neighbor - Freeport Community Services
neighbor - Freeport Community Services
Next Door neighbor Summer 2011 GRANTS MAKE WAY FOR EXPANSION Jim Briggs, Groundbreaking Ceremony, PAGE 6 Freeport Community Services works for all of us because of the heartfelt generosity of the caring citizens in the towns of Freeport and Pownal. We thank you for your gifts of money, time, food, clothing and the many acts of kindness that come from our “neighbors”. You make it possible for our citizens to be fed, clothed, warmed and cared for. CONTINUED PAGE 3 PHYSICIANS FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Permit #6 Freeport, ME PAID US Postage Organization Non-Profit The expansion of the Freeport Community Center, to better serve the Food Pantry and its clients, as well as the Thrift Store and the multitudes of donations that it receives, is being made possible through the receipt of several grants. The grants include: two Cumberland County Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP), Horizon Foundation, Keith Collins, Energy Circle and Building Science Corporation, and Elliot Shanley of Power NJ, who donated six solar panels and $1,000 for installation. CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 DONATIONS FROM ALL OF YOU TO FREEPORT COMMUNITY SERVICES The Maine Chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR Maine) will be launching the 1st Annual Maine Green Hospital Award in July. The award will recognize excellence in reducing hospital carbon emissions associated with heating and electricity use. All Maine hospitals are eligible to apply. Those who reduce their 2011-2012 emissions by 10% or more from 2007-2008 levels will receive an award. UPCOMING EVENTS @ FREEPORT COMMUNITY CENTER JULY 4th PARADE 10am beginning at Freeport Middle School FMI Erik Anderson 865.1665 Pancake Breakfast 1st,3rd Saturday of each month, 8 - 10am $3.50, $3 for seniors, $2.50 for children. July 2 & 16th, August 6 & 20th, September 3rd Sponsored by Freeport Elders Association (207) 865.3985 Freeport, ME 04032 PO Box 119 53 Depot Street FCS Free Summer Lunch for Kids Port Teen Center/FCC: 11:30-12:30, Village View Apartments community room from 12:00-1:00. Free Summer Luncheons, featuring musicians from the Bowdoin International Music Festival on July 8th and the PSO @ 11:30am July 15th and August 19th. Everyone welcome! Thrift Shop Furniture Sale, August 26 – 27th Toddler play session with the Freeport Family Network Thursdays, 10 to 11am. FMI please call Deb Antl 865.3918 SAVE THE DATE: Annual Volunteer Luncheon FCS volunteers will be fed, feted and honored in September with Azure Cafe. FCS Leadership President Dana Anderson Vice President Drew Wing Secretary Judy Higbea Treasurer Gordon Hamlin Board of Directors Louise Berlin Jim Briggs Nancy Randall Clark Sara Gideon John Gleason Kathy Hogue Carol Southall Brenda White Lucinda White Executive Director Bob Lyman DIRECTOR’S REPORT This Spring we’ve paid off the Town loan (your help through the Capital Campaign is so appreciated) and now we’re expanding our facility (through grant funds) to be able to better meet our citizens’ needs. The next challenge is to ensure we can financially meet our clients’ needs and pay the bills. Our staff do great things for the people of our two towns with modest resources. We have a food pantry which has seen an 18 % increase in use just this year. There are ongoing requests for fuel, gas vouchers, help with disconnect notices, transport to medical appointments, and meal delivery. Our funding sources are quite varied for a non-profit, with some income from rents, the Thrift Shop, United Way and bottle recycling bins. The funding that has time and again saved this organization is our Annual Appeal, those donations from you, our public. Later this month you will be receiving a request in the mail. We hope you will continue to help us do these many important things we do throughout the year by contributing generously. With your help we can go on achieving our mission of “Connecting Neighbors, Enriching Lives” Executive Assistant Kim Hudak - Bob Lyman, Executive Director Family Services Coordinator Sue Mack NEIGHBOR HELPING NEIGHBOR: JANET OLIVER’S