2014 Yearbook - Harrow United Church


2014 Yearbook - Harrow United Church
Annual Report 2014
Harrow United Church
PO Box 464, 45 Munger E.
Harrow, ON N0R 1G0
Phone: 519-738-4223
Fax: 519-738-4951
E-mail: huc@windsor.igs.net
Web: www.harrowunited.org
Harrow United Church Annual Report
CONGREGATIONAL MEETINGS ...................................... 1
Annual Congregational Meeting – Feb. 2, 2014 ............ 1
MESSAGE FROM YOUR MINISTER ............................... 4
OFFICIAL BOARD 2014 ................................................... 6
HARROW-MALDEN AOTS MEN’S CLUB ....................... 8
AOTS Financial Report................................................... 9
WORSHIP & MEMBERSHIP .......................................... 10
Membership Statistics ...................................................11
Members Removed By Death ....................................... 11
Members Removed by Transfer or Request ................11
Members Received by Transfer ....................................11
Members Received by Profession of Faith ..................11
Organist Report ............................................................ 12
Senior Choir .................................................................. 12
Audio Visual Team ........................................................ 13
CONGREGATIONAL LIFE & WORK ............................... 15
World Day of Prayer ..................................................... 15
Church Picnic................................................................. 15
HUC Hot Dog Stand ...................................................... 16
Gesstwood Camp Day .................................................. 15
Rally Sunday .................................................................. 15
Chili Cookoff and Twoonie Auction ............................. 16
Showcase ...................................................................... 17
Library ........................................................................... 17
Daily Devotions ............................................................. 17
Card Report................................................................... 17
Nursery .......................................................................... 18
Flower Report ............................................................... 19
HUC News ..................................................................... 18
Funeral Lunches............................................................ 18
Downton Abbey Tea..................................................... 18
Pastoral Care ................................................................. 19
Sunday School.............................................................. 20
Youth Group (HUMY) ................................................... 21
HUC Gwen Salter Peoples Fund ...................................22
OUTREACH ................................................................... 23
Mission and Service Fund ............................................ 23
Clothing Drive and Giving Tree.................................... 23
Food Bank and Downtown Mission............................ 24
The Love: Nan Project ................................................. 24
Ministerial Lunches ...................................................... 25
Student Aid Committee ............................................... 26
Kit Richardson Memorial ............................................. 27
PROPERTY .................................................................... 28
FINANCE ....................................................................... 29
Turkey Dinner................................................................ 31
FINANCIAL REPORTS .................................................... 31
Comparative Offerings ................................................. 31
Mission & Service Fund ................................................ 31
Financial Examiners ...................................................... 31
Memorial Fund ............................................................. 32
Special Gift Account .................................................... 32
Benevolent Account .................................................... 33
Capital Fund ................................................................. 33
Presbytery Loan ........................................................... 33
Summary of Receipts .................................................. 34
Reconciliation Statement ............................................ 34
Expenses – General Fund ............................................ 35
Budget 2015.................................................................. 37
Harrow United Church Constitution ........................... 39
By-Laws ......................................................................... 41
Mission Statement....................................................... 47
Staff .............................................................................. 47
Harrow United Church Annual Report
Congregational Meetings
Opening: Rev. Frank Staples spoke of our theme for this Annual Meeting “New Beginnings”. He also spoke
of how we became stronger together as a church in the past year while we were searching for a new
minister. We are now moving forward with a new vision. He also read a poem by John McLeod titled
Motion: That Eleanor Walker be Chair, and Cathy George be the Secretary for the 2014 Annual
Congregational Meeting and all subsequent congregational meetings in 2014. Moved by John Woodbridge,
seconded by Susan Staples. Motion Carried.
Motion: That all members and adherents in attendance be eligible to speak to and vote on any motions
presented at today’s meeting. Moved by Gillian Lamoure, Seconded by Barry Mannell, Motion Carried.
Approval of the Minutes from the 2013 Meeting: It was moved by Roberta McLean and seconded by
Suzanne Bruce that the minutes from the 2013 Annual Meeting, pages 1 – 5 of the Annual Report, be
accepted as printed. Motion Carried.
Business Arising from the 2013 Minutes: None.
Ministry and Personnel Report: It was moved by Scott Mannell and seconded by Suzanne Bruce that the
report found on page 10 of the 2013 Annual Report be accepted. Motion Carried.
Trustee Report: It was moved by Rev. Frank Staples and seconded by Jim Bondy that we accept the report
as found on page 10 of the 2013 Annual Report. Motion carried.
AOTS Report: It was moved by Charlie Wimperis and seconded by Dianne Wright that we accept the report
as found on pages 12 – 14 of the 2013 Annual Report. Motion Carried.
Ray McLachlan discussed some revisions to the AOTS pie tent expenditure report. Profit of
$9,544.08. Expenses of $2,000.00 to choir for help with the pie tent, $1,000.00 to the church for utilities and
$600.00 to begin making more pies. He also advised they would be changing their year end from December
31 to September 30. It was moved by Ray McLachlan to adopt the revised report for AOTS, seconded by
Charlie Wimperis. Motion Carried.
Worship Committee Report: The Worship Committee performed a puppet play during Children’s Time as
part of their report. Their theme was new beginnings and new dreams.
It was moved by Gillian Lamoure and seconded by Lari Sabbe that the presentation and the reports found on
pages 15 – 20 of the 2013 Annual Report be accepted. Motion Carried.
Hymn – I See a New Heaven – Verse 1
Harrow United Church Annual Report
Congregational Life and Work Report: Report presented by Diane Murray, Suzanne Bruce, Laura GeorgeJurilj, Audrey Hodgins, Jane Malcolm. The congregation was asked to provide the committee with any ideas
they would like to see implemented or advise of any help they would like to give. It was moved by Audrey
Hodgins, seconded by Jane Malcolm that their presentation and reports found on pages 21 – 27 in the 2013
Annual Report be accepted. Motion Carried.
Hymn – I See a New Heaven – Verse 2
Outreach Committee Report: A report was presented by Dennis Graham on the many different aspects of
the Outreach Committee. He described their financial commitments including Gesstwood Day Camp, Sunday
School, the Food Bank, the Downtown Mission, aid to the Philippines, Student Aid Bursary and the Kit
Richardson Bursary. He also spoke of the many projects they are involved in and many other ways we reach
out to the community. It was moved by Dennis Graham and seconded by Don Mannell that the presentation
and the reports found on pages 28 – 32 in the 2013 Annual Report be accepted. Motion Carried.
Motion: To set the M&S objective for 2014 – that the goal for M&S be $30,000.00. Moved by Dennis
Graham, seconded by Barry Mannell. Motion carried.
Hymn – I See a New Heaven – Verse 3
Property Committee Report: Barry Mannell, Walter McLean, Camiel Defour and Murray Sellars presented
their report. They spoke of the improvements that have been done in the church so far, windows having
been replaced and the parking lot done. Replacing the electrical service will be the next project
undertaken. We will work on renewing the building and renewing ourselves. Perhaps air conditioning will
be in place for this summer.
Moved by Barry Mannell and seconded by Greg Harrison that their presentation and report found on page 33
in the Annual Report be accepted. Motion Carried.
Hymn – I See a New Heaven – Verse 4
Finance Committee Report: Presentation by John Woodbridge. Concerns are - Comparative offerings are
down; the Presbytery Loan needs to be paid back. Moved by John Woodbridge and seconded by Susan
Staples that the presentation and the reports and financial statements found on pages 34 – 41 in the 2013
Annual Report be accepted. Motion Carried.
