C U R R E N T ADDRESS F38, Jalan Sik, BN2 Kem Pasukan Gerakan AM (PGA) 09000 Kulim, Kedah Tel: 04-4965996 Tel [mobile] : 013-6256089 Email: heary.razani@gmail.com EDUCATION Level : Bachelor's Degree Field of Study : Information Technology Grade : 2.92 Major : Media Interactive Name of Institution : Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Location : Malacca, Malaysia Graduation Date : 8/2007 PERSONAL P A R T I C U L A R S Date of Birth : 09 May 1984 Gender : Male New IC No : 840509 08 5185 Nationality : Malaysia Marital Status : Single EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 2 Company Name : Sekolah Menengah Dato' Lela Pahlawan, Padang Serai Title : GSTT (Guru Sandaran Tidak Terlatih) Level : Fresh specialization : Teaching Function : Teacher Industry : Schoo Salary : 1900 Date joined : February 2009 until October 2010 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 1 Company Name: SMT Technologies Sdn. Bhd. Title : Creative Designer Level : Fresh specialization : web, graphics designer designer for web, graphics product (gift box sleeve, poster, brochure, etc) Industry : Factory Salary : 1400 Date joined : January 2007 Date left : December 2008 Work description : working as designer for SMT, multipurpose task especially do the graphics design for product, marketing and promotion. Current Project : website DB mobile website (http://www.dbmobile.net/) EG Group Website (http://www.eg.com.my) Skykod Life Science Website (http://www.skykod.com) Dallab Inc. (http://dallab.com/) brochure, banner for DX8i pda phone flash montage presentation for DX8i pda phone launching Booth design for Medica 2008 exhibition in Dusseldorf, Germany ESS HEARY RAZANI ■fHipZda.rii.siid& .de-v\a.i\ta.rt .com. £l.\pZdt\r)<.slL\d& .e.0re./e-n-Wip Work description : Duties: Teacher for Pendidikan Seni Visual, ICTL, Mathematics for Form 1 and 2 Other Participation for School : Instructor for EduWeb Short Course Instructor for Powerpoint Short Course Projects completed : Website : School Website ( http://dlela.edu.my ) EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 3 Company Name : ALLIANZE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE of Medical Sciences Title : Graphics designer specialization : designer Function : designer Industry : University Salary : 1800 Date joined : February 2011 - current Work description : Graphics designer for graphics design, printing including internal and external used. Resume of Heary Bin Razan SKILLS & STRENGTH PC Skills • Macromedia Flash • Macromedia Director • Macromedia Dreamweaver • Adobe Photoshop / Lightroom • Adobe Illustrator / InDesign • Sony Movie Vegas • Sound Forge / AcidPro • Html Programming (ess, javascript) Other Knowledge's • Data communication and networking • Multimedia Authoring • Human Computer Interaction • Audio Video technology • Web development • Java games programming • Photography EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND 2003 - 2006 Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTerKarung Berkunci 1200, Ayer Keroh, 75450 Melaka, 2002 - 2003 Matriculation College MINISTRY OF EDUCATION 02600 Arau, Perlis 2000 - 2001 Sekolah Menengah Teknik Kulim Jalan junjong, 09000 Kulim, Kedah 1997 - 1999 Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Kulim Jalan Kelang Lama, 09000 Kulim Kedah, INTEREST • Playing Tennis, soccer, futsal • Reading • Surfing Internet • Watching movies • Photography SUPPLEMENTARY If and when employed by the company Availability: after 2 weeks notice. Expected Salary : 2500 RESPONSIBILITIES • Class monitor for 4 years in Secondary School (forml ,2,3 and form 5) • 1 st runner for Under 21 Tennis competition LANGUAGE P R O F I C I E N C Y Bahasa Malaysia (Spoken 10, Written 10) English (Spoken 5, Written 5) RESPONSIBILITIES Final Year Project Develop the flash game for education used. The development is based on the Physics subject and applied it to game. Basically