2008 annual report - India Community Center
2008 annual report - India Community Center
India Community Center Unite Serve Celebrate 2008 ANNUAL REPORT OUR MISSION The mission of the ICC is to promote Indian culture and values by providing social, cultural, recreational and community programs, in this way uniting the Indian community and raising awareness about Indian culture in the local community. Unite Serve Celebrate Health & Wellness Free Medical Clinic Auditorium & Banquet Facility Community Advisory Council Free Legal Clinic India Immersion Program Community Partner Program Senior Programs State Months Table Tennis Career Resources Center The Forum@ ICC Clubs Youth 2 2 Dear Friends, PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE The India Community Center unites, serves and celebrates our culture. I am proud to be associated with this ins tu on as my family and I have benefited greatly. There are a few individuals (our founders, trustees and guarantors) who have provided much needed seed capital to start this center. All the people who visit this center feel proud of this ins tu on. But, I must honestly tell you that we s ll have not succeeded in achieving financial viability. In spite of huge challenges in the economy, we must reach opera onal break-even this year for this ins tu on to become sustainable. We will be taking several new ac ons to cut costs and increase revenues and we ask for your support as we do so. I welcome you to contact me directly to be part of this change; we are looking for people who can give us Work, Wealth or Wisdom - the three W’s for any successful non-profit. Finally, I am personally helping broaden the leadership team for ICC and hence, do let me know if you wish to ac vely serve in any capacity! Warm Regards, Naren Bakshi President, Board of Directors EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE Gree ngs, The India Community Center (ICC) is the largest Indo-American community center in North America. We serve the San Francisco Bay Area from our primary 40,000 square foot facility in Milpitas, CA. The ICC creates a pla orm for celebra ng our culture by offering over 120 programs and classes for youth, seniors and families. In addition, we unify the community by hosting a variety of clubs that have a following of their own and have chosen to use the facility for their events. We serve the community by providing free services such as medical, legal and career development. Finally, we have a world class banquet facility that can be rented for corporate and social events. All these services and programs are funded by revenues generated through memberships, class fees, rentals, dona ons and fundraising. For the last couple of years since we moved into our new facility, we have had annual opera ng deficits, which have been funded by borrowing from our capital campaign funds. Star ng this year we have ini ated an aggressive fundraising campaign to meet this annual opera ng deficit through donor directed programs, corporate sponsorships, fundraising events and broad-based community campaigns. We will be reaching out to our community throughout the year to meet our goal to make this center an economically sustainable ins tu on so that we can con nue to grow in the future. As your new execu ve director; I am looking forward to this challenge and would welcome your support. Sincerely, Seshan Rammohan Execu ve Director 3 UNITE Programs Health & Fitness Dedicated table tennis facility A 13,000 square foot state-of-the-art Fitness and Wellness At 10,500 sq ft., as a USATT registered and approved Center, which includes cardio and strength equipment, a spa, club, the ICC has created the largest dedicated table tennis saunas, showers, lockers and a dedicated Yoga studio. facility in North America. This center not only serves as a Serving as a center of excellence in Yoga and group exercise, recrea onal mee ng place for a large por on of the local the ICC has added Kids Fitness