Nominating Report: The Nominating Committee would like to thank the following people for serving on the
Board: Ken Brook, Cathy George, Greg Harrison, Barry Mannell, Don Mannell,
Walter McLean, Roger Putman and Murray Sellars. These people are eligible to retire from the Official Board
this year but have agreed to let their names stand again as members of the Official Board.
The following people have also agreed to put their names forward for nomination: Barb Brookbanks, Jim
Lonsbery, Bill Shea and Susan Staples.
Motion: Moved by John Woodbridge that the above mentioned people remain on the Official Board or be
added to the Official Board for a term of three years and that Jim Bondy and Harvey Hollingshead remain as
financial examiners for the year 2014. Seconded by Ray McLachlan. Motion Carried.
Harrow United Church Annual Report
Presbytery Representatives:
Motion made by Barry Mannell for Terry Wright and Susan Staples to be our representatives at
Presbytery. Seconded by Camiel Defour. Motion Carried.
Conference Representatives: Rev. Frank Staples will attend Conference as our minister.
Motion made by Bill Shea that Beth Graham and Eleanor Walker be our representatives at London
Conference for 2014. Seconded by Barry Mannell. Motion Carried.
Turkey Supper:
Moved by Bill Shea and seconded by Karen Lumley that the turkey supper will continue to be held on the
first Saturday in November. Motion Carried.
Pie Booth:
Moved by Barry Mannell that the Congregation approve in principle that the operation of the pie tent be
done by the congregation. Seconded by John Woodbridge, Motion Carried.
Budget for 2014:
It was moved by John Woodbridge and seconded by Glenn Gorick that we accept the proposed Budget for
2014 as found on pages 42 – 43 in the Annual Report. Motion Carried.
Eleanor Walker thanked Cathy Woodiwiss, Larry Anderson, Laurene Csikasz and Rev. Frank Staples for all
they do for the church and to everyone else that helps out every Sunday.
It was moved by Ray McLachlan that the meeting be adjourned. Motion Carried.
Hymn – Be Still My Soul
Rev. Frank Staples closed with a prayer.
Harrow United Church Annual Report
Message from your
I’ll start my message with a question, a
question that I think needs to be answered
and answered properly if we truly want to
be the dynamic, compassionate, and gracefilled church God calls to be. The question is:
What does it mean to be a Christian?
Now you might hear lots of different
answers to such a question. You might hear
from some people that being a Christian
means “accepting Jesus Christ as your lord
and saviour.” You might hear from others that it means going to church regularly and really working hard to
be a good person. You might hear from others still that it means believing a certain set of statements or
doctrines, like “Jesus died for our sins.”
You might hear all sorts of answers to this question, many of which describe a state of being or else
name a particular group of beliefs about things like God and Jesus, heaven and hell, sin and salvation, and so
on. Too often these kinds of answers are about taking a certain position on things. These kinds of answers
understand being a Christian as a fixed thing – a noun, you might say.
My own answer to such a question is that being a Christian is more a verb than a noun. It is less about
a state of being than it is about a way of living. “Being a Christian,” then, is an unfortunate turn of phrase
that might better be stated as, “Living as a Christian.” However, I’ll continue using the phrase only because
it’s what we hear in conversation.
Being a Christian really means following the model of living that we know from Jesus in his own life
and ministry. If the “Christ” in Christian is to have any impact, we need to take seriously the challenges and
the unsettling and upsetting vision for life that Jesus portrays. Being a Christian really means taking seriously
and deeply-to-heart the task of being a disciple—a learner and follower—of Jesus’ ways.
If being a Christian means modelling our lives on that of Jesus, then our actions need to show the
qualities that his actions show. Such qualities include: a loving welcome to any and all (even those who are
hard to love), radical openness to everyone just as they are, resistance and challenge to anything that places
some in power over others, solidarity with the least powerful people around us, celebration of all that builds
life and wellness, and sureness that God’s vision for creation includes us—and all people—as both blessed
and blessing.
Harrow United Church Annual Report
I could continue to name and describe in even greater detail those qualities of living that I see in the
way of Jesus, but what I’ve just listed is a pretty good start. It gives each of us much that we might use for a
lifetime of maturing in discipleship. The point is not to overwhelm ourselves with a goal of perfection that
we can never achieve, but to create for ourselves a sense of direction and purpose that will help with the
myriad of day-to-day decisions—big and small—that we all face.
Note that I haven’t mentioned anything about religion here. I haven’t named anything about church
or faith or that sort of thing. Those are left off my list of the qualities of a life of discipleship because they are
not really qualities of a Christian life, but rather they are supports to such a life. The church supports us. Faith
supports us. Both feed our lives as disciples, so in that way they are important. However, for most of us they
are not the results of, or the products of, our Christian way of living.
In the end, being a Christian is mostly about doing, more than being. A catchy question of a few years
ago was “What would Jesus do?”, sometimes turned into a kind of acronym: WWJD. It’s not a bad question,
but doesn’t necessarily touch our own lives and decision-making very directly. For we who seek to name
ourselves Christians, a better question might be, “As a disciple of Jesus, what would I do, or better still, what
will I do next to welcome the stranger, to accept people just as they are, to resist the powerful, to stand with
the powerless, and to help build life and wellness for all creation?” To help answer that question, read on!
Read on and learn about some of the amazing things Harrow United Church is doing! Learn about the things
this church is doing as a vital component of the Harrow
community, indeed as a vital community church where
community lives!
Rev. Frank Staples
Harrow United Church Annual Report
Official Board 2014
Retire end of 2014
Camiel Defour
Dennis Graham
Gillian Lamoure
Elsie Ring
George Salter
John Woodbridge
EXECUTIVE - Chair of each committee
Eleanor Walker – Chair
John Woodbridge – Vice Chair
Retire end of 2015
Melvin Hawkins
Karen Lumley
Doug Murray
Eleanor Walker
Retire end of 2016
Ken Brook
Barb Brookbanks
Cathy George
Laura George-Jurilj
Greg Harrison
Jim Lonsbery
Barry Mannell
Don Mannell
Walter McLean
Roger Putman
Murray Sellars
Bill Shea
Sue Staples
Cathy George – Recording Steward
Glenn Gorick – Treasurer
Gillian Lamoure – Chair
Karen Lumley
Roger Putman
Elsie Ring
Sue Staples
*Nancy Colenutt
*Janet Woodbridge
Laura George-Jurilj - Chair
Barb Brookbanks – Co-chair
Doug Murray
*Beth Graham
*Audrey Hodgins
* Diane Murray
*Jane Malcolm
Dennis Graham – Chair
George Salter
Barry Mannell – Chair
Ken Brook
Camiel Defour
Greg Harrison
Walter McLean
Murray Sellars
*Larry Iler
*Dave Myles
John Woodbridge – Chair
Glenn Gorick – Treasurer
Dianne Wright – Envelope Steward
Greg Harrison
Mel Hawkins
Don Mannell
Bill Shea
*Brock Humber
Harrow United Church Annual Report
Essex Presbytery Representative – 2014
Terry Wright
Susan Staples
Ministry and Personnel Committee
Scott Mannell – Chair
Carol Bondy
Eric Colenutt
The Ministry and Personnel Committee strives to have the employees of the Harrow United Church work in a
positive and productive atmosphere to achieve optimal performance of their duties. We deal with questions
and concerns of staff members and people of the congregation to hopefully produce a satisfactory outcome
of any issues. The Ministry and Personnel is not a decision making body but will make recommendations to
the Official Board.