the project is to archive the research on how game can attract student in learning and to prove that the game is better learning method rather than the courseware or e-learning REFERENCES References Mohd Hafiz Zakaria Head of Department Media Interactive Faculty of Information and Communication Technology Kolej Universiti Teknikal Kebangsaan Malaysia Karung Berkunci 1200, Ayer Keroh, 75450 Melaka, Tel: 06-2332326 Email: hafiz@kutkm.edu,my Ms. CL Tan, Josephine Senior Creative Designer MIS Department Plot 102, Bakar Arang Industrial Estate, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah,Malaysia Tel : 04-4229881 (ext 122), Fax : 04-4229885 Email : Josephine,tan@esmtt,com Mr. Lee Choon Liang Supervisor / Manager Web Channel Productions 36-1A, Jalan Bandar Dua, Pusat Bandar Puchong, 47100 Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia Tel : 03-58822355 Fax:03-58821920 Email : info@webchannel.com.my En. Ismail Md Isa Timbalan Pegawa Pejabat Pelajaran Daerah Kulim Bandar Baharu (PPD KBB) Jalan Tunku Asaad 09000, Kulim Kedah Tel : 04-4907662, Fax:04-4913387 En.Ahmad bin Jahaya Pengetua SMK Dato Lela Pahlawan 09400, Padang Serai Kulim Kedah Resume of Heary Bin Razan PORTFOLIO All this design can be refer to http://flip2darkslide.deviantart.com/ http://yesterdayrising.daportfolio.com/ WEB D E S I G N C O M P L E T E Alison Klana Resort ( www.allsonklana.com.my ) ShpMedia (www.shpmedia.com ) Spektron ( www.spektron.com.my ) DB mobile website (http://www.dbmobile.net/) EG Group Website (http://www.eg.com.my) Skykod Life Science Website (http://www.skykod.com) Dallab Inc. (http://dallab.com) SMK Dato Lela Pahlawan (http://dlela.edu.my) Taibeng Auto (www.taibengauto.com) Educiti-tel Koridor Utara (www.educititel.com) Aeroventure (http://www.aeroventure.com.my/) Resume of Heary Bin Razan WEB DESIGN sample web design I client :5MK Dato'Lela Pahlawan I www.dlela.edu.my WEB DESIGN sample web design I client: rashidartwork I www.rashidartwork.com H^ll^h i;l Sec; •:■:■.! WEB DESIGN various client: Radix Fried Chicken, Educititel Koridor Utara, Skykod Malaysia & Job Mobile SMS Chi „., BB i ■a 1 II ^^^fe^i^B_ Caroline: +6016 223 9881 bnidil: !«i lesWUdlldb.com 1 iV.V ! ■ ■ w ^■"■s^^_ 1 \ WM.Mkb.tot, ■Bi^^^^^^^^^^^^^t^i^iH ^ ^ ^ H a ■ Ba ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ * ■ ■ t* t ■9 m ww.vKvwvwwvwyv 8S3K fe^ I^^HHH HI a w W( ^ ^ m m m55S55 ™«HX*5 Sift! Mwwwowuyy mmmm$^ m» SfcftSV-.-.-.-,-., ^ j / i«^^ DX8i PROJECT Dx8i project design including manual book, packaging, brochuer, corporate file, cd manual and banner design ifl ■Bi PERSATUAN IBU BAPA DAN GURU (PIBG) SMK DATO LELA PAHLAWAN MESYUARAT AGUNG PIBG KALI KE 25 Tarikh : 21 Febuari 2010 (Ahad) Masa: 2 Petang Tempat: DEWAN TERBUKA SMK DATO LELA PAHLAWAN Semua waris /penjaga dijemput hadir BANNER DESIGN Banner design forSMK Dato Lela Pahlawan , ^ l # * ATURCARA M A J L I S P E R A 8 M I A N K A R N I V A L KERJAYA IPTA.1PTS DAN KEMAHIRAN DAERAH K U L I M BANDAR BAHARU 2 0 1 0 l S « ) KARNIVAL PENDIDIKAN* KERJAYA IPTA.IPTS&KEMAHIRAN 2011 January n Dogggoa I "ebru ary ■■■■ n mi DQOOOOO CD 3 ED EH ED ED CD ED E3ED OGI May March April : sBMsMSMMuSiH June QEJEDQED July ;H;H;t"ir.i!:t»B:ii;:)"t»|"t"'t"B''t")"l»t"t" SU-J*^ Ffi tn 171ffftF1K1 Fl August •1 ., ';::::,; . ;;::;:; ■1055 HE A RY gig S3—RAZANI BROCHUER & CALENDAR DESIGN Brochuer and Calendar design for 5MK Dato Lela Pahlawan Tarikh:22&23Mac2010 Hari:lsnki-Sebsa Masa :0800 pg - OSOOplg Tempat: Politeknik Tuanku Suhanah Bahiyah Kulim Wahai warga Dato lela... Enyum selalu Scnyuman itu budaya kita Memberi ucapan salam Hargai apa yang kita ada Hormat menghormati diantara satu sama lain Amalkan sikap tolong menolong ► Amalan berjimat cermat budaya kita Elakkan pembaziran Kebersihan itu tanggungjawab krta bersama Tuhan melihat apa yang kita buat STREAMER DESIGN Streamer design forSMK Dato Lela Pahlawan POSTER DESIGN "Strictly tor women" poster design for futsal