Lysbilde 1 - Husbanken
Lysbilde 1 - Husbanken
Can a musician say: ”Some days I play correctly, and some days I play beautifully”? [Mårten Belin,, 28.01.2008. Translated from Swedish] Conceptual design of a carbon neutral kindergarten in Brøset, Trondheim An interdisciplinary student design competition @ NTNU and Chalmers Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 2 3 Start 4 5 6 7 8 design studio vernacular architecture as textbook (HH) + solar geometry (ØA) Project 1 energy basics (VN) + klimatilpasning bolig (IA) design studio design studio Review Project 1 design studio design studio design studio Start Project 2 Lectures concrete & wood (FH) Review project 2 Start passive energy design (BW) + Calculation ex. guest lecture Finn Rasmussen guest lecture Europan Switzerland design studio light & air, heating & cooling (TK) + Calc. ex. (IS + AG) design studio design studio solar energy projects (PM) Course info (AW) renewable energy sources (TK) ENERGY Review project 3 (Jan Støring) Design Studio guidance (TK) +guest lecture Ly arkitekter public evaluation thesis projects (diplomgjennomgåelser) 12 Easter holiday 13 project study Sparebank 1 project example + co-operation with engineers consultants MSN Agraff + seminar arch + eng: discussion of examples, interdisciplinary project work competition start, programme & info site visit & project visit + evening party design studio Design Studio design studio design studio Design Studio project study house at Bakklandet August Schmidt design studio + guest lecture Open City Design Studio Project lecture HSØ + Stavne Gård Gjenbrukshuset / House with salvaged materials design studio Submission design studio Design Studio Conference (Passivhus Norden 2008) 15 16 17 18 MATERIALS guest lecture Ecosistema Urbano design studio 10 14 guest lecture Petter Bergerud daylighting (AW) Project 3 project example + co-operation with engineers Hanne Jonassen: lecture guest +workshop workshop & guest lecture Matthias Schuler + lecture Haga Grov design studio guest lecture Brian MacKay design studio + guest lecture Lucien Kroll project study Jan Støren: selection of projects design studio DESIGN PROJECT 20 design studio Design Studio Excursion Göteborg, public evaluation of projects by Jury, and prize cerermony. Project visits: Alingsås passivkindergarten, Ekocentrum, … 21 design studio Design Studio design studio Evaluation AAR4610: presentation of project 5 individual + how it was affected by projects 1-4 23 Exam AAR4915 (written) COMPETITION design studio 19 22 SITE guest lecture April Arkitekter guest lecture Basurama design studio design studio vann er landskapets logikk (Rainer Stange) building materials (ASN) 9 11 Friday Start AGH = Anne Grete Hestnes PM = Per Monsen RR = Reidunn Rustad AW = Annemie Wyckmans KF = Klaudia Farkas IG = Igor Sartori AG = Arild Gustavsen TK = Tommy Kleiven project study HUS + Sintef Transformation of Borgen school submission HH = Harald Høyem ØA = Øyvind Aschehoug RS = Rainer Stange VN = Voja Novakovic IA = Inger Andresen FH = Finn Hakonsen ASN = Anne Sigrid Nordby BW = Bjørn Wachtenfeldt EXAM //The Project The Competition Layout The competition is organised as a closed student project competition. The participants are interdisciplinary teams of students from NTNU and Chalmers enrolled in the following courses: •AAR4610. “Energy and Resource Efficient Architectural Design” at NTNU, Faculty of Architecture and Fine Art •TEP4245. “Climate Engineering” at NTNU, Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology •AUT101. “Resource Efficient Building for the Future” at Chalmers, Architecture A4, Design Studio in the Master Programme “Design for sustainable development” The teachers from NTNU (Anne Grete Hestnes, Per Monsen, Per Olaf Tjelflaat, Klaudia Farkas and Annemie Wyckmans) and from Chalmers (Michael Edén, Jan Gustén, Angela Sasic Kalagasidis and Barbara Rubino) do not participate in the assessment of the competition entries. The Competition Challenge The specific topic of the competition in 2008 is to develop an attractive concept for a carbon neutral kindergarten in Brøset, Trondheim. Attractiveness, in this context, is related to three main issues: •the concept’s ability to integrate environmental issues in architecture •adaptation to the local climate and site •zoning of functions according to usability and