aPPendtx a Page I ISCII - comhikationpolt d€scltptlon .@i6ionsro
aPPendtx a Page I ISCII - comhikationpolt d€scltptlon .@i6ionsro
aPPendtx ISCII Page I a - comhikationpolt .@i6ionsro. ch.rler n@ dnt€ .... , ,. contmll€! .. ! ! : : d€scltptlon \'c720? vc7020/57 09/03/93 crc Chanler c@unicalion.polt - ch b6!adr€5s ..., - alt of coh,polt ., - l.rguag€ ......,.. \, de!.u1r retrt.g.: 00 RA ?32 How you .an ch.nEe tne default cd.polt lead the conrrolle! €erive nanuaL. {E-T€minaI cap,: 3.5 and C-'.f,ilat settlngE. ca!: The chan'be! tc fif,ed a. a slav€, She rd€r wtthout a quasrior- praase 3.2) be d.rEftd : -sdarabhE ch.rb6r data fomt - 1 5topbit - no Palry data f6d.t d!t. f omat dat. fomt data foID! stalt .lgn chaileradreE. e^d 3i9n nm./*t.v!lue dltr fomt dig. in/octPlr (not used btts fl1l€d {tth sign lllslys 3-bit Uock 2es; o-oFP r=oN) d.ta fomt e!!o! nu$e! : 2-signed d.!. fonat e!!o! text : 31 ch.ralt€r .tata fofft p!69!a no cima aft.! 4 fo!-,point,r : {-€lgned tnt€ge! (rook lntege! (tool E-rentnal) C-t€rninallj lead chan*Je! sct020/s1 lvc12a1) cautionl rf the diqital output A!-ERRoR i6 high/ you can get the e.ror sirh the r-comand and quit it {lth the flofr !c: d'egs (va]ue only e$nbles (alvayE 2 inteqer) l! : 00 (here .h.r!er r) e n qs l g n . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . - . . - . . - , . chanbe! ans*e! : (value only eranlres I I ) : 0010,0 0. analoq .oninal valt€ Tspe! 0. anafog actDal value lenper ; 0011.? : 0010,0 r. analog nontnal value hMtdtty : 001I.2 I. lnalog actuaL value huidity : 0000.0 2 . a n a 1 o gn d i n a l v a l u € P t l 0 0 r : 0011.2 2. analog actual vatue ?i100 I : 0000.0 3. analog ndinat value !tI00 2 : 001r.2 3. anlloq actual 2 4- analog ndinal value Ftl00 3 : 0000.0 : 0011,2 4. analos actual vahe ?tr00 3 : 0000.0 5. analos ndinal value Ptr00 4 : 0011,2 5- analos actual vahe Pt100 4 6, analoq noninal value fa! t.sp. : 0010.0 6. analog actnal value fan : 001L2 0. digital output 2. digital 3, diqftal 4, diqi,ral input outlut oltput 6. 7. a. 9. I0. 1r. 12. digital digital digital diqital digital diq*ar digital output output output output output ouiPlt output !4. digital 15. digitrl ortput output r?- digital lB. digitar input input 20. 2r. 22. 2324. 2526, 27. 23, digital output dtgltat outpur digital outpur digital output diqital output digitdl outFut bit only fo! fill bit olly fo! ftll bit only fo! fill a!-ERRoR Teiper huidliy de{ poinr cap.hstd dehmidit conpr. ai! cor!- g.s free outl free out? f'ee out3 flea in 2 ibgoben_! Abgunten? ).bgl. T lSgobenTP AbgUnteTP Abgl. TF !p up up 30, bit o^Iy to. f r up 3I. bit only for ftll up e n qs r g n . . - . . . . . . . . . - - . . . , , . , . - . . .2 2) 2) continu€ lrm laqe 2 !€ad Chlrbe vcln2i/57 FC12O1| t (l !m!kg Er.lbre ltrs!6€d) lc -> Cnaib€! :S0oI<CR> c h . r ! 6 ! - > ! c : 0 o l o . 0 0 0 1 1 . 2 0 0 1 0 , 0 0 0 1 1 . 2 o o o o .0 0 0 r . 2 0 0 0 0I . 0 0 1 1 . 2 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 t 1 . 2 . 0 0 1 0 1 0 t 0 I 0Ir 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 1 1 , 2 o 0 l o o 0 l l . 2 l0 | 0r01010101010101000000<cR>l Eite chahler \C1A20/51 (vc1207) set a noninal value you filr uF {see ddtafomar) ) cha]lle!.dr€ss (arH.ys ? lntegec) 0 0 { 0 0 0 0 25. 