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which began with our founding çǡ Ǥ ǤGÇǤ prosperous life. There are some disadvantages to riding a motorcycle when compared to driving a car. While driving, the metal cabin of the vehicle protects you, whereas while riding a motorcycle, you are only protected by safety clothes and gear, which consist of helmets, protective jackets, gloves, boots and reflector vests. Wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle is obligatory in Turkey; however, motor-couriers who endeavor to make a living by delivering good might sometimes dismiss this obligation due to many reasons such as being in a hurry, being financially inadequate to buy one or merely out of lack of awareness. Therefore, in order to close this gap of awareness regarding safe motorcycle and gear use, Touring and Automobile Club of Turkey presents the social responsibility project called "Ten Thousand Motorcycle Couriers Training Project." The initiation meeting of the project was held on 25 December 2014 with the participation of Efkan Ala, Turkish Minister of Internal Affairs. Within the scope of the project, 10 thousand motorcycle couriers will be trained through free-of-charge seminars in subjects covering safe riding techniques and proper protective equipment use. The couriers who attend the training sessions will receive a ECE 22.05 certified helmet and a high-visibility vest. Another aim of this social responsibility project is to create awareness and establish a traffic culture. Within one month after the initiation of the project, one thousand motorcycle couriers were trained. During his opening speech, Minister Efkan Ala underlined the importance of "riding a motorcycle by the book or not riding at all." Apart from this particular project, Turing will undertake some other road safety training projects directed towards official chauffeurs, taxi drivers, school bus drivers and valets. Dear members and readers, Touring and Automobile Association of Turkey, known as the first public benefit society in the history of the Turkish Republic, has commenced a social responsibility project named "Ten Thousand Motorcycle Couriers Training Project." Motorcycle couriers usually speed among cars in heavy traffic, do not stop at red lights, pose a threat to pedestrians on sidewalks, do not use equipment such as a helmet or vest and unfortunately pay for their mistakes with their lives... Regardless of the weather, they put their lives at risk everyday to deliver what they are responsible for, be it documents or fast food. We resent them when they cause danger, we pity them when they engage in accidents. The training planned for these couriers, most of which are young men, was commenced with a ceremony on 25 December 2014 at our Headquarters with the participation of Efkan Ala, ǡÇǡ Istanbul Chief of Police. From now on, motorcycle couriers can attend trainings free of charge and have their certifications from Turing. They can now do their job safer, equipped with proven helmets and high-visibility vests. The target is 10 thousand couriers, 2000 of which already having been trained as we speak. We continue to organize cultural and artistic events and activities at our Headquarters for our members, bursars and anyone who wishes to participate. In the following pages, you will find information about all events. Tender process have been completed regarding the reinforcement and renovation works for our building in Antalya, Kaleiçi that has remained derelict for years. By the time you are reading the magazine, the works will have commenced, and the building will be in service by fall. The restoration works for the 5 mansions in Safranbolu also continue. I hope that you will enjoy the 381st issue of our magazine. <=:ʈ6/ I SUMMARY 73 Page 10 I FIA FIA Prize Giving Ceremony This year's FIA (Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile) prize giving ceremony and general assembly, held in Doha, Qatar hosted by Qatar Motor and Motorcycle Federation (QMMF) was an event where the yearly activities of FIA were discussed and where sports and mobility clubs from all over the world came together to assess the previous year, to meet one another and to make decisions for the coming year. During the prize giving ceremony, many champions including those of World Rally Championship, Middle East Rally Championship, World Endurance Championship