STORY Volunteer Coordinator Debbie Daggett Thrift Shop Manager Lynn Hannings Maintenance Staff Robin Harriman Bill Hale Newsletter Editor Cordie Southall FCS Mission Freeport Community Services is a non-profit organization whose mission is to: • Provide a forum for assessing community needs • Facilitate programs to address defined needs • Provide information and referral concerning social service or other human needs • Help people access services • Provide direct services when appropriate, including the operation of a food pantry to provide free emergency food for people who need it in our community • Provide opportunities for community members to support and participate as volunteers in a continuum of activities to the benefit of the community Freeport Community Services 53 Depot Street PO Box 119 Freeport,ME 04032 (207) 865.3985 Dear Board Members: My name is Janet Oliver and I moved to Freeport about six years ago. Since moving here I have had some unfortunate things happen. First, my car exploded and caught fire on 295 and I never saw my car again. I couldn’t afford to replace it and Freeport has no buses. I have no family or friends in the area, so that has been a challenge. That same day I had a stroke, and two weeks later a near fatal heart attack. It took me a year to recover from that. Then I fell and hurt my knee. Fifty pounds and 3 surgeries later, I can finally walk again. Thank God. Through all of this I have embraced the Town of Freeport and feel it embraced me. I spoke about no family in the area. Well nowadays my life is different. It is better, much better. I now feel the Elders, my fellow volunteers, and Freeport Community Services employees are my extended family. I walk down to the Community Center most days and pay back by working in the Food Pantry and I love it!! I don’t know how I would have survived those 3 long years when FCS delivered food right to my door every week. I don’t know what I would do without the Community Center as a place to go now, to be with friends. It is truly a win, win situation for us all, and I for one am forever humbled and grateful. Thank you, Janet Oliver GIFTS to Freeport Community Services FCS works for all of us because of the heartfelt generosity of the caring citizens in the towns of Freeport and Pownal. We thank you for your gifts of money, time, food, clothing and the many acts of kindness that come from our “neighbors”. You make it possible for our citizens to be fed, clothed, warmed and cared for. THANK YOU SO MUCH. John & Margaret Albright Paul & JanetAliapoulios John & Sally Amory Erik & Dana Anderson Robert & Carol Anderson Christine Lehay & Lesa Andreasen Peter Anzuini Coral MacIntosh & Paul Appleton Earl & Ricki Avant William Avery Elizabeth Swain & Christopher Ayres Donald & Jo Bail Elizabeth Andrews & Stephen Baker NancyBaker Harley & Emma Baker Walton & Joyce Baker Peter & EllynBallou Patricia A. Beckwith Harry & Joan Bennert Paul Bennett, Jr. Jan & LouiseBerlin Dory Holmes &. David T. Bernstein Rebecca Billings John Creasy & Katherine Bither Michael & Louise Bither Albert & Sharon Blackstone Robert & Sheila Blackstone A big THANK YOU to local Freeport grocery stores and bakeries for regular contributions of food items, including fresh meat, to the FCS Food Pantry: Bow Street Market Hannaford Supermarket Shaw’s Supermarket When Pigs Fly Betsy Ruff & Edward Blessing RobinBonney John & Tamara Bowdren Jim & DonnaBoyles John & Candy Boyne JaniceBrackett Perry & Sue Bradley Alan & Sue Bradstreet David & PamBrennan Patricia M. Bressette-Long Jim & Trudy Briggs William & Sue Bristol Steven & Terry Brobst George & Wendy Brockman John & Martha Brogan Scott & PattyBruce Shari Broder & EricBryant Thomas D. Bull Kimberly Burke Maryellen Carew Bart & Mary Lou Carhart Edward Hassett & David Cates Jill Checkoway Wilbur & Kathryn Cheever Theo & Susan Cherbuliez Elizabeth Nichols &Alan Chesney Marc & Becky Christie Sara J. Hayes & James C.Chute Colin Baker & Elaine Cinciva Nancy Randall Clark Troy Cogswell Janice Moore Coleman Malcolm & Susan Collins Jack & Andrea Conner Dawn S. Connolly Ann Marie Connor Dana & Donna Costigan Laura Kargul & David Currier Mark & Bev Curry Peter & MaryCutler