We are a supportive body for the employees and look forward to continuing to work with the professional
staff that we currently are privileged to work with.
Scott Mannell
Rev. Frank Staples – Chair
Doug Balsillie – Secretary
Jim Bondy
Camiel Defour
Beth Graham
Gerry Kinnaird
Murray Sellars
The trustees of the church are responsible for maintaining the Capital assets of the Congregation. We look
after the insurance policy of our church making sure we are adequately protected .
We also manage the investment portfolio that is funded by the monies received since the sale of the manse.
As of June 30, 2014 the balance of this investment stands at $ 118,771.14 .This fund is used to pay the
ministers housing allowance. The portfolio has performed very well and has grown substantially recently.
Doug Balsillie
Harrow United Church Annual Report
Harrow-Malden AOTS Men’s Club
The year 2014 proved to be an interesting one, from making 1100 pies, to selling Christmas cake and making a
number of donations. Our donations included giving to the Harrow Food Bank, providing assistance to our
foster child in the Dominican Republic, supporting the Frank Chauvin Girls orphanage in Haiti, the Salvation
Army kettle, H.E.E.A.T. swim team, and supporting the “Kids to Camp” - an A.O.T.S. National project.
We entered into an agreement with a committee made from the church board whereby they would look
after the pie tent operation and in return would receive 50% of net proceeds which amounted to $6,991.
We have approved the purchase and installation of a flag pole east of the church.
On Dec. 5th we went to Harrowood and served the folks ice cream cake after lunch. They really
look forward to this each year. On Dec 11th we held our annual Christmas dinner with the
meal catered by Tracy Craig it being a full course turkey supper and homemade desserts.
After supper we were treated to an evening of music provided by Dale Butler and his band.
This year we also had two members attend the A.O.T.S. Spring Roundup at Jackson Point on Lake Simcoe.
In closing we would all like to wish Ken Brook a speedy and complete recover from his surgery.
Jim Bondy on behalf of the A.O.T.S. Mens Club
Harrow United Church Annual Report
Bank Balance January 1, 2014
Less Outstanding cheques
Monthly Meetings
Father & Son Banquet
Term Deposit
Bank Interest
Pie Tent
Cake Sales
Monthly Meetings
General Expenses
Charitable Donations
Father & Son Banquet
Purchase Term Deposit
Ontario Roundup
Pie Tent
Christmas Cake
Harrow United
Bank Balance January 1, 2015
Shares with Credit Union
Term Deposit
Ray McLachlan
Harrow United Church Annual Report
Worship & Membership
2015 is upon us and it’s time to look back at what we’ve done in 2014. It was an exciting year and the
worship committee would like to thank everyone who helped make it so. Special thanks to Frank who has
helped us immensely in our transition from one minister to the next in just over a year. We thank him for
being so organized, so enthusiastic and so easy to get along with. However, instead of sitting in this comfort
zone, we feel the need to keep ourselves relevant in an ever changing society and decide together where we
are going. He’s helped all of us start thinking ahead and visioning which faith road we’d like to lead Harrow
United on.
We’ve had a few changes this past year, in our worship services. Some were quite simple and some more
noticeable. From slightly changing up the order of service, to adding congregation Joys and Concerns; from
decorating with balloons for our September Rally, to adding a variety of breads to our world wide
communion service; from having our Easter communion service led by the confirmation class, to
experiencing a Tenebrae service; from sharing Elsie Ring’s old fashioned Christmas story to enjoying an
outdoor live manger scene with the Sunday School children on Christmas Eve. We also presented distinctive
Christian Service awards to Bill & Gloria Gorick and Carl & Elinor Huffman.
One of the visions of the Worship Committee, is to show our community the value of diversity and our
acceptance of others. We feel that in order to accomplish this, we have to be open to new technology and
new ways of doing things while being ever mindful that we are a team working together for a common
goal…a better life in Christ. With that in mind, we will endeavour to embrace the concept of variety and
Thank you everyone for continuing to show
your love of this church family, by volunteering
and sharing. We are always blessed by your
opinions and ideas.
Gillian Lamoure
Chair of Worship
Harrow United Church Annual Report
Households under care
Number of persons under pastoral oversight
Baptisms Infant
Membership – Jan 1st
Received by transfer
Received by profession of faith
Removed by transfer or request
Removed by death
Non-resident members
Resident membership
Total membership – Dec 31st
BURIALS – 2014
Ann Armstrong
Theresa Dubas
Doris Ena French
Margaret Anne Gobeil
Robert John Grieves
Albert Edwin Johnson
Florence E. Laramie
John Franklin Meharg
Bernice Tofflemire
Lyndon Tofflemire-Bunker
Theresa Dubas
Barbara Gladys Munger
Jennifer Lichaa
Suzanne Bruce
Allen Benford
Larry Blackburn
Sheila Benford
Joan Burgess
Matthew Nicholas Frühm Broser
Cameron Gregory Iler
Corey Scott Mannell
Jade Marie Drouillard – daughter of Ross & Lauren (Salter) Drouillard
Leah Faye Drouillard – daughter of Ross & Lauren (Salter) Drouillard
Harrow United Church Annual Report
The past year was very positive and blessed as our musicians presented and led the congregation with a
wide variety of vocal and instrumental selections meant to uplift and give thanks to our Lord.
It was once again a privilege to work with John Woodbridge and our very talented Senior Choir. I continue
to appreciate the time John gives in selecting appropriate, meaningful music as well as his dedicated work in
leading the Senior Choir and Percussion Ensemble.
I would also like to express my sincere thanks to Jeff Csikasz, Barry Mannell and Greg Iler who continue to
add beautiful hymn accompaniments with guitar and trumpet. Their addition to our music at Christmas was
most appreciated.
Lari Sabbe, Sue Mannell, and Gillian Lamoure always have great ideas when it comes to selecting Praise
Music for our Sunday morning worship. They are very supportive of all aspects of our music program and
make a concerted effort to include our young children in
meaningful ways.
Finally, a sincere thank you to all who supported our Organ Concert
in December. David Palmer and Jonathan Bayley gave us a
wonderful experience of listening to beautiful music featuring the
flute and our amazing pipe organ. It should be noted that those in
attendance were very generous in supporting our local Harrow
Food Bank with canned goods and cash donations. Thank you.
Larry Anderson
The Harrow United Church Senior Choir has played a significant role
in the music ministry of this church since 1893, when the building was first erected on this site. Our choir is
proud to continue this 120-year tradition.
Currently, the choir consists of twenty seven dedicated singers - 12 sopranos, 8 altos, 5 tenors and 2 basses.
We have a good balance of voices and skills, and are very fortunate to have singers who can perform solos.
Rehearsals are held every Wednesday from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m.. New members are always welcome.
This year, we welcomed Shirley Dube, Sheila Benford and Dee Turton to our soprano section and we enjoy
the spirit and dedication that each brings to our group.
Many thanks must go to all of the people who willingly contribute to our church’s music ministry. The choir
is most appreciative of the skill of our organist, Larry Anderson. We thank him for his patience, his musical
inventiveness and his many hours of practice. We also are appreciative of the drumming group (Matthew
Broser, Matthew and Meagan Pouget, and Lilia Derbyshire) who add much to the music and helped to
‘frame’ the singing. We would also like to thank Lari Sabbe for her willingness to conduct the choir when a
Harrow United Church Annual Report
substitute conductor is needed. And a special thank you must be extended to Sue Mannell, Lari Sabbe and
Gillian Lamoure for leading the children (with their percussion instruments) and the congregation in the
praise singing, and to Larry Anderson and Jeff Csikasz for accompanying us at that time. We do have fun.
