Convention - Touchpoint Sports
Convention - Touchpoint Sports Sponsorships & Advertising The Official Publication of the American Hockey Coaches Association ion ES Convent NAPL Inside: 2012 April 2012 2012 ■ Guide www.AHCAHOCK Vol. XVIII, No. 4 Sponsorship & n Conventio AL THE OFFICI MERICAN N OF THE A P U B L I C AT I O C I AT I O ACHES ASSO HOCKEY CO ACHA Honors y Top Non-Varsit Coaches s Bob Daniels of Ferri of State leads selections as hes coac top s this year’ A Men’s flexxCOACH AHC of the Year Division I Coach M.F. Schurman University of Delaware Year OF THE Scott Galvin, UM Photo ServiceS nI A Men’s Divisio flexxCOACH NCA FERRIS STATE BOB DANIELS, Ferris State Unior his efforts in leading Men’s NCAA Division I versity to its first n Four” appearance Ice Hockey “Froze chosen Bob Daniels has been in school history, Award as Spencer Penrose winner of the 2012 ACH/ exxCO fl y Ice Hocke Division I Men’s s, this the Year. For Daniel AHCA Coach of been Penrose Award, having marks his second He will d by his peers in 2003. previously honore g, April 28, on Saturday evenin award his receive es Associacan Hockey Coach during the Ameri tion in Naples, FL. tion annual conven record overall compiled an Daniels’ Bulldogs title in ing the regular season of 25-12-5, captur ation along iate Hockey Associ the Central Colleg this year’s Frozen to ed advanc the way. Ferris the NCAA virtue of winning Four in Tampa by F Advertising Opportunities ACHA MEN’S DIVISION 1 2012 Coaches ive Spencer Daniels Will Rece n AHCA Conventio Penrose Award at es, FL on April 28 in Napl N COACH OF THE YEAR nsin, on in Green Bay, Wisco Midwest Regional sity of defeated the Univer back March 23-24. FSU g game, 2-1, and came in Denver in the openin by the same score sity Univer ll to down Corne the final. the Year, CCHA Coach of Daniels, this year’s State. 20th season at Ferris is completing his DANIELS|CONTINU ED PAGE y AssoCollegiate Hocke The 2012 American -ofDivision 1 Coach , ciation [ACHA] Men’s ted by Harrow Sports the-Year Award, presen the University of of an Schurm goes to M.F. es d by the Head Coach selecte as are, Delaw n 1. This is the first of ACHA Men’s Divisio n 1 Coach-of-the-Year ACHA Men’s Divisio sity the 2nd for the Univer Award for M.F and 1 with also won in 2000-0 of Delaware, which the helm. Josh Brandwene at Men’s ACHA the for The other finalists were: -of-the-Year Award Division 1 Coach sity of Oakland Univer • Jeremy Bachusz sity Arizona State Univer • Greg Powers of sity Lindenwood Univer • Rick Zombo of ted his ACHA Men’s M.F. will be presen the at -of-the-Year Award Division 1 Coach Coachation Associ es Coach American Hockey April 28, ation on Saturday, of-the-Year Celebr Club Beach Hotel & Golf 2012, at The Naples in Naples, FL. was a crowning The 2011-12 season UniSchurman’s and his achievement for M.F. NON-VARSITY | CONTINUED PAGE 4 Convention 2012-2013 Season 4/18/12 11:16 AM tartsNEW.indd Apr2012_StopsS 1 2013 12 Sponsorships & Advertising The Official Publication of the American Hockey Coaches Association AHCA Sponsorship & Advertising Opportunities 2012-2013 The AHCA is excited to announce expanded sponsorship opportunities this season! We have packaged advertising opportunities in Stops & Starts magazine (mailed to all coaches) with sponsorships and premium booth spaces at the Annual Convention in Naples! If your goal is to reach college hockey coaches, our sponsorships are extremely efficient and effective. In addition to the following opportunities, custom packages can also be created to meet your specific marketing plans! SPONSORSHIP PACKAGES (Does not include cost of booth) Gold Level: Silver Level: Bronze Level: Choice of booth location at the Exhibitors Social at the Annual Convention in Naples. Secondary selection of booth location at the Exhibitors Social at the Annual Convention in Naples. Choice of any unsold $2,000 sponsorship at the AHCA Annual Convention in Naples. Choice of sponsorship of any unsold $3,000 AHCA convention event. Choice of any unsold $2,500 sponsorship for AHCA convention event. Half page advertisement in each of the 5 issues of Stops & Starts. Some sponsorships include opportunity to address the membership i.e. socials, breakfasts, etc. Some convention events include opportunity to address the membership i.e. socials, breakfasts, etc. 100 word company description & logo in Naples Convention Guide. Half page advertisement in each of the 5 issues of Stops & Starts. Full page advertisement in