Big Kids, Little Kids
Big Kids, Little Kids
Volume 3, Issue 2 Summer/Fall 2012 Merry Christmas from us, every day of the year SANTA Al HORTON An Update On Progress Santa Al Horton remains in a Nevada health care facility. He is slowly making progress. Pg. 7 Big Kids, Little Kids “Big Kids” are really “Little Kids” at heart By LOU KNEZEVICH Kris Kringle’s Wisdom From Santa Al’s Archives Santa Al Horton always shared his knowledge, talents and insights with his fellow Santas, gladly. I offer this piece from the archives of 2007. Pg. 12 THE SOCIAL NETWORKS What Are YOU Doing On It? Logged-on, plugged-in and riding the waves. Are you one of the ones letting it all hang out online? Santa Lou Knezevich takes to task those purporting to be Santa who have been less than Santa like, to say the least. Pg. 4 ‘Remember, it’s not about you, it’s about the children.’ Lou Knezevich certainly enjoy my visits with ‘little kids’ as they can say the funniest things and they are so cute. Children are eager to talk to Santa and have their photo with Santa. In fact, many times I will tell a child to, “smile real big so we can get this picture taking over and we can talk!” I’ve been very fortunate to have had many visits with the “little kids” and we have taken some great photos. The other kids are the adults and I refer to them as “big kids.” Although they are all kids at heart there ‘ALL SANTAS ARE THE SAME’ It all comes from the same heart, but not all Santas are the same by any stretch of the imagination. Some differences are good, but not all as we see. Pg. 15 Dover Publications are some cautions in dealing with both groups. The eagerness found in “little kids” is quickly replaced by reluctance in the adults or “big kids.” “Big kids” act shy, especially the men, but down deep they really want their picture taken with Santa. You will find men are relucSee KIDS Pg. 2 VIEW FROM MY DESK CLASSIC ART Do Not Neglect Your Health Will There Ever Be An End? Christmas caricatures Santa Lou Knezevich reminds us about keeping healthy and fit, always ready for the season. Pg. 9 Wars and rumors of wars. Wars without end? Once more, we see the world of Santa Claus infected with dissent, division and vile remarks. Pg. 6 Images of Santa, scenes, Christmas and more from my files. Pages 3, 5, 8, 11, 14, more. KEEPING SANTA HEALTHY Page 2 KIDS from Pg. 1 tant to sit on your knee and in many cases I much prefer we stand to save the weight on my knees. Men may also take more urging and gentle teasing to make them feel comfortable to take a picture. I haven’t quite figured out why the reluctance but I feel it has to do with men showing their manliness. Men, have a hard time putting a smile on their face so we Santa’s need to encourage them to pose for a good picture. I have found if I say something such as; “alright, now act like you like Santa!” it breaks the ice and a smile usually appears on their face. I also say this when I have the entire family posing with me or just a few individuals. The Ladies are usually eager to pose and are rarely shy. There are of course the ladies who claim their hair isn’t fixed right or they have the wrong clothes or their makeup isn’t right. If you feel you can change their minds, give it a try but don’t spend a lot of time or say something inappropriate as they will stubbornly refuse you. I have also found some “big kids” will wait after other adults have taken a photo to garner up the courage to pose with Santa. There are some things to be aware of and which test Santa to be on his Dover Publications best behavior. From time to time you will be asked to perform for adults only. This may be a trade show, golf outing or a corporate event. Alcohol is likely to be served at these events and some people under the influence may say or do things out of the ordinary. Santa needs to keep a cool head and engage with the guest in a very professional manner. Santa should never take a drink of any alcoholic beverage no matter how many times it is offered. Santa needs to be the perfect gentleman at all times. Alcohol encourages people to do and say things they normally would refrain from. Santa’s may find themselves the focus of a females attention and so be careful not to encourage any familiarity with the guest. Find out all the details about who will be at a party and if alcohol will be served. If what you are told goes against your beliefs then it is up to you to refuse the job. Don’t take the job knowing it is contrary to your beliefs and then afterwards complain about the experience. Normally, Santas are paid for these and other like jobs so remember your paid for your services not for your opinion. I don’t want to paint a bad picture of adult parties. In fact, I enjoy them. I have a lot of fun seeing