2015 Collegiate Catalog | USA
2015 Collegiate Catalog | USA
2015 Collegiate Catalog | USA School Insignia Jewelry & Hair Accessories Proudly sold at over 75 north american schools R a d l e y p r e p. c o m A Message From the Owner I t is with great excitement that I share my 2015 RADLEY Collegiate Catalog with you. I hope you love this year’s amazing curated collection of School Jewelry and Hair Accessories! Our popular Insignia Jewelry Collection starts on page 4 and includes many new and exciting styles. My team and I LOVE the new premium Stretch Charm Bracelet (pg. 5) featuring 145 individual silver plated links. It is the perfect combination of elegant and wearable. Custom Charms (pg.5) can be added to this piece to celebrate academic and athletic acheivements. Best of all...you can choose the design and finish. And for you dapper gents out there...we have got you covered with our sleek new Tie Clips (pg 13) and Cufflinks (pg 8). ERIN FITZPATRICK Owner/Founder of RADLEY Our Hair Accessories start on page 14 and include an assortment of lovely new designs along with best selling classics. Each piece is handcrafted using premium grosgrain and luxurious satin* ribbon (*new for 2015). All made to order in your school colors, with more color options than ever before (see full Swatch list, pg 23). Keep your stock looking fresh by updating colour combinations (i.e. adding a white centre on a solid navy bow headband). And for the first time, this Catalog features a selection of Displays and Packaging options (page 22). These will amp up your visual merchandising and help draw attention to the product. You will be surprised how effective they are. JOAN RADLEY FITZPATRICK Erin’s Grandmother Please submit your orders via e-mail : info@radleyprep.com or fax: 1-416971-6717 by the end of month for following month delivery. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Warm Regards, Erin Fitzpatrick P.S.- If you haven’t already be sure to follow us on: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter: @radleyprep Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s Jewelry Pa g e s Charm Bracelet 4-5 Nantucket Bracelets 6-7 Cufflinks 8 Earrings 9 Key Chain & Dog Tag 11 Lapel Pins & Money Clip 12 Tie Clips 13 Hair Accessories Headbands 14-19 Hair Clips & Sets 20-21 Vi s ua l Me rc ha n d i s i n g 22 S wa t c h e s & F i n i s h e s 23 School Listing 24 Testimonials Giving Back 25-26 27 Celebrate Athletic & Academic Achievements with RADLEY School Jewelry Sterling Silver & Gold Plated. Nickel Free/Allergy Tested Quality Guaranteed, No Setup Fees , 100% Customizable Charm Bracelet STRETCH charm bracelet *NEW* PREMIUM SILVER OR GO L D P LATED LINK BRACELET FE ATU RING 145 LINKS. WITH Y O U R CHOICE OF CUSTOM DE TA CHABLE CHARM ( 2015 GR A D CHARM SHOWN ON LEF T) . M A K E S A LOVELY G RAD UATION GI FT. EX PAND ABLE AND ONE S I ZE FITS ALL. ALREAD Y A RAD LEY S TA FF FAVOURITE! 