Appendices 2007


Appendices 2007
s Appendices Appendices Appendices Appen
ndices Appendices Appendices Appendices A
ppendices Appendices Appendices Appendice
to Focus on Renewal Midterm Review PSIBouw
Appendices to Focus on Renewal Midterm Review PSIBouw
Appendix 1: Evaluation
Appendix 2: Ouputrapportage PSIBouw 2006/2007
Appenix 3: List of projects PSIBouw
Appendix 1 Evaluation (Review)
List of abbreviations
List of abbreviations
1 Introduction
2 Comparison of 2003 programme
with status in Spring 2007
2.1 Collaboration
2.1.1 Market
2.1.2 Supply
2.1.3 Demand
2.1.4 Institutional framework
2.1.5 Culture and behaviour.
2.1.6 Instrumentation
2.2 New thinking and acting
2.2.1 Knowledge.
2.3 Construction practice
3 Summary of things still to do
AIO (Assistant In Opleiding) (”Assistent in Training”): student working on
research for his docor’ degree
Building Information Model
BN (Bouwend Nederland) Dutch association of enterprises
in the building sector
B&U: (Burger- en utiliteitsbouw) Civil and Utility Building construction
CROW The national information and technology platform for infrastructure,
traffic and public space (
CUR-NET Dutch network of programmes, alliancies and projects on the
development of knowledge and competences in spatial planning,
building industry and the environment (
Design and Construct
EIB (Economisch Instituut voor de Bouwnijverheid) Economical Institute
for the Building Industry(
GWW (Grond- Weg en Waterbouw) Infrastructure, water and road
Living Building Concept (
De Nieuwbouw Association of Young Proofessionals in the Building
Industry (
ONRI Dutch Association of Consulting Engineers (
Centre for Research on Building and the Build Environment
PIANOo (Professioneel en Innovatief Aanbesteden, Netwerk voor Overheidsopdrachtgevers) Network Organisation and Knowledge Centre for
Dutch Government Commisioners (
Dutch Standard for Building Specifications
RGD Rijksgebouwendienst Dutch Government Building Agency
RISNET Dutch Network and Knowledge Organisation on Risk Management
RRG (Regieraad Bouw) Dutch National Construction Taskforce
RWS (Rijkswaterstaat) Directorate-General for Public Works on Watermanagement (
SBR (Stichting Bouw Research) Foundation for Research in the Building
Sector (
STABU Foundation for the standardisation of builders specifications
Research Institute for Applied Technological Knowledge
UNETO-VNI Association of the Dutch Installation Industry (
VBWT (Vereniging van Bouw- en woning Toezicht) Society of Building
Inspectors (
VEH (Vereniging Eigen Huis) Dutch Association of House Owners
VROM: (Ministerie van Vrom) Ministry of Housing, Spacial Planning and
the Environment (
This report contains an analyses of the progress of the PSIBouw – Program.
The evaluation has been conducted by the Programme Office of PSIBouw, in collaboration with TNO, the
University of Delft, and the Centre for Process Innovation (CPI).
PSIBouw whishes to thank these participants for their input in this report.
In Chapter 2: the original goals, as first formulated in: Process and System innovation in the Dutch Construction Industry. Project Plan for a Research and Development Programme (May 2004) are confronted with the
result of the programme as to spring 2007.
Indicated is which part of the originally intended projects has been executed and what the results are.
Chapter 3 gives a summary of the recquired activities still to be undertaken in order to match the outcome
of the programme with the original intentions.
Comparison of 2003 programme with status in Spring 2007
In this chapter we compare the starting points (2003) for each cluster with PSIBouw’s current progress, according the present theme’s: Collaboration. New Thinking and Acting and Construction Practive.
The method is as follows: In each part of the 2003/04 programme, the vision, mission and objectives are
repeated, followed by a table containing the planned projects in the left-hand column and details of what
has been done to date (Spring 2007) in the right-hand column. This table is always followed by a small
sub-paragraph entitled Results which briefly summarises the current situation and concludes what else
would need to be done to achieve the intended project results more precisely.
2.1 Collaboration
The visions, missions, objectives and projects of the original cluster: Solutions, Conditions and Instrumentation fall under the theme of Collaboration.
Three subclusters have been defined in the Solutions cluster: Market (A), Supply (B), Demand (C). Two subclusters have been defined in the Conditions cluster: Institutional Framework (D) and Culture (E)
2.1.1 Market
The Market subcluster (transaction innovation) in the Solutions cluster attempts to achieve an optimum
balance between the demand and the supply side of the construction sector.
The Market subcluster’s vision is to link demand and supply by formulating the demand with all its relevant
requirements and conditions.
The mission is to create conditions in which the demand can be formulated clearly so that the supply can
be linked to it. The focus lies on improving the demand and supply mechanism in order to achieve a good
market dynamic.
The main objective is to maximise socio-economic benefits so as to be able to select the most appropriate
tendering procedure and forms of collaboration for each project. The various forms of collaboration and
contracts will need to be investigated with a view to achieving an optimal price/quality ratio.
Market projects
A.1. Quick wins (short-term projects)
Given the need for change from the socio-economic point of view, short-term projects are targeted towards
quick wins. These projects are defined in ConstrucTable and involve:
Table 3.1:
Market - A.1.
Quick Wins
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
Set up a helpdesk organisation which
makes its process and system innovation
expertise available to stakeholders andcontractors
The PianOo organisation has set up a tendering expertise
centre. The Subcontracting and Tendering Guidelines also form
a practical manual on this subject. The Client’s platform (RGD)
is working on further development and practical aspects in
consultation with PSIBouw.
Audit and evaluate completed alliance contracts in
which the benefits for the parties are disseminated
onstrucTable has performed this scan on the Houten Castellum en Waardse Alliantie projects, among others. About 15
projects have also been evaluated in the context of D4, Innovative contracting
Dissemination has also taken place through a large number
of publications, conferences and workshops and is still taking
place (see also D4).
Further develop and optimise the principle of life
cycle costs
One AIO project is planned in project O208. Existing insights
have also been tested in the practical project. This will be
continued in the last run.
Develop a systematic method of functional specification and the associated budgeting.
The CROW has published a functional specification manual
and disseminated it in the sector. The SBR supports this and is
therefore additionally safeguarding the results. The companies ‘PKM solutions’ and ‘ ICOP’ and other companies are
working with this in practice.
Make user/client responsible for the bill of quantities.
We have found that there was too little interest in this subject
in the market and that it was quite far removed from innovative ambitions.
Develop a system for mediation between parties to
resolve disagreements
Project V312, Efficiency realisation: Partnering, alliances and
arbitration (University of Tilburg) is taking a significant step in
this regard: alternative dispute resolution methods (ADR).
Dissemination of the results of this will be continued in the
last run.
The Quick Wins have all been achieved, except for one which turned out not to be entirely relevant. They
are having their intended impact on other projects. No follow-up is currently needed other than the normal
project after-care (final evaluations and knowledge dissemination). The Alternative Dispute Resolution
method will need to be developed further with collaboration between theoretical knowledge and various
practical situations. (1)
A.2. Specification and selection of demand (long-term projects)
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
Investigate the relationship between demand and
supply in the market
In Project O002 an audit was carried out which confirmed
that a different call for tenders and a correspondingly different
attitude stimulate innovation. Many practical recommendations for both the client and the contractor were made.
The Subcontracting and Tendering Guidelines (project O222)
responds to this by suggesting practical ways of achieving
a different call to tender and reaction to it on the part of
Establish the desired reaction from the market. Different situations require different approaches and
forms of tendering. Private parties (providers) must
be involved in the building process early on in order
to incorporate innovative and creative methods of
execution into the process
See 1.
Furthermore, practical games have been developed under
the auspices of PSIBouw with which people from all stakeholder groups can try out new forms of behaviour. In this way,
methods are also being developed in various PSIBouw practical projects to achieve a more creative and more productive
relationship between clients and contractors.
Protection of intellectual property and conditions
(competition requirements) in these projects
No protective measures are being prepared. However, the
subject is sometimes identified as an obstacle to putting
forward innovative suggestions in the competition phase
(tendering phase) of projects. This aspect has been/is being
included in various project evaluations. No further action is
required for the time being. This subject will be re-evaluated
at the end of 2007 (2).
Table 3.2:
Market A.2. Demand
and selection
We have gained sufficient insight into the importance and impact of demand specification on the bidding
and tendering process through scientific research, practical evaluations and simulation and gaming experiments. Process and system innovation requires a fundamentally different relationship between the contractor and the client and a different method of calling for tenders. This is supported and strengthened by the
results from other clusters. It is now important to develop and try out these new forms of behaviour and
attitudes and other forms of demand specifications in the most recent PSIBouw period (3).
A.3. Best practices and monitoring (long-term projects)
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
In Project O012 an AIO investigates supply chain integration
and its extent and forms, and compares them with those in
other sectors.
Innovative initiatives in construction are ‘exhibited’ in the project (B101). This site is being continuously expanded to create a shop window for the entire
construction sector.
PSIBouw’s many practical projects also provide extensive
insight into best practices.
The question as to what the best knowledge base for dissemination purposes is has yet to be answered (4).
A study of best practices in:
• the construction sector
• other industries (offshore, automotive,
shipbuilding etc.)
• the construction sector in other countries
Learning experiences will be stored in a
knowledge base.
Table 3.3:
Market A.3. Best
practices and
Table 3.3:
Market A.3. Best
practices and
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
The EIB and TNO are monitoring the changes in the construction sector by checking the situation in the construction sector
against a number of innovation-relevant indicators on an
annual basis over a period of four years.
The ‘construction shop window’ and the monitoring of practical projects also help to identify changes.
In addition, a start has been made on project monitoring of
knowledge development projects (O235) for the projects in
the Solutions cluster. This has resulted in the establishment of
a protocol for the completion of projects. This will take priority
over the next two years (5).
The benchmark projects (O005 and I425) are also contributing
towards insight into this subject..
At the end of 2007 the results of these monitoring techniques
will be evaluated (6), including the best method of disseminating knowledge (7).
Monitoring techniques should be developed in order
to compare best practices with each other and with
traditional methods so as to be able to demonstrate
the impact on the market.
Best Practices have been and are being audited to a large extent. However, we have learned from analyses that these best practices are still far removed from the ideals aspired to in the PSIBouw objectives. On
balance, best practices remain the results of the current regime.
Comparisons with other sectors are still relevant. We will continue with this over the next two years.
A.4. Standards and legislation (long-term projects)
Table 3.4:
Market A.4. Standards
and legislation
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
The research focuses on the optimal use of EU
legislation and regulations when using innovative
tendering methods and processes.
PSIBouw recently delivered a broad master study (V310) into
the (legal) institutional framework in the construction sector.
Part of this is the question as to which regulations work for
or against change. On the basis of this master study, we have
now created a prioritisation for follow-up research.
Reports with the results and recommendations for
amending the procedures and regulations.
Follow-up studies for the tendering part have already been
scheduled on the basis of interim results from V310.
An action plan for disseminating the knowledge
acquired and suggestion for experiments.
This approach is still in its early stages. However, new forms
of tendering are being experimented with in various practical
projects such as Project A2. But we plan to roll out knowledge
and experience during the course of the next two years (8).
Pointer for use in choosing the most suitable form of
tendering for each project
The tendering guideline (project O222) acts as a pointer.
This will be provided for other subjects later on (9).
The subject of standards, procedures and regulations has already received a lot of attention and our understanding of the relevance these aspects have for innovation has greatly increased. In-depth substudies
on some relevant issues are planned. The intended dissemination of knowledge has not yet taken place,
however. This is planned in the near future (8 and 9).
The main theme in the Supply subcluster is supply chain management.
If the construction industry wants to become more attractive, it should focus more on the creation of value
for consumers and the end-users of the construction project. It is not the production as such that is important, but the entire process and service.
The mission of the research theme of Supply is to be the promoter of a client oriented attitude, focusing
primarily on value creation for this client, through optimum coordination of the processes within the construction supply chain.
- obtaining and providing an understanding of the physical construction chain, the associated flows of
information and the socio-economic aspects and the mutual relations between them
- developing strategies for innovation in the construction supply chain and eliminating obstacles to
- developing and introducing knowledge and tools to support the desired innovations in the construction
supply chain.
B.1. State of the art in supply chain integration (Pre-competitive and utilised research)
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
Analyse theme of ‘supply’ and make it operational
• Analyse relevant supply-related themes. These
themes are presented in their own context and
scientific background.
• Translate supply-related subjects (national and
international) to the construction sector
• Define major challenges and constraints relating to
supply in the construction sector.
• Make challenges in the construction sector operational to serve as input for analytic and practical
An AIO trajectory on the aspect of supply chain integration has
been included in Project O012.
In Project O017 an AIO compares the supply chain perspective
in road building in our country with that in other countries.
O201, the Living Building Atlas project, places supply chain
integration entirely in the light of the achievement of (end)
user values and therefore focuses on supply chain inversion.
This concept is being piloted in practice. We are also working intensively on disseminating knowledge and experience
(O223 LBC consortium).
In the More for You project (B160), the firm ‘More for You’ is
trying to integrate the partners in the supply chain using applications such as a BIM and a GIM (relationship with tools).
The “conceptual construction” movement (CB), is also aiming
for complete supply chain integration and is developing new
market forms for this. In project K 548 the PSIBouw programme has been tested against the CB approach. The results
are included in the prioritisation of activities for the next two
years (10).
List current status surrounding ‘supply’ both nationally and internationally and include results in reports.
See B1.1 and B1.3
Develop and implement a benchmark tool
The O005 study, an international list of benchmark tools in the
construction sector, has identified a number of good examples
of benchmark tools. These are being used in Bouwend Nederland’s BON project and VEH (I402) and Bouwend Nederland’s
construction yardstick, among others. Both of these tools
are designed to measure performance on the supply side
of construction. Supply chain integration is an aspect that is
receiving attention in this context.
Table 3.5:
Supply B.1. State
of the art in
supply chain
We have already learned a great deal about supply chain integration. The subject is being studied in depth
(two AIO trajectories) in accordance with the setup from 2003, and its existence and operation are also
being studied in practice. There is a strong link with projects in the Instrumentation cluster. An example
is the use of a GIM (area information model) or BIM (building information model) in which the various
supplying (and demanding) parties have to work together in a virtual world. The extent of supply chain
integration and its implications are also being studied in a number of practical projects. The Living building
concept project (O201) is the most striking supply chain integration project, one in which theory and practice come together in experiments. Action research in optima forma.
But we will have to focus much more on this concept over the next two years, as supply chain integration
is the backbone of process and system innovation. Initiatives for this are being developed in the Collaboration position paper (11).
B.2. Development of road maps (Pre-competitive and utilized research)
Table 3.6:
Supply - B.2.
of road maps
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
The roadmaps projects aims to develop growth paths towards
supply chain integration. In this light, subprojects such as the
Hellevoetsluis (B011) and COINS/BIR (I404 and I422) projects
have been started. The programme also contains knowledge
of the roadmap for supply chain integration in the care sector
created by ‘Twijnstra and Gudde’.
Because roadmaps are growth paths in a sector transition, and
because this subject has been elevated to one of PSIBouw’s
four core themes for the next two years (see the Transition
position paper), a separate subprogramme is being developed
for this.
Develop road maps that promote supply chain
integration for various segments of the construction
sector: civil engineering, house building, commercial
and industrial building.
The subject of road maps has become part of the core theme of sector transition. This developed from the
idea that changes in construction can not only be brought about through knowledge innovation (see Strategische Update PSIBouw, May 2006) and that the development of roadmaps as envisaged in 2003 does not
have a sufficient chance of success. What we have learned from the above projects (see B.2.1) has already
provided the necessary input.
B.3. Execution of construction projects: value chains as development labs
(Pre-competitive and utilised research)
Table 3.7:
Supply - B.3.
Execution of
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
The O201 project , LBC, and in particular its practical application in Veenendaal, Nijmegen and den Helder, corresponds
completely to the original concept of a development lab. In
the Tools cluster work is also ongoing on various 3D tools, and
standardisation of data through projects such as Coins, Visi etc.
is helping the various parties to work together in an integrated
Projects such as partner selection (University of Eindhoven)
(l403) and More for You (B 160) are part of this project.
See also B 4.
The O020-b project, Award on Value, also provides building
blocks for this.
Execute construction projects in which the value
chain (supply chain) is used as a development lab.
A number of interesting construction projects have been executed as a development lab for value chain
thinking to date. These focus on what was envisaged: The development of:
• a toolbox for setting up supply chains (selection of parties, distribution of tasks and roles, supply chain
management) and
• a set of supporting tools (standardisation of data sharing, integrated design tools, value based
Nevertheless, we note that toolboxes and supporting tools are not yet sufficiently well developed to be
able to achieve the desired supply chain integration. An additional programme for the next two years
aimed at supply chain development with maximum value creation will be set up jointly by the four core
themes (12).
B.4. Drivers for interfirm network collaboration (fundamental research)
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
Project was started by University of Eindhoven in 2005 as a
fundamental research project: I402.
PSIBouw will be starting a course on “how to work with your
supply chain”: procurement and strategic partner selection in
Project SPIN (O239).
The PIPS model (I401) also looks at these issues.
Large companies such as ‘Heijmans NV’ and ‘BAM’ are evaluating their own procurement strategies and processes, and
partner selection also plays a role in this. PSIBouw is involved
in this.
Methods for assessing partners
Table 3.8:
Supply B.4. Drivers
for interfirm
network collaboration
The subject in the PSIBouw programme is receiving a great deal of attention in various projects, both on a
fundamental knowledge level (AIO trajectory) and on a practical level. The result is knowledge and experience and a number of good initiatives for new projects and their practical application in some companies. However, all this has not yet been translated into a cohesive offering of possible project and process
interventions that facilitate interfirm network collaboration. This will be developed further over the next two
years (13). Even so, the aspect of supply chain integration is finding little resonance in the sector; certainly
not to the extent found in other sectors of industry. It may possibly differ from consumer goods.
B.5. Interfaces between design and construction (fundamental research)
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
Agreements on the transfer and exchange of drawings
In the VISI project we are working on an agreement system
for exchanging data between different (construction) applications (VISI project, I027c and I444)
Library with components and project details
Various STABU (I027a), CROW (I027b) and UNETO VNI object
libraries have been set up in PAIS.
Central storage of project information
BIM will be looking into this. The various PAIS projects provide
the building blocks for this.
Electronic tendering
Table 3.9:
Supply B.5. Interfaces
design and
The electronic tendering project was tackled by PIANOo
Although this is not fundamental research, it looks as though the actions that have been set in motion
will be sufficient to achieve the objectives. The VISI project in particular is developing various frameworks
for supporting communication between client and contractor in the various contract forms. An initial VISI
framework based on the traditional RAW contract has since been implemented in the sector and is required
by various government and other clients. As a follow-up we are now working on new derivative VISI frameworks based on integrated DBFMOT contracts.
B.6. Interfaces between main contractors and subcontractors in construction
Table 3.10:
Supply B.6. Interfaces
between main
contractors and
in construction
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
An arrangement system for exchanging data between various
construction and other applications is being worked on in the
VISI project.
