January/February - Greater Springfield Apartment and Housing
January/February - Greater Springfield Apartment and Housing
January/February 2008 The Newsletter of the Greater Springfield Apartment & Housing Association Inside this Issue: President’s Message..........................2 Upcoming Meeting ...........................2 Helpful Tips on Management ............3 SAHA Bowlathon Registration Info...4-5 SAHA Annual Awards Banquet ..........6 This Month’s Vendor .........................7 SAHA Product & Service Providers..6-16 SAHA Yellow Pages....................10-11 Did You Know? ..............................16 Affordable Housing List ...................17 SAHA Officers & Directors 2008.......18 Current SAHA Membership..............19 Future Events & Meetings.................20 Contact us: Phone: 417.883.4942 Fax: 417.886.3685 Email: saha@springfieldhousing.net A Message From Sandy Dear SAHA Members: The speaker for the SAHA program on January 17, 2008 will be James R. Cox, of James R. Cox Attorneys At Law, whose topic is “Fair Housing”. Please join us at noon for lunch at the Golden Corral on Primrose to learn more about this impactful issue. Please join us for the SAHA Bowlathon, an annual event, on February 2, 2008 to benefit the American Red Cross. Teams consist of no more than five bowlers @ $40 minimum for each bowler ($200 team minimum). Each individual with a minimum of $40 or more in pledges will receive a T-shirt, refreshments and unlimited bowling from 6-9 p.m. on Saturday, February 2, 2008 at Enterprise Park Lanes. Door prizes all night. Silent Auction closes at 8 p.m. The SAHA website is being updated with a fresh new look and is slated to be unveiled early in 2008. Your suggestions for improving the website to better serve you are being incorporated into this update and will provide a real benefit to us as an association. The Springfield Apartment & Housing Association has an “Affordable Housing List” that is available to the public. If you have have units for rent under $450 per month and would like to be added to the list, please call us at 883-4942. We appreciate your letting us know what you’re interested in as property owners and managers., and look forward to a great 2008! See you at the next meeting! Sincerely, Sandy Wheeler, President Springfield Apartment & Housing Association SAHA is a non-profit, professional organization dedicated to the betterment of the rental housing industry. Our members strive to provide and promote quality affordable housing. SAHA serves these members through •Education •Legislation •Communication Springfield Apartment & Housing Association Presents Fair Housing Speaker: James R. Cox, Attorney When: January 17, 2008 at Noon Where: Golden Corral (2020 E. Primrose, south of Battlefield and just east off of Glenstone) No noon meeting in February ~ Join us for the annual Neighborhood Bowl on February 2nd. Please see registration form on Page 4. Housing News January/February 2008 2 Helpful Tips on Management for Landlords! Show Me The Money! Savvy landlords need to learn or re-learn how to file evictions AND collect their $$$ in the coming days. Many landlords know how to get the judgement, BUT NOT how to get the $$$. Here are 5 quick tips: 1) You CAN run the credit report of former tenants (who owe you money) every 6 months to get possible updated information. 2) You SHOULD record the judgement/usually in abstract form at your local recorder's office (deeds/weddings, etc). 3) You CAN order the court/judge to order an EXAMINATION of their assets (they raise their hand and swear in front of the judge and then you take them into a side room and ask them questions on their debts AND assets). 4) You SHOULD file a wage garnishment if they are employed. 5) Recording the judgement if they have real estate will SURVIVE a Bankruptcy as the judgement is recorded as a secured judgement and if/when the property is sold or re-financed, your judgement will get paid off. INVESTMENT OR HOBBY? Do you view landlording as a job or as a hobby? Do you view it as a "true" business? Sometimes, it amazes me to read that more investors/landlords, than not, stop investing after the purchase of their property. It's true that most do invest more money afterwards to advertise the rental unit, do credit checks, ensure curb appeal, and "time" waiting for that QUALIFIED tenant, but it seems to STOP there! More times than not new and