master plan of providing of Water supply
master plan of providing of Water supply
MASTER PLAN FOR PROVIDING OF WATER SUPPLY IN BANTEN PROVINCE 2008-2023 DPD PERPAMSI PROVINSI BANTEN Jl. Jl. Kisamaun No. 204 Tangerang 15118 Phone/Fax . 021 55794821 2008 PREFACE • Water Supply coverage in Banten Province still low only ± 10% • National Mid Term Development Goals (RPJMN) by 2009 : Urban : 66% Rural : 30% • Millenium Development Goals (MDG) by 2015 : Uraban : 80% Rural : 60% • Providing water supply activities based on Governmentlal Regulation (PP) No.16/2005 Regarding of Developing of act preparing of water supply system (SPAM), which mention that act preparing water supply system is one of the government obligation. WATER SUPPLY COVERAGE (BY PIPING SYSTEM) %-age coverage Loction PDAM Non PDAM Total Serang District 4.94 - 4.94 Lebak District 5.81 - 5.81 Pandeglang District 4.48 - 4.48 Tangerang District 5.05 5.38 10.43 Tangerang Municipality Cilegon Municipality Total Remark 24.87 0.16 25.03 Some supported by PDAM TKR Tangerang District (19.68%) 16.51 4.22 20.74 Some supported by PDAM Serang District (11.34%) 8.66 2.14 10.79 4.94 % 20.74 % 25.03 % Kota Cilegon Kabupaten Pandeglang Kabupaten Serang Kabupaten Tangerang Kota Tangerang Kabupaten Lebak 10.43 % 5.81 % 4.48 % The Aims • Common – To improve community accessibility to water supply in Banten Province • Special – To improve Quality, quantity and continuity of water supply at existing area – To imporve standard of services at each PDAMs within Banten based on national regulation. – To develop integrated water supply system – To develop tarrif system based on cross subsidy among customers. – To develop integrated multy sector cooperation within related stakeholder in order to widening of coverage. CRITERIA CRITERIA OF MASTER PLAN Master Plan should be met with the Public Work Ministerial Decree fulfilled (Kepmen PU No.18/KMK/2007) : – Future oriented – Realistic – Flexsible Approach on Master Plan Providing of Water Supply Arrangement No. 1 Grade of City Middle City Number of Popluation SPAM 10.000 - 100.000 a. Middle City I 10.000 - 40.000 10 L/det. per 3 years b. Middle City II 40.001 - 100.000 20 L/det. per 3 years 2 Big City 3 Metropolitan 4 City Location 100.000 - 500.000 Sub urban in Serang, Lebak dan Pandeglang districts Per 5 years Serang urban, Cilegon urban, Tangerang district urban Per 5 years Tangerang municipal 500.000 - 1.000.000 >1.000.000 current conditions CURRENT CONDITION OF WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS No 1 Districs/ Municipali ties Serang District Water Resourcess River/Spring/De ep well Sungai Name of Resources Irigasi Pamarayan Barat Sungai Banten Sungai Cisirih Irigasi Pamarayan Barat Irigasi Pamarayan Barat Irigasi Pamarayan Barat Sungai Ciwaka Irigasi Pamarayan Timur Irigasi Pamarayan Timur Name of WTPs Capacity (lt/sec) Kenari 55 Kroya Cinangka/Cisirih Kandayakan/ Keragilan 10 10 Ciruas Tirtayasa Linduk Carenang Cijeruk 30 15 5 10 5 15 CURRENT CONDITION OF WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS No 1 Districs/ Municipali ties Serang District Water Resourcess River/Spring/De ep well Mata air Name of Resources Pelabuhan Bulan Sukacai Citaman Cisaat Cibuligir Cilamojan Total (L/dtk) Name of WTPs Capacity (lt/sec) 11 40 60 15 2.5 12 313 CURRENT CONDITION OF WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS No Districs/ Municipali ties Water Resourcess River/Spring/De ep well Name of Resources Cikoromoy Karang tanjung 2 Pandeglan g District Mata air Name of WTPs Cikoromoy Booster kadu merak Ciwasiat Cikupa Paniis Sungai 42 35 5 5 50 Menes Cileungsi Cikeusik Total (L/dtk) Capacity (lt/sec) 5 Cikoncang 3 2.5 147.5 CURRENT CONDITION OF WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS No 3 Districs/ Municipali ties Kabupaten Tangerang Water Resourcess River/Spring/De ep well Sungai Sumur Name of Resources Cisadane Cisadane Cisadane Cidurian Cisadane Cidurian Cidurian Irigasi (Cisadane) Irigasi (Cisadane) Bor/dangkal Total (L/dtk) Name of WTPs Babakan Cikokol Serpong Solear Perumnas Kresek (IKK) Kronjo (IKK) Mauk (IKK) Rajeg (IKK) Pasar Kemis Capacity (lt/sec) 80 1100 3000 100 120 15 7.5 15 25 2.5 4562.5 CURRENT CONDITION OF WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS No 4 Districs/ Municipali ties Kabupaten Lebak Water Resourcess River/Spring/De ep well Sungai Name of Resources Kota Tangerang Sungai Capacity (lt/sec) Ciujung Rangkasbitung Cilangkahan Malingping 20 Ciberang Sajira 10 Cipanas 20 Ciberang Total (L/dtk) 5 Name of WTPs Cisadane