The COINS project (I404 en I422) also delivers an intelligent
Building Information Model and an engineering method which
contribute to collaboration between main contractors and
Create interfaces (better collaboration and data sharing) between main contractors and sub-contractors.
This activity is well under way and looks to be adequate for the time being. See also B4.
B.7. New supply chain business models in construction
Table 3.11:
Supply B.7. New
supply chain
models in
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
The S@les project (collaboration between contractors, suppliers and software houses) facilitates this project. PSIBouw
supports this Bouwend Nederland initiative and is involved in
it. The project is linked to the COINS (I401 and I422) and VISI
(I027c and I444) projects.
Electronic procurement (between contractor and suppliers)
The aim of the project is to greatly simplify the administrative procurement process between contractor and
supplier in order to:
• reduce mistakes
• eliminate the need to constantly re-enter (virtually) the same information
• make the supplier’s product, price and delivery information available quickly and permanently, in full and
It is gratifying to observe that the sector is already tackling this itself.
Experience gained by PSIBouw furthermore shows us that these targets cannot be achieved with electronic
procurement alone. This project is therefore being integrated into the other projects and will be embedded in the projects to be managed by the Bouw Information Raad (building information council) set up by
PSIBouw in 2007.
B.8. Role and position of the main contractor in the supply chain
Table 3.11:
Supply B.8. Role and
position of the
main contractor in the
supply chain
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
Tackled in project System integrators as drivers for innovation
The O237 project, Architects as system integrators, also looks
at these issues indirectly, as does project O238, Value of
architectural quality.
ontours for roles and position of main contractor.
The concept of system integrators has been or is being sufficiently explored along with the possible role(s)
of the main contractors in it. See B4 for the necessary follow-up.
The vision of the research theme of Demand is that integrated process management and the combination
of more and different disciplines will contribute to the significant creation of added value in the construction
process for clients and users of the built objects. In order to achieve this, the following requirements should
be met:
The theme’s mission is to promote integrated process management with research institutes, contractors,
consultants and public sector clients, both through scientific and practical research.
The objective of the theme is to improve integrated process management in order to maximise the value of
each built object, minimising obstacles during the execution of the product and complying with social rules
and regulations.
The theme focuses on:
- the interfaces between phases in the construction process
- integration of disciplines
- comprehensive and strategic planning of the process.
C.1. Towards a generic protocol
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
Analyse stakeholder interests and define performance indicators
A set of key performance indicators is being created in the Key
Performance Indicators project (I425). Various projects use this
set to serve certain stakeholder interests, such as the VEH delivery monitor, the Bouwend Nederland construction yardstick
and the PIANOo Past Performance Project (I426)
Analyse international processes and protocols and
their applicability to the Dutch construction sector
Project O005 includes a comparison of various international
KPI projects and systems. As soon as the set of key performance indicators for the Netherlands has been defined and
accepted, the results will be widely publicised in 2007/2008.
This set of KPIs is intended as a practical tool for companies
and institutions.
Table 3.12:
Demand –
C.1 Using a
generic protocol
There will be sufficient know-how once the results of the various studies of benchmarking and key performance indicators in the construction sector have been published, which is planned for 2007. The question
that must be answered in 2007 is: how can we achieve widespread use of benchmarking systems in the
Dutch construction sector (14)?
C.2. Development of project performance indicators for project control in the construction sector
Table 3.13:
Demand – C.2
of project
indicators for
project control
in the construction sector
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
General process protocol
PSIBouw will not be doing any more than what is described
in C1. Further steps relate to implementation and use in the
companies themselves and enter the competitive sphere - an
area in which PSIBouw itself is not active.
Stakeholder models
PSIB lexicon
Results of C1 and other relevant projects are included in the
manual referred to in C1.1.
Process key performance indicators
See C.2. 6
Implement strategy
Project key performance indicators
In project O233 monitoring models for practical projects are
being created which can be used when using KPIs.
In the Past Performance project (I426), a measuring tool is
being developed to record the results after completion of a
project, so that they can be reused in the selection phase of
new similar projects.
See C1.
C.3. Create communication models in connection with strategic plans
Table 3.14:
Demand C.3 Create
models in
with strategic
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
Process responsibility models
See VISI project (I027c and I444) and others, including O019.
Toolbox, such as VISI, PAIS
See VISI project (I027c and I444) and other projects started
under PAIS (I027 a-d, I028, I404 and I422)
Systems for structuring and streamlining discussions
See VISI project (I027c) and others
Cooperation models for interface management
See VISI (I027c I444) and COINS projects (I404 en I422)
Project C3 is being developed entirely in the VISI project; links are being created from there to other relevant projects, and integration is also taking place from there. Aspects such as cooperation models are also
possible in relation to this (new) form of communication.
C.4. Knowledge dissemination
Table 3.15:
Question –
C.4 Knowledge
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
Education curricula on integrated process management
See G below
Models for involving suppliers in process models
(roles, responsibilities, powers in the process)
Included in A and B.
The content of these projects is included in A, B and G (knowledge).
2.1.4. Institutional framework
The construction industry requires a regulatory framework which guarantees a responsible balance between
both public and private interests. The framework should facilitate a necessary change in the present conduct
of the cooperating partners in the construction industry. The regulatory framework aimed for should furthermore allow for flexibility for an evolving construction industry in order to keep pace with society’s rapidly
changing demand and should be in line with EU regulation.
The mission of the Institutional Framework research theme is to develop and implement a new perspective
for the institutional framework which allows sufficient scope to change the process of construction, by respecting the existing institutional framework. Both public authorities and cooperating private-sector partners
in the supply chain should be convinced of these opportunities to change.
The objectives of the research theme are to explore the boundaries of the present (national and European)
institutional framework and to determine which adjustments will be necessary in order to achieve the PSIB
The research is divided into fundamental research, industrial research/applied knowledge development and
precompetitive research and quick wins.
D.1. Redefinition of the Dutch institutional framework in an EU perspective, with respect to the EU
regulations on “services”, “works” and “supplies”
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
Master study: Institutional Framework.
Project V310 is a master study in which the main issues for
all D projects are defined, and therefore sets the agenda for
the follow-up to the Institutional Framework project. The VISI
project is also being considered.
Define the prerequisites for innovative contracts in
European regulations. Experiments are being performed based on UAVGC 2000.
The main points fall within V310.
Research the use, opportunities and bottlenecks of
UAV 1989 and UAVGC 2000
This is being handled by CROW, who update this subject on
an ongoing basis. This problem is also being discussed in the
Building practice cluster’s ‘UAVgc in the B&U’ project (B113).
EU tendering legislation; research the bottlenecks to
Falls within V310; this is also covered in the tendering guideline.
A separate publication with the associated communication
plan will be created.
Table 3.16:
IK – D.1. Redefinition of the
Dutch institutional framework in EU perspective, with
respect to the
EU regulations
on “services”,
“works” and
Research into problems and bottlenecks in the institutional framework, partly in a European perspective,
is being done both from a theoretical and a practical point of view. It is well under way. The Master Study
(V310) project in particular is setting the agenda for subsequent research. Once the results have been published in 2007 and they have been discussed with the sector, this project can be evaluated at the end of
2007 (15). No other measures would seem to be necessary at the moment.
D.2. Analysis of the influence of the institutional framework on supply chain integration and
process management in the construction industry
Table 3.17:
IK – D.2.
Analysis of the
influence of
the institutional
framework on
supply chain
and process
in the construction industry
Table 3.18:
IK – D.3. Redistribution of
and tasks for
project supervision, quality
assurance and
for the quality of the built
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
This is being discussed in the framework of V310: prerequisites for innovative organizational forms. Is being worked on
in projects like Gaming (I440), in which the A2 (B171) project
also plays a role.
Adjustment of the institutional framework with a
view to stimulating innovation of supply chain integration and process management.
This project is also part of the broad master study V310. For the time being no further activities are needed
before the evaluation at the end of 2007 (15).
D.3. Redistribution of responsibilities and tasks for project supervision, quality assurance and enforcement for the quality of the built environment.
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
The Redistribution of responsibilities and tasks for supervision
project is being carried out by OTB, VROM, BN, VEH, SBR, The
Hague, VBWT. `PSIBouw is involved.
The projects: ‘Insured Guarantee’ and ‘Learning from Collapses’, both CUR.NET, will also deliver input for answering this
central question. We are working on this in close collaboration
with CUR.NET.
Central question: how can the responsibilities for
quality control in building best be distributed?
This project is being tackled and developed by the sector to an adequate extent.
D.4. Analysis of how to guarantee the interests of both the public (end-users) and the private sector in the early stages of a PPP project.
Table 3.19:
IK – D.4 Analysis of how
to guarantee
the interests of
both the public
and the private
sector in the
early stages of
a PPP project.
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
D4a. Towards a better convergence of tendering,
contracting and administrative decision-making in
large infrastructural projects involving public-private
Project V311 (IBR) was set up for this purpose.
The results from other BSIK programmes in the Innovative Use
of Space cluster, which are working on the same question in
their specific area (Attention to Space), are also being used.
D4b. Common market rules to invite tenders for public works and public-private co-operation in development planning
This subject was recently discussed in depth in the book by
Prof. M Chao-Duyvis. It is also being discussed in various
bodies such as the ECTP (European Construction Technology
The content side of this project is being dealt with to a sufficient extent for the time being, partly as a result
of cooperation with other programmes. What needs to be looked at in more depth is the demand for innovative application in important spatial issues. PSIBouw can therefore also illustrate the social function of
the construction sector as a proactive team player. An action plan will have to be drawn up for this during
2007 in the context of the core theme of Transition Management (16).
D.5. Towards a more efficient execution of infrastructural projects through partnering, alliancing
and dispute resolution boards.
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
The V312 project, More efficient realisation of infrastructural
projects through partnering alliancing and dispute resolution boards, looks at this. Runs until the end of the PSIBouw
The key question is to what extent concepts such as
partnering, alliancing and dispute resolution boards
can effectively contribute to a more efficient execution of infrastructure projects in terms of quality, cost
and planning.
In answering the main question, the opportunities for
incorporating certain elements of the concepts mentioned will be looked into from a legal, economical,
negotiation-theoretical and a risk and benefit-sharing
The result of this project will be a new model for
more efficient cooperation between the parties involved in the preparation and execution of infrastructure projects.
The A2 key project acts as a practical pilot project in this
Table 3.20:
IK – D.5.
Towards a
more efficient
execution of
projects through partnering,
alliancing and
dispute resolution boards.
There is enough happening to be able to await the results with confidence over the next two years. However, we will have to search for sufficient experimental projects in practice (action research) over the next
two years (17). See also G.
D.6. Improvement of cooperation through innovative contracting.
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
Standardisation of contracts: connect existing standard contracts with: cooperation methods, supplier/
contractor/consultant registration system, communication standards, etc.
Project V313, which can be regarded as a development of
V310, is a start in this regard.
Performance based contracting: With the development of new contracts based on new cooperation
concepts, there is a growing need to develop ways
to specify the result on a higher abstraction level.
The aim for this project is to develop a knowledge
base which can be applied to set up performance
based contracts which fit into the existing regulatory
This project is being carried out by CROW and the RGD who
develop and implement functional specification for clients and
contractors respectively: Functional Specification Guideline.
The Past Performance project (I426 and I437) delivers direct
input for this project.
New structures are also being experimented with in various
pilot projects such as the LBC (O201).
Extent of detailing contracts: How to derive the
license to deliver and produce to both the corporate
values from the B2B partners and the institutional
framework underpinning the existing contractual arrangements.
After V310 we will look at whether this project should be
tackled, and if so, how. For the time being it will be sufficient
to evaluate this aspect of PSIBouw’s practical projects.
The project A2 Hooggelegen and partnering/alliancing studies
(B111) tackles this problem.
The experiences of RWS, which is aiming for D&C as a standard, will also be made use of.
Table 3.21:
IK – D.6.
of cooperation
through innovative contracting.
Table 3.21:
IK – D.6.
of cooperation
through innovative contracting.
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
Separation of cooperation and contractual agreements: The main question is where to find the optimum level related to the culture and conduct of the
various partners in the construction industry supply
chain. This project aims to find the optimum detail
The project A2 Hooggelegen and partnering/alliancing studies
(B111) tackles this problem.
Best practices in other industries and countries
This research is being carried out in project O012, supply chain
integration outside the construction sector. Any follow-up
activities in 2008 will be developed during 2007, partly in
relation to the final evaluation of V310 (18).
Master classes: This project aims to set up a master
class designed to stimulate lawyers to move from
this predominantly reactive to pro-active legal assistance in the construction industry.
Activities are being carried out in this area by third parties
such as the Juristentafel and SBR.
Whether any more activities need to be undertaken in this
area will be examined during the course of 2007 in relation to
the final evaluation of V310. (19)
For the time being there are enough activities that are producing more theoretical and practical insight into
the impact of innovative contracting on improving cooperation in the supply chain. A specific implementation programme for the experience and knowledge acquired in this area must be set up in 2007, however
(19). See also G.
D.7. Legal framework and ICT
Table 3.22:
IK – D.7.
Legal framework and ICT
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
Compliance management, improvement of transparency with help of ICT: ICT can help to improve
transparency in the supply chain at every stage of
the process. This project aims to create a methodical approach for setting up reference frameworks for
various stages and aspects of a project.
Once V310 has been evaluated, this project will be specifically developed, partly on the basis of experience in the use
of tools developed in the projects: COINS (I404 and I422), VISI
(I027c and I444), etc.
e-LEGAL: the use of ICT in inter-enterprise information exchange: The objective is to specify user
requirements, implement legal support tools and
promote an enhanced business practice in which the
use of ICT in inter-enterprise information exchange is
contractually stipulated.
Through the international project in the fifth framework
programme. This has shown that it is possible to link regulations to workflow systems with expert systems and also how
regulation can be used interactively in perpetuating business
to business relationships by means of contracts.
Licenses management: Big infrastructure projects require a vast amount of licenses. The specifications for
a model for integrated licence management should
be developed in a pilot study on an actual project.
Because this subject does not really take place at a process
and system level it is out of focus for the programme. This can
already be regulated properly. It is an increasingly competitive
ORS system for all stakeholders in the construction industry: The aim of this project is to develop a
central supplier/contractor/consultants registration
system with all the stakeholders of the construction
sector. The challenge lies not only in establishing
such a system, but also in its management.
Included in the tendering manual (O222). The PIANOo TenderNed project is also part of this issue. Fits in with the EU
Work, Services and Supplies Directive.
PSIBouw does not have to add much more to this theme as the knowledge side has been sufficiently fles-
hed out in general terms and the business sector is now tackling it adequately.
D.8. Legal lab: experimental environment for testing the potential and limitations of an innovative
regulatory framework
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
The Stichting Bevordering Integriteit Bouwbedrijf (Foundation
for the promotion of integrity in construction companies) was
set up at the beginning of the PSIBouw programme and is
This subject is also being dealt with in depth in the Integrity
Study project V307.
In addition, the integrity table is active and performs bundling
and development activities.
Last but not least: many companies have developed a code of
conduct and integrity and are adhering to it.
The image of the construction industry can be
improved by a code of conduct. With the use of
compliance management a code can be developed
and must be based on:
• the existing regulatory framework
(the public interest).
• the organisation (or sector) translates this regulatory framework into its own business processes.
• the organisation (or sector) implements a set of
rules on how workers should behave to ensure a
working environment that is in line with formal
Table 3.23:
IK – D.8.
Legal lab:
for testing the
potential and
limitations of
an innovative
During the past three years much has been done to promote integrity and much attention has been paid to
this by companies and institutions. The sector and the national construction taskforce RegieRaad Bouw keep
their finger on the pulse so PSIBouw does not have a role to play in this at the moment.
D.10. Institutional framework in relation to electronic tendering
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
Included in the tendering manual (O222). TenderNed, which
was developed by PIANOo as a specific ICT tool in this field, is
being included in this.
The plan is to evaluate its implementation some time after
the manual is completed (21).
To establish a uniform working method making use
of a central portal to be set up. Prior to the wider
use of electronic tendering the related institutional
consequences should be studied. This project aims to
map expectations, opportunities and constraints and
also consequences related to the present regulatory
Table 3.25:
IK – D.10.
in relation
to electronic
The development of the planned tool has got under way to an adequate extent. PSIBouw now only has to
evaluate the implementation process.
D.11. Alternatives for litigation and arbitration as ways of solving disputes in the industry.
This project is out of date. CROW has produced a guideline. The sector develops solutions itself.
Culture and behaviour
The vision of the research theme of Culture Change is that a change of culture is necessary in order to solve
the problems, in particular the lack of trust between participants and stakeholders, the weak customer
orientation, and the insufficient focus on innovation.
Consequently the mission of the theme is to support process and system innovation in the construction
industry through scientific and practical research and interventions, aimed at achieving a culture change in
the desired direction.
The objectives of this research theme are to:
- single out the cultural characteristics associated with the problems of the construction sector
- identify and study best practices in the sector, and study these from a cultural perspective
- demonstrate through selective interventions that culture change is both feasible and advantageous
- stimulate broader cultural changes in the sector and monitor these changes and their effect over time.
Culture projects
E.1. The economic/institutional framework of the construction industry.
Table 3.27:
Culture – E.1.
The economic/
framework of
the construction industry.
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
The analysis was carried out in project V023 Principles of the
economic, institutional and cultural framework in the construction sector. The project was completed in the spring of 2006,
and the recommendations were converted into action and
linked to other PSIBouw projects.
The Steel Conservation project O210 is examining in a practical
setting how other relationships between the players in the
supply chain and the associated conduct could produce other
This project is focused on the analysis of the economic structure of the construction industry to map
behavioural triggers that emerge from the structural
Culture as a behavioural factor will, within this
project, be examined in the form of a meta-analysis
of earlier publications of research results.
Goal: to resolve the general mechanisms and triggers
that influence the actors in and around the construction industry, with a special focus on the economic
structure and institutional framework.
Sufficient insight into the cultural framework of the sector and the behavioural triggers in it to be able to
continue to influence it. Practical experiments are being carried out.
However, one problem is the lack of a sense of urgency in the sector, so the benefit of these studies is only
felt by a few niche players at the moment. During the course of 2007 the task will now be to develop an
integrated action research programme for projects that demonstrate how ‘new building’ can work. This is
important, particularly with a view to breaking through the vicious circle in which the contractor says that
innovation should not come from the client and the client says that the contractors cannot or will not innovate. (22). This also applies to E2 and E3 below.
E.2. The cultural framework of the construction industry
E.2. The cultural framework of the construction industry
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
The V302 project analyses the influence of culture on innovation in the construction sector. The project is currently in the
enquiry stage in which the present situation is being mapped
Like V023, this project is expected to provide a large amount
of input for additional research and practical projects.
The emphasis in this project is on the culture of
the industry and individual organisations within the
The goal of the project is to relate the problems identified by the PSIB think tank to the cultural foundations of behaviour.
Table 3.28:
Culture – E.2.
The cultural
framework of
the construction industry
This study will employ a research methodology
developed in the context of the KLICT Culture and
Cooperation in Networks project.
The research project is expected to yield insight
into the cultural dimensions that are related to the
problems in the construction industry as identified by
the PSIB think tank, both at the level of the industry
as well as at the level of individual construction
As E2 above.