each of the 5 issues of Stops & Starts. Logo recognition of Silver Sponsorship and link to company website from AHCA website. Logo recognition of Gold Sponsorship and link to company website from AHCA website. Silver Level Package: $4,500 One page “flyer” inserted into Convention notebook. Selection of available booth location at the Exhibitors Social at the convention in Naples prior to any and all non-sponsor locations. Bronze Level Package: $3,500 premium opportunities: AHCA Coach of The Year AHCA All-American Teams $5,000 Gold Level Package: $7,000 $5,000 Individual Sponsorship Opportunities Annual Convention, Naples, FL Breakouts/Drill Sessions Women’s Coaches Early Registration Women’s Coaches Social AHCA Early Registration Convention Name Tags Women’s Golf Tournament $2,000 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,000 $3,000 Hockey Coaches Care Party Convention Breakfast Convention Notebooks ACHA Breakfast/Registration Exhibitors Socials (3) Convention T-Shirts $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $2,500 $2,000 2012-2013 Season Sponsorships & Advertising The Official Publication of the American Hockey Coaches Association AHCA Sponsorship & Advertising Opportunities Published five times each season, Stops & Starts is mailed to all NCAA men’s and women’s Division I and Division III head coaches, as well as assistants and staff. Club hockey teams across the country also receive the publication, along with affiliate members in the prep and amateur ranks. A variety of advertising opportunities are being offered this season! If your business is looking to reach the influential coaches across the country, Stops & Starts is the place to advertise your products and services! For more information: Dave Jensen Greg Anzelc Bryan Nelson 800.597.5656 ad sizes & rates Full Page 8.25” x 10.875” $695 1/2 Page Horizontal 7.25” x 4.875” $495 1/2 Page Vertical 3.5” x 9.875” $495 1/4 Page Banner 7.25” x 2.375” $395 1/4 Page Vertical 3.5” x 4.875” $395 deadlines SPACE ARTWORK MAIL Fall 2012 9/28/12 10/8/12 10/19/12 January 2013 12/14/12 12/21/12 1/7/13 February 2013 1/28/13 2/4/13 2/10/13 April 2013 (Naples Convention Issue) 4/5/13 4/12/13 4/19/13 Summer 2013 6/18/13 6/25/13 7/1/13 505 North Highway 169, Suite 465 Minneapolis, MN 55441 PH: (800) 597-5656 • FAX: (763) 595-0016 E-MAIL: The official publication of the American Hockey Coaches Asssociation 2012-2013 Season Sponsorships & Advertising The Official Publication of the American Hockey Coaches Association AHCA Sponsorship & Advertising Opportunities 2012 NaPLeS Recap Issue 2012 Summer 2012 Convention THE OFFI CIAL P U B L I C AT ■ Vol. XVIII, No. 5 ION OF T HE AMER ICA Scenes www.ahcaho N HOCKE Y COACH ES A S S O C I AT The non-varsity Coaches of the Year hold their ACHA plaques. From left, Division 1 COY M. F. Schurman of Delaware, Divis ion 2 COY Fred Carpe nito of Northeaste rn and Division 3 COY Mike Quennevill e of Alabama. from Naples (All photos by 2013 ’12 Jennifer Ziege lmaier) The two winn ingest coaches in the history of NCAA Wom en’s ice hockey enjoy a moment in Naples. At left is Bill Mandigo of Midd lebury, who has 451 wins seasons; at right in 24 Stone of Harva is Katey rd, fresh off coaching Team USA to a silver meda l year’s Women’s at this World Championships, who has 378 wins in 18 seasons. Convention Keith Blase of flexxCOACH (center) enjoy Amherst’s Jack s a moment Arena (left), with winner of the Award as NCAA 2012 Edward Jeremiah Daniels of Ferris Men’s Division III Coach of the Year, and as NCAA Men’ State, winner of the 2012 Bob Spencer s Division I Coach the Year awar of the Year. This Penrose Award ds were spons year’s Coach ored by flexxC of OACH. ION ESPN broadcaste r John Bucci at this year’s gross entertains “Cele in Naples, Florid bration of Men’s Ice Hock the audience ey” on April a. Buccigross 28 attendees as one of this year’s also delivered remarks to the keynote speak ers. naples beach hotel and golf CLub May 1-5, 2013 SALON E SERVICE AREA SERVICE AREA SALON D 1 4 5 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 19 6 MANGROVE BALLROOM 17 ORCHID ATRIUM 3 [BEER ] 16 29 SALON C SERVICE AREA 2 28 7 8 9 10 11 12 20 38 70 18 13 14 15 42 43 44 20 22 REGISTRATION SALON G 71 39 23 40 45 60 46 47 48 49 50 51 [TV & BEER ] SALON H 52 53 72 54 55 * Ballroom layout subject to change 56 57 58 59 SALON I SALON B SERVICE AREA 27 41 SALON A 26 SALON F [BEER ] 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 2012-2013 Season