2003 AKA National Convention


2003 AKA National Convention
Number 47
The newsletter of the South Jersey Kite Flyers
Nov./Dec., 2003
2003 AKA National Convention
By Todd Little
The AKA convention in Dayton, Ohio was,
as always, very cool.
Everything from the welcome party to the awards
banquet lived up to the usual AKA standards. It
turned out that I didn’t need to fear a lack of wind, as
there was plenty to go around! Competing in
comprehensive kite making became a real thrill as I
tried to keep kites flying (and flying well) for the
judges in gusts up to 20 MPH.
The backdrop of the U.S. Air Force Museum
was stunning and if you were lucky enough to find
time to get into the museum, the exhibits could knock
your socks off! Imagine seeing a Wright brother’s
airplane right next to a Stealth Fighter! There are U-2
spy planes, experimental aircraft and even a space
exhibit. The indoor competition took place between a
B-52 and the flight simulator.
The banquets featured fine food and great
company. I made it a point to sit with groups of
people I did not know, and by the end of the
convention I had made quite a few new friends! I had
also made a few purchases at the auction and went
home with quite a lot of new goodies. I actually
bought a ½ lb. bar of chocolate imprinted with 100
Years of Flight and a picture of the Wright Flyer, but
the bar has mysteriously disappeared.
Other highlights included a mile long runway
for buggy racing, exciting sport kite competitions
featuring the best flyers in the country, the kite art
gallery and impromptu trivia contests in the hotel bar.
This was my fifth convention and each one is
more interesting than the last. I keep finding new
things to do and new people to meet. I really look
forward to the next one!
Inside this issue…
2003 AKA Convention
Page 1
Short Note to Windwriters
Empty Places/Anniversary Bash
Page 2
President’s Report
Board Members & Chair People
Page 3
An Independent Observation
Part 1 of 2
Kite Aerial Photography (KAP)
Page 4
A Special Request…
Calendar of Events
Page 6
SJKF Holiday Party
Page 7
Cel Update
Page 8
Recreating Tako Kichi
Editor’s Column
Page 10
AKA Membership Application
SJKF Membership Application
Tako Kichi Symbols – separate insert
Page 11
Page 2
WindWriters #47
Short Note for Windwriters
By Tony Esposito
It has now been almost a year since I closed
my store, Fly- Away Kites Inc., in Belmar, New
Jersey. I know from the amount of businesses I have
run in my some almost eighty years of life that one
should ever get sentimental over a business. But I will
tell you never had I had a business venture that I
became so involved in personally as I did this one.
You can tell I'm getting to be an old man because I'm
starting to ramble. But from the very first time I
ventured into this business it was the people in kiting
that made it so wonderful. The very first exposure I
had was getting to meet Bill Osche from the Kite
Loft. His knowledge of the kiting industry I think is
second to none. From that moment on to the rest of
the fourteen years I operated my store it was the same
such great folks in this industry.
You know, I'll never forget the time a young
attracted lady came into my store and told me she
wanted to buy one of Dodd Gross's stunt kites. She
gave me the exact model number she wanted. She
informed me that she had by chance came on a Kite
Festival in Wildwood, N.J. and that Dodd had
demonstrated this kite to her. He had even let her
handle the kite herself. All went good I showed her
the kite and how to put it together. Sold her the
handles, the cords, and even a stake to place her lines
on. The sale all completed she said she had one more
question. She asked me, " Are you sure this kite has in
it all of the same kite tricks Dodd had demonstrated
to me? Sure, it can do all of those when she got as
good at kite flying as Dodd Gross was.
You know recently, on a nice day this
October I was down flying my six-foot single line
delta kite on the Fifth Street beach in Belmar. A little
youngster with his mom stood looking at the kite and
me flying proudly up above me. And he seemed so
thrilled at what he saw I asked him if he would like to
hold the reins to this kite. He said he would love to.
As he held the cord to the kite with a big smile on his
face I know that here was another kiter for a lifetime.
Thanks for listening to an old man rambled
on. Every kite flyer should be a member of the AKA,
a great organization. Whenever you buy a kite,
remember, buy it from a member of the Kite Trade
Empty Place in the Sky at SJKF’s
Anniversary Bash
By Betty Hirschmann
In late August, I received a phone call from
Ted Johnson telling me that Lee was ill, and that they
would not be coming to the Summer Sands this year.