and a partnership with the community, but has also produced Olympic contenders and South Asian Heart Center for preventa ve care. Our center won “Best Club of the Year” by USATT magazine. offers a over 45 group exercise classes weekly like Bollywood aerobics, BodyPump, and salsa fusion. As an added service to our members with children, our friendly staff provide an hour and 45 minutes of safe childcare in our Playcare center. “This is the best program for Sports I have seen in Bay Area with amazing quality and tremendous output in a small time.” - AASHAY PATEL TT Highlights Trains more than 100 children under the age of 12 in group and private lessons Serving 200+ people per day with 15 professional instructors Hosting three annual tournaments that draw crowds of 1500-2000 people per tournament ICC Table Tennis Director (Rajul Sheth) was awarded Development Coach of the Year by USA-TT 2008 4 Karaoke Club Community Partner Program ICC Karaoke has remained a vibrant member ac vity since The Community Partner Program (CPP) mission is to bring 2003 and showcases the dynamic cultural poten al of our together non-profit organiza ons to collec vely contribute community. Every Friday night, singers and music lovers - in building a community that is prosperous, healthy, culturally from casual bystanders to karaoke addicts - gather at the ICC, rich, diverse, harmonious, and is respected by mainstream making “Karaoke Friday” a happening club in the Bay Area. America for their achievements. Bridge Club The network of over 70 organiza ons serves to bring together The ICC hosts bridge every Wednesday evening when bridge the diverse Indian American community, supports and interacts enthusiasts from ace players to beginners display their skill with each other and jointly creates community oriented programs and mental agility. and events. “The ICC is doing an amazing job of providing so many services to the community. I commend the people who take time to provide such great service especially at the Free Medical Clinic. Thanks to the doctors and to the volunteers who make this happen.” - J.C. NAGABHUSHANA 5 SERVE Programs Seniors The very popular program hosts 300+ seniors weekly pla orm for seniors to overcome isola on and loneliness in three locations: Milpitas, Cupertino and Fremont. which afflicts many elderly immigrants. They enjoy a rich mix of activity including Yoga and Pranayam, discussion groups and a lecture series. Seniors meet four mes a week in Milpitas on: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays; three mes a week in The ICC Senior Program has mul ple clubs: a dance troupe Cuper no on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; and called “Jollywood Dancers,” who have performed all over on the first and third Monday of every month in Fremont. the Bay Area; a bridge and billiards club and a kni ng club that provides shawls and scarves for the homeless. Most importantly, our program serves as a socializa on “ICC is an Indian Community College, where we acquire so much knowledge from other’s experiences and talents.’’ - KANU SHAH Senior Program Highlights Rang Manch (Talent Showcase) and Chajju Ka Chaubara (CreaƟve Showcase) Senior Nutrition – Subsidized and healthy meals in Milpitas and CuperƟno Friends On The Same Wave Length (FOSWL) – Monthly lecture series Holiday and fesƟval celebraƟons Senior Day celebraƟons Community Ambassadors Program for Seniors (CAPS) Outreach for homebound seniors Financial and cultural resources 6 Free Medical Clinic with AAPIO Free Legal Clinic with SABA The ICC Medical Clinic started serving patients from ‘Lawyers in the Library’, in partnership with the ProBono October 2007 in partnership with the American Associa on Project and the South Asian Bar Associa on (SABA), offer of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPIO). We provide 1200 sq ., free legal consulta on to the public. The clinic is open to of space with three examina on rooms, a wai ng room, anybody regardless of race or ethnicity every Sunday from a recep on area and doctors’ offices. 