List of Consultants - philip spradbery : xcs consulting


List of Consultants - philip spradbery : xcs consulting
List of Consultants
John Armstrong – Australia
BSc Hons (Electrical Engineering)
[Manchester University], MSc [ANU]
Software engineer, contract computer analyst and
programmer. Extensive experience in Control Data
3600, 7600 Scope; Digital PDP 11 series, VAX; RT-ll,
RSTS, VMS; PC’s 386, 486; MS-DOS, Windows.
Much of career working for CSIRO Division of
Computing Research (1964-69), ANU (1969-71),
and CSIRO Division of Plant Industry (1971-87). As
contract computer expert, worked for Research
School of Biological Sciences of the ANU, Bureau
of Air Safety, AUSSAT (now OPTUS), and CSIRO
Plant Industry. Published 24 papers in scientific
journals, including sheep grazing models, and soil
water storage
Colin Beaton – Australia
BSc (Physics) [Univ of Melbourne]
More than 35 years experience in electron
micro­scopy, initially with the Commonwealth
Serum Laboratories, and then for 27 years with
CSIRO Division of Entomology.
Particular experience in the ultrastructure of insect
viruses and cuticle-related structures such as
glands and muscle attachments. Has been
responsible for the development of special
techniques for the scanning electron microscopy
(SEM) of insect specimens which can be seen in
many CSIRO publications, including the recent
edition of Insects of Australia and the CD-ROM
Insects A World of Diversity. Also innovative in the
field of cryo-SEM. Foundation committee member
of the Australian Society for Electron Microscopy
and, until April 1995, a member of the National
Committee for Electron Microscopy of the
Australian Academy of Science. He is now
con­centrating on a range of activities associated
GPO Box 2566 Canberra ACT 2601 · Phone +61 2 6282 5325
Web: · Email:
with publishing, including giving courses on
self-publishing for the Canberra Continuing
Studies Centre (ANU) and publishing and
promoting a wide range of educational books
written by Patricia Beaton.
Tom Bellas – Australia
BSc [Uni Western Aust], PhD [Uni Sydney],
MRACI – Organic Chemistry
A professional lifetime’s familiarity of chemicals
used in agriculture and the environ­ment, through
his career at CSIRO Division of Ento­mology
(1968-95). Extensive knowledge of occu­pational
health and safety practices and procedures,
especially pertaining to chemicals. A world expert
on inhalent allergies to insects, especially those of
an occupational origin.
Advisor to Australian Federation of Consumer
Organisations, specifically Standards Australia
with regard to consumer standards of plastics and
household detergents. A Panel member of the
National Registration Authority’s enquiry into the
use of organochlorine insecticides in the urban
environment. More than 50 scientific publications,
including steroids, enzymes, pheromones, and
allergies to insects.
Donald Berrie – Australia
QDAH (Vet Sci Agri Sci) [QLD Agric College]
After 25 years in the CSIRO Division of Tropical
Animal Production, highly experi­enced in studies
of internal parasites of cattle, including
anthelmintic treatments, immune response, and
the isolation, purification and evaluation of
antigens in vaccine development. Studied the
serology and diagnosis of Babesia spp, the tick
fever organism, during the development of
recombinant protective antigens, and developmental work on kinetic ELISA based bovine tick
fever diagnostic methods. Involved with the
production, purification and evaluation of
recombinant haemoparasite antigens for use in
vaccines against Babesia and Anaplasma.
Expert Technical Consultant for International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for projects
involved with technology transfer and stan­
dardisation of disease diagnosis methods in Costa
Rica and Venezuela (1991). FAO/LEA lecturer at
regional training courses in Indonesia on the
application of immunoassay and related techniques in studies on animal production and
disease control (1990).
Rob Blakemore – Australia
BSc(Hons), Dip.Comp.Sci. [University of London],
PhD [University of Queensland]
Ecologist with twenty years involvement in study
of earthworms, especially their role in formation
and maintenance of fertile soils, and in restoring
degraded soils. Areas of application are conventional and organic agriculture, horticulture,
viticulture, forestry, minestite rehabilitation,
acidic/saline/sodic soils, and conservation and
waste management.
Has conducted extensive faunal surveys of soils in
tropical, Mediterranean, temperate, and subantarctic climates.
Specialist and authority on earthworm taxon­omy
with excellent knowledge of Australian and world
fauna. Working with CSIRO, DPI, Departments of
Agriculture, PWS, and Museums, during the past
ten years has described over 400 species, doubling
the number of natives known from Australia, and
tripling the tally of exotics from around the world.
Has good relationship with researchers in Europe,
Asia and North America, and recently contributed
to a review of the New Zealand fauna. Has
produced thirty scientific publications and reports
as well as identification guides. Ability to work
closely with government, industry, and peak
bodies in an advisory capacity and to prepare
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reports to assist in the production of guidelines
and marketing strategies.
was awarded a prize by the Australian Agronomy
Society for best conference paper (1992).
Currently available as an independent consultant
and well qulafied to undertake ecological surveys,
curation, literature reviews, seminars, training
courses and to contribute to recommendations on
standards, economics, and the environmental and
industrial applications of ‘vermicology’. Other
areas of expertise are in computing, parasitology,
IPM, ethology, and organic waste management.
As a Research Scientist at CSIRO Van Bushby
worked in the Legume Bacteriology and the Grain
Legume Improvement Programs. In the former
program, he studied the ecology of rhizobial
inoculants in the field, developed improved
inoculum procedures, maintained the Divisional
Rhizobium strain collection and provided bacterial
cultures with increased persistence and nitrogen
fixation for inoculation of tropical and subtropical
crop and pasture legumes.
Robert Bray – Australia
BAgrSc [Univ Qld], PhD (Genetics & Statistics) [Univ
Plant breeder with expertise in a wide range of
pasture plants, but particularly in breeding
lucerne. Breeder or co-breeder of the successful
lucerne cultivars ‘Trifecta’, ‘Sequel’, and ‘Quadrella’, and also the rust-resistant Macroptilium
atropurpureum cultivar ‘Aztec’. Extensive
experience in genetic resources and evaluation of
shrub legumes, especially Leucaena, Calliandra,
and Gliricidia. Worked with CSIRO Tropical Crops
and Pastures for 30 years, leaving as a Senior
Principal Research Scientist in 1994. Has has
considerable experience in CSIRO administration,
research planning, project management and
scientific writing and editing.
Managed two ACIAR funded projects involving
CSIRO and AARD (Indonesia). Over 80 publications. Is an ‘Approved Person’ under the Plant
Breeders’ Rights Act for pasture grasses and
H.V.A. Bushby – Australia
B Agric Sci, PhD [Univ of Tasmania]
Experience includes a multidisciplinary background in applied agricultural research together
with work as a consultant. Has written several
book chapters, published 38 scientific papers and
While in the Grain Legume Improvement Program
at CSIRO he worked on mungbeans, soybeans and
peanuts and demonstrated that symbiotic nitrogen
assimilation by soybeans could sustain world
record yields of that crop. Conducted a three-year
survey of commercial mungbean crops and
developed farm management strategies to
maximise nitrogen fixation. Through that work, he
developed linkages with many sections of the
grains industry from growers and grower groups
to seed merchants and companies involved in
assessment of seed quality.
While at CSIRO, Van Bushby gained extensive
experience in soil and plant sampling and analysis
procedures and. the design and conduct of
laboratory, glasshouse and field trials, the
collection and interpretation of data and the
preparation of reports based on experimental
He has used standard trial protocols including
replicated multifactorial, randomized plot and
split-plot designs. As a consultant he has worked
on a number of projects including:
• field trials comparing a new granular rhizobial
inoculum for peanuts with traditional peatbased inoculation
• an investigation of methods for the biological
control of hay spoilage with an emphasis on
Bacillus spp.; (Department of Agriculture,
University of Queensland)
• the preparation of reports for the registration of
agricultural and veterinary chemicals by the
National Registration Authority
• the preparation of an EIS on the potential
environmental impact of a quarantine station
on the Pacific island of Niue
• the coordinatation of a course titled “Agriindustrial development and Environmental
Management” for the Philippines by the Centre
for Integrated Resource Management (CIRM),
University of Queensland
• the development of an inventory of parts and
requirements for MSAA mowers (using
Microsoft Excel)
• Appointed as an Industrial Hemp Inspector
(Authorised Officer) by the QDPI Industrial
Hemp Advisory Committee and the Queens­
land Police Force
Ability to communicate with people evidenced by
organising workshops, conferences, semin­ars and
training programmes for local and international
visitors and businessmen.
Has been involved in teaching and training mixed
groups ranging from university students to
commercial primary producer groups and while at
CSIRO, a 3-year survey of commercial farms
provided valuable experience in relating to rural
folk. While at CSIRO, he was an Associate
Supervisor to overseas and postgraduate students
in the Department of Agriculture, University of
Gavin Byrne – Australia
FRSA, BSc (Physics & Applied Mathematics)
[Univ. of Melbourne]
Applied mathematician with experience in
instrumentation (Canberra & Katherine NT),
mathematical modelling, digital image anlysis,
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remote sensing, thermal image interpretation.
