Related Materials - Earl K. Long Library
Related Materials - Earl K. Long Library
Related Materials – Contents PART 1 Theses and Dissertations Concerned with the OPSB or Based In Part on Holdings now In Archives and Manuscripts/Special Collections, Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans Review: Desegregation of the Orleans Parish School System, Alfred Peter Giarrusso, Ed.D. Monographs based, in part or entirely, on the Orleans Parish School Board Collection, Archives and Manuscripts/Special Collections, Earl K. Long Library. UNO Archival Collections containing information on New Orleans Public Schools Related OPSB Material Available at Manuscripts Section, Howard Tilton Memorial Library, Tulane University OPSB Materials Available in New Orleans Public Library (Louisiana Room) Additional New Orleans Public School Plans housed at NO Public Library PART 2 OPSB Materials Available at New Orleans Public Library (Louisiana Room) Records held at the State Archives, 1994 Records on Education in the State Archives, received 1994 THESES AND DISSERTATIONS CONCERNED WITH OPSE Or Based In Part on Holdings now In Archives And Manuscripts/Special Collections, Earl K. Long Library, University Ambrose, Edith. Sarah Towles Reed and the Origin of Teacher Unions in New Orleans, Thesis, History, UNO 1991. Baptiste, Donald. An Investigation of the Role of a Central Office in School Restructuring: A Case Study of a Public School District. Diss., Education, UNO 1993. Brupbacher, Lois. An Examination of Some of the Factors That Influence the Development of Meaningful Involvement of Parents in the Community at large in the Governance of Orleans Parish Public Schools. Thesis, History, Tulane University 1993. Blackmon, Stephanie Ann. Declining Enrollment and Alternative Reutilization for Surplus School Facilities. Thesis, University of New Orleans, 1982. Chujo, Ken. The Negro Division: Public Education Policy for Black Louisiana, 1916‐1941. Thesis, History, UNO 1984 Cortez, Mark J. The Faculty Integration of New Orleans Public Schools University of New Orleans, 1994 Dasher, David John. Hegemonic Ideologies and Resistance in New Orleans Public Schools. University of New Orleans, 1992 Dejan, Marie. Education For Negroes In New Orleans Prior to 1915. Thesis, Xavier University, 1941 Diaz, Gene Rankin. Coordinating Discourses: An Ethnography Of A Creative Arts High School. Dissertation, University of New Orleans, 1992. Dupont, Robert L. Educational Bureaucracy: An Analysis of Public and Parochial Structures in New Orleans. Thesis, University of new Orleans, 1979. Guarruso, Alfred Peter. Desegregation of the Orleans Parish School System. Thesis, University of Arkansas, 1969. Heidingsfelder, Harold Emanuel. The History of the Public Evening Schools in New Orleans, Thesis, Loyola University of the South, 1940. Copy available in OPSB Col., Box 110 v. Kennedy, Albert L. Developing a Media Information Management System In A Public School System. Thesis, University of New Orleans, 1987. Lee, Silas, III. An Analysis of the Orleans Parish School System’s Department of Research and Evaluation. Thesis, University of New Orleans, 1979. Muller, Mary Lee. The Orleans Parish School Board and Negro Education, 1940‐1960. Thesis, University of New Orleans, 1975. Murphy, Cassandra. Change in the Instructional Use of Computers in An Elementary School (Urban Schools, Change Process). Diss., Education, UNO 1993. Parr, Leslie. G. “A Will of Her Own”: Sarah Towles Reed and the Pursuit of Democracy in Southern Public Education. Diss., History, Tulane University, 1995. Watson, Zarus, E.P. The Relationship of Therapist’s Ethnicity Psychotheoretical Orientation and the Client’s Stage of Racial Identity to the Black Male’s Perception of the Therapist. Diss., Education, UNO 1992 2818-A EDUCATION The most widely acc.:pt ed Juthonty in the ;i..-!d (Donald G. Te>wksbury. :I_tw )POORGLUaFaOI Am,oncan Collec:es before the IBa ??āaU -UaXHVthal U:-:.- ·;.tsl r.n.t.iurilv tJf d~:~,_,rnin:nional Ct)ll.:-:;t:) we~··: est:1bUshed primarily ··as a n1E~t:~s ot st-::tari3.n a~:2.r~ndizernent and ag-gression·· and for the purpose .. of pro- ·:iding the churches on the irontier with ::t ::;"ccessi•Jn oi learned .tnd dt_· :(Jted ntinisters of the f_·ospel. ~· Tewksbur\:·s generalizatit>ns d<J not "pply to Upper IuwJ. College 0r Imr::t Wesleyan Coilec:e. both ,,f which wer<' included 1n Te•.l·ksb•Jr~··s sample. The histories of the two colle~es show that netther mstltutwn was founded as part of a denominational plan. Although Methodist people were instrumental in their founding. these colle£>:es were not the result of some broader organizational str•Jl'!urP. On the contr~ny. both institutim!s were founded out~ide ti~e formal. denomination::;! structure. and or;lr after their incept iur; did they seek and f(alll the p.!lr•mase ot the annual C<H1ier~n,·e uf the 1\lethodist Epis<opal C!Jurch. This study shows that the popular belief that such colleges were founded by the church is not correct in all cases. Upper Iowa Coliege consistently used service to region. state, and country as the main justification for its existence. Neither college demonstrated any signiJicant !?ectarian influence or characteristics grounded in commitment to "churchly relision. ·· but Iowa WPsley;Hl Co!!e;e \CtS more denominatiunally oriented from the outset. This is not tu sav that it was more 1 S~('i:-ti~i:tn. h:..1t sectarian-type interest~ which emer~ed [ron1 time w time wnhu; the annual rc•nference tended to magnify ihe clennminati<>nal ···rientation of the ,.,,ll~~e. Allusions to sen·ice :o Gud and country are found throughout the history of Iowa Wesleyan, but they were ne;·er used as a prime justification for its existence as they were in the case of Upper Iowa. Efforts to relax the formal relationship of the annual conference to Iowa Wesleyan were gradually successful but constantly resisted. In the case of Upper Iowa such resistance was infrequent. There is reason to believe that denominational pride and conference politics may have had as much to do with the relationship of these two colleges to their respective conferences as did either sociological and theological influences or concerns related to support. M $5. 90; X $20.95. 462 pages. rep••rt.,.d. Public educati<Jn prior to the War Between the S; ,. the \\·'Jr. during R'.:<l·lJL-:,tr 1JCtidn. ~nd in pnst wa1· ~.-. :tr.' es:t.nlined and dorun1Ented ·.~:!le!~ p·~::. .:<ble. The d.:-·.-.~r.-~~);:~ ol the schtJol progr~un frt_,i!1 1921 tr) the pre~ent tim':".,_ d~.~.nn~ WJ~ dt-sr nbed. Tl":c· u:•erativn of spt:cial schw•is f•w the hiind. the deai ;,. _ hard of !Jearing: and spastic c!Jildrer: v:as rfpr.;>sentecl. HI~her ectuc:1tion in LoUJsi:t::a. in the se·.-,.,nteen ;;:.otn~t!•"'.· thJt are StJ.te operated was dis~~·u.ssr?.J. as wer~e thP pri\·;nt: ,1! __ religious colleges and univers:ties. The use of State funds for education in Louisiana was ex. amined as was the assistance of the State Dep:Jrtment rJf LL, ti•Jn to the public school prop·am in the Parishes of th'O St.".'Also reported ·.t:as the operJlion of the schtl<Jl-tdnch pr;.J~r.-:r; and the free textbooks and supplies pr'Jf'Tam. The struc:,:le of the Orleans Pansh Sehoul Board in the Federal. and State Court.;;, and wit!; tile legislarur<"s wa" de, mented. The legislative and population resistance to desc-~r. galion of the schools was reported and the emotional and ps·. logical aspects of the issue were discussed. It was noted t~,, 1 the desegre[>;ation of schools in New Orleans was ne,·er bv 'voluntary act of school officials, but in e\·ery case court '-'rd,·:.. From the facts reported in this study one conclusion is ap parent. a school system can succEssfully and ,·oluntarilv ar·.