adults with the Christmas Spirit forget their troubles for a while and enjoy the happiness of the season. Christmas is for everyone and as Santas it is our job to make everyone happy. My heart is always warmed when I make an adult happy and they say things like, “Santa I was having a bad day until I saw you and you made my day.” Santa Lou ‘Georgia’s Premier Santa’ “It’s all about the Children” Page 3 Page 4 The Great Social Network, what are you doing on it? By LOU KNEZEVICH We hear a lot of talk about the “Social Networks” and the pros and cons of it. As Santas we become a part of the network when we post our picture, comments or emails via Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc., and sending emails via other message carriers. By and large most of us use a social network to communicate to family, friends or contacts by posting photos and useful information. Unfortunately, there are a number of those who wear the red suit, claiming to be Santa, bound and determined to post political, obscene and downright immoral content. Yes: It is your fundamental right of free speech under the First Amendment. However, there are a few limitations and obscenity may not be a protected right. Plus, a recent federal court ruling could make you liable for what you post on Facebook, and that includes what you have not set to ‘public,’ thinking you are behind some privacy wall. You are not. * (see note at end of article) You have no privacy rights on social media. Once it is posted to the Web in any form, including a personal email to a friend, it becomes public. You can retain your intellictual rights, but the postings are in the public realm, even behind password-protected walls. It may be one thing to use your ‘out of costume’ picture and post an obscene joke or off-color material. It is quite another to show yourself in your Santa Claus suit or Mrs. Claus dress doing the same thing. Many of you posting to these sources are not thinking, or do not COMMENTARY ‘In fact, the North Pole is the umbrella under which all nations, religions and political entities live and work in harmony.’ contributed photo Santa Lou Knezevich care about the far reaching effects of your submissions. In some cases, I have been very disappointed with the obscene videos, graphics and written content posted by Santas and Mrs. Claus. I would be embarrassed to know my family, especially my grandchildren, view what I had written or posted in a video. In fact, you really don’t know who sees your posts. It may be your employer or even someone thinking about hiring you to portray Mr. & Mrs. Claus. When you post your picture, such as on Facebook, the whole world knows you’re a Santa or even a Mrs. Claus. Frankly, if I were a parent and knew what some of your posts have been, I wouldn’t want my child to be anywhere near you, much less sit on your lap. It seems Facebook is one of the most attractive for many of you to post your off color photos, videos, dirty language and political trash. I’m not denying your right to free speech! In my opinion, you should never show yourself dressed in your Christmas best! If you truly believe in Santa Claus, you know he doesn’t belong to or advocate any political party. In fact, the North Pole is the umbrella under which all nations, religions and political entities live and work in harmony. Put your real picture with your post without your Santa or Mrs. Claus costume and say what you want if you just have to. Don’t hide behind Santa so children or misguided adults come to believe the Claus’ back a certain political party, suggestive videos or make nasty comments about people. The “Santa World” in the past few years has had its share of unscrupulous individuals, back biting and snipping towards organizations and individuals. It is way past time for us to stop and gather our arms around each other. By correcting how we behave on the “Social Networks” is a start to help us all behave in a positive manner. Change will only happen when those doing these things stop and/or we refuse to accept, forward or promote these items that do not belong in the See SOCIAL Pg. 5 Page 5 SOCIAL from Pg. 4 for too long. Please don’t try and tell me you realm of the North Pole at all. are a Professional Santa and then You may imagine I’m a prude. act without regard to children on You can imagine whatever your wish, but that doesn’t make it true. “social media.” I don’t care what your politics, obscene comments What is true is that I am a Santa or bantering are. I only care about who sincerely believes in Santa’s ethics, behavior and gracious coun- what the children see and what visions envelope the minds of chiltenance, and holding Santa to the dren who believe in the dream of highest moral standards. Christmas. Where