Pardon the interruption but


Pardon the interruption but
Section Editor: Faaris Uddin
Page 4
Crossing the United States Borders
Alejandra Carrasquilla Copy Editor
Why is it that starting as
It took six years, $3,000, an
a child, through adolescent years,
with Homeland Security and the
adults’ first question is “what do you
test for the United States
want to be when you grow up?” As if
finally grant me citizensix year olds understand what college
I received a letter from
entails, the work that goes into certhe
and Immigration
tain jobs, and the amount of schoolServices
down to their
ing they will need to achieve it.
a ceremony along
The idea of planning ahead
citizens. I said
and jump-starting possible career
hummed along
endeavors is not the problem. The
viewed a
problem is the look one gets after
they announce their response. All
Barack Obama before I signed my naturalparents want their child to achieve
ization certificate. I took pictures with the
success and long to hear that their
flag displayed proudly in the ceremony
dream is to become a cardiologist or
room, and headed home.
brain surgeon, because we live But others aren’t as lucky.
in a world filled with unstable
My immigration story is a breeze
financials and economic problems.
with the adversities other
Knowing that our child is in a field
endured to gain a shot at an
that is guaranteed to make money is a
had to row rafts,
desert; they left
When these jobs are listed it
a slight possibilis only natural for us to say “wow”,
begin a new
but the reaction is severely differlife.
ent when a child wants to become a
“I came here as a refugee,” said
“professional shoe lace tie-er.” What
junior. “The first time I
is often over looked, however, is the
here, I cried. I left
happiness a certain career can bring
my best friend,
to someone. If a person is happy tyeverything
a whole new
ing shoes for a living- so let them be. culture,
is diffi
It is time for once, to forget
and I
about the money one will make, the
name they have in a community,
Dealing with the government is
or the level of success they may
part of the process. It’s simply
achieve. To the future generations, it
paperwork, paying money and
is time to positively reassure children
for an answer. The social
especially, that happiness equals sucadjustment
process is
more complex, because American culture
greatly different than the rest of the world;
The Sword and Shield
everything here is amplified--the foods,
‘A forum of student expression’
the roads, the cars--to please the go-go-go
South Plantation High School
(P) 754-323-1950
(F) 754-323-2080
I vividly remember getting off
1300 SW 54th Avenue
plane in 2008--the year of
Plantation, FL 33317
feeling flustered at the
Coca-Colas at
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the airport. At school and on the streets,
Sword & Shield
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the overall sizes of standard meals were
much bigger than those I was used to, and
Marissa Steinberg
consequently, I gained much more weight
News Editor
than I ever intended.
Faaris Uddin
But I didn’t care about my looks
Opinons Editor
Brianna Horland
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Copy Editor
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Business Manager
Joseph Crea
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Staff Writers/Photographers/Artists
Lizbeth Acevado, Karla Alvarez, Felicia Arnett,
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Campi, Kyrsten Chen, Anjelina Deonarain, Jared Eliott, Joshua Geller, Mikayla Ginn, Kirstin
Holloway, Megan Leiter, Dawn Oliff, Laura
Ortiz-Lopez, Naajwa Naami, Bayleigh Pearson,
Kaitlyn Putka, Nora Running-Finger, Rayza
Vazquez, Anna Wislow.
Opinions expressed in The Sword & Shield are those of
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to room 242 to express additional opinions or to give
feedback on the newspaper.
back then and instead focused on
student doesn’t know English, then they
getting peer approval. I was stricken
are put into ESOL (English for Speakwith hopelessness because no maters of Other Languages), where they are
ter how hard I tried to learn English,
given classes to improve their English
the knowledge simply would not stay.
skills in reading, writing, speaking and
This language barrier, which seemed to
listening. According to school records,
grow taller and more
as of November there are 192 students
difficult to surpass with
enrolled in this program, 127 of whom
every passing day was
are Hispanic, one multhe root of my probticultural,
I did not
excell in academics
because of this, and
was placed in remedial
classes because my
teachers deemed me
a lost case and
confused my
lack of English
eight Asian and one
with stupidity.