indoor climate The overall goal for this competition is to raise awareness regarding resource efficiency measures among architects and engineers, and the necessity of interdisciplinary co-operation among these two groups from the early stages of design on. The Competition Prizes The competition receives funding from the Norwegian State Housing Bank (Husbanken) and Hans Eek architects for common excursions and prize money. There are separate prizes for the Norwegian and Swedish groups. The prize money is provided by the Norwegian State Housing Bank, offering 30 000 NOK to the winning Norwegian teams, and Hans Eek architects, correspondingly offering 45 000 SEK to the Swedish prize winners. The prize money is distributed among at least three Norwegian and three Swedish groups. The Competition Site Brøset in Trondheim is currently being regulated as a settlement striving for carbon neutrality, with housing, school and kindergarten, and some small-scale businesses. A temporary kindergarten has been built on the site out of prefabricated modules. These modules will be moved in a few years to make room for a permanent kindergarten. //Prelude: Chalmers visits NTNU in Trondheim //The final hour: NTNU visits Chalmers in Gothenburg //The Competition Results The jury (from right to left): Espen Dahl, civil architect MNAL, GASA architects AS, Oslo Gunilla Murnieks, Wingårdhs arkitektkontor AB, Göteborg Ida Bryn, engineering consultant, Erichsen & Horgen AS, Oslo Maria Olsson, engineering consultant, WSP Environmental, Göteborg (not on the picture) On the far left, Michael Edén, responsible course teacher for the Swedish students //1st prize: Living boundary Architects: Eliodoro Bigi Solveig Debrock Gianmaria Socci Engineer: Mikael Forsberg //1st prize Living boundary For an intelligent approach to the site and a clever use of a concept based on decided climate zones. The project creates spatial qualities, both outdoors and indoors with small and consequent means. It is skilfully designed and fulfils all topics given in the programme. //2nd prize: Architects: Ane Elise Alsgaard Tore Hillestad Andreas Brock Flex it : Play it Engineer: Inger H. Halvorsen //2nd prize : Flex it – play it For a consistent and thoroughly carried out project that fulfils all topics in the given programme. The project integrates environmental issues into an architectural concept, is well adapted to the site and local climate conditions and has an elegant plan that provides both identity and flexibility. //3rd prize: Growing through playfulness Architects: Monica Aquati Ann Bergström Sepideh Karami Pierre Tignon Engineer: Anders Rimbäck //3rd prize Growing through playfulness For an inspiring concept showing great empathy, and for a convincing vision of a beautiful building. The project is well adapted to the site and the local climate, and the plan shows a useful building. The integration of environmental issues still needs to be developed, but the concept is robust and has a large potential. //Shared 4th prize: Evergreen Architects: Agnete Syrtveit Fredrikke Finne Seip Geir Magne Lied Engineer: Ole Aksel Syvertsen Anne Kristine Amble //Shared 4th prize “Evergreen” For a clever fulfilment of a concept based on a building with two climate zones. The topics in the competition programme can be fulfilled after small alterations in the building and the technical investigations. //Shared 4th prize: Klatrefjell Architects: Ylva Offerman Maja Ivarsson Caroline Valen Linnea Hedlund Engineer: Farshid Zamiri Akhlagi //Shared 4th prize Klatrefjell For a robust concept concerning usefulness and a well balanced cooperation between architects and engineers. The topics in the programme are fulfilled. There is unclearness whether the ramp is an important part of the concept or an optional detail. It is emphasized on the site plan and only hinted on the facades, which shows an uncertainty in the approach that needs to be developed. //5th prize: Cloverfield Architects: Håkon Hasslan Hanne Helgesen Kjersti Moen Fagerheim Engineer: Sofi Bäcklund Silje Eik Kalve //5th prize “Cloverfield” For a demonstration that a compact building can give architectural and spatial qualities in a kindergarten. The project is well adapted to the site and local climate and, gives a high degree of usefulness but lacks a balance between architectural and technical qualities.