are your ethics? It is ridiculous for anyone to think that for I care about that .... and you as a Santa or Mrs. Claus should too! 11 months of the year you can act Think about it. and do what you want, but for the month of December, do no wrong. Santa Lou You might be fooling yourself, but you do not fool the public, other Santas, and especially the children YOU SHOULD KNOW *Did you know that what you say on Facebook can be used against you in a court of law? A recent ruling in a U.S. federal court says that if you post something on Facebook, your friend can share that information with the police — it’s not a violation of your privacy. The ruling by U.S. District Judge William Pauley III gives federal investigators access to your profile at any time, including the portions that aren’t set to “public.” Page 6 Will there ever be an end to the Santa wars? COMMENTARY I keep having this recurring dream. In it, the world of Santa Claus has moved on from the years of bickering, fighting, feuding and all manner of foolish behavior. Those on the edge had either finally realized the children are what is important, or they gave away their red suit and moved on, elsewhere and when. I keep getting jolted awake from the dream. Just as this spring and summer when another simmering pot of discontent bubbled over and spread, worldwide, splattering all across ‘Skynet’ and beyond. Play it again, Sam. There once was an organization known as AORBS, that erupted and fractured into AORBS & FORBS, then FORBS fractured again into FORBS/IBRBS, that very likely (given history and egos), will clone into something else again. I hope it doesn’t happen. I wish FORBS/IBRBS both well. Time will tell. Will there ever be an end to the Santa wars? Santa’s helpers who have just found their way to the gate, leading into the realm of the North Pole; those just getting started, must wonder at the constant bickering, backbiting, infighting, feuding and non- to the character from childhood they thought they knew so well. Most important of all, should they even continue to allow this character anywhere near their children ever again. What would you, as a When you parent do, if you read, saw Look in the and knew of such behavior mirror, from Santa? What do you Is there some sickness See? in the air, the water? Has reality shifted into a bizarro world, leaving some of us behind/ahead, but intact? Perhaps it is the 20th Century’s commercialization of the Santa character that has injected veins of poison into the spirit and the heart of St. Nicholas. There are stores with Christmas items out before summer was over this year. More often than not, it appears to come right back to nothing more than egos, stop mushrooming of ‘new’ Santa should ever be, or power, self-glorification or ‘renewed’ or ‘renamed’ have any part of. Add to and attaining the throne as Santa organiztions. And that the continuing un‘Supreme Santa.’ None of some of them have to be dercurrent of ‘us’ vs. ‘them’ this belongs anywhere near appalled by what they read mentality infecting the Santa. and see on the Web now, North Pole, which also Whatever it is, it is not posted by those purporting has no place in a world welcomed in the realm of to be ‘Santa’ or other rela- inhabited by Santa. None, the North Pole. tives of the realm. what-so-ever. If your quest is to be the I sure am. For the new Santas and ‘Supreme Santa’ then your Santa’s words and videos the general public who quest is not for Santa at all. to be found on the Web have witnessed the postings Perhaps you would be now are both intolerable across the Web, they must better suited to some other and egregious; some even be wondering who Santa is endeavor. worse. I call them appalat all. What they see and Bill McKee ing, and something no read bears no resemblance editor Page 7 Thoughts on this issue from the editor This issue has not been one I have cherished putting together. I did not get into the editing and production of the North Pole Observer to take anyone to task, to fight battles or with any such intent. The stated goal has always been to share knowledge and help each and every one within the realm of the North Pole, from seasoned pro to newcomer, become better, more refined and more a part of the whole ‘family.’ In this issue, Santa Lou Knezevich, and myself, completely independently and without any corraboration what-so-ever, reached a similar conclusion about the wars, bickering, fighting, vile and vicious behavior by some purporting to be Santa. While I was working on my commentary on the Santa wars, I received Lou’s commentary on social media. If you have made it this far in the issue, then you have most likely already read both commentaries. As I was finishing up this issue, I received my copy of the ClausNet Gazette, which I can only say, I always enjoy receiving and reading each month. In the just-released Update on Santa Al Horton issue I read with great interest Santa Michael Rielly’s article about “Santa Munchausen” on Facebook. Where does it end? ‘Santa Munchausen’ is another example of the very behavior of which Santa Lou Kenezevich and I both referred to in our commentaries. Michael Rielly is absolutely correct, (and one tremendous Santa I have no doubt from all I have seen and read, though we have not met); he is absolutely correct when he says; “ ... portraying Santa Claus is a lot more than just hair growing on your face. Just because a guy looks like Jerry Garcia, doesn’t automatically make him Santa Claus. Any ‘real Santa’ will tell you that.” I will add a big ‘Amen!’ to Santa Rielly’s words. This is not some game we play, nor some cartoon character without substance that we ‘pretend’ to be. I have people ask me all the time; ‘do you play Santa.’ My answer is always the same; ‘No, I do not play at being Santa.’ Wearing the red suit and portraying Santa is a very special privledge which comes with very large responsibilities. Those responsibilities begin and end with the children, and include acting like a human being, not some egotistical peacock. I read a post by a Santa not too long ago which kept emphasizing that a big ego was nessary to be Santa. Nothing could be further from the truth. The ego gets in the way of being able to see the children. I do not mean look at them, I mean ‘SEE’ them. Believe me, they know the difference, thought a number of Santa’s appear not to. Believe what you wish, but believing does not make it true. The manifestitation of the Spirit of Christmas does not grow from the ego, but grows from a gentle heart and spirit, humble character and genuine compassion for the children of the world, all of them. Once you begin to ‘see’ the children, there is no longer any use for an ego at all. Be you real beard, traditional, Father Christmas, or any manifestation of the Christmas Spirit doesn’t matter. What does matter is that which is in your heart. Bill McKee, editor Santa Al Horton remains in a health care center in Las Vegas, Nev. His progress is slow, but he is improving. Please continue to keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Don’t hesisitate to drop him a card. It would mean the world to him. You can send mail to him at: Silver Ridge HealthCare Center Santa Al Horton, Room 201B 1151 Torry Pines Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89146-9051 Santa Al Horton Page 8 Page 9 Maintaining Santa’s Health Good Health for Mr. & Mrs. Claus By LOU KNEZEVICH Last season my Mrs. Claus couldn’t accompany me because her right hip hurt her so badly she couldn’t do the normal everyday things. One of our friends from the Peach Tree Santas stepped in and appeared in a number of events as Mrs. Claus. My wife Loretta, aka Mrs. Claus had her right hip replaced in early July. She had been going through some painful times over the past few years as we waited upon some factors to permit the operation. On July 9th Loretta had the operation which was a resounding success and within 4 hours of the procedure she was walk- contributed photo Santa Lou Knezevich ing down the corridor (with the aid of a walker) without pain from her right hip. The next morning she was climbing stairs as a final test before being released. I marvel at what modern medicine can accomplish and I’m so happy for her. In October she will have her left hip replaced and I look forward to her appearing with me during the upcoming season. I try to keep myself in good physical condition and especially before the season starts I have a check-up and get my recommended flu shot. I am a firm believer in having the flu shot as it has kept me healthy. It has also been proven by the Center for Disease Control; you don’t get the flu from the shot. My doctors and his staff are especially receptive to any of my medical needs during the season. If I have that “funky” feeling I immediately call and I’m seen very promptly. They always joke with me about their “job is to keep Santa healthy so he can visit with all the good boys and girls.” I’m also diabetic so it’s very important for me to take my insulin timely and maintain a good diet. Eating properly is difficult with some of the schedules I keep but I do carry nourishing snacks and liquids to sustain me. The health of Santas concerns me because our roles encourage having a hefty appetite and a large midriff adds to our character. I have to chuckle at the comments I receive because I don’t have a big belly. I’m usually referred to as the Atkins Santa or “Santa, it looks like your losing weight.” I’m well over 200 lbs. and I don’t