E.3. Qualitative case studies of selected enterprises
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
The Best Practises project V024a analysed projects in 2005.
The recommendations were partly used in new PSIBouw
This project must be developed in combination with E1 and
This project aims to analyse the best practice
organisations in order to learn from their approach,
experiences and results.
The analysis is based on organisational change
theory focusing both on system technical aspects of
change as well as social dynamical aspects.
Table 3.29:
Culture – E.3.
case studies
of selected
This results in important insights into the opportunities for innovation within the institutional framework
of the construction industry.
The cross case analysis will analyse to what extent
the outcomes can be generalised to other organisations within the construction industry.
Project E.3 was completed in 2005. The recommendations have been used as follow-up in other PSIBouw
projects. See E1 for more details.
E.4. Transformation of the organisation culture in the construction industry
Table 3.30:
Culture – E.4.
of the organisation culture
in the construction industry
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
Problem Is partly tackeld. A lot of relevant observations have
cooperation processes in a number of practical experiments
and getting scientists to reflect on them. Furthermore, by
explicitly focusing on culture and behaviour we have already
delivered demonstrable results in the projects concerned. A
project is currently being prepared in which examples from
the projects studied will be upscaled. These include practical
projects such as the A2, Hellevoetsluis and LBC Veenendaal, as
well as the workshops in project V301.
This project explicitly focuses on the transformation
of the organisational culture and exposed behaviour
of co-workers in the construction industry and adjoining organisations. Interventions are established to
create change through social influences in five ways:
communication, social rewarding, training, involvement and special interventions.
The goal of this project is to transform organisational
culture - and as a result, organizational behaviour
- through the mechanisms and triggers that influence
culture and behaviour.
Sufficient attention is being paid to the subject in analyses and deliberations. However, an integration drive
will have to take place, and a programme needs to be developed to introduce action at an organisational
level, such as upgrading HRM policy (23).
E.5. Improving quality and professionalism in the construction industry
Table 3.30:
Culture – E.4.
of the organisation culture
in the construction industry
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
Related projects are carried out:
• Strategic partnering and procurement (SPIN project, O233).
This is about professional contractorship.
• Project A2 (B170 etc.) is having a great impact on the behaviour of the project partners, but not yet automatically on
the underlying organisation.
• The BON project (O402) is also relevant in this regard: first
benchmark your performance and then examine where it
comes from, then introduce improvements.
• K501 (Skills) and K504 (construction training) are aimed at
developing skills for the construction sector.
The main aim of this research is to discover the skills
that distinguish between success and failure and
find out what can be done to improve and stimulate
these desirable skills and knowledge.
The characteristics of the relationships within projects
in terms of transparency, integrity and identity, for
example, are important issues related to the development of these skills.
The design of this research is aimed at investigating a number of construction projects over a four
year period and carrying out interventions in these
Some experience has been gained with experiments which could produce improvements in companies’
performance. Some scientific deliberations were also developed (e.g. the publication “Managing innovation
in a public-private network”, Tilburg, Enschede, 2007). Interest has been generated in the subject. There
has not yet been an integration drive: see E.4 in this regard. (23)
The vision of the Instrumentation cluster is that pre-competitive scientific research on innovative construction processes and their supporting systems is needed to help our national construction industry transform
itself into a knowledge intensive, client-oriented industry with well-controlled processes.
The mission of the cluster Instrumentation is to provide the construction industry with environments for
experimenting with the new concepts for the new construction system and its processes. This includes the
analysis, development, application and evaluation of the ICT tools required for the envisioned process and
system innovation, as well as their dissemination in the industrial, professional and educational world.
This mission implies the following three objectives:
1. Create experimentation environments for the analysis of requirements and the evaluation of innovative
construction processes
2. Develop a scientific basis of information systems and standards that corresponds with the needs of the
3. Enhance and disseminate suitable tools to the construction industry and education.
Process and System Simulation (PSS)
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
The PAIS project started by CUR.NET with significant participation by PSIBouw, implemented this 2003 project in full.
PSIBouw tackled the projects referred to in F.1 to F.3 in their
entirety; therefore please refer to those sections.
In addition to the work in PAIS, the following initiatives can be
• Modelation, Simulation and Gaming (MSG) (I423) is an audit
of initiatives in and of interest to the construction industry.
• Gaming Innovative Construction: game around the subject of
sustainable construction in the province of Utrecht (I427). In
this game the cultural behaviour of the various participants
in meetings about a fictitious building project is observed
and evaluated.
• Project Startup Omnizorg: support for the startup meeting for
the Omnizorg project, with the emphasis on the aspect of
participant culture (I429).
Concerns the simulation and analysis of process
and system aspects in complex projects involving a
number of stakeholders.
The main focus of PSS is on product and process
aspects that can be managed (such as project and
process management or process control), and on
‘hard’ aspects (like structural strength or time) that
can be calculated and quantified.
Table 3.31:
Instrumentation – F.1.
Process and
System Simulation (PSS)
There are also various projects in the startup phase.
Project F.1 targets both the soft and hard aspects of the construction process. An analysis was performed
to establish which tools and processes are necessary for improving the (complex) construction process.
Many of these tools are currently being developed and will be validated in practice. Given the current and
planned activities, no additional measures are necessary.
Table 3.32:
Instrumentation – F.2.
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
The subject of TotalDesign is currently being worked on from
three angles:
• Integral designs
• System engineering
• Insured guarantee: CUR.NET project
Focuses on the integration of the qualitative and the
quantitative and group interaction and collaboration.
A central theme of TotalDesign is collaborative, multiactor design and especially client and user participation.
The aim of TotalDesign is to provide a comprehensive
environment for the complete spectrum of aspects
in the design, construction and management of the
built environment.
The subject of multi-actor design is being tackled in the 4Bconsult project.
In addition, the national Construction Information Board (BIR)
was set up on the initiative of PSIBouw. This board, which is
made up of public and private stakeholders in the construction
industry, has put the subject of TotalDesign on its agenda.
A lot is happening in the area of TotalDesign, mainly concerning the ingredients needed. Furthermore,
national networks with important international links have been developed which tackle this subject in a
secure way. The aspect of customer and end-user participation needs to be researched in greater depth and
evaluated in practice (24).
Table 3.33:
Instrumentation – F.3.
systems and
Information Systems and Standards
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
An integrating result is the creation of the Building Information
Model (BIM). This project will continue to play a integrating
and influencing role after PSIBouw comes to an end (I027d).
Some important results are:
• B&U object library: virtually completed. World market leader
in this area. STABU is the sustainable manager (I027a).
• GWW object library: being harmonised with other libraries
• VISI: made compulsory by clients of traditional and UAV-gc
contracts in 2007. Further research is taking place for VISI
framework integrated contracts (I027c and I444).
• COINS (I404 and I422) is developing foundations for the
Building Information Model (BIM)
• ProCliënt: development of technology for the Building Information Model (I028)
Creating a scientific basis of Information Systems and
Standards (ISS) which serves the industry’s needs,
requires the solution of several information integration problems.
The solution of the information integration problems
lies in enabling computers to communicate about the
semantics (the meaning) of the information to be
The required semantic integration is achieved by first
developing dynamic networks of object and property
definitions that are accessible over the Internet and
then using these common definitions in the applications.
In addition, the national Construction Information Board (BIR)
was set up on the initiative of PSIBouw. This board, which is
made up of public and private stakeholders in the construction
industry, has put the subject of TotalDesign on its agenda.
There is a lot going on in Project F3 both with regard to the development of standards and the development of tools. There is strong international cooperation. In this area project F3 focuses on both institutional
frameworks (e.g. making VISI-compatible software compulsory) and the development of the software itself.
Not only is the software being developed as a result of this approach, but the implementation and use of
the software (execution) is also being achieved. The Netherlands is now one of the top 5 countries in the
world in the area of electronic object libraries.
Tool dissemination
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
The developments described in F1 to F3 are always piloted
and validated in practice, and are sometimes even compulsory, as a result of which dissemination takes place automatically.
There are also some supplementary activities:
• Establishment of the Nationale Opdrachtgeversforum
(national clients’ forum) in which influential public and
private clients aim to professionalise their roles. PSIBouw has
performed influential work in this area.
• Key publication on construction training (K504).
• HBO (higher vocational) schools are working with ICT tools
partly facilitated by PSIBouw.
• De Nieuwbouw uses and experiments with tools.
• New tools are being developed and used in various practical
projects, e.g. A2.
Enhancement and dissemination of a set of suitable
tools to the building industry and education ensures
the incremental integration of the new concepts in
Table 3.34:
Instrumentation – F.4. Tool
Because of the nature of the work on instrumentation (action research and compulsory application),
knowledge dissemination is, so to speak, built into the approach. Nonetheless it will still be important to
evaluate this aspect towards the end of the programme.
2.2 New thinking and acting
The objectives and the projects of the Knowledge (G) and Construction practice (H) clusters fall under the
theme of New thinking and doing.
The vision of the Knowledge Dissemination cluster is that all innovation is obsolete if not followed by knowledge anchoring, transfer and implementation. Active implementation of innovations is an essential condition for successful improvements. Support for this view from the entire construction industry is essential.
The mission of the cluster is to improve the performance of the construction industry through current and
innovative forms of knowledge anchoring, transfer and implementation, in line with the general PSIB objectives.
The objectives of the cluster are:
• acknowledgement of the problem (“selling the problem”)
• disseminating the solution (“selling the solution”)
• creating support for the solution (“accepting the solution”)
• stimulating, activating and facilitating the actual solution in practice (“implementation of the solution”).
Knowledge projects
G.1. Creation of a K4 alliance
Table 3.35:
Knowledge –
G.1 Creation of
K4 Alliance
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
Project is planned.
K4 stands for knowledge collection, knowledge
anchoring, knowledge transfer and knowledge implementation.
In order to manage knowledge properly (both
internally within PSIB and externally) an alliance of
all relevant knowledge institutes, universities, COPIs
(collective programming institutes) is necessary with
the “translators” of this knowledge, such as consulting engineers and contractors. Under the direction of
the PSIBouw management this alliance will assure
the matching of the practical demand side and the
theoretical supply side.
A start has been made on the knowledge alliance referred to
by setting up a Knowledge cluster team and by preparing and
executing various projects (K501 to K543, O223, etc.).
Cooperation has been achieved with all the stakeholders
referred to.
In CUR.NET an alliance with the Kennisonderneming learning
community has been sought.
The gap between academia and the industry has been analysed and deliberated upon in various projects (see the paper
“Managing innovation in a public-private network”, among
The subject of the K4 alliance is clearly on PSIBouw’s and other organisations’ agendas. There are now a
large number of analyses and deliberations available on this subject. The creation of a knowledge alliance
will be part of the Knowledge Infrastructure project which is being prepared in collaboration with RegieRaad Bouw (25). The problem in this case is not “what we need to achieve “, but “how we can achieve it”.
G.2. Publicity campaign
Table 3.35:
Knowledge –
G.2. Publicity
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
Being developed on an ongoing basis. Publicity surrounding
knowledge is part of the general communication programme.
The publicity campaign is being carried out using conferences,
customer events, workshops, in a project context or otherwise,
games, many different forms of publications, newsletters etc.,
PSIBouw has a communication team which operates as part of
the Programme Bureau.
A publicity campaign will explain why change is
necessary. It will create awareness and communicate
the innovation directions. A communication plan will
be drawn up, focussing on the various target groups.
The deliverables are a communication/PR plan, the
setup of an organisation and numerous communication statements.
The PSIBouw programme has been publicised within the sector and a large number of communication
statements have been produced. It is worrying that there is not yet a very great sense of urgency regarding
innovation in the sector. Activities in this regard are therefore being developed in the core theme of Transition (26). The communication policy implemented to date will be evaluated during the course of 2007 (27).
G.3. Establishment of cooperation between education training and knowledge institutes
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
Progress has been achieved with the most important building
blocks from K 501, K504, 505, 508, 513, 514, 520 and 537 in
various areas.
K505 has resulted in an lectureship in which PSIBouw deliverables will be incorporated. A second lectureship is being
prepared. A chair of technology and integrity has also been
inaugurated at the University of Delft. A joint chair of innovative project management is being discussed with the three
Technology Universities (3 TU). A 3 TU course in Construction
Management and Engineering is already under way.
A new specific mid-career training course targeting construction innovation is being prepared.
The key publication on construction training (K504) published
in collaboration with the Regieraad is an important stepping
stone and generates a great deal of development activity
The task of this consortium is to develop and execute
a master plan that aims to transfer skills-oriented
knowledge to graduates from universities and
technical colleges and introduce the PSIB ideas in the
The deliverables of this project are a master plan,
and a PSIB curriculum for universities and technical
colleges and postgraduate courses. A major performance indicator is the degree of innovation in the
Table 3.35:
Knowledge –
G.3. Establishment of
between education training
and knowledge
Knowledge dissemination in educational institutions has got under way, and the subject is attracting more
and more interest in the sector. As by no means all PSIBouw projects are far enough advanced to be included in the education curriculum at this stage, a more systematic communication structure will need to be
developed with the educational institutions, resulting in an ongoing knowledge transfer with educational
institutions (28). The recommendations in the key publication must also be implemented (29).
G.4. Knowledge information and transfer point
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
Traverse has started, and various projects are being implemented.
Knowledge is also being transferred on a large scale via publications, newsletters, conferences etc.
The process innovation knowledge centre, a collaboration
between University of Delft and TNO, has also been set up
recently. Discussions on collaboration with other knowledge
institutions are ongoing.
Several co-production projects have also been set up with
knowledge institutes and practitioners (RISNET, PAIS and various practical projects) in which knowledge dissemination is an
explicit goal.
An important condition for a good knowledge
transfer is the central availability of current and new
knowledge for the industry. The organisation of this
information point is the subject of this project. the
knowledge collection function, also a knowledge
transfer function is also necessary.
The starting point for this knowledge information
and transfer point is “Traverse”, an initiative by ONRI
(Dutch association of Consulting Engineers),
A functioning portal and the implementation of a
Traverse organisation (2-3 ftes) are the deliverables.
The number of communities of practice (COP) and
the total flow of demand and supply of knowledge
can serve as performance indicators.
Table 3.35:
Knowledge –
Knowledge information and
transfer point
Good progress has been made with the project formulated in 2003. At the same time there is increasing
awareness that this project will not lead to the desired objective of structural knowledge dissemination.
Much more is needed to achieve this. Generally speaking, we will need to strengthen the learning capacity
of the sector, bearing in mind that culture and behaviour are crucial factors in the use of knowledge and
transfer points, not the presence of these. A more integrated approach to this issue will be arrived at in the
integral Strengthening of Knowledge Infrastructure project currently being prepared. This is the focus of
ND&D for the next two years (25).
G.5. Facilitating of front runners
Table 3.36:
Knowledge –
G.5. Facilitating of frontrunners
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
A front runner is becoming evident, made up of both businesses and people. The PSIBouw network is growing fast. It
is facilitated mainly via projects and promotional activities, as
well as by hooking into related RRB activities.
The Bouwetalage project (CO2006) supports this movement,
and the creation and use of performance indicators (among
others, projects K510 (A and B) and K511 have played a role
in this, as have projects I 402, 425 and 435).
But possibly even more effective is the facilitation of these
front runners by involving them in a lot of knowledge development and practical projects, which has happened on a large
In order to achieve awareness, support and commitment for an innovation, front runners can lead the
way. Each industry has front runners that serve as an
example. Current and new knowledge is applied in
realistic situations and results are evaluated.
Good progress has been made on creating and facilitating front runners. But there is still a lot more to do,
as outside of these front runners there are many companies and institutions that still take a sceptical view
of fundamental system innovations. For more details see (25) G1 and core theme 4, Transition.
2.3 Construction practice
The cluster’s vision is that knowledge and innovations in the fields of professional procurement, supply
chain integration and process instrumentation in current projects have to be bundled and made available
for the industry.
The Experimental Environment cluster’s mission is to make proven knowledge, best practices and innovations in the fields of professional procurement, supply chain integration and process instrumentation available for practical use in the industry, to meet the PSIB programme objectives and to contribute substantially
to the restructuring and modernisation of the construction industry.
The objectives of the cluster are to:
- bundle existing knowledge, innovations and best practices proven in current (experimental or pilot) projects and make them available for the industry
- test the developed knowledge and innovations within the other clusters of the PSIB programme in an
integrated way in experimental projects, with the aim of achieving a refinement and deepening of
- make the proven-in-practice knowledge available for the industry, including related educational institutions
- contribute to creating an ongoing and sustainable learning environment in the construction industry, with
involvement of a broad range of parties and stakeholders within the sector
Construction practice projects
H.1. Review and evaluation of current experimental projects and development of selection criteria
for new experimental projects. Generation and establishment of key performance indicators
for the assessment and monitoring of experimental projects.
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
A set of criteria has been drawn up.
At the same time experience has shown us that the presence
of enthusiastic people in particular determines whether an
experiment is started or an existing project is upgraded to an
experimental project. In that case PSIBouw only has a limited
controlling role. Almeria is an example of a possible project in
which PSIBouw itself is leading and in which PSIBouw is trying
to bring the players together in an optimum innovation trajectory. At the same time, however, it turns out that these are
the most difficult projects to set up and in which to generate
Review and evaluation of current experimental
projects and development of selection criteria for
new experimental projects. Generation and establishment of key performance indicators for the assessment and monitoring of experimental projects.
Selection criteria for selecting pilot projects have been created and used where possible. But they are of
limited value. The personal enthusiasm of those involved is by far the best guarantee for the result. This
project does not need any further attention.
H.2. Testing of newly developed knowledge in a number of multidisciplinary projects or practical
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
LBC in Veenendaal (O201/B116), Gemini (O231),
Meander, experience with conduct in A2 covenant (B170),
Hellevoetsluis (B006/7), Le midi (B162) and others.
All types of environment have been looked at in principle.
Some practical projects are still being prepared.
Depending on the availability of suitable pilots, 6 to 8
experimental projects will be selected. Together with
the research clusters, experimental projects will be
selected in the following environments:
• Integral corridor
• Integral junction
• Area development (industrial area or business park)
• Urban renewal (renovation of a residential quarter)
• Local/urban infrastructure
• Utility building (government office, hospital, school,
• Cluster of (smaller) projects with participation of
locally operating contractors and local governments.
The experimental projects can include all project
phases, from initiative and plan development to
construction, operation and maintenance.
The creation of the Regionale Regieraden has provided PSIBouw with a network with which the planned local experimental networks can be developed.
Table 3.37:
Construction Practice
– H.1. Review
and evaluation of current
projects and
of selection
criteria for new
experimental projects.
and establishment of key
indicators for
the assessment
and monitoring
of experimental projects.
Table 3.38:
Practice – H.
2. Testing of
newly developed knowledge
in a number of
multidisciplinary projects
or practical
The target for experimental projects mentioned in the 2003 project proposal has been achieved. A lot is
being learned from this. We are planning to systematically record these results in 2007 (30).
The proposed local experimental networks have not yet been put in place, but the creation of the Regionale
Regieraden has provided a good basis for this. A Regional Regieraden development programme is to be
developed (31).
H.3. Formulation of research questions on the basis of the test results.
Table 3.39:
Practice – H. 3.
of research
questions on
the basis of the
test results.
