igration - Vanguard News Network
igration - Vanguard News Network
IGRATION The Canadian lmmigration Hottine ts published monthly by the William C. Hopkinson League. lt deals with the current immigration policies in Canada and other countries. Subscription is 525.00 per year (G.S.T. included). Make cheques payable to: Hotline P.O. Box 332, Stalion 'B', Etobicoke. Ontario MgW 513 e-mail: clirc@canadafirst.nel C-FAR Webpage - http://www.canadaf irst.net July/August 2005 Number 176 Multicult Died Discredited on Flesh Splattered Subway Walls -lhe idiotic immigration policies that have dominated Canada. the U.S.. Britain. Holland and France for four decades lost whatever intellectual credibility they might have had as the blood, flesh and brains of 55 Londoners splattered the walls of three subway stations causing bodily harm, including causing drug addiction problems tbr patient by overprescribing." 04edical-EgS!. March 8, 2005) a High Noon For Multiculturalism The Principals Mohammad Sidique Khan, (who routinely used three or four spelling variations of his name) may well have been the ultirnate multicultural man -- married to a "community enrichment officer." and a double decker bus.The four suicide bombers of 717 and the Khan divided his time between working as a "learning mentor" to thc perpetrators of a repeat performance two weeks later where the bombs children of immigrant families at a Leeds primary school and tailed to go otI were all Moslems and all immigrants or second "liaising" with ethnic youth at the government subsidized Hamara Iin generation inrrnigrants. After four years of denial, our Prime Minister Arabic, it means "ours", as opposed to yours] Outreach Centre. It and Anne Mcl-ellan. the Minister of Public Security are now was there that Khan "liaised" with bombers number2 and 3. Shehzad warning that Canada is not immune to terrorism, that we'd beffer be Tanweer and Hasib Hussain. (A week after the attacks. police ancl prepared mentally and that it's a matter of not if but when. You can the bornb squad would evacuate "200 houses in eight streets only blanche at the intelligence reports they must be looking at. surrounding the Hatnara youth access point in Beeston. Leeds, to calrl out a controlled explosion in the building:" (The Guardian. July 15. lt's clear they don't know whom they're looking for. CSIS has few 2005) The final, and only bomber born outside the UK. was a Arabic speakers and. apparently, few human sources among the Jamaican-born convert to Islam named Jermaine also known as 600.000 Moslems in Canada. There's much talk of "moderate" Jamal Lindsay. But "police were uncertain about how he spelt his Moslerns. Where are they? Did "moderates" inforln on and denounce name and what or how rnany names he may have used." (London and expose the bombers and terrorists in thei, midst in London? in Times, July 15, 2005) His wife, a White girl born Samantha t-ccds? in Madrid? in the U.S. prior to 9/1 1? Lewthwaite, "was drawn to Lindsay paftly because of her longstanding interest in Islam. A former school friend said that Ms In this issue, we present a blockbuster feature "High Noon For Lewthwaite had been fascinated by Islarn since the age of ten rvhcn Multiculturaism" which oflers a deeper analysis of the implications she Iived among Asian neighbours on a housing estate. lHere's to the crescent moon whose magic rays move the tides rf'the v'orld!J She converted to Islarn when she was 17, taking the name Sherafiyah, of this attack by fbreigners on our homelands. llere are some preliminary conclusions: l. Poorly screened imrnigration is inrmigration. stupid. before she met Lindsay, who used the Islamic name Jamal. 'Ihe to blame. a wedding ceremony but Samantha's mother, Christine, is said to have refused to attend." (London Times, July 16,2005) Two Terrorism? It's couple held weeks later, a whole new cast of professional layabouts and space newcomers with a sense of entitlement, says all cultures are equal, wasters would shuffle out to centre stage: Eritrean-born Muktar Said rvho rvas rvhen they're not, and tells the taxpaying host population that we need Ibrahim, also known as Muktar Mohammed Said, "sentenced to five years in youth detention when he rvas l 7 tbr the enrichment olthe foreigners. 3. Multiculturalism encourages newcomers not to assimilate and carrying a knife during a street robbery [he was part of a street gang ironically described as one that "terrorized railway commuters"] It conform and encourages them in anti-Western behaviour. 