to apply a low pass filter on sensor range measures during the process of occupancy grid updating with new sensor data. We can actually model the sensor response as a probabilistic distribution of having an obstacle that caused the sonar reflection on the sensible sonar emission wavefront. This distribution can be approximated as a pseudo-Gaussian distribution in the following form ⎧ ⎛ 1 ⎛ r 2 δ 2 ⎞⎞ ⎪ K exp⎜ − ⎜ 2 + 2 ⎟ ⎟ ⎜ 2 ⎜ σ r σ f ⎟⎟ P(r , δ ) = ⎨ ⎝ ⎠⎠ ⎝ ⎪ 0 ⎩ δ < δM δ ≥ δM where δ is the angular position on the wavefront with respect to the sonar axis, and δ M is the maximum response angle for the sonar. r is the obstacle range measured by the sonar, and K is the normalization constant. When a new response at range r is received from the sonar, the occupancy map is updated as in the following low pass formula 79 if m old ( x, y ) < P(r ( x, y ), δ ( x, y )) then m new ( x, y ) = Am old ( x, y ) + BP(r ( x, y ), δ ( x, y )) sonar emission direction is similar (i.e. comprised in a suitable range) to those that filled the cell. In figure 1 we can see a map recorded on line by Tango where 0 < A, B < 1 A + B = 1 . The previous map updating rule introduces a low pass filtering behaviour, that makes the system less sensitive to false positive responses from the sonar. 1.2 Moving obstacles clearing It is obvious that the mapping method previously described can reliably map fixed obstacles in the environment, like walls and furniture, but cannot delete previously detected and mapped moving obstacles, like people and other autonomous vehicles. It is thus necessary to introduce a supplementary rule to clear any map cells that are no more occupied by obstacles. To this scope, we can observe that if a sonar sensor can say if an obstacle is present at a certain range, another information is contained in this: we can actually say that in this case no other obstacles are present in the area covered by the sonar, at a lesser range than the measured one. We can thus use this information to clear the cells covered by the sonar response area which is closer than the detected range. We can therefore define a clearing function as follows ⎧ ⎛ ⎛ 1 δ 2 ⎞⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎪ K ⎜1 − exp⎜ − ⎜ 2 σ 2 ⎟⎟ C (r , δ ) = ⎨ ⎜ f ⎠⎠ ⎝ ⎪ ⎝ 1 ⎩ δ < δ M , r < rD otherwise where rD is the obstacle distance detected by the sonar. The clearing function is then used in a low pass filtering rule analogue to the occupancy mapping: if m old ( x, y ) > C (r ( x, y ), δ ( x, y )) then m new ( x, y ) = Am old ( x, y ) + BC (r ( x, y ), δ ( x, y )) that smoothly clears the map cells covered by the sonar response area, before the detected range, at every map updating cycle. 1.3 Figure 1 moving in an indoor environment using the previously described mapping algorithm. 2 Path planning One of the fundamental aspects of the problem of autonomous mobile robotics, is the efficient planning of trajectories that bring the robot to move in the free space, with a sufficient margin of safety distance with respect to the obstacles (that can be known a priori or detected on line by the robot through its sensorial system). There are in literature several examples of trajectory generation methods based on local principles of obstacles avoidance [1], but at first sight these seem insufficient for our scopes, because they often result in solutions that are very far from the optimum, also in very simple cases, with generation of cycles and situations of stall that make the behavior of robot visually very different from the intelligent behavior that we would want to achieve for our scopes. 2.1 Global Navigation Function Thus, we chose to follow alternative ways, based on global algorithms that supply optimal solutions, but that are at the same time optimized in the implementation to be applicable Dealing with smooth surfaces There is one more problem in the mapping method previously described: a false negative sonar response, due to specular smooth surface reflection for large incidence angle, can erroneously cancel obstacles from the map. To avoid this kind of error in the mapping algorithm, one more step has to be introduced, taking into account the incidence angle under which the map cell was filled. This can be made by recording, for each cell, the direction of the sonar emission that filled the cell itself. A cell can thus be cleared by a sonar emission with no echo only if the 80 Figure 2 in real time during navigation [9][8]. The choice was therefore the Global Navigation Function (GNF)[10], a method that allows the generation of potential fields absolutely free of local minima. This is achieved by expanding a wavefront starting from the goal, on a numeric grid that represents the work space of the robot. Obviously, the cell grid is the occupancy map discussed in the previous section, where the GNF algorithm diffuses the wavefront quickly through cells whose occupancy values are lower, and slowly where occupancy values are higher. Over a given threshold, the wavefront doesn’t diffuse at all. In figure 2 we can see the wavefront diffusion on a simple map at three different times. The trajectory generation is therefore computed as a raw gradient descent of the potential function, without the risk of being trapped in a local minimum, because the potential function is totally free of them. 2.2 GNF interpolation Of course, a further step is needed between the discrete potential function generation and his gradient evaluation, because the numerical potential function must be interpolated to obtain a continuous potential function defined in the Euclidean space that can be derived with respect to the Cartesian coordinates. We chose the Bezier’s surfaces as interpolating functions because of their good properties of C1 class continuity. To compute such interpolation, a square subgrid of 16 cells centered on robot position is used. We can define [ T = t3 t2 ] [ S = s3 t 1 D(r , s ) = T M B ∆M B S T ⎡ Di −1, j −1 ⎢D i , j −1 ∆=⎢ ⎢ Di +1, j −1 ⎢ ⎢⎣ Di + 2, j −1 s2 ] 0 ≤ r, s ≤ 1 s 1 3 − 3 1⎤ ⎡ −1 ⎢ 3 −6 3 0⎥⎥ MB = ⎢ ⎢− 3 3 0 0⎥ ⎢ ⎥ 1 0 0 0⎦ ⎣ T Di −1, j Di −1, j +1 Di , j Di , j +1 Di +1, j Di + 2, j Di +1, j +1 Di + 2, j +1 Di −1, j + 2 ⎤ Di , j + 2 ⎥⎥ Di +1, j + 2 ⎥ ⎥ Di + 2, j + 2 ⎥⎦ as the usual Bezier’s surface geometric representation, where ∆ is the matrix of potential function values in the 16 grid cells surrounding the robot position. [ ] ∂ T T D ( x ) = − 3t 2 2t 1 0 M B ∆M B S ∂x T ∂ T Vy = − D ( x ) = −T M B ∆M B 3s 2 2 s 1 0 ∂y Vx = − [ ] Figure 3 Figure 3 is shows an example of the Bezier interpolated occupancy function for two concave obstacles (left), and the related Bezier interpolated potential function (right), totally free of local minima also in presence of non convex obstacles. The trajectories generated by the GNF method satisfy requirements of optimal trajectory in analogy with Fermat’s Principle in geometrical optics, stating that a geometrical ray of light travels from A to B in a medium along the path that takes the minimum time, i.e. the path that minimizes the curvilinear integral of the refraction index. In our case, the analogy of the refraction index is the value of the occupancy function in the map. In this way, the high values of occupation in the cells covered by obstacles and those adjacent ones, expand the metric properties of the related space, making it more convenient, for the cost function calculated according to the Fermat’s Principle, to circumnavigate the zones with high occupation rather than crossing them. 2.3 Effects of partial knowledge As we have seen, the robot fills his occupancy map on line, during his motion in the environment while executing his task. When this process starts, the map is initially empty, and the robot will first try the most direct path to achieve his given goal, discovering obstacles on his way through the ultrasonic sensor set. This can bring the robot to reconsider the path previously generated, and possibly change the plan on line, because of most promising not yet explored paths. This process can iterate several times, resulting in a desirable emerging behaviour of environment exploration, very useful for mapping. When the map of the environment is complete, the GNF will find the optimal path to the goal (unexpected moving obstacles apart). Moreover, the map can be initialised with a priori knowledge on fixed obstacles occupancy (that can be marked “fixed” on the map to prevent deletion), in a hybrid mapping method that easily integrates different kinds and sources of information. The gradient of the continuous potential function D(r , s ) can be derived from the previous relations, resulting 81 3 Self localization As is well known, the problem of self localization is central to autonomous mobile robotics. Our activity in this research direction is characterized by an incremental approach, where four sequential steps have to be performed in order to develop a robust and accurate self localization algorithm able to work in a non structured environment (at this time, only the first step is completely realized and will be discussed in details in this paper). The first step consist of a localization algorithm to correct the robot position and orientation in real time, during the robot motion, based on fixed and recognizable landmarks (detected by artificial vision as yellow vertical stripes delimiting the door in figure 4) at known positions in the work space. Before proceeding in our discussion on Kalman filtering applied to the problem of self localization, we should first note that the relations between variables involved in this schema are non linear, thus, when we say Kalman filtering, it is implicitly meant that we are talking about Extended Kalman Filter. The formulae from which descends EKF by linearization are the usual linear KF well known relations: µ i +1 = [Aµ i + Bu i ] + K i +1 [m i +1 − H[Aµ i + Bu i ]] K i = Σ i H t R −1 [ Σ i +1 = [Σ i + Q ] + H t R −1H −1 ] −1 In our case, the non linearity of system evolution is contained in the first of the following equation, which is p i +1 = µ i + b(µ i , u i ) (prediction) µ i +1 = p i +1 + K i +1 [m i +1 − Hp i +1 ] (correction) the as the first of the previous ones, split into two steps: where ⎛ ⎞ ⎜ cos ϑ * cos(α + ξ 2 )(v + ξ1 )⎟ ⎜ ⎟ b(s, u + ξ ) = ⎜ sin ϑ * cos(α + ξ 2 )(v + ξ1 ) ⎟∆t sin (α + ξ 2 )(v + ξ1 ) ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ L ( ) ( ) Figure 4 Our algorithm is not based on triangulation but on single landmark measures, as a Kalman Filter input [11] in order to correct the robot position and subsequently his orientation according to the new position computed. The second step consists of transforming the localization algorithm in a SLAM algorithm, where both robot and landmarks positions belong to the status of the system [3], and have to be estimated. In the third step easily recognizable landmarks are removed from the environment, and the vision system has to extract natural features to be used in SLAM from the environment. In the fourth step, occupancy maps built on sonar data have to be matched to landmarks extracted by the vision system and to new sonar readings to achieve a more accurate and robust self localization. 3.1 Kalman filter in localization Copyright © 2003, The ROBOCARE Project Funded by MIUR L. 449/97. All rights reserved. 82 being s=(x*,y*,θ*) the real status of the robot, and µ=(x,y,θ) the estimated status of the robot. The measure obtained from the vision system is a relative direction ϕ of towards the landmark detected on the image processed. If w=(xw, yw) is the position of the landmark in the workspace, the following relation is valid, ⎛ yw − y ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎝ xw − x ⎠ γ = ϕ + ϑ = A tan⎜⎜ where γ is the absolute angle of the estimated direction of the landmark seen by the robot. Defining our measure m as p = (x y) t d =p−w v = −(cosγ sinγ ) t ⎡ cos γ H=⎢ ⎣− sin γ sin γ ⎤ cos γ ⎥⎦ m = H[(d ⋅ v )v − d ] we have all the quantities needed to build the Kalman filter formulae for our problem. 