and many more received their prizes. In addition to numerous drivers, world speed record holders attended the event. One of the special prizes was the Rookie of the Year, which was given to DAniil Kvyat for being the youngest driver in the history of Formula 1 to obtain the highest score. Lewis Hamilton not only received the Formula 1 Championship prize, but also the Personality of the Year prize. World Rally Championship was awarded to the team of Sebastien Ogier and Julien Ingrassia for the second time. World record holder for this award, having received it for nine years in a row, Sebastien Loeb was among the first three in World Touring Car Championship. Middle East Rally Championship was awarded to Nasser Al Attiyah in his home country. FIA General Assembly Meetings The chairman of FIA, Jean Todt, and senior executives Nick Craw, Brian Gibbons and Graham Stoker greeted the member clubs, accompanied by Salah bin Ghanem, Minister of Youth and Sports, and thanked the chairman of QMMF, Nasser Khalifa Al Attiyah. The main points that Jean Todt emphasized in his opening remarks was the educational support provided by FIA to its members and how the federation reaches out to help its younger sportsmen who are training for Formula 1. He also underlined the importance of sustainability in sports and the use of alternative fuel systems. With regard to mobility, he spoke about issues such as prolonging regional training programs and creating connected car work groups. In addition to all of these, he reminded that "safety on road and on track" bears utmost importance. Turkish participation to the general assembly in several committees attracted attention. Among the attending names were Cem Boneval, as member of Anti-Doping Disciplinary Committee, and Mümtaz ºǡ Officials Commission. Bülent Katkak, chairman of TURING, participated in the general assembly for the first time and exchanged information about the club's works regarding road safety. FIA General Assembly and Prize Giving Ceremony is held in a city other than Paris every two years and in 2012, it was organized in Istanbul. 74 <=:ʈ6/ I SUMMARY Page 16 I PRESIDENT Page 24 I TURKEY ǤǤGÇ Harran GÇ͚͙͚͟͟͡GǤ father was an attorney at law, his mother was an Ç ǤG ͙͙͘͜͡͞͡͝ǡ married Gönül Pamuk. After getting married, he studied law in Paris at Institut des Hautes Etudes Ǥ͙͡͝͡ǡ an associate professor. He began to teach the Fundamental Rights and Freedoms class for the first time in Turkey. He wrote "Devlet Doktrinleri" (State Doctrines), which was his first book on the mentioned subject, and won the Turkish Language Society ͙͚͡͞Ǥ͙͚͟͡ǡ G ͙͞ǡ by his students. He reveals during the interview that ǡGǡ make a proposal to the Ministry of National Education for establishing a faculty of medicine in Edirne and that the proposal was approved, preparing the ground for Trakya University. Another memorable occurrence that he cherishes was that he established a Faculty of Political Sciences connected Gǡ obtaining the approval of the Ministry of National Education was the hardest part. ǡGÇ ǡ Foundation, TRT and Press Announcement Association. He likes to go to the movies, to travel and is interested in sports such as football, athletics and tennis. He also loves listening to music and says that, thanks to his wife, music has always been part Ǥ G Ç ÚòǤ The name "Harran" means "travel" and "camel train" in Sumerian and Akkadian languages and corresponds to the fact that it is the intersection of important roads, thus accommodating many civilizations and cultures. It is possible to see this name even before the birth of Christ. Throughout different civilizations that settled here, including the Umayyad, Seljuk, Mongolian and Ottoman dynasties, the name Harran and its significance as a scientific and cultural hub has always been prominent. Harran is characterized by its houses in the shape of domes, which are the symbol of a 3-thousand-year Mesopotamian culture. Most of these structures are still in active use. The height of the houses is approximately 5 meters from the ground to the tip of the dome. Their most important feature is their insulation qualities - since they are made of baked clay, they keep the house cool in summer and warm in winter. There are few artifacts in Harran which remind us of its glorious times. The most substantial of these are the Harran Castle, Ulu Mosque and Harran University - all made with