February 2011
February 2011
Homestead in the Willows Homestead Herald FEBRUARY 2011 Volume 35, # 2 A Covenant Controlled Community for the Benefit of All A11UAL HOA MEETI1G MARCH 14, 2010 7:00 P.M. The meeting will be held in the Homestead Elementary School Gym. The Board of Directors will again offer a drawing for 1/2 off the 2011 homeowner dues for one eligible attendee. DUES ASSESSME1T Dues assessment letters were mailed January 3, 2011. If you have not received yours, please call the Business Office immediately at 303-793-0230. Dues need to be paid in full by March 1, 2011 to avoid penalties. 1ext Regular Board Meeting 6:30pm Feb. 8, 2011 West Pool Office THE MARCH HERALD DEADLI1E IS FEBRUARY 15TH ASSOCIATION NEWS MARCH HERALD DEADLINE IS FEBRUARY 15TH BOARD MEETI1G The next regular Board of Directors meeting for community input and manager’s reports will be Tuesday, Feb. 8, 2011 West Pool Office, 6:30 pm Mark your calendars now. The board meetings are open to all Homeowners. BOARD MEETI1G MI1UTES: In an effort to provide timely Board information to the Membership, U1OFFICIAL MI1UTES of each Board meeting will be published in the next issue of the Herald. Official, Approved copies of all Minutes will be on file and available at the Association Office. REPORTS TO THE ASSOCIATIO1 When an Association member wishes to report observed problems or any concerns or helpful ideas pertaining to the assigned areas of responsibility of the Architectural Control and Design Review Committee, Landscape, Pools, or Business Office, please, when you call and leave a message on the answering machine, include your name and telephone number so that we may return your call. We cannot act on any call when the caller is not identified. Thank you for your help. 2 BUSINESS OFFICE HOURS 5896 E. Geddes Ave. Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00am — 3:00pm Phone: 303-793-0230 Fax: 303-793-0109 www.homesteadinthewillows.org MA1AGERS: Business Office Landscape Tennis Pool Katie Kidwell Nancy Bauer Melissa Shuck Jaylene Jones 303-793-0230 303-740-8226 303-819-3953 303-617-0221 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Reed Richardson 303-997-4176 Vice Pres. Christopher Molke 303-997-6857 Secretary Scott Lenamond 303-793-0230 Treasurer Bill Shelden 303-770-1984 Member at Chris Raab 720-427-6799 Large craab@mac.com COMMITTEES: ACC/Design Review; Covenant Review Taskforce Swim Team, Tennis CE1CO1 REP: available MOVI1G FROM HOMESTEAD? If you move from Homestead and retain ownership of your home, it is your responsibility to pay the Homeowners dues. Remember: Please notify the Business office of your new address. Dues are always due March 1st. If you are a Renter, you should forward all notices to the Homeowner. THE HOMESTEAD HERALD is published monthly for residents of Homestead in the Willows. The Business Office is located at 5896 E. Geddes Ave., (West Pool House) Centennial, CO 80112. News items or advertisements must be submitted by the 15th of the month prior to publication. Deliver or mail to Business Office. Call 303-793-0230 for commercial rates, ad sizes or other information. TABLE OF CONTENTS HOA BOARD OF DIRECTORS NOMINEE To the Homestead Community: Arapahoe County ........................ 17 Cherry Creek Schools ..................... 9 Community News......................... 14 For Sale/Classifieds ..................... 13 Homestead Auction ...................... 20 Library ....................................... 19 Minutes ........................................ 5 Services...................................... 21 Swim Team ................................. 15 South Suburban News .................. 13 Teen Services .............................. 23 My name is Aloah Kincaid. I moved into Homestead in the Willows at the end of May. My daughter is in college in New York. Although I have not lived here long, I appreciate what a great neighborhood we live in. The neighbors in my immediate vicinity have gone out of their way to be friendly and helpful. As I walk my Scottish terrier, I’ve gotten to know even more people. I lived in another HOA neighborhood for fifteen years and nothing quite compares with what we have in the Willows. I have been a CPA in public practice for 25 years, specializing in small business accounting, including nonprofits. As an auditor at the beginning of my career, I ACC VOLUNTEERS NEEDED became familiar with HOA accounting practices. My The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) is look- Board experience includes a term on a preschool board ing for a few new volunteers. If you are interested in and eight years on the Colorado State Board of Accoun- donating some time to your community, please consider this opportunity. The ACC meets formally every other month and volunteers review change requests at the Business Office as needed. Interior design, construction experience, or familiarity reading blueprints tancy, including one year as Chairman of the Board. In addition, I spent over 20 years as a member of the Finance Committee of my church here and in Washington, D.C. are all helpful but not required. Contact Katie at the Business Office, 303-793-0230, if interested. I would appreciate your consideration as a member of the HOA Board. I believe my extensive accounting BOARD POSITIONS OPEN background, as well as my board experience, would We need volunteers to serve on our Board of Directors. serve you well. As we go forward into 2011, it is my New Board members are voted in at our Annual Meet- goal to maintain the quality of this neighborhood as a ing in March 2011 for a term of three years. This is a place where our children can thrive. great opportunity to get involved in our community. Volunteers for Board Positions meet