27, 28, 29, 10, btt bit bit bit bit ol]y onry onry onIY only for fo! fo! lo! lor fil] ftlr fill fiII fill (not (!ot (not (!ot frfte u.ite {!ite s.ite enabr6) e..bre) enable) enable ) aPPeldix conttare 6ire Page 5 r tron page 4 chmbe! vc7o2o/57 (vc72011 3!. bit only fo! fiII Dp eld !r9n ..,-..,..,..,..,,...,,... o.x. Eign end srqn ..,. | 0 : <cRt : 0 : <cR> Exatul. : (l leDlts lin6teed) P C- > c h a n b e ! : S 0 0 80 0 1 0 . 0 0 0 I 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 I 0 . 1 | 0 1010I0I010r0r0r00000r0r0r000000<cR>l .h.4b€! -> Pc :0 <cR> Page 6 Eire qladtent chMlreladress vc7020157 (always ? i.t69€r) 0, 0, r. r. r. 2. 3. 3. 4, qladlelr up-spe€d gr3dlent d.h_speed gladien! up spoed gradient doh sp€ed a'aroq noNnar va.Lue analog Donln.I vatue analog nonindl vatue analog nontnal vahe lnarog nohinar val.!€ ana.log vatue an.loq noninal value 5. analog noninal value 6. gladient up-speed 5. gradtent doh-speed : s 0 0 u0 0 0 r _0 0 0 0 2 . 00 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 ,000 0 0 . 0 0 0 1 . 0) ol lead e!e! \rc7020l5? (vc720?) Emand ftm !c' ($atue only ex.hb stet 61gn . . . . . . . . , , . , . . . . . . . . . , . .hrh!€!.d!*s (alray6 2 tnt€g{) 00 (h.E ch.nbE! 1) € A dE r E n , . . . . , , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .h!hb€! ds€r 0l : (va1u6 only e*ahbres le{, €!!o! no 1l : 3oftr.E6 test lr) slec . plotectld. ?c -> chahber :soor<cR> charbe! -t !Cr01 Eoft*aE teer slec.plor*tion.. atteNlo.el It codand fftn {ill !c: alv.yE {valu. be qltt only ex tne filsr ..... ... ..., ... ,.... ,,. ,. chad€! anrre! : (wrl!€ oDly €rarbleE tt) cou4te! of aktual €nd5r!n ..,.....,,..,.....,.,..., : <cR> PC -> Cha$e! :$00Q<CR> -> Pc:oo<cR> ch!'!er <CR> e!!o! r bl€B !r) .taE! €ign .,,.,.,................ cnarbela.Less (aryaF 2 Lnteger) 6nd .4n . r) .Ppedir a page 3 autohattcplog!4 €tdt/stop vc?020/s7 (vc720?) rxxr t6 equf to the !uDe! of rhe autonattc progl€m you ,tII be 8raltet 15 xxxx eqxdl he 0000, you wiII be stopped the comand. flon !c: ch&beladless (€ orly ex lble! I t) . ' . . . ' . ' . ': 5 (alvar6 2 i.rese!) : 00 (h€!6 ch.dler nunber Ploqrffi e n ds i g n . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . , . , , , . . , : < c R > o.x. slgn ... .... . 0 ed srgn , ... ,,.. : <cR> eraible : Plog,nr 7 6!aEr PC -> Ch3n!€! :S00!0007<CR> Charbe! -> pc:0<cR> r) charbe!: vc7020/57 01 . . . . . . . . . . . (vc7207) huidity out of range softwaEe t€st spe.,prot, tqp test 6p€ciren plotecrton lo, sate! i! huiditysyst€n terP€latu-liaile! lest 5p!c. high pressule (p!e )conrressor in hMlditysy3ren hlgh plessule (ros-)cohplesso! , 1@ wate! in !,sychrdetltc syrt. thenar plotect.t6st space Ian preEE, tenpeiatu!(lov-)cooling low rater *ate! slppty nir 2 t"c 5 Diqitat 5 3 9 13 r6 chann€l T}?e cn.n!e!: 1,c?020/5? (vc?207) c6n!1uue flon P.96 9 Digita.L channel 13 ll!,a chahbelconfiguration comisionsio. : vc7207 chai'ler nde : vc7020/57 dare,.,.,,. : 09/03/98 cortloller .. : crc sholt t rJ LPr 2pr 3?r 4?t fan 0 renpe! r huidity I PrL00 2 { Pd00 3 5 faD t'?e actual actuar dctral actual, actual nonina] protectlon-la.qe dput-!.nge ntn nin -?5,000 rs5.000 -30,000 t90.000 5,000 100,000 0,000 r10.000 -300,000 300,000 -70,000 130.000 -300,000 300,000 -70.000 t30,000 -300.000 300,000 -70.000 130,000 -300.000 300,000 -70,000 130,000 50.000 100,000 50,000 100,000 nin==o -100.000 0.000 -100.000 -100.000 100.000 0.000 15 16 17 trpe cont.oller active coniioller active rltte output Eite Outpu! Eite oltput Eire ourpur {!ite output {riLe ouLpuL co2 cool, writ€ ortput f!