January 2016 newsletter A.pub


January 2016 newsletter A.pub
City of Vandalia Parks & Recreation
Vandalia Senior Center
January, 2016
Volume 04 Issue 1
January is heating up with five classes and groups being offered by seven of our own members!
Make a Quilled Paper Snowflake
Never tried quilling with paper before? Sheryl Scott will teach
you how on Thursday, January 21, from at 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
She will bring all the materials and tools. Examples of the snowflake that
you will make are in the window of the office. The entire process takes
two and a half hours to allow for drying time. You can stay for the entire
time and finish at the center or finish it at home. The cost for the
materials is $3 to be paid at the beginning of the class.
Garden Design
Master Gardener, Michele Ruby, will teach garden design on Friday,
January 22, at 10:00 a.m. January is a good time to start planning for
spring. Before you start, you need to know your site details, what are they?
You will also learn the difference between formal and informal gardens.
Michele will teach you how to avoid being overwhelmed by completing one
“room” at a time. You will also learn how to read a plant label. This is open to the public.
Paint In Group
In January, on Wednesdays from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., bring your
acrylic, oil, watercolor, pen & ink, pastels, or colored pencils projects and
your own supplies. Come for support, advice, and critique. This group
will be run with the help of the artists, Jean Lutz, Cass Barth, and Linda
Lock. If there is enough interest in this group, it will continue the
following months. This group would then have an art exhibit in the future. Please sign up for
Wednesday, January 6, so we will know how many tables are needed for the first meeting.
Spiritual Discussions
Retired Pastor Sharon Amos has offered to lead the discussions for this group. She is
retired after twenty years of service. The group will meet for the first time on Wednesday,
January 13, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. The discussions for this meeting will be “Studying the
Psalms”. The group can also talk about what they want to cover and how often to meet. Please
sign up on the bulletin board for this first meeting so she will know how many are attending.
Art Appreciation
This group will be meeting again on two Tuesdays at 1:30 p.m. On
January 12, members will meet at the center. For January 26, Charlene Gratz
has planned a field trip to the Dayton Art Institute to see the Grandma Moses
exhibit and more. Meet at the center and plan to carpool to the museum.
Anyone can come and join this group.
A Special Invitation From the VandaliaVandalia-Butler High School
You are invited to dinner on Saturday, January 23, and the
basketball game between VandaliaVandalia-Butler and Northmont. Drive on
Alkaline Springs and turn left into the main entrance of the high school. Stay to the right and
drive back to the SAC or Athletic Center. In the entrance, there will be high school students to
direct you to the banquet room. Dinner will be served at 6:15 p.m. Soup will be on the menu
that night. You can go to the basketball court about 7:00 p.m. The varsity game will begin
between 7:15 and 7:30 p.m. The halftime performance will be by the impressive Troy Pop
Rocks. The deadline for the signsign-up is Monday, January 18.
Strength Training with Crossroads Rehab
The strength training on the first and third Fridays at 10:30 a.m. is not new but it
will now be led by Julie Steinke. Julie is the therapy director and physical therapy
assistant at Crossroads Rehab. Sign up to try out the training and come meet Julie.
Remember to LOVE Your Senior Center and
Renew Your Membership by Valentine’s Day on February 14!
Please write your check to the CITY OF VANDALIA and mail it to the Vandalia Senior
Center, 21 Tionda, Vandalia, OH 45377. Also send in your current address and phone number
to make sure we have the correct one on file. For Vandalia residents, it is $15 or $25 for couples.
Outside Vandalia, the cost is $20 or $35 for couples. You can also come into the center to renew
your membership.
Born in 1926: Congratulations! You are turning 90 in 2016. Your membership is now free!
90+ Members: You still need to call, stop in, or send a note that you still want to receive your
newsletter and send in your current address and phone number to check the one on file.
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While the Sinclair (History) Political Science class is in recess, we have four speakers coming in.
These presentations are open to the public.