seasonal landlords feel that any more investing into this property is over with, but they are wrong. You invested in the land, the location, the home, the rebuilding/fixing things up, the advertising and time taken to select the most qualified tenant. But nothing has been invested in... Learning the rope's office, The bookkeeping, The laws of your State, The City Ordinances of where your properties are located, The need to know how to maintain tenants for long term occupancy, Or how to handle people. It’s like buying a house but when you walk inside there are no walls, no furniture, but an empty shell. Sure you can live there, but it’s not going to be easy or fun and definitely nothing you expected. So, when do you feel investing in your business ends? The answer is NEVER! Since beginning this business, I purchase every book I can possibly buy. Anything I buy for the business is tax deductible. Not every book out there will answer your questions or give the best advice, but even if only one paragraph from each book triggered an idea of how to be better in that business then whatever I paid for the book was worth it. Eery book always had at least one paragraph in it that gave me an idea! So every book I purchased was worth it. Whether you have one property or 1000, because this is a business, you need a good financial software program. Some people use Excel or other simple spreadsheets, but they're just ledgers on a computer. It may do the trick, but it’s not going to generate professional looking reports to give to your CPA or your tenants or even for yourself, or a new buyer when and if you decide to sell. Always think of the future. Can someone else figure out your book work if something happened to you? Once again, how far will you go? I have files drawers for Properties, Mortgages, Tenants, Work Orders, Vendors and Handyman. I have a big file drawer labeled "Michigan Law", with City Ordinance information for my properties, and Tenant/Landlord law. I have a file drawer for “Past Tenants”, and a regular check file drawer for my canceled checks, and one for “Legal Forms”, filled with Quits, summons & complaint forms, Judgments forms, Default forms, Health Hazard Forms, Escrow Forms, etc. Everything is labeled and filed alphabetical so if something happens to me, anyone could come into my home office and take over in a minute. When one has a good filing system in place, it is easy to gather evidence together to prove a case in court or satisfy a disgruntled tenant. Being well organized enables me to never lose a case and win cases many people thought I'd never win. It took time and effort to get this organized, but my time and money to be organized was a very good investment that has paid for itself many times over. Not only have I won my landlord/tenant cases but also cases against the City of Detroit and a utility company. Whatever I do in this business is an Investment and that includes how people view you. To make sure courts and tenants and the public view me Housing News in a good light, (word of mouth goes along way) I make sure that everything is done professionally. I always use letterhead using my company logo which is just a dba name (doing business as). Always answer your tenants in writing and ask them to do the same. Document everything you do and what anybody else does! No matter how trivial. I have an online phone called "Vonage" that tracks incoming and outgoing calls. (So I have records of calls tenants or vendors or workers have made to me and I made to them). My phone bills dropped about $100 a month because I no longer use a land line. Take photos of everything before a tenant moves in - light bulbs, toilets, floors, every nook and cranny. If you look at the photos, you see door knobs, doors, blank walls (freshly painted of course) faucet handles, toilet handles, etc. But everything I do is an investment and I never view it as extra work that's imposing on my time, or more money nickle and diming me to death. Everything I do, every penny I spend, every minute I devote, is still investing in my property and my business and my future. Still investing, I go the extra mile in this business. I mail out bills to my tenants 10 days before their rent is due, for rent that is due, meaning I am investing more time and money into office supplies. My printer prints out my envelopes and my letters, using ink. So that’s an investment. I use Stamps.com