Happy Holidays! - SHP Home
Happy Holidays! - SHP Home
SHP Student e-Newsletter In This Issue ♦ Volunteer Opportunities ♦ Commencement Information ♦ Galveston Art Walk-SHP Artist ♦ Synergy News ♦ Honor Pledge Awards ♦ SHP’s New SGA Student Senators ♦ Student Scoop ♦ UTMB Alerts ♦ American Red Cross Organization ♦ CLS Fun! ♦ 2011 SHP Scholarship Luncheon ♦ PA Week ♦ SOTA Fun! ♦ DPT Fun! ♦ RC Week ♦ PA’s Fall Activities ♦ Holiday Fun ♦ The Syndrome Call for Volunteers ♦ Electronic Suggestion Box ♦ The Office of Academic and Student Affairs (ASA) Special Holiday Edition December 2011 Happy Holidays! From home to home, and heart to heart, from one place to another, the warmth and joy, brings us closer to each other. The joy of brightening other lives, bearing others' burdens, easing other's loads and filling empty hearts and lives with generous gifts becomes for us the magic of the holidays. SHP Department Web Links Academic and Student Affairs Alumni Affairs Relations Clinical Laboratory Sciences Dean's Office Interdisciplinary Studies Occupational Therapy Holiday Volunteer Opportunities with the Salvation Army of Galveston 1. Adopt a Red Kettle & Ring the Bell 2. Assist with Gift Distribution Center Physical Therapy 3. Serve Holiday Dinners in Galveston Physician Assistant Studies 4. Conduct Food or Toy Drive Rehabilitation Sciences Respiratory Care “Find the Mouse with the Santa hat hidden in this newsletter! Be the first student to tell me in my office (4.218) where it’s located in the newsletter and win a gift card from Academic and Student Affairs!” If you are interested in volunteering for any of these events, please contact: Jan Porter (Donor Relations) Galveston Command 2228 Broadway, Galveston, TX 77550 Phone: 409-763-1691 or Cell: 409-559-2315 Preferred Method of Contact is Phone Call Pi Theta Epsilon-National Honor Society-Occupational Therapy The mission of Pi Theta Epsilon is to support the development of occupational sciences and the practice of authentic occupational therapy by promoting research and other scholarly activities by its members. In this way, the organization serves not only the profession, but helps to insure quality health care services for the general public. Attention December Graduates 2011 December Commencement is in 2 weeks! When: December 16, 2011 Where: Levin Hall Main Auditorium Time: Ceremony 4:00 pm Click on this Commencement Website for more information Respiratory Care Student Association Galveston/St. Vincent’s Clinic ArtWalk The mission of the Respiratory Care Student Association (RCSA) is to promote awareness of the respiratory therapy profession, participate in educational activities and raise funds to support goals of advancing the education of students. A further mission of UTMB’s RCSA is to provide an environment that is friendly and supportive to its current and prospective students. For over 20 years the Galveston Arts Center has organized and produced ArtWalk, occurring every six to eight weeks on Saturday nights in the heart of Galveston's historic district. Not a street festival, ArtWalk takes place in existing galleries and non-profit spaces and also what are called "other walls," for example, restaurants and retail stores. SGA Student Government Association Click here for the August 16th minutes If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the Student Government Association at: Student.Government.Asso@utmb.edu SHP Student Ambassador Society An organization committed to providing service to UTMB School of Health Professions alumni (Past), current students (Present), and incoming students (Future). We would like to establish an organization of enthusiastic student representatives who can give tours around campus, provide service to the surrounding community of Galveston County, Alumni Affairs and Prospective Student Recruiting efforts. Art by Boone Allen, PA Studies Student Organization of Clinical Laboratory Sciences (SOCLS) To formulate academic achievement and clinical excellence in the student body of the CLS program. Click on Rudolph ArtWalk promotes visual art and artists, extends alternative places to see and learn about art and hopes to bring newcomers, as well as welcome return visitors to the art community on the island. Recently, St. Vincent’s Clinic had their ArtWalk and displayed some beautiful pieces of art by UTMB students who volunteer there. Campus Services Web Links Enrollment Services Student Services Student Health and Counseling Student Life Alpha Eta Alpha Eta is the national honor society for allied health professionals. The society recognizes those allied health professionals who have excelled in their field. This recognition is extended to students, alumni, and faculty members. The society promotes both scholarship and fellowship among its members. This commitment to collaboration is reflected in the motto of the society: Together We Serve. American Academy of Physician Assistants - AAPA – Student Society Promotes the professional growth, personal excellence, and recognition of physician assistants, and to support their efforts to enable them to improve the quality, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness of patient-centred health care. SYNERGY NEWS Synergy is designed to provide collaborative educational experiences for students in the School of Nursing, the School of Health Professions, the School of Medicine, and the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. UTMB will build on the Institute of Medicine's vision for improving the quality of health care delivered by inter-professional teams. Click on Synergy News to learn more. 1. Knowledge Acquisition SYNERGY GOALS 2. 