to a copy of this year`s Freshers` Guide


to a copy of this year`s Freshers` Guide
St Catherine’s College
Freshers’ Guide 2012-13
PAGE 4 - 5
PAGE 6 - 8
PAGE 10 - 11
PAGE 13 - 14
PAGE 16 - 18
PAGE 26 - 28
Introduction by JCR President
Vice President
Finance Guide
Secretary, Domestic Liaison Officer & LGBT
Careers and Academic Affairs & Access
Oxford Myths
Charity & Publications
Environment and Ethics & Equal Opps
Clubs and Societies
Badminton & Basketball
PAGE 33 - 35
Tennis & Darts
PAGE 36 - 37
SCCAC & Men’s Football
PAGE 38- 39
Women’s Football & Netball
PAGE 40 - 43
PAGE 44 - 47
Rowing & Poetry
Packing List
Freshers’ Week Timetable
Welcome Freshers! I’m
opportunity to join and get stuck into
(and which will be described later in this
Marcus, a second year geography student,
and your Junior Common Room (JCR)
President for the coming year.
In particular, we have a JCR Committee: a
democratically elected body that is here
to serve you. As President, I represent
the interests of Catz undergraduates and
liaise with the College authorities and the
Oxford University Student Union
(OUSU). I also chair the JCR Open
Meetings, which are an opportunity for
you to have your say on any JCR affairs.
Oxford has a range of colleges, sights and These meetings happen four times a term.
activities for you to experience, but Catz Students can voice their opinions and help
improve or change things, by passing or
will ultimately be the heart of your
even rejecting motions, through voting.
student life. From chilling in your
Whether the issue is to purchase new
staircases and studying in the library, to
equipment for the gym, or to amend the
dining in the hall and hanging out in the
JCR Constitution, we would highly value
bar, the college is there to meet your
academic, domestic and social needs. As your input, and therefore we would
one of the larger colleges, you’ll find that deeply encourage you to participate!
Apart from that, I’m responsible for
Catz hosts many sports teams and
keeping tabs on JCR dramas and helping
societies, which you will have the
Many congratulations for getting it into St
Catherine’s College (universally known as
‘Catz‘)! You made the right choice (or
were put here by a great stroke of luck).
You are now part of our large
community, and we hope that your time
here will be truly tremendous!
out wherever needed, so don’t hesitate
to grab me for a quick chat!
Freshers’ Week is going to be a hectic yet
exciting time for everyone. You’ll meet a
lot of people in your first week, but don’t
fret if you can’t remember everyone’s
name at first (I certainly didn’t’)!
can email me. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy the rest of your
holidays, and I look forward to meeting you when you get to
Vice President
Hi Freshers! I’m Steph and I’m your JCR
Vice President.
If you have any questions or queries don’t
hesitate to ask and I will do my best to
answer them.
Aside from supporting Marcus, lately I’ve been
When you arrive, relax, enjoy yourself and
ordering your Freshers’ T-Shirts, booking your
try to get involved with all the great
Matriculation photos and helping make Freshers’
opportunities that Catz has to offer.
Week as fun-filled and action-packed as possible.
I look forward to meeting you all soon!
During your time at Catz, you’ll see me at JCR
Open meetings and I’ll be your go to person if
you want to borrow a DVD from the JCR DVD
library. Along with the rest of the JCR
Steph Burrell
Committee I aim to make your time at Catz the JCR Vice President
best it could possibly be.
If you have any queries, please join our Facebook group, St
Catherine’s College JCR. If you’d like to contact me directly, you
Marcus Stevenson
JCR President
If you’re nervous about what to expect, or fear that you won’t
adjust to the new environment, just remember that it’s a natural
feeling and everyone else is feeling the same thing. We have a
variety of events planned to entertain and advise you during your
first week, and help is at hand in the form of the Freshers’
Angels: volunteers who are more than happy to help you settle
into college.
Hi! I’m Ben, and I am your JCR treasurer for this year.
This means I handle anything finance related, such as the
accounts, subscriptions and events put on by the JCR. I try
to ensure the JCR gets the best value for money and aim to
facilitate as many events as possible through prudent use of
funds. I also organise the ‘Catz Cutz’ discount card, to help you get the most for your
money around Oxford. If you have any questions or ideas please don’t hesitate to get in
Ben Thomas
JCR Treasurer
Finance Guide
Sorting out your money is important, so making a budget is a good idea, whatever your situation.
1. Work out your income…
Student Finance: Double-check how much you’re going to get and when.
Family: Each situation is different but be sure that you and your family have the same expectations of what is happening with
your finance.
Grants: Check if you are eligible for any, if you receive a maintenance grant you may be eligible for an Oxford Bursary (if you
agree to share your information with the university, this should be automatic).
Employment: It’s rare to have a job in term-time but there are sometimes opportunities to serve food Hall. In the holidays you
will probably want a rest after the very intense terms and you may be set vacation work so be realistic… can you guarantee
getting a job?
The Budget: A weekly budget is a good idea, consisting
of food, entertainment and other expenses. Meals in
hall are approximately £3.80, although you may be able
to do better than that by cooking for yourself/with
friends. Think about what you might spend on Upay
(the University debit system for food & washing) and
top that up weekly. Avoid using ‘auto-topup’ unless
you’re certain you won’t abuse it! I would recommend
paying for what you can by card – many banks have
tools to show you how much you’ve spent on what, and
it can feel safer than walking around town with heaps of
cash. However if you think you might overspend,
getting the week’s cash out may be a better system.
Online Banking is a must and some banks have a
mobile app – can be useful to get out of sticky situations!
Holidays: Make sure you leave some money for the
Bank Accounts: Get a student bank account! Shop
around for the best one for what you need by searching
online - don’t fall for free gifts you will never use! A large
overdraft can be very handy. If you have savings,
consider fixed rate bonds and ISAs – it’s easier if you
have most of your money in the same bank – you might
even be able to add to your savings! Most banks have a
branch in Oxford but do check.
2. Work out how you plan on managing it….
Expenses You Might Forget…
Laundry (wash or dry is £1.28)
Travel costs
Stationery (cheaper in Ryman and you get a student
Fancy dress costumes
Club or society membership and kit
Emergencies! (Taxis to hospital, new inner tube etc…)
Printing: Printing in college is paid for via Upay, but if you’re
thinking of getting a printer consider the price of ink - getting
the cheapest printer might not work out cheapest overall.
You can get laser printers which are fairly ink-efficient for
around £70.