4. Some cultures come, not to assimilate, but to conquer. was unclear how he was given British citizenship with a crirninal Multiculturalism permits and encourages this. Islam is an ideology of record." (New York Times, July 27,2005) It wasn't an exchange programme with Canadian citizenship judges was it? "lbrahirn was conquest and forced conversion. 5. Any sane immigration policy must be based not on what we can known as a menacing, drug-smoking racist bully at Canons High give to them but on what they can do for us (not to us.) Those who feel School in Edgeware, North London. He attended the school betwcen pupil of the school, contempt for us or our way of life must be excluded or removed. It's 1992 and 1996. Wayne Howard, a White former up to the newcomer to prove his loyalty before being given claimed that lbrahim once racially abused him to provoke a fight. 'l{e called me a white honky.' I was furious and swore back. It was what citizenship. -- Paul Fromm he wanted he punched me hard in the face and I ended up with a Just Another Doctor Driving Cab -eye. He was excluded twice for fighting.' he said. bad black In London. "a multi-millionaire fake doctor has been sent to jail for l0 Residents of Curtis House in New Southgate regarded Muktar Saidyears in what British officials are calling the biggest con of its kind in Ibrahim and [Somali-born roommate and fellow failcd bornber] the U.K. The self-sryled psychiatrist had 2,000 patients when Yasin Hassan Omar as feckless young men living aimlessly on state authorities blerv the whistle on him. Barian Baluchi, 43, made most benefits. ... Omar was known as a shoplifter. ... Muhammad of his money treating refugee claimants, and helping them to stay in Hassan, a grocery store owner, said that he once banned Omar frorn the U.K. He claimed he trained at Harvard, Newcastle and Sussex his shop. 'l saw him trying to steal some food,' Mr Hassan said. 'l told Universities, went to Leeds Medical School, and lectured on both him to leave and never to come back. He was always living off social sides of the Atlantic. None of it was true, according to court benefit and paid for food and telephone top-up cards with small testimony. He fooled the General Medical Council into issuing him change."' (London Times, July 27,2005) Be that as it may. welfare a licence and conned authorities into setting up an immigrant clinic scrounger Omar "is believed to have drawn f.24,000 in housing beneflt v.'ith large government grqnts. He became a r,tember of the Expert and fI3,000 in income support over the past six years." (Belfast Witness Group and repeatedly testified in trials as an expeft. Telegraph, July 27, 2005) Baluchi, an immigrant ftom Iran, worked ir dry-cleaners, waited tables and drove a cab before convincing authorities he was an The one who made it to Rome, Hamdi Issac, also known as Osman eminent psychiatrist. The judge told him: 'Your criminality almost, Hussain. "had more interest in basketball and blonde wornen than even for a practised fraudster, falls into new territory in this case.' He Islam. ... His former girlfriend in Italy ... remembers how he ... 'drank rvas charged with Ilaud and deception, along "'ith several cases of 2. Multiculturalism is mental AIDS. This failed policy fills manager. "ln this day and age you don't expect that'" (AP' 'lull a lot of beer and listened to hip hop, rap and gangsta music'' " She store said shc later heard that in London he had a partner rvhom he had 8.2005)Poorbaby,onthatparticularday,forensictealllswcre ,lbrccd to wear a veil.' Hussain has three children with his partner in moiling underground. very near his mosque. scraping human tissltc bags. l.ondon." (London Times' August 2,2005) The explanation for into nun.rbered collection on entering IL.,rrainllrra.\ alias is that he was "born in Ethiopia [but agaitlst tlic [JK] clairned he was frorn Somalia, said carlo De Stefano. head Three days later. Amsterdam sa$, the trial collllllcnce second-gcneratiott "typicat" arrived he 27-year-old ... when the name Bouyeri, his changed Mohammed ...'l]e police olltalyb anti-terror throat to the in London he falsely declared he was a Somari citizen to obtain the imrnigrant who shot Theo van Gogh six tirnes. slit his a liveimpale to push-pin a like easily."' knife more backbone and used the kitchen status of political refugee and economic assistance accotttrcd rvas Bouycri Mr. chest. thousand corpse's many the FIow to screed 2005) page religious (The Guardian. August 1. ;*"1n.