3.2 Uncertainty covariance evolution For the evolution of the covariance of the uncertainty (supposed gaussian distributed), we simply suppose that uncertainty increases with the robot motion proportionally to the linear and angular distance covered by the robot, and reduced by measures according to the usual Kalman filter covariance propagation formulae. 5. A. Elfes: Using Occupancy Grids for Mobile Robot Perception and Navigation. IEEE Computer 22(6): 46-57 (1989) We can therefore suppose that, if the robot moves for a distance δ, the increasing in the position error covariance will be 6. J.-S. Gutmann and K. Konolige. Incremental mapping of large cyclic environments. In Proc. of the International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation (CIRA), 2000. ⎡ ⎡δ 2 0 ⎤ ⎤ Σ i +1 = Tt ⎢TΣ i Tt + k p ⎢ T 2 ⎥⎥ ⎢⎣ ⎣ 0 δ ⎦ ⎥⎦ and similarly as regards the orientation. Experimental results lead to an accuracy of localization using this technique in a range of 10 cm in position and 5 degrees in orientation, during the execution of navigation tasks in an office-like environment equipped with 6 landmarks. 4 Conclusions The navigation system made of the three components (mapping, path planning, localization) described above appear to be an efficient and robust middle level control system in a robotic architecture oriented to the navigation in partially unknown environments. Future development of this control systems will be oriented to a stronger coupling of existing sensors (sonars and vision) and to the integration of new sensing and localization systems, as inertial unit, electronic compass, GPS for outdoor employing, laser range finder. 7. D. Hahnel, D. Schulz, andW. Burgard. Map building with mobile robots in populated environments. In Proc. of the IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2002. 8. D. Koditschek: Exact robot navigation by means of potential functions: Some topological considerations, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics Automat. , Raleigh, N.C, Mar. 1987, pp. 1--6. 9. P. Konkimalla and S. M. LaValle. Numerical computation of optimal navigation functions on a simplicial complex. Proc. Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics. (1998) 10. J. C. Latombe: J.C. Robot Motion Planning, Kluwer Academic Publisher, MA. (1991) 11. F. Marando, M. Piaggio, A. Scalzo: Real Time Self Localization Using a Single Frontal Camera. In Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems (Toulouse, F, July 2001), M. Devy, Ed. 12. H. P. Moravec. Sensor fusion in certainty grids for mobile robots. AI Magazine, pages 61–74, Summer 1988. 13. S. Thurn. An online mapping algorithm for teams of mobile robots. International Journal of Robotics Research, 2001. References 1. J. Borenstein and Y. Koren: Potential Field Methods and Their Inherent Limitations for Mobile Robot Navigation, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1398-1404 (1991) 2. H. Choset. Topological simultaneous localization and mapping (slam): Toward exact localization without explicit localization. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 17(2), April 2001. 3. H. Christensen and G. Zunino: Slam in realistic environments. In Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems (Toulouse, F, July 2001), M. Devy, Ed. 4. G. Dissanayake, H. Durrant-Whyte, and T. Bailey. A computationally efficient solution to the simultaneous localisation and map building (SLAM) problem. In ICRA’2000 Workshop on Mobile Robot Navigation and Mapping, 2000. Copyright © 2003, The ROBOCARE Project Funded by MIUR L. 449/97. All rights reserved. 83 84 The Design of the Diagnostic Agent for the RoboCare Project P. Torasso, G. Torta, R. Micalizio, A. Bosio Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Torino (Italy) e-mail: {torasso,torta,micalizio,bosio} Abstract The paper presents the software architecture of the diagnostic module in the RoboCare multi-agent system. After a domain conceptualization of the RoboCare domain, we focus the discussion in particular on the intelligent monitoring functionality. The Executor Monitor, by performing a temporal interpretation of messages coming from the robotic agents and from the intelligent sensors, provides fault detection functionality as well as synthesis of qualitative clues to be exploited for fault identification. 1 Introduction Given a system representation in terms of its components and a set of observations of the system behavior, we have a diagnostic problem when one or more observations don’t agree with the predictions made under the assumption of normal behavior. The first step in diagnostic problem solving is clearly the detection of such discrepancies (fault detection) and is closely related to system monitoring. Usually one is also interested in fault localization (i.e. which component(s) have failed) and fault identification (i.e. which specific faults have occurred). The MBR approach to diagnosis (Model Based Diagnosis) has been proved to be able to deal with all these problems also in realworld applications (e.g. (Console & Dressler 1999)). The recent advancements in technology make possible several applications for robotics, in particular for multiagent systems (e.g. RoboCup and AAAI Mobile Robots Competition). In a multi-agent system the diagnosis task presents some peculiar challenges. An important choice regards whether the diagnosis (as well as other reasoning tasks such as planning) should be performed in a centralized or distributed manner. A distributed approach has the main disadvantage of requiring that all agents have auto-diagnostic capabilities. Moreover, a global diagnosis can be obtained only by combining the various local diagnoses in a central place; therefore the problems of communication overhead are not completely avoided (e.g. (Pencolé, Cordier, & Rozé c 2003, The RoboCare Project — Funded by Copyright ° MIUR L. 449/97. All rights reserved. 