monthly to manage the affairs of our community. Contact Katie at the Business Office, 303-793-0230 for more information. THE BUSINESS OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21ST FOR PRESIDENTS DAY 3 4 HOMESTEAD I1 THE WILLOWS HOMEOW1ERS ASSOCIATIO1 Regular Board Meeting January 11, 2011 – Unofficial Minutes CALL TO ORDER: Board President, Reed Richardson, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Other Board Members present were Scott Lenamond, Christopher Molke, Chris Raab and Bill Shelden; as well as Business Manager, Katie Kidwell; Pool Managers, Jaylene Jones and Jen Schultz; Landscape Manager, Nancy Bauer; and Swim Team Parent Representatives Paul Russell and Matt Thomas. MI1UTES: The minutes of the November 2010 regular Board Meeting were approved as read. SWIM TEAM: Parent Reps, Matt Thomas and Paul Russell, questioned the propane tank charges cited by Front Range at the November Board meeting. President, Reed Richardson, explained that after Swim Team had left the meeting last November, Jaylene Jones of Front Range had reported the cost of filling the propane tanks during the summer came out of her Office Supply budget and suggested the Board either increase her budget or charge Swim Team for the propane they use. The Board asked that Swim Team and Front Range come to an agreement about costs and inform the Board at the February meeting. FI1A1CIAL REPORT: Treasurer, Bill Shelden presented the Financial Report. Bill went through the actual expenses vs. the budgeted expenses for 2010. Expenses exceeded the 2010 budget by 1.9%. Income to Expenses left a surplus of $145, 958. After deducting the amount used to repay the fence loan, Bill reported that $97,000 was available to transfer to the reserve fund. MA1AGER REPORTS 1. POOL: Pool Manager, Jaylene Jones, reported that the leak in the North Pool wading pool had been repaired. 2. LANDSCAPE: Landscape Manager, Nancy Bauer, reported that the map of the irrigation system prepared in 2006 was now outdated due to the renovation that had been occurring over the last two years. The cost to have the maps updated was quoted at $900. The renovation of the West Pool landscaping had revealed an old privacy fence, which would need to be painted. Since it shares a boundary with a common area, Nancy was unsure whether it was a homeowner fence or an HOA fence. It was not included in the Perimeter Fence mapping. Nancy had also been approached by the Village II townhomes and Sturbridge North to join them in paying for a grant to be written to obtain open space funds from the City of Centennial to continue relandscaping the Arapahoe Road corridor. Homestead had originally joined these two associations assuming we would receive water rebates from Denver Water to put toward the landscape costs. Denver Water denied our request for water rebates. Since Denver Water turned us down, 5 Therapeutic Massage Relax, Re-energize, Rejuvenate for less 49 1/hr $ Arbach’s 6854 S. Yosemite 303-770-6100 South Gate Shopping Ctr. Gift Certificates availab le Architectural Control 1otice Homeowners are required to submit an “Application for Architectural Change” form to the HOA if you are planning to make updates, replacements or other improvements to the exterior of your home or property; even if you are replacing or updating with similar products or the same paint colors. Anything visible on the outside of your house or within the yard must be submitted for approval to the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) as our covenants require. Applications must be accompanied by complete plans, sketches, samples, color chips and/or other pertinent information so that the ACC has as complete an idea of your project as possible. When requesting fence changes, sheds, accessory buildings, or play structures, also submit a drawing of your yard showing the location of the fence or item and indicate the material, height and style of the proposed fencing, shed or structure. Forms are available at the office or on the website at www.homesteadinthewillows.org.. ADVERTISI1G RATES Personal Ads (30 words or less) Commercial Ads (30 words or less) $ 5.00 $ 12.00 1/8 page (2 ¾ x 1 ¾”) ¼ page (2¾ x 3½”) ½ page (6”x 3½”) Full Page (6 ”x 7½”) $ 25.00 $ 40.00 $ 70.00 $120.00 Dead line is the 15th of each month preceding publication. All ads must be high resolution jpeg or tif files. Photographs to be used must be half tone. Pay for three months at the time you place the ad and you will receive the 4th month free. 6 the Board decided not to continue in the partnership to re-landscape the Arapahoe Road corridor. They also asked Nancy to have Water Ketch, our irrigation company, attend the February Board meeting to discuss mapping the renovated sections of sprinklers. 3. TENNIS: Board Liaison, Chris Raab, reported that metal plates were welded on the tennis court gates to prohibit entry to the courts without a tennis key. 4. BUSINESS: Business Manager, Katie Kidwell, reported that four homeowners had liens filed against their properties, three of which were for Covenant or Taskforce violations that had been ignored. The entrance monument at Fremont and Quebec would be re-built as soon as the weather became warmer. A homeowner near the South Pool had requested the Board re-position a light to prevent it shining into her window at night. The Board authorized the expense of purchasing a different light fixture for the area. Katie presented a request from the organizers of the Easter Egg Hunt for the Board to become a monetary sponsor of the event. The Board declined to do so because it did not believe it appropriate to use HOA funds to support ancillary activities. 