Bike: Riding a bike in Oxford is pretty much essential. Good
second-hand deals can be found on Gumtree, eBay, and even
Freecycle if you’re lucky! A puncture repair kit and a basic
knowledge of bike maintenance may come in handy – much
cheaper and more rewarding than having a bike shop do it! A
solid D lock is also a must (speaking from personal painful
And finally…
In Freshers’ Week, your first priority should be to settle in and
meet people, so try not to worry too much about money (within
reason!). Bring enough cash and some snacks for Freshers’
Week as there are no cash machines close by and tea and biscuits
are always a good way to make friends! Lastly, always ask for
student discount – many places won’t advertise they do it, and it
could save you enough for a couple of beers in the JCR – never a
bad thing.
Domestic Liaison Officer
Hey Freshers! As LGBT (Lesbian,
Gay, Bi and Trans) Rep I
am responsible for welfare concerning
LGBT affairs.
I organise events throughout the year as
well as let you know about OULGBT
events (including the first OULGBT Drinks
to look out for, so check your e-mails!)
Additionally, I am here to provide support
for LGBT and Questioning members of
college so do not hesitate to chuck me an
e-mail if you have any 'queeries'!
Hello! I'm James, your
James Gibson
you get here, but when you
arrive if you want to moan
Domestic Liaison Officer for
about anything college related
your first year.
then I'm here for you!
I’m here to liaise with college
Enjoy the rest of the
about any domestic issues
summer, don't worry about
such as the price of hall, the
the work, everything will
laundry facilities, vacation
inevitably be fine when you
storage or maintenance
get here!
issues. None of this you
should worry about before
Matt Wigens
the issues most affecting
college!), take minutes and
send them around to
and I’m your JCR Secretary. everyone. I also send out
the biweekly newsletter,
My job involves keeping
with information about
committee matters
what’s going on around
organised, and ensuring
everyone knows what’s
going on. I compile the
Sabrina Barrett
Feel free to contact
agenda for JCR Open
me with any questions JCR Secretary
Meetings (where we discuss throughout term!
everyone! I’m Sabrina
Welfare Reps
Hello! We are Jake and Georgina and we are your welfare reps at Catz for this year.
What does that actually mean? What do we do? Apart from learning how to argue in Jake’s case (Lawyer) and not doing quite as
much work as the medics in Georgina’s (Biomedic), we’re here to help with any problems, big or small.
During Freshers’ Week
you’re also lucky enough to
get more quality time (and
Although our main role at yet more free food) with us
Catz is to listen and support at our daily coffee morningsCatz undergrads, which we come down to the JCR for
do with the benefit of peer a chat, or to nurse your
support training, we are also Freshers’ hangover.
here to make sure that
everyone at Catz is having a Throughout the year we’ll
bring you plenty of new and
great time.
exciting events, so keep
When work gets just a wee your eyes peeled! These are
bit too stressful, you can
a great way to relax and
count on us to provide a
meet new people in college.
beautifully friendly
gastronomical experience, As well as all this, we also
in other words, a mountain provide free condoms,
of free food at our weekly lubricant etc. so you can
Sunday Welfare. Two hours drop us a quick email and
we’ll pidge you all sorts of
on a Sunday afternoon in
goodies, confidentially and
Catz where you can chat,
no questions asked of
eat your body weight in
bagel, and escape the library. course!
Please don’t be scared to come to us or the Peer Supporters
(whose photos will be at the bottom of each staircase) for a chat.
You can reach us via email, Facebook, or on the welfare mobile…
even if you have some queries during the holidays, feel free to drop
us a line.
Starting at uni can be a really daunting experience, but hopefully you
can have a little peace of mind knowing that there is someone there
for anything you need.
Have an amazing rest of your summer
Make sure you don’t miss itwe’d love to see you there
on Sunday of Freshers’
Georgina Colquhoun
Jake Hartley
JCR Welfare Rep
JCR Welfare Rep
We work alongside the
other lovely Peer
Supporters to offer advice,
or just an attentive ear.
We’ll obviously treat
everything with the strictest
Careers & Academic Affairs Rep
Hi! I’m your Careers and Academic Affairs Rep
for this year.
Oxford has to offer. I am the person to turn to if
you have any academic issues with the college or
problems with the library. I also distribute book
I am there to make you aware of any important
careers events and career opportunities. I will be
Don’t hesitate to get in contact, just drop me an
sending out emails from the careers service about
email if you need any help.
the multitude of careers related events that
Access Rep
Hey! I’m Ashleigh, your Access Rep for this
Robin Lucas
JCR Careers & Academic Affairs Rep
colleges or UCAS conferences. I'm also
interested in developing links with teachers and
organisations too so if you know any good ones
By the fact you’re reading this guide most of my to talk to, let me know. I advertise and help
work related directly to you is done. My role is organise Open Days; the Target Schools
to give everyone a fair chance in the applications shadowing scheme where a prospective student
shadows a current one; the UNIQ Summer
process and debunk a few Oxford myths.
Schools and many more paid and voluntary
However, don’t despair as there are still many
ways you can get involved at Catz and around the opportunities throughout the year.
So in short you will hear much more from me
once you get to Catz but if you would like to get
I regularly send emails about events when
Ashleigh Ainsley
involved or want to know more, don't hesitate to
schools/organisations come for tours of
JCR Access Rep
drop me an email before you arrive.
Oxford and its colleges and help organise
trips for you to go back to your old schools/
Top 10 Oxford (and Catz) Myths and Rumours
#1 Everyone at Oxford is posh/stuck up - With 12 000
undergrads you’re bound to get people from all backgrounds.
The main thing to remember is that you will meet people with
common interests and passions, whether it be at society drinks,
in a lecture or in the JCR.
generous bursary and fees package in the country for those
from lower incomes, to try to level the playing field a little.
#3 There is no nightlife in Oxford - For a town its size
Oxford packs a sizeable punch. From the quirky Babylove bar,
to the grimy Cellar club to the huge Parkend and the infamous
#2 Everyone at Oxford is rich - Again Oxford has the
Fuzzy Ducks at the O2 Academy; all musical and nightlife tastes
extremes covered. While there will be some very well off
are covered. Plus, with 24hr coaches to London and 90mins to
people, there are others less fortunate. Oxford offers the most Birmingham, a good night out is never too far away.
#4 You can’t have a job at Oxford - Often financial concerns
are covered by the Uni so you don’t need to work during term
time. If you do want to, you’ll need your tutor’s permission.
Finally, your tutors are sure to keep you busy so you probably
won’t want to work during term.