feel I’m skinny. However, I’m not the short, fat, roly poly Santa people associate in their minds and I have worn a pad at times but I’m not very comfortable with it. At first the remarks bothered me but I know I make a good appearance and I haven’t had a child tell me I’m skinny. The important issue here is ... taking care of Santas health. I know a gentleman who shunned Doctors all his life until late last year when he was rushed to the emergency room, narrowly averting a heart attack. Now, wouldn’t you think with that kind of warning he would stop smoking, pay attention to his diet and look to improve his physical well being. Well, His close call didn’t change his habits one bit. A few weeks ago he had some leg pain and doctors See HEALTH Pg. 10 Page 10 HEALTH from Pg. 9 found he had a blood clot which was extremely painful until it was dissolved. All of these experiences did not change him and he still smokes and avoids doctors. I wonder what kind of wakeup call he needs? My hope for you reading this article and knowing you have some medical issues is to see a doctor and to begin working to bring your health under control. Santa you’re an important person! Just think of all the little children you make happy and know you are needed to be the bearer of joy throughout the holiday season. Most importantly remember your family. Not every family has a Santa Claus as one of its members and I know how proud they must be of you. Don’t wait or put it off……the time is now! Santa Lou ‘Georgia’s Premier Santa’ Hints for staying healthy • Get to bed early and have plenty of rest. • Take your medicines on time and make sure you have the time or place to take them when you are away from home. • Plan your travels allowing for unforeseen traffic or weather conditions. Stressing about being late effects your body and you need to make an appearance in a jovial mood. • Carry water or a healthy sports drink in your vehicle to keep hydrated. • Avoid the drive-thru. Late or spontaneous meals usually spell poor food selection. Try to carry some healthful snacks to tide you over to a good meal. A small cooler with ice, apples and bottled water can go a long way to keeping you on your toes and healthy. • Carry your cell phone. If you feel ill call for assistance. We lose one Santa during or immediately after the holidays each year. Don’t be a hero Santa. Use your head and be sensible. The children need you alive! • Most important, have fun! “It’s all about the Children” YOU SHOULD KNOW Legendary Santas Mentoring Program Created by Santa Lou Knezevich Santa Lou is a long time, very professional, knowledable Santa and Santa educator, upholding the highest standards, know as ‘Georgia’s Premier Santa.’ Santa Lou conceived, imagined and designed the program to benefit veteran as well as new Santas, and anyone who aspires to wear the red suit. The mentoring program is designed to be carried forward into the future, helping train, guide and promote the true heart of Santa, the Spirit of Christmas, with knowledge and life-long mentoring. The Legendary Santas Mentoring Program is a tremendously valuable resource and a true guide for anyone who already portrays Santa and everyone who aspires to. Legendary Santas For more information contact Santa Lou at; LegendarySantasMentoringProg@ Sleigh Phone 404.918.4756 Mentoring Program Guidelines Page 11 Page 12 Kris Kringle’’s By Santa Al Horton This is the time of year when you really need to be thinking about the upcoming season. If you want to be a mall Santa, then contact the organizations which find Santas to place them in malls. Let them know what you are looking for and they will place you. Usually they pick Santas early enough so that arrangements, including transportation to the area, accommodations and other necessities can be made. On the other hand, if you are planning on striking out as a home or special occasion Santa, then you need to be doing lots of things now. Your best bet is to find an agent in your area. This could be anyone who has connections with the public and private sector, and preferably a terrific advertising capability. This will make your work easier. Even with an agent, there are many additional things you can do to increase your business during the season. Always carry around cards with you. Leave one or more wherever you visit and always talk to whomever you can about what you have to offer and what you can and cannot do. If you are in a restaurant, suggest something like a meal with Santa for a period of time. This will give them the opportunity to generate revenue and the kids will love it! If you want to do adult parties, Wisdom ing several photographers and asking them if they would be interested Editors note This article by Santa Al Horton