2001)). Since in most domains a multi-agent system involves agents with (at least) some degree of autonomy, the centralized approach has to deal with incomplete models of the behavior of the agents. Moreover, in a centralized approach the diagnostic agent has to deal with the partial observability of the global system since it can rely just on information provided by sensors and/or volunteered by the agents. In our work we focus on a centralized approach which is able to take advantage of any auto-diagnostic information that the autonomous agents may be able to provide. Another problem specific to multi-agent diagnosis is that, by being autonomous and possibly pursuing different goals, the agents can give rise to interactions which result in system failures, for example when agents competing for a resource cause delays or when a blocked agent obstructs the way to other agents. These kinds of failures are clearly different from those caused by the breakup of e.g. a mechanical component of an agent and should be handled appropriately. RoboCare ((Cesta & Pecora 2003)) is a very interesting and demanding test bed for the development and test of diagnostic strategies able to deal with multi-agent systems. In fact, in RoboCare, we have to face anomalies not only caused by faults in the robotic agents, but also failures due to critical interactions among agents. Moreover, The temporal dimension (task have to be concluded within a given deadline), increase the complexity, since the temporal dimension (included metric time) has to be dealt with. The paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we describe the architecture of the Diagnostic Agent and its interactions with other modules of the Supervisor. Section 3 presents the domain’s conceptualization. In section 4 we illustrate the mechanisms adopted for messages interpretation, an important step in the diagnostic problem solving since it addresses the problem of fault detection. Section 5 provides an outline of the simulator of the robotic agents and the intelligent sensors we have built for testing the functionality of the diagnostic agent. Section 6 contains a discussion of the approach including some hints on the challenges the fault identification module has to deal with. 85 2 Architecture of the system In figure 1 we show the high level architecture of the supervisor of RoboCare highlighting the modules which are considered part of the Diagnostic Agent. We assume that the planner decides which agent must execute a particular action and the (partial) ordering in which actions must be performed. The scheduler schedules the execution of an action ACT when all the actions that precede ACT in the ordering have completed successfully and the preconditions of the action ACT are satisfied. Moreover, we assume that the preconditions of each action explicitly check the capabilities required to the agent in order to complete the action (for example the capability related to the robot mobility for a Go To action). Thus different tasks assigned to different agents can be started concurrently. The Status is the data structure through which the monitoring and diagnostic processes publish their results to the rest of the system (in particular, to the Planner and Scheduler). The Status is partitioned in two sections: observed and inferred information. In the observed side the pieces of information captured by the intelligent sensors are represented: for example, the position of the agents in the environment. We assume that the intelligent sensors are reliable and thus the information in this section is considered certain. The inferred side contains the diagnoses computed by the diagnostic module. In general, a diagnosis represents the status of all agents in the system. For example, the agent A has mobility “BROKEN”, agent B has mobility “OK”, . . .. However, in order to explain system failures that are caused by agents interactions (e.g. traffic), diagnoses must sometimes explicitly mention, along with the agents’ status, which troublesome interactions are hypothesized to have taken place. This problem makes the diagnostic reasoning of RoboCare significantly more difficult than in distributed systems, where the interactions between sub-systems are known and predefined. In a multi-agent system we can only make weaker assumptions about the agents interactions. Since the system addressed by the RoboCare project evolves over time, it is important to note that even if the published Status refers only to the current time instant, the diagnostic module keeps an internal track of past states falling within a temporal window of fixed size; this is required because diagnosis of systems which evolve over time does in fact depend on the past observations as well as on the current ones. The Executor Monitor (EM) receives from the Scheduler a set of tasks to be executed. These tasks are assigned by EM to the agents. The EM then monitors the agents actions through a network of intelligent sensors that represent the feedback from the environment. An intelligent sensor can recognize a set of specific events; when one of theseevents occurs the sensor informs the EM with a message. Notice that also the agents could send messages such as completion or auto-diagnosis, directly to the EM. As we will see in section 4, each message requires an interpretation phase. The interpretation of 86 Figure 1: The architecture of the Diagnostic Agent a message could modify the observed Status. For example if the message states that an agent has successfully crossed a door, the EM modifies the position of the agent in the Status. Moreover the interpretation of the same message could allow us to conclude the correct completion of a go to action previously assigned to the agent. When an action is completed correctly by an agent the EM informs the Scheduler and may receive from it a new task for the same agent. If no new task is assigned the agent (temporary) goes into idle status. Similarly, when an action fails the EM informs the Scheduler. It is worth noting that in this case EM performs the task of fault detection and for this reason EM sends the set of intermediate conclusions it has reached during the message interpretation step to the Fault Identification module. These intermediate results are facts that abstract details of the multi-agent system such as metric deadlines and messaging infrastructure. Since the diagnostic process is invoked with these (abstract) facts as inputs, it is possible to plug-in a diagnostic module able to handle discrete events (e.g. (Torasso & Torta 2003)) even if it is not particularly designed for multi-agent environment. 