revised brochure 2015 - Grey County Historical Society
revised brochure 2015 - Grey County Historical Society
Directors 20152015- 2016 President: Frank Bassingthwaite Past President: Janet Iles Vice-President: Marjorie Davison Secretary: Bonna Rouse Treasurer: Karin Noble Cornelia Baines Wayne Bryant Kate Russell Susan Schank Jody Seeley Jennifer Simon 538-3661 376-2105 538-3408 372-9897 376-3690 371-2429 538-2558 986-4991 376-7630 538-5974 538-9911 Committee Chairpersons Audio Visual: Harris Kuhl Social Media: Susan Schank Telephone: Paula Niall Editor: GCH Cornelia Baines Hospitality: Paula Niall Library: Kate Russell Membership: Jennifer Simon Programming: Jody Seeley And Jennifer Simon Publications: Janet Iles Award Chair: Bonna Rouse Social Convenor: Styn Furness Web & Blog Master: Janet Iles 794-2437 376-7630 372-0225 371-2429 372-0225 986-4991 538-9911 538-5974 538-9911 376-2105 372-9897 376-9423 376-2105 Museum Group Members Grey Roots Museum: Petal Furness 376-3690 Meaford Museum: Jody Seeley 599-3968 Osprey Museum: Debra Mann 922-3051 Bishop House: Donna Sprung 371-3333 South Grey Museum: Kate Russell 924-2843 Library Group Members Owen Sound & North Grey Union Public Library 376-6623 Toronto Public Library 416 393-7131 2016 2016 Wednesday, February 17, 2016 Potluck Lunch at 12:00 pm, meeting at 1:30 pm Markdale Wednesday, April 20, 2016 at 1:30 pm Durham Many members of our Society have collections of old photos depicting the history of Grey County and its citizens. These photos show places, people, buildings, events, landmarks etc. all of which are significant to the history of our area. We invite you to bring a selection of your favourite old photos to this meeting. You may bring them in whatever format you wish, album, poster, etc. A brief description of each photo would be of interest, e.g., name, place, time, and significance. There will be lots of display room. Please come with your photos for an enjoyable time of sharing the past in Grey County. Coordinator Frank Bassingthwaite 519.538.3661 Location: Cooke’s Presbyterian Church, 14 George St. Markdale In 1853 Jacob Kuntz transported his wife and family to Canada from Germany. He brought with him a tradition of brewing German lager beer and established a brewery in the small German speaking village of Carlsruhe in Bruce County. In his unique will, Jacob Kuntz left the Lion Brewery to his 18 year old grandson, David Schwan. Later David and his brother William expanded the operation to Owen Sound, a bustling, raucous harbor town overflowing with sailors and dockworkers with a strong thirst for beer and whiskey. Four generations of the Schwan family survived in the brewery business even in the face of temperance movements and prohibition. Guest speaker Terry Schwan will be talking about the Schwan Breweries in Carlsruhe and Owen Sound and connections to other breweries in the area including the Eaton Brewery in Owen Sound. Coordinator: Frank Bassingthwaite 519.538.3661 Location: Zion Hall, Knox United Church, Durham 236 Garafraxa St. North, Durham Wednesday, March 16, 2016 at 1:30 p.m. Meaford Museum GCHS 49th Annual Dinner Wednesday, May 18, 2016 The Royal Canadian Legion, Owen Sound The Meaford Museum was originally built in 1885 as the town’s water pumping house. Later it was turned into the Public Utilities Offices and finally in 1961, after a sizeable donation of historical memorabilia was received by the town, it became the Meaford Museum. Since that time several renovations, additions and improvements have been made creating the new Meaford Museum as an interactive and exciting hub of local history. There have been many fascinating people who have called Meaford home. Come, tour the Museum and find about one, John Muir. Learn who he was, how he relates to Meaford and what legacy he left our world. Coordinator: Jody Seeley 519.379.6697 Location: 111 Bayfield St. Meaford Why were the Polish Soldiers in Owen Sound in 1941–1942? In 1939, the Nazis overran Poland on three sides. Poland, the first nation invaded in WWII, was not prepared to resist a German Army three times its size. On the 27th day of the war, out of ammunition, their country totally bombed and burned, and no water for five days, Poland surrendered; yet their men and women continued to resist. Unconquered in spirit, many men made their way to France where a Polish Army was reformed. Within a few months, 92,000 men fought in the Battle of France, continuing for seven days after the collapse of