5. ACC: The minutes of the most recent meeting were reviewed. There was a question about windows that Reed would bring to the ACC for their next meeting. OLD BUSI1ESS: The Board signed the revised Covenant Violation Fine Policy approved at the October 2010 meeting. The Comcast Easement and LightSquared wireless agreements were still being reviewed by HOA attorney, David Struthers. The Board also signed a new Engagement letter from Mr. Struthers. 1EW BUSI1ESS: Bill Shelden had attended the Land Development Code meeting presented by the City of Centennial. He gave Katie a map and graph of the changes that affected Homestead homeowners to keep at the Business Office. Bill also commented on how festive the neighborhood looked over the holidays. The Board agreed there were many well-done Christmas light displays which really made the neighborhood look terrific. ADJOUR1ME1T A1D CALE1DARI1G: The meeting was adjourned at 8:13 p.m. The next regular Board Meeting will be on Tuesday, February 8th at 6:30pm at the Business Office. 7 8 CHERRY CREEK SCHOOLS NEWS IMPORTA1T DATES FOR 10-11 Spring Break, Mar 28-Apr 1, 2011 The district’s 10-11 and 11-12 four-track, transitional and traditional calendars are available on the district’s website at www.cherrycreekschools.org. Cherry Creek Schools Salute Board of Education January was School Board Recognition Month and the Cherry Creek School District joined other districts across the country to gratefully acknowledge the invaluable contributions local school board members make to our children, our schools and our society. “The Cherry Creek School District is fortunate to have five exceptionally talented, incredibly dedicated volunteers leading our district,” said Superintendent Mary Chesley. "We proudly salute these education advocates as they provide leadership for student achievement, academic programs, district funding and school facilities. Their service ensures that decisions about local public schools are made by those most familiar with the needs of our community.” Cherry Creek School District Board of Education members are Aagje Barber, Jennifer Churchfield, Claudine McDonald, Jim O’Brien and Randy Perlis. The board members – who are unpaid volunteers – spend countless hours studying complex issues like student achievement and school finance, working with lawmakers and educational experts, meeting with district administrators, teachers, staff members, parents and students, and attending school and district events. They are responsible for the academic success of 50,000 students, as well as the efficient management of a district with 7,500 full and parttime employees and an annual operating budget of $415 million. Each Board member represents one of the district’s five director districts, but they are elected ‘at-large’ to four-year terms by registered voters via a non-partisan ballot. Board of Education meetings are generally held at 7p.m. on the second Monday of the month at one of the Cherry Creek schools. To contact the Board of Education, please call 720-554-4300 or email ccsdboard@cherrycreekschools.org. Cherry Creek Teachers Achieve 1ational Board Certification Five teachers in the Cherry Creek School District earned National Board Certification in 2010, according to the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), which sets the standards for teaching excellence and administers the rigorous National Board Certification program. The Cherry Creek School District now has 76 National Board Certified teachers, putting it third in the state in the number of these outstanding educators. 9 National Board Certified teachers have successfully demonstrated advanced teaching knowledge, skills and practices. Certification is achieved through a rigorous, performance-based assessment that typically takes one to three years to complete. Nationally, less than two percent of teachers have earned National Board Certification. REACH THE PEAK! JOI1 THE CHERRY CREEK SCHOOLS FLAT 14ERS CHALLE1GE Celebrate your success at the second annual Family Wellness Summit Are you looking for a fun, easy and inexpensive way to step up your physical activity and overall wellbeing this winter? Then join hundreds of Cherry Creek Schools’ students, staff and families for the first ever Flat 14ers Challenge! The Flat 14ers Challenge is a fun program designed to keep you and your family active during the winter months and encourage small behavioral changes that help kids and adults meet their personal physical activity goals. This free program enables you to use online or paper tracking tools to log steps or other physical activity (golf, aerobics, soccer, skateboarding – anything!) every day to see how many of Colorado’s fifty-four 14,000-foot peaks they can “climb.” Participants can then “summit” their climb and celebrate their accomplishments at the second annual Family Wellness Summit on April 9 at Grandview High School. Every student who registers for the Flat 14ers Challenge through the process below and commits to the personal pledge prior to March 14 will receive a free pedometer! Don’t wait, get started now! Visit the Cherry Creek Schools website at www.cherrycreekschools.org to get more information and register for the Cherry Creek Schools Flat 14ers Challenge! The average person takes between 3,000 and 5,000 steps a day. Studies show that moving a total of 6000 steps a day significantly reduces risk of death (lowers cholesterol and blood pressure, reduces risk of type 2 diabetes, increases bone strength and improves circulation) and 8000 – 10,000 steps a day promotes weight loss! Remember to mark your calendar for the second annual Family Wellness Summit, coming up Saturday, April 9, at Grandview High School, 20500 E. Arapahoe Road, Aurora, CO 80016. You’ll be able to celebrate your Flat 14ers Challenge success