3 A domain conceptualization In the following we describe how the scenario foreseen for Robocare is modeled inside our system. This scenario includes the environment (rooms, beds, etc.), the robotic agents and the intelligent sensors. It is worth noting that the assumptions made here refine the description of the scenario originally introduced in (Pecora & Cesta 2002). 3.1 Domain’s objects We assume that the world is formed by a set of rooms; two rooms can be connected by one or more doors. There are three types of rooms: 1. kitchen: where an object called trayrack (containing the trays with patients’ meals) is located. 2. stay room: with beds for elders (we model hallways by setting the number of beds to zero). 3. repository: where the agents go when they are idle. Each room is ideally subdivided in a set of areas. All areas except one (i.e. the transit area), are associated with an intelligent sensor. When an event occurs in an area the associated intelligent sensor sends a message to EM. In particular we associate a sensor to all objects (beds and trayrack) and to all doors. Then the area of a room could be subdivided as in the figure 2 Each dot represents a sensor monitoring a limited area of the room. It’s worth noticing that the sensor on the door monitors two areas: one in room R1 and one in the adjacent room; this sensor is complex and we will describe its function later. As already noted, the transit area is not associated with any intelligent sensor. So the EM cannot detect the events in this area. For each area we indicate in our model the max number of agents that could occupy it at the same time: for all object areas and door areas we assume that the max number is 1, while for the transit areas it is, currently, infinite. We also assume that sensors are completely reliable. 3.2 The agents’ behavioral modes An approach to model-based diagnosis requires a detailed description of the system to be diagnosed; in particular, it is necessary to single out its components and to identify the set behavioral modes for each component, where usually one behavioral mode represents the normal behavior and the others represent different abnormal behaviors. In most cases the abnormal behaviors directly correspond to different faults. In the project RoboCare we have to deal with a multiagent system where each robotic agent has a set of capabilities thatcould be working properly or incorrectly. So a set of behavioral modes must be associated to each capability of each robotic agent. The following table summarizes the capabilities currently taken into account and their related behavioral modes. Behavioral modes Capabilities OK, TX-BROKEN, COMMUNICATION RX-BROKEN, BROKEN OK, SLOWDOWN, MOBILITY BROKEN OK, BROKEN HANDLING Typically a diagnosis is an assignment of a behavioral mode to each capability of all robotic agents. As we have said, however, a diagnosis could also include one or more predicates that indicate troublesome interactions between agents. Concerning the temporal dimension, we model the time as a discrete sequence of instants, assuming that behavioral modes can evolve from a temporal point to another temporal point, according to specifics constraints (known as time varying systems in MBD literature, see (Console et al. 1994)). MTGs (Mode Transitions Graphs) are a simple formalism for representing which transition between modes are allowed. Given Figure 2: A sample abstract room subdivision the component c of the system’s model, MTG(c) is a directed graph (V, E) where V is the set of behavioral modes for c and E is the set of edges; the edge (m, m0 ) ∈ E if the component c could naturally evolve from behavioral mode m to mode m’. In RoboCare we have associated an MTG to each capability of each agent. For space reasons, we show one MTG example only. Figure 3 reports the MTG for the communication capability of a robotic agent. In particular, the nominal mode OK can evolve into the modes TX-BROKEN (transmitter broken), RXBROKEN (receiver broken), or BROKEN in a single time slot. Moreover this MTG indicates that the faults are not intermittent, since a behavioral mode can either persist in the current mode (self-loops) or evolve in a new faulty behavioral mode. 3.3 Agents’ Actions In the next section we will illustrate several types of intelligent sensors, whose task is to detect changes that occur within a limited area of the environment. Since these environment changes are foreseeable consequences of agents’ actions, EM can build forecasts on the effects of the action ACT as soon as EM assigns the action ACT to an agent A. It’s worth noticing that an action must have a high granularity in order to make possible to foresee its consequences. In other words we assume that the execution of each action is accomplished via an ordered sequence of events that must occur in the environment. The intelligent sensors can exploit this knowledge for recognizing events and providing suitable messages to EM. Thanks to the high granularity of agents’ actions, the EM could perform forecasts of events that Figure 3: MTG for the communication capability 87 must occur within a temporal window. However the EM cannot be completely