€e oltt xlite ortDu! rr€€ out2 Eite outiut free our3 Elte ourplt free out4 Eite output in I read Input 2 !e!d Inprt tuee ln I read tnput fiee in 4 lead Inplt Abqoben_r {!1to ourput 19 20 21 Abgl, T rrlte Output AbgobenTP wErte OuEpur AlgUnleTP HIte Ourput 0 r 2 3 4 5 5 3 9 r0 rr !2 ll Tenpe. hsidity d€w potnt cap.huld dehmidlt add.dehM conp!,ai. n!a=:rov.r 200,000 100,000 200.000 200.000 200_000 100.000 20d e!m!nmbe!/6!!o!texi 0o 01 03 09 hhidity at of t.Dge .otts.!a tesi .!Ec.P!or. t€np test 6!€cih.n pmrecrion rd f,ar€! !r hqt<uqEyE€d tdPeratullirit€! r€Et .pace nrgr Predsqle tpF-lcmple5For flll mter ln hish plersure (roe-lc;niE6ssor sysr Pstch4erllc rhetult Pftt6ct.te.t .1,.c€ !.n P!€55. r6per.tu!(Id-Jcoollng I6v v.te! water supl,ly ltn appendix A page r rscrr - comunikartonpoft descriptio! comls!o.s!o' Ch.nb€! .de dats ... ,. .. cortlorle! .. : : : : vc{207 vc402o/52 07l0sle5 crc chanle! cotuuicarlonspolt _ - L def.urr 6ettin95: b a u d l a t e, . . . , . , . . : 9600 ch8nboladress .. ,. : 00 &r of coh,polE ,. : Rs 232 r a n q ! d 9 6. , , . . . , , . : deutsch H6r.tou can change the defant con,polt sertlngs, r€ad the contlolfe! se.iwe naqq4. ([-Temrnal .ap.: 3.5 and c_r€hlnal cap: 3.zJ The chdler is fixed wlrhout . gu€6rion. prease .s a 61av6, Ote neve! b. amft.ed chanler data romar : _3databft. - r sropbtt _ no 9ality dau fonat datr fomar sralr ch sign belad!€ss : on€ 9 sigr : z-5igned inteqe! dara fomar end sign I one <cR> sign data tomat n6n./akt.wahe ! { f6r_,polnt,1 alts! coMa stgn ddta fomar dls.inloutpJl : atLways S_bic block (noL us€d brls fitt€d wirh seroj 0rop! r_oN) ! data fodat e!ro! nsber : 2-sig!ed data fonat e4o! rext ; 31 .h.!akt.! drra fohdr progrd no lDtgge, (bor( !-Teairatl (1oo} c_Tetui.a&) : 4_signed rnreqer read chdn$er vc402a/51 l!c42oj ) .auttonr rf rhe ojcital orLpLt L.eRpoR is t"ign, lou csr ger the e(.o! qi-h rhe F coMdnd and quLr :L e,ch rhe Pc: (value oory exdmres |) : 00 {he.e chanbe! 1) .2) 3. 5, 6. 00 15, 20. 2r- a 23, 24, 0 24, 30. ; .Pp€ndtx A @ntinue f!4 lead Challe page 3 page 2 vC4020/57 (1,C420?) Ex.ibr.e ! (l !4a*5 f,ir.f€€dl PC -> Ch.r!6r :900r<CR> c h a r b € ! - ) p c : 0 0 r 0 , 0 0 0 ! r . 2 0 0 r 0 . 0 o o r 1 . 2 o o o o , o 0 0 r r . 2 0 o o o ,I o . 0 o l I . 20 0 0 0 . 0 0 1 1 . 20 0 0 0 . 00 0 1 r , 2o o l o , oo o 1 r . 2o l o r o r o r 0 r l 1 O r 0 r 0 r 0 r 0 1 0 I 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 <|c R > aPpendlx rrite A page 4 cnaftbe! vc4o20/51 lvc42o1) AtteNtonrl If lEB 6et a value wu the dlgttal output with tle .4e lde tx6t $ed .hd.els ftlr up (6ee datafohat) (€ only ex.rbleE hust tl , start sign ,,,.... ,.. ,. .. ,.... ,,. , : S ch.nbe!.dress tatuys 2 rntege!) ! 00 ( 0. 1 2, 3. 4, 5. 5, .nsloq amlog analoq analoq analog analog aDalog nodlnat noninal noninar noninat bonir.f .otrinal ndinal O. dtgital vatqe Tdoe! I OOIO value nqldltv : OO.!O wahe not u6ad : 0000 valuE rcr ussd : OOoo value et used : oooo value nor uEed : OOOO value t.n r,dpa : OOI,O .0 ourpur ; 0 26, 2r, 23, 29, 30. btt bft bit blt bit olly onty o.]y only only fo! f6r fo! to! lor fill fill fill fM fill be s,itch on .ppendtx .ontlnue E*€ A f!4 chdbe! !d9€ 4 vc4020l57 (vc420?) 