to mail everything and that costs money, not to mention the stamps. I am investing in my "good name" my credibility, to the public, to the tenants, to my CPA, to a new buyer, to the media! Whatever I do now reflects my future and what people think of me. But the person I most want to impress is the Judge. The more professional I am, the more he or she is impressed and shows respect to me. And that is a very good investment! Whenever I hear others say, Oh I'd never bill my tenants for rent that is due, my tenants know when it’s due. Or that’s a lot of work and costs money, I think to myself, and wonder, why as an investor, do these people want to stop investing just because the physical structure has been purchased or built? Don't they realize that is only part of the investment process in regards to this business. One must invest in maintaining their investment by doing things to show you are a business, a professional, and not just the “typical” landlord as often portrayed by the media and courts! So...how much time and money do YOU feel is too much to invest in your company? Do you think it just stops once the rental unit has been rented? Or would you go the extra mile to invest a little deeper. I call them the "hidden investments" (The behind the scenes operations of maintaining your investments not only for now, but for the future) If something happened to you, could someone else take over without a problem. Could your wife? Could your husband? Could a new owner. Maybe another question to ask would be, "how easy is it for you to find things? To prove your case? To answer a tenant with facts and proof? PROTECTING YOURSELF AT THE PROPERTY While working on properties what do you say or not to say to neighbors and passers by? Often when rehabbing property, neighbors or passers by will ask if you are renting or selling the property. If you say you are renting the property, some might ask to see inside the property. About 95% have good intentions, possibly wanting to rent your property, the other 5%, often in renter-occupied or low-income areas, may have bad intentions. What could be their bad intentions? Seeing what you put into the property so they can come back later to rip you off. Seeing what tools are on your jobsite such as a break, table saw, etc. Looking for openings, such as an old basement door lock or rotted door frame, something that you have not repaired yet that they can sneak their way in through later. Or worse, sweet talking their way into your property, then pulling a gun and robbing you! How can you know which 5% are the ones up to no good? How can you prevent them from entering your home? It’s easy... The answer to the question of ‘are you selling or renting?’ is, “I do not know what the guy is going to do, I'm just the contractor.” Or “I'm just working on the place.” You are more likely to attract trouble (even get stuck up) if you’re telling the whole neighborhood you are the landlord. These tips are from contributors to the MrLandlord.com website and newsletter. For a free sample newsletter, call toll-free, 1-800-950-2250, or visit their informative website at mrlandlord.com to register to win a free landlording book. January/February 2008 3 Springfield Apartment & Housing Association Neighborhood Bowl! Teams & Sponsors Needed Now! Donations needed for the Silent Auction! It’s time to sign up for a fun evening and benefit a worthy cause! THE AMERICAN RED CROSS EMERGENCY HOUSING FUND Enterprise Park Lanes 1625 S. Enterprise Avenue, Springfield February 2, 2008 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. We need teams of 5 people and Sponsors! Corporate Sponsors…..only $500 (Receive a name banner, name on all promotional materials including the T-shirt, and one bowling team) Bowling Team (5 people) ……….....only $200 Every bowler receives a FREE commemorative T-shirt, Pepsi-Cola, Domino's Pizza and entered into the cash drawing ($100, $75 & $50) Lane Sponsors……….....only $150 (Receive signage the day of the event) Other Sponsorships…...only $50 Call SAHA today at 883-4942 to sign up or fax form to SAHA at 886-3685. Housing News January/February 2008 4 Springfield Apartment & Housing Association Neighborhood Bowl Team Information Sheet Team Captain Phone # Team Bowlers Phone # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Teams consist of no more than 5 bowlers @ $40 minimum for each bowler ($200 team). Bowlers receive