with certificates of accomplishment and other prizes, and enjoy fun, interactive events and activities at this free, family event. The summit is sponsored by the Cherry Creek School District, its Wellness Office and the Community Asset Project. It aligns with the district’s Comprehensive Wellness Strategy, focusing on the health and well-being of students, staff, families and community. For more information, visit www.assetsconnect.org. 10 LANDSCAPE LOGIC 1ancy Bauer Winter Tree TLC Keeping trees healthy through the year includes giving them moisture during the winter months. Heavy snows can cause a great deal of damage to trees and shrubs. It is important to remove heavy snow on all shrubs and trees quickly in order to prevent broken limbs and damaged buds that have been set. An easy way to remove the accumulated snow is to use a broom handle. Begin shaking from the lowest part of the tree first. Remember to push UP and against gravity. Dragging wet hoses on a chilly day sounds like a lot of work, but relax, winter watering can be a snap with a little planning and a few tips. A general rule is to water once or twice a month if snow cover has been spotty. Watering is only beneficial to the landscape if done on a warm day when the ground is not frozen. If you need to prioritize the watering of your landscape, concentrate your efforts on newly planted trees and shrubs. All trees, especially evergreens will benefit from additional irrigation, but established trees should be able to survive with less water. Gardening Tips for February: Outdoors *Comprehensive pruning should be done on all trees and shrubs (except maples) for correction, height, damage, or shape, while you can see plant structure. *Apply dormant oil to trees and shrubs infested with oyster shell scale such as Aspen, ash, willow and lilac. *Check to make sure the mulch is still covering plants that are exposed to the south and southwest. Indoors * This is a good time to allow your indoor plants to rest. Water just enough to keep them in a maintenance mode. Do not fertilize or prune at this time as this will stimulate new growth which should be delayed until March. Misting regularly will add additional humidity that will help them through this stressful period. *Check your indoor plants for insect problems like scale, mites and mealy bugs. If you detect a problem, take a sample to a reputable garden center and one of their plant specialists will diagnose the problem and recommend the appropriate control. Bird Friendly Backyards This is the season when people join in the wonderful activity of providing food for wild birds. There are only three basic requirements to create a birdfriendly backyard: water, shelter and fresh, clean seed offered in appropriate feeders. *Birds generally do better in raised feeding areas out of reach of cats and not too close to cover like fences and buildings that would conceal a cat’s approach. * Ideally your feeders will be within 20 feet of shrubs where birds can fly for protection. *Full feeders entice more birds to visit. Birds are safer from predators in flocks than alone. *Position your feeding station so you can easily view it from inside. Then you can participate in ‘arm chair’ birding when you’re working in the kitchen or paying bills! De-icing Salts Make sure when buying deicing salts that you buy the type that is safe for your sidewalks, plants and pets. Be sure to read directions carefully. 11 JRW Construction Services, LLC Jeff Williams- Owner – 303-587-5950 Decks (New or Rehabs) Basements Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Doors and Trim Tile Hardwood Floors Exterior Trim Replacement Fences Handyman Services (Nothing too small) - Free Estimates - 15% off for all new Clients 12 CLASSIFIEDS: Hoopin’ for the Holidays! Join the newest craze! Customized hula hoops for all ages and builds. Fun, interactive, a great source of exercise. Weighted for optimal performance. Great gift. $20-30. Call Etta Grange Skoch: 303-917-7887. Cricut Expression 24" Personal Electronic Cutter with cartridges & cutting mats. New. $199 or best offer. "QuicKutz machine (New) ---best offer." Call 303-290-8841. FOR SALE OR RENT: HOMESTEAD TRI LEVEL FOR RE1T: 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, beautiful kitchen, brand new exterior paint, carpet and hardwood, new paint and tile in all bathrooms, great yard. $1750/ month. Call 303-388-0462 SOUTH SUBURBAN NEWS Take Pride in Your Community Apply for South Suburban’s Matching Gift Program South Suburban Parks and Recreation’s Board of Directors has allocated $10,000 for its annual Matching Gifts Program. This program matches donated dollars with District funds, resulting in double the money available for the development and improvement of community parks, trails, facilities and programs. Neighborhoods, homeowner associations, sports groups, businesses, service clubs, individuals and other community organizations are encouraged to make an application for matching funds to complete their community projects on District-owned or leased property. The District is accepting Matching Gift applications for tree plantings and land- For Rent: Enjoy our fully furnished mountain retreat away from the crowds and resorts. Located in Park County (route 285) just 64 miles from Homestead, our mountain home can be yours for a weekly rental. Hiking, mountain biking, ATVing, trout fishing in a private lake. Call for details: Bill 303-601-8729. scape improvements and will continue a water conservation program in conformance with any watering restrictions that may arise in Spring 2011. Applications for $2,000 or less are more likely to be approved for funding. Requests must be submitted by Friday, March 11, 2011, For Rent in Breckenridge: 