GETAWAY 2015 Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society


GETAWAY 2015 Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society
Cave City Convention Center
Cave City, Kentucky
June 17 – 19, 2015
Table of Contents
GETAWAY Description
Other GETAWAY Activities
GETAWAY Schedule
Class Descriptions
Teacher Profiles
KHQS Nametag Order Form
KHQS Membership Form
GETAWAY 2015 Registration Form
Checklist (Please fill out to help coordinator & yourself) 36
Packing Essentials
GETAWAY Vendor, Sterling Thimble
Cave City Convention Center
Sleep Inn, Cave City, Reservations
Super 8 Motel, Cave City, Reservations
What are all those Contests/Challenges?
Want to see the pictures of class samples in color? Go to and click on the Getaway Brochure. If you have
Adobe on your computer, you will be able to see the entire
brochure in color. Check it out today!
Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society Annual Meeting
and GETAWAY 2015
On June 17-19, 2015, KHQS Annual Meeting and Getaway will once again convene in Cave City, KY.
Our meetings, classes and meals will all be located in the Cave City Convention Center. Our lodging will
be less than a quarter mile away. All facilities are handicapped accessible and have adequate parking.
Some of you will be able to unload at side doors directly into your first classroom.
Registration will begin at 8 am on Wednesday at the Convention Center and will be open until 5 pm.
QAK (Quilt Artists of Kentucky) will offer two half-day classes, the first at 9 am and the second at 1 pm.
Lunch will be served at noon. There will also be 3 other classes offered on Wednesday beginning at 1
pm. Sit & Sew is available as a half-day or all-day opportunity. QAK will hold their annual meeting at
4:15 pm. Dinner will be served at 6 pm followed by our Annual Meeting and a lecture entitled “Quilts of
Illusion” by our featured teacher Karen Combs. Registration resumes on Thursday and Friday mornings
at 8 am. Classes will begin at 8:30 am and end at 4 pm with a break from 11:30am to 1 pm for lunch and
activities. KHAS (Kentucky Heritage Applique Society) will hold their annual meeting on Thursday at
4:15 p.m. Thursday classes will be followed by dinner at 6 pm and a meeting at 7 pm that will include
Show & Tell. Friday classes will hopefully be followed by safe trips home for all.
Challenge quilts, block contests, raffles, games, fund-raising, door prizes and who knows what else will
fill out a good time! And back by popular demand, Becky Hill of the Sterling Thimble Quilt Shop will be
vending once again. Be sure to call her for the supplies on your class list. She will bring them with her
and have them ready for pickup when you arrive in Cave City. No running around searching for supplies!
Members are again responsible for making your own reservations for lodging. Those who attended last
year’s Getaway seemed very pleased with the accommodations at Sleep Inn. The 3-story building has all
inside room entrances and an elevator. We are guaranteed a room rate of $92 per night (including taxes,
$102.62). For those who are looking for a real bargain, next door to Sleep Inn is Super 8 Motel. They
have newly remodeled rooms and have offered us a guaranteed rate of $65 per night, which includes taxes. These rooms are outside access and there is no elevator. Request a lower level room if this is important to you. Sleep Inn is a bit more ‘plush’; but both motels seem to be very clean, well maintained
and both offer breakfast. Please see details on pages 40-41.
The class descriptions include a supply list and skill level to help in the decision-making of which classes
to take. If you have questions about either or want more information about the class, feel free to contact
the teacher of that class. (Contact information is in the Teacher Profile). Workshops range from traditional machine piecing to hand appliqué and embellishment to fabric dyeing and more. There’s bound to
be something that catches your eye! Classes will be filled on a first come/first-served basis. Your confirmation packet will contain your class confirmations, full supply lists and schedule of events. Confirmations may be sent by email or standard mail. Please indicate which you prefer and enclose a selfaddressed stamped ($.70) envelope with your registration if you choose a mailed packet.
Please visit our website,, to view this brochure in color
KHQS wants to welcome you to Cave City, KY
and the Cave City Convention Center
Cave City, KY is a unique little town. From the Cave City Convention Center, one only has to
travel a half mile to be in sight of at least 6 motels and chain restaurants including KFC, Wendy’s, McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Long John Silvers/A &W Root Beer, and Cracker Barrel. Nearby
are all sorts of tourist attractions including Guntown Mountain, a wildlife museum, an alpine
slide and two ziplines (I dare you!) and, of course, Mammoth Cave National Park. Turn the
other direction when leaving the Convention Center, and you are in the center of downtown
Cave City, a mecca of antique shops and sprinkled with small individual-owned cafes and restaurants. Cave City is small, but packed full of things to do. Consider coming early or staying
an extra day to take in some of the local sights!
WHITE ELEPHANT SALE: We are continuing the tradition of the White Elephant Sale
by accepting donations from anyone who wants to clean out some of those UFO’s, unused
tools, out-of-date material, etc. from their sewing rooms and donate them to KHQS. Just
bring your cast-offs to Getaway where they will be sold. All profits will be used to fund
future KHQS activities. Why not let your trash be someone else’s treasure!?! Also, don’t
forget to bring a few extra $$$ to spend at the sale!
QAK ANNUAL MEETING: Every year, Getaway also hosts the QAK annual meeting.
This year the meeting is scheduled at 4:15 pm on Wednesday, following 2 half-day QAK
classes, as well as 3 other half-day classes. This timing allows for no other conflicts, so that
anyone interested in attending QAK’s annual meeting will be able to do so. Check out the
class descriptions to see what is being offered this year. All are welcome to sign-up even if
you are not a current member of QAK. Our hope is that you will enjoy yourself so much
you will join!
KHAS ANNUAL MEETING: KHAS also has an annual meeting. This year it is being
held on Thursday afternoon at 4:15 pm. The meeting offers time for Show and Tell, exchange of blocks from the “Cookie” Exchange, announcement of winners for the annual
KHAS block contest and Quilt Challenge. And, if you are unfamiliar with these challenges, take a few minutes and visit the KHAS table in the main meeting room at Getaway this
year. You may just decide that you want to become a member of this group, too!
FUND-RAISING: Come to the Fund-Raising Table in the main meeting room area to buy
Opportunity Quilt Tickets, check out the KHQS merchandise and participate in the fun
games that are being planned for this year’s Getaway!
STERLING THIMBLE QUILT SHOP: Located just off the lobby in the front part of the
building. See page 38 for more information!