France. Some of these brave men then fought in the Battle of Narvik, until backed up in the fjords of Norway. General Sikorski flew to London and said to Churchill, “If you will come and get my men, we will fight for you.” Rescued, an independent army was formed in Scotland. In 1941, a Recruiting Station and Army Training Centre was established in Windsor and Owen Sound. Lisa Marie Murphy-Gemmill, a history major and researcher at the UWO, will give a visual presentation entitled, “Poland Has Not Yet Perished: The story of the Polish Soldiers in Owen Sound”. Come and hear this little known history and its affects on the social life of a small Canadian town. 5 pm Social Hour, 6:00 Dinner, 7:30 Guest Speaker Coordinator: Paula Niall – 519-372-0225 Meetings & Gatherings June 2015– 2015– 2016 The Grey County Historical Society is an incorporated, charitable organization that has been discovering, preserving and disseminating the history of the County of Grey since 1955. Our informative speakers series takes place every 3rd Wednesday monthly except December and January, or unless otherwise noted. Nearly all of our meetings are open to the public. Welcome! Grey County Historical Society c/o Grey Roots Museum & Archives 102599 Grey Road 18 Owen Sound, ON N4K 5N6 Find us on Facebook 2015 2015 2015 Wednesday, June 17, 2015 at 1:00 pm Meaford Wednesday, August 19, 2015 at 1:30 pm Wilcock Farm, Wilcox Lake, Grey Highlands Wednesday, October 21, 2015 at 1:30 pm Owen Sound On June 17, 2015, a nostalgic school bus trip will take you on a two hour tour of the pioneer schools and churches still standing in the former St. Vincent Township, now part of the Municipality of Meaford. It was in June, 1970, 45 years ago, that the one room schools were locked for the last time. Marjorie Davison, a former student of Riverside School, and the last teacher at that school, will lead you on a reminiscent tour through one of the most scenic parts of the township. Camera enthusiasts will have a chance to photograph scenes of beautiful Georgian Bay and the surrounding countryside. Due to a time restraint, the bus will leave Riverside Community Centre (7th Line South of Highway 26 ) at 1:00 pm sharp and return at 3:00 pm. To help defray costs, a $5.00 fee will be imposed on each passenger. Refreshments and a time of social discourse will be held in the Community Centre at the end of the excursion. To ensure that there is space for everyone who wishes to attend, please contact Marjorie Davison 519-538-3408 or Frank Bassingthwaite 519-538-3661 before June 17th. Coordinator: Marjorie Davison 519.538.3408 Location: 157707 7th Line, former St. Vincent Twp., Meaford Take 7th Line south from Hwy. 26 (at Earth Power corner) The Wilcock Farm house was built of stone in 1892 by William Wilcock (after whom the nearby Wilcox Lake is named). This typical Ontario Gothic house has a T-shaped interior not unusual for farmhouses of the era, but probably necessary for the large family. The land was originally granted from the Crown in 1852 to Henry Moore, who sold it to W.K. Flesher (who gave his name to nearby Flesherton). Flesher bought rights and built an early water plume from the property’s lake access to local mills in 1892.This provided a source of income likely supporting the cost of the house construction. Current owners Matthew and Dai Gaasenbeek have restored the house to its early glory with period art prints, traditional décor and a display of their buggy tool collection. Trails on the property allow nature lovers to enjoy the Audubon Society award-winning rehabilitated bird habitat. Coordinator: Kate Russell 519.924.2843 Location:734048 West Back Line, Grey Highlands Take Grey County Rd. 4 west from Flesherton to the West Back Line (just before Ceylon) turn south and watch for driveway on west side of road past the curves) Bayshore Broadcasting Corporation, one of Ontario’s fastest growing private broadcasters, was built around AM 560 CFOS which celebrated its 75th anniversary on March 1st, 2015. Originally operating with just 100 watts at 1470 on the dial, CFOS continues to be the favourite radio station of the citizens of Grey and Bruce counties. Today the Owen Sound studios are also home to Mix 106 and Country 93 on the FM dial while Bayshore Broadcasting also has FM stations in Port Elgin, Goderich, Wasaga Beach and Orillia. Join us at “the radio station” to hear about the past and observe how radio works today. Coordinator: Frank Bassingthwaite 519.538.3661 