National Home for the Disabled Volunteer Soldiers
On Monday, January 4, at 1:00 p.m., Mark Conrad, MSgt., USAF
(Retired) from The Miami Valley Military History Museum, will give a
presentation about the Dayton VA from the beginning to the present day. This
will include a 28 minute show of the campus since 1867.
The Women of Woodland
Angie Hoschouser, from Woodland Cemetery, will join us again on Monday, January 11,
at 1:00 p.m. You’ll meet some of Dayton’s most interesting and exciting women in history. You’ll
hear about homemaker turned author, Erma Bombeck; madam and real estate owner, Lib
Hedges; a visionary for the physically handicapped and disabled, Anna Barney Gorman; Queen
of the Gypsies, Matilda Stanley; librarian innovator, Electra C. Doren; Dayton historical author,
Charlotte Reeve Conover; rodeo rider Marquerite Doane; famous actress and woman scorned,
Mrs. Leslie Carter; youngest Miss America in history, Marion Bergeron Ruhlman Setzer and
many, many more.
Women Aviators: The Gals That Dared
Richard Esposito will return on Monday, January 18, at 1:00 p.m. to
talk about women aviators from the daring French balloonist to the unsung
heroics of the WWII WASPs. He will give a Powerpoint presentation of the
historic transformation that women made to advance flying and to create a
place for women aviators.
A Poem of Steel: the Early Days of Bicycling
On Monday, January 25, at 1:00 p.m., Ryan Qualls from the Dayton
Aviation Heritage National Historical Park will be here. Join us for a jaunt
back to the early days of cycling. Learn about the wild and strange
contraptions that roamed the earth before the bicycle we know today.
Expect a lightlight-hearted, hourhour-long talk about the history of the bicycle.
Come Enjoy Some Brownies
Gina Havenar from Home Instead will be bringing brownies and more
for you to enjoy on Wednesday, January 13, from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m.
Penny Auction
Come try out this lively activity! You don’t need to bring anything and you
might win prizes! Amber Holley from Cottages of Clayton will be leading this game
on Wednesday, January 20 beginning at 12:30 p.m.
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Vandalia Senior Center
This and That
Vandalia Library: 496
New books available at the library!
New movies available at the library!
(Star Wars) The Force Awakens by Alan Dean Foster
Ted 2
End of Watch by Stephen King
90 Minutes in Heaven
Aunt Sass by P. L. Travers
A Walk in the Woods
Private Rio by James Patterson
He Named Me Malala
Magic by Danielle Steel
Infinitely Polar Bear
The release date of both of these movies was moved back so we are now watching them in January.
First Movie: Friday, January 8 at 1:00 p.m.
With Chris Leydig from Genesis Troy Healthcare
90 Minutes in Heaven is a true story. Baptist minister Don Piper collides with
a semisemi-truck and is pronounced dead at the scene. He experiences heaven for the
next 90 minutes. Back on Earth, a passing minister is led to pray for Don even though
he knows the man is dead. Piper miraculously comes back to life and the bliss of
heaven is replaced by a long and painful recovery. Finally, friends and family convince
him to share his remarkable story.
Second Movie: Friday, January 15 at 1:00 p.m.
With Kelly Lundqvist from Crossroads Rehab
After spending two decades in England, Bill Bryson returns to the U.S. where
he decides the best way to connect with his homeland is to hike the Appalachian
Trail with one of his oldest friends.
Tax Preparation
Free income tax preparation by AARP TaxTax-Aid Volunteers will be available
on Tuesdays from February 2 through April 12 with appointments from 9:00 a.m.
to 3:00 p.m. You can begin signing up on Monday, January 4, by coming into the
center. Appointments cannot be made over the phone. All volunteers are IRS
certified. The volunteers cannot do taxes for farms or businesses.
Please bring documents for ALL sources of income such as wages,
dividends, interest, stocks, social security, gambling winnings, etc. If you are
planning to itemize deductions then you will need information on medical
expenses, property taxes, mortgage interest, charitable contributions, and more.