a T-Shirt, refreshments and unlimited bowling from 6-9 p.m. on Saturday, February 2, 2008 at Enterprise Lanes. Door prizes all night. Silent Auction closes at 8:00 p.m. ————————————— Sponsorship Form ———————————————Sponsor Name ___________________________________________________________ Street Address ___________________________________________________________ City ___________________________________ State_______ Zip __________________ Contact person ____________________________ Phone #_______________________ E-Mail Address ___________________________________________________________ I/We agree to sponsor the “Neighborhood Bowl” as checked below. (Signature) (Date) _____ Underwriters—$500—Underwriters receive a name banner, name on all promotional materials including t-shirt and 1 bowling team with t-shirts to wear _____ Bowling Team -- $200 (5 bowlers per team) _____ Lane Sponsors—$150 (20 needed) - Lane sponsors receive signage the event day. _____ Other Sponsors—$50—Refreshments, Prizes, Entertainment Please submit payment to: SAHA, 1717 E. Republic Road, Suite A, Springfield, MO 65804 Housing News January/February 2008 5 Springfield Apartment & Housing Association Annual Awards Banquet November 16, 2007 Featured speaker and award presenter, Michael Miller of Lowther Johnson Law Firm Maintenance Person of the Year Dave Hornsby (TLC Properties) Co-Manager of the Year George Coryell (TLC Properties) & Trish Franklin (Forest Park Apartments) Community of the Year Orchard Park Apartments Large Property Owner of the Year (100+ units) Debco, Inc. Vendor of the Year Lowther Johnson Law Firm Congratulations to Bob Hunt from Overall Service for winning the “Big Heart” award for his outstanding contributions to the SAHA board of directors. Small Property Owner of the Year (<100 units) Sandy Wheeler (Greystone Properties) Leasing Person of the Year Linda Burkhart, accepting award is Judy Breeding (Ben Steele Properties) Housing News January/February 2008 6 this month’s vendor U-Link Delivering Custom Public Wireless Internet Systems and More! Established in 2005, U-Link is working to develop a unique business model that focuses the use software and hardware applications over communications infrastructures to provide effective ways for multi-family properties to experience immediate ROI through their use. U-Link is owned and operated by Matthew Thomas, a local technology entrepreneur and resides in the Drury SIFE incubator site on North Booneville next to the Jordan Valley Innovation Center. Matthew is a graduate of Missouri State University with two degrees in Electronics Technology and Industrial Management. Matthew is also an avid off-road cyclist frequently competing in multi-mile endurance events. U-Link’s current customer portfolio includes numerous public use wireless Internet hotspots as well as the design, deployment and management of several private use Internet accessible multi-family properties. In the coming months, U-Link will be honing its business model through key partnerships with product vendors and property investors and a goal of developing investment capital interests for regional execution of its cutting edge business model. For continued updates on U-Link’s operations, check in to www.ulinksystems.com and follow the regular blog postings that chronicle the regular happenings of small business trials and tribulations. For further discussion of technology related issues as they pertain to the multi-family industry, call Matthew Thomas (417)818-2507. ~ www.ulinksystems.com Housing News January/February 2008 7 SAHA Product & Service Providers Housing News January/February 2008 8 2008 Terrie Smith Housing News January/February 2008 9 SAHA YELLOW PAGES PRODUCT & SERVICE PROVIDERS 2008 AIR DUCT CLEANING CABLE SERVICES Over-All Service Specialists .....417-866-6276 Media.com Communications ..417-875-5500 Lockwell Heating & Cooling ....417-868-8100 APARTMENT DIRECTORIES CARPET/CARPET CLEANING Midwest Rug ..........................417-869-3030 Apartment Finder/Maximum Media . 800-795-5207 Ozark Cleanpro L.L.C. ...........417-425-4722 ForRent.com ........................