accurate in its temporal forecasts since, as we said, the agents may give rise to interactions which cause delays or failures. This temporal aspect is important for the interpretation of sensors’ messages that we will describe in section 4. Let us consider the case where agent A1 (currently in room R1) must move to a bed B5 located in room R3. In order to reach room R3 from R1 the agent must cross room R2; moreover there are two doors D1 and D2 between R1 and R2 and just one door between R2 and R3. We could assume that a M OV E-T O command is available such that we just specify the destination point of the agents’ complex movement (i.e. bed B5 in room R3). As it will be apparent from the next section, intelligent sensors send messages to EM as soon as some relevant events occur (for example A1 is crossing door D1 from R1 to R2). The EM would face significant difficulties in interpreting the flow of such messages because it isnot obvious which ones refer to a nominal execution of the given command (e.g. the EM know whether A1 has chosen to reach room R2 through door D1 or D2). In order to make possible for the EM to detect as soon as possible potential anomalous situations, we assume that a complex movement such as the one described above is decomposed by the planner into several simpler steps, for example: GoT oRoom(A1, R2, D1) GoT oRoom(A1, R3, D3) GoT oObject(A1, B5) where GoT oRoom instructs an agent to move to the transit area of an adjacent room through a specified door and GoT oObject instructs an agent to move to a particular object (in this case bed B5) located in the room where the agent is currently located. In conclusion, the commands are detailed enough to allow EM to create a set of event forecasts (temporally ordered) for each command; in this way the EM can create expectations about what messages it has to receive (at least under nominal behavior of the involved agents). For example, after issuing command GoT oRoom(A1, R2, D1), EM expects to be notified of the event that agent A1 has crossed the door from the sensor associated to door D1 in order to consider the command successfully executed. This solution reduces the communication flow between the robotic agents and the supervisor since it does not require that the agents inform the EM step by step on their position or action status (e.g. completed, running). The high level of granularity of atomic actions available to the planner does not imply that the robotic agents have no autonomy. In fact the execution of an atomic action by a robotic agent requires, for example, that the agent itself has a complex navigation capability inside a specified environment and is able to negotiate with other agents when it has to access critical resources such as doors. 88 Figure 4: The trayrack sensor automaton 3.4 Intelligent Sensors As we said before, an intelligent sensor is associated to each object area. In particular we assume that an intelligent sensor can recognize a set of specific events that occur in its area. When an event occurs, the sensor sends a message to the EM with relevant information concerning the observed event. We have foreseen the following three types of sensors, to deal with events occurring in different objects area: bed area sensor, trayrack area sensor, door areas sensor. For the trayrack area we need to detect the following events: - agent A1 enters into the area (of the trayrack) agent A1 takes the meal MEAL1 from trayrack - agent A1 leaves the area (of the trayrack) This sensor is simply described by the following automaton: State free indicates that the area near the trayrack is not occupied by an agent. State busy indicates that in the area near the trayrack there is an agent. Finally, state busy with meal indicates that the agent has taken a meal from the trayrack. Each edge is labeled with an event (what agent made in the sensor area), and with a list of messages sent to the system. Notice that the list of messages could be empty, in this case the event is not observable. We assume that an agent enters in one area when it must performs a work into the area. For this reason, an agent in state busy cannot exit from the trayrack area, because it must conclude the action take meal before. The following events have to be detected for the bed area B: - agent A enters into bed area B agent A clears the bed B Figure 5: Functionality of the sensor associated to the bed area Figure 6: The sensor of a door monitoring two areas - agent A makes up the bed B - agent A serves a meal to the elder sitting on bed B - agent A leaves bed area B The door area sensor is more complex since it has to monitor two areas instead of one. Moreover, the events to be captured are strongly influenced by time evolution. Figure 6 shows the sensor associated to door D1 (represented as a dot) together with the monitored areas in room R1 and room R2 adjacent to the door (D1.R1 and D1.R2 respectively). Since we want to reduce the number of messages sent by a sensor, the door sensor recognizes the following events: - An agent (let’s say A1) crosses the door and in which direction, e.g. from R1 to R2 or vice versa. - an agent (A1) stays for too long into a door area - an agent (A1) leaves a door area after staying too long in it So if an agent A1 crosses the door without problems (i.e. traffic or faults) the sensor sends one message only. Differently, when an agent A1 tries to cross the door at the same time as another agent A2, we assume that the agents can negotiate which one must cross first. Thus, one of them has to leave the occupied area returning into the transit area of the room. The sensor has to detect whether an agent A stays too long into an area; in fact, A could have its mobility capability broken or the negotiation among agents using the same door could be troublesome. Figure 7 shows the automaton that describes the door sensor when an agent crosses it from R1 to R2. The dotted edges are taken when the agent A1 located