Even if not itemizing, bring your medical and property tax information. It is important to bring a copy
of your previous tax return, picture ID, and social security card. Please arrive fifteen minutes before
your appointment.
The Senior Center is closed when the Vandalia Schools are closed because of weather. Tax
appointments will not be held if those days occur. A new appointment will need to be scheduled if the
center is closed.
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Vandalia Senior Center
This and That
Bridge Hosts
Tuesday bridge at 10:00 is hosted by Linda Wright.
513--304Wednesday bridge at 12:30 is hosted by Joan Schwab
Thursday duplicate bridge at 12:00 is hosted by Jim Danks. 667
$2.50 Breakfast
On Friday, January 15, Debra Burdick will be making a full breakfast including hot items at 9:00 a.m. She serves a different menu each time. Come try
out her great food and enjoy talking with everyone who comes. Pay the $2.50 in
the office ahead of time.
Pool Room Time on Friday, January 15, at 9:30 a.m.
Do you play pool? Then show up and have someone to play against.
Are you just learning, show up, and get some pointers. You can also sign up
for breakfast and eat before you play.
No Potluck – Friday, January 1, 2016
Catered Dinners with entertainment
Friday, April 15 - will have a French theme
Friday, September 16 - will be an Okterberfest (German theme)
Friday, December 16 - Christmas
Regular Potluck with game night – Friday, March 18 – Dime Bingo
Regular Potluck – Friday, June 17 – Dinner begins at 5:30 p.m. due to Air Show Parade
Regular Potluck with Entertainment (Reader Dinner Theatre Play) – Friday, May 6
Thanksgiving Dinner with entertainment – Friday, November 18 (bring side dish)
All dinners will begin at 6:00 p.m. except June. Members are welcome to stay and socialize
until 9:00 p.m. when entertainment is not planned.
A Special Thanks
A special thanks goes to Shelly Eagle for bringing in her own decorations and
decorating the Christmas tree in the dining room along with the wall around the
kitchen counter. She also decorated everything in the entryway. Shelly also does a
beautiful job decorating the wreath in the entryway for spring, summer, and fall.
Dining Room CLOSED for part of Friday, January 29
The City of Vandalia will be using the Senior Center dining room on Friday,
January 29, for a special event. The dining room will be closed from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00
p.m. except for access to the men’s restroom. Please do not use the pool room during
this time. Coffee and other drinks will be on the countertop in the art room during this
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Vandalia Senior Center
Jan. 1
Closed for New Year’s Day. Welcome 2016!
Mark Conrad will be presenting the “National Home for
Disabled Volunteer Soldiers” at 1:00 p.m.
Jan. 5
Holly Dethardt from Stonespring will have a Lunch &Learn.
The topic will be vitamins and supplements.
Jan. 6
Phyllis Strine from Montgomery County Public Health will do BP checks and sugar
readings from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The first Paint In Group will be from 1:30 to
3:30 p.m. This group will meet every Wednesday afternoon.
Jan. 7
Erin Terry from Cypress Pointe will be here at 11:00 a.m. for trivia.
Tambi and Mark Spirk from Brookdale will bring food and prizes for bingo at
1:00 p.m.
Jan. 8
Julie Steinke from Crossroads Rehab will be here to do strength training. Chris Leydig
from Genesis Troy Healthcare will bring popcorn for the movie at 1:00 p.m.
Jan. 11 Sinclair exercise and painting classes begin again. Angie Hoschouser from Woodland
Cemetery will be talking about “The Women of Woodland”.
Jan. 12 Art appreciation will start at 1:30 p.m.
Jan. 13 Rob and John from the Vandalia Public Library will help with electronic devices
from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the card room. Gina Havenar from Home Instead
will be here from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. to give you brownies and more. Sharon Amos
will lead the first spiritual discussion group from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. The Paint In
Group begins at 1:30 p.m.