club ALUANZE UNIVERSITY College of \ic w FIESTA IFiVfiT' DAMIKE AUCMS2011 GERAI JUAIAN PELBAGAl AGENSI "A PELANCARAN LOGO f /eg (peringkat kampus) ARTIS DAN LIVEBAND CABUTAN BERTUAH PERSEMBAHAN KEBUDAYAAN *serai iualan dibuka kex>ada staff &Pelajar_ TARIKH:8April 2011 MASA:630ptg -1130mlm °°. TEMPAT:Club House, Putra Villas AnjuramHal Ehwal Pelajar (HEP) dengan kerjasama persatuan / kelab pelajar dibawah HEP POSTER DESIGN Poster design for Malam Aspirast Seni 2011 r i •71 »?ntai- intai ^ # L J wedding | event | product | studio | potraiture Intai - Intai Production www. i n t a i - i n t a i . c o m Intai-lntai Production Anggerik Mall, Lot 129 Tingkat 1 No 5, Jalan 14/8 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor 012-202 6962 (Zati) intai2production@gmail.com BUSINESS CARD DESIGN Business Card Design for intai - intai production, company for wedding potraiture photography Open to all SPM/STPM/Matriculation/Foundation in Science and Foundation in Medical Studies candidates I UKIVFRSITI KLBANGSAAN MALAYSIA Merafak Sembah Setinggi-Tinggi Tahniah Enrol to Medical Degree Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (MD UKM) at ALLIANZE UNVERSITY COLLEGE of Medical Sciences, Kepala Batas, Penang The degree will awarded by UKM and the si teaching course Our.a: on anc Ihe Tiodule will be n Irom the program s designed lo enable students MEDICAL DEGREE UNIVERSITI KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA (MD UKM) KPT/JPS/(PA 10615) Entry Requirements • Foundation in Medical Studies from ALLIANZE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE o f Medical Sciences with a CGPA of 3.50,or, • Matriculation with a minimum CGPA of 3.50 in Science subjects, or, • I oundation in Science: Irom other MOIIL recognized ins;itut ons and programs v;i:h r.i.v-'fi. ot ■:.■>.MS. • STPM with minimum CGPA of 3.50 in 3 Science subjects, or • South Australia Matriculation (SAM| with a minimum 80% in 3 Science subjects, or • Australia Matriculation (AUSMAT] with a minimum of 80% 3 science subjects, or ■ Canadian Pre University (CPU) with a minimum of 80% 3 sciences subjects, or • Canadian hv.oinaliona IVair culalion -Yogram with a m i r i " u T ..Xr-'.A ol :.).M; in o v.::oixx -i.i: • Degree in LSiom'Xiicnc l.-em clhry IV;;! ■< ic."'->gnb-:d inntituton .TV: p-oniamr, wita • Intemalional Baccalaureate with a minimum score of 33 • And other equivalent qualifications DULI YANG MAHA MULIA TUANKU SYED SIRAJUDDIN IBNI AL-MARHUM TUANKU SYED PUTRA JAMALULLAIL D.K.R, D.K., S.S.RJ., D . K M , D M N , D.K. (Perak), D.K. (Negeri Sembilan), D.K. (Kedah). D.K. (Kelanfan). D K M B . (Brunei), D-K. (Selangor), D.K. (Pahang), D.K. Ilfjerengganul, 5.RMJ., S.RCA1, S.S.M.T., Crand OrderC.lt'Kit1j4lbis1isl.lv (C ro.ili.ji, Crand Collier Hi. 1 1.'lnde|iendeiue .iC .randMedal Of The Independence) Cambodia, (".rand Ctoi.v De l.'Otdie -Royal Sashi Camhodia. Cavaliere Hi Cian Croce D e u n a t o D i Cian ( undone ill,ski. Qiladah li.sdi Al-Kuhta {ArabSaudi|, Decoration OfQiiayad-The Finest Decoration i.Sytiai, KnijihlOi" I hi-Seraphim :.S\vodeni, (iiand Cordon Or The Order Of I'he Sacred Treasure Oapan) RAJA BACI NEGERI PERLIS DAN SECALAJAJAHAN TAKLUKNYA Sempena Menyambut Hari Keputeraan Baginda Yang Ke/~ O Semoga Allah Lanjutkan Usia Tuanku AVl UJAN7E Sembah Takzim Daripada Dato' Dr. Zainuddin M d . Wazir & Datin Faridah M o h d Nazir Ahli - ahli Lembaga Pengarah, Pengurusan & Semua Kakitangan ideas beyond science" ALLIANZE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE of Medical Sciences NEWSPAPER ADVERTISEMENT DESIGN Advertisement design tor newspaper PACKAGING LABEL DESIGN Packaging Label design for"perencah kerabu udang kermg" TRAVEL&TOURS iWK«Ufi]i T /:ii[i]| llMnM- irsHMOHrsiiMi TRAVELS. TOURSI IDENTITY DESIGN Re-brand corporate identity Chinta Travel and Tours including logo design, business card, corporate profile and website
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