WRD Mar, 14 2016
WRD Mar, 14 2016
Monday, March 14, 2016 0-MCAPJ -kc) $2.00 2016SPRING THOROUGHBRED HORSE RACING AND THEY'RE OFF! WILL ROGERS DOWNS e fi N f e -.=RILL ROGERS DOW, s- WILL ROGERS DOWNS - A CHEROKEE NATION ENTERPRISE 20900 South 4200 Rd Claremore, Oklahoma 74019 918-283-8800 The Will Rogers Meeting operates under the supervision of the STATE OF OKLAHOMA THE HONORABLE MARY FALLIN, GOVERNOR OKLAHOMA HORSE RACING COMMISSION KINSEY MONEY, ESQ., Oklahoma City RAN LEONARD, Oklahoma City MELVIN BOLLENBACH, Oklahoma City MONTY MARCUM, Oklahoma City BECKY GOUMAZ, Tulsa STANTON HARRELL, ESQ., Claremore PHILLIP KIRK, Tulsa JOE LUCAS, Goldsby KEITH SANDERS, Atoka KELLY G. CATHEY CHAIR VICE CHAIR SECRETARY MEMBER MEMBER MEMBER MEMBER MEMBER MEMBER EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR CHEROKEE NATION COUNCIL MEMBERS PRINCIPAL CHIEF DEPUTY PRINCIPAL CHIEF MEMBER DISTRICT 1 MEMBER DISTRICT 2 MEMBER DISTRICT 3 MEMBER DISTRICT 4 MEMBER DISTRICT 5 MEMBER DISTRICT 6 MEMBER DISTRICT 7 MEMBER DISTRICT 8 MEMBER DISTRICT 9 MEMBER DISTRICT 10 MEMBER DISTRICT 11 MEMBER DISTRICT 12 MEMBER DISTRICT 13 MEMBER DISTRICT 14 MEMBER DISTRICT 15 AT LARGE AT LARGE BILL JOHN BAKER S JOE CRITTENDEN REX JORDAN, Hulbert JOE BYRD, Tahlequah DAVID WALKINGSTICK, Tahlequah DON GARVIN, Muskogee DAVID W. THORNTON SR., Vian BRYAN WARNER, Sallisaw FRANKIE HARGIS, Stilwell SHAWN CRITTENDEN, Stilwell CURTIS G. SNELL, Rose HARLEY BUZZARD, Jay VICTORIA VAZUEZ, Vinita DICK LAY, Ochelata BUEL ANGLEN, Claremore KEITH AUSTIN, Claremore JANEES TAYLOR, Pryor JACK D. BAKER Oklahoma City WANDA HATFIELD, Oklahoma City ADMINISTRATION SHAWN SLATON MARK ENTERLINE MEGAN PROVINCE APRIL DANIELS LISA HASBROUCK CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER CONSULTING GENERAL MANAGER MARKETING REVENUE AUDIT MANAGER SECURITY RACING OFFICIALS CHIEF STEWARD STEWARD STEWARD RACING SECRETARY ASSISTANT RACING SECRETARY CLAIMS CLERK CLERK OF SCALES CLOCKERS HORSEMEN'S BOOKKEEPER MUTUELS OFFICIAL VETERINARIAN PADDOCK JUDGE PLACING JUDGE STARTER HORSE IDENTIFIER TRACK VETERINARIAN ANNOUNCER RACING OFFICE STAFF RICK BRASHER JERRY T. GOSS MARK BADER JOHN LIES TOM CLARK TAYLOR HARRINGTON 4- VERNON SCANTLING JIM NELSON & VERNON SCANTLING GEORGIA SHIPLEY LINDA KING DR. JAMES REBELE, DVM CHERYL STEELEY SUSAN RICE DON PAUL ALLISON JERRY BANKS DR. GENE FRIE, DVM JOHN LIES TAYLOR HARRINGTON, ASHLEY DERR, CHERYL STEELEY, RENEE PORCHE • Will Rogers Downs Monday, March 14, 2016 HORSE ALPHABETICAL INDEX Afton Express (10) 1st Ealy Fantasy Atiette. (3) 6th Edna Cafe. kkarsas Vakr 11010th Emma's Smile Bad E ............... (6) 4th Eesstune Bass Reeves (2) 4th Fiddlers Tsunami Belt Cedes (5) 1st Goha Bella Gracia (3) 8th Goodteatedgrl (1) 3rd Gosh All Friday Berdeano Big Creek Road (3) 7th Gospel Chef Bkdseye Baby (7) 51h Granda Brilliant Notes. (10) 8th Grardfieid Comman Burn Out (6) 1st Hardtoz Centre a Ralrbow (4) 1st Havinga Cloud of Oust (9) 1st His Only Fm. Congest Playmtty (6) 7th lapedshable Coition CT 10th Jazzy Miss_ Contless Offer (5) 4th Jeannie Bug, Ceuntryandwestern (7) 2nd Jonesboro Polly Country Conceited (8) 6th J S NightInger CP Mrs Pirk Thra (8) 8th Keg Deans and Vicki. (6) 8th Kips Flog Wild Deviots Kura (1) 9th Last Branch Erian for a Milrion (1) 6th Ul R'slast (7) 9th Lines Drawn (1) 8th Little Frank (4) 5th MTh' Of X) (6) 3rd My Big Reward (1) 5th Nancy Lee (4) 8th Ou Fumy Valentin (6) 9th Ou Make 14e Hapy (4) 4th Pepper Rose (8) 10th Perfect Gera (3) 10th Poky Kitten. (I) 4th Punpville (I) 10th Rkh Cheesecake. (7) 8th Rich Uncle. (12110th Rkleirer (2) 231 Romeo Mega Taknt (2) 6th Rome Be (8) 5th Saatop Bid (3) 9th Say I thn't Goner (4) 10th Secret title Cry (2) 3rd Sensble Solutbn (3) 3rd Shit On CaroTne (4) 2nd St Boom Bah (5) 3rd Somerset (7) 6th Sooner Ste (1) 1st (2) 8th (8) 7th Specth Troth (4) 7th Sprig Up Tiger (8) an (3) 2nd (5) 2nd Star Bracho (4) 9th Storm head. (1) 3rd (5) 8th Storrnguilfty (2) 9th (2) 5th Strawberrycream (9) 8th (10) 10th (3) 5th Strke Ttree. (3) 1st Tt a Fist Lady (6) 5th (2) 10th keen and Cora (6) 6th (9) 7th Tried to Tell US° (8) 4th (5) 10th Title Threat (6) 10th (9) 5th (5) 9th Trtple Demand L. (4) 3rd Inn Die. (2) 7th (3) 4th U'LlLove This Cat (5) 5th (7110th Vignola (5) 6th (9) 6th Waterers (1) 2rd (4) 6th Welmersecho (7) 4th (5) 7th Yes l' m Native. (1) 7th 0) 7th Zaa's Polty (8) 1st (2) 1st (7) 1st (6) 2nd Jockey Index For Today's Races Cabrera. David. Cason. Troy Canktam, Trawls E. Jason R Fbres. Rion a Dents /waft Wes. 2 5.8,9 Hamilton. Quincy 258 Johnstone, Chya 1 2 4 6 7 8 10 Kies, Cate 1 4 5 8 9 10 Larderos, Benny C. 3 9.10 Manique, Freddy Jose 1 3,7,8,10 McNeil. Bryan 14,5.6 McNeil. Eris 1 2 4 7 8 9 10 Ocanpo. fowl 1,3,4,5,6.7,10 Pang. Rakeee 1,4,6,7,9 Ouhonez. Betas 4 5,6.10 Rthard. Ronala 1.5.7,10 Tuner. Natalie 2 3,7,9 Wales. Truk 2.6,8.10 Wetly, S., Fbyd 1,2,3,4, 3 1,2,5,6,7,8 6 10 3, Trainer Index For Today's Races Bauserman, Cody Bravo, Frartisco. Busher, Mark W. Caldwell, BfR Casey, Joe D. Corderman, Scott Craddock, Kai David, Rol Dixon, Tke Dunlap. Sion M khan), Mire Ebardt, Tom L hull, Boyd 2.10 Peer, Robert A. 5 809 Foster, Steven D 1 6 9 Gavin, Jan Clark 1 George, Wayre F 3,10 Gladd, Ardy 1 Gendman, Randy J. 1 7 Griggs, Veronta 6 Hale, James Vttor 3,9,10 Helier, James E 10 Ftbbs, Lora 1 6 10(2) Keener, Dee 4 Landon, Coma J. 4 Leyland Mary enters h parenthesis dente the amber of entries the lmenen hash that race. 1 teddy, Spate Don 6 7 Lewis, /aril 710 Lowder. Jade 9 Luneadt Theresa Sue. 2 4 10 MkiclEll, Ralph H. 8 Mogan, I., Kevin 1,6,9 Newenhose, Hardy 6 Ntabrugge. bey mils 4 Nolen, Kenreth 5 °bartender, Randy 5 Offolter, be S 4 Peery, ark 5 Pogue, Wiliam R. 7 Red*, Johnny 3 Rich rd, Chrls 8 Rodriguez, MatiL 6,8 Schlesel, Leonad I Seaton, Lary W. 7 Seaton. Shad 2,6 Shaw. Tram. 2 Swage, Randy E. 3 7 8 Thomas, Dena 10 Williams. J. Akin 3 5.10 Williarts, Tin G 5 8 Yong, Scott E 1,8 4 7 25 2 6,7 8 5 1 8 2 4,10 1,9 2.3(2).4.5.9,10 Will Rogers Downs Monday, March 14, 2016 Owner Index For Today's Races Abert, Davit M. B. kyan Bauserman, Cody Bell, Jake M Ben Hughes Trust V1 and Ibpies, Dean Big Suga Rack LLC, Blue Ikon Stables Bravo. Francisco. Brewster, Clark 0. Hal Brownirg and David Fauber Mark &elver and Gerald Eckel. Bill and Carol Caldwell Caldwell. Robbb Casey. Joe D Center Hms Fern', Cowboy Stables t1C Non. ha Docble di Staples Dtrhan. Amy Mal. Mke Egke Enterprees. LLC Fehr. Rthert A. Foster, Dale. Frorrterhouse, David L Gad Oil Corp Gavin. i4lild Joseph L. Gary ad Jared Gary George, Jess Di George, Nary L Hale. Jimmie Lee and Hat. Betty Hasa. Bryan Heaverer, Randy Helier, James E dencken, Christy Htli Feges Thcroagthreds, Inc. Hobby Horse Farm, Inc King Racig Stables LC Knox, Jadcb Kroll. Monty timbers in parenthesis denote the weber of entries the lumen has in tint race. 7 Lankh, Doma J. 8 Latford, Diane 2 Lava R. Hobbs LLC 3 Leddy. Sparer 3 McAlvah, Edward L 9 J. kPeak and C. Maker 5 Melzer, Ed 5,8 Mulder, Rebecca 3 Mess. Maggl 1 Newerhowa, Deft 6 Null, Gay 1 Oterlarder, Randy 9 Ow FamiTes Futures LC 3.10 Page, Cindy and Podcba, Ray 3 Pain Pose Queens. 2.10 Paulette and Wilton Robert Pogue. 10 Pollard. F. Dab. 8 Powderhorn Rack 10 Pozo de Lure. Inc 1 610 Ra-Max Fares LE_ 6 Reddidg. Johrny 1 Reeker, Cie% 6 Rodriguez, Mail L 4 Mthael Schiesel 5 Schoz, Robert D 710 Seaton. Lady W. 1 Shaw, Tyrone. 9 Smith. Richsrd 9 Stockton. Bill 6 Swerve Kin 1 T and M Precision Services LLC 2 Everett Terry 4 Dena Thomas and John Bemett. 6 Tokens, Arnie D. 10 [Mend, Sky and Steve and Koch. Barry 4 5 Williams. Doyle 4 Wars. Ellen 2 Wills. Kaen J 3 Wong WI 4 5 5 7 7 10 2 8 7 26 7 10 1 10 5 18 8 1 7 6.8 4 B 5 2 4 7 5 6 8 1 4 10 7 8 10 9 9 3 2 9 047cA A- 1 I FA4T Exacta I Quinella / Trifecta (.50)1 Superfecta (.10) / First Half of Daily Double APPROX. POST: 1:15PM Win 0 .1/0 CLAIMING $5,000 test I-5 1100Er“ I -6 - - q- Place Show No. 1 • Zequibase.com/QR Purse $8,250. (Plus $1,650 From The 0KB Program If Eligible) For Fillies And Mares Three Years Old and Upward Which Have Not Won A Race Since September 4, 2015 or Which Have Never Won Four Races. Three Year Oids, 116 Lbs . Older 122 Lbs Claiming Price $5 000. One Mile Track Record: Abdo (8), 122 lbs; 1:35.06 (4-27.10) Pr Pace DISpeed Odds Weight Jockey Class Dtt: II 3 1 2 $26,910 53.65 Life: 13 3 1 2 $27,855 Owner: Hal Browning and David Faulkner Z • r $0 $3,720 Wet Ott: 0 0 0 0 2016: 1 1 0 0 o-1 Silks: Red 0 N $24.135 Synthett: :0 2015: 12 2 u m p m Trainer:Kari Craddock (0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% Erik McNeil $945 i led Oh 0 47.1382Ref 2 : 41 (-000-0 )0.00% $0 $5,000 Sooner Stripe $ 19,962 Net Tf ur : 0 0 0 0 Ott: 5 2 (L) Faulkner Apr 10, 2012) Ch.f.4 Service Stripe - Burbance by Burbank - Bred in Oklahoma b al Bro ring & 0L 18 L 2.60 Sooner Strhelleallatea Belle119 17Netwaked118 41 railed, 4w, up late 1EFeb16 7 Fbu ft 1" :4877 1:1532 1:4669 480 Clot 7500nw3/1. 68 66 5 51 1 41 2 1 1 P 94i 95,i pi 811}i 20 L 30.00 Csslirenny12391Shakey Pudeb113hliashlta Belle121415w, bid, blocked I/8 IE 63 47 8 6X :22 60 :4646 1:19 36 MED Cln 750Dw3/1 03Dec15 7RP ft 20 L 7.10 Devil h fly Kert1233tesse 6lbson120115ocner Strgel2Ohd ra ged, 4w, empty P° :4866 1:1399 1:4662 3tEliCln 7501w3/1.74 60 6 A 1 51 4 ne 3 nt 3 9 DItiov15 3RP ft 31 213 BO 722 20 1 3.1 affitlakes1200 Mbhy's Polky12331Nettiorked120) tine, chased. and to C 46.26 3 OlOct15 1 RP ft 7f :23 19 :4653 1:24 73 38CECin 7501km3A. C 19 L 4.50 Texas Belle11941Cimmorefastdance123 1Sheza Pree173 1 stet 2-3w, empty 424 3 1 1 683 819 11Sep15 2RP fer ® 7X :23 7 9 :4766 1:29 79 31E1 Ch 11500nw3/1. 66 46 5 8,60 Cetus Nedk12310muistence12311Foir Pont Zero11911 came out, inNoved 1 19 L eery 14 C 36 62 3 64 1 79 64 26A4115 9RP fm CD10 1m :4947 1:1421 1:3944 310 Clin 175010/1 18 L • 1.30 Sooner Sabel lEinsthw's the Ifewl I 631Dot to Dot12233duel,ratall art 1 1 DuzE -- 63 3 21 1:4240 3trlAki 19200rr•2/L 11.6n15 4Fint ft 1m -ffiJn 1616u IF ft :49.819/26 20 lbs 16RP IF ft 1:02.8318 29/34 31 Jan 16Ibu 6F ft 1:01.614/17 licrtoutle): 9Feb 16 Hou 5F ft 1:02b 027 0 622,196 Ott: 20 $24,040 45.35 Life: 27 3 Owner: rhom Racing 1 .90 2 12-1 Silks: 2 t3Vhite 2016: 2 0 015: IBS hird2m 6339 Met Dtt: 6 03114/2016 Race 1 Proved on 3M2016 -14 27'10 PM cy Hamilton 412,59 7440 SynthTet : 0 $ 7, tricf: 1 W.780 Met Turf: 0 2 0 0 0 $1,710 tO ta ( 5 0.0.00)0.00% 10 Ott: 2 Shine On Caroline (L) d in Kent u nt, LLC Mar 01, 2011) B.m.5 Indygo Shiner - Fantastic Caroline by Fantastic Fellow Torreentol 18n$ 3w, lad, flattmed cot 6 18 bL 20.60 Phetop1133714 too Nburyl 37 511 AB 60 58 43 311 13Feb16 6liou ft I" :48 27 1:14 16 1:4491 410 Chi 4031nd 013 23 It 6.90 Alten123s/Sredray t4ery1234111ed Hen 1101g123 2uriurred early 6 A 6f :2421 :4862 1:13 09 410 elm 460161/6m -- 42 5 66 22Jan16 2Hou ft 23 ti 47.90 ForRent/ro120of Ss Owe E40234 311hd Closddor s1231troke slow, tolled 11 AB 11 1116 1121 1124 1 274 28Nov15 8PP sys6f :23 24 :47 46 1:12 79 31E1 Om 6001-nd -- 16 AB 20 S. 96.90 Ina Yolo120 1 1Akeza12041chnes 101201 vied between, wakened 10 If :230 1 :4661 1:25 71 31E1 Clm 5000 12Nov15 8C8ft 66 60 2 20d lhd 2nd 926 AB 23 Li 68.10 Copper Flsh123 1 1(cctus Neeriles12310.116edesIDIL5w, hustled. stopped, 10 60 391' 831 41 4 290ct15 6RP N 1" :49 26 1:1394 1:43 72 31E1 Om 5001rd Ramos AB 23 bL 9.50 71 konento123ntAwescee Tak12331111 ya Bhkok123 1 1 Worded, no treat 8 1 7 0 :49 1 1:14 21 1:45 36 31© Cie 5031nd 47 44 4 76 1 881 7 12 090ct15 2RP g1 22 H. 35.30 He Sips Bourbon12291ArtIst Oy122 1 1ANTonvenro122h45tradvance. ounkied 12 38 5012 7 64111 Rams AB 19Sep15 9PP ft 1m :48 71 1:13 97 1:39 27 31E1 Clm 5001rd Fag 16 RP W ft 1:04.22h 60/58 5 Jrn 16 Ibu EF ft 1:03.4116133 2914 15 tbu 4F ft :50.412680 liortout(s): 31 an 16 Hou 4F ft :55.0 16/16 2 $48,787 2 561,13 Ott: 15 61.5 Ltfe: 29 3 7.2 Owner: Bryan Hawk $9.79) I 0 $649 Wet Ott: 7 2016: I $1,874 2 $3,557 Synthett: 2 1 2015: 4 Qi cire pre Trainer: Veronica Griggs ( 0-0-0-0 )0.00% Chya Johnstone grd Dirt: 10 $1,231 0 $45,385 Turf: 5 2 Blue $5,000 Perfect Gem (L) 40 Dist: 6 0 $10,670 Wet Turf: 0 0 ( 0404 / ace% 122 Cheyenne Stables (Mar 21, 2009) Ch.m.7 Strong Hope - She's a Rebel Too by Two Punch - Bred' Kemu by Jim Wel 18 11. 2.10 Atola O11184188/nterestRate11317Pedect 6em1181dased, 2w, fakered one C 6f :2296 :4666 1:1233 410 elm 4030cnd 55 58 5 2 122 331 20Feb18 1 Hou ft 24 1.60 OnkDelt1241(0x IANTW11242)/b/naNarea1241tracked 3-4v, haprowd IE 37 58 26May15 21Ird gd 54 :2273 :458 7 1:03 93 310 Cln 5030rw1/3m 24 fl. a 10 Bweencrobromil24 11Prfot 01124441(clia len124d led 7M-1/16,8h test IE W 70 6f :23 46 :4563 1:12 29 310 Cam 5001nd 11May15 114rd g1 Nell E 24 ft 3.40 Ohesspol24ratncy Lee124)Craerne's Intrigue1241 alter as 3/16,walh 44 69 6 2114:15 41Ird ft 5f :21 73 :4524 :5820350 0115000ml/6m BcNellE 24 ft 1.50 Sento TheIN I 1Perfect Gem1247tessBck Rc4124711ed3/8 - 1/16, 2nd best 90 70 7 5X :2231 :4679 1:6601 CI Cln 5000crd 23Mar15 1 Wrd ft 23 L 13.30 One Rot Gator123/184tykiliicat1231oolearn$123 2 1 bade 1/4, fhttened 1 3 McNeil E 68 59 1 70 :4873 1:1343 1:44 08 31© Chi 5001..ml 121014 9 PP ft 20 L 4.90 Motnare120 1 1e/bi Wto41206ZWIPolcy120 1 1 Mid 1/ 4,3wd htostr 1 4 21 McNeil E 96 57 1 1glad 22163v14 9142 sysIn :47 14 1:125 2 1:4073 300 Cam500162/r/3m 16 Jan 16 Mw IF ft :5 21 46/61 IF ft :49.418139 30Jan 16 IbuEF ft 1:01.213/N liortoutle): 6Feb 16 Hoy EF ny 1:02.616/16 Ott: 41 2 3 7 $36,962 59 $56.797 58.78 Life: 49 nd Carol Caldwell ,I31 ils l lasw *18.997 2016: 0 00 $0 Wet Re 7 1 2 2 20-1 Silks: 0 0 0 10 4 r,„, 22 $19.361 Synthett: 0 2015: 13 Trainer: Bel Caldwell ( 0-0-0-0 )0.00% Natalie Tumer Watt: 15 Prc Turf: I 0 0 0 3828 2 2 $13,842 Yellow 55,000d Capture a Rainbow 'i (L) 40 f 0- 00-0 1 0.0094 Dist: 21 1 2 4 $19,510 Wet Turf: 0 0 0 0 °kande- & Cynthia Coursen Alexander (Mar 29, 2008) Ch.m.8 Ocean Terrace - Hyde the Sun by Sunnys Halo - Bred' 23 L 52.30 Awesome Tale123414fleet Ateco123atelh Gedes1132 railed, 6w, no treat 12 h 30 64 1g.4870 1 . 13 14 1 . 47 16 3t0C 6250:nd 11Crec15 9PP ft N 23 L 41.80 Yung Aph12347Cactus thedles1231Sumy kielle12314w stretch. no menace 8 43 60 70 :491 7 1:14 19 1:44 79 31E1 Clm 6250;nd 18tiovI5 5W ft 23 L 27.30 Copper 111123 11 1Cactus Needles123118,11t Ge6s123 1 1 vold early, 6w late 10 34 60 10 6 }10 8111`1:1 4131 mnerN 70 :49 20 1:13 94 1:43 72 310 Cam 6250:rd 291.115 6W ft 18 L 47.10 Nor 1h$Evn1201,85bon of Offnest231Cheyeme Bbes12033tralkd hoopoe 8 161/15 4W ft 70 :47 62 1:11 74 1:4122 3101Ilat - CkClIstfi3 - 1451c 48 68 up late 9 22 L 23.40 Caphre a Rah5ow122 11A0'slioney122414ad /hart Sue1221sw.ng 34 66 5 '11 99 991 t4 1 TwonN 17Sep15 7W ft 70 :4887 1:1324 1:45 15 3E Clm 10000m6/L 23 L 18.90 Blend C12321ptohn Strontrow0236 4are/enthe423es resented. swarm 5w 7 25 46 4 04Sv15 I W ft m :48 64 1:1314 1:4047 31EIDC1n750163/L 7.60 Mien Expresa122 119tolhgEffort1111plashita Belle1224 passed tang kes 6 22 L 1:2120 3tEEICle 106014/1. -- 49 3 6) -17Ju115 4Fmt ft 17 Illy ISRP 3F gd :38.28h 1/1 1 Sep 15W IF ft 1:04.37h 10/11 Wairoutle): 4 Mar I6RP IF ft 1:05.64h 1/1 Ott: 23 4 3 4 $23.743 54.15 Life: 25 4 3 4 $24,163 6.1 COwner,StruereFsamiies Futures LLC 5 $3E: 2016: 0 0 0 0 $0 Wet Cat: 1 0 0 0 ii 2015: 9 2 1 2 $11,056 Synthetic: 0 0 0 0 so Trainer: Scott Corderman ( 0-0-0-0 )0.00% Curtis Kimes Wrd Dirt: 8 1 2 I t14,292 Clm Prc 710: I 0 0 0 148 Green $5,000 Bella Gedes (L) ( 0444 ) 0.00% 40 Ott: 8 0 2 1 $5.398 Wet Turf: 0 0 0 0 rivers cf Kentucky (Apr 06, 2010) Dk 8/ Br.m.6 Don't Get Mad - Chatelian by Take Me Out - B dinKe hes C 23 ft 34.50 Avasom Tale1234)Mleet Abaco123esEtella Gedes123f hustled. 3w, outfteh I 11 31 80 1& :4876 1:13 14 1:4716 3111 Cam 5030cnd 11Cec15 9RP ft 23 11. 65.60 Cappr 414112311(Ccths Nedles123 1)Beliedes123 1 1 settled, 3w, no:moue I 8 4 2 31 61 I" :4920 1:139 4 1:43 72 MEI Clot 5001nd 290ct15 6W ft I 44 6 11 2 818 IandeosB C 19 bft 47.50 I Love ficlies119 1 1Glant Cat Talel 19 1 Bum Out1191 visi bw. faltered Ire :49 26 1:14 10 1:3998310 Cam 5000 22Aug15 3W ft tandeosBC 22 bft 1.90 Rood Mndy122flaNcrnhg Li/y122ohkknettheharIng bmpd,forced 4w 1st trn 1:1320310 SOC 7500 - N 36 1 8 6f -24Ju115 6 Fret ft 24 bft 2.00 Bella Weal 242$1sta DoIhr12433Logan Raye1243 rail rally, drew off 244 21 1 Landeros B C -- 65 I 1:13803}0 Cie 5000:d 20Jun15 2Fmt ft 6f -Int Landeros B C 22 bft 14.20 Bel 1 Gedes122n1Suncly T r eaare1ThWabir FasHon1221 wah, del, reveled 1:1460 310 Cam 16000rw3/L/4 -- 30 7 6 31 lhd 6f 05Jun15 5Fmt ft -20 bft 8.80 fkelAser1202 hre Reasan114 176ha '01sh120) 2wbtweay,evm hte 443 444 Cinihthen 40 773 19May15 71Ird ft 1m :4822 1:13 91 1:38 78 310 Clm 7500no3k/x 2 Dec 15 Ste 4F gd :51b Ill 13 Jen 16 Ste 4F ft :51.0 6/8 27 Jan 16 Stc W ft :38.376 3/6 licrtouts): 4 Mar 16 lird 4F ft :51.618/16 Cim Prc White $5,000 G. Wiliams ( 0-0-0-0 )0.00% RACE 1 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE RACE t CONTINUED • $32,631 D11: 24 5 4 1 16,279 SO Weatt: 4 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 $0 0 $14,226 Synthett: 0 0 2015 10 52 am pm Trainer: Mark W. Buehrer ( 0-0-0-0 )0.00% $0 Travis Cunningham Wrd Dirt 9 Turf: 0 0 0 521,930 31 Black 88,000 $0 0 5 2 S25,800 Wet Turf: 0 0 0404 )a00% Okt: 17 ( Burn Out (L) isi na by Ackel T u • bred Farm (May 17, 2009) B.m.7 Petbnville - Inflammatory by Notebook - Bred in BM 8 73 Cruz E 120 bit 14.20 NevaehsRae120 211both117}Afleet Oteco120atlunged start. gave way 654 2 783 030e15 2RP ft lot :4777 1:1279 1:3860 311j1 Dm 5000 119 bfL 30.10 iloveRceks119 1 10ant Cat 7ale1191BumOut1191 angled 3w earlyAw 1/4 35 62 267321 3 Cruz E lm :49" 1:14 10 1:3999 311:1 Clm 5000 224315 3RP ft 120 bfL 4.60 Bra's Poky1203113um 0ut120}He Sps Bo.rbon1209 3-4a, Lb for bid 33 2 Cruz E 1:408031© /Ow 16000rer1/x 22Ju115 4Fmt sys lm -Cantriftern T 120 bfL •.80 Den041203roklairatfara17131n Tall Cctton11011 etcled, kept to task 13 1:4050 31E1 Chi 5000 191n15 2Fmt ft lit -3-w,fh well, up 2M } embalm T 124 bft • 1.40ehnt Slsw1242}ArnOrtl24nkDoc'sPearteat124as 46 -1:1360 31E1 Clrn500anw1/6m 13Jun15 4Fmt gd 6f c 47 3 35 °ming/ern T 124 bfl. 6.30 Serving Tine1244Looks Ike Gold124 1 8umOut1243} bra, best of rest 3121 26May15 3 lAd gd lit :4791 1:1178 1:3609 31171 Clm6020-rw1/3m 3w 114. led briefly hd 221 CunIndrana 122 bit 4.20 Pima Ckle1/17 3Bum Out122 1 3Fdlo/Sass121 1 1 2 43 33 31 1214ay15 21kd ft lm :50 12 1:14 46 1:3867 3}© Clm 500ptrd 11 Dec 16 RP F ft :41 6/8 3F ft :39614/16 11 Feb 16 lird 4F ft :50.406 9/18 lictkout(s): 19 Feb 16 Wrd If ft 1:02.0 8/16 Ott 30 4 2 $34.372 $84,000 Life: 50 84 Owner: Robert A. Fisher 333,114 0 00 10 Wet Dirt: 10 2 2016: 0 Silks: Orange 0 93 $17,910 Syn diett: 0 0 2015: 9 10 Trainer:Owner( 0-0-0-0 )0.00% 2 515,244 Jason R. Eads NOM: 14 Clm Pre Turf: 9 0 2 2 638,007 Orange ( 0-040 )0.00% $1,270 5 2 $51,695 Wet Turf: 2 0 0 0 DM. 21 122 (L) h $5,000 Sis B 6 9-2 7 12-1 63.45 Life 28 5 7 2 $69,910 Silk:: Joseph L. Gary and Jared Gary 11 et) V e+ JP ge (Apr 04, 2009) ed Ian T Dk B/ • . .7 Ra Ra S erstar - Fo F Tle1234}Afleet Abaco123nsBelh G•das123 2 settled, 3w, gave way I 763 1 42 116 : . . 