· plish desec:re~:ttion ot schools wt:e~ th(· C'Otnn~unity :.111d ;::<~ ti<.mal leadership are comm~tted to this g:o:tl. AIFJther conclusiclll is the realization that the classrol)m climate a:;d, sens1ti\ ity· ut teachers are in1porta:tt fat·turs in buccessful desegregation. A third cone lusim; IS the r;eed by school ciJ,;. tricts, of tir.ancial aid from all levels of government in order to modernize and improve educational programs. Recommendations emphasized the responsibility of all levels of government for correctiYe action in desegregation schools. Further recommendations stressed the need for JIJ. iion of resJdential segregation in an effort to end racial isob tion; and the solution of problems created by the present demand by militant young blacks for separate courses and faculties. Suggestions for on-going research. of high quality, in \!H' dominant areas of interest, were offered in the belief that l':i answers and solutions to the problems of desegregation u! schools must be disCO\'ered thruuiCh ~ciEentific research. !>1 $3.00; X $8.00. 173 p;,~·· f i I! I ~ I . f. DEGREGATION OF THE ORLEANS PARISH SCHOOL SYSTEM (Order No. 70-393) THE BI-CULTURAL HERITAGE OF TEXAS. Alfred Peter Giarrusso,Ed. D. University of Arkansas. 1969 (Order No. 69-21. 911) Major Professor: Dr. Roy B. Allen The primary concern of this study was to emphasize the ;,;ra·:ity 'Jf t!":e problems in,·o[,·ed In desegregating schools in a lar~e Southern city. The problems are numerous and complex, and originate from the apathy oi educational and political l•::adership, and from !egislatin" aud population resistance to change of local customs. The problems in the States of A!c1bama. Arkansas. Delaware. Georgia. Mississippi. and Missouri were examined and court decisions ar:d sci:••••! board admini5tratJve actions were documented. Alabama. Arkansas, and M1ssissqJpi are Southern States and Dcl.!"-'dre and Missouri are das5Ified as Border S1ates. In the Border States. Just as l:o the SCiuthern States. r-:e~rues had to resort t•:) the Courts tor rei ief from segregated .scb.J(;l pract;c es. Free pc.:b!ic education in Louisi:J!Ja frrJm 1847 to 1960 was investigated. The contributions of the legislatures and of Annanelle Hardt. Ph. D. The University of Texas at Austin, 1968 Supenisor: Georg-e I. Sanchez Texas and Mexico have much 111 common. geograpl;ic:~l!,·. historically, and culturally. Mexican-Americans !1eed to;;.;;.' • thls heritage in order to i~prm·" their self-image; An;:luAmericans need to know the information if they are goins t.' respect n:exicanos. Geo..;:raphically. northern Mexico and southern Texas "~c one. sharing 3 semi-desert. HJstc;ricaliy. Texas shares m•.1ch with Mexico and Sp~::'· Just :ts the first European expl·•rt'rs in ~.;,·,rth America "'''' Spanish. the first white men to t:;,pl>.Jre Texas were aiso Si;J·,· T~1e iirst settlements in the present linited States were ~·:t~_ ..· by Spaniards. Durmg the Spanish period the first comm"": . d Texas was Isleta founded in 1682. Children seem to b<' ·. inforn1ation. but the stress on the beginning cul')niz.Jt:-·· An~tril· ..t i::; U:-ju,di.y gi\·en to Angl~J-Amerlcan~. Monographs based, in part or entirely, on the Orleans Parish School Board Collection, Archives and Manuscripts/Special Collections, Earl K. Long Library. Baker, Liva. The Second Battle of New Orleans: The Seven Year Battle to Integrate the Schools. New York: Harper Collins Publishing Inc., 1996. Devore, Donald E. and Joseph Logsdon. Crescent City Schools, Public Education in New Orleans, 1941‐1991. Lafayette, La.: Center for Louisiana Studies, University of Southwestern Louisiana, 1991. Fairclough, Adam. Race and Democracy: The Civil Rights Struggle in Louisiana, 1915‐1972. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1995. Upton, Dell. Madeline: Love and Survival in Antebellum New Orleans, Athens, Ga.: University of Georgia Press, 1996. Widmer, Mary Lou. Beautiful Crescent: A History of New Orleans. New Orleans, Garner Press, 1994. . New Orleans in the Twenties. Gretna: Pelican Publishing CO., 1993. . New Orleans in the Fifties. Gretna: Pelican Publishing Co., 1991 . New Orleans in the Forties. Gretna: Pelican Publishing Co., 1990. . New Orleans in the Thirties. Gretna: Pelican Publishing Co., 1989. Williams, Kathleen Whalen. Teacher‐Student Conflict: An Exploration of Student Perceptions. Diss., Education, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 1993. c:\data\opsb4\monograp OPSB ‐147 UNO Archival Collections containing information on New Orleans Public Schools The following collections, located in the Archives and Manuscripts/Special Collections Department of the Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans, contain materials which relate to New Orleans Public Schools. Eloise Altman – Accession No. 269 Materials collected by Altman as a board member of the McMain High School Community Advisory Council and as an active member of the League of Women Voters Education Committee. 1970s‐1980s Bert Bruad – Accession No. 275 Materials concerning Braud’s career as a music teacher in the Orleans Parish School board system. 1963‐2967. Lois Brupbacher Collection – Accession No. 243 Six boxes of miscellaneous files, ca. 1970s‐1983, compiled in the preparation of a Tulane University Master of Liberal Arts Thesis about the Lake Area Public School Improvement Association and the Rockefeller Community Development Program. Kay (Mrs. Clarence) Coffey Collection – Accession No. 194 Miscellany, including periodicals, clippings, correspondence, pamphlets, minutes produced and/or acquired by Kay Coffey as a board member of the National Association for Gifted children, and founder‐member of the Association for Gifted and Talented Students. ca. 1973 forward. Carolyn Gay Labouisse – Accession No. 281 Recipient of the Times Picayune Loving Cup for 1990, the collection reflects her participation as a member of the civic committee, Agenda for Children. ca. 1990s. OPSB‐147 2 Other UNO Holdings Pertaining to New Orleans Public Schools Lessons Learned – Accession No. 240 Records produced and compiled by Lyn Adams in the production of “Lessons Learned,” a television documentary on the history of the New Orleans Public Schools which aired January 15, 1992 on Educational Access channel of Cox Cable. The Orleans Parish School Board Collection, Accession 147, contains a videocassette copy of “Lessons Learned.” Records include 24 audiotapes and 78 videotapes together with transcriptions for same, and xerographs of related clippings, correspondence, school board minutes, essays and ancillary miscellany. ca. 1989‐1992. Zoe Shallcross Mysing – Accession No. 258 Scrapbooks prepared by Shallcross which reflect her activities as a student at Henry W. Allen Elementary School, Sophie B. Wright High School, and Newcomb College. ca. 1924‐1934, 1948‐1984. Sarah Towles Reed Collection – Accession No. 121 Papers of Sarah Towles Reed and records of the New Orleans Public School Teachers Association (NOPSTA), later called the New Orleans Classroom Teachers Federation, a teachers union in New Orleans. Included are family and personal correspondence; publications; teaching materials; West Feliciana Parish materials; genealogical and historical research notes concerning West Feliciana Parish; photographs; and miscellany. Also included are union legislative materials, correspondence, agenda, constitutions, publications, files, and Orleans Parish School Board documents collected and maintained by the union. n.d., 1834, 1865‐1979. Myrtle L. Schmidt Collection – Accession No. 251 Records produced by or relating to activities of the following organizations and programs for the periods indicated: Association for Gifted and Talented Students in Louisiana, ca. 1973‐1982; Community Advisory Board (to the Orleans Parish School Board), ca. 1977‐1978; Council of Presidents of Cooperative School Clubs, ca. 1958‐1982; Innovative Education Coalition, ca. 1972‐1974; Rockefeller Fund Community Development Program, ca. 1972‐1976; University‐Area Public School Development Association, Inc., ca. 1974‐1980. Gathered by Myrtle L. Schmidt, as a member or officer of the aforementioned organizations or as an interested citizen. Records includes minutes, pamphlets, correspondence, newsletters OPSB‐147 3 Other UNO Holdings Pertaining to New Orleans Public Schools budget statements, notes, and related miscellany. Matthew R. Sutherland – Accession No. 230 Papers produced or received by Matthew R. Sutherland while serving as a member of the Orleans Parish School Board, 1954‐1966. Materials include originals and copies of correspondence, editorials, legal documents, speeches, and miscellany including broadsides, pamphlets, resolutions, journal reprints, name and address lists, school board minutes, Citizens’ Council publications. ca. 1953‐1963. Audry M. Stier – Accession No. 262 Memorabilia of the New Orleans Public Schools which includes diplomas and certificates issued by the Orleans Parish School Board and/or the Louisiana State Department of Education; six copies of McDonogh Chatter; three copies of Memory Gems and commencement programs. 