#5 You don’t have time to do anything but work/you’ll
spend all your time in the library - False. Oxford life will
force you to manage your time well, so you will have time to
partake in extracurricular activities, gaming, gossiping or getting
more sleep if you want to.
aware that you have just arrived in Oxford and will take this into
account so don’t worry.
#8 Everyone in Oxford Cycles/Catz is far away - Catz is at
max a 10min walk into town and within 20mins of most of the
Uni’s facilities. Something like 80% of Oxford students cycle so, if
you want, bring/buy a bike to save time.
#9 Lectures are useless - Many lectures aren’t compulsory so
on the odd occasion if you find one that doesn’t take your fancy
a trip to the library might be a better use of time. However,
lectures are generally a helpful experience and will help you get
value for money on your degree.
#6 You have to drink excessive alcohol in Freshers’
Week - False. Whilst inevitably some people will, not everyone
drinks and we ensure that if clubbing is not your cup of tea there #10 Oxford will be the best experience of your life –True.
University is what you make it. Oxford potentially can be the
are loads of other things for you to do.
greatest place on Earth but, for those who don’t find it so, we
#7 Tutorials are a scary experience - Tutorial experiences have a brilliant Welfare team to help you through the hard
differ but certainly for your first term your tutors will be well
Catz has a great record of fundraising and charity
involvement in Oxford, whilst many members of
the JCR are involved in inspirational work and
projects around the world. We have a strong
affiliation with Emilie's Charities; set up in memory
of an ex-student, Emilie Harris, tragically killed in a
cycling accident in Oxford; that supports projects
involving under-privileged children and young adults
in the developing world. Half of our fundraising goes
towards Emilie's Charities and half towards a cause
nominated by members of the JCR and voted on by
the whole college - last year this was Star of the
Sea School in Ghana. I will be the link between
Catz and the University's central 'Oxford Raising
and Giving (RAG)' organisation.
This year, the committee will put on a series of
great charity themed events that get the whole
JCR involved in fundraising. I will also help you
find volunteering opportunities in your free time
in the many excellent local charities and do my
best to engage the JCR community if you are Danny Smith
fundraising individually.
JCR Charities Rep
I look forward to meeting you in October!
Publications Rep
Hey! I’m Rosie, your Publications Rep for this
I am responsible for creating various beautiful
publications to educate and entertain you. My
two major tasks during the year are the
Alternative Prospectus and, of course, the
beguiling Freshers’ Guide that currently graces
your eyes. As well as these, I also help to
publicise events and organisations in college,
throughout the year. Feel free to contact me if
you want to let the rest of Catz know about an
exciting opportunity, or if you want any photo
editing done because I spend all my time on
Rosie Bridson
JCR Publications Rep
Hi! I'm Danny, the JCR Charities Rep.
Charities Rep
Entz Reps
Hi guys! First things first, we’d like to congratulate you
on getting into Catz. Big up yourselves. We’ll start by
explaining who we are and what we do:
I (Joss) am a 2nd year Linguist and Arsenal fan with a
penchant for loud reggae and fine dining.
I (Indi) am a 2nd year Physicist and a big name in the Oxford
University Real Ale Society. This may not sound promising
but I am actually really cool and I have a sick taste in music
and clothes.
As you’ll swiftly come to realise, Catz is the beating heart of
the Oxford social scene and although we can’t promise the
dreaming spires and pristine lawns of Merton, Magdalen etc.
we vow to bring you some of the phattest parties East
Oxfordshire has ever witnessed.
adjoining the bar until the early hours. The first Entz of term will
take place on the Saturday of Freshers’ Week and the theme will
“Entz” encompasses the social side of college life and it’s our job be “The Name Game” in the perhaps misguided hope that
you will all remember each other’s names. This will mean
as Entz Reps to ensure that all students from have ample
opportunity to let off steam after a hard week’s work. Central to dressing up as something beginning with the first letter of your
name. Get your thinking caps on as there will be a prize for
this are the fortnightly Entz (Catz lingo for what other colleges
call Bops). These shindigs are a treasured institution in Catz and most creative costume.
will become the events around which your social calendar
Another important feature of our job is to let you know about
revolves. They will involve you devising highly imaginative fancy events outside the Catz bubble. There is much more to Oxford
dress before pulling some serious shapes on the dance floor
nightlife than meets the eye and far from being a sleepy provincial
town, it frequently plays host to some of the biggest names in contemporary music and showbiz. Last year saw acts ranging from a
lecture by a member of the Wu-Tang Clan to a cameo appearance by David Hasselhoff at one of the city’s famous club nights. If
you’re sufficiently proactive and your work schedule permits, there is something going on every night to cater for all tastes.
Freshers’ Week is designed to give you an insight into this side of university life, with club nights organised every night from
Tuesday onwards for your delectation. We’ll be in touch closer to the time with details of how to buy tickets etc. etc.
Since it’s our task to reflect the tastes of
the entire student body within the
college we really encourage you to get
in touch with any ideas or suggestions.
One caveat however: anyone suggesting
that the Macarena be played more
regularly will promptly be barred from
the next Entz, no exceptions, you know
who you are.
Last but not least, we’ll be on the
lookout for fresh meat in the DJing
stakes . All the music on Entz nights is
provided by students in Catz and the
equipment is unbelievably easy to use.
You don’t need any prior experience
(honestly, you can master it in 5
minutes) and being a Catz DJ has huge
perks. Not only are you entitled to free
drinks from the bar during your set, but
it’ll put you in pole position for
becoming an Entz rep in your second
year. Why would you turn down the
opportunity to play all your own music
for your friends on a massive sound
system? So get in touch ASAP if you’re
interested and we’ll show you the
Have an awesome summer and we
look forward to seeing you in October!
Indi de Graaf & Joss Turton
JCR Entz Reps
saving (turn the lights off when you leave a room).
the JCR’s Environment and Ethics Rep.
I also attend OUSU E&E meetings, reporting back
to you guys about what’s going on in the wider
university community.
It’s my job to make it as easy as possible for you
all to live in a responsible and environmentallyfriendly way! This includes making sure everyone
knows about recycling (boxes in every staircase
and by the laundry room), water saving (turn the
tap off while you brush your teeth) and energy
Look out for an upcoming E&E page on the JCR
website, detailing the whats and wheres of
recycling, as well as tips on being environmentally
Equal Opportunities Rep
Hi! I’m Mike, the Equal Opportunities Rep for
Becka Elliott
JCR Environment & Ethics Rep
college children scheme. This might sound
strange but it’s just a system used by the
University to help settle Freshers into life at
It's my job to ensure equality within the College College. Your college family will normally
consist of two parents (one of whom probably
and the JCR - focussing on those
does your subject) and a college sibling. Your
underrepresented at Catz.
college parents are your first points of contact
and can help answer questions and solve any
In Freshers' Week I ensure that incoming
Mike Livesey
issues you have.