Extensive laboratory, workshop and field experience in industry and as a Principal Research
Scientist with the CSIRO Divisions of Water and
Land Resources and with Forest Research. Author
of more than 70 scientific papers in major journals,
a book on small business and also school science
Roger N. Caffin – Australia
BSc Hons (Physics), MSc (Physics) [Melbourne Univ],
PhD (Systems & Automation) [City Univ, London],
Dip Corporate Management [Inst Corporate Managers,
More than 27 years experience with the CSIRO
Division of Wool Technology as a physicist and
Project Leader successfully developing metrol­­ogy
systems for the Australian wool industry, usually
from extremely brief and vague state­ments of
current or anticipated industry need. Extensive
skills in physics, metrology, mech­anical and
electronic engineering, com­puter hardware,
software and network engin­eering, robotics and
image analysis.
Con­siderable skills as a Project Leader in team
building and project definition, and in suc­cess­fully
running large projects to budget, to dead­lines and
through industry trials.
Eight years as an elected Director on the Board of
Digital Equipment Computer Users Society,
serving mainly as Director of Publications. Has
been technical consultant on legal case con­cerning
robotics. Owns Berrilee Consulting Services and
has developed two generations of a complete 4GL
software system for a Sydney publishing house.
David Charlton – Australia
BSc (Physics), MSc (Wool Technology) [UNSW]
Eight years with CSIRO managing a wide range of
projects, concluding position in 1996 as Senior
Specialist CSIRO Division of Wool Technology.
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Sixteen years with Australian Wool Corporation
Research & Development Department in research
management and administration.
Involvement with major industry innovations in
raw wool specification, packaging/handling and
marketing since 1970. Research projects included
alternative farm to store packaging and handling
systems, clip preparation for pro­ces­sing, Computer
Aided Valuation System, dark fibre contamination,
processing prediction (SiroHauteur), Sirolan
Laserscan and objective Style specification.
Extensive collaboration with commercial companies in the exploitation of research results.
Specific skills in project management and technical
communications including software development
associated with technology transfer. Member of
numerous technical delegations to overseas wool
processing countries and conferences.
Author of forty technical publications/reports.
Member of the team awarded CSIRO Medal in
1989 for its contribution to the introduction of
objective measurement into marketing of Australian wool.
Ron Clarke – Australia
Dip Agric (Anim Husb) [Reading Univ, UK]
Following 10 years service in Kenya as a District
Livestock Officer with the Department of Veterinary Services, specialising in Animal Production,
Husbandry and Disease Control, left Kenya to join
CSIRO Division of Animal Genetics. Worked in the
field of genetic selection in dairy cattle for milk
production, heat tolerance, tick resistance and
fertility for 23 years in the Divisions of Genetics
and Animal Production. Spent 7 years in Malaysia
supervising the joint CSIRO/Malaysian Department of Veterinary Services animal production
programme (AMZ Progeny test) working in close
co-operation with the Universiti Pertanian and
MARDI on both large-scale farms and small
Very much a ‘hands on’ worker in the appli­ca­tion
of research/technology results to animal production improvement in the field. Has fluency in
Ki-Swahili and a working knowledge of Bahasa
Malaysia together with excellent communication
skills at all levels, including the elctronic media.
Has ability to work amicably and diplomatically
under adverse local con­di­tions. Has overseas
work experience in UK, East Africa, Sri Lanka,
Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, South Korea,
Indonesia, Brunei and Micronesia (Yap State).
Published 13 papers through CSIRO, including
international conference proceedings. Was
President of the Richmond/Tweed branch of
ASAP, and member and Senior Conference Editor
of the Malaysian Society of Animal Pro­­duction’s
scientific papers and organising committee, and
thus has considerable experience in conference
William Robert Clift – Australia
BApplSci (Rural Technology) [Gatton Agric Coll]
More than 23 years agricultural working experi­
ence in Papua New Guinea with the PNG
Depart­­ment of Agriculture, Stock &
Fisheries/Department of Agriculture & Live­stock
and Development Bank, with a year at Mt Victor
(Niugini Mining), Kainantu, Eastern Highlands.
Thorough knowledge of PNG’s cattle industry, its
potential and limitations for both large-scale cattle
ranching and smallholder projects. Sound
knowledge of PNG customs and language, writes
and speaks ‘pidgin english.’ Excellent ability to
communicate and work with local people.
Sound knowledge of cattle, buffalo, sheep, horses
and crocodile farming. Also experienced with pigs,
poultry, goats, bees, tree crops, coffee, tropical
fruits and nuts. Interested in aquaculture (fresh
water cray fish). Work experience includes 500
hours in Hughes 500 Cs and Ds shooting and
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recovering 5,000 head of feral cattle during time
spent in the Sepik.
Bill C. Clymer – USA
BS (Agric Educ & Anim Sci), PhD (Entomology) Oklahoma State Univ.
Director of Research at Fort Dodge (Cyanamid),
Bill Clymer is also a well known professional rodeo
announcer. Recognized as one of the leading
livestock parasitologists in the US, has conducted
research for most of the major international animal
health companies.
Research emphasis on internal and external
parasites, growth stimulants, animal health,
reproduction, feeding studies, tissue residues,
target animal safety and efficacy studies on all
domestic and companion animals. A world
authority on scabies (Psoroptes ovis). Pesticide
research and development, use of biological
methods of pest control, and Integrated Pest
Conducts research under the Good Laboratory
Practices approved by both the EPA and FDA.
Consultant to cattle feedyards with over 800,000
head capacity, assisting with internal and external
parasite problems, bird and fly control. Retained as
consultant for international companies to design
and direct research in the USA, Mexico, South
America and Canada, and assist in the design and
implementation of research trials, protocol
development, and product evaluation.
Directed the design of a large mobile insect rearing
facility for use in biological control of insect pests.
Provides training programmes and management
seminars in US and internationally. Overseas
research and consulting in Saudi Arabia, Mexico,
Argentina, Dominican Republic, Canada, Nigeria,
Kenya, Brazil, Australia, Tanzania, Colombia,
Venezuela and Indonesia.
GPO Box 2566 Canberra ACT 2601 · Phone +61 2 6282 5325
Web: · Email:
Peter A. Cory – Australia
More than fifteen years international project
development and management experience,
working in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia,
Philippines, Brunei, China, & Oman, ten years in
the Australian live export industry, and ten years
cattle breeding and pasture development in North
Working knowledge of Bahasa Malay, basic
knowledge of French, Thai & Mandarin.
• Extensive experience in the preparation of
feasibility studies and proposals, as well as the
subsequent implementation into commercially
viable operations. Liaising, training and
nego­tiating with a wide range of clients,
Government departments and colleagues
(including those from culturally diverse
backgrounds). Very strong supervisory skills,
including the ability to quickly establish rapport
and cooperative working relationships with
other team members. Extensive experience in
the management of branch and overseas offices
and agents.
• Considerable experience in marketing to, and
within, Asian and Middle East countries, and
having an understanding of the different
cultures and requirements of markets within
these areas. Very experienced in of all types of
export and import documents and the nego­­
tiation of payments for shipments, and of
suitable discount facilities with Banks, the
establishment of Bid and Performance Bonds,
and in maintaining foreign exchange cover.
• Extensive experience in negotiating ship and
aircraft charters on voyage, time and bare boat
basis, along with refrigerated and general
container shipments. Experienced in the
calculation of demurrage and dispatch, and
comprehensive knowledge and the negotiation
and discounting of these through banks.
• Extensive experience in the preparation of
shipment and annual budgets, monthly account
and budget comparisons, cash flows and stock
control, with a thorough know­ledge of the
development of Strategic Plans and QA
• Thorough knowledge of stud and commercial
beef and dairy breeding & management as well
as the development, management of feedlots in
South East Asia, and the use of agricultural by
products in ration preparation.
Pearson J. Cresswell – Australia
BSc Hons (Chemistry) [Univ Canterbury, NZ],
Over 15 years experience in research and development of mineral extraction processes, especially
bauxite and alumina production, working both in
industry and the CSIRO Division of Mineral &
Process Engineering.
Particular experience in the chemistry of minerals
and mineral extraction processes, biological
leaching, crystallisation, chemical and physical
analysis of materials, processing of mineral wastes,
chemical process modelling – both dynamic and
steady state.
Published 17 scientific papers and 3 patents.
Consultancies with CSIRO, UNIDO (in India), and
companies with interests in mineral extraction.
Currently operating a particle size analysis service
for manufacturers.
David W. Crowe – Australia
BSc (Wool & Pastoral Sciences) [Univ NSW]
Extensive expertise and sound background
knowledge in specification, marketing and early
stage processing of greasy wool, gained through 8
years experience with the CSIRO Division of Wool
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Experienced in the development of technology to
measure the visual characteristics of greasy wool,
the design and conduct of experiments to determine the processing significance of these characteristics, as well as relating these measurements to
current industry wool valuation practices.
Divisional representative to Standards Australia,
including convening the fleece testing working
group. Wool scientist on ACIAR Project 8456,
Sheep Breeding for Improved Wool Quality, in
China. Responsibilities included training Chinese
scientists, and the design and conduct of
processing trials to determine the effect of using
rugs to reduce dust contamination of wool. Accomplished writer of scientific publications, research
proposals, milestone and technical reports, with
demonstrated skills in public speaking at national
and international conferences.
Max Cunliffe – New Zealand
c/- Lincoln International
Dr Max Cunliffe represents Lincoln International
which is New Zealand’s leading development
assistance consultancy company.
The company provides a range of services in
international agriculture and rural development.
Undertakes specialist consultancies, technical
assistance, education and training, institutional
strengthening, project preparation and manage­
ment, and research planning and implementation.