No. Project described in 2004
Update spring 2007
A front runner is becoming evident, made up of both businesses and people. The PSIBouw network is growing fast. It
is facilitated mainly via projects and promotional activities, as
well as by hooking into related RRB activities.
The Bouwetalage project (CO2006) supports this movement,
and the creation and use of performance indicators (among
others, projects K510 (A and B) and K511 have played a role
in this, as have projects I 402, 425 and 435).
But possibly even more effective is the facilitation of these
front runners by involving them in a lot of knowledge development and practical projects, which has happened on a large
The deliverables will be in the form of reports on the
following subjects:
• Evaluation study of current experimental or pilot
• This evaluation will review all the existing knowledge and innovations in the fields of professional
procurement, supply chain integration and process
instrumentation. This study also contains the selection criteria, key performance indicators and evaluation questions for new experimental projects.
• Evaluation study of selected new experimental
• This evaluation will review practical experience
of newly developed knowledge and innovations
within the other clusters of the PSIB programme
and will fill in the blanks in the translation of theory
to practice. This study will also generate (new)
research questions on the basis of the test results.
The basis for this project, i.e. an adequate number of different experimental projects, has been laid. This
is providing a lot of material from which we can learn and which we can further develop. But it is worrying that the learning experiences and their use often remains restricted to the people directly involved and
some institutions. Attention will have to be paid to this in the Knowledge Infrastructure project referred to
in G1 above (25).
Summary of things still to do
Below is an overview of all recommended follow-up activities for the period 2007-2008 specified in Chapter
Market (A-projects)
Enhance Alternative Dispute Resolution method in co-production with scientific and business
Evaluate subject of intellectual property.
Set up practical action programme for influencing culture and behaviour. Look at how rigidly
the text can be interpreted.
Continue to develop best practises knowledge base (“Bouwetalage Plus”)
(5) + (7) Draw up protocol for completing/following up projects, including knowledge dissemination.
Evaluate results of project monitoring (measure market effects)
Communication plan for tendering guidelines and experience acquired.
Evaluate whether tendering guideline is the most suitable pointer for customers.
Supply (B-projects)
Evaluate CB monitor and recommendations for prioritisation in 2007/8 that have not yet
been published.
(11) and (12) Draw up action plan for developing supply chain integration pilot projects (action
research), with focus on value creation.
Draw up action research programme on practical interfirm network collaboration.
3.1.3. Demand (C projects)
Think about encouraging the creation and use of benchmark systems in the sector.
Institutional Framework (D projects)
Evaluate consequences and follow-up of Institutional framework master study. I
Draw up action plan to illustrate social tasks for the construction sector.
Provide more experimental projects for an integrated approach to ‘new building’ in major
infrastructure and other projects.
Extend comparisons with other sectors.
Organise broad evaluation V310 for maximum impact and return (follow-up activities, e.g.
in core theme of Transition).
Draw up Legal Lab action plan: create genuine experiments with other institutional arrangements.
Evaluate use of Electronic Tendering. Draw up any action plans.
Culture and behaviour (E projects)
Practise New Building action research programme: Practical applications of working in innovative institutional framework An important point for attention.
Create action research programme on upgrading HRM in companies and institutions.
Instrumentation (F projects)
Continue to develop and integrate building blocks in Total Design approach, and promote
Knowledge (G projects)
Create Key Publication on Knowledge Infrastructure.
Develop sense of urgency for changes in the construction sector.
Evaluation of Communication Policy by Sector.
Set up permanent and systematic communication structure between training courses and
Draw up implementation plan for recommendations from key publication on construction
Construction practice (H projects)
Systematically establish results of pilot projects/experiments in practice. Set up recommendations for carrying out practical experiments.
Use Regionale Regieraden as local experimental networks.
Appendix 2 Outputrapportage PSIBouw 2006/2007
1 Inleiding Van output naar impact
2 Enkele kengetallen
3 Wetenschappelijke output
4 Economische output
5 Maatschappelijke output
6 Innovatietraject en Kennistransfer
7 Financiële kerncijfers
Bijlage 1
Overzicht publicaties, congressen, workshops
Bijlage 2
Overzicht deelnemers aan PSIBouw-projecten
Inleiding Van output naar input
Het programma Proces en Systeem Systeem Innovatie in de bouwsector (PSIBouw) wil een impuls geven
aan maatschappelijke vernieuwingen in de Nederlandse bouwsector, die op korte termijn resultaten opleveren voor de sector en de daarmee verbonden kennisinfrastructuur, en ook doorwerken in een structurele transitie in de bouw op de lange termijn.
Het PSIBouw programma wordt op diverse niveaus gevolgd. In onderstaand schema zijn deze niveaus
verder weergegeven.
Figuur 1
op drie niveaus
In het voorliggend rapport geeft PSIBouw de monitoring van de output van het PSIBouw programma. Het
betreft de ‘concrete’ resultaten van het programma op activiteitenniveau. Er wordt een overzicht gegeven
van wat PSIBouw op het gebied van kennisontwikkeling produceert, welke praktijk- en proefprojecten
lopen, welke instrumenten zijn ontwikkeld, het aantal promovendi, samenwerkingsverbanden, betrokken
organisaties etc. Om de output adequaat te kunnen monitoren is een set van mijlpalen bepaald op het
gebied van:
• Wetenschappelijke output
• Economische output
• Maatschappelijke output
• Innovatietraject en kennistransfer
In onderstaande hoofdstukken zijn deze mijlpalen nader toegelicht en uitgewerkt.
De rapportage van de outcome vindt op drie niveaus plaats.
In onderhavige outputrapportage worden de concrete resultaten op het gebied van voorbeeldprojecten,
oplossingen en instrumentarium aangegeven. De vraag wordt beantwoord welke kennis gepubliceerd is,
welke instrumenten zijn ontwikkeld en welke media worden benut voor de verspreiding van de kennis.
De Evaluation of the implementation of the PSIBouw program geeft de status van het programma in
relatie met de oorspronkelijke doelstellingen. Op een abstracter niveau komt de vraag aan de orde waar
het programma van PSIBouw zich bevindt als men de doelstellingen van PSIBouw in ogenschouw neemt
en welke activiteiten en acties noodzakelijk zijn om aan de oorspronkelijke doelstelling te voldoen.
Een verdere analyse van de factoren die van belang zijn voor de outcome, met name op het gebied van
wetenschappelijke betekenis van het programma en de kennisdisseminatie vindt men in de midtermreview.
Daarnaast hebben TNO en EIB in opdracht van PSIBouw een monitoringsmethodiek ontwikkeld waarmee
de impact op de maatschappij, economie en kennisinfrastructuur zichtbaar kan worden gemaakt.
De vraag komt daar aan de orde welke effecten het programma van PSIBouw heeft op de vernieuwingsbeweging in de bouwsector. Bij de metingen wordt een onderscheid aangebracht tussen opdrachtgevers
en -nemers. In 2005 en 2006 zijn metingen bij opdrachtgevers uitgevoerd. In 2006 heeft ook de eerste
meting bij de opdrachtnemers plaatsgevonden. Voor de jare 2007 en 2008 zijn vervolgmetingen geprogrammeerd.
Aanvullend hierop heeft PSIBouw, in samenwerking met andere BSIK programma’s, waaronder KSI, het
initiatief genomen om ook de mate van transitie in de bouwsector te meten, dat wil zeggen de mate
waarin een grootschalige omslag in de structuur en cultuur van de bouwsector wordt gerealiseerd. Het
betreft een lange termijn meting, die eind 2007 zal worden geëffectueerd.
Enkele kengetallen
In de periode 2004 tot juli 2007 zijn in totaal 121 projecten opgestart. Een volledig overzicht wordt gegeven in bijlage 3 van de midtermreview.
De projecten zijn onderverdeeld naar cluster. De volgende clusters worden onderscheiden: ‘Bouwpraktijk’,
‘Oplossingen’, ‘Voorwaarden’, ‘Instrumentarium’ en ‘Kennis’.
Binnen de cluster ‘Bouwpraktijk’ worden nieuwe ideeën en ontwikkelingen in de bouwsector geïdentificeerd. De cluster ‘Oplossingen biedt de conceptuele ideeën om te komen tot haalbare oplossingen. De
clusters ‘Voorwaarden en ‘Instrumentarium’ bieden een wetenschappelijke omgeving van waaruit naar
de bouwsector wordt gekeken. In de cluster ‘Kennis’ wordt, samen met bevindingen uit andere clusters,
bepaald welke competenties en vaardigheden de sector nodig heeft.
In grafiek 1 wordt het totale aantal projecten (cumulatief) per jaar in beeld gebracht dat in de periode
2004-juli 2007 is opgestart. In dezelfde grafiek is ook het aantal projecten aangegeven dat jaarlijks (cumulatief) is afgerond, of, voor de periode na juli 2007, naar verwachting zal worden afgerond.
Aantal projecten (totaal)
De verdeling van de projecten per cluster is als volgt:
aantal projecten
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Grafiek 1: aantal projecten
Aantal Projecten
Vervolgprojecten met een apart projectnummer op
een bestaand project zijn niet apart meegeteld
Een nadere specificatie kan gemaakt worden naar aard van de projecten:
- 12 promotietrajecten
- 17 praktijkproeven
- 19 projecten ten behoeve van het faciliteren en ondersteunen van innovatieve organisaties
(tafels, De Nieuwbouw, Regionale Regieraden)
- 73 onderzoeks- en kennisontwikkelingsprojecten
Wetenschappelijke output
Mijlpalen voor
Wetenschappelijke output
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
(en later)
W1 Promotietrajecten
W2 Wetenschappelijke publicaties
W3 Multidisciplinaire spreiding
W4 Maatschappelijke doorwerking
(concrete proeftuinen en -projecten)
* Tot 1 juli
De tussen haakjes genoemde cijfers geven de nulmeting 2004 weer.
De overige cijfers geven de gerealiseerde aantallen weer.
W1 Promotietrajecten
In 2006 zijn 4 nieuwe promotietrajecten opgestart, terwijl in de eerste helft van 2007 dit aantal 2
bedroeg. Tezamen met de al in 2004 en 2005 gestarte trajecten komt het totaal op 13. De opgestarte
trajecten zijn:
• Project O012: ‘Vergelijking bouwsector met andere bedrijfstakken inzake ketenintegratie.
• Project O017: ‘Innovatie dynamiek asfaltwegenbouw sector (in internationaal perspectief)’.
• Project O021: ‘Verschillende processen: van een project naar een portfolio’.
• Project O019: ‘Gebruikersparticipaties bij waardebepaling en -evaluatie; benchmarking en
• Project O202: ‘Platformgedreven ontwikkelen en implementeren van bouwconcepten in de
woningbouw’ .
• Project V306: ‘Integriteit in de Bouw’.
• Project V312: ‘Naar een efficiëntere realisatie van infrastructurele projecten met behulp van
‘partnering’, ‘alliancing’ en ‘dispute resolution boards’.
• Project O20b: ‘Gunnen op waarde’.
• Project O204: ‘System Integrators’.
• Project VO24a: ‘Best Practices’.
• Project I401: ‘Research Innovatief Aanbesteden’
• Project O239: ‘Strategische Partnering’
• Project V302: ‘ De invloed van cultuur’
Uiteindelijk zijn de aanvankelijke als promotietrajecten gestarte projecten O029a, O020b, O203 tijdens de
looptijd omgezet in een korte termijn onderzoek (-zonder promotie-)
Enkele promotieonderzoeken zijn, na een initiele opstartfase uiteindelijk niet doorgegaan, te weten:
• Project O229: ‘Vernieuwend Ondernemen’
• Project O236: ‘Toolontwikkeling’
• Project O237: ‘Architecten als system integrators’
Het aantal opgestarte promotietrajecten loopt enigszins achter bij het aantal, bij aanvang van het programma, geplande trajecten. Daarvoor zijn enkele redenen aan te wijzen:
- een aantal aanvankelijk als promotietrajecten geplande onderzoeken zijn omgezet in een korte termijn
- enkele projecten, hebben na een opstartfase geen vervolg gekregen
- voor de periode 2007 tot einde programma worden geen nieuwe promotietrajecten opgestart. De reden hiervoor is de focus die in het laatste anderhalf jaar van het programma van PSIBouw gelegd gaat
worden op de kernactiviteiten (zie Midterm review).
In de periode 2006 zijn vier promotietrajecten met goed resultaat beëindigd. De publicaties behorende bij
de promoties zijn in bijlage 1 opgenomen.
In 2007 zullen, naar verwachting vier promotietrajecten worden afgerond; de resterende projecten in de
periode na 2008.
W2 Publicaties
Een overzicht van de publicaties is opgenomen in bijlage 1.
Journal papers/vakliteratuur
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Conference papers
Totaal wetenschappelijk
Verklaring: journal papers = wetenschappelijke vakbladen; conference papers = niet apart gepubliceerde
bijdragen aan conferenties; monografieën = boeken over een onderwerp, rapporten/proefschriften =
‘grijze’ literatuur; vakliteratuur = aandelen (hoofdstukken) in monografieën en handboeken
* tot 1 juli 2007
Het aantal wetenschappelijke publicaties is momenteel bijna twee maal zo hoog als het oorspronkelijk
geplande. Daarbij is in alle typen van publicaties een stijgende lijn waar te nemen, wat op zich niet
vreemd is aangezien in de jaren 2004 en 2005 opgestarte projecten vruchten beginnen af te werpen. In
de outputrapportage van 2005 werd nog rekening gehouden met een totale ‘productie’ van het programma van 96 publicaties. Op 1 juli 2007 werden al meer dan 100 publicaties geteld.
In de jaren 2006 en 2007 werden, tot nog toe, op 31 internationale conferenties presentaties gehouden
over projecten van PSIBouw. In totaal werden 39 projecten (2006: 23 presentaties en 2007 – tot 1 juli: 16)
op deze wijze aan de wetenschappelijke wereld voorgesteld.
W3 Multidisciplinaire spreiding
De onder W1 genoemde promotietrajecten worden uitgevoerd in samenspraak met meerdere universiteiten en vertegenwoordigers uit het bedrijfsleven, overheden en de consultancywereld. Er worden
verbindingen gelegd tussen alpha-, beta- en gammadisciplines, waaronder bedrijfskunde, bestuurskunde,
economie en cultuur- en gedragswetenschappen.
In totaal waren in 2006 bij het programma een twintigtal hogere Nederlandse onderwijsinstellingen
(hogescholen en universiteiten) betrokken (zie bijlage 2). Een directe samenwerking was er verder nog
met (vertegenwoordigers) van een zevental buitenlandse universiteiten: University of Loughborough GB,
University of Michigan VS, Stanford University VS, Chalmers University of Technology Zweden, Lund
University Zweden, Imperial College London GB, Bauhaus Universität Weimar Duitsland.
In onderstaande kaders worden enkele voorbeelden gegeven van de multidisciplinaire oriëntatie van de
promotieprojecten (opgestart in 2006), waarbij diverse disciplines uit de wetenschappelijke wereld zijn
gekoppeld aan maatschappelijke en economische actoren.
Project O203: Professioneel opdrachtgeverschap en vakmanschap.
De Universiteit van Twente levert de Promovendus en draagt de wetenschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid. EIB en TNO zijn als kennisinstellingen direct bij het project betrokken. De klankbordgroep wordt
gevormd uit vertegenwoordigers van de gemeenten Almere, Deventer, Den Haag, Hengelo, Hof van
Twente; de provincies Gelderland en Overijssel; het Ingenieursbureau Utrecht; PontonConsultancy; de
Unie van Waterschappen; het Waterschap Regge en Dinkel; Bouwend Nederland en Rijkswaterstaat.
Project V305: Ontwikkelen meetinstrumenten voor de bouwcultuur.
De onderzoekers zijn afkomstig van de Universiteit van Tilburg, de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam en
Witteveen en Bos. De wetenschappelijke eindverantwoording ligt bij de Universiteit van Tilburg.
Aan het project nemen verder nog deel: BAM Wegen, BTL Omgevingsverzorging, VIBOR, Van Dijk Maasland, De gemeenten Hellevoetsluis en Almere, het Waterschap Groot Salland en de Rijksgebouwendienst.
W4 Maatschappelijke doorwerking
In onderstaande tabellen is een overzicht opgenomen van de praktijkprojecten. In het overzicht is aangegeven welke projecten een relatie hebben met een wetenschappelijk traject binnen PSIBouw. In
de tabellen is ook vermeld welke projecten zijn bedoeld als toetsomgeving voor nieuwe methodieken
(instrumenten en concepten), dan wel als voorbeeldproject voor de sector. Deze voorbeeldprojecten
moeten vooral de sector stimuleren.
instrumenten en
Projecten met start 2006/1juli2007
B116 CSV (Christelijke Scholengemeenschap Veenendaal) en ROC A12.
Toepassing Living Building Atlas (LBA)
B123 Transitie analyse Luchtkwaliteit
B150 CSV ROC A12 fase 2
instrumenten en
B151 Evalueren aanbestedingstrajecten van RWS BD Projecten
B156 UMC Radboud ziekenhuis
Elementen uit PIPS toepassen.
B157 Ministerie van financiën
3D modelling / toepassing BIM (Bouw Informatie Model)
B159 Almeria Het wonen in 2035.
B160 More For You
B161 Solids
Van woningbouwvereniging het Oosten. Duurzame flexibele behuizing
B162 Le Medi / De Orient
B166 Aanbesteden na onderzoek
B170 Convenant A2: Projectaansturing
B171 Convenant A2: Game Alliantie
B172 Convenant A2: Evaluatie Contracteringsperocessen
B173 Convenant A2: Risicoverdeling bij bouwen op slappe grond
B174 Convenant A2: Sneller gunnen tot Spa
B175 Convenant A2: Competenties
B176 Convenant A2: 3D Model voor de A2
B011 Hellevoetsluis. Waardecreatie door integraal beheer op wijkniveau
instrumenten en
Projecten opgestart in 2004/2005
B187 ING Realestate 3D Modelling
B177 Convenant A2: Contracteren van verkeersmanagement
B111 Lessons Learned.
Voorbeelden van projecten die vernieuwend zijn.
B112 Life cycle management in Midden Holland
B113 UAV gc in de B&U
B115 Kansen in de zorg. Op zoek naar nieuwe innovaties
B118 Unsolicited Proposal. Het ongevraagde voorstel beloond?!
B120 Iris Risicomanagement op projecten
Economische output
Mijlpalen voor
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Economische output
(en later)
Proeftuin verkenningen en initiaties
Proeftuinen in uitvoering
Aantal bedrijven/instellingen
betrokken in programma
Cursief: prognoses
Proeftuin verkenningen en initiaties
Verkenningen beogen het formuleren van ambities en vernieuwingsopgaven in een praktijkproject, als
start van de uitvoering van het werkelijke leerproces in de proeftuin.
In 2006 en 2007 zijn 35 projecten verkend. Uiteindelijk zijn er hiervan in deze periode 20 tot uitvoering
Proeftuinen in uitvoering
De proefprojecten die in de periode 1 januari 2006 tot 1 juli 2007 in uitvoering zijn gekomen staan in
tabel W4 genoemd. Van deze proefprojecten hebben er 8 betrekking op het Convenant A2. In de overige
projecten wordt een brede diversiteit aan probleemstellingen behandeld.