3. 4. 5. Observational Learning Participatory Learning Innovational Development Leadership Building EXCELLENCE IN PROFESSIONALISM AWARD FOR SEPTEMBER Texas Academy of Physician Assistants-TAPA Texas Academy of Physician Assistants is the premier PA organization in Texas. The mission of TAPA is to represent and serve PAs statewide and promotes the PA profession through education, quality services and advocacy of optimal healthcare. Pi Alpha Honor Society for Physician Assistants Pi Alpha is the national physician assistant honor society organized for the promotion and recognition of significant academic achievement, leadership, research, community & professional service, and related activities, and the encouragement of a high standard of character and conduct among both physician assistant students and graduates. Physical Therapy Class of 2011 Physical Therapy is a profession that seeks to return patients to the highest possible degree of personal independence. The physical therapist (PT) works with patients with disabilities of the muscular, skeletal, neurological, circulatory, and respiratory systems. Physical therapists are also involved in prevention programs to assist people of all ages in maintaining health and physical fitness. Lambda Tau CLS Honor Society To join with the Clinical Laboratory Sciences National Society to develop a spirit of cooperation and unity among students entering any of the fields encompassed by medical technology; to interest other students in these fields, and to be a service organization. AMBER PRAILEY DPT “Amber has taken an active role in the Baptist Student Ministry. She is the physical therapy student representative and provides all physical therapy students with information on the Hands and Feet Mission trips. In this role she has shown to be a leader for other students by encouraging them to step out of their role as a student to take time and give back to others. She has participated in many mission trips to Laredo and even a trip to Peru. On these trips she demonstrates compassion for every patient. She loves and cares for each person and looks beyond their physical needs to care for each person as a whole. Amber is a loving, caring, and motivating student. She works hard to help others and gives back to the community.” Congratulations to all SHP students nominated for September and October! Bency Abraham (SHP-RC) Melissa Quintanilla (SHP-RC) Danielle Stowers (SHP-CLS) Steven Fierro (SHP-CLS) CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR NEW SHP STUDENT GOVERNMENT SENATORS! GURJEET BASRA PA Studies JONATHAN RUZICKA DPT JAMIE STEWART PA Studies DANE RASMUSSEN MOT (Alternate) Student Scoop! Find the latest announcements and urgent messages! Find forms, UTMB useful links, the dean’s list, scholarship information, compliance training, the latest bulletin, past issues of Splash Page, and other student interests. UTMB Alerts! Don’t miss the boat! Make sure you are on the phone and email list to receive the most urgent messages and warnings from UTMB. Click on UTMB Alerts! and sign up. Student Occupational Therapy Association-SOTA The Student Occupational Therapy Association (S.O.T.A) advances quality, availability, use and support of occupational therapy through education, promotion, service, and fundraising Professional Journals Clinical Laboratory Sciences Occupational Therapy Physical Therapy Physician Assistant Studies Respiratory Care SHP Upcoming Events Calendar The UTMB American Red Cross Student Organization helps to conduct activities to keep students prepared to respond to disaster and personal emergencies. Activities of the organization include blood drives, CPR training, emergency response training, and educating elementary school students. This student organization is the first SHP student organization with inter-school, inter-professional sponsorship. For more information on joining this organization contact: Shama Shaukatali shshauka@utmb.edu SHP-CLS Class of 2012 American Red Cross Student Organization President DECEMBER 2011 5-Study Day—No Classes 6-Final Exam Day 7-Final Exam Day 8-Final Exam Day 9-Last Day of Class for Fall 2011 16-Commencement 30-Registration & Fee Payment Deadline (All Students) JANUARY 2012 4-Back to school 16-MLK’s Birthday (School Closed) 17-Classes Resume 19-Last day to Add or Drop a Course 19-Online Registration Closes FEBRUARY 2012 20-President’s Day (School Closed) 21-Classes Resume MARCH 2012 12-16 SPRING BREAK! 