GETAWAY 2015 Schedule
Please note all times are given in Central Time
Wednesday, June 17
8:00 AM-5:00 PM Registration, Cave City Convention
Center Lobby
9:00 AM-12:00 PM Half-Day Class
W-1 Shibori Painted Fabric—Karen Riggins
W-SS (am) Sit and Sew
12:00 PM-1:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM-4:00 PM Half-Day Classes
W-2 Coloring with Colored Pencils/Ink Dyeing —Debbie Poole
W-3 Adding Pizzazz to Your Quilts with 3-Dimensional
Applique—Judy Hobbs
W-4 On the Edge—Mary Bauer
W-5 Sewing Apron—Linda Sanford
W-SS (pm) Sit and Sew
4:15 PM QAK Annual Meeting
Membership in QAK not required to attend this meeting
6:00 PM Dinner
7:00 PM KHQS Annual Meeting, State of the Society Address,
Introduction of Teachers, Class Show & Tell
8:00 PM Lecture: Quilts of Illusion, Karen Combs
Thursday, June 18
8:00 AM Registration, Cave City Convention Center Lobby
8:30 AM-11:30 AM All Day Classes
Th-1 More Patchwork Illusions—Karen Combs
Th-2 Dyeing to Quilt—Lynette Brown
Th-3 Memory Quilt with Wonky Block Border—Cheryl Slaughter
Th-4 Desert Sky— Diane Lyon
Th-5 Beginning Hand Applique—Ann Reed
Th-6 From Triangles to Hexagons—Ann Landini
Th-SS Sit and Sew
GETAWAY 2015 Schedule
Please note all times are given in Central Time
Thursday, June 18, continued
11:30 AM Lunch
12:15 PM Meeting: Fund-Raising Activity, Return of 2014 President’s Challenge Quilts
1:00 PM-4:00 PM All-Day Classes continue
4:15 PM KHAS Meeting, Show and Tell, Block Contest & KHAS
Challenge Awards
Membership in KHAS not required to attend this meeting
6:00 PM Dinner
7:00 PM General Meeting: Block Contest & Row Quilt Awards,
President’s Challenge 2015 Awards, Class Show & Tell, Show
& Tell
Friday, June 19
8:00 AM Registration, Cave City Convention Center Lobby
8:30 AM-11:30 AM All-Day Classes
F-1 Transparency—Karen Combs
F-2 Paint-Shaded Tree Branch with Thread-Painted Leaf—
Roxanne Ferguson
F-3 Basics of Raw-Edge Fusible Machine Applique-Ann Landini
F-4 Gallantly Streaming—Vicky Hartley
F-5 Cathedral Window Meets Rag Quilt—Donna Duncan
F-6 Wine Me Up—Mary Bauer
F-SS Sit and Sew
11:30 AM Lunch
12:15 PM Meeting: Opportunity Quilt Drawing, President’s
Challenge 2016, Installation of New Officers, Introduction of
1:00 PM-4:00 PM All-Day Classes continue
Getaway concludes at 4:00 PM.
Drive Safely—We want to see you again next year!
Half Day-AM
Shibori Dye Painting
Karen Riggins, Teacher
Skill Level—Beginner to Intermediate
Students will do resist stitching, rubber banding and inserting of marbles on either a silk
scarf or 10” squares of cotton. They will paint the resist-prepared pieces with Dyna-Flo
Paints to create unique shibori-like designs.
Kit available for $15.00 which includes most supplies needed. Please pay teacher in
Supply List
Kit includes:
One silk scarf or two 10” squares of
Rubber bands
Use of paint, brushes, needles, thread,
Other supplies to bring:
In addition to the provided marbles,
rocks or unusual shapes to trap in the
*Complete instructions and/or supply list will be sent with registration materials.
Half Day-PM
Coloring with Colored
Pencils and Ink Dyeing
Debbie Poole, Teacher
Skill Level—Beginner
In this class, students will try two different techniques for adding color to your fabric or
quilt. First, we will color a quilt piece with colored pencils. These techniques are taken
from Irena Bluhm and Sherry Rogers-Harrison’s books and videos. There are so many
variations using colored pencils that we will have a hands-on class so you can decide
your favorite. Second, we will play with ink/water to dye pieces of fabric. I like this
technique because you get a very vibrant color that will not wash out. This is also hands
-on so you can play and decide what you’d like to use in your art quilts.
Supply List
Coloring with Colored Pencils:
Colored Pencils (Crayola)
Derwent Inktense pencils
Paintbrush, flat, size 4-6
Pilot Precise V7RT black pen (Office supply)
Textile Medium (Hobby Lobby)
12X12” quilted piece*
Ink Dyeing:
$5 supply fee
Prepared for dyeing fabric, several 12” pieces
Large piece of foam board/cardboard
Ziploc bags
*Complete instructions and/or supply list will be sent with registration materials.
Half Day-PM
Adding Pizzazz to Your
Quilts with ThreeDimensional Applique
Machine or
Judy Hobbs, Teacher
Skill Level—Any Skill Level
Learn an easy way to add 3-dimensional embellishments to your quilts using the "petal
play" method. Students will learn how to use this method to make leaves, flowers,
scales for fish, mermaids, and turtles, even pinecones--anything that you can imagine.
A sample will be made in class so you can learn this technique, and it can later be made
into a small wallhanging.
Supply List
An inexpensive kit will be available for purchase that will contain the pattern, stabilizer,
and leather needle that you will use to create your sample.
Fabric: A small piece of fabric ( 8" X 10") for your background
Two small pieces of fabric ( 8" X 10") from which to cut your 3-dimensional pieces--in
two shades of a particular color (for example, if you do a flower you might use 2 shades
of pink, or 2 shades of green for
a leaf).
Thread to match your fabric
Paper and fabric scissors
Pencil for tracing on the fusible
Basic Sewing Supplies
Sewing machine in good working order
*Complete instructions and/or supply
list will be sent with registration materials.
Half Day-PM
On the Edge
Mary Bauer, Teacher
Skill Level—Advanced Beginner
This class will start with a talk and trunk show to cover the different techniques that can
be used to finish the edge of your quilt and make it unique. During the rest of the class,
students will make two or three samples to learn how to apply a facing to your quilt,
make and insert mini-piping, and make color changes in your binding to match the colors at the edge of your quilt.