JCR Equal Opps Rep
Hiya! I’m Becka, a second year Biologist, and
Environment & Ethics Rep
IT Rep
Hey Guys! I’m Sam and I'll be your JCR IT Rep.
My main responsibilities are running the JCR website
(ensuring there is an online version of the hall menu)
and managing the mailing lists. I also run the online
voting system used for JCR elections.
college with a reasonable speed and you can
connect to this network in most University
Faculty and Facility buildings. Torrenting is
strictly forbidden by the College.
Before your arrival you should be sent details
on Student Self Service which is an online
system that allows you to change your
The college has 2 computer rooms; the JCR
Computer Room, one in the Library and a number of personal info that the Uni has and change
passwords (including Wi-Fi). I
printers. Bring your laptop, and an Ethernet cable so
Sam Lanning
recommend taking a look at:
you can get connected to the internet as soon as
possible and can always be informed of what's going
welcometoit before your arrival.
on in Freshers’ Week via Facebook or the JCR
Website, also so that you can Top-Up your Bod Card.
Feel free to contact me regarding any IT issues.
There is a Wi-Fi Network available in most spots in
Hi! I’m Atty and I’m your OUSU (Oxford
University Student Union) rep.
I will also keep you up to date with changes made
at OUSU council and inform you about any
campaigns that OUSU is running.
I’m here to represent your views on issues that
If you have any queries about OUSU and the
affect the University as a whole. OUSU deals with
services it provides to students don’t hesitate to
a wide range of issues, from campaigning on
get in touch.
tuition fees to running student support and it's
Atty Fitzgerald
important that Catz has a voice on these matters.
Clubs and Soc’s Rep
Hi! I’m Ben, the Clubs and Soc’s (or societies) Rep.
Have a good Freshers' week, and make sure you try as many clubs and soc's out as you can early
on while you still have the free time!
Ben Trigg
JCR Clubs and Socs Rep
f you have any questions, suggestions, or if you would like help starting up a new club or soc, please
do not hesitate to contact me.
My aim is to get the JCR involved in as much non-academic fun (rather than academic fun?) as
possible. Be it sport, music or drama, my job is to help you run your clubs and societies as you like
them. I am also responsible for compiling the Clubs and Soc's Budget (the funding for the different
College clubs and societies) at the start of each term. I
We are always looking for new people to join
the fun, growing badminton team at Catz.
Whether you’ve never hit a shuttlecock before
or are a well-seasoned player, Catz badminton
wants you! It’s a great way of meeting other
Freshers and getting to know the older years.
Last year was a hugely successful season for us,
winning several competitive matches in the
intercollegiate badminton league and the
University Blues team always has a strong Catz
contingent. We place friendliness and fun at the
heart of our team at Catz, so anyone of any
ability can come join us. Come to the Catz Clubs
and Socs fair to get signed up to our mailing list!
Anirudh Mandagere
Badminton Captain
Basketball is one of the best sports to get involved in at Catz, especially if you're looking for a
good workout! Both the men's and women's teams take practices pretty casually - we mostly
aim to get together and toss the ball around a bit for fun.
Juliane Guderian
Basketball Captain
When it comes to matches, both teams have strong reputations, with the men making it to the
last rounds of the league in the last few years, and some members of the women's team going on
to win Cuppers this year. We're one of the most inclusive sports at Catz; our teams consist of
undergraduates, MCR members, Visiting Students and we're very open to taking complete
beginners. Regardless of what you may think, you don't have to be tall, hench or extraordinarily
aggressive to play - we're friendly and laid back, always looking for players of all heights and levels
of experience. Just give it a go, and we're sure that you'll enjoy the fun, active nature of basketball
at Catz just as much as we do!
Catz pool has made great progress
in the last year with the first team
being promoted to the First
Division and the second team
moving up to the Second
Paul Allen
Pool Captain
Pool at Catz is open to anyone;
those that don't play in the teams
are welcome to come along to
the practice sessions .
built up a dedicated following and became
something of an urban myth.
Can anyone really be that good? How many
times can you throw a 180 before it gets
boring? Step into the Theatre of Dreams that
is the JCR bar and find out for yourself.
We also have a third team who play
in Division 4 and take the social side
of the matches far more seriously
than the games themselves.
University Leagues operate through
the first term , then University wide
knock out tournaments.
We are always looking out for
new talented players.
Will Goddard
Darts Captain
Namo Ata
Tennis Captain
Top 4 in the University
e ntry into the University League and Cuppers
n o teams ahead of us in the 2011/12 league
n ew mixed doubles tournament starting this year
i ntra-collegiate annual championships
s ocial events throughout the year
Competitive & friendly
a ll playing standards welcome
Catz Darts put in some terrific performances
t eam & individual competition
last year as they achieved promotion and set
the standard for Catz sporting excellence.
Other colleges were left in our wake as we
St. Catherine's is proud to be the only College in the
University with its own Athletics Club. Since its
formation, SCCAC has become one of the College's
most successful sports teams, performing exceptionally
last year.
We hold casual runs once a week for runners of all
abilities, reflecting the breadth and depth of interest in
running at Catz. The College is located on the outside
the city centre, making it perfect for runs around the
parks and surrounding countryside.
The main race of the year is Cross
Country Cuppers in the first few
weeks of the first term. Again this
is a competition open to all
abilities, last year SCCAC
dominating it due to the large team
of 30 Catz runners who took part
in the 6 and 10km races. We aim
to retain the title this year!
Jamie Shadbolt
SCCAC President
Men’s Football
Football is one of the biggest sports at Catz, with the existence of
three men's teams ensuring participation for players of all
standards. The first team competes in the top division of
intercollegiate league football, and has finished in the top three for
the past three seasons, unfortunately without quite clinching the
title (this year's the year... ). The second and third teams compete
in the top two divisions of reserve team football and have enjoyed
recent league success with the second team winning the title two
years ago.
There are league matches most weeks in the first two terms, as
well as a cup competition ("Cuppers") that takes place in parallel.
Football in the third term consists of a
five-a-side tournament, with Catz
usually entering three teams.