Total (L/dtk) 170 120 Mekarsari 370 370 Map of Current Water Supply in Banten Province Kota Serang SerangCilegon KPS SerangTNG Bojongrenged Kota Pandeglang IKK Labuan Kota TNG Ciparen, Cipacul Kota Rangkas PROYEKSI Population Projection, number of House Hold and Target of Coverage based on the MDGs by 2015 %-age of Service Coverage Districts / Municipalities Number of Population in 2015 Number of House Hold Kab. Pandeglang 1.430.780 357.677 213.015 60,00% Kab. Lebak 1.474.452 368.613 235.862 64,00% Kab. Tangerang 4.601.861 1.150.465 719.698 82,80% Kab. Serang 2.430.256 607.565 390.107 64,80% Kota Tangerang 2.013.608 503.402 402.722 80,00% 467.285 116.821 93.457 80,00% 12.418.172 3.104.543 2.054.864 66,19% Kota Cilegon Total Banten Prov. Service Coverage WATER DEMAND L oc ation K abupaten P andeglang C onv ers ion to L iter per s ec ond K abupaten L ebak C onv ers ion to L iter per s ec ond K abupaten T angerang C onv ers ion to L iter per s ec ond K abupaten S erang C onv ers ion to L iter per s ec ond K ota T angerang C onv ers ion to L iter per s ec ond K ota C ilegon C onv ers ion to L iter per s ec ond T otal (c ubic meter per year) C onv ers ion to L iter per s ec ond Water demand in c ubic meter per year 2004 201 0 201 5 29,099,824 923 34,764,842 1 ,1 02 99,952,837 3,1 69 57,282,578 1 ,81 6 57,359,021 1 ,81 9 1 3,246,340 420 291 ,705,442 9,250 33,854,747 1 ,074 39,978,979 1 ,268 1 23,941 ,51 8 3,930 66,1 32,826 2,097 68,406,368 2,1 69 1 5,845,272 502 348,1 59,71 0 1 1 ,040 37,81 7,1 82 1 ,1 99 44,61 8,984 1 ,41 5 1 43,932,085 4,564 76,059,1 69 2,41 2 77,61 2,491 2,461 1 8,01 1 ,049 571 398,050,960 1 2,622 Water Demand and Water Suplly System Capacity Projection in Banten Province by 2007-2023 POTENSI SUMBER AIR BAKU S. CIUJUNG S. CIBERANG (DAM KARIAN) Kapasitas : 279.000 m3 S. CISADANE GAMBARAN ZONA PENYEDIAAN AIR MINUM DI PROVINSI BANTEN MASTER PLAN STAGE OF IMPLEMENTATION Tahun Development 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 Acceleration 2017 2016 7. Optimation of spring 2015 6. Development of Dam 2014 A. Development 1. DED Study 2. WTPs Devlopment 3. WTPs. Network Installation 4. Weir Development 5. Normalization of the reiver 2013 Consolidation 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Description TAHAPAN RENCANA MASTER PLAN Year Development 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 c. Merger Acceleration 2017 ~ PDAM Pandeglang dan PDAM Lebak 2016 ~ PDAM TKR dan PDAM Tirta Benteng 2015 ~ PDAM Kab. Serang dan PDAM Cilegon Mandiri 2014 8. Regionalisasi a. Try out b. Holding Company 2013 Consolidation 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Description CONCLUTION Water supply services is the government obligation to provide easy access to the people, this task based on the Governmental Regulation Decree (PP) No.16 year of 2005. So it need to be support by the stakeholder who related to the water supply services, both in central and local government. Wter supply services in Banten is very lack of services, in the othe hand there are some poteltial river which can be use for water supply services. The potenctial water resources need some supplort from stakeholder related to the water supply services in Banten Province, not only from governemnt side but also from private sector side, The master plan of providing of Water supply in Banten Province 2008-2023 is the tool to show of the situation of providing of water supply in Banten for the future. It contain the analitical situation and the aim tobe achieve in 2023. Regionalization is the best solution in providing of water supply system in Banten Province. RECOMENDATION • In order to achieve the masterplan target need fully of support from stakeholder • Inventorization of the river in Banten is have to be done in order to give the more information of water resources in Banten • In order to implement the masterplan it need for socialization. Some inputs from Rakerda May 7th ‘2008 (Annual meeting of DPD Perpamsi Banten) • Regionalization, is the main issue of the master plan, it could be implemented with the small scale of regionalization such as between two or three of PDAM within Banten. • Private sectors, in order to achieve the MDG’s it doesn’t mean that the government and PDAM obligation but need private sector participation trough Public Private Participation in Water supply System Infrastructure • Water Resources, how to solve the problem in such a way of the water resources crisis, the master plan must be able to answer and find out the soultions. TERIMA KASIH