Supply List
(1) 2-3 mini quilt sandwiches (15X15”)
Make one of the sandwiches with a pieced top, with two fabrics on an angle. Quilt the sandwich as desired.
The other sandwiches can simply be prequilted fabric cut
into squares or small mini quilts that you construct and quilt
as desired.
(2) Scrap fabric for making the edge treatments:
2 strips 2”X2 1/2” wide x width of fabric (wof) to match the
fabrics used in the first mini quilt above.
2 strips 2”X2 1/2” wide x wof, any color
2 8”X8” pieces, any color
2 strips 1” wide x wof, fun color!
Tools & Notions:
Basic sewing supplies and sewing machine
Thread to match 1” fun color strips or neutral 50wt
Rotary cutter and mat
All your sewing machine feet
Piping trimming tool, if you have one
*Complete instructions and/or supply list will be sent with registration materials.
Half Day-PM
Sewing Apron
Linda Sanford, Teacher
Skill Level—Advanced Beginner
Students in this class will be making a sewing apron. The sewing apron will have pockets and tabs to which you can attach your most used sewing tools so that they will always
be within reach! Students will also be making a detachable flower pincushion which will
be constructed first. Construction of the tabs and pockets that will ultimately be attached
to the apron come next. The last step is making the apron.
The apron can be made from a precut kit in order to complete the project in this half-day
class. Fabric in the kits will have designs related to sewing. Kits will be available for
purchase in class for $18 to $24 depending upon fabric cost. Please let the teacher know
if you require a kit or are choosing your own fabric.
The design for this apron is based on McCall’s pattern 3979, which you will be required
to purchase if choosing to use your own fabrics.
Supply List
Tools and Notions:
Sewing machine in good working order
Basic sewing supplies
Tape measure
Fabric and Pattern:
Included in kit
*If you chose not to purchase a kit,
you must contact teacher for additional information regarding fabric
and pattern requirements.
Sit and Sew
Half or
Full Day
Sit and Sew is an opportunity to work on projects without guidance or instruction. Tables and chairs will be available. Bring any equipment and
supplies you need to complete your project including irons, boards and extension cords. This environment gives you a chance to get to know fellow
KHQS quilters while making progress on your own projects. It’s also a
great time to work on the project from the class you took the day before (or
year before!)
Full Day
More Patchwork Illusions
Karen Combs, Featured Teacher
Skill Level—Advanced Beginner to Intermediate
Visual depth has fascinated artists for centuries. Karen has developed a quick and easy
rotary technique that allows you to make quilts with a 3-D look. Learn all of her tricks
and tips for creating 3-D patchwork blocks and, in addition, learn how to use color to
enhance the 3-D effect and how to use different settings to create amazing quilts of illusion!
$16 kit includes handouts and rotary templates. Fees collected in class by teacher.
Fat quarter of three or four color families, such as blue, pink, green, yellow or purple.
Bring 2 to 8 lights, 2 to 8 mediums and 2 to 8 darks in that family. Make sure your
fabrics are not busy prints. A fat quarter of each is fine. (Fabric will be available for
purchase in class.)
Tools and Notions:
Rotary cutter & mat (medium size)
Rotary ruler 6”x24” or 6”x12”
Straight pins with heads
1/2 yard thin cotton batting or flannel to pin design to
Masking tape to put design wall up
Sewing machine (off-white thread, bobbins, needles)
Book with block designs
Colored pencils
Freezer paper (18" or so)
Can of Magic Sizing or small bottle of Best Press
Reducing Lens or Door Peephole (available in class)
Red and Green Value Tools (available in class)
*Complete instructions and/or supply list will be sent with registration materials.
Full Day
Dyeing to Quilt
Lynette Brown, Teacher
Skill Level—Beginner and Beyond
This class is for anyone interested in hand dyeing fabric using indigo dye. The rich blue
color of indigo has been used all over the world and is favored by many cultures. We
will dye solid pieces as well as patterned pieces using shibori folding, clamping, and
stitch techniques, as well as overdyeing fabrics. Indigo is safe, nontoxic, natural, and
faster than chemical dyes. Participants will leave class with several pieces of dyed fabric suitable for use in quilts, pillows, clothing. The example pictured is a quilt made
with all Shibori dyed fabrics that is intended to give an idea of the possibilities that can
be achieved with an indigo dye vat. We will not be making a quilt, just dyeing fabric for
use in quilts.
2-5 yards pre-washed 100%
white cotton fabric which
should be washed without
fabric softener and air-dried
Dyer's or Playtex gloves
Cotton twine
Plastic tablecloth
Paper towels
Ivory soap bar
Rubber bands
Gallon- and quart-size Ziploc bags
Optional supplies include: drying rack, small stool
*Complete instructions and/or supply list will be sent with registration materials.
Full Day
Memory Quilt with Out-ofthe-Box Border Blocks
Cheryl Slaughter, Teacher
Skill Level—Beginner to Advanced
Tap into your right-brain and get creative to design and put into fabric a special time,
memory, quote, or person in your life. We will learn to draw the design (please don’t let
this scare you! Anyone who can hold a pencil can do this) and transfer to fabric. The last
part of the day you will learn several fun ideas for adding fun wonky blocks to the border of your memory quilt.
Variety of bright scraps, small & large
1 yard background fabric
Tools and Notions:
Sewing Machine
Basic sewing supplies
Iron & pressing mat
Sharp pencil, automatic or bring sharpener
Black Permanent Marker – Fine or extra fine
2 yards Fusing Web (Brand of your choice)
Rotary cutter, mat, ruler, square-up ruler
Paper and fabric scissors
Teacher will supply drawing paper.
*Complete instructions and/or supply list will be sent with
registration materials.
Full Day
Desert Sky
Diane Lyon, Teacher
Skill Level—Beginner to Advanced
Desert Sky is a great pattern to learn Judy Niemeyer’s techniques that make complicated
quilting designs simple. The class will focus on Judy’s unique process for paper piecing
and floating points along with an easy method for curves. There will also be a demonstration of Judy’s quick-cutting technique using template layout sheets. The 48” x 54”
wall hanging is made from 12 light and 12 dark fat quarters and by the end of the day,
students will be well on their way to completing the wall hanging
Desert Sky Pattern required – No sharing
12 light & 12 dark fat quarters
Sewing Machine w/ bobbin
Open toe or clear sewing foot & 1/4” foot
New needle – prefer a Microtex 70/10
Good quality sewing thread – 100% cotton
Rotary mat (12”x18”), rotary cutter w/new
blade, 6”x12” ruler
Paper and fabric scissors
Seam Ripper
12” Add-A-Quarter ruler
Washable glue stick
Purple Thang—recommended for sewing
Fabric Glue Pen (Sewline or Fons and Porter)
Large paper clips for organizing papers and fabrics
Binder Clips for organizing fabric – approximately 25 small or medium size
Heavy template plastic - at least 3” x 12”
4 gallon-size Ziploc bags
*Complete instructions and/or supply list will be sent with registration materials.