(757) 351-7359 COMMERCIAL MORTGAGES Metro Housing Finder ............417-889-3880 Gershman Mortgage ...............417-877-1320 Savage, Inc. ..........................316-264-0800 Mid America Mortgage Services 417-882-7373 APPLIANCES/ PARTS COMMERCIAL REALTORS Metro Builders Supply .............417-300-0666 Pellham Commercial Realtors ..417-890-6868 ATTORNEYS ELECTRICIAN Law Offices of James R. Cox James R. Cox .......................417-863-0200 Fitch Electric ............................417-889-8008 Lowther, Johnson Law Firm Craig Lowther ......................417-866-7777 KennCo Contractors ................417-881-8147 Neale & Newman L.L.P. Brian Asberry .......................417-882-9090 FLOOD & FIRE CLEANUP Servicemaster ..........................417-868-8111 Servpro of Springfield ..............417-865-7711 GLASS BANKING Citigroup/Smith Barney ..........417-885-1618 Empire Bank ..........................417-841-4485 All Glass .................................417-849-2548 HEATING & COOLING Great Southern ......................417-888-4345 Air Services Heating & Air Conditioning .........................417-866-1460 Guaranty Bank ......................417-885-0506 Lockwell Heating & Cooling .... 417-868-8100 Metrolpolitan National Bank ...417-823-9944 Over-All Service Specialists ......417-866-6276 US Bank ................................417-868-4473 S.S. & B Heating & Cooling ......417-866-0990 Wood & Huston Bank .............417-881-6400 INSURANCE BUILDING MATERIALS Adco-Burch Insurance ..............417-877-8338 Surplus Warehouse Springfield 417-862-0100 Mike Breeding – State Farm .....417-882-2800 CABINETRY & FINE WOODWORKING INTERNET TECHNOLOGY Shriver Companies .................417-932-4432 U-Link LLC...............................417-818-2507 Housing News January/February 2008 10 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE REAL ESTATE U.S. Lawns of the Ozarks..........417-353-1601 LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT Greater Spfd Board of Realtors . 417-883-1226 Ozark Rentals ..........................417-831-4640 John Morris .............................417-881-1215 REFUSE/TRASH REMOVAL Kee Wes Service ......................417-862-8464 Advantage Waste .....................417-866-8700 Metro Builders Supply ..............417-300-0666 Waste Corporation (WCA) ........417-831-5320 LIGHTING REMODELING Metro Builders Supply ..............417-300-0666 MINI STORAGE KennCo Contractors ................417-881-8147 MTS Contracting .....................417-865-9991 Sun West Storage .....................417-864-7722 Queen City Construction .........417-866-8834 MOVING SERVICES Surplus Warehouse Springfield .417-862-0100 Two Men and a Truck ...............417-866-0376 RESORTS PAVING Thousand Hills Golf Resort ........417-496-3941 Springfield Striping & Sealing ....417-831-5114 RESTORATION PEST CONTROL KennCo Contractors .................417-881-8147 Critter Control of Springfield .....417-581-5899 ServiceMaster Restoration .........417-868-8111 Orkin Pest Control ....................417-793-0598 Servpro of Springfield ...............417-865-7711 Republic Pest Control ................417-732-4295 SIGNS & BANNERS PIZZA Sign-A-Rama ...........................417-886-5050 Domino's Pizza .........................417-865-8443 PLUMBING SOFT DRINKS & VENDING Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. ............417-862-9238 Drain Doctor ............................417-724-2890 Over-All Service Specialists .......417-866-6276 TILE & GROUT RESTORATION Wood Re New & Tile Too! ........417-833-3303 Ward All Service .......................417-865-1302 POOL SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT UTILITIES City Utilities .............................417-863-9000 Doug's Pool & Spa ....................417-882-7665 PRINTING WOOD RESTORATION Wood Re New & Tile Too! ........417-833-3303 Digital Print Ink ........................417-881-5309 Minuteman Press ......................417-887-1234 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Home Again Properties .............417-268-5030 PUBLICATIONS Springfield News-Leader ...........417-836-1168 Housing News January/February 2008 www.springfieldhousing.net 11 SAHA Product & Service Providers Housing News January/February 2008 12 2008 Housing News January/February 2008 13 SAHA Product & Service Providers Housing News January/February 2008 14 2008 Housing News January/February 2008 15 2008 Did You Know? City Utilities/Connect & Disconnect Notification via Email: Did you know City Utilities now accepts e-mail addresses as a way to notify owners that a tenant is signing up for utilities or that they are moving out and they would like their