Ted asked me to take over room 217, the room that
he and Lee have shared for many years during the
month of October. I was uneasy about doing this, but
decided to do as Ted asked.
In September, Ted contacted me to advise
that Lee had passed away. I advised Scott of the sad
news, and then passed the word onto the club. A few
days later, Ted called again to tell me that in memory
of Lee, he and his whole family were making the trip
to the Crest for the annual bash. I was somewhat
surprised by this news, but at the same time
overjoyed. I asked if he wanted to stay in room 217,
and he replied that he was taking a room on the 4th
As the time grew nearer to our going to the
Crest, I became uneasy about staying in room 217.
When we got there and checked in, I felt like an
intruder. It was hard for me to occupy a room which
had so many wonderful memories of a woman I
loved and respected, and who was not hear to
participate in the festivities this year.
I was surprised how much staying in room
217 bothered me, so I prayed to Lee. The more I
prayed, and thought of her the more comfortable I
became. As the weekend progressed, and I shared
time and memories with Ted’s family I realized that
Lee was indeed there with us. She was there in the
face of her brother, there in the tears and laughter of
her children and their families, and there in the hearts
of Ted and all of us who new and loved her.
See ya next year Lee!
WindWriters #47
By Scott E. Spencer
Page 3
Scott Spencer
What a great fall it has been!
Our Birthday Bash was great. Good wind, lots
of food and many items in the auction at discount
prices. Many members helped with the food and
auction activities. Thank you all for your help and
participation. Make your plans now to attend next
year’s event which will be held on October 3, 2004;
it’s always a blast. The only downside to the Bash was
that we didn’t raise as much money as we would have
liked to, but that’s life. I‘ll speak more about the
ramifications of this fact later.
As always, the AKA convention was an all out
wonderful experience. SJKF sponsored one of the
five mass ascension pins for the 3rd year in a row, and
we sponsored a fighter kite competition trophy. The
Mother Kite flew every day. Our members were very
active in volunteering in various areas helping make
many activities happen.
SJKF members placed at the AKA National
Competitions. Following are those receiving trophies.
I may have overlooked someone, if I did here’s your
chance to shine. Just send a photo of yourself and
what award you earned, and you could be the feature
Novice Line Touch: 3rd place, Jeremy Johannesen
Rokkaku Battles: Andy Selzer, Head Judge
Team: 1st place, "Team Killer Turtles"
Jim Cosca (captain) and Rosanna Rosanova (the
most graceful real person I ever saw)
Single Line:
Novice: 2nd place - Jim & Robin Johannesen
Line Art: 2nd place - James Johannesen
3rd place - Pete Dolphin
Cellular: 1st place - Pete Dolphin
Rokkaku: 2nd place - SES
3rd place - Jim Johannesen
Bowed: 3rd place - SES
Fighter: 1st place - Andy no "T" Selzer
Mixed Media: Barb Hall. Best dresses flyer in my book.
(Continued on Page 9)
Vice Presidents
1st - Chris Mears
Betty Hirschmann
Pat Mozier
Directors at Large
Mike Dallmer
Jim Davis
Lee & Ethel Kraft
Russ & Pat Mozier
Cel Dallmer
Charles Bojarski
Page 4
WindWriters #47
An Independent Observation
By Ginny Hansen
Part 1 of 2
The Hansens (Ginny & David) have just returned
from GISKC. Gary & Maggie Engvall followed us
home and they plan to spend a couple of days with us
doing kite-related indoor activities as well as
computer clean-up tasks. It must have been windy
here in Chester (VA) while we were gone because the
leaves are finally off the trees and off the roof. I have
hinted that Gary and David should be removing said
leaves from the yard, but I'm sure they are going to be
lost in cyber land as soon as the coffee kicks in.
One of the appealing aspects of kiting for me is
traveling to a new location and finding my favorite
people there. I don't fly kites. I don't sew kites. I
certainly do enjoy kiters and now consider many of
them among my dearest friends. It's a little bit like a
family in that there are a few we need to simply put
up with; but, for the most part, kiters are a bright and
creative group and those are qualities I look for in
companions. I love showing up at an event and being
greeted by those friendly and interesting people.
How bad can any weekend be if there is a beach
populated by my pals?