1 5 0 2 4 512 BRACELET + GRAD CHARM 1 5 0 2 4 615 BRACELET (NO CHARM) GRAD charm *NE W* CALLING CLASS OF 2 0 1 5 ! OUR FIRST 3D CHARM H A S ARRIVED JUST IN TIME FOR GR A D UATION. SILVER OR G OLD PL ATE D MORTARBOARD WITH 2 0 1 5 INSCRIP TION. LOBSTER CL A S P CLOSURE. RHINESTONE 15024511 CHARM 14 BO R DER ON BASE. 18X 18MM CUTOUT insignia charm *NE W * TEAM MASCOT, CREST, O R L E T TER...YOU D ECID E! CO M PLETELY CUSTOMIZ ABLE S I LV E R OR G OLD CHARM WITH L O BS TER CLASP CLOSURE. AD D A S PL ASH OF COLOR WITH OUR PR E M I UM ENAMEL FINISH IN 15024506 CUTOUT CHARM 16 radleyprep.com | (416) 986-1801 Y O U R SCHOOL PANTONES 5 Nantucket Bracelet FLIP TO PAGE 23 FOR ROPE COLORS & JEWELRY FINISHES Nantucket Bracelet CIRCLE nantucket bracelet radley bestseller D EB O S SED C R EST ON C I R C LE WI TH B A C K SI D E D ESI G N. SI LVER OR G O L D PLATED , 20MM D I AM ETER A D JU S TABLE C OTTON R OP E 1 5 0 22 320 CUTOUT nantucket bracelet CU T O U T SC H OOL LOG O. SI LVER OR G O L D PLATED . AD JUSTABLE C OTTON RO P E. ONE SI ZE FI TS ALL 1 5 0 2 2 220 O VA L nantucket bracelet D EB O S SED C R EST ON OVAL WI TH B A C K SI D E D ESI G N I NC LUD ED . S ILV ER OR G OLD P LATED , 25X 20M M A D JU S TABLE C OTTON R OP E 1 5 0 2 2 425 VA R S I T Y nantucket bracelet * N EW * C UTOUT VAR SI TY STY LE L ET T ERS (UP TO TH R EE) WI TH EN A M E L D ETAI LI NG I N SI LVER O R G OLD P LATED FI NI SH AND A D JU S TABLE C OTTON R OP E 1 5 0 2 2 525 radleyprep.com | (416) 986-1801 7 Cufflinks CIRCLE insignia cufflinks radley bestseller S CH OOL CREST INSCRIBED CU FFLINKS WITH ENAMEL BO R DER, 15MM D IAMETER, PL ATED IN SILVER OR G OLD , BU L L ET BACKING 1 5 0 23520 S Q UA R E striped cufflinks radley bestseller DI A GONAL STRIP ED CUFF LINKS I N Y OUR SCHOOL COLORS, TH R E E TONE ENAMEL F INISH, 1 5 X1 5MM, P LATED IN SILVER OR GO L D , BULLET BACKING 1 5 0 2 3720 CUTOUT insignia cufflinks CU TOUT SCHOOL CREST IN FU L L C OLO R ENAMEL,P LATED I N S I LVER OR G OLD , BULLET BA CK ING . MEASUREMENTS VARY ACCORDING TO LOGO 1 5 0 2 3420 8 Earrings CIRC L E insignia earrings SCHOOL CREST INSCRIBED STUD EARRINGS WITH ENAMEL BORDER.10MM DIAMETER.SILVER OR GOLD PLATED. PUSH BACKING 1 5 0 2 4 210 T WO TON E earrings *NEW* CIRCLE STUD EARRINGS IN YOUR SCHOOL COLORS, TWO TONE ENAMEL FINISH, 10MM DIAMETER, P LATED IN S I LV E R OR G OLD , PUSH BACKING 1 5 0 2 4 4 10 CUTOUT insignia earrings *NEW* CUTOUT SCHOOL CREST STUD EARRINGS, P LATED IN S I LV E R OR G OLD , PUSH BACKING MEASUREMENTS VARY ACCORDING TO LOGO 1 5 0 2 4 310 9 S Q UA R E striped cufflinks CUTOUT 10 nantucket bracelet K e y C h a i n & D o g Ta g CIRCLE insignia key chain *NEW* STORE YOUR KEYS I N STYLE ON OUR LUX E I NSIG NIA KEY CHAIN. DEBOSSED OR LASERED S CHOOL CREST WITH E N AMEL BORD ER ON THE FRONT AND BRIG HT THREE TONE ENAMEL STRIP ES ON BACK. SILVER OR G OLD PLATED . 38MM D IAMETER 1 5 026715 1 5 046715 W I T H Y OUR CHOICE OF HAR DWARE: K EY R I NG (TO P) O R K E Y CH A I N (BO TTOM) DOG TAG insignia necklace DEBOSSED OR LASERED WITH Y OUR SCHOOL CREST AND OP TIONAL P REMIUM ENAMEL DETAILING IN YOUR CHOICE OF PANTONE COLOR( S) 3 8 X 24MM TAG . 23” BALL CHAIN F ULL BACKSID E DESIG N INCLUD ED 1 5023440 radleyprep.com | (416) 986-1801 11 Lapel Pins & Money Clip CIRCLE insignia lapel pin with RHINESTONES DE BO SSED SCHOOL CREST WITH S PA R K LY RHINESTONE BORD ER. S I LV E R OR G OLD P LATED . CLUTCH BA CK I N G . 