utilities shut off. Please e-mail City Utilities at: customerservice@cityutilities.net and give them your account number. City Utilities/Connect & Disconnect: Did you know customers can connect and disconnect utility service via internet at anytime that meets their personal needs by going to cityutililties.net? Additionally, these services are available by phone by contacting our call center at 863-9000. City Utilities/Street Light Outages: SAHA members can report street light outages by calling City Utilities at 8639000, then pressing “1” for the electrical department. Only a physical address of the street light is required for repair service. Reports can be made 24 hours a day, but repairs are handled more efficiently during regular hours. Credit Report: Did you know Missourians can request 1 FREE copy of their Credit Report every 12 months! Go to www.annualcreditreport.com or by phone at 877-3228228. To get your credit report by mail, print out the request form at www.ftc.gov/credit. Missouri Revised Statutes: If you are interested in Housing News looking up the Missouri Revised Statutes, please do an Internet search for “Missouri Revised Statutes” or go to moga.mo.gov/statutesearch. Please enter a search for “Landlord Tenant” and all the revised Missouri statute will be available for review. The 2007--2008 Missouri Red Book, published by the Missouri Apartment Association contains Missouri Statutes, cases, rules and regulations that affect multifamily housing owners and managers. This book is printed every few years and contains all type of law notes and is very informative for owners. The cost is $55. For a copy, please call Jean Harmison at 8868606. Screening Information: If you would like free screening information go to: greenecountymo.org — with your mouse, highlight Departments & Offices, Judicial Courts, Circuit Court, then “Press here to start your search of Court’s Computerized Records”, then click on the Missouri CaseNet link on the left side of the page. In the Circuit Court search, one can list a name in the General Index and come up with all activity concerning that person, whether civil or criminal for this area. This is good for finding evictions! Springfield Nuisance Ordinance: Did you know a copy of the Springfield Nuisance Ordinance is on the SAHA website? Find it by going to springfieldhousing.net . January/February 2008 16 Did You Know? Affordable Housing List Housing News January/February 2008 17 Did You Know? SAHA 2008 Officers & Directors Springfield Apartment & Housing Association Officers & Directors 2008 Officers President: Vice President: Secretary/Treasurer Past President Sandy Wheeler Sam Coryell Jay Titus Brent Haselhorst 833-5963 886-6119 868-4449 864-6083 Neighborhood Bowl Newsletter Monthly Meetings Membership Internet Fundraising By-Laws Budget Brent Haselhorst Jean Harmison 864-6083 886-8606 realmba@aol.com jean@clubmanagementservices.com Gary Wilson Brent Haselhorst Nancy Preffitt Jay Titus 864-4600 864-6083 862-6662 868-4449 gary@arwilsonrealtors.com realmba@aol.com ngpreffitt@juno.com jay.titus@usbank.com Gary Wilson Mike Breeding Butch Morris Gordon Elliott Tim Roth Terrie Smith Bob Hunt Nancy Preffitt 864-4600 882-2800 881-6440 887-5658 860-8008 883-1113 866-6276 862-6662 gary@arwilsonrealtors.com mike.breeding.b5yc@statefarm.com azell3@aol.com gelliott@epcpa.com tim.roth@svn.com info@metrobuilderssupply.com bobbby@webtv.net ngpreffitt@juno.com 882-9090 866-7777 881-3216 882-9397 864-4600 basberry@nnlaw.com clowther@lowtherjohnson.com rentals@debcorealty.com bm061547@aol.com ar@arwilsonrealtors.com Committees & Directors Advisory Board Brian Asberry Craig Lowther Judi Samuel Bryan Magers A.R. Wilson slw@ozarkshousing.com cwcoryell@aol.com jay.titus@usbank.com realmba@aol.com Springfield Apartment & Housing Association Staff Jean Harmison Housing News 886-8606 jean@clubmanagementservices.com 886-3685 (fax) January/February 2008 18 The Springfield Apartment & Housing Association thanks the following members for renewing their membership! Annual Dues invoices are mailed based on the month of the anniversary (join date) . A.R. Wilson, Inc. Accent Properties Advantage Waste Affordable Housing Action Board Air Services Heating & Cooling All Glass Apartment Finder Bell Management Ben Steele Properties Better Business Bureau Bibbs (Nellie), Independent Bridges Apartments Bryan Properties Caffey Rentals Calhoun, Independent