Location: 270 9th St. East, Owen Sound Wednesday, July 15, 2015 Summer Pot Luck Picnic - 12 Noon Owen Sound Massie had its beginnings in the 1840s. By the late 1850s most of the area farms had been settled. One of the area’s pioneers, the eponymous Alexander Massie (to whom Massie owes its name), developed a mill site on the Bighead River near its source. This site is on the southwest corner of the hamlet, at the crossroads of Sideroad 3 (the Massie Road) and Concession 6 (Veteran’s Road). Alexander purchased 10 acres in 1862 from William Winter, who owned the 100 acre farm at this corner. A saw mill was built in 1859 along with the original mill dam. Then came a flour mill, reputed to be one of the best in the country, followed by a grist mill. In the early days community meetings, concerts and teas were held at the mill. While the mill buildings no longer exist, the scenic mill pond and dam as well as the wooden water wheel still grace the hamlet. Community life thrives in the active Massie United Church (Methodist)-1895 and the original Massie Hall -1965 (former S.S.S.#11, Holland and Sydenham -1871). Massie has been described because of its setting in the Bighead River Valley on a misty day as the “Brigadoon” of Grey County. Coodinator: Marjorie Davison 519.538.3408 Location: Massie Hall, Village of Massie Only members of the GCHS, have been invited to hold their Annual Pot Luck Summer Luncheon in a spacious tent in the garden of Bishop House. A tour of the Museum and the viewing of the film, A Hero to Me, produced by Billy Bishop’s granddaughter and film producer, Diana Bishop will follow. The house was started in 1882 and completed in 1884. The Bishop family had four children, the third, becoming famous when King George V, at Buckingham Palace, presented “Billy” with the Victoria Cross, the DSO and the MC on the same afternoon in August 1917. The house is now Canada’s first National Historic Site in Grey County.. It is filled with artifacts from both World Wars, family furnishings and personal artifacts and mementos of Billy Bishop and his family. Coordinator: Paula Niall 519.372.0225 Location: 948 3rd Ave. West, Owen Sound Central-Westside Church at the corner of 10th St. and 3rd Ave. West are providing parking for this occasion. Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 1:30 pm Massie Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at 4:00 pm O.S.C.V.I. Owen Sound Dave Alexander and Ryan McManaman, history teachers at OSCVI, received the Governor General’s Award for excellence in Teaching History in November 2014. These teachers introduced local history to their students by assigning them to research and study individual former OSCVI students who served and were killed during the First and Second World Wars. From this research the students developed “soldier packs” of digitized information on their assigned soldiers. This inspiring project found the students taking responsibility for preserving the memory of local soldiers who died at about their own age. The teachers and some of their students will be making a presentation on their special project in the Theatre Arts Room of OSCVI. This will be followed by a visit to the Memorial hall and the Heritage room to observe the projects firsthand. Coordinator: Wayne Bryant 519.538.2558 Location: OSCVI , 1550 8th St. E. Owen Sound Board of Directors’ Meetings 20152015-2016 Friday, June 5, 2015—Steven’s Restaurant—5:00 pm Friday, September 11, 2015 – Frank Bassingthwaite – 7:00 pm Friday, November 13, 2015– Bonna Rouse – 7:00 pm Saturday, February 20 . 2016– Marjorie Davison – 12 noon (Pot Luck) Friday, April 8, 2016 – Cornelia Baines – 7:00 pm I would like to become a member of the Grey County Historical Society Name _________________________________ Address ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Postal Code ________________ Phone _______________________ email _________________________ I would like to receive the electronic version of the newsletter by e-mail to help the Society go paperless. Please enclose an appropriate cheque made out to “Grey Grey County Historical Society” Individual Membership: $25.00, Couple: $40.00, Group: $40.00; Life $500.00 per person. Mail to: Grey County Historical Society c/o Grey Roots Museum & Archives 102599 Grey Road 18 Owen Sound, ON N4K 5N6 To help us plan our meetings, speakers and outings, what are you interested in learning or knowing more about? _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________