19-Classes Resume 26-Last Day to Withdraw from Courses with a “W” APRIL 2012 9-Online Registration Opens 16-Study Day (No Classes) 17-20 FINAL EXAM WEEK 20-Last Day of Class for Spring 2012 30-Classes Begin—Summer 2012 American Red Cross Student Organization Front Row L to R: Drona Pandeya, Jennifer Rodgers, Sarah Burnett, Donna Stangeland-Faculty Sponsor, Kajal Patel (front), Sunitha Abraham, Juan Trujillo. Back Row L to R: Mark Lay, Shama Shaukatali, Sarah Stover, Callie Giffin, Sehreen Ali, Navin Parajuli, Charles Chesson Professional-Looking Clinical Laboratory Sciences Students in the Lab. Smile! Hold the pose. Okay—Relax! Student Organization of Clinical Laboratory Sciences (SOCLS) BAKE SALE and Henna Body Art Fundraiser Shama Shaukatali and former CLS student Nishan Takele 2011 SCHOLARSHIP LUNCHEON On October 25, the School of Health Professions held its annual scholarship luncheon at Levin Hall. Dean Betty Protas presided over an event at which more than $287,000 in scholarships were awarded to existing and incoming students; 190 students in all. Students, donors, staff and faculty members all came together to celebrate this wonderful event. Dr. Callender attended and offered his best wishes to everyone there. Some of the 190 Scholarship Recipients L to R: Frieda Davis-University Federal Credit Union, Andy Kazantsev-CLS, Jill Kaiser-UFCU Donor and Camellia St. John-CLS Joanne Davis-Donor, Dana McClain-PA Studies, & Harry Davis-Donor CLS Recipients L to R: Sehreen Ali, Juan Trujillo, Shama Shaukatali, Hayley Fritsche, Navin Parajuli CELEBRATING NATIONAL PA WEEK! Dear School of Health Professions, Organizing Physician Assistant Week for UTMB was an honor this year. I was super excited about all the upcoming activities and spreading the word about the PA profession. As such a new profession, PA Week has played a critical role in educating our community about the importance of physician assistants in the world of health care. This year was all about spreading the word. I began by creating a Facebook Page devoted to Texas PA Week and invited all my friends to join and invite all of their friends. The goal was to unite all the PA Programs and share our activities with each other and create a resource for future TAPA representatives who will be charged with organizing PA Week. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Texas-PA-Week/261643730533929 Check out the article in the October issue of IMPACT PA WEEK 2011 More publicity came in the form of contacting the Galveston Daily News, the local paper, and writing a letter to the editor about PA Week to be featured on October 6th. The letter, titled “Thank a PA today,” discussed the importance of the PA profession and the extension of healthcare to underserved areas due to PA dedication and compassion for patient well-being. We were also able to contact our school publication, Impact, to broadcast PA Week on the front page of our website as well as through campus email. The faculty also pooled funds to purchase a huge banner to hang outside of the School of Health Professions (SHP) building advertising PA Week to other students throughout campus. The SHP building was also covered with smaller posters announcing PA Week. On Monday, a group photo was taken in front of Old Red on campus with all the PA students with the PA Week banner. On October 6th, at noon, the newest PA students distributed PayDay (“PA Day”) candy bars at Jamail and the SHP lobby to inform others about PA’s. The students also hosted a canned food drive benefiting The Jesse Tree which is a “faith-based, non-profit organization that connects people with the healthcare, social services and ministerial resources they need to rebuild their lives and uplift their spirits.” This contribution illustrate’s the compassionate nature of PA’s as a whole. Finally, personalized thank-you letters were hand written and distributed to each of the UTMB practicing PA’s and an email with the group photo was also sent out. Overall, I think this was a very successful PA Week and I can’t wait to help plan more activities for next year. I hope we can host a PA health clinic for the community for blood pressure and glucose screening and patient education. The other goal is to organize a PA Week 5K (PAssionate about our Patients) that will become an annual activity. Tamra Dee Warner tdwarner@utmb.edu PA-S University of Texas Medical Branch Texas Academy of Physician Assistants 2010-2011 Representative PA CLASSES CELEBRATE ON CAMPUS! S L to R: Marybeth Sparks-Bauer, Maggie Harrison, Sarah Kalina, Anna Clark, and Mindy Li O L to R: Stephanie Parlangeli and Nereida Martinez T L to R: Calli Liamis, Nhi Nguyen, and Laura Ruis A L to R: Jamie Kifer, Danielle Pegues, Colley Scott, Laura LaRue, Rachel Glasser, and Veronica DiLullo L to R: Carmen Owen, Kate Christy, and Kristen Hoffmann SKYBar FUNdraiser! Student Occupational Therapy Association held it’s annual fundraiser at SKYBar in September. They had a great time with friends and eating sushi! L to R: Courtney Annis, Rory Autry and Michelle Lindsey DOCTORATE OF PHYSICAL THERAPY STUDENTS GETTING INVOLVED DPT - Intramural Soccer Team L to R: Matt Nguyen, Alex Kurian, Reju Matthew and Jaisie Stevens