The title of this communication is "Consider
Tybee." That's directed at those of you who have
never been to the Georgia International Stunt Kite
Championship held in Tybee Island GA (usually the
second weekend in November which for many years
was a Monday-holiday weekend). Since it's been held
on Tybee Island near Savannah, aficionados have
referred it to simply as "Tybee." David and I are
considered "newbies" on the kiting circuit (only four
full years of competitions), so it'd be a little
presumptuous of me to imply that I know all about
the history of Tybee. I don't. I DO have lots of
resources about past events since our current kiting
houseguests have been to every single Georgia event
and have lots of great stories to tell. Did I mention
that kiters are great talkers?
We had first heard of Tybee from Terry Murray
and Phil Napier. David's maiden voyage to Tybee
was with "Talkin' Phil". David still reports that that
drive was the fastest he can ever remember. He
claims to have asked Phil a question in Petersburg VA
and the next thing he knew they were in Georgia!
Tybee Island is a beautiful location to begin with. I'm
sure the old timers complain about the
"development", but it hasn't yet gone overboard with
franchises. Sharon Bates can tell you where the
antiques are. Sharon Cooper can tell you where to do
Christmas shopping. Susan Galeano can tell you
about sightseeing. Dennis (Voice of the Eastern
League and lighthouse junkie) Smith can give you the
Tybee Light stats. Monica and Ro can fill you in on
the ghost tours as well as vegetarian food sources.
Kathy Javens knows where the best place to party in
Savannah is.
Savannah is a beautiful and charming place with
lots to see if you decide to tear yourself away from the
beach at Tybee. I suppose GISKC is considered a
smaller event; but like any jewel, size does not
determine its fascination or appeal. It's obviously the
people who make the event! Tom and Susan Mason
have made it feel like a homecoming without Aunt
Velma's scary side dishes. Gathering for hamburgers,
hot dogs, and beans Friday night is a tradition that
makes us feel we have returned to a welcoming place.
Pat Powers brought a fabulous tray of hand-made
candies. The cookout is the first chance to visit with
friends we may have seen only weeks before at Outer
Banks on Jockey's Ridge NC or with those we haven't
seen since last year. It's an opportunity to register and
to see the T-shirt for the first time, as well as a chance
to refuel. (Part 2 will be published in the January
Kite Aerial
By Charlie
reading the articles
on Kite Aerial
Photography in Kiting magazine, I thought this would
be something different to do while my kites float
around the sky over the beach in Cape May, NJ.
I search the web for information and plans
and found a site with plans for a simple rig by
Brookes Loeffler called Brooxes Basic Brownie
Box. The material list was small and part readily
available except for the KSB de-thermal timer that
formed part of the shutter release.
WindWriters #47
Visits to the hobby shops in the Phila. Area
proved fruitless. I finally found the timer in an old
hobby shop in Lansdale, PA. In exchange for my
credit card number, they sent me the KSB timer.
The KAP rig was complete, except for the
rigging of the suspension lines, or picavet, that
support the camera rig, and was sitting on the shelf in
the basement for about 3 months. With the approach
of the club’s anniversary bash in Wildwood Crest, I
felt it was time to see if this rig really worked. I knew
the beach would be deserted so I didn’t have to worry
if the lines broke and the rig fell some 100’ to the
By the time my wife and I arrived at the
Summer Sands, Scott Spencer had the Mother Kite in
the air. I asked Scott if I could use that kite to lift my
camera rig into the air. I want to thank Scott for
helping me attach the rig to the line and for acting as
a ground crew.
I took about 10 pictures that afternoon while
trying to get some different views each time. I had
the pictures developed the following Monday and was
surprised to get back 6 “not suitable for framing”
pictures that were clearer that expected with the way
the camera rig was swaying in the wind.
Scott made me promise to post one picture in
the newsletter but I decided to post two. He also
wanted me to write about what I learned, so here
1. Practice tying the clove hitch. I really
haven’t used this hitch since Boy Scouts.
2. Some sort of indicator is need under the
cross pieces on the suspension rig to
help in moving the camera into different
directions instead of just guessing.
3. Use ASA 800 film for the best quality
picture. The one-use cameras now come
in ASA 800.
4. Turn on the timer before re-launching
the camera rig and allow ample time for
the timer to do its magic before
retrieving it. This was there won’t be
any more “oops” shots.
Think 3-channel RC for the next rig.
Until then this one works fine!
Page 5
Charlie and Scott on the beach in Wildwood
Crest, taken from about 50’.
