the Fetal charts for Occipito frontal Diameter here
the Fetal charts for Occipito frontal Diameter here
The International Fetal Standards INTERGROWTH-21st Occipitofrontal Diameter (mm) Gestational age (exact weeks) Centiles 3rd 5th 10th 50th 90th 95th 97th 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 30.12 34.37 38.64 42.89 47.13 51.32 55.47 59.55 63.54 67.43 71.22 74.87 78.39 81.74 84.93 87.93 90.73 93.31 95.67 97.77 99.62 101.19 102.45 103.40 104.02 104.26 30.58 34.86 39.16 43.45 47.72 51.95 56.12 60.23 64.25 68.17 71.98 75.66 79.20 82.58 85.79 88.81 91.64 94.26 96.64 98.78 100.67 102.28 103.60 104.61 105.29 105.62 31.28 35.62 39.98 44.32 48.64 52.91 57.14 61.28 65.35 69.31 73.16 76.88 80.45 83.87 87.12 90.19 93.06 95.72 98.15 100.35 102.30 103.98 105.38 106.49 107.28 107.74 33.76 38.29 42.83 47.36 51.86 56.30 60.69 65.00 69.21 73.32 77.30 81.16 84.87 88.42 91.80 95.01 98.03 100.85 103.46 105.85 108.02 109.95 111.63 113.07 114.24 115.14 36.24 40.96 45.69 50.40 55.08 59.70 64.24 68.71 73.07 77.32 81.45 85.44 89.28 92.96 96.49 99.83 103.00 105.98 108.77 111.35 113.74 115.92 117.89 119.65 121.20 122.55 36.94 41.72 46.51 51.27 55.99 60.66 65.26 69.77 74.17 78.46 82.63 86.66 90.54 94.26 97.82 101.21 104.42 107.44 110.28 112.92 115.37 117.62 119.67 121.52 123.18 124.66 37.40 42.21 47.03 51.83 56.58 61.28 65.91 70.45 74.88 79.20 83.39 87.44 91.35 95.10 98.68 102.09 105.33 108.38 111.25 113.93 116.42 118.71 120.82 122.73 124.46 126.02 40 104.12 105.58 107.84 115.77 123.70 125.96 127.42 © University of Oxford