in taking some Santa pictures at a daycare center, or other locations was first published in June, where folks might want a Santa to 2007. Santa Al’s knowledge visit. Discuss your ideas with them is very valuable to all who and let them know your requireportray Santa’s helpers. Periments. odically, I will re-run more of Make up your own modeling cut Santa Al’s writings he offered sheet. Typically this would have to me for many years. For your picture on the front (or a those who have not read, or are not familiar with Al’s book, couple of terrific shots of you) with your offerings and fees on the back. ‘Santa’s Book of Knowledge,’ Include several ways to contact you, it is a valuable resource. It is including phone, email, etc. You will still available online through have to be prepared for the calls most of the book sellers. See when they come. When you hand the promotional page I ran for out the cards, if you indicate that Al when the book was pubyou usually are booked for the sealished on Page 16. As far as I son before the middle of November, know, all proceeds go to Al. then you might get some earlier there are many places to search for calls. One thing I like to do is, if I them. Just make sure that whatever raise my prices, I make up certifitype of visit you want do, you are well versed in the activities and that cates indicating the old price to all my regular clients if they bring in you create an atmosphere which will keep the folks asking you back one or more bookings from new year after year. Few things are worse customers. This doesn’t sound like much, but believe it or not, my old than a bad visit by Santa. customers rarely use the certificate, I have built some relationships asking if they can pass it on to othover the years that are terrific. Recently moving to the East Coast, I ers. Of course. This gives me anothhad my contacts on the West Coast er family/booking for the season. This past season I averaged one call their company offices, customer visit per day from 28 November offices, or others that they know. through Christmas Day. ActuThis way I had clientele waiting ally it was a little bit more, but not when I arrived. If you don’t have anyone to fall back on, try contactSee WISDOM Pg 13 Page 13 WISDOM from Pg. 12 quite one and a half. I set up my visits so that I would usually have 2 visits on Fridays and 3 or 4 visits on Saturdays and Sundays. During the week (Monday through Thursday) I would average 2 visits between these 4 days. Life was grand. I would be busy, yet I had “me” time. (Which is needed from time to time by us all.) I am already booking visits for this year. If I perform well during my appearances for a couple of charities I am doing for Christmas in July, I may have more bookings by the end of August. Life is grand. Currently, I am putting together greeting cards which I will send to a few select groups, families, and businesses I wish to work for again. On the front of these folding greeting cards I have a photo of myself. Inside, I include the discount certificate I created and a note reminding them to book early if they would like me back this season. Beside my phone, I keep my payment schedule. This way I can assist those who don’t want me for a full hour or those who couldn’t afford to have me for more than a quick drop-by and handing out gifts to the children. I also have a few notes on what Santa may need and how to treat Santa when he arrives. This will help those who plan the parties. They don’t always realize that Santa is not a young hombre by any means and that parking a long way away from the door may attract attention they really don’t want. Of course that depends on the area they are located. Last but not least, I have a list to help me remember all the things that I can do during my visit. This will preclude me from missing a very important opportunity during the call. I have had several calls in the past that started out asking if I would do balloon animals. I had one who wanted me to ride a unicycle. Still others asked if I was afraid of heights because they wanted to fly me in. My favorite was being brought in by a team of horses drawing a sleigh. Good thing I know something about that. Your business will grow each year if you only do two things. The first is to get out and promote yourself. Make every day an opportunity and this will increase your visits during the season. The second is to make sure you are the best Santa around. You don’t have to do magic tricks and you don’t have juggle. You do have to please the “main reason” for your visit; the children (or adults if it a company party). TIP OF THE MONTH Your breath is the most important item during your visit. Children have always gotten past the fake beards and Sears Santa