**,rt.d Somali refugees" did Elinor Caplan put on the 'mi.ouriin a lo,g. black gorvn. Palestinian kcl/it'eh and extra-large none but Islilrllic citizcnship tast-track'l "llamdi. r.vho grerv trp itr Rotlre and speaks Koran. He inlornted the court that he recognized I be set liee' I should day. 2l one July you that the said] "1 can assure law and added: tlucnt ltalian ... in his statements to interrogators [has Frits van Prosecutor same." lbr the the English' .. exactly the same on the 'take revengc do cxactly \vould $.or,rld-be bombers dccided to exectltiolls. shorving honle gave 'People us Bouyeri's pictures ftom attacks. presented earlier the Straelen following anti-Muslinr atrnosphere and lapidatrorr bad looks and madl fun of us in the street. even wolnen were mocked. beheadings, hangings, cutting of throats. amputatiolls grieving nlotller' van Gogh's in Mr. When told 1, 2005) (killings by stoning). Bouyeri Wc decided to react." GhrcAg SC!-Il4es, August " Shc' infidel you are an I think surveyed you becausc pollster ICM for feel giant can't UK "l Anneke, doLrbt. play the race card. In fact, the fQLLlUee to 63% "had tinle rvhile the Dlan-IlllllqqAuse that found Bouyeri and part. noted her 7 bombings for Juty the llritish Moslems after "ln rvestern S1 dne5" in bclicvcd non-Moslenrs brought the attacks on themselves by way of vears he was on urtetnplo)'lnent benctlts." descent targetcd Lcba,ese youths of the aJier that' and rne. 1OOO, gung, o1'Muslim racist and Islarnophobic behaviour, 80% had to admit pig' arrd tolcl: 'Aussie an called girl rvas had actually girls. One family. their White of ra[ed and carnage. neither th.y, no, any member evidelrce o1 is this say police Critics Italian style.' you l,eb Britons." t.--going to from 'I'm abuse or hostility expcr.i'enced any sense o1 national a and -a rnultiiulturalism,s failure to bring harmony ariested lvo of Issac's brothers along with him, but please note ln fhct' cruel be so can we Critics 20) Naturally' July unity." (The Australian. third. Abtlulhai Issac, left Italy for Canada in 1996' a laid do$'n. once horv. illustrates snapshots Manichaean From these ltalyl of each sranted him status as a political refugee. flarved belief systern does not so much mature as sollr into a crcdo tll Far ftonl tbstering a Alrnost nothing is known about the last wannabe botnber^ Ramzi colossal selfishness. corroding all it touches. people and tlthcr in other interest wahbi. ftl.s brother expanding and seneral bonhorttie Mohammcd. apart fronl the fact that both he and the tbctrs to narrows setting held over default being are both that rnulticulturalisrn's il.rlturcs. are in custody and police have confirmed the tellorv at in seen obsessiveness brothers Moharnmad self-regardin_q of trvo kind "the the Issac, inculcate Like the atte*ptei bombings. resistatlcc. least path of the as appear to have come to Britain as bogus asylum-seekers around the the East London Mosque. Presented laz.l' antl lveak. to appeal irresistible clairning an passpofts. hacl have nlust multiculturalism sarnc time. They are thought to have used false can governlnellts stupid and lazy 2005) weak. 2' even August but Times. governrnents. (London stupid tliat they rvere Somali refugees." has lvho psychologist ground, Washington a the on Fields. thick "Rona so claims re-evaluate: refugee fraudulent and Wittr peity crirne groups fbr terror and it,s litile wonder most everyone associated with the London attacks studied tnetnbers of paramilitary organizations victinr. seltless tl.re victirn. the in lbcal 'I-he in.rage of this saw ... three decacles, says rnanaged to acquire an alias or two. Canadians that becomes an iconic rnernory.' Sympathizers stafi to see thellselvcs as iihutti Ahmed Ressam and Moustaffah Kamel -- it is something a 'rvc/tlrcnr really should ring alarm bells -- maintaining the father's name for the part of a marginalizcd, oppressed group. dcvelopin-u colntrrunitl birlhplace. olvn Islam to their mentality' that transcends their ties p,rpt.., of establishing lineage is one of the central tenets of role in thc play a major necessarily Canadian doesn't marriage)' Religion or even farnily. irvhich is why women'i nurn.. do not alter on l9) But July young a theology."' not unemployable ideology' 'lt's an O4gSlCg!!. seemingly process. cities are aivash with rootless, ol assesslnent cold-blooded intmigrant males. Whatever aspirational dreams.fired their decision to irn't that just an unusually safetl bLrilt-in is the this. in all keeps rnulticulturaliim itself? Where. imrnilrate. lack of skills or a fundamental inabitity to assimilate groups developing a thern on welfare. Without prospects' they carrnot hope to attract a override to discourage "marginalized, oppressed a host societl' o1 yet' exterminating or grows And exploiting fiom males rnentality', disgruntled we/them of rvif'e. and so the powder keg disapprovc ol' it'l they that cxcept husbands nothing. almost