Donald A. Cyr LindaD’Amico Nancy A. Daniels Jane Danielson Jane E. Davidian-Yurko Inez Davis John & MaryDavis Cynthia Berliner & Conan Deady Chuck & Cheryl DeGrandpre SusanDelong Dianne Dennison Catherine Spencer & JohnDiPietro David & Sandra Dickison Craig & Sherilyn Dietrich Peter & Patricia Dipietrantonio Albert & Patricia Disabatino Nancy E. Doble Andrew & Heather Dodge JudithDonahue John & Sandra Donnelly James & Carrie Donoghue Donald & Lorna Dorsey Betty-Anne Doucette Walter & Kathleen Doughty Atwood & Marilyn Dunham Paul & Lise Dunn Ronald & Carla Dupuis Mary Dyer Linda Dyer Betheda Edmonds Tom & Tina Edwards Nancy Fox & Jon Edwards Jay & Lynne Espy Francis & Edith Farnum Lance & Karen Fletcher Mark Foss Shannon Fournier Susan Tananbaum & Joseph Frazer Corson Ellis & Marion Freeman John & Donna Friberg Clifford & Laura George Peter & Mabel Gerquest Ed & Jan Gerry Ben & Sara Gideon Nancy Gilbert Ranjit & Gudi Gill Bill & Kristine Gilman Katrina VanDusen & John Gleason Gordon & Lynn Glover Terry & Susan Goddard Jeff & Abigail Goldman Stephen Goodwin Jim Gorman Christopher & Pamela Goucher Charles S. Gould And THANK YOU to local restaurants for making our annual “food” events a big (and delicious) success: 1912 Cafe, Buck’s Naked BBQ, Freeport Cafe, Gritty McDuff’s, Harraseeket Inn, Harraseeket Lunch & Lobster, Jameson Tavern, Linda Bean’s Lobster Roll, Lobster Cooker, Morrison’s Chowder House, Old World Deli, and Petrillo’s. THANK YOU Local Businesses & Community partners Thanks to local businesses, banks, friends and the Towns of Freeport and Pownal for your generous contributions: LL Bean Atlantic Regional Federal Credit Union Bath Savings Bank Key Bank Norway Savings Bank Wilbur’s Gary & Karen Green Gary & Karen Green Esther Greene Ruth Gruninger Peter & Barbara Guffin Wanda Haddock James & Claire Hall Gordon & Judy Hamlin Ruth Hannan Scott Libby & Lynn Hannings Margaret Hannings Deborah Harding Ralph & Katherine Harding Suzanne Harding Elizabeth Heald David & Laura Hench Richard & Sylvia Hendee John & Kathy Heye Judy Higbea Dick & KathyHogue Virginia Holden Ann Brandt & Jeffrey Howe Dale & CarolHudson Mary Huff Bob & Jane Humphrey Stephen & CarolineHyde David Iszard Andrew & Janie Iverson Donald & Janice Jarrett KristinJean Brenda Jewett Doug & TaraJohnson Martin & Janet Jones Victoria Devlin & Stuart Jones Daniel & Julie Kagan David & Barb Kaufman SPECIAL THANKS to the Werners and Azure Cafe for your generous contributions to our events: Thanksgiving Feast, Holiday Helpine and the Annual Volunteer Luncheon. Scott & Margaret Keith Lucinda White & Thomas H. Kelley Patricia Kennedy Charles & Eulsum Kennedy James & Mary Emily Kerney Jefferson & Jennifer Kimball Jeanne Kinney James & Alicia Klick Carl & Jean Knight Elizabeth Kool Hans-Peter & Carolyn Krahn Clayton & Megan Kyle Tony & Kim LaMarre Paul Laplume Jana LaPoint Lola S. Lea Tom & KathyLeach Edgar & Dot Leighton Jacqueline Albert & Christopher Leighton John & Kim Libby Jim & Terry Lincoln Muriel Littlefield Suzanne B. Lovett John & Vicki Lowe Caroline Thorne & Robert Lyman James MacAdam Elizabeth Moore & Arnold MacDonald Gus & Carol MacDonald Kathy Macleod Clarabel Marstaller Nancy Marston William & Susan Martens Russ & Sally Martin Alice Mason Karen Massey David & Raina Maxwell TJ & Ruby McDermott Kate Butler & Kevin McElroy Bob & Linda McMahon Richard & Erica Menard Pat McKenzie & Eric Meyer Robert & Muriel Meyer Brett Pierce & Kerry Michaels Carey Hotaling & Peter Milholland Christopher & Deborah Milite Frederick & Avis Miller Judy Miskell Jack & Deede Montgomery Bob & Libby Moore John & MaryMoore Mason & Margaret Morfit Melody Morrill Randy & Mary Mraz David & Linda Newell Henry Nichols Ruth Nichols Polly Nichols Martha W. Nichols & Jim Burns Rebecca H. Nickerson Daniel Nickerson Valerie Nielsen Ben & Anne Niles Julie Nisbet Jean O’Brien Esther O’Brien Martha B. O’Brien Cliff & SusanOlds Anne Ordway John Pier & Stephanie Paine Mary K. Palmer Fred & Pat Palmer Eric & Tracey Pandora Morton & Evelyn Panish Richard & Louise Parker Gary & Diana Passmore Mary E. Paterson John & Dean Paterson Randy Pepper Christine Wolfe & Michael Perry Ann Petrie Macgregor & Lynn Pierce Howard