Canterbury Townhomes Casagrand Real Estate & Investment Chandler Properties Chen (Jun), Independent Citygroup/Smith Barney City Utilities Coryell, Independent/TLC Properties Cowherd Construction Co. Crabtree (Tyler), Independent Craigmont Place Apartments Credit Bureau Services Critter Control of Springfield Culbertson & Faegre, Independent Dameron, Independent David Properties Debco Management DHS Property Digital Print Ink Domino’s Pizza Doug’s Pool & Spa Drain Doctor Elliott Lodging Empire Bank Eoff & Associates Fairwood Enterprises Fitch Electric L.L.C. For Rent Media Solutions Forest Park Apartments Fredrickson ( David), Independent Freedomway Enterprises G & S Rentals Gershman Mortgage Gillenwaters Developments Great Southern Bank Greater Springfield Board of Realtors Greystar - Lake Shore Apartments Greystone Properties Guaranty Bank Hamilton Properties Housing News Hargrove Rentals Haselhorst Properties Haun Properties Hazell Investments Heyle Realtors & Counseling Services Home Again Properties HomeVestors Horizon Court Housing Authority of Springfield Hunter Property Management J & J Properties Jefferies Duplexes John Andes Properties John B. Hughes Apartments John Morris Equipment Johns Investments Kayser (Dave), Independent Kee Wes Service Kellett (Angie), Independent Kennco Construction Key Management Company King Rentals Kodiak Property Management LL&B Properties Lockwell Heating & A/C Lowther Johnson Law Firm Magers Properties Manley (Loy), Independent Manley (Ralph), Independent Mayhew (Soonok), Independent McCann Properties McKinnis (Rick), Independent Media.com Communications Merritt Properties Metro Builders Supply Metropolitan National Bank Mid America Mortgage Services Midwest Rug Co. Millennium Properties Minuteman Press Momentum Real Estate Investments Monarch Properties Morelock-Ross Properties MTM, LLC MTS Contracting Inc. Neale & Newman Law Firm Newman Enterprises Northside Rentals Oakwood Terrace Outzen (Sharon), Independent Ozark Cleanpro Carpet Cleaning System Over-All Service Specialists Ozark Realty Management Ozark Rentals Pay to Stay Properties Peck (William), Independent Pellham Commercial Realtors Pepsi Cola Bottlers Perry Rentals Pin Oak Properties Plumlee (Aimee Dixon), Independent January/February 2008 Preffitt (Dick & Nancy), Independent Preston Holdings, LLC Priority Homes, LLC Professional Property Management Queen City Construction Queen City Properties R.B.S. Properties Republic Pest Control Rumley (William), Independent Savage, Inc. Selement Rentals ServiceMaster Restoration & Construction Servpro of Springfield/Greene Co. Shaddy Rentals Shriver Companies Sifferman Manor Sign-A Rama South Creek Development Corp. Southwood Properties Springfield Newsleader Springfield Striping & Sealing SS & B Heating & Cooling State Farm Insurance Stump (Keith), Independent Surplus Warehouse Springfield SW Center of Independent Living Taneystonco, LLC The Villas at Copperleaf Thousand Hills Golf Resort TRK Properties LLC Tuck Rentals Turner Properties Two Men and a Truck U-Link LLC Uckele Independent US Bank U.S. Lawns of the Ozarks Waste Corporation of Missouri Wilhoit Properties Wood & Huston Bank Wood Re New & Tile Too! Welcome, New Members ! B & T Sims Properties Brad and Tina Sims Dizmang Properties, Inc. Paul Dizmang Encore Management Group Old South Plantation & Tall Grass Law Offices of James R. Cox James R. Cox Orkin Pest Control Natalie King 19 PRSRT STD. U.S. Postage Springfield Apartment & Housing Association 1717 E. Republic Road, Suite A Springfield, MO 65804 PAID Springfield, MO Permit No. 357 Phone: 417.883.4942 Fax: 417.886.3685 Email: saha@springfieldhousing.net www.springfieldhousing.net Springfield Apartment & Housing Association Calendar of Events 2007-2008 MARK YO U R CAL E N D AR S FO R TH E 3RD THURSDAY O F E A C H MO N TH TOPIC SUBJECTS & SPEAKERS SUBJECT TO CHANGE ALL ME E T I NG S B E HE L D A T N O O N A T TH E G O L D E N C O RR AL , _________________________________________________________________________ W I LL UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED Future Meetings & Events: January 17, 2008 ~ Noon Meeting @ Golden Corral Fair Housing (No February noon meeting) February 2, 2008 ~ 6:00 p.m. @ Enterprise Lanes SAHA Annual Bowlathon March 20, 2008 ~ Noon Meeting @ Golden Corral Fire Safety Tips Housing News January/February 2008
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