6 31E1 C Ctsdbors123}ralled. 6w, 2M best 1 71 22 24 6f :23 24 . :4746 1:1279Zro12041Ss Boom 1 Bh1232110ind 1204Heert Racer123ai0to'sHeartbeat120 1 1 6w1/4 pole. nofacto. 70 :2295 :4V 1:11 40 31 ft 6f 6 3 883 91 .30 Rib Edge119313luegrassidey1193/dIngllbs 3w, failed to menace 863 633 843 36 21Aug15 3 Cby fm 0039 . 71E :24 04 :4P7 1:9399 ee12 131 lingl 19hdPrk L011ossl 19 1 3 3w. bd, flattened out 66 82.6 1 3 513 32 34 66 Lopez• .40 Fog 3470 1El 7500 06Aug15 3 Cby fm ®10 .1& : 31 76 2 4 67 3 98 3 4 43 47 Loper..k.CE 119 B. 17.40 gisSbetScrtl IOW Ibtow1192}CetfACpc41194 }saved ptundnomenice 16.1115 3CW ml 1280 4 22 :24 84 :4: 72 1:31" 3117 Chi 121 B. 44.50 Gage's lbach1 i s Tenareno1B1Enighteneo1191 unburied, no treat 1 42 83 8 9 10 83 101 39 4 64 Sighed J 3014ay15 8Cby gd ®20 *78 :2410 :4841 1:3077 31© Clra 20300 8 lay lb lird 4F ft :48.403 1/1 •14 Nor 15 Vrd 4F ft 49.2Cbg 1/3 20Feb 16 Vrdf ft :50.130628/35 Worker/tisk 6 /4er 16 lird f ft :53.01 42146 2 $52.473 870014 Ott: 17 3 63.4 Life: 25 6 Owner: Paulette and William Robert Pogue 1 125,381 SO Wet Dtt: 6 3 2016: 0 0 kij sI e: r : Pink SO 524,325 Synthett: 0 5: 7 3 R. Pogue ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% 0wt ; 1 2 $170 Clm Prc Belen Quinonez wrd201 0 Turf: 2 0 $14,379 Pink SO 0 ( 0-0-0-0 100097 642,004 Wet Turf: 0 0 1 Dist: 15 4 $5.000 11Dec15 9PP 28Nov15 8F 24Sep15 1517 ft sys 8 5-2 Ziva's Policy 'll (L) os - Br in Ok oma:orb Pogue & Paule tte Pogue (Mar 30, 2009) Dk B/ Br.m.7 Foreign Policy - Groovin Nile by Ala 19 L 14.90 acenkasah119 1 1110d 0,1022 1 151y Ready1191} chase , 2w, fakered 47 2 21 } 21 21} 30 64 Corbett G W ni :49031:1376 1:3966 310 Str 5000 054inv15 1F my 8 811 Ones C 23 L 79.80 Weida ltants1201ZeMAdy17141Elh's Gley11765 3 - 4w, no late response 37 6 84" :2474 :4930 1:3211 3tE SOC 7500-NN 17Sep15 5PP fin ®18 769 tale, shifted 5w sir 7.10 Hard Clier11973PcoM1161Ave E.11945 V 57, 49} Dees C 19 L 72 63 554} 29Ava15 5PP ft m :4779 1:1292 1:39" 31E1 SOC 7500 - ti 20 L 3.60 DresPolty1203}BwnOet1201HeSbs Borbm1203 1 led past 1/441t sir 1:400031© 41w 16000rce1/c -- 17 1 21 23 2hd } 174 lenderosilC m -221115 4Fmt sys 20L 6.20 Ihr'sPoky1201knericanarly122atlancyfiffithgaiel2On k waked. bld, held -1: Ow 31E1 SOC 7500 - N 86 1 242h 1} 1} Ktaes C 041115 2Fmt ft m 20 L 27.10 Ocean dunh1124Stay ReadylderGlant Cat Mirth)) tett. trouped beck 88 2 42 4 1} 89 8 0 1 Tema N -- 1:1284 1:37763/© Cin 12500 280pr15 8 Wrd gd m 3.70 Zka'sPoky1203 1Lacks Lke*W12211nca Miss120 1 pace dew clea,thmo 1 1} 11} 131 Quhaez13 20L 75 13Apr15 2 iird sr m :4967 13530 1:4169 311:17C1m 5000 14Fob 161843F ft :38.13b 24 21Feb 16 Wm 4F ft :48.696 2/6 •18 Feb 16 tiro V ft 1:01.5861/3 Workout(s): 4 /4er 16 Vro 3F ft :37.65 4/6 $19,396 Dtt: 16 3 I 4 46.5 Life: 20 3 2 6 322,330 Owner: Mike Durham 12,934 2016: 0 0 0 0 SO Wet Dent: 4 0 I 2 2- Silks: Turquoise SO $11,407 Syntett: 0 0 0 0 2015: 11 2 I 6 am 0-0-0-0) B ny C. Landeros grd Cart 2 0 1 0 $1,878 93 Prc Turf: 0 0 0 0 Turquoise$5•000 Cloud of Dust (L) (0-00-0)0.00% $0 )1100% $3,740 Wet Turf: 0 0 0 0 Deb 2 I 0 1 9 1 1 12 er, II (Apr 04 2011) :red in Kentucky b avid E. 20 B. • 2.83 Cld of Dst1200Striv Effort1189Spolgandirg121:1 4 1 3wd t/4,doeled,got up 21 2hd ink 21 36 1 45 1" :50 1:1600 1:4780 3111 Clm 3200w3/L ft 11Aug15 4FP 24 bL 1.90 lbod tbIttnd116 3}SpulgnmoFrg120 41Cbdeff4/124uk 2 wide 1/4, Itattmed 39 46 6 1 bbd 333 312 Belby J A lm :5040 1:1600 1:4180 310 Clm 32013w3/1. 25Jull5 7FP ft 24 bL 6.20 Eblyhmt120 2Teadi He toRule1203}Cked of Oust124 5 1 3-pith, even effort 62 63 3 3 34 3 34} 36 Bleby J A 6f :23 :4680 1:1340 3fill Chi 500Chw3/L 14.1115 6FP ft 20 bL 3.00 Cloud of COst1202}//o/iodoe120 12 1Sash11202 1 savd grcund,stedy dth 66 65 1 S9b 39 211 Bleby J A lm :4780 1:1400 1:4240 3tT 5000m(2/1 041115 6FP ft 24 bL 2.00 Rade Card116w1FearlessBypass1161CbalofarM24 6 4wd biztkonedlung 35 31 BlebyJ A 20 44 3 1 70 :4960 1:1460 1:4590 31C1 Clot 3200:nd 16.13115 1FP sys 20 Li 2.30 MWS/iy aen116611114u124 1 }Cloud of Citst120 23 } 2-3w 2d tm,wae dam 3 7 } Beby J A 33 5 41 } 1 1 21 1'° :49 1:1500 1:47 03 311:1 Clm5000m/2/L/x 02..bn15 2 FP ft 20 bL 4.80 Ovemetindrs1201Cloudof0ud120 4 g Ifikkod12011 all cut hdde,obstig 2 2} Beby J A :2320 :4200 1:14 99 31111 Ciro 3200w2/L 16May15 5FP mr 6f 12 Ftb 16 Wrd 5F ft 1102.2067/19 20Feb 1611rd V ft 1:17.2% 10/13 •211Feb 16 lird 7F ft 1:3161/3 Workouts): 6 Nur 16 lird 1F ft 1:3%5/8 $20,608 Ott: 1 5415 Life: 18 3 I 0 621,975 (timer. Swango $1.367 $0 Wet Dirt 3 0 0 0 2016: 0 0 0 0 Silks: Purple SO 57.485 Synthett : 2015 8 Trainer: Randy E. Swango ( 0-0-0-0) re dy Jose Manrrique Nor: 7 0000 10 Clm Prc $3.n6Tub(: T Purple 884100 Afton Express ( 0.040 )0.00% 10 Dbt: 12 2 I 0 S15,812 Wet Turf: 0 0 0 0 (L) Dk B/ Br.m.5 Sightseeing - Queensteen by Bernstein 10 30-1 030M15 2RP 0Aug15 510 ft ft 171ll5 4Fmt ft 28Jun15 3 Fmt ft 18.11n15 4 Fmt sp Dk B/ Br.m.6 Wood Reph - Brown Sugar Girl by Blue E gn lm :4737 1:1279 1:3460 311: Clm 6250 lit :4779 1:1292 1:39 65 31© SOC MOO - N 616 lit lm 1:2170 311:0C1ra 10000rw3/1. 1:427031© Clm 15000rw3/L 1:4020 350 Alw 16000w1/x :410 1 1:1266 1:37" 3C1 Clot 7500w3/1./x -1:4380 30 Chi 750(bw3/1./x ---- 1914ey15 21Ird ft lm 18Apr15 1111rd gds 1" Vorkoot(s): 614er 16 Vrc Ef ft 1:01.636112 B - Bute; L - Lask;11- Fist TineLase; LX- OH testa; Rimed on yam:mat 4:27:10 PM 28 Feb 16 Wm V ft 1:02.196 2/3 - Oklahorre Bred only Randy Swango Apr 26, 2010) 143 Turner N 20L 55.00 Newts Rae12073/foodM1734fleet Abeo110d whirred. m thrtet 8 tt 710 web 7w, 'brewed 8 Turner N 19 L 45.80 Hard Clier11971143c&II6 5Are F.11969 22 L 9.40 AftmEwss12211SteringEficit1033Itslit Belle12251 lw move, edged clear 6 43 1} 13 Turner N 8.90 Esy Nides11023Cetee eseraOrtShakey Pude11207)stkd,hadm rally 5 20 2hd 3} 45 4 3 Rama A8 511 4 Rem A8 113 herd 6 19.50 American Orly120*Ghnt C3t TaleI2080ne Hot Ortor120 1 20 5 4 1 3 Ramos AB 20 L 9.20 Stedre12041Ceperea Rainbow120 414aWFashini120 1 1 hide, reproved 7 btw. nothha bte 7 20 L 41.30 ffiv24iel20411kreReson116 1CptreaRatbov12027 Ramos AB } 4 •14 Feb 1611m 33 ft :31. 64b IA 161Irc 4F ft:48.Th 1/5 MORNING LINE FAVORITES 8-3.6-1 APPROX. POST: 1:43P 1/1 2 5 1/2 FURLONGS: 1 MAIDEN CLAIMING $7,500 0-4-8birs( I :48 Fnr Sumu Exacta / Quinella / Trifecta (.50)1 Superfecta (.10)/Pick 4 .50) (Races 2-3-4-5) I:43 Yes+ z-5 2-5- 0 3- I -(a-?3- c/ -7 Win Place Show No. equbase.cornIQR Purse $8,580. (Which Includes S1430 From The OKB Program) For ACCREDITED OKLAHOMA-BREDS Maidens, Three Years Old and Upward. Three Year Olds, 118 Lbs; Older, 124 Lbs Claiming Price $7,500. Five And One Half Furlongs Track Record: Distinguish (9), 120 lbs; 1:01.93 (3-29.10) I Jockey Pace planted Weir Program s Odds 12,485 dy Bausennan Odd! 1018, 3.1 Csr k;r: C Ro ed a m p i, Trainer. Owner( 0-0-0-0) Red $7,500 Vortexan I 24 (L) am 51.5 Life: 2 0 1 2016: 0 0 0 Rakeem Pauli wd2Pg: ( 0-0-0-0 )0.00% OM: 0 0 0 Dtt: $0 Wet Ott: 12,485 Synthett: Turf: al $0 Wet Turf: 2 0 0 0 0 $2.4± $0 SO a by Patrick Young &Corinne Young (Ma 15, 2012) 118 bt 3.60 f4rdcraft1243}Vorteran1184}S C Last Darce1182} angled In no match 5 22} 23} Khes C -- 54} 43 Carnh(NainT 118 bL 22,60 ObeakA19 1iSpotinthedistance124 4 aCMcnDooley118 1 4 no menace 6 :4720 3t Msw 15503 27,41115 5Fmt ft 4f -12 May 15 Wrd 3F I :3Eb 6/20 24 Jun 15 Fat4F ft :51.61034 22 Sw 15RP 4F ft :48.19h 1549 Work 0614ar 16 lird 3F ft :39b 13/20 12,33 12,898 Dkt: 7 0 0 1 19.44 Life: a a Owner. Randy Heavemr $573 $O Wet Dirt: I 20D 1 6 widirt V-A Silks: White $0 $2,938 Synthett: : 0 0 2015: $7,500 Trainer: Andy Gladd ( 0-0-0-0 )0.00% Curtis Kimes Turf $13 Clm Pro $80 ft B.c.4 Mr. Nightlinger - Wicked Humor by Distorted Humor 4f 7:4480 31 01401100013 -1053Fmt 69 n Oklah 2 (0040 )000% 13 0 0 0 $364 Wet Turf: 0 Dort: 124 Imperishable "1--.1 (L) I ;% 2am LLC (Apr 013, 2012) yR Gr/ro.q.4 Tactical Cat - Brace It by Miswaki - Bred in 0 120 LI. 27130 Pawn's Boy120211b3ds Dlamed1201/mperlshabk1211 1 1duel Mide, weakened 12 86 36. 1 1 32} Diego IV 6f :2225 :4623 1:1434 35 IlMc17500 11Dac1510RP ft 120 bfL 11.50 thstlestoreefall123 1 iDensity1204}thord Haster12311 hustled, 3w, fahered 11 61} 55 8 102I pepo / V :2230 :4652 1:05 02 35 LIM017500 18%05 9RP ft 531 k 30 6 4133 races C 78 8 1 1 120 IA. 5.50 FrodcnBay1237}11rnrizner1231114yDistStam120 4 i vkd hskk, weak/sled 9 :2250 :466 1 1:1340 35 El Mc17500 300ct15 9RP sr 6f 120 11. 47.50 Brady Joel209}Iloods Dlimard1200181cSugar120 1 mad rally 6w stretth 12 6 16 295 11 19 91 1 1 5 1 9 Ouhonez B 5Y :22 1 0 :4588 1:0527 35 CI kt17500 100ct15 BAP ft 12.90 Midday Ready12393 0 Mea Demond1191Tort1214} stabled, bst Mar 7 1181$12.90 ZieoleZ :2440 :4860 1:1440 31 Maw 6100 005e015 3 Cls ft 6f 59} 118 it 9.M Just Tredll8aSpoththedstance124 3 }Ctonflookyll0i off mdde, no lid 9 Msw 15500 -- 14 4 3 Dod 0 A -1:15007163 31 241115 SFrot613 ft 6f no replace 6 118 Li 10.90 Pee Clieltan124}FlowbacklI0 1 }NCCioey1195} 5 9 -- 510 5114 Ramos AB 4f -:Mc 31 Vc115000 20Jun15 3Fmt ft 27 -- 6 1 33 35 516631} ormxharn T 118 hL 1.20 419/111Asst124 1 95teery None12450kbanYkrix1181 dosed off msd, faded 6 02May15 51Ird ft 6f :24 07 :48 03 1:1261 31 El kb17500-c Vortouts): 3 Blue Chard by Nan Randy from Been illary for $7,500, Gladd Andy - Trainer 27Feb 16 lard EF 111:01.21 8/22 514w 16 Wrd SF ft:37.614/20 , , Owner: Jackie Knox 444 1 Silks: Blue Trainer: Marti L. Rodriguez ( 0-0-0-0 )0.00% Clm Pre $7 • 500 Star Bracho ti (L) 20 Feb 16 lird 4F ft :50.211) 18/35 12 Feb 1611rd If ft 1:03.21 18/19 $6,134 333 Life: 9 0 0 2 8 0 0 2 15,543 $3 $0 Wet Drt: 0 0 0 0 2016: 0 0 0 0 185 Synthett: 0 0 0 0 201 5: 1 0 0 0 David Cabrera Wrd Dirt 3 o 0 1 $3,716 $591 Turf: 1 0 0 0 (0404)0.00% $4,307 Wet Turf: 0 0 0 0 Dist: 5 0 0 2 124 lahoma by John M Lowder (Apr 01,2011) 23 ti 149.50 Sooner Be Rap'n12041Density117 1 4Crulsw 01*12044 brief foot, stopped. 11 11 1 8 1136}Twner N 20 bfL 3.20 Holey Boy1200dIkoterJdranddail211 4StarBrachol202 Lp fa show B 553 34 HcNeilE 19 bin 5.90 TrIllft119 2 1Chlefs Eapectatbn1195}Barco Won Snout1192 no factor 9 6 10 613} McNeil E 20 bfL100.20 11 El Chiser120 1JeweJarres120114ex Hal Cant12041 rail ten.bid i g wird 13 76 8 1 9 McNeil 20 bfL 6.50 Ramo Deka12011121towthsputel2OhdlinomeJJ120/4 4wd, empty stretch 10 a} 72 86} McNe1113 351:41. 5.30 knak122 1 0aane.xrecratte1185trke a Prke11111 4 kr/dealt, re treat 8 45} 4 6 57 i Cal:fora Dk B/ Br.q.5 Quebracho - Star of the Tiger by Roar :23 :4689 1:11 87 35 El Mc120000 (20-15) 051.015 1R0 ft 6f Mcl 1W00 ft 57 :22 16 A612 1:0560 35 11Sep14 1RP :22 04 :4541 1:05 l7 35 11114c120920 (20-15 5)( 21Auq14 4RP ft Msw 20X0 OX :22 10 :46 13 1:1909 31 111114 3LS ft Msw 20030 ft 122 51 4650 1:0661 31 19Jun14 7LS E4 Msw 20000 :22 20 :4519 :5721 31 18May14 1 LS fm 190 5f gave way 11 i Ornhgem 1 18 bfL 22.40 Goan I. C1244Mharle WW112441heEklahoman119as 6f :22 19 :4583 1:1194 31 11114w 21600 O6May14 81ird ft 18 bfl. 20.70 Br Ukne1118}JcMrsSlw1182ktyllIdttn11811d clopilmels,lost Wr,11.101h 11 1019Apr14 ---• Curarm T -- -- 3 514 :22-30 :4655 1:06 35 31 ID4sw 21600 6 Wrd ft-28 51 2 9 7 6 } 553 34} 38} Cumblen T 18 A 34.90 5wr5erokty1184}Rembptan Rlder1243Strachol18 1 } atherdstart,Ind td 9 31148014 Mid ft 59 :22 21 :45 1:01 83 31 0 Msw 211300 20Ibv 15RP 4F ft :52 60114082 15RP 3F ft :311.18hg 1/9 26Feb 16PP 3F ft :311.321t 213 Workouts): 4 Mar 16 RP 4F ft :51.8Eb V8 Ott: 1 0 0 0 a $65 NIA Life: 1 0 0 0 Owner Karen J. Willis $0 Wet DIM: 2016: 0 0 0 0 15-1 Silks: Yellow $85 Synthett: 2015: a m p re Trainer: Joey Wills Niebrugge ( 0-0-0-0 )0.00% Israel Ocamp *deft: $0 Turf: Yellow $7,500 (040-0)000% 0 $0 Wet Tut: 0 0 0 U Ott: 0 0 0 0 124 4 Last Branch (L) ahoma by Karen J. Willis (Apr 01, 2011) Dk B/ Br.q.5 Fincher Branch - C1oee Irene by Full of Td 7 ink 66 716 737 Tumult 123 li 41.60 Asleepithed11236}W.Orttro1201Bloodnd8ones120213w, died, top 5 Mc120003 (20 - 15) 6f ft 6E00015 3RP :2290 :40 1:1241 35 2SNev 15RP EF ft 1:03.641a 2 16Rda 3F ft :39.EM 3/3 13Feb 16 Rde M ft :50.455 3/3 Workouts): 26Feb 16 Rde If ft 1:02.712/2 Ott: 3 0 0 0 13.030 2536 Life: n A Owner: Ed Meter 12,792 $0 Vet Dat: 2 0 0 1 0- I Silks: Green 83,8030 Synthetic: 201156: 20 a m p re Trainer. J. Alan Wiliams ( 0-0-0-0 )0.00% Travis Cunningham mat 12 00 T o: Green $7,500 My ( 040 -0) 000% N 150 Wet Turf: 0 0 0 0 Dtt; 3 0 0 124 Big Reward ti (L) n Okl • ma by George W. Kennedy (Apr 06, 2012) Ch.q.4 Chiefs Reward - Sophia's Jewel by Storm a d a Half 721 i 64 611} lkthey. Jr. F 120 bL 29.50 Phstlestoneefall1231}Density1204}Chord 41aster12014 4w turn, nomeame I 49 57 :2230 :4657 1:0503 35 Wkkl 7500 18ti0015 9RP ft 5 814 1123 wet ey ,,k , F 120 bL 14.00 BradyJoe120911kodsChmand120 3/81uSugar120 1dined, 3w, stopped, 31 64 ft El :22 10 :45013 110527 35 111,t17500 1008t18 BAP d 2; 71 1 725 1 caliwunr 119 bL16.30 Ra IkLand1167TaLeaLlITM1201}TheOkkhonan1221 facedpace. faltered 13 Ion :4899 1:1532 1:4209 31 Os 14sw 21600 05May15 4)1rd sys 118 Li 15.90 ErlermeyerlI•Cospellialday11811JS MOrtimr11834 5-Siouan° ad 3 633 633 8 10 8 11 } Smdt RR 54 56 :2254 :4631 145 04 31 Div 21603 25Acr15 Mid ft 118 bL 1180 Hkhicht Lhger1244The 0klam1249My Big Revard111341 hside, evenly kte 56 57 3 31 521 33 34} Klres C 6f :2384 :4761 1:12 75 31 Nfrew 21600 07Apr15 Mird gd 13 Fab 16 Wrd 3F ft :3116/18 16/18 16 Wrd 4F ft :49b 6/35 28Feb 16 lid 4F ft :51.801) 25/26 Workouts): 6 Mar 16 Vrd IF ft :54.6126 34/34 $1,141 Ott: 42 life: 2 0 0 I Stables LLC 5-2 Owner: $1. 2016: 00 0 0 $0 Wet Drt: Silks: 2015: 2 $1.141 Synthett: a m p re Trainer:Scott E. Young ( 0-0-0-0 )0.00% Belen Quinonez wrd Dim 0 Ttrf: 0 0 0 0 10 Black $7,500 $O Wet Turf: 0 0 0 0 ( 0.40-0) Dist: 0 0 0 0 124 (L) Songmagic 5 6 2:ry Gr/ro.g.4 Song of the Sword - Evil Magic by Magics 176 :49 111 1:15 17 1:48 38 35 II Msw 42075 12Cec15 4 FP ft 28tiv15 9FP sr 7f :23 20 :4787 1:290135 11Pc17500 28 Feb 16 WM 4F ft :48155/26 Workouts} 6 Mar 16 lid EF ft 1:06014/17 EffeM50.7. ed . Oklahoma by Cowboy Stables, LLC (May 04, 2012) 0 2hd 854 815 Loveberry J 120 L 13.50 OkeSpats1205 18kninade120 4 7Sak Creek CoMi122} del hside, gave way 3 12631164 56 324 Loveberty J 120 L 480 My Dust Stam120130osniCarondr120 1 413ilw Alert1201 rallied, 7w, name •13 Feb 16 Vrd 4F ft :49b 1/15 16 Fab 16 ird 3F ft :38.218/15 RACE 2 CONTINUED ON NEXT PA 7 1 • RACE 2 CONTINUED n A Owner: Michael Schiesel i L'• I Silks: Orange cim Prc Schiesel ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% ntryandwestern tJ (L Orange $7,500 +Z 118 Troy Crissup ( stern Expression- Taira by Nishotas- Bred in ma jtXrlon Farm (Feb 28, 2013) Jen 16 Ste W ft :38.14b 4/7 .50.02546 •20Feb 16 Wrd 3F ft :35.8Clip 1116 Ilettoutle): 5 Mar 16M 45,530 Owner:r VienbkNewenhouse 8 Pink 12-1 Clm Prc $7 ,500 Trainer: Randy Newenhouse ( 0 -0 -0 -0 )0.00% Spring Up Tiger (L) )chw% 2015: 0 29 kip 15 Stc 3F ft :38.574 2/2 28.4 Life: 13 2016: 0 2015: 10 24 Natalie Turner Wed Dtrt: 4 ( 04340 )0.00% so 90 Wet Turf: so $0 Wet Ott: $0 Synthetic: Turf: $0 NM DIrt: Ott: at: 40 N/A Lift 2016: act: 5 bit: I 40 Wet Det: 45,278 Synthetic: Turf: $1,815 4E93 Met Turf: $0 93 $3,853 $1,655 40 $0 es E. Belzer (Jan 2 , 2012) B.q.4 C'Mon Tiger - Breath of Spring by Came Home - Br 711p Rene:qua FJ 20 bL 25,80 Nastlestcneofa1112317Density1204Ifilud Master120 1 4 hobbled, peess3 Ade 18Nov15 9RR ft D :2274 :4647 1:0547 35 1 Ms17500 63 20 bL 17.50 Brady Joe1209416cds flamond12034131g Suaer120 1 3w turn, no Reece 414 Dtz C A 100ct15 8RP ft 511 :22 10 :4558 1:1:677 35 N Mcl 7500 Pi Diaz C A 20 Li 22.30 BP Mary P/yr1202 1tisthtcno1012313MJstt Tfuni1231 chased 31e. wakened 03374 15 9RP ft 56 :22 39 A57 1:4677 35 MMel 7500 18 t1 26.50 Just FrcilleA5pottithedtince124 3}C'hlonDoeley118} pass 3w, ne late kick -4 44 Ramos AB 241115 5Fmt ft 6f 1:1500 3t Pew 15500 48} Ramos AB 1 8 N. 5.40 11.Jp.Sambe124 11khromecho12451Ghttemekry1181 vied hsele.weekemd -1:1497 3t New 15530 051115 6Fmt ft 6f 18 bL 34.60 Rimy Cometim12451C'HonDooly111}Relthdty Iheary1191falledtomenace -:4644 31 Pew 15500 44 46 } Daze A 14.1m15 trmt ft 4f 23 a 18.40 troy Hemn12411ClienDaoley110410ollArlit1I20d ttnp soiside,weakened •46 25Ma 15 21ird gd 5f :22 89 99 •5947 3t Nc175C0 27 18 bL 17.00 Bst of My Lee124681deltude1242}Screig Up bger11841pece3path,difted 1/4 14 2hd 3 4 } 3 8 } Mc C A 03May15 511rd mys 6f :2349 :4798 1:13m 3t EU4c115000 57 35 214715 71Ird ft :22 19 Aye 1;0371 3t Msw 18003 50 -- 8 5 65 } 7 92 1222 1230 LaiderosBC 20 N 136.60 farrelauscod118 1 1ALnwo12414Pmry Comcitcn12434nid-packApath,faded 5& Msw 18000 78 9 3 4 1hd 433 116 72fi (=Win T 18 lel 37.40 At Ass/111/41mg Edd111154NCCJoy11821viedauteide,gave way,PL6di 161415 91ird ft fif :2344 :4777 1:1244 3 2 Jul 14 Fret 3F ft ;37bp 3/11 29 Jul 14 RP 4F ft :49.21hp 13/49 Workouts): 24 Feb 16 krd 3F my :40.8% SA 7 Me 15 Wrd 3F 71 :0 VII - Okhhorre &el B - Bute; L - Leg ; LI- First The Leek; LX- CHILest MORNING LINE FAVORITES 6.1-3-2 Woad on 2M2016 at 4.27.17 PM $0 0-P-PcIA ►u 2: Exacta / Quinella / Trifecta (.50) Superfecta (.10) / Pick 3 (Races 3-4-5) APPROX. POST: 2:11PN Po% + 2 Z:t3 CLAIMING $10,000 TECT - 4 1 0 Win Place Show No. 0 3-1-1- 2-(o- -S equbase.com/QR Purse $12,650.