The NJ Buggy Assn. Gang at the Anniversary
A Special Request at the AKA
Auction in Dayton
By Betty Hirschmann
In August of 2002, Cel Dallmer was
hospitalized, and for 359 days she remained
hospitalized. For the first month she was kept in a
induced coma suffering from the
kidney/pancreas problem. She underwent many
operations, received in excess of 25 blood
transfusions, and fought fevers reaching as high as
104.9 degrees.
Page 6
Shortly before Scott and I were to leave for
the convention, we went to see Cel at home and to
collect the items that Mike was holding for the AKA
Auction; Mike was one of the organizers. When we
got there Cel told us of an item that she wanted, and
asked me to bid on Bertha & The Guppies (a large
bouncing fish and 12 guppies), which was made and
donated by The Kansas City Kite Club; she
authorized me to spend up to $300.00, but could not
afford to pay more.
Upon arrival at the convention, I was told that
Gayle Woodul Region 8 Director was interested in
bidding high on Bertha. I caught up with Gayle and
explained the situation with Cel; she advised me that
her main interest was in making sure that they got the
value that they deserved.
Gayle and I spread the word that Cel wanted
Bertha, but when it came time to bid on Bertha,
someone was bidding right along with me. When it
got to $240.00, Gayle hollered across the room at
them and told them to cease bidding. At this point I
made a $250.00 bid, and was able to secure Bertha &
The Kids for Cel; Gayle and I were elated with the
outcome, and Gayle immediately went to the other
bidder and explained the situation.
Not content to let it end this way, Cel being
out $250.00, Gayle sent a note to David Gomberg
(the auctioneer) asking him to announce that we
would love to send the items to Cel as a present from
the AKA membership. She asked for donations of
any size from those in attendance. Immediately, we
were rushed by at least 30 people who wanted to help
send Bertha & The Guppies to Cel. Gayle was crying
on Mel Hickman’s shoulder, and I cried right along
with her.
On our return home we called Mike to see when
we could come over to the house and bring Bertha
home, Mike advised that Cel had a relapse and was
once again hospitalized. We made arrangements to go
to the hospital the next day. When we got there, we
surprised Cel with a bouquet of flowers, a scented
candle with a stopper with a cute little bear on it (Cel
loves bears), and Bertha & The Guppies (the
donations went well past the cost of Bertha).
Mike tried to give me the $250.00 they owed
me, but when he tried I handed him a copy of an
email that I had received from Gayle. In the email she
had written to the Kansas City Kite Club thanking
them for their donation, and explaining to them why
the item did not bring as much money for the AKA
WindWriters #47
as it might have. She relayed that their gift provided a
much more expansive donation to the AKA and its
members – the opportunity to give a true gift of love
to one of our own. It was all Mike could do to read
the email to Cel; we were all a little teary eyed. When
he finished reading Cel was almost speechless, but she
did manage to wish a sincere thank you to all.
Schedule of Kite Events, SJKF
11/16/04 (Sunday) SJKF Meeting, 1 pm, Gloucester
County Library, Mullica Hill, NJ. Contact: Scott
Spencer Ttbgfnj@aol.com or 856-854-5520
12/14/04 (Sunday) SJKF 7th Annual Holiday Party
at Café Neena 20 South Broad Street, off Route 295
in Woodbury NJ 08096.
1/15/04 WindWriters submission deadline for
1/18/04 (Sunday) SJKF Meeting, 1 pm, Gloucester
County Library, Mullica Hill, NJ.
2/15/04 (Sunday) SJKF Meeting, 1 pm, Gloucester
County Library, Mullica Hill, NJ.
2/20/04 – 2/22/04 SASKC, St. Augustine Sport Kite
Classic (St. Augustine Beach, FL) Contact: Rob
Autrey 904-687-9184 or pyroflyer@hotmail.com
WindWriters #47
Page 7
3/15/04 WindWriters submission deadline for
6/19/04 (Sunday) SJKF Meeting, 1 pm, Gloucester
County Library, Mullica Hill, NJ.
3/21/04 (Sunday) SJKF Meeting, 1 pm, Gloucester
County Library, Mullica Hill, NJ.
7/9/04 – 7/12/04 NACKC: 2004 North American
Cup Kite Championships (Newport, RI) Contact:
High Flyers Flight Company 401-846-3262
3/27/04 38th Annual Smithsonian Kite
Festival, Washington, DC. Contact: The
Smithsonian Associates, P.O. Box
23293,Washington D.C. 20026-3293 (202)
357-3030 KiteFestival@tsa.si.ed
4/18/04 (Sunday) SJKF Meeting, 1 pm, Gloucester
County Library, Mullica Hill, NJ.