On top of that,
Once I enrolled in the
I was tested
sixth grade, ESOL stopped
with native
sheltering me. It was fine
speakers for
because there was a
the Fourth
click in my brain and
Grade FCAT
English began to
(which I
make sense. I was
failed with a
lucky, because I
level one),
went through
which only
this adjusttheir belief.
ment when I
was nine instead
Left to
of 16, after the
my own
window for fluency
devices, I
without an accent closes.
began to read
“I was frustrated, bebooks and listen
cause you feel like you don’t
to their audiotapes
belong,” said Yesenia Suarez,
prolifically. It took me a
senior. “It took two years to
year before I could match words
adapt--I cried every day, regardwith their pronunciation with ease. At
less of the fact that my whole famthe end of the year, I passed the ESOL
ily is here.”
test, then-called the CELLA, with fly
My life changed when America
ing colors.
welcomed me with open arms on that
“In reality, nobody here helps
fateful August day in 2008. I reveled in
you,” said Nikole Lesmes, sophomore.
the benefits that were given to me--free
“I cried every day because it’s such a
and equal education, well-policed proradical change. I had to leave all my
tection, and the security of knowing that
friends behind in Colombia; I had to
dreams are obtainable in the land of the
start over.”
On average, one to two
foreign students are registered
Illustration drawn by Angelina Deanarain
at this school per week. If that
Pardon the interruption but...
Felicia Arnett
Staff Writer
A crackle of the speaker followed
by “excuse the interruption teachers,
again pardon the interruption teachers” is a common phrase students and
teachers hear throughout the seven
period day. Some information can be
useful, while others… not so much.
Such as, calling teachers to conference
meetings versus baseball practice being
cancelled due to rain.
Aside from announcements, the
speaker continuously going on and
off is unnecessary. A voice coming
onto to the intercom followed by an
apology of some sort is definitely one
of the last thing teachers want to hear.
As a student, I do not necessarily mind
as much. However, while focusing
on reading or solving a difficult math
problem, I would prefer not to be interrupted. “I believe it can cause a problem for
a teacher but for me personally, I don’t
mind as much when I’m not focusing,”
says Brandon Hurt, freshman.
It is especially annoying when the
intercom comes on and a teacher wants
to continue their lesson, so they talk over
the speaker. That makes it all the more
difficult to pay attention. For instance,
the bell is about to ring, students—including myself—are rushing to pack
up, and an announcement comes on. In
the last minute, the teacher is trying to
explain the homework assignment for the
night, raising their voice over the intercom, which gets lost in the mix of voices
and the movement of students.
Not only does the intercom disrupt
classrooms, but testing as well. Announcements are made countless times,
while I take the numerous standardized
tests that seem to increase by the school
year. All they did was state the obvious,
such as testing ends in ten minutes. I
am in the testing room, I know there is
only ten minutes left.
I believe that announcements with
vital information and activities being
cancelled should be passed on.
During these interruptions, my
focus and the focus of twenty-five other
students gets lost. Whenever that finger
is going to press on the intercom button
the thought “is this important? Do I
want to risk the attention loss of about
2,500 students?” should cross their
Christmas time or Christmas crime?
I remember walking through Target
one day looking at all of the old
Halloween decorations, and turning on
all of the ones that could move and talk.
After that, I went to the next aisle over
and saw white Christmas trees and light
up snowmen. Halloween had passed
about two weeks ago and yet here were
the trees and wrapping paper already set
out. Particularly, I don’t mind seeing all
the decorations before most of the major
holidays have even happened. I like
seeing the white snowflake ornaments
mixed with the fall ones. Sure, the colors
of orange and red clash with that of
white, silver and gold, but the holidays
are a time to relax and enjoy company of
those around you.
My mom came home from the store
one June day showing us her new yearly
ornament. When my sister asked her why
she had to gotten it so early, my mom
explained that you had to get ornaments
early before the holiday season even
comes to people’s minds. My mom
isn’t the only one who believes in early
preparation for the holidays. Many
people prepare for Christmas months
in advance so that everything has that
magical appeal to it. People who live far
away from their family buy plane tickets
months in advance so they can see their
loved ones. Some of those people can
only see their families once or twice a
year, if they’re lucky.
Seeing all the white trees with
rainbow lights and looking at all the
garlands and wreaths reminds me
that while we all work the entire year,
whether it be school, a job or both, there
is always a little time at the end of the
year to spend it with people who care
about us and our well-being. People
around the holiday times have a kinder
spirit around them. They don’t let small
stuff try to ruin their days and are easier
to forgive and forget.
After the fireworks sound off around
midnight and New Year’s Day, people
have to go back to their jobs or school,
and we all act like grouches again. The
Kaitlyn Putka
Kaitlyn is secretly batgirl. She spends
her nights fighting off injustice in the
name of everything that is good, such
as kittens. She fights for kittens.