S. Pollock Earl & Cynthia Pollock Christopher & Jennifer Pope Karen Puckett Mary Lou Michael & Steve Putnam Peter & Deidre Quesada Ricardo & Strandy Quesada John Rand DID YOU KNOW? Contributions of your returnable bottles to FCS “yellow boxes” and the Freeport Redemption Center provide $15,000 of income to Freeport Community Services? Thank You! Shirley Mathews & Rodney Regier JessieReighley Cathleen Reinfelder Katie Rhea Roger & Beverly Richmond Roger & Nancy Ripley Robert & Anne Ritchie Douglas Anna Robbins Fred & Cathy Robie Marty & Pat Robles Alain Roos Tom & Janet Ross DavidRoussell Lanelle Roussell Anne Royer Thomas & Rita Saliba Scott & Joan Samuelson Michael Sandberg Colleen Sanders Lisa Kelley &Paul Santomenna Bob & Cornelia Santomenna Paula Craighead & Michael Saucier John & Susie Saunders Ineke Schair Lee Schultheis John & Janet Schwanda Elliott & Dorothy Schwartz Maurice & Cynthia Selinger Marc Spruiell & Gail Senese Steven & Pat Shaw Robert & Rosita Silvius Holly Simard Stephen McPheters & Barbara Skelton John & Deb Slavin James & Diane Sleek Bob & ElaineSmall Alice Smith Ronald S. Smith Jim Kise & Sallie Smith Duane Snow Christopher & Jayne Soles David Soley Winthrop & Whitney Soule Elizabeth Soule Charles & Susan Soule Carol Southall Kenneth Sparta Richard & Susan Stadnicki Mark & Liz Standen Brewster & Judy Staples Kathleen Sullivan & Robert Stevens Nancy Stewart Karen O’Rourke & David Suchoff Gerald & Terry Swan Robert & Marliss Sweet Ola Terrell Henry & Ingrid Thomas Barbara Thompson Reginald & Judith Thompson Joan Tilney Victoria Powers & Garrett Tilton Anne Traiser Marilyn Traiser Karen Majewski Tripp Richard G. Trub Barbara Tsonis Greg & Laura Unfricht Al & Nita Voskian Hugh & MaryWade Corey & Heather Walker Louise Valati & Gregory Walsh Charles & Bonnie Walstrom Mary Ward David & Tracy Watts Sharyl Webster Jane Weinstein Richard & Jane Weirich Henry & Gloria Welzel Richard & Mary Eliza Wengren George & Sharon Wescott Elizabeth Ann Westervelt Tom & Jule Whelan Rick & Brenda White John & Beth Willhoite Roger & Elaine Wilmot Joe & Flora Wilson NancyWilson Kenneth & Jean Wilson Barbara Wilson Drew & Kim Wing Joe & Carol Wishcamper Larry Wold Visit the all-new FCS website Robert Woodbury Cheryl A. Worcester Tom & Willo Wright Andrew & Kathy Wyatt Mervin & Elaine Wyman Heather Wyman Terry & JeanWyman Tod & Amy Yankee Joseph & Jennifer Yilmaz Herb & ChrisYork Steve & Betty York Patti & Greg Yost Carl & Judy Young Jeff & Heather Zachau Cecilla Ziko Betty Zolla Judy Zorbas Robert & Roberta Zur WHO’S “DOUBLE TROUBLE”? Joan Plourde (left) and Terry Hutchinson (right) are two fantastic women who met while volunteering in the Thrift Shop, formed a quick and lasting bond and have affectionately labeled themselves “Double Trouble.” After 48 years, longtime Freeport resident Joan retired; her short-lived retirement found her seeking a way to stay active and helpful. An ad in The Notes brought her to FCS where she volunteers in the Food Pantry and Thrift Shop. Joannie also helps with special projects and fills in as a sub. “I enjoy meeting people, having fun - and having something interesting to do,” says Joan. Terry and her husband moved to Maine in 1991 where she was first introduced to FCS by Flora and Joe Wilson. Terry volunteered for two years, then left to care for her husband. After his death, Terry also wanted a way to keep active and contribute to the community. Believing in the purpose of FCS, Terry expanded her volunteer commitment to include the Food Pantry and creation of its pet food program. When asked what they enjoy about volunteering together, Terry said, “Joanie is always happy, she sings and she makes me laugh.” And, Joan states, “Terry is a nice friend, and very funny.” Both helpers exclaimed, “We end every day with a hug.” Seriously, Joannie comments, “ I have never had as many hugs in my life as I get here.” Terry shakes her head in agreement. QUIET VOLUNTEERS Richard drives FCS clients to medical appointments regularly. When a volunteer recently needed medical treatment, Richard dropped everything to get him to the emergency room. Linda has been busy this summer taking a wheel chair bound citizen and her daughter shopping a few times a week. Two young men shoveled snow off roofs last winter. Now they are raking grass and cleaning for those same citizens this summer! 