in D1.R1 area meets another agent A2 located in the area D1.R2. This case is an example of a possible critical interaction between agents, that could be cause of action delay or fail. We assume that the agents can negotiate which one must cross first. Thus, the other agent leaves the occupied area turning into transit area of room. 1 4 Messages interpretation The EM interprets a message with respect to the current status of the system and to its current expectations. An expectation represents a system forecast on 1 For sake of simplicity we assume that mobility slowdown cannot activate a stay too long message. Figure 7: The door sensor automaton from R1 to R2 the future when no faulty behavior occurs. In other words, the system assumes a normal behavior for each capability of an agent, and then creates an expectation for a particular event that must occur within a certain time deadline. So, if an expectation isn’t satisfied, we presume a faulty behavior at least for one capability, or a troublesome interaction among agents. For sake of simplicity we show the interpretation process with an example. In particular, we illustrate a set of rules that allow us to discriminate if an action has successfully completed or failed. An expectation is represented by a predicate with the following template: expect(Source, Event, T imeDeadline) where Source indicates the source of the expected message (sensors or agents), Event is the expected event and TimeDeadline is the metric time within which the EM should receive the message. Now, let’s suppose that EM issues the command GoT oRoom(A1, R2, D1) to agent A1 located in room R1. This command requires the agent A1 to move from room R1 to room R2, through the door D1 (see figure 2). The EM knows that when the agent A1 crosses the door D1, its associated sensor sends a message reporting this event. Thus the EM creates the following expectation: expect(D1, through A1 f rom R1 to R2, td ). We assume that the Scheduler module estimates the time ta needed by A1 to move from R1 to R2. ta is used for computing the time deadline td within which the action must be completed (td = ta + ∆, where ∆ represents the tolerated delay). If no problems occur, the sensor sends the expected message: message(D1, through A1 f rom R1 to R2). The EM interprets this message with the following general rule: message(Source, Event) ∧ expect(Source, Event, T )∧ relate(Event, T ask) ∧ CurrentT ime ≤ T ⇒ retract[expect(Source, Event, T )], assert[T askCompleted T ask], update[CurrentStatus] This rule matches each received message with an expect. Since the expectation is satisfied it can 89 be removed, moreover the EM knows that the task GoT oRoom(A1, R2, D1) is completed, then sends to the Scheduler a ”done” message, and creates a new Status snapshot where the agent A1 is in room R2. If some problem occurs, the expectation could expire. Another general rule removes the expired expectation and asserts a failure that the EM sends to the Fault Identification Module (FIM): expect(Source, Event, T ) ∧ relate(Event, T ask)∧ ∼ delayable(T ask) ∧ CurrentT ime > T ⇒ retract[expect(Source, Event, T )], assert[T askF ailed T ask] The condition that the task is not delayable (∼delayable( Task)), has been added because in some cases when an expectation expires it doesn’t mean that the action failed. For example, while agent A1 is moving, its mobility could change from ok to slowdown, or the agent could encounter traffic. So the agent spends more time than estimated for moving to room R2. For some actions the EM could give more time for the completion of the task creating a new type of expectation: ExpectDelay (Source, Event, TimeDeadline) This expectation is treated similarly to the previous type. For example, the first expectation is expired and the EM creates a delayed expect for a message from the sensor associated to door D1. When the expected message arrives the following general rule is activated: message(Source, Event) ∧ ExpectDelay(Source, Event, T ) ∧ relate(Event, T ask) ∧ CurrentT ime ≤ T ⇒ retract[ExpectDelay(Source, Event, T )], assert[T askCompletedW ithDelay T ask], update[CurrentStatus] The EM removes the delayed expect, and informs the Scheduler that the task is completed, moreover informs the FIM that the task is completed with a delay. Finally, the EM modifies the status. If no message is received, the delayed expectation expires. In this case the following rule is activated: ExpectDelay(Source, Event, T ) ∧ relate(Event, T ask) ∧CurrentT ime > T ⇒ retract[ExpectDelay(Source, Event, T )], assert[T askF ailed T ask] The delayed expect is removed, the EM informs the Scheduler and the FIM that the task is failed. As said above, also the agents could send messages to the EM. These messages are interpreted by an appropriate set of rules similar to the ones used for interpreting the messages coming from the sensors. Messages form agents are relevant for ruling out the possibility that failures depend on faults in the transmission capabilities of the agents. Moreover, agent messages may provide EM with early information about critical interactions among agents which may results in failure of plans. Early detection of problems is quite relevant since it allows recovery actions form the scheduler to be taken more timely. Without agent messages the EM would be able to reach similar conclusion by exploiting sensor messages but at later time since sensors can send 90 a message just after the problem has occurred. Moreover the agents could send auto-diagnosis messages: in this case the FIM combines each single message to perform a global diagnosis of the system (in a way similar to the one proposed in (Pencolé, Cordier, & Rozé 2001)). 