If you have any questions don't
hesitate to email me. Otherwise
I'll see you in Freshers’ Week, when
you can sign up at the Football desk at
the College Clubs and Socs Fair. Trials
will also be held in Freshers’ Week,
but these are simply to place
Harry Whittle
people in the squad they're
Men’s Football Captain
most suited to- anyone who
wants to play can do so.
Women’s football at Catz is extremely welcoming and friendly. Whatever
your experience may be, come along to our kick-about during Freshers’
Week or come and play with us even if it’s just to give it a go! Two years in a
row now, our team has reached the intercollegiate competition final, having
beaten teams with various University players repeatedly.
Lucia Groizard Payeras
Amy Trenter
Women’s Football Captain Women’s Football Captain
We organise regular socials to get to know everyone in
the team better and there are always the termly “football
currys” with the men’s teams to look forward to, not one
to be missed. Matches are normally held on weekends but
we have previously organised mid-week casual training
sessions too, so feel free to come along whenever you can.
Looking forward to meeting many of you next year!
We practice once a week and each team has one weekly match
Fancy spending a couple of hours a week chucking a ball around – a perfect way to take a break from essay writing and have a
and getting to know people from Catz a little better? Then
little fun. With crewdates and socials with some of Oxford’s
come along to Catz Netball!
most charming male sports teams and the opportunity to stock
up on stash, this is the perfect way to get involved in Catz life
We have two teams and welcome people of any ability –
and make friends from other years.
whether you haven’t picked up a ball since you were ten or
were captain of your old school team, we would love you to
Get in touch with us at the Freshers’ Fair in Freshers’ Week for
come along. Last year our first team celebrated many victories, more information about
being promoted to the University’s First Division and we put
training times and we
Charlie Badenoch
forward a strong team for the Cuppers’ tournament.
look forward to meeting
Netball Captain
you all next term!
Women’s Football
Rowing and Oxford are synonymous with one another, and when you arrive here, it won’t be hard to see why. The unique
traditions, races (particularly bumps) and community cannot be found anywhere else in the rowing world and are not to be missed.
Easily the biggest sport in the University, it also boasts a diverse base of members at all ranges of abilities. So, whether you use
rowing as a new social activity that gets you out and about, or you’re a fitness nut wanting to test your limits, you’ll be able to find
something that fits.
What is Bumps’ Racing?
Carnage bred from a potent mix of decadent tradition, a severe lack of common sense, and an irrational thirst for other colleges’
blood. Originally devised to solve the problem of the local river being too narrow for side-by-side racing, boats line up single-file in
an order determined by hundreds of years of epic battle. Once the starting cannon (yes, a real piece of artillery) fires, crews
attempt to crash into the boat ahead of them and evade the boat chasing them. Although these races shouldn’t comply with health
and safety and costly boats are sometimes damaged to the point of sinking, the strength of Oxford tradition keeps these wildly
exciting races alive and kicking.
Every year the 1st and 2nd VIIIs recruit Freshers,
whether they have prior experience or have caught
the bug during Christ Church. The commitments are
greater, but the rewards and satisfaction are well
worth it. These crews represent the College in the
two bumps racing events in Hilary and Trinity;
Torpids and Summer VIII’s. These are amazing events
and it feels great representing your college in front of
the thousands of spectators who come down
(especially when you represent it right into the back
end of a rival boat). Serious training at college is also
the starting point for anyone who fancies a crack at
university level. In the end how seriously you’d like to
take rowing is up to you, and our aim is to help you
find a spot to suit those inclinations.
hungry for the competitions of the senior boats.
Coxing at Catz
Catz coxes have succeeded at college and university level. It’s the
The legendary inclusiveness and friendliness of Catz extends right fun job: a group of your mates dragging you down the river as
fast as they can whilst you recline and shout. However coxes are
onto the water. The teamwork central to rowing means it is a
crucial to the winning of races and maintaining team morale and
fantastic way to get to know Freshers and seniors alike as
camaraderie builds quickly within and between crews. If you have at the moment we are short (no pun intended). That said size is
not really an issue at college level and everyone can have a go.
never rowed before the main event of Michaelmas, Christ
Being a rower or a cox does not exclude you from having a go
Church novice regatta, caters exclusively to you. This fun
at the other, and we often encourage people to try both as it
competition gets you racing, tests our skills of recruitment and
improves understanding of how the boat works as a whole and
coaching, and ensures everyone is generally better acquainted.
Of course it is not entirely uncompetitive, and often gets novices helps you remember the commands.
Rowing at Catz
Of course it’s not all fun and games with rowing, at some point
we have to leave the river and socialise. The races all have a
celebratory atmosphere and we always mark the occasion with
a formal dinner and a night out together. Throughout the year
we get together for events at the boathouse and the men’s’ and
women’s’ squads also attend crew dates with other college
If this has sparked your interest come meet us and find out
more at our introductory talk which will be at 6pm on the
Wednesday of 0thWeek in the lecture theatre by the JCR. Any
questions at all feel free to drop either of us an email. Besides
that we look forward to seeing you all soon!
Izzy Renton
Women's Rowing Captain
Robert Hamlet
Men's Rowing Captain
'If you nurture a devotion to verse,
Poems by greats or your own you'd
Join us on weekdays, at a Mic Night or
Lines run the gamut from Chaucer to
Check us out at the Freshers' Open
Mic Night: all are welcome to discuss
or bring poetry each week.
Nic Kamlish
Poetry Society President
boats, which is a great way to meet people across the Uni.
Off the water
Last year Catz had two immensely successful seasons, gaining
two promotions and moving up to the University's top division
showing our consistent ability to put out a strong team. In
addition to domestic success Catz reached semi-finals in both
the intercollegiate knockout cup and sevens tournament, losing
to the eventual winners of 'Cuppers' by a small margin in a
tough game that Teddy Hall weren't expecting.
professionals. Beginners should find the training sessions that
we hold will help them develop and make it into the squad. Off
the pitch we aim to spend time together as a team with a team
hall, curry or crew date once a week so joining the team will be
a great way of making mates in the first term.
Please get in touch with us at the Freshers’ fair for details of the
training session we will hold in Freshers’ Week.