31. Dlt only fot iil} up I 0 e n c 5 1 g n. . . . . . . . , . , . . , . . . . . . , . . . , : < c R > o.I. !i9" I 0 Ex.rbre I tl !4arr6 ljneieedr P c - ' C h 3 i b e r r S 0 0 E0 0 1 0 . 0 0 0 1 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 1 0 . 1 | 0 r 0 I 0 I 0 r 0 l 0 r 0 ! 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 r 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 < Ic b charld -> Pc :0 <cR> mit. gladient vc4020/57 ( v c 4 2 0 7 ) chahlElad!€ss 0. 0. 1, r, 2. 2, 3, l, 4. 4. 5. 5. 5. 5. (aleays 2 t^teqe!) 00 (he!e chahbe! grad.lent up-s!,eed don-sp€€d Fadient qlldi€nt up-speed gladienr ddM-speed analog rohiral value analog noninal {ahe Analog ronlnal walue analoq nmlnal value .larog nonhar w.h6 analog nontnal valqe aalog nohinal walre alaloq ndinal value gladte^t up-sleed gradient dom-speed : s 0 0 u0 0 0 r o. 0 0 0 2 , 00 0 0 1 . 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 00. 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 1 . 0 1l fi+i:r 0 1 , 0) 0 ol lead efo! vc4020/57 (vc4207) fld Pc: (varue only exdnh @ess (atsays 2 integer) 00 (he!e cxanb8. 1) e n ds i g n. , , . , , . . . , , . . . . . . . , , , . . . , e n c ls i q n . . , ; (varue only ex!ab16s r t) 0r (ex: e!!o! no r) : soflwale te.t spec . llot€ctlon. . : <cR> PC -> Charber :S00!<cR> chan'ber -> PC:01 .oft{are Attensionol cNlnd It {iu flon !c: te6t sle.,plot€ctlon.. alrays be guftr (waru the ftlsr only €xa\bl€s <cR> er!o! ! t) 00 {here chdibe! a : (value only exaibres t l) connte! of aktlal eriors .,...,... : 00 e n ds t g ! , . i . i . . , . . , . . , , . . , , . . , . , . : < c R > !c -> chele. :$ooq<cR> chanbe! -> lc:00<cR> t 1) appdndix a autoMttcpldg!@ pase B .tait/stop \rca02ol5? (vc{207) )lg is equal b tne nunbe! of the aur4attc progrm you 'ill !e€t IE s{x equ!1 the 0000, you siI.L be stopped Lhe co'furd. flob !c: (value o..ty exarbt€r llj '...'.''.'' : $ cndrb€ladie68 {alsays 2 itrres€!) I o0 (he!e ch.ibe! e n ds l E n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , o . x . 6 1 g n, . . . . . . : 0 end 3i9n ... ..... i <cR> a:anble : p!oq.n! 7 start tc -> chanb€t :900P0007<cR> chaile! -> ?c:o<cR> t) chrlb€!: vc4020/57 (vc4207) , hmidity 02 0l 03 . . , . oor of lange sPec.Plor, rdp resr ElEzinen prctecrlon lor rat.! ln huidiry.lEten teal6laturlirit€! tes! space rt 9n pressure tpre-)conp!e366! . fill sate! in hutdl$sisteh . rhehar ploiect.resr ;p-ace fan . ?!.5s. ienPe!.tu! {p!e )cooliDg, . ro{ vare! eater supty n1n i'c1 .... Iilxl .. .. t3 5 DigiEaI 5 3 Chadel qi?o -045 . chaabe.. vc4020/5? contitue 19 20 2L 22 flor pa96 9 (\,c4207) cnanb€lcorfigu!ation t.c 3 9 t7 2r 22 02 0a t3 huldity out of ldq€ 3oftsdle te.t .poc.!!ot, tdp teet stezrren plote.rion los satei in huidlty.tBta t4pelatsrltnitei te3t space hlsh ple.BrE ( rEa- )cotrp!€330! f illate! in huiditv6vsra lall €t.. in hqtdltiEiBtd tn€mal Ploteet.teEt spac€ fan preE!. t4pelatur lP!e- )coorins rd {qt.r v.te! suply f,in \/oIscn vdlrchlndustd.t€ctnltcmbH umrettsimutalion. wgreiech ntk . v Frcfrmsn, B€6lhoEn.traBe3,t D.72336 B.,insen po6tfachadls: posrfich 10 0453, 0_72304Baflnoen t€tebn: (0?433)303{ ret6h*ioz433j3o+1r2