15MM D IAMETER 1 5 0 2 5 310 CIRCLE insignia lapel pin DE BO SSED OR LASERED SCHOOL CR E S T WITH BASIC OR P REMIUM E NA M EL BORD ER. CLUTCH BA CK I N G . 15MM D IAMETER 1 5 0 2 5 305 MONEY CLIP *NE W * LASER ENG RAVED S CH O OL CREST ON SILVER OR GO L D PLATED MONEY CLIP. HOLD S FO U R C ARD S OR THIRTY BILLS. 5 0 X 25 MM 1 5 0 2 6 711 12 Tie Clips CUTOUT insignia tie clip *NEW* AD D SOME P OLISH TO YOUR SCHOOL TIE WITH OUR NEW INSIG NIA TIE CLIP S. SILVER OR G OLD P LATED . F EATURING YOUR SCHOOL CREST, CUTOUT. HING ED CLIP BACKING AVAILABLE IN 3 TIE BAR LENG THS: 50, 55 & 65MM 15026610 SQUARE striped tie clip * N EW* OUR SLEEKEST NEW TIE CLIP FEATURES A MINI D IAG ONAL STRIP ED SQUARE WITH THREE TONE ENAMEL D ETAILING . HING E BACKING M A K E I T A GI F T SE T W I TH A M ATC H I NG PA I R O F O U R BE S T S E L L I NG S QU AR E S TR I PE D CU FFL I NK S ( PA G E 8) radleyprep.com | (416) 986-1801 AVAILABLE IN 3 TIE BAR LENG THS: 50, 55 & 65MM 1 5026615 13 School Hair Accessories Handmade. Comfort & Durability Tested. One Size Fits All Customizable in your School Colors. Quality Guranteed Headbands 1cm 15010110 15012910 (2 pa c k ) 15013110 (3 pa c k ) 1.5cm 1 5 0 10 1 1 5 1 5 0 12 9 1 5 ( 2 pa c k ) 1 5 0 13 1 1 5 ( 3 pa c k ) BASICS headbands WR A PPED I N Y OU R C H OI C E OF PR EM I UM G R OS G R AI N OR S ATI N (NEW) R I B B ON . P I N C H F R E E . AVA I LA B LE I N A VAR I E TY OF S CHO O L C OL OR S ( S E E PAG E 18 F O R F ULL SWATC H L I S T) 1 , 1 .5 & 2 C M W I D TH S AVAI L AB L E Ri 2cm 15010120 b b o n C o l o r s ( full list on page 27 ) NAVY BLACK HUN T E R GR E E N GR E Y RED B U R GU NDY A L L P RIC E S I N C D N D OLLAR S . 4 WEEKS LEA D T IME . 9 6 UNIT MINIMUM (12 UN I T M I N I M UM / S T Y L E ) Headbands TWO TONE headband radley bestseller B E T R UE T O Y OU R S C H OOL W I TH Y O UR CHO I C E OF TW O C OL L E G E CO LO R S I N P R E M I U M G R OS G R AI N O R S AT I N R I B B ON 1 .5 & 2 CM W I D TH S AVAI L AB L E 1 5 0 10 2 1 5 ( 1 .5 CM ) 1 5 0 10 2 2 0 ( 2 CM ) THREE TONE headband radley bestseller Y O UR CHO I C E OF TH R E E C OL L E G E CO LO R S I N P R E M I U M G R OS G R AI N OR S AT I N R I B B ON T I P : A DD WHITE TO MAKE DA R K ER COLORS P OP ! 1 .5 & 2 CM W I D TH S AVAI L AB L E 1 5 0 13 3 1 5 ( 1 .5 CM ) 1 5 0 13 3 2 0 ( 2 CM ) FLIP TO PAGE 23 TO FIND YOUR SCHOOL COLORS Headbands DOUBLE BOW headband A R A D LEY S TAP L E . OU R D OU B L E T UXED O B OW H E AD B AN D I S T HE PER F E C T AC C E S S ORY T O CO M PL E TE Y OU R P R E P P Y CO LLEGI ATE L OOK . ON A S KI N N Y 1 C M B AS E . I N P R E M I U M GR O S GR A IN OR S ATI N R I B B ON B O W M EA S U R E S 3” X 1” 1 5 0 10 6 1 0 LOOPED BOW headband radley bestseller O UR LO O P E D B OW H E AD B AN D I S CUT E A S C AN B E . ON A S K I N N Y 1 CM B A S E . I N OU R P R E M I U M GR O S GR A I N OR S ATI N R I B B ON B O W M EA S U R E S 3” X 1. 5” 1 5 0 10 4 1 0 radleyprep.com | (416) 986-1801 17 Headbands PAPILLON headband *N EW* O U R U P D ATE D PAP I L L ON HEA D B A N D F E ATU R E S TH R E E CUS T O M I Z AB L E C OL OR S . I N PR EM I UM G R OS G R AI N OR S ATI N R I B B O N O N A 1. 