Aantal bedrijven/instellingen betrokken in programma
In de onderstaande tabel staat het aantal bedrijven/organisaties en instellingen vermeld dat betrokken
is bij het PSIBouw-programma. Als peildatum is juli 2007 genomen. Een volledig overzicht, met indicatie van de projecten waaraan deze bedrijven en organisaties hun medewerking verlenen, is in bijlage 2
Bedrijfsleven: bouwsector
Bedrijfsleven: consultancy, architectenbureaus, financiële sector, vastgoedsector
Overheid: gemeenten (incl. VNG)
Overheid: provincies (incl. IPO)
Overheid: ministeries
Maatschappelijke organisaties1
Wetenschap, kennis en onderwijs2
Brancheorganisaties, waterschappen, woningbouwcorporaties, zorginstellingen
Universiteiten, hogescholen, onderwijsinstellingen,
Maatschappelijke output
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Mijlpalen voor
Maatschappelijke output
(en later)
M1 Samenwerkingsverbanden tussen
wetenschap, beleid en praktijk
M2 Mediamomenten t.b.v. maatschappij
M3 Aantal bedrijven/instellingen betrokken
Cursief: prognoses en
in programma
M1 Duurzame Samenwerkingsverbanden tussen
Wetenschap, Beleid en Praktijk
Onder duurzame samenwerkingsverbanden worden (niet project matige) structurele samenwerkingsverbanden verstaan waar PSIBouw invloed op uitoefent en die van belang zijn voor het behalen van de
In onderstaande tabel zijn deze duurzame samenwerkingsverbanden genoemd:
Aard samenwerkingsverband
Acht voor ruimte
De Nieuwbouw
Transitienetwerk SenterNovem/CCT
HBO en bedrijfsleven, lectoraten
Regieraad Bouw
Regionale Regieraden
3 TU overleg
Overleg Landbouw/Bouwsector
Vernieuwingsconvenant AX
Bouwend Nederland
Uneto- VNI
BSIK-programmaverband: inhoud en afstemming.
Netwerk van jonge bouwprofessionals bij alle stakeholders: activeren.
Communicatieplatform voor alle stakeholders: afstemmen en programmeren.
Internationaal netwerk van wetenschappers die in hun land met alle
stakeholders bouwinnovatie ontwikkelen
Transitiekennis ontwikkelen en toepassen, multistakeholder.
Europees sectorgedreven innovatiebeweging met alle stakeholders.
Lectoraten Build Environment, publiekprivate verband voor competentieontwikkeling.
Multistakeholders sectorstimuleringsgroep
Regionale stimuleringsgroepen
Multistakeholder overleg voor sterkere samenwerking en verankering 3 TU’s
Netwerk van projecten, programma’s en andere kennisallianties die zich richten op kennis- en competentieontwikkeling rond ruimte, bouw, bodem, land
en water.
Multistakeholder overleg t.b.v. transitiestrategie.
Europees publiekprivaat programma voor (technologische) bouwinnovaties
Vernieuwingsnetwerk Infrastructuur tussen V&W, bouwers, consultants en
Kenniscentrum voor transitiemanagement Erasmus Universititeit Rotterdam
Bodem Informatie Raad.
Branche organisatie bouwsector
Branche organisatie installatiesector
Agenda die is opgesteld vanuit een gevoel van urgentie om Nederland
duurzamer te maken
Hogere onderwijsgroep Bouwen en Ruimte
Mediamomenten t.b.v. maatschappij
In de periode 2006/2007 waren er opvallende mediamomenten te noemen:
• de Bouwshow (november 2006), waarin Prof. Dr. Hennes de Ridder het Living Building Concept
• het door de Regieraad Bouw en PSIBouw gezamenlijk georganiseerd Congres Metamorfose van de
Bouw (december 2006)
• het Solids project in Amsterdam IJburg (diverse radio- en tv programma’s van de regionale omroepen,
diverse publicaties in landelijke en regionale media)
• de Manifestatie bij het slaan van de eerste paal Solids (mei 2007)
• het wijkverbeteringsproject Hellevoetsluis (diverse programma’s op locale omroepen en publicaties in
regionale pers)
• Symposium ‘Bewoners maken een wijk’ Hellevoetsluis (juni 2007)
• Festival Midzomern8 (juni 2007): de gezamenlijke presentatie van de acht voor ruimte programma’s
In 2006/2007 verschenen artikelen over PSIBouw en activiteiten van PSIBouw in diverse bladen, waaronder: Architect, Architectenweb, Facility Management Magazine, Beter Aanbesteden, Binnenlands Bestuur,
Building Business, Building Business Magazine, Building Innovation, Elsevier, Financieel Dagblad, FOSAG
Aktueel, Het Fundament,, TM Magazine, Uitgekomen!, en, ZMM (Zorg management Magazine).
In Cobouw, het dagblad van de bouwsector verschenen in de periode 2006 in totaal 32 artikelen die
gerelateerd waren aan of verwezen naar het PSIBouw programma. In de eerste helft van 2007 werden in
dit blad 19 artikelen gepubliceerd die aan de activiteiten van PSIBouw refereren.
Een samenvattend overzicht van perspublicaties is in bijlage 1 opgenomen.
In de periode 2006/juli 2007 verschenen de volgende persberichten:
• Nieuw gunningsmodel: exit laagste prijs (9 maart 2006)
• Opdrachtgevers staalconservering sluiten convenant (5 april 2006)
• Doorbraak voor intelligent 3D-ontwerpen (21 april 2006)
• Kansen voor nieuwe contractvormen (3 juli 2007)
• Wereldwijde draagvlak voor Nederlands initiatief ( 6 oktober 2006)
• Sectorbrede Bouwinformatieraad van start (14 november 2006)
• Presentatie Decision Support System bij aanbestedingen in de bouw (6 juni 2007)
M3 Deelnemende bedrijven en organisaties
Zie E3.
Innovatietraject en Kennistransfer
Mijlpalen voor
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Innovatietraject, incl. kennistransfer
(en later)
CoP’s, Praktijkprojecten
Diverse communicatie uitingen
Wetenschappelijke presentaties en
artikelen in Nederlandse vakbladen
Communities op Practice en Praktijkprojecten
Communities of Practice rond thema’s
PSIBouw is actief betrokken bij het organiseren en het faciliteren van zogenaamde specialisten ‘tafels’
rond enkele thema’s. Deze tafels hebben tot doel om een netwerk te vormen van ‘agents of change’ die
nieuwe projecten en innovaties initiëren vanuit hun eigen (praktijk)ervaring en visie. Verder worden via
de tafels netwerken en omgevingen in de bouwsector gecreëerd die ontvankelijk zijn voor innovaties. De
tafels, als specialistenfora, dragen bij tot organisatie van de kennisinfrastructuur.
De volgende tafels worden mede door PSIBouw gefaciliteerd:
Deelnemers: Grotere bouw- en installatiebedrijven
Early involvment
Resultaten: Input oprichting PSIBouw programma
Masterclass evaluatie PSIBouw
Masterclass no claim convenant
Mastercklass generatieleren
Masterclass organiseren over cultuur
MKB Platform Rijnmond
Deelnemers: MKB bedrijven Rijnmondgebied
Constructieve dialoog opdrachtgevers en -nemers
Resultaten: Kennisbijeenkomst opdrachtgevers en -nemers
Procesversnelling oplaadstation Ecobus
Deelnemers: Partijen uit de gehele bouwketen
Nieuwe concepten en ideeën over de rol van transparantie
Resultaten: Pilotproject Glashelder
Publicatie Handen en voeten voor transparantie
Visie transparantie overgenomen door de Regieraad Bouw
Organiseren sessies (o.a. Regieraad Bouw, PIANOo)
Deelnemers: Partijen uit de gehele bouwketen
Stimuleren van integriteit
Resultaten: Publicatie diverse artikelen
Organiseren van diverse sessies
Pilotprojecten Bouwen aan vertrouwen en Respect for People
Deelnemers: Adviseurs-, ingenieurs- en consultancybureaus
Positie adviseurs binnen de bouwketen
Resultaten: Diverse workshops
Ontwikkelen van een gezamenlijke visie
Deelnemers: Juristen en advocaten uit de bouwwereld
Rol van juristen binnen innovaties
Resultaten: Ontwikkelen van een visie
Ontwikkelen van tools
Deelnemers: Financiële experts
Verbeteren voortbrengingsprocessen in de bouw
Resultaten: Ontwikkelen van een visie
Ontwikkelen van tools
Praktijkprojecten/Communities of practice
Vanaf het begin van PSIBouw hebben de praktijkprojecten een belangrijk onderdeel van het programma
De projecten worden geordend volgens de driedeling Infra, Woningbouw en Utiliteitsbouw.
Om de projecten te begeleiden zijn in het voorjaar 2006 associés aan gesteld. Zij hebben tot taak om de
ideeën van praktijkprojecten verder te ontwikkelen en de projecten onderling te verbinden zodat het collectief tot meerwaarde leidt.
Als associés voor de praktijkprojecten zijn aangesteld: Infra (met name het Convenant A2): Kees van
Leeuwen, voor de woningbouwprojecten, Marjan van den Dungen en Aart Karssen en voor de U-bouw
projecten Serena Scholte en Kees Robers. Zij houden onderling, met andere projectleiders en het programmabureau contact om ook afstemming op een breder niveau te organiseren.
Evalueren aanbestedingprocessen
UMC Radboud
Renovatie Ministerie van Financiën
ING Realstate 3D modelling
Veenendaal CSV-ROC A12
Meer waarde voor wonen
Le Medi / De Oriënt
Projectaansturing A2
Game Alliantie
Evaluatie Contracteringprocessen
Risicoverdeling bij bouwen op slappe grond
Sneller van gunning tot spa
4D model voor de A2
Contracteren van verkeersmanagement
Communities of practice
K2 Communicatie uitingen
Het enthousiasme waarmee de vele activiteiten binnen het programma worden uitgevoerd uit zich ook
in een aanzienlijk aantal communicatieve uitingen. Het programma bureau is hierin sterk ondersteunend
naar de associés en partners toe. Evenals de hierna nog te noemen monitoring activiteiten, helpt de externe communicatie bij het formuleren van resultaten en het benoemen van maatschappelijke relevantie.
Bij benadering van de doelgroep wordt een onderscheid gemaakt tussen:
1. Corporate positioning (versterken bekendheid van PSIBouw binnen de sector)
2. Kennisdissiminatie onder te verdelen in – bevordering van de communicatie in het netwerk, verbinden
van belanghebbenden, faciliteren van innovatieve ideeën en het ter beschikking stellen van projectresultaten en de ontwikkeling van tools en instrumenten voor vernieuwing.
Ad 1: Corporate positioning
Verschillende kanalen gebruikt voor corporate positioning:
- website
- presentaties bij belangengroeperingen. In 2006 is het PSIBouw programma, of zijn afzonderlijke PSIBouw projecten gepresenteerd bij diverse maatschappelijke organisaties, zoals overheden (ministeries,
provincies, gemeenten, IPO, VNG), hogescholen en universiteiten, bouwbedrijven, opdrachtgeverfora,
branche organisaties (zoals Bouwend Nederland, ONRI, Regionale Regieraden, Rijkswaterstaat, Het
Stimuleringsfonds Architectuur, De Federatie Zakenvrouwen, Woningborg etc.)
- Organisatie van congressen. PSIBouw was betrokken bij de organisatie van de volgende congressen:
Quality Chain Management
Bouw en ICT Beurs
Metamorfosen van de bouw
Quality Chain Management
Bewoners maken een buurt
- Presentatie op congressen: in de periode 2006/2007 is het PSIBouw programma gepresenteerd
op enkele tientallen congressen, workshops, seminars, symposia, netwerkbijeenkomsten en expertmeetings.
Ad 2 Kennisdissimatie in de sector
Kennisdissiminatie in de sector vindt op verschillende manieren plaats: via publicaties in vakbladen, door
het uitbrengen van brochures, pamfletten en publicaties, via websites en door het ontwikkelen van specifieke tools
- In diverse vakbladen voor de bouw zijn artikelen van en over PSIBouw in het algemeen en over specifieke projecten van PSIBouw geplaatst. In bijlage 1 is een kort samenvattend overzicht gegeven over
de periode 2006 juli 2007
- Via diverse factsheets en brochures heeft PSIBouw informatie over en resultaten van projecten voor
een groter publiek beschikbaar gemaakt. In de periode 2006-juli 2007 zijn verschenen:
• Geld en kwaliteit bepalen. Innovatie wordt lonend bij gunning op waarde. PSIBouw 2006
• Bouwen aan integriteit. Campagne in de bouwsector. PSIBouw 2006
• De praktijk van het vernieuwen. Strategische update. PSIBouw 2006
• Bouwen op vertrouwen. De basis voor de toekomst. PSIBouw 2006
• Bewuster uitbesteden. Overwegingen bij uitbestedingstrategieën. PSIBouw 2006
• Kijk en vergelijk. Naar benchmarking in de Nederlandse bouw. PSIBouw 2006
• Kennisbundeling. Het verborgen goud in de bouw. PSIBouw 2006
• Anders vragen. Vraagspecificatie in de Nederlandse bouw. PSIBouw 2006
• Hoe doe ik een kernwaardendiscussie, PSIBouw 2006
• Hoe doe ik een maatlatmethode, PSIBouw 2006
• Living Building Concept. Revolutionair anders bouwen. PSIBouw 2006
• Samen op weg naar een sterke keten. Professionaliseren staalconservering. PSIBouw 2006
• De praktijk van het vernieuwen. Programma 2006. PSIBouw 2006.
• Internationaal vergelijken. Leren van andere landen. PSIBouw 2006.
• Bouwen naar wens. Waarde als de kans voor nieuw ondernemerschap in de bouw. PSIBouw 2006
• BIR en BIM. Quick click ICT. PSIBouw 2007
• Modelling, Simulation en Gaming. PSIBouw 2007
- Publicaties in boekvorm uit deze periode zijn:
• Handboek publiek-private samenwerking (Bult-Spiering, Blanken, Dewulf).
• Bouwen aan integriteit (Straathof, Van der Pol)
• Bouwen is vooruitzien (Regieraad Bouw/PSIBouw)
• Bouwen aan het vak (Regieraad Bouw/PSIBouw)
• Doelgericht aanbesteden. Tips en adviezen (TuTwente/PSIBouw)
• Unsolicited Proposal. Handleiding voor eigen initiatieven in de bouw (PSIBouw)
• Living Building Concept (De Ridder)
• Bouwen is teamwork (Regieraad Bouw/PSIBouw)
• Lef. Wapenfeiten van durfbouwers (PSIBouw)
• Strategie in de Bouw (PSIBouw/SBR)
- Eindrapporten van projecten, voor het grootste deel ontsloten via de website van PSIBouw
(zie ook bijlage 1).
- Overige instrumenten die in opdracht van PSIBouw zijn ontwikkeld ten behoeve van
kennisontwikkeling zijn:
• Spelsimulatie LINK. Concurrentiegerichte dialoog
• Online Interactief 4-D model A2
• Leidraad Transparantie in de Bouw
• Virtueel Besluitvormingsmodel TX Cell
• Loket Eigen Initiatief (i.s.m. Ministeries van VROM en V&W)
• Leidraad Aanbesteden Webbased Decision Support System
• Handleidingen:
- hoe doe ik een dilemmatraining
- hoe doe ik een kernwaardediscussie
- hoe doe ik een luistersessie
• Meetinstrument Trust in Building Projects (i.s.m. Michigan University)
• Meetinstrument Past Performance
• Methode Gunnen op Waarde
• DVD: De ‘BIM’-film (2006)
• DVD: Communicatie met VISI bouwt beter (2007)
• DVD: Bewoners maken de wijk. Een buurt in vogelvlucht. (2007)
• DVD: Pijlers voor integer gedrag. (2007)
• DVD: Peilers in de bouw. Over integriteit in de bouw (Andre Nijhof)
- Via de volgende websites wordt informatie over PSIBouw projecten verspreid en worden resultaten en
tools ter beschikking gesteld:
Algemene informatie
Project B161 solids
Project B162 Le Medi
Project B170 t/m B 177: A2
Project O021: LBC
Project O222: Leidraad Aanbesteden
Project V306: Integriteit in de bouw
Project I 426: Past Performance
K3 Wetenschappelijke presentaties in vakbladen en tijdens conferenties
en workshops
Het grote aantal wetenschappelijke publicaties (zie bijlage 1) in wetenschappelijke (vak)tijdschriften
en boeken en onderzoeksrapporten draagt bij aan een doorwerking in de praktijk. Daarnaast zijn er
presentaties geweest van projecten op enkele tientallen internationale wetenschappelijke congressen,
-fora en workshops. In bijlage 2D is hiervan een overzicht opgenomen.
K4 Onderwijsprogramma’s
PSIBouw wil een cultuuromslag tot stand brengen en daarvoor is het van belang om de aankomende
generatie van professionals met het nieuwe bouwen vertrouwd te maken. Om die reden wordt samengewerkt met universiteiten en HBO instellingen. Diverse resultaten in 2005 zijn vermeldenswaard:
• Ontwikkelen cursus Hogeschool Rotterdam Overwegingen bij uitbestedingstrategieën (project O004)
• Ketenintegratie in de bouw, vergelijking andere sectoren, ingebed in curriculum bouwprocessen,
Faculteit Civiele techniek TUDelft
• Van conflict naar consensus over waarden en prestaties (project O019): cases worden als onderwijsmateriaal gebruikt in de studie Master Construction Management and Engineering TU Twente
• Van projectstrategie naar een portfoliostrategie (project O021) opgenomen in leerstoel Planning en
Development van afd. Construction Management en Engineering TU Twente; onderzoeksresultaten
worden gebruikt in de internationale 3TU Master Construction Management & Engineering, TSM Business School in Master Public Management of University of Twente
• Systeemintegratoren in de Nederlandse bouwsector: hun rol in innovatie (project O204) maakt deel uit
van het onderzoeksprogramma van de vakgroep Construction Management en Engineering TU Twente
(leerstoelen Markt- en organisatiedynamiek in de bouwsector en Innovatieprocessen)
• Studie naar de wenselijkheid van een leerstoel staalconservering door OGOS, VVF, SVMB, BmS en TUDelft (project O210). Er wordt een cursus ontwikkeld.
• Integriteit in de bouw: boek wordt gebruikt bij managementcursussen
• Lezingencyclus Hogeschool van Utrecht over vernieuwing van curricula, februari-juni 2007
• Participatie in het initiatief ‘ Company to College’. Praktijkmensen verzorgen gastcolleges aan hogescholen en universiteiten.
Financiële kerncijfers
Financiering project in relatie tot de begroting
Totale projectkosten
Toegekende BSIK-subsidie
Nog te financieren
Te verwachten financiering door:
Kennisinstellingen, universiteiten etc.
Private sector, bouwbedrijven ingenieursbureaus etc.
Publieke sector, overheden etc.
