Marine Biological Centre


Marine Biological Centre
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Sida 1
Invitation to the Marine Biological
Centre in Simrishamn
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Sida 2
Our Vision
“We want to create a meeting
place that centres on information,
competence, knowledge and experiences of
the Baltic Sea’s marine environment.
We want to contribute to the creation of a healthy sea
that is ecologically balanced, safer shipping and a
continuation of fishing for a livelihood for future
generations around the Baltic.
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Sida 3
The Baltic Sea in a state
of unbalance
page 4
An international meeting place
page 5
Three ways of communication
and three areas of knowledge
pages 6-8
Simrishamn and Österlen
pages 10-12
page 13
The planning of
the project
page 14
Who to
page 14
The Baltic Sea in a state of unbalance
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Sida 4
The Baltic Sea in a state of unbalance
Almost 100 million inhabitants in nine
different countries live around the Baltic Sea.
The Baltic is the sea that unites these countries.
Today the Baltic, one of the world’s most
sensitive waters, is faced with great challenges.
Problems related to the environment, such as
over-fertilising, the discharge of poisonous
waste, endangered species of fish and algal
bloom have increased. The transport of goods,
above all of oil, entails great risks for the marine
environment. The Baltic is one of the world’s
busiest waters.
Seas know of no boundaries
Environmental problems take no consideration
to international boundaries. Increased globalisation provides opportunities to influence the
situation more effectively.
Joint actions
There has never before been a greater need for
the co-ordination of information, knowledge
and joint actions. A clean sea is a crucial and
common factor for the future for the inhabitants of the coastal regions around the Baltic
Sea. The countries have come to an agreement
on a joint plan of action concerning the coordination of the Baltic Sea environmental
research in which Sweden has the ambition to
be the driving force. This ambition is manifested
in, among other things, the will to set up a sea
environment institute for the Baltic Sea
environment and a technological institute for
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Sida 5
The Marine
Biological Centre
in Simrishamn
wants to:
An international meeting place
A meeting place for the Baltic Sea's
environment situation.
The object of the Marine Biological Centre in
Simrishamn is to create an international meeting place where the environment situation of
the Baltic is taken seriously. An arena that
offers the necessary requirements for experts
and scientists from different countries, as well
as for companies and organizations.
Politicians, decision-makers and people
with an engagement in environmental issues
can also meet here to exchange know-how and
experiences. The ambition being to create a
meeting place where opinion is aroused,
research on and knowledge of the Baltic are
communicated, and experiences of marine life
of the Baltic Sea are presented in an exciting
way. An arena place that has something to
offer for everybody.
Preserve the marine
biological diversity
Promote a sustainable
development by using the sea
and coast with consideration
Protect and preserve the coastline
and the heavily exploited beaches
around the Baltic
Guarantee safer transport so as to
minimize the risk of shipwreck
and effluents
Promote and develop fishing for a
Promote the exchange of
knowledge between the
countries around the Baltic Sea
Inform and get the public
engaged in the ongoing
environment work and tell them
about the unique character
of the Baltic
Three ways of communication and three
areas of knowledge
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Sida 6
Three ways of communication and
three areas of knowledge
The Marine Biological Centre in Simrishamn wants to contribute to a sustainable development of
the Baltic Sea by creating a professional meeting place for Swedish and international parties
engaged in the the future of the Baltic – a meeting place where knowledge and research results
are imparted and made visible. The Centre will also offer marine experiences.
An initiated meeting place
A meeting place for people, scientists, experts,
politicians and organizations where the present and future environment situation is taken
seriously. The objective is to provide information
on the environment situation of the Baltic,
arouse engagement and inspiration towards a
change, and all in close co-operation with the
other Baltic countries.
One example of this is the annual Baltic
Event in Simrishamn that has already been
arranged two years running. This is a locallysupported initiative in co-operation with
Swedish and international interested parties
who are engaged in the work connected with
the future of the Baltic Sea. The Baltic Event
consists of exhibitions, seminars and other
activities on the theme of “ The future environment of the Baltic Sea.”
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Sida 7
Photo: andreas hylthén
A knowledge environment
An important task for the Marine Biological
Centre is to build a knowledge environment of
international class by continually gathering
facts and updating an information bank about
the condition of the Baltic. A knowledge bank
with comprehensive information, facts and the
latest findings concerning the situation for
fishing for a livelihood, safe shipping, species
of fish, effluents, the quality of the water and
of the beaches and the influence of external
factors. The Marine Biological Centre will also
be an important channel for the task of the
university to spread knowledge and the results
of research to trade and industry and the
public. This will be done by means of seminars,
exhibitions and experiences.
“ The information bank
will be communicated to
international target groups
in order to spread knowledge
and get people to take a
stand for the marine
environment of
the Baltic Sea.”
Three ways of communication and three
areas of knowledge
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Sida 8
Experience the Baltic Sea with
all your senses!
Marine experiences
A public experience centre is yet another way
of increasing the knowledge and understanding
of the Baltic Sea and getting people engaged.
Visitors will experience the Baltic with all their
senses in an interactive, exciting, entertaining
and educational way. The information is directed
towards all ages and presented so that it is accessible to an international public.
There should be scope here for fishing basins,
underwater rooms, exhibitions on and experiences of the sea’s connection to food, art and
culture. Experiences of the sea and its history,
on fishing for a livelihood, fishing equipment
and shipping as it is today and how it was
earlier. Simrishamn will be the place where
experiences and results will be presented and
lead to practical measures being taken.
Intermunicipal environment organization
within the marine area.
The aim of the town of Simrishamn is to work
for the establishment of an intermunicipal
environment organization for the Baltic Sea.