Full Day
Beginning Hand Applique
Ann Reed, Teacher
Skill Level—Beginner
If you have ever thought about doing hand applique, this is the class for you. This will
be an all day class and you will work on a beautiful small project. This will give you
time to watch and try the techniques. Ann will teach you different ways to do hand applique including back basting, press and starch, needle turn, freezer paper and fusing.
You will do thin stems, pointed leaves and the reverse-applique technique. Because the
project is small, more time will be devoted to practicing the different methods of hand
applique. Hopefully at the end of the day, you will love it as much as Ann does.
13" x 15" background fabric, white or off-white
13" x 15" front fabric, print or floral
10" x 10" pink for flower
12" x 12" green for leaves and stem
4" x 4" tan flower center
Thread to match fabrics
Basic sewing supplies
Full Day
From Triangles to
Ann Landini, Teacher
Skill Level—Advanced Beginner
In this class, students will learn how to create a hexagon quilt without having to sew any
Y seams by using a simple equilateral triangle as your basic unit. If you can sew a
straight seam and use a rotary cutter, you can make a stunning hexagon quilt. Your resulting quilt can be scrappy or it can be in controlled colors. The choice is yours!
2 - 3 yards for the quilt top; half lights, half dark or dark medium.
Tools and Notions:
Rotary cutter and mat
Flannel or flannel-back tablecloth for design
60 degree triangle ruler
Thread, neutral or matching
Flat-head pins
Basic sewing supplies
Iron and ironing mat or board
*Complete instructions and/or supply list will be sent with registration materials.
Full Day
Karen Combs, Featured Teacher
Skill Level—Advanced Beginner to Intermediate
Learn all the secrets to creating the look of transparency in your quilts. Transparency is
the use of color to make your quilts look like one color is laying over another. It's very
simple, if you know how. After this class, you can amaze your friends and family with
your use of color!
$2 kit includes handouts. Fees collected in class by teacher.
Minimum 5”X5” many, many small pieces of non-busy fabric (i.e., fossil fern or tone
on tone) in light, medium and dark in all colors. You will be cutting and pasting the
fabric, so bring many different colors and values of fabric.
Tools and Notions:
Fabric & paper scissors
Glue stick
Colored pencils or set of crayons (The 64 box
is very nice to have in class.)
Color wheel (optional, but very helpful)
Optional supplies: (available in class)
Red and Green Value Tools
Reducing Glass or Door Peephole
*Complete instructions and/or supply list will be sent with registration materials.
Full Day
Painting &
Paint-Shaded Tree Branch
with Thread-Painted Leaf Sewing Machine
Roxanne Ferguson,Teacher
Skill Level—Intermediate
In this class, students will use fabric paint to shade and highlight a branch to make it appear three dimensional. Thread painting on stabilized organza will be used to create a
realistic leaf. Free motion quilting will be involved. Students will be provided instructional pages, the branch pattern and leaf patterns. Also, additional small kits will be
available for sale which will contain organza and water soluble stabilizer for those wanting to experiment with this technique.
Fat quarter of sky fabric for background
Fat quarter of brown batik for branch
Fat quarter of paper-backed fusible web
Iron and ironing surface
Teflon pressing sheet
2-8”X10” sheets of water-soluble
8”X10” fall color organza
Black fabric paint
White fabric paint
#0 and #4 flat paint brushes
Small water cup for cleaning
Small plastic plate for paint palate
Paper towels
Sewing machine
Free-motion foot
Basic sewing supplies
Threads in brown, light tans and
fall colors
Sharpie or Pigma pen
*Complete instructions and/or supply
list will be sent with registration materials.
Full Day
Basics of Raw-Edge Fusible
Machine Applique
Ann Landini, Teacher
Skill Level—Advanced Beginner
In this full-day class, students will learn the basics of raw-edge fusible machine applique. You will construct one block which you can make into a small wall quilt. You
will learn how to work with stems, layers, symmetrical shapes and asymmetrical shapes.
You will need a sewing machine which will allow you to adjust the width and length of
a blanket stitch.
Fabric (100% cotton, prewashed):
Small pieces for appliques
12 1/2” square background fabric.
1/2 yard plain muslin for ironing board/mat
Tools & Notions:
Iron and ironing board/mat
#2 lead mechanical pencil
Ultra fine black Sharpie
Paper & fabric scissors
Spray starch (not Best Press)
Lightweight, paper-backed fusible web
Light box
50 weight 100% cotton thread to match or contrast with the appliqué
80/12 universal needles
Sewing machine with an adjustable blanket stitch
Open-Toed applique foot
Self-threading needle
Teflon pressing sheet or parchment paper
*Complete instructions and/or supply list will be sent with registration materials.
Full Day
Gallantly Streaming
Vicky Hartley, Teacher
Skill Level—Beginner
Create a fabulous star block to show off two complimenting colors, make it scrappy or
use pre-cut Jelly Rolls. You will be determining color values, using the strip sewing
piecing method and doing quick triangle square piecing without cutting or piecing triangles. You will have 4-5 blocks done before leaving class, enough to make a bed runner
or a good start on your quilt. Complete fabric requirements will be sent after registration. Yardage requirements available for 68”X68” throw, 86”X86” full or 86”X104”
queen. A pattern is required and can be purchased from the instructor in class for $8.
For full size—Color 1 – 1 ¼ yd
Color 2 – 1 ½ yd
Or equivalent in scraps
Or two jelly rolls (for variety & contrast to
Background – 3 7/8 yd
Border, backing and binding fabrics are not required for class
Tools & Notions:
Machine with ¼” foot
Thread for piecing, neutral or to match fabric
45mm Rotary Cutter
18” x 24” Cutting Mat
3” x 12” Ruler
*Complete instructions and/or supply list will be sent with registration materials.