(in €)
(in €)
Raming van de uitgaven per jaar naar verschillende kostensoorten
Kosten van arbeid, anders dan loonkosten
Opslag voor algemene kosten
Kosten van machines en apparatuur
Kosten van te verbruiken materialen en hulpmiddelen
Kosten voor verspreiding en overdracht van kennis
2009 2010
18.004 10.732
279 28.824
120 12.353
199 20.588
80 8.235
Financiering van het BSIK-project
Totale projectkosten
Toegekende BSIK-subsidie
5.916 13.701
1.378 3.736
4.538 9.965
2009 2010
18.004 18.004 10.732
5.000 4.737
13.004 13.267 10.732
F3 Eigen bijdragen
10.923 11.144
1.430 1.459
2009 2010
Bijlage 1 Publicaties/Congressen/Workshops
Wetenschappelijke artikelen en rapporten
Adriaanse A., Laan A., and Voordijk H. (2004). Levels of Trust and Information and Communication
Technology in Project-based Industries, presented at the European Academy of Management Conference,
University of St. Andrews, May 6-8, St. Adrews
Ang G. e.a. (2004). Inventory of international reforms in building and construction, PSIBouw.
Pieters A., Nijhof A., Royakkers L., Laan A. (2004) Verantwoord handelen in organisaties, In: Ethiek en
techniek; eds. Royakkers, L.; Poel, I. van der; Pieterse, A., 165-180
Pries F., Goovaerts A. (2004). Bouwen aan Onderwijs. PSIBouw, TNO.
Tielen T., Hoogendoorn J.(2004); Handleiding systeemverkenning. TNO, PSIBouw.
Vrijhoef R. and Tong M.K.L. (2004). Understanding construction as a complex and dynamic system: an
adaptive network approach. Proceedings 12th Annual Lean Construction Conference (IGLC-12). 3-5 August
2004, Helsingør, Denmark.
Vrijhoef R. and Tong M.K.L. (2004). Understanding construction supply chains: an adaptive network approach. Proceedings 4th International Postgraduate Research Conference in the Built and Human Environment, 1-2 April 2004, Salford, pp. 658-696. Best written paper on research findings awarded.
Vrijhoef R. and Voordijk H. (2004). Improving supply chain management in construction: what can be
learned from the electronics industry? Proceedings CIB World Building Congress, 2-7 May 2004, Toronto.
Proceedings published on CD-Rom.
Vrijhoef R. and Voordijk H. (2004). Supply chain implications of platform strategies in construction. Proceedings 4th International Postgraduate Research Conference in the Built and Human Environment, 1-2
April 2004, Salford, pp. 77-87.
Van Bentum (2005). Ervaringen met PiPS in USA; studie op masterniveau. EMRM
Blanken A., Bult-Spiering M., Dewulf G. (2005). ‘Assessing value for money in concession contracts: defining an improved framework’, Department of Construction Management and Engineering, University of
Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
Bult-Spiering M., Blanken A. & Dewulf G.(2005). Handboek publiek-private samenwerking. Utrecht.
Caerteling J.S. (2005). Innovatie in de publieke sector: wie heeft de regie? Universiteit Twente, CE&M
research report 2005R-005 / CME-003
Caerteling J., Halman J., Doree A., (2005). Competing roles of public agencies and their effect on technology development performance (abstract 13th international Product Development Management Conference)
Caerteling J., Halman J., Doree A., (2005). Effect of different responcibilities of government agencies on
performance of techniology development projects (abstract 6th International Postgraduate Research
Caerteling J. (2005). Open innovatie voor openbare werken?, essay voor de prijsvraag Open innovatie,
Adviesraad Wetenschap- en Technologiebeleid.
Caerteling J., Halman J., Doree A., (2005). Systems integration in the Road Construction: Integration of
structural Design and Construction Processes and Methods, in Sariyildiz S., Tuncer B. (eds) Proceedings of
the 3th international Conference on Innovation in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, Rotterdam
Caniels M., Sijpersma R. (2005). Procesintegratie en innovatief ondernemerschap in de bouwnijverheid,
De Gans G. en Van Andel K. (2005). Lessons learned van innovatief aanbesteden in NL; studie bachelorniveau. Academie Diedenoort, Locatie HAN
De Ridder H.A.J. and Vrijhoef R. (2005). The “Living Building” Concept: dynamic control of whole life value
and costs of built services. In: Sidwell, A. and Betts, M. (eds.). Proceedings QUT Research Week. 4-8 July
2005. Brisbane. Proceedings on CD-Rom.
Dreschler M. (2005). A definition of value in the building and construction industry, In L. Prof. Ruddock,
D Dr. Amaratunga, G. Prof. Aouad, R. Dr. Haigh, M. Dr. Kagioglou, & M. Dr. Sexton (Eds.), 5th International
Postgraduate Research Conference (pp. 1-8). Salford: University of Salford. (TUD)
Dreschler M., Beheshti M.R., & de Ridder, H.A.J. (2005). An analysis of value determination in the building
and construction industry, In K Kahkonen & J Porkka (Eds.), Proceedings CIB 2005 Symposium; Combining
Forces; Advancing Facilities Management & Construction through Innovation. Vol 2 Global Perspectives on
Management and Economics in the AEC Sector. (pp. 265-274). Espoo, Finland: VTT. (TUD)
Eriksson P.E., Laan A.T., (2005). Trust and control in buyer-supplier relationships: How construction clients’
procurement procedures affect trust and control in client-contractor relationships, paper for the 3rd workshop on trust within and between organizations, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 2005
Halman J., Vrijhoef R., (2005). Identifying Customer Preferences for Housing Projects, in: Eekhout, M.
(ed.), Proceedings of Concept House, towards customized industrial housing, Delft University of Technology, Delft, 22 June 2005, pp 111-125.
Harkink E., (2005). Collaborative innovation and compentence development; How to create a competitive
advantage in moderately dynamic business to business markets, (Paper for the conference in Brighton,
june 2005)
Jonkers H.L., Oostra M.A.R. (2005). Kennen, willen en kunnen. Kennisinfrastructuur, innovatiemotor voor
sectortransitie? Rapport PSIBouw
Kamann D.J., Snijders Ch., Tazelaar F., Welling D. Th. (2005), The Ties that Bind: Buyer-supplier Relations in
the Construction Industry. Paper to be presented in the IPSERA-meeting, France 20-23 March 2005
Khalfan M.M.A., McDermott P., Vrijhoef R. and Asad S. (2005). “The effect of procurement on the integration of the supply chain within the construction industry”, In: Kähkönen, K. and Sexton, M. (eds.). Proceedings CIB Combining Forces. Vol. 1: Understanding the Construction Business and Companies in the New
Millennium. 13 June 2005, Helsinki. VTT, Espoo. 14-25.
Koolwijk J., Geraedts R. (2005-2006), Pre-qualitfication of Contractors Based on Past Performance,
Krishnan R., X. Martin and N.G. Noorderhaven (2206) , When does interorganizational trust matter to strategic alliance performance? Academy of Management Journal 49, 894-917.
Luijten G., (2005). Vraagspecificatie als katalysator voor vernieuwing, PSIBouw.
Nijhof A., Rottier T., Integrity Management, (2005). The case of ProRail and seven Engineering companies,
Construction Information Quarterly, 4 (2005), 123-27
Nijhof A., Fisscher O. (2005). Starting all over again; Developing an integrated framework for stimulating
integrity management and CSR within a value chain, EBEN Research Conference, Tallinn, 17th of June, 2005
Oostra M.A.R, Jonkers H.L., (2005). Bouwen aan de kennisinfrastructuur. Rapport PSIBouw.
Smit R. (2005. Veranderbereidheid bij opdrachtgevers en opdrachtnemers, Saxion (2005)
Straathof A., Van der Pol P. (2005). Bouwen aan Integriteit, SDU.
Straatman H. (2005). Beperken van inspanningen in aanbiedingstrajecten. Een onderzoek naar mogelijkheden tot reductie van kosten en inspanningen tijdens de aanbesteding van een D&C-project. PSIBouw.
Vrijhoef R. and De Ridder H.A.J. (2005). “Supply chain integration for achieving best value for construction
clients: client-driven versus supplier-driven integration”, In: Sidwell, A. and Betts, M. (eds.). Proceedings
QUT Research Week. 4-8 July 2005. Brisbane. Proceedings on CD-Rom.
Vrijhoef R. and Koskela L. (2005). “Revisiting the three peculiarities of production in construction”, In:
Kenley, R. (ed.). Proceedings 13th Annual Lean Construction Conference (IGLC-13). 19-21 July 2005, Sydney.
Vrijhoef R. and Koskela L. (2005). “A critical review of construction as a project-based industry: identifying
paths towards a project-independent approach to construction”, In: Kazi, A.S. (ed.). Proceedings CIB Combining Forces. Vol. 7: Learning from Experience: New Challenges, Theories and Practices in Construction. 13
June 2005, Helsinki. VTT, Espoo. 13-24. Best Paper Award.
Vrijhoef R. and Koskela L. (2005). “Structural and contextual comparison of construction to other projectbased industries”. In: Ruddock, L. and others (eds.). Proceedings IPRC 2005. Vol. 2. 14 April 2005, Salford.
University of Salford, Salford. 537-548.
Weck J. (2005) Hoe innovatief zijn innovatieve contracten?, PSIBouw.
Zweistra H. (2005). PiPS en EU aanbestedingsrichtlijnen; studie op masterniveau.
Bouwen is vooruitzien. Theorie en praktijk van levensduurkosten. Regieraad Bouw, PSIBouw, december
Bouwen aan het vak. Sleutelpublicatie Bouwonderwijs, Regieraad Bouw, PSIBouw, december 2006
Doelgericht aanbesteden. Tips en adviezen, TU Twente, PSIBouw 2006.
Exploration of economic, institutional and cultural aspects of problems in the Dutch construction sector.
ISG Seminar “Trust in Construction”, Twente University, Enschede June 2006
Unsollicited Porposal. Handleiding voor eigen initiatieven in de bouw in het (semi) publieke domein,
PSIBouw April 2006
What is the role of trust in construction? Reflections based on some recent work. ISG Seminar “Trust in
Construction”, Twente University, Enschede June 2006
Blanken A,. Bult-Spiering M., Dewulf G.(2006). Assessing Value for Money in Concession Contracts: defining
van improved framework. G. Aouad et. Al. (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd International SCRI Symposium
Delft, Salford: University of Salford.
Beugelsdijk S., Koen C.I. and Noorderhaven N.G. (2006), Organizational culture and relationship skills.
Organization Studies 27, 833-854.
Bouma G, e.a. (2006). Quick Scan Waardenkwantificering. Waarde en methode om waarde te kwantificeren in de bouwsector. PSIBouw.
Bult-Spiering M. and Dewulf G., (2006). Strategic Issues in Public-Private Partnerships: an international
perspective. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. -reprint 2007Blauwhof G. (2006). Modelleren, Simuleren en ‘Gamen’ (MSG): vehikel voor sectortransitie?, PSIBouw.
Cremers R. e.a. (2006). UAVgc in de B&U. Een stimulans voor innovatie! PSIBouw.
De Ridder H., Living Building Concept, PSIBouw 2006
De Ridder H. and Vrijhoef R. (2006). From demand-driven supply towards supply-driven demand in construction: a “Living Building” Experiment.
Faassen M. (2006). Pilotprojecten UMC St Radboud; studie op bachelorniveau, Hogeschool Zuyd.
Graafland J., Nijhof A. (2006). Transparantietafel; Handen en voeten voor transparantie vanuit theorie en
praktijk, PSIBouw.
Graafland J. (2006). De bouwfraude, In: Bedrijfsgevallen; Morele beslissingen van ondernemingen, onder
redactie van Wim Dubbink en Henk van Luijk, Van Gorcum, 160-172
Grootenboer A., Schellevis J. (2006). Procesintegratie en innovatief ondernemerschap in de bouw toeleverende industrie en de bouwmaterialenhandel, EIB, PSIBouw.
Harkink E. (2006). Inter organizational collaboration and knowledge transfer in construction. (Conference in
Lucca, 11 september 2006).
Haponava T., Al-Jibouri S., Reymen I. (2006). Process performance indicator in project pre-design stage,
Adaptables2006, TU/e, International Conference On Adaptable Building Structures, Eindhoven, The Netherlands 03-05 July 2006
Harris, K., De Ridder, H., Vrijhoef, R. and Van den Broek, C. (eds.). Proceedings 3rd International SCRI Symposium. 3-4 April 2006, Delft University of Technology/TNO, Delft. University of Salford, Salford. 530-542.
Hartmann A., Caerteling J., (2006). The influence of social networks on inter-firm exchange in construction,
11th Joint CIB International Symposium Combining Forces – Learning from Experiences: New Challenges,
Theories and Practices in Construction
Hoezen M., Reymen I., Dewulf G. (2006). The problem of communication in construction, Adaptables2006,
TU/e, International Conference On Adaptable Building Structures, Eindhoven, The Netherlands 03-05 July 2006
Hofman E., Halman J., Ion R. (2006). Variation in Housing Design: Identifying Customer Preferences, Housing
Studies nr. 6 (2006)
Hofman E., Halman J., (2006). Identifying customer preferences for housing projects, in: Eekhout M. (ed.),
Proceedings of Concept House, Delft
Horstman A. (2006). Een kwestie van organiseren. Praktische maatregelen voor procesverbetering in de
consumentengerichte bouw, SBR (2006)
Huijzer T. (2006). Grondslagen economisch, institutioneel en cultureel kader van de bouwsector, PSIBouw.
Janowicz M. and Noorderhaven N.G. (2006). Levels of interorganizational trust. In R. Bachmann and A.
Zaheer, eds., Handbook of trust research, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 264-279.
Laan A.T., Sijpersma R. (2006). Bouwen op vertrouwen, Augustus 2006 EIB/PSIBouw.
Laan A.T. (2006). Building on Trust, Conference of the Institute of Governance Studies (IGS), June, Twente
University, Enschede.
Lindenbergh W. (2006). Ervaringen met fucntioneel specificeren en alliantiecontracten; studie op masterniveau, EMFM.
Lourens E. (2006). Procesintegratie en innovatief ondernemerschap in ontwerpbureaus, EIB, PSIBouw.
Nijhof A. (2006). Uitzicht door Inzicht. Best Practices van innovatief gedrag in de bouw, PSIBouw.
Nijhof A., The Dynamics of Authentic Behaviour: Developing authentic transformational leadership from a
time-space perspective, EGOS European Group of Organisation Studies, Bergen, Norway, 5-8 july, 2006
Nijhof A., Bondarouk, T. Applying structuration theory to encouraging responsible behavior, EBEN Research
Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia 16th and 17th of June, 2006
Sijpersma R., Laan A.T. (2006). Veel wederzijds vertrouwen bij projectleiders van opdrachtgevers en opdrachtnemers, In: Bouw/Werk, de bouw in feiten, cijfers en analyses, 31(3), 8-9
Teders J. en Nijhof A. (2006). De impasse doorbreken; Rapportage inventarisatie knelpunten, Pilot Integriteit Rijkswaterstaat, 20 november 2006
Tummers L., Born H., (2006). Getallen op tafel. Een genderprofiel van de bouw. Bouwnetwerk/ PSIBouw
Van Raak R., Van der Brugge R., Van der Krogt S., Te Riele H. (2006). The Jellyfish Clash. Ontknoping van het
fijnstofprobleem. Drift, Erasmus Universiteit.
Veenstra S., Veenstra J., Halman I., A Methodology for developing product platforms in the specific setting
of the housbuilding industry, Res Eng Design (2006)
Vrijhoef R. and De Ridder H.A.J. (2006). “Applying systems thinking to supply chain integration in construction”. In: Proceedings CIB joint conference W55+W65. 18-20 October 2006, Rome. Proceedings on CD-Rom.
Innovatiekansen in de ziekenhuisbouw, Twijnstra Gudde, PSIBouw (2006)
Innovatie in projectmanagement. Versnelling door Samenwerking. PSIBouw: Eerste alliantiecontract Convenant A2, in Civiele Techniek nummer 2/3, 2006
Quick Scan Toepassing Living Building Concept Nieuwbouw CSV en ROC Veendendaal, TUDelft, TNO, CPI,
IMV, PSIBouw (2006)
Bouwen is teamwork! Praktijkgids voor succesvol samenwerken in de bouw, Regieraad Bouw, PSIBouw,
maart 2007
Lef. Wapenfeiten van durfbouwers, PSIBouw 2007
Strategie in de Bouw. Ondernemers inspireren tot het maken van keuzes. PSIBouw/ SBR. Juli 2007
Blanken A., Bult-Spiering M., Dewulf G., Assesing Value for Money in Concessions Contracts: defining an
improved Framework (2007)
Blanken, A., Bult-Spiering and Dewulf G., PFI in health in Fit for Purpose: designing hospitals for the 21st
century, European Health Property Network/EIB/WHO (to be published 2008)
Blanken, A., Bult-Spiering, Dewulf G. (2007). Concession Projects in Social Infrastructure: how to define
whether they are working?, proceedings of the ASCE Conference 2007, May 6th- 8th, Grand Bahama Island,
Boes J., Professioneel opdrachtgeverschap en vakmanschap. Bestuurlijk-ambtelijke barrieres voor invoering
geintegreerd uit- en aanbesteden bij decentrale overheden, TU Twente, PSIBouw (2007)
Chao M., Masterstudie Institutionele Kaders. De invloed van regels op de organisatie, het verloop en de
resultaten van bouwprocessen. PSIBouw (2007)
De Jager S. (2007). Verkenning van een MVO-agenda en actiepunten voor de bouwnijverheid in Nederland, Bachelor scriptie Universiteit Twente, In samenwerking met MVO Nederland en Bouwend Nederland.
De Ridder, H.A.J. and Vrijhoef, R. (2007). From demand-driven supply towards supply-driven demand in
construction, In: Hughes, W (ed.). Proceedings CME25 Conference. 16-18 July 2007, Reading. Proceedings on
Dewulf G. and Wright S., Innovative Contracts and Finance models in Fit for Purpose: designing hospitals for
the 21st century, European Health Property Network/EIB/WHO (to be published in 2008)
Eriksson P.E. and Laan A.T. (2007). Procurement effects on trust and control in client-contractor relationships, in: Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 14(4)
Graafland J., Nijhof, A., Transparancy, Market Operation and Trust in the Dutch Construction Industry; An
explorative Study, Construction Management and Economics, 25 (2007), 195-205
Graafland J., Nijhof A., De Kuijer O., Exploration of an agenda for transparency in the construction industry,
Article submitted to Construction Innovation, 2007
Harkink E., Nijhof A. and Van Tongeren H., Collaboration and Knowledge Transfer: Practice from the Dutch
Construction Industry, (to be published)
Heutink A., (2007) Verhoging van de concurrentiekracht van de staalconserveringssector, (to be published
in 2007)
Haponava T., Al-Jibouri S., Proposed approach for developing process-based KPIs for project control during
the pre-project stage, proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century
(CITC-IV) “Accelerating Innovation in Engineering, Management and Technology” July 11-13, 2007, Gold
Coast, Australia
Haponava T., Al-Jibouri S., A conceptual model for developing KPIs for early phases of the construction process, proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century (CITC-IV) “Accelerating Innovation in Engineering, Management and Technology” July 11-13, 2007, Gold Coast, Australia
Hoezen M., Voordijk H., Dewulf G., Benschop T. (2007). Integrated organisation models in construction: why
are they not used more often?, ASCE conference, Bahama, 2007.