5C M B AS E ADD SOME SHIMMER WITH A NEW METALLIC GOLD OR SILVER CENTRE B O WS M EAS U R E S 4. 5” X 1. 5” 1 5 0 12 7 1 0 8 .7 / 1 4 . 5 BUTTERCUP headband T HE B UT T ER C U P H E AD B AN D F EAT UR ES U P TO TH R E E C OL L E G E CO LO R S F OR Y OU R : B OW / B AS E / CEN T R E. ON A 1C M B AN D I N PR EM I UM G R OS G R AI N OR S ATI N RIBBON B O W M EA S U R E S 4” X 4. 5” 1 5 0 12 8 1 0 FLIP TO PAGE 23 TO FIND YOUR SCHOOL COLORS 7 .8 / 1 3 Headbands LAURA headband *N EW* T H E L AU R A H E AD B AN D F EAT UR ES U P TO TH R E E CUS T O M I Z AB L E C OL OR S ( B OW / B A S E/ CEN TR E ) . ON A 1. 5C M B A N D I N P R E M I U M G R OS G R AI N S AT I N R I B B ON OR ADD SOME SHIMMER WITH A NEW METALLIC GOLD OR SILVER CENTRE BO W M EA S U R E S 4 .5 ” X 2 .5 ” 1 5 0 13 4 1 0 JANE headband *N EW* T H E J AN E H E AD B AN D F EAT UR ES OU R M OS T P E TI TE B O W I N PRE M I U M G R OS G R AI N O R S AT I N R I B B ON ON A 1C M B A S E. CHOOS E U P TO TH R E E B A S E / B O W / C E N TR E C OL OR S SHIMMER WITH A FUN NEW METALLIC GOLD (SHOWN) AND SILVER CENTRE B O W M EA SU R E S 3” X 1” 1 5 0 13 6 1 0 radleyprep.com | (416) 986-1801 19 Hair Clips & Sets SWEETHEART clip OR barrette radley bestseller O UR B ES T S E L L I N G S W E E TH E ART B O W I N PRE M I U M G R OS G R AI N O R S AT I N R I B B ON . AVAI L AB L E ON Y O UR CHO I C E OF C L I P O R F R E N C H B A R R ET T E B AC K I N G B O W M EA S U R E S 4. 5” X 3” 1 5 0 10 8 1 1 PAPILLON clip OR barrette *N EW* PA P I L L ON B OW ON A F R EN CH B AR R E TTE B AC K I N G . I N Y O UR C H OI C E OF P R E M I U M GR O S GR A I N OR S ATI N R I B B ON (UP T O T H R E E C U S TOM I Z AB L E CO LO R S ) ADD SOME SPARKLE WITH A FUN NEW METALLIC GOLD OR SILVER CENTRE B O W M EA S U R E S 4” X 1. 5” 1 5 0 15 5 6 0 20 Hair Clips & Sets PETITE BOW clip set radley bestseller KEEP S T R AY H AI R S I N P L AC E WI T H O UR B E S T- S E L L I N G P E TI TE B O W CLI PS . A G R E AT OP TI ON F O R F I N ER H AI R . AVAI L AB L E I N A S ET O F 2 OR 3. I N P R E M I U M GR O S GR A IN OR S ATI N R I B B ON B O WS M EAS U R E S 2. 5” X 1. 75” 1 5 0 11 0 0 6 ( s e t 1 5 0 11 0 0 7 ( s e t of of 2) 3) LOOPED BOW elastic set radley bestseller TA M E YO UR M AN E W I TH OU R B E S T S ELLI N G LO OP E D B OW E L AS TI C S . AVA I LA B LE I N A S E T OF 2 OR 3. I N PR EM I UM G R OS G R AI N OR S ATI N RIBBON B O W M EA S U R E S 3” X 1. 5” 1 5 0 11 1 8 0 ( s e t 1 5 0 11 1 8 1 ( s e t radleyprep.com | (416) 986-1801 of of 2) 3) 21 Vi s ua l Me rc ha n d i s i n g 15032171 [15030170 22 FOUR SIDED PEGBOARD DISPLAY 1 5 0 30 3 5 1 HEADBAND DISPLAY TWO SIDED PEGBOARD DISPLAY] 15030703 PREMIER JEWELRY BOX 1 5 0 30 1 7 6 BRACELET DISPLAY 15030702 PREMIER CUFFLINK BOX 1 5 03 0 5 0 1 BURLAP JEWELRY POUCH r i b b o n NAVY c o l o u r s BLACK [370] HU NTER GREEN FOREST GREEN GREY [589] [587] [012] C HARCOAL C OBALT PU RPLE [077] [329] [470) LI GHT BLUE BURGUNDY RED n a n t u c k e t rope colours [789] [250] SCARLET [260} YELLOW [645] GOLD WHITE [333] [030] C REAM j e w e l r y [650] [000] [815] f i n i s h e s BLACK S HI NY S I LVE R N AV Y RED ANT I Q UE S