Full Day
Cathedral Window Meets
Rag Quilt
Donna Duncan, Teacher
Skill Level—All Skill Levels
Is there a stack of old blue jeans on your closet shelf that needs to go but you just can’t
bring yourself to pitch them? (You might be that size again, someday – yeah, right!)
Bring those jeans and some squares from your stash, and make this ultimate scrap project – a Cathedral-Window-Meets-Rag-Quilt. And, then, if you ever can wear those
size 10’s again, treat yourself to new jeans! The class project will be a sixteen-patch,
suitable as a small wallhanging or table mat. Or, once you get home, you may use it to
make a tactile pillow or incorporate it into a totebag, or enlarge on your project and
make a lap quilt . Pretty much anything goes! Made of lightweight denim, it will have
a cuddly, almost-pampered feel; if you use heavyweight denim, you’ll have a nononsense, sturdy piece. Once you start, you’ll be gathering up jeans from your family’s
Denim scraps
16 squares of fabric 3 1/2”, cut precisely
18X18” batting
Paper and Fabric Scissors
Sewing machine w/ extra needles & bobbins
Rotary cutter, mat & rulers
Seam Ripper
Iron and Ironing Surface
Pencils to mark fabrics
Pencil and paper
Sharpie Ultra-Fine Pen
1 sheet fine grade sandpaper or sandpaper
Optional: Rotary cutter that cuts circles
*Complete instructions and/or supply list will be
$3 supply fee for pre-made templates
sent with registration materials.
Full Day
Wine Me Up
Mary Bauer, Teacher
Skill Level—Intermediate
Make a great modern quilt while learning to piece curves. Several Quick Curve Rulers
will be available to use in class as well as templates, so no special equipment will be
required for the class. Finished size is 58 X 77.
3 yards total of various colors
3 yards background fabric
½ yd. binding
4 ¾ yds backing
Tools & Notions:
Pattern to be purchased in class
Sewing Machine
Basic sewing supplies
Neutral 50 or 60 wt. piecing thread
Rotary cutter, mat and rulers
Washable glue stick
*Complete instructions and/or supply list will be sent with registration materials.
Karen Combs—Featured Teacher
A native of Michigan, Karen Combs began quilting in 1973 while still in high
school. She has a degree in library science
and has worked at many state, city and
school libraries before finding her calling
as a professional quilting instructor, writer
and designer.
Her quilts are known for taking a traditional pattern and giving it her own unique
"twist." Karen is intrigued with quilts of
illusions and has been designing quilts
with a 3-D look for several years.
Karen is the author of Optical Illusions for
Quilters (AQS), Combing Through Your
Scraps (AQS), Floral Illusions (AQS), 3
Quilters Celebrate the 4 Seasons (AQS) &
3-D Fun with Pandora’s Box, co-authored with Sharlene Jorgenson of Quilting from the
Heartland. Her newest book is Celtic Pieced Illusions (AQS).
She has been a fabric designer for over a decade, working with several New York-based
fabric houses and now working with Troy's Riverwoods Collections.
Karen's work has appeared in the Silver Dollar City Wallhanging Challenge, the Hoffman Challenge and in many magazines such as Quilter's Newsletter Magazine, Traditional Quilter, Traditional Quiltworks, Sew Many Quilts, McCall’s Quilting, and Lady's
Circle Patchwork. She was the "Feature Teacher" in the March 1997 issue of Traditional Quiltworks. Nominated for Teacher of the year in 1995, 2000 and in 2005, by Professional Quilter Journal, Karen travels nationwide to teach her techniques and methods. In 2012, Karen was honored to be asked to judge the IQA Quilt show. She has appeared on several TV quilting shows, among them Quilting from the Heartland, Quilt
Central, Quilt America and Simply Quilts.
Karen now lives in the rolling hills of middle Tennessee with her husband Rick, and
their sweet (but willful) Shih Tzu, Benji. Their grown children, Angela and Josh visit
when they can!
Mary Bauer
Mary has been sewing since she was 10 years old and after a career hiatus started sewing in earnest when she retired in 1999. Mary spent the first few years filling the closets
of her 4 granddaughters but when she learned to quilt in 2003, all other sewing projects
took a back seat. After winning “Best of Show” in 2006 at the Kentucky State Fair, she
was encouraged to start teaching. Since then teaching has become a major focus in her
life and she really enjoys being able to give the gift of quilting to others. Mary says she
has been fortunate enough to exhibit her quilts locally and at Berea, Knoxville, Grand
Rapids, Paducah, Bloomington, Columbus, Charlotte and Houston. She has received
awards from IHQS, AQS, KHQS & IQA and recently won a 1st place in Grand Rapids
and 3rd place ribbons in Phoenix, Charlotte and Houston. Mary loves all phases of the
quilt-making process and says she has to admit she loves all types of quilts – rendering
her “style-less”.
Lynette Brown
Lynette Brown took up quilting about a year before retiring from her work as a school
psychologist in the public school. Quilting is a tradition in her family but served mainly to produce warm bed quilts. Lynette had made baby quilts and a few bed quilts for
her daughters but it wasn't until she saw some art quilts at a quilt show that she became
interested in pursuing a less traditional form of quilting. Her interest in fabric dyeing
evolved after seeing the wonderful patterns and textures that could be created through
dyeing. Lynette was thrilled to take a class in natural dyes with Elin Noble where she
was introduced to the amazing process of indigo vat dyeing. Now she works primarily
with her own hand dyes to create her art quilts. Lynette says this provides two sources of
gratification - one from creating the fabric and the other from creating the actual quilt!
Donna Duncan
A quiltmaker for over thirty years, Donna enjoys sharing her skills by teaching
quiltmaking. Her teaching style incorporates skill, knowledge, encouragement, and a
sense of fun and adventure. She served on the KHQS Board of Directors for nineteen
years (as Newsletter Editor, President, Treasurer, and Publicity Chairperson), and continues to support KHQS by serving on committees and writing occasional articles for
the Newsletter. Each winter, she takes the KHQS Challenge Quilts Traveling Exhibit to
area schools and shows and explains the quilts to some two thousand students over a
four- or five-week period. Appropriately, she is known by local schoolchildren as “The
Quilt Lady.”