Expertise in soil, land and water use, agricultural
and horticultural crop production, livestock
production, rural engineering, forestry and
agroforestry, tourism planning and development,
environmental and social impact assessment,
agricultural education, institutional development
and management, agricultural research, extension
economics and marketing, and rural credit and
financial services.
GPO Box 2566 Canberra ACT 2601 · Phone +61 2 6282 5325
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Ian R. Dadour – Australia
BSc Hons (Zool), PhD Entomology
[Univ Western Australia]
Currently, a Senior Research Fellow at the
University of WA working in forensic entomology,
and external consultant to Agriculture WA on
dung beetles. Other projects include the ecology of
dung beetles, bush flies, blowflies and stable flies;
molecular techniques as diagnostic tools for
identification of pest species in stored grain insects
and to identify insect diseases of livestock and
humans, and testing the effects of insecticides on
dung beetles and blowflies.
Past research history diverse in scope. After
completion of PhD on population genetics and
acoustic interactions in katydids, a 2 year post
doctoral fellowship on insect mating systems was
carried out in Germany. This was followed by 2
years at the Waite Agricultural Research Institute
in South Australia studying biological control of
cabbage white butterfly.
international authority on the taxonomy of
Culicoides biting midges and Phlebotomine
sandflies. Since retiring in 1988 has curated the
Australian National Insect Collection (ANIC)
collection of sandflies and biting-midges and
continues his taxanomic and identification studies.
His early work included research on myxomatosis
of rabbits in collaboration with the John Curtin
School of Microbiology and theANU, studying
vectors and development of host resistance and
virus attenuation. Subsequently studied potential
vectors of arbovirus diseases of livestock, including
Blue Tongue Virus (BTV) and Bovine Ephemeral
Fever (BEF).
John P. Evenson – Australia
BSc (1st Class Hons Botany), MSc [Wales]
Late 1989 until mid 1996, worked for Agriculture
WA as a livestock entomologist on dung beetles,
bush flies and blowflies.
More than 40 years experience in tropical and
sub-tropical agriculture, especially in land use
studies and as an agronomist in the field, and in
agricultural education at tertiary and subtertiary
level in Australia, Laos, Thailand, Philippines,
Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Fiji, Ghana and
Industry funded projects included using elec­tro­
phoresis as a rapid tech­nique for dis­tin­guishing
Queensland from Mediterranean fruit fly, identifying resis­­t­ance factors in sheep lice to synthetic
pyrethroids, developing biochemical kits for
identifying levels of resistance in green peach
aphids, and more recently, establishing bush flies
as vectors of trachomatic and enteric diseases.
Major experience in the agronomy of dryland
cotton in Uganda and irrigated cotton in the Ord
River Project of Western Australia (with CSIRO
Division of Land Research and Regional Survey).
Eighteen years experience in tertiary teaching at
the University of Queensland, includ­ing assignment to the Thai-Australia Prince of Songkla
University Project.
Published more than 20 scientific papers on the
above topics.
Alan Dyce – Australia
BSc (1st Class Hons, Agric)
A professional career of 37 years with the CSIRO
Divisions of Entomology, Wildlife & Ecology, and
Animal Health (McMaster Laboratory, Sydney). An
Recently completed a five year UNDP assignment
as Chief Technical Advisor to the Nabong
Agriculture College Project in Laos. During this
latter period, expertise was developed in the
amelioration of the effects of slash and burn
agriculture. Latterly, missions have been under­
taken for World Bank in Fiji (Country Economic
Memorandum) and UN Capital Development
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Fund in Northern Laos (Project formulation for
slash and burn areas in northern Laos).
Has authored more than 80 scientific papers.
Roger A. Farrow – Australia
Entomologist and Ecologist specialising in locusts,
insect migration, insect herbivory on trees, and
insect biodiversity.
John E. Feehan, OAM
Extensive experience in the developing world and
has managed collaborative projects in Mali,
Madagascar and China, has undertaken others in
Kenya, Philippines and India and is fluent in
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A world authority on the migratory locust (Locusta
migratoria) he has undertaken projects for UNDP
and World Bank on this pest and has researched its
outbreak areas in 6 countries. Also a leading
expert in the aerial sampling of migrating insects to
determine the migratory routes of disease vectors
and crop pests.
Authority on the resistance of eucalypts and
acacias to insect herbivores and was responsible for
the discovery of inter-provenance variation of
eucalypt species to insect attack and its practical
use in farm forestry. More recently he has studied
the insect biodiversity of natural grasslands of the
ACT in relation to their conservation status.
After working for 6 years for an international
locust organisation in West Africa he spent the next
25 years at CSIRO Entomology with extensive field
experience of many parts of Australia.
Has published more than 70 scientific papers.
Since leaving CSIRO in 1996 he has held consultancies with CSIRO Forestry (Black Wattle insect
pests) World Bank, (migratory locust in Madagascar), Environment ACT (insect biodiversity of
native grasslands) and Queensland Department of
Health (migration of the mosquito vector of
Japanese encephalitis in the Torres Straits).
John E. Feehan, OAM – Australia
More than 30 years experience with CSIRO
Division of Entomology, the past 23 years with the
dung beetle project. Sound knowledge of the rural
sector, good communication skills, and an
enthusiastic dung beetle expert with unparalleled
experience in the breeding, harvesting and
distribution of dung beetles in Australia. Has also
worked for CSIRO in Europe, and organised and
participated in major field trips to remote areas for
His private company, Soilcam, is dedicated to the
harvesting and redistribution of dung beetles for
farmers and Landcare groups.
He is in heavy demand as a speaker at Field Days,
rural sector meetings and by the media, where his
enthusiasm for dung beetles is contagious.
Awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM)
in the Queen’s Birthday list, 1996, for his services
to entomology in recognition of his work on dung
beetles and his efforts to promote their use
throughout Australia’s farmlands.
Bruno Ferrara – Italy
MSc (Statistics & Actuarial Sciences)
[La Sapienza Univ, Roma]
Associate Professor of Urban & Regional Economics (from 1991) and Associate Professor of
Economic Techniques for Regional Planning
(1976-90) - Faculty of Engineering, Calabria
Regional University, Rende, Italy. Extensive
consultancies with FAO in Project Evaluation
Missions, and Planning Economist evaluating
livestock economics in Central Africa, and tsetse fly
control and trypanosomiasis programmes
throughout the African continent (Sudan, Ghana,
Niger & Togo, Ivory Coast, Cape Verde, Benin,
Zambia and Niger).
Experienced in the relationship between environment and sustainable socio-economic development, both in Europe and in developing countries.
Barry M. Filshie – Australia
BSc (Physics) [Univ Melbourne],
PhD [ANU, Canberra]
Worked for more than 30 years with CSIRO, 20 as a
research scientist and more than 10 as the leader of
CSIRO’s corporate international rela­tions unit.
As a research scientist, he has been an electron
microscopist in CSIRO’s Divisions of Protein
Chemistry and Entomology, playing a major role in
the development of electron microscopy in
Australia, from its infancy in the 1960s until 1983.
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He gained a world-wide reputation for his research
into the structure and development of insect cuticle
and more gener­ally for the appli­cation of scanning
and trans­mission micro­scopy to the fine struc­­ture
of of insect tissues and insect pathogens.
As General Manager of CSIRO’s International
Affairs Group, he has been responsible for
developing and managing corporate linkages
between CSIRO and other national R&D institutions world-wide, as well as managing specific
international projects as part of CSIRO’s contribution to Australia’s aid programme. As a science
administrator, he has had a broad expo­s­ure to the
Australian public sector bureaucracy and has an
extensive network of contacts in science and
government, both inside and outside Australia.
John E. Feehan, OAM
Since leaving CSIRO in March 1995, Barry Filshie
has continued to work with CSIRO as its representative on the International S&T Advisory
Committee of the Department of Industry, Science
& Technology, and also as Australia’s representative on the Commonwealth Science Council. He is
presently a member of the Board of Trustees of the
International Centre for Living Aquatic Resources
Management (ICLARM), based in the Philippines.
In his new consultancy role, he has been employed
as a consultant to the World Bank, advising on the
restructuring of the Pakistan Council for Scientific
& Industrial Research. Retired to Port Macquarie.
Andrew Foldes – Australia
BSc (1st Class Hons, Biochem), PhD (Neuroscience)
[Monash Univ]
Principal research Scientist, CSIRO Division of
Animal Production (1979-1995).
Expertise in neuroendocrinology of sheep and
other domestic species; international recognition in
the fields of seasonality and pineal function,
physiology and biochemistry of wool pro­duc­tion
and neurotrans-mitter pharma­cology. Published
50 scientific papers, reviews and book chapters and
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Web: · Email:
a similar number of conference papers. Also
organised a highly successful international
scientific symposium. Fluent in English and
Tertiary qualifications in human nutrition, human
pathology, endocrine basis for lactation and higher
centre interaction, human mastitis and breast care.
M.Med.Sci in mastitis research.
Interests include research on all aspects of melotin,
seasonality, the interaction of the neuro­endcrine
and immune systems, physio­logical and immu­
nological enhancement of animal production
parameters, laboratory aspects of Occupational
Health and Safety, scientific editing and scientific
education at all levels.