Lastly, the choir would like to thank the congregation for its continued support and for the many kind words
of appreciation. To us, performed music is the voice of God, not merely heard by our ears, but felt in our
hearts, especially by those seeking comfort and
encouragement. May God’s blessings be with you
this year.
FM Sound System - Having Trouble Hearing Our
At the back of the sanctuary there is a small oak
chest that contains three hearing systems. These FM
systems look like small transistor radios with
headphones. Simply turn on the power, put on the
headphones (or ear buds) and adjust the volume. As
long as the frequency is set for 72.3 mhz, it will work
fine. If you find these systems to be effective, you
may wish to order one for your personal use
through the church office. New receivers have been
recently purchased and the cost has been reduced
to under $20/unit. Let us know if you are interested.
Harrow United Church Annual Report
Video Recording of Services
During this past year we have produced more than 250 DVDs of our services for shut-ins and those who have
requested copies. A big thank you is extended to several members – young and not so young who are
assisting in both camera work and editing. If you’re interested in learning more, drop by the vestry (the
room to the right of the pulpit) before, during or after the service. Each week we have been uploading
portions of each service to the internet and access can be found on our Podcast page of our website.
Video Encore!
Do you realize that each week portions of our Sunday services are available for viewing on the
internet? Our service provides some interesting statistics that may be of interest to you.
During 2014 we had a total of 2,590 views. Visitors watched a total of 6,010 minutes…that’s a little more
than 100 hours! Even if you attended every service for the year you wouldn’t have spent that much time in
church. We could refer to these folks as being the silent participants, except 74 of them sent us comments.
It’s rewarding to see that others are interested in what we are doing at Harrow United.
So if you want to hear a previous message from the ‘pulpit’, the puppet ministry, or music, this is a good
place to visit. It’s also a great way to keep in touch with us if you are travelling (snow birds) or away at
school, etc. The best part of this service… it is absolutely free! All videos are stored by our service provider
(YouTube) at no cost to anyone. All you need is access to a computer, tablet or smart phone and go
to: www.harrowunited.org (no spaces) and follow the links :-)
Denny Graham
Harrow United Church Annual Report
Congregational Life & Work
The Congregational Life and Work Committee is responsible for the life and work of the church, providing
opportunities for fellowship and long term learning. The 2014 church year was a growing experience for the
new Chairs We really appreciate all the support and guidance given to us. It has truly been a wonderful
experience and a true learning experience for everybody involved. The congregation was amazing with their
support and attendance of the activities offered.
Laura George-Jurilj & Barb Brookbanks
World Day of Prayer was held at St Anthony's Catholic Church in March. It was a well attended
interdenominational service open to all. A special thank you to Larry Anderson for providing the music for
this service. This year it will be held at Harrow United Church. Join us March 6 for the 2015 worship
celebration written by WDP Bahamas. Act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God.
The picnic took place at the Fairgrounds on the third Sunday in June. This was a wrap up of the Sunday
School year and a welcome to the upcoming summer months. The weather was spectacular, the service
enlightening, and the potluck lunch delicious. The children enjoyed games and prizes. The adults enjoyed the
music, the message and the friendship of each other. The pavilion was the perfect location for our outdoor
The second week of August brought a record number of children from the community to Harrow United for
VBS. The children enjoyed days filled with fun activities lead by counsellors from Gesstwood Camp. Adult
helpers prepared snacks and supported the Gesstwood leaders throughout the day.
Rally Sunday was on Sunday, September 14. The Sunday School children were given gift bags, and played
special games. After the service hot dogs and the trimmings were served. This was the perfect kick off to the
church year. A newsletter went home the week before or was mailed out to encourage the children and
their families to attend on Rally Sunday.
Harrow United Church Annual Report
Harrow United Church ran its very own Drive In Hot Dog Stand. It ran for six Friday nights starting the last
two Fridays in June and the month of July. It was a total success with many volunteers to make it successful
and then all the people who came and supported the event. We all ate our share of hot dogs on Friday
nights. We had the infamous foot long hot dogs which proved to be more than most of us could eat at one
time. This year we are going to broaden our menu to include hamburgers and sausage. Let's see what year
three brings … barbecued steak? lol Our profit was
over $1500 and it went towards the Presbytery Loan.
Mark your calendars for the 2015 Chili Cookoff and Twoonie Auction. Friday, November 20, 2015. In 2014
there were six chili entries of which the 90 people who attended enjoyed. There was a flavour to tantalized
everyones taste buds. They ate to their hearts content. Tim Bondy's entry for the AOTS won the hearts of
judges and Doug Brookbanks entry for CLW was the winner of the people’s choice. A special thank you goes
out to our judges. After enjoying dinner we were totally entertained by our MC Eleanor Walker and Harrows
very own Vanna White, Beth Graham as Jack Morris rustled up twoonies. It was a fun night and we learned a
lot about many people in our congregation. We know people like to eat and to drink and… have fun!! This
congregation is generous with their time and their money. The donations for the auction were spectacular.
Cannot wait to see what next year brings in. This event raised over $2200. A percentage went to the local
food bank and to the general fund of the church.
Harrow United Church Annual Report
The showcase is located by the stairs on the west side of the sanctuary. The displays were a bit outdated
and removed. One shelf of the showcase will display AOTS archives, two shelves will be devoted to the
Sunday school, the bible and church memorabilia will be displayed, and the other shelves will display
seasonal themed items. This Christmas season a variety of nativity scenes were shared.
The library has been restored and is now open for business. There are novels, reference materials and
children's books available for your reading pleasure. The Book Nook is located outside the church office,
with recommended books for adults and children. The choices change each month. A heartfelt thank you
goes out to Nancy Sleeth for her patience and persistence in cataloguing and organizing the books.
The daily devotions, These Days is ordered quarterly and available for personal spiritual growth. They are
located at the back of the sanctuary or delivered to shut ins upon their request.
Cards sent
Get Well
Thinking of You
Thank You
Thank you to those who donated cards.
Dolores Duncan
Harrow United Church Annual Report
Thank you to everyone who volunteered in
2014, all the caregivers both adult and teen who
provided a loving and caring atmosphere in our
nursery and to everyone who helped with the
cleaning and sorting blitz at the end of summer
to get the nursery ready for September. Your
help is greatly appreciated.
If anyone would like to volunteer a Sunday in
2015 please sign the Nursery Schedule on the
FAITH Centre bulletin board in the lower
auditorium. We need one adult and one teen
every Sunday. Thanks again everyone!
Carol Bondy
HUC News is a weekly email with information on what is happening around the church. Currently 140
people receive these emails. If you would like to receive HUC News please send a request to
Barry Mannell
Thank you to the many people who gave their time to assist in preparation, make phone calls for food
donations, provide the sandwiches and pastries, serving and clean up at the luncheons following services.
We cared for the families of two loved ones in 2014.
The Funeral Committee
After a long and harsh winter, spring hats, gloves and pearls were the order
of the day for the Downton Abbey Tea party. More than 80 ladies were
served afternoon tea, sandwiches, pastries and scones by the elegant
Downton wait staff. Downton themed games and trivia
supplemented the lively conversation and left everyone wanting
Besides having a lot of fun, a profit of $426.15 was realized for
the Presbytery loan fund. Thank you to all who made this event
Janet Woodbridge, Gillian Lamoure & Susan Staples
Harrow United Church Annual Report
Opening Balance Jan 1st, 2014
Easter Flowers (50)
Money received
Poinsettias (65)
Money received
Closing Balance Dec 31, 2014
Thanks a bunch!