Ronald McDonald House—Kids Face Painting Fun! L to R: Marco Hernandez, Kristen Cox and Kevin Villarreal Intramurals Flag Football The “Lumbricals” Team! L to R: Chuck Ihli, Tad Scott, Lauren Priestly, Marco Hernandez, Matt Nguyen and Thad Thibodeaux DPT Class of 2014 (maybe) Student Conclave—Annual TPTA Conference L to R: Danielle Botel, Emily Valdes, Whitney Clancy, Dr. Jennifer Ellison, Dr. Michael Furtado, Jenna Ruder and Lydia Montes DPT Students at TPTA Conference L to R: Ashley Childress, Dawn New-Weeks, Ashley Grahmann and Danielle Botel RESPIRATORY CARE WEEK! October 24, 2011, a few senior Respiratory Care students decided to go to a local high school and talk about the practice of Respiratory Care. The high school they visited is located in the center of all the refineries in Texas, Sam Rayburn High School in Pasadena. The senior students demonstrated what tools RT's use on a daily basis, therapy devices, a LTV 1200 Ventilator, and healthy lungs vs. damaged lungs. The senior students also shared some of their stories from clinical rotations. They talked about what units they've worked in, what type of tools they've used and where they've completed rotations in the Texas Medical Center. October 26, 2011, two senior students set up an information booth in the cafeteria at John Sealy Hospital to spread the word about Respiratory Care Week. They had several visitors who asked about the program and to get their pulse ox reading! Priya Patel with students Anika Patel with students Bency Abraham with students Melissa Quintanilla with high school students Anika Patel and Melissa Quintanilla at John Sealy Cafeteria promoting Respiratory Care Physician Assistants Fall Semester Extra-Curricular Activities ! PA Flag Football Team “NECROSIS FACTOR” Class of 2013 won its first match on October 23rd. The PA Class of 2013 celebrated Veteran’s Day in style by throwing their first fundraiser party of the year. A BIG thank you to everyone who came and supported the class! The PA class of 2013 celebrated Thanksgiving with a potluck luncheon. Click here to play holiday games! YUMMY COOKIE RECIPE’S Super Chunky Cookies Homemade Samoas (Caramel de-Lites) Chocolate Caramel Thumbprint Cookies Happy Kwanzaa! Quick Holiday Cookie Bars Happy Yule! Chocolate Cheesecake Candy Cane Bars Oatmeal Cream Cheese Butterscotch Bars We thought it might be fun for you to read how other countries around the world celebrate the holidays with their decorations, traditions and favorite holiday food recipes! Click on the stockings to explore... The legend of the poinsettia arises from the 16th century, back to a Christmas Eve in Mexico. The legend tells the story of a little girl who was too poor and did not have a gift to present to Christ. Encouraged to give a humble gift; she gathered some weeds from the side of the road. As she arrived at church and approached the altar, a Christmas miracle occurred; the weeds bloomed into beautiful red and green flowers. The flowers were then given the name Flores de Noche Buena, meaning "flowers of the holy night." Other associations tie the poinsettia to Christmas. It is said that Franciscan friars in Mexico began using poinsettias as part of their Christmas celebrations during the 17th century. It is also believed by many that the star-shaped leaf pattern on the plant symbolizes the Star of Bethlehem, and the deep red colors of the leaves represent the blood of Christ. Click on the car if you love Hanukka! The Syndrome yearbook staff is looking for students to help with the 20112012 yearbook! If you are interested in joining the 2012 yearbook staff, please RSVP to Ericka Hailey at ekhailey@utmb.edu. We encourage all SHP Student Organization Historians and student groups to join. ELECTRONIC SUGGESTION BOX Please click on the link below to share your ideas with us so we can improve your campus experience in the School of Health Professions. We welcome your suggestions and your honest feedback because it identifies areas for improvement or it could be a new idea you would like to share. Your suggestions will be discussed by our office staff and our SHP Student Advisory Council. Won’t you please take a minute and give us your feedback? Form The Office of Academic and Student Affairs The Office of Academic and Student Affairs provides the following services to our students: Academic Calendar, Clinical Affiliation Contracts, Commencement, Degree Audits, Liaison Roles with the Book Store, Enrollment Services, the Library, Financial Aid and SIS Access Information, SHP Bulletin, Background Checks, Grades, Grievances, New Student Orientation, Exam Proctoring, Liaison Roles with SHP Student Organizations, Tutoring and the student newsletter Splash Page! If you have any questions, please call our office at (409)772-9411 or contact us by email. Top row : Darlene Bordelon, Dr. Henry Cavazos and Sherri Walker Bottom row: Michelle Conley and Mary Ellen Beaupre Contact The Editor Mary Ellen Beaupre Office of Academic and Student Affairs Phone: (409) 772-3030 Fax: (409) 772-1550 mebeaupr@utmb.edu
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