1890‐1939. United Teachers of New Orleans, Local 527 – Accession No. 135 Records, including minutes; correspondence; printed matter; banking, dues, and other financial memoranda. ca. 1949‐1972. United Teachers of New Orleans, Local 527 – Addendum 1 Accession No. 204 Records, including minutes; correspondence, printed matter, financial memoranda and photographs. ca. n.d., 1965‐ 1972. c:\data\opsb3\ Related OPSB Material Available at Manuscripts Section, Howard Tilton Memorial Library, Tulane University Personal papers and will of John McDonogh. (For in‐depth description on these files see Box 334 Vertical File) OPSB l1ATERIAL AVAILABLE IN NEhT ORLEANS PUBLIC LIBRARY (LOU I S I AI-JA ROGrf) t..OU~Iltfl8 HEF 920g Alcee Fortier High School Scrapbook, graduating classes. lv. photograhps. 19311946 Louisiana !i!:F ')00 v.l 1931 - 1946 Alcee Fortier Hi r;h School date §i!.~ ~ ~ S c~ o ol ne•.1spap e r v For holdings, see the following cards. ( louisiana I HEF 920m date • : Louisiana Alcee Fortier Hii')l School. Scrapbooks or the Military unit Alcee Fortier High School Silver and Blue, School newspaper, HEF900 date 3V 'iQ()" TMO·~ v 1 1931 - 1946 v 2 1~40- 194J (photographs) v,3 1)40 - 194C It ll j l\ zi ul ul ll +I Il l " sl CMICK!C Alit! AVAIL..A.LI IN Ll.lltAfiiY ' i ul ,.I ' Scrapbooks or extracurricular activities. 3v. T.l 1932-1946 v.2 1932-1946 (photographs) v.3 1934-1946 (photographs) 6\ nl !! 6l nl .." I !l ss " 56 \1 Il l ; ~ ll si II i al ll 9T "I 101 "l JO I,' . ·~ .. +1 " "'· ( I ., "osl S4 +S ll 'a ,,.. l6 !S j, "' 1 ."/~ --a,-.-r----.-U-.C-H-1<-.-.- Wi9~ date Aleee Fortier Hi~ School. Il l <! lS iii 11 IS 16 SOUIII:CI - - - -- --- - - - - ---- ----··- ll ;- !4' ,j to i "I )I ll Ill "I ool WMIIII:I ~< I .. 61 nj 17 , • "f ool 10 ~U8L.IIHIC ·o·o··c-"U'' "M"INT CHICKINO lltiCOIItD 920 date Alcee Fortier High School Scrapbooks or general school activities llv v 1 1J3l-4(, 7 v 2 l931-4C (photocr'lphs v I 1;?33 v a .!.') 39-4l 'I 3 1)31-35 v 9 1? 4 2- 4~ ·r I, .!.? 35 v 10 lj4 :;-4 ,; v 19 31.: v 11 1)1. 5-46 v ::; 1937 photographs • :JEP' Ale .... Portier Hi c:h 'S chool Co~ence~ent progra~. ~20a date v 1931-1946 Alcee Fortier High School. Scrapbooks o~ athletic activities 5v v v ., v 1 2 3 4 v 5 1931 1937 1] 37 1)37 1')43 - 1937 1941 1942 1943 19415 (photographs ) (photographs) (nhotographs) ( photoe;raphs) ----------- - - - .. Lo ui siana HEF 945 date • Louisiana HEF920b date Alcee Fortier High School. Scrapbook o~ band activities. lY. Alcee Fortier High School Programs and school pubtications. lv 1931-1945 111 r ·-LHoEuFI'sianc ' ' I ·i 1931-1946 (photographs) ". lS i 1{2!" 940 date 141 ll .. .. 57 ! ni " as • •I "'' 9\ " ." 9S 06 ... 01 00 OPSB HATERIAL AVAILABLE IN NEH ORLEJ.NS PUBLIC LIBRARY (LOUISIANA ROOH) Louisiana I1 FL 700 ~a ll e Schoo l lla n dbooJ.: }Ofi6 - l967 ~'ew Or lea ns La La ~a110 ~choo1 na r ent - Tea c her Assoc i a t ion ~ovember 1 19 66 I.a 196610 6 7 n n lo :J ! '-·~ - .... ~. HEL 920 date • La Salle Elementary School Scrapbook, 1901-1935 2v Clippings v 1 1901-1935 v 2 19 3 7-1942 L::- . HEL 920p date .. :;na HEL 920j 1951 La Salle Elementary School Golden Jubilee Scrapbook lv • La Salle Elementary Schoo l Scrapbook, Parent Teacher Association 9 vols ~anuscript ~ ~ I§H - t§~~ v v v v 1954 1955 1957 1958 1959 1960 1973 3 4 5 6 v 7 v 8 y 9 - 1955 1956 1958 1959 1960 1961 1974 Additional New Orleans Public School Plans housed at NO Public Library ( These plans are available at the Main Branch of the New Orleans Public Library (list compiled by Ken Ducote, March 2010). Barracks, 2400 John McDonogh Senior High School Gymnasium 8‐28‐59 21887 J. Buchanan Blitch & Associates R224 Bienville, DUpre, Iberville, Gayoso, School (proposed) N/A ca 1902 N/A Ferguson (?) R546 Desire Parkway, 3101 Robert R. Moton Elementary School Additions and Alterations November 8, 1961 28666 Wyatt C. Hedrick R125 Desire Parkway, 3101 Robert R. Moton Elementary School N/A September 7, 1954 48429 Claude E. Hooten R633 Desire Parkway, 3601 Dunn Elementary School N/A December 11, 1956 74750 Claude E. Hooten R1812 Desire Parkway, 3601 Henderson H. Dunn Elementary School Additions and Alterations November 8, 1961 28666 Wyatt C. Hedrick R125 Edna, 3019 Carver Elementary School (Edwards) N/A October 11, 1957 5178 Curtis & Davis R19 Forstall, 1343 Thomas A. Edison Elementary School N/A April 25, 1968 75972 Ricciuti Associates R191 General Meyer, 2832 O.Perry Walker Senior High School N/A May 7, 1968 76136 J. Buchanan Blitch and Associates R216 Harrison, 1300 Lakeview Elementary School (Hynes) N/A October 31, 1950 10626 Favrot, Reed, Mathes & Bergman R620 Hiawatha, 4300 (Almonaster) Orleans Parish School Board – Central Services N/A January 19, 1971 88516 Carey B. Gamble and Associates F78 Pratt, 1700 Francis W. Gregory Jr. High School N/A November 27, 1957 6246 Burk, Lebreton, Lamantia R93 Read, 5500 Marion Abramson High School N/A September 21, 1965 62245 August Perez and Associates R282 Reynes, 4358 McDonogh #40 Elementary School Addition May 30, 1956 69639 Stoffle, M. Wayne R1768 Reynes, 4647 Lee Station School – old McDonogh 40 Addition 1950 12079 E. A. Christy R1710 Rocheblave, South, 2600 James Derham Jr. High School N/A March 21, 1958 8308 Riccuitti Associates R89 Roman, North, 4001 Kohn Jr. High School N/A December 2, 1955 64483 Freret and Wolf R1763 Roman, South, 1201 Booker T. Washington Senior High School Renovation June 15, 1973 01990 Gandolfo, R. P. R407 Roman, South, 1201 Booker T. Washington High School Vocational agriculture group November 8, 1949 8536 Christy, E. A. 441 Roman, South, 1201 Booker T. Washington High School N/A July 30, 1940 20215 Christy, E. A. 341 Trafalgar, 3519 Edward Douglas White Elementary School N/A October 15, 1956 73352 Tsoi, Edward M. R1775 Ursuline, 2000 Sisters of the Congregation of St. Joseph (Bell) N/A January 21, 1905 N/A Diboll and Owen 45 Ursuline, 2000 St. Joseph Academy (Bell) N/A January 21, 1905 N/A Diboll and Owen 46 Verret, Behrman High School – Field House N/A June 2, 1950 12626 Christy, E.A. R1693 Virgilian, 6519 Ray Abrams Elementary School N/A February 26, 2957 75798 Perez (August) and Associates R1821 Whitney, 1200 L.B. Landry High School Classroom Replacement December 4, 1958 14951 Dreyfous, Seiferth and Gibert R226 Whitney, 1200 L. B. Landry High School N/A June 25, 1957 2645 Dreyfous, Seiferth and Gibert R243 Whitney, 1200 L.B. Landry High School Addition May 14, 1968 76278 Lowrey, Hess, Boudreaux, Farnet R202 Whitney, 1912 Murray J. Henderson School N/A June 26, 1957 2691 Nolan, Warren J. R11 Abundance, 3000 Robert R. Moton Elementary School Construction 3/29/1985 63894 Anthony J. Gendusa, Jr. R1510 Annette, 2121 Valena C. Jones Public School N/A March 9, 1928 2008 E.A. Christy 238 Arts, 2518 John A. Shaw Elementary School N/A May 5, 1939 18177 E.A. Christy R574 Berkeley, 5300 Alice M. Harte Elementary School Additions September 10, 1957 4587 August Perez & Assoc. F16 Bienville, 2011 Albert