7/15/04 WindWriters submission deadline for
8/14/04 (Saturday) SJKF Meeting, 1 pm, Gloucester
County Library, Mullica Hill, NJ.
9/15/04 WindWriters submission deadline for
4/23/04 – 4/25/04 or 4/30/04 – 5/2/04 Maryland
International Kite Exposition/2004 Mid Atlantic
Stunt Kite Championships Contact: the Kite Loft
410-289-7855 jay@kiteloft.com or Sky Festivals 215736-3715 Rogerchewning@comcast.net
9/19/04 (Sunday) SJKF Meeting, 1 pm, Gloucester
County Library, Mullica Hill, NJ.
5/2/04 (Sunday) 26th Olan Turner Kite Day Please
keep in mind that this may be the last time for this
event due to lack of participation on the exhibitor's
end. We need all the Kiteflyers to show up that can,
this would be a terrible loss to the Kite Community if
it is gone. Contact Mary Ann Gump (215-757-0571)
or Mike Dallmer 215-722-4092
BASH. Plan ahead to be there!!!!!
10/11/04 – 10/16/04 The 2004 AKA National
Convention will be held in Seaside, OR.
5/15/04 WindWriters submission deadline for articles
5/28/04 5/31/04 ECSKC and WWIKF, Wildwood,
NJ Contact Sky Festivals 215-736-3715
5/16/04 (Sunday) SJKF Meeting, 1 pm, Gloucester
County Library, Mullica Hill, NJ.
6/4/04 – 6/6/04 BASKC, 2004 Boston Area Sport
Kite Championships (Boston, MA) Contact: Greg
Lamoureux 781-925-3277 gjkites@seasidekites.com
6/18/04 – 6/20/04 ODSKC, 2004 Old Dominion
Sport Kite Championships
(Richmond, VA) Contact: Terry Murray 804-7377172 kitebus@mindspring.com
9/23/04 – 9/26/04 Sunfest, Ocean City, MD,
contact: the Kite Loft 410-289-7855 or
11/15/04 WindWriters submission deadline for
11/21/04 (Sunday) SJKF Meeting, 1 pm, Gloucester
County Library, Mullica Hill, NJ.
SJKF Holiday Party
The South Jersey Kite Flyers annual holiday party
will be at Café Neena's in Woodbury, in the same
room as last year, at 12:30 pm on Sunday December
14th. Cost: $15.00 for members, $20.00 for
nonmembers, and $5.00 for children under 12
We have a deadline of Friday December 5th to
let Neena's know a count, so we will need all
reservations with payment by that time. All money
should be sent to Pat Mozier at 612 Whitman
Avenue, Glassboro, NJ 08028; this will save any delay
caused by checking the clubs P.O. box. Pat's phone
Page 8
WindWriters #47
The menu will consist of:: Hors d'ourves: tomato
and spinach brouchetta, stuffed mushrooms, bacon
and cheddar potato skins, pepperoni and cheese, and
wings. A choice of soup or salad or Spinach ravioli
with cream sauce. The three entree choices, served at
the table, will be beef wellington, chicken picante and
stuffed flounder. Desert will be chocolate brownie
with ice cream. Dinner includes coffee, tea (hot or
iced) and soda. A cash bar will be open.
This years raffle prizes will be a $25.00 gift
certificate to The Kite Studio, and theme baskets.
This year's game will be Nicknames. If you have had a
nickname as a child, or maybe in the military, or
something that you're significant other calls you, send
this info to Scott the gamester Spencer
Ttbgfnj@aol.com; just keep it clean. There will be
two prizes, one for the person who guesses the most
nicknames correctly and one for the person who
stumps the most people.
Directions: Take I-295, to 551 exit, exit number
HEIGHTS, turn Left onto BROADWAY, Café
Neena's is on the Left.
Hello Holiday Shoppers! The SJKF
CafePress Website has been updated with many new
things. Some make great Holiday GIFTS!!!!
There is a set of shirts, His,
Hers and Childrens that
match, so you coordinate the
family at the next Kiting
Event. There are holiday
ornaments, license plate
frames, mugs and steins, tile
coaster, tile box, BBQ apron,
lunch box, wall clock, Kite Flying Journal, Postcards,
blank Greeting Cards, Clothes, Hats and a couple of
The thing that you really need to check out though is
12 Month Calendar for 2004 with a different picture
for each month of SJKF Kiting Events over the past
couple years, who knows, maybe you’re on a month.