Hofman E., Halman J., Voordijk J., Design by sourcing. How to create variety economically. Paper Manubuild,
April 2007-08-10 Hofman E., Aligning product architecture design and sourcing decisions in the housing
building industry, AESE CIB, (2007)
Janowicz, M., and Noorderhaven N.G. (2007). Agency, structure and interorganizational learning within
strategic alliances. The barriers to intra- and interfirm knowledge transfer, Copenhagen (June)
Jansen F. e.a. Procesintegratie en innovatief ondernemerschap in het bouwproces, EIB, PSIBouw (2007)
Laan, A.T., Voordijk, J.T. and Dewulf, G.P.M.R. (2007), Bases of trust in construction: empirical evidence, in:
Construction Management & Economics (submitted)
Laan, A.T. and Kadefors, A. (2007), Modes of trust production in project based industries, paper for the 4th
Nordic Conference in Construction Economics and Organization, Luleå, Sweden
Van Leeuwen K., Scholten S., Evaluatie van het digitale model voor outputspecificatie en het verificatiemodel, PSIBouw (2007)
Nijhof A. e.a. Het cement tussen de stenen; Inspelen op veranderende spelregels in de bouw (Binnenkort
te verschijnen bij Van Gorcum)
Noorderhaven, N.G., and G. Dewulf, Managing innovation in a public-private network: An example from the
Dutch construction sector. EURAM Conference, Paris (May) (2007)
Noorderhaven (2007). Naar een cultuur van samenwerking. Presentation at the PSIBouw conference “Bewoners maken de buurt”, Hellevoetsluis (June) (2007)
Noorderhaven (2007). The PSIBouw Programme. Presentation at the workshop Socio-dynamic aspects of
co-operation in construction projects, Loughborough University (March)
Pries F. Gunnen op waarde. Praktische handreiking voor bouwopdrachten, PSIBouw (2007)
Rutten M.E.J., Doree A.D., Halman J.I.M.; Interorganizational cooperation in construction: the role of suystems integrators. In: Proceedings of the 1st ManuBuild International Conference, Rotterdam 25-26 April
Rutten M.E.J., Doree A.D., Halman J.I.M.; Systeemintegratoren in de bouwsector: leiderschap in innovatie,
TUTwente (2007)
Van Doorn N., Blok K., Evaluatie contractering A2 (evaluatie 1): Tunneldeel Oudenrijn – Haarrijn (Design &
Construct), PSIBouw (2007)
Van Doorn N. e.a., Evaluatie contractering A2 (evaluatie 2): A2 Noord, traject Holendrecht – Maarssen (Design & Construct), PSIBouw (2007)
Van Rooy P., and Noorderhaven N.G. (2007). Breaking through vicious cycles in construction project management. Workshop Social-dynamics of collaboration in projects, Loughborough (March)
Visser J., Toepassing ‘ Living Building Concept’ bij het Gemini Ziekenhuis te Den Helder. PSIBouw (2007)
Vrijhoef R. and De Ridder H.A.J. (2007). “A systems approach to supply chain integration in construction”.
In: Hughes, W. (ed.). Proceedings CME25 Conference. 16-18 July 2007, Reading. Proceedings on CD-Rom.
Vrijhoef R. and De Ridder,H.A.J. (2007). “A systems approach for developing a model of construction supply
chain integration”. In: Proceedings 4th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organisation. 1415 June 2007, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden. Proceedings on CD-Rom.
Vrijhoef R. and De Ridder H.A.J. (2007). “Supply chain systems engineering in construction”. In: Proceedings
CIB World Building Congress. 14-17 May 2007, Cape Town. 279-291.
Evaluatie contractering A2. Rode draad in de evaluatie van drie contracteringsprocessen tussen Holendrecht en Ouderijn, Evaluatieteam A2, mei 2007
Artikelen in vaktijdschriften
Architect (oktober 2006), De bouw rijp maken voor innovatie (mei 2007), Bestemmingsvrij gebouw in IJburg
Beter Aanbesteden, in Stadswerk (2006)
Binnenlands Bestuur (oktober 2006), Huidige praktijken rondom uit- en aanbesteden bij decentrale
BouwIQ (2007): Het Living Building Concept, Conceptueel Bouwen en Slimbouwen? Concepten
Bouwrecht (november 2006): Het beoordelen van aannemers op basis van Past Performance
(Dr. MR. M. Chao-Duivis)
Building Business Magazine (mei 2004) Prestatie gericht samenwerken (A. Goovaerts, F. Pries)
Building Business (2004), Cultuurverandering in de bouw: Razend moeilijk maar hard nodig [culture
change in construction: difficult to achieve but badly needed]. Building Business 6 (1), 62-65
(E. Molier, N.G. Noorderhaven)
Building Business (2005): Bouwen is systeemintegratie (J. Caerteling)
Building Business (2006): PPS bij huisvesting: concessies doen? (A. Blanken, M. Bult-Spiering,
D. Swierstra)
Building Business (April 2007): special over Solids
• Solids in sociaal perspectief (Karl Bijsterveld)
• Solids door de bril van de vastgoedmakers (Kees de Graaf)
• Met wat duwen en trekken zijn solids door de regelgeving te loodsen (Wim Laverman)
• Een interessant idee met grote gevolgen (Wim Laverman)
• De marktkansen van de solids (Kees de Graaf)
Building Innovation (november/december 2006): Living Building Concept vernieuwt de bouw
revolutionair. (Hennes de Ridder en Ruben Vrijhoef)
Building Innovation september/oktober 2007: Leiderschap in open innovatie: voorbeelden uit de bouw
(M. Rutten, A. Grevers)
Elsevier (mei 2007) Amsterdam krijgt pand waarin alles mag
Financieel dagblad (maart 2007), Bouwbranche ontbeert vrouw in aan de top
Financieel dagblad (mei 2007), Eerst bestemmingsvrije pand IJburg
FOSAG Aktueel (februari 2007), Metaalconserveerders testen nieuwe vorm van aanbesteden
Het Fundament (juli 2007), De NieuwBouw slaat nieuwe weg in en betrekt de gebruiker eerder bij
plannen (mei 2007) Woningbouwcorporatie komt met pand waarin alles mag
TM Magazine (2006), Als je de bouw wilt vernieuwen, moet je bij de jonge instroom beginnen
Uitgekomen! (2007), Anders samenwerken in staalconserveringssector (mei 2007), Huurder mag doen wat ie wil (mei 2007), Bestemmingsvrij pand in Amsterdam
C Artikelen Cobouw 2006/2007
Stabu en Noren stemmen objectbibliotheek af
PSIBouw ontwikkelt nieuw gunningsmodel
UAVgc in b&u stimulans innovatie
Leverancier hekelt inkoopgedrag
Stap voorwaarts in digitaal ontwerpen bouwprojecten
Slim inkopen
Gemeente bezint zich op aanbestedingsbeleid
Bouw krijgt de ruimte bij snelle verbreding A2 naar tien rijstroken
A2 convenant is een contractprimeur voor Nederland
Projectteam A2 oefent op aanbesteding
Transparantie basis voor goede concurrentie bouw
Ontwerpbureaus weinig innovatief
We stuiten nog op veel cynisme als het over integriteit gaat
Innovatief ondernemen
‘Bouw moet meer vraaggericht werken’
Bouwsector neemt regie in eigen hand
Innovatieve contractvorm in Zeeland
Projectleiders hebben vertrouwen in elkaar
Bouw kan faalkosten verminderen door een 3D-objectbenadering
Living Building Concept
Hovers: Bouwinnovaties liggen voor het oprapen
Functionele specificatie levert hoogwaardig gebouw op
Regieraad en PSI Bouw: Onderwijs onmisbaar bij cultuuromslag bouw
‘HRM-beleid bouw laat te wensen over’
Bewust omgaan met integriteit heeft toekomst
Leidraad aanbesteden in de bouw
Europees project voor slimmer voorontwerp
Nieuwe competenties in andere cultuur, daar gaat het om
BIM leert programma’s met elkaar communiceren
Bouwsector ondergaat metamorfose
‘Voorontwerp moet drastisch verbeterd’
‘Levendig bouwen’ kan uitkomst zijn voor zorg
Beschamend weinig vrouwen in top bouwsector
Vrouwen maken bouw innovatiever
Afsprakenstelsel VISI levert tijdwinst
3D-ontwerpen als nieuwe weg in procesbeheersing
Economische levensduur
Rekenen met levensduurkosten spaart meer dan geld alleen
4D-simulatie optimaliseert planning uitbreiding A2
Samenwerking in keten cruciaal voor innovatie
Gemeenten zien nieuw elan voor duurzaam bouwen
Huwelijk zonder verloving
Bouwprofessionals moeten vaker voor de klas
Slecht samenwerken grootste oorzaak oplopen faalkosten
Hoe revolutionair is het Living Building Concept eigenlijk?
Kennis aanbesteden moet op een hoger peil worden gebracht
Virtueel bouwen en Second Life hebben ook in bouw de toekomst
‘Risicomijdend gedrag in opdrachtgeversmarkt is schrijnend’
Steeds meer bedrijven nemen rol van systeemintegrator op zich
Hellevoetsluis probeert nieuwe aanbestedingsmethode
Het Living Building Concept, wat is dat nu feitelijk?
‘Alle nieuwbouw over tien jaar volledig duurzaam’
Congressen en workshops 2006/2007
- 3th International Conference on innovation in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, juni 2006
(presentatie project O017)
- 3th International SCRI Symposium, Delft, 2006 (presentatie project O012)
- 6th International Postgraduate Conference in the Built & Human Environment, april 2006 (presentatie
project O021)
- 16th Annual IPSERA Conference, Bath (presentatie project O202)
- Adaptables 2006, International Conference On Adaptable Building Structures, Eindhoven (presentatie
project O019)
- Bouwbeter congres, oktober 2006 (presentatie project O012)
- CIB joint congres, oktober 2006 (presentatie projecten O012 en O017)
- CINet Conference, Lucca september 2006 (presentatie project V023a)
- CBP Apeldoorn, oktober 2006 (presentatie project O203)
- Congres Vereniging Stadswerk, november 2006 (presentatie project O222)
- Conference of the Institute of Governance Studies (IGS), TU-Twente, Enschede juni 2006 (presentaties
projecten V024b en O204)
- Congres aanbesteden en innovatie 2006 (presentatie PSIBouw)
- Congres Nieuwbouw Oost, juli 2006 (presentatie project O203)
- EGOS European Group of Organisation Studies, juli 2006 (presentatie project V306)
- EIASM, Finland (presentatie project O202)
- Industry Day, University of Salford (Presentatie PSIBouw-programma)
- International Conferene on Quality Chain Management, Den Haag, oktober 2006
(presentatie PSIBouw programma)
- IPO Vakberaad 2006 (presentaties project O203)
- IGS Spring Conference, TU-Twente (presentaties projecten O202, V023, V305)
- PSIBouw Seminar Cultuur (presentatie project V023)
- Staalbouwdag 2006 (presentatie project O210)
- Stadswerkcongres, november 2006 (presentatie project O203)
- Wegencongres, december 2006 (presentatie projecten O203 en O222)
- Conferentie Sneller als team van start, oktober 2007 (presentatie PSIBouw)
- Congres Regieraad Bouw, december 2006 (presentatie projecten O222 en K522)
- 4th Nordic Conference in Construction Economics and Organization, Lulea, Zweden (presentatie projecten
V024b en O012)
- 4th International Conference on Construction in the 21th Century, Gold Coast Australia, juli 2007 (presentatie project O019)
- ASCE Conference, Bahama , april 2007 (presentatie projecten O019 en O021)
- CIB-wereldcongres, mei 2007 (presentatie projecten O203 en O012)
- CME25 anniversary conference, juli 2007 (presentatie project O012)
- Congres Innovatief Aanbesteden in Bouw en Infra, oktober 2007 (presentatie innovatieve aanbestedingen)
- EBEN Research Conference, juni 2007 (presentatie project V306)
- International Conference on Quality Chain Management, Stockholm june 2007
(presentatie diverse PSIBouw projecten)
- Infratech, januari 2007 (presentatie Convenant A2 en PSIBouw-programma)
- Innovatief Aanbesteden in Bouw en Infra, oktober 2007 (presentatie innovatieve aanbestedingsvormen)
- Het Nationaal Bouwcongres september 2006 (presentatie PSIBouw)
- Nieuwbouwcongres (presentatie project V306)
- Manubuild, Rotterdam april 2007 (presentatie projecten O202 en O204)
- Materstudie Institutioneel Kader, Den Haag april 2007 (presentatie Solids)
- PianOo congres, juni 2007 (presentatie projecten O222, I401, I426)
- World of Construction, oktober 2007 (presentatie PSIBouw)
Workshop Benchmarking 2006
Workshop Kennisinfrastructuur 2006
Workshop overwegingen bij uitbestedingsstrategieen 2006
Internationale Research Week 2006
3th Workshop on Trust within and between Organisations, Amsterdam 2006
Workshop Waardemeting 2006
Uitwisselingsdag Nordic Meeting 2006
Workshop STABU 2006
Expert Meeting Glazen Muur 2006
Ronde Tafel Bijeenkomst Monitoring Praktijkprojecten 2006
Visiting Scholarship Imperial College BEIC 2006
Visiting Scholarship Faculty of Business and Economics, Sydney 2006
Workshops Leidraad Aanbesteden 2006-2007 (13 workshops in totaal)
Workshop on Social-Dynamics of Collaboration in Projects Loughsborough, 2007
Workshop on CIFE Stanford university, juli 2007
Workshop Zeker geen zekerheid, februari 2007
Workshop: Eigen initiatieven, waarom slagen ze, waarom niet, 2007
Seminar IFD Lissabon, 2007
Uitwisselingsprogramma Chalmers University 2007
Workshop on Measurement of Trust, Michigan University 2007
Workshop Tools voor LBC concept, 2007
Workshop Designing Hospitals for the 21th Century, European Observatory/WHO/EIB: FIT for purpose,
Bijlage 2 Deelnemers PSIBouw-projecten
Aan de Stegge Verenigde Bedrijven: I028, K513
ABT: I027
Advin: O206
Aedes: V327
Akor Bouw: O204
Architectenburea CEPEZET BV: O222
ArchitectenCie: O237
Arcadis: O206, O207, K513, IO27, I404, I422
ASVB: I027
Atrium Medisch Centrum:.O231
Avans: K505
Baasgroep: I027
Balance and Result: O012, O206, O222,
Ballast Nedam: O207, O239, V302, V326, I027, I028,
I404, I422
Bam: B118, O004, O202, O206, O207, O222, O239,
V305, K513, I027, I028, I401
Barik Coatings BV: O210
Benthem Crouwel architecten: O222,
Blueprint Technologies: O223
BM Managers:K513
BMS (Bouwen met staal): O210
BNA: O237
BTL: V305
Boer en Croon Ruimtelijke Investeringen B.V.: V326
Bouwend Nederland: B151, B170 etc, O005 etc,
O203, V302, V327, I028, I426, I435, I442
Bouwnetwerk: V330
Bouwfonds MAB: B159, O004, O202
Bouwtaak Kenniscentrum BTK: O222, I028
BPF Bouwinvest: O236
BSS: K513, O201
Bureau Bakens: O233
BE Raad: K504
BvV Consultancy: O204
Bruil Ede: O204
CPI: B160, O231, O236, O237
Center for People and Buildings: O236
CIB: V331, I426
Claus en Kaan Architecten: O237
College Bouw Zorginstellingen: O004, O222, O231
COT: O210
Croon electrotechniek: O207
CROW: O222, I027
D2S De Twee Snoeken: I028
DelftCluster: K513
DGW&T: I027
DHV: O004, O019, O204, O207, O222, I027, I404,
Donkevoort bouwmaterialen: I401
DTZ Zadelhof: O236
Dura Vermeer: B118, O207, O222, V326
Educore: V331
EDS: I027
EGM Architecten: O237
EIB: O204, V024, V302, I435
Erabouw: O202
Espeq opleidingsinstituut: K504
Fundeon: K504
GeoDelft: K513, I027, I404, I422
Gemeente Almere: O203, O222, V305
Gemeente Delft: K513
Gemeente Deventer: O203
Gemeente Den Haag: O203
Gemeente Hellevoetsluis: V305
Gemeente Hengelo: O203
Gemeente Hof van Twente: O203
Gemeente Middelburg: O203
Gemeente Rotterdam: O204, O207, O210,
Gemeente Utrecht: O004, O023, I027, I404, I422
Gemeentewerken Rotterdam: V331, I027, I028,
I404, I422, I442
Geminiziekenhuis Den Helder: 0231
GMB: O222
Gobar Adviseurs: I027, I404, I442
Grontmij: B157, O207, V302, V326, I027
De Groot Vroomshoop: V302,
Habiforum: K513
Haskoning: O207
Van Hattum en Blankevoort: I027
Havenbedrijf Rotterdam: O222
Heembouw: V302
Hegeman: O204
Heijmans: B118, O207, O222, O239, K513, V326
Van de Heuvel Werkendam: O222
HSM Steelstructures: O210
Hoger Onderwijsgroep B&R: K504
Hogeschool Amsterdam: K505
Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen: K504
Hogeschool Groningen: K504
Hogeschool Rotterdam: K504
Hogeschool Utrecht: K504, K505, K513, O207, I401,
I404, I422
Hogeschool Zuyd: K504, K505, I401
Hollandia BV: O210
Holland RailConsult: O207, I027, I404, I422
Hoogheemraadschap Delfland: O004
Hoogheemraadschap Reest en Wieden: O222
iBuild bv: I028
ICOP: B157
Ingenieursbureau Amsterdam: I027
Ingenieursbureau Den Haag: I027
Ingenieursbureau ‘s Hertogenbosch: B118
Ingenieursbureau Utrecht: O203
ImageView: V327
IMG-consultancy: O222
Imtech: O207, V326
ING-vastgoed: I401, I442
Ingenieursplatform Metaalconserveren: O210
Innovatiecentrum Overijssel: B157
Instalnet: I027
Instituut voor bouwrecht: B161, V310, V311
ISSO: K513
International Paint Nederland BV: O210
Intron BV: O210
IPO: O222, V311
Kantoorfonds Nederland: O236
Kawecon: I027
KCBPI Kenniscentrum Bouwprocesinnovatie: K502a
KDO Advies: V306, V307, V326
KGO: K513
KTB: K504
De Konig Straal- en Schilderwerken: O210
M3V: K513
MCW: I404
Meander Medisch Centrum: O231
Mei Architecten: O237
Ministerie van Defensie: O004, O210, I027
Ministerie van Financien: B157, V311
Ministerie van VROM: B118, O222, V311, I442
Ministerie van V&W: B118, V311
Mopp BV: O210
More for You: B160, I442
Motion Consult: I429, I431, I440, K513
Mourik: B118
Multiconsult: B118
Multiplan: O222
NAM: O222
Nebest Adviesgroep: O210
Nederlandse Gasunie: O210
Nederlandse Vereniging van Waterschappen: K513
Nedmobiel: B118
Nomax: I027
Nova College: K504
NS Vastgoed: I442
NVAO: K504
Nyenrode Business University: V305
OGOS (opdrachtgeversoverleg Staalconservering):
ONRI: B151, B170 etc, V327
Ooms: O204
Oranjewoud: O206, O207
Panta Rhei Consultancy: K504
PianOo: O005 etc, I426, I435, I442
PKM Solutions: B157, I027
PontonConsultancy: O203
PPG: O210
PRC BV: B118, O231
Projectbureau Betuweroute: O004
Projectbureau Zuiderzeelijn: O004
ProCap projectmanagement: V330
ProRail: B151, O004, O207, O210, O222, V310, V311,
Provincie Drenthe: I027
Provincie Gelderland: B118, O203, I027
Provincie Overijssel: O203
Provincie Utrecht: I431
Provincie Zeeland: O004
Provincie Zuid Holland: O004, O210
Purspective: O239
Raab Architecten: O202, O204
Radbout Universiteit Nijmegen: V310
Rabobank projectfinance: O004
RasenbergWegenbouw: O204
De Ridder Consult: O231
Rotterdam Painting Consultants: O210
RWS: B151, B170 etc, O004, O019, O204, O207,
O210, O211, O222, V302, V310, V326, V331,
K513, I027, I028, I401, I404, I422, I426, I435
ROC Amsterdam: K504
ROC van Twente: O222, O204
ROC Veendendaal: (B
Rothuizen, Van Doorn, ’t Hooft:
Royal Haskoning: O206, O222
Rozenmond Van Ramsdonk, Smit Advocaten: O222
ROZ Vastgoedienst: O236
Rijksgebouwendienst: B157, O004, O019, O237,
V305, V310, K513, I027, I028, I401, I442
Universteit Eindhoven: O210, K513, O202, O207,
O236, K502a, I027, I028, I404, I422, I431
Universiteit van Groningen: V310
Universiteit van Leiden: V310
Universiteit van Maastricht: V302/303, V310
Universiteit van Rotterdam (Erasmusuniversiteit):
Universiteit Tilburg: O239, V023, V024, V302/303,
V304, V305, V310, V312, K504,
Universiteit Twente: B157, O004, O019, O202, O203,
O204, O206, O207, O210, O211,
O239, K502a, K504, K513, V024, V304, V306,
V307, V308, V331, I027, I401, I404, I431
Universiteit Utrecht: V310
Saxion Hogeschool IJsselland: K505, I401
SBR: O012, O222, K504, K513
Schiphol Group: O004, O222
Schutte Group: O222
Sectorvereniging Metaalcoserveringsbedrijven: O210
Shell Global Solutions: O210
Significant: O004,
SLO Veldadvisering: K504
SNS (Samenwerkende Nederlandse Staalbouw):
Spanbeton: O207
Spekking CR: I027
Spoorwegmuseum Utrecht: I442
STABU: O222, I027a
Ter Steege Vastgoed: O204
Sigma Coatings: O210
Strukton: B157, O207, K513, I404, I442
Sturm BV: V302
SVMB: O210
Synergie-Advies: V326, I423
Van Dijk Maasland: V305
Venko Group: O210
Verburg BV: O210
Vereniging Eigen Huis: I028, I402, I435
Vereniging Stadswerk: O203
Vereniging voor Verf- en Drukinktfabriekanten: O210
Verhoeven Bouwgroep: O204
Versnel & Partners: I442
Vitalis: O204
VNG: V311
VolkerWessels: B118, O207, K513, V302, I404, I422
VU Amsterdam: V023, V305, V310, V312, O204
TAUW: I404, I422
TBI Bouwgroep: O206
TNO: O004, O012, O203, O201, O204, O207, O211,
O222, I027, K502a, K513, I028, I402, I404, I422,
Tussen Ruimte: V330
Twijnstra Gudde: O210
Waterschap Groot Salland: V305
Waterschap Regge en Dinkel: O203
Witteveen en Bos: O222, V023, V024, V305, K513,
Woningcoöperatie Het Oosten: B161
Woningbouwcoöperatie De Alliantie: O004
Wooncom: O222
Woongroep Twente: B159
Zandlevengroep: O210
Zwart & Jansma Architecten: K513
Uneto-VNI: O222, I027
Unie van Waterschappen: O203, V311
Universitair Medisch Centrum St. Radbout: I401
Universiteit van Amsterdam: V310
Universiteit Delft: O004, O005 etc, O012, O202,
O204, O207, V310 K502a,, I028
Appendix 3 List Of Projects PSIBouw
A short summary of - most of - the projects is given on the website of PSIBouw.