10 am- 12 pm at the ICC in Milpitas. Every second Sunday of the month, an attorney specializing in immigration is It aims to serve the local community and is open to anyone available. regardless of race or ethnicity and provides high quality free Health Care in a compassionate environment. Free Career Resource Center The Career Resource Center (CRC) provides assistance in all The clinic is staffed by voluntary physicians and is free for aspects of career planning, development and management the uninsured. The clinic operates Wednesdays from across the en re age and socio-economic spectrum through 5 pm - 8 pm & Saturdays 9 am - 12 pm at the ICC in Milpitas. awareness, educa on, expert help and resources so that Monthly Events: ‘‘Health and Wellness Lecture Series.” par cipants achieve their full poten al in all endeavors of their professional and personal lives. The CRC offers oneon-one career counseling on the first Friday 11 am - 1 pm and the first Saturday 3 pm - 5 pm of each month. “I found out about the free medical clinic from my physician Dr. Shashwati Kale. The Free Medical Clinic is very helpful for people without insurance. I brought my mother who is visiting from India and who doesn’t have insurance. She was having pain in her right eye. The doctor gave sufficient time to her. The ICC is a good community facility. I wish it more success in the future.” - YASMEEN FATIMAH 7 CELEBRATE Programs Youth ‘All About India’ – an event that takes Girl Scouts on a Summer Camps - ICC celebrates diversity and enrichment journey to India right here at ICC where they learn about through innova ve and popular camps that give children Indian history, geography, dance, music, fashion and cuisine. an opportunity to explore and celebrate their heritage through a weeklong explora on of yoga, Indian songs, dance, Indian India Immersion – classes that encourage children to trivia games and games like Kho Kho and cricket. In addi on, explore Indian culture through songs, games, storytelling ICC hosts a variety of speciality camps including robo cs and hands-on ac vi es. Children of all ages learn about and anima on, table tennis, science, bollywood dance, India’s history, geography, cuisine, dance, music, language chess, cra s of India, Gandhi camp and more! and sports through visual, tac le and experien al ac vi es designed to s mulate their imagina on about all things Indian. “I learned how to sing the Indian National Anthem and had lots of fun making the map of India with ice cream. Did you know India’s highest mountain is Kanchenjunga? That was the highest point in our ice cream model as well!” - MEERA SHAH Youth Program Highlights Youthsava Dance & Music Competition – this signature event is a celebra on of Indian dance and music. Children aged 4-18 dance or sing to folk and film melodies in a friendly contest that results in a day long event that is colorful, vibrant and extremely lively! ‘Images of India’ Art Contest – this annual event empowers children aged 4-12 to capture their impressions of India and allows them to express their ideas through art. This mul media contest draws children of all ages from all over the Bay Area. Free Family Workshops – Family workshops with topics ranging from Indian folk dance to henna art and cricket allow parents and children to spend an a ernoon at ICC learning a new skill or prac ce an old one in a fun and family focused atmosphere. 