Joseph Crea
Joey aka “crazy crea” likes to live life
on the wild side. He is a pretzel enthusiast and will do anything for his salty
treats. I do mean anything.
Tis’ the season! Jingle bells, mistletoe,
heat slowly starts coming back, and
ABC Family movie marathons, eggnog,
people forget the concept of kindness.
ugly sweaters- scratches record player,
It’s a little disappointing to think people
no. Just no. It is not that time yet! Evwill lose their generosity so quickly, but
eryone needs
that’s the way
to put their
of life. When
Should Christmas start in November? f r u i t c a k e s
back into the
is over it’s
depths of the
over. People
freezer and
wait until it
to lose their
as the thought
time to break
of the holidays
out their holifades
day cheer.
fast with the
Every logidrawing days.
with a sense
items remind
of decorum
me that the
of the year are
Holiday Seajust around the
corner. Before
This survey is based on the votes of 100
we know it the
students from this school.
and ends on
get cooler and
Jan. 1.
people will only
It is not a
be able to think
secret that “the most wonderful time of
about the holidays, and trying to not let
the year” is a huge business because we
the small stuff mess up their most perfect
are greedy, gluttonous, wasteful- and we
magical plans while relatives arrive for
love it.
the holidays.
It is especially hilarious here in Flori-
Opinions l the sword & shield l 2015
da. You wake up at five in the morning
on Black Friday to get to the mall to buy
those pair of Uggs that were 60 percent
off for yourself because you think it
will go well with a beanie and an ugly
sweater to create the perfect “winter
look.” But when you wear that down
here at that time of the year in 90-degree
weather, you sweat and then stink up
those expensive shoes. All for the sake
of merriment. Even this ridiculousness
can be excused because it was done during the season.
Christmas decorations are great for
letting people express how happy Christmas makes them. Every year for my
whole life my family and I have gone to
the Holiday Light show at Tradewinds
Park. It is something I look forward to
every year. I am sure many of you have
a tradition that you cherish whether it is
going to visit family or watching a certain holiday movie.
Moments like these are special because they happen for a brief time of the
year. What people do not seem to understand is that when you get into the holiday spirit when people are still enjoying
eating pumpkin cookie and watching
the leaves change, you are taking integrity from what you are celebrating.
Now, I am not saying the whole
“keep Christ in Christmas” schpeal. I
myself am a half breed and celebrate
both Christmas and Hanukkah every
year. Celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, or whatever has become more than
a religious practice too for many of today’s families. Lighting the menorah is
something I remember my mother doing before I could walk. Almost every
child feels connected to the North Pole
and expects Santa Clause to leave them
presents to open on Christmas morning.
The end of the year has the best holidays. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Kwanza, Hanukkah, Christmas, and whatever
else people enjoy celebrating all have
their own specific timeframe in which
they are significant and should be celebrated.
Novemberrl Page 5
Illustration drawn by Kathleen Palencia & Anjelina Deonarian
Jordana Khandakji Staff Writer
Fall is finally here. Leaves are
changing colors and gracefully falling on
to the ground (not for us), pumpkins
are carved and on people’s doorsteps,
Thanksgiving is around the corner, and
of course pumpkin spice everything is
Pumpkin spice lattes, (also
known to many as the greatest
things on earth), were introduced to us in 2003 by the
world-renowned coffee
company, Starbucks, and
has made revenue of $200
million dollars since then.
But what’s all the hype
about? because honestly, are Pumpkin spice
lattes the greatest
things on earth?
Being one
to never actually try
the famous Starbucks
drink, I finally went
out to get the most popular seasonal drink and
wasn’t that impressed.
Sure it was good, but is
this drink really worth
all of social media to
go crazy over? I didn’t
think so.
The famous
Pumpkin Spice Lattes
just seem to be a way
to get more Twitter
favorites, Instagram
likes or Tumblr notes
when posting a picture
of the classic Starbucks
cup with the three capital
letters, PSL on it.
We get it! You
got Starbucks’s most acclaimed seasonal drink,
along with the majority
of the rest of the line. This
drink became quite stereotypical and has become known as the “Basic
White girl” drink.
Surprisingly, this year is the first
time this high demand drink has actual
pumpkin in it. In the past years it has
also contained caramel color level IV,
which is created by reacting corn sugar
with ammonia and sulfates that are
under high pressure, and the only
thing it’s said to do was to make the
drink have that coffee color.