Roxanne Ferguson
Roxanne never wanted to quilt. She was happy being a biologist. Animals, research, students: things were good. Then she saw the art quilts at the Paducah Quilt show and was
hooked. Fifteen years later and Roxanne is now all about color, design and overall
WOW factor. She had a quilt juried into the Houston IQA and the AQS Paducah shows
in 2014 and is presently waiting to hear if her submission to Paducah will be accepted.
She is an active member of QAK and has had quilts in their shows, including the Susan
Koman Breast Cancer Awareness exhibit, in addition to the AQS shows in Nashville,
Knoxville and Grand Rapids and the National Quilt Show in Cincinnati.
Vicky Hartley
309-879-2869 (home)
309-368-4305 (cell)
Vicky was inspired by her great aunt who taught her to hand embroider as a teenager
and later taught her to hand piece her first quilt top, Tumbling Blocks, in 1980. After
many years of craft sewing, hand embroidery was still her passion until she discovered
and purchased her first sewing and embroidery machine in 1995. In 1997, Vicky started
working full time for the local sewing center. In 1998, she fell in love with foundation
piecing and in 1999 she helped start an area quilt guild. Vicky has been an Event Coordinator since 2003 as well as teaching weekly quilting, sewing and embroidery classes
to individuals and groups. She donates her time teaching quilting and embroidery
classes at the Project Linus National Convention each year since 2007. Since the purchase of her long arm quilter, Vicky no longer lives by the motto "Once the top is done,
the quilt is done".
Judy Hobbs
Judy has been sewing and making clothes for herself and her family since junior high
school. She took her first quilting class in the early 1990s and has been "hooked" ever
since. She is a member of AQS, KHQS, IQA, Graves County Piecemakers, Paducah
Stitch and Quilt, and Quilt Lovers of Murray. Throughout the years she has taught classes and given programs for various guilds. She has had one of her quilts included in the
book, Playing with Triangles, and also featured on the book's cover. Judy has completed
one commissioned quilt and has had quilts in several small shows. She has also had
quilts in the 2009 through 2011 AQS Knoxville Quilt Shows and a quilt in the 2012
Grand Rapids Quilt Show. Judy loves to try new, innovative techniques, especially nature quilts. As a retired school teacher, she now has more time to devote to the hobby
she loves, quilting.
Ann Landini
Ann Landini is a retired Murray State University journalism professor who has been
involved in quilting for more than 20 years. She has taught quilting classes on both the
local and state level. Her favorite part of quilting is learning new techniques to use in
both piecing and applique. An active member of Quilt Lovers of Murray, she has served
KHQS as a District Leader, President-elect, President and Publicity Chair.
Diane Lyon
Diane has been quilting for more than 20 years and has put her teaching degree to work
teaching friends and family how to quilt. After taking a class to make a Judy Niemeyer
quilt, Diane fell in love with the process to make complicated quilts simple. She is in
the process of becoming a Judy Niemeyer certified instructor.
Debbie Lewis Poole
When I was 9 years old my mother bought me an embroidery kit. That was the beginning of my crafty-sewing-quilting journey. I've sewn clothes, costumes, curtains, pillows
and quilts. I even worked in a ceramic shop! My first quilt class was when I was 21. After dabbling in all areas of crafts - embroidery, cross stitch, tole painting, knitting and
crocheting - I loved making quilts. I started with making traditional quilts by hand piecing and hand quilting. I usually have 5-6 projects going at once. Most of my quilts now
are machine pieced and longarm quilted - but I always have a handwork project going
too. Since joining KHQS and QAK and attending Getaway, I really like making the
challenge quilts. Near and dear to me is making charity quilts. I am the Charity Projects
coordinator for the Central KY Quilt Guild in Frankfort and a member of the Anderson
County Piecemakers. We make and donate quilts to Quilts for Kids (at UK Children's
Hospital), Social Services, and the Women's Shelter.
Ann Reed
Ann learned to sew as a child. She began to quilt in 1984. She loves traditional, modern
and art quilts. She has taught quilting for many years. Ann says her biggest achievement was having a quilt in Quilt National.
Karen S. Riggins
Karen S. Riggins has been quilting, creating fiber art and teaching for over 35 years.
She started as a traditional hand piecer and quilter but her interests have evolved into
working with many areas of fiber art. She now loves free motion machine quilting, hand
beading, embellishments of many kinds, fabric painting and dyeing using woven fabrics
and nonwoven fabrics. Karen has a studio on the farm that she lives on with her husband and three cats. She gives lectures, and private lessons in her studio. She is also
very active with Quilt Artists of Kentucky as a co-chair of the guild and an active member partaking in the challenges that KHQS/QAK issues each year.
Linda Sanford
Linda Sanford is a self-professed fabraholic! She enjoys quilting- piecing, appliqué, paper piecing, machine quilting, and quilted crafts. She uses quilt patterns as inspiration to
design quilts, but has never made a quilt directly by a pattern. She always feels the need
to add a little or a lot of her own design into the quilt. Her goal is to learn a new technique, shortcut or design element in every quilt she makes. Linda enjoys helping others
learn how to quilt and improve their quilting skills. She has sewn since she was old
enough to hold a needle, and started hand quilting at age 12. At 19, she made a baby
quilt for her first child, hand pieced and hand quilted. When Linda retired in 2005, she
started quilting again, this time piecing by machine. She began machine quilting in
2006. Linda is currently a member of Centenary United Methodist quilt group, Kentucky Cover Lovers Guild (President), Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society, and American
Quilters Society. In 2014, she won Best of Show and Best Machine Quilting at the
Kentucky State Fair with her quilt Star Burst.
Cheryl Slaughter
Recently retired Family & Consumer Science teacher, Cheryl has been quilting since
1982. She taught quilting classes in Georgia before moving back to her hometown of
Mayfield, KY in 1991. She is a former KHQS President and has been involved in all
types of quilting. Cheryl says she enjoys teaching and helping her students be successful with their projects. She has worked with both children and adults during her teaching career and delights seeing the faces of her students when they finish their projects.
White Letters on Blue, 3½ x 1½”
$7.00 ppd.
Send order to
Awards, Inc.
136 East Public Square
Glasgow, Kentucky 42141
270-651-7255 (1-800-929-2731)
Make check payable to:
Awards, Inc.
(Please print)
Mail to
City ______________________________________________ State _____________ Zip __________
Do you have an official KHQS nametag?