rniddle-class knorv they working, were which bombers London about half the to qain entr)'was -vour-f,rlt ql!r!l and lathers. It,s time. for everyone's sake. to insist that newcomers (Particulail), where lying or cheatins people at. or on their rvar who Killing we it is that ). lhatstraighijttstdo denlonstrate their oood f'aith -- rather than assumino exar"nples' but it's extrcme may be pigs" "Aussie raping *"tk ."d t", Eqsl !o-S9 -- or a lit'etinle 's years the same impulse that settles down to draw three society. Islarrl host a not-rnuch-liked of -- rvorth of iocial benefits out A Policy That's All Problems qualities are so\\'ll These or callousness. selfishness patent on ,'celebrate diversity.' anytnore. Not if it has no Suddenly no one wants to comntunities" -- a lrisnorncr il "multicultural throughout broadcast rneans native-born suicide bombers hooking up at government ever there *u, on.. They are introverted exclusionary cells divorced subsidizedethnicoutreachcentres.Questionis,didtheothersideof from mainstream culture and are the antithesis of comnlunity. 'l-hcsc rhc compact eyer subscribe to the illusion? Multiculturalism allows ethnic redoubts are metastasizing in canada). Aparl fi'onr physical pcople to change hemispheres (and incomes) while preserving all the lnenace and incalculablc expense to the captive host society. rvhat do ioniitiu, sights, sounds and smells of home within the dank confines of such policies do to imn.rigrants and rninorities themselves? we give a clieese i'."p.r. Two millennia ago, Horace said: " They change them an education of a kind -- the tools to acquire and sustain a their skies. not their souls. who run across the sea.,, The day after grievance and entitlement mindset -- but almost nothing that rvould ",1*rt bl""d'; ran through London's transportation system' as media iultivate the sense that they could or should conrpete on a levcl "f for sound bites swarmed outside Whitechapel's huge playing field as full and equal citizens' These unrvholcsome types hungry EastLondonMosque,aworshippergroused:"Thismorninglwas ;uitic;ltural policies __ .*,ith their artendant directives rhat deridg,alrd driving to rvork and a woman on the radio said she'd had her headscarf J..olirh th. .*i.tinn .ultur" -- tho,,ld b" tuf.l, di.Oor.d o1' lik" tl,. grocery pulled. I ,,vas shocked, to be honest'" said Ahmed Shafi' 31' a poi*., tn. it". Ifthe new pope dares to suggest that "Europe needs a Yang appealed the decision. But the Migration Revierv Tribunal found Tuesday that she was not entitled to a visa. new -- certainly sceptical and humble -- acceptance of itself, if it wants Sen to survive, [that] the ever more passionately demanded nrulticulturalism is often above all a renunciation of what is one's own, then surely the lapsed Catholics @" rrrrrninr{ Ottawa can. They can withhold citizenship until the wellestablished and self-sustaining candidate shows that Canada -- the abstract notion of a new start in a generous new home -- means sornething more than an insurance policy or a teat. They can withhold welfare payments (as the Australians have donl without calling down the rvrath of UN forces) until the candidate has lived here for three years. Even petty infiactions like shoplifting (as rvas the case r.vith Montreal's Moustaffah Kamal. Ahmed Ressam and London bontber Yasin Hassan Omar) should be deportable off'ences. Harsh? Not as harsh as scraping commuters off subway rails. Meanrvhile. in "'the do\\,ntowlt core of Montreal and Toronto, it's actually quite difficult to get terrorism insurance simply because it's tapped out,' says David Immigration Minister Amanda Vanstone said she overturned the tribunal's decision and made Hu a permanent resident eligible fbr fiec health care and welfare." @SSS{AEL Press, March 8. 2005) Ah the well beloved special ministerial permit. No indication however that daughter Motoko or son-in-law Bing volunteered services (or pizza) during Vanstone's election campaign. Your Theory, My Money -l'oronto of the poor families in high-poverty neighbourhoods werc immigrants. Twenty years later, imntigrartt families comprised 65 per cent of the poor families in thcsc neighbourhoods." (Toronto Star, April 8. 2005) Much as "ln 1981, 45 per cent immigration and diversity theorists might want to praise immigration's salubrious effect on the economy. new irnmigrants from new source countries have proven singularly adept at falling ever farther behind. Pegues. executive vice-president of Toronto-based Aon Reed As immigration policy and settlement services grew into an industrl Stenhouse. 