(Plus $2,530 From The OKB Program If Eligible) For Four Year Olds and Upward. Four Year Olds, 118 Lbs; Older, 122 Lbs Non-winners Of A Race Since February 14, 2016 Allowed 2 Lbs. Claiming Price $10,000 (Races Where Entered For $7,500 Or Less Not Considered In Allowances). Oklahoma Bred Claiming Price $12,500. One Mile Track Record: Aleric (8), 122 lbs; 1:35.06 (4-27.10) Class Jockey Weight Pace EISpeed Program I Odds 185.261 Dtt: 30 5 9 3 75.95 Life: 42 9 9 4 $014,410 81 C:knoe:r: Janice M. Bell $53,453 $1.925 Wet Dtt: 9 4 0 1 2016: 2 0 0 1 Red 30 0 0 0 0 149165 2015 13 5 2 I 1 Trainer:Tim Dixon ( 0-0-0-0) 0.00% $690 310,520 Sy Turf: 3 0 0 0 : 3111 Clm Prc RICO Flores Wrd Dirt SO 328,863 Wet Turf: 0 0 0 0 Ott: II 2 2 I ( 06043 ) 0.00% Red $ 10 ,000 Storm Around (L) 20 by Joel Cunningham & Marvin Cunningham (Mar 12, 2010) n Dk B/ Br.g.6 Run Production - Feline Phenorn by Star y 17 H. 36.80 Lou's Delta Blues117}KatIllac Charmt2301FarrnervIlle1183 thased. tted 7 79 FksesR 73 71 8 411 42 Ax 12503n61/x 1m :47 38 1:1287 1:3909 4t DIMar16 90ed ft 17 be. 27.60 Fleet ea Ihmer1232}0.6ality Ny120}Storm komdl 'Nate rally show 58 86 6 }5 33 Floesft an 7501rd 22Jan16 4 Ded ft 66 :23 09 :4P0 1:2064 41 Ind 4 17 bl. 25.90 1/isctstakh1201TIckatee Tdatay1193}Canefspots1202} chased pace, tied 5 8} Flores R 81 2 Clm 7500 le :47681:14 19 1:41 71 31 230/x15 1Ded rays dieted, tied 26.40 One DueSun12006Anic120 1}Eugme's Mommt11841 17 621 Fins R 21w1 66 89 5 1 Ch 10200 (10-8 62 :24 88 :4942 1:2233 31 240ct15 8Ded Sr 18 bL 20.00 kvahayKhg113 1 1//syStryria1118er6ateRrayer1104 always oukun 6 178 Bares? 44 58 6 67 66 69} SOC 5000 - N 1 10 :49 13 1:1321 1:438531 21Auo15 7Lad ft 24 bL 3.50 Indy 1rucir1221}Storm komd1242}6osplStyle124 1 } bsIde,came ad 3w 1/4 44 hd 21} Dues C 36 -SOC MOO - N 6f -1:12603} 121115 4Fmt ft lhd 22 bL 2.10 StcnriMond122}lody Tacter12211Se1fDestruct122 1 1 pace, steady urging 164 1} Landeros8 C Clm 15000 -1:1940 31 104 171n15 1Fmt mys 21 Li 5.00 ChadlbalarA24 1 DtsturbirubchayS121 1 }1aspiespl2P nothing left 3} 3} 45 } FIxesk 1 20 :9342 1:1448 11467 31 5 n 2 Clm 12500(12.5-101 C6Jun15 2Lad ft 22 ti 3.70 Hollywood 161229:Storm kound122521bilst122 1 1 presmd bsde,no match 6 24 2} 22 26 26} Flues? Str 7590 1m :48 18 1:1274 1:3704 31 19Ma 15 4 lkd ft 20 11. 5.60 Capone& 202M6Wnood/c12015tamPrond120 1 1bld wtun,evenedcot 76 12 3 43} V 31 21 321 FkiresR Clm 15030 lm :47 03 1:13 57 1:4000 3t C75hlay15 9 Wrd sr : . 27 Dec 14 Dad 4F 10 Oct I GM 4F ft :52.61 100/134 9 Dec 15 4F ft :51.6013 15/21 Workout(s): 20Feb 16 Ded 4F ft :531) 49/0 Okt: 34 8 4 412404 10 6 1202.787 78.5 Life:61 4-1 sulks: Monty Kroll $71,433 22 $1,189 Wet Oh: 9 01 2016: 2 00 $4,29 315,30 Synthett: 5 21 MI5: 9 Pro Trainer: Joe S. °Wolter ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% $116 Turf: 2 00 Floyd Wethey, Jr. WdlItt: 5 $8,C64 10 Cim White $12,500 $IG 00 3 2 $115,243 Wet Turf: 1 Det: 20 I 043-04 / a00% 120 (L) 2 Keg 't:1 James Revocable Trust (Apr 08, 2009) by 8.9.7 Kitalpha - Caney Creek by Service Stripe - : a in Ok ah 0 d 16d. 2 51} 69 WadeL 3.40 Ilawbes118 1 GotShndes1113 1 iSpiters AW1113 1 1 due ed. N. faltered 18 L 73 :7 2 Aoc 20000m/2/x 19Feb16 I Mu ft. 1° :4863 1:1203 1:4326 4t rallied, 5w, no moose 3.03 Manual 18nktrakodits118 1 }Keg1182} 18L 4 3 3 1 } Wade L 29 82 3 53} Clm 15000 6f :2354 :4716 1:11 90 41 16Jan16 1 lib ad 9.10 Dook's14,11P18q Homy Speeks11971enapah1192 s3ved wound,ro menace 1 19 L V} 5 78} 51 4} ftwilton I) Ch 20000 ft 1m :4824 1:1234 1:3698 31 050x15 5PP 4w. bll, flatteied cut 1 7 L 71.40 Minty Ilip121 11mahlt117}0beRtle123} 115 731 66} Haralltcn 0 61 :22 53 :4512 1:1686 3t 1 St - SNOW sac 55 83 9 2064x15 8R0 ft stretch, gatmg 9.50 Caspian Crom1l20}Nowandlen120nety 8knde12064 20 L 87 63 643 44 Loveberry J 38 66 3 Ch 12500 61( :2234 :4502 1:1606 31 12143v15 1AP ft 5.60 013Sugarush1201fesstime120 1 3x03120/4Neel. 2w, tted late 264 164 32} Saber/ J 20 L 77 64 6 Ch 12500 :2258 :45 12 1:1656 31 070ct15 418' ft 60 20 L 33.50 Mot Succss1232Doboyscomenc120141pIngsKh6120 1} 4w 1/4, no treat 78 76 79 75} Loweberry J /20303 54 19 7 SOC :21 76 A486 1:1000 31 ft 6f 03 15 6P2 18 ft. 48.90 Z Raistar1241ronarda82y118 1 }Jdmy %dial IRA broke ak,no Meat 99 } 99} 9 10 911} Ramos AB TRA :2375 14634 1:11 10 31 111 511 - 1 00000C1c5p8 6f 28A;x1 5 9 Wrd gl 7.313 Rage Rbt122 1 }Ke9120 1 }Pethet toPleme120 1 5w 1st turn. 3-4w 2rd 20 L 72 78 5 1 } 3 1 } 2} 11 21} Rams AB Alw 25000 Mpr15 611d mr 1m :4620 1:1330 1:3905 3t 18 L 25.40 Special8 F011finkasi Crosshg1181RuleBreakerl 191 settled. 3w, stopped. 1 Aoc 25000w3/x 71 74 9 4} 48} 59 1013 1012pkra G 27Feb15101ou fm fre IA :49 16 1:1334 1:4405 4t 28 A11216 RP 4F ft :5I.61b 3443 18 Sy 15 RP 4F ft :48.8680 9/56 4 Feb 161ix IF ft :49.2(6 2/8 •12 Feb 16 Hou If ft 1:01.40381/12 $137,616 Ott: 29 9 5 4 78.7 Life: 36 9 6 6 3.1 cpirser: Center Hills Farm $0 Wet Ott: 6 0 1 2 2016: 0 0 0 0 131 146,230 Synthett: 0 0 0 0 2015 : 10 3 2 1 urn Pro Trainer. Scott E. Young ( 0-0-0-0 )0.00% Belen Quinonez N M: 12 3 2 4 146,146 Ttuf : I 0 0 0 0•e4-0) $13,784 Wet Turf: 0 0 00 000% DM: 3 1 0 0 120 1 (L) $12 ,500 Kips Hog Wild by Center Hills Farm (Apr 30, 2009) Ch.g.7 Kipling - Khalifa of Kushog by Air Forbes W 20 ft 10.40 Watch It Buster1201Mow and 2e:11204116k Label123ns settled, rarely 3 641 60} Clubmen) Clm 12500 ft 6f :2266 :4570 1:11 01 3t 030ec15 2RP id 71} 281 Btzer A 20 fl. 13.00 VocekeziorN20 1 1Lempah1201 }Rrospect KnIMt12311 diet tiside, faltered SOC MOO N 1 70 :4907 1:1427 1:4247 31 280ct15 412P gd 23 It 2.00 4 Wok Oen1231.9ts VIntho1230kSC Redslegcy1232umd up, gave way, 2} 873 812 Betty MC 7f :2260 :4527 1:2266 31 1:1041 15trAlw -4 moue 3I ft 22 fL 5.40 Fleet Nttchy119/Cavaleo122 1 }Meabon11921 chased off tsd,evenly 63} 55 544 Berry 14C SOC 5000- N :48 40 1:1236 1:3688 31 11Sep15 5F/P fin (1) 1m 19 11. 4,40 Kips Hag 101d1191}/Agyaordlos119211reabon119 1bs4,3w 1/4,clear bte 2 1 1 lhd 11 Perry MC SOC 5000 - N 1 70 :4760 1:1203 1:4183 31 27A/o15 6PS1ft lik1U3}Chlffcrobel241} ved Nee, came out d 32} 32} 211 Berry NC 22 fL 4.60 Jahriy 141p124 11/Ops 1:1840 31 MS* - Route66 -251115 5Fmt ft 24 11. 6.00 adfcrob1243}Kgsliog 111412431TM* ndScog1242}swItched out, lid best 2 2 1 3 44 24} 23} CmzE 1:118031 Pa 3000knd -C2Jull5 6Fmt ft 6f 24 11. 2.90 Ycnamska Poy122}Stenn Dev1112264s Hog 1111d1242}Wed Insde,outfhished Mc 30000nw2/x 46 63 3 1 164 1} 3n4 3} nehmen B 6f :24 21 :47 23 1:11 02 31 23May15 Blkd sys 20 ft 2.03 KW Hog 1161120}PcntIff120}KON 1,020 1 promtel.clenr,held 70 81 5 211/3 2} lhd 1 1 14 Quhonez B Alw 190001/41/x 04May15 61kd ft 1m :4841 1:1347 1:3862 3t 22 ft 2.70 Epsliogk7ifl2211HollywoodIce124 7 0tetoae01220 3w bid,ckar skiing 60 84 4 2 32 2} 1} 14 Bizer A Str 7500cnd 6f :2374 . 47 68 1 . 1183 3t 31Mm15 4 Wrd ft 12 Feb 16 Wrd 4F ft :5 40:i 12/16 19 Feb 16 lid EP ft 1:03.2Cb 11/16 26 Feb 1611rd EF ft 1:03.611 5/5 liorkods): 6 Mw 16 Vrd 5F ft 1:05517/18 123. 334,1/7 Ott: 6 2 0 I 0 I 70.65 Life: B Owner: Elijah Wifiams $10, $947 Wet Dtt: 1 I 0 0 01 2015: 1 0-1 Silks: Yellow 00 $32,160 Synthett: 0 0 0 0 2015: 6 + dim p ro Trainer: April Lewis ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% Ronald Richard wrakt: 0 $0 Turf: I 0 0 0 00 Yellow $10,000 (0404)0.00% Thst 5 $31,140 Wet Turf: 0 000 00 116 Rikleiner (L) cc) 4 , 3 Louisiana by Gulf Haven Farms (Mar 13, 2012) B.g.4 VYarrices Reward - Cinnamon Kisses by Donera 4.93 Wet keel 93}7'1sfingfonrabc1111 2}Releber1181 dead, lid 3w, tted 22 3 1 3 364 Vaklezinbez E 118 L Cin 7500 1 40 :4778 1:191 1:4404 41 29Feb16 5Hou ft 8.50 Balmy Hth Rorto120aka'sfercir120 1Eckw114120 1 late nob, tp eh 117 L 52} 421 Week T Clm IVO (10-8)c 1 3 ° :48 11 1:1350 1:4520 3t 22Aug15 2Evd ft i 1} 11} Hernandez C J 117 L '1.70 RkIner117 11841my's Cusewy12564740±0232 } staked 3w,dove clear Ch 10000 (10-8) 1m :4765 1:1324 1:4031 31 301115 7Ewl wf Chimed by DavisEdger Iron BrittlynStabb, Ire. for $10,000, F steady gab 3w 2 1 12} 12} Hernandez C J 118 L *1.60 figkinff1187 }TimesIkettesellEMORIghtflyall8 6} Irn :4873 1:1W 1:41 30 31 aka 10900 (10-8 26.1m15 7Evd ft 4 .50 Rilietwe1205}Daddy81111203RoyalDansar12041 early rail bd. char lhd 1 2 14 Hernandez CJ 120 L lm :4858 1:1460 1:4050 3 Cl8k115000 16May15 3Evd ft 120 L 12.10 1st Starnh120 1 Easy Roller120}TeeBrowel202 wait 2rd turn.no kth 76} 73} 54 43} Eramla RE 29Jan15 9FG ft lm . 47 74 1:1460 1 . 4143 3 Ls170sw 39000 3-4w turns:nob:1 120 L 16.50 arfiery1204Cobboy ConIM I Grarde Basb120} 77} 17 } 44 34 67} Perthez 31 11 fin $18 9m :4870 1:1505 1:3944 3 1:1Msw 37000 09.4115 4FG 2path bins° that 6.60 Jazzy Rehe11203EasyRoller1205Oloyal81sie1204t 120 L 40 52 4 7 96} 86} M 56 Peeten 14 ft 22Nov14 7FG 54 :22 42 :4671 110623 2 01•5w 39000 291W I5FG 4F ft :5338 33/36 614ay 16 Cot W ft 1:02.64382/6 29 Jan 16 Hou 3F ft 137.0 2/3 Workouts): 5Feb 16 Hou 5F ft 1:02.60b 6/11 US7T212DITFthce3 RACE 3 CONTINUED ON NEXT PA PP/ledon 3/2/2016 at 427:26 PM RACE 3 CONTINUED • Ott: 35 6 1 8 678.268 Life: 40 8 I 9 $103,968 $30.615 10 Wet DIrt: 4 2 0 1 2016: 0 0 0 0 so $19,438 Synthst Tut: t: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2015: 10 2 0 63 C. Landeros Landeros WrdDkt sa sa Benny C. Benny WrdDkt $34 ,83 Turf: 1 0 0 0 2016:: : 13 1322 0 0 $0 Dist 11 4 0 3 633,235 Wet Twf: 0 0 0 0 (( 04043 04043 )) t00% 120 120 LII R'slast t1 (L) home by Rosalee Lotspeich (Ma 17, 2009) Dk B/ Br.g.7 Seeking Greatness - Kyle's Carrie by Kyle's Our Man - Br chased bskk, Med 9 20 bL 13.60 Black Market Bfick1231/33/Suear ligh12053Keth12023 483 Ovhcnez 8 105 69 3 333 6Ctt15 OP '° :4637 1:1116 1:4272 3t ID Ch 5000 ft 103.20 Biuk Lbe112233Pefect/y At lime122}St Sat Alex1193chased 3w, gave way 11 19 153 Landeros B C Cin 6250 86 59 34 1 3 343 76 m :4686 1:1136 1:3783 31 17Sep15 9P' ft ilti ii 32 faded 19 tt. 55.10 pressed 94, faded 55.10 K$ K$ Hog Hog111d11911144rood/os4192114cebon1191 111d119 11144rood/os4192114cebon119 1 pressed 2h1 0; 73 tandems B C SOC 5000 - N 27Aug15 6F6" '° :4768 1:1203 1:4163 3t ft stIld.blwn,h tine 20 b'-2.60 b'-2.60 LIIR'slast1204kOneHot LIIR'slast1204kOneHotGeter11523Neabon120} Geter115 23Neabon120} k Lejeune K Cin 10000 m -1:4270 31 04.015 1 Fmt ft u pace 22 H. 60.40 Quiet Quiet Zone12111Folltkallycorrect1202311/R'sfastIn Zone12111Folltkallycorrect1202311/R'sfastInu paceInsick, Insick, yekled 33 LejareJK -1:5566 3t St % 26May15 9 Wrd ft stumbledst,3-4w st,3-4wearly early 22 bL bL 17.10 17.10Nullywood Nullywoodk1229Stcre k1229Stcrekaund122531.11R'sIstIn11 kaund122 531.11R'sIstIn 1 1stumbled St 7500 63 5 13 1 33 38 312 tanderreB C 19May15 4 Wrd ft m :4818 1:1274 1:3704 3t 22 EL 18.60 Stun koed1223Yot Ang12221Snek Tomiln2vle hsd,dene after 6F,R4th si2i*Stehterg G 97 69 13 23 413 Clm 10000 (10-7.5) 210015 214rd ft m :4643 1:1175 1:3767 4t fdends172nkpace pacehade,clear,held hade,clear,held 20 bL fdends172nk bL '1.50 '1.50111 111ItshstInrentleOceen1224114he ItshstInrentleOceen122 4114he 72 82 2 11 . 123 3 060015 2 Wrd my 9 m :48501:1316 1:386831 f3 Clm 5000 24 bL 15.40 ette41246}ClmaronChef1243Seecelflte124ns Aft hstr,outkided,Ft31 1 -- 61 5 7 55} 363 4734 Stekberg G 1:114041 Clan 5030nw1/6m 30Ma15 10 Wrd ft f -Tr&1221}brkh,demd,weitened h,demd,weitened 22 W. Tr&1221}brk W. 4.50 4.50CleondOMWIDIsthplthdalln478411 CleondOMWIDIsthplthdalln 478411 72 53 2 4 4 1 3 43 37} 49} LanderesEl 0 5X :2306 :4745 1:060341 1,11Cin 5000 17Mal5 3 Wrd ft lJul l IS Fat IS SF my Fat 1: 15bg SF IA my 1: 15bg IA ell Feb 16 Wrd 4F ft :46.42 1/211 4125Feb 16114F ft 1:01.28 1/9 Workouts): 4 Kw 16 Wrd 6F ft 1:11b 1/2 998,355 Ott: 10 3 1 2 76.65 76.65 1.11e:15 3 I 2 4103,074 7_2 Owner: 21laacrl 0. Brewster 9833 SO Wet Dirt: 3 0 0 0 2016: 0 0 0 0 90 $7,061 Synthett: 0 0 0 0 2015: 6 0 1 0 Trainer. Scott E. Young ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% 430 Israel Ocarnge Israel Ocarnge Clm Pro Turf: 2 0 0 0 Ent: 6 2 0 1 4.65,348 ( 040.0 )0. 10 Dkt: 6 2 0 0 $70,253 Wet Turf: 0 0 0 0 5 0-, n , Owner: Joe D. Casey Silks: Green Trainer:Owner( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% Clm Pm ,83 Green $12,500 64.7 6 31,960 Wet DIrt: 5 1 0 0 2016: 2 0 1 0 2015: 8 1 1 1 $24,116 Syndett: 0 0 0 0 V --11.--Turf: 6 1 o o Quincy H milton WrdDIrt: 5 1 o oases (ix 0 436,725 Merle 0 0 0 0 120 9 0.06% Ott: 12 2 $36,121 $16,503 St $9,979 10 cim prc Trainer: Kenneth Nolen ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% CO II C I Orange $1-,--(L) z ouu Bendeano Dk B/ Br.g.5 Kpling - Ann's Classic by Sky Classic - Bred in Oklahoma by Center Hills Farm (Ma 9 2011) middle move 3w tum 1 11832ttherigtanebaby1231} 18 EL 28.80 It, Reles118n 66 54 5, 64} DORM Alw 20000m1/6 79 13Feb16 1 lieu ho ®10X6 :4898 1: 163Stut 11 2w,ptenraged, 1013ende ltd best 21 Dego 11202 V 33 Swagger 523 31 :1553 1:4536 41 Clm 1 iii 15-lan16 4 Hsu ft '° nol 1203 Charmtg12239encleanolU33 2 Ira, fhtshed well 1 343 22 ft 65 111097 / :47371:1169 1:433531 111Alw 44 11Dec15 4PP ft Det129}Erlentneyer12013 mild rally hslie Waffle EtuseK deLL 473 Ilade 23 bL 78 6 40 39 111Alw 4 1/ 48 310ct15 5 Fe mys 12011Seifflestuct1233 angled 3w, no mance 1 90 Strut NS 1/x 60 94 83 m :4791 1:1278 1:39 LI& 140ct15 9 RP ft 1943uctcr Vlenthe1131 bake slew, 4w stretch Watt 23 N 5.50 ben C 23 1 9 96 611 29 f :2293 :4596 1:230731 a AA' 26Sep15 4 RP ft 2211ardtoz012283loorned 44 21} 2 220cie021 }Bed 22 220cie021}Bed 11ardtoz012283loorned 4w, evened wt MedhaJ A 803rvel/ 11 m :49w 1:1448 1:3036 39 DAM. 12May15 6 Wrd ft 22 bL 15.70 0arle'sDeere12221Prebablity1221}ItangIn' 0kie12243off inside, 5w upper 8 812 4 18} 48 483 ShephadJ m 1:40663 a A 2 I. 13'-+15 511rd s 16 Chss118mAwesaneJT11113 swing swing4w, 4w, gating gating 1 16 H. H.5.60 5.60RdeblIty118610atterhg RdeblIty118610atterhgChss118mAwesaneJT11113 6 11 1111 111177 493 Wade 61 Clm 1 4/L 03*(15 10Hou sys f :22 18 hL 6.20 BeneeenollihkRumway Bayll6etenctedProo62013 3w, angled h, h bre Clm 15000833/.85 Si 6 65 66} 54 513 Ink Watt :4670 1:1154 OW 4t 07Feb15 Slbu fm 91910 m 9 Jen 16 liou liou4F 4Fire ire:51.62 :51.62 54/60 54/60 2Feb 16 Hou 4F ft :51.2228/% 9Feb 16 Hou 4F ft :51.4221/34 1 Mar 16 Hou 4F ft :52b 23/35 Vcdout(s): 8 - Bute; I - Lasts LI- Fest Tine Last, LX- Off Lase. • -o - Oklahoma 13;S . . •• ace ace PIA meted 00 meted 00 swam swam swam et4•27126 et4•27126 et4•27126PIA MORNING ONN LINE ONN IEFVRTS362 IEFVRTS362 FAVORITES 3-6-2-7 Solo ogic Al Z 4-15 Ffrcs-r APPROX. POST: 2:39PM 512 FURLONGS MAIDEN CLAIMING $15,000 Ps -t- Exacta I Quinella Trifecta (.50) / Superfecta (. 0) 3 Te r 2-6 0 q - 2-5-4-3-6-S-1-7 Win Place Show No 0 i egubase.com/OR Purse $11,550. (Plus $2,310 From The 0KB Program If Eligible) For Maidens, Three Years Old and Upward. Three Year Olds, 118 Lbs; Older, 124 Lbs Claiming Price $ 15,000. Five And One Half Furlongs Track Record: Distinguish (9), 120 lbs; 1:01.93 (3.29-10) Progama Odds Pace Spe ad Wel• Jockey Class $170 Dirt 2 29.5 Life: 2 00 $0 Met Dirt: 0 2016: 0 Synthetic: 0 2 $170 2015: 90 unningham sirdDirt: 0 SO Turf: 0 $85 Wet Tuf: 0 0-0-0-019 0035 Dm: I s Fan, Fred Davis Susan Davis (Apr 27, 2013) 120 ft 16.93 Eosplky Tccoch1201A11BeFroozedUp120 41Agievillz1201i vied 2w,used up 9 ensa liamkon0 119 VI. 66.10 Gospi Ky119 4 Sbettincrdym1197IL o v Nltuieer119osonsIde ,no rally 11 20Ibv 15RP 4F ft :49.94h 2E142 ft :35.8±1/21 6255 Dirt: 25.58 Life: 4 $419 $0 Wet Dtt: 2016: 0 $0 $674 Synthett: $0 a n McNeil IhdItt15: 04 Turf: 10 $419 Wet Turf: 0 ) 1199% DM: 1 $15,000 Bass Reeves -0 (L) nterhouse (Apr 17, 2013) Gr/ro.q.3 Tactical Cat - Frisco Ad Teacher by King of Scat - Bred thoughafter half 9 Jr. F 120 S. 55.20 G3 meBIrd120 Iptster Kelth120ftiBoatrut120 11 64 9 3 1'6 :4882 1:1370 1:4456 2 Mb., 42075 040ec15 6W ft 3w tum, menace 10 , Jr. F 120 34.90 Bart 9120011.odt At It120 7Scooth Newtm120as 48 37 7 9 11143v15 3W ft 6f :22513 :465 7 1:1334 2 El *120000(20-15) chased, shuffled back 9 64tlley, Jr. F 120 It 71.70 Id120 13Deleato120 11Aggieville12014 56 37 1 7 56 :2257 :4600 1:06813 2 D*120000120-151 220ct15 4W S ys 6 (psi Weflmy, k. F 119 L 19.00 Mad Thoutileaull9lahl/No119 13Cash ing11983 tide. nofacta 10 34 6 3 7 66 . 