Beth Salter
Through pastoral care we offer support and caring for each other in our church family. We appreciate all of
the members of Harrow United Church who take time to reach out to support, care and welcome people
into our faith community.
The Pastoral Care Committee meets the 1st Wed. of every month with the exception of July and
August. Rev. Frank holds services in the Chapel at Harrowood on the 3rd Monday of each month for anyone
in Harrowood who would like to attend. We appreciate all of the friends from Harrow United who attend
these services to support our members who reside at Harrowood.
In September the Pastoral Care Committee took bouquets of gladiolis which were donated by Doug and
Leslie Balsillie to people on their pastoral care lists. In December the members of the congregation baked
Christmas cookies which were wrapped and taken to shut-ins.
The Pastoral Care Committee wishes to remind people to let the office, members of the Pastoral Care
Committee or the Minister know if someone has experienced an illness or other life event. It is not possible
to respond to these events if we do not know
about them. It is important to get permission from
people before contacting any of the above.
Eleanor Walker
Harrow United Church Annual Report
Thank you parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends for bringing our next generation to church with
you on Sundays. It has been wonderful to have these bright young people to teach and to inspire us in
In early fall the children were provided an opportunity to learn about one of our church members
participating in a medical missionary to Guatemala. We made a matching donation to that of congregation
members of $40.00 to go towards the purchase of dental care products and eyeglasses for Margaret
McGorman to take with her for patients that she would be caring for.
In the spirit of Christ's mission to help those in need, the Sunday School raised money to help people in
different places in the world. We raised money to be divided equally between efforts; to purchase
equipment for those helping Ebola patients in parts of Africa, provide food and water for Syrian refugees,
and for First Nations people in Canada to have legal due process for the proposed pipeline to ship oil sands
oil from Alberta to foreign markets. This has provided an excellent opportunity to address, as a teaching
tool, that we can do something to help others around the world. We can work to combat the effects of
disease, war and oppression. For these efforts we thank the Harrow United Church members for their
generous donations, with a special thanks to the choir, for Love Bucket donations and for purchasing our
'God Hugs' soft pretzels. With your support, we were able to
raise $811.58.
A special thanks to our returning Sunday School
teachers/assistant Kathy Gray, Kate Lynn Myles and Cameron
Iler for their work in making Sunday mornings a fun and
enriching environment for our young people.
Thank You!
Patricia McGorman
Sunday School Coordinator
Harrow United Church Annual Report
The HUMY Youth Group has now completed our 9th year of activities, sharing our fun, faith and
companionship with our friends and community. Our activities in 2014 included tobogganing at Lakeside
Park, games nights at the church, watching movies, biking on the Greenway (followed by ice cream!), and
swimming at Adventure Bay. Popcorn, pizza, burgers (not schwarma!), ice cream, hot chocolate and pop are
To send off some of our senior members who were graduating, we had a beach volleyball evening at
Colchester Beach, topped off with ice cream treats on the beach. Of course, HUMY grads are always
welcome to join us again, whenever they are back in Harrow for visiting or further education.
Our activity schedule is quite flexible, because our youth are busy with school and other activities. To take
advantage of weather for outdoor activities, some of our plans are spur-of-the-moment, and we find that
communication by email to both youth and their parents works well. If you wish to join us, simply provide us
with your email.
HUMY members help collect, sort and count food donations for the Harrow Food Bank. Each week, we track
the amount and kinds of foods that are donated. Once a month, we deliver it to the St. Vincent de Paul food
bank, who are helping about 60 families each week. For 2014, we are pleased to report that our weekly
collection totaled 1536 lbs of food. The need for food in Harrow continues, so we will continue each Sunday,
and we know the Food Bank users and workers appreciate the quality foods you are donating.
Since 2010, we have collected over 8765 lbs of food! To help visualize how much food this represents, here
are some facts:
 this is the same weight as a small elephant
 we gave enough soup and juice to over flow a tub
 we could feed everyone in Harrow (Centre (pop. 3000) for a day
 we gave enough peanut butter to make 4967 sandwiches
 we gave enough cereal for 505 bowls
 if we laid out all the spaghetti end to end it would be 208 km
We welcome all youth in Grade 7 or older to join any of our activities,
and to bring their friends. Watch for future notices in the bulletin, or
let one of the leaders know of your interest.
Liz Chittle
Leslie Balsillie
Harrow United Church Annual Report
Dennis Graham Chairperson
Ken Derbyshire
Connie Salter
Balance Forward
(Jan 1, 2014)
GIC redeemed
Robin Myles
Dianne Wright
Rev. Frank Staples
GIC Purchased
GIC Interest
Office Suplies
Bank Interest
Balance on Hand
Present Investment
People’s Fund Disbursements - Summary 2014
London Conference - 6 delegates
Youth Forum - 2 delegates
Gesstwood Camp - 3 campers
Music Education - 1 participant
The purpose of the fund is to enable people of Harrow United Church to participate in learning situations
(e.g. camps, conferences, workshops, etc.). The funds are available to anyone with preference to members
of our congregation and/or their children. Up to one third of the cost of the event will be available unless
the committee decides that circumstances merit a larger share. Application forms are available through the
church office or on our website (www.harrowunited.org)
It is the committee’s responsibility to receive funds for investment or reinvestment purposes and keep these
funds available for use.
The People Fund originated, following a recommendation and a significant donation from Gwen Salter, more
than 10 years ago. Gwen died in 2011. In honour of her memory and significant contributions she made over
the years, the name of this fund was changed to the HUC Gwen Salter People’s Fund.
Respectfully submitted
Dennis Graham, Chair
Harrow United Church Annual Report
Love is something if you give it away
You end up having more.
Harrow United Church is a church that believes in reaching out to help others. Our spirit of giving is based on
our belief that God is working through us.
Mission and Service Fund
The Mission and Service Fund administered by the national church is our largest single commitment.
Approximately $30 million is raised annually through United Churches from coast to coast to support various
needs and crises throughout Canada and around the world.
At last year’s annual meeting our members committed themselves to raising $30,000 to support this fund.
This year, we as a congregation raised $28,619.72. We continue to be one of the highest contributors in
London Conference. Comparing our church with the national church and looking at the identifiable givers,
Harrow United gave $477 per giver. Nationally with 239,887 givers the average giving to M&S was $112/ per
giver. Statistically we gave more than 4 times the national average.
If you want to learn more about the scope of the M&S Fund some excellent videos produced for the United
Church are available for viewing at https://www.youtube.com/user/unitedchurchofcanada/featured. Can you
imagine how much outreach we could provide as a national church if each church in Canada could
accomplish what we have done?
Clothing Drive and Giving Tree
Our Clothing Drive organized by Sheryl Findlay collects clothing for all ages throughout the year in the bins
located in our parking lot. This year we switched to a new charity, Canadian Community Support Foundation
picks up the clothing from our bins on a weekly basis. Due to the timing of our switch to a new partner we
were unable to provide distribution this past fall. However we have been assured that our April giveaway will
occur as scheduled. In March and again in September prior to the events, clothing can be brought directly to
the church. Give Sheryl a call to see if there are any specific items that we need.