Well read in molecular biology, plant and animal
tissue culture, hydroponics, horticulture, aqua­cul­
ture, agroforestry, crop physiology and pathology,
vermiculture, permaculture, organic farming
systems and soil science, including rhizophore
interactions. Current interest in wild dog predation
and its economic, social and environmental
Noeline A.F. Franklin – Australia
BSc (Hons) Animal Physiol [Univ New England], M
Med Sci Immun [Univ of Newcastle]
Nearly 40 years experience in practical agriculture
and livestock production, with 16 years in research
laboratories (CSIRO Divisions of Animal Production and Animal Health) with duties including
staff and student training, resource management
and staff representation. As a member of various
research teams, more than 40 scientific papers and
conference proceedings were published.
With her particular knowledge of the scientific
literature, technical methodology and livestock
production systems, she uses these skills in
identifying research initiatives and opportunites,
and facilitating their adoption by industry.
Specific expertise in livestock vaccine development
and technology transfer, developmental immunity
to parasites (internal and external), the effect of
stress on immunity, bacteriology and haematology
(e.g. in feed lot situations).
She is also familiar with immunoendrocrinology,
data analysis, analytical systems including ELISA
development, tissue culture, protein chemistry,
parasitology, histology, wool and mohair production and analysis, and scientific writing and
Other interests include the integrated systems
approach to biologically and socially sustainable
agriculture, preservation of rare breeds and seeds,
application of draught-horses to energy efficient
systems in modern agriculture, retention of
biodiversity in food and fibre production, and the
strategic use of water and fertilizer for production
of fish, crustaceans, nuts, fruit and vegetables.
National Secretary of the Percheron Horse Breeders
Association. Plays an active role in a family
superfine wool, beef cattle and fat lamb farming
enterprise. Further interests in ‘people sympathetic
management structures’ for business, computer
aided education for geographically isolated
students, and enhancing adoption rates of research
by industry through liaison and appropriate
targetting of commodity levies.
Gavin Gillman – Australia
BSc(Hons), MSc[James Cook Univ], PhD[Univ
Internationally recognised soil chemist with over
25 years research experience of soils of the world’s
humid tropical regions.
During a 22 year career with CSIRO Division of
Soils, developed novel theory and analytical
methods for characterising highly weathered soils
as a basis for their rational and sustainable
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mangement. Left CSIRO as a Senior Principal
Research Scientist to accept the position of
Officer-in-Charge of an Ecoregional Centre, the
IITA Humid Forest Station in Cameroon. The latter
involved the physical establishment of the Station,
its administrative systems, and the overseeing of
initial research programs on alternatives to slash
and burn agriculture.
Ontario) and Cornell. Consulting experience since
1988: Director of van de Graaff & Associates Pty
Ltd, sub­-contractor to Golder Associates, CMPS&F,
GH&D, Fisher Stewart, Peter Ramsay & Associates, ACIL Australia/AGC Woodward Clyde,
Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation, Tract
Consultants, Contour Consultants, Ecology
Australia etc.
Well developed oral and written communication
skills, with 50 publications in major journals,
co-authorship of a book on tropical soils, and
presentations in many overseas countries.
Excellent experience in the establishment and
admin­istration of a remote locality station, with
good understanding of the prerequisites for
enabling meaningful search.
Currently involved in AusAID Mine Waste
Management project in China, including transfer of
relevant skills to Chinese counterparts.
Robert HM van de Graaff – Australia
BAgSc, MAgSc (Tropical Agric) [Wageningen,
Netherlands], PhD (Soil Science)[Cornell Univ]
More than 30 years varied experience as a soil
scientist in Australia, USA, Canada, China,
Indonesia, Pakistan, Botswana and Peru in soil and
land resource surveys, aerial photo interpretation,
land evaluation, soil chemistry application to
contaminated sites – especially heavy metals,
waste water disposal (eg: irrigation of treated
sewerage), rehabilitation of mine tailings and
salinity assessment.
Extensive experience of land
degradation problems including
erosion, water logging and salinity,
and assessing land capability for
agricultural and non-agricultural
land uses.
Research experience in CSIRO
Division of Water Resources and the
Soil Conservation Authority of
Victoria, teaching experience at RMIT,
University of Melbourne, Monash
University, Queen’s University (Kingston,
Penny Greenslade – Australia
BA (Hons), MA [Cambridge Univ]
More than 25 years experience in soil zoology,
especially in Australia where she has worked in all
climatic zones with particular emphasis on the arid
zone and Tasmania. Also worked in Mediterranean, tropical and subantarctic climates.
Most of her work is directed to applying ecological
and taxonomic information on soil organisms to
problems of soil management in agriculture,
forestry, mining and conservation.
Projects include studies of sustainability of wheat
in different tillage trials, bauxite mine site
rehabilitation, biomass production of plantation
trees, and environmental effects of tourism. Her
speciality is the ecology and taxonomy of Collembola (springtails), a widespread and abundant
group of soil organisms which can usefully be
employed as environmental indicators. Also
experienced in ants and mites and able to work in
remote areas.
Dagmar Hanold – Australia
Dip Biol (Microbiology), PhD (Molecular/Cell Biology)
[Univ Basle, Switzerland]
Extensive expertise and background knowledge in
biological/biochemical/agricultural science areas,
including plant tissue culture, microbial biotech-
nology and genetics, plant pathology, and
diagnostic and descriptive plant virology.
Over 15 years experience in fundamental and
applied research using and providing training in
latest techniques. Work experience in University
(ANU Canberra and University of Adelaide Waite
Campus), pharmaceutical-chemical/agricultural
industry, and also developing country environments.
More than 8 years association with ACIAR project,
Virus and Viroid Diseases of Coconut and other
Monocotyledons in the Pacific Region. Extensive
travel in the Asian-Pacific area with independant
field and laboratory work, in­clud­ing survey
design, sample collection, training of local staff,
and establishing laboratory facilities.
Experienced in development of research pro­
grammes and achieving set goals, manage­ment of
project operations, finances, com­mu­ni­cations
involving overseas collab­orators, lead­­­­­­ing, training
and co-ordinating multi­national teams of scientific
and technical staff, liaison with funding agencies,
commercial clients and end-users, interpretation
and prac­ti­cal implementation of scientific results
and communicating them to non-scientists,
adapting scientific methods to commercial/
agricultural use (including costing procedures in
established or newly set up facilities), designing
and pro­­­­mot­ing strategies for plant quarantine and
optimal use of agricultural resources, con­sul­tation
with government departments, commer­cial
agri­cultural industry and scientists, liaison and
negotiations with all levels of administration.
Accomplished writer of scientific and general
publications, referee reports for scientific journals,
research proposals, project reviews, technical
reports and editor of scientific monographs. Fluent
in English and German, working knowledge of
Spanish and French.
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Adrian R. Harris – Australia
DipAgrSci [Longreach], BAgSci, MAgSci [Univ
Melbourne], PhD [Univ California, Davis]
Expertise in biological control of soil-borne fungal
diseases of seedlings, research and development
work, and project management as a Senior
Research Scientist with the CSIRO Division of Soils
for 8 years. Research on interactions between the
Fusarium wilt fungus and root-knot nematodes in
cowpeas at Davis, California. Consultant and
research co-ordinator of Australian-China Citrus
Development Project (AIDAB) in China for 2 years;
established, co-ordinated and managed a multidisciplinary citrus research program. Research,
extension and diagnosis of nematode problems of
grapevines, citrus and vegetable crops, including
resistant rootstocks, chemical control, and
nematode biology and ecology in Victorian
Department of Agriculture.
Also grapevine virology, vine improvement and
quarantine. World authority on resistance of
grapevines to dagger nematode. Published 4 book
chapters, 28 scientific papers and 85 other
Peter G. Harrison – Australia
BSc Agr (Agronomy) [Sydney Univ]
More than 25 years experience in tropical agriculture; almost all of professional career as an
agronomist in the tropics (except for brief periods
in USA and Europe) where he has concentrated
primarily on seed science and technology,
including seed production and seed and weed
ecology in crop, forage and horti­cultural species;
seed and grain storage (including long-term
genetic storage and cryogenic stor­­age), tropical
pastures and forage development and plant
Developed and subsequently managed the Darwin
seed-testing laboratory for a number of years
GPO Box 2566 Canberra ACT 2601 · Phone +61 2 6282 5325
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where he was involved in routine and research
work on seed germination and seed storage, the
seed botanical collection and computer software
development for seed laboratory management. The
pasture species work has resulted in the development of several tropical pasture cultivars now in
widespread use.
Has considerable experience in plant variety rights
and plant cultivar protection and is registered with
the Plant Breeders Rights Office in Australia as an
‘approved person’ for the conduct of plant variety
evaluation trials. The plant improvement work has
developed his knowledge and experience of the
economic uses of the Australian flora and he has
been involved in several plant collecting missions
locally and overseas, and also the examination and
development of potential ‘new crops’.
Has also had experience with the management of
semi-arid and arid tropical regions particularly in
relation to water management, waterponding,
waterspreading and maximising the use of
incident rain. Experience with turf and lawn
agronomy and management in the tropics. Over
the past ten years has worked for the Asian
Development Bank, FAO, and World Bank etc in a
range of tropical countries including Ethiopia,
Bhutan, Indonesia, Argentina, and Thailand on
livestock and pasture development work, and seed
production and seed industry development,
including the conduct of training programmes.
During the period in Bhutan produced the first
three cultivars (worldwide) of the annual african
clover, Trifolium ruepellianum. Served on a
number of technical committees of the International Seed Testing Association since 1968. Has
more than 85 publications including training
manuals, conventional and multimedia computer
software and has edited several books.