57 Depot Street GROUNDBREAKING May 2011 The ceremonial “groundbreaking” marked a new beginning at Depot Street’s third historic E.B. Mallet House as an extension of the Freeport Community Center. As an added bonus, 57 Depot Street will be “retrofitted” for deep energy savings under the guidance of Peter Troast’s Energy Circle and the Building Science Corporation. Preservation, restoration and an energy retrofit of this historic building will save money for FCS and be an example of how implementing energy efficiency can be done affordably and attractively - even to an existing (and very old) structure. In the end, we’ll have a beautifully functional, energy-efficient “new” building for years of community use and enjoyment. TEENS HELP THEIR COMMUNITY “INTERACT” is the name of a program started nationwide by the Rotary Club and is designed to involve high school students in community service work. The Freeport Rotary Club is working with the schools and FCS to give our students the opportunity to give their time and talent where it is needed locally. Thanks go to Annemarie Davee who coordinates it from the High School end and Debbie Daggett, volunteer coordinator for FCS. CASCO BAY CAN Together, we CAN protect our teens! Beginning June 20th, an anonymous tip line became available in the towns of Falmouth, Freeport, Yarmouth, North Yarmouth, Pownal and Cumberland to report underage drinking or illegal drug use. Anyone with any information is asked to report anonymously online by visiting your local police department website or or text “UCANTIP plus your tip” to 274637 (CRIMES) or send a mobile tip using our new “Tipsubmit Mobile” application, which is a free download for iPhones, iPods, and Droids. The anonymous tipline is sponsored by Casco Bay CAN in collaboration with local law enforcement agencies. GRANTS MAKE WAY FOR EXPANSION CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 FCS is most grateful to Louise Berlin, Bob Lyman and Kim Hudak for their tireless work to secure these grants which total over $535,000. Peter Warren Construction is the contractor and it is expected the renovation will be complete late February 2012. THANK YOU TO GRANTORS: HORIZON FOUNDATION, KEITH COLLINS, ENERGY CIRCLE AND BUILDING SCIENCE CORPORATION, AND ELLIOT SHANLEY. ALSO CUMBERLAND COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANTS (CDBG) AND THE EMERGENCY FOOD ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (TEFAP) FOR THE FUNDING TO MOVE THIS PROJECT FORWARD. Dede Bennell & Kristen Dorsey at Community Night A SENIOR PROJECT GIVES BACK: TEEN VOLUNTEERS Three enterprising and caring Freeport High High School students chose “Community Service” as their spring senior project. Molly Curry, Lauren Easler and Alice Gormley, shown here with FCS Volunteer Coordinator, Debbie Dagget, spent one week working at each of three organizations: Freeport Community Services, Preble Street Soup Kitchen, and the Ronald McDonald House. ANNUAL COMMUNITY NIGHT: Successes and Challenges On April 30th, 60 citizens of Freeport and Pownal gathered to discuss our community concerns and successes. Under the able leadership of Lesa Andreason, reports were given by committees and organizations including the Casco Bay “Y”, the Library, Seeds of Independence, Freeport Players and the Town of Freeport. Reports focused on the progress of mentoring at the high school, the increase in volunteering by teens and the TARP committee’s update on working on bullying and youth safety. The priorities for 2011-2012 include: 1.Increased mentoring and volunteerism at the high school and middle schools. 