Wicker Elementary School N/A May 14, 1973 1500 Rock & Galloway R395 Burdette, 419 McDonogh #24 Elementary School Replacement 3‐28‐68 75531 Hamilton, Meyer & Associates R189 Springwood, 9440 Henry C. Schaumburg Elementary School Addition March 31, 1983 50629 Ronald Leone R1181 St. Maurice, 2401 Hardin Elementary School N/A August 27, 1956 71902 Ricciutti Associates R1791 St. Philip, 700 block McDonogh #15 School Renovations 1990 VCC John C. Williams R1458 St. Roch, 5700 McDonogh #39 School N/A June 21, 1950 13525 Freret and Wolf R1692 Caffin, 1605 Macarty School Additions & Alterations August 24,1950 14716 Warren J. Nolan R604 Camp, 1200 Frank T. Howard School #2 (Free School) N/A January 12, 1903 N/A Thomas Sully 36 Canal, 3019 Warren Easton Senior High School Gymnasium June 25, 1957 20158 Favrot and Grimball R214 Carondelet, 721 Rabouin Memorial School N/A January 29, 1936 13833 E.A. Christy 306 Carrollton, South, 719 Benjamin Franklin Senior High School Addition, Alterations and Repairs April 22, 1958 9084 Murvan M. Maxwell R16 Carrollton, South, 1607 Robert E. Lee Public School Additions August 7, 1930 8493 E.A. Christy 251 Chestnut, 4800 McDonogh #6 Public School/McDonogh Memorial N/A 1893 N/A S.R. Duvall 1 Claiborne, South, 5712 McMain High School N/A August 13, 1930 8332 E.A. Christy 276 Cleveland, 3220 Frank T. Howard School #1 N/A May 9, 1901 N/A Thomas Sully 25 Clouet, 1339 Palmer Public School N/A March 10, 1931 8747 E.A. Christy 281 Curran, 10200 Little Woods – Elementary School N/A July 13, 1972 96387 Edward M.Y. Tsoi R382 Curran, 10200 Debore & Little Woods Elementary Schools Eight classroom editions 2/18/82 47063 J.B. Blitch R1112 Jefferson, 1116 James E. Lewis Elementary School Renovation 4/14/1985 P‐3335 John L. Lyons R1521 Laurel, 3649 Edward Hynes School Renovation May 20, 1959 19181 Cimini and Meric R168 Law, 3240 Johnson Lockett Public School N/A December 15, 1932 10923 E.A. Christy R571 Leonidas, 1619 Walter C. Flower Public School – Priestley N/A March 26, 1938 16847 Christy, E.A. 336 Leonidas, 1619 Priestley Jr. High School Additions June 10, 1955 57938 Cummins, Robert R1750 Michoud, 5400 Sarah T. Reed High School N/A 3/22/84 57273 Bikabm Gakcinbe, Apatani R1376 Monroe, 1800 J.W. Johnson School N/A April 9, 1957 631 Nolan, Norman, and Nolan R81 Orleans, 4217 John Dibert School Waterproofing & Related Work June 10, 1983 51510 Ron Leone R1232 OPSB MATERIALS AVAILABLE AT NEW ORLEANS PUBLIC LIBRARY (LOUISIANA ROOM) INVENTORY Advisory Board on Drainage. Records, 1893‐1895 ABL150 1893‐1895 03 R 8 1 4 Alcee Fortier High School. Commencement programs, 1931‐1946 HEF940 1931‐1946 K2 L 1 7 2 Alcee Fortier High School. Programs and school publications, 1931‐1945. HEF945 1931‐1945 K2 L 1 7 3 Alcee Fortier High School. Scrapbook of band activities, 1931‐1946. HEF920b 1931‐1946 K2 L 1 4 2 Alcee Fortier High School. Scrapbook, graduating classes, 1931‐1946. HEF920g 1931‐1946 K2 L 1 4 3 Alcee Fortier High School. Scrapbooks of athletic activities, 1931‐1946. K2 L 1 2 HEF920a 1931‐1946 (begin) Alcee Fortier High School. Scrapbooks of athletic activities, 1931‐1946. HEF920a 1931‐1946 (end) K2 L 1 4 1 Alcee Fortier High School. Scrapbooks of extracurricular activities, 1932‐1946. HEF920s 1932‐1946 (begin) K2 L 1 6 Alcee Fortier High School. Scrapbooks of extracurricular activities, 1932‐1946. HEF920s 1932‐1946 (end) K2 L 1 7 1 Alcee Fortier High School. Scrapbooks of general schools activities, 1932‐1946. HEF 920 1931‐1946 (begin) K2 L 2 3 Alcee Fortier High School. Scrapbooks of general school activities, 1932‐1946. HEF 920 1931‐1946 (end) K2 L 2 8 Alcee Fortier High School. Scrapbooks of general school activities, 1945‐1946. HEF920 1945‐1946 K2 L 1 1 Alcee Fortier High School. Scrapbooks of the military unit, 1931‐1946. HEF920m 1931‐1946 K2 L 1 5 Alcee Fortier High School. Silver and Blue, 1931‐1946. K2 L 2 2 HEF900 1931‐1946 Board of Assessors. Applications for reduction of assessments, 1889. CJ579a 1889 K2 L 6 B 3 Board of Assessors. Assessment of capital and personal property of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd representative districts, 185 CJ438c 1856 K2 L 6 4 2 Board of Assessors. Assessments of shares of stock in banks of the Second District, 1877. CJ438s 1877 K2 L 6 6 1 OPSB MATERIALS AVAILABLE AT NEW ORLEANS PUBLIC LIBRARY (LOUISIANA ROOM) McDonogh School Fund. Cashbook of receipts and expenditures of the McDonogh School Fund, 1858‐1951. CCM443 1859‐1951 (begin) K3 L 4 2 2 McDonogh School Fund. Cashbook of receipts and expenditures of the McDonogh School Fund, 1858‐1951. CCM443 1858‐1951 (end) K3 L 4 3 2 McDonogh School Fund. Checkbook of the McDonogh School Fund, 1859‐1860. CCM466 1859‐1860 K3 L 4 3 3 McDonogh School Fund. Financial journal of the McDonogh School Fund, 1860‐1931. CCM440 1860‐1931 K3 L 4 2 1 McDonogh School Fund. Ledger of accounts of the McDonogh School Fund, 1858‐1958. CCM470 1858‐1958 (begin) K3 L 4 4 McDonogh School Fund. Ledger of accounts of the McDonogh School Fund, 1858‐1958. CCM 470 1858‐1958 (end) K3 L 4 5 1 McDonogh School Fund. Minutes of the meetings of the Board of Commissioners of the McDonogh School Fund, 1905‐1939. CCM300 1905‐1939 K3 L 4 1 McDonogh School Fund. Receipts for repairs to the McDonogh Schools, 1895‐1899. CCM 538 1895‐1899 K3 L 4 5 2 Municipal Auditorium. Booking and building information sheets, 19488‐1949. NT660 1948‐1949 L5 R 4 2 2 Municipal Auditorium. Cash book, receipts and expenditures, 1930‐1932. NT443 1930‐1932 L5 R 3 7 1 Municipal Auditorium. Correspondence with the New Orleans Mid Winter Sports Association, re: … Sugar Bowl…, 193 NT512 1935‐1954 L5 R 4 2 1 Municipal Auditorium. Daily time record of employees, 1942‐1945 NT483 1942‐1945 L5 R 4 1 Municipal Auditorium. Ledger of revenues from the parking lot and concessions, 1950‐1962. NT470p 1950‐1962 L5 R 3 7 2 Municipal Auditorium. Minutes of the Municipal Auditorium Commission, 1927‐1954. L5 R 3 5 2 NT300 1927‐1954 (begin) Municipal Auditorium. Minutes of the Municipal Auditorium Commission, 1927‐1954. NT300 1927‐1954 (end) L5 R 3 6 11 Municipal Auditorium. Rental calendars, 1930‐1965. NT400 1930‐1965 (begin) L5 R 3 6 12 Municipal Auditorium. Rental calendar, 1930‐1965. L5 R 3 6 46 NT400 1930‐1965 (end) Municipal Auditorium, Scrapbooks, 1928‐1946. NT920 1929‐1946 (begin) L5 R 4 3 OPSB MATERIALS AVAILABLE AT NEW ORLEANS PUBLIC LIBRARY (LOUISIANA ROOM) Lafayette, Finance, general. Tax roll, 1846‐1850. II CJ430 1845‐1850 (begin) M2 L 5 5 Lafayette, Finance, general. Tax roll, 1846‐1850. II CJ430 1846‐1850 (end) M2 L 5 8 Lafayette, Finance, general. Warrants for payment by the City Treasurer, 1833‐1840. II C530 1833‐1840 M2 L 7 8 3 Lafayette, Finance, general. Warrants for payment by the City Treasurer, 1841‐1852. II C530 1841‐1852 (begin) M2 L 6 1 Lafayette, Finance, general. Warrants for payment by the City Treasurer, 1841‐1852 M2 L 6 4 II C530 1841‐1852 (end) Lafayette, Harbor Master. Register of ships entering and departing the port, 1836‐1851. II QN420 1836‐1951 (begin) M2 L 2 3 Lafayette, Harbor Master. Register of ships entering and departing the port, 1836‐1951. II QN420 1836‐1851 (end) M2 L 2 5 Lafayette, Justice of the Peace. Docket of cases continued to Jefferson Parish Justice Court to City of Lafayette Ju II VEA350 1836‐1843 M2 L 2 8 2 Lafayette. Justice of the Peace. Marriage Certificates, 1846‐1857. II VEA658 1846‐1857 M2 L 1 1 1 Lafayette. Justice of the Peace. Marriage licenses, 1846‐1857. II VEA678 1846‐1857 (being) M2 L 1 1 2 Lafayette. Justice of the Peace. Marriage licenses, 1846‐1857. II VEA678 1846‐1857 (end) M2 L 1 3 2 Lafayette. Mayor’s Office. Correspondence of the Mayor and Council, 1843, 1847. M2 L 9 2 1 II AA510 1943‐1847 Lafayette. Police Department. Register of adjudicated contract for public work, 1835‐1837. II TP660 1835‐1837 M2 L 2 7 1 Lafayette, Police Department. Reports to the President and Board of Council by police officers on work and repair