The Giving Tree located in the fellowship area in the lower auditorium during the Christmas season produced
many, many bags of hats, scarves, mitts and coats. These were delivered to the Salvation Army in mid
December. Two very large bags of clothing was gratefully received.
Harrow United Church Annual Report
Food Bank and Downtown Mission
At the local level we are equally active in assisting our Food Bank and the Downtown Mission. The Youth
Group (HUMY) and Sunday School have led in this area. We are so fortunate having strong and creative
leadership. This act of kindness is one small way we, as a congregation, help those in need.
This graph shows the amount of food (pounds) Harrow United provided to the food bank over the last 6
years. In 2014 we gave a donation of $2159.56 raised through individual givings and special events along with
a contribution of $200 from AOTS. This was the largest donation in 4 years. Our church is the largest
supporter of the food bank and we are so proud of everyone’s efforts.
The Love: Nan Project
The Love: Nan Project is now into its 14th year. Initially focusing on providing blankets to those at the Cancer
Centre and other centres of need, it has since expanded to provide clothing and blankets both here and
This year, under the direction of Pat Brookland, 38 afghans were made for the Richmond, Iler and Franklin
Nursing Homes. Forty hats were sent to Maine, USA. It’s interesting how outreach works! Nine baby
blankets and sweaters were sent to World Vision and locally, Leamington General Hospital received 51
bonnets and 3 pairs of socks. Although we don’t hear as much about Haiti since their terrible earthquake in
2010 the ladies of the Love Nan project sent 25 dresses to help those in need in a county that is slowly being
The time and talents of a few dedicated knitters have enriched the lives of so many.
Please remember that afghans are available to family and friends when needed. Just give Pat or the office a
call. I’m sure if you would like to share your talents, Pat would love to have you onboard.
Harrow United Church Annual Report
Ministerial Lunches
The luncheon continued to bring people together from different congregations, including, but not limited to:
St. Andrew's, St. Mark's, Harrow Mennonite Church, Central Grove and Christ's Church. The luncheon
continued to provide a welcome to those who are seeking a warm meal and good companionship in a
Christian fellowship environment. Meals were paid for by donation, where the generosity of many covered
the cost for those in need.
A change that has become a welcomed advantage is that now our fantastic cook prepares the meals inhouse. This means a win win outcome with hot meals served hot and the wonderful smells that come from
the great dishes filling the church to greet everyone as they enter.
Special thanks to Audrey Hodgins, Elsie Ring, Elaine Richardson and many others who pitch in to set up and
clean-up and a special thanks to Chantale Bouchard for continuing to share her great cooking talents with us.
Thank you for your continued
Harrow United Church Annual Report
Student Aid Committee
PURPOSE: To assist students studying Theology.
Roberta McLean – Chairperson - retiring
Rosemary Brown – Secretary/Treasurer
Gloria Gorick
Jeff Gorick
Carlene Mannell
Murray McLean
Janet Woodbridge
Report on CIBC a/c #509763
Dec 31/13
Balance in account
Sept 22/14
Ian O’Neill of Stratford – Bursary
Sept 22/14
David Exley or London – Bursary
Dec 30/14
White Gift Offering
Dec 31/14
Balance in Account
$2,000.00 (Malden Investment) was invested until July 10, 2015
We were pleased to be able to assist Ian and David with the above bursaries for their studies in the third year
at Emmanuel College. Thanks again to the congregation for your continued support.
Rosemary Brown
Harrow United Church Annual Report
Kit Richardson Memorial
PURPOSE: To assist a second or subsequent year University student who is entering the field of medicine,
dentistry, nursing, United Church ministry, social work, physiotherapy, music, teaching or
agricultural and computer sciences with recipients from Harrow United being given first
Gloria Gorick – Chairperson
Elaine Richardson – Treasurer
Diane Murray – Secretary
Joyce Hedges
Dennis Graham
Dawna Harrison
Joy Wright
We are pleased to report that we have been able to assist six deserving students in 2013. Thanks to the Church
Family who have generously supported our committee over the years. This also serves as a reminder to the
students that the Church continues to keep them in our thoughts and prayers as they pursue their studies.
Please watch the bulletin for announcements for luncheons to benefit the fund. We take this opportunity to
thank Cathy Woodiwiss and family for offering to prepare for these.
January 1, 2014 Balance
Envelope & Love Bucket Givings
GIC Term
Term Interest
Account Interest
$ 38.09
GIC Purchase
$ 3.79
Balance December 31, 2014
United Communities Credit Union
Term #21
Term #19
Membership share
Elaine Richardson
Harrow United Church Annual Report
This has been a busy year for your Property Committee. In addition to the ongoing maintenance and repairs
that never seem to go away, many larger projects were completed:
First Aid Kits purchased and installed around the church
railings installed in upstairs hallway and west stairwell (THANKS LARRY ILER!!)
electrical power supply to church put underground
new main electrical power supply and breaker panels installed
ductless air conditioning units installed in south auditorium downstairs
protective posts installed in front of compressor units outside
new lighting in church parking lot – pole removed from parking lot
We were pleased to welcome Harrow Cubs and Beavers to our building this year. They are meeting every
Wednesday at the church. Guiding groups continue to meet on Mondays, and T.O.P.S meets on Wednesday
Thanks to the committee members who assist throughout the year, Camiel for looking after the furnace,
Larry for the many hours he puts in making repairs around the building, Dave for climbing the ladder to
change the lights in the sanctuary (always looking for volunteers for this job!) as well as Murray, Walter, Ken
and Greg for all the support throughout the year.
Barry Mannell ~ Chair
Harrow United Church Annual Report
On January 1, 2014, Harrow United Church had a positive balance of $5,196.13. On December 31, 2014, we
ended the year with a deficit of $14,730.82.
While this this seems like a bleak position to begin a year, we need to note several positive signs from 2014.
First of all, the offerings were up $14,180.00 from 2013. Our M.&S. givings were $2,600.00 higher than a year
ago. The Turkey Supper generated over $2,900.00 more than last year’s event. This year the church had a
successful partnership with the A.O.T.S. at the Harrow Fair Pie Tent which generated $6,991.00 towards the
Presbytery loan. And we had three new events (The Downton Abbey Tea, the Hot Dog Stand, and the Chili
Cook-off/Twoonie Auction) that were quite successful.
If you look back to the bulletin for the end of October, you will see that we owed $62,000.00 on the
Presbytery Loan and we had a $30,500.00 deficit in our General Fund. That is a total debt of $92,500.00. By
December 31, we reduced the Presbytery Loan to $32,000.00 and our deficit to $14,730.82. In effect, we have
cut our debt in half. Well done.
We have two more years to repay the loan to Presbytery. But we need to deal with our deficit quickly or we
will be in financial difficulty before summer. We set our borrowing limit at $30,000.00 and now we are half
way to that mark.
As we have proven in past years, if each of us responds with thoughtful, prayerful action, then, together, we
can meet this challenge successfully.
John Woodbridge
Harrow United Church Annual Report
Turkey Dinner
Friendly greeters and the aroma of roasted turkey
and apple pie welcomed people as they entered
the church for our annual Turkey Dinner on Nov.
1st. In a lovely decorated fall setting they enjoyed
the seasonal menu which included: oven roasted
turkey, mashed potatoes, autumn squash, old
fashioned stuffing, coleslaw, peaches and cream
corn, tomatoes, and a lovely variety of homemade
pies and desserts.
It takes many volunteers to make this a successful
event. This year we had approximately 190
volunteers from the congregation and from the
community who come out to help during the week
leading up to the dinner and at the dinner. We want
to thank everyone of the volunteers who worked
effortlessly to help make this event successful.