26Sep15 7W ft 61 :2253 :4612 1:12 76 2 Eitsw 42075 17Feb I6 15d 4F ft :50.28616/20 23 Feb 16 Wrd 4F ft :537 20/25 2 Mar 16 *OF ft 1:01.6110/17 Workout(s): 7 Ihr 18 lird IF ft :51.6Cbg 602 $1,211 $1,401 Ott: I 30.55 Life: II ^ A Owner: Donna J. Landon $110 $0 Wet Dirt: 2016: 0 L- - I Silks: Blue 90 $1,316 Synthetb: 2015: 10 Trainer: Owner( 0-0-0-0 )0.00% Jason R. Eads WrdOtt: S537 Turf: 4SO Clm Pre Blue $15,000 Romeo Mega Talent (L) Wet Turf: (0-13-0-0 lam Dot: 1 $e Landon (Mar 14, 2011) n Dk B/ Br.q.5 Omega Code - April Talent by Late Nite Talent - Bred in I. ma s8 C 23 L 108.70 R1Rev120 3 11fid to 111963123a1Seret forluipence12025w tre.nonenace 12 5383 3 68} *1750046 37 11 1 lac15 9RP ft 66 :22 69 :4611 1:2018 35 91 0 8 Mm 10 FJ 23 L 121.60 Gospel Plowman129100n Lake Tine1200sSpeei Eqarass12033 803 19 44 10 *17500 02Dec15 1W ft 1 70 :5048 1:1671 1:4700 35 giri op, scnD 23 fl. 96.20 Lduntwrom12073Gasp/Pbre12331Brotit Trcyt2011 314 ttd km. no threat 1 41 29 5 litiovi5 9RP ft 1m :4790 1:1401 1:4006 35 *17933 09 23 ft. 94.20 HII of Fme1231011rad to 1.1111So 1233 Trank5.02013 urn& gate, minded 7 10 7 3 Sor scnD -- 19 1 6f :2266 :4632 1:11 71 35 *17503 140ct15 1W ft 633 710 70 7171 has:ready 24 fl. 830 TLyrran1241TumerBarer124 13CaptelnRccket12471 AB *110000-- 13 2 1:1410 31 -61 121115 5Fmt ft 24 It 9.40 Biz ClipCftly1163AfletDsperifol242 11•11.nudio1242tdef speed.nomeruce AB -- 26 1 31 643 54 47 *110300 -1:1600 31 05Jun15 1Fmt ft 6f JA 24 IL 16.30 Ocean Akm12433Lobsbnes124 13Valbensedio1243 vied Mien. weakened 51 22 4 1 lhd 23 32 58 *17500 18May15 61ird ft 61 :2374 :4771 1:1395 31 24 R. 66.30 Flying Suspect1243Yortot24 11316 Only Fun124 11 fonrardly Irate:faded 1 3 3 Escobar 14 *17500 45 27 2 6 2*(15 2 Wrd ft 61 :2379 :4845 1:1344 31 24 ft. 24.W RisAlleyCt1181Smmein imiy1187Fleet Rho 10 13 %tarsi& weakened 30 27 1 3 ihd 114 43 573 ShepterdJ *17300 5f :n97 :4P 1:0070 at 06A715 314rd rays 24 fl. 44.00 BadhSrliFilirdtolp12451Seck the Sbir124121 off bsbe. no drat *115000 36 1 6 6 55 58 618 6263 Snepherd J 17Ma-15 21ird ft 56 :2341 :4157 1:0666 31 7 kw 15 Mrd 4F ft :49.4± 1/1 ft :40.66113/3 19 Nov 26Feb 16 lid 3F ft:38b 2/3 Mods): 5 Mar 16 WM r ft :37.Kb 6/20 97 CM: 980 16 Life: 1 A A Owner. Hobby Horse Farm, Inc. RN $0 Wet Dtt: 2016: 0 Silks: Yellow SO NO Syn: thettf: 20 15 : I am pm Trainer: Scott E. Young ( 0-0-0-0 )0.00% elen Quinonez *d o r: 1 SO $80 Tur SO SO Wet Turf: Dist: 0 ( 0-0-0-0 ) 031:19% Yellow $15,000 Gosh All Friday '-iJ (L) Horse Farm, Inc. (May 03, 2012) Dk Ei./ Br.g.4Affirmatif -Anna's Girl by Distorted Humor . - Bred in 1 3 ConintliamT 120 bL 20.50 Flee Ottani 101Bq Ittey PlayerlIPIC C Joey1103 bora early.treenly 7 24 16 5 7 *115000 2804:r15 51dgds 6f :2374 :4711 1:1296 31 16Fob 16 lIrd 4F ft :50.6±4/I W ft 1:01.4± 2/5 23 •28Feb 1611rd 5F ft 1:038 1716 Workouts): •e6 Mar 1611rd f ft :48.616 1/34 to.it 96.830 Ott: 54.17 Lie: 9 , r Owner: James E. Helzer ita SO lietDirt: 2016: 0 0-3 Silks: Green $1,040 Synthett: 2015: 4 um pm Trainer Owner( 0-0-0-0 )0.00% ya Johnstone Wrd Dirt: 0 90 M Turf: SO Green $15,000 Countless Offer (o.o-o-o)o.00% to $3,966 Wet Ref: Dst: 2 124 (L) a by J mew E. H er ar 29, 2011) Gr/ro.q.5 C'Mon Tiger - Laurentlde Ice by lntidab - Bred in Okla 21 I 37 453 one C 23 tIL 15.70 Scow Pe Rao'n120 410ensIty117 119nish' Okelins chase , 3w. fettered 11 43 66 8 :23 :46139 1:11137 35 WM:120000 (20-15) 06Dec15 1W ft 61 23 H. 30.20 %Laical Brace1205bdianBartIONNetsRalder120 1 hside bro. no menace 10 era D 49 83 3 8 733 63 61 :2270 :4664 1:1176 35 CIMsw 42075 1101ov15 SW ft L 3 ft 49.50 93101101n20/Big Gamer120 19cy Sirfer12331 4w turn, bd. faltered 9 3 52 69 8 1 413 413 ?Isar 33000 56 :2266 :4P 1:0614 35 280ct15 7W gd 3 N. 17.60 Cowboy UKnow12001Socar Be R • 12011ndian Bart120 11 may behttleate 10 zA 31 30Sg15 5W ft 61 :2258 :4674 1:1237 35 Eltbr 42075 64 52 9 0 bL 26.20 Idebesuperstar1201Seat Leacir1201RedSoldierfece201 inside speed, tied 9 617 Naph1G 66 37 2 %w28020 06M3v14 3W ft 61 :2256 :496 1:1P 35 Connilez 45 b 6.10 Prcbability11971Contiess Offer/14120 Trp119 1 2pathtum.outfInthed II 31 75 52 3 2 d Msw 20090 50 :2201 14543 1:C1553 31 1 ifilay14 9LS ft 593 Contreras A 0 b 1.30 Ss Rpe120318nrestirsoo1183amtairiaaki1071 paceteidegave way 12 *17500 80 46 4 3 23 61 :2278 :4638 1:1243 31 17A0r14 9LS ft 9 b 6.40 lb.Staroftemg5t11941TradrIkattliNflack LocustlIP Mid. faded 11 83 51 2 3 13 3nt 33 5113 Nrpii G 6f :2234 :494 1:1165 2 1lMsw 34300 170ct13 7W ft 9 b 53.30 Compendm119 1 Abhndtheg11973Svethe Gold1191 stkdosidetave way 12 70 64 9 1 21 3 64 57 57 LavioletteS :22 :45 10 :5807 2 MOM/ 34300 5f 06Sep13 6W ft 5 Nov 153 ft 1:04.931114)14 ft :38.41b 1/5 .16 Feb 16 3 Feb 16 Ade 3F ft :37.846 MO Workoutls): 5 Mar 16RP W ft 1:02.9866 3/8 90 Oh: 0 0 0 0 $0 0 N/A Life: 0 0 Owner.TBiaa rcild M Precision Services LLC SO 2016: 0 0 0 SO Wet Ott: 0 0 0 0 9.2 ilks: SO SO Synthetic: 0 0 0 0 2015: 0 0 0 Gladd ( 0-0-0-0 )0.00% c im Pre Curtis Kimes Wrd Dirt: 0 0 14: 0 0 0 0 14 0 $0 Black )(Lon 0 SO Wet Turf: 0 0 0 0 Dist: 0 0 $15,000 Bad E (L1) aminska (May 11, 2013) Gr/ro.c.3 Twice as Bad - Running Roni by I Enclose - Bred in Oklaho 12 Feb 16 Wrd 4F ft :4951 8/16 F ft :53731/35 20Feb 26 Fab 16 Wrd 4F ft :49bg 8/26 Workotils): 8 Mu 1611rd W ft :35.8±62/22 $170 Owner: King Racing Stables LLC 20-1 Cim Pm Trainer: Boyd Finnell ( 0-0-0-0 )0.00% Red $15,000 Grandlield Command ti (L) Bpi Air Commander - Sweet N Lucky by Best of Luck - Bred in Ok 61 21 2 1 5K :2287 :4733 1:0649 2 0Mc115000 030ec15 1W ft 34 38 6 9 9 5f :2203 :4535 :5795 2 1116t125003 (25-20) 27Aug15 2RP ft •8 Feb 1 13 Feb 16 Wrd 4F ft :49.40, 6/28 21 Feb 15 Wrd W ft 1:046 19/22 Work• $674 Owner: David L. Fronterhouse 12-1 Trainer: J. Alan Wiliams ( 0-0-0-0 )0.00% $0 Clm Pre 1 tocp 3 1 4 .-, 5 6 03/14/2016 Race 4 Pried on 390006 a1427:35 PM RACE 4 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE RACE 4 CONTINUED 7 6_ 1 Clm Pm Johnny Redding Trainer: Owner( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% Orange 6 15 .000 Wellmansecho (L) Dk B/ Br.g.5 Western Echo - Toco's Ghost by Ghost Ten *17E0 07Sep15 1PP ft 5f :2263 :4638 :6968 35 -05J/115 6Frirt ft 6f 1:1488 31 Msw 15E00 -1:1520 31 l4sw 15E00 1 191n15 5Fmt ft 6f *110D00 -- 3 05.1m15 1Friit ft 6f -31 *1 7500 26 24 :2374 ;4771 HP 31 18May15 61ird ft 6f 6 27 IP :4844 1:070 31 Mc17500 28Apr15 1 lird gds5X 32 26 20Apr15 21Ird ft 6f :23 78 :4844 1:1344 31 Mc17500 Mc17500 67 46 5f :222 1 A642 . 5853 31 01Apr15 tilird ft *17500 :2286 :4776 1:0683 35 14Nov14 1 PP ft Di id :2268 :4586 1:1079 35 *17500 41 190ct14 1RP ft 2flog 16 RP 3F ft :40.71 28/29 Workout(:): 6 Mar 16 Rat 3F ft :33.03h 6/6 „ Owner: Robert D. Schurz 8 0-1 Silks: Pink Trainer. Tom L. Ebardt ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% Clm Prc Pink $15,000 Tried to Tell U So (L) B.Q5 Bingo - Homerette by Grand Slam - Br *17500 mos 9RP ft 67i :2264 :4671 1:2083 35 *175W 02Dac15 1RP 1 10 :5048 1:1621 1:4780 35 ft *17600 310W5 9RP gd 5X :2244 :4639 1:06 16 35 *175W :2266 :4632 1:11 71 35 140c115 1RP ft 61 W120000(20-15) 19Sep15 3RP Di :2269 :4647 1:C6 11 35 ft 27Feb 16 kW ft 1:04.1311 20/22 Modish 5 Mr 16 Nrd 6F ft 1:03.419/16 First Tine Laski; LX- Off Lek - Oklahoma Brea B - Bete: L - Last 15,33 $6,626 Dtt: 9 0 1 2 25.2 Life: 10 0 2 2 $1,300 $0 Wet Ott: 1 0 1 0 00 0 2016: $0 $6,456 Synthett: 0 0 00 2015: 8 0 2 2 Freddy Jose Mannique wrdthrt: 4 0 1 1 so $2,252 Turf: 00 00 (0.00-0)5 )0.00% SO $1,395 Wet Turf: 00 0o Dkt: 2 0 1 0 klahoma by Marren Redding (Mar 15, 2011) 23 bL 61.70 Olt ertncat1201fTmb Wa11201yesa Reward1231i bcked speed,no treat 8 78 711 719 DeiCA 5 24 ft 10.W Lt. Jo.Smba124 11klirensedo1246 16ktemplory1182steady bW. not enouM 9 1 22 2 1 OkzC A 24 bfL 33.10 ft chttfilver12410Secret imbtence118 1gioldkini1119fis stid,InsIdeladed 10 311 513' OhiCA 1 24 bL 3.40 KID* arly1183Aflet Desmni124211elimmcM12424-w, bekedresconse 7 33 36 Diaz C A 2 65 24 bL 8.10 Ocean A1vm124311p1slcres12411Welirenseche1241 Md bld 3-4w,nokIck 8 44 353 DlezCA 3 634 24 bL 4.70 Storm On the Wy11861lielinsmcM124 7Daddy D1d124 1 3-4w ern, wand test 5 3 43 2s N Naze A 24 b 50.30 Flytp Suspect1243 rot/01244Hk Only Fun124 11tracked 2p. enpty 11 5 66 764 612 913i Ramos A13 bash foe st, 4w tum 10 24 b 21.80 flag Viska12441Vottal24flotback11843 2 47 610 5123 Obi C A faded 4 wide Me 9 20 b 51.10 Adios Lkkls1203flytig S.spect120 1 1Yetta12061 4 2 3 56 712 7244 Escobar M 156 b 61.80 Chief Knocaway1207t4r Roldi lkst12018StoRee/120 1 1betten, On eafly 7 53 701 723 734} Kernedy T 17 Oct 14 Rat 3F f , 39.68h 2/2 26 Mar 16 Rat 3f ft :38.38h 2/2 $3.977 020 $4.062 Dtt: 4 0 2 0 39.02 Life: $E15 2016: 000 $0 Wet Ott: 1 0 0 0 $O $4.062 Synthett: 0 0 0 0 2015: 020 Benny C. Landeros Md On: 60 000 $0 hot 00 0 0 0-0.0.0 )0.00% SO 000 $170 Wet Turf: 00 00 Dist: 124 124 Farm (Mar 05,201 1) 0964 234 Bizet A 56 774 793 Wet hey. Jr, F 1024 9 10 619 Wethey, Jr. F 634 634 574 2184 Many, Jr. F 5 4 424 53 6 2} 6 121 LanderesBC 13 Feb IS Id F ft1:12.4Cb 7/10 23 It 21.W My Rav1203 1Trld to TR So123flkScrt Indelpence1202 rallied, 3w, ?nd best 12 23 EL 19.70 Gosp1Plown123hd3n Ike Tine1200SpeedExgess120 31 sealed hside, tied 10 23 li 10.60 Trah*11206Meranar1201//astersweeo141236d aterrled. mildrally 11 23 % 26.40 4111o1 Fame123104Tned to Tel IlSo1233fran Na11201) rallied. 4w, 21d test 7 23 bl 21.40 Seneca Spilt1236)Pecnar1120 1 }AskmhduM123i Maw] htw 9/16-1/4 7 8 Nor 1611rd 6F ft 1:18.612/3 MORNING LINE FAVORITES 5.4-6-8 1 :1 . • : Paled on 392016 at 4:21:35 PM AS APPROX. POST: 3:07Pri 5 egicrit. 312 Exacta / Quinella I Trifecta (.50)1 Su perfecta (.10) I Pick 3 (Races 5-6-7) Show No. Win Place 0 T 3:01 6 Fri/no/as Zei55; siNo ;y) MAIDEN SPECIAL WEIGHT yes-r- 1-5 1-5- 4 0 -1-2--1 -S-6 esubase comIQR Purse $23,760. (Which Includes $3,960 From The 0KB Program) For ACCREDITED OKLAHOMA-BREDS Maidens, Fillies And Mares Three Years Old and Upward. Three Year Olds, 118 Lbs; Older, 124 Lbs. Six Furlongs Track Record: Middle Earth (6), 120 los; 1:07.55 (317-08) Jockey ChISS Pace elapsed Weight Odds 91057 0 $1.057 Ott: 2 0 0 0 36.5 Life: 2 : Blue Moon Stables SO 0 SO Wet Dtt: 0 0 0 0 2016: 0 20-1 SlIk s : Red ; 10 0 11,057 Synthett: 0 0 0 0 2015: 2 Trainer: Durk Peery ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% Troy Crissup NEM: 0 0 SO Turf: 0 0 0 0 SO 93 .0-51 ) 030% 0 SI 057 Wet Turf: 0 0 0 0 Dtt: 2 Fiddlers Tsunami '1(L) ahoma by Patricia Cla k, Mike Duplissey & Marilyn Jean Duplissey (Jan 28, 2013) Dk B/ Br.f.3 Seeking a Home - Fiddlers Katami by Roaring 710 9221 hint D 6w tin. nofactor 9 124 L 36.50 DwasRule120 Capsre/k120 Icekko120 } 28 ft 6f O6tiov15 6RP :2231 :4636 1:1179 2 EllElittr 42075 e3 66 5111 Hint 0 124 L 39.10 Stolen Gir 119 16YesRuk119 1S1ker Rena1193 bread 6r 1/4 pole 12 41 27Sep15 1 F/P ft 6f :22 :45 1:11 2 OA /*Ise 42075 7/94 5 1604f ft :41. 28 Oct 15 SE 4F ft 51.70)1/1 5 RP V ft 1: 02.11 29/13 lictkoirts): 10 Feb 16 Ste 4F ft :62.50) 3A 01 Ott: 0 0 0 0 93 N/A LIfe: 0 SO 5.2 Owner. Horse Farm, Inc. W syWnethet tDltrf: SO go 2016: 00 • While SO Trainer. Scott E. Young ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% Bolen Quinonez Wrdtt15: Turf: SO SO White (0-0-0-0 SO Wet Turf: % SO 18 Wt: (L1 Ou Make Me Happy ma by Hobby Horse Farm Inc. (Apr 28, 2013) Dk B/ Br.f.3 Dent Get Mad - Miss Carolina (IRE) by Danehi lird IF ft :48.60b 3/5 11 Feb 18 Ifni 4F ft 4 Kb 2/1 25Feb 161ird IF ft 1:03.6029/9 Workouts): 5 lb/ 16 lird 4F ft :48.6Cbg 2A6 so SO Ott: NIA Life: 0 38 1 Owner:IZt Horse Queens so SO Wet Ott: 2016: 0 $0 Synthett: 10 • Dee Keener ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% Trainer: °15; Natalie Turner keirsrt Turf: so $0 Blue 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% ( SO Net Turf: 10 DIst: 0 8 Pepper Rose a (L1) right & Tracy Wright (May 08, 2013) oma B.f.3 Flower Alley - Bonita Rose by by Slewacide - Bred in 0 2 Doc lb FP IF ft :52. Sy 24/29 27 Feb 16 Hte 3F ft :37b I/1 16 ft :37h 24 licekoutisk 28Feb 16 Wrd W ft :36.8060 3/7 185 185 25 Life: Ott: litivuts m er: 41:111( i2; . Rodriguez $0 Met NI: so 2016: 0 8-1 185 Synthett: so Trainer. Owner( 0 -0-0 -0) 0.00% David Cabrera ner r 16 67 42 2 7 5 8 2 3 ) am _ 4 Yellow Emma's Smile -LI (L) ( 0440 )000% 4 SO Turf: 185 Wet Turf; lini2L15:: Dist: so so a by Bruce Lee Jackson & Marie Jackson (Mar 10, 2010) angled In, el, tied 11 123 L 31.80 Rho Zeta Rodd231)Gohar1233Jortie Bug1231 711ov 16 E7 5F ft 1:02.0thg 15/22 RP 4F ft :50.44h 16/22 Workouts): ffi $1,753 Ott: 533 life: 3 0 0 0 Owner: Tyrone Shaw $1,668 Watt: I t Silks: Green 10 185 Synthett: Trainer. Owner( 0-0 -0 -0) Chya Johnstone Wrd Dh 0 0 SO Turf. 11,110 Green 040-0) ( Ott: 0 0 0 0 SO Wet Turf: 18 U'll Love This Cat -CI (L) ma by Hidden Springs Ranch LLC (Mar 17, 201 Gr/ro.f.3 Tactical Cat - quick Embrace by Crafty Prosp Skier A 122 LL 8.50 Sexy Once117781110' Rose1224Heeven's DevI112211 pace hsWe. gave way 9 53 23E0316 51bu 0 ® 1m APS 1:15 1:4287 3 El lb+ 19000 122 N. 17.40 ftli of Wood 2273mInitringscog122ot1ivn'sDvilln7lsoreezed, 2w, empty 10 55 i 433 453 %ale A 0E0616 51km fa CO E in :47s7 1:1321 1:3772 3 El MD/ 19000 912 916 9233 Hamilton 0 19 120 N. 46.70 Owerellal 0 1Mlinrs Money120noToodirtytome120 3 deed ftist ten 10 CEON15 6RS' ft Irn :48 1:14 1:3965 2 11111Msw 42075 11311o9 15RP 5F ft 1: 391/46/11 5 Jen lb Hoe S ft 1:02.09/33 29 Doe 15 Hou5F ft 1:02.81 11/28 Workouts): 29 Jen 16 Wsu IF ft :49b 40.5 Life: 2 MO Da: 2 0 0 0 1890 Owner: Francisco Bravo SO 10 Wet Oh: 2016: 0 6-1 $890 Synthett: 10 Trainer. • Owner( 0-0-0-0) Jason R. Eads tird a 0 0 10 E Tel: Black Ott: 0 ( 0 -0.0.0 ) eon 00 SO Wet Turf: 0 0 0 0 10 118 Tiz a First Lady h,J(L) in Okl fa by rancisco Bravo (Jan 15, 2013) Ch.f.3 Tiz West - Miss Snow Nose by Broken Vow - B 33 120 L 6.40 Comas Ga112011Tocdrtytone120Eurodeamer12017 Ikcle, flattened out 8 1m :48 1:14 1:40 2 MMsw 42075 35 1 13Nov15 4RP ft kr I V 3 3 5w.mOd ueft 9 653 533 43 Dego IV 120 L 660 Md Atout lice1201Stamy kge11201Ykotkokyrt12013 34 56 :22 :46 106 2 Dill c120000(20-15) 240ct15 6RP ft woes 15RP 4F ft :50. Eh 51/73 26Feb 16 lird 4F ft :50.4Cb 17/26 17 Oct 15 RP IF ft :48.62h 21/65 Wattag e): 2 Pier 16 Vrd 4F ft :41 12A0 so NIA Lift 0 SO Ott: Gar Corp. Corp. SO Wet firs so 2016: 0 r : 0 SO Synthett: Trainer. Joe S. Molter ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% Bryan McNeil Mod 2015 Out: 0 so $0 Turf: Orange (13-0-0-0 )0.00% Dist 0 SO Wet Turf: so 118 Birdseye Baby 717 (L1) oy Stables,LLC (Feb 13, 2013) oma by Ch.f.3 Mr. Nightlinger- Birdseye by Birdstone - Bred in 0 12 Feb 1814zu 4F ft :49.41 2/20 WI Pou 4F ft :50.604 23/46 20. Workouts): 9 Nar 16 Vrd 4F my :53bd 11/12 23Feb 16 Hou 4F ft :49.41 8/20 GrIro.m.6 Sasha's Prospect - Excesseries by In Excess 65 6f :229 nIM 1:14 35r191sw 42075 .28Fab I6RP 1 ft :36.1Ch 1/3 *I Nar 16RP IF ft :47.25111/8 03Doc15 4RP ft 4 15 a 5 420 1 651: 21 2 573 88 18 78 -4- 2- 44 Owner. 03/14/2016 Mace 5 RIMed on 392016 al 4:27143RA 83 78 67 52 67 79 10 T 6 7 13 413 9 3 Cabrera 0 o 7 2 2 74 753 O a RACE 5 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE EggelgQEIN 8 311,497 Dirt 90 1 2 1 01 00 1 2 111.652 180 SD Wet Det 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 Syrrthett 0 0 2015: 2 0 0 1 56.369 Trainer: Laura Hobbs ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% Benny C. Lande ros Wrd Dirt: 4 0 1 1 SEE Tut: 1 0 00 MX Pink so 85,359 Wet Turf: 0 0 00 ( 040-0 ) am% Ott: 2 0 0 1 124 Jeannie Bug --u (L) in Oklahoma by Laura Hobbs (May 09, 2010) Dk B/ Br.m.6 Russian Connection - Excessive Spee 343 Kerma A anglet 6w. elllhgly 123 bft 38.70 Rho Zeta Reck123 2}B:har1231JeannieBug123} 0211c15 410 :2294 :4714 1:14 15 351:11Mste 42075 ft 6f 123 bft 36.10 Natal Bad120114Rholetatect123363har123 71 %upstart. no inerece 5101 Tura N 2111ov15 6RP ft 6f :2281 4697 1:1209 3571194sw 42075 120 I. 52.511 AHgul Lane120 1 1W1Ps Hcoey12011Suny klelle1201} angld II 2d am,tted 2 719} WON J A 56flov14 4RP 1m :4862 1:1475 1:41 00 351]14c115020 120-15) ft 123 L 100.10 LIqkx A000461201 154 Stker120160evil hIty likart1203 3-Path 114, no bd 0 7 11 3 Paha J A :2201 4510 1:1876 39:1914sw 35700 f9Oct14 IRE 60 ft 120 L 67.90 Wintscal less12011hunchr 01r112021Ektrtfkrour12031 brk cut, btl yd foe } 7 1 11 JoubertJ 17Sep14 1RP fm 1.614 1m :4P 1 1:12 13 1:3742 351] Maw 22003 123 L 13.70eHcbto H1pe123}litranap119 2}04orAcca861197thiu early 873 7 12 bobert-1 29A414 6RP 7f :2276 :4104 1:290 35:1714sw 35700 ft 1176L 10.80 Suring Sister1224}ProudAnne116 12}Gcspel Make Merry1186 faded 59 68 523 .LdeJ 17May14 3Wrd ft 1m :4907 1:14 13 1:4091 31E1 Maw 18000 ss 434 243 I& J hp faphce 1175 L 39.00 Easy PlIgas1174 Meame EupllInt/ts/idetoc11161 29kr14 5Wrd ft 1m :4893 11404 1:43 15 311700c115000 56 29 1 32} 34 39} 31 1 31 9 } LaiderosB C 122 L 12.20 Bbng fa 478184kftbdClosclioas12216JenrieBug122 19 cutsee, even effort 12Ipr14 311rd ft 1" :4996 1:1421 1:4747 310 14115000 31 3 11 11 10 11 12 1010 893 ftlsenhookerS 124 L 91.60 StraBlg Ror1124}Sasse 01:n118194i Amid Zoell9wassd Wed onesoursd :2233 41 1:0701 31E1:MN 21600 014(14 51ird my 50 4 Nov 15111) IF ft :48.33h 8/61 15 Feb le Wrd 3F ft :36.606412 .604/13 3Fob 1611rd 43 Wakouts): 6 Mar 16 Wrd SF ft 1:09.8113/17 $1,418 Ott: 6 0 0 0 23.84 Lffe: 7 0 0 0 81.518 er: Diane Lankford so 2016: I 0 0 0 $354 Wet Dirt: 0 0 0 0 9 1 2-1 Own : Turquoise L9 C+ -el P.)15 !a $0 31,064 Synthett: 0 0 0 0 . 2015: 5 0 0 0 Trainer. Mary Layland ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00 Erik McNeil grdibt 3100 Tui: 1 0 0 0 Turquoise ( 0-05.0 )0.00% $0 S2J9 00 00 ( Tripple Diamond L. 1 2_1 36.51 20L f1e6 Laura R. Hobbs LLC TAD p 124 LIS B.m.5 Reavealing Gold - Rolle Polka by Undeniable - Bred in Oklahoma by June Biffle Trust (Apr 01 2011) 2311 rallied. 4w, no menace 11 40 Devalsh P AIM} 1231111s IsNot 23 H. 66 3110 1 73 1 53} 521 421 Rarros AB 60 :2270:4660 1:21 62 41M Mc110000 Ing120A angled 5w, no menace 11 73 N 1 4 31 } 51} 39 414} Media J A 21 U. 59. 63 Shaits120131BbeCollarOueenll 6f :2240:4672 1:1200 3511 Mcl 15000 (20-151 0 lley12091thsed, 3w, stopped 9 tk1201 23 It 132.70 65 30 6 1 3 1 42 714 822 Kedna J A If :2309 A799 1:25 63 35E:U*17500 2 120 1 }kump start, no treat 10 23 % 7850 LIghtkokkott11203Cbritt 26 4 6 10 96 94} 99} 7221 Honlkon 0 :2276 :4726 1:1342 35:N14c17583 150ct15 9F0 ft 6f 23 IL 56.50 Sister 98412161.tken 0bry1203}Snuhe 80,771201 bard after lik,4wOrm 10 63 6 5 5 52 1 66 } 88 1022 Mato R M fm ®10 5f :2190 :4499 :5691 31M *112500 11Jul15 1OLS 24 bL 26.70 French Canters117}/fdpes/b/c1152A1gel Driven1159}obeled. faded 6 67 11 4 1 21)6 316 49 5 15 4 Contreras A 29May15 3Lad ft V :2240:4603 1:0777 31111 Mc1125ID 18 b 60.60 Shesaittlelady1181}Embleze11668bSerendpIty1158 cheled.stoged 3/8 12 66 -- 1 5 3 1 3 126 1225 1204 RuirE 0 010ct14 9 Ret ft 7f :22 91 :4662 1:2806 31E1 Msw 14500 26 Apr 1615 IF Rd :36.412/8 23 May 15 Lad EiF ft 1:07100/30 e6 Oct 16LS 4F ft :49.41 1/3 Workouts): 17Feb 16 Di- 3F ft :39.41 1/1 - Oldahare Bret 13 -Bute: L - Lash; LI- Rrst The Lash: II- Off Lastc, E•ui•ment Chan. Ull Love This Cat will race with Blinkers 2Feb1610Hou 12013c15 2 FP 1961w15 1RP ft ft ft MORNING LINE FAVORITES 2-5-7-6 P114 cm 302016 at 417:43 PM APPROX. POST: 2.35, 2 M 6 FAS Exacta 7 Quinella I Trifecta (.50) / Superfecta (10.) 0 Cr FURLONGS CLAIMING $7,500 'MST +Z 3:31 TCT 3-6 Win Place Show No ∎ N17NVOCS: NUNN:, 0 3-5- (0-2 -1-4 I equbase.corn/QR Purse $8,250. (Plus $1,650 From The OKB Program If Eligible) For Fillies And Mares Three Years Old and Upward Which Have Never Won Two Races. Three Year Olds, 118 Lbs; Older, 124 Lbs Claiming Price $7,500. Six Furlongs Track Record: Middle Earth (6),120 113s; 1:07.65 (3-1748) Class Jockey Weight Pace 11Speed Program, Odds $7,424 Ott 24 0 0 5 42.05 UN: 31 1 0 5 $11,641 Owner: Deb Newenhouse $4,217 000 $0 Wet Dtt 7 1 0 0 2016: $0 000 41,16 5 Synthett 0 0 0 0 2015: Trainer: Randy Newenhouse ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00%7 10 Freddy Jose Manrrique wrdIkt: 9 1 0 2 $5 611 Clm Pre Turf 00 00 Red $7,500 Dian for a Million (L) ( 00 00 Ott: 17 0 0 3 $5038 Wet Turf 24 R. Cock (Apr 27, 2010) Ch.m.6 A. P. Million - Royal Actress by Mt. Livermore - Br s in Arkansas b B 124 li. 52.90 Dkle Delta12433Ceto1243A Kiss fa Mady124 2n3 threat 69 83 01azCA 40 6f -1:1460 3t( Ch150011w1/3m 2511115 3Fmt ft 124 bL 44.30 Tea Party Gr112441Dtrhe Patalccs124eVittodus124 8 evenly, reproved Turf 43 3 3 59 1:1340 310 My 16000rw2/1. 