2. Improved transportation options (commuter groups) FREE CONE DAY THANK YOU Thank you to everyone who came to Ben & Jerry’s in April to enjoy a free ice cream cone and make generous donations to support FCS Summer Camp Scholarships. The Camp Committee raised $1,736 that day! 3. A central source of information about happenings in our towns. JOIN A SPIRITED JULY 4 PARADE Please join us to march in the annual Freeport July 4th Parade It begins at 10 am this year. Line up will be at the Middle School. For more information and to join the fun, call Erik Anderson at 865.1665. BOW STREET GIVES FREEPORT MORE Congratulations Bow Street Market on the Grand Opening of your beautiful new store. Bow Street Market has consistently helped keep the shelves of the Freeport Community Services Food Pantry stocked. PAGE 7 WHAT’S HAPPENING AROUND THE COMMUNITY CENTER... FREE SUMMER LUNCH FOR KIDS Summer vacation means many things to children in the Freeport/Pownal area- sunshine, freedom, outdoor play and family outings. But for a growing number of kids the end of school also means an end to the school lunch program that provides a nutritious meal they can depend on each day. This summer there will be a Free Summer Lunch Program. During the summer months Freeport Community Services will be preparing and delivering Free, healthy lunches for all children. Meals will be distributed at the FCS from 11:30-12:30 and at the Village View Apartments community room from 12:00-1:00. No income or residency requirements. All children under the age of 19 are welcome! BARBARA BUSH $25K LITERACY GRANT Gudi Gill, Project Coordinator for the Greater Freeport Family Literacy Program, accepted one of the Barbara Bush Family Literacy Grants of $25,000 at a ceremony in Biddeford on Tuesday, June 14th. The grant is a collaboration between Freeport Community Services, Freeport Rotary, Freeport Housing Trust, Freeport Childcare Services, RSU 5 Community Education, Morse Street School and Seeds of Independence. The goal of the grant is to strengthen literacy among parents and children. TOWN RESOURCE BOOK 2011-2012 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Volunteers are needed Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 11:00-1:00 at the Freeport Community Services Teen Center and from 11:30 to 1:30 at the Village View community room. Volunteers are needed at both sites to set up, serve lunch, and clean up. You can volunteer for one or more days a week. If you are interested in volunteering for the Summer Lunch Program, please contact Debbie at FCS: 869.1006 or THE PORT TEEN CENTER As the school year races to a finish, the PORT congratulates students for a great year. We look forward to seeing students this fall and wish graduates the best in their endeavors. The PORT is as popular as ever, with students enjoying the teen center and trips, Friday Dodgeball, and special events. These offerings are only possible because of support from donors, volunteers, and businesses. Over the summer, the PORT is offering Teen Treks, outings such as paintball, whitewater rafting, hiking, climbing, and camping. Also, this summer at the PORT, we are partnering with the Food Pantry to offer FREE summer lunches to all kids on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. View the summer brochure: for a schedule of events. FMI about the PORT or to register for our activities, call Evan at (207) 865.6171 A special thank you to the volunteers and guests at our Sitting Pretty Chair-ity Auction. We raised $7,200 to help with our mission of serving area teens. Everything You Need to Know! The updated 2011-12 Community Resource Book for Freeport and Pownal is now available on both the Towns’ of Freeport and Pownal websites. Listed are all the non-profits, municipal and school numbers as well as hospitals, churches and recreational numbers. Hard copies are available at Freeport Community Services. Visit: www. and look for link under Community News. Or and look for link to FCS. THE ELDERS NEWS Raffle tickets are available until July 4th, for a 40” Flat screen television and dvd player. Tickets are $2 or $3 for two at the FCC or come to a Breakfast. Money raised is going to support the purchase of a new bus. THE COMMUNITY GARDENS ON ELM STREET The Gardens on Elm Street are thriving and already producing! With the able guidance of Kathleen Meade, more than thirty gardeners are again producing vegetables for their families in their little 4’ by 8’ plots. Stop by! SHORT STOP ACCEPTS GAS VOUCHERS A HUGE thank you to Rose at Short Stop in Pownal who is accepting the gas vouchers donated by the Salvation Army.