I LVE R GREEN LILAC PURPLE S HI NY G O L D ORANGE YELLOW ANT I Q UE G O L D CREAM radleyprep.com | (416) 986-1801 23 School Listing R adley is proud to supply specialty school accessories to the following institutions: 24 PREP SCHOOLS Appleby College Ashbury College Balmoral Hall Bermuda High School for Girls Bishop’sCollege School Branksome Hall Bishop Strachan School Country Day School Crescent School Crofton House School Miss Edgar’s and Miss Cramp’s Elmwood School Glenlyon Norfolk Havergal College Holy Name of Mary College School Holy Trinity School Hovnanian School (US) Kingsway College School Lakefield College School Landon School Laurier University Lower Canada College MacLachlan College Matthews Hall Mentor College Miss Porter‘s School (US) Montcrest School Ridley College Rothesay Netherwood School St Andrew’s College Selwyn House St Michael’s College St Michael’s University School St Clements School St John Brebeuf School St Johns Kilmarnock School St Margaret’s School St Mildred’s- Lightbourn School Stanstead College Toronto French School The Bolles School The Priory The Study The York School Trinity College School Upper Canada College Ursuline Academy of Dallas Villanova College York House School COLLEGES/UNIVERSITIES Algonquin College Brandon University Brock University Dalhousie University Drury University Durham College Guelph University Lakehead University Laurier University Lethbridge College McGill University McMaster University Memorial University Princeton University Queen’s University Red River College Simon Fraser University St Mary’s University Texas State University University of Alberta University College of the North University of Northern British Columbia University of Colorado University of Moncton University of Toronto University of Victoria University of Western Ontario RETAILERS Beatties InSchoolwear RJMcCarthy Testimonials Working with Erin and Radley was a great experience. Creating designs together was easy and fun! -Robin Kiatipis UNIVERSITY of TORONTO We love carrying Radley products as they are the perfect complement to any school uniform. The product is of the highest quality and the designs are classic with a modern twist. Erin is a pleasure to do business with and we love supporting her growing business! -shannon willard RJMCCARTHY Branksome Hall students enjoy wearing Radley accessories and adore the BH Insignia Bracelet! Radley creates unique products with a traditional flair – ideal for every Branksome Hall girl! -Andrea McAnally BRANKSOME HALL It has been a real pleasure working with Erin at RADLEY School Accessories. Our girls love the variety, quality and novelty of the many wonderful choices. It was lovely she was able to do a custom product with our school tartan. -Janet Hammond CROFTON HOUSE SCHOOL We’ve had the pleasure of dealing with Radley for the past few years and they always deliver exceptional RADLEY delivers with style and quality. The term to go “above & Erin is a pleasure to work with. Her beyond” is only their starting point. creative energy and attention to detail Erin loves what she does, and it shows in each and every piece she shows in the