3 bedroom, 3 bath townhome with loft right on bus route to Gondola. Enjoy fully stocked home and private parking. Call for details and availability. (303) 549-3383. and it is preferred that the funding match be monetary. Consideration will be given for documented in-kind services. The list of funded projects will be announced at the Wednesday, April 13, 2011 South Suburban Board Home for Sale: Granite countertops, some hardwood floors, unfinished basement. Homestead Elementary School nearby. Availability flexible. Are you a present Homestead homeowner looking for a home with mountain views from all levels of your home? Many extras. Also, have sets of fine Minotn china and Franciscan Desert Rose dishes, as well as elegant etched glassware including stemware and large bowls. By appointment only. Call 303-771-5188, leave message if you get the machine. All calls will be returned. meeting. Projects must be completed by December 31, 2011 including all final billings and reimbursements. Applications may be downloaded at www.sspr.org or picked up at the South Suburban Administrative Office, 6631 South University Blvd. Anyone interested in additional information may contact Nancy O’Connor, at 303-798-5131. 13 Donate Your Books COMMUNITY NEWS Please help VSSA (Vail Ski And Snowboard Academy) start their Library! Drop off on porch of 7213 E. Hinsdale Place. Call Elizabeth @ 3035960066 or email yogeliz@hotmail.com. Thanks! The Board of Directors appreciates all the Homestead Residents who did a terrific job decorating their homes during the holiday season. The lights and decorations made the neighborhood truly festive. Homestead looked spectacular! HOMESTEAD PLAYGROUPS For more information, please contact: CALLI1G ALL GRADUATES! The Homestead Herald would like to start a new feature in the May Herald featuring photos and information on upcoming high school and college graduates. If you have a graduate you’d like us to feature, please email a high resolution jpeg of his/her senior picture and a bio of no more than 60 words telling us the following: Your senior’s name Name of high school or college Activities in school High School: extracurricular activities, sports & clubs, honors College: major, sorority/fraternity affiliation, sports, honors, clubs or internships Plans after graduation: Work, College, Graduate School, Military Service? How long has your graduate lived in Homestead? Email to: kkbizmgr@gmail.com 14 Age 0-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 Contact Briste Lindman Jill Martini AK Cotton Laura Hirsch Phone 303-588-8606 303-459-2282 303-544-0996 303-779-0495 CALL TO REPORT Eagle Waste Services 303-761-8387 (HOA Trash Co.—Pick-up day is Thursday) Airport Traffic Complaints 303-790-4709 Centennial City Services (24/7) 303-325-8000 Vandalism or Speeders Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Dept. 303-795-4711 Street Light Problems 1-800-895-1999 Barking Dogs Arapahoe County Animal Control 303-325-8070 Pot Holes 303-325-8000 Hazardous Waste Pick-up 1-800-449-7587 Graffiti 303-795-4711 Water Breaks 303-770-8625 Sewer Back-up’s 303-779-0261 Div. of Wildlife -Coyotes 303-291-7227 1oise—Fiddlers Green 303-486-8275 ATTENTION SWIMMERS! SAVE THE DATE The Annual Homestead Hurricanes Swim Team Registration and Informational Meeting will be held the evening of April 20, from 6 – 8 pm in the Homestead Elementary School Gym. More details will follow in the March Herald and on our website: http://Homestead.rmsl.org/Home.aspx If you have any questions about swim team, please contact the Homestead Parent Representatives: Matt and Chandra Thomas Paul and Shelly Russell 720-489-8086/ thomas7260@msn.com 720-489-0465/ srussell79@comcast.net WHEN: SATURDAY April 23 TIME: 1:30 P.M. RAIN DATE: SATURDAY April 30 WHERE: NORTH POOL GROUNDS AGE GROUPS: 3 AND UNDER, 4-5 YR OLDS, 6-8 YR OLDS, AND 9-11 YR OLDS BRING YOUR OWN BASKET AND SAVE THE DATE AND MARK YOUR CALENDARS! IT IS TIME FOR THE ANNUAL HOMESTEAD EASTER EGG HUNT FILLER UP!!!!!! 2011 EVENT COORDINATORS HOMESTEAD 2-3 YR OLD PLAYGROUP If you’re interested in helping with this event, call Jill Martini (303)459-2282 15 16 Homestead Homeowners! We have a family that wants to live in Homestead. It would be so appreciated if you would call us with any information that you may have on future listings. Our customer’s home is sold and we have seen everything listed in Homestead. We chose to be proactive in our search for their new home in Homestead and therefore we offered to send a “solicitation for sellers” as a means of being the first ones to hear of any homes going on the market. On behalf of ourselves and our customers we want to thank you for your consideration and cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, The Martin Team Dennis & Dawn Martin 303-877-0244 or 303-870-5896 dmartin@martinteam.com www.martinteam.com Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage 9088 Ridgeline Blvd #200 Highlands Ranch, Co 80129 ARAPAHOE COUNTY NEWS Open Space purchase connects residents to Cherry Creek Trail Arapahoe County buys 13 acres for new trailhead along Cherry Creek Centennial, Colo. --- Plans are underway to provide a new trailhead with access to the Cherry Creek Regional Trail and opportunities for wildlife viewing now that Arapahoe County has purchased land for open space in Centennial. On Dec. 15, Arapahoe County bought approximately 13 acres at 15200 E Arapahoe Road, adjacent to the Cherry Creek Soccer Complex for $735,000 using Arapahoe County Open Space funds. The vacant land consists of 3.5 acres historically used as a private tree farm and 9.5 acres of Cherry Creek that features diverse vegetation and wildlife habitat. “Opening a regional trailhead at this location will fill a strategic gap in the County’s trail network, expand connectivity to Cherry Creek State Park and serve several nearby communities including Aurora, Centennial and Foxfield,” said Arapahoe County Commissioner Jim Dyer. “It’s just one of the incredible projects being pursued by the Cherry Creek Basin Working Group.” With 20 jurisdictions from Denver to Douglas County, the Group is working to beautify and enhance the regional trail corridor by adding open space buffers and closing gaps in the Cherry Creek Trail. The purchase is part of the County’s master plan for developing an inter-connected system of open space, parks and trails, protecting water resources and conserving prime wildlife habitats. To learn more about the County’s Open Space program, visit www.co.arapahoe.co.us and sign up to receive the Open Space newsletter. 