5 Simulator A Simulator of the environment is a much needed part for most complex systems: the diagnostic agent of RoboCare is not an exception. In fact, we need to test the capabilities of the diagnostic agent even in absence of the real flow of messages coming from the robotic agents and the intelligent sensors.For this reason we have developed a high level simulator of the environment which is able to take care of the commands (actions) sent from the EM to the robotic agents (see figure 8). The commands (codified as XML messages) are captured by the Message Exchange Module of the simulator and dispatched to the appropriate simulated robotic agent. Since each action is not completed in a single time slot, but can take several instants, it is up to the simulator to mimic the execution of the actions. At each time slot (time representation is discrete), the simulator considers all the commands currently under execution and simulates the change in the environment (for example in a GoT o command the simulator mimics the progress of the robotic agent towards its goal). For this reason the simulator maintains an internal structure (the ”internal status”) where the current position of all robotic agents is recorded as well as the status of all other objects in the modeled domain (beds, doors, etc.). Once the new status has been determined the simulator has to simulate the emission of the messages by the intelligent sensors. For this reason the simulator exploits the automata describing the behavior of each intelligent sensor in order to decide both whether a message has to be produced and which message. All the messages produced by the simulated intelligent sensors in a given time slot are gathered by the Message Exchange module and then sent to the EM when the clock is advanced by one unit. The simulator would be needed even if in the current state the RoboCare project would have at disposal both Robotic agents and intelligent sensors. In fact, the entire system has to be tested not only in nominal conditions, but also in presence of faults. For this reason we need a special interface for allowing the human testing the system to simulate the presence of faults (fault injection). The presence of faults makes the simulation much more difficult because the simulator has to mimic the behavior of the robotic agents under degraded capabilities. Since we have modeled a number of capabilities for each robotic agent and more than one behavior mode for each capability , the simulator must be able to mimic each possible combination of modeled degraded capabilities. It is worth noting that some combinations of faults have an impact not only on the movement and other actions performed by the robotic agents but also on the messages that are received and sent since we have taken into consideration also communication problems. Figure 8: Simulator and the Diagnostic Agent 6 Discussion and Conclusion This paper describes an approach for monitoring and diagnosing a multi-agent system involving a number of robotic agents whose behavior exhibits a significant level of autonomy. The RoboCare diagnostic agent essentially relies on a centralized approach 2 to monitoring and diagnosis although it is able to take advantage of auto-diagnosis information volunteered by robots. Given the complexity of the task, our approach is based on the decomposition of the problem into two distinct (but interacting) sub-tasks: (1) monitoring and fault detection, (2) fault identification. As concerns fault detection, this activity involves the interpretation of the messages coming from the sensors and agents and the synthesis of qualitative contextualized descriptions of the observed system behavior. These qualitative descriptions can be seen as intermediate conclusions that abstract from details of the multi-agent system such as metric deadlines and message protocols. The second subtask (fault identification) makes use of Model Based Diagnosis techniques starting from the intermediate conclusions derived by the first subtask. Although the focus of this paper is not on fault identification, it is worth noting that the FIM task can be reduced to the diagnosis of discrete time varying systems, and therefore existing efficient techniques for diagnosing this class of systems can be exploited. An essential feature for the RoboCare domain concerns the ability of dealing with metric time since the Scheduler reasons about the allocation of tasks to robotic agents in terms of metric time intervals. Therefore the EM has to be able to monitor the temporal evolution by taking into 2 Other works on diagnosing multi-agent systems (e.g. (Kalech & Kaminka 2003)) advocate the centralized approach as a way of reducing communication overhead while (Pencolé, Cordier, & Rozé 2001) presents a distributed approach for the supervision of a telecommunication network where each station computes a local diagnosis which is sent to a central supervisor that computes the global diagnosis from the set of local diagnoses. consideration the metric duration of actions and deadlines. The introduction of the expectation mechanism provides a way for handling metric time information at the appropriate level. The complexity of correctly identifying the cause of a malfunction in RoboCare (as, in general, in multi-agent systems) is particularly high since local and minor faults may have very severe impacts on the whole system. For example, if an agent is blocked in a door area, this causes the failure of all agents whose tasks require to cross the same door. It should be clear that the sooner the Planner and the Scheduler are informed about the occurrence of a fault, the higher are the chances that they can decide recovery actions which avoid at least the most severe consequences of the fault. The approach to fault identification currently being developed for RoboCare has many features that make it suitable for dealing with the problem mentioned above. In particular, the ability of reasoning about indirect consequences of faults as well as critical interactions among robotic agents makes the diagnostic agent able to single out the root causes of malfunctions. 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