M2 L 2 6 II TP200 1834‐1847 Lafayette, School Board. Proceedings of the Board of Directors of Public Schools, 1841‐1847. II HC300 1841‐1847 M2 L 4 3 1 Lafayette. Surveyor. Certificates of reimbursement for sidewalks, 1844‐1852. II KG651 1844‐1852 M2 L 3 6 3 Lafayette. Surveyor. Certificates to contractors for sidewalks curbs, gutters, and roadways paving, 1843‐1852. II KG650 1843‐1852 (begin) M2 L 3 4 Lafayette. Surveyor. Certificates to contractors for sidewalks curbs, gutters, and roadways paving, 1843‐1852. II KG650 1843‐1852 (end) M2 L 3 6 1 OPSB MATERIALS AVAILABLE AT NEW ORLEANS PUBLIC LIBRARY (LOUISIANA ROOM) Lafayette. Surveyor. Certificates to contractors for work, 1846‐1851. II KG650w 1846‐1851 M2 L 3 6 2 Lafayette. Surveyor. Correspondence book, 1846‐1847. II KG510 1846‐1847 M2 L 4 4 2 Lafayette. Surveyor. Ordinances and resolutions passed by the City Council pertaining to the Surveyor’s Office, 1846 II KG310 1846‐1849 M2 L 4 3 2 Lafayette. Surveyor. Outgoing correspondence, 1846‐1851. II KG510 1846‐1851 M2 L 4 4 1 Lafayette. Surveyor. Permits for batture sand, 1846‐1850 II KG670 1846‐1850 M2 L 3 7 1 Lafayette. Surveyor. Plan book, no date, vols. 1‐3 (wards 1‐3) II KG620 n.d. (v. 1‐3) [begin] M2 L 4 6 Lafayette. Surveyor. Plan book, no date, vols. 1‐3 (wards 1‐3) II KG620 n.d. (v. 1‐3) [end] M2 L 4 8 Lafayette. Surveyor. Plan books, no date, vols. 5‐7 [wards 4 & 5 and miscellaneous]. II KG620 n.d. (v. 5‐7) [begin] M2 L 3 1 Lafayette. Surveyor. Plan books, no date, vols. 5‐7 [wards 4 & 5 and miscellaneous]. II KG620 n.d. (v. 5‐7) [end] M2 L 3 3 1 Lafayette. Surveyor. Plans, 1850‐1869. II KG620 1850‐1869 M2 L 4 5 Lafayette, Surveyor. Plans, 1851. II KG620 1851 M2 L 3 3 2 Louisiana World Exposition collection. O2 L 9 4 2 Lyceum and Library Society. Inventory, 1870. HQL160 1870 K1 L 7 7 Lyceum and Library Society. Record of loans, 1854‐1863. HQL420 1854‐1863 K1 L 7 8 Lyceum and Library Society. Record of loans, 1863‐1867. HQL420 1863‐1867 K1 L 6 1 1 Lyceum and Library Society. Register of members, 1873?‐1881?. HQL430 1873‐1881 K1 L 6 1 2 Mayor’s Office. Program documents, Mayor’s Conference on Education, AA O3 R 7 1 3 McDonogh School Fund. Bills receivable, 1860‐1869. CCM540 1860‐1869 K3 L 4 6 1 OPSB MATERIALS AVAILABLE AT NEW ORLEANS PUBLIC LIBRARY (LOUISIANA ROOM) New Orleans Public Library. Register of borrowers, 1934‐1950. HR420 1934‐1950 (end) K1 L 1 2 4 New Orleans Public Library. Register of the Borrowers Deposit Fund, 1938‐1954. HR421 1938‐1954 K1 L 1 2 5 New Orleans Public Library. Report of receipts and expenditures for the year, 1898‐1900. HR462 1898‐1900 K1 L 1 8 1 New Orleans Public Library. Reports of the Art and Music Division, 1949‐1985. HR P3 9 5 1 New Orleans Public Library. Scrapbook of forms, papers, pictures, etc. used by the N.O. Public Library, 1906‐1 HR920a 1906‐1912 L1 R 4 1 New Orleans Public Library. Scrapbook of letters and programs relating to the selection of an architect…, 1905. HR920s 1905 L1 R 4 3 2 New Orleans Public Library. Scrapbook, publicity clippings, 1937‐1941. L1 R 4 3 1 HR920p 1937‐1941 New Orleans Public Library. Shelf list of the Fisk Free and Public Library, n.d. HR755 n.d. L1 R 3 5 New Orleans Public Library. Subject catalog of books, ca. 190_‐ HR750 n.d. (begin) L1 R 2 9 New Orleans Public Library. Subject catalog of books, ca. 190_‐ HR750 n.d. (end) L1 R 3 4 New Orleans Public Library. Treasurer’s record for the month, 1900‐1907. HR460 1900‐1907 K1 L 1 7 2 New Orleans Public Library. W.P.A. Library project, 1937. HR950 1937 L1 R 4 3 3 New Orleans Public Schools. Ledger of expenditures by school. 1920‐1921. HC470s 1920‐1921 K2 L 3 3 New Orleans Public Schools. Ledger of expenditures kept by the Treasurer, 1873‐1884. HC470c 1873‐1884 K2 L 3 2 New Orleans Public Schools. List of educable children between the ages of six and eighteen years (Fifth Ward), 1911. HC435 1911 K2 L 3 1 New Orleans Recreation Department. Journal of expenditures, 1948‐1954. LRN440 1948‐1954 L5 R 2 8 1 New Orleans Waterworks Company. Subscriptions of stock, 1877. LKF520 1877 L4 R 9 6 2 NO CARD IN CATALOG C499 K2 R 9 8 1 OPSB MATERIALS AVAILABLE AT NEW ORLEANS PUBLIC LIBRARY (LOUISIANA ROOM) NO CARDS IN CATALOG VX421 (begin) M3 L 1 1 NO CARDS IN CATALOG VX421 (end) M3 L 1 3 Normal School Receipts for payment of the State appropriation for the Normal School of the First District, 1858‐1862 H6531 1858‐1862 K1 L 7 5 2 Office of Community Development. Annual reports. AACD200 O2 L 9 1 2 Office of Economic Development. Almonaster‐Michoud Industrial District (AMID) records, 1980‐1984. AAED 1980‐1984 P3 1 5 Office of Economic Development. Records, 1978‐1986. AAED (begin) O4 R 4 4 Office of Economic Development, Records, 1978‐1986. AAED (end) O4 R 4 5 2 Office of Policy Planning and Analysis. Office files, AAP000 (begin) O2 R 3 1 Office of Policy Planning and Analysis, Office files, AAP000 (end) O2 R 6 4 2 Orleans Parish School Board. Catalog of French works in public school libraries, 1856. HC750 1856 K2 L 3 7 Orleans Parish School Board. Payroll (4th District), 1863. HC480 1863 K2 L 3 4 Orleans Parish School Board. Registry of certificates issued by Board of School Directors as appears from “stumps”…, HC650 1871‐1875 K2 L 3 6 Oversized genealogy charts Genealogy charts P1 6 1 Parish Court. Declarations of change of domicile, ca. 1831‐1847 VCP O3 R 8 1 3 Parish Prison. Daily report of Parish Prison and the House of Detention, 1903‐1907. TX205 1903‐1907 M4 R 6 5 3 Parish Prison. Register of negroes committed to the Police Jail 1840‐1951/list of prisoners detained at the Police Jail TX420n 1825‐1851 1st Mun. M4 R 7 2 2 Parish Prison. Register of prisoners committed to the Parish Prison, 1852‐1862. TX420 1852‐1862 M4 R 7 1 Parish Prison. Report of the Police Jail, 1820‐1839. TX205j 1820‐1839 (begin) M4 R 6 6 Records held at the State Archives, 1994 7/14/94 1:59:03 L O U I S I A N A A R C H I V E S P1989‐6 ORLEANS PARISH SCHOOL BOARD: 1872‐1930 THIS COLLECTION CONTAINS PAYROLL AND BILL LEDGERS FOR ORLEANS PARISH SCHOOL BOARD 1872‐1930. LISTS AMOUNTS, SCHOOLS NAME, PRINCIPAL, ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL AND STAFF. SEE INVENTORY. QUANTITY: 104 CU. FT. Location of orig: 3329‐3533 Original neg. .: Diazo neg. 1…: Diazo neg. 2…: PAGE 1 Division of Archives, Records Management, & History Accession No: P89‐6 PRELIMINARY INVENTORY AS‐2(R 11/85) Record Grp No: Dept: Orleans Parish School Board Inventoried Agency: Date: 2/16/89 By: SHP Collection description: New Orleans School Board Payroll Archives Series CONTENTS (include descriptive headings above each Location Box No. group of boxes containing similar records) Bundle 3329 1 Jan. – Dec. 1878 2 1872 – March‐Jan. 1873 3 1873 – July – November – Jan. – May 1874 3333 4 1878 Jan. – Dec. 5 1877 Jan. – Dec. 6 1875 Jan. – June 7 1875 June – April 1876 3335 8 1876 July‐Oct., Dec. 1878, Oct.‐Nov. 1879 Dec. 1881, Oct. 1884 9 1880 Jan.‐Dec. 10 1880 Jan.‐Dec. 11 1879 Jan.