They are a great way to advertise our organization and to introduce yourself to new friends! (or to remind past acquaintances of your name and
thereby saving them the embarrassment of having to ask!!) If you do not
have a nametag, now is a great time to order one! Whether you order a
new one now or you already have one, be sure to bring it along to Getaway. If you show your nametag at registration, your name will go into a
drawing for a special door prize to be given away during Friday’s lunch
So either cut out the form above or make a copy of it, and order that
KHQS Nametag today!
And remember there are a few door prizes that are only given to those
wearing a KHQS apparel item (which includes the nametag), those
attending Getaway for the first time, and those completing their
Getaway evaluations!!!!
Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society
day with Quilters’ Day Out events in each district across the state.
In 1995, the Kentucky Heritage Appliqué SoIn 1981, a group of quilt lovers, quilt makers ciety (KHAS) was formed as an auxiliary group
and quilt collectors joined together to form the of KHQS. Its purpose is to promote the techKentucky Heritage Quilt Society, the first
niques, appreciation and preservation of hand
statewide organization to be concerned with all and machine appliqué. In 2004, the Quilt Artaspects of quilting throughout the Commonists of Kentucky (QAK) formed with the purwealth of Kentucky. Since that small beginpose to serve as a support and information
ning, our individual membership has grown
group for innovative quilters who choose to
with members in almost every county and alpractice creativity with quilts as an art form; to
most 50 affiliate guilds.
educate about the art of the quilt; and explore
venues for art quilt exhibition. Members of
these groups must also be members of KHQS.
To promote understanding, appreciation and
KHQS actively works to keep the art and
knowledge of the art and craft of quilt making. craft of quilt making alive by providing judges,
To support and expand the collection and
teachers and demonstrations at shows and
preservation of Kentucky quilts and the records special events. KHQS offers financial assisof Kentucky quilt makers and their work.
tance to affiliate guilds who hold quilt shows.
To undertake such activities as shows, conScholarships are offered for the annual Quilting
tests and educational workshops.
Adventures. Each year members can particiThe Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society is an
pate in quilt block contests and a quilt chalequal opportunity organization whose member- lenge. The challenge quilts then become a
ship enrollment does not discriminate on the
traveling exhibit viewed by thousands of peobasis of gender, age, race, or religion.
ple over the course of a year.
Workshops are held at the annual KHQS
Meeting & Getaway in June. Each fall, quilters
gather with a nationally known teacher for the
three-day KHQS Quilting Adventures.
KHQS, along with QAK and KHAS hold several retreats throughout the year.
Quilt Registry Days are held in counties
across Kentucky. From these, information of
use to the academic and museum world is collected and stored at the Kentucky Museum in
Bowling Green.
KHQS has organized 13 districts across the
state. District Leaders create the link between
local, state, and national quilters. National
Quilting Day, which had its beginnings in Kentucky, is celebrated on the third Saturday in
March. KHQS Districts celebrate this special
The newsletter is published four times a year
for the membership. The newsletter is full of
information about the quilting world, upcoming shows and exhibits, free patterns and,
of course, up-to-date information on all KHQS
Individual KHQS membership dues are
$20.00 annually. Guilds and quilt clubs may
also join as KHQS Affiliates for an annual fee of
$15.00. Dues for the Kentucky Heritage Appliqué Society and Quilt Artists of Kentucky are
both $5.00 annually. Contributions are always
welcome. Individual members are given discounts to lectures workshops hosted by the
Updated 2/2014
Checks should be made payable to:
Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society
P.O. Box 23392
Lexington, KY 40523-3392
Individual Name or Affiliate Guild
If Affiliate Guild, contact person’s name
E-mail address
Quilt Society
P.O. Box 23392
Lexington, Kentucky
Local Guild Member ___Y ___N
If yes, Guild Name_______________________
Would you like to be a local contact?
Individual Memberships:
__ $20.00 KHQS annual dues enclosed.
__ $5.00 Kentucky Heritage Appliqué Society
annual dues enclosed.
__ $5.00 Quilt Artists of Kentucky annual dues
OR Affiliate Guild Membership:
__ $15.00 Affiliate Guild annual dues enclosed.
Additional donation to support KHQS $_____
GETAWAY 2015 Registration Form
Email address__________________________________________________________
Please indicate class choices by number (i.e., Th-1). Please indicate a 1st and 2nd choice!
Wednesday, June 17: Morning
Thursday, June 18
Friday, June 19
So that more members have the opportunity to study with the featured teacher at Getaway, it is a long-standing policy of
KHQS that attendees may only take one class with that teacher. If you are interested in both classes, please chose both but
indicate your preference with an asterick (*). If your preferred class is filled, you can then be placed in the other class.
Wednesday, June 17:
1-1/2 day class—$35
2-1/2 day classes—$70
Thursday, June 18:
Class, lunch & dinner—$90
Friday, June 19:
Class & lunch—$75
Non-Member, add $25
*Sit & Sew offered during each class session. If choosing Sit & Sew, deduct $10 per day ($5 per 1/2 day session).
KHQS Membership dues (if applicable)
KHAS and/or QAK dues (if applicable)
Total Amount due_______________
See pages 40-41 for information about reserving your lodging accommodations at Cave City.
Registrations are due by May 8 to Brenda Leftwich, VP KHQS
3518 South Fork Road
Glasgow, KY 42141-7023
Please fill out the reverse side, detach & mail this form.
Registration Deadline: May 8, 2015
Absolutely no refunds after this date. Registrations
subject to availability in classes.
_____I have special dietary requirements
_____I have Show and Tell (Please send me the form. )
_____This is my first time attending GETAWAY.
_____Registration Form.
_____Membership Renewal Form (unless you renew at another
time of the year).
_____Enclosed Large (business sized #10) SASE with
$.70 postage.
_____Forget the envelope, send everything to the email address
I provided on the front page.