051115 7Fmt ft 6f -- • between. mildd rally Daze A 122 tt 53.50 T R's Hcpe12513Eperall6es&Kie.s1223 734 -:4680 3G Clm 500Cnv3/L/x -- 63 131n15 3Fmt gd 4f 124 N. 58.10 Cllessew124iBully Buftt12421Cantry Ceedtd124114-59 try), adred 5/161 3 78 6 7 McNeil E 1:04m 31111 Clm 75008924- 4 10 2 65 25May15 51kd ft 5k- 67.60 GosplBobb1182 3Fshcns by Dvd124elGot TilwhdlNlictesed 5-6w,even late 124 683 Turner N 5 349 6 74•} 27Apr15101ird rays$1 :24w :47 79 1:0623 350 Clm 79:13riv2/L 712 Cindedsen T 124 bl. 107.50 AboatThebar1242Stateg Puddn124MT A's Bay124 7 } rade, no threat 42 6 r 79 52 :22 62 :4620 1:04 31M Clm 7500iw2/1 06Pp.15 411rd mys deri oEs 8 C 124 bL 79.70 Everybody Wes Me124ptang12131shlua by Dand124 1 stunbledtemped st veis 79 9 2; Lan a 31 24Mar15 10Wrd ft 6f :22 87 :4629 1:13 18 310 C1m7500s2/L 123 bl. 92.50 SleSdcy Ct12031SeBurtink120 1 )Dartclosreyes120 2 3 rdde trh, no testa 1 81 820 1 5f :21 82 :4540 :5864 3t0 Clm7WOrnr2A. 21Nov14 6PP ft 123 ft 11313 Mster 0ea1123217arnaioiyme123 1 Nity fudge12019 hada trm,feed hdd 1 42 42 4 4 78 810 811 713 MAHE 180tt14 7RP ft Sf :21 82 :4599 :5844 31111 Clm7500m •2/1 16 Ile 13 OP 4F ft :51644/56 21Feb 14 CP 3F ft :3813/3 II Ns 1511rd3F ft : AM 6/6 licrkods): 25Feb 16 Wrd I ft :38.811 3/3 Dirt 15 I I I $15,559 39.09 Ufa 15 I I 1 $15,559 40 $1,402 Wet Dirt: 0 0 0 0 2016: 6 0 0 Zi til:sI e:r: Whitt g° 14 so 0 0 0 0 tt: 413,817 Synthe 2015 : 5 1 1 0 Trainer Ron David ( 0-0-0-0 )0.00% 0 0 0 Pauling im 0 $8o 0 Rakeem 0 Clm Pre 10 Turf: 0 0 Wrd D White (41-0-0.0)O00$ so $12,407 Wet Turf: 0 0 0 0 Ott: 8 I 0 I 4 $7,500 Jazzy Miss -Li (L) a by Kelly Thiesing (Mar 28, 2012) Dk B/ Br.f.4 Mr. Nightlinger - Babe's Little Sis by Vict Sanchez III A 120 ft 53.30 Rh Expecttkm1183 3Ndskey Cell 191548liven120 3 1 2 Ade tun, re treat 11 10 34 2 046416 8 Fbu ft 6f :2289 :4608 1:1367 410 Clm 7500n/2A. 4 San:lief III A 120 ft. 36.10 143 Shari& 1113/345eysErg118 7 3Kim Lu 6011832w. drop tack lum 7 3/ 34 6f :2285 :4687 1:1229 41:1 Clm 15000m22/L efeb16 7H3u ft 1161 a Velasoo E 1136 f 16.50 Lyre DSogno118 1 3Scy Shcbs11910inor Mlolly118 1 3 brief speed, gave way 7 4 42 22 59 :23 83 :48 12 1:0701 4G Clm 79:10n9i2fl. 16E0516 4 Fbu ft 1135f 26.50 TIseepetlt36 91tmor Me Lolly Ilfepazzy Nisei13 1 1 saved eroundno menace 10 37 VebscoE 71 44 1 9 73 01Feb16 8Hou ft 6f :2244 :4608 1:1316 41111 Clm 750Onsi2/L staiden0 C118 f 26.10 %who Tst118391urer NeLolly112,24Mrdey Gt11186 3w, used up, faltered 7 2 7411303 Jshoehno 48 43 41 6f :2338 :4P 1 1:12 73 411:1 C1m7500m2 /L 15-bn16 21ou ft no direst 9 24.40 fil2liKabo Cat121 2 1Unjat Verdttl 183 } 121 28 36 9 5f :2229 :4745 1:C088 41E1 Clm75110m/2/L 0211116 2Ded ft 913923} Nadel 120 53 93 Capture This Star1203Corn1234Hare of Sh11413120 1 dal rade. wed up 9 87 30 2 4 VA 04Dec15 4RP ft If . 22n :4586 1 . 2584 31I7 Clm10300rw2/L 120 ft 8,80 Naryfueg123My 1 Wen Gierer123 4 3Pnen T0(4129112"/ stretch. no treat 11 79 71} 67 3 Wade 1. 141Ev15 7RP ft :2207 1542 1:0549 31E111C1m7900riv2/L 5.8 120 ft 2.20 A Pim Ous11:01201MyFuige124 8 1116's Mgel's120 1 well placed. 3w. tted 8 63 54 6 3 43 54 683 661 Wade L 6f :2283 :4624 1:1223 310DClin75DOrrel/L 240ct15 3 FP ft 26Sep ISRP 4F ft:50.87114/8 2/6 7 Oct 16 RP f ft :49.71 3/39 I atc15 fg) 3F ft :37.30h Wet 25 Jan 16 Hou 4F ft :49.280 3/26 Dtt: 7 I 2 I $12,141 33.15 Lift 8 1 2 1 $12,241 • A Owner: Equine Enterprises, Oc $0 $100 Wet Ott: 0 0 0 0 2016: 1 0 0 0 ; t Li ; 3 4 -1 Silks: Blue 40 $12,056 Synthett: 0 0 0 0 2015: 1 2 1 r:-0-0-0 Diggs)(00.00% 6 Chya Johnstone Wrd CM: 0 1 0 SICO Turf: Clm pre TraineVeronica $2,794 10 1040-010.00% 66st: 0 0 0 10 Wet Turf: 0 0 0 0 1-2 (L) $7,500 Airiette 1 20-1 13 0404 )100% a 2 20-1 ()AU 0 an (May 01, 2012) 3 Shch RR 123 I. 12,60 St Gate Orade123e313alleysEnn9123 2 iColdCash1233theled, 2w, pave way, 9 ' 8 Mentor* C 116 N. 1410 Bar UBrain124 1 fAtlette1161ValdDreamer1243 sped clear, held lid 5 her 54 C 116 N. 2.00 Awl17122 1 1Swet AyBt1WISurre hOthan116 3 Itaken back. 94, faded 6 pace. raider, oa 6 118 N. 4.20 Atlette118 1 95CLasillense118 4 Vertkonta1126 1 1 C 1 :4680 310111&115003- 62 6 4f -2511115 SFmt ft 323 4 1 6 33 4 118 N 2.30 Always a thamend1241Ccolsh Sue11831/OrettelItak hatledduel.tted 8 :4780 RD Mow 15500 12Jun15 5Fmt ft 4f -118 12. 6.60 Bella Telma 124 1 Allette118 1 1Sadle Jane111341 duel outskle,ad best 6 2hd 22 21 C 52 4 1 04May15 211rd ft 5f :22 1s :4589 :58 94 310 Mt 15000 118 bL 8.80 Mdtowbvhdram1113 7 Gypsy DI Rht20Ply Frn1N3 uessred p3cerswe h 11 87 5 2 lied ltd 3 6114 flitcneal Si :22 62 :47n 1:0612 3101110c115000 211,715 51kd ft d 1003 /1 31 10uhonez B 119 WI. 13.80 Darrim Ohm 196314s MareCodell9aSly Ckle1194 deled, up apiece 12 88 -2 DOle 357W 285ep14 3PP ft 52 :21 83 :4642 1:0539Ms 22 Jan 161bu W ft :36.4462/1 Jan 16 Ibu 4F ft :50.2117/35 5 Fab 16 Hou 4F ft :49.8th 15/27 Itcrkout(a): 2 Ns 16 Wrd M ft :4ln 1240 :Ref Ort: 15 1 3 4 $20.525 52.53 Life: 18 eFoster 7.2 sOnliwksiar: yDealliow SUN $0 Wet Dtt: 3 0 1 2016: 0 0 10 $9,0M Synthett: 0 0 0 2015: 10 3 nny C. Landeros *Mt: 6 90 Clm pre Trainer: Steven D. Foster ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% Tsrf: 0 0 0 1 $2,270 Yellow $7,500 Ott 8 ( 040-0 )0110% SO 2 $13,593 Wet Tul: 0 0 0 oster (Mar 13, 20 0) Dk IN Br.m.6 Burbank - Fanci Frills by liomebuilder - B 23 bfL 5.20 Cash Poky 23esCarpatnPass1201iPedect ka12131 beide, nomenace 11 693 Macke JA 02Dec15 9RP ft If :2388 :4742 1:27 52 311111Ch7500nw2k 23 bfL 13.80 Nnty Fudge 234Sy I Wan Orer123 4 3Pnen To1d123ra ralbed, 4w, wIllhg/y 11 56 81 1 8 6 4 23 Medha .1 A Ei :22 07 14577 1:0549 TEO Clm 7500nw2/1. ft 14143v15 7RP 24 VI. 15.60 A ftm Ques00n120 1 414'FuipIN 2 3Uries Angets1201 29 km no menace 8 553 Dlecpf V 240015 3RP ft 6f :22 83 14648 1:12 73 35121DC1m 7500w2/1 Fudce123214w tan,nomenace 8 Rrar 23 H. 11.10 ExprssDhery123 3 Aiestion120eltiaty 623 5 5 493 Mocha J A 63 53 ft 52 :2204 :4573 1:6042 31M Chi 7500n3r2/L 030e15 5RP 23 bfL 30.40 Cats West1201)1430/yantagbus1701PotarEnwess12033-4wIth, evened out 10 0 45691 ifra Medna0 J A :2100 :4568 1:05 30 311: Clm 10000ria/L 10Sep15 8PP 59 ft 7 bfL 8.50 B'sNorey12313Penena Tana112311Thy Strtches123et asked 1/4, swung 6w 11 36 9 B 1011912 52 :2232 :4591 1:0598 3fMC1m 75008924 27Aug15 7RP ft 25 bfl. 7.30 Sssy Songard124 2 14 I Wan Onr125 6 Cot to Dot12431pace hslde, yielded 6 13 21 223 FIND 1:1340350 Chi 100942/L 19Jul15 3Fmt ft 6f -24 bL 8.60 le RdJeri18116y 3 Wart Conr124%Tern ndCeetry11861no match. Ind best 5 -- 58 2 2 323 22 23 214 lint 0 1:1380 RD Clm 15000rw2/L 6f -1911115 3Fmt ft -- 36 8 8 812 814 813 8113 Landeros BC 24 bL 19.30 bonds R lild1223D1corbda31244ra7ianby9442423 6w upper, Da Weal 8 514 12248 :49 2 1;95 63 350 Clm 1ECOrar2/L 23May15 7 Wrd sys ahoma by Tracy Ch.f.4 Latent Heat - Rockette Ballet by Nureyev - Bred in 7 43 6 2 lie 213 43 :226 8 :4726 :5940 4E Cla 15000tw2/L 15Feb16 7133u fm 1318 5f 66 2 13 -- 113 :4680 31 LSI Clm 103COrre2IL-c 241115 2Fmt ft 4f -Bawer Cody or 410 Mind by Egan Enterprises, U.0 Irwin:Auk. Jeff end liabc 616 1:4440310 Cke 10XOnw2/1. 1m -0211115 5Fmt ft 4 Say I Won't Gunner -Li (L) Wairoutfs): 2 llar 16 Wrd IF ft 1: 03615/17 Kg:gaga in7,52 pm 24 Fab 16 Wrd EF ny 1:09) 7/7 9Feb 16 Val 4F ft :51.4063/3 1Feb 16 Wrd 4F ft:4th 1/2 RACE 6 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE RACE 6 CONTINUED 53.1 Owner:ko4reikeenDurham Green Clm Prc $7,500 . Trainer:Owner( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% 124 Victorius (L) B.m.6 Military - Glacial Victoire by Honour and Glory 131131,15 3RP ft 7f :2320 :4600 1:2436 311:1 Clm 15000nd2/L 2100115 3RP ft 1" :4869 1:1306 1:4548 310 Clm 7500142/1. :2266 :4554 1:2979 31111 Clm 15000nw2/L 26Sep15 9PP fm 6/ 7X 07Sep15 3PP fm ®16 116 :5031 1:1504 1:454 310 Dm 150001/d2/L 14415 2RP gd ® 1m :47 42 1:1220 1:3120 310 Clm 150013ree2/L -- 1;4240 310 Alw 16000nw2/ 191115 5Frn1 ft 1m -- 1:1340 310 AM 160C0nd2/L 6f 061115 7 Fmt ft 03Dec14 2PP lm :4835 1:1406 1;3974 310 Clm 15000rw271. ft :2394 :4909 1:32 15 31© Om 25000w2/1 310ct14 2PP fin ®10 716 22 Feb 16 lird 6F ft 1:18.21 314 Workouts): 28Feb 16 kIrd 1F ft 1:34.81 3/3 and Gerald Eckel 6-1 2I1111.11s Black Trainer: Mark W. Buehrer ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% Clm Prc Pr Black $7,500 6 Town and Country (L) 6-1 24 Orange $7,500 Lines ( $8,305 $0 15.230 $9,962 565 ( eith I Asmussen (Apr 23 2012) 20 L 66.70 DesenJones1231Polar Emmess12011Pnbcessam123 51 Swum& stretch 8 20 L 94.10 Cats liest120 1 1//pt/yCcatagese120 1 PobrEepress120 3 never a threat 10 99 77} Shepherd° R l id L 3.40 847414h9118611.dthih1201 1Tomndeouty118}pranpted pace,beakened 7 363 301 Turner N 34 32} Kines C 18 ft • 1.50 liat 514s124}Awg Fntsy124 11Toun ndContry118 1 }vied outste.ga ye way 5 18 fL 4 1.Wek Rd1s1181}Sy I Vett Bw1247}ToanndCanny1I6} WAR, mIldrafly 5 38 39 Turner N 2} 710 7123 Rosasc 6 1.60eCaro1isRyer1197 11IttisSoda Pap1192MgelHarp123 1 }nee ralltunnydret 7 145 L 9.10 BB ktrestRiell931Builoffricafs119fisMke'sHb123nschased,2paltted 11 146 L 263 333 57} RosasC G Ind 3alt 55} 720 Naafi 6.90 14=111171 1CrolsHyer11751Abostevenwhhevan122d Ved inside, stopped, 7 22 L 4.93 TowndCantry1223PmerlIss122110e/Me YGei122s11dde,sllpihadi 7 31 31 12 133 Parker DL 22 L 29 Jan 16 kid 3F ft :36.41 5/16 eb 16 lird IF ft :51.2610/18 $10,996 16 5 1 0 1 $11,316 41.25 Life: 6 I 0 1 1320 0 10 Vet Ott: 1 0 0 0 2016: 0 $0 1 111,231 Synthett: 0 0 0 0 2015: 5 Travis Cunningham Ord Dirt: 1 0 5538 Turf: to 19,489 Vet Turf: 0 0 0 0 0.0-0-0 a a4 Dint: 3 0 : Prc Bryan McNeil Ott: 10 0 2 1 $23,932 $0 Wet Ott: 0 0 0 0 15.582 Synthett: 5 0 2 0 10 Turf: 4 1 1 0 $2,440 Wet Turf: 1 0 0 0 0-0:0:0 ) RN% in Kentuck by alts-David Stable (Mar 6, 2010) whin 9 8 91 9 12 8 10 814 Raley, Jr. F 23 a 106.83 Valid BrIde1201dClassy Stuient1208}Caphre /WSW 202I 23 ft 13.30 Scingthrt120 3Sebrowtrwds123nalniesidng GA201 settled. 2w.nomenace 9 97 } 87 77 3 8 55} Barer A 3 99 3 912 63 624 Raaa.A 23 It 10.50 Uttleanp123}Seuthinabltdart23tHoldnesra1190 2w, mItrafly *etc!) 12 32 313 423 6 610} Bile( A chased. faded 9 22 N. 9.40 Vhb11965adlelanel19 1}Narcy Ighthgale122} 5d inter. krprowed 12 23 bL 4.50 TerasBeffe1192}Indy 111192}Sache Janell9k4 824 75} 86 861 66 3 Bird A 24 N. 6.80 Cespince ireny1242}SdeJne118 1}Wtain1242 1 3-4w km, noktk,Ft2nd 6 53} 55} 4 35} 3414 LettneJK 24 B. 30.90 Tea Party 134 124411901ne Pakodccs12441d/Mcdus124 5 3wmove, solid filth 7 36 34} LejeuneJK 4 67 23 ft 46.60 Pbtall Lane 20 1 }Perriati0120 1 }SpoonFace12317vd htostrch,na ray 10 109 8 12 7 17 Turne( got the minds late 8 23 bL 26.70 Battle Tale 2011Ittoris123}Lo412064 6 16} 751 69 2} Tomer T 6Feb 161Ird 4F ft :51b 11 3 13Feb 16 lird 5F ft 1:036 3/10 $9,112 DH: 8 1 0 3 3 $9,312 Life: 10 39.1 1200 $0 Wet Dtt: 2 0 0 0 2016: 0 0 10 3 $9,312 Synthett: 0 0 0 0 2015: 10 $0 Travis Wales Wrd Dirt: 0 . gis t 3 0-040 1 0.00h $O $1,530 Wet Rif: 0 0 0 0 2 Dk F3/ Br f.4 Intimidator - Ken -as Jones by Sene 7500nd2/L 5f :22 49 :4595 :5938 310 30Sep15 2149 ft 514 :21 36 :4560 1:139 310 Clm 7501w2/L 1MT15 BRP ft 1:2120 310 Chi 10000m2/L 16J4ll5 4 Frnt ft 6X -- 1:1440 310 Chi 5026w2/L fif -- 0536115 2Fmt ft 1:1360 310 Clm 15001)0k 6I -- 19.1n15 3Fmt ft 15May15 11-S gd 516 :2274 ;4624 10618 MEC Clm 7501w2/L ft 56 :2220 :4579 1:624 31© Cin 7WOnw2/L 11kr15 7LS Ef :2324 :4762 1:81838 3 0 Chi 11:000rw2/L 02Ma15 4 Hou gd 65 54 2 5 5)6 :2305 :4739 1:0196 3 0 14:132000 13Feb15 1 Hou ft 19 Fab 16 Wrd BF ft 1:02.60J 8/16 lictkout(s): 5 Mar 16 Vrd 4F ft :62.61 3946 Owner: Ra-Max Farms LLC Orange min Theresa Sue Luneack ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00 7 Life: 20 1 5 I 2016: 0 0 0 0 2015: 7 0 1 1 WrdOtt; 0 0 0 0 Ott: 4 0 0 1 54.7 24 Drawn (L) James Glover (Mar 08, 2012) Ch.1.4 Line of David - Ms Well by Mister Jolie 5 1 } 53 63} 47} liethey, Jr. F 1 20 bfl 47.10 knerllass1203tbre et Slikh120 41ClockHiv tbw12021 toolcheck, 4w, op IA 9 ft 21Nov15 3RP 5X :22 72 :4677 1:0570 380 Cite 7500w2/L 2 1 3 49 517} Welty. F 1 TO bft 50.70 Fly Above It A111294 1CIssy Stedent12091Fvotte0ib12ent chawd, faltered 9 310 7501w2/L PcilFg rP d 6f :2269 :46101:11 30 Clm } 1 5 15} arrintemT 1 18 bfL 2,80 LhesCraw11186 1Gospel Ga1/11851FbmhpShadow110 11 4w &Lome. cleared 9 1:1520 310 Msw 15503 6f -- 17Ju115 6Fmt ft 21 331 34 Cmnbetwn T 1 20 bfL 11.40 (larch° Derdsh124 1ilteAegeN243ffiesDraw:1201 rail. tined 6 1:2120 Hi 14:1 1006 6f -- 06-bnI5 1 Frnt ft 55 9th 513 5233 annxtemT 1 20 bfl. 19.70 CetutanteBelle1162}Shezalute119 254e/PrEeNtm1223} revs a treat 6 23May15 31Ird fins lm :4706 1:1269 1:3853 310 Maw 1800 faded 2 vide tom 11 1 24 L 76.10 It Oven, Blhg120104143psa1209Deceltful FInw1203 44 2 2 8 75 10 1 101 6 1029 MIlams R 6f :2243 :47 10 1:1250 2 El it119300 093ec14 6RP ft 22 ikt 15 ilrd 3F ft :39.81 2/3 29 Jan 16 Vrd 3F ft ;313.403 9/16 13 Feb 16 Wrd 4F ft :49.406 6/ 28 Workout* 23 Feb 16 Wrd 4F ft :60.806 11/26 169,239 3 $74.1631On: 16 36 1 201116e: 20 Pirnile( Jimmie Lee and Hale, Betty 14,763 0 $221 Vet Citt: 3 0 1 1 6-1 SC T:sI e:I: colic $0 Synthett: 10 3 $10, 8 wrd2D1014t5 i 4 Chi p m Trainer: James Victor KO ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% Natalie Turner $165 Tuf: 2 Pink $7,500 gis t: 15 12 2 ( )0.00% $0 t Tie 0 0 0 0 124 Country Conceited (L) Griro.m.5•he Go by Smoke G lac urn 1:1377 1:41 00 310 C 031416 20P ft 2500005-20 ft 2390 ;4631 1:1399 311:10 12Feb16 30P kn 7500w2A 6f 86 31171 21Jan16 40P ft 15000nd2/L 6f -- 1:1 t0 191115 3Fmt ft 1:1340 Alw 1 2/L 6f 05115 7Fmt ft 1:13 M Alw 17.1n15 4Fmt or 6f .r,603}0 2/1 516 25May15 51ird ft :2388 :4692 1:11 93 311:1 Clm 1500131w2/L 6f 1644aylS 4Iird gd 6f ;2328 :4749 1:1305 301:1 elm 15000w2/L 03May15 714rd mys 17 Jen 16%0 3F ft :36b2111 licekods): 31 Jen 160P 4F ft :49.0 22112 A A Owner. Christy Hendren Silks: Turquoise pr. Trainer. Larry W. Seaton ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% Turquolsesjioo" 9 2u-1 Saratoga Bird (L) ed in Arkansas by Bond tables (Mar 08, 2011) Prospect1211}ttedfar hide 12 3 cell K 26 9 3 42 } 69 814 de12121 lathedrespzese 10 ter 1161L 41 5 RIxt Aray124 1 6w 1/4, stayed bad: 12 CH117 L 2410 1 IV 1014 } 512 5 2560m to Dot1243} floated 4w 1st tun 6 30 S 124 L 3/ 2 124atikteds1245 dash, no bld 7 2,40 T Par 124 4 34 49 51 Int7Priy6R242} no match, game 2nd 6 5.80 Jcnsboro Polly11841Ccntry Ramos I. 333 25 2 53 5 124 I. • 1.90 0/Cressni124P11/8uRtt12421CountryCectd124 1 1 hdde,came art 4w 1/8 10 65 8 55 4 4 331 3 Ramos AB 3.30 ZnkallbuTea Party al12411illssCatOaretw1111 11 mcmptedbtw.gawe way 6 52 49 2 5 3nt 3nt 42} 54} Dar C A 124 L 5.10 Lucky Thi1241Rvidtg/y12490wary Ccncetted124 2 bade bld, evenedcut 8 124 L 42 49 5 4 58 43 21} 34} Diaz C A 31 Dee 160P EF ft 1:02. 606 35/128 6Jan 160P 4F my :51 63/131 $15666 Dtt: 12 I 3 0 3 0 $16.291 26.1 fife: 13 $625 2016: 0 0 0 50 Vet Ott: 1 0 0 0 $0 $15,674 Synthett: 0 0 0 0 2015: 10 3 0 Floyd Welter a J r. 3 0 0 0 0 $0 1 0 $2 044 $0 lle: 0 0 0 0 Dist: 4 1 0 0 $1 1 .072 MTurf 0-040 9100% B.m.5 Bidstone - Saratoga Secret by Joha 1m :4788 1:1349 1:4160 39:1 14:17500 ft 04Dec15 9RP 3 ft 516 :2298 :4789 1;0652 39:1 It17503 11113015 711P 1:1420 310 Msw 1 25J4115 2 Fmt ft -- 516 161115 6Fmt ft 1:4200 31C1 Msw 15 021115 4Fmt ft -- 1:4260 31L1 61:115000 m -- 111115 3Fmt ft 70 :4839 1:1424 1:4472 31111 Mc115000 23May15 5Wrd sr m :4932 1:159 1:42 3E1 14:1756 0IMay15 4 Wrd ft 62 40 in :48v 1:1296 1:3993 31L1 14:1 7500 211905 3 lird ft 12 Feb 16 lid 4F ft :a 3/16 Ilakou6s): 26 Feb 16 VS ft 1:03.21 415 B - Bute: L - Last: LI- First Tine Last: - Off Lask; ; °CI - Oklahoma Bred E•ui-ment Chan t ::: Sarni- s. a Bird will race with Blin ars n 124 s by d I 812 7 1 } 59 5 44 22} 8 42} Ind 2} 32 511 n L. Starr (Feb 02, 20 11 27 1143}Wethey, Jr. F } 8 14} Retry. Jr. F 4 26}•Letune JK 11 2} Turned( 22 534} Tuner N 11 11} 11 2} 21} TynerN 57 515} •Temer N 2} 2 } 3 } 2 4} 25} Tunw N 1 1 11 2} 33 59} Turner N •5Feb 161143E I ft :361/3 1/3 an 23 L 68.60 La48riditon123 1 1JadeEffort1202togelkow120 1 i (fried. 2w, stopped 12 23 11. 11.30 Itiskey (111209CareCacbceus120 1 )0tr 0wiFlag1202 twiny, bid 2w. tied 12 14 fl. 1030 0 Fmy Wrtn11811Srtog Brd12421EdisCf1189chamd *nein° matM,PLIst 9 24 MI 4 1.60 0e11e124}Ssztege ka1243}Beibm Baby124 1 1 Yled 3w. cutfinished 8 22 ML 5.80 Gimp)* itry12251Rblereze122 131.gy Song/41229 dropped Led, faded 5 22 bfl. 10.00 SacteJane116 1 1Saratogaitd1224Sly Song Indy1225} pace,no match.ci 2nd 7 22 bfL 2.40 PagstIm11221o5lySnondy1226}Koligats1164nteneed btw, fakered,PlAth 6 22 ML 3.60 San11225}SratogiBlrd1222}PongoesIteweasell22 ll Nee, waited 1/2-3/8 9 22 bfL 32.10 has Akm)1222SrafaIZNUptown .4rairown1223 race lrWde,weakened 10 •22 Oct 16 Wrd 4F ft :413.66 1/5 MORNING LINE FAVORITES 5-4-3-6 Prated on 3E12016 et 4:27:52 ma k.) OK) APPROX. POST: 4:03F 51: o-CP FAc;1P • 5u2 FURLONGS.) Exacta Quinella / Trifecta (.50) / Superfecta (.10) / Pick 4 (.50) (Races 7-8-9- 0) Show No. Win Place 0 1 0 A ALLOWANCE e ref- 3-(0 349-9-S-7- 4 - I Z- 0 equbase.corn/QR Purse 520,000. (Plus 14,180 From The OKB Program If Eligible) For Three Year Olds and Upward Which Have Never Won Two Races. Three Year Olds, 118 Lbs Older, 124 Lbs. Five And One Half Furlongs Track Record: Distinguish (9), 120 lbs; 1:01.93 (349-10) Jockey cuss weight Programs Odds Pere DISpeed $23,607 Ott: 713 Lift 3 1 $23,602 5-2 Owner-gri d L. NcAlvain 1E6 $3,960 Wet Dirt: 2016: I 0 SIIks $0 $19.732 Synthett: 15: Trainer: Kenneth Nolen ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% wrd 20at r Quincy Hamilton $0 Yes I'm Native (L) Red B.q.6 Yes Its True - Native Annie by Manzctti - Bre 6f :22 22 :497 1:10 39 41 Alw 20000rw1/x Mar 33000 2044;w15 11/2 6f :22 60 :49 6 1:1132 35 ft Pew 33000 280ct15 7RP gd 91 :22 66 :4676 1:0514 35 Moots): 814sr 16 Wrd Foy :40.80) I/2 I Aar 16 HOU 4F ft :52.21 25/35 A A Owner: Spencer Leddy 2u-1 Silks: White Trainer. Spencer Don Leddy ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% 12Feb16 8Flou ft 2 Turf: $0 SO 10404 ) QM Dist: 1 0 $95 Wet Turf: ghbred Farm (Feb 19, 2010) 53 Parker DL 118 fL 3.00 Smoltz11854Yes iln 640volt:0401lb Caretbri 1311 rallied, 3w, 2d test 7 WON, long dr/ie 8 13 LoveterryJ 123 11. 