Speaks fluent Indonesian and with a working
knowledge of Spanish and French. High level of
computer literacy. Darwin based, he is currently
undertaking part-time post-graduate studies.
Dennis Hilder – Australia
BSc (Forestry) [ANU, Canberra], Post-grad Business
Administration [Edith Cowan Univ, Perth]
Practical forester of 20 years experience in land-use
planning, evaluation and mangement of forestry,
land conservation, re-vegetation and environmental protection projects. Worked with government agencies in New Soth Wales, South Australia
and Western Australia on plantation establishment,
timber harvesting, forest protection (phytophthora
dieback disease mangement, and prescribed
burning and bushfire suppression operations).
Has led projects involving survey and recording of
environmental resources, and assessment of
natural ecosystems and their value for nature
conservation, sustainable production, scientific
reference, heritage and recreation uses.
Project management to minimise land degra­dation
associated with forestry and mining industry
operations; environmental mangement services to
the mining industry in relation to evaluation and
implementation of environ­mental management
programmes for control of environmental and
social impacts, and pre­scrib­­ing land rehabilitation
and pollution control procedures.
Demonstrated capability for liaison and negotiation with government agencies, landholders and
community groups to ensure integrated catchment
mangement and develop­ment of appropriate land
mangement strategies to mitigate land degradation
Special interest in evaluating farm forestry pro­­jects
for timber production and development of
appropriate land use systems to mitigate land
degradation processes, and improve overall
agricultural productivity of farming businesses.
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List of Consultants
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Peter Horchner – Australia
Grahame V.H. Jackson – Australia
BAS [University of Queensland], Master of
Business (Research) [QUT]
BA [BioVGeol, Keele], MSc [Plant Pathology, London],
DIC [Imperial College,London],
PhD [Plant Pathology, London]
Specialises in Business Development as strategic
thinker, responsible for the successful development
of new business ventures. Experienced in Quality
Management in the food industry, including
development of quality systems, food safety
programmes, and the design of customised quality
auditing programmes and benchmarking projects
in the food processing industry.
Specialist in the design, development and delivery
of training courses. A facilitator of change with a
broad range of working experience in livestock
production, meat processing and the food
industries. Experienced in R&D, especially in a
range of applied research projects in meat
technology, food safety and market development.
With a strong analytical background, he has a keen
interest in policy formulation and played a
significant part in the develop­ment of policies as
outcomes of projects conducted during his career.
Currently, joint Managing Director of Alliance
Consulting & Mangement Pty Ltd, Brisbane.
Kate Hutchison – Australia
B Appl Sci [Univ Canberra]
Specializing in Medical Laboratory Science with
laboratory skills in Analytical Chemistry, Micro­­­­­bi­
ology, Clinical Biochemistry and Immu­­nology.
Analytical methods used include electrophoresis,
spectrophotometry, chromo­tography and in
precipitation and acid-base titrations. Also
experienced in techniques used for the enumeration and identification of microorganisms. Sound
understanding of computers. Interested in
applying these skills to food and water quality
Plant pathologist and agriculture specialist with
more than 20 years experience in the adminis­
tration of development assistance to tropical
countries, especially Pacific Islands. Consult­ancies
with ACIAR, FAO, USAID, South Pacific Commission, and UNDP.
Twenty years experience in plant protection,
disease and pest control of economic crops,
exchange of plant germplasm, training courses in
crop protection, quarantine, root crop evalua­­tion
and tissue culture techniques, and the epidemiology and control of diseases of cocoa, coconut,
oilpalm, rice and root crops.
Practice (GLP) regulations. Responsible for
maintenance and upkeep of all computer systems.
David J. Jenkins – Australia
BSc (Botany & Zoology), MSc (Immunology)
[Univ London], PhD (Immunoparasitology)
[Univ Melbourne]
Parasitologist specialising in the epidemiology of
human hydatidosis and the significance of feral
dogs, dingoes and foxes in the transmission of
Advisor to 22 Governments in the Pacific Islands
on development and monitoring of plant quar­an­
tine and pesticide regulations, and con­servation of
genetic resources of traditional food crops.
Acknowledged as Australia’s foremost specialist
on hydatids. Studied the importance of canine
zoonoses in Aboriginal community health. Visiting
Research Fellow in Department of Botany &
Zoology, and also Molecular Biology & Biochemistry at the Australian National University (ANU).
Set up immunology laboratory in Indonesia for
AIDAB, and studied immune response of dogs to
cestodes in Kenya. Has published 36 scientific
papers, including international conference
Tony H. Janes – USA
Martine Kalma – Australia
BS (Anim Sci) [Texas Tech Univ]
Livestock and companion animal specialist with
particular reference to internal and external
parasites, and animal health issues, including
feedlot management. Research Coordinator for
leading US-based contract research company.
Responsibilities include writing protocols, data
assembly, report writing, and supervising the daily
activities of employees on research projects.
Works closely with sponsor companies on the
structure and conduct of experimental projects,
plus preparing budgets and memoranda of
agreements. Worked extensively in safety and
residue study areas, liaising closely with regulatory
authorities such as FDA, and USDA Animal
Welfare Regulations under Good Laboratory
BSc(Ag) [Wageningen], BA [ANU] ex Greening
Australia Project Officer
Experienced professional in the rehabilitation of
degraded land, rural and farm revegetation,
agro-forestry and farm forestry. Vegetation
surveys, propagation of native species, seed
collection and community liaison and con­sul­tation.
Has been involved in revegetation strategies for
over-cleared ares and for erosion, high watertable
and salinity control. Experienced in establishment
techniques for native vegetation under various
conditions, and project design for re-establishment
of suitable native vegetation along river systems,
creeks and natural drainage lines to minimise bank
erosion and flood damage. Has held workshops on
various Landcare skills such as land interpretation,
coastal land, dune and rainforest rehabilitation,
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List of Consultants
seed collection and plant propagation. Has the
experience to facilitate community involvement in
decision making processes and the development of
written technical information.
Anne Kemp – Australia
BSc Hons (Zoology) [Edinburgh Univ],
PhD (Zoology) [Queensland Univ], BVSc
[Queensland Univ]
A former lecturer at the University of Queensland
in the Department of Anatomical Sciences, now a
part time, privately funded research fellow in the
Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis at the
University of Queensland. Zoologist with over 30
years experience in fresh water biology and
ecology in south east Queens­land, especially in
relation to the habitat, diet, behaviour and
conservation of the Australian lungfish, and the
identification of the vertebrate and invertebrate
animals that share its environments.
Qualified to develop biological inventories for
specific habitats and provide advice regarding the
conservation of freshwater localities, including
assessment of the pristine nature of habitats, and of
disease in aquatic animals.
Over twenty years of experience in teaching at a
tertiary level in zoology, veterinary and human
anatomy and histology, including bone pathology
and palaeopathology, and fifteen years as a
veterinary surgeon, with a special interest in
diseases of wildlife and fish.
Research has involved the embryology of the
Australian lungfish, and has included the
development of special techniques for experiments
on living eggs in this species, as well as methods of
rearing small lungfish.
An expert microscopist and histologist with
exceptional technical skills and a comprehensive
understanding of the unusual diversity of structure
in the dental and skeletal tissues of fishes, and the
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hard tissues of invertebrates, including development and the mineralisation processes to be found
in these biomaterials.
Ten years of experience in the copy editing of
scientific, medical and veterinary papers and
theses, particularly for researchers and students
who are not native speakers of English. Author of
more than 65 scientific papers in international
refereed journals and scientific books, and of nine
major successful grant proposals, including the
current half time fellowship and a new Large ARC
grant to begin in 2001.
Project leader for three major research projects
funded by the ARC. Long practice in working to
Peter Kinnell – Australia
BSc(Agric) [London Univ], MAgrSc [Melbourne
Univ], PhD [New England Univ]
Over 25 years experience in soil erosion research
with CSIRO Division of Soils. Expertise in soil
erosion processes and predictions, with interests in
hydrological impacts, climatic variability, and land
management impacts at field and catchment scales.
An international contributor to soil loss prediction
technology with more than 35 published scientific
papers in the area of rainfall erosion.
Alan A. Kirk – France
BSc (Zool) [London], DSc (Biocontrol)
[Univ Marseille]
Experienced field entomologist with 25 years
experience of biological control projects in
temperate, mediterranean and tropical areas in
more than 50 countries. Projects have included
biocontrol of Sirex woodwasp, skeleton weed and
Paterson’s Curse, and the dung beetle programme
for CSIRO. Other biocontrol projects have included
Sweet Potato Whitefly studies in Sudan, Tanzania
and Bolivia, and, with the USDA, extended this
work using predators, parasitoids and pathogens
collected from India, Pakistan, Nepal Egypt, Spain,
Greece, Austria and Italy. Consultancies with
CSIRO, State of Victoria, Landell Mills, USDA/
ARS and Ciba-Geigy.
John F. Lawrence – Australia
BA (Zoology), PhD (Entomology) [Univ. of California,
The world’s leading authority on the systematics
and biology of Coleoptera. Employed by CSIRO
Entomology for 22 years, retiring in 1999 as Chief
Research Scientist. Formerly with the Museum of
Comparative Zoology at Harvard University.
Currently an Honorary Research Fellow of CSIRO
Entomology and the Queensland Museum.
Published over 100 scientific papers, books and
book chapters, plus the two CD-ROM products
“Beetles of the World” and “Beetle Larvae of the
World”. Presented workshops on beetle identification in Canberra, Hawaii, Ottawa, and São Paulo.