'Capacity is used up. Toronto is probably the third- like no other, Canada has been briefed and backgroundered into hi{hcst take-up rate of terrorism insurance in the world."' (Maclean's, importing more and more people constitutionally incapable of getting .lLrly 21. 2005) You Owe Us It rvas inevitable that once Etinor Caplan granted thousands of Souralis and Afghans permanent residence on the basis that their home countries erist in permanent chaos -- everyone else would clamber on thc bandwagon: The Canadian Council for Refugees is dernanding a liee pass for "hundreds" -- another story suggests "as many as 4.000" - - fionr "Zirnbabwe, Rwanda, Democratic Rep rblic of Congo. Haiti, Burundi. Afghanistan. Iraq and Liberia. ... The CCR, which released a l2-page report on the issue yesterday, believes Ottawa should establish a special programme to allow people liom moratorium countries [countries to which Canada has ceased deporling people because ol chronic turmoill who have been here for three years to apply for permanent residency. In 2002. after the lifting of a nroratoriuur on removals to Algeria. the government introduced such a programme for Algerians. and 93 per cent of those who applied received landed immigrant status. ... In 2001, 2.653 refugee claims fiom Zimbabwe were filed, and the acceptance rate was 47 per cent. By 2004, the acceptance rate had increased to 66 per cent, though the number of claims had dropped off to just 95. after the introduction of a visa requirement for Zimbabweans to come to Canada. ... Many early Zimbabwe refugee claims were re.jected because of a lack of docurnentary evidence about police brutality and harassment, as well as claimants'reluctance to testiry." (Globe and Mail, july 21,2005) So. according to the refugee handbook, an initial refusal is evidence that they did not receive a fair hearing (and cannot now access all the lreebies that would otherwise be on offer). Note they are still in Canada. With this precedent, anyone liom any basket case country lvill effectively be ours in perpetuity once they make landfall. 1O4-Year-Old Beats The System on rvith it. This helplessness goes well beyond routine '"velfarc paynlents to the rvretched of the earlh: Ottawa has lately consigncd many hundreds of millions to bootstrapping programmes for persons admitted precisely because they had looked unlikelv to drain the public purse. Canada's so-called best and brightest imports can choose frottt a menu offering fast-tracking for the sub-par professional. credential upgrading and equivalency booster seats. specialized workplace ESL instruction, and a raft of patchwork. catch-up renredial plans fbr thc "educated immigrant." It is unclear whether these beneficiaries u'ill ever repay their debt as the most assimilable are the least inclined to stick around: Statistics Canada, (Hotline 170, December 2004) notes. "Those with higher education and official language ability rvere rnore likely to emigrate [on from Canada] than those without." Perhaps the most vexatious thing about all this professional accreditation hysteria is that it did not exist as recently as five years ago. 'l'hree years ago. immigration theorists managed to convince the gang that couldn't think straight to dump admission by labour market need to concentrate instead on greasing the way for "life-long learners" with "transt-erable skill sets." The result? A glut ofapparent life-long-learners. not rnuclt in the way of non-transferrable skill sets. But batten dotvn the hatches. the theorists have discovered a nerv theory to explain rvhy imrnigrants began failing -just as source countries moved to new hemispheres -- they're lacking "social capital." Over the course of a massivc document (Developing the Business Case for Multiculturalism. Meyer Burstein, Outreach and Promotion Directorate Multiculturalism and Human Rights Branch, Department of Canadian Heritage, March 8, 2004), assorted academic enthusiasts and government stipendiaries never quite manage to define rvhat social capital actually rs, but they do know it's going to be expensive. As best we can understand, "social capital" translates as. it's not lvhat you knorv, but whom you knolv. Thus, if highly educated intnti-grants persistently fail in Canada it is alt dorvn to their lack of netrvorking -as if no one ever got a job in this country without the intercession ot'a doting patron. (Wetl, considering the source, perhaps not). At an1, flere's one immigration curiosity Canada missed out on: "A 104-yearold Chinese woman will not be deported fiom Australia despite rate, since immigrants already enjoy "social capital" within their inrmigration officials' decision to refuse her a permanent visa, the religious and cultural compounds, the