And at $16.99 what a deal
Remember, SJKF makes a little profit on each sale, so
this is another way to help SJKF.
Happy shopping,
Mike Dallmer, Store proprietor.
Cel Update, 11-12-03
Man, a lot has happened in the past 2
months!!! Cel came home again on September 15,
Day 382 and had a great 21 days. Marc and Eric
would call and have me pick them up to make up on
lost time with their “Mom Mom”, they were always
especially good when they were there for the day.
Cel came home taking about 35 pills a day and
on a special diet, low sugar, low fat and low residual,
try cooking for that!! She was also having Physical and
Occupational Therapy along with a visiting nurse. She
was doing so good that she even got to go shopping 2
days, something she really missed and what made it
really special was she got to pick out presents for Eric
3rd birthday!!! With her diet we were controlling her
sugars, one of the sad things about Pancreatitis is that
there is a good possibility that Cel will be a Diabetic
for the rest of her life.
The plan was for me to take care of Cel the
first 3 weeks home, Mike Jr was going to do 2 and
Gina was going to do1, by then it was thought Cel
could be on her own, with daily lunch time visits from
my Mom.
All this went well for 21 days, then Cel had a
slight fever, her pain increased and she started
vomiting again, back to the hospital it was on
October 7, this time for a 21 day hospital stay. After
numerous tests and blood work it was decided that
Cel had another case of Pancreatitis along with
Diverticularitus and a Staph Infection of the blood.
These were treated by having Cel’s digestive system
shut down by not feeding her for 12 days and a
month of Antibiotics.
On October 28 Cel again returned home,
Halloween was her first Holiday at home in long time.
Cel says she feels better that she has felt since she got
ill so maybe this time it will be a longer stay. She still
has the same Professional visiting her at home, except
WindWriters #47
this time she came home with an IV line that we
needed to give her an Antibiotic 3 times a day for the
first 8 days, heck, her doctors even call occasionally to
see how she is doing. I took care of her the first week
she was home and as I write this Mike JR. is in his
second week with Gina to follow, after that we’ll play
it by ear on how well she can get along alone.
Those of you that haven’t seen Cel in a while
will be surprise as her weight is close to 100 #, I
know she kill me for telling you this. She is still
having trouble walking and needs all kinds of
assistance but that is expected to return to normal,
though it will take a lot of work. Cel faces at least 2
more operations somewhere down the road when she
is stronger, one to repair the leak in her Pancreas and
the other to close up the hole left in her throat from
the Tracheotomy.
If there is one thing that is good about this
ordeal is that Cel is now officially out on a Disability
Retirement from Acme markets meaning she’ll be
able to join us at more events when she is up to it.
Did you hear about the fabulous thing that
the people at the year’s AKA Auction did for Cel? If
not either ask her about of get the next issue of Kiting
that is coming, the one with this year’s Convention
coverage. All I can say is what a great community
Kiting is!!!!!
Right now we are taking each day, one at
time and doing what we can to enjoy life be it
spending time with family and friends, shopping or
going out to eat (Yes, she can do that). We’ve
decided that you don’t know what is down the road
so do it while you can and live on day at a time.
Appreciate what you have and each other.
That’s about all for this update, hopefully
when you read this Cel will still be home and
improving, but please keep her in your prayers….
Good Winds…. Mike
Note from Mike – Cel was present at the
club meeting on Sunday 11/16/03.
(President’s Report from Page 3)
Cooperative: 2nd place - Jim & Robin Johannesen
Highest Score for Flight: Pete Dolphin
Highest Score for Visual: Pete Dolphin
Peoples Choice Award: Pete Dolphin
Page 9
This is the third time Pete has won this award, and
the only person to do so, and it just keeps getting
better. All three kites were crown type kites. That
makes Pete a Triple Crown winner, and a three-ring
circus flyer.
Sport Kite:
EPB: Shiva Divas - Monica Orso & Lisa Willoughby
EPP: Shiva Divas - Monica Orso & Lisa Willoughby
Betty L. Hirschmann was appointed to the
position of AKA’s secretary for the ninth consecutive
year. This makes her the longest standing member of
the board.
Russ Mozier has been busy keeping our web
site up to date. For the latest calendar info go to.