Involved in the Wog Wog habitat fragmentation
experiment carried out by colleagues at CSIRO
Wildlife and Ecology and the Australian National
Special interests include the higher classification
and evolution of beetles and the relationships
between insects and fungi.
Simon A. Lawson – Japan
BAgricSci (Entomology & Horticulture), MAgricSci
(Forest entomology) [Uni Adelaide], DSc (Forestry)
[Uni Tokyo]
Biological control of the bark beetle, Ips grandicollis, on pine trees in South Australia in con­
junction with the Waite Institute. Spent two years
at Forestry Institute in Tsukuba, Japan. Main
research interests include biological and integrated
control of insect and other pests with particular
emphasis on forest pests. Ecology and behaviour
of insect parasitoids and predators. Population
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dynamics of insect pests and interactions with
natural enemies. Plant/insect interactions.
Johan M. Lejeune – Belgium
MSc (Agric Engineering) [Univ Ghent, Belgium]
Agriculture engineer with more than 15 years
experience specialising in forestry, wood technology and wood as an energy source. Chief
Technical Advisor and Consultant on FAO
missions to Madagascar, Rwanda, Burundi, Guinea
Bissau, Cap Verde and Ghana. Member of energy
evaluation team for UNDP/USAID/World Bank
in Madagascar, studying charcoal kilns to help
reduce pressure on existing forests. Research
Fellow at Forestry Department of Australian
National University, researching ‘wood for energy’
in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Nepal and
Malaysia. Expertise in natural forest and environmental protection, as well as commercialisation
and transportation of forest products. Project
management, feasibility and evaluation studies of
new and completed projects in forestry and
domestic fuels. Mother tongue Dutch with fluency
in English and French, and working knowledge of
Portuguese and German.
Wilco Liebregts – Fiji
MSc [Wageningen, The Netherlands]
Specialist in Crop Protection, with extensive
experience with several international agencies,
including ACIAR and the CSIRO Division of
Entomology, within Australia and overseas.
Worked in Pacific Islands, including Samoa, Tonga
and Fiji. Experienced in surveys for pest species
and biocontrol agents in the Pacific Islands.
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Biocontrol project involvement has included Fruit
Piercing Moth, Banana aphid, White Peach Scale,
and Heteropsylla sp., a pest of Leucaena. Published
more than 20 scientific papers. Fluent Dutch,
German and English speaker, with French and
some Samoan and Tongan.
tural plantations and urban areas. More than
twenty-five years with CSIRO carrying out
research into aspects of termite ecology, biology,
taxonomy and control led to his establishment as
international authority on taxonomy and biology
of termites.
Ross McLeod – Australia
He has carried out taxonomic work in museums in
the U.K., U.S.A. and Sweden. He has worked
closely with industry in assessing a wide range of
materials and insecticides in laboratory and field
trials, and in providing advice to mining companies and the pest control industry.
BAE (Agric. Economics) [University of Sydney], PhD
[University of Queensland]
Financial and economic analyst with particular
interest in infrastructure projects (airport developments in SE Asia, effluent usage in agriculture),
environmental projects (market potential for
environmentally sustainable pest mangement,
cost-benefit analysis of projects designed to reduce
nutrient loadings in northern Australian river
systems), and agribusiness projects (sugar industry,
animal health vaccines in Africa, milling of rice
etc). Experience in Market Assessment, including
lot-fed beef, egg production, pig-meat production,
livestock diseases, and strategies for domestic and
overseas marketing of meat.
Familiar with Information Technologies including
development of computer sofware packages for
strategic planning in aquaculture project investment (Global), economic impact of tick-borne
diseases (TickCost) and a strategic planning
software package for the CSIRO (Priority)
(TickCost) and a strategic planning software
package for the CSIRO (Priority)
Leigh R. Miller – Australia
BSc PhD (Australian National University)
Dr Philippe Marchot – Italy
Doctor Vet Med [Uni Roma] and overseas.
His 30 years of research experience includes a
background in forest research in Queensland and
the Northern Territory that provided a sound basis
of general botanical and zoological skills.
Worked in Pacific Islands, including Samoa, Tonga
and Fiji. Experienced in surveys for pest species
and biocontrol agents in the Pacific Islands.
His early termite work in Darwin developed the
only proven method of control of the termite
Mastotermes darwiniensis in forest and horticul-
In addition to his scientific skills, he has demonstrated management and communication skills by
leading projects which required extensive contact
and liaison with the public, industry, government
bodies and departments and their political leaders.
He has also been involved in scientific advisory
committees. He has experience in fauna surveys,
often in remote areas, as parts of environmental
studies or assessing the impact of termites as pests.
He has carried out consultancy work in New
Zealand, Thailand and Laos, and liaison with
international colleagues involved observation of,
and participation in, other researchers’ work in
Thailand, China, the United States and Brazil.
David Paxton – Australia
BVetSc [Univ Qld], MDevAdmin [ANU]
Veterinary Officer (DPIE) and private practicioner.
Technical advisor to Australian Meat Board,
Animal Health Committee. Senior Veterinary
Officer to Animal Quarantine Service, Australian
Department of Health. Principal Veterinary Officer
planning for animal health emergencies and
livestock exports at Australian Bureau of Animal
Health. Trade Commissioner (Agriculture) with
Austrade based in Bahrain during 1984-87.
PVO with AQIS in 1987, including supervising
quarantine transfer of Boran cattle embryos to
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Australia from Zambia. A veterinary administrator
and animal health policy developer and analyst
with broad experience in meat hygiene and
veterinary public health, animal quarantine,
national policy coordination, livestock imports and
exports, and emergency planning.
After seventeen years Australian experience,
became Australian Trade Commissioner (Agriculture) in the Middle East, promoting international
liaison and trade development, negotiating quality
standards and providing empirical information for
discussion of trade disputes. Subsequently
engaged by the International Development
Program of Australian Universities to manage
international contracts in human resource
development, in particular a major bilateral
contract with the Iranian government.
Postgraduate studies in development administration with particular emphasis on urban animal
Recent experience includes setting up quarantine
structures for the PNG government. Has work
experience in the Middle East, Iran, Algeria, Egypt,
Zambia, India, Thailand, Malaysia and Papua New
Duncan W. Peter – Australia
BAgSci, Hon BAgSci, PhD (Univ Adelaide)
Animal physiologist and nutritionist with highly
developed expertise in ruminant nutrition and
production, including an expert knowledge of
macro- and trace mineral nutrition. Specialised
expertise is complemented by a high level of
knowledge of animal production and agriculture
in general, plus well developed management skills,
acquired during more than 30 years experience in
research and research management in Australia
and overseas, including 19 years with the CSIRO
Division of Animal Production in NSW and WA.
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During this time has assisted with, conducted or
managed research on energy, protein, mineral (eg:
selenium, cobalt, copper, zinc, sulphur, sodium,
potassium, magnesium, calcium, plus multielement supplements) and vitamin (E & B12)
nutrition. Studies included the biochemistry and
metabolism of different nutrients and their effects
on environmental adaptation, reproductive
performance, liveweight and growth, skin
structure, wool growth and wool quality.
As a result of these studies is experienced in a wide
array of research and analytical procedures and
instrumentation, including the use of stable and
radioactive isotopes.
While at CSIRO worked predominantly with sheep
and through an emphasis on the grazing animal,
also has substantial experience in pasture growth
and composition, intake and supplementation.
Managerial experience (with CSIRO) included
periods as group leader, support staff and facilities
manager, project manager and joint program
leader of an ACIAR project on sheep nutrition and
health in northern China.
Consequently, has good management skills in the
areas of communication, project planning and
evaluation, project supervision, staff planning, staff
development and management, resource planning
and management (including financial planning
and budget mangement), inter-/intra institution/
industry or client liaison, group facilitation,
preparation of funding submissions, report writing
and research extension.
Has experience in training of overseas technical
and scientific staff, lecturing to undergraduates,
supervision of undergraduate and post graduate
students and communicating with multifaceted
Author/co-author of more than 70 scientific
publications. Highly computer literate. Pos­sesses a
practical, as well as theoretical, bent, enjoying a
hands-on approach when neccessary.
Darren Phillips – Australia
BSc (Hons, 1st Class), PhD [Univ Melbourne], CPAg
As principal consultant of Symbioun Australia, Dr
Phillips has accumulated more than 12 years
experience, plus a total of 40 publications in
University, Government, Industry and Community
sectors. The consultancy service specialises in plant
health and integrated resource management
matters, particularly pest risk analysis, plant
quarantine, forest and seed plant path­ology,
resource management, project development and
production, and community advocacy. Experience
has been gained at International, National, State
and Community levels. During its first year and a
half of operations, Symbioun Australia has
completed 9 projects. Liaison with a wide range of
contacts and organisations both within Australia
and overseas has been extensive. Dr Phillips is a
member of the Australasian Plant Pathology
Society, American Phytopathology Society,
Australian Institute of Agricultural Science, and
founding member of the Australian Centre for
Environmentally Sustainable Systems Inc.