Suits. They see in their eyes only the vision of Santa and the elves, the reindeer and all the toys. But … And I must really say this, BUT, if your breath is bad, the whole visit will be bad. The children will not want to hug you. They won’t even want to sit on your lap. I use to use the candy canes to keep my breath fresh, but all that sugar finally got to me. Now I have found those small strips you place See WISDOM pg 14 Page 14 WISDOM from Pg. 13 on your tongue are terrific. One just before I make my visit is enough. If the visit is going to be more than an hour, I try to sneak one ever hour. I also watch what I eat during the season too! Nothing spicy or will create bad breath or other situations we won’t go into here. THOUGHT FOR THE MONTH I have found that more and more companies are wanting Santa at their holiday party. As I entered the hall for one party, I was asked to read a naughty and nice list that someone in the company made up. After reading a few items on each side, I asked if I could appoint some elves to assist with this task. They weren’t too pleased with my suggestion, but agreed. What I did then was look for the two folks who looked like they caused the most mischief and assigned them the Naughty and Nice keepers of the list. As they read the lines, they were could hear, that I had someone outside that wanted to meet him. After that laughter settled down, I turned to the nice person, who happened to be a lady, and I told her that she could met me outside after the party and I would teach her to be naughty. This too received laughter. The end thought for all this is to be prepared for anything. Party planners have been notorious for wanting Santa to do things at the party. If you don’t feel comfortable doing them, by all means don’t. But if you do feel a little froggie at the occasion, then by all means, enjoy to walk over to the person they were the moment. That’s all for now. Don’t forget talking about. I would either admonish them and tell them it is not to send your experiences, tips and too late to be good or I would give questions. I will be more than happy to answer them or publish them them a big hug. At the end of the here for others to assist with their list I handed out a bag of candy to the nicest person (by popular vote) answers. We don’t have to agree but we all have some great ideas that we and the naughtiest person (again by popular vote) received a lump of could share. coal. It was a gentleman who was the naughtiest, so I ended this activ- Santa Al Horton 4 June, 2007 ity by telling him, so that everyone Page 15 ‘All Santas Are the Same’ By BILL MCKEE ‘After all, Santas are all the same.’ I heard these words some time back from one who plays Santa. The words and implication during the short conversation over the phone was that it would make no difference which Santa appeared at any given event. I am well aware of Santas filling in for other Santas, usually by recommendation or reference. Also, (from what I have been told by some who operate and oversee Santas for hire), specific Santas are often assigned to particular events for good reasons. I am very careful about whom I might suggest for a Santa appearance when my schedule is already filled. ‘Santas are all the same.’ No. Santas are not all the same. Beyond the obvious examples, or what should be obvious to anyone who wears the red suit for very long, there are those who exhibit extremely ‘bad’ Santa behavior. This year we have seen some vile postings as another war reared its ugly head ... again. Fortunately they are not in the majority, not yet What kind of Santa are you? anyway. However, bad or extreme behavior can become characteristic, tolerated, ingrained and accepted as ‘normal.’ There are a few Santas I know that I do not and will not recommend to anyone for any event. I do not think it is my right, nor authority to forbid them from wearing the red suit, however. There are exceptions to this selfimposed rule. A convicted child molester would not be welcomed in the red suit ever. Also, should I encounter a ‘Santa’ who is intoxicated in the suit, I would take immediate action to have him removed from the site and fired by the proprietor. In so do- ing, I would not leave the children without a Santa and would do my best to fill in and take care of the children waiting to see Santa. Just because a person has a beautiful red suit with all the trimmings, has a classic (whatever you want to define as classic - some have real beards, some traditional beards and hair; some have long hair, some short, and some none at all). A person who appears with a snow-white beard and hair, red suit, and has all the trappings, promotional materials, etc., does not make that person Santa. Santa comes from the heart. You could say that Santa is born, or re-born in the red suit. Santa Claus is a manifestation of the Spirit of Christmas, nothing more and nothing less. Wearing the red suit can be a life-changing, transformational experience. Some Santas understand this very well, living it every day. Some never seem to come to know this, falling by the wayside, drawn down some different path and seduced by the temptations and trappings of ego, power and money, rubbing elbows with the rich and powerful, believing all the while that they have ‘arrived.’ Ego’s can grow into grand showy peacocks sometimes and that addictive need for fame and feeding that ego can extract a great toll. I have written and said it before and I will repeat it again; the ego has no place in the realm of the North Pole. Ego’s get in the way of being able to see the children, and I mean SEE, not look at. Wear it well. The red suit, I mean, and your spirit. Bill McKee Page 16 Santa’s Book of Knowledge by Santa Al Horton To order online, visit This title is also available through your local book seller or preferred online retailer. Paperback book is $19.99. To Order a Signed Copy, Contact Included with book from Santa Al is a CD with 100 extra pages and pictures not published in the book. This offers you even more information easily accessible on your computer. The cost of $25.00 includes shipping and handling. Three sections include: Section I History of Santa and how to be a credible Santa. Section II The Business of Santa Section III Stories, parodies, and other good stuff. This resource contains more information than any one school provides. Knowledge, insight and some terrific stories are all here. From the editor of the North Pole Observer Beginning in early 2007, I have had the privledge and honor of reading and editing stories by Al Horton which have appeared in the Red Suit Roundup, Jingle Press, Red Suit Gazette and now, my own publication, the North Pole Observer. I received my copy of Santa Al Horton’s book and CD a few short weeks ago and just finished it. If you are seeking knowledge built on education and experience, blended with good story telling, this book is for you. Al is not only a Santa instructor, but has international experience with many years under his belt. I have read a few posts saying that this book has a few gramatical errors. Yes, that is true, but they are very minor and don’t affect its value at all. The knowledge and story-telling is there and laid out in a well-organized, concise manner. This is a reference book for novice and seasoned pro alike. I highly recommend this book. The page is paid. My comments are offered freely and openly. - Bill McKee, editor Full Page (outlined in green) Advertising space is available at reasonable costs. Submissions need to be page-ready, complete with any art, and in high resolution for best reproduction. Please contact me,, for pricing, information and publication deadlines. CONTACT: Bill McKee Workshop & Sleigh: 276-429-2181 1/2 Page 1/4 Page CONTACT: Bill McKee Workshop & Sleigh: 276-429-2181 1/8 Page CONTACT: Bill McKee Workshop & Sleigh: 276-429-2181 Text Block CONTACT: Bill McKee Workshop & Sleigh: 276-429-2181 Page 17 Page 18 Classified North Pole Observer © Copyright 2010, 2011, 2012 ©®™ Masthead Artwork by Earthdancer Imaging © The North Pole Observer© is published by Brothers Claus Press. Issues are published in PDF format and available for viewing or download at An archive of the issues is readily available online at http:// The publication is edited and produced independently by Bill McKee, a long-time Santa. All contents © are the sole property of the authors, protected under U.S. and International copyright laws and trademarks. Written permission must be obtained from the author of any article before reproducing any of the written content, or images in any form.All rights reserved. CONTACT: Bill McKee Workshop & Sleigh 276-429-2181 Brass Bells, Polar Express Style Bells & more These sand cast, solid Brass bells can be found online at Cat’s Paw Web site. The bells pictured above are recent additions to Perry’s inventory. For our readers who are familiar with my story ‘The Bell on Christmas Eve,’ this is my source of the small acorn bells which are very special to me. I have purchased numerous bells from Perry and I can recommend his service, honesty and products very highly, without hesitation. Contact Perry at: Cat’s Paw The Santa Clause “In putting on this suit and entering the sleigh, the wearer waives any and all rights to previous identity, real or implied, and fully accepts the duties and responsibilities of Santa Claus until such time that wearer becomes unable to do so either by accident or design.” The “Santa Clause” from the movie The Santa Clause