Despite this success the players as individuals and the squad as a
whole are welcoming to players of all abilities, with complete
beginners joining the squad last year alongside former semi-
Ross Williamson
Rugby Captain
Hockey at Catz, however, is really about the combination of a relaxed and
friendly attitude and with a great team spirit that has allowed success in
the past. So whether you have aspirations of playing for the University or
you play for the fun of it, there's something for you here. We always need
Seb Povlsen
Men’s Hockey Captain
St Catherine's College is
very open and friendly,
and naturally so is the
ethos of our team.
year we played Emma
If you have any questions
about Women's College
Whether you have played Hockey then feel free to
hockey for years or have email me. I look forward
never held a hockey stick, to meeting you when you
you would be a valuable
sign up for the team at the
addition to our team. The JCR Fresher's Fair!
first term is League
hockey amongst the
colleges, the second term
is a knock-out
competition called
Cuppers and the third
term is Mixed Cuppers
which we won this past
season. We want to make
this a hatrick and win the
League and Cuppers this
year! It's a great excuse for
a bit of a run around
whilst meeting
Kimberley Grave
people in Catz and
Women’s Hockey Captain
other colleges- last
Catz flourished last season when it came to Hockey, with a clean sweep;
the guys winning the league and Cuppers and combining with the girls to
win the mixed Cuppers in the Summer.
Women’s Hockey
Men’s Hockey
Could you dodge a wrench better than Patches O'Houlihan? Well, you're
in luck, because Catz is home to the longest standing (and most
prestigious) college dodgeball club that the University has to offer.
Whether you are an Average Joe or a Globo-Gym veteran, all skill levels
and play styles are welcome. Only one requirement is necessary- be ready
to get balls deep in banter.
George Shankar, Scott Tully and
Rebecca Elliott
Dodgeball Captains
Fancy dress is not compulsory, but is strongly encouraged, the more extravagant the better!
We hope to see you
on the courts in
October, dressed as
ridiculously as
possible, come rain
or shine and dodging
wrenches galore.
If you remember
one thing over the
summer, make sure
it is the five D’s of
dodgeball: dodge,
duck, dip, dive and
There’s always an opportunity going in the music world at Catz,
whether it’s the weekly recital series, infamous Catz Choir,
newly-founded Catz Orchestra, our much-loved Open Mic
Nights or the chance for up-andcoming DJs to take control of the
Entz tunes for a night with Catz’s
very own decks. Some of the
main areas of Catz music scene
will be elaborated on below by
the current second year music
students. Please don’t hesitate to
get in touch with the relevant
muso if you need any more info.
Catz is well-equipped to facilitate its musical life. As the main
practice space, the Music House (our alternative to a chapel) is
sizeable; holding two grand pianos and a harpsichord and it can
be booked out via an online system, by all students. The Drum
Room is home to the Catz drum kit, and is perfect for those
looking for a place to jam. In the absence of an Organ Scholar,
Catz offers a Repetiteur Scholarship (auditioned for during the
Any questions, feel free to email
interview process) and up to three further Leask Scholarships,
me or find me for a chat during
offering financial assistance in instrumental tuition (auditioned for Freshers’ week.
during the academic year).
Chloë Scott
Mu.soc President
Catz music scene is shaped by a continual search for great music,
ranging from classical to the smoothest jazz and impossibly tacky
Europop. Our meetings are fun and informal, but we’re really
serious about taking Catz’s already solid musical reputation to
the next level. The music society is run entirely by students and
we’re really keen to explore new ideas (no matter how
unorthodox…), so get involved!
Choir and Open Mic Nights
Open to singers of all abilities, Catz Choir provides a great
opportunity to sing in college. It’s not too big a commitment,
with one rehearsal a week for a few hours, but with close links
to leading Uni a capella groups such as ‘Out of the Blue’ and the
‘Alternotives’, there’s enough talent to try some more
challenging repertory as well. The Christmas Carol Concert
and the Summer Showcase are the two main performances in
the year; in this year’s Summer Showcase we sang Fields of
Gold and a movement from Harold Goodhall’s Requiem. Catz
Choir is perfect for taking a break from work and getting
involved with the College music scene.
Another large part of the Catz
music scene are the Open Mic
Nights. These are a very chilled
out affair held in the JCR (near
the bar!) and are well supported
in College. Anyone and
everyone is welcome to display
their talent. We’ve had
everything from jazz groups to
beat boxing to poetry, from
acoustic sets to comedy songs.
And, if you’re lucky, there is
Heather Young
often a guest spot for some
Choir Mistress
Uni wide talent. The first
should be in Freshers’ week
so watch out!
Orchestra and Concerts at Catz
The acclaime#d ‘Concerts at Catz’ series is a central feature of
the Catz music scene. Oxford and Catz musical talent perform
in weekly recitals in the music house, offering the chance for
students to experience a more formal concert environment.
The combination of these recitals and open mic nights provide
frequent opportunities to enjoy and perform brilliant music
whatever your particular tastes.
Don’t forget to leave room in the car for
your instrument!
Last term saw the re-launch of Catz Orchestra culminating in a
performance of Wagner’s Siegfried Idyll to open the Summer
Showcase- tears were shed. We now aim to build on this
success and deliver a concert each term. The atmosphere is
relaxed and welcoming with a rehearsal most weeks lasting a
few hours and it’s one of the better college orchestras around
because there is such a wealth of musical
talent at the college.
Catz Mu.soc is for the whole college to get involved and build a thriving music scene. Everyone is
encouraged to attend the termly meetings and offer their ideas for how to improve and diversify Catz
music. The events and groups mentioned above are great ways to meet and get to know all years of
the College community. In addition to this, I’ll keep those on the mailing list posted on exciting
things going on Uni-wide, as well as organising some society trips and events. The current array of
Alice Angliss
ensembles are certainly not the only way to enjoy music at Catz, so definitely start up your own
Mu.soc Social Secretary groups and projects, with opportunities like the Open Mic Nights and recitals to launch them.
Nathan Klein
Orchestra Conductor
Packing List
Warm coat (it gets very cold in Oxford in the winter)
Comfortable shoes (you’ll be doing a lot of walking/
cycling around)
Dresses/suits (bring any you own; there are enough
formal events to guarantee that you will wear them and
if you see any going cheap in sales then get them!)