20.30 Yes I'm NatNe12311Sky Strfer123ekSharts120h4 mIld rally5 stretth 9 43 66 CluWnez LS 123 ft 7.00 Bksupthelet120 1 Blg Gamer120 1 Sky Surfer12333 6 Hoe IF ft 501 17/27 20 6: Natalie Tumor True Dixie 7:1 (L) White 30 Jim 16 Hon 4F ft :50.41 25A9 Oft: $4,390 54380 00 23.3 Life: 3 ( 0-0.0 )0.00% B.c.4 Yesbylimminy - Dixieland Special by Dixieland -Yo110000 :4800 31 4f 56 :22 40 :4640 1:0506 31 0Mc115000 2015 *d m Dtt; 10 Wet Dirt: SO 14,300 Synihett :10 $0 Turt. 20 $0 1180 Wet Turf: Ellen J. Caines (Mar 31, 2012) 5118 bfL--1.90 Int Nell 1DuanesBuddyboy124esOlaIngfordamcnds/25 2 1 kept to task 5 28.1un15 4Fmt ft burps 7/16, empty 9 6 79d3 71: 33 3 Cum Crilz ihdern T 118 bL 42.10 GospelaiellankLadron11821FastChnce118 1 3 30 015 314rd ft 1 122 LC 6,90 lbemlyten/see12210 Fathers Blessiv122 6 Vendmah1216 1desed, faIhred, 7 64 :2327 :4722 1:07 39 3 Mc11C000 614 7 39 Perez FE 281-eb15 3 Hou ft 54 21 Jun 15 Fat W ft :37.603 2/2 24 Met 15 lird IF ft 1:03122/34 5 Nor 16 Wrd 4F ft :536 4146 $231:915 Crt: 7 1 1 1 58.65 Lift 9 1 1 1 $3,150 Zinser: larunW. eaton 62° Feb 16 RP I ft :31.5311118 os. 1 $0 Wet Dirt: I $1,920 zS 3 20SO $3,065 Syntfett: 0 2015: Trainer: Owner( 0-0-0-0 )0.00% 1 Travis Cunningham todgin: $96 $10,704 Turf: 1 (0-040)0.00% Do fo $421 Wet Turf: 0 nsas by Charles N. Strain, Arnie J. Stain & Anderson Farms (Mar 16, 2012) Dk Br.q.4 Portobello Road - Cinnamon Ring by nnamon eek Br 21 L 43.40 SantorkiSky12030ray kea12011,Comand a Bul11231 4 ride wrn, wakmed 743 12 111 0 LarakrosBC :4627 1:1294 31 2 10 87 02Dec15 4RP ft :22 63 Cla 20030 (20-15 2A. 70 6f 20 L 19.30 Str of Sky1203384,5 ThonFeathers120 4 3Leroy Homan123hd 3r en. no threat 633 57 5103 LanderosBC 69 56 6 13kbv15 1RP ft 54 :2205 :4549 1:0137 3t GIN 15009w2/1 CM 25000na/L 61 55 5 81 773 7 1 7143 LanderosBC 19 L 15.80 ththome..ickson119 1 1Incle *1119411r:to N Out Of 1190 stole after start 04Sep15 6RP fin ®18 Inn 4794 1:1293 1:3801 3t *.50 Bp Crek Rd1193Pnwy Cmctn12413fesp/ Pbem12433 3r Warne fnlAlyds 19 L Msw 18000 42 741 4 2 213 2 13 LalderosB C 004ay15 511rd ft 6f :2389 :4P3 1:1178 31 3 7123 *they. Jr. F 181 34.70 West H11112233Comic Bird1143WeBeStormh122 1 1trafft 1/4, weakened :2174 :4499 1:03 95 3 Ls - Rairbow - 78( 87 6924 4 4 42 29Ma-15 8C ft 61 lhd 23 Wethey, Jr. F 18 L 2.90 krogint1143Bg Creek Road118/1Spotsback124/1 4r tum,led, nOped 679 6 4 26Ma-15 1 OP ft fif :22 96 :4753 1:13 67 38 1:1Pc130033 (30-25) lot 45 5123 *they, Jr. F 18 L 840 ikor/011P3faiurnerbeepheep117 1 3J P of GalleellInt fir 1/4, RN rally 71 :22 49 :4729 1:1292 31 ENS 64000 26feb15 7W sr 61 6f :2224 :4655 1:1298 31 View 60E0 80 74 6 5 53 3 633 433 323 Ilethey. Jr. F 18 b 85.20 Too Ta11124 20innIngtonlI7nk841 Creek Floed1183frctfous gatemksd2nd CEFeb15 7 CP ft 61.80 WestRoad120ligastotejet12054Pearwil2Coil 4wkle bane late bid 21 7439213000 14 45 8 10 97 913 710 6103 LanderosBC 04L c14 51W ft :22 79 :4662 1:12 07 2 61 6 Fab 15 Wrd 1 ft :36.20J 6/21 25 Oct 15 Wrd EF ft 1:0663/3 13 Fob 1611rd* ft :46.012/28 Workouts): ol Mar 16 Wrd 0 ft :4711/15 $16.11 $20,965 Oh 3 1 2 0 69.61 Life: 6 1 3 0 Owner: Pozo de Luna, Inc. $4,166 $4,180 Wet DM: Silks: Yellow 5-1 Trainer: Kati Craddock (0-0-0-0 )0.00% $0 $16,7135 Synthett: 0 0 0 0 2015: Erik McNeil trdrt 510 $79) 10 Tut Yellow ( 0-0-0-0 )0.00% gist: 2 1 1 0 111,314 Het Tut 0 0 0 0 o de Luna (Jan 3 2013) Dk &.c3 Drover - Leslie K. by Distorted Humor 5.60 Ilyawhyoughact11841051118 4 1Tplt h theliole117 1 3swed plud,he best 21 Centre D 18 L Ale 21000m41/4 19Feb16 8Ibu ft 6f :2296 :4540 1:1174 3 7.30 Jet Ner1205 314aph11204k01her 91203 vied 2', held place 20 L 54 :22 6 5 :4665 1:4645 2 Clm 25000r442/1 2 5 3 Brier A 28tiov15 1RP sys 20 I. 7.40 bare Bb0120 3 3.etaw120 1 1Cospellkey Key12023 saved Fend, empty 473 Et zer A Clrn 25000n42/1. 300ct15 6RP sys 61 : 22 32 :4566 1:11 11 2 Id 113 pier A 20 L 5 .80 Mapkni120 1 3Lith'sLact120538ader Pa1120 3 3 diesel, 3w. long dna 6t120000(20-15) 07Oct15 1P 3ft 54 :22 32 :46 13 1:0596 2 19 L 2.90 Messer Mad Cat119 1 1/60196 3Border Pa111941 v54-3r, kept on Pc125000 (25-20) 71 2 1 3 2 1 3 Przer A 12Sep15 5PP ft 61 :2240 :4610 1:1229 2 19 L 6.70 Fy CrdCnoss11911Sno Sng Ebyll9hdreforedbA 1 autskle,3r ku,gah►g fm d) 5f :2225 14548 :5773 2 Pc125000 (25-20) 49 59 3 6 4 55 413 IladeL 161115 4LS 12 Jan I5Hou 0 ft :50.60121A8 2 Jen 16 Hou4F ft .$2 806 / 26 Jen 16 Hou 4F gl :51b 25/M Workouts): 9 Feb 16 Hou 4F ft :50.6m15/34 $28,31 13rt: 1 $31,576 52.5 Life: 13 Owner: Gary Null a $3,175 $0 Wet Dtt: 2016: 0 0 0 0 0 4. I Silks: Green $29.457 Synihett: Trainer: Steven D. Foster ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% Benny C. Landeros ledt1rt5 1: 141 Turf: ifs $19,221 Green 0 4043 ) 0- 00% ( W Cast: 0 SO Wet Turf: a. 12, 2011) B.g.5 City of Peace- Miss Joetta by Harriman - Bred in set pace, wakened, 573 Dkpo1 V 23 bfl. *1.40 Ors Allstar123639 Band Me12011r. Megatronl20ns 62 1 300ct15 2RP sr 64 :23" :4627 1:18 25 31 17 Chi 7500rm2/L staked 3w, no ktk 12 4 11 3 PedhaJA 23 Mt *3.93 Delaficy11931Lt..10.Sarto13231adve1196 8 51 10 19SepI5 7RP ft 68 :22 35 :4547 1:17 57 31 IDC1m75001142/L 9233 Nedha JA 23 bt 13.30 Killer Party1194Radar's E. 1.1193TheCatcher119e 4-5v 2nd tunno rally 9 Cin 17500r44271. 31 26 7 12Sep15 3RP fm 0 1m :4073 1:14 15 1:3796 31 23 H 12.50 JSNIchtlhger12031hy Satie12323Pure Onne12023 toad st,2-3p,Wld gat 10 453 Miffhy fif :22 33 :4546 1:1113 31 Melm 20E0 60-15Inv 33 69 7 28Aug15 71W ft 2 101S3CruzE 47 526 23 bL 77.60 SCRectskgac712313Perfect Majesticl19m141stang Edtle1192hside, no rally 13 154405 7RP ft 6X :2193 :4480 1:1743 3t 111A1w 441380rw1/4 d 23 Cruz E 24 bL *1.40 SC 13114ss1243Scrt n thCty12493EScam fIshran12iited4w,clear,yekid 6 Ale 160001442/L - 70 1 04J 3115 3Fmt ft fif -1:1360 3t TIr11935-w rally. psi missed 6' 24 bL 3.50 tbr(ditist4/11110Scrt n th Cty1243Frore 33 200 Cruz E tie 1E000442/L 64 5 12Jun15 4Fmt ft fif -1:1420 3t 313 313 323 LaokrosBC Aiw 19000:trait 17 24 bL *1.90 Smakh0oc1243frcelt 11r1182)Sert h the Cky1243 bid 3-4r Imtlattened 7 16May15 BWrd ft 61 :24 19 4702 1:12 02 3t 62 64 4 56 3 4 3 44 3 5 463 Ounonez 22 ti 5.70 Accket Boss116)Joimact0ad1y122 6JanesT.122 1 3 advanm to,evered cut 7 Irn :4802 1:1280 1:3835 31 111014 22800n42/1. 02May15 81kd ft 24 tiL 1.90 Gtispl 131*/1811Jahmtk Ddrly124 4Sat h the Oty12429 prestid, led kr lelly 4 Ak 19000rw2/1. 70 72 4 3 2 1 1hd 2 1 3 353 HollellE 1344:15 4 Wrd sr 6f :24 20 :47 73 1:13 42 31 1Feb 16 lird 3F ft:355 1/2 20Feb 16 Id IF ft 1:03.206 10/15 10 Feb 16 lird 4F ft :48.8362/9 Workouts): 21W 16 Wrd SF ft 1:01.8W 12/17 e 428:02 PM RACE 7 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE 1 Big Creek Road (L) 4 Mapimi (MEX) (L) 5 Secret in the City a (L) gnyg 4 RACE 7CONTINUED 24 Owner: Maggi Moss 6 624030 Ott: 6 I 1 0 $24,030 73.4 Life: 6 1 I 0 $0 217,300 Wet Dirt: 0 0 0 0 2016: 2 1 0 0 SO 66,730 Synthett: 0 0 0 0 2015: 20 Israel Ocampo *dm; $0 Turf: 0 0 0 0 Black 04-0-0 )a0M2 $0 $0 Wet Turf: Oat: 0 0 0 0 Brin Ker jucky , y Thoroughbred Legends Racing Stable (May 08, 2012) Dk 8/ Br.g.4 Proud Citizen - Misty Run by Vindicate M 67 10 734 943 12 12 11 01Santre, J. R 122 fL 27.00 Risetotheemadon119 1 }MateA193res Gok1119r4 ftthed early 4w 12 6f :2205 4564 1:1067 41 Alw 70000-a24. 30..bn16 70P ft 121 L 8 .20 Compost Phymety121 214cOatawakil 113aCopper 6911121 2 held sway 9 60 88 5 gTg3 lhe 11 12 *kcal G Msw 28503 01Jan16 1Ded ft 7f :2399 :4920 1:301 4 41 3.30 Forth of Ay1203ConqusrPOnshdlbtong StioninIllonp bre, not enoudi 11 323 31 The 23 Lama CJ 118 L 84 875 Mc] 45000 (50-45) 26Nov1512 CD ft 7f :4693 1:2351 31 4.60 Lhasaflable12009rtmer tham1207Khps WOW?, speed hskk, pve h 12 25 5144 Etidamohan 120 L It] 30000 (30-251-c 74 11 lhd 11 :4788 1:1221 1:44 15 31 ft 06Nov15 1CD Ma railer Claimed by 14311 Mani Ws Full House Stable: 11C, Lessee fa $30,000, brake hat,bd.tted 7 2.70 Alzarbaq1113 187bgt Flve118 1 3T/liand M4150003 81 U } 33} 4 3 5 10 615} BrIdgrohan5 118 L 210M15 3Kee ft 1X, ,47 86 1:1329 14468 31 9.40 Tape Wtked1213Atiedkrka1213Roma Road121 27 pave way outsbe 11 72 15 10 5 3 1 33 34 } 663 Vazowz RA 121 L :4663 1:11 24 3 Msw 60000 07Feb15 60P 6f ft 20 Nov 15 CD 4F ft :49.64145/68 19 Dee 16 OP 4F ft :49.40220/82 20 Jen 189P 4F ft :48.801 3/37 taffetas): 6 Mir 16 OP IF ft :49.40218/63 $2.365 611.505 Dk: 57.75 Life: 6 I 0 1 titmer: 1A34ra ikki ngGeavin $040 270 Met DIrt: 2016: 1 0 0 0 207 so $11,435 Synthett: Trainer: John Garvin( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% 69,0M redly Jose Manrrique WrdaDY115: $0 Turf: Orange ( 0-0-0-0 )0.0022 SO $1.495 Wet Turf: Dist: 4 Black Trainer: Chris Richard ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% 24 Conquest Playmisty (L) :2263 :2266 1 Sensible Solution (L) B.c.4 Mutakddim - Royal Beauty by Monarchos - Bred ft 6f :2252 :4651 1:11 66 31 ft 636 :2263 14578 1:1798 3t 21Nov15 2CD 280ct15 41rd sys 1" :472 1:12 16 1:43 16 31 53 :2229 :4788 1:09 3t .160ct15 11rd ft Et :2258 :4623 1:0497 3t 060M15 7Ird ft C6Sep15 41rd fm (1)36 5f :21 65 :4569 :5928 35 04Feb16 30P Markets): 13 an 16 OP 4F ft :Kb 45/98 E i riekren Terry 8 01750On/2A. Clm7500w2A. Cis 10300nw2/L Cie 50:Onw2/1 Cis 10000rad/L *116000 8 Jan 180P 58 my 1:05.21 83/94 t,t9e11 12-1 fir7: Pink i Kentuclcy 2 41 9 6 845 60 8 2 69 10 1 3 67 49 74 Trainer: Ralph H. Mitchell ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% Little Frank ti (L) y Hill " 683 100 e Equine Holdings, Inc. (Ma- 22, 2012) 121 bfl. 39.80 Super Strcke1194Bd Parate119 12Dellver the Starm1191 4w trip, well back 11 116 112 1 }Harraton9 511 4123 Pare/1 T 1 42 119 bfL 18.50 &ark Yeat122tpuper Stroke1194plfster thaz11216 1 angled out, belatedly 9 vied 2wd. faded lam 9 118 bfL 38.20 HavIta120Castlederp12093Cobyville1163 lhd 21 69 716 St...b1ent1 118 bfL '1.70 lab's andSh1293Ruletheltr1201143Small Rewards INA biped h at start 10 54 54 St. Mien fl 75} 118 bit 8.40 Both' Prced11623WePrcass118335nst1Sobtbn1184 bobbled st.5w.reld bld 7 53} 46} 36 51.11en14 118 bfl. 13.20 Sensible SobtbnIlboRre CatIloatkiesCream122 9iftd4pthypit late 11 99 79 66 the St. Julien/4 19 Alt lb Ind FP ft 1:01.814 3/12 24 Dec 16 OP 4F ft :52.841 117/123 670 4$1 $0 Ott: 49.56 Life: 13 1 1 2 $22,333 $0 Wet Ott: 1 1 $6,760 2016: 0 0 0 0 I2-e V Cr 25 ,405 Synthett: 2015: 6 0 1 0 $0 Floyd Wethe Jr. IlrdEM: 5 I I 1 $10422 Turf: (0400 00% $0 00 $10,722 Wet Turf: Dkt: 7 I 1 1 24 Come - Bred in Ott homa by Patricia Boon (May 29, 2010) Ch.q.6 Davids Expectation - Dazzling Dottie by Here 12011 wet placed, fakered, 1 I 1 9.40 Rai Cheezerie1231 1K L 58 43 5 6 62 51 73} 721 Twner N 512 :22 14 :4014 1:053631 171C1m 7 II 080c215 EIRP ft Bp:1111N slow to bather. mold 1 Truly T 1 L 93 4 8 ' I. 1 wi 107 31 21 15 9PP ft 3f • 441 itlian12071trush stArd, empty 17, Mile 43 42 Gin 150 2/28 26.Am15 2Prm 2249 AP 1:0398 • 41 37 1/21182 In the Oty1241 h touch.railm rally Toner N 2 1: 7. 31 31 3 30 42 42 ' IA Alw 1 16May15 81Ird ft 124211OR i Threl 1821 pace hslde, no match 01184}B. 1 Po Tuner N fL 3 Alw 1} I 1} 3t 27Apr16 4 Wrd mys 96 23 62 :47 222prarpt Insbe,pave way NI221 .1223}e., Tuner 71. 46 Alw /2 86 6 2 1 2 1L C6kr15 Bird 111Y15S :2232 :456 :0392 31 Fuse Chann12311iside speedkattmed tie L 49.14 Stam o 43 2 01" 3t C6Dec14 2 IF ft : 2280 cbeled. tired Boss12080ne Mon Cat123mBear 01204 F 1 11. 29.03 G62 1 2 11 ih e 31 ril 24433 567 18Sep14 6PP ft ,4662 -- 34 3 5 33 -- 24 363 Wethey,Jr. F 124 IL TN Mar Travlasol242}Trall of Samice124 81.1ttleFrark1248 frwd. had ro rally :4688 3t ILICAL 140:00rwR 181114 8Fart gi 4f --- 31 1 2 13 2hd 5 03 5164 LanderosBC 124 ft LC() Mystic Wender12411Tril of Sake1244IGtersitace3124 1 del, steady lade 1:1320 31 My 14000nf2/1 6f -14JunI4 7Fmt ft 16 Feb 16 Ilrd 3F ft :36.802 2/15 n Feb 16 Wrd 4F ft :49.6024/3 2 Mr 3 Wrd 4F ft :48.204 MAO Workouts): 9 Mm 18 Wrd 4F ray :51.40bd 6/12 $12.934 Ott: 4 1 1 0 $13,034 Life: 5 1 1 0 59.41 a A Owner: David Albert 9 .--. Turquoise Silks: Turquoise Trainer: Kevin Morgan, Jr. ( 0 -0-0 -0 ) 0.00% Pumpville (L) Dk B/ Br.g.3 Valid Expectations - Catarina Ra h by Dove Hu 80 27Feb16 4 btu ft 6f :2224 :4561 1:1072 3 MAlw 20000nwl 15. 7 1 Alw 20000rw2 6f :23 02 :4644 1:1225 3 n6 8133u ft My 15500nw2/L 42 :5064 1:1596 1:4024 2 170ct15 9 Ret fm ® 1m Alw 15500rre2/L 5)( :2261 :46 1:0644 2 26Sep16 8Ret ft 514 :2281 :4606 1:0644 2 11114sw 14500 07Sep15 8Ret ft Moats): 20Feb 16 'au IF ft :48.43A6 31 Deo 15 Rot 4F ft :51.%1416/2' B - Bute; L - Lastc 1.1- First The Lash: LK- Off Lash; ; -0 - Oklahoma Bred II race with BlinkersOn E ui mere Chan Con•uest Pia Curtis Kimes 2016: 2 0 0 0 2015: 3 1 1 0 Dtrt: 0 0 0 0 Om: 2 1 1 0 21.294 Met Dtt: $11,740 Synthett: 10 Turf: 411.640 Wet Turf: 00 00 I 0 00 00 00 00 00 SO 20 $10D tO ( 040-0 • 0. 410% - Bred in T as by Ed Few (May 10, 2013) 118 bl. 9.40 Its So Zzzy1236 }Expet Roy1123131464Cyobn110hd chased, 3w, tattered, I 31 } 3 643 9133 Perez FE 3 He 1 2hd 42} Perez FE 117 bl. 12.60 Messer Had Cat1171Abrdwal17 11frirezonStcnn117hd vied 2w, wakened, 3.10 BcebuBby117114.ers Get Ilestem117614pgIe Itppl 171 pace, Oal3w, tied 0 d Pi 7163 Perez FE 118 L hd 11 21 Perez FE 5.80 Silver Deddge117 1 FUnwthell7fChost Tra111173 pressed, bst mbsed 117 L 21 4.40 Renpvlfiel175 1,420/02211710uca'sBig1/622 speed, thel,nte debit 1} P 151 Perez FE 117 L 118 .30 kg 16 Ret 4F ft :47.81 1/9 12 Aug IS LS 3F ft :36.31/41/5 UK) Ffsc-ST Exacta I Quinella 1 Trifecta (.50) / Superfecta (.10)/ Pick 3 (Races 8-9- 0) Win Show No. Place APPROX. POST: 4:31 PM li A =rillZe(2 6FURLONGS MAIDEN SPECIAL WEIGHT • Test 2-JO equbase comIOR Purse $23,760. (Which Includes 83,960 From The OKB Program) For ACCREDITED OKLAHOMA-BREDS Maidens, Fillies And Mares Three Years Old and Upward. Three Year Olds, 118 Lbs; Older, 124 Lbs. Six Furlongs Track Record: Middle Earth (6), 1201st 1:07.55 (3-1708) Jockey Weight Class Pace @Speed Program8 Odds $3,113 13,113Ott: 2 23$ Life: 2 Oree: r: Dena Thomas and John Bennett SO 30 Wet art: 0 15.1 Silks: SO 13,113 Synth 0 ett: : 201 2°156: 0 2 Trainer: Dena Thomas ( 0-0-0-0) Rakeem Pauli Wrdikt: 0 $0 Tu rf 0 $0 Red (0-0-0-0 30A% $0 $3,113 Met Turf: 0 Dbt: 2 0 1 0 24 72 (L) Ednas Cafe Ch.f.4 National Saint - Hailey's Gone West by Pembroke 33 19k 15 9PP ft 6f :22 00 :4507 1:1107 35EIT1Msw 42075 6f 1:1420 30 stir 15500 25Jul15 2Fmt ft --23 Feb 16 Wrd 4F ft :50.808 15/26 2 Flar 16 lird ft :49b 1240 Owner: Francisco Bravo I 3-1 Silks: While Trainer. Owner( 0-0-0-0 )0.00% by John Wartchow (Mar 23,2012) 921 9203 LanderosB C 119 bfL 63.0) Skinietw1199 33oreta Slev119}Classt Flyer1191 bury foe st, no treat 11 6 1 0 39 383e DM CA 118 bfL 36.60 Or Fry/ V11111 8688 . toglg d124 7 Erhs Cfe1183 } slow st, split 1/16,PL3d 9 16 All6Fmt IF ft :50.1100 1/1 4F ft :52.88h 50/52 Dk B/ Br.f.3 Read the Footnotes - Mine Search by Minesh' 67 Wiwi& 5PP sys6f :2272 :47 16 1:1364 2 1:1:114sw 42075 a Feb 16 Wrd 4F ft :52,41 11/13 Workouts): 2 WI 16 Vrd ft :512540 2540 A A Owner: Paulette and William Robert Pogue 1 U m I Silks: Blue Trainer: Wiliam R. Pogue ( 0-0-0-0) a by Francisco Bravo (Jan 17, 2013) 120 I. 13.60 ColonlJn120 Sp:th Trcub11203 }1el the E F Flve1201 ra led, 4w, led, tune 8 1 1 21 Dego1Y RP If ft 1:03.971g 32/34 11 Nor 15 RP 4F ft :47. 9116/16 Dirt: $2,044 52,044 325 Life: 2 Spectin Trouble C (L) 3 Blue (L) Bella Grazia Dk B/ Br.f.4 Foreign Policy - Groovin Allie by Alam 03Dec15 4RP ft 6f :22 94 :41 4 1:1415 3511E1Mou 42075 211ter15 6RP ft 6f :2281 :4644 1:12116 393: Mow 42075 Walcott): 614r 16 Wrd ff ft 1:02.813/18 25Feb 161Ird W ft 1:02.81519 . Aryan wn yMelew 6 1 SOiikse:r 4 Trainer: Kenneth Nolen ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% - Yellow Gohar (L) Ch.m.6 Forest Danger - Buraq by Open Forum - Bre OSFeb16 8Flou ft 6f :2354 :41 88 1:1248 4fti Msw 19000 23Jan16 2 Fbu ft 5 :2341 :4601 1:C62 5 40 Plow 19003 6f :2204 :4774 1:1416 35111Msv 42075 031)ec15 4PP ft 67 21N0v15 6PP ft 6f :2281 :4614 1:1289 350MPsw 42075 Mr 16 Wrd 3F my :411$ 2/2 1 Mar 16 Neu 4F ft :51.116 22/36 Workouts): Owner: Rebecca Molder Silks: Green Trainer: Shad Seaton ( 0-0-0-0 )0.00% 5 Green 2-1 Ou Funny Valentine '7: (L) Dk B/ Br.f.4 Evansville Slew - Valentine's Humor by Distorted 55 . 2243 .4641 1 .0531 3101:1Cin 7509w2/1 60 6 11Dec15 2A2 ft 72 311 14Nov15 7PP ft Si :22 07 :4577 1:0641 311:1:1Clm 7500w2k 4 3 36 7 27Sep1510RP fm CD 714 :2343 :4641 112905 31MA5,144800w1/x 79 42 6 28Auq15 4RP ft 6g:2229 :4494 1:1751 3 MAIN 49088 1:1420 311:1 Now 15500 63 4 251115 2 Fnrt ft 6f -1:1360 3f1:10 Hsu 18600 6 09J1115 1 Fmt sr 6f --6 M :22 u :4598 1:0588 31E1 Msw 18003 26May15 lWrd ft 1214ay15 711rd ft 55 :2196 :4550 1:0376 3E7 Mw 18000 86 47 1m :4770 1:1284 1:4036 3 ENS* - OkhretlrF - sa 77 23 10 02May15 4 lird ft 91 60 6 20Apr15 8Wrd ft 58 :21 94 :4566 1003 310 Pow 18000 6Feb 16 Wrd IF ft :50. Mb 6/13 Workouts): 27 Fa 15 Wrd IF ft :49.61 6/1 Double M Stables 6 124 Silks:: Black Trainer. Durk Peery ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% Deans and Vicki (L) Dk B/ Br.f.3 Kennedy - In Charm's Way by Tabasco 19k 15 5PP ft 5f :2231 :4664 : 5 801 2 EIDMsw 42075 8 /0215Ste IF ft :49.90b 34 Workouts): 10Feb 16 Ste 4F ft :53.01 4/4 a-Max ra Farms LLC 12-1 VII r g Trainer: Theresa Sue Luneack ( 0-0-0-0 )0.00% 7 Orange Havingafit (LI) B.f.3 Toast - Miss Mescalero by Foxhound - Bred i Curtis Kimes (0-040 )000% 2016: 0 2015: I 0 gat I 2016: 0 201 5: 2 24 Belen Quinonez grd Dirt: I 808% an . 2 $0 39.271 SO SO $9,271 Dtt: $0 Wet Dtt: $9,271 Syntett: $0 Tuf: $9,271 Wet Turf: 64 Life 1 00 00 00 00 $0 so N so SO Wet Dtt: $2,044 Syntlett: SO Turf: $2,044 Wet Turf: by Bob Pogue & Paulette Pogue (Feb 24, 2012) 120 L 5.90 Rho Zeta Roct1233}Sahar123}JtennleBig1231 8 49 8 13 3 01.1909eZ8 8 9 3 419} Ouhmez B 120 L 5.30 tslon ead120Milio Zeta Roc112338aliar123 7 1 Feb 163rd IF ft :48.211/6 11 Fab 16 Wrd 48 ft :49b 3/16 Ott: 4 4718 Life: 4 0 2 2 $20,412 $0 led 5v, gamely 11 Sled back start 9 2 2 $20,412 00 SO 2016: 2 0 1 t $5,784 Wet Dirt: 0 0 SO 205: 1 2 1 I $14.628 Synthett: Quincy Hamilton WrdIkt: Turf: 0 SO 00 so (0.0-0-0)0.00% Obt: 3 0 1 2 $16.652 Wet Turf: 0 00 SO 24 Family Trust (May 02, 2010) 122 L 7.80 0arbtteAmalle1223VacatIon Spot1224Gthar1223thased. 