perfect stonework. Harran Ulu Mosque was constructed in a period when Harran was experiencing its golden era. During this period, town planning, arts and practical sciences reached their peak. The altar, fountain and a large section of the minaret remain intact, which bring its glory back from olden days. <=:ʈ6/ I SUMMARY 75 Page 30 I NOSTALGIA Page 34 I ARCHITECTURE 1931 Ford “Model A” Deluxe Roadster Conqueror And Its Unknown Aspects ̺̺͙͚͛͟͡ǡ the manufacture of the legendary Model T was ͙͡ ͙͝ million units sold. It resembled greatly to its beloved predecessor, but was designed by Henry Ford's son Edsel Ford and Joe Galamb to be more modern-looking with rounder lines and chromium parts. The name of the model "A" was considered as the symbol of a fresh start full of innovations. Whereas Model T was manufactured using less than 5000 ǡ ͘͘͞͠ different components and was produced in different body styles: Tudor Sedan, Coupé, Sports Coupé, Ǧ ͙͚͡͠Ǥ The first station wagon model of Ford, consisting of only a windshield for windows and the rest made of ǡ ͙͚͡͡Ǥ͙͛͘͡ǡ "New Beauty for the New Ford" motto was launched and the 2,000,000th Model A was produced in July same year. 100 million dollars were spent for the launch of Model A. The first car of the series was presented as a gift to James Couzens, Senator for Michigan and close friend of Henry Ford's, and another car to Thomas A. Edison. The first person to buy this car was actor Douglas Fairbanks and he gave it to his wife as a Christmas present. The 20,000,000th Ford A ͙͙͙͛͜͡ by New York governor of the time Franklin D. Roosevelt, presented as a gift to his wife by Henry and Edsel Ford personally. The Model A car in Ford Museum was bought from an ǡ͙͚͡͞ǡ reconditioned in Turkey. Due to the important place they occupy in the history of automobiles, these two pieces are deemed greatly valuable by the Museum. The first Ottoman palace in Istanbul was built on the Ç òǤ͙͡ by Mehmed the Conqueror and was referred to as the ̺ ̺ȋǦÇȌ ̺ ̺ ȋÇ ȌǤ Ç Palace itself, the old palace was abandoned and later used as the dwelling for the relatives of deceased sultans and for disgraced concubines. The architecture of the old palace was modified many times due to fires and earthquakes. Whereas there is not sufficient amount of information about the old palace, it is possible to gather some knowledge through the assessment of architectural facts and related documents. The mentioned palace is surrounded with high walls supported with triangular pedestals. There are four gates, still intact ǡ Ç ǡ ǡ òǤ photographs demonstrate the structures within the palace yard. The majestic gate which was built by Sultan Mahmud ç another gate in the shape of an arch of triumph was ͙͜͠͞ǡ adjacent pavilions. This gate, which was adorned by the signature of Sultan Abdulaziz, was modified after ̺G Üniversitesi" (Turkish Republic Istanbul University) was engraved onto the gate. The gate with the sultan's signature was reopened by the resolution of ͙͚͙͘͜͡Ǥ ͙͚͠͞ǡ palace was assigned to the seraskier and later, it was Ǥ͙͛͛͡ǡ assigned to Istanbul University and today, it is still utilized as the main campus of the university. 76 <=:ʈ6/ I SUMMARY Page 40 I WORLD Page 52 I AUTOMOBILE Yanya Do's and Don'ts How could Ali Pasha of Tepedelen know that the city of Ioannina, which was a source of inspiration for him with its cool waters and beautiful green mountains, would lead him to a bitter end? Since the days of his rebellion against the Ottoman dynasty in 1820, his story has been narrated by many. Me and the previous three generations in my family were raised in Ioannina; however, unfortunately, I have not had the pleasure of visiting the city for 20 years. This year, I was thrilled to find out that I was going to pay this long-awaited visit. We began our journey from Greece and planned to head towards Gjirokastër, Albania. From there, eventually, we arrived in Ioannina after 20 hours of actual driving and a 1-night stay in Salonika. After our visit to the mansion, we make our way to Aslan Pasha Mosque and Poor House, passing by the Ottoman Library and hammam. The mosque has been renovated, with the altar and the pulpit still in place, but the space has been turned into an ethnography museum. The belongings of ethnic minorities, mainly the Jewish, attract our attention. From behind the mosque, one can see the magnificent lake view together with green