_____Enclosed check made payable to: KHQS
Mail registration form and check to
Brenda Leftwich, VP, KHQS
3518 South Fork Road
Glasgow, KY 42141-7023
If you have questions: Email:
Or call Brenda at
Home phone: (270) 646-3456 Mobile: (270) 670-3753
Things To Consider When Packing
For Getaway
Sewing machine in good working order, complete with cord, foot pedal, manual &
Extension cord and/or power strip
Rotary cutter, mat, rulers, extra blades
Scissors, pins, needles (hand & machine), marking pens – all those usual sewing
Portable lamp for extra light in classroom (and maybe one for the motel room, if you
want to sew at night)
A jacket, sweater or over-shirt – we women all have such different thermostats in
our bodies
Quilts for Show and Tell (bring your latest, best, proudest completed quilt to share)
For appliquérs, 6 ½” blocks for Cookie Exchange, Challenge Block and Challenge
Piece if they have not already been mailed
Donations for White Elephant Sale
Few extra dollars to spend at White Elephant Sale – one person’s trash is another
person’s treasure
Most recent KHQS newsletter, Membership Directory, and this Getaway Brochure
Directions to Cave City Convention Center, Sleep Inn and/or Super 8 Motel
Cell phone # of a friend, Convention Center (270-773-3131), Sleep Inn (270-7732030) or Super 8 Motel (270-773-2500) in case you get lost
Chargers for electronics (cell phone, Ipad, etc)
Snacks for the room at night
Make sure you have everything on your class(es) supply list again!
Contact Becky at Sterling Thimble (859-498-0860)
if you can’t find those specific supplies needed for
your class
**At least one iron and board will be supplied in each
5060 Maysville Road
Mt. Sterling, KY
A full line quilt shop featuring 100% cotton fabrics, books,
notions, gifts, supplies, and classes.
*Friendly Staff
*Exceptional Service
*Conveniently Located
To all KHQS Members and Teachers attending Getaway
Sterling Thimble Quilt Shop, located in Mt. Sterling, Kentucky,
will be the on-site vendor at 2015 KHQS Getaway. Becky is most happy to
help find and supply anything you need for your class at Getaway or your
general sewing needs. She is also willing to take orders for any merchandise in stock and bring it to you at Getaway. Just call the shop to make
Your support is truly appreciated!
Shop Hours:
Tuesday thru Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday, 9:00am - 3:00pm
Closed Sunday & Monday
502 Mammoth Cave Street, Cave City, KY 42127
Flexible floor plan to accommodate dining, meeting, common and classroom
Free Parking
Easy access for loading and unloading
Diane’s Cakes and Catering providing
lunch and dinner
Convenient Location:
1/4 Mile from Exit 53, I-65
1/4 Mile from hotel/motel
Close to several restaurant options
Close to Mammoth Cave National
Park, and numerous other activities
and sites
Reservations for Sleep Inn, Cave City, KY
801 Mammoth Cave Street
Cave City, KY 42127
Sleep Inn in Cave City is one of the options for
accommodations while attending Getaway 2015.
The motel is close to the convention center with
many amenities; 32” plasma TV/cable, free WiFi, microwave, refrigerator, interior corridor,
coffee maker, free hot breakfast buffet, indoor
pool and guest laundry—in case you just HAVE
to buy that piece of fabric from our vendor and
prewash it before using it in class!
The Sleep Inn is a three-story motel. If you prefer a
ground floor room, be sure to make that clear when
you make your reservation. Rooms come in two varieties—1 king bed or 2 queen beds.
Reservations must be made
by calling the number above.
Also, June is tourist season!
So make your
reservation EARLY!
All rooms are $92 plus tax ($102.62 total) per night.
30 rooms are being made available for reservation
until June 1. Mention KHQS to get this special rate!
Reservation Dates: _________________Confirmation #: ______________
To make your reservation—call 1-270-773-2030
Identify yourself as a KHQS member
KHQS rates available June 16-20 for your travel convenience
Reservations for Super 8 Motel, Cave City, KY
799 Mammoth Cave Street
Cave City, KY 42127
Super 8 Motel in Cave City is your second
option and is located next door to Sleep Inn.
This motel also has several amenities including free breakfast, free Wi-Fi, outdoor pool
and pet-friendly rooms. Room access is by
outside entrance. The two-story building does
not have an elevator, so book your room early
and request a first level room if this is important to you.
All rooms have been remodeled this year, including
new carpet, furniture and bedding. Rooms are available with one king or two queen beds.
Reservations must be made by
calling the number above.
And June is still tourist season!
So make your
reservation EARLY!
All rooms are $65, which includes tax, per night.
These rates are good until June 1. Mention KHQS to
get this special rate!
Reservation Dates: ______________ Confirmation #:________________
To make your reservation—call 1-270-773-2500
Identify yourself as a KHQS member
KHQS rates available June 16-20 for your travel convenience
If you have any questions about Getaway, please contact:
Brenda Leftwich, VP KHQS
3518 South Fork Road, Glasgow, KY 42141-7023
(270) 646-3456 or (270) 670-3753
 KHQS Block: Purchase a block kit, make one block according to directions and theme to turn in for
next year’s judging. Top 20 block makers receive $10. Membership votes on Viewer’s choice, maker receives $15. One block maker’s name is drawn to receive top 20 blocks. One block maker’s
name drawn to receive remaining blocks.
 KHQS President’s Challenge: Make a quilt according to directions and theme designated by outgoing
president. Membership votes on four categories and ribbons given to winners. Makers must agree
that their quilts will travel the following year and be returned at the next Getaway. View current
quilts on
 KHQS Row Contest: Purchase a kit to obtain color scheme and make as many rows as you like to turn
in for next year’s contest. Rows are put together and names drawn from participants to receive completed quilt top.
 QAK Challenge: Various challenges are presented to their members through the year. Speak with a
QAK member to learn more about their 2015 Stampeding Quilts and Quiltography Challenges. Or
signup for their class day on Wednesday and/or attend the annual meeting on Wednesday at 4:15pm.
 KHAS Block: Purchase a block kit, make one block according to directions and theme to turn in for
next year’s judging. Depending upon number of entries, prizes awarde; and one block maker wins
the blocks.
 KHAS Quilt challenge: This is a new challenge KHAS is offering this year. The theme is “Anything
Goes”. Rules for the challenge can be found in the KHQS Newlsetter or contact Pat Brown for more
information. Cash prize!
 KHAS Cookie Exchange: Sign up to be a part of a group of 6 that makes 6 1/2” blocks in a specified
theme. Bring to following Getaway to exchange blocks. You end up with 6 blocks to make a small
 Getaway UFO Challenge: Complete a UFO from a previous Getaway class and bring it to Getaway.
Prizes will include “Oldest UFO” and other surprise categories!
Check out the KHQS website at
For a color copy of this brochure and all the class projects.
Credit for clip art goes to:
Free Quilting Clip Art © Susan C. Drudging, 1997-2001