Flip-flops (or something similar that you can slip on to
wear around college/in your staircase)
Fancy dress items (everything and anything- you can
make the Entz themes work around whatever you have)
Clothes hangers
For the kitchen
Pots and pans
Bottle opener
Tin opener
Decent knife and scissors
Passport photos (for
joining societies)
you need for online
Cash for Freshers’ Week
and emergencies
For your room
Ethernet cable (but you can buy them from the Lodge)
Printer, if you have one (you can print in College/
Laundry basket, colour catchers, detergent
Clothes airer (freestanding, not the kind that hook over
Padlock, for the cupboard outside your room for
holiday storage (combination locks are easier– you can’t
lose the key)
Posters/photos (plus white tac to stick them up) and
anything else to make you feel at home
Biscuits and tea/hot chocolate/hot beverage of your
Hair dryer
Don’t worry if you forget anything– there
are plenty of shops in Oxford!
as pizza). It is a facility for
sending internal post within the
Catz college library is stocked
University and external post
with approximately 50,000
volumes for your perusal. With outside the university. It is also
the place to go if you want to
two floors, a computer room
book out certain rooms in
and many desks, it is fit for
those who either want to dip in College, the Catz Sports
Grounds or tennis courts.
and borrow a book, or for
those who want to study there Above all, the Porters are your
for a longer period of time. The go-to guys in case of an
opening hours are from 8amemergency or security and
midnight daily, during term time. safety concerns. The Lodge is
occupied 24/7, so there is
always at least one Porter
The Porters’ Lodge serves
present. In particular, they are in
many important functions. It’s
charge of dealing with fire
the first port-of-call for new
alarms and will be alerted as
arrivals, as it is from here that
soon as an alarm is triggered.
you will collect your room keys Common causes include clumsy
and be directed to your
cooking and the liberal use of
deodorant so take care!
Porters’ Lodge
The Lodge is where you collect Laundry Room
your post from your pidge
(located on the groundfloor), as We have a self-service laundry
well as collecting deliveries (such room, if you’d rather not hand-
Breakfast: 8.15-8.45am, Mon-Sat. There
is a variety of food, including yoghurt, fruit
and a full English breakfast. You can buy 8
items for £2.20.
Buttery: 10-11.30am and 2-4.30pm
weekdays. It’s especially convenient for
grabbing a snack if you’ve missed breakfast!
Lunch: 12.451.30pm weekdays
and 12.45-1.15pm
weekends. A full
lunch (main,
vegetable and
dessert) costs £3.80
Scaf: 6-6.45pm
Mon-Fri. A canteen
style dinner, ideal if
you don’t have time
for the full 3 course
Dinner: 7.15-8pm
For the budding bench pressers and
treadmill trotters, Catz has a 24hr gym.
On the ground floor there are two squash
courts (equipment can be borrowed from
the Lodge), a weights room and a table
tennis table. On the top floor you will find
running machines, cycles, rowing machines
and a snooker table. Before being granted
access on your Bodcard you’ll have to pay
the £3 membership fee and complete the
gym induction. Book your induction early
on (via Upay) as the limited spaces fill up
Food in College
If you want to cook, you can use the
kitchenettes present in each staircase.
There are hobs, toasters, microwaves and
fridges provided but we highly
recommend bringing your own cooking
Mon-Fri. Tea and coffee is available after
the meal. On Saturdays a canteen service
If you don’t want to cook, you can simply is used 7-7.30pm. The cost is £3.80. No
get food from the Hall. All of the following dinner is served on Sundays.
meals are available in the Hall, along with
vegetarian options:
Music Room
The Music Room contains two grand
pianos and a harpsichord or there is a
room with a drum kit. The booking
service for these rooms and the squash
courts can be found at
wash everything! A wash or tumble-dry
costs £1.28, which is charged via a swipe
system for your Bodcard. It is also home
to two vending machines; one loaded with
chocolate, sweets and crisps, the other
stocked with soft drinks.
Freshers’ WeekTimetable
SUN 30/09
Early arrivals– International
Undergraduates for
Orientation reception or others
owing to work commitments
of their parents/guardians.
MON 01/10
Early arrivals– International
Undergraduates for
Orientation reception or others
owing to work commitments
of their parents/guardians.
Check activity whiteboard for details of events on Sun/Mon.
19:00: Meet in the JCR for pub trip and evening activity.
09:30 - 12:30 Undergraduate Orientation Programme for European and
International Students, Examination Schools, 75-81 High Street, OX1 4BG
http:// for registration information.
Code: KA800065 Deadline: 21st Sep
11:00 - 12:00 Meet at Porters’ Lodge at 11:00 for tour around Oxford city
centre of cultural and practical interest (banks, shops, ATMs etc.)
12:30 - 14:00 Meet at Porters’ Lodge at 12:30 for picnic in University Parks,
weather permitting. Bring food.
19:00 Meet in JCR at 19:00 for evening entertainment (check activities
whiteboard for details).
Movie Night in JCR lecture theatre (food provided).
TUE 02/10
Freshers should not
arrive before
12:30 - 15:00 Report to Lodge in the
Arumugan Building to collect your
room key. You will be shown to your
rooms by 2nd and 3d years.
16:00 - 16:45 Undergraduate
Registration in JCR Lecture Theatre.
A-G 16:00 - 16:15, H-P 16:15 - 16:30,
Q-Z 16:30 - 16:45
WED 03/10
Morning Meetings with Tutors, for
details please consult your
Registration Pack on Tuesday
15:00 - 16:00 Tea in Hall (for Freshers and parents)
16:00 - 16:30 The Master’s “Welcome to Parents” talk in Bernard
Sunley Lecture Theatre (not for students)
17:00 - 17:30 Introduction to Junior Common Room in JCR
17:30 - 18:00 Meet your College Parents in JCR
18:00 - 19:00 Family time for College Parents and Children
19:00 - 19:45 Dinner in Hall with your College Parents
20:15 - 21:15 Staircase parties on the groundfloor of each staircase (an
exception for Freshers’ Week- staircase parties are not otherwise allowed)
21:30 Meet in JCR for trip to G&D’s Ice Cream Café
21:30 - Late Return to JCR for Catz Welcome Party (tickets to
nightclubs available)
09:30 - 12:00 Refreshments and 6-a-side sign-up sheets in JCR
12:30 - 13:00 Drop in Q&A session in the JCR with members of the
JCR Committee ; troubleshooting any problems you may have
experienced such as IT issues, missing room furniture etc.
14:00 - 16:00 University Freshers’ Fair in Exam Schools (tickets
distributed at Registration)
WED 03/10
16:45 Introduction to College
in Bernard Sunley Lecture
17:15 - 18:00 Fire Safety Talk
in Bernard Sunley Lecture
18:00 - 18:30 Introduction to Rowing at Catz in the JCR Lecture Theatre
19:45 - 21:00 Introduction to Catz Dodgeball (like the film…). Meet at Lodge
for an evening’s activity with the Varsity winning team, fancy dress encouraged.