Starbucks isn’t the only
place that sells the beloved
PSL; Dunkin
Donuts, Peets’
Coffee and
Tea, Panera,
McDonalds and
this drink.
price is at
$4.95 and is
380 calories
while 7-eleven is also 380
calories and
$1.55, but
drink does not
actually contain real pumpkin. Out of
the six that have
been named,
Panera and Starbucks are the only
ones to actually contain pumpkin in this
year’s fall season, the others just containing pumpkin flavoring in their syrup.
“It has gotten to a point where
now I don’t even feel like ordering it,
because the people in front of me already
ordered it. And its not even that it’s the
best drink. I’d much rather just order
a regular latte,” says Alondra Marrero,
When asking people why they
liked it, their answers often were “It
just makes it feel more like fall.” Which
could be true considering that it’s probably the closest thing us Floridians can
get to fall. But, fun fact: there are other
seasonal drinks available in in fall. Starbucks has the Salted Caramel Mocha,
aka one of the most underrated Starbucks
drink. Also, Starbucks just came out with
new Toasted Graham Latte this year,
the first new autumn drink made in four
Pumpkin Spice has taken over,
not just with the PSL, but also with
everything possibly edible. Companies
have made their products to follow this
on going trend. Quaker oatmeal, Chobani
Greek yogurt, Extra gum and Philadelphia cream cheese have all came out with
pumpkin spice flavors.
Even dogs can get into the fall
spirit with pumpkin spice dog treats.
There are YouTube videos of people
trying all the outrageous pumpkin spice
foods, and quizzes on whether or not a
pumpkin spice product really exists.
This fall staple has gotten a little
ridiculous and slightly out of hand but if
eating pumpkin spice flavored hummus
(yes, it exists) makes you happy then go
for it.
There are always controversies
in the media, but I’m not sure exactly
what to think of this pumpkin spice craze.
I’m not sure if it will ever stop either. For
a long time, I think we can expect to see
pumpkin spice flavored everything.
Illustration drawn by Lizbeth Acevedo
Cartoon: Donald Trump on his campaign
Aalayah Campbell Staff Writer
The introduction
of Target making their toy section
gender neutral in August means that
the toys that are sold are not going
to be sectioned by the stereotypical
boy/girl toy, but rather the type of
toy it is. This would allow kids to
choose the toy they would really
rather play with, without feeling
ashamed about it.
Boys shouldn’t feel
humiliated for wanting to play
with Barbies and girls shouldn’t
feel humiliated for wanting to play
trucks. Kids should be able to enjoy
their childhood, live freely and not
have strict gender roles imposed on
them. Forcing children into rigid
boxes of gender can negatively and
seriously effect how a child sees
themselves and others.
Many parents have a
problem with it because they believe that it would defeminize their
daughter or emasculate their son,
even though there’s nothing wrong
with a boy being feminine and a
girl being masculine. In reality,
it would allow children to fully
express themselves. Other parents
have a problem with it because they
feel it would make it difficult to
find gifts for their children. Which
is ridiculous, because they should
know what their children like instead of depending on a simple sign
and gender stereotypes to determine
what to get their children.
Other companies are starting to follow suit and many people
are realizing how unnecessary it is
to gender products like yogurt, ear
plugs, and tools. When there’s nothing different between the products
besides the color and price. Many
companies believe that they’re doing good when they label traditional
masculine objects like tools as
women’s tool or traditional feminine objects like makeup as men’s
makeup. When it just promotes the
idea that a man or woman can’t like
it genuinely without it including a
element of masculinity or femininity to draw their attention in.
There’s no evidence backing that gender stereotypes are true
in their nature. The sex of a person
doesn’t determine their personality;
it just tells you the biological aspect
of them. Most people do believe
gender stereotypes because that’s
what society tells us to do. And if
we don’t, then we should be humiliated for it.
With the introduction of gender neutrality in many places like
companies, people who fall outside
the gender dichotomy may be able
to have a chance to accept their
identities. And with it, more people
would start to accept their identities
and not believe in the cisnormativity that is imposed on us.
People, especially children,
shouldn’t be forced to conform
to gender roles and stereotypes
because they are constructed by society and are actually unimportant
and unnecessary for anyone. People
should be allowed to express and
like what ever they like without
feeling or being humiliated about it.
Volume 1, Page 6 artwork by Lizbeth
November l Page 6
Illustration drawn by Anjelina Deonarain; content written by Faaris Uddin
Gender Roles
Opinions l the sword & shield l 2015
Pumpkin spice and everything not so nice