‐ Dec. 3339 12 1882 Jan. – June 1883 13 1882 Jan. – Dec. 14 Jan. – Nov. 1881 1881 Nov. – Dec. 15 3341 16 1884 Jan. – Dec. 17 1883 Jan. – Dec. 18 1883 3345 19 1886 Jan. – June 20 1885 Jan. – Dec. 21 1885 3347 22 1886‐1889 23 1886‐1887 24 1886 Division of Archives, Records Management, & History Accession No: P89‐6 PRELIMINARY INVENTORY AS‐2(R 11/85) Record Grp No: Dept: Orleans Parish School Board Inventoried Agency: Date: 2/16/89 By: SHP Collection description: New Orleans City Payroll for School Board Archives Series CONTENTS (include descriptive headings above each group of boxes containing similar records) Location Box No. Bundle 3352 25 1890 26 1889 27 1888 3353 28 1892 29 1891 30 1890 Pay & Bill Rolls 3357 31 1894 32 1893 33 1893 3359 34 1897 35 1898 36 1895 37 1895 3363 38 1900 39 1897‐1900 40 1899 41 1899 3365 42 1902 43 1902 44 1900 45 1907 3369 46 1904 47 1904 48 1903 Division of Archives, Records Management, & History Accession No: P89‐6 PRELIMINARY INVENTORY AS‐2(R 11/85) Record Grp No: Dept: Orleans Parish School Board Inventoried Agency: Date: 2/17/89 By: SHP Collection description: New Orleans School Board Payroll Archives Series CONTENTS (include descriptive headings above each Location Box No. group of boxes containing similar records) Bundle 3371 49 1906 Pay & Bill Rolls 50 1905 Pay & Bill Rolls 51 1905 3375 52 1908 53 1908 54 1905 3377 55 1909 56 1909 57 1908‐1909 3381 58 1910 59 1909 60 1909 3383 61 1910 62 1910 63 1910 3387 64 1910 65 1911 66 1910 3389 67 1912 68 1911 69 1911 3393 70 1912 71 1912 72 1912 July – December 3395 73 1914 74 1913 75 1913 Division of Archives, Records Management, & History Accession No: P89‐6 PRELIMINARY INVENTORY AS‐2(R 11/85) Record Grp No: Dept: Orleans Parish School Board Inventoried Agency: Date: 2‐17‐89 By: SHP Collection description: New Orleans School Board Payroll Archives Series CONTENTS (include descriptive headings above each group of boxes containing similar records) Location Box No. 3399 76 1915 77 1915 78 1914 3473 79 1916 3 Volumes 80 1916 3 Volumes 81 1917 3477 82 1917 July – July 1918 83 1918 84 1919 3479 85 1919 86 1920 87 1920 3483 88 1921 89 1921 – 1922 90 1922 3485 91 1923 July – December 92 1923 Jan – June 93 1922 July – December 3489 94 1925 July – Jan 1926 95 1925 Jan – June 96 1924 July – December 3563 97 July 1927 – Jan. 1928 July 1926 – Jan. 1927 98 3564 99 Feb. – June 1927 100 Feb – June 1926 3565 101 July – Jan 1928 3566 102 Feb – June 1928 3497 103 Jan – June 1924 3498 104 Feb – June 1929 2498 105 July 1929 – Feb. 1930 3501 106 Feb. 1927 – June 1935 Census Payroll 107 July 1927 – Oct. 1934 Payroll Division of Archives, Records Management, & History Accession No: P89‐6 PRELIMINARY INVENTORY AS‐2(R 11/85) Record Grp No: Dept: Inventoried Agency: Orleans Parish School Board Date: By: SHP Collection description: Payroll & Billing Ledgers Archives Series CONTENTS (include descriptive headings above each Location Box No. group of boxes containing similar records) 3502 108 March – June 1930 3503 109 July, 1932 – February, 1933 3504 110 July, 1930 – February, 1931 3504 111 March – July, 1931 Payroll 3507 112 July, 1931 – January, 1937 3508 113 February – July, 1932 3511 114 February, June, 1933 3513 115 January – February, 1934 3514 116 March – June, 1934 3587 117 February – June, 1935 3588 118 July, 1934 – January, 1935 3591 119 February, 1936 – June, 1936 3592 120 July, 1935 – January, 1937 3521 121 July, 1936 – January, 1937 3522 122 February – June, 1937 3525 123 July, 1937 – January, 1938 3526 124 February – June, 1939 3527 125 July, 1938 – January, 1939 3528 126 February – June, 1939 3531 127 July, 1939 – January, 1940 3532 128 February – June, 1940 3533 129 August, 1940 – January, 1941 Records on Education in the State Archives, received 1994 Print Key Output 5738SS1 V2R3M0 931217 LASOS Page 1 07/14/94 13:50:57 Display Device . . . . . : AD2006 User . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: HOTARDS ARCDSP07 Archives Subject Keyword Search 7/14/94 Search Results Searched by: EDUCATION, DEPT. OR BOARD and Select option, press enter: 5=View detail 6‐Print Accession Opt Number Title N1977‐62 E.B.R. PARISH SCHOOL BOARD NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS: 1972‐1977 N1984‐141 JACQUELINE F. BROWN – ALCEE FORTIER COLLECTION: 1856‐1961 N1986‐37 LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY PARADE GROUNDS: 1890‐1900 N1992‐32 BILL DODD COLLECTION: 1948‐1991 P1976‐64 ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORTS P1977‐118 LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY‐LAND TRANSFER: 1886 P1977‐120 STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION RECORDS: 1863‐1869 P1977‐121 GOVERNORS OF LOUISIANA: UNDATED P1977‐124 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION RECORDS: 1871‐77, 1879‐80, 1884‐1902 P1977‐134 MIGRANT/INDIAN EDUCATION FILES: 1968‐1971 P1978‐140 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION RECORDS: 1970‐1971 P1978‐146 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION RECORDS: 1899 P1978‐147 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION MAILING LIST: 1894‐1896 More… F3=Exit F12=Previous Enter without options‐new search note: Records on Education in the Archives reserved. 1994 Print Key Output Page 1 5738SS1 V2R3M0 931217 LASOS 07/14/94 13:51:05 Display Device . . . . . : AD2006 User . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: HOTARDS ARCDSP07 Archives Subject Keyword Search 7/14/94 Search Results Searched by: EDUCATION, DEPT. OR BOARD and Select option, press enter: 5=View detail 6‐Print Accession Opt Number Title P1978‐149 ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORTS: 1967‐1975 P1978‐169 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION RECORDS: 1966‐1967 P1978‐272 MIGRANT‐INDIAN CHILDREN EDUCATION: 1968‐1971 P1979‐274 TEACHER ACCREDITATION RECORDS: 1957‐1973 P1979‐292 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION RECORDS: 1904‐1925 P1979‐295 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS: 1902‐1931 P1980‐311 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION RECORDS: 1864‐1920 P1980‐312 FUTURE HOMEMAKERS OF AMERICA RECORDS: 1943‐1975 P1980‐313 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PHOTOGRAPHS: UNDATED P1980‐316 TEACHERS OF AGRICULTURE MONTHLY REPORTS: 1910‐1922 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION TEACHER RETIREMENT RECORDS: 1966 P1980‐322 P1980‐357 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FINANCIAL RECORDS: 1900‐1931 P1980‐358 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION TEACHERS’ RECORDS: 1902‐1922 More… F3=Exit F12=Previous Enter without options=new search Print Key Output Page 1 5738SS1 V2R3M0 931217 LASOS 07/14/94 13:51:22 Display Device . . . . . : AD2006 User . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: HOTARDS ARCDSP07 Archives Subject Keyword Search 7/14/94 Search Results Searched by: EDUCATION, DEPT. OR BOARD and Select option, press enter: 5=View detail 6‐Print Accession Opt Number Title P1980‐363 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ACCOUNT BOOK: 1896‐1901 P1981‐476 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORTS: 1975‐1977 P1981‐503 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SUPERINTENDENT FILES: 1965‐1971 P1981‐505 ORLEANS PARISH SCHOOL BOARD CENSUS RECORDS: 1915 P1981‐514 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORTS: 1971‐1975 P1981‐530 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIPS: 1966‐1973 P1981‐536 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION INDIAN EDUCATION RECORDS: 1940 P1981‐537 SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY PROPERTY INVENTORY: 1929 P1981‐562 SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION, THOMAS H. HARRIS: 1916‐1919 P1981‐564 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION VETERANS ADULT ED. PROGRAM: 1946‐54 P1983‐580 STATE BOARD OF INSTITUTIONS MINUTES: 1956‐1965 P1983‐586 BUREAU OF DRUG EDUCATION RECORDS: 1975‐1976 P1984‐600 BUREAU OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION RECORDS: 1979‐80 More… F3=Exit F12=Previous Enter without options=new search Print Key Output Page 1 5738SS1 V2R3M0 931217 LASOS 07/14/94 13:51:55 Display Device . . . . . : AD2006 User . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: HOTARDS ARCDSP07 Archives Subject Keyword Search 7/14/94 Search Results Searched by: EDUCATION, DEPT. OR BOARD and Select option, press enter: 5=View detail 6‐Print Accession Opt Number Title P1984‐601 ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORTS AND MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS: 1970‐1981 P1985‐100 MISCELLANEOUS MEMORABILIA: 1845‐1945 P1985‐107 SPECIAL EDUCATION SPECIAL SCHOOLS REPORTS: 1977‐1978 P1985‐108 ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION TITLE I PROJECT: 1977‐78 P1985‐109 ELEM. AND SECONDARY ED. TITLES III & IV PROJECTS: 1977‐1978 P1985‐110 ELEMENTARY & SECONDARY EDUCATION ACT‐TITLE I PROJECT FILE P1985‐145 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION TREASURER’S REPORTS: 1903‐1920 P1985‐161 LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY‐ARCHIVES RECORDS: 1970 P1985‐168 FRENCH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE IN LOUISIANA: 1972 P1985‐191 EAST FELICIANA PARISH SCHOOL CENSUS REPORT: 1931 & 1937 P1985‐204 ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORTS: 1983‐1984 P1985‐218 DEPARMENT OF EDUCATION ANNUAL SCHOOL SHCOOL REPORTS: 1980‐1981 P1985‐233 SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION SUBJECT FILES: 1976‐1979 More… F3=Exit F12=Previous Enter without options=new search Print Key Output Page 1 5738SS1 V2R3M0 931217 LASOS 07/14/94 13:52:07 Display Device . . . . . : AD2006 User . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: HOTARDS ARCDSP07 Archives Subject Keyword Search 7/14/94 Search Results Searched by: EDUCATION, DEPT. OR BOARD and Select option, press enter: 5=View detail 6‐Print Accession Opt Number Title P1985‐235 ELEMENTARY & SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL ACT TITLE IVB FILES:77‐78 P1985‐240 PROJECT CHILD SEARCH GENERAL FILES: 1977 P1985‐242 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION RECORDS: 1971‐1972 P1985‐247 EDUCATION ASSISTANCE COMMISSION RECORDS: 1965‐1970 P1985‐25 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SPECIAL EDUCATION RECORDS: 1969‐1970 P1985‐253 DEPT. OF EDUCATION OFFICE OF ACADEMIC PROGRAMS: 1978‐1979 P1985‐255 ELEMENTARY/SECONDAARY ED. ACT, TITLE IV FILES: 1977‐1978 P1985‐36 EDUCATION FOR THE BLIND REPORTS: 1874‐1939 P1985‐49 DEPT. OF EDUCATION CIVILIAN REHABILITATION RECORDS: 1938‐40 P1985‐52 SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY RECORDS FOR NEGRO BLIND INSTI.: 1926‐30 P1985‐56 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SUPERINTENDENTS RECORDS: 1904‐1923 P1985‐57 DEPT. OF EDUCATION NATIONAL DEFENSE DIV. RECORDS: 1942 P1985‐62 EDUCATION DEPT. BUREAU OF SCHOOL TRANSPORTA. FILES: 1976‐79 F3=Exit F12=Previous Enter without options=new search Print Key Output Page 1 5738SS1 V2R3M0 931217 LASOS 07/14/94 13:52:17 Display Device . . . . . : AD2006 User . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: HOTARDS ARCDSP07 Archives Subject Keyword Search 7/14/94 Search Results Searched by: EDUCATION, DEPT. OR BOARD and Select option, press enter: 5=View detail 6‐Print Accession Opt Number Title P1985‐73 DEPT. OF EDUCATION PARISH ENUMERATION REPORTS: 1863‐1871 P1986‐10 VERMILION PARISH SCHOOL BOARD PAYROLL BOOK: 1932‐1933 P1986‐117 TEACHER’S RETIREMENT SYSTEM CASH RECEIPT BOOK: 1936‐1949 P1986‐140 MCNEESE UNIVERSITY SCRAPBOOKS: 1939‐1976 P1986‐143 DAILY BANK BALANCE RECORDS: 1934‐1936 P1986‐172 ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORTS: 1981‐1982 P1986‐177 VERMILION PARISH SCHOOL BOARD TRANSACTION BOOK: 1957‐1959 P1986‐181 DEPT. OF EDUCATION NON‐FOOD/BREAKFAST CLAIMS: 1969‐1970 P1986‐207 BOARD OF REGENTS MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE FILES: 1978‐1979 P1986‐210 SPECIAL EDUCATION ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORTS: 1978‐1979 P1986‐218 DEPT. OF EDUCATION STUDENT SERVICES SUBJECT FILES: 1976‐1977 P1986‐220 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION TRANSPORTATION RECORDS: 1976‐1977 P1986‐240 DEPT. OF EDUCATION, OFF. OF SUPERINTENDENT FILES: 1978‐1979 More… F3=Exit F12=Previous Enter without options=new search Print Key Output Page 1 5738SS1 V2R3M0 931217 LASOS 07/14/94 13:52:24 Display Device . . . . . : AD2006 User . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: HOTARDS ARCDSP07 Archives Subject Keyword Search 7/14/94 Search Results Searched by: EDUCATION, DEPT. OR BOARD and Select option, press enter: 5=View detail 6‐Print Accession Opt Number Title P1986‐25 DEPARTMENT OF INSTITUTIONS GENERAL ACCOUNT: 1958‐1960 P1986‐259 DEPT. OF EDUCATION TEXTBOOK ADOPTION FILES: 1950‐1979 P1986‐277 LA. HIGHER EDUCATION ASSISTANCE COMMISSION MISC. FILES: 1969 P1986‐279 VERMILION PARISH SCHOOL BOARD CENSUS RECORDS: 1945=1961 P1986‐290 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION RECORDS: 1892 P1986‐291 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION CORRESPONDENCE: 1976 P1986‐333 DEPT. OF EDUCATION MIGRANT EDUCATION PARISH FILES: 1979‐1980 P1986‐334 DEPT. OF EDUCATION FOOD DISTRIBUTION PARISH FILES: 1979‐1980 P1986‐336 DIV. OF ADMINISTRATION FACILITY PLANNING SUBJECT FILES: 1969 P1986‐342 STATE AUDITOR’S OFFICE REPORTS: 1900‐1934 P1986‐343 DEPT. OF EDUCATION INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES RECORDS: 1976‐1977 P1986‐345 DEPT. OF EDUCATION OFF. OF THE SUPERINTENDENT FILES: 1974‐78 P1986‐352 DEPT. OF EDUCATION E.S.E.A. GRANT FILES: 1973‐1977 More… F3=Exit F12=Previous Enter without options=new search Print Key Output Page 1 5738SS1 V2R3M0 931217 LASOS 07/14/94 13:52:31 Display Device . . . . . : AD2006 User . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: HOTARDS ARCDSP07 Archives Subject Keyword Search 7/14/94 Search Results Searched by: EDUCATION, DEPT. OR BOARD and Select option, press enter: 5=View detail 6‐Print Accession Opt Number Title P1986‐355 DEPT. OF EDUCATION INSTRUCTIONAL RESEARCH RECORDS: 1979‐1980 P1986‐356 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ACADEMIC AFFAIRS RECORDS: 1979‐1980 P1986‐357 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION E.S.E.A. GRANT FILES: 1976‐1979 P1986‐364 STATE PRINTING BOARD: 1937‐1938 P1986‐73 TEACHER’S RETIREMENT SYSTEM FINANCIAL RECORDS: 1955‐1957 P1986‐107 VERMILION PARISH SCHOOL BOARD PAYROLL RECORDS: 1950‐1963 P1986‐157 DERIDDER ENTERPRISE ARTICLES – MCNEESE UNIVERSITY P1986‐18 ORLEANS PARISH SCHOOL BOARD LEDGERS: 1936‐1943 P1986‐181 BOARD OF ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION MINUTES: 1967‐71 P1986‐191 DIVISION OF BUILDING AND GROUNDS PLANS P1986‐199 DEPT. OF EDUCATION & LANDS & NATURAL RESOURCES BLDG. SPEC. P1986‐201 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION RECORDS: 1916‐1963 P1986‐202 DEPT. OF EDUCATION EXPENSE AND BUDGETING RECORDS: 1976‐1978 More… F3=Exit F12=Previous Enter without options=new search Print Key Output Page 1 5738SS1 V2R3M0 931217 LASOS 07/14/94 13:52:37 Display Device . . . . . : AD2006 User . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: HOTARDS ARCDSP07 Archives Subject Keyword Search 7/14/94 Search Results Searched by: EDUCATION, DEPT. OR BOARD and Select option, press enter: 5=View detail 6‐Print Accession Opt Number Title P1987‐206 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION RECORDS: 1983‐1984 P1987‐231 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PROGRAM FILES: 1978‐1980 P1987‐233 SPECIAL EDUCATION ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORTS: 1984‐1986 P1987‐234 ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORT: 1982‐1983 DEPT. OF EDUCATION SUPERINTENDENT’S READING FILES: 1979‐1980 P1987‐53 P1988‐111 FACILITY PLANNING AND CONTROL DRAWINGS P1988‐154 GOVERNOR’S EDUCATION STUDY COMMITTEE REPORT: 1974‐1975 P1988‐179 LA. TEACHING PROFESSION PRACTICES COMM. RECORDS: 1981‐1984 P1988‐192 MIGRANT EDUCATION PROGRAM FILES: 1981‐1982 P1988‐35 NEW ORLEANS PUBLIC SCHOOL MAP: 1975 P1988‐8 DEPT. OF EDUCATION E.S.E.A. TITLE IV: 1975‐1981 P1988‐136 VOCATIONAL LOCAL PLANS: 1979‐1980 P1989‐138 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION MANAGEMENT FILES: 1977‐1980 More… F3=Exit 12=Previous Enter without options=new search Print Key Output Page 1 5738SS1 V2R3M0 931217 LASOS 07/14/94 13:52:45 Display Device . . . . . : AD2006 User . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: HOTARDS ARCDSP07 Archives Subject Keyword Search 7/14/94 Search Results Searched by: EDUCATION, DEPT. OR BOARD and Select option, press enter: 5=View detail 6‐Print Accession Opt Number Title P1989‐144 LOCAL PLANS FOR VOCATIOANL EDUCATION: 1978‐1979 P1989‐148 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION REIMBURSEMENTS: 1978‐1979 P1989‐152 UNIVERSITY CATALOGS AND MISC. PUBLICATIONS: 1913‐1979 P1989‐154 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION REIMBURSEMENTS: 1979‐1980 P1989‐29 COMMITTEE ON EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION REPORTS: 1983 P1989‐34 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION EVALUATION REPORTS: 1981‐1982 P1989‐5 ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORTS: 1983‐1984 P1989‐62 DEPT. OF EDUCATION ANNUAL REPORTS: 1968‐1986 P1989‐88 SCHOOL FOR THE VISUALLY IMPAIRED: 1981‐1985 P1989‐94 PUBLICATIONS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION: 1982‐1989 P1989‐96 MAPS, ANTEBELLUM HOMES & AUTHORS P1990‐51 TRICENTENNIAL POSTER: 1982 P1990‐56 C.E.T.A. (COMPREHENSIVE DMPLOYMENT TRAINING ACT): 1976‐1978 More… F3=Exit F12=Previous Enter without options=new search Print Key Output Page 1 5738SS1 V2R3M0 931217 LASOS 07/14/94 13:52:51 Display Device . . . . . : AD2006 User . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: HOTARDS ARCDSP07 Archives Subject Keyword Search 7/14/94 Search Results Searched by: EDUCATION, DEPT. OR BOARD and Select option, press enter: 5=View detail 6‐Print Accession Opt Number Title P1990‐72 ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORTS: 1989‐1990 P1990‐9 BOARD OF TRUSTEES: 1980‐1984 P1990‐98 ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORTS: 1983‐1987 P1991‐111 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION: 1983‐1986 P1991‐115 ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORTS: 1982‐1983 P1991‐129 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION: 1987‐1988 P1991‐130 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION: 1987‐88 P1991‐131 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION: 1987‐1988 P1991‐132 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION: 1986‐1987 P1991‐133 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION: 1986‐1987 P1991‐134 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION: 1987‐1988 P1991‐24 L.S.U. SCHOOL OF MUSIC: 1989‐1990 P1992‐10 NORTHWESTERN STATE UNIV. & NATCHITOCHES: 1884‐1992 More… F3=Exit F12=Previous Enter without options=new search Print Key Output Page 1 5738SS1 V2R3M0 931217 LASOS 07/14/94 13:53:09 Display Device . . . . . : AD2006 User . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: HOTARDS ARCDSP07 Archives Subject Keyword Search 7/14/94 Search Results Searched by: EDUCATION, DEPT. OR BOARD and Select option, press enter: 5=View detail 6‐Print Accession Opt Number Title N1988‐52 AIMEE JOSEPHINE MANUEL COLLECTION: 1903‐1958 N1988‐94 CLARE D’ARTOIS LEEPER COLLECTION: 1958‐1977 N1988‐34 LA. SCHOOLS MONTHLY, LA. TEACHERS’ TABLOID: 1975‐1977 N1993‐144 ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORTS FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION: 1983‐1988 N1993‐28 J. DAWSON & MARK CORDES GASQUET COLLECTION: 1920‐1970 P1993‐58 D. H. H. R. CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS: 1973‐1980 P1993‐76 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION:1977‐1980 N1990‐12 3RD ANNUAL LA. HIGH SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST: 1989 P1987‐196 LOUISIANA SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF, BLUEPRINTS: 1974 N1988‐6 1ST ANNUAL LA. SECONDARY SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST: 1987 P1994‐12 VETERANS AFFAIRS PUBLICATIONS: 1953‐1959 P1994‐4 EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS: 1928‐1976 Bottom F3=Exit F12=previous Enter without options=new search Print Key Output Page 1 5738SS1 V2R3M0 931217 LASOS 07/14/94 13:52:59 Display Device . . . . . : AD2006 User . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: HOTARDS ARCDSP07 Archives Subject Keyword Search 7/14/94 Search Results Searched by: EDUCATION, DEPT. OR BOARD and Select option, press enter: 5=View detail 6‐Print Accession Opt Number Title P1992‐12 SUPERINTENDENTS OF EDUCATION: 1847‐1980 P1992‐139 SCHOOL WARRANTS: 1848‐1895 P1992‐41 LA. SCHOOL BOARD ASSOC. ROSTER & JOURNAL: 1980‐1984 P1992‐44 BOARD OF EDUCATION MINUTES & SCRAPBOOKS: 1869‐1959 “THE PELICAN”: 1963‐1979 P1992‐52 P1992‐60 ANNUAL REPORT: 1990‐1991 P1992‐68 NONPUBLIC ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORTS: 1986‐1987 P1992‐86 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL POSTERS: 1992 P1992‐99 RYAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: 1992 P1993‐52 EDUCATION PUBLICATIONS: 1958‐1962 P1993‐21 CORRESPONDENCE OF DIRECTOR, BOARD OF TRUSTEES: 1978‐1980 P1993‐22 ATHLETIC COMMITTEE: 1978‐1984 P1993‐136 ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY ED. ACT TITLE III & IV: 1965‐1982 More… F3=Exit F12=Previous Enter without options=new search Print Key Output Page 1 5738SS1 V2R3M0 931217 LASOS 07/14/94 13:53:23 Display Device . . . . . : AD2006 User . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: HOTARDS ARCDSP07 Archives Subject Keyword Search 7/14/94 Search Results Searched by: EDUCATION, DEPT. OR BOARD and Select option, press enter: 5=View detail 6‐Print Accession Opt Number Title N1988‐52 AIMEE JOSEPHINE MANUEL COLLECTION: 1903‐1958 N1988‐94 CLARE D’ARTOIS LEEPER COLLECTION: 1958‐1977 N1988‐34 LA. SCHOOLS MONTHLY, LA. TEACHERS’ TABLOID: 1975‐1977 P1993‐144 ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORTS FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION: 1983‐1988 N1993‐28 J.DAWSON & MARK DORDES GASQUE COLLECTION: 1920‐1970 P1993‐58 D.H.H.R. CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS: 1973‐1980 P1993‐76 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION: 1977‐1980 N1990‐12 3RD ANNUAL LA. HIGH SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST: 1989 P1987‐196 LOUISIANA SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF, BLUEPRINTS: 1974 N1988‐6 1ST ANNUAL LA. SECONDARY SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST: 1987 P1994‐12 VETERANS AFFAIRS PUBLICATIONS: 1953‐1959 P1994‐4 EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS: 1928‐1976 Bottom F3=Exit F12=Previous Enter without options=new search Print Key Output Page 1 5738SS1 V2R3M0 931217 LASOS 07/14/94 13:50:18 Display Device . . . . . : AD2006 User . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: HOTARDS ARCDSP07 Archives Subject Keyword Search 7/14/94 Search Results Searched by: EDUCATION, DEPT. OR BOARD and Select option, press enter: 5=View detail 6‐Print Accession Opt Number Title N1983‐129 KENNON COLLECTION: 1930‐1975 N1985‐32 BLANCHARD COLLECTION: 1896‐1898 N1988‐52 AIMEE JOSEPHINE MANUEL COLLECTION: 1903‐1958 P1985‐10 VERMILION PARISH SCHOOL BOARD RECORDS: 1939 P1989‐6 ORLEANS PARISH SCHOOL BOARD: 1872‐1930 P1992‐130 LEGISLATIVE CARDS: 1992 P1992‐133 CHILD CARE FOOD PROGRAM (CCFP) P1992‐2 ATTORNEY GENERAL OPINIONS: 1975‐1989 P1993‐130 SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION: 1988‐1989 V1992‐10 LOUISIANA PUBLIC BOROADCASTING VIDEO COLLECTION N1992‐13 BROOKS READ COLLECTION: 1952‐1991 P1993‐158 SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION: 1976‐1979 P1993‐166 CITY, PARISH & STATE AGENCIES PUBLICATIONS: 1895‐1987 More… F3=Exit F12=Previous Enter without options=new search note: records available at state archives 1994 Print Key Output Page 1 5738SS1 V2R3M0 931217 LASOS 07/14/94 13:50:24 Display Device . . . . . : AD2006 User . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: HOTARDS ARCDSP07 Archives Subject Keyword Search 7/14/94 Search Results Searched by: EDUCATION, DEPT. OR BOARD and Select option, press enter: 5=View detail 6‐Print Accession Opt Number Title P1990‐86 EDUCATION PHOTO CONTEST: (UNDATED) N1986‐14 EDWIN A. DAVIS COLLECTION: 1639‐1979 P1993‐76 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION: 1977‐1980 N1992‐38 PAMELA SULZER COLLECTION: 1900‐1983 P1994‐4 EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS: 1928‐1976 Bottom F3=Exit F12=Previous Enter without options=new search
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