Jan. 14 Erin Terry from Cypress Pointe will have bingo at 11:45 a.m.
Jan. 15 Debra Burdick from Seniors Helping Seniors will prepare for breakfast at
9:00 a.m. Pool Room Time will begin at 9:30 a.m. Kelly Lundqvist from
Crossroads Rehab will bring popcorn for the movie at 1:00 p.m.
Lunch 12:00
Canasta 12:30
History Speaker 1:00
Krafty Bloomers 1:00
Close Knits 9:00
Bridge 10:00
Lunch & Learn 12:00
Dbl Deck Pinochle 1:00
BP Check 11:30-1:00
Lunch 12:00
Bridge 12:30
Scrabble 12:30
Bid Euchre 1:00
Paint In Group 1:30
Trivia 11:00
Bridge 12:00
Pinochle 1:00
Dbl Deck Pinochle 1:00
Bingo 1:00
Strength training 10:30
Scrabble 12:30
Poker 1:00
Movie 1:00
Exercise 10:30/11:30
Rob & John 11:00
Bingo 11:45
Bridge 12:00
Miami & Key West Trip
Rec Center 7:30 a.m.
Exercise 10:30/11:30 Super Sewers 9:00
Lunch 12:00
Bridge 10:00
Canasta 12:30
Dbl Deck Pinochle 1:00 Lunch 12:00
Painting 12:00
History Speaker 1:00 Art Appreciation 1:30 Brownies 12:00-1:30 Pinochle 1:00
$2.50 breakfast 9:00
Books N Stuff 3:15
Bridge 12:30
Dbl Deck Pinochle 1:00 Pool Room Time 9:30
Lunch 12:00
Canasta 12:30
Close Knits 9:00
Super Sewers 9:00
Scrabble 12:30
Spiritual Group 12:30
500 1:00
Paint In Group 1:30
Exercise 10:30/11:30 Snowflake 10:00
Earzlink 11:00-1:00
Lunch 12:00
Penny Auction 12:30 Bridge 12:00
Krafty Bloomers 1:00 Bridge 10:00
History Speaker 1:00 Lunch & Learn 12:00 Bridge 12:30
Painting 12:00
Dbl Deck Pinochle 1:00 Scrabble 12:30
Pinochle 1:00
Lunch 12:00
Canasta 12:30
Super Sewers 9:00
Bridge 10:00
Bid Euchre 1:00
Paint In Group 1:30
BP Check 11:30-1:00
Lunch 12:00
History Speaker 1:00 Lunch & Learn 12:00 Bridge 12:30
Books N Stuff 3:15
Dbl Deck Pinochle 1:00 Scrabble 12:30
Art Appreciation 1:30 500 1:00
Birthdays 1:00
Paint In Group 1:30
Bingo 1:45
Scrabble 12:30
Poker 1:00
Movie 1:00
Garden Talk 10:00
Strength training 10:30
Scrabble 12:30
Poker 1:00
Dbl Deck Pinochle 1:00
Ice Cream 1:15-2:30
Bridge 12:00
10:30 TO 1:00
Painting 12:00
Pinochle 1:00
Scrabble 12:30
Dbl Deck Pinochle 1:00 Poker 1:00
Vet Information 1:00-3
Bingo 1:30
Jan. 18 Richard Esposito will present “Women Aviators: The Gals That Dared” at 1:00 p.m.
Jan. 19 Brookhaven will have a Lunch & Learn at noon. They will only be having four
Lunch & Learns at the center during 2016.
Jan. 20 Amber Holley from Cottages of Clayton will have a penny auction at 12:30 p.m. The
Paint In Group begins at 1:30 p.m.
Jan. 21 Sheryl Scott will teach how to make a quilled snowflake from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Donna Caudill with Earzlink will be here from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for anyone who
has signed up for a free hearing checkcheck-up. Home State Healthcare will be here from 1:15
to 2:30 p.m. to serve ice cream and more.
