2015 Collection
2015 Collection
2015 INTRODUCTION TION C U D O R T N I 2 in, disciplines ts you can jo en ev n ith w y it and who ca sport /activ u can admire yo s er rid y, you can tr , skating dream ’s it inspire you. g lebratin eely live your ce fr , u d u n yo t ra yo le b te to vi and in Our aim is ater-owned s communit y SEBA is a sk internet video f the skater’s o is t h ar to ! p do with your a g ry ks to e in b sa n an le e now ab and a rldwide th BA is spin o ar 10th anniver ks w SE u ic , tr yo us d o e o at o m yl h g fa st o free and for to show w ew way to d ds of Since 2005 d different kin showing a n y an be used, an m SEBA skates. ed ic designed to of how wheels: e e ar a g ride. He pract d u s h le is ct yo u yl g ow d st of givin out im the kn SEBA pro d be the purpose ing, giving h an as , mmit ted with h at l rk co sk ai o ew et n d . lin d l ee ks in b ul al tric es sho am has ever y sm per form your e target has and kinds of skat The SEBA te d easiness to slalom, road beginning. Th all different an story, we d e e ee th ur rid o sp an ce r d n sk fu fo si e an jump, key word : Freest yle boundaries ee e evelop inlin d fr d th g ce d s, u is d os an N cr ro e p IO eot and to brin hill, skat to prom DEDICAT ar t. ange things inline down ew era an n ch always been ks A . en to ac g tr ev in e r b u o o at in b y sk eed will cont rt, a hobb e and even sp pair of ting as a spo slides, freerid hen the first w an al re eg innovation. b in y e industr icated improved lin ed d in d e es st an th fir r e ed fo st Th ear your skat also s are te in 2005. e for you to w aters. SEBA is es came out Our product at sk tim t sk is es a at it . b b h e rn w Se ow o th N as b rld ions by and show ride brand w over the wo skating situat Freest yle-Free d events all an s s er you can do! rie at sk Se g rld Slalom g the supportin o in W p o e el th f ev o d r keep sponso d his team as a young in and is proud r ever ySébastien an ss Series. Seen ro C products fo e e e m at iv ca at Sk es ov n at in sk le BA b and World si SE e first lents, elevate best pos nd when th show your ta d of the n to ra u b g yo r in novative bra fo ad the le you wish. one and SEBA is now ss yourself as ovations re n p in ex d ur o an out in 2005, s d t an your skill eeride marke g industr y. Freest yle / Fr in at sk e lin supporting in s of the ates, you are sk BA SE set the trend g By usin he it y. skating when d te ar ucts will your commun st e ffargu r SEBA prod compefo st d fir en is sp h Sébastien La u d tere f your What yo Paris, and en rogression o any of was a kid in te to the p and won m u t rib ar p nt k co o to ame 96. He titions in 19 nes, but bec e biggest o th g in d u cl them, in CONTENT O D U C TI O N CO N TE N T BA ntent Page 3 Co FR EE R ID E and FR sk Page 4 SX FR EE ST Y LE ST R EE T GRA age troduction Page 2 In ates nd IGH LIGHT a Page 14 H ates sk L PRO MODE ates Wellsmore sk J C 0 2 e g Pa M N D TO U R IS N M A R ATH O D O W N H IL L T and TRIX Page 22 G skates tes arathon ska Page 28 M ownhill sk Page 29 D AG E G S & LU G G LI N ER S, SO C K S & SH O W H EE LS A gs & lugg Page 35 Ba ES ers, socks Page 36 Lin ngs ND heels & beari Page 38 W B EA R IN G S mes Page 40 Fra FR A M ES TS SPA R E PA R TS SPA R E PA R & shoes & P R O M O IT , B ELTS & TE EM S E SH IR TS CO M M U N IT Y arts, nes, spare p Page 41 Co s promo item are parts, Page 42 Sp e shirts belts and te ng ts & sponsori c je ro P 3 4 Page ates s JU N IO R nior skate Page 30 Ju CONTENT IN TR tectives Page 34 Pro ES P R OTE C TI V 3 ffect. n is still in e o ti ular lu o v re e t to a partic c je b u The freerid s is s n you of the skate r skates whe u o Each detail y t s u tr . n o you ca reat comfort g a g in attention, s y jo n ity while e need reactiv E D I R E FRE d ier: WSX Worl Antony Pott Number 3 reeride utu re of f f e h t to J u mp in X skates ! with the S BA! SE available, by de is already ri nce ee Fr ha of en re ill The Futu frames w le boots and is ib Th . at p ns m io co ss de