Dr Phillips holds a CPAg (Certified Practicing
Agriculturalist) as a Stage 3, Leading Professional,
the highest level awarded
David Phillips – Australia
Master of Business Administration [Deakin University], Bachelor Agricultural Science
[University of Adelaide]
A broad range of working experience in the
livestock, meat production and meat processing
industries of Australia, Ireland and the United
Kingdom. Special fields of competence include
Business Administration and Management, R&D,
Marketing and Marketing Intelligence, Quality
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List of Consultants
GPO Box 2566 Canberra ACT 2601 · Phone +61 2 6282 5325
Web: · Email:
Management, Quality System Auditing, Best
Practice and Industry Benchmarking. Career
highlights include Technical Projects Manager for
the Australian Meat & Livestock Corporation,
Senior Research Officer for the South Australian
Department of Agriculture, and Senior Consultant
for AACM International.
coasts, most extensively on the cool temperate
Victorian and tropical/subtropical Queensland
At present, joint Managing Director of Alliance
Consulting & Management Pty Ltd, Brisbane.
Recent consultancies for environmental consultancy companies, state and local government
departments include ecological survey work and
compiling biological inventories for all aquatic
plants (seagrasses, mangroves, freshwater
flowering plants, riparian vegetation, phytoplankton and macroalgae) in marine, estuarine and
freshwater habitats.
Julie Phillips – Australia
B Sc (Hons) PhD [Monash University]
More than 20 years experience working as a
phycologist (algal specialist) undertaking research
projects on marine macroalgae on all Australian
Extensive experience and background knowledge
of algal taxonomy, systematics, reproduction, life
histories, biodiversity, biogeography and conservation.
Victor H. Powell – Australia
BSc (lst Class Hons) [Uni QLD], MSc, PhD [Uni
QLD] in Organic Chemistry. Fellow, Royal Australian
Chemical Institute; Associate Member, Australian
Institute of Food Science & Technology.
A meat scientist and technologist who has
specialised in the identification of consumer,
retailer and wholesale requirements back through
the distribution chain to the meat packer during
his career with the CSIRO Division of Food
Scienmce & Technology. The critical points in the
demand/supply lines affect both customer and the
exporter - how to improve both of their profitabilities is the focus of Dr Powell’s expertise. Has
worked in this capacity in Japan, Korea and the
USA with meat exported from Australia, and
within the domestic meat market within these
Can offer marketing and export advice oppor­
tunities for meat products. Has expertise in the
following areas: Product development and
utilisation, design of processing systems, both the
traditional hot and western-style slaughter, and
chilling, freezing and thawing procedures. Design
of shop layouts and single items of machinery,
packaging, refrigeration, cooking etc. Materials
handling of products within the food processing
industry, quality assurance schemes, packaging
systems including vacuum, skin and modified gas
atmosphere packaging, retail ready systems,
costing of products, training pro­grammes, hygiene
systems, helf life and display life of retail products,
design consumer studies - including tasting and
sensory analysis of food products, and problem
solving in the meat industry.
A recognised international authority on the factors
that affect shelf-life of vacuum packaged meats,
particularly in relation to the commercial activities
of sea freight, air freight, distribution and subsequent display-life of the retail cuts at point of sale.
More than 60 publications in the scientific literature
and conferences, and numerous reports for the
Meat Research Cor­por­a­tion. Advisor to the
AMLC, MRC and AQIS. The Principal of Powell
International Technologies.
Darryn Purdy – Australia
BVs (1st Class Hons) [University of Queensland]
Demonstrated ability to assess, plan and manage
research and development projects in Australia
and overseas. Business management abilities and
training skills in developing and delivering
training courses. Experienced in advisory and
extension work in various production systems
with an emphasis on tropical beef cattle production
and nutrition. Ability to communicate effectively
with producers and with effective communication
skills for technical and non-technical people.
Experienced in beef cattle production and herd
health both in Australia and Papua New Guinea.
Experienced in livestock disease and their control.
Unitil recently, a Senior Veterinary Officer with
AQIS where he managed the PNG program of the
Northern Australian Quarantine Strategy (NAQS),
and managed an AusAID funded project to
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strengthen quarantine and animal and plant health
in West Papua (Irian Jaya).
Wasp Migration
Plane from
Alice Springs
Hobart 1959
Has analysed the quarantine risks associated with
military and humanitarian movements between
Australia and East Timor. While with AQIS, has
managed various surveillance and research
projects, namely screw-worm fly surveillance and
trapping, diagnostic capability for detection of
surra, and surveillance techniques for Japanese
Daniele Salvini – Italy
Doctorate in Agricultural Sciences (Hons 1979)
[University of Pisa, Italy]
Experienced agronomist specialising in rural
extension planning, and the training of extension
officers, supervisors and farmers.
Project man­age­ment, farmers groups management,
field surveys, crop production and plant pathology
on FAO sponsored projects in Angola, Zanzibar,
Tanzania, Guinea Bissau, Argentina, Cape Verde
and Brazil, as well as in Europe. Fluent in English,
Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and French. Highly
computer literate.
Keith Savin – Australia
BSc Hons (Biochemistry), PhD [Monash Univ]
GPO Box 2566 Canberra ACT 2601 · Phone +61 2 6282 5325
Web: · Email:
design, management and assessment of bio­­­tech­­­
nology research projects, and with a large number
of contacts in the field in Australia, USA and
Excellent communication skills. Highly computer
literate, especially in a Macintosh environment;
everything from word processing to database
set-up, to ‘surfing’ the Internet and scanning online
Cost effective provision of professional scientific
and biobusiness database searches through
GenSeek, Biotechnology Information Services.
Peter H. Smith – Australia
BSc (Zoology, Biochemistry), PhD [Sydney University]
A Principal Research Scientist with CSIRO Division
of Entomology until his retirement in 1993.
Internationally recognised for his research on
circadian rhythm and reproductive behaviour and
physiology in insects, especially fruit fly and sheep
Experienced computer modeller with particular
reference to the genetic control of sheep blowfly.
Past President of the Australasian Society for the
Study of Animal Behaviour. Published nearly 40
papers in the scientific literature and conferences.
Many years experience in biotechnology research
in several different laboratory situa­tions, both in
Australia and overseas.
Philip Spradbery – Australia
Seven years in cancer research at the ICRF in
London was followed by over 5 years at CSIRO
Division of Biomolecular Engineering (Protein
Chemistry) using molecular biology to develop a
veterinary vaccine, and then 5 years managing a
programme at Florigene Pty Ltd to genetically
engineer carnations for lowered senescence,
hormone production and resistance to fungal
diseases. Experienced in most aspects of molecular
biol­ogy research, genetic engineering of plants,
Internationally recognised entomologist specialising in wasp studies and screw-worm fly research
and control.
BSc (1st Class Hons, Zool), PhD, DSc (Entomology)
[Univ London]
Spent 30 years with CSIRO Division of Ento­
mology, retiring as a Senior Principal Research
Scientist in 1988 after several years as Head of the
Insects Affecting Livestock and Humans Section.
Currently an Honorary Research Fellow at CSIRO.
Published nearly 90 scientific papers, books and
book chapters, including the standard reference
book on European wasp, many papers on Sirex
woodwasp and its biological control agents, and
manuals on the rearing and diagnosis of screwworm fly.
Founded the Screw-worm Fly facility for CSIRO in
Papua New Guinea in 1973, and was Officer-inCharge until 1985. Developed artificial rearing and
mass-rearing techniques for the Old World
screwworm fly species, plus extensive studies on
its reproductive physiology and ecology.
During a 30-year scientific career, has worked in 30
different countries. Established XCS Consulting
Pty Ltd (which represents the interests of nearly 70
fellow scientists and technologists) in 1993.
The company has been engaged to carry out
contract research into animal health products for
several national and international organizations, in
Australia and overseas. Also prepares regis­­­­tra­­tion
packages for agricultural and veterinary chemicals
for submission to the National Registration
XCS Consulting has the contract to provide
European wasp awareness and insect identification
services for the ACT (Canberra) government.
Dr Spradbery continues to carry out consultancies
for DPIE, CSIRO and FAO (including an FAO
mission to Iraq and neighbouring countries in 1998
to investigate a major screw-worm fly outbreak).
He is also a consultant to the Arab Organisation for
Agricultural Development (AOAD).
Harry A. Standfast – Australia
BSc, MSc [Univ of Queensland]
Well known member of CSIRO from 1970-90. Prior
to service with CSIRO, bacteriologist with
Queensland State Health Department, regional
malariologist in Papua New Guinea and research
entomologist with the Queensland Institute of
Medical Research.
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Major expertise in the design, implementation and
assessment of vector control programmes,
monitoring vector populations, and mapping
insect distributions. These include investigations
into the epidemiology of malaria and arthropodborne viruses, design and implementation of
vector competence studies and the identification of
vectors of both malaria and arboviruses. Designer/
constructor of traps for haematophagous insects.
Also investigates vector and pathogen aspects of
outbreaks of insect-borne disease.
Author of more than 70 scientific papers, including
several book chapters. Currently managing
International Vector Consultants, an independent
organisation providing consultancy services to the
Brisbane City Council and Gold Coast City Council
on mosquito control, and the Bureau of Rural
Resources on insect vectors of viruses affecting
livestock. A Fellow of the Queensland Institute of
Medical Research.
Robert (Bob) W. Taylor – Australia
BSc (Zool) [Uni New Zealand], MSc (Zool) [Uni
Auckland] PhD [Harvard Univ]
Australia’s leading ant taxonomist. Retired as a
Senior Research Scientist from CSIRO in 1988 but
continues as Honorary Research Fellow. Research
activities include studies on the biology, taxonomy,
biogeography and ecology of ants in USA,
Panama, UK, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy,
Malaysia, PNG, Hawaii, Samoa, Fiji, Tahiti, Japan,
Russia, Ghana, Uganda, Mauritius and Australia.