forests. When we stroll down to the city again, a soft evening wind welcomes us, along with the Greek people who do not seem to care about the economic crisis. The evening came to a memorable end at a cozy fish restaurant with a dinner of grilled sardines. Before getting into the vehicle, the driver needs to examine the exterior of the car to see if there are any objects around the car and to make sure that the tires are in good condition. The display and controls must be checked, rear view mirror and side mirrors, also the seat position must be adjusted. During the drive, weather conditions must be taken into account. The driver must look into the farthest point that they can see and not the vehicle right in front of them, because this hinders the reflexes and might cause accidents. One must also inform the drivers behind them using the tail lights. Winter makes driving all the more difficult - the range of visibility is declines, the driver might experience hardships if they do not perform basic fluid checks, rain and snow on the ground might soil the headlights and tail lights, the windows get steamed up (in which case you should turn on ventilation) and many more. Large vehicles might slush substantial amounts of water or debris on small cars while driving in rainy or snowy weather on highways. It is beneficial to keep calm and just turn on the wipers. While travelling at night, ensure that your headlights are properly adjusted - low enough to cause no disturbance for the drivers in front of you and high enough to provide good vision for you. You might also want to use night glasses, which are yellow in color, in order to enhance your vision. Another crucial point is the ventilation. Make sure, especially on longer trips, that you enable circulation of air inside the vehicle by regularly opening and closing the windows. <=:ʈ6/ I SUMMARY 77 Page 54 I TURING NEWS Restructuring at Turing Headquarters fç sold, the land facing the highway near Seyrantepe Automotive Industrial Site has been utilized as the Headquarters of Touring and Automobile Association ͙͜͡͡Ǥǡ which covers an area of 10 decares, involve the office of the president, library and conference hall, institutional services, customer service units and auxiliary service units such as the garage, kitchen, greenhouses, etc. Some of these buildings have been out of use for several years, utilized only for storage, and are in need of immediate repair and maintenance. Library and Conference Hall The conference hall has been reorganized in order to better serve our guests. Decorated with furniture and ÚçȋȌǡ accommodates numerous invaluable books, most of ç Atabinen. The library, with the updated capacity of ͙͘͟ǡ ͚͙͛͘Ǥ platform that is used as a stage was renovated so as to be mobile. The curtains have been replaced with ones that are easy to take down and clean. Also, the room was equipped with a projector, screen and sound system, making the hall a multi-purpose room. The greenhouse, which serves as a dining hall, was renovated by replacing all the corroded metal profiles and worn windows. The roof was repaired and the buffet was replaced expect for its marble façade. The heating system was renewed and ventilation system was installed. The adjacent boiler room was demolished and a useful scullery was constructed in its place. Thus, the capacity was increased from 38 to ͘͞ǡ outside in summer, which enables a capacity of 150. Training rooms and service units In October 2014, the works commenced to transform ͞ workshops into training and activity rooms. The rooms were refurnished, repaired and renovated. Heating, electricity and data transmission systems were built. The roof was repaired and the walls were insulated from inside and outside. All rooms were equipped with projectors, desks, boards and laptops, so that they were ready for use by 122 people. The rooms were named after big palaces in Istanbul ȋÇÇǡÇǡ.ǺȌ started to accommodate weekday and weekend classes on English language, theatre, photography, chess and also safety training courses for motorcycle couriers. Also, separate rooms for an on-site doctor's office and prayer halls for men and women were constructed. Safranbolu Mansions In addition to its touristic facilities in Safranbolu, Touring and Automobile Association of Turkey began to renovate 5 historical mansions which had ͙͝ºÇǤ renovation works for these mansions, 3 of which are owned by Turing and 2 rented with a permit for restoration, commenced in January 2015 and are anticipated to finish in September 2015. 