8 State Months The Forum @ ICC The ICC celebrates India’s diversity by hos ng one regional Unites and educates our community in global and culture every month by displaying exhibits from that cultural discussions on a variety of social, poli cal, region for a whole month and one Sunday showcasing and cultural issues. its cuisine, its traditional dress and its cultural performances. Creates an intellectually s mula ng environment by bringing distinguished speakers from all areas Auditorium and Banquet Facility of public life including former Indian President Abdul Kalam; Ambassadors Ronen Sen, K Shankar Over 8,000 sq. , space with a 1,200 sq. , permanent Bajpai and G Parthasarathy; and, authors Shashi stage will be used for holding cultural, social, professional, Tharoor, Wiliam Dalrymple, Gurcharan Das and Ahmed entertainment and other events in a high - quality Rashid. facility dedicated to serving the Indian community. Fully equipped with state-of-the-art ligh ng, sound, The Forum @ ICC partners with Stanford University, drop down projec on screen and much more! Perfect UC Berkeley, UC Santa Cruz, The Asia Society and for mee ngs, conferences and concerts and is fully World Affairs Council. equipped with tele and video conferencing. “A group of us attended the ICC New Year’s Bash this year and had a fantastic time.The food was exquisite, the service and staff were very helpful, and the music kept everyone on the dance floor well into the wee hours of the morning. We enjoyed spending New Year’s at the ICC – it provided a fun, family environment to relax with your friends and family.” - OMAIR M. FAROOQUI 9 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS OPERATING HIGHLIGHTS OperaƟng Revenue total $4.55 Million Programs & Services 18% DonaƟons & Fundraising 11% OperaƟng Deficit* Memberships 38% 13% Community & Social Events 20% *This deficit of $1.77 million has been funded by borrowing from capital campaign funds OperaƟng Expense total $4.55 Million DonaƟons & Fundraising Finance Costs 4% 11% FaciliƟes Memberships 13% 21% G&A Community & Social Events 16% 15% Programs & Services 20% These are unaudited figures for the fiscal year 2008. For audited statements, please email donate@indiacc.org 10 General Membership Senior Membership Youth Program Events Classes Students Camp RegistraƟons Table Tennis Program Members Students League Players Camp RegistraƟons Community & Social Events Bridge Club Members Karaoke Club Members Toastmaster Club Members Community Advisory CommiƩee Community Partner Program Medical Clinic PaƟents Legal Clinic Clients Donors 1240 300 10 300 3500 400 200 110 120 500 200 150 700 100 60 75 250 400 200 ICC Donors The ICC is made possible through the generous contribuƟons of our donors. To show our deep graƟtude, we are acknowledging individuals, businesses, foundaƟons and organizaƟons whose support has energized the ICC to serve the community through vibrant programs and acƟviƟes. In our inaugural annual report, we are acknowledging giŌs and pledges made from December 2005 through December 2008 for $100 and higher. $1,000,000+ Anonymous (Matching Donor) The Dhanam FoundaƟon Godhwani Family Talat & Kamil Hasan Vijaya & Kumar Malavalli Ann & Kanwal Rekhi $500,000-$999,999 Anonymous Vinita & Naren Gupta FoundaƟon $100,000-$499,000 Amber India Restaurant Anonymous Anuradha & B.V. Jagadeesh Gita & Ashok Vaish $25,000-$99,999 Shail & Jagdish Prasad Goyal & Nimita & Chandra Prakash Agarwal Kusum & Naren Bakshi Asha & Manish Chandra Preetha & Venky Ganesan Seema & Ajit Gupta Padmaja & Raju Indukuri Anita & Sridar Iyengar Jayashree & Bala Joshi Pammy & Jag Kapoor Jagmohan (Joy) Kapur Charlene Akers & Nate Levine Surjit K. & Anmol S. Mahal The MiƩal Family Asha Jadeja & Rajeev Motwani Sushma & Yagyensh C. PaƟ Sudha Kidao & Vivek Raghavan Sunita & Devang Shah Silicon Valley Club LLC Sukhi & Ravinder Paul Singh Melinda & Peter Weck Anita & Steve Westly $10,000-$24,999 AAPIO Komal & Gurpreet Anand Komal Shah & Gaurav Garg Gopi & Khemo Godhwani Nirmala & Nevand Godhwani Jeannie Thomas & Syed Zafar Hamdani Reshu & Rajiv Jain Kiran & V.K. Jotwani Ranjana Advani & Pradeep Jotwani Nayna & Gambhir Kaushek Ro Khanna Shweta & Rajesh Mathrani Sangeeta & Sanjay Mehrotra Coomie & Vish Mishra Jackie & Rohit Mishra Palo Alto Medical FoundaƟon Amrat & Madhu Kuverji Patel & Family Alka Gupta & Sharad Rastogi ParvaƟ & Rahul Roy Vimla & Ashok Teckchandani Veena & Mohan UƩarwar Kathy & Romesh Wadhwani $5,000-$9,999 Tanuja & Dinesh Bahal Sabeer BhaƟa HSBC Kalpana & Raj Jaswa Hem & Kailash Joshi Pamela & Vijay Kapoor Sheila & Ketan Kothari Suman & Anil Lal Deepka & Prem Lalwani DipƟ & Rakesh Mathur Usha Mishra Raj-Ann Rekhi Dean Shokes & Kathy Riggins Snehlata (Meenaxi) & Ambrish Sethi State Farm Insurance Shing Li Sung Preetha & Immanual Thangaraj Riaz Vallani Wells Fargo FoundaƟon $1,000-$4,999 Sara Abbasi Gulu & Indra Advani Madhu & Avnish Aggarwal Garima & Babu Anand Anonymous Volney Arora B J Arun Jonna Hunter & Josh Becker Tanuja Bali & Ash Bharadwaj Krishna Bharat Vijay BhaƟa Judith & Abhay Bhushan Sonia & Puneet Chandak AarƟ & Asheem Chandna Mala & Ashok Chandra Virender Chibber Sushma & Vinod Chopra The Chugh Firm Pragna & Sharad Dadbhawala Rupal & Sanjay Dandia Prakash Daryani Dolly & Vinod Dham Draper Fisher Jurvetson Mona & Sham Godwin Benedict Gomes Vidyahara Gubbi Pinkie & Shirish Gupta Headstrong Chi-Pei Hsing Nita Itchpuriia Lakhjinder Jauhal Shaila & Sunil Joshi Vidya & Pradeep Joshi Jasvinder Kapoor Ram Kathuria Rajesh Kotadia KPMG Rajani Kulkarni Ashok Kumar Monika & Sanjaya Kumar Meena & Noor Laiwala Sushma Malhotra Jaya Mehta PDDN Inc. Jerry & Linda Purcell Sunil Rahan Rekha & Ganesh Raikar Anasuya Rao Bakshish Sandhu Sriram Sankar Krishna & Subbalakshmi Sankar Sonia & Krishna Saraswat Kusum & Kanu Shah Bijal Shah Pingali Shivkumar Anita Singh Sharat Singh AarƟ Bakshi & Navneet Singh Poonam & Ritu Srivastava Krishna Tamanna Mario Vargas Zhen Wong Raj & Neelu Yadav WSGR $100-$999 Huma Abidi ShanƟ Agarwal Pushpinder Ahuja H. Atwal Dagmara Avanindra Mythili Sankaran & Shekar Ayyar Neena Arora & Rajesh Bagga Sundari Balan BernadeƩe & Niraj Baxi Jeannie & James Brookshire Carl Danner Saurabh Desai Susan & Jose Esteves Susan & William Friedman Sanjay Gangal Mohinder P. S. Gill David Gilmore Rahul Goel Nilu & P. C. Gupta Lisa Hayashi The Health Trust Vijay Jayshree (Sita FoundaƟon) Renu & Mehul Joshi Vishin Jotwani Surinder Kaur Gurmukh Singh & Surjit Kaur Sujata & Ravi Keswani Carmen & Manish Kothari Ram Krishnan Krispian Lawrence Daniel Lewis Lawrence M Y LLE Prabha & Ramesh Mathur Hilarie Kaplow & Steve Mcadmas Rajeet Nabha Pushpa & Ashok Nalamwar Ram Narula Net Enrich, Inc. Rajiv Parikh Gautam & Raj Parimoo Dheeraj Mohania Lakshmi Nagaraja Nexus India Capital LLP Deepinder Nijjar Quantros Balbir Rehal Saroj Sabherwal Mona Sampath Shalini & Sanjeev Sardana Harjeet Sekhon Asha & Vishnu Sharma Satya & Roma Sharma Toral & Rajul Sheth Abha & Venkatesh Shukla Neera Singh Anil & Sheetal Singhal Joginder & Jasbir Soni Sterling Stamos SuniƟ & Sanjay Subhedar Prabhakar Sundararajan Surinder Walia Madhu & Ruby Walia 11 THANKS TO MANY OTHERS We are grateful to many others throughout the community who have contributed through their ICC BOARD OF TRUSTEES ICC MANAGEMENT Talat Hasan, Chairperson Anil Godhwani, Secretary Gautam Godhwani Kanwal Rekhi, Trustee Emeritus Kumar Malavalli Sheena Vaidyanathan Seshan Rammohan Execu ve Director Farooq Abbasi Project Manager Tanuja Bahal Associate Execu ve Director, Programs Ɵme, money, goods, services and Virender Chibber professional experƟse that enable Director, Banquet Sales the ICC to provide outstanding service to our community, this year and beyond. Whether or not your name is listed in this report, please accept our hearƞelt thanks. India Community Center Unite Serve Celebrate 525 Los Coches St., Milpitas, CA 95035 (408)934.1130 www.IndiaCC.org ICC BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sharad Dadbhawala Naren Bakshi, President Anil Godhwani, Secretary Venky Ganesan Talat Hasan B.V. Jagadeesh Bala Joshi Jag Kapoor Dr. Anmol Mahal Vibhu Mi al Alan Sataloff R. Paul Singh Ashok Vaish Mario Vargas Director, Finance Neha Kothari Director, Marke ng Kabir Kumar Director, Development Simone Leube General Manager, Memberships Vishnu Sharma Associate Execu ve Director, Community Partners Rajul Sheth Director, Table Tennis Pramod Somarapu Manager, IT