17 Interior & Exterior Specialists _______________________ Why Us? ♦ ♦ References ♦ Fully Insured ♦ Price and Quality Zero Down-Guaranteed Pricing Free Estimates (303)794-2084 www.LittletonPainters.com 18 LIBRARY NEWS ‘Watt’s Up’ Energy Power Meters Available Arapahoe Library District, in partnership with Xcel Energy, is now offering power meters for patrons to check out. Patrons can use the power meters to check the energy usage of various household appliances, such as refrigerators, microwaves and washing machines. By using the meter and then uploading the data to a computer, patrons can calculate the operating costs of home appliances, and determine the potential cost savings of replacing older energy-hogging appliances with newer more energy-efficient ones. With this knowledge, energy can be saved by simply using these appliances more efficiently, or unplugging them when not in use. The power meters can be checked out for three weeks at a time and can be renewed if there are no holds. Power meters can be checked out in person, at any Arapahoe Library District branch; however, it is advisable to first place the item on hold to ensure it will be available when you visit the library. Go to www.araphoelibraries.org and type “Watts Up” into the search field with “All Media” selected. From there, you can check availability and reserve a power meter to your library account. When you visit the library in person, please ask a staff member for assistance, as the power meters will be kept in an area separate from the regular collection. For more information about the program, please visit www.responsiblebynature.com. Classic eBooks Available through Project Gutenberg Did you receive a new eReader for Christmas? Resolve to catch up on the classics this year by tapping into a new resource available to all Arapahoe Library District patrons: free classic eBooks with no checkout limit, no wait list and no restrictions. Arapahoe Library District has received 15,000 new eBooks from Project Gutenberg, featuring classic titles that patrons can download from www.arapahoelibraries.org and use immediately. Project Gutenberg is an online, volunteer-based distributor of copyright-free eBooks. Project Gutenberg offers older, classic books that no longer have copyright restrictions, and therefore there is no need to return the books. Classic titles include books such as Pride and Prejudice, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Anne of Green Gables, and Gulliver’s Travels, to name a few. Also, because there are no copyright restrictions, the books can be read on any eReader, including the Kindle, Nook, Sony eReader, iPad or even your personal computer. To access these free eBooks, just go to our website at www.arapahoelibraries.org and click on “Books” then “eBooks” to access the Overdrive site. Then, scroll down until you see a box on the left side of the screen with the title: “Enjoy additional eBooks today!” Click on the link to see a list of all the free eBook titles that are available. From there, you can browse by subject or search by keyword. Valentines for Veterans February 14 is all about friendship and love. Join us in extending that thought by making a valentine to honor and show appreciation to a veteran this Valentine’s Day. Patrons of the Arapahoe Library District are invited to visit any branch from Monday, January 24 through Monday, February 7, during regular business hours, to make a valentine for a veteran. Valentines will be collected and delivered to the Colorado Veterans Medical Center in time for the holiday. For more information, please call 303LIBRARY (303-542-7279). Holiday Closing All Arapahoe Library District locations will be closed on Monday, February 21 in observance of Presidents Day. For more information, please call 303LIBRARY (303-542-7279). 19 20 SERVICES SODERSTROM’S PROFESSIO1AL PAI1TI1G: Specializing in residential homes Interior/ exterior Drywall Repair, Quality workmanship, Quality Materials In Business 16 years. Insured. Call for an estimate Dennis or Alan (303) 922-4441 Advertising in the Homestead Herald does not constitute an Association endorsement of services promoted. We strongly recommend before using any service homeowners contact references. Names listed have not been endorsed or evaluated in any way. OFF THE WALL (WALLPAPER REMOVAL): 20 years experience. Call Betsy for a free estimate at 303-870-3110. MATH TUTORI1G: Is your child struggling with understanding concepts, learning facts, showing and checking work? Experienced math teacher available for elementary/middle school tutoring. Contact Joan Kuntz 303-721-8142. BOB VESSA PLUMBI1G A1D HEATI1G: Located at 1457 S. Pearl Street. Call 303-777-2136 for Plumbing, Heating, (New, Custom, Repairs, and Remodel) Hot water heaters. Sprinkler sales and service. Humidifiers. Replace and check sump pumps. MCKISSE1 HOME REPAIR SERVICE: Offering a wide range of home repairs