expre The UFS & multiple ri es on ti ti ili ra b si ne os ge custom p ence the next deniably influ skate will un aters. of freeride sk SX SSK-SX 36 - 47 Black er glass Carbon + fib FS par ts, Soulplate & U lor kits SX custom co Frames: Wheels: Bearings: Liners: Use: 3 Deluxe UFS 24 4A ers 80 mm/8 Street Invad 9 Freeride Twincam MW Integrated y - Skating Freeride, Cit FREERIDE Ref: Size: Color: Shell: Options: 5 6 FREERIDE FR A E 80 FR1 DELUX SSK- FR1 D80 Ref: 34 - 47 Size: Black Color: lor kits FR custom co s: Option Frames: Plate: Wheels: Bearings: Liners: Insole: Use: m Deluxe 243 m t plates gy adjustmen er en es ol 2x7 h A ers 80 mm/ 84 Street Invad 9 Freeride Twincam MW Balance ove Seba Orthom y - Skating Freeride, Cit SSK- FR1 D84 Ref: 34 - 47 Size: Black Color: r kits custom colo Options: FR Frames: Plate: Wheels: Bearings: Liners: Insole: Use: uxe frames an ith SEBA Del w ed p p ui skating. e FR1 is eq pes of inline ty version of th l al xe r u fo el D on is Th and precisi ore comfort p. Providing m s and high-jum g ride, city ap ee fr lly ia ec p Es m Deluxe 255 m t plates gy adjustmen er en 2x7 holes 4A ers 84mm/8 Street Invad e d ri 9 Free Twincam MW Balance ove Seba Orthom - Skating y it C e, Freerid d balance lin ers. SSK- FR A80 Ref: 34 - 47 Size: Black : Color r kits custom colo Options: FR le plate mounted so eluxe 243 mm lates Frames: D adjustment p holes energy 7 2x A e: Plat s 80 mm/ 84 reet Invader Wheels: St Freeride 9 incam MW Bearings: Tw Balance Liners: ove Seba Orthom Insole: y - Skating Freeride, Cit Use: of the FR ded version ra g up an tes and The FRA is with sole pla ed p ui eq : es freeriding, Deluxe skat e aggressive or m a r fo s, grind plate high jumps. city gaps and FREERIDE E 84 FR1 DELUX 7 oice h c 1 # 's r e Skat ting. a k s e d i r e for fre features: version The latest sole HOMOVE in • SEBA ORT s for power Energy Plate s le o H x7 2 • nting custom mou ls transfer and vad e r w h e e nd Street In a s g n ri a e B • MW9 p buckle • FK Metal to FR1 84 SSK- FR184 Ref: 34 - 47 Size: Black Color: lor kits FR custom co s: Option FR1 80 FREERIDE SSK- FR180 Ref: 34 - 47 Size: Black Color: r kits custom colo Options: FR 8 Frames: Plate: Wheels: Bearings: Liners : Insole: Use: R1 243 mm al plate 2x7 holes met A ers 80 mm/ 84 Street Invad 9 Freeride Twincam MW FR ove Seba Orthom y - Skating Freeride, Cit FR1 is also av The famous ailab y, blue, or nal colors: gre io it d ad 4 in le Frames: Plate: Wheels: Bearings: Liners: Insole: Use: ange, and w hite. R1 255 mm al plate 2x7 holes met 4A ers 84mm/8 Street Invad e d ri ee 9 Fr Twincam MW FR ove Seba Orthom y - Skating Freeride, Cit FR1 White R SSK- FR180 - G Ref: 34 - 47 Size: Grey : Color lor kits FR custom co s: Option Frames: Plate: Wheels: Bearings: Liners : Insole: Use: R1 243 mm al plate 2x7 holes met A ers 80 mm/ 84 Street Invad 9 Freeride Twincam MW FR ove Seba Orthom y - Skating Freeride, Cit H SSK- FR180-W Ref: 34 - 47 Size: White Color : lor kits FR custom co s: Option Frames: Plate: Wheels: Bearings: Liners : Insole: Use: R1 243 mm al plate 2x7 holes met A ers 80 mm/ 84 Street Invad e d ri ee 9 Fr Twincam MW FR ove Seba Orthom y - Skating Freeride, Cit FREERIDE FR1 Grey 9 GE FR1 ORAN FR1 BLU E FREERIDE L SSK- FR180 - B Ref: 34 - 47 Size: Blue Color: r kits custom colo Options: FR 10 Frames: Plate: Wheels: Bearings: Liners: Insole: Use: R1 243 mm al plate 2x7 holes met A ers 80 mm/ 84 Street Invad e d ri ee 9 Fr Twincam MW FR ove Seba Orthom - Skating y it C e, d Freeri R SSK- FR180 - O Ref: 47 34 Size: Orange : Color r kits custom colo Options: FR Frames: Plate: Wheels: Bearings: Liners : Insole: Use: R1 243 mm al plate 2x7 holes met A ers 80 mm/ 84 Street Invad 9 Freeride Twincam MW FR ove Seba Orthom y - Skating Freeride, Cit FR2 84 SSK- FR280 Ref: 34 - 47 Size: Black Color: r kits custom colo Options: FR Frames: Wheels: Bearings: Liners: Use: R1 243 mm A ers 80 mm/ 84 Street Invad 7 Twincam ILQ FR y - Skating Freeride, Cit Frames: Wheels: Bearings: Liners: Use: ble skate. ce and afforda tice. an ac rm pr fo nd er p ou p ar a to the all essful ride with e emblem of ting and succ The FR2 is th ci ex an of re e pleasu Experience th R1 255 mm 4A ers 84mm/8 Street Invad 7 Twincam ILQ FR y - Skating Freeride, Cit FREERIDE FR2 80 SSK- FR284 Ref: 34 - 47 Size: Black Color : lor kits FR custom co s: Option 11 FRX 84 FRX 80 FREERIDE SSK-FRX80 Ref: 34 - 47 Size: Black / white Color: r kits custom colo Options: FR 12 Frames: Wheels: Bearings: Liners: Use: mm X-Series 243 s 80 mm/ 84A er d Street Inva 5 Twincam ILQ FR - Skating Freeride, City tial. ur true poten axles. d unleash yo an e ar with one-key u g yo on al er , d es ri ee am Fr fr ch es d X-Seri Discover whi e re-designe X features th FR 15 20 e Th SSK-FRX84 Ref: 34 - 47 Size: Black / white Color: r kits custom colo Options: FR Frames: Wheels: Bearings: Liners: Use: mm X-Series 255 s 84mm/84A er d va In Street 5 Twincam ILQ FR - Skating Freeride, City KITS M O T S U C FR you like ur skates as Customize yo an * d custom kits with the FR ates unique make your sk Ref: CKIT - FR EN FRX WOM SSK-FRXW Ref: 35 - 42 Size: Black / pink Color: r kits custom colo Options: FR m with brake Series 243 m X: es am Fr 80 mm/ 84A reet Invaders St s: el he W incam ILQ5 Bearings: Tw FR WOMEN Liners: - Skating Freeride, City Use: ng last a specific fitti * The wheels m kits. d in the custo are not include FREERIDE ned with ates are desig sk en om W rt. The new SEBA e best comfo er, to offer th lin ut C Va d an 13 rfect are the pe s te a k s E ies and FREESTYL g possibilit n The Seba ti a k s e rt it n er infi eestyle spo fr t n e tools to off n a rm style, to the pe d your own n fi contribute , s k ic tr . r ree you pions’ setup m a h c e evolution. F th h models wit enjoy the pro E L Y T S E E R F , skater in 2014 hris Luca) style overall :C ee it fr d st re (c Be ic s: ri ss la style Cla ee Fr Alexandre C 14 20 hampion Vice World C T H IGH LIGH Ref: Size: Shell: Color: Options: K SSK- SHCB - B 34 - 47 + fiber glass Carbon fiber Black ts stom color ki High light cu mm (40- 47) 4-39) or 243 (3 m m 1 23 eluxe Frames: D s reet Invader A (40- 47) St : Wheels ) or 80 mm / 84 39 4(3 A 84 / 76 mm alom Pro incam ILQ9 Sl : Bearings Tw Integrated Liners: City Skating yle, Freeride, st ee Fr ted Use: d and conver skates revisite h al ig re H a a b e Se y es mak The legendar Carbon skat s. ce an t. rm or fo p per sup for ultimate recision and s of weight, p rm te in ce en differ SSK- SHL - BK Ref: 35 - 48 Size: Black Color: lor kits igh custom co Options: H 48) 243 mm (40m (35-39) or m 1 23 xe u el Frames: D s ) reet Invader m / 84A (40- 48 Wheels: St 5-39) or 80 m (3 A 84 / m m 76 alom Pro incam ILQ9 Sl Tw : gs in ar Be Integrated ing Liners: ride, City Skat eestyle, Free Fr : se U skates y Seba High The legendar formances. r ultimate per optimized fo FREESTYLE T CARBON H IGH LIGH 15 T BLU E H IGH LIGH T R ED H IGH LIGH FREESTYLE SSK-SHL-RD Ref: 35 - 48 Size: Red Color : color kits High custom s: Option 16 m (35-39) or Deluxe 231m 48) 243 mm (40A (35- 39) rs 76 mm/ 84 de va In et re St s: Wheel A (40-48) or 80 mm/84 alom Pro incam ILQ9 Sl Bearings: Tw Integrated Liners: City Skating yle, Freeride, st ee Fr Use: Frames: SSK-SHL-BL Ref: 35 - 48 Size: Blue Color: lor kits igh custom co Options: H (35-39) or eluxe 231mm D : es am Fr 48) 243 mm (40A (35- 39) rs 76 mm/ 84 de va In et re Wheels: St A (40-48) or 80 mm/84 alom Pro incam ILQ9 Sl Tw : gs in ar Be Integrated ating Liners: ride, City - Sk eestyle, Free Fr : se U T 10 H IGH LIGH SSK-SHL10 Ref: 35 - 48 Size: Red Color: lor kits igh custom co Options: H (35-39) or eluxe 231mm D : es am Fr 48) ) 243 mm (40/ 84A (35- 39 de va rs 76 mm In et re St Wheels: A (40-48) or 80 mm/84 alom Pro incam ILQ9 Sl Bearings: Tw Integrated ating Liners: ride, City - Sk Freestyle, Free Use: TOM KITS S U C H IG H ates IGH LIGHT sk* ur HIGH & H yo d e an iz m ts o ki st u C custom ith the HIGH w e lik u yo as ates unique. make your sk REF: CKIT-SH K H IGH BLAC