The monies raised from the Turkey
Dinner ($11,227.84) went to the General fund and to
the Mission and Service Fund.
Dennis & Beth Graham
Roy & Eleanor Walker
John & Janet Woodbridge
Harrow United Church Annual Report
Financial Reports
Harrow United Church Annual Report
Harrow United Church Annual Report
Harrow United Church Annual Report
Harrow United Church Annual Report
Harrow United Church Annual Report
Harrow United Church Annual Report
Harrow United Church Annual Report
Harrow United Church Annual Report
Harrow United Church Constitution
1. The Congregation
1. The congregation is the governing body for Harrow United Church. It must meet annually, and may meet
more frequently if the members deem it advisable. The congregation shall govern itself according to
The Manual of the United Church of Canada, this constitution, and the bylaws duly passed by the
2. The annual meeting shall receive the annual reports, hold elections, elect the financial examiners, and
transact any other business regularly brought before it, and approve the annual budget of expenditures
for the congregation.
3. The meetings of the congregation shall be called by the Minister, the Pastoral Charge Supervisor, the
Chair of the Official Board, or upon the request of the Official Board or that of ten members of the
4. The members of the congregation are entitled to vote at all congregational meetings. With the members’
consent, adherents who contribute to the life and work of the congregation may vote on temporal
(financial) matters.
2. The Official Board
1. The Congregation of Harrow United Church (the congregation) will use the Unified Board Structure as
outlined in this constitution. This body will be called The Official Board (the Board). The duties and
workings of the Official Board shall be as outlined in The Manual of the United Church of Canada, as
outlined in this Constitution, and according to the bylaws duly approved by the congregation.
3. Membership & Duties
1.1 The Official Board shall have an elected membership of not more than the number specified in Bylaw #1 of
the Congregation. They shall be elected from its membership by the congregation at its annual meeting.
Each person elected shall serve a term as set out in Bylaw #1.
1.2 The United Church Women (UCW), the AOTS Men’s Club, the Youth Group, and the Board of Trustees
may each appoint one official representative of their organizations to serve as a member of the Official
2. The Official Board may fill vacancies between annual meetings, should this be required, such
appointments to be approved at the next annual meeting.
3. Each elected member of the Official Board shall have all of the privileges and responsibilities assigned to
both the Elder and Steward by the Manual of the United Church of Canada, and shall be known as an
4. The Official Board is responsible for the general oversight of the life and work of the congregation, and
for the determination of its total program. The Official Board shall define policy consistent with the will
of the congregation and in accordance with The Manual of the United Church of Canada.
Harrow United Church Annual Report
4. Administration
1. The Official Board shall annually elect from its membership its own Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and
2. The Treasurer of the congregation shall be a member of the Official Board ex-officio.
5. Meetings
1. The Official Board shall meet at least 4 times per year, and may meet more often by its desire or at the call
of the Chair. (See also Manual section 250)
2. Attendance of 40% of elected members is required for a quorum.
3. The meetings shall include such instruction and guidance as may assist the members fulfill their duties as
Elders of the congregation.
6. Committees
1. The Official Board shall have standing committees as determined by the congregation and as required by
the Manual, including but not limited to:
Congregational Life & Work
Worship & Membership
Finance & Stewardship
7. Membership & Administration
1. Every member of the Board shall be a member of a standing committee. Each committee may at its
discretion recommend to the Board other members or adherents of the congregation for appointment
to their committee, to assist in their work.
2. Each committee shall annually elect from among the elected members or members appointed to the
Board according to section 2.1, a Chair and, and if the committee so chooses, a Vice-Chair. A Secretary is
also to be appointed by the committee.
3.1 The minister and Chair of the Board shall be members of all committees ex-officio.
3.2 The Treasurer of the Congregation shall be a member of the Finance Committee ex-officio.
4. The committees may authorize expenditures within the scope of their assigned duties, and within their
approved budget.
Harrow United Church Annual Report
By-Law #1
The purpose of this bylaw is to set out the duties and procedures by which the Official Board and
Committees shall operate.
1.1 The Official Board shall have no more than 25 elected members.
1.2 Each Standing Committee shall be composed of no more than 5 elected members of the Board.
2. Duties and Responsibilities of the Committees of the Church
2.1 Congregation Life & Work Committee
1. Shall be responsible for the Christian Education Program including appointing Sunday School
Superintendent and Teachers, and overseeing the operation of the Sunday School, supporting the
Superintendent and Teachers in their work.
2. Shall appoint the Librarian and oversee use and activities of Library.
3. Shall appoint the Convener of and oversee Fellowship and Service Team.
4. Shall appoint the Convener of and oversee the Social Team.
5. Shall, on behalf of the congregation, provide financial support of external Christian Education groups,
which may include:
GessTwood Camp, Five Oaks, TOC ALPHA.
6. Shall promote the People’s Fund within the congregation to assist with funding for leadership
7. Shall appoint and oversee the Cradle Roll Convener.
8. Shall appoint the Nursery Co-ordinator and oversee Nursery operation.
9. Shall be responsible for flowers and decorations for the church, and also for sending suitable
acknowledgments on bereavement or illness of members and adherents.
10. Shall oversee publication and distribution of the Congregational Newsletter.
11. Shall oversee historical materials and other archival materials in the church, including the display case.
2.2 Worship & Membership Committee
1. Shall be responsible, in co-ordination and conjunction with the minister, for public worship, including
Harrow United Church Annual Report
2. Shall appoint and oversee an Ushering and Greeters Convener.
3. Shall be responsible for arranging and maintaining “districts” of members and adherents and assigning a
district to each Elder on the Board.
4. Shall be responsible for making recommendations to the Official Board regarding:
i. membership and the Roll of Members
ii. baptisms and weddings
iii. policy for baptisms and the policy and fee schedule for weddings
5. Shall be responsible for the approval of the Minister’s Vacation and study leave.
6. Shall be responsible for arranging Pulpit supply for Anniversary, and in the minister’s absence.
7. In conjunction with the Ministry and Personnel Committee, shall oversee the preaching and pastoral work
of the minister.
8.1 Shall be responsible for the acknowledgment of memorial gifts received.
8.2 Shall be responsible for making recommendations to the Board regarding the disposition of Memorial
9. Shall oversee the use of the Benevolent Fund by the Minister, understanding the private nature of this
10.1 Shall oversee the work of the organist, in conjunction with the Ministry and Personnel Committee.
10.2 Shall approve the organist’s vacation and arrange for organist supply in the absence of the organist.
11. Shall oversee the work of the Choir Directors, in conjunction with the Ministry and Personnel Committee.
2.3 Outreach Committee
1. Shall promote the Mission & Service Fund to the congregation, educating members regarding the Mission
& Service Fund and encouraging their support of the fund with their givings.
2. Shall promote the United Church Observer to the members of the congregation.
3. Shall select and promote Community Outreach Projects for the involvement of the congregation.
4. Shall co-ordinate Community Outreach Projects in conjunction with our Ecumenical partners or other
5. Shall oversee the workings of special committees dealing with the encouragement of and support of
students in unique studies (ministry/social sciences). These special committees would include the Kit
Richardson Fund and the Student Aid Fund, which are responsible for financial assistance to the
Harrow United Church Annual Report
2.4 Finance & Stewardship Committee
1. Shall be responsible for the overall stewardship level of the congregation so that its full financial potential
may be realized. To this end the Committee shall review annually the total financial objective of the
Pastoral Charge, that is, the needs at the local, regional, and national levels.