rest of us can onlv dream of. thc Australian government announced Wednesday. Cui Yu Hu arrived in connections in question would appear to be Big Brother: "[n order to the southern city of Melbourne to visit her family in 1995 on a 12- peacefully resolve competing claims, pluralistic societies will have to rronth tourist visa, but no airline would return her to China because foster social learning. Social learning is essential if societies are to she was too old and ffail. The widow who received a letter of create a sense of belonging, common goals and a capacity to addrcss congratulations from Prime Minister John Howard when she turned critical issues in both the public and private spheres. Governancc remained in Australia illegally for another four plays a key role in this process: Recent ernpirical work points to the 104 earlier this year years before applying for an aged parent visa that would allow her to fact that ethnic diversity and generalized trust among members of a stay permanently and receive free health care. But under the rules by society are inversely related. However. the qualities that governtrrents - rvhich the department decides such applications, Hu is ineligible exhibit and the manner in which they govern and interact with their because she overstayed her initial l2-month visa. Hu's Melbourne citizens -- in other words, the behaviour of public institutions -- t'amily her adopted daughter Motoko Otari and son-in-law Bing attenuates this relationship. [Not this government, surely?] 'l-o capitalize on these human assets, structural barriers and discrimination will need to be forcefully addressed." There's much more, but the accretion of false assumptions comes down to this: the potential for conflict within an uneasy population mix of competing interests will be averted only by a greatly expanded government authority to overlook every crevice of our so-called "common" interests. so-called healthy imntigrant effect] An earlier longitudinal studl' using the first four cycles of the NPHS found that immigrants to Canada-European and non-European combined were at higher risk of a deterioration in health than was the Canadian-born population. However, this new analysis of five cycles of NPHS data. rvhich distinguishes between European and non-European imnrigrants. shorvs that the difference is attributable to those from non-Europearl to report a ln the end, parliamentary ethics commissioner' Bernard Shapiro' countries, who were twice as likely as the Canadian-bornhealth good. rated their is. the), had in their health-that deterioration found forrner immigration minister Judy Sgro in "clear violation" of good or excellent in 1994/95. but subsequentl:/ described Principle 7 of the conflict-of-interest code (politicians should not use very as being in fair or poor health. This decline rvqg themselves would perscns where this or their position to assist private entities Hey, Who Wants Pizza? result in preferential treatment). Shapiro stated bluntly that she was involved in issuing more temporary residence permits "than might have been expected." Sgro's curious response was to crow that she felt "v indicated. " And there's something else: Q-n-DeqembCr -I-4-2QQ4-I rvas belatedly revealed that last summer a staffer at Sgro's office was "quietly fired fbr suspicion of beins a threat to the country. ... The staffer. a Canadian of Sri Lankan origin. had worked for several r'veeks in Sgro's Ottawa office. according to sources close to the case. Sotu'ces said the Toronto man, whose identitv hasn't been released. rvas given a top position because [sumrise. surprisel he was a tireless recruiter of South Asians for the Liberal Party of Canada (Ontario). Six sources, including police, a Liberal and Conservative MPs and inrrnigration brass, have confirmed the employee was sacked last summer aller it was discovered he had links to the Tamil Tigers, who are deemed a terrorist group and banned from Canada' Police are poring throush files and computer hard drives to determine if thel/ ivere tampered with b), the former worker. who had access to top-level secrets." Goronlo Su!, December 14,2004) On the day the story broke. Sgro was already taking pretty steady ,reat on the Romanian stripper file. but Harjit Singh was still off the radar. So how did she respond to pubtic disclosure of what sounds like a rather serious security breach? Dinner on good old Judy -- or rathet'. the good old taxpayers of Canada -- for surviving staffers' According to disclosure details on the CIC web site, December 14 saw Judy and the gang (that's 23 Government of Canada employees plus 3 guests) tucking in at Ottawa's Allegro Ristorante. Cost to taxpayers? S1,386.12. pafiicularly pronounced among recent non-European imtnigrants. Bttt surprisingly, even long-term non-E,uropean immigrants u'erc lrtorc likely than the Canadian-born to report a shift toward fair or po-QI health. ... Recent non-European immigrants' higher risk of reporting a deterioration in their health is mirrored in increasingly frequent doctor contacts. Over time. they were more likely than the Canadian born to becorne frequent visitors to doctors (a/ /ea.s/ ^s/x cor?