K SSK- SHD - B Ref: 34 - 47 Size: Black Color: lor kits igh custom co Options: H (40-47) ) or 243 mm 1 mm (34-39 23 e ux or ) el D 39 / 84A (34Frames: vaders 76 mm In et re St Wheels: (40-47) 80 mm/ 84A alom Pro Q IL incam 9 Sl Bearings: Tw High Liners: City - Skating yle, Freeride, st ee Fr Use: SSK- SH - BK Ref: 34 - 47 Size: Black Color: lor kits igh custom co Options: H mm (40-47) 4-39) or 243 (3 m m 1 23 (34-39) Frames: R1 s 76 mm/ 84A er d va In et re Wheels: St (40-47) 80 mm/ 84A alom Pro Q incam IL 9 Sl Tw : gs in ar Be High ating Liners: ride, City - Sk Freestyle, Free Use: with ion, mounted full black vers in e new ar ith es w at le sk uxe customizab e; ux The High Del el D ba es ever, the Se e pop-up! the best fram give you som to s ie or ss ce ac color kits and past black! For the ate is back in sk en om be al sl ve y orld ha The legendar l over the w al s er at sk decade, slalom this model. committed to m kits. d in the custo are not include * The wheels FREESTYLE FREESTYLE XE H IGH DELU 17 PRO MODELS LACK IGOR 10 B IGOR FREESTYLE Ref: Size: Shell: Color: Options: 18 SSK- IG 34 -47 Carbon fiber Black color kits High custom ed Deluxe rocker ) or 39 4(3 m 231 m ) 47 0(4 m 243 m (34-39) or 76 mm/ 84A s er d va In et re St : ls Whee (40- 47) 80 mm/ 84A alom Pro incam ILQ9 Sl Bearings: Tw City - Skating d yle, Freeri e, st ee Fr Use: Frames: Ref: Size: Shell: Color: Options: SSK- IG10 -BK 34 -47 Carbon fiber Black color kits High custom ed Deluxe rocker 39) or 231 mm (3447) 243 mm (40(34-39) or 76 mm/ 84A s er d va In et re Wheels: St (40- 47) 80 mm/ 84A alom Pro incam ILQ9 Sl Tw g : gs in ar Be e, City - Skatin style, Freerid ee Fr : Use Frames: H ITE IGOR 10 W Ref: Size: Shell: Color: Options: SSK- IG10 -WH 34 -47 Carbon fiber White color kits High custom ed Deluxe rocker ) or 39 4(3 m m 231 47) ) or 243 mm (40m/ 84A (34-39 Invaders 76 m et re St : ls Whee (40- 47) 80 mm/ 84A alom Pro incam ILQ9 Sl g Bearings: Tw e, City - Skatin d ri style, Free ee Fr : Use Frames: Igor Cheremetieff : etieff‘s word Igor Cherem ct skate to refle I wanted this ss lets yle. Its stiffne my skating st pline. ll in any disci you skate we full system on a g in n te h g ti The sion, brings preci t o o b n o rb ca eight d a great w reactivity an are ratio, which vs durability icing ded for pract e e n ly te lu so ab l. This the TOP leve Freestyle at ber, a little more so new version is e fited a lot on th and we work ough be strong en u yo l il W . g n ti % of its skills? to skate it 100 g Jin Kim Sun KSJ WFSC Ref: Size: Shell: Color: Options: SSK-WFSC 34 -47 Carbon fiber Black om color kits ffs & trix cust SEBA High cu uxe 231 mm Rockered Del ) 3 mm (40- 47 (34-39) or 24 4A /8 m m 76mm or 80 Wheels: CC o Pr 9 Q IL m inca Bearings: Tw Tourism, d n ra G e, Freestyl Use: Skating Fitness, City- Frames: C, co With the WFS mpete at the highest level! Ref: Size: Shell: Color: Options: SSK- K SJ 34 -47 Carbon fiber Silver om color kits ffs & trix cust SEBA High cu m Deluxe 231m mm (40- 47) 3 24 or ) 4A (34-39 m or 80 mm/8 Invader 76 m et re St : ls Whee o incam ILQ9 Pr Bearings: Tw nd Tourism, Freestyle, Gra Use: Skating Fitness, City- Frames: enced the ro who influ he an re Ko odel skate n, the Kim Sung Ji his own pro-m s ha e, en sc skating international personality! s hi reflecting FREESTYLE FREESTYLE l skate Pro mode , eremetieff of Igor Ch rld n°1 former wo ter and slalom ska nal coach internatio 19 T E E R T S odel ith his pro m w 3 1 0 2 in orld n°1 E became W R O e n°1! M S L L are E CJ W ll remains th ti s e h e CJ skates 5 th 1 0 f 2 o y s rl rt a a e p In team hy, all skates. nd philosop nt of our pro ce, e ra b m e e lv th o v to in l n Loya d with the h performa te s ig h te s d e n in a b d inlineate com develope aggressive ro model sk t p s e ’s J b C e . th rs e create memb d comfort to n a y it il b ra du y. market toda skate on the 2 1 3 4 Ref: Size: Color: Shell: Options: SSK- C J 36 - 47 Grey er glass Carbon + fib stom kits UFS & color cu Frames: Wheels: Bearings: Liner: Use: FS Seba Street U A 88 y/ re g 60 mm MW9 m ca in Tw SEBA Integrated Street size S, available in CJ REF: SSPL- es (270 mm) t UFS fram (260 mm), L SEBA Stree M ), m m 0 (25 2 size S available in CJ REF: SSPL - 3 4 m/88A heels 60 m CJ Street w GG60 REF: SWL-A 42 mm Antirockers AR - 42 REF: SWL - STREET EY MORE GR S L L E W J C s t soulplate SEBA Stree M, L 1 21 M S I R U O T D N A GR all ew way to c n a is e n li more Tourism Our Grand ur GT line is O ”. s te a k ill -s ess ese skates w h T . former “fitn e il g a d You’ll atile, an ant to go. sporty, vers w u o y re e in nywh ew places n g take you a n ri e v o fun disc have more ls! urism mode o T d n ra G r ou TRIX 80 GRAND TOURISM TRIX 90 22 Ref: Size: Shell: Color: Options: SSK- TR X90 34 - 47 + fiber glass Carbon fiber Black om color kits ffs & trix cust SEBA High cu Frames: Wheels: Liner: Bearings: Use: into Greg P m Deluxe 273 m A 84 / m m CC 90 d te Integra 9 Pro Twincam ILQ ity-Skating m, Fitness, C Grand Touris Ref: Size: Shell: Color: Options: SSK- TR X 80 34 - 47 + fiber glass Carbon fiber Black om color kits ffs & trix cust SEBA High cu Frames: Wheels: Liner: Bearings: Use: m Deluxe 243 m A 84 / m CC 80 m d te Integra 9 Pro Twincam ILQ nd Tourism, ra G e, yl Freest Skating Fitness, City- city dition to fast and 90 mm. t versions: 80 style TriX in ad en ee fr er iff ce d ni in e le m r so e is availab ate is ready fo The Trix skat d light, this sk an se ci re p , Comfortable -skating. ACK TRIX 10 BL Ref: Size: Shell: Color: Options: R SSK-TR X10- G 34 - 47 + fiber glass Carbon fiber Green om color kits ffs & trix cust cu h ig H BA SE eluxe 243 mm Frames: D s 80/84A reet Invader Wheels: St 9 Q incam IL Bearings: Tw Tourism, style, Grand ee Fr Use: Skating Fitness, City- Ref: Size: Shell: Color: Options: K SSK-TR X10- B 34 - 47 + fiber glass Carbon fiber Black om color kits ffs & trix cust SEBA High cu Frames: Wheels: Bearings: Use: m Deluxe 243 m s 80/84A er d va In Street 9 Twincam ILQ nd Tourism, ra G e, yl Freest Skating Fitness, City- GRAND TOURISM R EEN TRIX 10 G 23 TRIX 2 W TRIX 2 90 GRAND TOURISM TRIX 2 24 SSK-TR X2 Ref: 35 - 48 Size: Black Color: lor kits Trix custom co s: Option Frames: Wheels: Liner: Bearings: Use: R1 243 mm A CK 80 mm/ 82 d te Integra 7 Twincam ILQ nd Tourism, ra G e, yl Freest Skating Fitness, City- ut thanks to nd Tourism, b ra G r fo l ea TRIX is id setup. ith the 80 mm Even more w SSK-TR X2 90 Ref: 35 - 48 Size: Black Color: lor kits ix custom co Options: Tr T 273 mm Frames: G A K 90 mm/ 82 Wheels: C 9 Q IL incam Bearings: Tw Fitness, nd Tourism, ra G Use: City-Skating e moves. nt for freestyl ff, th its original cu ly convenie is boot is real SSK-TR X2W Ref: 35 - 42 Size: Black Color: lor kits Trix custom co s: Option Frames: Wheels: Bearings: Use: R1 243 mm 4A ers 80mm/8 Street Invad 7 Twincam ILQ nd Tourism, ra G e, yl Freest Skating Fitness, City- d es are designe Women skat BA , SE er w lin ne ut e Th d a V-C fitting last an c ifi ec sp a h wit est comfort. to offer the b M KITS O T S U C IX TR ates Marathon sk r TRIX, KSJ & u yo e iz m o Cust stom kits* h the TRIX cu it w e lik u as yo ique. ur skates un and make yo CKIT-TRX m kits. d in the custo are not include * The wheels GRAND TOURISM REF: 25 GT 80 SSK- GT 80 Ref: 34 - 47 Size: Black : Color lor kits igh custom co Options: H GT 90 GRAND TOURISM GT 100 26 SSK- GT 100 Ref: 34 - 47 Size: Black Color: lor kits igh custom co Options: H Frames: Wheels: Bearings: Liner: Use: GT 304,5 mm 82A CK 100 mm/ 9 Q Twincam IL GT m, Fitness, Grand Touris City - Skating SSK- GT 90 Ref: 34 - 47 Size: Black Color: lor kits igh custom co Options: H Frames: Wheels: Bearings: Liner: Use: GT 276 mm A CK 90 mm/ 82 9 Q IL Twincam GT m, Fitness, Grand Touris City - Skating d an and wheels. g. Take a spee 0 mm frames 10 d an 90 , & city-skatin 80 m : is ns ur io to rs n ve s, Gra lable in 3 ned for fitnes The GT is avai rsatile. Desig ve d an iff st , Comfortable h comfy an d fun ride wit Frames: Wheels: Bearings: Liner: Use: ings. d smooth feel R1 243 mm A CK 80 mm/ 82 9 Q IL m ca Twin GT nd Tourism, Freestyle, Gra Skating Fitness, City GTX 80 SSK- GTX 84 Ref: 35 - 48 Size: Black Color: lor kits igh custom co Options: H Frames: Wheels: Bearings: Liner: Use: mm X-Series 255 A CK 84 mm/ 82 ILQ5 Integrated - Skating , Fitness, City m is ur To nd Gra Frames: Wheels: Bearings: Liner: Use: mm X-Series 243 A 82 / m CK 80 m ILQ5 Integrated ity - Skating m, Fitness, C Grand Touris ped w ht and easy. nique. Equip mfortable, lig co is es at ure and tech sk as T le G p e ix th m of to n rsio t tool This entry ve have the bes GTX, you will e th ng si oo By ch ries frames. n of the X-Se hter versio ith the new lig GRAND TOURISM GTX 84 SSK- GTX 80 Ref: 35 - 48 Size: Black Color: lor kits igh custom co Options: H 27 N 1 00 MARATHO N 110 MARATHO MARATHON Ref: Size: Shell: Color: Options: 28 Ref: Size: Shell: Color: Options: SSK-MAR110 34 -47 er Glass Carbon + Fib Black lor kits Trix custom co Frames: Wheels: Bearings: Use: Frames: Wheels: Bearings: Use: 5 - 110 Marathon 19 A CC 110/ 84 9 Pro Twincam ILQ duro m, Speed, En is ur Grand To Thanks to th 5' e low cut & 19 athon ign, this Mar mounting des SSK-MAR100 34 -47 er Glass Carbon + Fib Black lor kits Trix custom co skate will sp eed you up! 5 - 100 Marathon 19 CC 100/ 84A 9 Pro Twincam ILQ duro m, Speed, En Grand Touris tions Congratula oerl and to Moritz N ontavon – Christian M pions 2014 m a h C ld r Wo ates. on SEBA sk avon – n Mont Christia ampion h World C Cross 2014 ill h n w o D Moritz Noerl – World Cham pion Downh ill 2014 H CARBON D SSK- FR1 DH Ref: 34 - 47 Size: Black : Color r kits custom colo Options: FR Frames: Wheels: Bearings: Liners: Use: m Deluxe 366 m A 84 / m m 90 CC 9 Q IL m ca Twin Balance ride Downhill, Free SSK- DHC Ref: 34 - 47 Size: Black Color: lor kits igh custom co Options: H Frames: Wheels: Bearings: Liners: Use: m Deluxe 366 m A CC 90 mm/ 84 9 Twincam ILQ Integrated ride, Downhill, Free nge! gh speed in in the SEBA ra Carbon for hi es ill at nh sk r ow ei D e th th skaters have ride or choose The Downhill able and hard rt fo m co a r H fo Use the FR D petitions. extreme com DOWNHILL FR DH 29 IOR SEBA J U N / SSK- JR - BK SSK- JR - WH Ref: / 35-38 27-30 / 31-34 Size: Adjustable Shell: Black or white Color: onobloc Frames: M ) or 72 mm (27-34 Wheels: Jr (35-38) 76 mm/ 85A Q5 Bearings: IL T J U N IOR SEBA SOF JUNIOR -BK SSK-SOFTJR Ref: / 37-40 6 29-32 / 33-3 Size: Adjustable Shell: Black Color: Alu Frames: Jr ), 72 mm (29-32 Jr Wheels: 40) 3(3 A 76 mm/ 85 BEC 3 Bearings: A 30 able liner w ell and adjust sh le ab st ju Ad es ol, those skat ithout any to r kids willin are per fect fo g to discover fun skating. R TRIX J U N IO D / SSK-FRJ / SSK-FRJR-RE L B RRJ -F K SS Ref: / 37-39 32-34 / 35-37 lack : Size & white or b , & white red ue Bl : or Col m Series 231 m Frames: XA K 76 mm/ 82 Wheels: C BEC 5 g Bearings: A e, City-Skatin tness, Freerid Fi : se U R-BK simple ment is really e size adjust Th ! re he e t ar s sistan skates for kid extremely re The Freeride e FR Junior is Th . le so in 1 3 in er! thanks to the arn even fast so kids can le e at sk to sy and ea s skate for kid ct evolutive fe er p sole. e in th 1 is e 3 in junior uiped with th The new Trix eq is It e. yl st ng free who are traini JUNIOR FR J U N IOR J-PK L / SSK-TRIX SSK-TRIXJ-B Ref: 0 -4 / 38 33-35 / 36-38 Size: k in p or Blue Color: mm X-Series 231 : Frames A 82 / m m K 76 Wheels: C 5 BEC ity-Skating Bearings: A s, Freeride, C es tn Fi e, yl st Free Use: 31 NAL TEAM: INTERNATIO ling, SEBA STREET ichael Froem Bukowski, M ed Sim) Fr : Su t h an ig W R , (Left to ellsmore W J C , en ri er ier, Manon D Antony Pott is, RIDERS : udia Hartman ALOM TEAM SL E YL ST Rotunno, Kla EE a tin ris C SEBA FR , to Roberto Rosa n Larrucea Left to right: vé Guillou, Jo er H i, sk ow Michal Sulin S E V I T C PROTE 1 Helmet EL - BK REF: PRO - H ds Elbow pa 2 P SE O REF: PR rds Wrist gu a 3 G REF: PRO - SW Gloves 4 REF: PRO - SG per) s