20:30 - Late Meet in JCR for Catz Night Out at Carbon nightclub
21:00 Pool Tournament and Film Night in JCR, food provided
THU 04/10
09:30 - 12:00 Refreshments in the JCR
11:00 Introduction to College Library for Group 1 (see noticeboard in JCR
Corridor for the group your subject is in) - meet at Library main desk
11:30 Introduction to College Library for Group 2 - meet at Library main desk
12:00 Meet in JCR for the Oxford Challenge- tour of Oxford in groups led by
Freshers’ Angels with prizes to be won- see JCR noticeboard for details.
14:00 - 16:30 Speed Meeting- novelty social event in Hall
16:45 JCR Welfare Talk in
Bernard Sunley Lecture
20:00 Gaming Night in JCR - from Twister to LAN party (online gaming).
20:30 - Late Meet in JCR for Catz Night Out at Bridge nightclub
21:30 Movie Night in JCR Lecture Theatre, food provided
FRI 05/10
09:30 - 12:00 Refreshments in the JCR
11:00 Introduction to College Library for Group 3 (see noticeboards in JCR corridor) meet at Library main desk
11:30 Introduction to College Library for Group 4 - meet at Library main desk
13:45 - 15:30 Staircase Sports Day- traditional sports day events around College in
teams made up of individual staircases. Check JCR noticeboard for details.
16:00 - 18:00 Clubs and Societies afternoon in JCR, plus tea and cakes with JCR Welfare
Officers and Peer Supporters.
18:00 - 18:30 Introduction to Rowing at Catz in JCR Lecture Theatre
20:00 - 22:00 Open Mic Night in JCR (tickets for nightclubs available)
SAT 06/10
09:30 - 12:00 Refreshments in JCR
14:00 - 17:00 Catz Society Taster Session- discover what societies take your fancy- from
sports to drama to music . Pick and choose different activities. Refer to JCR noticeboard.
17:00 - 19:00 JCR and MCR Barbeque outside the Gym.
20:00 - Late Name Game Entz in JCR
SUN 07/10
09:30 - 12:00 Refreshments in JCR
14:00 Sports trials (details during the week)
16:00 Welfest- an afternoon of entertainment from the best of Catz in JCR
18:30 - 20:30 Informal dinners with subject group organised by the JCR
20:30 The JCR Quiz in the JCR
Here is some terminology that you will
encounter, and later come to use, during
your time at Oxford:
Arne Jacobsen
The esteemed architect of the College.
“May the Blessed one give a blessing.”
Awarded to high achieving members of
Oxford or Cambridge University sports
teams. Half Blue- the same but half as
good. Blue also refers to a sportsperson
who has represented either university.
for dinner, drinks and entertainment.
An intercollegiate competition in Oxford
or Cambridge. Ranges from sport to the
Dean, the
Head of discipline in the college. Thus, to
Bod Card
be “Deaned” means “to be disciplined” by
The Mastercard of Oxford. It functions as the Dean in the form of a warning or
a door key, a means of cashless payment some other undesirable punishment.
in College and a form of student ID.
Short for entertainment, used too
describe our fortnightly college parties.
Internal exams scheduled at the beginning Other colleges may use the term “bop.”
of every term, devised to keep you on
your academic toes after the holidays.
Essay Crisis
The awkward moment when you realise
College Parents
that you’ve left yourself less than a day to
research and complete a 2000 word
College fees and domestic charges paid at and “parents” during your stay at Catz.
Note: they are not necessarily united in
the start of each term.
Benedictus Benedicat
The final exams of your degree. Unlike
Crew Date
The Latin blessing uttered before every
Mods, Prelims and Collections these
An occasion where different crews (e.g.
evening meal in the Hall. Translates into
actually count towards your final grade.
sports teams, subject groups etc.) meet up
A full three course dinner, served by
waiters in the Dining Hall, from 7-8pm on
A popular kebab van situated on Broad
Street. Often visited after a night out, or
after an Entz.
Master, the
The head of the College.
Master’s Collections
An annual meeting with your tutor and the
Junior Common Room. The collective
Master where you discuss your progress
name for the Catz undergraduate student and results in recent Collections.
body, as well as a name for our living area.
JCR Constitution, the
Being formally initiated as a member of the
The rules, regulations and principles of the University of Oxford. Up until 1960 this
JCR, as developed by Catz undergraduates. involved sitting an exam; now all you have
to do is listen to some Latin.
Pronounced “more-d’lin.” Another college MCR
in Oxford, with which Catz shares a
Middle Common Room. Similar to the
nebulous rivalry.
JCR but for graduate students instead.
An ice-cream café, with several
establishments dotted around Oxford.
Hilary Term
The second term of the academic year,
from January to March.
Fifth Week Blues
A mid-term slump where students are
more tired and irritable than usual.
Michaelmas Term
The first term of the academic year, from
October to December. It is pronounced
“Mick-ul-mus” rather than “My-call-mass.”
Short for “Moderations.” These are the
first public exams in your first year and
determine whether you progress to the
next year of study.
Home to the university email network.
A round, well mown section of grass in
the centre of the College grounds. Safest
to always assume that you cannot walk on
the grass.
26 different staircases in Catz.
Temporary expulsion from Oxford.
Trinity Term
The last term of the academic year, from
April to June.
Formal academic dress, consisting of:
a dark suit with dark socks, or a dark skirt
with black stockings, or trousers with dark
socks, an optional dark coat, black shoes,
An acronym for “Raise and Give.” A RAG plain white collared shirt and a black tie or
is a student-run organisation which
white bow tie. Compulsory attire for
fundraises for various charities.
Matriculation and Public Exams.
Lava & Ignite nightclub on Park End Street. College cleaners who hoover your floors,
change your bedding and empty your bins.
Pidge (Pidgeonhole)
Your own little mailbox in the Porters’
Senior Common Room. The living area
for tutors and staff.
Short for “Preliminary Examinations.”
Sent Down
Synonymous with Mods.
Permanent expulsion from Oxford
A popular activity in the summer, where
people push a “punt” (flat bottomed boat)
along the river with a long pole.
Apart from being a flight of stairs, a
staircase is an accommodation block of
bedrooms, kitchens and various other
rooms (including tutor offices). There are
Tute (Tutorial)
A weekly session with your tutor, where
you discuss and evaluate the subject topics
and assignments. Intellectual torture for
the unprepared.
The website/system where you reload
your Bod Card with money and make
other payments too.
St Catherine’s College Junior Common Room
St Catherine’s College, Manor Road, Oxford, OX1 3UJ