78 <=:ʈ6/ I SUMMARY Page 57 I TURING NEWS Page 58 I TURING YOUTH ǦǦ In order to make progress in this ever-changing world of ours, we need to move quickly and efficiently by anticipating needs, taking necessary measures and take proper and realistic steps towards the goal. By providing on-the-job training courses, Turing Department of Human Resources aims to boost its employee's compatibility and increase their level of performance by first taking the steps above. Therefore, we have undertaken the following activities since the beginning of 2015. ͜͝ ͟ December 2014 with a tour hosted by Turing Youth. The museum specialists guided the tour and opened the Mahmoud I. Library for the attendants. There was a conference held at the Hagia Sophia Children's School afterwards. English language has become a "global language" due to economical and technological reasons. For this reason, in order to catch up with globalization and be able to communicate with other countries in technological, economical and cultural realms, we designed a 3-course English language training program for our employees. The program aims to improve employees' level of English literacy both occupationally and personally. Microsoft Office Training Since our employees, regardless of their position, utilize Microsoft Office programs, we decided to provide training on this subject. These programs are used for many tasks, ranging from daily correspondence to preparing reports using mathematical functions, and it bears critical importance to use them properly. We created two levels, beginner and advanced, in order to ensure that all employees can attend the training suited to their own level. Wissen Akademie, in cooperation çǡ ̹ ͙͟Ǧ͙͚͙͘͜͠ and handed certificated to the participants. "Principles of Official Correspondence, Protocol Rules, Body Language and Communication" Training As a matter of course, Turing exchanges correspondence with official institutions and communicates with them in writing. Also, effective communication helps employees better express themselves. Therefore, a full-day training with the subjects of "Principles of Official Correspondence, Protocol Rules, Body Language and Communication" ͚͚͙͘͟͝ǡ by Assoc. Dr. Fahri Temizyürek of Gazi University, Faculty of Education Head of Turkish Education Department. Seb-i Arus 741 of Years Concert 35 participants form Turing Youth were at the Cemal Resit Rey Concert Hall for the celebration performed by Presidency Chorus, Classical Instruments Cinquette and Serap Mutlu Akbulut. New Year Concert 30 members of the Turing Youth attended the New Year Concert at the Cemal Resit Rey Concert Hall. GȋȌǡ ȋȌ Sehnaz Rizeli as the vocalist's performances were followed by the chorus. 51 participants from the Turing Youth visited the Dolmabahce Palace and Art Museum on 15 February 2015 with the assistance of a museum guide. The Dolmabahce Palace Harem and the Art Museum were the parts to be seen. Evcara Concert On 22 February 2015, 38 members of the Turing Youth attended the Presidency Chorus concert at the Cemal Resit Rey. The concert consisted of oud, violin and solo parts and after the concert the attendants met Prof. Dr. Alaeddin Yavasca. Ǧ 32 participants from Turing Youth visited the Tukish-Islamic Artefacts Museum on 4 December ͚͙͘͝ǤÇ òº information about the Sultanahmet Square's importance. <=:ʈ6/ I SUMMARY 79 Page 62 I CULTURE and ARTS CONFERENCES / SEMINARS / INTERVIEWS Human rights activist, legal attorney and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Council 1st Acting President Ahmet Selamet spoke at the World Human ȋ͝Ǧ͙͙ Ȍ ͞ December 2014. Selamet gave a speech about the important events regarding human rights throughout history and exchanged experiences with the audience, stating that that Turkey falls behind in the matter and that he is not hopeless about the future. Two Continents, One City: Istanbul ò Ú òºǡ Manager of Istanbul Hisarlar Museum, gives the seminar "Two Continents, One City: Istanbul" every month where he narrates the physical and social change of one Istanbul district through history. The progress of the subject city is explained in the manner of a movie with the help of photographs and information. Mevlana and Modern Times On 20 December 2014, theologian and masnawihan ǤǤçÇ organized in honor of Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi and ȋ͙͟ ͙͚͛͟ȌǤçÇ ̹ emphazising that his ideas are still adhered to in modern times. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Osman Simav, Beykent University Department, gave a seminar titled the "Future of ̺͙͚͙͘͟͝Ǥ about the journey of electricity through history, from the invention of voltaic batteries in 1800's and the Ǧ ͙͛͟͠ǡ explaining that prominent automotive brands now manufacture electric vehicles. º Directorate of Family and Social Policies, Halis Kuralay, blind from birth, shared the story of his successful life. He is married and the father of 4 children, besides being the author of several books. Kuralay claims that he enjoys life much more than a sighted person. Özge Ersu, member of the Association of Tourist Guides (TUREB), who has guided many academic tours in several countries from the North Pole to ǡǡ Argentina to Australia, spoke about her occupation on 21 February 2015. She is one of the guides who have travelled to most interesting locations. Page 66 I CULTURE and ARTS CONCERTS Professor Edward Aris of Paris Conservatory and ͞ ͚͙͘͜ǡ provided the audience with a world tour experience. Before the concert, he shared a 12-minute video that he made in the US where he used numerous instruments. Turkish Music Concerts are a traditional Turing event, which this year took place on 13 December 2014 in Seyrantepe. The ensemble consisted of musicians playing many instruments such as the zither, kemancha, violin, oud and cello and, of course, singers. Tribute to Mevlevi Music The members of 'Mühür' band performed a tribute in ̹̹ȋ͙͟ ͙͚͛͟Ȍ̹ December 20th 2014. In the first period, the group performed the Sufistic melodies in a mesmerizing fashion and in the second period they honored the classics of Turkish music. 80 <=:ʈ6/ I SUMMARY Musical Calendar The 'Musical Calendar', a classic of the Turing events, aiming to portray the effects of both Turkish and ͚͟ December 2014, 31 January and 28 February of 2015. The program prepared and hosted by Mehmet Güntekin included many topics such as; the relations bewteen Turkey-Armenia, Churchill's resignation after the Galipoli War and the last volcanic eruption of Fujiyama. One of the most significant events of the 'Musical Calendar' was Mehmet Turgut Guntekin's first live performance of the Kurdilihicazkar Longa to honor its composer Sebuh. Page 70 I CULTURE and ARTS CINEMA Citizen Kane (1941) The movie focuses on the background behind a man's rising in the caste system. Casablanca (1942) The Michael Curtiz and Humphrey Bogart movie takes place in Morocco during the World War II, depicting the emotional relations with a background of rivalry. ȋ͙͡͝͝Ȍ Directed by Nicholas Ray, acted by James Dean, the movie depicts a young man's changing psychology. ȋ͚͙͘͘Ȍ The movie portrays a disabled man with his touching perspective of life against the Islamophobia in America. Songs of Wisdom 'Turku' is the genre ancient to Anatolia with its representation of nativity and words of wisdom that touches the souls. Coskun Karademir and Emirhan Kartal who has contributed to this corpus with their atristic and academical sides performed on 10 January 2015 in Turing Hall. ̹̹ Murat Süngü, Enver Mete Aslan and Enver Mete ͙͟ January 2015 with the theme of intuitional music, examples from different geographies and deep-rooted Turkish music. The 'Urfa Oxford Graduates Sira Night Band' gathered together with the idea of sustaining one of the most important traditions of Turkish culture, the ̹̹͚͙͘͟͝ hall. Modern Times (1936) he movie is based on the disposition of humanbeings against the mechanization with a touch on the importance of love. ȋ͙͜͡͠Ȍ people in Italy after the war in this classical work of the New Realism Movement. ȋ͙͡͠͠Ȍ The movie is one of the firsts to focus on autism and its ability to make a man better than the others in some ways. ȋ͙͡͠͡Ȍ Starring Robin Williams, the movie's director Peter Weir tries to shed a crirical light on the strict American education in the 50's. ȋ͙͘͡͠Ȍ The movie describes the tragic life of a deformed man Ǥ ǣȋ͙͛͡͡Ȍ A woman in her efforts of survival after losin her husband and child in an accident. ȋ͙͘͡͠Ȍ Directed by John Landis, starring John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd the movie is about two musician brothers trying to save their orphanage by trying to raise $5000.