p ro (zip Kn ee p a d 5 PZ REF: PRO - SK s Kn ee p a d 6 PL SK O PR REF: 3 2 1 6 5 4 Pack 2 7 s p ro Kn ee pa d G loves + PROTECTIVES 2 REF: PRO - PK 34 8 elbow ds p ro + + Kn ee pa s rd a u g Wri st Pack 3 3 REF: PRO - PK 9 8 7 9 O (Gloves) Pack 3 PR pads pro + elbow Kn ee G loves + 3P REF: PRO - PK E G A G G U L & BAGS 2 1 4 3 7 6 5 9 8 16 15 14 13 12 11 e small whit Backpack 1 PS - W REF: SBG - B H k small blac Backpack 2 PS - B REF: SBG - B 3 4 K d black & re Backpack PS - RD REF: SBG - B y small gre Backpack PS - G REF: SBG - B R Backpack 5 small blue PS - B REF: SBG - B 6 7 8 L small red Backpack PS - RED REF: SBG - B en small gre Backpack PS - G REF: SBG - B RN k large blac Backpack K SBG - BPL - B REF: Backpack 9 large red PL - RE REF: SBG - B D xs grey Backpack PXS - GRY REF: SBG - B k xs black 11 Backpac Backpack 13 PSL - B REF: SBG - B 14 12 BK slim camo Backpack A SBG - BPSL - C REF: K ey Small troll K 10 PXS REF: SBG - B slim black 15 16 YS - B REF: SBG - TR Big trolley YL - B REF: SBG - TR K s bag 4 Function K FF - B REF: SBG - TR BAGS & LUGGAGE 10 35 S E O H S & S K C O S , S R E LIN k s red/blac Nano sock 1 REF: SS - B e s red/whit Nano sock 2 REF: SS - W s white Nano sock 3 REF: SS - FW s black Nano sock 4 4 REF: SS - FB ks Sport soc 5 REF: SS-N LINERS, SOCKS & SHOES 3 36 6 2 1 7 7 6 5 cks Comfort so CON REF: SOCK - -L t cks low-cu Comfort so CON REF: SOCK - - SH 4 1 5 1 L - BK REF: LIN - BA 2 6 3 3 7 ner wh ite Ba la nce li L - WH REF: LIN - BA GT li ner 4 REF: LIN - GT H igh li ner 5 REF: LIN - SH 6 FR li ner REF: LIN - FR 7 er J u n ior li n REF: LIN - JR o es Pocket sh T-B REF: SSH - PK K LINERS, SOCKS & SHOES ner black Ba la nce li 2 37 S G N I R A E B & S WHEEL aders Street Inv mm / 84A 72, 76, 80, 84 -OR-BK REF: SWL-SI -BL-BK REF: SWL-SI 2 -GR-BK REF: SWL-SI 3 -RED-BK REF: SWL-SI 4 -BK-BK REF: SWL-SI 5 -WH-BK REF: SWL-SI 6 -YE-BK REF: SWL-SI 7 -VI-BK REF: SWL-SI 8 K-BK REF: SWL-SI-P 9 RY-BK REF: SWL-SI-G 10 RW-BK REF: SWL-SI-B 11 1 4 3 2 WHEELS & BEARINGS 1 38 8 7 6 5 11 10 9 76 D - WH - GRY REF: SWL - M 72, 76, 80 D - WH - WH REF: SWL - M , 90 mm 72, 76, 80, 84 W - WH -BK C REF: SWL - ge m / 85A 72, 76, 80 m W - WH - OR C REF: SWL - 85A 76, 80 mm / K SP REF: SWL - wh ite SEBA CK m / 82A , 100 m 76, 80, 84, 90 -WH-WH K REF: SWL - C SEBA CC CC White in also available mm 0 11 & 0 90, 10 m / 84A 76, 80, 84 m C - WH - BK C L REF: SW C - PI - BK REF: SWL - C C - YE - BK REF: SWL - C C - GR - BK REF: SWL - C C - OR - BK REF: SWL - C C - GRY - BK REF: SWL - C C - RED - BK REF: SWL - C C - VI - BK REF: SWL - C C - BL - BK REF: SWL - C C - BK - BK REF: SWL - C 3 2 1 6 5 4 Pr o SEBA ILQ9 PRO 1 Q9 REF: BRG - IL 3 5 e 9 Freerid SEBA MW T- FR REF: BRG - TI SEBA ILQ5 Q5 REF: BRG - IL Classic SEBA ILQ99 2 Q REF: BRG - IL 4 6 SEBA ILQ7 Q7 REF: BRG - IL RM SEBA STO RM REF: BRG - ST WHEELS & BEARINGS ey Deluxe gr A 84 / m m 80 , h ite Deluxe w m / 84A , 84 m e / black SEBA wh it / 85A e / ora n SEBA wh it r kli ng SEBA spa 39 S E M A R F Fra mes Marathon - BK CH1030 Ref: SFM - A 0 mm, 0 mm or 4x11 Exist in 4x10 distance m mounting both in 195 m a m es Deluxe Fr e CH 976 frames by th Ref: SFM - A yle/freeride st ee fr t ill es w b e se, it Elected as th ng and preci e is stiff, stro am fr your style. is ve th ro s, p er im skat make you d an ks ic tr m, follow all your 9 mm, 227 m available in 21 ge an or . or m 3m Black, gold , 255 mm, 27 mm, 243 mm 231mm, 239 inium Extruded alum Fra mes Down h ill CH 995 Ref: SFM - A um color, inium, Titani um al Extruded 6 mm 5x90 mm, 36 FRAMES s GT Fra me 40 s R1 Fra me CH 936 R1 Ref: SFM - A , inium, black Extruded alum m, m 9 mm, 231 available in 21 mm 243 mm, 255 es 310 Fra m CH 310 Ref: SFM - A inum, black, um al Extruded heels, 3x110 mm w m m 7 lenght 24 CH 978 Ref: SFM - A , inium, black Extruded alum mm 5 4, 6 mm & 30 available in 27 e Fra mes U FS Delux - BK M - ACH1015 Ref: SF e le deluxe fram The inevitab ion, in its UFS vers m mm & 255 m exists in 243 t Fra mes U FS Stree BK M - UFSP - CJ- Ref: SF ble 3 sizes availa 270 mm : 260 mm / L: M / S: 250 mm a m es Deluxe Fr Rockered CH 979 Ref: SFM - A , inium, black Extruded alum , m 9m available in 21 mm 3 24 & m 231m r a m es X-Series F CH 1008 Ref: SFM - A inum, black, Extruded alum 1 mm, available in 23 mm 243 mm, 255 s lom cone la s y it s n de a nd d u a l - RED d r a d REF: CONDD n a t S NDD - BL ON - RED REF: CO L REF: CON - B - PK REF: CONDD PK REF: CON REF: C - WH REF: CONDD H REF: CON - W raps Double st ST - FR - GREY REF: BUK - D ST - FR - RED REF: BUK - D ST - FR - BL REF: BUK - D - YL REF: CONDD YL REF: CON - OR REF: CONDD R REF: CON - O Cuffs - BK REF: ABR - FR - WH REF: ABR - FR - GR REF: ABR - FR REF: D ABR - FR - RE REF: ABR - FR - VI R REF: LAC - G D REF: LAC - RE I REF: LAC - V - VI REF: CUF - FR - YL REF: CUF - FR REF: LAC - YL L REF: LAC - B - BL REF: CUF - FR - OR REF: CUF - FR R REF: LAC - O S M E T I O PROM 1 R u b be r rs key holde 1 pa ds Abrasive H REF: LAC - W - GR REF: CUF - FR - RED REF: CUF - FR - PHO REF: CONDD ST - FR - OR REF: BUK - D ST - FR - BK REF: BUK - D K REF: LAC - B - BK REF: CUF - FR - WH REF: CUF - FR ber Ref: SEB-Rub - YL REF: ABR - FR Steel rs key holde 2 - BL REF: ABR - FR l Ref: SEB-Stee - OR REF: ABR - FR 3 - PK REF: ABR - FR - GY REF: ABR - FR 3 B racelets Ref: SEB-BR 2 SPARE PARTS & PROMO ITEMS - BK REF: CONDD K REF: CON - B - GR REF: CONDD R G N REF: CO - VI REF: CONDD I REF: CON - V Laces 41 S T R A P SPARE S buckle 1 REF: BUK - S top buckle FK meta l 2 REF: BUK - FK y Master ke 3 K REF: ALN - M ckle set Spider bu 4 BUK - SPD - SE 4 n set Cuff butto 5 3 UT REF: CUF - B d boot r sta nda r fo w e r sc Mou nti ng FRM - 2X FR2 REF: SCR W eta l plate rew for m sc g n ti n Mo u 16 2 1 6 SPARE PARTS, BELTS & TEE-SHIRTS PROTECTIVES 7 42 8 9 7 6 5 S T R I H S E TE 1 Tank Top REF: TS-SE 2 SEBA 03 Tee Shirt REF: TS-SE03 FRM REF: SCR W - 8 9 3 - 5/ Axles L - GT320 5 / REF: AX BA34 REF: AXL - SE B ra ke 5B REF: BRK-S34 -GT32 / REF: BRK BELTS SEBA 04 Tee Shirt REF: TS-SE04 T REF: SB-BK COLORS: REF: SB-BL REF: SB-GR REF: SB-GRY REF: SB-RED REF: SB-YE G N I R O S N O P S & S T C E PROJ ries.com dsl a lomse www.worl cross.net www.skate m skati ng.co www.wssa co m l. il h edown www.i n li n WSXseries S WorldSlalom eries BetonOnFire World Slalom WSSA ciation Skaters Asso hill Inline Down COMMUNITY d is our sport, an ed develop lp he , ud ts ro p en e are a skate ev mmunity. W orted inlineco p p g in su al s at ci sk ay w e offi ries, the sts for th SEBA has al ate Cross Se events/conte Sk w ld e ne or th W ng in ti e volved and th always crea bers are all in Slalom Series em ld m or e W am th e te to th ‘s donated SEBA & it sponsor of BA sales are world tours. e SE d l ri al aee sk of fr e e d yl ntag freest freestyle an ating. A perce elopment of t of inline-sk help the dev to ) on ti ia developmen oc s Ass Slalom Skater WSSA (World . ld or the w ting all around 43 SEBA SKATES DISTRIBUTORS INTERNATIONAL: SEBA SPORTS INTERNATIONAL ssi@sebaskates.com EUROPE: UNIVERSKATE community@sebaskates.com USA: SG SPORTS DISTRIBUTION contact@sgsportsdistribution.com ARGENTINA / URUGUAY: OLIBARO sebaskateslatam@gmail.com IRAN: HIVA TEJARAT info@sebairan.com SINGAPORE / MALAYSIA: HVPER SPORT hvper@singnet.com.sg AUSTRALIA - NEW ZEALAND: RED DISTRIBUTION sales@reddistribution.com ISRAEL: ENDLESSROLL info@endlessroll.com TAIWAN: WECAN LEISURE skatingpure@hotmail.com CANADA: SHOP TASK SKATES canada@sebaskates.com MEXICO: DESLIZ URBANO sebaskatesmex@gmail.com THAILAND: SKATE PLUS seba@skate-plus.com CHILE: PLANET ROLLER juan@planet-roller.com RUSSIA / UKRAINE / BELARUS: ROLLERCLUB sebaskates@rollerclub.ru CHINA: GIGASPORT gigasport@188.com UK: J & R sports info@jandrsports.co.uk WWW.SEBASKATES.COM SEBA™ reserves the right to change or modify products, features, descriptions or anything without prior notice to customers. Colors may be different due to printing process. Design by jumediaprint GmbH, Germany | www.jumediaprint.de
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