and remodeling including plumbing, electrical, carpentry, ceramic tile, drywall repairs and texturing, painting, deck building and restoring. Free estimates and advice. Call Gary McKissen day # 720-260-7880, evenings # 303-730-1049. HAPPY HOU1DS A1D HORSES: Helen has provided your personal standard of care to your pets in their home environment since 1991. As a Healing touch for Animals practitioner and a certified animal massage therapist, Helen brings knowledgeable care. Call 303-525-2026 or e-mail happyhoundsandorses@yahoo.com PROFESSIO1AL CLEA1I1G SERVICE accepting new clients. Reliable and thorough w/competitive rates. Excellent references. Call Susan 303-794-6805. PIA1O TU1I1G: Take NOTE! Don’t cover your ears. Call Ed Howes Piano Company for tuning, repair and concert rentals. Tuning info call 303-986-0867 or 303-987-8044 (residence). RTR TREE SERVICE: Professional tree work done by Certified Arborists: fine pruning, removals and stump grinding. Free estimate. Call Wayne Ritter at 303-708-1054. WI1DOWS A1D SCREE1S CLEA1ED: inside and out, one and two story. Mirrors, light fixtures, mini blinds and shutters cleaned. Crystal Window and BlindCleaning – Bill & Jerry 303-922-4655. CHILD CARE: Looking for high quality, licensed, loving child care & full preschool program? 20 years experience in Early Childhood education, Homestead resident with excellent references & CO State report. Call Lucie 303-694-4066. PARE1TS OF HIGH SCHOOL JU1IORS A1D SE1IORS: Maximize your child’s potential on the ACT and SAT with personalized and individual tutoring at your home and on your child’s schedule. Also, give me the duties of helping your child with his/her college applications and essays so you don’t have to keep bugging them! I’ll make sure they do their best and complete things ON TIME. I’m a 23 year Homestead resident, a lawyer turned teacher, and all my kids are in college…Call Louise Williams, 303-741-2534 or email me at louisegwilliams@comcast.net. 21 22 TEEN SERVICES Advertising in the Homestead Herald does not constitute an Association endorsement of services promoted. We strongly recommend before using any service homeowners contact references. 1ames listed have not been endorsed or evaluated in any way. LACROSSE LESSO1S: 3 year varsity lacrosse player, junior at Kent Denver, looking to give lacrosse lessons for the upcoming season: defense, longstick middie, and defensive middie. Please call Jackson at 303-842-5311. BABYSITTER/HOUSESITTER: 19 year old college sophomore available over the summer for babysitting, housesitting or petsitting. Experienced and responsible. Call Rachel Scharmann at 303-250-2986. BABYSITTER/PETSITTER: Experienced, responsible 17 year old high school junior looking for summer babysitter/nanny position. Great with kids. Can safely drive your children. References available. Call Anne Scharmann at 303-717-3533. BABYSITTER: A Red Cross Certified loving and fun 7th grader. Loves children, the outdoors, arts & crafts, and cooking. Call Erin Keith at 303-290-6238. 1A11Y/BABYSITTER: 19 year old. CPR and first aid certified. Loves children and loves creating recreation for children.. Have own car for transportation. Refrences Available. Please call Kelzey Haun: 303981-4940. POOP HAPPE1S: We can help. Weekly or periodic yard service. We will pick up after your pets! Mowing and pet-care offered too. Call Ryan & Connor at 303771-2788. PET & HOUSE SITTI1G: Mom & daughter team will watch your pets, bring in the mail and paper and keep an eye on your home. Sixteen years in Homestead. Call the Slaughts at 303-689-9704. SAVE YOUR MEMORIES! Convert your old home movies into a digital format. Be able to watch them anytime on your PC or home theater. Call Ryan & Connor at 303-771-2788. BABYSITTER: Red Cross Certified, Freshman at CHHS, has flexible hours, experience with newborns to 12 year old children, and is very responsible. Call Emma Sickles at 303-909-3656. BABYSITTER: Responsible 12th grader who loves kids & will make sure they have fun! I’m Red Cross Certified, have CPR and 1st aid training and have 6 years experience. Call Kaylee Handwork at 303-791-4233. PIA1O LESSO1S: An introduction to piano for children interested in learning how to play. Flexible on times, can teach at my house or yours. I have the experience to teach any new piano players the basic skills on the piano. Throughout the summer, your child will begin to master the keyboard. Call Brittany Earle at (303) 220-8796. PATRICK’S PARTIES & DJ SERVICE: Want to add some tunes to your parties? Book your birthday or graduation party now. Call Patrick McClellan’s DJ Service at 720-838-8863. SAVI1G FOR FIRST CAR: I am a reliable, motivated and responsible 15½ year old CCHS student available all summer to do jobs/chores for you. I can pet sit, babysit, cut lawns and do odd jobs around the house. Excellent references! Call Hunter 720-3846866 or 303-221-4199. THANK YOU! BABYSITTER/PETSITTER: CPR and 1st aid certified. Responsible senior at Regis HS. I am available nights and weekends. I can safely drive your kids to sports and or lessons. Call Maddie Rutenbeck at 303843-9148 or 303-946-7240 cell. (Continued on page 25) 23 Bartholomew & Associates, Inc. Painting & Decorating Services Custom Paint Finishes * Artistic Paint & Texture Wallpapering * Expert Dry wall Repair Carp entry * Siding Replacement CHRIS BARTHOLOM EW 303-547-6041 1o Crew—I do all the work myself COMPUTER SERVICES & CO1SULTI1G Residential and Small Business • • • • • • • Upgrades Builds Tune-up Troubleshooting Virus/Spyware Removal Networking/Wireless Setup Microsoft Small Business Server Kevin He ld IT Specialist Homestead Resident (H) 720-488-9859 (C) 720-318-6178 Kevin.Held@gmail.com 24 (Continued from page 23) BASEBALL & SOFTBALL