/acl.l .1 J'edl'). ... Recent non-European imrnigrants were almost twice as likely as the Canadian-born population to have experienced at least a l0%o incrcase in their BMI [body mass index] since 1994/95. ... Longitudinal data from five cycles of the National Population Health Survey shorv that over the period 1994195 to 2002103. immigrants in general were lllorc likely than tlie Canadian-born population to report a change frorll good. very good or excellent health to fair or poor health. I'Iorvcvcr. this deterioration applied onh, 1q immigrants with non-Europcall origins, especially those who had arrived since the mid- 1980s. European immigrants, by contrast, were similar to the Canadian-born with regard to health transitions. ... Almost by definition, the process of immigration is stressful and disruptive, involving the loss ol' the support network of family and fiiends in the country of origin. ISo why doesn't the same effect manifest itself among recent or long-terln immigrants of Iluropean origin?l Because immigrants rvith Europearr origins .s/:arc rz .slrrllar cll/ure with the Canadian-born, they Ila)' encounter fewer social. economic and lifestyle barriers than do those fiom non-E,uropean countries." (Dvnamics of Immigrants' Health in Canada: Evidence from the National Population Health Survev. Statistics Canada, February 23.2005) But not the kind of barriers (http://www. cic.gc.calenglish/expenses/2005-Q I /sgro/h-002.html) that would prevent them making "at least" six trips to the doctor pcr' HEALTH (CARE) WATCH year. If merely being here leads to a general decline in health (not to Costs Rise And System Crashes: It's Immigration, mention the persistent calls on an already over-burdened health carc Stupid system) perhaps Ottawa should do the compassionate thing and fbcus By now, Canada's immigrant population divides into two distinct exclusively on expanding entries among groups that won't get sick(er) r r r r l streams: Traditional (that is, overwhelmingly European, and now inCanada. generally older -- these landings slowed to a trickle after the 1970s) Recent non-EuroPean llrnigrants ind non-traditional (overwhelmingly non-White, and generally I younger as these landings really took off post-1970s; fully l/3 of Canada's foreign-bom population arrived between 1991-2001)' Although it does not quite like to say so, what bllows is essentially a study of comparative health outcomes between Whites and non- Long-term non-EuroPean inrrnrgrants Whites in Canada. and given age differences, the results are surprising' study parameters are these: "As well as people born in Europe, the European category includes those bom in United States, Australia and Nerv Zealand. The non-European category refers to all other countries. ... recent immigrants are those who arrived in 1984 or later, and long{erm immigrants are those who came before 1984. For this analysis, four groups of immigrants are defined: recent non-European, long-term non-European, recent European, and long{erm European or [the results are based on National Population Health Survey t,lpgs autu, rvhich examined] information liom the same individuals over an eight-year period fiom 1994195 to 2002103. '.. Self-perceived health is a commonly used indicator that has been shown to reflect Data source: 1gg4/i)5 other measures longitudinal file. Recent EuroPean 'l'he health status such as mortality and clinically diagnosed morbidity. [Thus, some six months after their arrival,9Toh of immigrants rated their health as good, very good or excellent' This .nn]por.d with 88% for the Canadian population overall' [This is the of l66rgranls Long-lerm EutoPean im6,grariis Canadian-born PcPulaiicn 0 05 1.0 15 2.0 25 Relative risk of transition from good, very good or excellent to fair or poor hcalth to 2002/03 Nalional pspvialion Heailh 'Survey woie: ,qnah's,s. based o''r ndivduals r,potllog good. very good or excelient 'i;inii contro!sfor age, sex, ncon.€-adeqttacy, educalotr' snro,(tng 'iiiri*o ti6qns t";tun.'sociat suppoitiocrai nvolvemsnt and body mass index in 1994n5 (p < 0'01)' srgnincanily aifereil ftom asl'nra{e for Canairan-born ;;