3w, faltered, 11 24 37 Nadel 24 28} Nadel 122 L 1.40 Siylatt1220I6aFer1221Blue Collar Cuee1122ns vied between, 2nd best 1 513 2hd 23} Lovebeny J 2.20 Pho Zeta Reck1233}Gahar123}JtimleBug1231 angled lit led. Empty 11 123 L 5 lhd lhd 21 33 Bizer A 123 L 11.40 Vision Bed12044TholetaRod123 3Gthar12373 vlei Inside. weakened 9 18in16Nou 48 ft 49.21 2/22 e12 Jan 16 Ibu E ft 5.81 1/22 l 14,7d 5115 Life: 10 1 1 $8,863 Ott: e 34,011 2016: 0 00 Wet Dirt: 201 50 : 1 1 1 $8,6153 Synthetic: Floyd Wethey Jr. wd Mt. 4 Turf: 366 00 $1,226 o-o-o-o rim% Dm; 2 0 124 1 0 84.012 Met Turf: -Br Oklahoma by Hobby Hose Farm Inc. (Feb 1 2012) 20 bL 20.80 Cleontbduk1123e1Tni firta12320u Fumy Vlenthe12014w turn, bld, empty 11 7 413 4 3 1 32} Kg es C 20 bL 7.30 Nifty iudg123By [Nowt 6rer123 43Pnen Torn12364 rallied, 2v, no menace 11 6 511 61 46 1 tines C no factor 1 7 981 910 0 18 1024}Nethey, Jr .F 19 b 96.03 Wrier, nt11511Pkgry1191Stay Ready122 11 3 31 56 12 5171 Turner N 22 b 41.50 Zeabus17507122911nclig0lval2794hsOreol22} pressed 3v, begened 3 A 12 1 4 193* Tomer N 18b 4 .200u ftmy YlenthellBsiSrtog Btd124218ths Cafe11831 pace, drev off ,C1139th 9 18 b 510 Sag Ptr118}0uFeny 01ntlnel 1818114s. Theless1181}cel outs*, 3d test 2 31 21 21 Tomer N 9 18 f 9.20 Lynda's Rage12421Cookh Sue11821CactusRose1181 Kicked startpulled 2 43} 46} 49} Gut 19 b 44,50 foreshow Pony1185ibnia's 40124303108a 4w3/16, aka- as 1/8 42 53 89} 917 921 Turner N 18 bL 28.00 Zealous el3o1194Md1161FlykoveltA11118 hd 3-4v tuns, gave way 11 4 2 32} 67 773 TimN 18 U. 38.10 CPiniunklo118)LynthsligI243Newy 14they12411thrwardN 4w, weakened 16 lied 3F ft :39.0 26/31 11 Oct 1511r4F ft 1:03.414 5 $1555 Dirt: $1. 49 $0 Wet Dth: 0 0 0 0 2016: $1,955 Syntett: $0 Turf: DM: SO Wet Turf: ma by Bigheat Thoroughbreds (Apr 13, 2013) 119 L 55.50 Genres Eiem1933Ahrwole119nkSINerRera1193 7 7 56 461 To10115 S 4.21 Troy Crissup 118 ( Jul 15 Frit IF ft :49.89m 1/2 )0.0n 27 In 15Sto W ft 37.446 2 /9 14/A Life: 0 0 0 2016: 0 0 0 2015: Travis Cunningham cod gm: 118 ( 04- 0-0) nom nter Hills Farm (Mar 12, 2013) 911or 15 4F :49.611/1 I6 Wrd 4F ft Wrd :49.60Ig 4/25 012 Feb 1611rd ft 3F ft :31113 Workouts): 23 Feb Xf° dogenn &201n428:10 PM Ott: 0 0 0 .4 Nov 15 Wrd 4F ft :546 113 $0 $0 rallied ire Din: Wet Dkt: SO Syn thett: $0 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 Wet Turf: 0 0 0 0 RACE 8 CONTINUED ON NEXT PA RACE 8 CONTINUED Owner: F. Dale Pollard a 8 2u-I Pink 26.42 Life: Silks: Pink Trainer: Randy J. Goodman ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% C P Miss Pink Diva Gr/ro.f.3 Chitoz - Bin Quiet by Quiet American R/ :22 65 :4777 1:0724 2 1:1:110c115000 030ec15 5RP ft 170ot15 3RP ft 65 :22 09 :4626 1:1829 2 1111114sw 42075 30Sep15 6RP ft It :48 12 1:1370 1:41 1 8 2 LI tisk 33003 51 :2202 :49 8 1:06 14 2 LOPo125000125-201 16Sep15 5RP ft 28415 3RP ft 5f :22 52 :462 4 :59 61 2 1:111Mc125000 (25-201 I nky 15 St 3F ft :38.6062 Vorkout(s): 2 Nati 16 Ste 3F my :35.2552/6 lirSutcorise kton Owner: Buci 9 30.1 2016: 2015: 118 Strawberrycream Trainer. Francisco Bravo ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% Brilliant Notes t] (L Dk BI Br.f.3 Read the Footnotes - Ever Brfiliant Vorkoutts): 5 Mar 16 Vrd 4F ft :49806 NM •28 Feb 16 Hou IF ft 1: B - Bute; L - task; LI- Rrst LineLusk; LX- Off Lack; ; –C2 - %UrgeBred II ra : •ece Printed on 192016 at 4:28:10 PM )100% Natalie Turner Li Grlro.f.3 Freesgcod - Miss the Wa by Lord At W 25Feb 15 Wrd IF ft :50.200 Workouts): 5 Nat 16 lIrd 4F ft :49.8281446 10 5-1 Owner.Reisinger . Purple ( 0-044 gm: $0 $3,461 $0 $0 Ott: Met Dirt: Synthetic: Turf: Met Turf: $3,461 $0 93 $0 SO Eureka Thoroughbred Farm (Jan 29 2013) 120 L 19.50 Konawa Kween12019ezagyff120hriStormy frege11203 14w, bld, flattened cot 12 52 1 493 54} 810} Hamilton (1 119 L 33.80 Hailstorm Slew119 4 40apirelh1193 1142 Laramie Blues1192 used up, stopped 7 4nk 521 69 719} Kites C 341 793 1013 1097}KhresC 119 L 73.80 Ractrosemary1191/Bet On Bettyel19 1 Ssering1191 chased, 3w, stopped, 10 64 3 66 353 34 landerosB C 119 L 27.30 Mamba Tine119460/44/11913C P Miss PK Diva 11911 4w ern, best of rest 11 forward 3w, faded 10 36 9 10 2 1 21} 44 711 lmderose C 120 L 22.80 Alin Nhe1192/hato Tine119 2 Get Pei:1119 2 } :49.20bg /5 •161:115Fnt Aug 15 Ste IF ft :50.532 3/3 $0 10 Ott: N/A Life: Trainer: Jade Lowder ( 0-0-0-0) Turquoise Jason R. Eads bed Cc: 53,461 118 )0.00% (0.0-0-0)100% 2016: 0 0 0 0 2 015: 'm on: 0 0 0 0 Ott: 0 0 0 0 Oklahoma by Bill Stockton (Apr 06, 2013) 20 Nov I5RP 4F ft :52. 7h 38A2 23Fab 16 Vrd 4F ft :52.80623/25 NIA life: 2016: 2015: David Cabrera Nowt 0 0 0 Dtt: 0 ( 0-0-04 )0.00% 00 118 ed in Oklahoma by Doug Carpenter (Apr 30, 2013) 13 Feb 16 Hou 4F ft :48.815131 20Feb 16 HMI ft :5142946 MORNING LINE FAVORITES 5.2-10-4 $0 Met Ott: so $0 $0 so $0 Ott: $0 Wet Ott: $0 Synthett: Turf: $0 $0 Met Turf: so 10 Syntett: $0 Tel: $0 Wet Turf: so so so so 01PcAis1 5:04 010 Ffrc51- APPROX. POST: 4:55PM 9 ALLOWANCE 61/2 FU miss . I -Pos-r i :611 Exacta / Quinella / Trifecta (.50) / Supertecta (.10)/ First Half of Late Daily Double Show No. Win Place c Ter (9-1 (0-1 -2-7- 3 - s-q a- equbase.corn/C1R Purse 527,500. (Plus $5,500 From The 0KB Program If Eligible) For Fillies And Mares Three Years Old and Upward. Three Year Olds, 118 Lbs; Older, 124 Lbs Non-winners Of A Race Since February 14, 2016 Allowed 2 Lbs. Ogaiden, Claiming, Starter, Or Oklahoma State Bred Races Not Considered In Allowances). Five And One Half Furlongs Track Record: Distinguish (9), 120 Ibs; 1:01.93 (349-10) Jockey Class Pace IThpeed Weight Program i Odds 560,513 Dirt 7265 DM 0 4 1 0 Owner Doyle W5iams SO Wet Ort: 2016: 0 0 0 0 Red 1 4-.1 Silks: 2015: 0 0 0 0 SO Synthett: Trainer: Scott E. Young ( 0-0-0-0) 0.00% Bolen Quinonez Wrd Ott: 0 0 0 SO Turf: Red ( 0-040 )0.00% Dist: 0 0 0 0 SO Wet hid: Devious Rumor -C (L) 2 I 0 000 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 $44191 93 93 $16,322 93 Ch.m.5 Street Boss - Gracinha by Siphon (BRZ) - Bre • Okla •ma by Bendel! S dler (Ft 25, 20 1) 20 L 17.10 C146mdry122 2 1(0:004000/122 1 }ChymeBbesIl hsld,tIred betel ices 9 lm 1:1263 1:3819 3 EDS) - Useeld3 - 5) 7 64 2} Kid 31} 66} 12 QUIMMet El ft 2 13 Ouhcnez LS 20 B. 6.40 Pin 11B1r12091EDvos lenal2096tresswepnbuly1 clear, hsIde, hell on 9 15%344 5W fin 1) 5f :21 49 :4451 :5726 310 Cie 15000-c 105 90 2 Trete for 116 role Chard by 1619int Doyle from Steekeeth, Nome Lae end Dunn. I Quinanez LS 20 hL • 2.60 IffC3oosEsy123 113LWarshoor$20 1Funy Secte123kdpace,tind hte,held 11 290a14 9W fin ®10 5f :21 30 :44 01 :5763 HI C1m200010/1. 110 /7 32 124OaaezLS 16 N. 7.50 thmdkco120Mbr Onfv412371Mrn'sMdlerty11742 3-4vIde tun : wakened 6 170ct14 1FP ft 6f :21 04 :4461 1:1010 PODS* - ClasfS09 - 11 90 49 lid 25 201 lhanpsm TJ 20 L *1.90 Lkely 91ske142Chetemefflues1171 0iieSeatey12053 dieled, fired 10 If :2164 :44 44 1:2436 3 LOS) - TeAtel3 - 5Ck 444 ft 19Sep14 5W 1 4 1 1 1} 31 113copscn TJ 0L *SO Smdty1183}Devlous Runx12015x All You Krow120wpece,game,2nd Lest 6 122 29Aug14 4W ft 6X :21 54 :4452 1:1765 3 LUMAlw 44625 6 a 6 1.10 Devissitmear11689Calcubton114 1 True Yolo;tB1 hardily 7 181114 7Prm ft 6f :2296 :4634 1:1087 310 Alw 305614/2/1. 50 62 4 1 1 1 1 1 15 156 TIrmpsotTJ 9 PC 2.20 tWousfaccr119arDm/Ct 41198111vely 11151m/193 hake sharp: held sway 7 261113 1Prm ft CD 66 7 1 11 11 1 1 } le %IMMO T J 5f :2288 :47 46 1:0075 2 1:1 Msw 27003 12 Feb 16 Vrd 4F ft 51b11/16 5Feb 16 IhdIF ft :53.21 18/1 9 19 Feb 16 IN F ft 1:01.41446 liorkout(sh 6 Me 16 Wrd IF ft :48.6Cbg 246 465,1163 475.913 Dtt: 1 3 2 1 803 L/fe: 16 3 3 2 Owner: UNand, Stacy and Steve and Koch, Barry $0 Wet Dkt: 0 2016: 0 0 0 Silks: White 5-2 Trainer: Tim G. Williams ( 040-0 ) 0.00% 9 823 95,400Synthett : 0 0 610' 093 2015 : 4 1 1 Curtis Kimes Turf : 0 0 0 18 Dirt : 2 1 0 1, 000 White 1040-0)0.00% 0 0 0 Dkt: I 0 0 0 5897 Wet Turf: Stormquility (L) 14Dec14 6 W 2 2 i entu 8.m.5 After Market - Southern Protocol by Dixieland Band by Watts Humphrey Jr (Ma 11,2011) 6 654}611632 - Wales T 261115 7 kp ft 19, A6 42 1:11 25 1:4773 3E1 Sik - Colutine - 40k 82 2 2 R. 3.10 lady Jb124kady Contenier12465advada12279 detarced. waked off 22 Et 2.70 (arly.6120 54Stomquity122 374*Codeeded24 8 dueled, gamely, 14Jun15 7 kp ft 6f :2262 :4578 1:1025 3t0 Sdc- PollyBrown - 4Or 49 •0 5 2 3 21} 18 hd leaks T 3.00 StormquIllty1222Ligerin5rake12231R6date12251 tece,bckedclear held 1 11} 2 Bros AB 22 L 85 1 1} 1 11May15 81ird ft :4866 1:1246 1:37 11 31© Aec 30000mt2/x-N lm rail bid, flattered 18 L 40.20 Wm 1112n Even121 3113eau Ravelle1113 1 1Tearerop1242 86 1 4 4 4 31 444 Rains AB 06kr15 911rd MYS :2332 :4609 1:1054 31 MS* - 194ridtMre - 50k fif 17 L 33.40 Itit th Yr1d11945allywcodKnock4119}rin Tykr122}bst goindnefacta 05Dec14 8W ft :4850 1:1353 1:3894 3111 SOC 15000- N 4 7112 96} 11 10 11 1110 Bizer A lm 20 L 15.90 9ie'threes1234.etngeLdy123fikBallant Rescue1231 saved gcundno factor 07Nov14 5W 6f :2189 :4464 1:1069Alw 31000rw2/1 4 57 1 7 7 181 ft 8 114 Wu* 6 8.90 Belleofthebeach113115tormquItty121 70Mne Way119bd gbskg, gated ad V} Dealer G 2 5 63 52 21 L 13Sep14 9Ab ft 6% :22 16 :4438 1:1511 3 0 SM - CasroDwrsH - 50: 76 2.50 Blbfthebech1202 Awesome 0m12011StarnquIlty1201 late effort.gabd show 52} 35 Ziegler NG 20 L 09Aug14 9Rui mys 6f :22 96 :4585 1:12 46 3 El St - AspenCu26 - 50c 52 80 0 a 2 10.30 stanK1 fi1 t y1201213whe laly120esConted124 1 hardly, nush the best 061114 8kp ft 7f :23 14 :460 1:2435 3 0 5* - GllaferMem - 44k 71 77 4 3 2114 1} 1 5 112 Ziegle MG 6f :2240 :49 2 1:1101 310 M y 21000rwl/x 59 64 3 4 33 32 32 55 PcNe118 10 L 19.70 Swhg It lash1202 Dyllulithg120r6terknes 1111cl-1120 1 1 2-3kdde tun:empty 26.1n14 615 ft 10 Feb 161hdr ft:39.8th 13/16 28Feb 16 Ifrd If ft 1:01.419 4/15 17Feb 1611rd 3F ft :38b 2/5 litekouts): 6 Nu 16 lird 4F ft :51b 15/34 Des 4 1 0 0 $14,071 62A9 Life: 8 2 I 426475 Owner. Jess D. George 0 $2473 Wet Ott: 3 1 0 1 $14,318 6-1 Silks: Blue 0 13,802 Synthetk: 0 0 Trainer. Tim Dbcon( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% Rico Flores Mort: 61 Turf: 1 0mess Blue 110,056 Wet Turf: 0 0 0 0 0-2443 0.00% Dtt: I 1 0 Jonesboro Polly (L) ne Branu 8 inda Branum (Jan 16, 2012) B.f.4 Jonesboro - Dear Alicia by In a Walk - Bred in Arkans Pi 10 5 Vazquez RA 14 bft 4.40eEaster intylBs}Ptk Flash120fSeches Big Gr111821 nutting for drove 1 27Feb16 80P ft 6f :21 20 :4588 1:11 66 3111179k - Ddrdstyrd3 - 10091 7 23 45 FhesR 18 lot 29.30 Strwteny Eby1192}111nd Chill ktor12020nchantraix118211eled tied kW 7 5f :2251 :4646 :E104 410 Alw 39001rd 134616 4Ded ft FhesR 44 3 17 Et 9.40 StatenyBaty119n2CcothentalClub120 4,knestoro Polly117} just in low :2278 :4647 :9348 31 Alw 325021n13/L 22Dac15 7Ded my' 5f dueled, tted FhesR 77 17 N. 26.70 Otamord Cutter114atU Toonsll Elsfyllas 11h117} C6Atk15 2Lad fm CO 351 :21 71 :40 :560F310 Alw 21500re/3/L *30 JansberoPolly1184}Ccuttry ancetted124dTeaPatyGin g242 i riddenout ,kinstcne C 18 • -17Jun15 4Fmt my' 6f 1:1382 310 Alw 16XOnw2/L 151 FhesR 18 bft 3,30 JeestaziPo2y11859/ynda'sRage1241113arkallem 3w,dewaway,thkin 91 :2195 :4550 1:-0175 310 Mew 18003 12May15 711rd ft 6 13 614} Jotnszn J M 16 N. 24.00 Be My Carolne122asEaster Indy122 4}Wolf Cityll5a, little for Mee 28Mer15 9 OP ft 6f :21 87 :4542 1:1157 3 111111St - Rairtmes13 - 75( 53 4 P 12} 2} 44 JdosenJM 107 17 N. 12.60 Thiess Tnith11717Ricrbck Rocket121neDepahv Creek11701‘clear, %mewed 1 19Mar15 50P gds fif :22 01 :4662 1:1333 31M 8t1 30200 (30-253 12/by ISM IF ft :49:i 3/36 23 fki 16 Dad IF ft :49.80)7 1 Workouts): 23 Jen 16 Ded IF ft :49.8% 4/119 Dec 15 Del If ft :49.21 3/28 17 2 3 $19,564 Ott: 14 45.15 Life: Owner: Nancy L. George 2016: 0 0 0 SO Met Ott: 3 1 Silks: Yellow 4 2(1- Trainer: Wayne F. George ( 0-0-0-0 )0.00% 2015: 10 1 3 114,485 Synthetic: 0 dy Jose0 Manrrique 0 elrd Dirt: 7 2 7,220 Yellow ( 0.60-0) 0.00% Dist: 6 0 1 $4,563 Wet Turf: 0 (L) Nancy Lee B.m.5 Wee Thunder - Raresean by Wild Bill - Bred in • homa by Wayne G (Jan 22, 2011) 23 bft 85.30 Let Tango120e1Fly Above It A11120 1 1Sassle Okle123a1 hstle. "Arun 26 a m 11 1213 21 1210}Turrer N 05Dec15 9 W ft 59 :2209 :4624 1:0640 31E1 On 10003rw3/L 712 214 189 Ramos AB 22 bft 7630 eke Then Even12201ahnssgo122376Inger Bid Road12270f1 hs/de. reify 6f -1:1200 31W Stk - Musgerkhat - 51 68 251115 4 Fmt ft 22 21 Turner N 24 bfl. '.30 T R's liAAl25211lancy Lee124 11tarre Dance123 1 i slow a :advance hada -- 47 1 5 :4660 31E1 Clm 15000rw3/L/x 011115 2Fmt ft 4f --- 73 2 4 2} 1 Turner fl 22 bfl. 1.80 Nency Lee12221Ttskpe1250eBoss 0$126 2 kept ta task 4f -:4560 3t11 Clm 15000nw3/L/x 1 21,in15 2Fmt ft 24 bfl. 8.00 Frd Zrob1181FmcsIsSmcb1124 21Sssy Songbtd12421press 3w btw. beamed 25May15 814rd ft 5X :22 70 :4592 1:0109 31111111Alw 22803rk2/L 66 57 5 5 3 31 4 68 1i:estate C 24 bit 12.50 CP Wlnut Ridglialptcy Lee124bdSssy Scogbte1124 11hskaaanaraved 2nd 243 Tara N 7 64 12 1 1114 01May15 811rd ft a :22 24 :4552 1:0434 3CI Alw 19000mi2/L 24 bfL 29.50 6nossp124ta11aty Lee124}Graeme's IntrIge1241 forced pacebd,deled lbd 2nk Tomer fl 10 5f :2173 :452 4 :58 18 3tEl Clm 5000w1/6m 22 214x15 414rd ft Vid 1hd 323 694 Tonere 24 bfl. 19.30 Miff lendldsmos124 11(let Lakes1113 1 1Zantat1815 forced pace, ow way 91 :2229 :47 21 1:C694 31111 Clm 15000rw2/L 98 43 31Mar15 9 lird ft 18 bfl. 75.00 Ilny'sSwetness11031CIssynentWihritSissy120; tired st,3w,teakened 110 56 5 4 419 21} 24} 45 Turnerri 24Mar15 711rd ft 5f :21 75 :4562 :5927 41E1 Cin 10000 18 bit 31.60 fiesCholc11861Ewykdy *its MI18esSunshheSnd1201}usedup, gave wy 78 21 1 6 3 1 54 46 7159 Cabrera 07Feb16 2 Pou ft 6f :2291 :4692 1:1403 41111 Clm 15000n4/2/L 11 Jan 16 Rat 3F ft :40.39113/6 *18 kg 14 Wrd 3f ft :36b 1/7 25 Nov 15 W 3r ft :38.32h 8/11 Iforkout(t): •27 Feb 16 Met 3F ft :38.47h 14 03/14/2016 Race 9 RACE 9 CONTINUED ON NEXT PA Printed co 3912016 al 418 16 PM RACE 9 CONTINUED r A Owner: Big Sugar Racing LLC I Silks: Green Trainer: Francisco Bravo ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% 5 Green 130ec15 8PP 07Nov15 814' 160ct15 1RP 18Sep15 1RP 22Aug15 8PP 231115 1Prm 26..4115 8Prm 25May15 81kd ny.15 914rd 28N0914 8RP Dtt: 12 1 3 3 176.887 6015 Life: 15 2 4 3 1109.127 2016: 0 0 0 0 30 Wet Dtt: 3 1 1 0 $32,240 93 2015: 9 I 2 0 08 ,007 Synthet t: 0 0 0 0 Jason R. Eads WrdDh: 2 0 0 0 $2,260 Turf: 0 0 0 0 30 10 2 ( "SO ) 0.00% Ott: 2 0 1 0 315505 Wet Turf: 0 0 0 0 Rich Uncle "Li (L) arr n - Bred in Ok o a by Big Sugar Racing, LLC (Mar 06, 2012) Dk B/ Br.f.4 Save Big Money - Gunner's Niece by Tr 3w. used w. stowed, 12 20 L 12.10 Beal Paella11023141ss Oreo1201Veld11Thd 53} 0 11 21 Bizer A sr Ire :4694 1:1245 1:40 14 3 OlilSt - UseeitB - 51 20 L 5.50 Ptdbfbdrether1291$04/11.hcle12911Crol'ellyer120 1} rallied, 3w. 2nd best 11 76 79 11 6 31} } 2 1 } Brier A ft Bp 5f :22 16 :4651 :5821 31111 Aid 35200rer 1/x 17 L 11.20 Refletyettyt/ny12313Fa ADYceNnow118351mAnter119 45 We, fettered 53} 53 64 7121 Bizer A 6f :2262 :4534 1:1034 31111ES6t - CSC t' . - 13Ck 39 69 ft 613 1 2hd Suer A 20 L 4.80 Zealous Viskelnk4lich Ilicle128210anche 0in11621 5w,41el str,outftithed 35 ft 7f :2326 :4701 1:2524 3 CIDStk - TeAtaB - i 121 Vazquez RA 20 L 8.50 Nth 04112026.0% Account123W/akeHt12023prese.d 4w btw.cleaed 1 83 79 7 1 41 3} 6f :22 16 :4503 1:1067 313 s Ak/ 44880nw 1/x ft 141 17.30 Frekh Arnzh9118 6}Te Sexy flow113mRetroCiteen11823mene 5 eke, no bld ft 6f :21 92 :4541 1:1138 31I: Cie 50000 (50-40 2/177 604 2 53 53 2 611} Vaner R A cutun 16 R. 28.30 kshNrypers1184}Scadadle1154//yfra1321 410 612} tovebeny J 66 7 5 ft 6f :22 17 :4546 1:1033 311:1 Aid 31406nolix 18 1 2.10 adZmb1183Fmes s kin124115sey &Iped1244}5warn. burped 5/16,114th 53} 55 56* Beane' B ft 54 :22 20 :4502 1:04611 31MAlw 228001w2/ 18 L 2.00 In4mcessson1241DeiProdoes124631hte5a1243 3-4w tun. neeeed we 5 683 65} 56} 4 8 SiedierdJ 37 44 ft 6f :2329 :4652 1:1196 310 Ale 19000n/2/1. 18 L 4.90 Darchg Dita1168}Rthlhcle1111212eakes Ybbn1204}2-4 We, rand bld ft 6f :2260 :4576 1:1053 2 1:1:1Stk - CkStalki3 - 5fk 48 63 3 4 31} 52} 24 28} Oulnonez 8 M y 1612rd 4F ft :49.21 1640 :51,6123/26 3 Dec 15 PJ1 SF ft 1:02.12h4/19 9 Oot 15RP 4F ft :501125/53 Dtt: 7 4 1 0 156,1 1 Life: 12 4 2 0 359.477 33,109 10 Met Ott: 3 0 1 0 2016: 0 0 0 0 so 2015: 10 2 2 0 140,608 Synthett: 0 0 0 0 Israel Ocanw *Kitt: 0000 3170 Turf: 2 0 0 0 30 ( 0.0-0-0 )0.00% so Wet Turf: 0 0 0 0 Diet: 4 3 1 0 346,082 (L) Goodheartedgirl a b e uck J. Bowlan (Apr 22, 2012) Dk B/ Br.f.4 Ellerton - Leadingwithmyheart by Defen' e Play - B set pace. stepped 12 102 40 1 1 } 1 2 3 111d 43J 120 L 7.20 Beth PadhlIERIMIss Ore4120 1 YM111714 13Det15 8142 sr lm :4694 1:1246 /AM 3 MS& - tkeeltB 21Nov15 8PP ft 78 80 3 'hil l 13J 120 L 2.10 Coorlytdgr1120 6 3Sug Shlas123Othrepelectct123} (bad 2w, dewoff 8 50 :2224 :406 1:0464 31MIDA1w 44880nw1/x 120 1 *1.40 Cret Lkes1201384adhertedrA2033Aloreatthebar123 ? steaded eosin tam 8 21}.Gary C 32 61 06N0v15 1RP ft 59 :2225 :4573 1:0149 31MCIn5030crd-c John- Laker 5900, Dined by Gleason Tyrone from Saheday Raolng Stable LIC 120 L 2.80 Awesome Tle123}Gcodierted441120dAtnetthebar1233 rress2w, outfhIshed 9 65 77 3 6 2} 2hd 220ct15 7PP sys6f :2274 :4613 1:11 73 311M1 C1m500(bnd 68 61 9 L 2167.30 2 2hd Yes dNA2031Dwitencrtroon120akfmrh'sScng120 37 dined. 2v, faltered 10 0800t15 6R2 fro 1111 11 :4899 1:1394 1:3858 31111 Ch 12500118 119 L 42.10 YoShok181k119 111knefular119311vm's Ftefiy1193eane out I/0, no rally 10 72 67 5 17Sep15 8P2 fin ®18 76 :2460 :4853 1:327 1 31© Ale 3520On/1/x 43 4 14 8 L 9.20 Goadttedg4112015ssySongt444233Pribessfrerle120as 4v bb, edged away 10 68 :2261 :460 1:166 3C111Cli 557500nw3/L120 22Au315 6RP ft -KJ ,J.