Jan. 22 Michele Ruby will give a garden talk on “Garden Design” at 10:00 a.m. Julie Steinke
from Crossroads Rehab will be here to do strength training.
Jan. 25 Ryan Qualls from Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park will present
“A Poem of Steel: The Early Days of Bicycling” at 1:00 p.m. Amber Holley from
Cottages of Clayton will be bringing refreshments for this history group.
Jan. 26 Brian Addis with Edward Jones will bring lunch and talk about the “Outlook for 2016”.
The art appreciation group will meet at 1:30 p.m. and then carpool to the Dayton Art
Jan. 27
Amber Holley from Cottages of Clayton will be doing BP checks and sugar readings
from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Penny from Friendship Village will be bringing cakes to
celebrate January birthdays. The Paint In Group starts at 1:30 p.m. Connie Ruiz from
Randall Residence will have bingo at 1:45 p.m.
Jan. 29 The dining room will be closed from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Lisa Lewber, a Veterans
Service Officer, will be here from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Carrie Shapiro from First Light will
have bingo at 1:30 p.m.
————————————————————————————————————————- ———-All Veterans: You Can Join the DAV (Disabled American Veterans)
If you are 80 or over, you can join for free!
Contact David Weeks, commander of the local chapter in
Dayton for more information. Call him at 937937-581581-0627.
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Greetings from sunny Florida.
Wishing everyone a "Happy & Healthy New Year"
1/15 - 1/23/16 - Miami & Key West - check in 7:30 am - depart 8:00 am from the Rec Center 1111 Stonequarry Rd - Vandalia, Ohio.
Hotel Information:
1/15 - Holiday Inn Northlake - Atlanta, Ga - 770770-934934-6000
1/16 - Holiday Inn Orlando, Fl - 407407-396396-4222
1/17 - 1/21 - Miccosukee Resort - Miami, Fl - 305305-925925-2555
(please note: gaming available at Resort if you choose to do so)
1/21 - Holiday Inn Orlando, Fl - 407407-396396-4222
1/22 - Holiday Inn Northlake - Atlanta, Ga - 770770-934934-6000
1/23 - 1/30 - Oasis of the Seas with Royal Caribbean
4/26 - Jason Coleman (Floyd Cramers Grandson $69 pp 2 seats available
4/28 - 5/8 - Croatia & Slovenia - SOLD OUT
5/18 - Mystery Tour - SOLD OUT
6/2 - 6/8 - New York & Statue of Liberty - SOLD OUT
6/13 - The Lennon Sisters - $89 pp - 20 seats available
7/07 - Ron Retzer - $69 pp - 12 seats available
8/14 - 8/20 - Branson, Mo - SOLD OUT
8/24 - Mystery Tour - SOLD OUT
9/07 - The Four Freshman - $89 pp - 16 seats available
9/12 - 9/16 - Pigeon Forge - $479 pp - 25 seats available
10/07 - Mystery Tour - SOLD OUT
10/10 - 10/13 - Asheville & Biltmore Estate - $399 pp 8 seats available
12/01 - Ton Retzer & Friends $69 pp - 10 seats available
Note: Date change from 11/30
Happy Traveling! Liz Syska 937937-260260-0776 lizsyska0@gmail.com
21 Tionda Dr. South
Vandalia, OH 45377
OPEN: Monday through Friday 9 - 4
Coordinator: Toni Williams
Phone: 937-898-1232
Fax: 937-665-0796
Age 55 or older
Younger spouses welcome!
Vandalia Senior Citizens Club
2015 Advisory Committee:
Dinners &
Mary Miller
Donna Shirley
Joyce Mason
Frieda Schmidt
Liz Syska
Jean Lutz
Shirley Stipek
Your annual membership fees helps offset some of the costs
of programming and support for the Senior Center.
2015 fees are:
Vandalia Resident: $15 single-$25 dual
Non Resident:
$20 single-$35 dual
**A resident is defined as someone who pays City of Vandalia
property taxes.
Membership for anyone over 90 is free but you must notify the