Major scientific interest in biodiversity, evolutionary theory, including sociality in insects, and
traditional and modern taxonomic method.
Published nearly 100 scientific papers. Experienced
in macro-photography, CD rom texts, scientific
editing and writing, and public lecturing
(including at University of Canberra, National
Science Centre and The Australian Museum).
GPO Box 2566 Canberra ACT 2601 · Phone +61 2 6282 5325
Web: · Email:
Robert (Bob) S. Tozer – Australia
Dip Agriculture [Wagga Agric Coll/Sturt Univ]
While working for Department of Agriculture,
Stock & Fisheries in PNG, developed livestock
enterprises, conducted surveys of livestock
diseases, and trained staff in diagnostic techniques
while based at the Central Veterinary Laboratory,
Port Moresby. Joined CSIRO Screw-worm Fly
Project in 1978 and played a vital role in the
development of rearing and fly trapping techniques, and conducted several surveys for
screw-worm fly in remote areas of PNG.
planning, house site selection, household and
cropping energy audits, retrofit of existing
buildings, and biological resource management.
Water harvesting, storage, irrigation and purification techniques. Soil building techniques, animal
and plant management techniques, companion
planting, sustainable farming and grazing
Land capability assessments, land rehabilitation
and erosion control. Integrated Pest Manage­ment.
Also experienced in community-based Landcare
initiatives, bioregionalism, and alternative
economic strategies.
From 1982 to 1993, based at the CSIRO Long
Pocket Laboratories in Brisbane studying Buffalo
fly ecology and control. Key role in developing the
Buffalo fly trap, a non-chemical control option
which has since been commercialised.
Chris Tucker – USA
Carried out consultancies for DPIE in Malaysia and
Indonesia collecting screw-worm fly for studies of
geographical races of the Old World species, and
acting O-i-C at the screw-worm facility in Papua
New Guinea.
BS (Fish & Wildlife Management), MS, PhD (Entomology) [Univ Arkansas]
Experienced in research into insecticide,
anthelmintic and resistance studies in poultry and
Established a culture of Old World screw-worm fly,
Chrysomya bezziana, in 1996 for a tripartite project
(CSIRO Division of Tropical Agriculture/
University of Bandung/Research Institute for
Veterinary Science) at Bogor, Indonesia. The culture
is being used to develop a screw-worm vaccine.
Specific programmes have included evaluation of
topical ivermectin and other insecticides against
horse flies (Tabanidae), plus biological studies on
horse flies, and studies on doramectin and an
ivermectin sustained-release bolus for control of
gastrointestinal nematodes in cattle.
Published 15 scientific papers. Awarded a
Churchill Fellowship in 1989 to study the sterile
insect technique (SIT) with the USA/Mexico
facility in Central America. Founding Director of
Flycam Pty Ltd in 1993 (
James Travis – Australia
Permaculture Designer
Principal of Permaculture Solutions.
A Perma­culture design consultant and educator,
special­is­ing in cool temperate systems estab­
lishment. Experienced in integrated property
Interested in cooperative business structures and
village/town/community design.
Susan Turner – Australia
BSc Special Hons (Geology) [Univ Reading], PhD
(Geology) [Univ Newcastle-upon-Tyne], Museums Dipl
[Museums Assoc UK]
Geoscientist and vertebrate palaeontologist with 34
years experience in international research in
Palaeozoic and Mesozoic rocks in Australia and
many countries overseas, specialising in the use of
vertebrate microfossils for geochronology,
bio­strati­graphy, palaeobiology and
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Experienced microscopist with a comprehensive
understanding of the unusual diversity of structure
and history in the dental and skeletal tissues of
fishes and other vertebrates.
Proposer and co-leader of major international
research group with over 200 workers in 50
countries. Continuous record of obtaining ARC
and other grants and fellowships since 1982.
Over 300 research papers, reports and articles on
geology, palaeontology, natural history, history,
biography, obituary including over 90 scientific
papers in international refereed journals and more
than 20 invited chapters in scientific books and
Experienced in international conference participation and organisation. Expert assessor and
reviewer of specialist manuscripts, proposals and
GPO Box 2566 Canberra ACT 2601 · Phone +61 2 6282 5325
Web: · Email:
projects. Foundation assessor Paleobiology Fund
(USA); Australian representative UNESCO-IUGS
International Geoloscience Programme Scientific
Board 2000-2003 and Member, Australian IGCP
Committee 2000.
Long experience also in museum services, advise
on natural history collections: identification
management and display, curation practices and
policy. Management and organisational skills in
running teams for display and research. Media
experience in print, live television and radio in
Australia and Britain (7 years on BBC natural
history experts programme Looks Natural).
Twenty five years of experience in the copy editing
of scientific, geological and vertebrate palaeontological papers and theses, particularly for
researchers and students who are not native
speakers of English, and latterly editing of large
volumes. Online editing and newsletter publishing
specialising in manuscripts by non-English
language authors.
Publisher and editor of international newsletter,
Ichthyolith Issues, held in National Library of
Australia. University level lecturing including in
Australian British, Chinese and German universities, student supervision and mentoring, school
talks, popular lectures on all aspects of geology
and palaeontology especially vertebrate fossils and
Specialist in shark taxa and biology with interests
in characteristics of shark attack and hydrodynamics of squamation. Specialist on bonebeds and
coprolites with historical perspectives on fish kills.
Interests in use of and identification of fish remains
and fishing implements at archaeological sites;
history of geology and palaeontology and
women’s involvement in geoscience. Currently
available as an independent consultant.
Keith Wardhaugh – Australia
BSc (Geography) [Durham Uni],
PhD Entomology [ANU]
Internationally recognised entomologist during his
career at the Centre for Overseas Pest Research
(UK) and CSIRO Divison of Entomology, most
recently in the veterinary entomology field. A
leading specialist on the environmental impact of
agricultural chemicals, especially the macrocyclic
lactones (ivermectin, moxidectin etc).
Insect ecologist, specialising in locusts, dung
beetles and the Australian sheep blowfly. Expertise
in the use of predictive modelling and Integrated
Pest Management.
Has worked extensively overseas, including locust
work in Arabia and North Africa, and dung beetle
studies in Spain. Published more than 50 scientific
Simon Willby – United Kingdom
BA (Hons Graphic Design) [Bristol Uni]
Visual communicator, designer/illustrator/
publisher. Freelance designer/author, especially
children’s books and educational material for
schools, and government and United Nations
Head of Graphic Design Department at Uni­ver­­sity
of Papua New Guinea (1983-86). Art director, OM
design to publishing, of Resur­gence Magazine and
Green Books, Devon.
Consultant book designer/illustrator for the British
Council and the Overseas Development Corporation – to develop textbooks and audio-visual
material in overseas countries, including Pakistan.
Consultant for FAO in developing audio-visuals in
the context of communication campaign work.
Assignments with FAO included heading the
communications team during the New World
screw-worm fly eradication programme in Libya
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GPO Box 2566 Canberra ACT 2601 · Phone +61 2 6282 5325
Web: · Email:
(1988-92). Provides conception and planning skills
in the development of communication campaign
strategies, using all media forms.
mental economics. Familiar with designing farm
level data collection and evaluation, and the
appraisal of policies related to the environment.
Experience also includes government agricultural
pesticide reduction programmes, and appraisal of
marketing possibilities of organic products.
George R. Wilson – Australia
Experienced at liaising with farm sector and
government clients. Adept at handling print and
electronic media to promote satisfactory outcomes
from research results.
Current involvement in setting-up and management of Australia-wide community based
organisations, and in an international scheme
which evaluates national quality control schemes
of farm management systems. n
BVetSci, Mvet Sci [Univ Sydney], PhD
[Univ Aberdeen], Commercial Pilots Licence
Expertise in wildlife management, conservation
and environmental strategies, resource use analyst,
sustainable use of wild animals, native birds, and
mammals, kangaroos, and emus.
Management of endangered species, quarantine
and disease, including exotic disease mangement
in wild animals. Expertise in Aboriginal rural
industry and employment policies, and Ecotourism. Over 25 years experience in the area of
public policy and strategic analysis of resource use.
Primary expertise in sustainable agriculture and
development economics, in tropical and temperate
climates. Experienced in survey design, collection,
analysis and evaluation of farm data, farm
management appraisal and policy advice (especially pollution problems and alternative farming
systems = sustainable agriculture).
Responsible for state and federal government
policy in wildlife management, animal health,
animals production, resource management and
conservation in Departments of Environment,
National Parks and Wildlife (NPWS), and Primary
Industry (DPIE).
Three years as consultant with ACIL Economics
and Policy Pty Ltd, five years with Animal
Resources and Branch Head in Bureau of Rural
Science, DPIE. Section Heads in DPIE, Department
of Environment, ANPWS, and NSW NPWS.
Conducted extensive aerial surveys of wild
animals throughout Australia. Commercial Pilot
with 3000 hrs, instrument and twin engine rating.
Author of more than 80 papers, reports, chapters
and three books.
Els Wynen – Australia
BSc (Tropical Agric) [Netherlands], MSc
(Agricultural Economics) [Univ Reading, UK],
PhD [La Trobe Univ]
Twenty years experience in agricultural economics,
with an emphasis on development and environ-
Locations in which members of XCS Consulting have worked.
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