LESSO1S/ BABYSITTER: 10th grader who can coach your kids in baseball or softball. Have taken many years of private lessons and can share these skills with your son or daughter. Been playing baseball for 10 years, the last 5 years on competitive baseball teams. I’d also like to babysit. Responsible Life boy Scout who is great with kids. Red Cross babysitting and 1st. Aid certified.. Call Jensen Handwork at 303-791-4233. BABYSITTER: Experienced, Red Cross Certified, gentle, responsible, fun 14½ year old who loves toddlers and kids. Loves creative play, art, sports, and cooking. I am available during the days and nights over the summer to watch your children whenever you need a break! Homestead references available. Call Kaitlin Harmon at 303-773-8833. BABYSITTER: 15 yrs. Old. Responsible, life guard, CPR & first aid trained. Call Maddie at 303-843-0924. PETSITTI1G: 13 year old who is great with small & medium dogs. Gives excellent care, love and attention! In your home or mine. References available. Call Elise at 720-333-8710. BABYSITTER/PETSITTER: 13 years old, Red Cross certified, loves kids. Responsible and loves animals. Call Ashley Albright at 303-721-6392. PETSITTER: Responsible 10th grader who loves animals. Would love to take care of your pets while you are away on vacation or for the day. Call Ben Squires at 303-220-8441. PETSITTER: Responsible 7th grader with experience; loves all animals. Will walk your dog, feed your pets, and/or just play with them while you are away. Please call Matthew at 303-470-3931. LAW1 MOWI1G/PETSITTI1G: 13 year old, very responsible and experienced. Lawn mowing, trimming, and yard work. Will take care of pets when you are on vacation. References available. Call Levi Exner 303-793-0543. 1A11Y/BABYSITTER: 15½ year old – CPR trained and Red Cross certified with 3 years experience. Mature and responsible. Great with babies. Let me help you at the pool! References are available. Call Ellen at 303-740-8183. BABYSITTER: Responsible 17 year old Cherry Creek High School junior looking for a regular babysitting job or as needed. I am a reliable older sister with years of experience as well as Red Cross certified. I am available on weekends and some week days. Call Kinsey at (303)-901-2551 BABYSITTER: Looking for a responsible, fun, caring summer babysitter to entertain and care for your kids this summer or nights out? If so, you have found what you are looking for. CPR certified, Red Cross trained, and very experienced. You won’t be disappointed! Call Claire at 720-529-1778. BABYSITTER: 15 year old w/4 years experience. Red cross and first aid certified. Also available for pet sitting and house sitting on the West side only. Please call Ashley 303-694-4066. BABYSITTER /MOTHER’S HELPER: Responsible, savvy, Red Cross certified eighth-grade student. Fun, trustworthy, and ready to take on any challenge, from dirty diapers to afternoon boredom and everything inbetween! Call Isabella Bailey at 303-224-9228 BABYSITTER/PETSITTER: Responsible, caring, fun 9th grader. Red Cross certified. Loves kids and pets! Call Caitlyn Concklin at 720-200-4024. (Continued on page 27) 25 26 (Continued from page 25) RESPO1SIBLE PETSITTER LOOKI1G FOR WORK: Middle school student Red Cross Certified pet sitter willing to look after any kind of pet. Can administer CPR and Rescue Breathing to cats and dogs. Call Fiona Bailey at 303-224-9338. BABYSITTER: Red Cross certified. 14 year old 9th grader. I will play with your children, not just watch TV while they play alone. References available. Call Morgan Cohen at 303-941-0023. PETSITTI1G/DOG WALKI1G: Reliable, experienced 17 year old who loves animals, especially dogs, will play with and walk your dog while you’re at work, and/or pet sit your animals while you are away on vacation. Please call Evan Gammie at 303-290-0168. BABYSITTER/PETSITTER: Fun & responsible 13 yr. old, red Cross certified, honor roll student. Experienced with toddlers – 12 year olds and a wide variety of pets. Call Elizabeth O’Bryan at 303-779-3311. BABYSITTER: Need a babysitter? Call me, Sarah Hellman, I have LOTS of experience with babysitting and I am a responsible, mature, hard working 13 that would love to help you. Please Call 303-582-4337, and leave a message if there is no answer. Thanks! BABYSITTER/PETSITTER: Responsible, Red Cross Certified 13 yr. old who enjoys playing games and making crafts. Loves kids & pets! Call Jenny Siekmeier at 303-850-9369 or jsiekmeier@comcast.net. DAVID’S LAW1 MOWI1G /PET SITTI1G SERVICE: Reliable 16 yr. old will trim and mow lawns & pet sit while you’re on vacation. Lawns can be mowed all summer or vacation only. Call David at 303-771-9958. BABYSITTER: Red Cross certified. 14 year old 9th grader. I will play with your children, not just watch TV while they play alone. References available. Call Mackenzie Cohen at 303-941-0024. Thank you to everyone who attended the Cruising on the S.S. Homestead, Silent and Live Auction on January 29th. The event was a huge success and would not have been possible without the support of our community, school staff and teachers. We would also like to give a special thank you to the following companies for their very generous donations: Sparta Foods, Inc. Dietemeier Orthodontics Melaleuca Tanner Seabaum Foundation RESPO1SIBLE 16 year old will babysit your children. References available. Call 1icole McVey 303771-9958 or 303-325-6536. PARE1T’S HELPER: College student, Homestead resident since 1994, swim instructor/lifeguard, CPR certified. Need a responsible adult to take care of pets or house while on vacation? Can also nanny on Thursday and Fridays. References available. Call Katie Radcliffe at 720 971 4242. Thank you! 27 28
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