Bouwpraktijk (Building Practices)
B006/007 Hellevoet
Lessons Learned
Regional RRB Noord (‘Regional Construction Task Force North’)
De Nieuwbouw (The New Construction)
A2 Hooggelegen
Life Cycle benadering MH (‘Life Cycle approach MH’)
UAV in B&U (‘Uniform Administrative Conditions for the residential and non-residential buildings
Kansen in de zorg (‘Opportunities in the healthcare sector’)
Living Building bij CSV-ROC Veenendaal (‘Living Building for the CSV-ROC Veenendaal’)
Risico Management (IRIS) (‘Risk Management (IRIS)’)
Tafels 2006 (‘Tables 2006’) (TNO, Construc Table, Consul Table)
Transitie analyse Luchtkwaliteit (‘Transition analysis of Air Quality’) (D203)
Regionale Oost (‘Regional Construction Task Force East’)
De Nieuwbouw 2007
Regionale RRB West (‘Regional Construction Task Force West’)
Regionale RRB Zuid (‘Regional Construction Task Force South’)
Regionale RRB Limburg (‘Regional Construction Task Force Limburg’)
Tafels Ondergrondse Infra (Underground Infrastructure Tables’)
CSV ROC A12 (see also B116)
Evaluation of (five) tendering processes for RWS projects
Learning points, N31, A59, Noord-Zuidlijn North to South Amsterdam metro,
and the 2nd Coentunnel
Arnhem Railway Station
UMC Radboud (‘Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre’)
Ministerie Financiën 3D Modelling (‘Ministry of Finance 3D Modelling’)
Meer waarde voor wonen (‘More value for housing’)
Le Medi / De Oriënt
Aanbesteden na onderzoek (‘Tendering after studies’)
Projectaansturing (Convenant A2) (‘Project management (A2 Covenant)’)
Game Alliantie (‘Alliance Game’, game simulation of competition-oriented dialogue/alliances)
Evaluatie Contracteringsprocessen (‘Evaluation of contracting processes’)
Risicoverdeling bij bouwen op slappe grond
(‘Division of risks when constructing works on soft ground’)
Sneller van Gunning tot Spa
(‘Less time between the award of the contract and breaking ground’)
Competenties (Convenant A2) (‘Competences (A2 Covenant)’)
4D model voor de A2 (‘4D model for the A2’)
Contracteren van verkeersmanagement (‘Contracting traffic management’) (in development)
Oplossingen (Solutions)
Inventarisatie Internationale Hervormingsinitiatieven (‘Inventory of international reform initiatives’)
Vraagspecificatie als Katalysator voor vernieuwing (‘Demand Specification as Catalyst for Innovation’)
Hoe innovatief zijn innovatieve contracten (‘How innovative are innovative contracts?’)
Overwegingen bij uitbestedingsstrategieën (‘Considerations relating to contracting strategies’)
Vergelijking bouwsector andere bedrijfstakken met het oog op “Ketenintegratie” (‘Comparison of the
construction sector with other industrial sectors from the “chain integration” perspective’)
O013 Geïntegreerde contract- en samenwerkingsvormen tussen aanbesteder en aanbieder (‘Integrated
forms of contract and collaboration between contracting parties and tenderers’)
O017 Innovatie dynamiek asfaltwegenbouw sector (in internationaal perspectief) (‘Innovation dynamism in
the asphalt road-construction sector (from an international perspective’) (Ph.D. student)
O019 Gebruikersparticipatie bij waardebepaling en waardeevaluatie; benchmarken en communicatie
(‘User participation in the determination and evaluation of values; benchmarking and communications’) (Ph.D. student)
O020a Quick Scan Waardekwantificering (‘Value assessment quick scan’)
O020b Gunnen op waarde (‘Awarding contracts on the basis of value’)
O021 Verschillende processen: van een projectstrategie naar een portfoliostrategie
(‘Various processes: from a project strategy to a portfolio strategy’)
O202 Platform gedreven productontwikkeling bouwconcepten in de woningbouw (‘Platform-driven
construction-concept product development in the housebuilding sector’)
O203 Professioneel opdrachtgeverschap en vakmanschap (‘Professional clientship and craftsmanship’)
(Ph.D. student)
O204 Systems Integrators als drivers voor innovatie en hervorming in de Nederlandse bouwsector
(‘Systems integrators as drivers for innovation and reforms in the Dutch construction sector’)
O206 Toepassing geïntegreerde contractvormen (‘Application of integrated forms of contract’)
O207 Integraal ontwerpen (fase 1: inventarisatie scope in 2005) (‘Integral design
O208 Lifecycle management (umbrella project)
O210 Professionalisering Staalconservering (‘Professionalization of steel preservation’)
O211 Dynamisch Onderhoudscontract op levensduur basis (‘Dynamic maintenance contract on a lifecycle
basis’) (Hansweert-krammersluizen waterway)
O222 Leidraad uit- aanbesteden (‘Guidelines for contracting and invitations for tenders’)
O223 Living Building, het vervolg (Living Building, the continuation’)
O229 (NEVI) Vernieuwend ondernemen (Thema Strategische Inkopen)
(‘Innovative entrepreneurship (Strategic buying theme)’)
O231 LBC in de zorg (Gemini - Den Helder) (‘LB Concept in the healthcare sector (Gemini - Den Helder)’)
O233 Monitoren en meten Praktijkprojecten (‘Monitoring and measuring practical projects’)
O236 Toolontwikkeling voor waardevergelijk oplossingen (‘Development of tools for value-comparison
O237 Architecten als System Integrator (‘Architects as system integrators’)
O238 Architectonische waarde meetbaar maken (‘Quantification of architectural value’)
O239 Strategische partnering en inkoop (‘Strategic partnering and purchasing’)
Voorwaarden (Conditions)
V023 Grondslagen economisch, institutioneel en cultureel kader van de bouwsector
(Principles of the construction sector’s economic, institutional and cultural framework’)
V024a Best Practice
V024b Vertrouwen in Bouwsector (‘Confidence in the construction sector’)
V301 Gedragsbeïnvloeding (‘Influencing conduct’)
V302/303 De invloed van de factor cultuur op innovatie in de bouwsector
(‘The influence of the culture factor on innovations on the construction sector’)
V304 Monitoring van praktijkprojecten vanuit het subcluster Cultuur & Gedrag
(‘Monitoring of practical projects in the culture and conduct cluster’)
V305 Ontwikkeling meetinstrumenten voor de bouwcultuur
(‘Development of measurement instruments for the construction-sector culture’
V306 Integriteit in de bouw: Een verkenning (‘Integrity in the construction sector: an exploratory study’)
V307 Integriteitsboek (‘Book on integrity’)
V308 Transparantie (‘Transparency’)
V310 Masterstudie (‘Masters’ study programme’)
V311 Afstemming van ruimtelijke ordeningsprocedures en aanbestedingen
(‘Coordination of spatial-planning procedures and tendering’)
V312 Efficiënte realisatie: Partnering, allianties en arbitrage
(‘Efficient realization: Partnering, alliances and arbitrage’)
V326 Zeeuwse samenwerking: Glashelder (‘Collaboration in the Province of Zeeland: crystal-clear’)
V327 Integriteit fase 1 en 2 (‘Integrity, Phase 1 and 2’)
V330 Getallen op tafel (‘Figures on the table’) Objectives and definition of the question to be answered by
the study
V331 Bouwen aan vertrouwen (‘Building on confidence’)
V333 Integriteit door de sector heen (Thema Integriteit en transparantie) (‘Integrity throughout the sector
(Integrity and transparency theme’) (Phase 3)
Instrumentarium (Instrumentation)
I027a Objectenbibliotheek voor de Bouw en Utiliteitsbouw
(‘Object library for the Residential and non-residential buildings sector’)
I027b Objectenbibliotheek voor de GWW-sector
(‘Object library for the ‘Groundwork, road and hydraulic sector’)
I027c VISI
I027d Algemeen Kader (‘General framework’)
I028 Procliënt (‘ProClient)
I401 RIA (Research Innovatief Aanbesteden) (‘Research into innovative tendering
I402 BON (Benchmark Opleverkwaliteit Nieuwbouw)
(‘Benchmark for the quality of completed new buildings’)
I403 Beoordelingsmodel partnerselectie (‘Assessment model for partner selection’)
I404 & I422 COINS and continuation of COINS
I420 PAIS 2006-2008
I423 Ineventory MSG (Modelling, Simulation, Gaming)
I425 Afstemming Prestatie Indicatoren voor de Nederlandse Bouwsector
(‘Coordination of performance indicators for the Dutch construction sector’)
I426 Past Performance
I427 Game innovatief bouwen (‘Innovative construction game’)
I428 Beoordelings richtlijn Innovatie (BRL-i) (‘Innovation assessment guidelines, BRL-I’)
I429 Project Start-up Omnizorg (‘Omnicare project start-up’)
I430 Simulatie instrumentarium voor Processturing van complexe Bouwopgaven (SiProB)
(‘Simulation instruments for the process management of complex construction assignments’, SiProB)
I431 Project start-ups
I432 Instelling Raad van Bouwprocessen (‘Appointment of a construction processes board’)
I433 Serious Gaming
I434 ICT praktijkprojecten, het vervolg (‘ICT practical projects, continuation’)
I435 Opzet Database Key Performance Indicators (‘Design of a Key Performance Indicator database’)
I436 System Engineering / Integraal ontwerpen (‘System engineering / integral design’)
I437 Past Performance, het vervolg (‘Past Performance, continuation’)
I439 Toolkit Infra (‘Infrastructure toolkit’)
I440 Gaming Architecten (‘Architect gaming’)
Omgevingsvergunning digitaal loket (‘Environmental permit digital counter’)
BIM film and BIM Cafe
Understanding and improving the use of inter-organizational IT in construction projects
De rol van de architect in Geïntegreerde contract (‘The architect’s role in integrated contracts’)
Kennis (Knowledge)
K501 Competenties, ontwikkelen (‘Competences, development’)
K502 Topinstituten, haalbaarheidsonderzoek nieuw topinstituut in de Bouw
(‘Leading Institutions, feasibility study of a new Leading Construction Institution’)
K504 Participatie in sleutelpublicatie “Opleiding en Onderwijs” Regie Raad Bouw (‘Participation in the “Training and Education” key publication, Dutch National Construction Task Force’)
K505 Ondersteunen Lectoraten HBO, Regie Stedelijk Gebied (‘Higher Vocational Education support
lectorates, Urban Area Task Force’)
K506 Internationale Samenwerking bij innovatie onderzoek (‘International collaboration in innovation
K507 Inventariseren Kennisinfrastructuur en Research & Development in bedrijfsleven (‘Inventory of the
business community knowledge infrastructure and Research & Development’)
K508 Traverse, ondersteuning communicatie en leerprocessen in PSIBouw-programma
(‘Traverse, support for communications and learning processes in the PSIBouw programme’)
K509 Communicatie kennisnetwerk (‘Communication, knowledge network’)
K510a Monitoring ontwikkelingen in Bouwsector, bouwbedrijven (‘Monitoring of developments in the construction sector, construction companies’)
K510b Monitoring ontwikkelingen in Bouwsector, bouwbedrijven (‘Monitoring of developments in the construction sector, supply companies’)
K511 Monitoring, ontwikkelen systeem effectmeting PSIBouw (‘Monitoring, development of a PSIBouw
effect-measurement system)
K513 Position Paper, situatieschets kennisinfrastructuur Bouw (‘Position paper, outline of the current status
of the construction knowledge infrastructure’)
K514 PTP Bouw, ontwikkelen traineeship academici in de bouw (‘PTP Bouw, the development of graduate
traineeships in the construction sector’)
K520 Bouwtalent, ontwikkelen traineeship MBO en HBO in de bouw (‘Construction talent, the development
of upper secondary and higher vocational education traineeships in the construction sector’)
K521 Lectoraat cultuur en gedrag, impuls voor ontwikkeling (Culture and conduct lectorate, an impetus for
K522 MBO, onderzoek naar vernieuwing van Curricula (‘Higher secondary vocational education, study of
innovations in curricula’)
K523 Impuls voor instelling leerstoel Ethiek (‘Impetus to establish a Chair in Ethics’)
K524 Impuls voor instelling leerstoel Bouw Proces (‘Impetus to establish a Chair in Construction Processes’)
K525 Versterking van Structurele Samenhang in Kennisinfrastructuur (‘Reinforcement of structural cohesion
in the knowledge infrastructure’)
K529 Impuls voor organiseren Internationale Research Week in week 14-2006 (‘Impetus to organize an
International Research Week in Week 14, 2006’)
K526 Ontwikkeling nieuw instrumentarium Kennis Overdracht
(‘Development of new knowledge-transfer tools’)
K527 COP’s, stiumulering kennisontwikkeling in de Praktijk
(‘COPs, promotion of knowledge development in practice’)
K531 Atelier NieuwBouw actuele vraagbehandeling (‘NieuwBouw studio, addressing current questions’)
K534 Opstellen Wenkende Toekomst Perspectieven (‘Formulation of directional perspectives’)
K535 Monitoring sectortransitie (‘Monitoring of the sector’s transition’) Objective
K536 KICT-Betonvereniging, gaming instrument voor HBO-studenten (‘‘KICT Concrete Association’, gaming
instrument for higher vocational education students’)
K537 Opleiding Midcareers; lerende organisaties in de praktijk (‘Midcareer training; learning
organizations in practice’)
K539 Internationale Research (2 keer een week met 500 man) 2007-2008 (‘International
research (two one-week sessions with 500 participants) 2007-2008’)
K538 Action learning and action research
K540 IRIS fase 2, Integratie van Risicomanagement In Samenwerkingsprojecten
(‘IRIS Phase2, Integration of risk management in collaborative projects’)
K541 Leren van Instortingen (‘Learning from collapses’)
K542 Uitvoering Midcareer (‘Implementation of the midcareer study programme project’)
K543 Enhancing Learning in Innovation and Construction
K544 Institutionele voorwaarden voor MVO (‘CSR: institutional conditions’)
K545 Institutionele voorwaarden voor Innovaties (Innovations: institutional conditions’)
K546 Ontwikkelen Kennisdisseminatietools (‘Development of knowledge-dissemination tools’)
K547 Internationaal vergelijkend onderzoek naar Action Learning modellen
(‘International comparative study of Action-Learning Models’)
K548 Co-productie Conceptueel Bouwen en PSIBouw
(‘Conceptual construction and PSIBouw co-production’)
K550 Impactmeting 2007 sector transitie (‘Sector transition impact measurement, 2007’)
K551 Ontwikkelen praktische transitie-interventies (‘Development of practical transition interventions’)
K553 Leerportaal Bouwbedrijf (‘Construction company’s learning portal’)
K557 Lectoraat “Nieuwe Cultuur in de Bouwketen” (‘New culture in the construction chain lectorate’)
Appendices to Focus on Renewal, Midterm Review PSIBouw
Postbus 420
2800 AK Gouda
T 0182 540 670
F 0182 540 671