beautiful pieces she designs. Custom ordering is easy and creates. The attention to detail is truly impressive. Erin definitely knows always delivered on time. The girl’s love wearing RADLEY at school with what the customer wants and is able to deliver every time. their uniform. -Mike Carriere -Barb Pepler WESTERN UNIVERSITY ST. CLEMENT’S SCHOOL radleyprep.com | (416) 986-1801 25 Testimonials It has been a pleasure working with Erin designing unique items that my customers love. She is full of great ideas and suggestions and is always looking for input and feedback to meet her customer’s needs. I look forward to my continued relationship with Radley and being able to offer my school -Jessica Connolly community a superior product. APPLEBY COLLEGE Erin’s dedication to the Radley brand over the years has made her business a true success. Her undying commitment to quality and craftsmanship is apparent given her headbands and accessories are all handmade. Not to mention, she is such a joy to work with. -Shirlee-Rae Hiebert BEATTIES UNIFORMS It has been a great pleasure for the Crescent School shop to work with Erin Fitzpatrick and Radley for the past two years. Erin has provided the utmost in customer service, and the cuff links that we designed together have been extremely popular with our boys, staff and parents. Erin has great enthusiasm, unique design ideas and a fantastic service attitude. We look forward to working with Radley for many years to come! -Cathy Macdonald CRESCENT SCHOOL 26 Giving Back RADLEY’s CSR commitment involves ensuring overseas suppliers as well as inhouse operations are in compliance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Ethical Labour Practices, and Decent Work standards. The company also employs an active recycling program at their Toronto Headquarters. “Since day one of operations RADLEY has been committed to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). It is imperative to me that each accessory is produced as ethically and sustainably as possible, from start to finish” -Erin Fitzpatrick, Owner/Founder C ommunit y Involvement RADLEY is a proud supporter of PROJECT SUNSHINE Canada: a nonprofit organization offering free educational, recreational and social programs to children facing medical challenges and their families. The charity currently operates out of ten hospitals nationwide including: The Hospital for Sick Children, Mt. Sinai Hospital, North York General Hospital, and The Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic. Erin Fitzpatrick is an active member of the charity’s Young Patron Circle (since 2011). The Young Patrons’ Circle is dedicated to bringing awareness and support to Project Sunshine’s programs through fundraising and volunteer opportunities for the young professionals community in Toronto. For more information about Project Sunshine and its programs, visit www.projectsunshine.org. radleyprep.com | (416) 986-1801 27 please submit your order to: I N F O @ R A D L E Y P R E P. C O M phone: 1-416- 986-1801 fax : 1 - 4 1 6 - 9 7 1 - 6 7 1 7 follow our journey instagram + facebook + twitter @radleyprep w w w. R A D L E Y P R E P. c o m