Mike Dallmer has been busy with the Café
Press site. Lots of neat stuff. The calendar (Years in
Pictures) is really cool. September is a great shot of
our possible future leadership.
You should have received your election ballot
by now. Your participation in the process is
appreciated. Sorry we didn’t send an individual ballot
for each person, but we had to cut cost this year. For
privacy reasons I assure you that the top and bottom
sections will be removed from the ballot prior to the
ballot being placed in the ballot box. As the Elections
Committee Chair, Betty handles that part of the
balloting process, and her integrity is unimpeachable.
Now for the bad news. For the first time in a
decade the club will end the year with less then $1,000
in the bank. For two years in a row our auction
revenue was lower then anticipated. Since this is our
major source of income we need to explore other
avenues to raise money. Some ideas are currently
being explored. Any ideas you have are always
welcome. This coming year we may not be able to do
all the things we have done in the past, but we will
As decided at our November meeting
Membership dues will be increasing. We haven’t had
an increase in dues since we started. At present we
spend more on the newsletter then we receive in
dues. Effective January 1, 2004, new memberships
will be $15.00, family memberships will be $20.00,
and all renewals will process at those same
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WindWriters #47
SJKF has been in existence since 1994, and
with your support we’ll be around for another 10
This is my last presidential report, for this
term. It’s been rewarding to serve the membership. I
look forward to continuing to serve the group in the
future but not as the head buckaroo. There are lot of
people who contribute to this organization in little
ways and some in larger ways. Thank you everyone.
Scott E. Spencer
Past President, Current Interim President and still will
to be president in the future.
Recreating Tako Kichi
By Andrew Selzer & Mikio Toki
As many club members know a couple of
years ago fellow member Ed Spencer had a great
window decal for your vehicle that stated the words
Tako Kichi. The English translation, of course, is
“Kite Crazy.”
While it has been a great decal for my van it
has gotten a little weather beaten over the years. So
an idea came to mind, why not do it in the original
Japanese lettering. Being the great Japanese scholar
that I am, I sought the help of Mikio Toki of Japan.
In an exchange of e-mails Mikio-San kindly provided
me with four different lettering venison to spell out
tako kichi in Japanese.
These can be done horizontally or
vertically. While the original intent was to use it as
a window decal another thought came to mind, you
could also use it to make some nice Christmas
ornaments for your tree. All you will need is some
Mylar gift-wrapping paper, something to back it
with, and good old spray glue and you’re done.
First decide which set of symbol(s) you want to use.
Cut out a template, and use it to cutout as many
symbols as you want. Next spray- glue a large
enough piece of Mylar to your backing. Lay
template over Mylar on a piece of glass and cutout
with a razor knife. Poke a little hole in the top and
hang with an ornament hook
If anyone would like me to e-mail them the
symbols Mikio Toki sent me, just send a request to
fightakite@snip.net and I’ll gladly sent it to them.
Editor’s Column
By Charlie Bojarski
I made some changes this issue to try to make
our newsletter look a little more professional. The
first change is the moving of Inside this issue to the
first page. The second change is a larger font.
Hopefully, our more experienced members, whose
eyesight has been hampered by all those hours at the
sewing machine, will appreciate this change! The
third change is the indentation of and the elimination
of the space between paragraphs. The final and most
important change is the addition of our membership
application on the last page.
I’d like to thank our three new writers for
their articles: Todd Little, Ginny Hansen and Tony
Esposito. If they can bite the bullet and write
something, so can everyone.
Start now thinking of an article that can be
submitted by Jan. 15, 2004 to start the New Year off
with a great first issue.
I’d like to take this opportunity, on behalf of
my wife, Pat and my son, Jeff, to wish you and your
family the best for the Holiday Season.
WindWriters #47
Page 11
9998 e-mail: sjkf@geocities.com
Help us get to know you! Fill in the form below, then complete
the mini survey on the right. (In Grid 1, X where appropriate. In
Grid 2 N=Novice, I=Intermediate, E=Experienced, M=Master
or R=Retired). Return this application along with your check
(payable to SJKF) for $10/year (single) or $15/year (family), and
your're in! Welcome to the club!
For Fun
Quad Line
Single Line
Quad Line
Membership Type: Individual ($10)________Family
(For family memberships, list additional names below. Circle
name if under 10 years old)
South Jersey Kite Flyers PO Box 32 Collingswood, NJ 08108-
Dual Line
Page 12
WindWriters #47
P.O. Box 32
Collingswood, NJ 08108-9998