2. Shall interpret to the Pastoral Charge why the funds are needed and how they will be expended.
3.1 Shall keep in perspective and under review the proportion of money spent locally and regionally in
relation to the amount provided for the wider work of the Church through the Mission and Service Fund.
3.2 Shall cultivate knowledge and conviction concerning the mission of the Church in all its aspects, among
all age groups and by all media available. {The Manual 251 (d i-iv)}
4.1 Shall oversee the Envelope Steward, who is a member of the committee ex-officio.
4.2 In conjunction with the Envelope Steward, shall distribute offering envelopes.
4.3 In conjunction with the Envelope Steward, shall distribute annual receipts for givings.
4.4 In conjunction with the Envelope Steward, shall arrange for the counting of offerings.
5. In consultation with the other committees of the board, shall prepare the annual budget for presentation
to the congregation for approval, including a schedule of anticipated sources and amounts of revenues.
6. Shall oversee the work of the Treasurer of the Congregation, in conjunction with the Ministry and
Personnel Committee.
7. Shall approve the payment of the accounts of the congregation.
8. Shall instruct the Treasurer regarding the investing of surplus, reserve, memorial, or other funds
9. Shall recommend to the Board policies regarding borrowing and signing authorities.
10. In conjunction with the Property Committee and the Trustees, shall arrange for appropriate property and
liability insurance for the congregation.
11.1 Shall be responsible for operation of the Church Office.
11.2 In conjunction with the Ministry & Personnel Committee, shall oversee the work of the Administrative
12. Shall be responsible for the preparation of the annual financial statements of the congregation.
2.5 Property Committee
1.1 Shall be responsible for the general maintenance and upkeep of the church, including the grounds,
fixtures and all equipment.
1.2 Shall be responsible for approving the purchase or lease of all equipment.
1.3 Shall be responsible for approving the receipt of any gifts of property or equipment, including memorial
gifts (non monetary).
Harrow United Church Annual Report
1.4 Shall be responsible for making recommendations to the Official Board regarding major repairs and
renovations or purchases.
1.5 Shall be responsible for maintaining a current inventory of church assets and equipment.
2.1 Shall be responsible for recommending to the Board a policy on the use of the church facilities, including
an appropriate fee schedule.
2.2 Once approved, shall be responsible for overseeing church use, in accordance with the Use of Church
Property policy.
3. Shall appoint an Audio-Visual/Media/Computer Co-Ordinator and oversee equipment use and
4. Shall oversee the work of the church custodian, in conjunction with the Ministry and Personnel
5. Shall arrange for organ and instrument maintenance, in conjunction with the Worship Committee.
3. Executive
1. There shall be an Executive of the Board, consisting of:
Chairperson of the Official Board
Secretary of the Official Board
Minister of the Congregation (or Charge Supervisor)
Congregational Life & Work Committee Chair or designate
Worship and Membership Committee Chair or designate
Outreach Committee Chair or designate
Finance & Stewardship Committee Chair or designate
Property Committee Chair or designate
Trustee Representative
2. Attendance of 60% of members of the Executive is required for a quorum.
3. The Executive of the Board shall have power to act for the Board between meetings of the Official Board
where this becomes necessary for the effective management and good governance of the congregation.
4. The Executive shall be responsible for the hiring process for all paid staff, including those who receive an
honorarium. This does not include call of the minister. This process shall involve the standing committee
responsible for that position. The final approval for hiring/appointment shall be by the Official Board.
4. Ministry and Personnel Committee
1. The Official Board shall appoint a Ministry and Personnel Committee of at least 5 members of the
congregation. Current members of Church staff, including those who receive an honorarium, are not
eligible to sit on this committee. After the call of a new minister, the Official Board should appoint a
member of the Pastoral Relations Committee to the Ministry and Personnel Committee.
Harrow United Church Annual Report
2. The committee shall from amongst its own membership elect a Chair and a Secretary.
3. The committee shall meet on a regular basis and at least 3 times per year
4. This committee shall:
i. provide a consultative and supportive agency for church staff and for members and adherents of
the Pastoral Charge.
ii. review working conditions and remuneration for church staff and make appropriate
recommendations to the Official Board
iii. oversee the relationship of church staff to members of the Pastoral Charge and others
iv. oversee the relationship between and among different church staff members with respect to their
responsibilities and authority
v. consult with all church staff members about their plans for continuing education and ensure that
those eligible avail themselves of the provisions for continuing education and that money and time
are made available.
vi. review and evaluate annually the effectiveness of church staff as those persons and positions
relate to the mission of the Pastoral Charge as defined by the Official Board. This shall be done in
partnership with the committee responsible for each position.
vii. maintain close liaison with the Presbytery Pastoral Relations Committee
viii. review regularly the responsibilities of all staff and revise position descriptions when required or
requested. {The Manual 251 (h)}
5. The committee shall report to the Board at least annually, or more often as requested by the Board.
5. Nominating Committee
1. This committee shall consist of the minister, the Chair of the Board, and a representative of each of the
standing committees outlined in Part 5 of the Constitution.
2. The committee shall meet at the call of the Chair.
3. The committee shall be responsible for presenting to the Congregation, the names of people for election
to the Official Board, Trustee Board and Financial Examiners.
4. The committee is responsible for submitting to the Official Board, the names of people to be appointed
Ministry and Personnel Committee
Student Aid Fund
People’s Fund
Other Committees as the Official Board may direct.
Kit Richardson Bursary
6. Terms of Office
1. Members elected to the Official Board shall be elected for a 3-year term, and shall be eligible for reelection.
1.1 If a member should resign before his/her term expires, another member may be elected to complete this
Harrow United Church Annual Report
2. Members or Adherents appointed to a Standing Committee (Constitution Section 6) shall be appointed on
an annual basis, and are eligible to be reappointed.
3. Members appointed to the Ministry and Personnel Committee shall be appointed for a 3-year term, and
are eligible for reappointment.
4. Members appointed to the Student Aid Fund, Kit Richardson Bursary and the People’s Fund shall be
appointed for a 5-year term, and are eligible for reappointment.
5. There shall be a minimum of 5 to a maximum of 10 plus chair appointed to the Board of Trustees.
Members shall be appointed for a ten year term, and are eligible for reappointment.
7. Borrowing
1. The Official Board may authorize bank borrowing up to $50,000.
8. Board of Trustees
The Trustees shall hold the real property of the Congregation, and church as the Congregation may
direct for the support and maintenance of public worship.
2. The Trustees shall obey the lawful orders and directions of the Congregation, and of its Official Board,
and of Essex Presbytery and London Conference, and of General Council.
3. In Conjunction with the Property and Finance Committees, the Trustees shall ensure that the
Congregation carries sufficient property and liability insurance.
4. The Trustees shall operate under the Trusts of Model Deed. (See The Manual appendix II)
Harrow United Church Annual Report
45 Munger Street East,
PO Box 464
Harrow, Ontario N0R 1G0
Phone: 519 738-4223
Fax: 519 738-4951
Email: harrow_united@hotmail.com
Web Page: www.harrowunited.org
Minister: Rev. Frank Staples
Organist: Larry Anderson
Administrative Assistant: Laurene Csikasz
Caretaker: Cathy Woodiwiss
The Mission of Harrow United Church
“To offer nurturing experiences of God’s love
through worship, learning and sharing.
In thankful response, we will reach out as disciples and stewards of Jesus Christ
in God’s world.”