-7.10n 1 915 714 Quhanez L 5 116 ft 15.80 Velvet 21912171acey the Speren121 3}Ibly Habtt11833 bothered tun rail 11 6f 12206 :4516 1:1223 3t© Clm 10000 00-8)rw3/L 020or15 6CP ft 08Mw15 3 CP sys6f :2269 :4142 1:1394 30 Clm 10000 (10-131rw3/L-c94 55 2 5 3nk 413 56} 583 Vazwei RA 115 II 3.80 ImptozesBy1193Yeket 1012Insicey the Scrtn1212}vied behleen,weakened 11 Chasid by Sattrday RuingStable LLC from Cakhroll Dori/ R. for $10.000. VOlafrorco Fodorno - Trailer 74 66610 5 523 52 66 66} Vazquez RA 123 L 10.00 A Gala Day1182}Character litressINILeap Year Lady11713 re Iddcoutside 10 6f :2247 :4673 1:12% 3 LI SOC 30000/U00 12Feb15 7 OP ft 5 Doe 151 4F ft :49.0361140 13 Feb 161 3F ft :35.911/1 25 Fob 16 lird 4F ft :51b 10/13 borkou9s): 5 Kr 16 Vrd 4F ft :52.46b SAS Dl: 23 5 4 6 3117.463 ?ilyttnst:r: Alvin Wong8435 Life: 28 7 4 6 $141,111 80 I/elf/It: 3 2 0 0 323,448 2016: 0 0 0 0 30 0B0%2015: 5 2 1 0 $55,054 Synthett: 0 0 0 0 Trainer: Veronica Griggs ( 0-0- -0) David Cabrera Wrd Dirt: 1200 10 Turf: 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Orange SO Dish II 4 2 I 153,323 Wet Turf: 0 0 0 0 (660.0)000% 2 Early Fantasy (L) Ch.m.6 Early Flyer - Personal Fantasy by &orator] 0( - Bred i Texa by Jim Evan & Marty Evans (Feb 17, 2010) 1.40 Beim Baby1234}Expect to Fly1191hada's131411923 hard to badrall turn 5 era D 4 4 3 543 4 61 V 23L 14Jn15 5LS 91 :2248 :4541 1:04 14 31MAoc 180OOnd1/x-•65 75 ft - la r Cleland by Wong Alvin from Sin belly Stable LLC for ilk ,Korinly 23 L '1.70 ByFntasy12311BaMena*23 1PrhcessFreeble123 1 4w tun.bid 3/16.test 6 533 VW 11 Cakera 0 63 17May15 4LS mr 56 :22 60 :492 1:0406 on hoc 20000rw 1/ -N 61 Song117as hard to ked,3w ern 6 3 L 6.40 Latt Bubbles119230,Thrasy1233}Plattua in Cabrera D 1100315 5L5 SI :2276 .4658 1:1690 31COSIir - liyriirkMe - 5163 ft raged, 34, nomenace 7 20 L •1.70 Vldrat Mge1181}BalienBaby11133}Mheianal 643 4262 3 22 RadeL 56 72 6 2 1#01159Hou ft 536 12280 :46 0 1:151 4E] Poo 20000ror2/x N 1 413 3nk } CabreraD 18 L 5.00 Cry FarrtasylIBILasttpBubbles1233Plathm 53:91187}We, sip tau 1/8 6 50t 73 81 1 1 16Jan15 7 Fbu ft 6f :2292 :4634 1:1218 4111111Sli - Yeliw 21 L 2.10 Gifts Rule1172Fly gyp lestylt7}StereColdtrazy1191dueled btei,2-w ern 7 91 76 2 1 1 2} 2 63 3 Cabrera D 01Nov14 6Ret fm (620 5f :21% :4620 :5831 30 ADC 20D0Orria/x20 L 0 .70 fever Late Flyer 1196Early Fantasy120 14Tater Red123 1} ralltrIpno match 5 91 2 3 42 32 26 Cabrera D lac 2000Orri2/x-N 18&t14 7 Ret ft Bi :2226 :4W 1:100 3t 1/4.shon ebb 6 12 193 Cabrera D 19 L *1.80 Early Fantasy11993Traced1193}ThshyPearA193 Di :2236 :4593 1:6445 3q hoc 18000rw1/x 21Sep14 6Ret mys 16 L 31.00 LsthpBubbls/V3kbfly's Woo/12263814e Gweicht11721 blocked 1/4-1/8 8 1 63 7 0 3 4 11 3 Warily 6 121114 3LS ft 6f :22 13 :4493 1:119 31111nStk - VskrFani3 - 5Ck 80 67 3 6 76 62 1 3 44 513 53 1} Nadel. 3 L 11.10 ByFritasy1233RattlhGysey123 13The'salrees1233 bind 5/16-1/8,stded 6 28Jun14 2LS ft 6f :2261 :4608 1:1162 31D hoc 15000re/1/a-8 2 Feb 16 Hou 4F ft :49.419/39 9 Feb 16 Hou FE ft 1:01.21 5/21 16Feb 16 lisu 6F ft 1:02.61 4/17 IforkoWlsk Feb 16 Ibu 4F ft :49.81 6/26 B - Bute; L - Lase: LI- First Time Lastt: II- OffLase; ; -C, - Okbhorta Bred 6 0-, a A Owner: Robbin Caldwell n Feb II Iird IF ft 23126 0 Silks: Black ot !DC+. I Trainer Mark W. Buehrer ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0% 64.97 72-1 n MORNING LINE FAVORITES 7-2-1-3 Med on 3,92060428:16 PM 5.3 3 -Poics-T Sul-w Exacta I Quinella IT 'Jetta (.50)7 Superfecta (. 0) Show No. Place Win APPROX. POST: 5:27PM 6 FURLONGS 1 I OST : 0 CLAIMING $7,500 21 9-s lefrO Mat: ' 1;0 navoms,,- 0 9-5- I- - 3-11 24 -7q equ se QR Purse $9,350. (Plus $1,870 From The 0KB Program If Eligible) For Three Year Olds and Upward Which Have Never Won Three Races. Three Year Olds 118 Lbs; Older, 124 Lbs Claiming Price $7,500. Six Furlongs Track Record: Middle Earth (6), 120 In; 1:07.55 (3-17-08) Pace DISpeed Program 0 Odds 6-1 Owner...itmdmie D. Tompkins Clm Pre J. Alan Wiliams ( 0-0-0-0 )0.00% Red $7,500 Hardtozip Weight Jockey Class 70.55 Life: II 2 4 Travis Cunningham 2016: 0 0 0 2015: 11 2 2 lird DM: 4 2 Dlst: 2 0 0 $31,584 Ott: 14 Wet Chit 1 $26,209 Synthett: 0 320,660 14: 1 $945 Met Turf: 1 $0 3 I $27,255 0 $UM 01 0 00 $860 0 (L) Patterson (Apr 25, 2011) Ch.q.5 City Zip - Harderthanmide by Hunting Hard - Bred i 73 67 3 lfethey,Jr. F 122 ft 21.10 YessumBoss11 Affair120h4Conthill26 1 } chased, 3w, gave way 9 Ch 10000m43/L OlDec15 3PP ft 1 70 :48 71 1:1364 1:406 It 533 Wethey, Jr. F 123 1:1. 3.40 Strut NSwoger OuGmealelief12076age/Ate120 1 ) rallied, 5w, no treat 8 62 1m :47 91 1:12 70 1:39 67 31 CIClte 75007d1E 20Nov15 3RP ft 2 0 1 23 Medley, Jr.1 123 bL 1.40 Ilicca MITI Dace 201Hardtok12381Goopletif120 1 1 mottled, 3w, 2nd hest 7 1'° :4649 1:13 97 1:43 82 3t 111C147500nw3/1 80 310ct15 2RP no 32 67 11 11 7 4 1183 79} 411 *they. Jr. F 123 EL 12.60 Delancy120 99Fusethleharm123 3fhalfite1237late rally 5w stretch 11 6f :2238 :4600 1:10 63 31 Clelm 75C0m43/L 150M15 2RP ft •13 Fob 16 lird 3F ft :3121/ /18 19 Feb 11111rd IF ft :50.617/10 •25Fsb 18 lird IF fit :48.61 1A3 ilorkoutish •05 Ibr 1683rd 6F ft 1:02.2061/18 $7,301 1 3 $70.138 Ott: 6 68.65 Life: 1 2 McPeak and C. Walker hite 316203 000 $0 110Dtt: 4 2016: 8-1 Stil l:: White 2 $11.460 $19,186 Synthett: 4 15: 1 1 I um pre Trainer: Cody Bauserman ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% Floyd Wethey, Jr. *d10am 329,862 Turf: B 1 0 0 0 $O White $7,500 (040-0 j0.00% 33.475 $1,034 Wet Turf: 2 0 0 I 4 Perky Kitten (L) neth L Ramsey & Sarah K. Ramsey (Feb 12, 2011) Ch.g.5 Kitten's Joy - Love Runs Deep by Not Fa Love - B 123 bL 7.40 Imlotilmytrothr120•Fcenett20 1 4PerkyKitten1131 (holed, 1w, hng hte 10 } 3 1 1 Wes C elm 75001w3/1. 77 61 :2233 :4658 1:12 88 3t 03Dec15 81P ft 123 L 5.60 Killer Party12011YessolBoss12341dge T. M.12611 utak, 3w. kW weaken 11 3} 464 lOnes C Clm 7500nv3/L 64 1m :48 39 1:1369 1:39 71 31 19Nov15 9RP ft 123 L 16 60 Sealy's ilhdift110 7 1.9Albrt Abby120•NevOrder1133 } chasedhside. tired 9 22 37 41 1 4 rinse 49 67 7 1m :4873 1:1332 1:37 99 31 Clm 15001/3/1. 290ct15 2R2 ft 123 L 24.50 De Hamel/RIM Tideavi113MTessumBoss1133 aced, Si. faltered 12 Clm 15001•13/L 105 79 3 2 21 2hd 2hd 613 Ones C 170ct15 5RP fm ® IX :23 99 :4825 1:0 7 3t 1 Oct 15 RP 3F ft :35.803/19 9 Oct 15RP 4F my :49.16h 19/63 12 Nov I5PP 4F ft :51.5110 26/31 Workout(s): 611ar 16 lird 4F ft :5934546 $11,741 1 Ott $13./0 58.85 Life:2 2 Owner: Joe D. Casey $1.436 0 00 $0 Wet Ott: 1 2-1 Silks: Blue 30 0 I 2 67.465 Synthetti 2015: . Trainer:Owner( 0-0-0-0 )0.00% Erik McNeil Non; Turf: 0 Clm Prc I2 $7.160 Blue $7 , 500 (0.60-0)000% Dgt $3 $39 Wet Turf: 0 0 0 4 Grand Ali (L) B.g.7 Champali - Pardonable by Maclesterial - Bred in Kentuc by Glaest arm LLC (Feb 16, 2009) Cie 10000m3/1. -- 65 1 3 1 lhd 3} 56 3 LandeionB C 122 bL 3.80 Top Notch Slev1222490se Isac12111 Max Arelahee1111} hustled, faded 7 -1:1989 3t 66 051n15 2 Fmt ft dueled, clear, held 7 59 49 4 11} 1 1LanderosBC 124 bL •1.40 fkand A1112415vttt Rmor1141}See 0megt1241 On 7500nw2A 5f :22 82 :40 3 :W 50 31 19May1510thd ft Id 28d 2} LanderasBC 124 bL 7.60 Blobs Vislon124Gaix/A/1241latent Hospect1240 dialed hsak.delded CI) 7500nw2/1 99 76 5f :22 39 :4591 :58 35 31 C6May15101ird sr 99 70 6 3 1 1 P 2} 2 6 Stehter0 G 124 ft 6.30 Traddlankr124 1GrandM124 1Chuditangkr124 1 } race bride. nowt& 1 Chi 7500nw2/L 20,1/4(15 101Ird ft 5f :22 20 4610 :5579 3t •11 Per 16 lird If ft 1:00.8101/19 19 Feb 1616-5 3F ft :37b 2/2 28 Fsb 1611d 2E ft 1:00.413/15 Mar 16 lird Wft 1:03.61 1/$ Id:Mouth): Ott: 8 2 0 2 $19,1193 67.5 Me: II 2 0 3 931.936 S/ Obedander 6-1 Cgivknee.r: ,7airilo $1,937 Wet Dirt: 2 0 0 1 Synthetti 0 0 10 2 0 $31.836 4 2015: Trainer: O ewneAr er( 0-0 -0 -0) Travis Wales Wrd Dr: 4 I 0 0 $1 Clm Pre Turf: 0 $17.433 Yellow $7,500 J S Nightlinger a (L) (0-00.0 )0.00% Dist 6 2 0 0 0 $26,E0 Wet Turf: eeler (Mar 28, 2012) B.q.4 Mr. Nightlinger - Katie's Peal by Alamocitos - Bred in Ok 118 L 5.30 All Oat frees118118Leand Coldlltfidtfula RiallEP irede, no factor 1 151 Wales T 56 68 2 Chn 15000rw3/L 25Jan16 10Hou fm CO 5f :2246 :4543 :5709 4t 5$3 Parker 0 L 120 L 12.40 Gospel Abe1103}Natrally Chanim1221endeana1113}clesed, 3w, faltered 1 95 72 6 44880nd1/x I" :47 32 1:11 69 1:4335 3t 11Dec15 4RP ft So, bid, flattened cut 120 L 3.20 Jet Fred110}flansic•133}Sermcnizer1101 63 Wade L 39 60 4 4 19Nov15 7RP ft 1m :49 63 1:1430 1:4053 31 CI& 44809w1/9 120 L 9,30 hoses Ort12321fIAD fm41204Sarithb Cointry123113w am. no menace 64 77 4 5 52 6 1 1 641 48 Nadel. Ch 20000w3/L 6f :22 99 :4578 1:10 42 30 0943v15 2PP mys 9 Feb 1611m4F ft :50,2110/34 29Feb 16 Not 4F ft :51.6118/20 19 Fab 16 Ebu 4F ft 51.21122/21 Workouts): 8 liar 16 lin 4F ft :50.212/14 Drt: 13 2 I 2 $11.369 53.74 Life: 18 2 2 2 $27,618 Owner: Page, Cindy and Podoba, Ray $5,39 $0 Watt: 5 0 1 0 2016: 0 0 0 0 30-1 Silks: Green 2015: 6 2 0 0 $15,108 Synthett: 0 0 0 0 -0 -0-0 ) 0.00% cim pm Trainer: Shan M. Dunlap (00-0-0-0 Benny C. Landeros mem: 4 0 I 0 15,164 Turf: 0 0 0 0 Green $7,500 Rich Cheezecake $19.425 Wet Turf: 0 0 0 0 ( 0- 0- 0-0 ) 0.00% Dist: 12 1 2 2 (L) ipman (Ma 27, 2011) Ch.q.5 Parade Ground - Talent Hunt by The Minstrel - B 123 N. 57.40 Flying Tan113nRemy 1/o the kith1101rhp kix113214w, hid, lattenedout 1 1 0 1 lanes C 88 13Dec15 4RP sys 6f 21 06 :45 1 0 1:12 37 31 15C1m 7501w3/L 15 3 Lovebeny J 123 ft 32.40 Flyby fraomMula Run123iNewOrder123 1chased, faltetd. Clm 20001d3/L 81 27Nov15 4 RP sys 6X :2274 A616 1:1902 31 3n, tin florally 1 123 bL 4.10 Delancy12091Fusath 0enn11331Fhalflte1132 8179 NcilahmiC 67 6f :22 38 :4600 1:1063 It IDC1m 7500w3/L 150ct15 2RP ft 123 bL 51.W RIth Cheezed(e123101* 011eften1231V B and1412011 vied 2w. Woo cHiMg 1 11 1 1 Pcilahon C 71 080c115 8RP ft 51( :22 14 :4606 1:136 31 LIC1m 7501w2/1_ 30 Jen 1611rd W ft :37.2111/31 •11 Feb 16 lird 4F ft :48.91$ 1/16 19 Feb 16 lird 6F ft 1:026 6/16 licrkods): 4 Nor 16 Wrd 4F ft :53.4114/15 I $18,711 Dtti 8 2 55.15 Life: I 2 I 2 m,542 Owner: IB-ilamcipixon 0 $11 000 $71 Wet fat: 1 0 2016: 20-1 r: 0 N 2 I 2 $22,321 Synthett: 0 0 2015. pm Trainer:Owner( 0-0 -0 -0) Rico Flores Wrd Dot: Clm 000 $0 Turf: 2 0 1 03.660 Black $7,500 Triple Threat (L) M00% (0.0.0-0)) 0 V 0 0 0 $71 WetTurf 0 0 Ott: 24 ar 27, 2012) B.g.4 Rabih - Missed Pitch by Grand Slam - Bred in Min sota 111911213Rotrlower 119 a 84.40 linscicubus110)1Sprhgdwyer119518ers the ikr014iii bobble.std0 start 1 26 41 8 Wel 73/1nd 6f :2283 :4704 1:1258 3t 25Feb16 50P ft 117 bL 111.30 PilillersCkck1134 }Dmieh's Rapl20}ilithliamn116}chased, 2v, gave way g 94 913} HarnikcnO 1 72 2 Ch 10000 04Nov15 2RP fm 9) 10 :507 1:100 1:5212 31 120 I:1 18.50 Dena0Success1131JudgeT. M.110419; Han Stan1102 4w, amid up. faltered 10 Min 75001•38. 71 310 3 7 11 6 13 3 Nadel. 030ct15 6RP ft 1 78 :4716 1:1109 1:43 21 3t 118 L. *1.70 Mole 1her118 1 1Flawer Adde1204PrimeDemlibM231 settled, 3w, clowafi 40 3 1 } 1 1 3 111 Butler° 178 :48 67 1:1529 1:47 26 3t EiCim 1000Orm27L 03Sep15 5Cby ft 16 Jen 16 CP 3F ft :38,419/18 Jan 16 OP 4F ft :48.414/18 30 Jan 16 W 4F ft :49.41 12/52 ilorkoutith 7 Fab 180P EF ft 1:03.6126/36 0311421116 Race 10 RACE 10 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE PSIS an 392016 814 21126 PM 2 3 5 6 (0k0-0)0.00% )0.00% 7 8.1 7 RACE 10 CONTINUED Iireneer: Hopes Thoroughbreds, Inc. 62.7 a mm p Trainer:Joe? Offdter ( 0-0-0-0) 0.00% Orange $ 7 ,500 02F h16 51ou ft 130ec15 4 PP 216:415 1 Pff OEtio sys ft gd Ronnie Be -Li (L) Im 0-0-0-0)0.00% B.g.5 Waupaca - He Sits He Sips by Robin des Pins Ch 7500w3/L 94 :2285 no 1:0575 4t 6f 6f 56 :2185 :4510 1:123 7 3t 111C1m 7500nw3/L :22 51 :46 18 1:1228 3t 11C1m 7500nw3A :22 29 :46 19 1:6564 3t @Chi 75001/3/1_ Feb 16143e IF ft :5116621/26 .1 2 71 75 61 63 28 Jen 16 Hoe 4F pd :51.203 26/38 Wet Ott: $11.923 Synthett: Turf: 112.240 111,909 Wet Turf: 2 0 126450 16.193 0 so 0 $103 0 so 18.30 StEosse/h1193Southern Noro1111 1 10and R.12311 5w stretch, no menace 9 123 1 20.60 flyng Tos123e1Xerny Do the flth120h4)arhp Max12323 shuffled back tun 14 123 L 13.10 E1'sA//stal2313RmnieBe123 1 SC1312 Noss123 12w, angled 4w, paling 6 13 1 °16de 1 213 Wade L 73 42 42 Wade L 18 Jen 16Hou4F ft :526 20i22 . I C.- 3w, bbck, angled 4w, 9 7.90 Marnawasaplsto11231Fhalfite123parhp Max1231 123 L 9 Jen 16 Itiu 4F my :526 80/80 $13,300 2 58,658 Oh: 65.6 L1fe: 585.358 0 $0 Wet Ott: 2016: 2015: Curtis Kimes bedDet: Gospel Chief '1(L) B.q.4 Chief Seattle - Orbited by Mr. Greeley - Bred in Ok 2hd :4791 1:1278 1:336 7 3t El Clm 750093'30. 76 1m Diego 20Nov15 3 W ft 82 1 70 14048 111317 1:4367 31 Calm 7500m411 310ct15 2 W mys 36 24Sep15 1W ft 1m :49 35 1:14 11 1:3135 31 MCin150043/1. 67 60 3 06Sep15 3W ft 664 :2284 :46 42 1:196 2 31 111Cin1WOrn3/1. 20 Feb 16 lird 4F ft :50.493 23/35 liakout(s): 5 Mir 16 Wrd Of ft :37.6064/20 9.2 Owner: .?eolwebetyteeStatles LLC 0 Dist: 9 1 2 0 $32.659 $100 ock (Mar 09, 2011) 118 L 4 3 Nadel. Owner: T and M Precision Services LLC p re Trainer: Andy Gladd ( 0-0-0-0 )0.00% $7 ,50 ° Quincy Hamilton life: 26 2 6 2 2016: 1 0 0 0 2015: 12 I 4 2 Wrd Dr: 7 I 3 1 ( 0- 0-0-0 ) 0.00% Ma' 15, 2012) I V i 383 lanes C 2hd 32 lases C 2h4 2} 2} 42} Ones C 12 Feb 18 Vrd IF ft :52.69315/16 Ott: 1 2 2 10 0 S28,658 Synthett: Turf: S20,538 513.300 Wet Turf: 0 0 0 0 SO SO 00 120 bfL 12.40 Shut tiSmper1201CospelChlef120 2 50sce/Ate120 1 3 set pace, muds late 8 120 bit 7.40 IllxVIIIDance1200zdtorip123 8 1GxpelChlef120npaceAsiee.. wakened 7 119 bli. 6.50 Sennonaer119136 faestraiaDence1193Gospe/Chlef1191set pace, tired We 8 119 bfL 2.10 1t.Streithen10123NIStrobel104123 1 ./S4101dy123 1 ) roll, speed, tired 6 SO .iin IS Wrd 3F ft :36.813/31 $19,506 Ott: 7 2 0 2 594 Lae: 10 2 0 2 $20,600 $1,014 2086: 0 0 0 0 10 Wet Ott: 3 0 0 0 so 319.225 Synthett: 0 0 Q a m p re Trainer: Scott E. Young ( 0-0-0-0 )0.00% Belen Quinonez sa Turf: 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 Turquoise$7,500 0444 ) M00% Dtst: $0 3 0 00 $531 Wet Turf: 0 0 0 0 "Li (L) Gr/ro.q.4 Tactical Cat - Flame Stitch by Saint Ballad - Bre d in Okl home b Cowboy Stables, LLC (Feb 02, 2012) 120 L 12.20 Flyby Tan123s1Kerny 03 the K3t11120fr4)aring ktax1232i 4w nm, no threat 14 76 62 11 1 12511 } 11 7 3 1073 PuhrneB 13Dec15 41f sys 6f :21 06 :45 10 1:12 37 3t OC1m 7591w3/1. set pace, weakened 9 120 L 21.80 YessumBoss12230y Affet120MContrue120 1 } 11 1 1 33 Danner B 1 70 :4871 1:1364 1:44 75 31 Clm 10000rw3/L 78 5 0eDec15 3W ft 31 31 431 Clamant B 120 L 6.50 Mut NSwper1201K1GosplChlef12026esce/A5e120 1 3 chawd, bid 2w. empty 8 3 22 1m :4161 1:12 79 1:39 67 3t OC1m 7500n434 206305 3W ft Ord Old 1} 11 0uhonezB 34 66 120 L 2 110 Cceatie120 1 Koreva Tiotter113 1 41r. Ilegatren120 2 peee. Malef, drIvhg 8 Clm 75066v2/1 07Nov15 3W ft 1 70 :5058 1:1541 1:4511 31 16Feb 1811rd W ft :37.466 4/15 28Feb 16 Wrd 4F ft :48.4939/26 •23 Feb 16 Wrd 4F ft :4% 1/26 Workouts): 611r16 Nrd SF ft 1:03.466 8/17 $20,901 Dirt: 82 2 3 I 4t55 life: 15 2 4 I $3,098 Mike Durham 13,690 50 Wet Ott: 2 0 1 2016; 0 0 0 12-1 ZIT:: to $9,735 Synthetic: 0 0 0 + ) Clm p m Trainer: Owner( 0-0-0-0) 0.00% Rakeem Pauling WrdI111r5t: 4 0 4 $517 $14,36 Turf: 1 0 0 Purple $7,500 0444 )0m $0 Ott: 82 1 4 0 $19,720 Wet Turf: 0 0 0 0 Continue Strike Three (L) B.q.6 Grand Slam - North Cork by Doneraile Clm3200m/3/1. :22 80 4660 1:1300 31 Clm 3200nw2/L :23 60 :4770 1:13 00 31 Chi 320042/1 23Jm15 3W ft 6f :24 :47 00 1:14 00 31 Chi 32001/2/1. 121m15 8W ft 6f :2320 4740 1:1320 31 27Feb 16 IN BF ft 1:1553/11 lierkevesh 6 Nor IS lird 6F ft 1:2666/6 yi Garvin 20-1 CSIIInse: r: Nikki am Trainer: John Garvin( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% Grey $7:1/64` 04415 3W 101l15 7W 6f 6f ft ft 11 12 •13 Jan 16 Ste 4F ft :50.5661/8 S Jan 16 lird IF ft :46.8931/2 Owner: Jimmy Durham 12-1 Silks: Lime amm p Trainer: Mike Durham (0-0-0-0)0.00% Lime $ 29Aug15 3W 15Aug15 2P 251115 8W 10J6115 7P 7 ,500 ft His Only Fun (L) -LI B.g.5 Bastille - Home Fun by Future Storm - ed in Okla ft ft ft 6f :23 :4660 1:12 40 3t 1 7 ° :49 68 1:1480 1:4580 31 6f :2380 :4760 113 40 31 6f :23 60 :4P 0 1:13 00 31 Cen 3200nw3 an 3200N3 Cm 3200nw2 Clm3200nw2/L 27Feb 1611rd g ft 1:1 3/11 Workouts): 6 Mar 16 IN BF ft 1:211 6/6 B - Bute: L - Lask; LI- First Tine task; LX- Off Last : -10 - Oldahom Bred E .u•ment Chan: Hardtozi• will race with Blinkers ( 124 ( ary & Mary West Stables Inc. (Feb 05, 2010) 124 L 11.70 MankInd12043PclIttal Eral2Ons1alks 66eap12051 bkd.pulied tv.waked 7 7 13 429 -- NelbyJ A 3.90 Strielhree1203MsOdyfes120 1 3Prate'sOnLine120 2 Snide, all out, IxId 6 120 L 23 1 1 13 BblbyJ A 7.50 Ilioldffmtelp1200131d0nbrldld120 11hcoltishtck124 1 4wd 4,anuld 6wd eh 7 120 L 6 5 671 65 Senthez 0 120 L 2.20 larrymoeandar11120 1 1/13 Only Fte1206Penpy1202 bid wd,led 3/16.0red 7 3 2 1 21 21 410 Ble6yJ A 13 Feb 16 Wrd SF ft 1:03.206 5/10 en Feb 16 Wrd EF ft 1:16.40614 2 $15,672 $19.148 Olt: 1 412 life: 22 1 13,048 ASO Wet Mt: $0 0 6: 17.869 Synthett: 20 1 5 101 Jason R. Eads Wrd Dirt: 6 0 1 11074 Turf: 0 1428 0 0 so $13,173 Met Turf: 0 Ott: 13 I 2 1 Arkansas by Jack Thompson a Kellie A. Thompson (Feb 20, 2010) rernahed back 12 11 10 1121 1110 Meringue IJ 121 fL 86.20 Rattlesnake Poller11811be kkantan121 1 Judge T. M.121 1 1 1110911 9173 Tuna N 123 ft 65.70 Killer Party120 1 1 YessaBoss1234 .bdge T. M.I20 1 1 urhsrled no threat 11 121 ft 42.40 Kitty Blorde1212ffieckloc12361Sellono121 15v ten, no facto' 7 7 6 3 6 11 722 'Finer r4 li The 1M 52 Turner N pre hskle, wakened 12 113 IL 15.30 Lk Rause 1731R146 Tkil Tav11730Yesson Bom1231 30 Sep 15 Ste IF ft 1:03.1931/1 n 16 Ste 3F ft:383 1/1 4 115,592 116,712 Ort: 1 LLife: 13 56.1 11,120 $0 Wet Dirt 2 0 0 0 2016: 0 0 0 0 0 SO 01r5t : 1 30 114.270 Synthett: wid2D1 Bryan McNeil Turf: 0 SO 15110 SO Ott: 7 $8,092 Wet Turf: 0 0 0 0 ( 8404 ) 0.04714 124 Arkansas Valor (L) Dk B/ Br.g.6 Liquor Cabinet (IRE) - Special Ja 11Feb16 9C ft 6f :2283 :47 18 1:13 14 31 Did 1500cnd Glyn 750014/L 19Nov15 9AP ft lm :4838 1:136 9 1:39 71 3t 64( :22 7 6 :46 14 1:18 42 3t Gin 6250 310ct15 3 W mr Clm 15000143k 170ct15 5W fin 611 714 :2356 :4825 1:3087 31 Workouts): 24 33 14 18 (040'0)0.0054 24 (Mar 03, 2011) 561 243 De Leal A 67 3 69 1 3 7 3 De Lew A 5 0 22 133 DeLeon A 3 3 5 34} 33 23 De Leon A •22 Feb 16 lid ff ft 1:16.40614 120 L 7.90 Nost Chost120 4 3H/sOnly Fun120/3Polittalfral2Oss 2-3wdtum,sp8t foes 8 124 L *1.40 Sru Bp Sloney120 6 3Bullet Bob1201lls Only Funt2411d checkd3/16,akerd out 6 120 L *LW IlsOnN Fun12033Prt'sOnLhe120181deUntrldled12033-4wd 0/n41h/inlay 9 120 L *1.80 SA Three1203110 Osblui1201)PttesOnthe1202 2wd 1/4,anuld3wd 3/16 6 13 Feb 16 Wrd IF ft 1:113.211 5/10 MORNING LINE FAVORITES 8-9.1-4 Ihinled on 32■2016 n tzsz PM
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