The purpose is to get rid of the existing pollution
in the Baltic and around its coasts as well as
preventing new pollution in the future.
Future marine material research within
Biomimetics is a rapidly growing field of
knowledge in which nature’s biological system
is imitated in order to obtain new and
environment friendly materials. By seeking
solutions in nature’s biological system an effort
is being made to find possibilities of
producing materials of a quality superior to
those obtained by traditional methods.
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Sida 9
Photo: Fridas Grafiska, Österlen
Sweden, Simrishamn and Österlen
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Sida 10
Photo: Fridas Grafiska, Österlen
Simrishamn and Österlen
Why Simrishamn?
Sweden, Simrishamn and Österlen offer unique
possibilities for the creation of a meeting place
for all aspects of the sea. The people here have by
tradition been dependent on the sea. There is a
lot of knowledge about and deep engagement in
the sea, the different species of fish, shipping,
transport, fishing for a livelihood, beaches and
bathing places.
Simrishamn has a long coastline with 70
kilometres of coast, proximity to international
transport links, universities and high-tech
companies. And to add to it all, a strategic
position by the southern Baltic.
The strong engagement on the part of the
local municipality and industry is the driving
force behind the work of establishing the
Marine Biological Centre in Simrishamn. Here
we have the technology, resources, knowledge,
competence, a multiplicity of ideas and the desire
to create and grow. There are over 50 companies
in Simrishamn with people employed within the
fishing industry. Simrishamn is furthermore
Sweden’s largest harbour for fish measured by
the value of fish landed.
Simrishamn a place for life
Österlen has almost two million visitors during
the summer months and more and more find
their way here during the rest of the year too.
Many bring with them exciting knowledge and
experiences that are of benefit to the district.
The landscape and culture of Österlen, its
culinary multiplicity with its emphasis on what
the sea yields, makes the place even more
attractive for a centre that has the sea as its
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Sida 11
Photo: Fridas Grafiska, Österlen
“A clean sea has historically been and will continue to be a
pre-requisite for a living Österlen in the future. ”
Sida 12
Sweden, Simrishamn and Österlen
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“ Geographically Simrishamn
has a long coastline with
70 kilometres of coast, proximity
to international transport links,
universities and high-tech
The “Ship” quarter
The Marine Biological Centre is to be located
on the harbour of Simrishamn, in an attractive,
central position with a clear view of the sea.
In a unique way the Marine Biological Centre
will be a natural element in the activities that
Photo: Fridas Grafiska, Österlen
have been going on for years in the
harbour – fishing, freight and passenger
traffic, guarding the coast, the fishing industry
and restaurants.
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Sida 13
The Marine Biological Centre in Simrishamn project is being run by the
municipality of Simrishamn with the support of the Skåne Region and in
collaboration with Handelshuset Österlen.
The project group is carrying on a dialogue with:
The Skåne Region
The county administrative board of Skåne county
The National Board of Fisheries
The coast guard
The Sida Baltic unit
Gdansk University/Hel Marine Station
Kaliningrad Technical University
Uppsala University/Baltic University Programme
Lund University/3M group
Simrishamn’s Professional Fishermen
The south-east Skåne’s Co-operation Committee
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute
Swedish embassies and consulates in the
Baltic countries
The Ministry of the Environment
The Swedish National Environmental
Protectional Agency
The Swedish Trade Council
The planning of the project /
Who to contact
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Sida 14
The planning of the project
THE IDEA OF A CENTRE for the Baltic Sea in
Simrishamn has existed for many years. At the
end of 2005 there was a proposal from
Handelshuset Österlen (the Österlen Trading
House) that Simrishamn should be the location
for a Marine Biological Centre for Österlen.
IN THE SUMMER OF 2006 there was an exhibition and a seminar on the theme of “ The future
environment of the Baltic Sea” – The Baltic Sea
Event 2006.
In their work with The Baltic Sea Event 2006
Handelshuset Österlen made a large number of
contacts with experts and decision makers. In
2006 the municipality of Simrishamn decided
to run the project and see this as a long-term
Simrishamn has been granted funds for the pilot
study from the Sida Baltic Unit to clarify the
direction of the planned Marine Biological
Centre and to make an inventory of what
projects within the area were going on at
universities and other institutions around the
southern Baltic. The Baltic Sea Event 2007 will
take place this summer.
DURING 2008 applications will be handed in for
further support from the EU for the establishing
of a Marine Biological Centre in Simrishamn.
This work will be done in collaboration with the
countries around the Baltic Sea. This is an
invitation to long-term partners in the task of
building up a Marine Biological Centre in
Contact the following for information
Staffan Tellman – Chief Executive Officer,
Simrishamns kommun
+46 414 81 91 08 • Mob. +46 709 81 91 08
Lars Persson – Business Developer, Simrishamns kommun
+46 414 81 91 22 • Mob. +46 709 81 91 22
Jan Lundmark – Director of Ports, Simrishamns kommun
+46 414 81 92 06 • Mob. +46 709 81 92 06
Håkan Damm – Chairman, Handelshuset Österlen
+46 414-300 10 • Mob. +46 73 937 92 38
Roland Thord – Vice Chairman, Handelshuset Österlen
+46 414-210 55 • Mob. +46 70 381 68 94
Katarina Pelin – Director environmental strategies,
Region Skåne • Tel/Mob. +46 70 537 32 52
Sida 15
Photo: andreas hylthén
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Meeting Place
Knowledge Environment
Experience Centre
Sida 16
Marine Biological Centre in Simrishamn
promoting the sustainability
of the Baltic Sea.
Graphic Design: Fridas Grafiska, Österlen • Strategy, text och planning Annette Sidemo • Text Roland Thord
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